Skip age verification

We're all consenting adults here, skip the annoying age verification pages

La data de 10-06-2024. Vezi ultima versiune.

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Skip age verification
  3. // @namespace
  4. // @version 0.2
  5. // @description We're all consenting adults here, skip the annoying age verification pages
  6. // @author You
  7. // @match *://**
  8. // @icon
  9. // @grant none
  10. // @license BSD
  11. // ==/UserScript==
  13. (function() {
  14. 'use strict';
  16. // Works for Pornhub, but let me know if you need other sites
  17. const button = document.querySelector('#modalWrapMTubes > div > div > button');
  18. if(button);
  19. })();