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NGA闪耀色彩表情包 bol nahlásený 05.09.2021 ako neoprávnená kópia skriptu NGA AC娘表情FGO化补完计划 by 间桐咕哒子@NGA.

NGA AC娘表情FGO化补完计划 by 间桐咕哒子@NGA používa licenciu MIT License. Pre lepšie pochopenie, čo táto licencia znamená navštívte {}.

Script Author License Created Updated
Reported NGA闪耀色彩表情包 darwintree MIT 2021-02-27 04:51:44 UTC 2021-10-13 11:33:11 UTC
Original NGA AC娘表情FGO化补完计划 by 间桐咕哒子@NGA aglandy MIT 2017-03-28 02:26:42 UTC 2021-09-15 06:13:31 UTC

Tento skript bol od nahlásenia aktualizovaný.

Tento skript už mal 1 potvrdené alebo opravené hlásenie.

darwintree (nahlásený používateľ) urobil:

Táto sťažnosť bola moderátorom schválená.

The original script doesn't have a license, which means you can't use parts of its code in your script. This is how open source works. Your options are: 1) remove or rewrite these parts, which you can find by using 2) get author's permission that we can verify, 3) suggest the author to add a license that allows modifications like MIT, GPLv3, BSD, CC-BY-4.0, then comply to the terms of this license per