Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Dată Moderator Obiect Acțiune Motiv
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 807434 Ban
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 721805 Ban
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 398801 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 396964 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: 提问小助手v2.1 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 25195 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 430922 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 428332 Undelete
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 429428 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 807341 Ban
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 33881 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 394566 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 426266 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431136 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 5348 Ban
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 427388 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: CNKI PDF RIS Helper Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 424236 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431069 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431150 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431151 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 415852 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 397958 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 398354 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431131 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431164 Delete and lock
22-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 773413 Ban
22-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 807135 Ban
22-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 807125 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 426523 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 429995 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 430100 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 423634 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 423635 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431127 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431079 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431078 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 407701 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 414740 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 415043 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431142 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 13495 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 407092 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 429772 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 807092 Ban
21-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 807081 Ban
21-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Script: 微信读书-WEB端自动阅读插件 Undelete
21-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 806886 Ban
21-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Șterge script-ul: 420400 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 806978 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806947 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 424559 Undelete
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806928 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806911 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806913 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806903 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806887 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806891 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431071 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 39332 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 32270 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 25359 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 26098 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 25985 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 739799 Ban
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431124 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 4527 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431109 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431109 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 428332 Delete and lock
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: 获取淘宝天猫、京东、拼多多、唯品会、抖音等网购平台隐藏优惠券。单纯优惠券领取脚本,无广告。让你购物实实在在省钱。 Undelete
21-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: btdouban Undelete
20-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 806670 Ban
20-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Script: CSDN/知乎/哔哩哔哩/简书免登录去除弹窗广告 🛡 Undelete
Now complies with GPL
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 35509 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 426152 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: 虎牙pluspromaxultra Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806596 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 388235 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 35511 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 388187 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 389971 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 395523 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 422471 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 425938 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431100 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806580 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806575 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431102 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806528 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Script: 【省一省】双11超级红包!优惠券+返现+抢购秒杀助手--任意网站抢购、秒杀、抢券等,支持淘宝、天猫、京东、唯品会、考拉海购领券,配合APP扫码下单后即可获得返现!!!。 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 JasonBarnabe Utilizator: Deleted user 806526 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Utilizator: Deleted user 806498 Ban
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 430938 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431074 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431070 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431068 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 431094 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 416511 Delete and lock
20-08-2021 wOxxOm Șterge script-ul: 389712 Delete and lock