Improved EH Reader

Simplifies the reader layout, adds a hotkey and preloads the next image. Inspired by Handy ExHentai, ExHentai - Preload next page, and G.E/EX Keyboard Navigation.

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v2023.10.30 30/10/2023

    removed div i7 reference

  • v2022.03.29 29/03/2022

    added shortcut alt+right goes to next page if there is no future history, for convenient mouse side button navigation.
    refactored preloading to avoid unsafeWindow requirement and avoid non-async http request warning (though performance did not improve by making it async).

  • v2022.02.11 11/02/2022