nHentai to E-H Mover

Quickly cross-search any gallery, and move favourites back to E-H/EX.

Zoznam všetkých verzií tohto skriptu. Zobraziť iba verzie skriptu, u ktorých došlo k zmene.

  • v2.1 09.06.2020 streamlined code, upgraded title filtering, fixed breaking bug
  • v2 18.02.2019
  • v2 18.02.2019
  • v2 18.02.2019 Now lets you search eh/ex directly from a gallery page.
  • v1.6 07.11.2018
  • v1.6 07.11.2018 Title changed so it sorts under nHentai instead of E-H. Screenshot added.
  • v1.5 04.11.2018 Disabled hyphen filtering, hyphenated word partials return zero results in otherwise sound query. Potential side effect: accidentally negated search terms where leading/trailing hyphens were used in gallery title.
  • v1.4 04.11.2018
  • v1.4 04.11.2018 Open gallery searches in new tab/window. Strip "," from titles. (caused searches to have quotes/exact matching, for some reason)
  • v1.3 04.11.2018 Move "english" to beginning of search, to ensure keyword limit is not reached before the language.
  • v1.2 03.11.2018 Now filters "!, ', {, }" from titles. Two keywords separated by removed characters will not become one keyword.
  • v1.1 07.10.2018 updated homepage url to https
  • v1.0 27.09.2018
  • v1.0 27.09.2018
  • v1.0 27.09.2018