Rule34Hentai Improved

Fixes stuff, adds like/favorite/Mark-as-read under images, highlights animated, makes the site more compact, etc.

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • вер. 1.3.3 10.01.2025

    Added option to allow pause/play of video on clicking on the video player. (on by default)

  • вер. 1.3.2 10.01.2025

    removed arrow navigation feature since it's now part of the site natively

  • вер. 1.3.1 07.06.2024

    Added temporary fix for multi tag search issue. (credit mostly to SUzuhara)

  • вер. 1.3 17.12.2023

    Improved autoplay support (now lets user know if they have not given autoplay permissions from their browser)

  • вер. 1.2.9 05.12.2023

    -Premium "Ad" removal no longer hides the entire site "notice" type message section
    -Fixed issues with "Hide empty sections"
    -Small changes to extra ad removal

  • вер. 1.2.8 29.10.2022

    Fixed CTRL+S

  • вер. 1.2.7 15.05.2022

    - changed an alert for missing image id to a log
    - changed @include to @match
    - fixed featured image MAR fade/hide

  • вер. 1.2.6 23.01.2022

    -(re)Fixed search field tag remove buttons
    -Moved "Posts seen" info in "My Profile" up to above posts liked

  • вер. 1.2.5 23.01.2022

    Improved "CompactPostListing". Now using flex.

  • вер. 1.2.4 23.01.2022

    Added "CompactPostListing" option: removes the enforced width on post listings so the thumbnails are displayed more compact with less wasted space. Default value: disabled.

  • вер. 1.2.3 23.01.2022

    Added "Remove vote" button to AJAX like/dislike buttons. Previously you couldn't remove your vote, you could only change it from 1 to -1.

  • вер. 1.2.2 22.01.2022

    Fixed the Sidepanel hiding features. Everything should be more or less fixed now. Removed some of the Sidepanel options for sections that don't seem to exist anymore + added one for Bulk Actions.

  • вер. 1.2.1 22.01.2022

    Enabled SortFix in vain. I thought it was broken in my script, but it turns out the site itself has just completely broken/disabled sorting. Newest first order seems to be forced at all times. So SortFix is now enabled ready in case the site restores sorting to what it was before.

  • вер. 1.2 22.01.2022

    R34HI features fixed or confirmed working:
    -Dynamically load more posts on post listing pages
    -Show ONLY videos
    -Highlight videos
    -Autoplay videos
    -Downsize images/videos to fit on screen - working but not sure about the "yellow log", which affects this
    -When Downsizing, leave space for info box below post
    -Hotkey features
    -Like/Favorite features
    -Mark as seen features
    -All compact Header options
    -Hide the site header on post pages
    -Hide Empty site sections
    -Hide the yellow log
    -Remove some sneaky ads
    -Remove ads for premium

    R34HI features disabled (probably not needed anymore. Still exists in code, just commented out for now. Will probably completely remove at some point):
    -Center video/image and info-box below it
    -Allow context-menu/right-click on images
    -Show cursor on videos

  • вер. 1.1.5 28.04.2021

    oops. Mistake in previous update. Fixed.

  • вер. 1.1.4 28.04.2021

    Fixed AJAX infinite loading bug with pages where there is only one page of results

  • вер. 1.1.3 17.03.2021
  • вер. 1.1.2 17.03.2021

    - Fixed a problem where pages beyond the current page's paginator's max number would not be loaded.
    - Now detecting what page to stop on by the last AJAX loaded page.

  • вер. 1.1.1 03.03.2021 MAR button text fixed + MAR CSS and selector updated + dynamic load MAR handling
  • вер. 1.1.0 02.03.2021 Some code cleanup + new feature: "Dynamically load more posts on post listing pages"
  • вер. 1.0.6 21.02.2021 Small execution order update: moved CTRL+S Save with the other hotkeys
  • вер. 1.0.5 21.02.2021 Added body refocusing to autoplay so hotkeys work properly on newly loaded video pages
  • вер. 1.0.4 21.02.2021 Added hotkeys for Like/Dislike/Favorite/MAS/Save + small options update + small update to MAR button + moved chrome newtab-fix to earlier in the execution order
  • вер. 1.0.3 19.02.2021 Added "Show ONLY videos" option
  • вер. 1.0.2 18.02.2021 Fixed "Allow context-menu/right-click on images" + Added "Hide the Pools section in the sidepanel"
  • вер. 1.0.1 12.02.2021 Added marked-as-read-fading for featured image
  • вер. 1.0.0 23.01.2021 fixed a chrome only (I think) problem where the MarkAsSeen button would have the same broken new-tab behaviour that I had to fix for all of the <a> tags on the whole site previously
  • вер. 0.9.9 29.12.2020 Fixed a problem with MarkedAsSeen
  • вер. 0.9.8 23.12.2020 added title to image list thumbnails (regarding chrome new tab problem) + fixed header button background problem (regarding chrome new tab problem)
  • вер. 0.9.7 20.12.2020 header PM link fixed (regarding chrome new tab problem)
  • вер. 0.9.6 20.12.2020 nearly finished fixing the new tab problem on chrome
  • вер. 0.9.5 20.12.2020 fullscreen overlay ad prevention fixed (firefox only?) + started fixing all kinds of things opening in new tabs for no reason, including the download button (chrome only?) [WIP]
  • вер. 0.9.4 22.11.2020 Changed how settings/data are handled + added backup import/export
  • вер. 0.9.3 21.11.2020 Hiding some new sneaky ads: Fake posts & new ad section below the paginator
  • вер. 21.11.2020 Fixed a problem where images would sometimes be hidden if loaded in non-focused tab
  • вер. 21.11.2020 Added ExperimentalExtraAdRemoval option. Use if you still get ads after Adbock and RemoveSomeSneakyAds. + some small changes to when the script runs + small CSS changes
  • вер. 03.11.2020 fixed a problem with Downsizing videos
  • вер. 30.10.2020 fixed a problem with autoplay
  • вер. 30.10.2020 Fixed site bug on chrome: videos loaded in inactive tabs didn't get sized properly
  • вер. 30.10.2020 removed a nasty new full screen input blocking ad thingamajig (if using "Remove Some Sneaky Ads")
  • вер. 30.10.2020 @noframes
  • вер. 12.10.2020 fixed yet another problem with autoplay. This time we were attempting to autoplay images -.- Made a better solution so this shouldn't cause problems in the future even if we attempt to autoplay videos at invalid times. + delayed the allowing of contextmenu on images, due to the site seemingly adding the preventative events after the page loads. This means we have to wait for them to be added before removing them.
  • вер. 12.10.2020 FIXED: autoplay would sometimes leave the play button on top of the already playing video
  • вер. 0.9.2 11.10.2020 Fixed a problem with attempting to autoplay videos on post listing pages for no reason. + Improved the vanilla sorting options handling: now when you click Sort -> Newest Post, it doesn't wipe the search terms. Meaning you can actually sort the current search results.
  • вер. 17.09.2020 same
  • вер. 17.09.2020 premium msg update
  • вер. 0.9.1 15.07.2020 updated order and some wording of options
  • вер. 0.9 15.07.2020 Restricted marked as seen effect CSS to items on page to prevent extremely long selectors that may or may not have been a problem if it were to grow too big. Also means the effect is now applied after full page load so technically it's now slower, but that's fine
  • вер. 0.8.9 03.07.2020 Added option for downsizing to leave space for the info box below posts. + Updated downsizing help info
  • вер. 0.8.8 03.07.2020 Added option to choose like/favorite/mark as seen button location: under post OR in sidepanel. + added on hover effects to mark as seen button and otherwise improved button styling. + if buttons are in sidepanel, now giving downsizing option even more space.
  • вер. 0.8.7 02.07.2020 Made image downsizing responsive to different header sizes
  • вер. 0.8.6 02.07.2020 if using DownsizeToFit, hide the vanilla downsizing option on post pages. That doesn't really work if DownsizeToFit is enabled
  • вер. 0.8.5 02.07.2020 update to previous: ...if using the mark as seen system
  • вер. 0.8.4 02.07.2020 added num of post seen according to R34HI to the options stat section
  • вер. 0.8.3 29.06.2020 fixed some problems with auto mark as seen
  • вер. 0.8.2 29.06.2020 fixed a problem with the mark as seen system introduced by the previous update
  • вер. 0.8.1 29.06.2020 updated handling of marked as seen + you can now turn the feature off if you wish
  • вер. 0.8 29.06.2020 New feature: Mark as seen. - Allows you to (optionally automatically) mark posts as seen. Posts marked as seen can optionally be partly faded out or completely hidden
  • вер. 0.7.1 11.06.2020 updated premium ad hiding
  • вер. 0.7.0 09.06.2020 Added new and improved "more compact" header option. On by default. + removed old "Minimize Header Further And Show On Hover" option
  • вер. 0.6.10 17.04.2020 added cloudflare GET cleanup
  • вер. 0.6.9 17.04.2020 added option to hide ads for premium + added the images header (one from /list ) to be affected by "Hide the image/video header" option
  • вер. 0.6.8 12.04.2020 improved autoplay handling yet again. + removed "click to pause video" option (i.e. the option to disable it, as that is how the site works by default) + small cleanup
  • вер. 0.6.7 21.03.2020 Added ability to block tags
  • вер. 0.6.6 04.02.2020 small update to how parts of the script loads. should fix problems with autoplay of videos
  • вер. 0.6.5 22.01.2020 next/prev image with left/right arrow now uses the site's own next/previous image navigator, "next" meaning the next image in the search results + small fixes to hiding sneaky ads and hiding empty sections + added a bunch of options for hiding the sidepanel or sections of it + added option to center contetn (image/video + infobox below it)
  • вер. 0.6.4 20.01.2020 Moved the options to the actual site, in to the My Profle section. Fixed some ad removal.
  • вер. 0.6.3 17.01.2020 removed unused option from settings
  • вер. 0.6.2 17.01.2020 added option to hide likes in the sidepanel now that all of that can be done from below the image (on by default)
  • вер. 0.6.1 17.01.2020 added on hover messages (title property) to like/dislike and favorite/unfavorite buttons
  • вер. 0.6 17.01.2020 added dislike and unfavorite to below the images, removed nonAJAX option
  • вер. 0.5.8 17.01.2020 Added the header links that lead to other websites to the "RemoveSomeSneakyAds" feature
  • вер. 0.5.7 05.11.2019 Added option to allow right click (context menu) on images so you can easily save them (on by default)
  • вер. 0.5.6 19.08.2019 prevented switching to next image/video on arrow press if any text field has focus
  • вер. 0.5.5 30.06.2019 Hid some sneaky ads that Ublock Origin seems to miss
  • вер. 0.5.4 22.06.2019 Fixed PauseVideoOnClick. It was actually working the wrong way around. Now also hiding the pause thiong in the middle of the video if option is set to false
  • вер. 0.5.3 14.06.2019 Some updates to variable names and general code cleanup. Added MinimizeHeaderFurtherAndShowOnHover, HideImageVideoHeader and DownsizeToFit
  • вер. 0.5.2 14.06.2019 Added: StopHisingMyCursorOnVideo and PauseVideoOnClick (self explanatory)
  • вер. 0.5.1 27.05.2019 Made all features optional. Like/Favorite buttons are no longer visible if you aren't signed in.
  • вер. 0.5 27.05.2019 Like and Favorite no longer require the page to re-load.
  • вер. 0.4.1 27.05.2019 option to hide action log (yellow)
  • вер. 0.4 26.05.2019 With compact header on, the header upload box only shows the file selector at first. After selecting the file, the other options become visible. Also for compact header, the login section of the header is minimized by default, and becomes fully visible when clicked. Added an option to "hide empty sections", which hides the section boxes above and velow images if they are empty. Added the number of likes and favorites to below the like/favorite buttons (the ones below the image). Added icon.
  • вер. 0.3 23.05.2019 Added compact header option (on by default)
  • вер. 0.2 29.12.2018 +Added autoplay option for videos. +Added arrow key next/previous image navigation
  • вер. 0.1 13.12.2018