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Better Rule34

A script to improve the use of rule34!

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • вер. 0.90 06.12.2024

    -Added image hover thing
    -Fixed bugs with videos breaking everything
    -Uses zips when mass downloading
    Sorry for a lack of updates, I've just been really demotivated. After looking at the code the next update will probably need to be a total re-code of everything.

  • вер. 0.85 17.07.2024

    -Added a little "I" icon that displays info about the post

  • вер. 0.84 15.07.2024

    -Fixed fit image to screen
    -Fixed re-add deleted posts
    -Fixed download all posts

  • вер. 0.83 09.06.2024

    -Fixed a bug with random posts

  • вер. 0.82 08.06.2024

    -Pretty big bug fix
    -Moved from fetch to xmlRequests

  • вер. 0.81 01.06.2024

    -Forgot to rename the settings button

  • вер. 0.80 01.06.2024

    -Added a real settings menu!
    -Re-add deleted posts now supports images

  • вер. 0.72 18.05.2024

    -I lied it wasn't fixed I just suck at testing my code, its fixed now I swear

  • вер. 0.71 18.05.2024

    -Fixed a bug with post navigation

  • вер. 0.70 13.04.2024

    >Fixed loads of stuff
    >Added download full size image
    >Made the script more stable
    >Added resize posts to fit window (really buggy, I'll fix it soon)

  • вер. 0.62 24.03.2024

    -You can navigate threw posts again!
    -Fixed some other stuff

  • вер. 0.61 25.01.2024

    -Added "AutoScrollPostsIntoView" to settings it does what the name says

  • вер. 0.6 16.01.2024

    -Added dynamic resizing making the site work better on high res or weird aspect ratios
    -Fixed next post not working
    -Fixed mass-download not working
    -Optimized the script
    -Fixed random post and next post not working under the "all" tag
    -Improved dark theme
    -Made the script more stable
    -Fixed back post not working

  • вер. 0.5 02.12.2023

    -pre-loads the URL for the next post allowing for faster navigation
    -Fixed some more stuff with the theme
    -Search bar now expands to allow for viewing the full search query
    -Adds a button to download all posts on a page
    -Small optimizations
    -Added stability

  • вер. 09.08.2023

    I brokened it then i fixed it :D

  • вер. 0.4.1 05.08.2023

    Verison 0.4.1:
    Fixed posts not cycling in order when using arrow keys
    Fixed not being able to cycle threw posts when on the first post on a page
    Fixed the index being wrong when click on a post not of the first page
    Improved dark theme
    Fixed random post button not working
    Fixed random post button not keeping tags in the search box

  • вер. 0.4 22.07.2023

    I added a bunch of stuff so some is missing:
    -can now resize posts!
    -queried tags stay in the tag input box after a search!
    -Reworked the nextPost, backPost and getFromRule34 functions
    -Improve the dark theme!
    -Multiple small bug fixs!

  • вер. 0.3 01.02.2023

    Sorry I had a stoke updating these is hard D:
    -Improved dark theme
    -added plus buttons beside tags
    -added auto image resize notice
    -added clickAnywhereToStart (lets you click anywhere on the page to start a video)
    -fixed bugs

  • вер. 0.1 01.02.2023
  • вер. 0.3 01.02.2023

    -Improved dark theme
    -added plus buttons beside tags
    -added auto image resize notice
    -added clickAnywhereToStart (lets you click anywhere on the page to start a video)
    -fixed bugs
    -made the settings in the french version french (sorry about that one)

  • вер. 0.2 27.01.2023

    Verison 0.2 Change Log
    --fixed smaller posts
    --fixed undelete posts
    --improved themes

  • вер. 0.1 25.01.2023