barchive image and quote fixer

replaces thumbnails with full image or webm on click, inlines "quoted by" posts on click, can also remove posts, tessellate inlined posts, tessellate entire thread, and expand/collapse all 'quoted by' posts, can color posts recursively downward or entire thread (helps keep track of deeply-embedded conversations), can hide all extra options on posts (to make them smaller/simpler) via toggle in OP, can change media size when expanded, can drag posts around via toggle and reset

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • вер. 0.9 18.10.2019 thebarchive added an annoying thing wherein enabling adblocker ends up redirecting clicks. This is intended for you to disable your adblocker. It just manually removes the ads. Now no ads and no annoying redirects
  • вер. 0.8 20.04.2019 Can now drag posts around via toggle in OP (and reset positions)
  • вер. 0.7 09.04.2019 Fixed thread tessellation and post removal
  • вер. 0.6 08.04.2019 Can now hide all extra options in posts via toggle in OP (makes posts smaller, tessellate better) and can change size of expanded media
  • вер. 0.5 25.02.2019 added post/thread (slight) color changing, works recursively - on toggle, it changes colors of different posts to help you visually navigate a deeply-embedded conversation
  • вер. 0.4 03.12.2018 Thread tessellation works better, now fits 3 posts per row rather than two by removing "Report" buttons in tessellation mode, also pushes thread posts down if necessary for better bounding box to also increase tessellation real estate
  • вер. 0.3 24.11.2018 Can now tessellate inlined posts and entire thread, and expand/collapse all inlined posts
  • вер. 0.2 16.11.2018 Now works with webms
  • вер. 0.1 14.11.2018