// ==UserScript==
// @name LOLICON Wide Hentai
// @name:zh-CN LOLICON 宽屏E绅士
// @name:zh-TW LOLICON 寬屏E紳士
// @name:ja LOLICON ワイド Hentai
// @name:ko LOLICON 와이드 Hentai
// @name:ru LOLICON Широкий Hentai
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/516145
// @version 2024.12.24
// @description Full width E-Hentai and Exhentai, dynamically adjusting the page width, also allows you to adjust the size and margins of the thumbnails, infinite scroll to automatically load the next page
// @description:zh-CN 全屏宽度 E 绅士,动态调整页面宽度,同时支持调整缩略图大小和边距,无限滚动自动加载下一页
// @description:zh-TW 全螢幕寬度 E 紳士,動態調整頁面寬度,並支援調整縮圖大小及邊距,無限滾動自動加載下一頁
// @description:ja フルスクリーン幅 E-Hentai と Exhentai、ページ幅を動的に調整し、サムネイルのサイズと余白も調整可能、スクロール時に自動的に次のページを読み込み
// @description:ko 전체 화면 너비 E-Hentai와 Exhentai, 페이지 너비를 동적으로 조정하고 썸네일 크기와 여백도 조정 가능, 스크롤 시 자동으로 다음 페이지를 로드
// @description:ru Полная ширина E-Hentai и Exhentai, динамически регулирующая ширину страницы, а также позволяющая изменять размер миниатюр и поля, автоматическая загрузка следующей страницы при прокрутке
// @icon https://e-hentai.org/favicon.ico
// @match https://e-hentai.org/*
// @match https://exhentai.org/*
// @exclude https://e-hentai.org/s/*
// @exclude https://exhentai.org/s/*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function c(id) { return document.getElementsByClassName(id); }
// 获取当前设备的设备像素比(DPR)
const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// 获取用户语言
const userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
let columnWidthS,
// 搜索类别行
let initialTableRows = null;
// 缩略图信息
let thumbnailData = [];
// gl1t序号
let gl1tIndex = 0;
// 配置项
const config = {
zoomFactor: { step: 0.01, min: 0.5, max: 10 },
margin: { step: 1, min: 0, max: 100 },
pageMargin: { step: 1, min: 0, max: 1000 },
pagePadding: { step: 1, min: 0, max: 100 },
// 设置默认值
const defaults = {
zoomFactor: 1,
margin: 10,
pageMargin: 10,
pagePadding: 10,
fullScreenMode: false,
squareMode: false,
infiniteScroll: false,
showIndex: false,
liveURLUpdate: false
let zoomFactor = GM_getValue('zoomFactor', defaults.zoomFactor);
let margin = GM_getValue('margin', defaults.margin);
let pageMargin = GM_getValue('pageMargin', defaults.pageMargin);
let pagePadding = GM_getValue('pagePadding', defaults.pagePadding);
let fullScreenMode = GM_getValue('fullScreenMode', defaults.fullScreenMode);
let squareMode = GM_getValue('squareMode', defaults.squareMode);
let infiniteScroll = GM_getValue('infiniteScroll', defaults.infiniteScroll);
let showIndex = GM_getValue('showIndex', defaults.showIndex);
let liveURLUpdate = GM_getValue('liveURLUpdate', defaults.liveURLUpdate);
const originalUrl = window.location.href;
const isThumbnailMode = !!c('itg gld')[0]; // 缩略图模式
const isGalleryPage = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/g/') == 0; // /g/ 画廊页面
const isWatchedPage = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/watched') == 0; // /watched 订阅页面
const isPopularPage = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/popular') == 0; // /popular 热门页面
const isFavoritesPage = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/favorites.php') == 0; // /favorites 收藏夹页面
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
// 定义语言包
const translations = {
'zoomFactor': {
'en': 'Thumbnail Zoom',
'zh-CN': '缩略图缩放',
'zh-TW': '縮圖縮放',
'ja': 'サムネイルズーム',
'ko': '썸네일 확대 비율',
'ru': 'Масштаб миниатюры :'
'zoomFactorRange': {
'en': `Invalid Thumbnail zoom factor! Please enter a value between ${config.zoomFactor.min} and ${config.zoomFactor.max}. Default ${defaults.zoomFactor}`,
'zh-CN': `缩略图缩放比例无效!请输入 ${config.zoomFactor.min} 至 ${config.zoomFactor.max} 之间的值。 默认 ${defaults.zoomFactor}`,
'zh-TW': `縮圖縮放比例無效!請輸入 ${config.zoomFactor.min} 至 ${config.zoomFactor.max} 之間的值。 預設為 ${defaults.zoomFactor}`,
'ja': `無効なサムネイルズーム比率! ${config.zoomFactor.min} から ${config.zoomFactor.max} の間の値を入力してください。 デフォルトは ${defaults.zoomFactor}`,
'ko': `잘못된 썸네일 확대 비율! ${config.zoomFactor.min} 에서 ${config.zoomFactor.max} 사이의 값을 입력하세요. 기본값 ${defaults.zoomFactor}`,
'ru': `Неверный масштаб миниатюры! Пожалуйста, введите значение от ${config.zoomFactor.min} до ${config.zoomFactor.max}. По умолчанию ${defaults.zoomFactor}`
'margin': {
'en': 'Thumbnail Margin',
'zh-CN': '缩略图边距',
'zh-TW': '縮圖邊距',
'ja': 'サムネイルマージン',
'ko': '썸네일 여백',
'ru': 'Отступы миниатюры :'
'marginRange': {
'en': `Invalid Thumbnail margin! Please enter a value between ${config.margin.min} and ${config.margin.max}. Default ${defaults.margin}`,
'zh-CN': `缩略图边距无效!请输入 ${config.margin.min} 至 ${config.margin.max} 之间的值。 默认 ${defaults.margin}`,
'zh-TW': `縮圖邊距無效!請輸入 ${config.margin.min} 至 ${config.margin.max} 之間的值。 預設為 ${defaults.margin}`,
'ja': `無効なサムネイルマージン! ${config.margin.min} から ${config.margin.max} の間の値を入力してください。 デフォルトは ${defaults.margin}`,
'ko': `잘못된 썸네일 여백! ${config.margin.min} 에서 ${config.margin.max} 사이의 값을 입력하세요. 기본값 ${defaults.margin}`,
'ru': `Неверный Отступы миниатюры! Пожалуйста, введите значение от ${config.margin.min} до ${config.margin.max}. По умолчанию ${defaults.margin}`
'pageMargin': {
'en': 'Page Margin',
'zh-CN': '页面外边距',
'zh-TW': '頁面外邊距',
'ja': 'ページマージン',
'ko': '페이지 외부 여백',
'ru': 'Внешний отступ страницы :'
'pageMarginRange': {
'en': `Invalid page margin! Please enter a value between ${config.pageMargin.min} and ${config.pageMargin.max}. Default ${defaults.pageMargin}`,
'zh-CN': `页面外边距无效!请输入 ${config.pageMargin.min} 至 ${config.pageMargin.max} 之间的值。 默认 ${defaults.pageMargin}`,
'zh-TW': `頁面外邊距無效!請輸入 ${config.pageMargin.min} 至 ${config.pageMargin.max} 之間的值。 預設為 ${defaults.pageMargin}`,
'ja': `無効なページマージン! ${config.pageMargin.min} から ${config.pageMargin.max} の間の値を入力してください。 デフォルトは ${defaults.pageMargin}`,
'ko': `잘못된 페이지 외부 여백! ${config.pageMargin.min} 에서 ${config.pageMargin.max} 사이의 값을 입력하세요. 기본값 ${defaults.pageMargin}`,
'ru': `Неверный Внешний отступ страницы! Пожалуйста, введите значение от ${config.pageMargin.min} до ${config.pageMargin.max}. По умолчанию ${defaults.pageMargin}`
'pagePadding': {
'en': 'Page Padding',
'zh-CN': '页面内边距',
'zh-TW': '頁面內邊距',
'ja': 'ページパディング',
'ko': '페이지 내부 여백',
'ru': 'Внутренний отступ страницы :'
'pagePaddingRange': {
'en': `Invalid page padding! Please enter a value between ${config.pagePadding.min} and ${config.pagePadding.max}. Default ${defaults.pagePadding}`,
'zh-CN': `页面内边距无效!请输入 ${config.pagePadding.min} 至 ${config.pagePadding.max} 之间的值。 默认 ${defaults.pagePadding}`,
'zh-TW': `頁面內邊距無效!請輸入 ${config.pagePadding.min} 至 ${config.pagePadding.max} 之間的值。 預設為 ${defaults.pagePadding}`,
'ja': `無効なページパディング! ${config.pagePadding.min} から ${config.pagePadding.max} の間の値を入力してください。 デフォルトは ${defaults.pagePadding}`,
'ko': `잘못된 페이지 내부 여백! ${config.pagePadding.min} 에서 ${config.pagePadding.max} 사이의 값을 입력하세요. 기본값 ${defaults.pagePadding}`,
'ru': `Неверный Внутренний отступ страницы! Пожалуйста, введите значение от ${config.pagePadding.min} до ${config.pagePadding.max}. По умолчанию ${defaults.pagePadding}`
'fullScreenMode': {
'en': 'Full Screen Mode',
'zh-CN': '全屏模式',
'zh-TW': '全螢幕模式',
'ja': 'フルスクリーンモード',
'ko': '전체 화면 모드',
'ru': 'Режим полного экрана :'
'squareMode': {
'en': 'Square Thumbnail',
'zh-CN': '方形缩略图',
'zh-TW': '方形縮圖',
'ja': 'スクエアサムネイル',
'ko': '정사각형 썸네일',
'ru': 'Квадратная миниатюра :'
'infiniteScroll': {
'en': 'Infinite Scroll',
'zh-CN': '无限滚动',
'zh-TW': '無限滾動',
'ja': '無限スクロール',
'ko': '무한 스크롤',
'ru': 'Бесконечная прокрутка',
'showIndex': {
'en': 'Show Index',
'zh-CN': '显示序号',
'zh-TW': '顯示序號',
'ja': 'インデックスを表示',
'ko': '인덱스 표시',
'ru': 'Показать индекс',
'liveURLUpdate': {
'en': 'Live URL Update',
'zh-CN': '实时更新网址',
'zh-TW': '實時更新網址',
'ja': 'URLのライブ更新',
'ko': '실시간 URL 업데이트',
'ru': 'Живое обновление URL',
'settings': {
'en': 'Settings',
'zh-CN': '设置',
'zh-TW': '設置',
'ja': '設定',
'ko': '설정',
'ru': 'Настройки'
'settingsPanel': {
'en': 'Settings Panel',
'zh-CN': '设置面板',
'zh-TW': '設置面板',
'ja': '設定パネル',
'ko': '설정 패널',
'ru': 'Панель настроек'
'save': {
'en': 'Save',
'zh-CN': '保存',
'zh-TW': '儲存',
'ja': '保存',
'ko': '저장',
'ru': 'Сохранить'
'cancel': {
'en': 'Cancel',
'zh-CN': '取消',
'zh-TW': '取消',
'ja': 'キャンセル',
'ko': '취소',
'ru': 'Отменить'
'InvalidPage': {
'en': 'only effective in thumbnail mode or gallery page.',
'zh-CN': '仅在缩略图模式或画廊页面有效',
'zh-TW': '僅在縮圖模式或畫廊頁面有效',
'ja': 'サムネイルモードまたはギャラリーページでのみ有効です。',
'ko': '썸네일 모드 또는 갤러리 페이지에서만 유효합니다.',
'ru': 'это возможно только в режиме миниатюр или на странице галереи.'
// 根据用户语言选择对应的文本
const translate = (key) => {
const lang = userLang.substring(0, 2);
switch (lang) {
case 'zh':
return translations[key][userLang.startsWith('zh-TW') ? 'zh-TW' : 'zh-CN'];
case 'ja':
return translations[key].ja;
case 'ko':
return translations[key].ko;
case 'ru':
return translations[key].ru;
return translations[key].en;
// 创建和显示设置面板
function showSettingsPanel() {
if (document.getElementById('settings-panel')) return;
const panel = document.createElement('div');
panel.id = 'settings-panel';
panel.style.position = 'fixed';
panel.style.top = '24px';
panel.style.right = '24px';
panel.style.padding = '12px 12px';
panel.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)';
panel.style.border = '2px solid #00AAFF';
panel.style.borderRadius = '9px';
panel.style.boxShadow = '0 0 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.24)';
panel.style.zIndex = '999999';
panel.style.fontFamily = '"Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif';
panel.style.fontSize = '12px';
panel.style.color = '#222';
if (isThumbnailMode) {
panel.innerHTML = `
<h3 style='margin: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #00AAFF; text-align: center;'>${translate('settingsPanel')}</h3>
${createInputHTML('zoomFactor', zoomFactor, config.zoomFactor.step, config.zoomFactor.min, config.zoomFactor.max)}
${createInputHTML('margin', margin, config.margin.step, config.margin.min, config.margin.max)}
${createInputHTML('pageMargin', pageMargin, config.pageMargin.step, config.pageMargin.min, config.pageMargin.max)}
${createInputHTML('pagePadding', pagePadding, config.pagePadding.step, config.pagePadding.min, config.pagePadding.max)}
${createCheckboxHTML('fullScreenMode', fullScreenMode == true)}
${createCheckboxHTML('squareMode', squareMode == true)}
${createCheckboxHTML('infiniteScroll', infiniteScroll == true)}
${createCheckboxHTML('showIndex', showIndex == true)}
${createCheckboxHTML('liveURLUpdate', liveURLUpdate == true)}
} else if (isGalleryPage) {
panel.innerHTML = `
<h3 style='margin: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #00AAFF; text-align: center;'>${translate('settingsPanel')}</h3>
${createInputHTML('pageMargin', pageMargin, config.pageMargin.step, config.pageMargin.min, config.pageMargin.max)}
${createCheckboxHTML('fullScreenMode', fullScreenMode == true)}
} else {
panel.innerHTML = `
<h3 style='margin: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px; color: #00AAFF; text-align: center;'>${translate('settingsPanel')}</h3>
<div style='margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 2; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;'>${translate('InvalidPage')}</div>
panel.addEventListener('wheel', (event) => {
}, { passive: false });
// 动态生成输入框HTML
function createInputHTML(name, value, step, min, max) {
return `
<div style='margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; align-items: center;'>
<label for='${name}Input' style='font-weight: bold; margin-right: 10px;'>${translate(name)} </label>
<input type='number' id='${name}Input' value='${value}' step='${step}' min='${min}' max='${max}' style='width: 60px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto;'>
// 动态生成复选框HTML
function createCheckboxHTML(name, checked) {
return `
<div style='margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; align-items: center;'>
<label for='${name}Input' style='font-weight: bold; margin-right: 10px;'>${translate(name)} </label>
<input type='checkbox' id='${name}Input' style='width: 30px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; margin-left: auto;' ${checked ? 'checked' : ''}>
// 动态生成按钮HTML
function createButtonsHTML() {
return `
<div style='display: flex; justify-content: space-between;'>
<button id='saveSettingsBtn' style='padding: 8px 12px; background-color: #00AAFF; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;'>${translate('save')}</button>
<button id='cancelSettingsBtn' style='padding: 8px 12px; background-color: #FF2222; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;'>${translate('cancel')}</button>
// 绑定事件
function bindInputEvents(panel) {
panel.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]').forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener('input', handleInputChange);
input.addEventListener('wheel', handleWheelChange);
['#fullScreenModeInput', '#squareModeInput', '#infiniteScrollInput', '#showIndexInput', '#liveURLUpdateInput'].forEach(selector => {
const input = panel.querySelector(selector);
if (input) {
input.addEventListener('change', handleCheckboxChange);
function bindButtons(panel) {
panel.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(btn => {
btn.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { this.style.opacity = '0.8'; });
btn.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { this.style.opacity = '1'; });
if (isThumbnailMode || isGalleryPage) {
panel.querySelector('#saveSettingsBtn').addEventListener('click', () => saveSettings(panel));
panel.querySelector('#cancelSettingsBtn').addEventListener('click', () => cancelSettings(panel));
} else {
panel.querySelector('#saveSettingsBtn').addEventListener('click', () => panel.remove());
panel.querySelector('#cancelSettingsBtn').addEventListener('click', () => panel.remove());
// 输入框变化事件
function handleInputChange(event) {
const { id, value } = event.target;
const numValue = parseFloat(value);
if (id.includes('zoomFactor') && numValue >= config.zoomFactor.min && numValue <= config.zoomFactor.max) {
zoomFactor = numValue;
} else if (id.includes('margin') && numValue >= config.margin.min && numValue <= config.margin.max) {
margin = numValue;
} else if (id.includes('pageMargin') && numValue >= config.pageMargin.min && numValue <= config.pageMargin.max) {
pageMargin = numValue;
} else if (id.includes('pagePadding') && numValue >= config.pagePadding.min && numValue <= config.pagePadding.max) {
pagePadding = numValue;
// 滚轮事件处理
function handleWheelChange(event) {
const input = event.target;
let value = parseFloat(input.value);
const step = parseFloat(input.step);
const delta = event.deltaY < 0 ? step : -step;
value = Math.min(parseFloat(input.max), Math.max(parseFloat(input.min), value + delta));
if (step < 1) {
input.value = value.toFixed(2);
} else {
input.value = value;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
// 复选框变化事件
function handleCheckboxChange(event) {
if (event.target.id === 'fullScreenModeInput') {
fullScreenMode = event.target.checked ? true : false;
} else if (event.target.id === 'squareModeInput') {
squareMode = event.target.checked ? true : false;
} else if (event.target.id === 'infiniteScrollInput') {
infiniteScroll = event.target.checked ? true : false;
} else if (event.target.id === 'showIndexInput') {
showIndex = event.target.checked ? true : false;
} else if (event.target.id === 'liveURLUpdateInput') {
liveURLUpdate = event.target.checked ? true : false;
// 保存设置
function saveSettings(panel) {
GM_setValue('fullScreenMode', fullScreenMode);
GM_setValue('squareMode', squareMode);
GM_setValue('infiniteScroll', infiniteScroll);
GM_setValue('showIndex', showIndex);
GM_setValue('liveURLUpdate', liveURLUpdate);
let errors = [];
Object.entries(config).forEach(([settingKey, { min, max }]) => {
const input = panel.querySelector('#' + settingKey + 'Input');
if (input) {
const value = parseFloat(input.value);
if (isNaN(value) || value < min || value > max) {
errors.push(translate(settingKey + 'Range'));
GM_setValue(settingKey, value);
if (errors.length > 0) {
// 取消设置
function cancelSettings(panel) {
zoomFactor = GM_getValue('zoomFactor');
margin = GM_getValue('margin');
pageMargin = GM_getValue('pageMargin');
pagePadding = GM_getValue('pagePadding');
fullScreenMode = GM_getValue('fullScreenMode');
squareMode = GM_getValue('squareMode');
infiniteScroll = GM_getValue('infiniteScroll');
showIndex = GM_getValue('showIndex');
liveURLUpdate = GM_getValue('liveURLUpdate');
// 应用更改
function applyChanges() {
if (isThumbnailMode) {
} else if (isGalleryPage) {
// 初始化设置 如果为空 先保存初始值
function initialize() {
for (const [key, defaultValue] of Object.entries(defaults)) {
window[key] = GM_getValue(key, defaultValue);
if (GM_getValue(key) === undefined) {
GM_setValue(key, defaultValue);
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
// 计算尺寸
function calculateDimensions() {
columnWidthS = 250 * zoomFactor + margin * 2; // 每列的宽度 250-400 270
columnWidthSb = columnWidthS + (2 / devicePixelRatio); // 加上缩略图边框,边框宽度受设备像素比影响
columnWidthG = 240; // 画廊每列的宽度
marginAdjustmentS = 14 + pageMargin * 2; // 页面边距调整值 body-padding:2 ido-padding:5
marginAdjustmentG = 34 + pageMargin * 2; // 画廊页面边距调整值 body-padding:2 gdt-padding:15
paddingAdjustmentS = pagePadding * 2; // 页面内边距调整值
// 根据页面宽度动态调整列数 非画廊页面 且 缩略图模式
function adjustColumnsS() {
console.log('LOLICON 缩略图页面调整');
const width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; // window.innerWidth
const minWidthNumber = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(c('ido')[0]).minWidth);
let clientWidthS_itg = Math.max(width - marginAdjustmentS - paddingAdjustmentS, minWidthNumber); // 计算宽度
columnsS = Math.max(Math.floor(clientWidthS_itg / columnWidthSb), 1); // 计算列数
clientWidthS_itg = Math.max(columnsS * columnWidthSb, fullScreenMode ? clientWidthS_itg : minWidthNumber); // 根据全屏模式调整
let clientWidthS_ido = Math.min(clientWidthS_itg + paddingAdjustmentS, width);
c('ido')[0].style.maxWidth = clientWidthS_ido + 'px'; // 设置最大宽度 1370
c('itg gld')[0].style.gridTemplateColumns = 'repeat(' + columnsS + ', 1fr)'; // 设置列数
c('itg gld')[0].style.width = clientWidthS_itg + 'px'; // 设置边距 '99%'
const searchbox = $('searchbox'); // 搜索盒子
if (searchbox) {
const tbody = searchbox.querySelector('tbody');
if (tbody) {
// 保存搜索类别行
if (!initialTableRows) {
initialTableRows = tbody.innerHTML;
if (clientWidthS_ido >= 1460) {
// 合并搜索类别行
const rows = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr');
if (rows.length >= 2) {
const firstRow = rows[0];
const secondRow = rows[1];
Array.from(secondRow.children).forEach(td => {
} else {
// 恢复为初始状态
tbody.innerHTML = initialTableRows;
// 调整搜索盒子大小
const isLargerWidth = clientWidthS_ido >= 1460;
if (c('idi')[0]) { c('idi')[0].style.width = (isLargerWidth ? 720 + 670 : 720) + 'px'; }
if (c('idi')[1]) { c('idi')[1].style.width = (isLargerWidth ? 720 + 670 : 720) + 'px'; }
if ($('f_search')) { $('f_search').style.width = (isLargerWidth ? 560 + 670 : 560) + 'px'; }
if (columnsS != OLDcolumnsS && liveURLUpdate && !isPopularPage && !isFavoritesPage) {
OLDcolumnsS = columnsS;
// 根据页面宽度动态调整列数 画廊页面
function adjustColumnsG() {
console.log('LOLICON 画廊页面调整');
const width = window.innerWidth;
let columnsG = Math.floor((width - marginAdjustmentG) / columnWidthG); // 减去边距,并计算列数
columnsG = Math.max(columnsG, 3);
let clientWidthG_gdt = 700 + (columnsG - 3) * columnWidthG;
if (fullScreenMode && columnsG >= 6) {
clientWidthG_gdt = width - marginAdjustmentG;
const isMulticolumn = columnsG >= 6;
if (c('gm')[0]) { c('gm')[0].style.maxWidth = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt + 20) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置最详情大宽度 720 960 1200
if (c('gm')[1]) { c('gm')[1].style.maxWidth = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt + 20) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置最评论区大宽度 720 960 1200
if ($('gd2')) { $('gd2').style.width = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt - 255) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置标题栏宽度 710 925
if ($('gmid')) { $('gmid').style.width = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt - 250) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置标签栏宽度 710 930
if ($('gd4')) { $('gd4').style.width = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt - 600) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置标签栏宽度 360 580
if ($('gdo')) { $('gdo').style.maxWidth = isMulticolumn ? (clientWidthG_gdt + 20) + 'px' : ''; } // 设置缩略图设置栏最大宽度 720 960 1200
const gdt = $('gdt');
if (gdt) {
if (columnsG < 6) {
const minWidthNumber = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(c('gm')[0]).maxWidth);
clientWidthG_gdt = minWidthNumber - 20;
columnsG = Math.floor(minWidthNumber / columnWidthG);
gdt.style.maxWidth = clientWidthG_gdt + 'px'; // 设置最大宽度 700 940 1180
if (gdt.classList.contains('gt100')) {
gdt.style.gridTemplateColumns = 'repeat(' + columnsG * 2 + ', 1fr)';
} else if (gdt.classList.contains('gt200')) {
gdt.style.gridTemplateColumns = 'repeat(' + columnsG + ', 1fr)';
// 收集缩略图信息
function collectThumbnailData() {
const gl1tElements = document.querySelectorAll('.gl1t');
gl1tElements.forEach((gl1t, index) => {
if (index == gl1tIndex) {
const gl3t = gl1t.querySelector('.gl3t');
const gl4t = gl1t.querySelector('.gl4t');
const gl5t = gl1t.querySelector('.gl5t');
const gl6t = gl1t.querySelector('.gl6t');
const glink = gl1t.querySelector('.glink');
const gl5tFirstChildDiv = gl5t?.querySelector('div:nth-child(1)');
const img = gl3t?.querySelector('img');
originalWidth: gl3t?.clientWidth,
originalHeight: gl3t?.clientHeight,
originalImgWidth: img?.clientWidth,
originalImgHeight: img?.clientHeight,
// console.log('LOLICON thumbnailData', thumbnailData);
// 修改缩略图大小
function modifyThumbnailSize() {
console.log('LOLICON 修改缩略图大小');
const minWidthNumber = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(c('ido')[0]).minWidth);
let columnWidthSbm = Math.max(columnWidthSb, minWidthNumber / Math.floor(Math.max(minWidthNumber / columnWidthSb, 1)));
if (fullScreenMode) {
columnWidthSbm = columnWidthS * 2;
thumbnailData.forEach((data, index) => {
const {
} = data;
let zoomFactorL = zoomFactor;
if (squareMode && originalWidth < 250) {
zoomFactorL = zoomFactor * 250 / originalWidth;
// 设置 gl1t 的宽度
gl1t.style.minWidth = columnWidthS + 'px';
gl1t.style.maxWidth = columnWidthSbm + 'px';
// 调整 gl3t 的宽高
if (gl3t) {
const newWidth = originalWidth * zoomFactorL;
const newHeight = originalHeight * zoomFactorL;
gl3t.style.width = newWidth + 'px';
gl3t.style.height = (squareMode ? newWidth : newHeight) + 'px';
// 小列宽时处理 gl5t 换行逻辑
if (gl5t) {
const isSmallWidth = columnWidthS <= 199;
gl5t.style.flexWrap = isSmallWidth ? 'wrap' : '';
gl5t.style.height = isSmallWidth ? '92px' : '';
if (gl5tFirstChildDiv) { gl5tFirstChildDiv.style.left = isSmallWidth ? '4.5px' : ''; }
// 调整 glink 的标题序号
if (glink) {
const glinkSpan = glink.querySelector('span[data-LOLICON-index="true"]');
if (showIndex) {
if (!glinkSpan) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.setAttribute('data-LOLICON-index', 'true');
span.textContent = `【${index + 1}】 `;
glink.insertBefore(span, glink.firstChild);
} else if (glinkSpan) {
// 调整图片的宽高
if (img) {
const newImgWidth = originalImgWidth * zoomFactorL;
const newImgHeight = originalImgHeight * zoomFactorL;
let width = newImgWidth;
let height = newImgHeight;
let top = '';
let left = '';
if (squareMode) {
if (newImgWidth <= newImgHeight) {
top = ((originalWidth * zoomFactorL) - newImgHeight) / 2 + 'px';
} else {
left = ((originalWidth * zoomFactorL) - (newImgWidth * newImgWidth / newImgHeight)) / 2 + 'px';
width = newImgWidth * newImgWidth / newImgHeight;
height = newImgWidth;
} else {
top = ((originalHeight * zoomFactorL) - newImgHeight) / 2 + 'px';
img.style.width = width + 'px';
img.style.height = height + 'px';
img.style.top = top;
img.style.left = left;
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
let isLoading = false; // 防止重复加载
let nextPageLink = document.querySelector('#dnext')?.href; // 初始化下一页链接
let hasMorePages = !!nextPageLink; // 检查是否还有更多页面
// 无限滚动加载下一页
async function loadNextPage() {
if (isLoading || !hasMorePages) return;
isLoading = true;
try {
console.log('LOLICON 加载下一页:', nextPageLink);
const response = await fetch(nextPageLink);
const html = await response.text();
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
const nextContent = doc.querySelectorAll('.gl1t');
if (nextContent.length > 0) {
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
nextContent.forEach(item => fragment.appendChild(item));
c('itg gld')[0].appendChild(fragment);
console.log('LOLICON 下一页内容已成功加载。');
if (liveURLUpdate && !isPopularPage && !isFavoritesPage) {
} else {
console.log('LOLICON 未找到下一页的内容,停止加载。');
hasMorePages = false;
nextPageLink = doc.querySelector('#dnext')?.href;
hasMorePages = !!nextPageLink;
if (hasMorePages) {
console.log('LOLICON 下一页链接已更新为:', nextPageLink);
} else {
console.log('LOLICON 已是最后一页');
} catch (error) {
console.error('LOLICON 加载下一页时发生错误:', error);
} finally {
isLoading = false;
if (document.body.offsetHeight <= window.innerHeight) {
let elementPositions = [];
// 获取最左侧的 gl1t 位置和URL
function getTheLeftmostGl1t() {
elementPositions = [];
const gl1tElements = document.querySelectorAll('.gl1t');
const scrollY = window.scrollY;
for (let i = 0; i < gl1tIndex; i++) {
if (i % columnsS === 0) {
const gl1t = gl1tElements[i];
if (gl1t) {
const rect = gl1t.getBoundingClientRect();
const urlElement = gl1t.querySelector('a:nth-child(1)');
const match = urlElement.href.match(/\/g\/(\d+)\//);
bottom: rect.bottom + scrollY,
url: Number(match[1]) + 1,
// console.log('LOLICON elementPositions:', elementPositions);
let topMostElementURL;
// 更新地址栏
function updateURLOnScroll() {
let newTopMostElementURL;
const scrollY = window.scrollY;
for (let i = 0; i < elementPositions.length; i++) {
const { bottom, url } = elementPositions[i];
if (bottom >= scrollY) {
newTopMostElementURL = url;
if (newTopMostElementURL != topMostElementURL) {
let urlObj = new URL(originalUrl);
urlObj.searchParams.set('next', newTopMostElementURL);
window.history.replaceState(null, '', urlObj.toString());
topMostElementURL = newTopMostElementURL;
// console.log('LOLICON 更新地址栏:',decodedUrl);
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
/* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
// 防抖函数
function debounce(func, wait) {
let timeout;
return function (...args) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => func(...args), wait);
// 节流函数
function throttle(func, wait) {
let lastTime = 0;
let timeout = null;
return function (...args) {
const now = Date.now();
const remaining = wait - (now - lastTime);
if (remaining <= 0) {
lastTime = now;
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
lastTime = Date.now();
timeout = null;
}, remaining);
const throttledUpdateURLOnScroll = throttle(updateURLOnScroll, 240);
const throttledGetTheLeftmostGl1t = throttle(getTheLeftmostGl1t, 600);
// 设置菜单
GM_registerMenuCommand(translate('settings'), showSettingsPanel);
// 监控无限滚动
function monitorInfiniteScroll() {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting && infiniteScroll) {
const bottomElement = document.createElement('div');
console.log('LOLICON 开始');
// 初始化
if (isThumbnailMode) {
window.addEventListener('resize', adjustColumnsS);
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
if (liveURLUpdate && !isPopularPage && !isFavoritesPage) {
} else if (isGalleryPage) {
window.addEventListener('resize', adjustColumnsG);