- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Javdb_Emby助手
- // @version 1.0.1
- // @author weiShao
- // @description Javdb_Emby助手_weiShao
- // @license MIT
- // @icon https://www.javdb.com/favicon.ico
- // @match https://*.javdb.com/*
- // @match *://*.javdb.com/*
- // @connect jable.tv
- // @connect missav.com
- // @connect javhhh.com
- // @connect netflav.com
- // @connect avgle.com
- // @connect bestjavporn.com
- // @connect jav.guru
- // @connect javmost.cx
- // @connect hpjav.tv
- // @connect av01.tv
- // @connect javbus.com
- // @connect javmenu.com
- // @connect javfc2.net
- // @connect paipancon.com
- // @connect ggjav.com
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/434740
- // ==/UserScript==
- ;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- /* globals jQuery, $, waitForKeyElements */
- /**
- * 加载动画
- */
- const LoadingGif = {
- /**
- * 加载动画的元素
- */
- element: null,
- /**
- * 启动加载动画
- */
- start: function () {
- if (!this.element) {
- this.element = document.createElement('img')
- this.element.src =
- 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Gray_circles_rotate.gif'
- this.element.alt = '读取文件夹中...'
- Object.assign(this.element.style, {
- position: 'fixed',
- bottom: '0',
- left: '50px',
- zIndex: '1000',
- width: '40px',
- height: '40px',
- padding: '5px'
- })
- document.body.appendChild(this.element)
- }
- },
- /**
- * 停止加载动画
- */
- stop: function () {
- if (this.element) {
- document.body.removeChild(this.element)
- this.element = null
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 本地文件夹处理函数
- */
- const LocalFolderHandler = (function () {
- class LocalFolderHandlerClass {
- constructor() {
- this.nfoFileNamesSet = new Set()
- this.initButton()
- }
- /**
- * 创建一个按钮元素并添加到页面中
- */
- initButton() {
- const button = this.createButtonElement()
- button.addEventListener('click', this.handleButtonClick.bind(this))
- document.body.appendChild(button)
- }
- /**
- * 创建一个按钮元素
- * @returns {HTMLButtonElement}
- */
- createButtonElement() {
- const button = document.createElement('button')
- button.innerHTML = '仓'
- Object.assign(button.style, {
- color: '#fff',
- backgroundColor: '#FF8400',
- borderColor: '#FF8400',
- borderRadius: '5px',
- position: 'fixed',
- bottom: '2px',
- left: '2px',
- zIndex: '1000',
- padding: '5px 10px',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- fontSize: '16px',
- fontWeight: 'bold'
- })
- return button
- }
- /**
- * 按钮点击事件处理函数
- */
- async handleButtonClick() {
- this.nfoFileNamesSet.clear()
- const directoryHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker()
- console.log(
- '%c Line:90 🍖 directoryHandle',
- 'color:#42b983',
- directoryHandle.name
- )
- if (!directoryHandle) {
- alert('获取本地信息失败')
- return
- }
- const startTime = Date.now()
- LoadingGif.start()
- for await (const fileData of this.getFiles(directoryHandle, [
- directoryHandle.name
- ])) {
- const file = await fileData.fileHandle.getFile()
- const videoFullName = await this.findVideoFileName(
- fileData.parentDirectoryHandle
- )
- const item = {
- originalFileName: file.name.substring(
- 0,
- file.name.length - '.nfo'.length
- ),
- transformedName: this.processFileName(file.name),
- videoFullName: videoFullName,
- hierarchicalStructure: [...fileData.folderNames, videoFullName]
- }
- this.nfoFileNamesSet.add(item)
- }
- const str = JSON.stringify(Array.from(this.nfoFileNamesSet))
- localStorage.setItem('nfoFiles', str)
- LoadingGif.stop()
- const endTime = Date.now()
- const time = ((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)
- alert(
- `读取文件夹: '${directoryHandle.name}' 成功,耗时 ${time} 秒, 共读取 ${this.nfoFileNamesSet.size} 个视频。`
- )
- onBeforeMount()
- }
- /**
- * 递归获取目录下的所有文件
- * @param {FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directoryHandle - 当前目录句柄
- * @param {string[]} folderNames - 目录名数组
- * @returns {AsyncGenerator}
- */
- async *getFiles(directoryHandle, folderNames = []) {
- for await (const entry of directoryHandle.values()) {
- try {
- if (entry.kind === 'file' && entry.name.endsWith('.nfo')) {
- yield {
- fileHandle: entry,
- folderNames: [...folderNames],
- parentDirectoryHandle: directoryHandle
- }
- } else if (entry.kind === 'directory') {
- yield* this.getFiles(entry, [...folderNames, entry.name])
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 查找视频文件名
- * @param {FileSystemDirectoryHandle} directoryHandle - 当前目录句柄
- * @returns {Promise<string>} 找到的视频文件名或空字符串
- */
- async findVideoFileName(directoryHandle) {
- for await (const entry of directoryHandle.values()) {
- if (
- entry.kind === 'file' &&
- (entry.name.endsWith('.mp4') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.mkv') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.avi') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.flv') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.wmv') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.mov') ||
- entry.name.endsWith('.rmvb'))
- ) {
- return entry.name
- }
- }
- return ''
- }
- /**
- * 处理文件名
- * 去掉 '.nfo'、'-c'、'-C' 和 '-破解' 后缀,并转换为小写
- * @param {string} fileName - 原始文件名
- * @returns {string} 处理后的文件名
- */
- processFileName(fileName) {
- let processedName = fileName.substring(
- 0,
- fileName.length - '.nfo'.length
- )
- processedName = processedName.replace(/-c$/i, '')
- processedName = processedName.replace(/-破解$/i, '')
- return processedName.toLowerCase()
- }
- }
- return function () {
- new LocalFolderHandlerClass()
- }
- })()
- /**
- * 列表页处理函数
- */
- const ListPageHandler = (function () {
- /**
- * @type {string} btsow 搜索 URL 基础路径
- */
- const btsowUrl = 'https://btsow.com/search/'
- /**
- * 获取本地存储的 nfo 文件名的 JSON 字符串
- * @returns {string[]|null} nfo 文件名数组或 null
- */
- function getNfoFiles() {
- const nfoFilesJson = localStorage.getItem('nfoFiles')
- return nfoFilesJson ? JSON.parse(nfoFilesJson) : null
- }
- /**
- * 创建本地打开视频所在文件夹按钮
- * @param {HTMLElement} ele 要添加的所在的元素
- */
- function createOpenLocalFolderBtn(ele) {
- if (ele.querySelector('.open_local_folder')) {
- return
- }
- const openLocalFolderBtnElement = document.createElement('div')
- openLocalFolderBtnElement.className = 'tag open_local_folder'
- openLocalFolderBtnElement.textContent = '本地打开'
- Object.assign(openLocalFolderBtnElement.style, {
- marginLeft: '10px',
- color: '#fff',
- backgroundColor: '#F8D714'
- })
- openLocalFolderBtnElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- const localFolderPath = 'Z:\\日本'
- // 打开本地文件夹逻辑
- })
- ele.querySelector('.tags').appendChild(openLocalFolderBtnElement)
- }
- /**
- * 创建 btsow 搜索视频按钮
- * @param {HTMLElement} ele 要添加的所在的元素
- * @param {string} videoTitle 视频标题
- */
- function createBtsowBtn(ele, videoTitle) {
- if (ele.querySelector('.btsow')) {
- return
- }
- const btsowBtnElement = document.createElement('div')
- btsowBtnElement.className = 'tag btsow'
- btsowBtnElement.textContent = 'Btsow'
- Object.assign(btsowBtnElement.style, {
- marginLeft: '10px',
- color: '#fff',
- backgroundColor: '#FF8400'
- })
- btsowBtnElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
- event.preventDefault()
- window.open(`${btsowUrl}${videoTitle}`, '_blank')
- })
- ele.querySelector('.tags').appendChild(btsowBtnElement)
- }
- /**
- * 显示本地下载的文件名并改写样式
- * @param {HTMLElement} ele 元素
- * @param {Object} item 影片项
- */
- function displayOperationOfTheItemInQuestion(ele, item) {
- const imgElement = ele.querySelector('.cover img')
- imgElement.style.padding = '10px'
- imgElement.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000'
- const videoTitleElement = document.createElement('div')
- videoTitleElement.textContent = item.originalFileName
- Object.assign(videoTitleElement.style, {
- margin: '1rem',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
- color: '#fff',
- fontSize: '.75rem',
- height: '2rem',
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- borderRadius: '5px'
- })
- ele.querySelector('.box').appendChild(videoTitleElement)
- videoTitleElement.addEventListener('click', function () {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(item.originalFileName)
- videoTitleElement.textContent = item.originalFileName + ' 复制成功'
- })
- }
- /**
- * 处理列表页逻辑
- */
- function handler() {
- const nfoFilesArray = getNfoFiles()
- if (!nfoFilesArray) {
- return
- }
- LoadingGif.start()
- $('.movie-list .item').each(function (index, ele) {
- const videoTitle = ele.querySelector('strong').innerText.toLowerCase()
- createBtsowBtn(ele, videoTitle)
- nfoFilesArray.forEach(function (item) {
- if (item.transformedName.includes(videoTitle)) {
- createOpenLocalFolderBtn(ele)
- displayOperationOfTheItemInQuestion(ele, item)
- }
- })
- })
- LoadingGif.stop()
- }
- return handler
- })()
- /**
- * 详情页处理函数
- */
- const DetailPageHandler = (function () {
- /**
- * 获取页面视频标题
- * @returns {string} 视频标题文本
- */
- function getVideoTitle() {
- return $('.video-detail strong').first().text().trim().toLowerCase()
- }
- /**
- * 从 localStorage 获取 nfoFiles
- * @returns {Array} nfoFiles 数组
- */
- function getNfoFiles() {
- const nfoFilesJson = localStorage.getItem('nfoFiles')
- return nfoFilesJson ? JSON.parse(nfoFilesJson) : null
- }
- /**
- * 设置 .video-meta-panel 背景色
- */
- function highlightVideoPanel() {
- $('.video-meta-panel').css({ backgroundColor: '#FFC0CB' })
- }
- /**
- * 创建或获取影片存在提示元素
- * @returns {HTMLElement} localFolderTitleListElement 元素
- */
- function createOrGetLocalFolderTitleListElement() {
- let localFolderTitleListElement = document.querySelector(
- '.localFolderTitleListElement'
- )
- if (!localFolderTitleListElement) {
- localFolderTitleListElement = document.createElement('div')
- localFolderTitleListElement.className = 'localFolderTitleListElement'
- localFolderTitleListElement.textContent = 'Emby已存在影片'
- Object.assign(localFolderTitleListElement.style, {
- color: '#fff',
- backgroundColor: '#FF8400',
- padding: '5px 10px',
- borderRadius: '5px',
- fontSize: '16px',
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- position: 'fixed',
- left: '20px',
- top: '200px',
- width: '240px'
- })
- document.body.appendChild(localFolderTitleListElement)
- }
- return localFolderTitleListElement
- }
- /**
- * 添加影片列表项
- * @param {Object} item 影片项
- */
- function addLocalFolderTitleListItem(item) {
- const localFolderTitleListElement =
- createOrGetLocalFolderTitleListElement()
- const localFolderTitleListItem = document.createElement('div')
- localFolderTitleListItem.className = 'localFolderTitleListItem'
- localFolderTitleListItem.textContent = item.originalFileName
- Object.assign(localFolderTitleListItem.style, {
- color: '#fff',
- padding: '5px 10px',
- borderRadius: '5px',
- fontSize: '16px',
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- marginTop: '10px'
- })
- localFolderTitleListElement.appendChild(localFolderTitleListItem)
- localFolderTitleListItem.addEventListener('click', function () {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(item.transformedName)
- localFolderTitleListItem.textContent =
- item.originalFileName + ' 复制成功'
- })
- }
- /**
- * 排序种子列表
- */
- function sortBtList() {
- const magnetsContent = document.getElementById('magnets-content')
- if (!magnetsContent?.children.length) return
- const items = Array.from(magnetsContent.querySelectorAll('.item'))
- items.forEach(function (item) {
- const metaSpan = item.querySelector('.meta')
- if (metaSpan) {
- const metaText = metaSpan.textContent.trim()
- const match = metaText.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)GB/)
- const size = match ? parseFloat(match[1]) : 0
- item.dataset.size = size
- }
- })
- items.sort(function (a, b) {
- return b.dataset.size - a.dataset.size
- })
- const priority = {
- high: [],
- medium: [],
- low: []
- }
- items.forEach(function (item) {
- const nameSpan = item.querySelector('.name')
- if (nameSpan) {
- const nameText = nameSpan.textContent.trim()
- if (/(-c| -C)/i.test(nameText)) {
- priority.high.push(item)
- item.style.backgroundColor = '#FFCCFF'
- } else if (!/[A-Z]/.test(nameText)) {
- priority.medium.push(item)
- item.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFCC'
- } else {
- priority.low.push(item)
- }
- }
- })
- magnetsContent.innerHTML = ''
- priority.high.forEach(function (item) {
- magnetsContent.appendChild(item)
- })
- priority.medium.forEach(function (item) {
- magnetsContent.appendChild(item)
- })
- priority.low.forEach(function (item) {
- magnetsContent.appendChild(item)
- })
- }
- /**
- * 主函数,处理详情页逻辑
- */
- function handler() {
- const videoTitle = getVideoTitle()
- if (!videoTitle) return
- const nfoFiles = getNfoFiles()
- if (!nfoFiles) return
- LoadingGif.start()
- nfoFiles.forEach(function (item) {
- if (item.transformedName.includes(videoTitle)) {
- highlightVideoPanel()
- addLocalFolderTitleListItem(item)
- }
- })
- sortBtList()
- LoadingGif.stop()
- }
- return handler
- })()
- /**
- * 页面加载前执行
- */
- async function onBeforeMount() {
- // 立即调用以初始化按钮和事件处理程序
- LocalFolderHandler()
- // 调用列表页处理函数
- ListPageHandler()
- // 调用详情页处理函数
- DetailPageHandler()
- }
- onBeforeMount()
- })()