// ==UserScript==
// @id gelbooru-endless-scroll
// @name Gelbooru Endless Scroll
// @version 1.6.7
// @namespace intermission
// @author intermission
// @license WTFPL; http://www.wtfpl.net/about/
// @description Adds endless scroll function to Gelbooru
// @include http://gelbooru.com/index.php?*
// @include https://gelbooru.com/index.php?*
// @include http://rule34.xxx/index.php?*
// @include https://rule34.xxx/index.php?*
// @include http://*.booru.org/index.php?*
// @include https://*.booru.org/index.php?*
// @include http://e621.net/post/index/*
// @include https://e621.net/post/index/*
// @include http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/*
// @include https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */
"use strict";
var d = document, url, host = location.hostname.match(/[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$/)[0],
v = ".thumb",
vis = function() {
var rect = target().getBoundingClientRect();
return rect.x === 0 && rect.y === 0 ? false :
rect.top + rect.height >= 0 &&
document.documentElement.clientHeight - rect.bottom + rect.height >= 0;
}, total,
page = function(doc) {
try {
var images, pageNo = d.createElement("paheal.net" === host ? "div" : "span"), frag = d.createDocumentFragment(), container,
fn = (e) => {
(e = e.target.parentNode.parentNode).style.overflow = "";
if (!e.getAttribute("style")) e.removeAttribute("style");
images = [...doc.querySelectorAll(host === "yande.re" ? "li[id^='p'][class*='creator-id-']" : v)];
if (images.length === 0)
throw Error("API error");
pageNo.innerHTML = '<span style="height:' + ("paheal.net" === host ? "180px" : "inherit") + ';display:flex;flex-direction:column;">Page ' + url.index + '~<span style="margin:auto 0 30px">out of ' + total + "</span></span>";
pageNo.className = "thumb";
if ("paheal.net" === host)
pageNo.setAttribute("style", "transform: translateY(-180px); margin-bottom: -180px");
for (let a of images) {
let img = a.querySelector("img");
a.style.overflow = "hidden";
img.addEventListener("load", fn, { once : true });
container = d.querySelector(v).parentNode;
if (container.lastElementChild.tagName === "SPAN") container.appendChild(frag);
else container.insertBefore(frag, container.querySelector(v + ":last-of-type + *"));
if (paginator.go) paginator();
if (list.length > 0) {
} return;
} catch(err) { console.error(err); }
}, req = _ => fetch(url.href).then(
x => x.text().then(
text => page((new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, "text/html"))
).catch(err => {
if (typeof err !== "undefined") {
if (_.attempt < 10) {
console.error(`An error occured, ${~_.attempt + 11} retries left\n`, err.message, err.stack);
setTimeout(req, 5000, _);
} else
console.error("Maximum number of retries reached\n", err.message, err.stack);
}), process = function(_override) {
if (vis() || (typeof _override === "boolean" ? _override : false)) {
url = list.shift();
return req({attempt: 0});
}, events = function(_on) {
var name = _on ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener", obj = { passive : true };
["scroll", "resize", "visibilitychange"].forEach(evt => window[name](evt, process, obj));
}, list = [], r = /(page=|pid=|index\/)([0-9]+)|(list\/(?:[^\/]+\/)?)([0-9]+)$/, paginator = function() {
var el = target(), rect1 = d.querySelector(".thumb:last-of-type"),
el2 = d.querySelector(".sidebar"), rect2;
if (el.classList.contains("pagination")) el = el.parentNode;
rect1 = rect1.offsetTop + rect1.offsetHeight;
rect2 = el2.offsetTop + el2.offsetHeight - 9;
if (rect2 >= rect1) {
el.style.position = "absolute";
el.style.top = rect1 + "px";
el.style.left = "calc(50vw + " + el2.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2 + "px)";
el.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
} else {
el.style.position = "";
el.style.top = "";
el.style.left = "";
el.style.transform = "";
paginator.go = false;
const target = () => d.querySelector("div.pagination") || d.querySelector("div#paginator") || d.querySelector("section#paginator");
let style = d.createElement("style");
style.appendChild(d.createTextNode(`.loadingu {
position: relative;
.loadingu::after {
content: "" ! important;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
min-width: 34px;
min-height: 34px;
background: rgba(0,0,0,.5) no-repeat center center url(data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20width%3D%2234px%22%20height%3D%2234px%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%20100%20100%22%20preserveAspectRatio%3D%22xMidYMid%22%20class%3D%22uil-ring-alt%22%3E%3Crect%20x%3D%220%22%20y%3D%220%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%22100%22%20fill%3D%22none%22%20class%3D%22bk%22%3E%3C%2Frect%3E%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%2250%22%20cy%3D%2250%22%20r%3D%2240%22%20stroke%3D%22%23b4b197%22%20fill%3D%22none%22%20stroke-width%3D%2210%22%20stroke-linecap%3D%22round%22%3E%3C%2Fcircle%3E%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%2250%22%20cy%3D%2250%22%20r%3D%2240%22%20stroke%3D%22%23f4efcc%22%20fill%3D%22none%22%20stroke-width%3D%226%22%20stroke-linecap%3D%22round%22%3E%3Canimate%20attributeName%3D%22stroke-dashoffset%22%20dur%3D%221s%22%20repeatCount%3D%22indefinite%22%20from%3D%220%22%20to%3D%22502%22%3E%3C%2Fanimate%3E%3Canimate%20attributeName%3D%22stroke-dasharray%22%20dur%3D%221s%22%20repeatCount%3D%22indefinite%22%20values%3D%22150.6%20100.4%3B1%20250%3B150.6%20100.4%22%3E%3C%2Fanimate%3E%3C%2Fcircle%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E);
if (target() && /\/post\/?|page=post/.test(location.href)) {
let pid = location.href.match(r),
p = ((pid && pid[1] === "index/" || host === "yande.re") ? target().lastElementChild.previousElementSibling : target().lastElementChild).href,
n = d.querySelectorAll(v).length,
start_index, end_index, increment = 1, index = 0;
if (host === "paheal.net") {
let ayy = [...target().children[0].children];
p = ayy[ayy.indexOf(ayy.find(el => !!~el.textContent.indexOf("Random"))) + 2].href;
if (!p) return;
switch(host) {
case "gelbooru.com": case "rule34.xxx":
start_index = pid ? pid[2] / n : 0;
increment = n;
end_index = p.match(r)[2] / n;
index = 1;
paginator.go = true;
case "booru.org":
start_index = pid ? pid[2] / n : 0;
increment = n;
end_index = p.match(r)[2] / n;
index = 1;
case "e621.net":
start_index = pid ? +pid[2] : 2;
end_index = +p.match(r)[2];
case "yande.re":
start_index = pid ? +pid[2] : 1;
end_index = +p.match(r)[2];
case "paheal.net":
start_index = pid ? +pid[4] : 1;
end_index = +p.match(r)[4];
while(start_index < end_index)
href: p.replace(r, (host === "paheal.net" ? "$3" : "$1") + ++start_index * increment),
index: start_index + index
total = end_index + index;
} else
throw Error("*shrug*");
if (paginator.go) paginator();
d.addEventListener("gelbooru-slide", e => {
if (list.length > 0)
}, false);
d.addEventListener("gelbooru-slide-next", e => {
if (list.length > 0) {
}, false);
if (vis()) process();