- // ==UserScript==
- // @name [E/Ex-Hentai] AutoLogin
- // @name:zh-TW [E/Ex-Hentai] 自動登入
- // @name:zh-CN [E/Ex-Hentai] 自动登入
- // @name:ja [E/Ex-Hentai] 自動ログイン
- // @name:ko [E/Ex-Hentai] 자동 로그인
- // @name:en [E/Ex-Hentai] AutoLogin
- // @version 0.0.13
- // @author HentiSaru
- // @description 設置 E/Ex - Cookies 本地備份保存 , 自動擷取設置 , 手動選單設置 , 自動檢測登入狀態自動登入 , 手動選單登入
- // @description:zh-TW 設置 E/Ex - Cookies 本地備份保存 , 自動擷取設置 , 手動選單設置 , 自動檢測登入狀態自動登入 , 手動選單登入
- // @description:zh-CN 设置 E/Ex - Cookies 本地备份保存 , 自动撷取设置 , 手动选单设置 , 自动检测登入状态自动登入 , 手动选单登入
- // @description:ja E/Ex - Cookies をローカルバックアップ保存し、自動的に設定し、手動でメニューを設定し、ログイン狀態を自動的に検出して自動ログインし、手動でメニューログインします
- // @description:ko E/Ex - 쿠키를 로컬 백업으로 저장하고 자동으로 설정하며 수동으로 메뉴를 설정하고 로그인 상태를 자동으로 감지하여 자동으로 로그인하거나 메뉴로 수동으로 로그인합니다
- // @description:en Save E/Ex cookies as local backups, automatically retrieve settings, manually configure the menu, automatically detect login status for auto-login, and allow manual login through the menu
- // @match https://e-hentai.org/*
- // @match https://exhentai.org/*
- // @icon https://e-hentai.org/favicon.ico
- // @license MIT
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/989635
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_notification
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // ==/UserScript==
- /* ==================== 初始化設置 ==================== */
- const language = display_language(navigator.language)
- var modal, Domain;
- (function() {
- try {
- let cookies = GM_getValue("E/Ex_Cookies", []), domain = window.location.hostname,
- sessiontime = new Date(GM_getValue(`${domain}_SessionTime`, null)), time = new Date(), conversion;
- if (isNaN(sessiontime)) {sessiontime = new Date(time.getTime() + 6 * 60 * 1000)}
- conversion = (time - sessiontime) / (1000 * 60);
- if (conversion > 5) {
- GM_setValue(`${domain}_SessionTime`, time.getTime());
- AutomaticLoginCheck(JSON.parse(cookies), domain);
- }
- } catch (error) {console.log(error)}
- })();
- GM_addStyle(`
- .show-modal-background {
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- z-index: 9999;
- position: fixed;
- overflow: auto;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
- }
- .show-modal-content {
- width: 23%;
- padding: 20px;
- overflow: auto;
- color: #5C0D11;
- margin: 5% auto;
- text-align: left;
- border-radius: 10px;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- background-color: #fefefe;
- border: 2px ridge #5C0D12;
- }
- .show-button {
- top: 0;
- margin: 3% 2%;
- color: #5C0D12;
- font-size: 14px;
- font-weight: bold;
- border-radius: 3px;
- background-color: #EDEADA;
- border: 2px solid #B5A4A4;
- }
- .show-button:hover, .show-button:focus {
- color: #FF8033;
- cursor: pointer;
- text-decoration: none;
- }
- .set-modal-content {
- width: 720px;
- padding: 5px;
- overflow: auto;
- border-radius: 10px;
- text-align: center;
- border: 2px ridge #5C0D12;
- border-collapse: collapse;
- margin: 2% auto 8px auto;
- }
- .set-list {
- height: 25px;
- width: 70%;
- text-align: center;
- }
- .hidden {
- display: none;
- }
- `);
- /* 自動獲取 Cookies */
- const GetCookiesAutomatically = GM_registerMenuCommand(
- language[0],
- function() {
- let cookies = GetCookies() , cookie_list = [];
- for (var cookieName in cookies) {
- if (cookies.hasOwnProperty(cookieName)) {
- var cookieValue = cookies[cookieName];
- cookie_list.push({"name" : cookieName,"value" : cookieValue})
- }
- }
- cookies = JSON.stringify(cookie_list, null, 4);
- Cookies_Show(cookies)
- }
- )
- /* 顯示自動獲取的 Cookies */
- function Cookies_Show(cookie_list) {
- if (modal) {
- modal.remove();
- modal = null;
- }
- modal = document.createElement('div');
- modal.innerHTML = `
- <div class="show-modal-content">
- <h1 style="text-align:center;">${language[5]}</h1>
- <pre><b>${cookie_list}</b></pre>
- <div style="text-align: right;">
- <button class="show-button" id="save_cookie">${language[6]}</button>
- <button class="show-button" id="modal_close">${language[7]}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- `
- modal.classList.add('show-modal-background');
- document.body.appendChild(modal);
- modal.classList.remove('hidden');
- let CloseButton = document.getElementById('modal_close');
- CloseButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
- modal.classList.add('hidden');
- document.removeEventListener('click', CloseButton);
- });
- let SaveButton = document.getElementById('save_cookie');
- SaveButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
- GM_setValue("E/Ex_Cookies", cookie_list);
- alert(language[9]);
- modal.classList.add('hidden');
- document.removeEventListener('click', SaveButton);
- });
- }
- /* 手動輸入 Cookies */
- const ManualSetting = GM_registerMenuCommand(
- language[1],
- function() {
- if (modal) {
- modal.remove();
- modal = null;
- }
- Domain = window.location.hostname;
- if (Domain === "e-hentai.org") {
- GM_addStyle('.set-modal-content { background-color: #fefefe; }');
- } else if (Domain === "exhentai.org") {
- GM_addStyle('.set-modal-content { background-color: #34353b; }');
- }
- modal = document.createElement('div');
- modal.innerHTML = `
- <div class="set-modal-content">
- <h1>${language[14]}</h1>
- <form id="set_cookies">
- <div style="margin:10px">
- [igneous] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="igneous" placeholder="${language[15]}"><br>
- [ipb_member_id] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="ipb_member_id" placeholder="${language[16]}" required><br>
- [ipb_pass_hash] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="ipb_pass_hash" placeholder="${language[16]}" required><hr>
- <h2>${language[17]}</h2>
- [sl] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="sl" value="dm_2"><br>
- [sk] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="sk" value="gy8wgij076agx1ax6is9htzrj40i"><br>
- [yay] : <input class="set-list" type="text" name="yay" value="louder"><br>
- </div>
- <button type="submit" class="show-button" id="set_save_cookie">${language[6]}</button>
- <button class="show-button" id="set_modal_close">${language[8]}</button>
- </form>
- </div>
- `
- modal.classList.add('show-modal-background');
- document.body.appendChild(modal);
- modal.classList.remove('hidden');
- const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
- // 退出按鈕
- let CloseButton = document.getElementById("set_modal_close");
- CloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- modal.classList.add("hidden");
- document.removeEventListener("click", CloseButton);
- });
- // 捕獲表單提交事件
- document.getElementById("set_cookies").addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
- event.preventDefault(); // 阻止默認的表單提交行為
- if (event.submitter.id === "set_save_cookie") {
- // 獲取所有的輸入表單
- const formElements = document.querySelectorAll("#set_cookies .set-list");
- const cookie_list = Array.from(formElements).map(input => {
- return { name: input.name, value: input.value };
- });
- textarea.name = "confirm_cookies";
- textarea.style = "margin-top:20px";
- textarea.rows = 20;
- textarea.cols = 60;
- // 保存後 , 在獲取並轉換格式 , 並將其顯示
- GM_setValue("E/Ex_Cookies", JSON.stringify(cookie_list, null, 4));
- let cookies = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("E/Ex_Cookies", []));
- textarea.value = JSON.stringify(cookies , null, 4);
- // 將 textarea 添加到指定的 div 元素中
- const formDiv = document.querySelector("#set_cookies div");
- formDiv.appendChild(textarea);
- GM_notification({
- title: language[10],
- text: language[18],
- image: "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5234/5234222.png",
- timeout: 4000
- });
- }
- });
- }
- )
- /* 查看保存的 Cookies */
- const ViewSaveCookie = GM_registerMenuCommand(
- language[2],
- function() {
- if (modal) {
- modal.remove();
- modal = null;
- }
- Domain = window.location.hostname;
- if (Domain === "e-hentai.org") {
- GM_addStyle('.set-modal-content { background-color: #fefefe; }');
- } else if (Domain === "exhentai.org") {
- GM_addStyle('.set-modal-content { background-color: #34353b; }');
- }
- modal = document.createElement('div');
- modal.innerHTML = `
- <div class="set-modal-content">
- <h1>${language[19]}</h1>
- <div id="view_cookies" style="margin:10px"></div>
- <button class="show-button" id="save_changes">${language[11]}</button>
- <button class="show-button" id="close">${language[8]}</button>
- </div>
- `
- modal.classList.add('show-modal-background');
- document.body.appendChild(modal);
- modal.classList.remove('hidden');
- let CloseButton = document.getElementById("close");
- CloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- modal.classList.add("hidden");
- document.removeEventListener("click", CloseButton);
- });
- const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
- const login_cookies = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("E/Ex_Cookies", []));
- textarea.value = JSON.stringify(login_cookies , null, 4);
- textarea.id = "view_SC";
- textarea.style = "margin-top:20px";
- textarea.rows = 20;
- textarea.cols = 60;
- document.getElementById("view_cookies").appendChild(textarea);
- let SaveButton = document.getElementById("save_changes");
- SaveButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
- GM_setValue("E/Ex_Cookies", JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(document.getElementById("view_SC").value), null, 4));
- GM_notification({
- title: language[15],
- text: language[13],
- image: "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5234/5234222.png",
- timeout: 4000
- });
- modal.classList.add("hidden");
- document.removeEventListener("click", SaveButton);
- });
- }
- )
- /* 手動注入 Cookies 登入 */
- const CookieInjection = GM_registerMenuCommand(
- language[3],
- function() {
- try {
- let login_cookies = GM_getValue("E/Ex_Cookies", []);
- let cookies = GetCookies();
- login_cookies = JSON.parse(login_cookies);
- DeleteCookies(cookies);
- AddCookies(login_cookies);
- GM_setValue("SessionTime", new Date().getTime());
- location.reload();
- } catch (error) {
- alert(language[20]);
- }
- }
- );
- /* 刪除所有 Cookies */
- const CookieDelete = GM_registerMenuCommand(
- language[4],
- function() {
- DeleteCookies(GetCookies());
- location.reload();
- }
- );
- /* 登入檢測函數 */
- async function AutomaticLoginCheck(login_cookies , Domain) {
- // 需要的 cookie 值
- let RequiredCookies = ["ipb_member_id","ipb_pass_hash"];
- if (Domain === "exhentai.org") {
- RequiredCookies = ["igneous","ipb_member_id","ipb_pass_hash"];
- }
- let cookies = GetCookies();
- let cookiesFound = RequiredCookies.every(function(cookieName) {
- return cookies.hasOwnProperty(cookieName) && cookies[cookieName] !== undefined;
- });
- if (Domain === "exhentai.org" && (!cookies.hasOwnProperty("igneous") || cookies.igneous === "mystery") || !cookiesFound) {
- DeleteCookies(cookies);
- AddCookies(login_cookies);
- location.reload();
- } else if (!cookiesFound || !RequiredCookies.length >= 2) {
- let cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
- DeleteCookies(cookies);
- AddCookies(login_cookies);
- location.reload();
- }
- }
- /* 添加 cookie */
- function AddCookies(LoginCookies) {
- for (let i = 0; i < LoginCookies.length; i++) {
- let cookie = LoginCookies[i];
- document.cookie = cookie.name + "=" + cookie.value;
- }
- }
- /* 刪除 cookie */
- function DeleteCookies(cookies) {
- const cookieNames = Object.keys(cookies);
- for (let i = 0; i < cookieNames.length; i++) {
- let cookieName = cookieNames[i]; // 為了避免例外狀況沒刪除乾淨
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/; domain=.exhentai.org";
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/; domain=.e-hentai.org";
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
- }
- }
- /* 取得 Cookies */
- function GetCookies() {
- let cookies = {} , cookiePairs = document.cookie.split("; ");
- for (let i = 0; i < cookiePairs.length; i++) {
- let cookiePair = cookiePairs[i].split("=");
- let cookieName = decodeURIComponent(cookiePair[0]);
- let cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookiePair[1]);
- cookies[cookieName] = cookieValue;
- }
- return cookies;
- }
- /* 語言顯示 */
- function display_language(language) {
- let display = {
- "zh-TW": [
- "📜 自動獲取 Cookies [請先登入]",
- "📝 手動輸入 Cookies",
- "🔍 查看保存的 Cookies",
- "🔃 手動注入 Cookies",
- "🗑️ 刪除所有 Cookies",
- "確認選擇的 Cookies",
- "確認保存",
- "取消退出",
- "退出選單",
- "保存成功!",
- "保存通知",
- "更改保存",
- "變更通知",
- "已保存變更",
- "設置 Cookies",
- "要登入 Ex 才需要填寫",
- "必填項目",
- "下方選填 也可不修改",
- "[確認輸入正確]按下退出選單保存",
- "當前設置 Cookies",
- "未檢測到可注入的 Cookies !!\n請從選單中進行設置"
- ],
- "zh-CN": [
- "📜 自动获取 Cookies [请先登录]",
- "📝 手动输入 Cookies",
- "🔍 查看保存的 Cookies",
- "🔃 手动注入 Cookies",
- "🗑️ 删除所有 Cookies",
- "确认选择的 Cookies",
- "确认保存",
- "取消退出",
- "退出菜单",
- "保存成功!",
- "保存通知",
- "更改保存",
- "变更通知",
- "已保存变更",
- "设置 Cookies",
- "要登录 Ex 才需要填写",
- "必填项目",
- "下方选填 也可不修改",
- "[确认输入正确]按下退出菜单保存",
- "当前设置 Cookies",
- "未检测到可注入的 Cookies !!\n请从菜单中进行设置"
- ],
- "ja": [
- '📜自動的にクッキーを取得する[ログインしてください]',
- '📝手動でクッキーを入力する',
- '🔍保存されたクッキーを見る',
- '🔃手動でクッキーを注入する',
- '🗑️すべてのクッキーを削除する',
- '選択したクッキーを確認する',
- '保存を確認する',
- 'キャンセルして終了する',
- 'メニューを終了する',
- '保存に成功しました!',
- '保存通知',
- '変更の保存',
- '変更通知',
- '変更が保存されました',
- 'クッキーの設定',
- 'Exにログインする必要があります',
- '必須項目',
- '下記は任意で、変更しなくても構いません',
- '[正しく入力されていることを確認してください]メニューを終了して保存します',
- '現在のクッキーの設定',
- '注入可能なクッキーが検出されませんでした!!\nメニューから設定してください'
- ],
- "en": [
- '📜 Automatically retrieve cookies [Please log in first]',
- '📝 Manually enter cookies',
- '🔍 View saved cookies',
- '🔃 Manually inject cookies',
- '🗑️ Delete all cookies',
- 'Confirm selected cookies',
- 'Confirm save',
- 'Cancel and exit',
- 'Exit menu',
- 'Saved successfully!',
- 'Save notification',
- 'Change save',
- 'Change notification',
- 'Changes saved',
- 'Set cookies',
- 'Need to log in to Ex',
- 'Required fields',
- 'Optional below, can also not be modified',
- '[Make sure the input is correct] Press to exit the menu and save',
- 'Current cookie settings',
- 'No injectable cookies detected !!\nPlease set from the menu'
- ],
- "ko": [
- '📜 자동으로 쿠키 가져오기 [먼저 로그인하세요]',
- '📝 수동으로 쿠키 입력',
- '🔍 저장된 쿠키보기',
- '🔃 수동으로 쿠키 주입',
- '🗑️ 모든 쿠키 삭제',
- '선택한 쿠키 확인',
- '저장 확인',
- '취소하고 종료',
- '메뉴 종료',
- '저장 성공!',
- '저장 알림',
- '변경 저장',
- '변경 알림',
- '변경 사항이 저장되었습니다',
- '쿠키 설정',
- 'Ex에 로그인해야합니다',
- '필수 항목',
- '아래는 선택적으로 수정하지 않아도됩니다',
- '[입력이 올바른지 확인하세요] 메뉴를 종료하고 저장하려면 누르세요',
- '현재 쿠키 설정',
- '주입 가능한 쿠키가 감지되지 않았습니다 !!\n메뉴에서 설정하세요'
- ]
- };
- return display[language] || display["en"];
- }