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bdsmlr - Extra Ad Remover

Remove tricky ads that adblock doesn't remove. (tested /w uBlock)

  1. /* ==UserStyle==
  2. @name bdsmlr - Extra Ad Remover
  3. @namespace Hentiedup
  4. @version 0.0.4
  5. @description Remove tricky ads that adblock doesn't remove. (tested /w uBlock)
  6. @author Hentiedup
  7. @license unlicense
  8. ==/UserStyle== */
  9. @-moz-document domain("") {
  10. .newsfeed > .feed:not([title]),
  11. .newsfeed > a[href]:not([class]),
  12. .newsfeed > .firstitems > a[href]:not([class]){
  13. display: none !important;
  14. }
  15. .anad,
  16. .hyper-premium,
  17. #premo,
  18. .aholder,
  19. .atitle,
  20. iframe:empty {
  21. display: none !important;
  22. }
  23. }