- // ==UserScript==
- // @name EH Search Tracker
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version .50
- // @description Track your searches on e*hentai
- // @author 320
- // @match https://e-hentai.org/*
- // @match https://exhentai.org/*
- // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- //Please note this code makes use of jQuery
- //------------------------------ Add the "following" button at the top after the page loads, code copy pasted from stack overflow
- // Get the 4th arrow at the top, between Favorites and Home/Settings
- var topBarArrows = document.getElementById("nb");
- var fourthArrow = topBarArrows.getElementsByTagName("img")[3];
- // Make a new arrow, then insert that between Favorites and Home/Settings (before position 4)
- var newImage = document.createElement("img");
- newImage.src = "https://ehgt.org/g/mr.gif";
- topBarArrows.insertBefore(newImage,fourthArrow);
- //Make new Text and insert that text between the (new) arrow and the (old) fourth arrow
- var newText = document.createElement("a");
- newText.innerHTML = " Following";
- newText.href = "#";
- newText.onclick = function() {showFollowing();};
- topBarArrows.insertBefore(newText,fourthArrow);
- // loads the searchName array so the for loop knows how many search terms you have
- var searchName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("searchName"));
- //Put a subscribe button next to the "Show File Search" link near search box
- var subscribeButton = document.createElement("a");
- subscribeButton.innerText = "Show Subscribe Dialog";
- subscribeButton.style.marginLeft = "7px";
- subscribeButton.href = "#";
- subscribeButton.id = "myBtn";
- document.getElementById("searchbox").getElementsByClassName("nopm")[1].append(subscribeButton);
- subscribeButton.onclick = function() {showSubscribe();};
- //Let's execute this now because this thing doesn't work
- setupSubscribe();
- //damn it still doesn't work
- //-----------------The actual following script
- //Activates when "Following" is clicked
- function showFollowing() {
- //Sets get requests to be synchronous with the code because _javascript_
- //This has to be done here because jQuery hasn't finished loading by
- // the time the script loads in the "following" button
- jQuery.ajaxSetup({async:false});
- console.log("It's starting");
- //Hide the main page...
- document.getElementsByClassName("ido")[0].style.display = "none";
- //...then display the "Following" page
- var newPage = document.createElement("div");
- newPage.id = "myPage";
- newPage.className = "page";
- var windowContent = document.createElement("div");
- windowContent.className = "page-content";
- var pageTop = document.createElement("span");
- pageTop.className = "close";
- pageTop.innerText = "\nFollowing";
- pageTop.style.fontSize = "200%";
- var pageText = document.createElement("p");
- pageText.innerText = "Your followed searches:";
- pageText.style.fontSize = "150%";
- //put everything together at the end of the body, then center it
- document.body.insertBefore(newPage, document.getElementsByClassName("dp")[0]);
- document.getElementById("myPage").append(windowContent);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pageTop);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pageText);
- document.getElementById("myPage").style.alignContent = "space-between";
- //-------------------------Start the search data collection
- var i = 0;
- //If the searchName array is undefined, you haven't saved any searches
- //If the searchName array is defined as an array, start going through each search
- if (searchName == null){
- console.log("Oh, you don't have any saved searches...");
- firstRun();
- }
- else{
- console.log("Oh, you've got some saved searches. Let's start the userscript");
- //start getting data for each searchterm
- beforeTheGet(0, searchName);
- }
- //Adds a "Reorder" button to the bottom of the page
- //lolol next version maybe
- //save time you last updated this in MM / DD format, then puts it on the bottom
- //It doesn't actually work though...
- var newTimeUpdated = new Date().getMonth() + " / " + new Date().getDate();
- var dateElement = document.createElement("p");
- dateElement.innerText = "Last Updated: " + newTimeUpdated;
- dateElement.style.fontSize = "110%";
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(dateElement);
- } //end show function
- //////---------------------beforeTheGet function (gets a search via GET request)
- function beforeTheGet(i, searchName) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- console.log("I've made it into the for loop!\nThe variable i now equals: " + i);
- //Request current search page via GET request also copy pasted from stack overflow
- // and then uses the data to fill in the variables that need it
- // Waits five seconds before executing each request (because the setTimeout increases with each for loop)
- // (all information needed is achieved with one search)
- var xhr = "xhr before get";
- $.get(
- searchName[i],
- {},
- function(data) {
- xhr = data;
- console.log("I'm about to enter the afterTheGet function with i = " +i);
- afterTheGet(xhr , i);
- }
- );
- i++;
- if (i < searchName.length){ console.log("I'm about to go into the next loop, with i = "+i); beforeTheGet(i , searchName);}
- console.log("at the end of the for loop, the variable i = " + i);
- }, 5000*i);
- }
- //-------------------------afterTheGet function (goes through data retrieved from search)
- function afterTheGet(xhr , i){ setTimeout(function(){
- console.log("I'm now in the afterTheGet Function, where i = " + i);
- //redefine all variables in the scope of this function for some reason. These will be read from the localStorage:
- var searchName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("searchName"));
- var lastResultNumber = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultNumber"));
- var lastResultURL = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultURL"));
- var humanName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("humanName"));
- var newResultNumber = 12;
- var newResultURL1 = "url1";
- var newResultURL2 = "url1";
- var newResultURL3 = "url1";
- var newResultURL4 = "url1";
- var newResultURL5 = "url1";
- var newTimeUpdated = "time1";
- var newGalleryPic1 = "picurl1"; //what the fuck are you doing use an array
- var newGalleryPic2 = "picurl1";
- var newGalleryPic3 = "picurl1";
- var newGalleryPic4 = "picurl1";
- var newGalleryPic5 = "picurl1";
- console.log("The lastresultNumber array is for some reason " +lastResultNumber);
- //Wrap the html data in string form in order to use crap like "getElementsByClass" etc
- var wrapper = document.createElement("div");
- wrapper.innerHTML = xhr;
- //Get the number of galleries currently available for your search
- var tempgalleryNumber = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("ip")[0].innerHTML.substring(16);
- tempgalleryNumber = tempgalleryNumber.replace(",", "");
- newResultNumber = parseInt(tempgalleryNumber);
- console.log("The lastResultNumber array in the new function: " + lastResultNumber[i]);
- console.log("The newResultNumber integer in the new function: " + newResultNumber);
- //Get the URL of the latest gallery available for that tag
- //If the user is using list view, get it from where "it5" in the wrapper
- //If the user is using thumbnail view, get it from where "id2" is
- if (xhr.indexOf("it5") > -1) {
- //We list view nao (works!)
- //Get the five latest gallery urls for the list search
- newResultURL1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it5")[0].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it5")[1].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it5")[2].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it5")[3].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it5")[4].firstChild.href;
- }
- else
- {
- //we thumbnail view nao (I think it works now!)
- newResultURL1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id2")[0].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id2")[1].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id2")[2].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id2")[3].firstChild.href;
- newResultURL5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id2")[4].firstChild.href;
- }
- console.log("The first newURL in the new function: " + newResultURL1);
- console.log("The 2 newURL in the new function: " + newResultURL2);
- console.log("The 3 newURL in the new function: " + newResultURL3);
- console.log("The 4 newURL in the new function: " + newResultURL4);
- console.log("The first newURL in the new function: " + newResultURL5);
- //Get the URL of the thumbnail for latest gallery available for that tag
- if ((window.location.href).indexOf("e-hen") > -1){
- if (xhr.indexOf("it5") > -1) { //ehen list view
- newGalleryPic1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[0].firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[1].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[1].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic2 = "https://" + newGalleryPic2.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[2].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[2].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic3 = "https://" + newGalleryPic3.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[3].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[3].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic4 = "https://" + newGalleryPic4.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[4].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[4].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic5 = "https://" + newGalleryPic5.replace("~", "/");
- }
- else //ehen thumb view
- {
- newGalleryPic1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[0].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[1].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[2].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[3].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[4].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (xhr.indexOf("it5") > -1) { //panda list view
- console.log("panda list view")
- newGalleryPic1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[0].firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[1].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[1].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic2 = "https://" + newGalleryPic2.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[2].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[2].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic3 = "https://" + newGalleryPic3.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[3].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[3].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic4 = "https://" + newGalleryPic4.replace("~", "/");
- newGalleryPic5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[4].innerHTML.substring(6,wrapper.getElementsByClassName("it2")[4].innerHTML.indexOf(".jpg")+4)
- newGalleryPic5 = "https://" + newGalleryPic5.replace("~", "/");
- }
- else //panda thumb view
- {
- console.log("panda thumb view")
- newGalleryPic1 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[0].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic2 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[1].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic3 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[2].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic4 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[3].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- newGalleryPic5 = wrapper.getElementsByClassName("id3")[4].firstChild.firstChild.src;
- }
- }
- // newGalleryPic = tempgalleryPicURL;
- console.log(newGalleryPic1);
- console.log(newGalleryPic2);
- console.log(newGalleryPic3);
- console.log(newGalleryPic4);
- console.log(newGalleryPic5);
- // Check whether the new number of galleries is the same as the old
- // Also checks whether the newResultURL is new or not. If it is,
- // a gallery was updated, and that needs to be counted as a new result.
- if (newResultNumber == lastResultNumber[i] && newResultURL1 != lastResultURL[i])
- {
- newResultNumber = lastResultNumber[i] + 1;
- }
- //Display results on the page
- var searchElement = document.createElement("a");
- searchElement.innerText = ("\n\n\n\n"+humanName[i] + " || New Results: " + (newResultNumber - lastResultNumber[i]) + "\n\n");
- searchElement.style.fontSize = "160%";
- searchElement.style.fontWeight = "800";
- //Get proper URL for the search
- if ((window.location.href).indexOf("e-hen") > -1){
- searchElement.href = "https://e-hentai.org" + searchName[i];
- }
- else {
- searchElement.href = "https://exhentai.org" + searchName[i];
- }
- //Create five pictures for the five latest galleries
- //fuuuuuuuck I should have made these arrays...
- var searchPicture1 = document.createElement("img");
- searchPicture1.src = newGalleryPic1;
- var pictureContainer1 = document.createElement("a");
- pictureContainer1.href = newResultURL1;
- pictureContainer1.appendChild(searchPicture1);
- var searchPicture2 = document.createElement("img");
- searchPicture2.src = newGalleryPic2;
- var pictureContainer2 = document.createElement("a");
- pictureContainer2.href = newResultURL2;
- pictureContainer2.appendChild(searchPicture2);
- var searchPicture3 = document.createElement("img");
- searchPicture3.src = newGalleryPic3;
- var pictureContainer3 = document.createElement("a");
- pictureContainer3.href = newResultURL3;
- pictureContainer3.appendChild(searchPicture3);
- var searchPicture4 = document.createElement("img");
- searchPicture4.src = newGalleryPic4;
- var pictureContainer4 = document.createElement("a");
- pictureContainer4.href = newResultURL4;
- pictureContainer4.appendChild(searchPicture4);
- var searchPicture5 = document.createElement("img");
- searchPicture5.src = newGalleryPic5;
- var pictureContainer5 = document.createElement("a");
- pictureContainer5.href = newResultURL5;
- pictureContainer5.appendChild(searchPicture5);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(searchElement);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pictureContainer1);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pictureContainer2);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pictureContainer3);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pictureContainer4);
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(pictureContainer5);
- console.log("The searchName array at " +i +" is now length "+searchName.length);
- console.log("The humanname array " +i +" is now "+humanName);
- console.log("The lastResultNumb array " +i +" is now "+lastResultNumber);
- console.log("The newResultNumb integer is " +i +" is now "+newResultNumber);
- console.log("The lastURL array " +i +" is now "+lastResultURL);
- //Update the arrays with new stuff...
- lastResultNumber[i] = newResultNumber;
- lastResultURL[i] = newResultURL1;
- //Remove the arrays from local storage
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultNumber");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultURL");
- //Then save the arrays with the new elements back to localstorage
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultNumber", JSON.stringify(lastResultNumber));
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultURL", JSON.stringify(lastResultURL));
- console.log("-----------The afterTheGet Function has ended-------------");
- console.log("Okay, let's just wait 6 seconds before moving onto the next search...");
- }, 1);} // end afterTheGet function
- //-------------------------show subsscribe dialog function
- function setupSubscribe(){
- //Set up the Modal using javascript (Copy pasted from W3schools)
- var myModal = document.createElement("div");
- myModal.className= "modal";
- myModal.id = "myModal";
- var modalContent = document.createElement("div");
- modalContent.className = "modal-content";
- myModal.append(modalContent);
- var modalHeader = document.createElement("div");
- modalHeader.className = "modal-header";
- modalContent.append(modalHeader);
- var closeThing = document.createElement("span");
- closeThing.className = "close";
- closeThing.innerText = "Close";
- modalHeader.append(closeThing);
- var headerText = document.createElement("h2");
- headerText.innerText = "Subscribe to Search";
- modalHeader.append(headerText);
- var modalBody = document.createElement("div");
- modalBody.className = "modal-body";
- var bodyText = document.createElement("p");
- bodyText.innerText = "Did you want to save this search?\nEnter what you want to name it below:\n";
- bodyText.id = "modalBodyText";
- var bodyTextBox = document.createElement("input");
- bodyTextBox.type = "text";
- bodyTextBox.id = "textBox";
- var bodyConfirmButton = document.createElement("button");
- bodyConfirmButton.innerText = "Save!";
- bodyConfirmButton.onclick = function(){subscribeToSearch();};
- var bodyDeleteButton = document.createElement("button");
- bodyDeleteButton.innerText = "Delete!";
- bodyDeleteButton.onclick = function(){deleteSearch();};
- var makeshiftspacer = document.createElement("a");
- makeshiftspacer.innerText = " or ";
- modalBody.append(bodyText);
- modalBody.append(bodyTextBox);
- modalBody.append(bodyConfirmButton);
- modalBody.appendChild(makeshiftspacer);
- modalBody.append(bodyDeleteButton);
- modalContent.append(modalBody);
- var modalFooter = document.createElement("div");
- modalFooter.className = "modal-footer";
- var footerText = document.createElement("h3");
- footerText.innerText = "The footer of the modal";
- modalContent.append(modalFooter);
- //Attach everything to the page
- document.getElementsByClassName("itg")[0].append(myModal);
- //-------------------------------static CSS
- myModal.style.cssText = "display: none; position: fixed; z-index: 1; padding-top: 100px; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);";
- modalBody.style.cssText = "padding: 2px 16px;";
- closeThing.style.cssText = " color: white; float: right; font-size: 28px; font-weight: bold;";
- //-------------------------------dynamic CSS (supposed to change on panda)
- if ((window.location.href).indexOf("e-hen") > -1){
- modalContent.style.cssText = " position: relative; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: auto; padding: 0; border: 1px solid #888; width: 80%; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2),0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);";
- modalHeader.style.cssText =" padding: 2px 16px; background-color: #732626; color: white;";
- modalFooter.style.cssText = " padding: 2px 16px; background-color: #732626; color: white;";
- }
- else
- {
- modalContent.style.cssText = " position: relative; background-color: #4f535b; margin: auto; padding: 0; border: 1px solid #888; width: 80%; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2),0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);";
- modalHeader.style.cssText =" padding: 2px 16px; background-color: #34353b; color: white;";
- modalFooter.style.cssText = " padding: 2px 16px; background-color: #34353b; color: white;";
- }
- /*
- Oh wow, these don't even work
- var webkitkeyframeElement = document.createElement("style");
- webkitkeyframeElement.innerText = " @-webkit-keyframes animatetop { from {top:-300px; opacity:0} to {top:0; opacity:1}}";
- var keyframeElement = document.createElement("style");
- keyframeElement.innerText = " @keyframes animatetop { from {top:-300px; opacity:0} to {top:0; opacity:1}}";
- */
- /*
- // When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
- Oh, this doesn't work either
- window.onclick = function(event) {
- if (event.target == modal) {
- modal.style.display = "none";
- }
- */
- }
- //--------------------- javascript
- function showSubscribe(){
- // Get the modal
- var modal = document.getElementById("myModal");
- console.log("modal is "+modal);
- // Get the button that opens the modal
- var bttn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
- console.log("bttn is "+bttn);
- // Get the <span> element that closes the modal
- var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
- console.log("span is "+span);
- // When the user clicks the button, open the modal
- bttn.onclick = function() {
- modal.style.display = "block";
- console.log("I've set the display");
- };
- // When the user clicks on <span> (close), close the modal
- span.onclick = function() {
- modal.style.display = "none";
- console.log("I've changed the span thing");
- };
- }
- //--------------------------Function that subscribes you to a search
- function subscribeToSearch(){
- //load in the arrays from localstorage...
- var searchName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("searchName"));
- var humanName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("humanName"));
- var lastResultNumber = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultNumber"));
- var lastResultURL = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultURL"));
- var youarehere = (window.location.href);
- //used to check for duplicate searches:
- var isANewArray = "false";
- var tempsearchName;
- if(searchName!==null){
- tempsearchName = searchName.slice();
- }
- else {
- //Prepare empty arrays
- searchName=[];
- tempsearchName = [];
- humanName =[];
- lastResultNumber = [];
- lastResultURL = [];
- }
- //Checks if these arrays are null (i.e. this is the first time you're subscribing to a search)
- if (searchName == null) {
- console.log("This is the first time you're subscribing to a search. Creating localstorage variables for later...");
- //Place the new elements into a new array
- youarehere = youarehere.substring(20, youarehere.length-1);
- tempsearchName = [youarehere];
- humanName = [document.getElementById("textBox").value];
- lastResultNumber = [0];
- lastResultURL = ["urldoesn'tgohere"];
- isANewArray = "true";
- }
- else{
- //If this isn't the first time,
- //Append the new elements after the old elements of the array
- youarehere = youarehere.substring(20, youarehere.length-1);
- tempsearchName.push(youarehere);
- humanName.push(document.getElementById("textBox").value);
- lastResultNumber.push(0);
- lastResultURL.push("urlgoeshere");
- }
- var searchSucessText = document.createElement("p");
- //If this isn't a new array, check if you already have this search
- //If it's a duplicate, reject the request
- if (searchName.indexOf(youarehere) > -1 && isANewArray == "false") {
- //Alert the user the search was not saved
- document.getElementById("modalBodyText").innerText = "Save failed. You're already subscribed to this search.\nYou can remove it by clicking the \"Delete!\" button";
- } else {
- console.log("Saving your search...");
- //Delete the arrays already in localstorage...
- window.localStorage.removeItem("searchName");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("humanName");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultNumber");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultURL");
- //Then save the arrays with the new elements back to localstorage
- window.localStorage.setItem("searchName", JSON.stringify(tempsearchName));
- window.localStorage.setItem("humanName", JSON.stringify(humanName));
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultNumber", JSON.stringify(lastResultNumber));
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultURL", JSON.stringify(lastResultURL));
- //Alert the user that the search was saved
- document.getElementById("modalBodyText").innerText = "You've successfully subscribed to the search: " + document.getElementById("textBox").value;
- }
- } //end subscribe to search
- //=====--------------------------Function that deletes a search
- function deleteSearch(){
- //load in the arrays from localstorage...
- var searchName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("searchName"));
- var humanName = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("humanName"));
- var lastResultNumber = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultNumber"));
- var lastResultURL = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("lastResultURL"));
- var youarehere = (window.location.href).substring(20, window.location.href.length - 1);
- //used to check for duplicate searches:
- var isANewArray = "false";
- var tempsearchName;
- if(searchName!==null){
- tempsearchName = searchName.slice();
- }
- else {
- //Prepare empty arrays
- searchName=[];
- tempsearchName = [];
- humanName =[];
- lastResultNumber = [];
- lastResultURL = [];
- }
- //Checks if these arrays are null
- if (searchName == null) {
- console.log("You don't have any searches to delete");
- isANewArray = "true";
- }
- var searchSucessText = document.createElement("p");
- //If this isn't a new array, check if you already have this search
- //If it's a duplicate, reject the request
- if (searchName.indexOf(youarehere) > -1 && isANewArray == "false") {
- //This search exists in the array.
- //Delete it using the indexOf to find it
- console.log("Deleting search...");
- var deletdis = searchName.indexOf(youarehere);
- tempsearchName.splice(deletdis, 1);
- humanName.splice(deletdis, 1);
- lastResultNumber.splice(deletdis, 1);
- lastResultURL.splice(deletdis, 1);
- //Delete the arrays already in localstorage...
- window.localStorage.removeItem("searchName");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("humanName");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultNumber");
- window.localStorage.removeItem("lastResultURL");
- //Then save the arrays with the new elements back to localstorage
- window.localStorage.setItem("searchName", JSON.stringify(tempsearchName));
- window.localStorage.setItem("humanName", JSON.stringify(humanName));
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultNumber", JSON.stringify(lastResultNumber));
- window.localStorage.setItem("lastResultURL", JSON.stringify(lastResultURL));
- document.getElementById("modalBodyText").innerText = "You've deleted this search.";
- } else {
- //Alert the user the search wasn't deleted
- document.getElementById("modalBodyText").innerText = "You need to be subscribed to a search in order to delete it.";
- }
- }
- //-------------------------misc functions
- //shows a page informing you that you don't have any saved searches.
- function firstRun(){
- var infoElement = document.createElement("a");
- infoElement.innerText = ("\n\n\n\nYou don't have any saved searches, so get out there and start searching.\nOnce you find a search you want to follow, hit the 'Show Subscribe dialog' link under the search bar\n\n");
- infoElement.style.fontSize = "140%";
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(infoElement);
- var returnElement = document.createElement("a");
- returnElement.innerText = "(Click here to return to the front page)\n\n";
- returnElement.style.fontSize = "130%";
- returnElement.href = "";
- document.getElementById("myPage").getElementsByClassName("page-content")[0].append(returnElement);
- }
- })();