nHentai Helper

Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.

Verzia zo dňa 30.04.2023. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

// ==UserScript==
// @name               nHentai Helper
// @name:zh-CN         nHentai 助手
// @name:zh-TW         nHentai 助手
// @namespace          https://github.com/Tsuk1ko
// @version            3.8.0
// @author             Jindai Kirin
// @description        Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.
// @description:zh-CN  为 nHentai 增加压缩打包下载方式以及一些辅助功能,同时还支持一些镜像站
// @description:zh-TW  爲 nHentai 增加壓縮打包下載方式以及一些輔助功能,同時還支援一些鏡像站
// @license            GPL-3.0
// @icon               https://nhentai.net/favicon.ico
// @homepageURL        https://github.com/Tsuk1ko/nhentai-helper
// @supportURL         https://github.com/Tsuk1ko/nhentai-helper/issues
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// @match              https://nhentai.net/*
// @match              https://nhentai.xxx/*
// @match              https://nhentai.to/*
// @match              https://nhentai.website/*
// @connect            nhentai.net
// @connect            i.nhentai.net
// @connect            i2.nhentai.net
// @connect            i3.nhentai.net
// @connect            i5.nhentai.net
// @connect            i7.nhentai.net
// @connect            cdn.nhentai.xxx
// @connect            cdn.nload.xyz
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.el-select-dropdown__list{padding:0}.el-select-dropdown .el-select-dropdown__item.is-disabled:hover{background-color:unset}.el-select-dropdown .el-select-dropdown__item.is-disabled.selected{color:var(--el-text-color-disabled)}.el-select-dropdown__empty{padding:10px 0;margin:0;text-align:center;color:var(--el-text-color-secondary);font-size:var(--el-select-font-size)}.el-select-dropdown__wrap{max-height:274px}.el-select-dropdown__list{list-style:none;padding:6px 0;margin:0;box-sizing:border-box}.el-select{--el-select-border-color-hover:var(--el-border-color-hover);--el-select-disabled-border:var(--el-disabled-border-color);--el-select-font-size:var(--el-font-size-base);--el-select-close-hover-color:var(--el-text-color-secondary);--el-select-input-color:var(--el-text-color-placeholder);--el-select-multiple-input-color:var(--el-text-color-regular);--el-select-input-focus-border-color:var(--el-color-primary);--el-select-input-font-size:14px}.el-select{display:inline-block;position:relative;vertical-align:middle;line-height:32px}.el-select__popper.el-popper{background:var(--el-bg-color-overlay);border:1px solid var(--el-border-color-light);box-shadow:var(--el-box-shadow-light)}.el-select__popper.el-popper .el-popper__arrow:before{border:1px solid var(--el-border-color-light)}.el-select__popper.el-popper[data-popper-placement^=top] .el-popper__arrow:before{border-top-color:transparent;border-left-color:transparent}.el-select__popper.el-popper[data-popper-placement^=bottom] .el-popper__arrow:before{border-bottom-color:transparent;border-right-color:transparent}.el-select__popper.el-popper[data-popper-placement^=left] .el-popper__arrow:before{border-left-color:transparent;border-bottom-color:transparent}.el-select__popper.el-popper[data-popper-placement^=right] .el-popper__arrow:before{border-right-color:transparent;border-top-color:transparent}.el-select .el-select-tags-wrapper.has-prefix{margin-left:6px}.el-select--large{line-height:40px}.el-select--large .el-select-tags-wrapper.has-prefix{margin-left:8px}.el-select--small{line-height:24px}.el-select--small .el-select-tags-wrapper.has-prefix{margin-left:4px}.el-select .el-select__tags>span{display:inline-block}.el-select:hover:not(.el-select--disabled) .el-input__wrapper{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--el-select-border-color-hover) inset}.el-select .el-select__tags-text{display:inline-block;line-height:normal;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.el-select .el-input__wrapper{cursor:pointer}.el-select .el-input__wrapper.is-focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--el-select-input-focus-border-color) inset!important}.el-select .el-input__inner{cursor:pointer}.el-select .el-input{display:flex}.el-select .el-input .el-select__caret{color:var(--el-select-input-color);font-size:var(--el-select-input-font-size);transition:transform var(--el-transition-duration);transform:rotate(0);cursor:pointer}.el-select .el-input .el-select__caret.is-reverse{transform:rotate(-180deg)}.el-select .el-input .el-select__caret.is-show-close{font-size:var(--el-select-font-size);text-align:center;transform:rotate(0);border-radius:var(--el-border-radius-circle);color:var(--el-select-input-color);transition:var(--el-transition-color)}.el-select .el-input .el-select__caret.is-show-close:hover{color:var(--el-select-close-hover-color)}.el-select .el-input .el-select__caret.el-icon{position:relative;height:inherit;z-index:2}.el-select .el-input.is-disabled .el-input__wrapper{cursor:not-allowed}.el-select .el-input.is-disabled .el-input__wrapper:hover{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--el-select-disabled-border) inset}.el-select .el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner,.el-select .el-input.is-disabled .el-select__caret{cursor:not-allowed}.el-select .el-input.is-focus .el-input__wrapper{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--el-select-input-focus-border-color) inset!important}.el-select__input{border:none;outline:0;padding:0;margin-left:15px;color:var(--el-select-multiple-input-color);font-size:var(--el-select-font-size);-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;height:28px;background-color:transparent}.el-select__input.is-disabled{cursor:not-allowed}.el-select__input--iOS{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:6}.el-select__input.is-small{height:14px}.el-select__close{cursor:pointer;position:absolute;top:8px;z-index:var(--el-index-top);right:25px;color:var(--el-select-input-color);line-height:18px;font-size:var(--el-select-input-font-size)}.el-select__close:hover{color:var(--el-select-close-hover-color)}.el-select__tags{position:absolute;line-height:normal;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%);white-space:normal;z-index:var(--el-index-normal);display:flex;align-items:center;flex-wrap:wrap;cursor:pointer}.el-select__tags .el-tag{box-sizing:border-box;border-color:transparent;margin:2px 6px 2px 0}.el-select__tags .el-tag:last-child{margin-right:0}.el-select__tags .el-tag .el-icon-close{background-color:var(--el-text-color-placeholder);right:-7px;top:0;color:#fff}.el-select__tags .el-tag .el-icon-close:hover{background-color:var(--el-text-color-secondary)}.el-select__tags .el-tag .el-icon-close:before{display:block;transform:translateY(.5px)}.el-select__tags .el-tag--info{background-color:var(--el-fill-color)}.el-select__tags.is-disabled{cursor:not-allowed}.el-select__collapse-tags{white-space:normal;z-index:var(--el-index-normal);display:flex;align-items:center;flex-wrap:wrap;cursor:pointer}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag{box-sizing:border-box;border-color:transparent;margin:2px 6px 2px 0}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag:last-child{margin-right:0}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag .el-icon-close{background-color:var(--el-text-color-placeholder);right:-7px;top:0;color:#fff}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag .el-icon-close:hover{background-color:var(--el-text-color-secondary)}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag .el-icon-close:before{display:block;transform:translateY(.5px)}.el-select__collapse-tags .el-tag--info{background-color:var(--el-fill-color)}.el-select__collapse-tag{line-height:inherit;height:inherit;display:flex}.nhentai-helper-setting-help-buttons[data-v-f742634d]{float:left;position:absolute}.inline-item[data-v-f742634d]{display:inline-block}.inline-item[data-v-f742634d]:not(:last-of-type){margin-right:8px}.inline-item__name[data-v-f742634d]{margin-right:4px;user-select:none}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .asterisk-example:before{content:"*";color:var(--el-color-danger);margin-right:4px}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog label{font-weight:unset}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog input:not([type="file"]):not([type="checkbox"]){background:inherit;color:var(--el-input-text-color, var(--el-text-color-regular))}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner{color:var(--el-disabled-text-color)}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-slider__stop{border:solid 1px var(--el-slider-runway-bg-color)}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-form-item:last-of-type{margin-bottom:0}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-form-item.refresh-required>.el-form-item__label-wrap>.el-form-item__label:after{content:"*";color:var(--el-color-danger);margin-left:4px}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-divider__text{color:var(--el-text-color-secondary);user-select:none}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .m-l-16{margin-left:16px}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .m-b-32{margin-bottom:32px}#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .no-sl,#nhentai-helper-setting-dialog .el-form-item__label{user-select:none}.language-filter[data-v-6873bccd]{padding:0 10px;user-select:none} `);

(function () {
  'use strict';

  var __defProp2 = Object.defineProperty;
  var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
  var __defNormalProp2 = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp2(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
    return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
  var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
    __defNormalProp2(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
    return value;
  var require_main_001 = __commonJS({
    "main-f00ed3f7.js"(exports, module) {
      var _GM_getValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getValue != "undefined" ? GM_getValue : void 0)();
      var _GM_registerMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_registerMenuCommand : void 0)();
      var _GM_setValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_setValue != "undefined" ? GM_setValue : void 0)();
      var _GM_xmlhttpRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != "undefined" ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : void 0)();
      var _unsafeWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof unsafeWindow != "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : void 0)();
      var _monkeyWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => window)();
      const WORKER_THREAD_NUM = Math.max(navigator.hardwareConcurrency - 1, 1);
      const { pathname, host } = location;
      const IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL = /^\/g\/[0-9]+\/?(\?.*)?$/.test(pathname);
      const IS_PAGE_ONLINE_VIEW = /^\/g\/[0-9]+(\/list)?\/[0-9]+\/?(\?.*)?$/.test(pathname);
      const IS_PAGE_MANGA_LIST = !IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL && !IS_PAGE_ONLINE_VIEW && document.getElementsByClassName("gallery").length > 0;
      const IS_NHENTAI = host === "nhentai.net";
      const IS_NHENTAI_TO = host === "nhentai.to" || host === "nhentai.website";
      const isNodeOrElement = typeof Node === "function" ? (val) => val instanceof Node : (val) => val && typeof val === "object" && typeof val.nodeType === "number" && typeof val.nodeName === "string";
      if (IS_NHENTAI) {
        if (_GM_getValue("prevent_console_clear", false) || localStorage.getItem("NHENTAI_HELPER_DEBUG")) {
          const c = _unsafeWindow.console;
          c._clear = c.clear;
          c.clear = () => {
          c._log = c.log;
          c.log = (...args) => {
            if (args.length === 1 && isNodeOrElement(args[0]))
      const logger = {
        log: (...args) => {
          console.log("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
        warn: (...args) => {
          console.warn("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
        error: (...args) => {
          console.error("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
      var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
      function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
        return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x;
      var jquery = { exports: {} };
       * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.6.4
       * https://jquery.com/
       * Includes Sizzle.js
       * https://sizzlejs.com/
       * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
       * Released under the MIT license
       * https://jquery.org/license
       * Date: 2023-03-08T15:28Z
      (function(module2) {
        (function(global2, factory) {
            module2.exports = global2.document ? factory(global2, true) : function(w) {
              if (!w.document) {
                throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");
              return factory(w);
        })(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : commonjsGlobal, function(window2, noGlobal) {
          var arr = [];
          var getProto2 = Object.getPrototypeOf;
          var slice = arr.slice;
          var flat = arr.flat ? function(array2) {
            return arr.flat.call(array2);
          } : function(array2) {
            return arr.concat.apply([], array2);
          var push = arr.push;
          var indexOf = arr.indexOf;
          var class2type = {};
          var toString2 = class2type.toString;
          var hasOwn2 = class2type.hasOwnProperty;
          var fnToString = hasOwn2.toString;
          var ObjectFunctionString = fnToString.call(Object);
          var support = {};
          var isFunction2 = function isFunction3(obj) {
            return typeof obj === "function" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number" && typeof obj.item !== "function";
          var isWindow = function isWindow2(obj) {
            return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
          var document2 = window2.document;
          var preservedScriptAttributes = {
            type: true,
            src: true,
            nonce: true,
            noModule: true
          function DOMEval(code2, node, doc2) {
            doc2 = doc2 || document2;
            var i, val, script = doc2.createElement("script");
            script.text = code2;
            if (node) {
              for (i in preservedScriptAttributes) {
                val = node[i] || node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute(i);
                if (val) {
                  script.setAttribute(i, val);
          function toType(obj) {
            if (obj == null) {
              return obj + "";
            return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ? class2type[toString2.call(obj)] || "object" : typeof obj;
          var version2 = "3.6.4", jQuery2 = function(selector, context) {
            return new jQuery2.fn.init(selector, context);
          jQuery2.fn = jQuery2.prototype = {
            // The current version of jQuery being used
            jquery: version2,
            constructor: jQuery2,
            // The default length of a jQuery object is 0
            length: 0,
            toArray: function() {
              return slice.call(this);
            // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
            // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
            get: function(num) {
              if (num == null) {
                return slice.call(this);
              return num < 0 ? this[num + this.length] : this[num];
            // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
            // (returning the new matched element set)
            pushStack: function(elems) {
              var ret = jQuery2.merge(this.constructor(), elems);
              ret.prevObject = this;
              return ret;
            // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
            each: function(callback) {
              return jQuery2.each(this, callback);
            map: function(callback) {
              return this.pushStack(jQuery2.map(this, function(elem, i) {
                return callback.call(elem, i, elem);
            slice: function() {
              return this.pushStack(slice.apply(this, arguments));
            first: function() {
              return this.eq(0);
            last: function() {
              return this.eq(-1);
            even: function() {
              return this.pushStack(jQuery2.grep(this, function(_elem, i) {
                return (i + 1) % 2;
            odd: function() {
              return this.pushStack(jQuery2.grep(this, function(_elem, i) {
                return i % 2;
            eq: function(i) {
              var len = this.length, j = +i + (i < 0 ? len : 0);
              return this.pushStack(j >= 0 && j < len ? [this[j]] : []);
            end: function() {
              return this.prevObject || this.constructor();
            // For internal use only.
            // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
            sort: arr.sort,
            splice: arr.splice
          jQuery2.extend = jQuery2.fn.extend = function() {
            var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone2, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false;
            if (typeof target === "boolean") {
              deep = target;
              target = arguments[i] || {};
            if (typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction2(target)) {
              target = {};
            if (i === length) {
              target = this;
            for (; i < length; i++) {
              if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
                for (name in options) {
                  copy = options[name];
                  if (name === "__proto__" || target === copy) {
                  if (deep && copy && (jQuery2.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)))) {
                    src = target[name];
                    if (copyIsArray && !Array.isArray(src)) {
                      clone2 = [];
                    } else if (!copyIsArray && !jQuery2.isPlainObject(src)) {
                      clone2 = {};
                    } else {
                      clone2 = src;
                    copyIsArray = false;
                    target[name] = jQuery2.extend(deep, clone2, copy);
                  } else if (copy !== void 0) {
                    target[name] = copy;
            return target;
            // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
            expando: "jQuery" + (version2 + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""),
            // Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module
            isReady: true,
            error: function(msg) {
              throw new Error(msg);
            noop: function() {
            isPlainObject: function(obj) {
              var proto, Ctor;
              if (!obj || toString2.call(obj) !== "[object Object]") {
                return false;
              proto = getProto2(obj);
              if (!proto) {
                return true;
              Ctor = hasOwn2.call(proto, "constructor") && proto.constructor;
              return typeof Ctor === "function" && fnToString.call(Ctor) === ObjectFunctionString;
            isEmptyObject: function(obj) {
              var name;
              for (name in obj) {
                return false;
              return true;
            // Evaluates a script in a provided context; falls back to the global one
            // if not specified.
            globalEval: function(code2, options, doc2) {
              DOMEval(code2, { nonce: options && options.nonce }, doc2);
            each: function(obj, callback) {
              var length, i = 0;
              if (isArrayLike2(obj)) {
                length = obj.length;
                for (; i < length; i++) {
                  if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false) {
              } else {
                for (i in obj) {
                  if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false) {
              return obj;
            // results is for internal usage only
            makeArray: function(arr2, results) {
              var ret = results || [];
              if (arr2 != null) {
                if (isArrayLike2(Object(arr2))) {
                    typeof arr2 === "string" ? [arr2] : arr2
                } else {
                  push.call(ret, arr2);
              return ret;
            inArray: function(elem, arr2, i) {
              return arr2 == null ? -1 : indexOf.call(arr2, elem, i);
            // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only
            // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
            merge: function(first, second) {
              var len = +second.length, j = 0, i = first.length;
              for (; j < len; j++) {
                first[i++] = second[j];
              first.length = i;
              return first;
            grep: function(elems, callback, invert2) {
              var callbackInverse, matches = [], i = 0, length = elems.length, callbackExpect = !invert2;
              for (; i < length; i++) {
                callbackInverse = !callback(elems[i], i);
                if (callbackInverse !== callbackExpect) {
              return matches;
            // arg is for internal usage only
            map: function(elems, callback, arg) {
              var length, value, i = 0, ret = [];
              if (isArrayLike2(elems)) {
                length = elems.length;
                for (; i < length; i++) {
                  value = callback(elems[i], i, arg);
                  if (value != null) {
              } else {
                for (i in elems) {
                  value = callback(elems[i], i, arg);
                  if (value != null) {
              return flat(ret);
            // A global GUID counter for objects
            guid: 1,
            // jQuery.support is not used in Core but other projects attach their
            // properties to it so it needs to exist.
          if (typeof Symbol === "function") {
            jQuery2.fn[Symbol.iterator] = arr[Symbol.iterator];
            "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "),
            function(_i, name) {
              class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase();
          function isArrayLike2(obj) {
            var length = !!obj && "length" in obj && obj.length, type2 = toType(obj);
            if (isFunction2(obj) || isWindow(obj)) {
              return false;
            return type2 === "array" || length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && length - 1 in obj;
          var Sizzle = (
             * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.10
             * https://sizzlejs.com/
             * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
             * Released under the MIT license
             * https://js.foundation/
             * Date: 2023-02-14
            function(window3) {
              var i, support2, Expr, getText2, isXML, tokenize, compile2, select, outermostContext, sortInput, hasDuplicate, setDocument, document3, docElem, documentIsHTML, rbuggyQSA, rbuggyMatches, matches, contains, expando = "sizzle" + 1 * /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), preferredDoc = window3.document, dirruns = 0, done = 0, classCache = createCache(), tokenCache = createCache(), compilerCache = createCache(), nonnativeSelectorCache = createCache(), sortOrder = function(a, b) {
                if (a === b) {
                  hasDuplicate = true;
                return 0;
              }, hasOwn3 = {}.hasOwnProperty, arr2 = [], pop = arr2.pop, pushNative = arr2.push, push2 = arr2.push, slice2 = arr2.slice, indexOf2 = function(list, elem) {
                var i2 = 0, len = list.length;
                for (; i2 < len; i2++) {
                  if (list[i2] === elem) {
                    return i2;
                return -1;
              }, booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped", whitespace3 = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", identifier = "(?:\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + whitespace3 + "?|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f]|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\x7f])+", attributes = "\\[" + whitespace3 + "*(" + identifier + ")(?:" + whitespace3 + // Operator (capture 2)
              "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace3 + // "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers [capture 5]
              // or strings [capture 3 or capture 4]"
              `*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)"|(` + identifier + "))|)" + whitespace3 + "*\\]", pseudos = ":(" + identifier + `)(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|` + attributes + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", rwhitespace = new RegExp(whitespace3 + "+", "g"), rtrim2 = new RegExp("^" + whitespace3 + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace3 + "+$", "g"), rcomma = new RegExp("^" + whitespace3 + "*," + whitespace3 + "*"), rleadingCombinator = new RegExp("^" + whitespace3 + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace3 + ")" + whitespace3 + "*"), rdescend = new RegExp(whitespace3 + "|>"), rpseudo = new RegExp(pseudos), ridentifier = new RegExp("^" + identifier + "$"), matchExpr = {
                "ID": new RegExp("^#(" + identifier + ")"),
                "CLASS": new RegExp("^\\.(" + identifier + ")"),
                "TAG": new RegExp("^(" + identifier + "|[*])"),
                "ATTR": new RegExp("^" + attributes),
                "PSEUDO": new RegExp("^" + pseudos),
                "CHILD": new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace3 + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace3 + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace3 + "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace3 + "*\\)|)", "i"),
                "bool": new RegExp("^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i"),
                // For use in libraries implementing .is()
                // We use this for POS matching in `select`
                "needsContext": new RegExp("^" + whitespace3 + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + whitespace3 + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace3 + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i")
              }, rhtml2 = /HTML$/i, rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, rheader = /^h\d$/i, rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/, rquickExpr2 = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, rsibling = /[+~]/, runescape = new RegExp("\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + whitespace3 + "?|\\\\([^\\r\\n\\f])", "g"), funescape = function(escape2, nonHex) {
                var high = "0x" + escape2.slice(1) - 65536;
                return nonHex ? (
                  // Strip the backslash prefix from a non-hex escape sequence
                ) : (
                  // Replace a hexadecimal escape sequence with the encoded Unicode code point
                  // Support: IE <=11+
                  // For values outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), manually construct a
                  // surrogate pair
                  high < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(high + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 55296, high & 1023 | 56320)
              }, rcssescape = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g, fcssescape = function(ch, asCodePoint) {
                if (asCodePoint) {
                  if (ch === "\0") {
                    return "�";
                  return ch.slice(0, -1) + "\\" + ch.charCodeAt(ch.length - 1).toString(16) + " ";
                return "\\" + ch;
              }, unloadHandler = function() {
              }, inDisabledFieldset = addCombinator(
                function(elem) {
                  return elem.disabled === true && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "fieldset";
                { dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" }
              try {
                  arr2 = slice2.call(preferredDoc.childNodes),
              } catch (e) {
                push2 = {
                  apply: arr2.length ? (
                    // Leverage slice if possible
                    function(target, els) {
                      pushNative.apply(target, slice2.call(els));
                  ) : (
                    // Support: IE<9
                    // Otherwise append directly
                    function(target, els) {
                      var j = target.length, i2 = 0;
                      while (target[j++] = els[i2++]) {
                      target.length = j - 1;
              function Sizzle2(selector, context, results, seed2) {
                var m, i2, elem, nid, match2, groups, newSelector, newContext = context && context.ownerDocument, nodeType = context ? context.nodeType : 9;
                results = results || [];
                if (typeof selector !== "string" || !selector || nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 && nodeType !== 11) {
                  return results;
                if (!seed2) {
                  context = context || document3;
                  if (documentIsHTML) {
                    if (nodeType !== 11 && (match2 = rquickExpr2.exec(selector))) {
                      if (m = match2[1]) {
                        if (nodeType === 9) {
                          if (elem = context.getElementById(m)) {
                            if (elem.id === m) {
                              return results;
                          } else {
                            return results;
                        } else {
                          if (newContext && (elem = newContext.getElementById(m)) && contains(context, elem) && elem.id === m) {
                            return results;
                      } else if (match2[2]) {
                        push2.apply(results, context.getElementsByTagName(selector));
                        return results;
                      } else if ((m = match2[3]) && support2.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName) {
                        push2.apply(results, context.getElementsByClassName(m));
                        return results;
                    if (support2.qsa && !nonnativeSelectorCache[selector + " "] && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(selector)) && // Support: IE 8 only
                    // Exclude object elements
                    (nodeType !== 1 || context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object")) {
                      newSelector = selector;
                      newContext = context;
                      if (nodeType === 1 && (rdescend.test(selector) || rleadingCombinator.test(selector))) {
                        newContext = rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context;
                        if (newContext !== context || !support2.scope) {
                          if (nid = context.getAttribute("id")) {
                            nid = nid.replace(rcssescape, fcssescape);
                          } else {
                            context.setAttribute("id", nid = expando);
                        groups = tokenize(selector);
                        i2 = groups.length;
                        while (i2--) {
                          groups[i2] = (nid ? "#" + nid : ":scope") + " " + toSelector(groups[i2]);
                        newSelector = groups.join(",");
                      try {
                        return results;
                      } catch (qsaError) {
                        nonnativeSelectorCache(selector, true);
                      } finally {
                        if (nid === expando) {
                return select(selector.replace(rtrim2, "$1"), context, results, seed2);
              function createCache() {
                var keys2 = [];
                function cache2(key, value) {
                  if (keys2.push(key + " ") > Expr.cacheLength) {
                    delete cache2[keys2.shift()];
                  return cache2[key + " "] = value;
                return cache2;
              function markFunction(fn2) {
                fn2[expando] = true;
                return fn2;
              function assert(fn2) {
                var el = document3.createElement("fieldset");
                try {
                  return !!fn2(el);
                } catch (e) {
                  return false;
                } finally {
                  if (el.parentNode) {
                  el = null;
              function addHandle(attrs, handler) {
                var arr3 = attrs.split("|"), i2 = arr3.length;
                while (i2--) {
                  Expr.attrHandle[arr3[i2]] = handler;
              function siblingCheck(a, b) {
                var cur = b && a, diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 && a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
                if (diff) {
                  return diff;
                if (cur) {
                  while (cur = cur.nextSibling) {
                    if (cur === b) {
                      return -1;
                return a ? 1 : -1;
              function createInputPseudo(type2) {
                return function(elem) {
                  var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                  return name === "input" && elem.type === type2;
              function createButtonPseudo(type2) {
                return function(elem) {
                  var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                  return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type2;
              function createDisabledPseudo(disabled) {
                return function(elem) {
                  if ("form" in elem) {
                    if (elem.parentNode && elem.disabled === false) {
                      if ("label" in elem) {
                        if ("label" in elem.parentNode) {
                          return elem.parentNode.disabled === disabled;
                        } else {
                          return elem.disabled === disabled;
                      return elem.isDisabled === disabled || // Where there is no isDisabled, check manually
                      /* jshint -W018 */
                      elem.isDisabled !== !disabled && inDisabledFieldset(elem) === disabled;
                    return elem.disabled === disabled;
                  } else if ("label" in elem) {
                    return elem.disabled === disabled;
                  return false;
              function createPositionalPseudo(fn2) {
                return markFunction(function(argument) {
                  argument = +argument;
                  return markFunction(function(seed2, matches2) {
                    var j, matchIndexes = fn2([], seed2.length, argument), i2 = matchIndexes.length;
                    while (i2--) {
                      if (seed2[j = matchIndexes[i2]]) {
                        seed2[j] = !(matches2[j] = seed2[j]);
              function testContext(context) {
                return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && context;
              support2 = Sizzle2.support = {};
              isXML = Sizzle2.isXML = function(elem) {
                var namespace = elem && elem.namespaceURI, docElem2 = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
                return !rhtml2.test(namespace || docElem2 && docElem2.nodeName || "HTML");
              setDocument = Sizzle2.setDocument = function(node) {
                var hasCompare, subWindow, doc2 = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
                if (doc2 == document3 || doc2.nodeType !== 9 || !doc2.documentElement) {
                  return document3;
                document3 = doc2;
                docElem = document3.documentElement;
                documentIsHTML = !isXML(document3);
                if (preferredDoc != document3 && (subWindow = document3.defaultView) && subWindow.top !== subWindow) {
                  if (subWindow.addEventListener) {
                    subWindow.addEventListener("unload", unloadHandler, false);
                  } else if (subWindow.attachEvent) {
                    subWindow.attachEvent("onunload", unloadHandler);
                support2.scope = assert(function(el) {
                  return typeof el.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" && !el.querySelectorAll(":scope fieldset div").length;
                support2.cssHas = assert(function() {
                  try {
                    return false;
                  } catch (e) {
                    return true;
                support2.attributes = assert(function(el) {
                  el.className = "i";
                  return !el.getAttribute("className");
                support2.getElementsByTagName = assert(function(el) {
                  return !el.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
                support2.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test(document3.getElementsByClassName);
                support2.getById = assert(function(el) {
                  docElem.appendChild(el).id = expando;
                  return !document3.getElementsByName || !document3.getElementsByName(expando).length;
                if (support2.getById) {
                  Expr.filter["ID"] = function(id) {
                    var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape);
                    return function(elem) {
                      return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
                  Expr.find["ID"] = function(id, context) {
                    if (typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) {
                      var elem = context.getElementById(id);
                      return elem ? [elem] : [];
                } else {
                  Expr.filter["ID"] = function(id) {
                    var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape);
                    return function(elem) {
                      var node2 = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
                      return node2 && node2.value === attrId;
                  Expr.find["ID"] = function(id, context) {
                    if (typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) {
                      var node2, i2, elems, elem = context.getElementById(id);
                      if (elem) {
                        node2 = elem.getAttributeNode("id");
                        if (node2 && node2.value === id) {
                          return [elem];
                        elems = context.getElementsByName(id);
                        i2 = 0;
                        while (elem = elems[i2++]) {
                          node2 = elem.getAttributeNode("id");
                          if (node2 && node2.value === id) {
                            return [elem];
                      return [];
                Expr.find["TAG"] = support2.getElementsByTagName ? function(tag, context) {
                  if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") {
                    return context.getElementsByTagName(tag);
                  } else if (support2.qsa) {
                    return context.querySelectorAll(tag);
                } : function(tag, context) {
                  var elem, tmp = [], i2 = 0, results = context.getElementsByTagName(tag);
                  if (tag === "*") {
                    while (elem = results[i2++]) {
                      if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
                    return tmp;
                  return results;
                Expr.find["CLASS"] = support2.getElementsByClassName && function(className, context) {
                  if (typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) {
                    return context.getElementsByClassName(className);
                rbuggyMatches = [];
                rbuggyQSA = [];
                if (support2.qsa = rnative.test(document3.querySelectorAll)) {
                  assert(function(el) {
                    var input;
                    docElem.appendChild(el).innerHTML = "<a id='" + expando + "'></a><select id='" + expando + "-\r\\' msallowcapture=''><option selected=''></option></select>";
                    if (el.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push("[*^$]=" + whitespace3 + `*(?:''|"")`);
                    if (!el.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push("\\[" + whitespace3 + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")");
                    if (!el.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + expando + "-]").length) {
                    input = document3.createElement("input");
                    input.setAttribute("name", "");
                    if (!el.querySelectorAll("[name='']").length) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push("\\[" + whitespace3 + "*name" + whitespace3 + "*=" + whitespace3 + `*(?:''|"")`);
                    if (!el.querySelectorAll(":checked").length) {
                    if (!el.querySelectorAll("a#" + expando + "+*").length) {
                  assert(function(el) {
                    el.innerHTML = "<a href='' disabled='disabled'></a><select disabled='disabled'><option/></select>";
                    var input = document3.createElement("input");
                    input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
                    el.appendChild(input).setAttribute("name", "D");
                    if (el.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push("name" + whitespace3 + "*[*^$|!~]?=");
                    if (el.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length !== 2) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push(":enabled", ":disabled");
                    docElem.appendChild(el).disabled = true;
                    if (el.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length !== 2) {
                      rbuggyQSA.push(":enabled", ":disabled");
                if (support2.matchesSelector = rnative.test(matches = docElem.matches || docElem.webkitMatchesSelector || docElem.mozMatchesSelector || docElem.oMatchesSelector || docElem.msMatchesSelector)) {
                  assert(function(el) {
                    support2.disconnectedMatch = matches.call(el, "*");
                    matches.call(el, "[s!='']:x");
                    rbuggyMatches.push("!=", pseudos);
                if (!support2.cssHas) {
                rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp(rbuggyQSA.join("|"));
                rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp(rbuggyMatches.join("|"));
                hasCompare = rnative.test(docElem.compareDocumentPosition);
                contains = hasCompare || rnative.test(docElem.contains) ? function(a, b) {
                  var adown = a.nodeType === 9 && a.documentElement || a, bup = b && b.parentNode;
                  return a === bup || !!(bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (adown.contains ? adown.contains(bup) : a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(bup) & 16));
                } : function(a, b) {
                  if (b) {
                    while (b = b.parentNode) {
                      if (b === a) {
                        return true;
                  return false;
                sortOrder = hasCompare ? function(a, b) {
                  if (a === b) {
                    hasDuplicate = true;
                    return 0;
                  var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
                  if (compare) {
                    return compare;
                  compare = (a.ownerDocument || a) == (b.ownerDocument || b) ? a.compareDocumentPosition(b) : (
                    // Otherwise we know they are disconnected
                  if (compare & 1 || !support2.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === compare) {
                    if (a == document3 || a.ownerDocument == preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a)) {
                      return -1;
                    if (b == document3 || b.ownerDocument == preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b)) {
                      return 1;
                    return sortInput ? indexOf2(sortInput, a) - indexOf2(sortInput, b) : 0;
                  return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
                } : function(a, b) {
                  if (a === b) {
                    hasDuplicate = true;
                    return 0;
                  var cur, i2 = 0, aup = a.parentNode, bup = b.parentNode, ap = [a], bp = [b];
                  if (!aup || !bup) {
                    return a == document3 ? -1 : b == document3 ? 1 : (
                      /* eslint-enable eqeqeq */
                      aup ? -1 : bup ? 1 : sortInput ? indexOf2(sortInput, a) - indexOf2(sortInput, b) : 0
                  } else if (aup === bup) {
                    return siblingCheck(a, b);
                  cur = a;
                  while (cur = cur.parentNode) {
                  cur = b;
                  while (cur = cur.parentNode) {
                  while (ap[i2] === bp[i2]) {
                  return i2 ? (
                    // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
                    siblingCheck(ap[i2], bp[i2])
                  ) : (
                    // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
                    // Support: IE 11+, Edge 17 - 18+
                    // IE/Edge sometimes throw a "Permission denied" error when strict-comparing
                    // two documents; shallow comparisons work.
                    /* eslint-disable eqeqeq */
                    ap[i2] == preferredDoc ? -1 : bp[i2] == preferredDoc ? 1 : (
                      /* eslint-enable eqeqeq */
                return document3;
              Sizzle2.matches = function(expr, elements) {
                return Sizzle2(expr, null, null, elements);
              Sizzle2.matchesSelector = function(elem, expr) {
                if (support2.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML && !nonnativeSelectorCache[expr + " "] && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(expr))) {
                  try {
                    var ret = matches.call(elem, expr);
                    if (ret || support2.disconnectedMatch || // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
                    // fragment in IE 9
                    elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11) {
                      return ret;
                  } catch (e) {
                    nonnativeSelectorCache(expr, true);
                return Sizzle2(expr, document3, null, [elem]).length > 0;
              Sizzle2.contains = function(context, elem) {
                if ((context.ownerDocument || context) != document3) {
                return contains(context, elem);
              Sizzle2.attr = function(elem, name) {
                if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) != document3) {
                var fn2 = Expr.attrHandle[name.toLowerCase()], val = fn2 && hasOwn3.call(Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase()) ? fn2(elem, name, !documentIsHTML) : void 0;
                return val !== void 0 ? val : support2.attributes || !documentIsHTML ? elem.getAttribute(name) : (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ? val.value : null;
              Sizzle2.escape = function(sel) {
                return (sel + "").replace(rcssescape, fcssescape);
              Sizzle2.error = function(msg) {
                throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg);
              Sizzle2.uniqueSort = function(results) {
                var elem, duplicates = [], j = 0, i2 = 0;
                hasDuplicate = !support2.detectDuplicates;
                sortInput = !support2.sortStable && results.slice(0);
                if (hasDuplicate) {
                  while (elem = results[i2++]) {
                    if (elem === results[i2]) {
                      j = duplicates.push(i2);
                  while (j--) {
                    results.splice(duplicates[j], 1);
                sortInput = null;
                return results;
              getText2 = Sizzle2.getText = function(elem) {
                var node, ret = "", i2 = 0, nodeType = elem.nodeType;
                if (!nodeType) {
                  while (node = elem[i2++]) {
                    ret += getText2(node);
                } else if (nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11) {
                  if (typeof elem.textContent === "string") {
                    return elem.textContent;
                  } else {
                    for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
                      ret += getText2(elem);
                } else if (nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4) {
                  return elem.nodeValue;
                return ret;
              Expr = Sizzle2.selectors = {
                // Can be adjusted by the user
                cacheLength: 50,
                createPseudo: markFunction,
                match: matchExpr,
                attrHandle: {},
                find: {},
                relative: {
                  ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
                  " ": { dir: "parentNode" },
                  "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
                  "~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
                preFilter: {
                  "ATTR": function(match2) {
                    match2[1] = match2[1].replace(runescape, funescape);
                    match2[3] = (match2[3] || match2[4] || match2[5] || "").replace(runescape, funescape);
                    if (match2[2] === "~=") {
                      match2[3] = " " + match2[3] + " ";
                    return match2.slice(0, 4);
                  "CHILD": function(match2) {
                    match2[1] = match2[1].toLowerCase();
                    if (match2[1].slice(0, 3) === "nth") {
                      if (!match2[3]) {
                      match2[4] = +(match2[4] ? match2[5] + (match2[6] || 1) : 2 * (match2[3] === "even" || match2[3] === "odd"));
                      match2[5] = +(match2[7] + match2[8] || match2[3] === "odd");
                    } else if (match2[3]) {
                    return match2;
                  "PSEUDO": function(match2) {
                    var excess, unquoted = !match2[6] && match2[2];
                    if (matchExpr["CHILD"].test(match2[0])) {
                      return null;
                    if (match2[3]) {
                      match2[2] = match2[4] || match2[5] || "";
                    } else if (unquoted && rpseudo.test(unquoted) && // Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
                    (excess = tokenize(unquoted, true)) && // advance to the next closing parenthesis
                    (excess = unquoted.indexOf(")", unquoted.length - excess) - unquoted.length)) {
                      match2[0] = match2[0].slice(0, excess);
                      match2[2] = unquoted.slice(0, excess);
                    return match2.slice(0, 3);
                filter: {
                  "TAG": function(nodeNameSelector) {
                    var nodeName2 = nodeNameSelector.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
                    return nodeNameSelector === "*" ? function() {
                      return true;
                    } : function(elem) {
                      return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName2;
                  "CLASS": function(className) {
                    var pattern2 = classCache[className + " "];
                    return pattern2 || (pattern2 = new RegExp("(^|" + whitespace3 + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace3 + "|$)")) && classCache(
                      function(elem) {
                        return pattern2.test(
                          typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== "undefined" && elem.getAttribute("class") || ""
                  "ATTR": function(name, operator, check) {
                    return function(elem) {
                      var result = Sizzle2.attr(elem, name);
                      if (result == null) {
                        return operator === "!=";
                      if (!operator) {
                        return true;
                      result += "";
                      return operator === "=" ? result === check : operator === "!=" ? result !== check : operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) === 0 : operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice(-check.length) === check : operator === "~=" ? (" " + result.replace(rwhitespace, " ") + " ").indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" : false;
                  "CHILD": function(type2, what, _argument, first, last2) {
                    var simple = type2.slice(0, 3) !== "nth", forward = type2.slice(-4) !== "last", ofType = what === "of-type";
                    return first === 1 && last2 === 0 ? (
                      // Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
                      function(elem) {
                        return !!elem.parentNode;
                    ) : function(elem, _context, xml) {
                      var cache2, uniqueCache, outerCache, node, nodeIndex, start, dir2 = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", parent = elem.parentNode, name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), useCache = !xml && !ofType, diff = false;
                      if (parent) {
                        if (simple) {
                          while (dir2) {
                            node = elem;
                            while (node = node[dir2]) {
                              if (ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) {
                                return false;
                            start = dir2 = type2 === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
                          return true;
                        start = [forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild];
                        if (forward && useCache) {
                          node = parent;
                          outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {});
                          uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {});
                          cache2 = uniqueCache[type2] || [];
                          nodeIndex = cache2[0] === dirruns && cache2[1];
                          diff = nodeIndex && cache2[2];
                          node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[nodeIndex];
                          while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir2] || // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
                          (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) {
                            if (node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem) {
                              uniqueCache[type2] = [dirruns, nodeIndex, diff];
                        } else {
                          if (useCache) {
                            node = elem;
                            outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {});
                            uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {});
                            cache2 = uniqueCache[type2] || [];
                            nodeIndex = cache2[0] === dirruns && cache2[1];
                            diff = nodeIndex;
                          if (diff === false) {
                            while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir2] || (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) {
                              if ((ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) && ++diff) {
                                if (useCache) {
                                  outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {});
                                  uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {});
                                  uniqueCache[type2] = [dirruns, diff];
                                if (node === elem) {
                        diff -= last2;
                        return diff === first || diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0;
                  "PSEUDO": function(pseudo, argument) {
                    var args, fn2 = Expr.pseudos[pseudo] || Expr.setFilters[pseudo.toLowerCase()] || Sizzle2.error("unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo);
                    if (fn2[expando]) {
                      return fn2(argument);
                    if (fn2.length > 1) {
                      args = [pseudo, pseudo, "", argument];
                      return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(pseudo.toLowerCase()) ? markFunction(function(seed2, matches2) {
                        var idx, matched = fn2(seed2, argument), i2 = matched.length;
                        while (i2--) {
                          idx = indexOf2(seed2, matched[i2]);
                          seed2[idx] = !(matches2[idx] = matched[i2]);
                      }) : function(elem) {
                        return fn2(elem, 0, args);
                    return fn2;
                pseudos: {
                  // Potentially complex pseudos
                  "not": markFunction(function(selector) {
                    var input = [], results = [], matcher = compile2(selector.replace(rtrim2, "$1"));
                    return matcher[expando] ? markFunction(function(seed2, matches2, _context, xml) {
                      var elem, unmatched = matcher(seed2, null, xml, []), i2 = seed2.length;
                      while (i2--) {
                        if (elem = unmatched[i2]) {
                          seed2[i2] = !(matches2[i2] = elem);
                    }) : function(elem, _context, xml) {
                      input[0] = elem;
                      matcher(input, null, xml, results);
                      input[0] = null;
                      return !results.pop();
                  "has": markFunction(function(selector) {
                    return function(elem) {
                      return Sizzle2(selector, elem).length > 0;
                  "contains": markFunction(function(text) {
                    text = text.replace(runescape, funescape);
                    return function(elem) {
                      return (elem.textContent || getText2(elem)).indexOf(text) > -1;
                  // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
                  // is based solely on the element's language value
                  // being equal to the identifier C,
                  // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
                  // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
                  // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
                  // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
                  "lang": markFunction(function(lang) {
                    if (!ridentifier.test(lang || "")) {
                      Sizzle2.error("unsupported lang: " + lang);
                    lang = lang.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
                    return function(elem) {
                      var elemLang;
                      do {
                        if (elemLang = documentIsHTML ? elem.lang : elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) {
                          elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
                          return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf(lang + "-") === 0;
                      } while ((elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1);
                      return false;
                  // Miscellaneous
                  "target": function(elem) {
                    var hash = window3.location && window3.location.hash;
                    return hash && hash.slice(1) === elem.id;
                  "root": function(elem) {
                    return elem === docElem;
                  "focus": function(elem) {
                    return elem === document3.activeElement && (!document3.hasFocus || document3.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
                  // Boolean properties
                  "enabled": createDisabledPseudo(false),
                  "disabled": createDisabledPseudo(true),
                  "checked": function(elem) {
                    var nodeName2 = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                    return nodeName2 === "input" && !!elem.checked || nodeName2 === "option" && !!elem.selected;
                  "selected": function(elem) {
                    if (elem.parentNode) {
                    return elem.selected === true;
                  // Contents
                  "empty": function(elem) {
                    for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
                      if (elem.nodeType < 6) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                  "parent": function(elem) {
                    return !Expr.pseudos["empty"](elem);
                  // Element/input types
                  "header": function(elem) {
                    return rheader.test(elem.nodeName);
                  "input": function(elem) {
                    return rinputs.test(elem.nodeName);
                  "button": function(elem) {
                    var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                    return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
                  "text": function(elem) {
                    var attr;
                    return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && elem.type === "text" && // Support: IE <10 only
                    // New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text"
                    ((attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text");
                  // Position-in-collection
                  "first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
                    return [0];
                  "last": createPositionalPseudo(function(_matchIndexes, length) {
                    return [length - 1];
                  "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function(_matchIndexes, length, argument) {
                    return [argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument];
                  "even": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length) {
                    var i2 = 0;
                    for (; i2 < length; i2 += 2) {
                    return matchIndexes;
                  "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length) {
                    var i2 = 1;
                    for (; i2 < length; i2 += 2) {
                    return matchIndexes;
                  "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length, argument) {
                    var i2 = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument > length ? length : argument;
                    for (; --i2 >= 0; ) {
                    return matchIndexes;
                  "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function(matchIndexes, length, argument) {
                    var i2 = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
                    for (; ++i2 < length; ) {
                    return matchIndexes;
              Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
              for (i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true }) {
                Expr.pseudos[i] = createInputPseudo(i);
              for (i in { submit: true, reset: true }) {
                Expr.pseudos[i] = createButtonPseudo(i);
              function setFilters() {
              setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
              Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
              tokenize = Sizzle2.tokenize = function(selector, parseOnly) {
                var matched, match2, tokens, type2, soFar, groups, preFilters, cached = tokenCache[selector + " "];
                if (cached) {
                  return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice(0);
                soFar = selector;
                groups = [];
                preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
                while (soFar) {
                  if (!matched || (match2 = rcomma.exec(soFar))) {
                    if (match2) {
                      soFar = soFar.slice(match2[0].length) || soFar;
                    groups.push(tokens = []);
                  matched = false;
                  if (match2 = rleadingCombinator.exec(soFar)) {
                    matched = match2.shift();
                      value: matched,
                      // Cast descendant combinators to space
                      type: match2[0].replace(rtrim2, " ")
                    soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);
                  for (type2 in Expr.filter) {
                    if ((match2 = matchExpr[type2].exec(soFar)) && (!preFilters[type2] || (match2 = preFilters[type2](match2)))) {
                      matched = match2.shift();
                        value: matched,
                        type: type2,
                        matches: match2
                      soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);
                  if (!matched) {
                return parseOnly ? soFar.length : soFar ? Sizzle2.error(selector) : (
                  // Cache the tokens
                  tokenCache(selector, groups).slice(0)
              function toSelector(tokens) {
                var i2 = 0, len = tokens.length, selector = "";
                for (; i2 < len; i2++) {
                  selector += tokens[i2].value;
                return selector;
              function addCombinator(matcher, combinator, base2) {
                var dir2 = combinator.dir, skip = combinator.next, key = skip || dir2, checkNonElements = base2 && key === "parentNode", doneName = done++;
                return combinator.first ? (
                  // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
                  function(elem, context, xml) {
                    while (elem = elem[dir2]) {
                      if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
                        return matcher(elem, context, xml);
                    return false;
                ) : (
                  // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
                  function(elem, context, xml) {
                    var oldCache, uniqueCache, outerCache, newCache = [dirruns, doneName];
                    if (xml) {
                      while (elem = elem[dir2]) {
                        if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
                          if (matcher(elem, context, xml)) {
                            return true;
                    } else {
                      while (elem = elem[dir2]) {
                        if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
                          outerCache = elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {});
                          uniqueCache = outerCache[elem.uniqueID] || (outerCache[elem.uniqueID] = {});
                          if (skip && skip === elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
                            elem = elem[dir2] || elem;
                          } else if ((oldCache = uniqueCache[key]) && oldCache[0] === dirruns && oldCache[1] === doneName) {
                            return newCache[2] = oldCache[2];
                          } else {
                            uniqueCache[key] = newCache;
                            if (newCache[2] = matcher(elem, context, xml)) {
                              return true;
                    return false;
              function elementMatcher(matchers2) {
                return matchers2.length > 1 ? function(elem, context, xml) {
                  var i2 = matchers2.length;
                  while (i2--) {
                    if (!matchers2[i2](elem, context, xml)) {
                      return false;
                  return true;
                } : matchers2[0];
              function multipleContexts(selector, contexts, results) {
                var i2 = 0, len = contexts.length;
                for (; i2 < len; i2++) {
                  Sizzle2(selector, contexts[i2], results);
                return results;
              function condense(unmatched, map2, filter2, context, xml) {
                var elem, newUnmatched = [], i2 = 0, len = unmatched.length, mapped = map2 != null;
                for (; i2 < len; i2++) {
                  if (elem = unmatched[i2]) {
                    if (!filter2 || filter2(elem, context, xml)) {
                      if (mapped) {
                return newUnmatched;
              function setMatcher(preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector) {
                if (postFilter && !postFilter[expando]) {
                  postFilter = setMatcher(postFilter);
                if (postFinder && !postFinder[expando]) {
                  postFinder = setMatcher(postFinder, postSelector);
                return markFunction(function(seed2, results, context, xml) {
                  var temp, i2, elem, preMap = [], postMap = [], preexisting = results.length, elems = seed2 || multipleContexts(
                    selector || "*",
                    context.nodeType ? [context] : context,
                  ), matcherIn = preFilter && (seed2 || !selector) ? condense(elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml) : elems, matcherOut = matcher ? (
                    // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
                    postFinder || (seed2 ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter) ? (
                      // ...intermediate processing is necessary
                    ) : (
                      // ...otherwise use results directly
                  ) : matcherIn;
                  if (matcher) {
                    matcher(matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml);
                  if (postFilter) {
                    temp = condense(matcherOut, postMap);
                    postFilter(temp, [], context, xml);
                    i2 = temp.length;
                    while (i2--) {
                      if (elem = temp[i2]) {
                        matcherOut[postMap[i2]] = !(matcherIn[postMap[i2]] = elem);
                  if (seed2) {
                    if (postFinder || preFilter) {
                      if (postFinder) {
                        temp = [];
                        i2 = matcherOut.length;
                        while (i2--) {
                          if (elem = matcherOut[i2]) {
                            temp.push(matcherIn[i2] = elem);
                        postFinder(null, matcherOut = [], temp, xml);
                      i2 = matcherOut.length;
                      while (i2--) {
                        if ((elem = matcherOut[i2]) && (temp = postFinder ? indexOf2(seed2, elem) : preMap[i2]) > -1) {
                          seed2[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
                  } else {
                    matcherOut = condense(
                      matcherOut === results ? matcherOut.splice(preexisting, matcherOut.length) : matcherOut
                    if (postFinder) {
                      postFinder(null, results, matcherOut, xml);
                    } else {
                      push2.apply(results, matcherOut);
              function matcherFromTokens(tokens) {
                var checkContext, matcher, j, len = tokens.length, leadingRelative = Expr.relative[tokens[0].type], implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "], i2 = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0, matchContext = addCombinator(function(elem) {
                  return elem === checkContext;
                }, implicitRelative, true), matchAnyContext = addCombinator(function(elem) {
                  return indexOf2(checkContext, elem) > -1;
                }, implicitRelative, true), matchers2 = [function(elem, context, xml) {
                  var ret = !leadingRelative && (xml || context !== outermostContext) || ((checkContext = context).nodeType ? matchContext(elem, context, xml) : matchAnyContext(elem, context, xml));
                  checkContext = null;
                  return ret;
                for (; i2 < len; i2++) {
                  if (matcher = Expr.relative[tokens[i2].type]) {
                    matchers2 = [addCombinator(elementMatcher(matchers2), matcher)];
                  } else {
                    matcher = Expr.filter[tokens[i2].type].apply(null, tokens[i2].matches);
                    if (matcher[expando]) {
                      j = ++i2;
                      for (; j < len; j++) {
                        if (Expr.relative[tokens[j].type]) {
                      return setMatcher(
                        i2 > 1 && elementMatcher(matchers2),
                        i2 > 1 && toSelector(
                          // If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
                          tokens.slice(0, i2 - 1).concat({ value: tokens[i2 - 2].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
                        ).replace(rtrim2, "$1"),
                        i2 < j && matcherFromTokens(tokens.slice(i2, j)),
                        j < len && matcherFromTokens(tokens = tokens.slice(j)),
                        j < len && toSelector(tokens)
                return elementMatcher(matchers2);
              function matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers) {
                var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0, byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0, superMatcher = function(seed2, context, xml, results, outermost) {
                  var elem, j, matcher, matchedCount = 0, i2 = "0", unmatched = seed2 && [], setMatched = [], contextBackup = outermostContext, elems = seed2 || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]("*", outermost), dirrunsUnique = dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1, len = elems.length;
                  if (outermost) {
                    outermostContext = context == document3 || context || outermost;
                  for (; i2 !== len && (elem = elems[i2]) != null; i2++) {
                    if (byElement && elem) {
                      j = 0;
                      if (!context && elem.ownerDocument != document3) {
                        xml = !documentIsHTML;
                      while (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) {
                        if (matcher(elem, context || document3, xml)) {
                      if (outermost) {
                        dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
                    if (bySet) {
                      if (elem = !matcher && elem) {
                      if (seed2) {
                  matchedCount += i2;
                  if (bySet && i2 !== matchedCount) {
                    j = 0;
                    while (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) {
                      matcher(unmatched, setMatched, context, xml);
                    if (seed2) {
                      if (matchedCount > 0) {
                        while (i2--) {
                          if (!(unmatched[i2] || setMatched[i2])) {
                            setMatched[i2] = pop.call(results);
                      setMatched = condense(setMatched);
                    push2.apply(results, setMatched);
                    if (outermost && !seed2 && setMatched.length > 0 && matchedCount + setMatchers.length > 1) {
                  if (outermost) {
                    dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
                    outermostContext = contextBackup;
                  return unmatched;
                return bySet ? markFunction(superMatcher) : superMatcher;
              compile2 = Sizzle2.compile = function(selector, match2) {
                var i2, setMatchers = [], elementMatchers = [], cached = compilerCache[selector + " "];
                if (!cached) {
                  if (!match2) {
                    match2 = tokenize(selector);
                  i2 = match2.length;
                  while (i2--) {
                    cached = matcherFromTokens(match2[i2]);
                    if (cached[expando]) {
                    } else {
                  cached = compilerCache(
                    matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers)
                  cached.selector = selector;
                return cached;
              select = Sizzle2.select = function(selector, context, results, seed2) {
                var i2, tokens, token, type2, find, compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector, match2 = !seed2 && tokenize(selector = compiled.selector || selector);
                results = results || [];
                if (match2.length === 1) {
                  tokens = match2[0] = match2[0].slice(0);
                  if (tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && Expr.relative[tokens[1].type]) {
                    context = (Expr.find["ID"](token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context) || [])[0];
                    if (!context) {
                      return results;
                    } else if (compiled) {
                      context = context.parentNode;
                    selector = selector.slice(tokens.shift().value.length);
                  i2 = matchExpr["needsContext"].test(selector) ? 0 : tokens.length;
                  while (i2--) {
                    token = tokens[i2];
                    if (Expr.relative[type2 = token.type]) {
                    if (find = Expr.find[type2]) {
                      if (seed2 = find(
                        token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape),
                        rsibling.test(tokens[0].type) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context
                      )) {
                        tokens.splice(i2, 1);
                        selector = seed2.length && toSelector(tokens);
                        if (!selector) {
                          push2.apply(results, seed2);
                          return results;
                (compiled || compile2(selector, match2))(
                  !context || rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context
                return results;
              support2.sortStable = expando.split("").sort(sortOrder).join("") === expando;
              support2.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;
              support2.sortDetached = assert(function(el) {
                return el.compareDocumentPosition(document3.createElement("fieldset")) & 1;
              if (!assert(function(el) {
                el.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
                return el.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#";
              })) {
                addHandle("type|href|height|width", function(elem, name, isXML2) {
                  if (!isXML2) {
                    return elem.getAttribute(name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2);
              if (!support2.attributes || !assert(function(el) {
                el.innerHTML = "<input/>";
                el.firstChild.setAttribute("value", "");
                return el.firstChild.getAttribute("value") === "";
              })) {
                addHandle("value", function(elem, _name, isXML2) {
                  if (!isXML2 && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") {
                    return elem.defaultValue;
              if (!assert(function(el) {
                return el.getAttribute("disabled") == null;
              })) {
                addHandle(booleans, function(elem, name, isXML2) {
                  var val;
                  if (!isXML2) {
                    return elem[name] === true ? name.toLowerCase() : (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ? val.value : null;
              return Sizzle2;
          jQuery2.find = Sizzle;
          jQuery2.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
          jQuery2.expr[":"] = jQuery2.expr.pseudos;
          jQuery2.uniqueSort = jQuery2.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
          jQuery2.text = Sizzle.getText;
          jQuery2.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
          jQuery2.contains = Sizzle.contains;
          jQuery2.escapeSelector = Sizzle.escape;
          var dir = function(elem, dir2, until) {
            var matched = [], truncate = until !== void 0;
            while ((elem = elem[dir2]) && elem.nodeType !== 9) {
              if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
                if (truncate && jQuery2(elem).is(until)) {
            return matched;
          var siblings = function(n, elem) {
            var matched = [];
            for (; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
              if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem) {
            return matched;
          var rneedsContext = jQuery2.expr.match.needsContext;
          function nodeName(elem, name) {
            return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
          var rsingleTag = /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i;
          function winnow(elements, qualifier, not) {
            if (isFunction2(qualifier)) {
              return jQuery2.grep(elements, function(elem, i) {
                return !!qualifier.call(elem, i, elem) !== not;
            if (qualifier.nodeType) {
              return jQuery2.grep(elements, function(elem) {
                return elem === qualifier !== not;
            if (typeof qualifier !== "string") {
              return jQuery2.grep(elements, function(elem) {
                return indexOf.call(qualifier, elem) > -1 !== not;
            return jQuery2.filter(qualifier, elements, not);
          jQuery2.filter = function(expr, elems, not) {
            var elem = elems[0];
            if (not) {
              expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
            if (elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1) {
              return jQuery2.find.matchesSelector(elem, expr) ? [elem] : [];
            return jQuery2.find.matches(expr, jQuery2.grep(elems, function(elem2) {
              return elem2.nodeType === 1;
            find: function(selector) {
              var i, ret, len = this.length, self2 = this;
              if (typeof selector !== "string") {
                return this.pushStack(jQuery2(selector).filter(function() {
                  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    if (jQuery2.contains(self2[i], this)) {
                      return true;
              ret = this.pushStack([]);
              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                jQuery2.find(selector, self2[i], ret);
              return len > 1 ? jQuery2.uniqueSort(ret) : ret;
            filter: function(selector) {
              return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], false));
            not: function(selector) {
              return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], true));
            is: function(selector) {
              return !!winnow(
                // If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set
                // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
                typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test(selector) ? jQuery2(selector) : selector || [],
          var rootjQuery, rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/, init = jQuery2.fn.init = function(selector, context, root2) {
            var match2, elem;
            if (!selector) {
              return this;
            root2 = root2 || rootjQuery;
            if (typeof selector === "string") {
              if (selector[0] === "<" && selector[selector.length - 1] === ">" && selector.length >= 3) {
                match2 = [null, selector, null];
              } else {
                match2 = rquickExpr.exec(selector);
              if (match2 && (match2[1] || !context)) {
                if (match2[1]) {
                  context = context instanceof jQuery2 ? context[0] : context;
                  jQuery2.merge(this, jQuery2.parseHTML(
                    context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document2,
                  if (rsingleTag.test(match2[1]) && jQuery2.isPlainObject(context)) {
                    for (match2 in context) {
                      if (isFunction2(this[match2])) {
                      } else {
                        this.attr(match2, context[match2]);
                  return this;
                } else {
                  elem = document2.getElementById(match2[2]);
                  if (elem) {
                    this[0] = elem;
                    this.length = 1;
                  return this;
              } else if (!context || context.jquery) {
                return (context || root2).find(selector);
              } else {
                return this.constructor(context).find(selector);
            } else if (selector.nodeType) {
              this[0] = selector;
              this.length = 1;
              return this;
            } else if (isFunction2(selector)) {
              return root2.ready !== void 0 ? root2.ready(selector) : (
                // Execute immediately if ready is not present
            return jQuery2.makeArray(selector, this);
          init.prototype = jQuery2.fn;
          rootjQuery = jQuery2(document2);
          var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, guaranteedUnique = {
            children: true,
            contents: true,
            next: true,
            prev: true
            has: function(target) {
              var targets = jQuery2(target, this), l = targets.length;
              return this.filter(function() {
                var i = 0;
                for (; i < l; i++) {
                  if (jQuery2.contains(this, targets[i])) {
                    return true;
            closest: function(selectors, context) {
              var cur, i = 0, l = this.length, matched = [], targets = typeof selectors !== "string" && jQuery2(selectors);
              if (!rneedsContext.test(selectors)) {
                for (; i < l; i++) {
                  for (cur = this[i]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode) {
                    if (cur.nodeType < 11 && (targets ? targets.index(cur) > -1 : (
                      // Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle
                      cur.nodeType === 1 && jQuery2.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors)
                    ))) {
              return this.pushStack(matched.length > 1 ? jQuery2.uniqueSort(matched) : matched);
            // Determine the position of an element within the set
            index: function(elem) {
              if (!elem) {
                return this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
              if (typeof elem === "string") {
                return indexOf.call(jQuery2(elem), this[0]);
              return indexOf.call(
                // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
                elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem
            add: function(selector, context) {
              return this.pushStack(
                  jQuery2.merge(this.get(), jQuery2(selector, context))
            addBack: function(selector) {
              return this.add(
                selector == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector)
          function sibling(cur, dir2) {
            while ((cur = cur[dir2]) && cur.nodeType !== 1) {
            return cur;
            parent: function(elem) {
              var parent = elem.parentNode;
              return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
            parents: function(elem) {
              return dir(elem, "parentNode");
            parentsUntil: function(elem, _i, until) {
              return dir(elem, "parentNode", until);
            next: function(elem) {
              return sibling(elem, "nextSibling");
            prev: function(elem) {
              return sibling(elem, "previousSibling");
            nextAll: function(elem) {
              return dir(elem, "nextSibling");
            prevAll: function(elem) {
              return dir(elem, "previousSibling");
            nextUntil: function(elem, _i, until) {
              return dir(elem, "nextSibling", until);
            prevUntil: function(elem, _i, until) {
              return dir(elem, "previousSibling", until);
            siblings: function(elem) {
              return siblings((elem.parentNode || {}).firstChild, elem);
            children: function(elem) {
              return siblings(elem.firstChild);
            contents: function(elem) {
              if (elem.contentDocument != null && // Support: IE 11+
              // <object> elements with no `data` attribute has an object
              // `contentDocument` with a `null` prototype.
              getProto2(elem.contentDocument)) {
                return elem.contentDocument;
              if (nodeName(elem, "template")) {
                elem = elem.content || elem;
              return jQuery2.merge([], elem.childNodes);
          }, function(name, fn2) {
            jQuery2.fn[name] = function(until, selector) {
              var matched = jQuery2.map(this, fn2, until);
              if (name.slice(-5) !== "Until") {
                selector = until;
              if (selector && typeof selector === "string") {
                matched = jQuery2.filter(selector, matched);
              if (this.length > 1) {
                if (!guaranteedUnique[name]) {
                if (rparentsprev.test(name)) {
              return this.pushStack(matched);
          var rnothtmlwhite = /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g;
          function createOptions(options) {
            var object2 = {};
            jQuery2.each(options.match(rnothtmlwhite) || [], function(_, flag) {
              object2[flag] = true;
            return object2;
          jQuery2.Callbacks = function(options) {
            options = typeof options === "string" ? createOptions(options) : jQuery2.extend({}, options);
            var firing, memory, fired, locked, list = [], queue2 = [], firingIndex = -1, fire = function() {
              locked = locked || options.once;
              fired = firing = true;
              for (; queue2.length; firingIndex = -1) {
                memory = queue2.shift();
                while (++firingIndex < list.length) {
                  if (list[firingIndex].apply(memory[0], memory[1]) === false && options.stopOnFalse) {
                    firingIndex = list.length;
                    memory = false;
              if (!options.memory) {
                memory = false;
              firing = false;
              if (locked) {
                if (memory) {
                  list = [];
                } else {
                  list = "";
            }, self2 = {
              // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
              add: function() {
                if (list) {
                  if (memory && !firing) {
                    firingIndex = list.length - 1;
                  (function add2(args) {
                    jQuery2.each(args, function(_, arg) {
                      if (isFunction2(arg)) {
                        if (!options.unique || !self2.has(arg)) {
                      } else if (arg && arg.length && toType(arg) !== "string") {
                  if (memory && !firing) {
                return this;
              // Remove a callback from the list
              remove: function() {
                jQuery2.each(arguments, function(_, arg) {
                  var index2;
                  while ((index2 = jQuery2.inArray(arg, list, index2)) > -1) {
                    list.splice(index2, 1);
                    if (index2 <= firingIndex) {
                return this;
              // Check if a given callback is in the list.
              // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached.
              has: function(fn2) {
                return fn2 ? jQuery2.inArray(fn2, list) > -1 : list.length > 0;
              // Remove all callbacks from the list
              empty: function() {
                if (list) {
                  list = [];
                return this;
              // Disable .fire and .add
              // Abort any current/pending executions
              // Clear all callbacks and values
              disable: function() {
                locked = queue2 = [];
                list = memory = "";
                return this;
              disabled: function() {
                return !list;
              // Disable .fire
              // Also disable .add unless we have memory (since it would have no effect)
              // Abort any pending executions
              lock: function() {
                locked = queue2 = [];
                if (!memory && !firing) {
                  list = memory = "";
                return this;
              locked: function() {
                return !!locked;
              // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
              fireWith: function(context, args) {
                if (!locked) {
                  args = args || [];
                  args = [context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args];
                  if (!firing) {
                return this;
              // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
              fire: function() {
                self2.fireWith(this, arguments);
                return this;
              // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
              fired: function() {
                return !!fired;
            return self2;
          function Identity(v) {
            return v;
          function Thrower(ex) {
            throw ex;
          function adoptValue(value, resolve2, reject, noValue) {
            var method2;
            try {
              if (value && isFunction2(method2 = value.promise)) {
              } else if (value && isFunction2(method2 = value.then)) {
                method2.call(value, resolve2, reject);
              } else {
                resolve2.apply(void 0, [value].slice(noValue));
            } catch (value2) {
              reject.apply(void 0, [value2]);
            Deferred: function(func) {
              var tuples = [
                // action, add listener, callbacks,
                // ... .then handlers, argument index, [final state]
                  jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory"),
                  jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory"),
                  jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory"),
                  jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory"),
              ], state = "pending", promise = {
                state: function() {
                  return state;
                always: function() {
                  return this;
                "catch": function(fn2) {
                  return promise.then(null, fn2);
                // Keep pipe for back-compat
                pipe: function() {
                  var fns = arguments;
                  return jQuery2.Deferred(function(newDefer) {
                    jQuery2.each(tuples, function(_i, tuple) {
                      var fn2 = isFunction2(fns[tuple[4]]) && fns[tuple[4]];
                      deferred[tuple[1]](function() {
                        var returned = fn2 && fn2.apply(this, arguments);
                        if (returned && isFunction2(returned.promise)) {
                        } else {
                          newDefer[tuple[0] + "With"](
                            fn2 ? [returned] : arguments
                    fns = null;
                then: function(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) {
                  var maxDepth = 0;
                  function resolve2(depth, deferred2, handler, special) {
                    return function() {
                      var that = this, args = arguments, mightThrow = function() {
                        var returned, then;
                        if (depth < maxDepth) {
                        returned = handler.apply(that, args);
                        if (returned === deferred2.promise()) {
                          throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution");
                        then = returned && // Support: Promises/A+ section 2.3.4
                        // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-64
                        // Only check objects and functions for thenability
                        (typeof returned === "object" || typeof returned === "function") && returned.then;
                        if (isFunction2(then)) {
                          if (special) {
                              resolve2(maxDepth, deferred2, Identity, special),
                              resolve2(maxDepth, deferred2, Thrower, special)
                          } else {
                              resolve2(maxDepth, deferred2, Identity, special),
                              resolve2(maxDepth, deferred2, Thrower, special),
                        } else {
                          if (handler !== Identity) {
                            that = void 0;
                            args = [returned];
                          (special || deferred2.resolveWith)(that, args);
                      }, process2 = special ? mightThrow : function() {
                        try {
                        } catch (e) {
                          if (jQuery2.Deferred.exceptionHook) {
                          if (depth + 1 >= maxDepth) {
                            if (handler !== Thrower) {
                              that = void 0;
                              args = [e];
                            deferred2.rejectWith(that, args);
                      if (depth) {
                      } else {
                        if (jQuery2.Deferred.getStackHook) {
                          process2.stackTrace = jQuery2.Deferred.getStackHook();
                  return jQuery2.Deferred(function(newDefer) {
                        isFunction2(onProgress) ? onProgress : Identity,
                        isFunction2(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : Identity
                        isFunction2(onRejected) ? onRejected : Thrower
                // Get a promise for this deferred
                // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
                promise: function(obj) {
                  return obj != null ? jQuery2.extend(obj, promise) : promise;
              }, deferred = {};
              jQuery2.each(tuples, function(i, tuple) {
                var list = tuple[2], stateString = tuple[5];
                promise[tuple[1]] = list.add;
                if (stateString) {
                    function() {
                      state = stateString;
                    // rejected_callbacks.disable
                    // fulfilled_callbacks.disable
                    tuples[3 - i][2].disable,
                    // rejected_handlers.disable
                    // fulfilled_handlers.disable
                    tuples[3 - i][3].disable,
                    // progress_callbacks.lock
                    // progress_handlers.lock
                deferred[tuple[0]] = function() {
                  deferred[tuple[0] + "With"](this === deferred ? void 0 : this, arguments);
                  return this;
                deferred[tuple[0] + "With"] = list.fireWith;
              if (func) {
                func.call(deferred, deferred);
              return deferred;
            // Deferred helper
            when: function(singleValue) {
              var remaining = arguments.length, i = remaining, resolveContexts = Array(i), resolveValues = slice.call(arguments), primary = jQuery2.Deferred(), updateFunc = function(i2) {
                return function(value) {
                  resolveContexts[i2] = this;
                  resolveValues[i2] = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call(arguments) : value;
                  if (!--remaining) {
                    primary.resolveWith(resolveContexts, resolveValues);
              if (remaining <= 1) {
                if (primary.state() === "pending" || isFunction2(resolveValues[i] && resolveValues[i].then)) {
                  return primary.then();
              while (i--) {
                adoptValue(resolveValues[i], updateFunc(i), primary.reject);
              return primary.promise();
          var rerrorNames = /^(Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/;
          jQuery2.Deferred.exceptionHook = function(error, stack) {
            if (window2.console && window2.console.warn && error && rerrorNames.test(error.name)) {
              window2.console.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: " + error.message, error.stack, stack);
          jQuery2.readyException = function(error) {
            window2.setTimeout(function() {
              throw error;
          var readyList = jQuery2.Deferred();
          jQuery2.fn.ready = function(fn2) {
            readyList.then(fn2).catch(function(error) {
            return this;
            // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
            isReady: false,
            // A counter to track how many items to wait for before
            // the ready event fires. See trac-6781
            readyWait: 1,
            // Handle when the DOM is ready
            ready: function(wait) {
              if (wait === true ? --jQuery2.readyWait : jQuery2.isReady) {
              jQuery2.isReady = true;
              if (wait !== true && --jQuery2.readyWait > 0) {
              readyList.resolveWith(document2, [jQuery2]);
          jQuery2.ready.then = readyList.then;
          function completed() {
            document2.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", completed);
            window2.removeEventListener("load", completed);
          if (document2.readyState === "complete" || document2.readyState !== "loading" && !document2.documentElement.doScroll) {
          } else {
            document2.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", completed);
            window2.addEventListener("load", completed);
          var access = function(elems, fn2, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw) {
            var i = 0, len = elems.length, bulk = key == null;
            if (toType(key) === "object") {
              chainable = true;
              for (i in key) {
                access(elems, fn2, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw);
            } else if (value !== void 0) {
              chainable = true;
              if (!isFunction2(value)) {
                raw = true;
              if (bulk) {
                if (raw) {
                  fn2.call(elems, value);
                  fn2 = null;
                } else {
                  bulk = fn2;
                  fn2 = function(elem, _key, value2) {
                    return bulk.call(jQuery2(elem), value2);
              if (fn2) {
                for (; i < len; i++) {
                    raw ? value : value.call(elems[i], i, fn2(elems[i], key))
            if (chainable) {
              return elems;
            if (bulk) {
              return fn2.call(elems);
            return len ? fn2(elems[0], key) : emptyGet;
          var rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/g;
          function fcamelCase(_all, letter) {
            return letter.toUpperCase();
          function camelCase2(string2) {
            return string2.replace(rmsPrefix, "ms-").replace(rdashAlpha, fcamelCase);
          var acceptData = function(owner) {
            return owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 || !+owner.nodeType;
          function Data() {
            this.expando = jQuery2.expando + Data.uid++;
          Data.uid = 1;
          Data.prototype = {
            cache: function(owner) {
              var value = owner[this.expando];
              if (!value) {
                value = {};
                if (acceptData(owner)) {
                  if (owner.nodeType) {
                    owner[this.expando] = value;
                  } else {
                    Object.defineProperty(owner, this.expando, {
                      configurable: true
              return value;
            set: function(owner, data, value) {
              var prop, cache2 = this.cache(owner);
              if (typeof data === "string") {
                cache2[camelCase2(data)] = value;
              } else {
                for (prop in data) {
                  cache2[camelCase2(prop)] = data[prop];
              return cache2;
            get: function(owner, key) {
              return key === void 0 ? this.cache(owner) : (
                // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257)
                owner[this.expando] && owner[this.expando][camelCase2(key)]
            access: function(owner, key, value) {
              if (key === void 0 || key && typeof key === "string" && value === void 0) {
                return this.get(owner, key);
              this.set(owner, key, value);
              return value !== void 0 ? value : key;
            remove: function(owner, key) {
              var i, cache2 = owner[this.expando];
              if (cache2 === void 0) {
              if (key !== void 0) {
                if (Array.isArray(key)) {
                  key = key.map(camelCase2);
                } else {
                  key = camelCase2(key);
                  key = key in cache2 ? [key] : key.match(rnothtmlwhite) || [];
                i = key.length;
                while (i--) {
                  delete cache2[key[i]];
              if (key === void 0 || jQuery2.isEmptyObject(cache2)) {
                if (owner.nodeType) {
                  owner[this.expando] = void 0;
                } else {
                  delete owner[this.expando];
            hasData: function(owner) {
              var cache2 = owner[this.expando];
              return cache2 !== void 0 && !jQuery2.isEmptyObject(cache2);
          var dataPriv = new Data();
          var dataUser = new Data();
          var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/, rmultiDash = /[A-Z]/g;
          function getData(data) {
            if (data === "true") {
              return true;
            if (data === "false") {
              return false;
            if (data === "null") {
              return null;
            if (data === +data + "") {
              return +data;
            if (rbrace.test(data)) {
              return JSON.parse(data);
            return data;
          function dataAttr(elem, key, data) {
            var name;
            if (data === void 0 && elem.nodeType === 1) {
              name = "data-" + key.replace(rmultiDash, "-$&").toLowerCase();
              data = elem.getAttribute(name);
              if (typeof data === "string") {
                try {
                  data = getData(data);
                } catch (e) {
                dataUser.set(elem, key, data);
              } else {
                data = void 0;
            return data;
            hasData: function(elem) {
              return dataUser.hasData(elem) || dataPriv.hasData(elem);
            data: function(elem, name, data) {
              return dataUser.access(elem, name, data);
            removeData: function(elem, name) {
              dataUser.remove(elem, name);
            // TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced
            // with direct calls to dataPriv methods, these can be deprecated.
            _data: function(elem, name, data) {
              return dataPriv.access(elem, name, data);
            _removeData: function(elem, name) {
              dataPriv.remove(elem, name);
            data: function(key, value) {
              var i, name, data, elem = this[0], attrs = elem && elem.attributes;
              if (key === void 0) {
                if (this.length) {
                  data = dataUser.get(elem);
                  if (elem.nodeType === 1 && !dataPriv.get(elem, "hasDataAttrs")) {
                    i = attrs.length;
                    while (i--) {
                      if (attrs[i]) {
                        name = attrs[i].name;
                        if (name.indexOf("data-") === 0) {
                          name = camelCase2(name.slice(5));
                          dataAttr(elem, name, data[name]);
                    dataPriv.set(elem, "hasDataAttrs", true);
                return data;
              if (typeof key === "object") {
                return this.each(function() {
                  dataUser.set(this, key);
              return access(this, function(value2) {
                var data2;
                if (elem && value2 === void 0) {
                  data2 = dataUser.get(elem, key);
                  if (data2 !== void 0) {
                    return data2;
                  data2 = dataAttr(elem, key);
                  if (data2 !== void 0) {
                    return data2;
                this.each(function() {
                  dataUser.set(this, key, value2);
              }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true);
            removeData: function(key) {
              return this.each(function() {
                dataUser.remove(this, key);
            queue: function(elem, type2, data) {
              var queue2;
              if (elem) {
                type2 = (type2 || "fx") + "queue";
                queue2 = dataPriv.get(elem, type2);
                if (data) {
                  if (!queue2 || Array.isArray(data)) {
                    queue2 = dataPriv.access(elem, type2, jQuery2.makeArray(data));
                  } else {
                return queue2 || [];
            dequeue: function(elem, type2) {
              type2 = type2 || "fx";
              var queue2 = jQuery2.queue(elem, type2), startLength = queue2.length, fn2 = queue2.shift(), hooks = jQuery2._queueHooks(elem, type2), next = function() {
                jQuery2.dequeue(elem, type2);
              if (fn2 === "inprogress") {
                fn2 = queue2.shift();
              if (fn2) {
                if (type2 === "fx") {
                delete hooks.stop;
                fn2.call(elem, next, hooks);
              if (!startLength && hooks) {
            // Not public - generate a queueHooks object, or return the current one
            _queueHooks: function(elem, type2) {
              var key = type2 + "queueHooks";
              return dataPriv.get(elem, key) || dataPriv.access(elem, key, {
                empty: jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
                  dataPriv.remove(elem, [type2 + "queue", key]);
            queue: function(type2, data) {
              var setter = 2;
              if (typeof type2 !== "string") {
                data = type2;
                type2 = "fx";
              if (arguments.length < setter) {
                return jQuery2.queue(this[0], type2);
              return data === void 0 ? this : this.each(function() {
                var queue2 = jQuery2.queue(this, type2, data);
                jQuery2._queueHooks(this, type2);
                if (type2 === "fx" && queue2[0] !== "inprogress") {
                  jQuery2.dequeue(this, type2);
            dequeue: function(type2) {
              return this.each(function() {
                jQuery2.dequeue(this, type2);
            clearQueue: function(type2) {
              return this.queue(type2 || "fx", []);
            // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
            // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
            promise: function(type2, obj) {
              var tmp, count = 1, defer = jQuery2.Deferred(), elements = this, i = this.length, resolve2 = function() {
                if (!--count) {
                  defer.resolveWith(elements, [elements]);
              if (typeof type2 !== "string") {
                obj = type2;
                type2 = void 0;
              type2 = type2 || "fx";
              while (i--) {
                tmp = dataPriv.get(elements[i], type2 + "queueHooks");
                if (tmp && tmp.empty) {
              return defer.promise(obj);
          var pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source;
          var rcssNum = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i");
          var cssExpand = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"];
          var documentElement = document2.documentElement;
          var isAttached = function(elem) {
            return jQuery2.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem);
          }, composed = { composed: true };
          if (documentElement.getRootNode) {
            isAttached = function(elem) {
              return jQuery2.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem) || elem.getRootNode(composed) === elem.ownerDocument;
          var isHiddenWithinTree = function(elem, el) {
            elem = el || elem;
            return elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "" && // Otherwise, check computed style
            // Support: Firefox <=43 - 45
            // Disconnected elements can have computed display: none, so first confirm that elem is
            // in the document.
            isAttached(elem) && jQuery2.css(elem, "display") === "none";
          function adjustCSS(elem, prop, valueParts, tween) {
            var adjusted, scale, maxIterations = 20, currentValue = tween ? function() {
              return tween.cur();
            } : function() {
              return jQuery2.css(elem, prop, "");
            }, initial = currentValue(), unit = valueParts && valueParts[3] || (jQuery2.cssNumber[prop] ? "" : "px"), initialInUnit = elem.nodeType && (jQuery2.cssNumber[prop] || unit !== "px" && +initial) && rcssNum.exec(jQuery2.css(elem, prop));
            if (initialInUnit && initialInUnit[3] !== unit) {
              initial = initial / 2;
              unit = unit || initialInUnit[3];
              initialInUnit = +initial || 1;
              while (maxIterations--) {
                jQuery2.style(elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit);
                if ((1 - scale) * (1 - (scale = currentValue() / initial || 0.5)) <= 0) {
                  maxIterations = 0;
                initialInUnit = initialInUnit / scale;
              initialInUnit = initialInUnit * 2;
              jQuery2.style(elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit);
              valueParts = valueParts || [];
            if (valueParts) {
              initialInUnit = +initialInUnit || +initial || 0;
              adjusted = valueParts[1] ? initialInUnit + (valueParts[1] + 1) * valueParts[2] : +valueParts[2];
              if (tween) {
                tween.unit = unit;
                tween.start = initialInUnit;
                tween.end = adjusted;
            return adjusted;
          var defaultDisplayMap = {};
          function getDefaultDisplay(elem) {
            var temp, doc2 = elem.ownerDocument, nodeName2 = elem.nodeName, display = defaultDisplayMap[nodeName2];
            if (display) {
              return display;
            temp = doc2.body.appendChild(doc2.createElement(nodeName2));
            display = jQuery2.css(temp, "display");
            if (display === "none") {
              display = "block";
            defaultDisplayMap[nodeName2] = display;
            return display;
          function showHide(elements, show) {
            var display, elem, values2 = [], index2 = 0, length = elements.length;
            for (; index2 < length; index2++) {
              elem = elements[index2];
              if (!elem.style) {
              display = elem.style.display;
              if (show) {
                if (display === "none") {
                  values2[index2] = dataPriv.get(elem, "display") || null;
                  if (!values2[index2]) {
                    elem.style.display = "";
                if (elem.style.display === "" && isHiddenWithinTree(elem)) {
                  values2[index2] = getDefaultDisplay(elem);
              } else {
                if (display !== "none") {
                  values2[index2] = "none";
                  dataPriv.set(elem, "display", display);
            for (index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2++) {
              if (values2[index2] != null) {
                elements[index2].style.display = values2[index2];
            return elements;
            show: function() {
              return showHide(this, true);
            hide: function() {
              return showHide(this);
            toggle: function(state) {
              if (typeof state === "boolean") {
                return state ? this.show() : this.hide();
              return this.each(function() {
                if (isHiddenWithinTree(this)) {
                } else {
          var rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i;
          var rtagName = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)/i;
          var rscriptType = /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i;
          (function() {
            var fragment = document2.createDocumentFragment(), div = fragment.appendChild(document2.createElement("div")), input = document2.createElement("input");
            input.setAttribute("type", "radio");
            input.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
            input.setAttribute("name", "t");
            support.checkClone = div.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
            div.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>";
            support.noCloneChecked = !!div.cloneNode(true).lastChild.defaultValue;
            div.innerHTML = "<option></option>";
            support.option = !!div.lastChild;
          var wrapMap = {
            // XHTML parsers do not magically insert elements in the
            // same way that tag soup parsers do. So we cannot shorten
            // this by omitting <tbody> or other required elements.
            thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
            col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
            tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
            td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],
            _default: [0, "", ""]
          wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
          wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
          if (!support.option) {
            wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option = [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"];
          function getAll(context, tag) {
            var ret;
            if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") {
              ret = context.getElementsByTagName(tag || "*");
            } else if (typeof context.querySelectorAll !== "undefined") {
              ret = context.querySelectorAll(tag || "*");
            } else {
              ret = [];
            if (tag === void 0 || tag && nodeName(context, tag)) {
              return jQuery2.merge([context], ret);
            return ret;
          function setGlobalEval(elems, refElements) {
            var i = 0, l = elems.length;
            for (; i < l; i++) {
                !refElements || dataPriv.get(refElements[i], "globalEval")
          var rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/;
          function buildFragment(elems, context, scripts, selection, ignored) {
            var elem, tmp, tag, wrap2, attached, j, fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(), nodes = [], i = 0, l = elems.length;
            for (; i < l; i++) {
              elem = elems[i];
              if (elem || elem === 0) {
                if (toType(elem) === "object") {
                  jQuery2.merge(nodes, elem.nodeType ? [elem] : elem);
                } else if (!rhtml.test(elem)) {
                } else {
                  tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild(context.createElement("div"));
                  tag = (rtagName.exec(elem) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase();
                  wrap2 = wrapMap[tag] || wrapMap._default;
                  tmp.innerHTML = wrap2[1] + jQuery2.htmlPrefilter(elem) + wrap2[2];
                  j = wrap2[0];
                  while (j--) {
                    tmp = tmp.lastChild;
                  jQuery2.merge(nodes, tmp.childNodes);
                  tmp = fragment.firstChild;
                  tmp.textContent = "";
            fragment.textContent = "";
            i = 0;
            while (elem = nodes[i++]) {
              if (selection && jQuery2.inArray(elem, selection) > -1) {
                if (ignored) {
              attached = isAttached(elem);
              tmp = getAll(fragment.appendChild(elem), "script");
              if (attached) {
              if (scripts) {
                j = 0;
                while (elem = tmp[j++]) {
                  if (rscriptType.test(elem.type || "")) {
            return fragment;
          var rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/;
          function returnTrue() {
            return true;
          function returnFalse() {
            return false;
          function expectSync(elem, type2) {
            return elem === safeActiveElement() === (type2 === "focus");
          function safeActiveElement() {
            try {
              return document2.activeElement;
            } catch (err) {
          function on2(elem, types2, selector, data, fn2, one) {
            var origFn, type2;
            if (typeof types2 === "object") {
              if (typeof selector !== "string") {
                data = data || selector;
                selector = void 0;
              for (type2 in types2) {
                on2(elem, type2, selector, data, types2[type2], one);
              return elem;
            if (data == null && fn2 == null) {
              fn2 = selector;
              data = selector = void 0;
            } else if (fn2 == null) {
              if (typeof selector === "string") {
                fn2 = data;
                data = void 0;
              } else {
                fn2 = data;
                data = selector;
                selector = void 0;
            if (fn2 === false) {
              fn2 = returnFalse;
            } else if (!fn2) {
              return elem;
            if (one === 1) {
              origFn = fn2;
              fn2 = function(event) {
                return origFn.apply(this, arguments);
              fn2.guid = origFn.guid || (origFn.guid = jQuery2.guid++);
            return elem.each(function() {
              jQuery2.event.add(this, types2, fn2, data, selector);
          jQuery2.event = {
            global: {},
            add: function(elem, types2, handler, data, selector) {
              var handleObjIn, eventHandle, tmp, events, t2, handleObj, special, handlers2, type2, namespaces, origType, elemData = dataPriv.get(elem);
              if (!acceptData(elem)) {
              if (handler.handler) {
                handleObjIn = handler;
                handler = handleObjIn.handler;
                selector = handleObjIn.selector;
              if (selector) {
                jQuery2.find.matchesSelector(documentElement, selector);
              if (!handler.guid) {
                handler.guid = jQuery2.guid++;
              if (!(events = elemData.events)) {
                events = elemData.events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
              if (!(eventHandle = elemData.handle)) {
                eventHandle = elemData.handle = function(e) {
                  return typeof jQuery2 !== "undefined" && jQuery2.event.triggered !== e.type ? jQuery2.event.dispatch.apply(elem, arguments) : void 0;
              types2 = (types2 || "").match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""];
              t2 = types2.length;
              while (t2--) {
                tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types2[t2]) || [];
                type2 = origType = tmp[1];
                namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort();
                if (!type2) {
                special = jQuery2.event.special[type2] || {};
                type2 = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type2;
                special = jQuery2.event.special[type2] || {};
                handleObj = jQuery2.extend({
                  type: type2,
                  guid: handler.guid,
                  needsContext: selector && jQuery2.expr.match.needsContext.test(selector),
                  namespace: namespaces.join(".")
                }, handleObjIn);
                if (!(handlers2 = events[type2])) {
                  handlers2 = events[type2] = [];
                  handlers2.delegateCount = 0;
                  if (!special.setup || special.setup.call(elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle) === false) {
                    if (elem.addEventListener) {
                      elem.addEventListener(type2, eventHandle);
                if (special.add) {
                  special.add.call(elem, handleObj);
                  if (!handleObj.handler.guid) {
                    handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
                if (selector) {
                  handlers2.splice(handlers2.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj);
                } else {
                jQuery2.event.global[type2] = true;
            // Detach an event or set of events from an element
            remove: function(elem, types2, handler, selector, mappedTypes) {
              var j, origCount, tmp, events, t2, handleObj, special, handlers2, type2, namespaces, origType, elemData = dataPriv.hasData(elem) && dataPriv.get(elem);
              if (!elemData || !(events = elemData.events)) {
              types2 = (types2 || "").match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""];
              t2 = types2.length;
              while (t2--) {
                tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types2[t2]) || [];
                type2 = origType = tmp[1];
                namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort();
                if (!type2) {
                  for (type2 in events) {
                    jQuery2.event.remove(elem, type2 + types2[t2], handler, selector, true);
                special = jQuery2.event.special[type2] || {};
                type2 = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type2;
                handlers2 = events[type2] || [];
                tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)");
                origCount = j = handlers2.length;
                while (j--) {
                  handleObj = handlers2[j];
                  if ((mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType) && (!handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid) && (!tmp || tmp.test(handleObj.namespace)) && (!selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector)) {
                    handlers2.splice(j, 1);
                    if (handleObj.selector) {
                    if (special.remove) {
                      special.remove.call(elem, handleObj);
                if (origCount && !handlers2.length) {
                  if (!special.teardown || special.teardown.call(elem, namespaces, elemData.handle) === false) {
                    jQuery2.removeEvent(elem, type2, elemData.handle);
                  delete events[type2];
              if (jQuery2.isEmptyObject(events)) {
                dataPriv.remove(elem, "handle events");
            dispatch: function(nativeEvent) {
              var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj, handlerQueue, args = new Array(arguments.length), event = jQuery2.event.fix(nativeEvent), handlers2 = (dataPriv.get(this, "events") || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null))[event.type] || [], special = jQuery2.event.special[event.type] || {};
              args[0] = event;
              for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                args[i] = arguments[i];
              event.delegateTarget = this;
              if (special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call(this, event) === false) {
              handlerQueue = jQuery2.event.handlers.call(this, event, handlers2);
              i = 0;
              while ((matched = handlerQueue[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped()) {
                event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
                j = 0;
                while ((handleObj = matched.handlers[j++]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
                  if (!event.rnamespace || handleObj.namespace === false || event.rnamespace.test(handleObj.namespace)) {
                    event.handleObj = handleObj;
                    event.data = handleObj.data;
                    ret = ((jQuery2.event.special[handleObj.origType] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler).apply(matched.elem, args);
                    if (ret !== void 0) {
                      if ((event.result = ret) === false) {
              if (special.postDispatch) {
                special.postDispatch.call(this, event);
              return event.result;
            handlers: function(event, handlers2) {
              var i, handleObj, sel, matchedHandlers, matchedSelectors, handlerQueue = [], delegateCount = handlers2.delegateCount, cur = event.target;
              if (delegateCount && // Support: IE <=9
              // Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (trac-13180)
              cur.nodeType && // Support: Firefox <=42
              // Suppress spec-violating clicks indicating a non-primary pointer button (trac-3861)
              // https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-click
              // Support: IE 11 only
              // ...but not arrow key "clicks" of radio inputs, which can have `button` -1 (gh-2343)
              !(event.type === "click" && event.button >= 1)) {
                for (; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this) {
                  if (cur.nodeType === 1 && !(event.type === "click" && cur.disabled === true)) {
                    matchedHandlers = [];
                    matchedSelectors = {};
                    for (i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++) {
                      handleObj = handlers2[i];
                      sel = handleObj.selector + " ";
                      if (matchedSelectors[sel] === void 0) {
                        matchedSelectors[sel] = handleObj.needsContext ? jQuery2(sel, this).index(cur) > -1 : jQuery2.find(sel, this, null, [cur]).length;
                      if (matchedSelectors[sel]) {
                    if (matchedHandlers.length) {
                      handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: matchedHandlers });
              cur = this;
              if (delegateCount < handlers2.length) {
                handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: handlers2.slice(delegateCount) });
              return handlerQueue;
            addProp: function(name, hook) {
              Object.defineProperty(jQuery2.Event.prototype, name, {
                enumerable: true,
                configurable: true,
                get: isFunction2(hook) ? function() {
                  if (this.originalEvent) {
                    return hook(this.originalEvent);
                } : function() {
                  if (this.originalEvent) {
                    return this.originalEvent[name];
                set: function(value) {
                  Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
                    enumerable: true,
                    configurable: true,
                    writable: true,
            fix: function(originalEvent) {
              return originalEvent[jQuery2.expando] ? originalEvent : new jQuery2.Event(originalEvent);
            special: {
              load: {
                // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
                noBubble: true
              click: {
                // Utilize native event to ensure correct state for checkable inputs
                setup: function(data) {
                  var el = this || data;
                  if (rcheckableType.test(el.type) && el.click && nodeName(el, "input")) {
                    leverageNative(el, "click", returnTrue);
                  return false;
                trigger: function(data) {
                  var el = this || data;
                  if (rcheckableType.test(el.type) && el.click && nodeName(el, "input")) {
                    leverageNative(el, "click");
                  return true;
                // For cross-browser consistency, suppress native .click() on links
                // Also prevent it if we're currently inside a leveraged native-event stack
                _default: function(event) {
                  var target = event.target;
                  return rcheckableType.test(target.type) && target.click && nodeName(target, "input") && dataPriv.get(target, "click") || nodeName(target, "a");
              beforeunload: {
                postDispatch: function(event) {
                  if (event.result !== void 0 && event.originalEvent) {
                    event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result;
          function leverageNative(el, type2, expectSync2) {
            if (!expectSync2) {
              if (dataPriv.get(el, type2) === void 0) {
                jQuery2.event.add(el, type2, returnTrue);
            dataPriv.set(el, type2, false);
            jQuery2.event.add(el, type2, {
              namespace: false,
              handler: function(event) {
                var notAsync, result, saved = dataPriv.get(this, type2);
                if (event.isTrigger & 1 && this[type2]) {
                  if (!saved.length) {
                    saved = slice.call(arguments);
                    dataPriv.set(this, type2, saved);
                    notAsync = expectSync2(this, type2);
                    result = dataPriv.get(this, type2);
                    if (saved !== result || notAsync) {
                      dataPriv.set(this, type2, false);
                    } else {
                      result = {};
                    if (saved !== result) {
                      return result && result.value;
                  } else if ((jQuery2.event.special[type2] || {}).delegateType) {
                } else if (saved.length) {
                  dataPriv.set(this, type2, {
                    value: jQuery2.event.trigger(
                      // Support: IE <=9 - 11+
                      // Extend with the prototype to reset the above stopImmediatePropagation()
                      jQuery2.extend(saved[0], jQuery2.Event.prototype),
          jQuery2.removeEvent = function(elem, type2, handle) {
            if (elem.removeEventListener) {
              elem.removeEventListener(type2, handle);
          jQuery2.Event = function(src, props) {
            if (!(this instanceof jQuery2.Event)) {
              return new jQuery2.Event(src, props);
            if (src && src.type) {
              this.originalEvent = src;
              this.type = src.type;
              this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented || src.defaultPrevented === void 0 && // Support: Android <=2.3 only
              src.returnValue === false ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
              this.target = src.target && src.target.nodeType === 3 ? src.target.parentNode : src.target;
              this.currentTarget = src.currentTarget;
              this.relatedTarget = src.relatedTarget;
            } else {
              this.type = src;
            if (props) {
              jQuery2.extend(this, props);
            this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || Date.now();
            this[jQuery2.expando] = true;
          jQuery2.Event.prototype = {
            constructor: jQuery2.Event,
            isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
            isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
            isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse,
            isSimulated: false,
            preventDefault: function() {
              var e = this.originalEvent;
              this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
              if (e && !this.isSimulated) {
            stopPropagation: function() {
              var e = this.originalEvent;
              this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
              if (e && !this.isSimulated) {
            stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
              var e = this.originalEvent;
              this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
              if (e && !this.isSimulated) {
            altKey: true,
            bubbles: true,
            cancelable: true,
            changedTouches: true,
            ctrlKey: true,
            detail: true,
            eventPhase: true,
            metaKey: true,
            pageX: true,
            pageY: true,
            shiftKey: true,
            view: true,
            "char": true,
            code: true,
            charCode: true,
            key: true,
            keyCode: true,
            button: true,
            buttons: true,
            clientX: true,
            clientY: true,
            offsetX: true,
            offsetY: true,
            pointerId: true,
            pointerType: true,
            screenX: true,
            screenY: true,
            targetTouches: true,
            toElement: true,
            touches: true,
            which: true
          }, jQuery2.event.addProp);
          jQuery2.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(type2, delegateType) {
            jQuery2.event.special[type2] = {
              // Utilize native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct
              setup: function() {
                leverageNative(this, type2, expectSync);
                return false;
              trigger: function() {
                leverageNative(this, type2);
                return true;
              // Suppress native focus or blur if we're currently inside
              // a leveraged native-event stack
              _default: function(event) {
                return dataPriv.get(event.target, type2);
            mouseenter: "mouseover",
            mouseleave: "mouseout",
            pointerenter: "pointerover",
            pointerleave: "pointerout"
          }, function(orig, fix) {
            jQuery2.event.special[orig] = {
              delegateType: fix,
              bindType: fix,
              handle: function(event) {
                var ret, target = this, related = event.relatedTarget, handleObj = event.handleObj;
                if (!related || related !== target && !jQuery2.contains(target, related)) {
                  event.type = handleObj.origType;
                  ret = handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments);
                  event.type = fix;
                return ret;
            on: function(types2, selector, data, fn2) {
              return on2(this, types2, selector, data, fn2);
            one: function(types2, selector, data, fn2) {
              return on2(this, types2, selector, data, fn2, 1);
            off: function(types2, selector, fn2) {
              var handleObj, type2;
              if (types2 && types2.preventDefault && types2.handleObj) {
                handleObj = types2.handleObj;
                  handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
                return this;
              if (typeof types2 === "object") {
                for (type2 in types2) {
                  this.off(type2, selector, types2[type2]);
                return this;
              if (selector === false || typeof selector === "function") {
                fn2 = selector;
                selector = void 0;
              if (fn2 === false) {
                fn2 = returnFalse;
              return this.each(function() {
                jQuery2.event.remove(this, types2, fn2, selector);
          var rnoInnerhtml = /<script|<style|<link/i, rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, rcleanScript = /^\s*<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>\s*$/g;
          function manipulationTarget(elem, content) {
            if (nodeName(elem, "table") && nodeName(content.nodeType !== 11 ? content : content.firstChild, "tr")) {
              return jQuery2(elem).children("tbody")[0] || elem;
            return elem;
          function disableScript(elem) {
            elem.type = (elem.getAttribute("type") !== null) + "/" + elem.type;
            return elem;
          function restoreScript(elem) {
            if ((elem.type || "").slice(0, 5) === "true/") {
              elem.type = elem.type.slice(5);
            } else {
            return elem;
          function cloneCopyEvent(src, dest) {
            var i, l, type2, pdataOld, udataOld, udataCur, events;
            if (dest.nodeType !== 1) {
            if (dataPriv.hasData(src)) {
              pdataOld = dataPriv.get(src);
              events = pdataOld.events;
              if (events) {
                dataPriv.remove(dest, "handle events");
                for (type2 in events) {
                  for (i = 0, l = events[type2].length; i < l; i++) {
                    jQuery2.event.add(dest, type2, events[type2][i]);
            if (dataUser.hasData(src)) {
              udataOld = dataUser.access(src);
              udataCur = jQuery2.extend({}, udataOld);
              dataUser.set(dest, udataCur);
          function fixInput(src, dest) {
            var nodeName2 = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            if (nodeName2 === "input" && rcheckableType.test(src.type)) {
              dest.checked = src.checked;
            } else if (nodeName2 === "input" || nodeName2 === "textarea") {
              dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;
          function domManip(collection, args, callback, ignored) {
            args = flat(args);
            var fragment, first, scripts, hasScripts, node, doc2, i = 0, l = collection.length, iNoClone = l - 1, value = args[0], valueIsFunction = isFunction2(value);
            if (valueIsFunction || l > 1 && typeof value === "string" && !support.checkClone && rchecked.test(value)) {
              return collection.each(function(index2) {
                var self2 = collection.eq(index2);
                if (valueIsFunction) {
                  args[0] = value.call(this, index2, self2.html());
                domManip(self2, args, callback, ignored);
            if (l) {
              fragment = buildFragment(args, collection[0].ownerDocument, false, collection, ignored);
              first = fragment.firstChild;
              if (fragment.childNodes.length === 1) {
                fragment = first;
              if (first || ignored) {
                scripts = jQuery2.map(getAll(fragment, "script"), disableScript);
                hasScripts = scripts.length;
                for (; i < l; i++) {
                  node = fragment;
                  if (i !== iNoClone) {
                    node = jQuery2.clone(node, true, true);
                    if (hasScripts) {
                      jQuery2.merge(scripts, getAll(node, "script"));
                  callback.call(collection[i], node, i);
                if (hasScripts) {
                  doc2 = scripts[scripts.length - 1].ownerDocument;
                  jQuery2.map(scripts, restoreScript);
                  for (i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++) {
                    node = scripts[i];
                    if (rscriptType.test(node.type || "") && !dataPriv.access(node, "globalEval") && jQuery2.contains(doc2, node)) {
                      if (node.src && (node.type || "").toLowerCase() !== "module") {
                        if (jQuery2._evalUrl && !node.noModule) {
                          jQuery2._evalUrl(node.src, {
                            nonce: node.nonce || node.getAttribute("nonce")
                          }, doc2);
                      } else {
                        DOMEval(node.textContent.replace(rcleanScript, ""), node, doc2);
            return collection;
          function remove2(elem, selector, keepData) {
            var node, nodes = selector ? jQuery2.filter(selector, elem) : elem, i = 0;
            for (; (node = nodes[i]) != null; i++) {
              if (!keepData && node.nodeType === 1) {
              if (node.parentNode) {
                if (keepData && isAttached(node)) {
                  setGlobalEval(getAll(node, "script"));
            return elem;
            htmlPrefilter: function(html2) {
              return html2;
            clone: function(elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents) {
              var i, l, srcElements, destElements, clone2 = elem.cloneNode(true), inPage = isAttached(elem);
              if (!support.noCloneChecked && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery2.isXMLDoc(elem)) {
                destElements = getAll(clone2);
                srcElements = getAll(elem);
                for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++) {
                  fixInput(srcElements[i], destElements[i]);
              if (dataAndEvents) {
                if (deepDataAndEvents) {
                  srcElements = srcElements || getAll(elem);
                  destElements = destElements || getAll(clone2);
                  for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++) {
                    cloneCopyEvent(srcElements[i], destElements[i]);
                } else {
                  cloneCopyEvent(elem, clone2);
              destElements = getAll(clone2, "script");
              if (destElements.length > 0) {
                setGlobalEval(destElements, !inPage && getAll(elem, "script"));
              return clone2;
            cleanData: function(elems) {
              var data, elem, type2, special = jQuery2.event.special, i = 0;
              for (; (elem = elems[i]) !== void 0; i++) {
                if (acceptData(elem)) {
                  if (data = elem[dataPriv.expando]) {
                    if (data.events) {
                      for (type2 in data.events) {
                        if (special[type2]) {
                          jQuery2.event.remove(elem, type2);
                        } else {
                          jQuery2.removeEvent(elem, type2, data.handle);
                    elem[dataPriv.expando] = void 0;
                  if (elem[dataUser.expando]) {
                    elem[dataUser.expando] = void 0;
            detach: function(selector) {
              return remove2(this, selector, true);
            remove: function(selector) {
              return remove2(this, selector);
            text: function(value) {
              return access(this, function(value2) {
                return value2 === void 0 ? jQuery2.text(this) : this.empty().each(function() {
                  if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) {
                    this.textContent = value2;
              }, null, value, arguments.length);
            append: function() {
              return domManip(this, arguments, function(elem) {
                if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) {
                  var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem);
            prepend: function() {
              return domManip(this, arguments, function(elem) {
                if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) {
                  var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem);
                  target.insertBefore(elem, target.firstChild);
            before: function() {
              return domManip(this, arguments, function(elem) {
                if (this.parentNode) {
                  this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this);
            after: function() {
              return domManip(this, arguments, function(elem) {
                if (this.parentNode) {
                  this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this.nextSibling);
            empty: function() {
              var elem, i = 0;
              for (; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++) {
                if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
                  jQuery2.cleanData(getAll(elem, false));
                  elem.textContent = "";
              return this;
            clone: function(dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents) {
              dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents;
              deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents;
              return this.map(function() {
                return jQuery2.clone(this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents);
            html: function(value) {
              return access(this, function(value2) {
                var elem = this[0] || {}, i = 0, l = this.length;
                if (value2 === void 0 && elem.nodeType === 1) {
                  return elem.innerHTML;
                if (typeof value2 === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test(value2) && !wrapMap[(rtagName.exec(value2) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) {
                  value2 = jQuery2.htmlPrefilter(value2);
                  try {
                    for (; i < l; i++) {
                      elem = this[i] || {};
                      if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
                        jQuery2.cleanData(getAll(elem, false));
                        elem.innerHTML = value2;
                    elem = 0;
                  } catch (e) {
                if (elem) {
              }, null, value, arguments.length);
            replaceWith: function() {
              var ignored = [];
              return domManip(this, arguments, function(elem) {
                var parent = this.parentNode;
                if (jQuery2.inArray(this, ignored) < 0) {
                  if (parent) {
                    parent.replaceChild(elem, this);
              }, ignored);
            appendTo: "append",
            prependTo: "prepend",
            insertBefore: "before",
            insertAfter: "after",
            replaceAll: "replaceWith"
          }, function(name, original) {
            jQuery2.fn[name] = function(selector) {
              var elems, ret = [], insert = jQuery2(selector), last2 = insert.length - 1, i = 0;
              for (; i <= last2; i++) {
                elems = i === last2 ? this : this.clone(true);
                push.apply(ret, elems.get());
              return this.pushStack(ret);
          var rnumnonpx = new RegExp("^(" + pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i");
          var rcustomProp = /^--/;
          var getStyles = function(elem) {
            var view = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView;
            if (!view || !view.opener) {
              view = window2;
            return view.getComputedStyle(elem);
          var swap = function(elem, options, callback) {
            var ret, name, old = {};
            for (name in options) {
              old[name] = elem.style[name];
              elem.style[name] = options[name];
            ret = callback.call(elem);
            for (name in options) {
              elem.style[name] = old[name];
            return ret;
          var rboxStyle = new RegExp(cssExpand.join("|"), "i");
          var whitespace2 = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]";
          var rtrimCSS = new RegExp(
            "^" + whitespace2 + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace2 + "+$",
          (function() {
            function computeStyleTests() {
              if (!div) {
              container.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-11111px;width:60px;margin-top:1px;padding:0;border:0";
              div.style.cssText = "position:relative;display:block;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:scroll;margin:auto;border:1px;padding:1px;width:60%;top:1%";
              var divStyle = window2.getComputedStyle(div);
              pixelPositionVal = divStyle.top !== "1%";
              reliableMarginLeftVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.marginLeft) === 12;
              div.style.right = "60%";
              pixelBoxStylesVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.right) === 36;
              boxSizingReliableVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.width) === 36;
              div.style.position = "absolute";
              scrollboxSizeVal = roundPixelMeasures(div.offsetWidth / 3) === 12;
              div = null;
            function roundPixelMeasures(measure) {
              return Math.round(parseFloat(measure));
            var pixelPositionVal, boxSizingReliableVal, scrollboxSizeVal, pixelBoxStylesVal, reliableTrDimensionsVal, reliableMarginLeftVal, container = document2.createElement("div"), div = document2.createElement("div");
            if (!div.style) {
            div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box";
            div.cloneNode(true).style.backgroundClip = "";
            support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box";
            jQuery2.extend(support, {
              boxSizingReliable: function() {
                return boxSizingReliableVal;
              pixelBoxStyles: function() {
                return pixelBoxStylesVal;
              pixelPosition: function() {
                return pixelPositionVal;
              reliableMarginLeft: function() {
                return reliableMarginLeftVal;
              scrollboxSize: function() {
                return scrollboxSizeVal;
              // Support: IE 9 - 11+, Edge 15 - 18+
              // IE/Edge misreport `getComputedStyle` of table rows with width/height
              // set in CSS while `offset*` properties report correct values.
              // Behavior in IE 9 is more subtle than in newer versions & it passes
              // some versions of this test; make sure not to make it pass there!
              // Support: Firefox 70+
              // Only Firefox includes border widths
              // in computed dimensions. (gh-4529)
              reliableTrDimensions: function() {
                var table, tr, trChild, trStyle;
                if (reliableTrDimensionsVal == null) {
                  table = document2.createElement("table");
                  tr = document2.createElement("tr");
                  trChild = document2.createElement("div");
                  table.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-11111px;border-collapse:separate";
                  tr.style.cssText = "border:1px solid";
                  tr.style.height = "1px";
                  trChild.style.height = "9px";
                  trChild.style.display = "block";
                  trStyle = window2.getComputedStyle(tr);
                  reliableTrDimensionsVal = parseInt(trStyle.height, 10) + parseInt(trStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) + parseInt(trStyle.borderBottomWidth, 10) === tr.offsetHeight;
                return reliableTrDimensionsVal;
          function curCSS(elem, name, computed2) {
            var width, minWidth, maxWidth, ret, isCustomProp = rcustomProp.test(name), style = elem.style;
            computed2 = computed2 || getStyles(elem);
            if (computed2) {
              ret = computed2.getPropertyValue(name) || computed2[name];
              if (isCustomProp && ret) {
                ret = ret.replace(rtrimCSS, "$1") || void 0;
              if (ret === "" && !isAttached(elem)) {
                ret = jQuery2.style(elem, name);
              if (!support.pixelBoxStyles() && rnumnonpx.test(ret) && rboxStyle.test(name)) {
                width = style.width;
                minWidth = style.minWidth;
                maxWidth = style.maxWidth;
                style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret;
                ret = computed2.width;
                style.width = width;
                style.minWidth = minWidth;
                style.maxWidth = maxWidth;
            return ret !== void 0 ? (
              // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only
              // IE returns zIndex value as an integer.
              ret + ""
            ) : ret;
          function addGetHookIf(conditionFn, hookFn) {
            return {
              get: function() {
                if (conditionFn()) {
                  delete this.get;
                return (this.get = hookFn).apply(this, arguments);
          var cssPrefixes = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], emptyStyle = document2.createElement("div").style, vendorProps = {};
          function vendorPropName(name) {
            var capName = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1), i = cssPrefixes.length;
            while (i--) {
              name = cssPrefixes[i] + capName;
              if (name in emptyStyle) {
                return name;
          function finalPropName(name) {
            var final = jQuery2.cssProps[name] || vendorProps[name];
            if (final) {
              return final;
            if (name in emptyStyle) {
              return name;
            return vendorProps[name] = vendorPropName(name) || name;
          var rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, cssNormalTransform = {
            letterSpacing: "0",
            fontWeight: "400"
          function setPositiveNumber(_elem, value, subtract) {
            var matches = rcssNum.exec(value);
            return matches ? (
              // Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks
              Math.max(0, matches[2] - (subtract || 0)) + (matches[3] || "px")
            ) : value;
          function boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, box, isBorderBox, styles, computedVal) {
            var i = dimension === "width" ? 1 : 0, extra = 0, delta = 0;
            if (box === (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content")) {
              return 0;
            for (; i < 4; i += 2) {
              if (box === "margin") {
                delta += jQuery2.css(elem, box + cssExpand[i], true, styles);
              if (!isBorderBox) {
                delta += jQuery2.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles);
                if (box !== "padding") {
                  delta += jQuery2.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles);
                } else {
                  extra += jQuery2.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles);
              } else {
                if (box === "content") {
                  delta -= jQuery2.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles);
                if (box !== "margin") {
                  delta -= jQuery2.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles);
            if (!isBorderBox && computedVal >= 0) {
              delta += Math.max(0, Math.ceil(
                elem["offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1)] - computedVal - delta - extra - 0.5
                // If offsetWidth/offsetHeight is unknown, then we can't determine content-box scroll gutter
                // Use an explicit zero to avoid NaN (gh-3964)
              )) || 0;
            return delta;
          function getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra) {
            var styles = getStyles(elem), boxSizingNeeded = !support.boxSizingReliable() || extra, isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded && jQuery2.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box", valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox, val = curCSS(elem, dimension, styles), offsetProp = "offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1);
            if (rnumnonpx.test(val)) {
              if (!extra) {
                return val;
              val = "auto";
            if ((!support.boxSizingReliable() && isBorderBox || // Support: IE 10 - 11+, Edge 15 - 18+
            // IE/Edge misreport `getComputedStyle` of table rows with width/height
            // set in CSS while `offset*` properties report correct values.
            // Interestingly, in some cases IE 9 doesn't suffer from this issue.
            !support.reliableTrDimensions() && nodeName(elem, "tr") || // Fall back to offsetWidth/offsetHeight when value is "auto"
            // This happens for inline elements with no explicit setting (gh-3571)
            val === "auto" || // Support: Android <=4.1 - 4.3 only
            // Also use offsetWidth/offsetHeight for misreported inline dimensions (gh-3602)
            !parseFloat(val) && jQuery2.css(elem, "display", false, styles) === "inline") && // Make sure the element is visible & connected
            elem.getClientRects().length) {
              isBorderBox = jQuery2.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box";
              valueIsBorderBox = offsetProp in elem;
              if (valueIsBorderBox) {
                val = elem[offsetProp];
            val = parseFloat(val) || 0;
            return val + boxModelAdjustment(
              extra || (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content"),
              // Provide the current computed size to request scroll gutter calculation (gh-3589)
            ) + "px";
            // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
            // behavior of getting and setting a style property
            cssHooks: {
              opacity: {
                get: function(elem, computed2) {
                  if (computed2) {
                    var ret = curCSS(elem, "opacity");
                    return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
            // Don't automatically add "px" to these possibly-unitless properties
            cssNumber: {
              "animationIterationCount": true,
              "columnCount": true,
              "fillOpacity": true,
              "flexGrow": true,
              "flexShrink": true,
              "fontWeight": true,
              "gridArea": true,
              "gridColumn": true,
              "gridColumnEnd": true,
              "gridColumnStart": true,
              "gridRow": true,
              "gridRowEnd": true,
              "gridRowStart": true,
              "lineHeight": true,
              "opacity": true,
              "order": true,
              "orphans": true,
              "widows": true,
              "zIndex": true,
              "zoom": true
            // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
            // setting or getting the value
            cssProps: {},
            // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
            style: function(elem, name, value, extra) {
              if (!elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style) {
              var ret, type2, hooks, origName = camelCase2(name), isCustomProp = rcustomProp.test(name), style = elem.style;
              if (!isCustomProp) {
                name = finalPropName(origName);
              hooks = jQuery2.cssHooks[name] || jQuery2.cssHooks[origName];
              if (value !== void 0) {
                type2 = typeof value;
                if (type2 === "string" && (ret = rcssNum.exec(value)) && ret[1]) {
                  value = adjustCSS(elem, name, ret);
                  type2 = "number";
                if (value == null || value !== value) {
                if (type2 === "number" && !isCustomProp) {
                  value += ret && ret[3] || (jQuery2.cssNumber[origName] ? "" : "px");
                if (!support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0) {
                  style[name] = "inherit";
                if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set(elem, value, extra)) !== void 0) {
                  if (isCustomProp) {
                    style.setProperty(name, value);
                  } else {
                    style[name] = value;
              } else {
                if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, false, extra)) !== void 0) {
                  return ret;
                return style[name];
            css: function(elem, name, extra, styles) {
              var val, num, hooks, origName = camelCase2(name), isCustomProp = rcustomProp.test(name);
              if (!isCustomProp) {
                name = finalPropName(origName);
              hooks = jQuery2.cssHooks[name] || jQuery2.cssHooks[origName];
              if (hooks && "get" in hooks) {
                val = hooks.get(elem, true, extra);
              if (val === void 0) {
                val = curCSS(elem, name, styles);
              if (val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform) {
                val = cssNormalTransform[name];
              if (extra === "" || extra) {
                num = parseFloat(val);
                return extra === true || isFinite(num) ? num || 0 : val;
              return val;
          jQuery2.each(["height", "width"], function(_i, dimension) {
            jQuery2.cssHooks[dimension] = {
              get: function(elem, computed2, extra) {
                if (computed2) {
                  return rdisplayswap.test(jQuery2.css(elem, "display")) && // Support: Safari 8+
                  // Table columns in Safari have non-zero offsetWidth & zero
                  // getBoundingClientRect().width unless display is changed.
                  // Support: IE <=11 only
                  // Running getBoundingClientRect on a disconnected node
                  // in IE throws an error.
                  (!elem.getClientRects().length || !elem.getBoundingClientRect().width) ? swap(elem, cssShow, function() {
                    return getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra);
                  }) : getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra);
              set: function(elem, value, extra) {
                var matches, styles = getStyles(elem), scrollboxSizeBuggy = !support.scrollboxSize() && styles.position === "absolute", boxSizingNeeded = scrollboxSizeBuggy || extra, isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded && jQuery2.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box", subtract = extra ? boxModelAdjustment(
                ) : 0;
                if (isBorderBox && scrollboxSizeBuggy) {
                  subtract -= Math.ceil(
                    elem["offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1)] - parseFloat(styles[dimension]) - boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, "border", false, styles) - 0.5
                if (subtract && (matches = rcssNum.exec(value)) && (matches[3] || "px") !== "px") {
                  elem.style[dimension] = value;
                  value = jQuery2.css(elem, dimension);
                return setPositiveNumber(elem, value, subtract);
          jQuery2.cssHooks.marginLeft = addGetHookIf(
            function(elem, computed2) {
              if (computed2) {
                return (parseFloat(curCSS(elem, "marginLeft")) || elem.getBoundingClientRect().left - swap(elem, { marginLeft: 0 }, function() {
                  return elem.getBoundingClientRect().left;
                })) + "px";
            margin: "",
            padding: "",
            border: "Width"
          }, function(prefix, suffix) {
            jQuery2.cssHooks[prefix + suffix] = {
              expand: function(value) {
                var i = 0, expanded = {}, parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [value];
                for (; i < 4; i++) {
                  expanded[prefix + cssExpand[i] + suffix] = parts[i] || parts[i - 2] || parts[0];
                return expanded;
            if (prefix !== "margin") {
              jQuery2.cssHooks[prefix + suffix].set = setPositiveNumber;
            css: function(name, value) {
              return access(this, function(elem, name2, value2) {
                var styles, len, map2 = {}, i = 0;
                if (Array.isArray(name2)) {
                  styles = getStyles(elem);
                  len = name2.length;
                  for (; i < len; i++) {
                    map2[name2[i]] = jQuery2.css(elem, name2[i], false, styles);
                  return map2;
                return value2 !== void 0 ? jQuery2.style(elem, name2, value2) : jQuery2.css(elem, name2);
              }, name, value, arguments.length > 1);
          function Tween(elem, options, prop, end2, easing) {
            return new Tween.prototype.init(elem, options, prop, end2, easing);
          jQuery2.Tween = Tween;
          Tween.prototype = {
            constructor: Tween,
            init: function(elem, options, prop, end2, easing, unit) {
              this.elem = elem;
              this.prop = prop;
              this.easing = easing || jQuery2.easing._default;
              this.options = options;
              this.start = this.now = this.cur();
              this.end = end2;
              this.unit = unit || (jQuery2.cssNumber[prop] ? "" : "px");
            cur: function() {
              var hooks = Tween.propHooks[this.prop];
              return hooks && hooks.get ? hooks.get(this) : Tween.propHooks._default.get(this);
            run: function(percent) {
              var eased, hooks = Tween.propHooks[this.prop];
              if (this.options.duration) {
                this.pos = eased = jQuery2.easing[this.easing](
                  this.options.duration * percent,
              } else {
                this.pos = eased = percent;
              this.now = (this.end - this.start) * eased + this.start;
              if (this.options.step) {
                this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this);
              if (hooks && hooks.set) {
              } else {
              return this;
          Tween.prototype.init.prototype = Tween.prototype;
          Tween.propHooks = {
            _default: {
              get: function(tween) {
                var result;
                if (tween.elem.nodeType !== 1 || tween.elem[tween.prop] != null && tween.elem.style[tween.prop] == null) {
                  return tween.elem[tween.prop];
                result = jQuery2.css(tween.elem, tween.prop, "");
                return !result || result === "auto" ? 0 : result;
              set: function(tween) {
                if (jQuery2.fx.step[tween.prop]) {
                } else if (tween.elem.nodeType === 1 && (jQuery2.cssHooks[tween.prop] || tween.elem.style[finalPropName(tween.prop)] != null)) {
                  jQuery2.style(tween.elem, tween.prop, tween.now + tween.unit);
                } else {
                  tween.elem[tween.prop] = tween.now;
          Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = {
            set: function(tween) {
              if (tween.elem.nodeType && tween.elem.parentNode) {
                tween.elem[tween.prop] = tween.now;
          jQuery2.easing = {
            linear: function(p2) {
              return p2;
            swing: function(p2) {
              return 0.5 - Math.cos(p2 * Math.PI) / 2;
            _default: "swing"
          jQuery2.fx = Tween.prototype.init;
          jQuery2.fx.step = {};
          var fxNow, inProgress, rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, rrun = /queueHooks$/;
          function schedule() {
            if (inProgress) {
              if (document2.hidden === false && window2.requestAnimationFrame) {
              } else {
                window2.setTimeout(schedule, jQuery2.fx.interval);
          function createFxNow() {
            window2.setTimeout(function() {
              fxNow = void 0;
            return fxNow = Date.now();
          function genFx(type2, includeWidth) {
            var which, i = 0, attrs = { height: type2 };
            includeWidth = includeWidth ? 1 : 0;
            for (; i < 4; i += 2 - includeWidth) {
              which = cssExpand[i];
              attrs["margin" + which] = attrs["padding" + which] = type2;
            if (includeWidth) {
              attrs.opacity = attrs.width = type2;
            return attrs;
          function createTween(value, prop, animation) {
            var tween, collection = (Animation.tweeners[prop] || []).concat(Animation.tweeners["*"]), index2 = 0, length = collection.length;
            for (; index2 < length; index2++) {
              if (tween = collection[index2].call(animation, prop, value)) {
                return tween;
          function defaultPrefilter(elem, props, opts) {
            var prop, value, toggle, hooks, oldfire, propTween, restoreDisplay, display, isBox = "width" in props || "height" in props, anim = this, orig = {}, style = elem.style, hidden = elem.nodeType && isHiddenWithinTree(elem), dataShow = dataPriv.get(elem, "fxshow");
            if (!opts.queue) {
              hooks = jQuery2._queueHooks(elem, "fx");
              if (hooks.unqueued == null) {
                hooks.unqueued = 0;
                oldfire = hooks.empty.fire;
                hooks.empty.fire = function() {
                  if (!hooks.unqueued) {
              anim.always(function() {
                anim.always(function() {
                  if (!jQuery2.queue(elem, "fx").length) {
            for (prop in props) {
              value = props[prop];
              if (rfxtypes.test(value)) {
                delete props[prop];
                toggle = toggle || value === "toggle";
                if (value === (hidden ? "hide" : "show")) {
                  if (value === "show" && dataShow && dataShow[prop] !== void 0) {
                    hidden = true;
                  } else {
                orig[prop] = dataShow && dataShow[prop] || jQuery2.style(elem, prop);
            propTween = !jQuery2.isEmptyObject(props);
            if (!propTween && jQuery2.isEmptyObject(orig)) {
            if (isBox && elem.nodeType === 1) {
              opts.overflow = [style.overflow, style.overflowX, style.overflowY];
              restoreDisplay = dataShow && dataShow.display;
              if (restoreDisplay == null) {
                restoreDisplay = dataPriv.get(elem, "display");
              display = jQuery2.css(elem, "display");
              if (display === "none") {
                if (restoreDisplay) {
                  display = restoreDisplay;
                } else {
                  showHide([elem], true);
                  restoreDisplay = elem.style.display || restoreDisplay;
                  display = jQuery2.css(elem, "display");
              if (display === "inline" || display === "inline-block" && restoreDisplay != null) {
                if (jQuery2.css(elem, "float") === "none") {
                  if (!propTween) {
                    anim.done(function() {
                      style.display = restoreDisplay;
                    if (restoreDisplay == null) {
                      display = style.display;
                      restoreDisplay = display === "none" ? "" : display;
                  style.display = "inline-block";
            if (opts.overflow) {
              style.overflow = "hidden";
              anim.always(function() {
                style.overflow = opts.overflow[0];
                style.overflowX = opts.overflow[1];
                style.overflowY = opts.overflow[2];
            propTween = false;
            for (prop in orig) {
              if (!propTween) {
                if (dataShow) {
                  if ("hidden" in dataShow) {
                    hidden = dataShow.hidden;
                } else {
                  dataShow = dataPriv.access(elem, "fxshow", { display: restoreDisplay });
                if (toggle) {
                  dataShow.hidden = !hidden;
                if (hidden) {
                  showHide([elem], true);
                anim.done(function() {
                  if (!hidden) {
                  dataPriv.remove(elem, "fxshow");
                  for (prop in orig) {
                    jQuery2.style(elem, prop, orig[prop]);
              propTween = createTween(hidden ? dataShow[prop] : 0, prop, anim);
              if (!(prop in dataShow)) {
                dataShow[prop] = propTween.start;
                if (hidden) {
                  propTween.end = propTween.start;
                  propTween.start = 0;
          function propFilter(props, specialEasing) {
            var index2, name, easing, value, hooks;
            for (index2 in props) {
              name = camelCase2(index2);
              easing = specialEasing[name];
              value = props[index2];
              if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                easing = value[1];
                value = props[index2] = value[0];
              if (index2 !== name) {
                props[name] = value;
                delete props[index2];
              hooks = jQuery2.cssHooks[name];
              if (hooks && "expand" in hooks) {
                value = hooks.expand(value);
                delete props[name];
                for (index2 in value) {
                  if (!(index2 in props)) {
                    props[index2] = value[index2];
                    specialEasing[index2] = easing;
              } else {
                specialEasing[name] = easing;
          function Animation(elem, properties, options) {
            var result, stopped, index2 = 0, length = Animation.prefilters.length, deferred = jQuery2.Deferred().always(function() {
              delete tick.elem;
            }), tick = function() {
              if (stopped) {
                return false;
              var currentTime = fxNow || createFxNow(), remaining = Math.max(0, animation.startTime + animation.duration - currentTime), temp = remaining / animation.duration || 0, percent = 1 - temp, index3 = 0, length2 = animation.tweens.length;
              for (; index3 < length2; index3++) {
              deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, percent, remaining]);
              if (percent < 1 && length2) {
                return remaining;
              if (!length2) {
                deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, 1, 0]);
              deferred.resolveWith(elem, [animation]);
              return false;
            }, animation = deferred.promise({
              props: jQuery2.extend({}, properties),
              opts: jQuery2.extend(true, {
                specialEasing: {},
                easing: jQuery2.easing._default
              }, options),
              originalProperties: properties,
              originalOptions: options,
              startTime: fxNow || createFxNow(),
              duration: options.duration,
              tweens: [],
              createTween: function(prop, end2) {
                var tween = jQuery2.Tween(
                  animation.opts.specialEasing[prop] || animation.opts.easing
                return tween;
              stop: function(gotoEnd) {
                var index3 = 0, length2 = gotoEnd ? animation.tweens.length : 0;
                if (stopped) {
                  return this;
                stopped = true;
                for (; index3 < length2; index3++) {
                if (gotoEnd) {
                  deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, 1, 0]);
                  deferred.resolveWith(elem, [animation, gotoEnd]);
                } else {
                  deferred.rejectWith(elem, [animation, gotoEnd]);
                return this;
            }), props = animation.props;
            propFilter(props, animation.opts.specialEasing);
            for (; index2 < length; index2++) {
              result = Animation.prefilters[index2].call(animation, elem, props, animation.opts);
              if (result) {
                if (isFunction2(result.stop)) {
                  jQuery2._queueHooks(animation.elem, animation.opts.queue).stop = result.stop.bind(result);
                return result;
            jQuery2.map(props, createTween, animation);
            if (isFunction2(animation.opts.start)) {
              animation.opts.start.call(elem, animation);
            animation.progress(animation.opts.progress).done(animation.opts.done, animation.opts.complete).fail(animation.opts.fail).always(animation.opts.always);
              jQuery2.extend(tick, {
                anim: animation,
                queue: animation.opts.queue
            return animation;
          jQuery2.Animation = jQuery2.extend(Animation, {
            tweeners: {
              "*": [function(prop, value) {
                var tween = this.createTween(prop, value);
                adjustCSS(tween.elem, prop, rcssNum.exec(value), tween);
                return tween;
            tweener: function(props, callback) {
              if (isFunction2(props)) {
                callback = props;
                props = ["*"];
              } else {
                props = props.match(rnothtmlwhite);
              var prop, index2 = 0, length = props.length;
              for (; index2 < length; index2++) {
                prop = props[index2];
                Animation.tweeners[prop] = Animation.tweeners[prop] || [];
            prefilters: [defaultPrefilter],
            prefilter: function(callback, prepend) {
              if (prepend) {
              } else {
          jQuery2.speed = function(speed, easing, fn2) {
            var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery2.extend({}, speed) : {
              complete: fn2 || !fn2 && easing || isFunction2(speed) && speed,
              duration: speed,
              easing: fn2 && easing || easing && !isFunction2(easing) && easing
            if (jQuery2.fx.off) {
              opt.duration = 0;
            } else {
              if (typeof opt.duration !== "number") {
                if (opt.duration in jQuery2.fx.speeds) {
                  opt.duration = jQuery2.fx.speeds[opt.duration];
                } else {
                  opt.duration = jQuery2.fx.speeds._default;
            if (opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true) {
              opt.queue = "fx";
            opt.old = opt.complete;
            opt.complete = function() {
              if (isFunction2(opt.old)) {
              if (opt.queue) {
                jQuery2.dequeue(this, opt.queue);
            return opt;
            fadeTo: function(speed, to, easing, callback) {
              return this.filter(isHiddenWithinTree).css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({ opacity: to }, speed, easing, callback);
            animate: function(prop, speed, easing, callback) {
              var empty = jQuery2.isEmptyObject(prop), optall = jQuery2.speed(speed, easing, callback), doAnimation = function() {
                var anim = Animation(this, jQuery2.extend({}, prop), optall);
                if (empty || dataPriv.get(this, "finish")) {
              doAnimation.finish = doAnimation;
              return empty || optall.queue === false ? this.each(doAnimation) : this.queue(optall.queue, doAnimation);
            stop: function(type2, clearQueue, gotoEnd) {
              var stopQueue = function(hooks) {
                var stop = hooks.stop;
                delete hooks.stop;
              if (typeof type2 !== "string") {
                gotoEnd = clearQueue;
                clearQueue = type2;
                type2 = void 0;
              if (clearQueue) {
                this.queue(type2 || "fx", []);
              return this.each(function() {
                var dequeue = true, index2 = type2 != null && type2 + "queueHooks", timers = jQuery2.timers, data = dataPriv.get(this);
                if (index2) {
                  if (data[index2] && data[index2].stop) {
                } else {
                  for (index2 in data) {
                    if (data[index2] && data[index2].stop && rrun.test(index2)) {
                for (index2 = timers.length; index2--; ) {
                  if (timers[index2].elem === this && (type2 == null || timers[index2].queue === type2)) {
                    dequeue = false;
                    timers.splice(index2, 1);
                if (dequeue || !gotoEnd) {
                  jQuery2.dequeue(this, type2);
            finish: function(type2) {
              if (type2 !== false) {
                type2 = type2 || "fx";
              return this.each(function() {
                var index2, data = dataPriv.get(this), queue2 = data[type2 + "queue"], hooks = data[type2 + "queueHooks"], timers = jQuery2.timers, length = queue2 ? queue2.length : 0;
                data.finish = true;
                jQuery2.queue(this, type2, []);
                if (hooks && hooks.stop) {
                  hooks.stop.call(this, true);
                for (index2 = timers.length; index2--; ) {
                  if (timers[index2].elem === this && timers[index2].queue === type2) {
                    timers.splice(index2, 1);
                for (index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2++) {
                  if (queue2[index2] && queue2[index2].finish) {
                delete data.finish;
          jQuery2.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function(_i, name) {
            var cssFn = jQuery2.fn[name];
            jQuery2.fn[name] = function(speed, easing, callback) {
              return speed == null || typeof speed === "boolean" ? cssFn.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(genFx(name, true), speed, easing, callback);
            slideDown: genFx("show"),
            slideUp: genFx("hide"),
            slideToggle: genFx("toggle"),
            fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
            fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
            fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
          }, function(name, props) {
            jQuery2.fn[name] = function(speed, easing, callback) {
              return this.animate(props, speed, easing, callback);
          jQuery2.timers = [];
          jQuery2.fx.tick = function() {
            var timer, i = 0, timers = jQuery2.timers;
            fxNow = Date.now();
            for (; i < timers.length; i++) {
              timer = timers[i];
              if (!timer() && timers[i] === timer) {
                timers.splice(i--, 1);
            if (!timers.length) {
            fxNow = void 0;
          jQuery2.fx.timer = function(timer) {
          jQuery2.fx.interval = 13;
          jQuery2.fx.start = function() {
            if (inProgress) {
            inProgress = true;
          jQuery2.fx.stop = function() {
            inProgress = null;
          jQuery2.fx.speeds = {
            slow: 600,
            fast: 200,
            // Default speed
            _default: 400
          jQuery2.fn.delay = function(time, type2) {
            time = jQuery2.fx ? jQuery2.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
            type2 = type2 || "fx";
            return this.queue(type2, function(next, hooks) {
              var timeout = window2.setTimeout(next, time);
              hooks.stop = function() {
          (function() {
            var input = document2.createElement("input"), select = document2.createElement("select"), opt = select.appendChild(document2.createElement("option"));
            input.type = "checkbox";
            support.checkOn = input.value !== "";
            support.optSelected = opt.selected;
            input = document2.createElement("input");
            input.value = "t";
            input.type = "radio";
            support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
          var boolHook, attrHandle = jQuery2.expr.attrHandle;
            attr: function(name, value) {
              return access(this, jQuery2.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1);
            removeAttr: function(name) {
              return this.each(function() {
                jQuery2.removeAttr(this, name);
            attr: function(elem, name, value) {
              var ret, hooks, nType = elem.nodeType;
              if (nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2) {
              if (typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined") {
                return jQuery2.prop(elem, name, value);
              if (nType !== 1 || !jQuery2.isXMLDoc(elem)) {
                hooks = jQuery2.attrHooks[name.toLowerCase()] || (jQuery2.expr.match.bool.test(name) ? boolHook : void 0);
              if (value !== void 0) {
                if (value === null) {
                  jQuery2.removeAttr(elem, name);
                if (hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set(elem, value, name)) !== void 0) {
                  return ret;
                elem.setAttribute(name, value + "");
                return value;
              if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, name)) !== null) {
                return ret;
              ret = jQuery2.find.attr(elem, name);
              return ret == null ? void 0 : ret;
            attrHooks: {
              type: {
                set: function(elem, value) {
                  if (!support.radioValue && value === "radio" && nodeName(elem, "input")) {
                    var val = elem.value;
                    elem.setAttribute("type", value);
                    if (val) {
                      elem.value = val;
                    return value;
            removeAttr: function(elem, value) {
              var name, i = 0, attrNames = value && value.match(rnothtmlwhite);
              if (attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1) {
                while (name = attrNames[i++]) {
          boolHook = {
            set: function(elem, value, name) {
              if (value === false) {
                jQuery2.removeAttr(elem, name);
              } else {
                elem.setAttribute(name, name);
              return name;
          jQuery2.each(jQuery2.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function(_i, name) {
            var getter = attrHandle[name] || jQuery2.find.attr;
            attrHandle[name] = function(elem, name2, isXML) {
              var ret, handle, lowercaseName = name2.toLowerCase();
              if (!isXML) {
                handle = attrHandle[lowercaseName];
                attrHandle[lowercaseName] = ret;
                ret = getter(elem, name2, isXML) != null ? lowercaseName : null;
                attrHandle[lowercaseName] = handle;
              return ret;
          var rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, rclickable = /^(?:a|area)$/i;
            prop: function(name, value) {
              return access(this, jQuery2.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1);
            removeProp: function(name) {
              return this.each(function() {
                delete this[jQuery2.propFix[name] || name];
            prop: function(elem, name, value) {
              var ret, hooks, nType = elem.nodeType;
              if (nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2) {
              if (nType !== 1 || !jQuery2.isXMLDoc(elem)) {
                name = jQuery2.propFix[name] || name;
                hooks = jQuery2.propHooks[name];
              if (value !== void 0) {
                if (hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set(elem, value, name)) !== void 0) {
                  return ret;
                return elem[name] = value;
              if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, name)) !== null) {
                return ret;
              return elem[name];
            propHooks: {
              tabIndex: {
                get: function(elem) {
                  var tabindex = jQuery2.find.attr(elem, "tabindex");
                  if (tabindex) {
                    return parseInt(tabindex, 10);
                  if (rfocusable.test(elem.nodeName) || rclickable.test(elem.nodeName) && elem.href) {
                    return 0;
                  return -1;
            propFix: {
              "for": "htmlFor",
              "class": "className"
          if (!support.optSelected) {
            jQuery2.propHooks.selected = {
              get: function(elem) {
                var parent = elem.parentNode;
                if (parent && parent.parentNode) {
                return null;
              set: function(elem) {
                var parent = elem.parentNode;
                if (parent) {
                  if (parent.parentNode) {
          ], function() {
            jQuery2.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this;
          function stripAndCollapse(value) {
            var tokens = value.match(rnothtmlwhite) || [];
            return tokens.join(" ");
          function getClass(elem) {
            return elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute("class") || "";
          function classesToArray(value) {
            if (Array.isArray(value)) {
              return value;
            if (typeof value === "string") {
              return value.match(rnothtmlwhite) || [];
            return [];
            addClass: function(value) {
              var classNames, cur, curValue, className, i, finalValue;
              if (isFunction2(value)) {
                return this.each(function(j) {
                  jQuery2(this).addClass(value.call(this, j, getClass(this)));
              classNames = classesToArray(value);
              if (classNames.length) {
                return this.each(function() {
                  curValue = getClass(this);
                  cur = this.nodeType === 1 && " " + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + " ";
                  if (cur) {
                    for (i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
                      className = classNames[i];
                      if (cur.indexOf(" " + className + " ") < 0) {
                        cur += className + " ";
                    finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur);
                    if (curValue !== finalValue) {
                      this.setAttribute("class", finalValue);
              return this;
            removeClass: function(value) {
              var classNames, cur, curValue, className, i, finalValue;
              if (isFunction2(value)) {
                return this.each(function(j) {
                  jQuery2(this).removeClass(value.call(this, j, getClass(this)));
              if (!arguments.length) {
                return this.attr("class", "");
              classNames = classesToArray(value);
              if (classNames.length) {
                return this.each(function() {
                  curValue = getClass(this);
                  cur = this.nodeType === 1 && " " + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + " ";
                  if (cur) {
                    for (i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
                      className = classNames[i];
                      while (cur.indexOf(" " + className + " ") > -1) {
                        cur = cur.replace(" " + className + " ", " ");
                    finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur);
                    if (curValue !== finalValue) {
                      this.setAttribute("class", finalValue);
              return this;
            toggleClass: function(value, stateVal) {
              var classNames, className, i, self2, type2 = typeof value, isValidValue2 = type2 === "string" || Array.isArray(value);
              if (isFunction2(value)) {
                return this.each(function(i2) {
                    value.call(this, i2, getClass(this), stateVal),
              if (typeof stateVal === "boolean" && isValidValue2) {
                return stateVal ? this.addClass(value) : this.removeClass(value);
              classNames = classesToArray(value);
              return this.each(function() {
                if (isValidValue2) {
                  self2 = jQuery2(this);
                  for (i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
                    className = classNames[i];
                    if (self2.hasClass(className)) {
                    } else {
                } else if (value === void 0 || type2 === "boolean") {
                  className = getClass(this);
                  if (className) {
                    dataPriv.set(this, "__className__", className);
                  if (this.setAttribute) {
                      className || value === false ? "" : dataPriv.get(this, "__className__") || ""
            hasClass: function(selector) {
              var className, elem, i = 0;
              className = " " + selector + " ";
              while (elem = this[i++]) {
                if (elem.nodeType === 1 && (" " + stripAndCollapse(getClass(elem)) + " ").indexOf(className) > -1) {
                  return true;
              return false;
          var rreturn = /\r/g;
            val: function(value) {
              var hooks, ret, valueIsFunction, elem = this[0];
              if (!arguments.length) {
                if (elem) {
                  hooks = jQuery2.valHooks[elem.type] || jQuery2.valHooks[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
                  if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, "value")) !== void 0) {
                    return ret;
                  ret = elem.value;
                  if (typeof ret === "string") {
                    return ret.replace(rreturn, "");
                  return ret == null ? "" : ret;
              valueIsFunction = isFunction2(value);
              return this.each(function(i) {
                var val;
                if (this.nodeType !== 1) {
                if (valueIsFunction) {
                  val = value.call(this, i, jQuery2(this).val());
                } else {
                  val = value;
                if (val == null) {
                  val = "";
                } else if (typeof val === "number") {
                  val += "";
                } else if (Array.isArray(val)) {
                  val = jQuery2.map(val, function(value2) {
                    return value2 == null ? "" : value2 + "";
                hooks = jQuery2.valHooks[this.type] || jQuery2.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
                if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set(this, val, "value") === void 0) {
                  this.value = val;
            valHooks: {
              option: {
                get: function(elem) {
                  var val = jQuery2.find.attr(elem, "value");
                  return val != null ? val : (
                    // Support: IE <=10 - 11 only
                    // option.text throws exceptions (trac-14686, trac-14858)
                    // Strip and collapse whitespace
                    // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#strip-and-collapse-whitespace
              select: {
                get: function(elem) {
                  var value, option, i, options = elem.options, index2 = elem.selectedIndex, one = elem.type === "select-one", values2 = one ? null : [], max = one ? index2 + 1 : options.length;
                  if (index2 < 0) {
                    i = max;
                  } else {
                    i = one ? index2 : 0;
                  for (; i < max; i++) {
                    option = options[i];
                    if ((option.selected || i === index2) && // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
                    !option.disabled && (!option.parentNode.disabled || !nodeName(option.parentNode, "optgroup"))) {
                      value = jQuery2(option).val();
                      if (one) {
                        return value;
                  return values2;
                set: function(elem, value) {
                  var optionSet, option, options = elem.options, values2 = jQuery2.makeArray(value), i = options.length;
                  while (i--) {
                    option = options[i];
                    if (option.selected = jQuery2.inArray(jQuery2.valHooks.option.get(option), values2) > -1) {
                      optionSet = true;
                  if (!optionSet) {
                    elem.selectedIndex = -1;
                  return values2;
          jQuery2.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() {
            jQuery2.valHooks[this] = {
              set: function(elem, value) {
                if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                  return elem.checked = jQuery2.inArray(jQuery2(elem).val(), value) > -1;
            if (!support.checkOn) {
              jQuery2.valHooks[this].get = function(elem) {
                return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
          support.focusin = "onfocusin" in window2;
          var rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, stopPropagationCallback = function(e) {
          jQuery2.extend(jQuery2.event, {
            trigger: function(event, data, elem, onlyHandlers) {
              var i, cur, tmp, bubbleType, ontype, handle, special, lastElement, eventPath = [elem || document2], type2 = hasOwn2.call(event, "type") ? event.type : event, namespaces = hasOwn2.call(event, "namespace") ? event.namespace.split(".") : [];
              cur = lastElement = tmp = elem = elem || document2;
              if (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) {
              if (rfocusMorph.test(type2 + jQuery2.event.triggered)) {
              if (type2.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                namespaces = type2.split(".");
                type2 = namespaces.shift();
              ontype = type2.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type2;
              event = event[jQuery2.expando] ? event : new jQuery2.Event(type2, typeof event === "object" && event);
              event.isTrigger = onlyHandlers ? 2 : 3;
              event.namespace = namespaces.join(".");
              event.rnamespace = event.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
              event.result = void 0;
              if (!event.target) {
                event.target = elem;
              data = data == null ? [event] : jQuery2.makeArray(data, [event]);
              special = jQuery2.event.special[type2] || {};
              if (!onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply(elem, data) === false) {
              if (!onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !isWindow(elem)) {
                bubbleType = special.delegateType || type2;
                if (!rfocusMorph.test(bubbleType + type2)) {
                  cur = cur.parentNode;
                for (; cur; cur = cur.parentNode) {
                  tmp = cur;
                if (tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document2)) {
                  eventPath.push(tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window2);
              i = 0;
              while ((cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped()) {
                lastElement = cur;
                event.type = i > 1 ? bubbleType : special.bindType || type2;
                handle = (dataPriv.get(cur, "events") || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null))[event.type] && dataPriv.get(cur, "handle");
                if (handle) {
                  handle.apply(cur, data);
                handle = ontype && cur[ontype];
                if (handle && handle.apply && acceptData(cur)) {
                  event.result = handle.apply(cur, data);
                  if (event.result === false) {
              event.type = type2;
              if (!onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                if ((!special._default || special._default.apply(eventPath.pop(), data) === false) && acceptData(elem)) {
                  if (ontype && isFunction2(elem[type2]) && !isWindow(elem)) {
                    tmp = elem[ontype];
                    if (tmp) {
                      elem[ontype] = null;
                    jQuery2.event.triggered = type2;
                    if (event.isPropagationStopped()) {
                      lastElement.addEventListener(type2, stopPropagationCallback);
                    if (event.isPropagationStopped()) {
                      lastElement.removeEventListener(type2, stopPropagationCallback);
                    jQuery2.event.triggered = void 0;
                    if (tmp) {
                      elem[ontype] = tmp;
              return event.result;
            // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one
            // Used only for `focus(in | out)` events
            simulate: function(type2, elem, event) {
              var e = jQuery2.extend(
                new jQuery2.Event(),
                  type: type2,
                  isSimulated: true
              jQuery2.event.trigger(e, null, elem);
            trigger: function(type2, data) {
              return this.each(function() {
                jQuery2.event.trigger(type2, data, this);
            triggerHandler: function(type2, data) {
              var elem = this[0];
              if (elem) {
                return jQuery2.event.trigger(type2, data, elem, true);
          if (!support.focusin) {
            jQuery2.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(orig, fix) {
              var handler = function(event) {
                jQuery2.event.simulate(fix, event.target, jQuery2.event.fix(event));
              jQuery2.event.special[fix] = {
                setup: function() {
                  var doc2 = this.ownerDocument || this.document || this, attaches = dataPriv.access(doc2, fix);
                  if (!attaches) {
                    doc2.addEventListener(orig, handler, true);
                  dataPriv.access(doc2, fix, (attaches || 0) + 1);
                teardown: function() {
                  var doc2 = this.ownerDocument || this.document || this, attaches = dataPriv.access(doc2, fix) - 1;
                  if (!attaches) {
                    doc2.removeEventListener(orig, handler, true);
                    dataPriv.remove(doc2, fix);
                  } else {
                    dataPriv.access(doc2, fix, attaches);
          var location2 = window2.location;
          var nonce = { guid: Date.now() };
          var rquery = /\?/;
          jQuery2.parseXML = function(data) {
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              return null;
            try {
              xml = new window2.DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml");
            } catch (e) {
            parserErrorElem = xml && xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0];
            if (!xml || parserErrorElem) {
              jQuery2.error("Invalid XML: " + (parserErrorElem ? jQuery2.map(parserErrorElem.childNodes, function(el) {
                return el.textContent;
              }).join("\n") : data));
            return xml;
          var rbracket = /\[\]$/, rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i, rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
          function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add2) {
            var name;
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
              jQuery2.each(obj, function(i, v) {
                if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) {
                  add2(prefix, v);
                } else {
                    prefix + "[" + (typeof v === "object" && v != null ? i : "") + "]",
            } else if (!traditional && toType(obj) === "object") {
              for (name in obj) {
                buildParams(prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[name], traditional, add2);
            } else {
              add2(prefix, obj);
          jQuery2.param = function(a, traditional) {
            var prefix, s = [], add2 = function(key, valueOrFunction) {
              var value = isFunction2(valueOrFunction) ? valueOrFunction() : valueOrFunction;
              s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value == null ? "" : value);
            if (a == null) {
              return "";
            if (Array.isArray(a) || a.jquery && !jQuery2.isPlainObject(a)) {
              jQuery2.each(a, function() {
                add2(this.name, this.value);
            } else {
              for (prefix in a) {
                buildParams(prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add2);
            return s.join("&");
            serialize: function() {
              return jQuery2.param(this.serializeArray());
            serializeArray: function() {
              return this.map(function() {
                var elements = jQuery2.prop(this, "elements");
                return elements ? jQuery2.makeArray(elements) : this;
              }).filter(function() {
                var type2 = this.type;
                return this.name && !jQuery2(this).is(":disabled") && rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type2) && (this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type2));
              }).map(function(_i, elem) {
                var val = jQuery2(this).val();
                if (val == null) {
                  return null;
                if (Array.isArray(val)) {
                  return jQuery2.map(val, function(val2) {
                    return { name: elem.name, value: val2.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") };
                return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") };
          var r20 = /%20/g, rhash = /#.*$/, rantiCache = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/mg, rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, rprotocol = /^\/\//, prefilters = {}, transports = {}, allTypes = "*/".concat("*"), originAnchor = document2.createElement("a");
          originAnchor.href = location2.href;
          function addToPrefiltersOrTransports(structure) {
            return function(dataTypeExpression, func) {
              if (typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string") {
                func = dataTypeExpression;
                dataTypeExpression = "*";
              var dataType, i = 0, dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match(rnothtmlwhite) || [];
              if (isFunction2(func)) {
                while (dataType = dataTypes[i++]) {
                  if (dataType[0] === "+") {
                    dataType = dataType.slice(1) || "*";
                    (structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).unshift(func);
                  } else {
                    (structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).push(func);
          function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
            var inspected = {}, seekingTransport = structure === transports;
            function inspect(dataType) {
              var selected;
              inspected[dataType] = true;
              jQuery2.each(structure[dataType] || [], function(_, prefilterOrFactory) {
                var dataTypeOrTransport = prefilterOrFactory(options, originalOptions, jqXHR);
                if (typeof dataTypeOrTransport === "string" && !seekingTransport && !inspected[dataTypeOrTransport]) {
                  return false;
                } else if (seekingTransport) {
                  return !(selected = dataTypeOrTransport);
              return selected;
            return inspect(options.dataTypes[0]) || !inspected["*"] && inspect("*");
          function ajaxExtend(target, src) {
            var key, deep, flatOptions = jQuery2.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
            for (key in src) {
              if (src[key] !== void 0) {
                (flatOptions[key] ? target : deep || (deep = {}))[key] = src[key];
            if (deep) {
              jQuery2.extend(true, target, deep);
            return target;
          function ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses) {
            var ct2, type2, finalDataType, firstDataType, contents = s.contents, dataTypes = s.dataTypes;
            while (dataTypes[0] === "*") {
              if (ct2 === void 0) {
                ct2 = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
            if (ct2) {
              for (type2 in contents) {
                if (contents[type2] && contents[type2].test(ct2)) {
            if (dataTypes[0] in responses) {
              finalDataType = dataTypes[0];
            } else {
              for (type2 in responses) {
                if (!dataTypes[0] || s.converters[type2 + " " + dataTypes[0]]) {
                  finalDataType = type2;
                if (!firstDataType) {
                  firstDataType = type2;
              finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType;
            if (finalDataType) {
              if (finalDataType !== dataTypes[0]) {
              return responses[finalDataType];
          function ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess) {
            var conv2, current, conv, tmp, prev, converters = {}, dataTypes = s.dataTypes.slice();
            if (dataTypes[1]) {
              for (conv in s.converters) {
                converters[conv.toLowerCase()] = s.converters[conv];
            current = dataTypes.shift();
            while (current) {
              if (s.responseFields[current]) {
                jqXHR[s.responseFields[current]] = response;
              if (!prev && isSuccess && s.dataFilter) {
                response = s.dataFilter(response, s.dataType);
              prev = current;
              current = dataTypes.shift();
              if (current) {
                if (current === "*") {
                  current = prev;
                } else if (prev !== "*" && prev !== current) {
                  conv = converters[prev + " " + current] || converters["* " + current];
                  if (!conv) {
                    for (conv2 in converters) {
                      tmp = conv2.split(" ");
                      if (tmp[1] === current) {
                        conv = converters[prev + " " + tmp[0]] || converters["* " + tmp[0]];
                        if (conv) {
                          if (conv === true) {
                            conv = converters[conv2];
                          } else if (converters[conv2] !== true) {
                            current = tmp[0];
                  if (conv !== true) {
                    if (conv && s.throws) {
                      response = conv(response);
                    } else {
                      try {
                        response = conv(response);
                      } catch (e) {
                        return {
                          state: "parsererror",
                          error: conv ? e : "No conversion from " + prev + " to " + current
            return { state: "success", data: response };
            // Counter for holding the number of active queries
            active: 0,
            // Last-Modified header cache for next request
            lastModified: {},
            etag: {},
            ajaxSettings: {
              url: location2.href,
              type: "GET",
              isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test(location2.protocol),
              global: true,
              processData: true,
              async: true,
              contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
              timeout: 0,
              data: null,
              dataType: null,
              username: null,
              password: null,
              cache: null,
              throws: false,
              traditional: false,
              headers: {},
              accepts: {
                "*": allTypes,
                text: "text/plain",
                html: "text/html",
                xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
                json: "application/json, text/javascript"
              contents: {
                xml: /\bxml\b/,
                html: /\bhtml/,
                json: /\bjson\b/
              responseFields: {
                xml: "responseXML",
                text: "responseText",
                json: "responseJSON"
              // Data converters
              // Keys separate source (or catchall "*") and destination types with a single space
              converters: {
                // Convert anything to text
                "* text": String,
                // Text to html (true = no transformation)
                "text html": true,
                // Evaluate text as a json expression
                "text json": JSON.parse,
                // Parse text as xml
                "text xml": jQuery2.parseXML
              // For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
              // you can add your own custom options here if
              // and when you create one that shouldn't be
              // deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
              flatOptions: {
                url: true,
                context: true
            // Creates a full fledged settings object into target
            // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
            // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
            ajaxSetup: function(target, settings2) {
              return settings2 ? (
                // Building a settings object
                ajaxExtend(ajaxExtend(target, jQuery2.ajaxSettings), settings2)
              ) : (
                // Extending ajaxSettings
                ajaxExtend(jQuery2.ajaxSettings, target)
            ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters),
            ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(transports),
            // Main method
            ajax: function(url, options) {
              if (typeof url === "object") {
                options = url;
                url = void 0;
              options = options || {};
              var transport, cacheURL, responseHeadersString, responseHeaders, timeoutTimer, urlAnchor, completed2, fireGlobals, i, uncached, s = jQuery2.ajaxSetup({}, options), callbackContext = s.context || s, globalEventContext = s.context && (callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext.jquery) ? jQuery2(callbackContext) : jQuery2.event, deferred = jQuery2.Deferred(), completeDeferred = jQuery2.Callbacks("once memory"), statusCode = s.statusCode || {}, requestHeaders = {}, requestHeadersNames = {}, strAbort = "canceled", jqXHR = {
                readyState: 0,
                // Builds headers hashtable if needed
                getResponseHeader: function(key) {
                  var match2;
                  if (completed2) {
                    if (!responseHeaders) {
                      responseHeaders = {};
                      while (match2 = rheaders.exec(responseHeadersString)) {
                        responseHeaders[match2[1].toLowerCase() + " "] = (responseHeaders[match2[1].toLowerCase() + " "] || []).concat(match2[2]);
                    match2 = responseHeaders[key.toLowerCase() + " "];
                  return match2 == null ? null : match2.join(", ");
                // Raw string
                getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
                  return completed2 ? responseHeadersString : null;
                // Caches the header
                setRequestHeader: function(name, value) {
                  if (completed2 == null) {
                    name = requestHeadersNames[name.toLowerCase()] = requestHeadersNames[name.toLowerCase()] || name;
                    requestHeaders[name] = value;
                  return this;
                // Overrides response content-type header
                overrideMimeType: function(type2) {
                  if (completed2 == null) {
                    s.mimeType = type2;
                  return this;
                // Status-dependent callbacks
                statusCode: function(map2) {
                  var code2;
                  if (map2) {
                    if (completed2) {
                    } else {
                      for (code2 in map2) {
                        statusCode[code2] = [statusCode[code2], map2[code2]];
                  return this;
                // Cancel the request
                abort: function(statusText) {
                  var finalText = statusText || strAbort;
                  if (transport) {
                  done(0, finalText);
                  return this;
              s.url = ((url || s.url || location2.href) + "").replace(rprotocol, location2.protocol + "//");
              s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type;
              s.dataTypes = (s.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""];
              if (s.crossDomain == null) {
                urlAnchor = document2.createElement("a");
                try {
                  urlAnchor.href = s.url;
                  urlAnchor.href = urlAnchor.href;
                  s.crossDomain = originAnchor.protocol + "//" + originAnchor.host !== urlAnchor.protocol + "//" + urlAnchor.host;
                } catch (e) {
                  s.crossDomain = true;
              if (s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string") {
                s.data = jQuery2.param(s.data, s.traditional);
              inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters, s, options, jqXHR);
              if (completed2) {
                return jqXHR;
              fireGlobals = jQuery2.event && s.global;
              if (fireGlobals && jQuery2.active++ === 0) {
              s.type = s.type.toUpperCase();
              s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test(s.type);
              cacheURL = s.url.replace(rhash, "");
              if (!s.hasContent) {
                uncached = s.url.slice(cacheURL.length);
                if (s.data && (s.processData || typeof s.data === "string")) {
                  cacheURL += (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") + s.data;
                  delete s.data;
                if (s.cache === false) {
                  cacheURL = cacheURL.replace(rantiCache, "$1");
                  uncached = (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + nonce.guid++ + uncached;
                s.url = cacheURL + uncached;
              } else if (s.data && s.processData && (s.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") === 0) {
                s.data = s.data.replace(r20, "+");
              if (s.ifModified) {
                if (jQuery2.lastModified[cacheURL]) {
                  jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", jQuery2.lastModified[cacheURL]);
                if (jQuery2.etag[cacheURL]) {
                  jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", jQuery2.etag[cacheURL]);
              if (s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType) {
                jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);
                s.dataTypes[0] && s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] ? s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] + (s.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "") : s.accepts["*"]
              for (i in s.headers) {
                jqXHR.setRequestHeader(i, s.headers[i]);
              if (s.beforeSend && (s.beforeSend.call(callbackContext, jqXHR, s) === false || completed2)) {
                return jqXHR.abort();
              strAbort = "abort";
              transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(transports, s, options, jqXHR);
              if (!transport) {
                done(-1, "No Transport");
              } else {
                jqXHR.readyState = 1;
                if (fireGlobals) {
                  globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxSend", [jqXHR, s]);
                if (completed2) {
                  return jqXHR;
                if (s.async && s.timeout > 0) {
                  timeoutTimer = window2.setTimeout(function() {
                  }, s.timeout);
                try {
                  completed2 = false;
                  transport.send(requestHeaders, done);
                } catch (e) {
                  if (completed2) {
                    throw e;
                  done(-1, e);
              function done(status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers) {
                var isSuccess, success, error, response, modified, statusText = nativeStatusText;
                if (completed2) {
                completed2 = true;
                if (timeoutTimer) {
                transport = void 0;
                responseHeadersString = headers || "";
                jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0;
                isSuccess = status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304;
                if (responses) {
                  response = ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses);
                if (!isSuccess && jQuery2.inArray("script", s.dataTypes) > -1 && jQuery2.inArray("json", s.dataTypes) < 0) {
                  s.converters["text script"] = function() {
                response = ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess);
                if (isSuccess) {
                  if (s.ifModified) {
                    modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
                    if (modified) {
                      jQuery2.lastModified[cacheURL] = modified;
                    modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("etag");
                    if (modified) {
                      jQuery2.etag[cacheURL] = modified;
                  if (status === 204 || s.type === "HEAD") {
                    statusText = "nocontent";
                  } else if (status === 304) {
                    statusText = "notmodified";
                  } else {
                    statusText = response.state;
                    success = response.data;
                    error = response.error;
                    isSuccess = !error;
                } else {
                  error = statusText;
                  if (status || !statusText) {
                    statusText = "error";
                    if (status < 0) {
                      status = 0;
                jqXHR.status = status;
                jqXHR.statusText = (nativeStatusText || statusText) + "";
                if (isSuccess) {
                  deferred.resolveWith(callbackContext, [success, statusText, jqXHR]);
                } else {
                  deferred.rejectWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText, error]);
                statusCode = void 0;
                if (fireGlobals) {
                    isSuccess ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError",
                    [jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error]
                completeDeferred.fireWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText]);
                if (fireGlobals) {
                  globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxComplete", [jqXHR, s]);
                  if (!--jQuery2.active) {
              return jqXHR;
            getJSON: function(url, data, callback) {
              return jQuery2.get(url, data, callback, "json");
            getScript: function(url, callback) {
              return jQuery2.get(url, void 0, callback, "script");
          jQuery2.each(["get", "post"], function(_i, method2) {
            jQuery2[method2] = function(url, data, callback, type2) {
              if (isFunction2(data)) {
                type2 = type2 || callback;
                callback = data;
                data = void 0;
              return jQuery2.ajax(jQuery2.extend({
                type: method2,
                dataType: type2,
                success: callback
              }, jQuery2.isPlainObject(url) && url));
          jQuery2.ajaxPrefilter(function(s) {
            var i;
            for (i in s.headers) {
              if (i.toLowerCase() === "content-type") {
                s.contentType = s.headers[i] || "";
          jQuery2._evalUrl = function(url, options, doc2) {
            return jQuery2.ajax({
              // Make this explicit, since user can override this through ajaxSetup (trac-11264)
              type: "GET",
              dataType: "script",
              cache: true,
              async: false,
              global: false,
              // Only evaluate the response if it is successful (gh-4126)
              // dataFilter is not invoked for failure responses, so using it instead
              // of the default converter is kludgy but it works.
              converters: {
                "text script": function() {
              dataFilter: function(response) {
                jQuery2.globalEval(response, options, doc2);
            wrapAll: function(html2) {
              var wrap2;
              if (this[0]) {
                if (isFunction2(html2)) {
                  html2 = html2.call(this[0]);
                wrap2 = jQuery2(html2, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(true);
                if (this[0].parentNode) {
                wrap2.map(function() {
                  var elem = this;
                  while (elem.firstElementChild) {
                    elem = elem.firstElementChild;
                  return elem;
              return this;
            wrapInner: function(html2) {
              if (isFunction2(html2)) {
                return this.each(function(i) {
                  jQuery2(this).wrapInner(html2.call(this, i));
              return this.each(function() {
                var self2 = jQuery2(this), contents = self2.contents();
                if (contents.length) {
                } else {
            wrap: function(html2) {
              var htmlIsFunction = isFunction2(html2);
              return this.each(function(i) {
                jQuery2(this).wrapAll(htmlIsFunction ? html2.call(this, i) : html2);
            unwrap: function(selector) {
              this.parent(selector).not("body").each(function() {
              return this;
          jQuery2.expr.pseudos.hidden = function(elem) {
            return !jQuery2.expr.pseudos.visible(elem);
          jQuery2.expr.pseudos.visible = function(elem) {
            return !!(elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length);
          jQuery2.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
            try {
              return new window2.XMLHttpRequest();
            } catch (e) {
          var xhrSuccessStatus = {
            // File protocol always yields status code 0, assume 200
            0: 200,
            // Support: IE <=9 only
            // trac-1450: sometimes IE returns 1223 when it should be 204
            1223: 204
          }, xhrSupported = jQuery2.ajaxSettings.xhr();
          support.cors = !!xhrSupported && "withCredentials" in xhrSupported;
          support.ajax = xhrSupported = !!xhrSupported;
          jQuery2.ajaxTransport(function(options) {
            var callback, errorCallback;
            if (support.cors || xhrSupported && !options.crossDomain) {
              return {
                send: function(headers, complete) {
                  var i, xhr = options.xhr();
                  if (options.xhrFields) {
                    for (i in options.xhrFields) {
                      xhr[i] = options.xhrFields[i];
                  if (options.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType) {
                  if (!options.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"]) {
                    headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
                  for (i in headers) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader(i, headers[i]);
                  callback = function(type2) {
                    return function() {
                      if (callback) {
                        callback = errorCallback = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.onabort = xhr.ontimeout = xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
                        if (type2 === "abort") {
                        } else if (type2 === "error") {
                          if (typeof xhr.status !== "number") {
                            complete(0, "error");
                          } else {
                              // File: protocol always yields status 0; see trac-8605, trac-14207
                        } else {
                            xhrSuccessStatus[xhr.status] || xhr.status,
                            // Support: IE <=9 only
                            // IE9 has no XHR2 but throws on binary (trac-11426)
                            // For XHR2 non-text, let the caller handle it (gh-2498)
                            (xhr.responseType || "text") !== "text" || typeof xhr.responseText !== "string" ? { binary: xhr.response } : { text: xhr.responseText },
                  xhr.onload = callback();
                  errorCallback = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = callback("error");
                  if (xhr.onabort !== void 0) {
                    xhr.onabort = errorCallback;
                  } else {
                    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
                      if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        window2.setTimeout(function() {
                          if (callback) {
                  callback = callback("abort");
                  try {
                    xhr.send(options.hasContent && options.data || null);
                  } catch (e) {
                    if (callback) {
                      throw e;
                abort: function() {
                  if (callback) {
          jQuery2.ajaxPrefilter(function(s) {
            if (s.crossDomain) {
              s.contents.script = false;
            accepts: {
              script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
            contents: {
              script: /\b(?:java|ecma)script\b/
            converters: {
              "text script": function(text) {
                return text;
          jQuery2.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(s) {
            if (s.cache === void 0) {
              s.cache = false;
            if (s.crossDomain) {
              s.type = "GET";
          jQuery2.ajaxTransport("script", function(s) {
            if (s.crossDomain || s.scriptAttrs) {
              var script, callback;
              return {
                send: function(_, complete) {
                  script = jQuery2("<script>").attr(s.scriptAttrs || {}).prop({ charset: s.scriptCharset, src: s.url }).on("load error", callback = function(evt) {
                    callback = null;
                    if (evt) {
                      complete(evt.type === "error" ? 404 : 200, evt.type);
                abort: function() {
                  if (callback) {
          var oldCallbacks = [], rjsonp = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/;
            jsonp: "callback",
            jsonpCallback: function() {
              var callback = oldCallbacks.pop() || jQuery2.expando + "_" + nonce.guid++;
              this[callback] = true;
              return callback;
          jQuery2.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(s, originalSettings, jqXHR) {
            var callbackName, overwritten, responseContainer, jsonProp = s.jsonp !== false && (rjsonp.test(s.url) ? "url" : typeof s.data === "string" && (s.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") === 0 && rjsonp.test(s.data) && "data");
            if (jsonProp || s.dataTypes[0] === "jsonp") {
              callbackName = s.jsonpCallback = isFunction2(s.jsonpCallback) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback;
              if (jsonProp) {
                s[jsonProp] = s[jsonProp].replace(rjsonp, "$1" + callbackName);
              } else if (s.jsonp !== false) {
                s.url += (rquery.test(s.url) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + callbackName;
              s.converters["script json"] = function() {
                if (!responseContainer) {
                  jQuery2.error(callbackName + " was not called");
                return responseContainer[0];
              s.dataTypes[0] = "json";
              overwritten = window2[callbackName];
              window2[callbackName] = function() {
                responseContainer = arguments;
              jqXHR.always(function() {
                if (overwritten === void 0) {
                } else {
                  window2[callbackName] = overwritten;
                if (s[callbackName]) {
                  s.jsonpCallback = originalSettings.jsonpCallback;
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                responseContainer = overwritten = void 0;
              return "script";
          support.createHTMLDocument = function() {
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            body.innerHTML = "<form></form><form></form>";
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              return [];
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              context = false;
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                base2.href = document2.location.href;
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              return [context.createElement(parsed[1])];
            parsed = buildFragment([data], context, scripts);
            if (scripts && scripts.length) {
            return jQuery2.merge([], parsed.childNodes);
          jQuery2.fn.load = function(url, params, callback) {
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              url = url.slice(0, off);
            if (isFunction2(params)) {
              callback = params;
              params = void 0;
            } else if (params && typeof params === "object") {
              type2 = "POST";
            if (self2.length > 0) {
                // If "type" variable is undefined, then "GET" method will be used.
                // Make value of this field explicit since
                // user can override it through ajaxSetup method
                type: type2 || "GET",
                dataType: "html",
                data: params
              }).done(function(responseText) {
                response = arguments;
                self2.html(selector ? (
                  // If a selector was specified, locate the right elements in a dummy div
                  // Exclude scripts to avoid IE 'Permission Denied' errors
                ) : (
                  // Otherwise use the full result
              }).always(callback && function(jqXHR, status) {
                self2.each(function() {
                  callback.apply(this, response || [jqXHR.responseText, status, jqXHR]);
            return this;
          jQuery2.expr.pseudos.animated = function(elem) {
            return jQuery2.grep(jQuery2.timers, function(fn2) {
              return elem === fn2.elem;
          jQuery2.offset = {
            setOffset: function(elem, options, i) {
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                curLeft = parseFloat(curCSSLeft) || 0;
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            offset: function(options) {
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                return options === void 0 ? this : this.each(function(i) {
                  jQuery2.offset.setOffset(this, options, i);
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                top: rect.top + win.pageYOffset,
                left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
            // position() relates an element's margin box to its offset parent's padding box
            // This corresponds to the behavior of CSS absolute positioning
            position: function() {
              if (!this[0]) {
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                  parentOffset.left += jQuery2.css(offsetParent, "borderLeftWidth", true);
              return {
                top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - jQuery2.css(elem, "marginTop", true),
                left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - jQuery2.css(elem, "marginLeft", true)
            // This method will return documentElement in the following cases:
            // 1) For the element inside the iframe without offsetParent, this method will return
            //    documentElement of the parent window
            // 2) For the hidden or detached element
            // 3) For body or html element, i.e. in case of the html node - it will return itself
            // but those exceptions were never presented as a real life use-cases
            // and might be considered as more preferable results.
            // This logic, however, is not guaranteed and can change at any point in the future
            offsetParent: function() {
              return this.map(function() {
                var offsetParent = this.offsetParent;
                while (offsetParent && jQuery2.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") {
                  offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
                return offsetParent || documentElement;
          jQuery2.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function(method2, prop) {
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              return access(this, function(elem, method3, val2) {
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                if (isWindow(elem)) {
                  win = elem;
                } else if (elem.nodeType === 9) {
                  win = elem.defaultView;
                if (val2 === void 0) {
                  return win ? win[prop] : elem[method3];
                if (win) {
                    !top ? val2 : win.pageXOffset,
                    top ? val2 : win.pageYOffset
                } else {
                  elem[method3] = val2;
              }, method2, val, arguments.length);
          jQuery2.each(["top", "left"], function(_i, prop) {
            jQuery2.cssHooks[prop] = addGetHookIf(
              function(elem, computed2) {
                if (computed2) {
                  computed2 = curCSS(elem, prop);
                  return rnumnonpx.test(computed2) ? jQuery2(elem).position()[prop] + "px" : computed2;
          jQuery2.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function(name, type2) {
              padding: "inner" + name,
              content: type2,
              "": "outer" + name
            }, function(defaultExtra, funcName) {
              jQuery2.fn[funcName] = function(margin, value) {
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                return access(this, function(elem, type3, value2) {
                  var doc2;
                  if (isWindow(elem)) {
                    return funcName.indexOf("outer") === 0 ? elem["inner" + name] : elem.document.documentElement["client" + name];
                  if (elem.nodeType === 9) {
                    doc2 = elem.documentElement;
                    return Math.max(
                      elem.body["scroll" + name],
                      doc2["scroll" + name],
                      elem.body["offset" + name],
                      doc2["offset" + name],
                      doc2["client" + name]
                  return value2 === void 0 ? (
                    // Get width or height on the element, requesting but not forcing parseFloat
                    jQuery2.css(elem, type3, extra)
                  ) : (
                    // Set width or height on the element
                    jQuery2.style(elem, type3, value2, extra)
                }, type2, chainable ? margin : void 0, chainable);
          ], function(_i, type2) {
            jQuery2.fn[type2] = function(fn2) {
              return this.on(type2, fn2);
            bind: function(types2, data, fn2) {
              return this.on(types2, null, data, fn2);
            unbind: function(types2, fn2) {
              return this.off(types2, null, fn2);
            delegate: function(selector, types2, data, fn2) {
              return this.on(types2, selector, data, fn2);
            undelegate: function(selector, types2, fn2) {
              return arguments.length === 1 ? this.off(selector, "**") : this.off(types2, selector || "**", fn2);
            hover: function(fnOver, fnOut) {
              return this.mouseenter(fnOver).mouseleave(fnOut || fnOver);
            "blur focus focusin focusout resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu".split(" "),
            function(_i, name) {
              jQuery2.fn[name] = function(data, fn2) {
                return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(name, null, data, fn2) : this.trigger(name);
          var rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|([^\s\uFEFF\xA0])[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;
          jQuery2.proxy = function(fn2, context) {
            var tmp, args, proxy2;
            if (typeof context === "string") {
              tmp = fn2[context];
              context = fn2;
              fn2 = tmp;
            if (!isFunction2(fn2)) {
              return void 0;
            args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
            proxy2 = function() {
              return fn2.apply(context || this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
            proxy2.guid = fn2.guid = fn2.guid || jQuery2.guid++;
            return proxy2;
          jQuery2.holdReady = function(hold) {
            if (hold) {
            } else {
          jQuery2.isArray = Array.isArray;
          jQuery2.parseJSON = JSON.parse;
          jQuery2.nodeName = nodeName;
          jQuery2.isFunction = isFunction2;
          jQuery2.isWindow = isWindow;
          jQuery2.camelCase = camelCase2;
          jQuery2.type = toType;
          jQuery2.now = Date.now;
          jQuery2.isNumeric = function(obj) {
            var type2 = jQuery2.type(obj);
            return (type2 === "number" || type2 === "string") && // parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives ("")
            // ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
            // subtraction forces infinities to NaN
            !isNaN(obj - parseFloat(obj));
          jQuery2.trim = function(text) {
            return text == null ? "" : (text + "").replace(rtrim, "$1");
          var _jQuery = window2.jQuery, _$ = window2.$;
          jQuery2.noConflict = function(deep) {
            if (window2.$ === jQuery2) {
              window2.$ = _$;
            if (deep && window2.jQuery === jQuery2) {
              window2.jQuery = _jQuery;
            return jQuery2;
          if (typeof noGlobal === "undefined") {
            window2.jQuery = window2.$ = jQuery2;
          return jQuery2;
      var jqueryExports = jquery.exports;
      const $ = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(jqueryExports);
        _monkeyWindow.jQuery = $;
       * Copyright 2012, Chris Wanstrath
       * Released under the MIT License
       * https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax
      (function($2) {
        function fnPjax(selector, container, options) {
          options = optionsFor(container, options);
          return this.on("click.pjax", selector, function(event) {
            var opts = options;
            if (!opts.container) {
              opts = $2.extend({}, options);
              opts.container = $2(this).attr("data-pjax");
            handleClick(event, opts);
        function handleClick(event, container, options) {
          options = optionsFor(container, options);
          var link = event.currentTarget;
          var $link = $2(link);
          if (link.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "A")
            throw "$.fn.pjax or $.pjax.click requires an anchor element";
          if (event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey)
          if (location.protocol !== link.protocol || location.hostname !== link.hostname)
          if (link.href.indexOf("#") > -1 && stripHash(link) == stripHash(location))
          if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
          var defaults = {
            url: link.href,
            container: $link.attr("data-pjax"),
            target: link
          var opts = $2.extend({}, defaults, options);
          var clickEvent = $2.Event("pjax:click");
          $link.trigger(clickEvent, [opts]);
          if (!clickEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
            $link.trigger("pjax:clicked", [opts]);
        function handleSubmit(event, container, options) {
          options = optionsFor(container, options);
          var form = event.currentTarget;
          var $form = $2(form);
          if (form.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "FORM")
            throw "$.pjax.submit requires a form element";
          var defaults = {
            type: ($form.attr("method") || "GET").toUpperCase(),
            url: $form.attr("action"),
            container: $form.attr("data-pjax"),
            target: form
          if (defaults.type !== "GET" && window.FormData !== void 0) {
            defaults.data = new FormData(form);
            defaults.processData = false;
            defaults.contentType = false;
          } else {
            if ($form.find(":file").length) {
            defaults.data = $form.serializeArray();
          pjax($2.extend({}, defaults, options));
        function pjax(options) {
          options = $2.extend(true, {}, $2.ajaxSettings, pjax.defaults, options);
          if ($2.isFunction(options.url)) {
            options.url = options.url();
          var hash = parseURL(options.url).hash;
          var containerType = $2.type(options.container);
          if (containerType !== "string") {
            throw "expected string value for 'container' option; got " + containerType;
          var context = options.context = $2(options.container);
          if (!context.length) {
            throw "the container selector '" + options.container + "' did not match anything";
          if (!options.data)
            options.data = {};
          if ($2.isArray(options.data)) {
            options.data.push({ name: "_pjax", value: options.container });
          } else {
            options.data._pjax = options.container;
          function fire(type2, args, props) {
            if (!props)
              props = {};
            props.relatedTarget = options.target;
            var event = $2.Event(type2, props);
            context.trigger(event, args);
            return !event.isDefaultPrevented();
          var timeoutTimer;
          options.beforeSend = function(xhr2, settings2) {
            if (settings2.type !== "GET") {
              settings2.timeout = 0;
            xhr2.setRequestHeader("X-PJAX", "true");
            xhr2.setRequestHeader("X-PJAX-Container", options.container);
            if (!fire("pjax:beforeSend", [xhr2, settings2]))
              return false;
            if (settings2.timeout > 0) {
              timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                if (fire("pjax:timeout", [xhr2, options]))
              }, settings2.timeout);
              settings2.timeout = 0;
            var url = parseURL(settings2.url);
            if (hash)
              url.hash = hash;
            options.requestUrl = stripInternalParams(url);
          options.complete = function(xhr2, textStatus) {
            if (timeoutTimer)
            fire("pjax:complete", [xhr2, textStatus, options]);
            fire("pjax:end", [xhr2, options]);
          options.error = function(xhr2, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            var container = extractContainer("", xhr2, options);
            var allowed = fire("pjax:error", [xhr2, textStatus, errorThrown, options]);
            if (options.type == "GET" && textStatus !== "abort" && allowed) {
          options.success = function(data, status, xhr2) {
            var previousState = pjax.state;
            var currentVersion = typeof $2.pjax.defaults.version === "function" ? $2.pjax.defaults.version() : $2.pjax.defaults.version;
            var latestVersion = xhr2.getResponseHeader("X-PJAX-Version");
            var container = extractContainer(data, xhr2, options);
            var url = parseURL(container.url);
            if (hash) {
              url.hash = hash;
              container.url = url.href;
            if (currentVersion && latestVersion && currentVersion !== latestVersion) {
            if (!container.contents) {
            pjax.state = {
              id: options.id || uniqueId(),
              url: container.url,
              title: container.title,
              container: options.container,
              fragment: options.fragment,
              timeout: options.timeout
            if (options.push || options.replace) {
              window.history.replaceState(pjax.state, container.title, container.url);
            var blurFocus = $2.contains(context, document.activeElement);
            if (blurFocus) {
              try {
              } catch (e) {
            if (container.title)
              document.title = container.title;
            fire("pjax:beforeReplace", [container.contents, options], {
              state: pjax.state,
            var autofocusEl = context.find("input[autofocus], textarea[autofocus]").last()[0];
            if (autofocusEl && document.activeElement !== autofocusEl) {
            var scrollTo = options.scrollTo;
            if (hash) {
              var name = decodeURIComponent(hash.slice(1));
              var target = document.getElementById(name) || document.getElementsByName(name)[0];
              if (target)
                scrollTo = $2(target).offset().top;
            if (typeof scrollTo == "number")
            fire("pjax:success", [data, status, xhr2, options]);
          if (!pjax.state) {
            pjax.state = {
              id: uniqueId(),
              url: window.location.href,
              title: document.title,
              container: options.container,
              fragment: options.fragment,
              timeout: options.timeout
            window.history.replaceState(pjax.state, document.title);
          pjax.options = options;
          var xhr = pjax.xhr = $2.ajax(options);
          if (xhr.readyState > 0) {
            if (options.push && !options.replace) {
              cachePush(pjax.state.id, [options.container, cloneContents(context)]);
              window.history.pushState(null, "", options.requestUrl);
            fire("pjax:start", [xhr, options]);
            fire("pjax:send", [xhr, options]);
          return pjax.xhr;
        function pjaxReload(container, options) {
          var defaults = {
            url: window.location.href,
            push: false,
            replace: true,
            scrollTo: false
          return pjax($2.extend(defaults, optionsFor(container, options)));
        function locationReplace(url) {
          window.history.replaceState(null, "", pjax.state.url);
        var initialPop = true;
        var initialURL = window.location.href;
        var initialState = window.history.state;
        if (initialState && initialState.container) {
          pjax.state = initialState;
        if ("state" in window.history) {
          initialPop = false;
        function onPjaxPopstate(event) {
          if (!initialPop) {
          var previousState = pjax.state;
          var state = event.state;
          var direction;
          if (state && state.container) {
            if (initialPop && initialURL == state.url)
            if (previousState) {
              if (previousState.id === state.id)
              direction = previousState.id < state.id ? "forward" : "back";
            var cache2 = cacheMapping[state.id] || [];
            var containerSelector = cache2[0] || state.container;
            var container = $2(containerSelector), contents = cache2[1];
            if (container.length) {
              if (previousState) {
                cachePop(direction, previousState.id, [containerSelector, cloneContents(container)]);
              var popstateEvent = $2.Event("pjax:popstate", {
              var options = {
                id: state.id,
                url: state.url,
                container: containerSelector,
                push: false,
                fragment: state.fragment,
                timeout: state.timeout,
                scrollTo: false
              if (contents) {
                container.trigger("pjax:start", [null, options]);
                pjax.state = state;
                if (state.title)
                  document.title = state.title;
                var beforeReplaceEvent = $2.Event("pjax:beforeReplace", {
                container.trigger(beforeReplaceEvent, [contents, options]);
                container.trigger("pjax:end", [null, options]);
              } else {
            } else {
          initialPop = false;
        function fallbackPjax(options) {
          var url = $2.isFunction(options.url) ? options.url() : options.url, method2 = options.type ? options.type.toUpperCase() : "GET";
          var form = $2("<form>", {
            method: method2 === "GET" ? "GET" : "POST",
            action: url,
            style: "display:none"
          if (method2 !== "GET" && method2 !== "POST") {
            form.append($2("<input>", {
              type: "hidden",
              name: "_method",
              value: method2.toLowerCase()
          var data = options.data;
          if (typeof data === "string") {
            $2.each(data.split("&"), function(index2, value) {
              var pair = value.split("=");
              form.append($2("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: pair[0], value: pair[1] }));
          } else if ($2.isArray(data)) {
            $2.each(data, function(index2, value) {
              form.append($2("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: value.name, value: value.value }));
          } else if (typeof data === "object") {
            var key;
            for (key in data)
              form.append($2("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: key, value: data[key] }));
        function abortXHR(xhr) {
          if (xhr && xhr.readyState < 4) {
            xhr.onreadystatechange = $2.noop;
        function uniqueId() {
          return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
        function cloneContents(container) {
          var cloned = container.clone();
          cloned.find("script").each(function() {
            if (!this.src)
              $2._data(this, "globalEval", false);
          return cloned.contents();
        function stripInternalParams(url) {
          url.search = url.search.replace(/([?&])(_pjax|_)=[^&]*/g, "").replace(/^&/, "");
          return url.href.replace(/\?($|#)/, "$1");
        function parseURL(url) {
          var a = document.createElement("a");
          a.href = url;
          return a;
        function stripHash(location2) {
          return location2.href.replace(/#.*/, "");
        function optionsFor(container, options) {
          if (container && options) {
            options = $2.extend({}, options);
            options.container = container;
            return options;
          } else if ($2.isPlainObject(container)) {
            return container;
          } else {
            return { container };
        function findAll(elems, selector) {
          return elems.filter(selector).add(elems.find(selector));
        function parseHTML(html2) {
          return $2.parseHTML(html2, document, true);
        function extractContainer(data, xhr, options) {
          var obj = {}, fullDocument = /<html/i.test(data);
          var serverUrl = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-PJAX-URL");
          obj.url = serverUrl ? stripInternalParams(parseURL(serverUrl)) : options.requestUrl;
          var $head, $body;
          if (fullDocument) {
            $body = $2(parseHTML(data.match(/<body[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/body>/i)[0]));
            var head = data.match(/<head[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/head>/i);
            $head = head != null ? $2(parseHTML(head[0])) : $body;
          } else {
            $head = $body = $2(parseHTML(data));
          if ($body.length === 0)
            return obj;
          obj.title = findAll($head, "title").last().text();
          if (options.fragment) {
            var $fragment = $body;
            if (options.fragment !== "body") {
              $fragment = findAll($fragment, options.fragment).first();
            if ($fragment.length) {
              obj.contents = options.fragment === "body" ? $fragment : $fragment.contents();
              if (!obj.title)
                obj.title = $fragment.attr("title") || $fragment.data("title");
          } else if (!fullDocument) {
            obj.contents = $body;
          if (obj.contents) {
            obj.contents = obj.contents.not(function() {
              return $2(this).is("title");
            obj.scripts = findAll(obj.contents, "script[src]").remove();
            obj.contents = obj.contents.not(obj.scripts);
          if (obj.title)
            obj.title = $2.trim(obj.title);
          return obj;
        function executeScriptTags(scripts) {
          if (!scripts)
          var existingScripts = $2("script[src]");
          scripts.each(function() {
            var src = this.src;
            var matchedScripts = existingScripts.filter(function() {
              return this.src === src;
            if (matchedScripts.length)
            var script = document.createElement("script");
            var type2 = $2(this).attr("type");
            if (type2)
              script.type = type2;
            script.src = $2(this).attr("src");
        var cacheMapping = {};
        var cacheForwardStack = [];
        var cacheBackStack = [];
        function cachePush(id, value) {
          cacheMapping[id] = value;
          trimCacheStack(cacheForwardStack, 0);
          trimCacheStack(cacheBackStack, pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength);
        function cachePop(direction, id, value) {
          var pushStack, popStack;
          cacheMapping[id] = value;
          if (direction === "forward") {
            pushStack = cacheBackStack;
            popStack = cacheForwardStack;
          } else {
            pushStack = cacheForwardStack;
            popStack = cacheBackStack;
          id = popStack.pop();
          if (id)
            delete cacheMapping[id];
          trimCacheStack(pushStack, pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength);
        function trimCacheStack(stack, length) {
          while (stack.length > length)
            delete cacheMapping[stack.shift()];
        function findVersion() {
          return $2("meta").filter(function() {
            var name = $2(this).attr("http-equiv");
            return name && name.toUpperCase() === "X-PJAX-VERSION";
        function enable() {
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            timeout: 650,
            push: true,
            replace: false,
            type: "GET",
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            scrollTo: 0,
            maxCacheLength: 20,
            version: findVersion
          $2(window).on("popstate.pjax", onPjaxPopstate);
        function disable() {
          $2.fn.pjax = function() {
            return this;
          $2.pjax = fallbackPjax;
          $2.pjax.enable = enable;
          $2.pjax.disable = $2.noop;
          $2.pjax.click = $2.noop;
          $2.pjax.submit = $2.noop;
          $2.pjax.reload = function() {
          $2(window).off("popstate.pjax", onPjaxPopstate);
        if ($2.event.props && $2.inArray("state", $2.event.props) < 0) {
        } else if (!("state" in $2.Event.prototype)) {
        $2.support.pjax = window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState && // pushState isn't reliable on iOS until 5.
        if ($2.support.pjax) {
        } else {
      function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) {
        const map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        const list = str.split(",");
        for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
          map2[list[i]] = true;
        return expectsLowerCase ? (val) => !!map2[val.toLowerCase()] : (val) => !!map2[val];
      function normalizeStyle(value) {
        if (isArray$3(value)) {
          const res = {};
          for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            const item = value[i];
            const normalized = isString$2(item) ? parseStringStyle(item) : normalizeStyle(item);
            if (normalized) {
              for (const key in normalized) {
                res[key] = normalized[key];
          return res;
        } else if (isString$2(value)) {
          return value;
        } else if (isObject$3(value)) {
          return value;
      const listDelimiterRE = /;(?![^(]*\))/g;
      const propertyDelimiterRE = /:([^]+)/;
      const styleCommentRE = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs;
      function parseStringStyle(cssText) {
        const ret = {};
        cssText.replace(styleCommentRE, "").split(listDelimiterRE).forEach((item) => {
          if (item) {
            const tmp = item.split(propertyDelimiterRE);
            tmp.length > 1 && (ret[tmp[0].trim()] = tmp[1].trim());
        return ret;
      function normalizeClass(value) {
        let res = "";
        if (isString$2(value)) {
          res = value;
        } else if (isArray$3(value)) {
          for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            const normalized = normalizeClass(value[i]);
            if (normalized) {
              res += normalized + " ";
        } else if (isObject$3(value)) {
          for (const name in value) {
            if (value[name]) {
              res += name + " ";
        return res.trim();
      const specialBooleanAttrs = `itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly`;
      const isSpecialBooleanAttr = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(specialBooleanAttrs);
      function includeBooleanAttr(value) {
        return !!value || value === "";
      function looseCompareArrays(a, b) {
        if (a.length !== b.length)
          return false;
        let equal = true;
        for (let i = 0; equal && i < a.length; i++) {
          equal = looseEqual(a[i], b[i]);
        return equal;
      function looseEqual(a, b) {
        if (a === b)
          return true;
        let aValidType = isDate$1(a);
        let bValidType = isDate$1(b);
        if (aValidType || bValidType) {
          return aValidType && bValidType ? a.getTime() === b.getTime() : false;
        aValidType = isSymbol$1(a);
        bValidType = isSymbol$1(b);
        if (aValidType || bValidType) {
          return a === b;
        aValidType = isArray$3(a);
        bValidType = isArray$3(b);
        if (aValidType || bValidType) {
          return aValidType && bValidType ? looseCompareArrays(a, b) : false;
        aValidType = isObject$3(a);
        bValidType = isObject$3(b);
        if (aValidType || bValidType) {
          if (!aValidType || !bValidType) {
            return false;
          const aKeysCount = Object.keys(a).length;
          const bKeysCount = Object.keys(b).length;
          if (aKeysCount !== bKeysCount) {
            return false;
          for (const key in a) {
            const aHasKey = a.hasOwnProperty(key);
            const bHasKey = b.hasOwnProperty(key);
            if (aHasKey && !bHasKey || !aHasKey && bHasKey || !looseEqual(a[key], b[key])) {
              return false;
        return String(a) === String(b);
      function looseIndexOf(arr, val) {
        return arr.findIndex((item) => looseEqual(item, val));
      const toDisplayString$1 = (val) => {
        return isString$2(val) ? val : val == null ? "" : isArray$3(val) || isObject$3(val) && (val.toString === objectToString$2 || !isFunction$2(val.toString)) ? JSON.stringify(val, replacer, 2) : String(val);
      const replacer = (_key, val) => {
        if (val && val.__v_isRef) {
          return replacer(_key, val.value);
        } else if (isMap$2(val)) {
          return {
            [`Map(${val.size})`]: [...val.entries()].reduce((entries, [key, val2]) => {
              entries[`${key} =>`] = val2;
              return entries;
            }, {})
        } else if (isSet$2(val)) {
          return {
            [`Set(${val.size})`]: [...val.values()]
        } else if (isObject$3(val) && !isArray$3(val) && !isPlainObject$2(val)) {
          return String(val);
        return val;
      const EMPTY_OBJ = {};
      const EMPTY_ARR = [];
      const NOOP = () => {
      const NO = () => false;
      const onRE = /^on[^a-z]/;
      const isOn = (key) => onRE.test(key);
      const isModelListener = (key) => key.startsWith("onUpdate:");
      const extend = Object.assign;
      const remove = (arr, el) => {
        const i = arr.indexOf(el);
        if (i > -1) {
          arr.splice(i, 1);
      const hasOwnProperty$h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      const hasOwn$1 = (val, key) => hasOwnProperty$h.call(val, key);
      const isArray$3 = Array.isArray;
      const isMap$2 = (val) => toTypeString$1(val) === "[object Map]";
      const isSet$2 = (val) => toTypeString$1(val) === "[object Set]";
      const isDate$1 = (val) => toTypeString$1(val) === "[object Date]";
      const isFunction$2 = (val) => typeof val === "function";
      const isString$2 = (val) => typeof val === "string";
      const isSymbol$1 = (val) => typeof val === "symbol";
      const isObject$3 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
      const isPromise = (val) => {
        return isObject$3(val) && isFunction$2(val.then) && isFunction$2(val.catch);
      const objectToString$2 = Object.prototype.toString;
      const toTypeString$1 = (value) => objectToString$2.call(value);
      const toRawType = (value) => {
        return toTypeString$1(value).slice(8, -1);
      const isPlainObject$2 = (val) => toTypeString$1(val) === "[object Object]";
      const isIntegerKey = (key) => isString$2(key) && key !== "NaN" && key[0] !== "-" && "" + parseInt(key, 10) === key;
      const isReservedProp = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(
        // the leading comma is intentional so empty string "" is also included
      const cacheStringFunction = (fn2) => {
        const cache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        return (str) => {
          const hit = cache2[str];
          return hit || (cache2[str] = fn2(str));
      const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
      const camelize = cacheStringFunction((str) => {
        return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : "");
      const hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g;
      const hyphenate = cacheStringFunction((str) => str.replace(hyphenateRE, "-$1").toLowerCase());
      const capitalize$2 = cacheStringFunction((str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1));
      const toHandlerKey = cacheStringFunction((str) => str ? `on${capitalize$2(str)}` : ``);
      const hasChanged = (value, oldValue) => !Object.is(value, oldValue);
      const invokeArrayFns = (fns, arg) => {
        for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
      const def = (obj, key, value) => {
        Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
          configurable: true,
          enumerable: false,
      const looseToNumber = (val) => {
        const n = parseFloat(val);
        return isNaN(n) ? val : n;
      const toNumber$1 = (val) => {
        const n = isString$2(val) ? Number(val) : NaN;
        return isNaN(n) ? val : n;
      let _globalThis$1;
      const getGlobalThis$1 = () => {
        return _globalThis$1 || (_globalThis$1 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {});
      let activeEffectScope;
      class EffectScope {
        constructor(detached = false) {
          this.detached = detached;
          this._active = true;
          this.effects = [];
          this.cleanups = [];
          this.parent = activeEffectScope;
          if (!detached && activeEffectScope) {
            this.index = (activeEffectScope.scopes || (activeEffectScope.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1;
        get active() {
          return this._active;
        run(fn2) {
          if (this._active) {
            const currentEffectScope = activeEffectScope;
            try {
              activeEffectScope = this;
              return fn2();
            } finally {
              activeEffectScope = currentEffectScope;
         * This should only be called on non-detached scopes
         * @internal
        on() {
          activeEffectScope = this;
         * This should only be called on non-detached scopes
         * @internal
        off() {
          activeEffectScope = this.parent;
        stop(fromParent) {
          if (this._active) {
            let i, l;
            for (i = 0, l = this.effects.length; i < l; i++) {
            for (i = 0, l = this.cleanups.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (this.scopes) {
              for (i = 0, l = this.scopes.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (!this.detached && this.parent && !fromParent) {
              const last2 = this.parent.scopes.pop();
              if (last2 && last2 !== this) {
                this.parent.scopes[this.index] = last2;
                last2.index = this.index;
            this.parent = void 0;
            this._active = false;
      function effectScope(detached) {
        return new EffectScope(detached);
      function recordEffectScope(effect, scope = activeEffectScope) {
        if (scope && scope.active) {
      function getCurrentScope() {
        return activeEffectScope;
      function onScopeDispose(fn2) {
        if (activeEffectScope) {
      const createDep = (effects) => {
        const dep = new Set(effects);
        dep.w = 0;
        dep.n = 0;
        return dep;
      const wasTracked = (dep) => (dep.w & trackOpBit) > 0;
      const newTracked = (dep) => (dep.n & trackOpBit) > 0;
      const initDepMarkers = ({ deps }) => {
        if (deps.length) {
          for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
            deps[i].w |= trackOpBit;
      const finalizeDepMarkers = (effect) => {
        const { deps } = effect;
        if (deps.length) {
          let ptr = 0;
          for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
            const dep = deps[i];
            if (wasTracked(dep) && !newTracked(dep)) {
            } else {
              deps[ptr++] = dep;
            dep.w &= ~trackOpBit;
            dep.n &= ~trackOpBit;
          deps.length = ptr;
      const targetMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      let effectTrackDepth = 0;
      let trackOpBit = 1;
      const maxMarkerBits = 30;
      let activeEffect;
      const ITERATE_KEY = Symbol("");
      const MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY = Symbol("");
      class ReactiveEffect {
        constructor(fn2, scheduler = null, scope) {
          this.fn = fn2;
          this.scheduler = scheduler;
          this.active = true;
          this.deps = [];
          this.parent = void 0;
          recordEffectScope(this, scope);
        run() {
          if (!this.active) {
            return this.fn();
          let parent = activeEffect;
          let lastShouldTrack = shouldTrack;
          while (parent) {
            if (parent === this) {
            parent = parent.parent;
          try {
            this.parent = activeEffect;
            activeEffect = this;
            shouldTrack = true;
            trackOpBit = 1 << ++effectTrackDepth;
            if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
            } else {
            return this.fn();
          } finally {
            if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
            trackOpBit = 1 << --effectTrackDepth;
            activeEffect = this.parent;
            shouldTrack = lastShouldTrack;
            this.parent = void 0;
            if (this.deferStop) {
        stop() {
          if (activeEffect === this) {
            this.deferStop = true;
          } else if (this.active) {
            if (this.onStop) {
            this.active = false;
      function cleanupEffect(effect) {
        const { deps } = effect;
        if (deps.length) {
          for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
          deps.length = 0;
      let shouldTrack = true;
      const trackStack = [];
      function pauseTracking() {
        shouldTrack = false;
      function resetTracking() {
        const last2 = trackStack.pop();
        shouldTrack = last2 === void 0 ? true : last2;
      function track(target, type2, key) {
        if (shouldTrack && activeEffect) {
          let depsMap = targetMap.get(target);
          if (!depsMap) {
            targetMap.set(target, depsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
          let dep = depsMap.get(key);
          if (!dep) {
            depsMap.set(key, dep = createDep());
      function trackEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
        let shouldTrack2 = false;
        if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
          if (!newTracked(dep)) {
            dep.n |= trackOpBit;
            shouldTrack2 = !wasTracked(dep);
        } else {
          shouldTrack2 = !dep.has(activeEffect);
        if (shouldTrack2) {
      function trigger(target, type2, key, newValue, oldValue, oldTarget) {
        const depsMap = targetMap.get(target);
        if (!depsMap) {
        let deps = [];
        if (type2 === "clear") {
          deps = [...depsMap.values()];
        } else if (key === "length" && isArray$3(target)) {
          const newLength = Number(newValue);
          depsMap.forEach((dep, key2) => {
            if (key2 === "length" || key2 >= newLength) {
        } else {
          if (key !== void 0) {
          switch (type2) {
            case "add":
              if (!isArray$3(target)) {
                if (isMap$2(target)) {
              } else if (isIntegerKey(key)) {
            case "delete":
              if (!isArray$3(target)) {
                if (isMap$2(target)) {
            case "set":
              if (isMap$2(target)) {
        if (deps.length === 1) {
          if (deps[0]) {
        } else {
          const effects = [];
          for (const dep of deps) {
            if (dep) {
      function triggerEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
        const effects = isArray$3(dep) ? dep : [...dep];
        for (const effect of effects) {
          if (effect.computed) {
        for (const effect of effects) {
          if (!effect.computed) {
      function triggerEffect(effect, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
        if (effect !== activeEffect || effect.allowRecurse) {
          if (effect.scheduler) {
          } else {
      function getDepFromReactive(object2, key) {
        var _a2;
        return (_a2 = targetMap.get(object2)) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.get(key);
      const isNonTrackableKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(`__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue`);
      const builtInSymbols = new Set(
        /* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((key) => key !== "arguments" && key !== "caller").map((key) => Symbol[key]).filter(isSymbol$1)
      const get$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createGetter();
      const shallowGet = /* @__PURE__ */ createGetter(false, true);
      const readonlyGet = /* @__PURE__ */ createGetter(true);
      const arrayInstrumentations = /* @__PURE__ */ createArrayInstrumentations();
      function createArrayInstrumentations() {
        const instrumentations = {};
        ["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((key) => {
          instrumentations[key] = function(...args) {
            const arr = toRaw(this);
            for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
              track(arr, "get", i + "");
            const res = arr[key](...args);
            if (res === -1 || res === false) {
              return arr[key](...args.map(toRaw));
            } else {
              return res;
        ["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice"].forEach((key) => {
          instrumentations[key] = function(...args) {
            const res = toRaw(this)[key].apply(this, args);
            return res;
        return instrumentations;
      function hasOwnProperty$g(key) {
        const obj = toRaw(this);
        track(obj, "has", key);
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(key);
      function createGetter(isReadonly2 = false, shallow = false) {
        return function get2(target, key, receiver) {
          if (key === "__v_isReactive") {
            return !isReadonly2;
          } else if (key === "__v_isReadonly") {
            return isReadonly2;
          } else if (key === "__v_isShallow") {
            return shallow;
          } else if (key === "__v_raw" && receiver === (isReadonly2 ? shallow ? shallowReadonlyMap : readonlyMap : shallow ? shallowReactiveMap : reactiveMap).get(target)) {
            return target;
          const targetIsArray = isArray$3(target);
          if (!isReadonly2) {
            if (targetIsArray && hasOwn$1(arrayInstrumentations, key)) {
              return Reflect.get(arrayInstrumentations, key, receiver);
            if (key === "hasOwnProperty") {
              return hasOwnProperty$g;
          const res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);
          if (isSymbol$1(key) ? builtInSymbols.has(key) : isNonTrackableKeys(key)) {
            return res;
          if (!isReadonly2) {
            track(target, "get", key);
          if (shallow) {
            return res;
          if (isRef(res)) {
            return targetIsArray && isIntegerKey(key) ? res : res.value;
          if (isObject$3(res)) {
            return isReadonly2 ? readonly(res) : reactive(res);
          return res;
      const set$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createSetter();
      const shallowSet = /* @__PURE__ */ createSetter(true);
      function createSetter(shallow = false) {
        return function set2(target, key, value, receiver) {
          let oldValue = target[key];
          if (isReadonly(oldValue) && isRef(oldValue) && !isRef(value)) {
            return false;
          if (!shallow) {
            if (!isShallow(value) && !isReadonly(value)) {
              oldValue = toRaw(oldValue);
              value = toRaw(value);
            if (!isArray$3(target) && isRef(oldValue) && !isRef(value)) {
              oldValue.value = value;
              return true;
          const hadKey = isArray$3(target) && isIntegerKey(key) ? Number(key) < target.length : hasOwn$1(target, key);
          const result = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);
          if (target === toRaw(receiver)) {
            if (!hadKey) {
              trigger(target, "add", key, value);
            } else if (hasChanged(value, oldValue)) {
              trigger(target, "set", key, value);
          return result;
      function deleteProperty(target, key) {
        const hadKey = hasOwn$1(target, key);
        const result = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);
        if (result && hadKey) {
          trigger(target, "delete", key, void 0);
        return result;
      function has$1(target, key) {
        const result = Reflect.has(target, key);
        if (!isSymbol$1(key) || !builtInSymbols.has(key)) {
          track(target, "has", key);
        return result;
      function ownKeys(target) {
        track(target, "iterate", isArray$3(target) ? "length" : ITERATE_KEY);
        return Reflect.ownKeys(target);
      const mutableHandlers = {
        get: get$1,
        set: set$1,
        has: has$1,
      const readonlyHandlers = {
        get: readonlyGet,
        set(target, key) {
          return true;
        deleteProperty(target, key) {
          return true;
      const shallowReactiveHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ extend({}, mutableHandlers, {
        get: shallowGet,
        set: shallowSet
      const toShallow = (value) => value;
      const getProto = (v) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(v);
      function get$2(target, key, isReadonly2 = false, isShallow2 = false) {
        target = target[
          /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
        const rawKey = toRaw(key);
        if (!isReadonly2) {
          if (key !== rawKey) {
            track(rawTarget, "get", key);
          track(rawTarget, "get", rawKey);
        const { has: has2 } = getProto(rawTarget);
        const wrap2 = isShallow2 ? toShallow : isReadonly2 ? toReadonly : toReactive;
        if (has2.call(rawTarget, key)) {
          return wrap2(target.get(key));
        } else if (has2.call(rawTarget, rawKey)) {
          return wrap2(target.get(rawKey));
        } else if (target !== rawTarget) {
      function has(key, isReadonly2 = false) {
        const target = this[
          /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
        const rawKey = toRaw(key);
        if (!isReadonly2) {
          if (key !== rawKey) {
            track(rawTarget, "has", key);
          track(rawTarget, "has", rawKey);
        return key === rawKey ? target.has(key) : target.has(key) || target.has(rawKey);
      function size(target, isReadonly2 = false) {
        target = target[
          /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        !isReadonly2 && track(toRaw(target), "iterate", ITERATE_KEY);
        return Reflect.get(target, "size", target);
      function add(value) {
        value = toRaw(value);
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const proto = getProto(target);
        const hadKey = proto.has.call(target, value);
        if (!hadKey) {
          trigger(target, "add", value, value);
        return this;
      function set$2(key, value) {
        value = toRaw(value);
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const { has: has2, get: get2 } = getProto(target);
        let hadKey = has2.call(target, key);
        if (!hadKey) {
          key = toRaw(key);
          hadKey = has2.call(target, key);
        const oldValue = get2.call(target, key);
        target.set(key, value);
        if (!hadKey) {
          trigger(target, "add", key, value);
        } else if (hasChanged(value, oldValue)) {
          trigger(target, "set", key, value);
        return this;
      function deleteEntry(key) {
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const { has: has2, get: get2 } = getProto(target);
        let hadKey = has2.call(target, key);
        if (!hadKey) {
          key = toRaw(key);
          hadKey = has2.call(target, key);
        get2 ? get2.call(target, key) : void 0;
        const result = target.delete(key);
        if (hadKey) {
          trigger(target, "delete", key, void 0);
        return result;
      function clear() {
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const hadItems = target.size !== 0;
        const result = target.clear();
        if (hadItems) {
          trigger(target, "clear", void 0, void 0);
        return result;
      function createForEach(isReadonly2, isShallow2) {
        return function forEach2(callback, thisArg) {
          const observed = this;
          const target = observed[
            /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
          const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
          const wrap2 = isShallow2 ? toShallow : isReadonly2 ? toReadonly : toReactive;
          !isReadonly2 && track(rawTarget, "iterate", ITERATE_KEY);
          return target.forEach((value, key) => {
            return callback.call(thisArg, wrap2(value), wrap2(key), observed);
      function createIterableMethod(method2, isReadonly2, isShallow2) {
        return function(...args) {
          const target = this[
            /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
          const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
          const targetIsMap = isMap$2(rawTarget);
          const isPair = method2 === "entries" || method2 === Symbol.iterator && targetIsMap;
          const isKeyOnly = method2 === "keys" && targetIsMap;
          const innerIterator = target[method2](...args);
          const wrap2 = isShallow2 ? toShallow : isReadonly2 ? toReadonly : toReactive;
          !isReadonly2 && track(rawTarget, "iterate", isKeyOnly ? MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY : ITERATE_KEY);
          return {
            // iterator protocol
            next() {
              const { value, done } = innerIterator.next();
              return done ? { value, done } : {
                value: isPair ? [wrap2(value[0]), wrap2(value[1])] : wrap2(value),
            // iterable protocol
            [Symbol.iterator]() {
              return this;
      function createReadonlyMethod(type2) {
        return function(...args) {
          return type2 === "delete" ? false : this;
      function createInstrumentations() {
        const mutableInstrumentations2 = {
          get(key) {
            return get$2(this, key);
          get size() {
            return size(this);
          set: set$2,
          delete: deleteEntry,
          forEach: createForEach(false, false)
        const shallowInstrumentations2 = {
          get(key) {
            return get$2(this, key, false, true);
          get size() {
            return size(this);
          set: set$2,
          delete: deleteEntry,
          forEach: createForEach(false, true)
        const readonlyInstrumentations2 = {
          get(key) {
            return get$2(this, key, true);
          get size() {
            return size(this, true);
          has(key) {
            return has.call(this, key, true);
          add: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.ADD */
          set: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.SET */
          delete: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.DELETE */
          clear: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.CLEAR */
          forEach: createForEach(true, false)
        const shallowReadonlyInstrumentations2 = {
          get(key) {
            return get$2(this, key, true, true);
          get size() {
            return size(this, true);
          has(key) {
            return has.call(this, key, true);
          add: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.ADD */
          set: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.SET */
          delete: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.DELETE */
          clear: createReadonlyMethod(
            /* TriggerOpTypes.CLEAR */
          forEach: createForEach(true, true)
        const iteratorMethods = ["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator];
        iteratorMethods.forEach((method2) => {
          mutableInstrumentations2[method2] = createIterableMethod(method2, false, false);
          readonlyInstrumentations2[method2] = createIterableMethod(method2, true, false);
          shallowInstrumentations2[method2] = createIterableMethod(method2, false, true);
          shallowReadonlyInstrumentations2[method2] = createIterableMethod(method2, true, true);
        return [
      const [mutableInstrumentations, readonlyInstrumentations, shallowInstrumentations, shallowReadonlyInstrumentations] = /* @__PURE__ */ createInstrumentations();
      function createInstrumentationGetter(isReadonly2, shallow) {
        const instrumentations = shallow ? isReadonly2 ? shallowReadonlyInstrumentations : shallowInstrumentations : isReadonly2 ? readonlyInstrumentations : mutableInstrumentations;
        return (target, key, receiver) => {
          if (key === "__v_isReactive") {
            return !isReadonly2;
          } else if (key === "__v_isReadonly") {
            return isReadonly2;
          } else if (key === "__v_raw") {
            return target;
          return Reflect.get(hasOwn$1(instrumentations, key) && key in target ? instrumentations : target, key, receiver);
      const mutableCollectionHandlers = {
        get: /* @__PURE__ */ createInstrumentationGetter(false, false)
      const shallowCollectionHandlers = {
        get: /* @__PURE__ */ createInstrumentationGetter(false, true)
      const readonlyCollectionHandlers = {
        get: /* @__PURE__ */ createInstrumentationGetter(true, false)
      const reactiveMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const shallowReactiveMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const readonlyMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const shallowReadonlyMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      function targetTypeMap(rawType) {
        switch (rawType) {
          case "Object":
          case "Array":
            return 1;
          case "Map":
          case "Set":
          case "WeakMap":
          case "WeakSet":
            return 2;
            return 0;
      function getTargetType(value) {
        return value[
          /* ReactiveFlags.SKIP */
        ] || !Object.isExtensible(value) ? 0 : targetTypeMap(toRawType(value));
      function reactive(target) {
        if (isReadonly(target)) {
          return target;
        return createReactiveObject(target, false, mutableHandlers, mutableCollectionHandlers, reactiveMap);
      function shallowReactive(target) {
        return createReactiveObject(target, false, shallowReactiveHandlers, shallowCollectionHandlers, shallowReactiveMap);
      function readonly(target) {
        return createReactiveObject(target, true, readonlyHandlers, readonlyCollectionHandlers, readonlyMap);
      function createReactiveObject(target, isReadonly2, baseHandlers, collectionHandlers, proxyMap) {
        if (!isObject$3(target)) {
          return target;
        if (target[
          /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        ] && !(isReadonly2 && target[
          /* ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE */
        ])) {
          return target;
        const existingProxy = proxyMap.get(target);
        if (existingProxy) {
          return existingProxy;
        const targetType = getTargetType(target);
        if (targetType === 0) {
          return target;
        const proxy2 = new Proxy(target, targetType === 2 ? collectionHandlers : baseHandlers);
        proxyMap.set(target, proxy2);
        return proxy2;
      function isReactive(value) {
        if (isReadonly(value)) {
          return isReactive(value[
            /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        return !!(value && value[
          /* ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE */
      function isReadonly(value) {
        return !!(value && value[
          /* ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY */
      function isShallow(value) {
        return !!(value && value[
          /* ReactiveFlags.IS_SHALLOW */
      function isProxy(value) {
        return isReactive(value) || isReadonly(value);
      function toRaw(observed) {
        const raw = observed && observed[
          /* ReactiveFlags.RAW */
        return raw ? toRaw(raw) : observed;
      function markRaw(value) {
        def(value, "__v_skip", true);
        return value;
      const toReactive = (value) => isObject$3(value) ? reactive(value) : value;
      const toReadonly = (value) => isObject$3(value) ? readonly(value) : value;
      function trackRefValue(ref2) {
        if (shouldTrack && activeEffect) {
          ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
            trackEffects(ref2.dep || (ref2.dep = createDep()));
      function triggerRefValue(ref2, newVal) {
        ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
        const dep = ref2.dep;
        if (dep) {
      function isRef(r) {
        return !!(r && r.__v_isRef === true);
      function ref(value) {
        return createRef(value, false);
      function shallowRef(value) {
        return createRef(value, true);
      function createRef(rawValue, shallow) {
        if (isRef(rawValue)) {
          return rawValue;
        return new RefImpl(rawValue, shallow);
      class RefImpl {
        constructor(value, __v_isShallow) {
          this.__v_isShallow = __v_isShallow;
          this.dep = void 0;
          this.__v_isRef = true;
          this._rawValue = __v_isShallow ? value : toRaw(value);
          this._value = __v_isShallow ? value : toReactive(value);
        get value() {
          return this._value;
        set value(newVal) {
          const useDirectValue = this.__v_isShallow || isShallow(newVal) || isReadonly(newVal);
          newVal = useDirectValue ? newVal : toRaw(newVal);
          if (hasChanged(newVal, this._rawValue)) {
            this._rawValue = newVal;
            this._value = useDirectValue ? newVal : toReactive(newVal);
      function triggerRef(ref2) {
      function unref(ref2) {
        return isRef(ref2) ? ref2.value : ref2;
      const shallowUnwrapHandlers = {
        get: (target, key, receiver) => unref(Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)),
        set: (target, key, value, receiver) => {
          const oldValue = target[key];
          if (isRef(oldValue) && !isRef(value)) {
            oldValue.value = value;
            return true;
          } else {
            return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);
      function proxyRefs(objectWithRefs) {
        return isReactive(objectWithRefs) ? objectWithRefs : new Proxy(objectWithRefs, shallowUnwrapHandlers);
      function toRefs(object2) {
        const ret = isArray$3(object2) ? new Array(object2.length) : {};
        for (const key in object2) {
          ret[key] = toRef(object2, key);
        return ret;
      class ObjectRefImpl {
        constructor(_object, _key, _defaultValue) {
          this._object = _object;
          this._key = _key;
          this._defaultValue = _defaultValue;
          this.__v_isRef = true;
        get value() {
          const val = this._object[this._key];
          return val === void 0 ? this._defaultValue : val;
        set value(newVal) {
          this._object[this._key] = newVal;
        get dep() {
          return getDepFromReactive(toRaw(this._object), this._key);
      function toRef(object2, key, defaultValue) {
        const val = object2[key];
        return isRef(val) ? val : new ObjectRefImpl(object2, key, defaultValue);
      var _a$1;
      class ComputedRefImpl {
        constructor(getter, _setter, isReadonly2, isSSR) {
          this._setter = _setter;
          this.dep = void 0;
          this.__v_isRef = true;
          this[_a$1] = false;
          this._dirty = true;
          this.effect = new ReactiveEffect(getter, () => {
            if (!this._dirty) {
              this._dirty = true;
          this.effect.computed = this;
          this.effect.active = this._cacheable = !isSSR;
            /* ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY */
          ] = isReadonly2;
        get value() {
          const self2 = toRaw(this);
          if (self2._dirty || !self2._cacheable) {
            self2._dirty = false;
            self2._value = self2.effect.run();
          return self2._value;
        set value(newValue) {
      _a$1 = "__v_isReadonly";
      function computed$1(getterOrOptions, debugOptions, isSSR = false) {
        let getter;
        let setter;
        const onlyGetter = isFunction$2(getterOrOptions);
        if (onlyGetter) {
          getter = getterOrOptions;
          setter = NOOP;
        } else {
          getter = getterOrOptions.get;
          setter = getterOrOptions.set;
        const cRef = new ComputedRefImpl(getter, setter, onlyGetter || !setter, isSSR);
        return cRef;
      function warn$1(msg, ...args) {
      function callWithErrorHandling(fn2, instance, type2, args) {
        let res;
        try {
          res = args ? fn2(...args) : fn2();
        } catch (err) {
          handleError(err, instance, type2);
        return res;
      function callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn2, instance, type2, args) {
        if (isFunction$2(fn2)) {
          const res = callWithErrorHandling(fn2, instance, type2, args);
          if (res && isPromise(res)) {
            res.catch((err) => {
              handleError(err, instance, type2);
          return res;
        const values2 = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < fn2.length; i++) {
          values2.push(callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn2[i], instance, type2, args));
        return values2;
      function handleError(err, instance, type2, throwInDev = true) {
        const contextVNode = instance ? instance.vnode : null;
        if (instance) {
          let cur = instance.parent;
          const exposedInstance = instance.proxy;
          const errorInfo = type2;
          while (cur) {
            const errorCapturedHooks = cur.ec;
            if (errorCapturedHooks) {
              for (let i = 0; i < errorCapturedHooks.length; i++) {
                if (errorCapturedHooks[i](err, exposedInstance, errorInfo) === false) {
            cur = cur.parent;
          const appErrorHandler = instance.appContext.config.errorHandler;
          if (appErrorHandler) {
            callWithErrorHandling(appErrorHandler, null, 10, [err, exposedInstance, errorInfo]);
        logError(err, type2, contextVNode, throwInDev);
      function logError(err, type2, contextVNode, throwInDev = true) {
      let isFlushing = false;
      let isFlushPending = false;
      const queue = [];
      let flushIndex = 0;
      const pendingPostFlushCbs = [];
      let activePostFlushCbs = null;
      let postFlushIndex = 0;
      const resolvedPromise = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve();
      let currentFlushPromise = null;
      function nextTick(fn2) {
        const p2 = currentFlushPromise || resolvedPromise;
        return fn2 ? p2.then(this ? fn2.bind(this) : fn2) : p2;
      function findInsertionIndex(id) {
        let start = flushIndex + 1;
        let end2 = queue.length;
        while (start < end2) {
          const middle = start + end2 >>> 1;
          const middleJobId = getId(queue[middle]);
          middleJobId < id ? start = middle + 1 : end2 = middle;
        return start;
      function queueJob(job) {
        if (!queue.length || !queue.includes(job, isFlushing && job.allowRecurse ? flushIndex + 1 : flushIndex)) {
          if (job.id == null) {
          } else {
            queue.splice(findInsertionIndex(job.id), 0, job);
      function queueFlush() {
        if (!isFlushing && !isFlushPending) {
          isFlushPending = true;
          currentFlushPromise = resolvedPromise.then(flushJobs);
      function invalidateJob(job) {
        const i = queue.indexOf(job);
        if (i > flushIndex) {
          queue.splice(i, 1);
      function queuePostFlushCb(cb) {
        if (!isArray$3(cb)) {
          if (!activePostFlushCbs || !activePostFlushCbs.includes(cb, cb.allowRecurse ? postFlushIndex + 1 : postFlushIndex)) {
        } else {
      function flushPreFlushCbs(seen, i = isFlushing ? flushIndex + 1 : 0) {
        for (; i < queue.length; i++) {
          const cb = queue[i];
          if (cb && cb.pre) {
            queue.splice(i, 1);
      function flushPostFlushCbs(seen) {
        if (pendingPostFlushCbs.length) {
          const deduped = [...new Set(pendingPostFlushCbs)];
          pendingPostFlushCbs.length = 0;
          if (activePostFlushCbs) {
          activePostFlushCbs = deduped;
          activePostFlushCbs.sort((a, b) => getId(a) - getId(b));
          for (postFlushIndex = 0; postFlushIndex < activePostFlushCbs.length; postFlushIndex++) {
          activePostFlushCbs = null;
          postFlushIndex = 0;
      const getId = (job) => job.id == null ? Infinity : job.id;
      const comparator = (a, b) => {
        const diff = getId(a) - getId(b);
        if (diff === 0) {
          if (a.pre && !b.pre)
            return -1;
          if (b.pre && !a.pre)
            return 1;
        return diff;
      function flushJobs(seen) {
        isFlushPending = false;
        isFlushing = true;
        try {
          for (flushIndex = 0; flushIndex < queue.length; flushIndex++) {
            const job = queue[flushIndex];
            if (job && job.active !== false) {
              if (false)
                /* ErrorCodes.SCHEDULER */
        } finally {
          flushIndex = 0;
          queue.length = 0;
          isFlushing = false;
          currentFlushPromise = null;
          if (queue.length || pendingPostFlushCbs.length) {
      function emit(instance, event, ...rawArgs) {
        if (instance.isUnmounted)
        const props = instance.vnode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
        let args = rawArgs;
        const isModelListener2 = event.startsWith("update:");
        const modelArg = isModelListener2 && event.slice(7);
        if (modelArg && modelArg in props) {
          const modifiersKey = `${modelArg === "modelValue" ? "model" : modelArg}Modifiers`;
          const { number: number2, trim } = props[modifiersKey] || EMPTY_OBJ;
          if (trim) {
            args = rawArgs.map((a) => isString$2(a) ? a.trim() : a);
          if (number2) {
            args = rawArgs.map(looseToNumber);
        let handlerName;
        let handler = props[handlerName = toHandlerKey(event)] || // also try camelCase event handler (#2249)
        props[handlerName = toHandlerKey(camelize(event))];
        if (!handler && isModelListener2) {
          handler = props[handlerName = toHandlerKey(hyphenate(event))];
        if (handler) {
          callWithAsyncErrorHandling(handler, instance, 6, args);
        const onceHandler = props[handlerName + `Once`];
        if (onceHandler) {
          if (!instance.emitted) {
            instance.emitted = {};
          } else if (instance.emitted[handlerName]) {
          instance.emitted[handlerName] = true;
          callWithAsyncErrorHandling(onceHandler, instance, 6, args);
      function normalizeEmitsOptions(comp, appContext, asMixin = false) {
        const cache2 = appContext.emitsCache;
        const cached = cache2.get(comp);
        if (cached !== void 0) {
          return cached;
        const raw = comp.emits;
        let normalized = {};
        let hasExtends = false;
        if (!isFunction$2(comp)) {
          const extendEmits = (raw2) => {
            const normalizedFromExtend = normalizeEmitsOptions(raw2, appContext, true);
            if (normalizedFromExtend) {
              hasExtends = true;
              extend(normalized, normalizedFromExtend);
          if (!asMixin && appContext.mixins.length) {
          if (comp.extends) {
          if (comp.mixins) {
        if (!raw && !hasExtends) {
          if (isObject$3(comp)) {
            cache2.set(comp, null);
          return null;
        if (isArray$3(raw)) {
          raw.forEach((key) => normalized[key] = null);
        } else {
          extend(normalized, raw);
        if (isObject$3(comp)) {
          cache2.set(comp, normalized);
        return normalized;
      function isEmitListener(options, key) {
        if (!options || !isOn(key)) {
          return false;
        key = key.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, "");
        return hasOwn$1(options, key[0].toLowerCase() + key.slice(1)) || hasOwn$1(options, hyphenate(key)) || hasOwn$1(options, key);
      let currentRenderingInstance = null;
      let currentScopeId = null;
      function setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance) {
        const prev = currentRenderingInstance;
        currentRenderingInstance = instance;
        currentScopeId = instance && instance.type.__scopeId || null;
        return prev;
      function pushScopeId(id) {
        currentScopeId = id;
      function popScopeId() {
        currentScopeId = null;
      function withCtx(fn2, ctx = currentRenderingInstance, isNonScopedSlot) {
        if (!ctx)
          return fn2;
        if (fn2._n) {
          return fn2;
        const renderFnWithContext = (...args) => {
          if (renderFnWithContext._d) {
          const prevInstance = setCurrentRenderingInstance(ctx);
          let res;
          try {
            res = fn2(...args);
          } finally {
            if (renderFnWithContext._d) {
          return res;
        renderFnWithContext._n = true;
        renderFnWithContext._c = true;
        renderFnWithContext._d = true;
        return renderFnWithContext;
      function markAttrsAccessed() {
      function renderComponentRoot(instance) {
        const { type: Component, vnode, proxy: proxy2, withProxy, props, propsOptions: [propsOptions], slots, attrs, emit: emit2, render: render2, renderCache, data, setupState, ctx, inheritAttrs } = instance;
        let result;
        let fallthroughAttrs;
        const prev = setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance);
        try {
          if (vnode.shapeFlag & 4) {
            const proxyToUse = withProxy || proxy2;
            result = normalizeVNode(render2.call(proxyToUse, proxyToUse, renderCache, props, setupState, data, ctx));
            fallthroughAttrs = attrs;
          } else {
            const render3 = Component;
            if (false)
            result = normalizeVNode(render3.length > 1 ? render3(props, false ? {
              get attrs() {
                return attrs;
              emit: emit2
            } : { attrs, slots, emit: emit2 }) : render3(
              /* we know it doesn't need it */
            fallthroughAttrs = Component.props ? attrs : getFunctionalFallthrough(attrs);
        } catch (err) {
          blockStack.length = 0;
            /* ErrorCodes.RENDER_FUNCTION */
          result = createVNode(Comment);
        let root2 = result;
        if (fallthroughAttrs && inheritAttrs !== false) {
          const keys2 = Object.keys(fallthroughAttrs);
          const { shapeFlag } = root2;
          if (keys2.length) {
            if (shapeFlag & (1 | 6)) {
              if (propsOptions && keys2.some(isModelListener)) {
                fallthroughAttrs = filterModelListeners(fallthroughAttrs, propsOptions);
              root2 = cloneVNode(root2, fallthroughAttrs);
        if (vnode.dirs) {
          root2 = cloneVNode(root2);
          root2.dirs = root2.dirs ? root2.dirs.concat(vnode.dirs) : vnode.dirs;
        if (vnode.transition) {
          root2.transition = vnode.transition;
          result = root2;
        return result;
      const getFunctionalFallthrough = (attrs) => {
        let res;
        for (const key in attrs) {
          if (key === "class" || key === "style" || isOn(key)) {
            (res || (res = {}))[key] = attrs[key];
        return res;
      const filterModelListeners = (attrs, props) => {
        const res = {};
        for (const key in attrs) {
          if (!isModelListener(key) || !(key.slice(9) in props)) {
            res[key] = attrs[key];
        return res;
      function shouldUpdateComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode, optimized) {
        const { props: prevProps, children: prevChildren, component } = prevVNode;
        const { props: nextProps, children: nextChildren, patchFlag } = nextVNode;
        const emits = component.emitsOptions;
        if (nextVNode.dirs || nextVNode.transition) {
          return true;
        if (optimized && patchFlag >= 0) {
          if (patchFlag & 1024) {
            return true;
          if (patchFlag & 16) {
            if (!prevProps) {
              return !!nextProps;
            return hasPropsChanged(prevProps, nextProps, emits);
          } else if (patchFlag & 8) {
            const dynamicProps = nextVNode.dynamicProps;
            for (let i = 0; i < dynamicProps.length; i++) {
              const key = dynamicProps[i];
              if (nextProps[key] !== prevProps[key] && !isEmitListener(emits, key)) {
                return true;
        } else {
          if (prevChildren || nextChildren) {
            if (!nextChildren || !nextChildren.$stable) {
              return true;
          if (prevProps === nextProps) {
            return false;
          if (!prevProps) {
            return !!nextProps;
          if (!nextProps) {
            return true;
          return hasPropsChanged(prevProps, nextProps, emits);
        return false;
      function hasPropsChanged(prevProps, nextProps, emitsOptions) {
        const nextKeys = Object.keys(nextProps);
        if (nextKeys.length !== Object.keys(prevProps).length) {
          return true;
        for (let i = 0; i < nextKeys.length; i++) {
          const key = nextKeys[i];
          if (nextProps[key] !== prevProps[key] && !isEmitListener(emitsOptions, key)) {
            return true;
        return false;
      function updateHOCHostEl({ vnode, parent }, el) {
        while (parent && parent.subTree === vnode) {
          (vnode = parent.vnode).el = el;
          parent = parent.parent;
      const isSuspense = (type2) => type2.__isSuspense;
      function queueEffectWithSuspense(fn2, suspense) {
        if (suspense && suspense.pendingBranch) {
          if (isArray$3(fn2)) {
          } else {
        } else {
      function provide(key, value) {
        if (!currentInstance)
        else {
          let provides = currentInstance.provides;
          const parentProvides = currentInstance.parent && currentInstance.parent.provides;
          if (parentProvides === provides) {
            provides = currentInstance.provides = Object.create(parentProvides);
          provides[key] = value;
      function inject(key, defaultValue, treatDefaultAsFactory = false) {
        const instance = currentInstance || currentRenderingInstance;
        if (instance) {
          const provides = instance.parent == null ? instance.vnode.appContext && instance.vnode.appContext.provides : instance.parent.provides;
          if (provides && key in provides) {
            return provides[key];
          } else if (arguments.length > 1) {
            return treatDefaultAsFactory && isFunction$2(defaultValue) ? defaultValue.call(instance.proxy) : defaultValue;
          } else
      function watchEffect(effect, options) {
        return doWatch(effect, null, options);
      const INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE = {};
      function watch(source, cb, options) {
        return doWatch(source, cb, options);
      function doWatch(source, cb, { immediate, deep, flush, onTrack, onTrigger } = EMPTY_OBJ) {
        const instance = getCurrentScope() === (currentInstance === null || currentInstance === void 0 ? void 0 : currentInstance.scope) ? currentInstance : null;
        let getter;
        let forceTrigger = false;
        let isMultiSource = false;
        if (isRef(source)) {
          getter = () => source.value;
          forceTrigger = isShallow(source);
        } else if (isReactive(source)) {
          getter = () => source;
          deep = true;
        } else if (isArray$3(source)) {
          isMultiSource = true;
          forceTrigger = source.some((s) => isReactive(s) || isShallow(s));
          getter = () => source.map((s) => {
            if (isRef(s)) {
              return s.value;
            } else if (isReactive(s)) {
              return traverse(s);
            } else if (isFunction$2(s)) {
              return callWithErrorHandling(
                /* ErrorCodes.WATCH_GETTER */
            } else
        } else if (isFunction$2(source)) {
          if (cb) {
            getter = () => callWithErrorHandling(
              /* ErrorCodes.WATCH_GETTER */
          } else {
            getter = () => {
              if (instance && instance.isUnmounted) {
              if (cleanup) {
              return callWithAsyncErrorHandling(source, instance, 3, [onCleanup]);
        } else {
          getter = NOOP;
        if (cb && deep) {
          const baseGetter = getter;
          getter = () => traverse(baseGetter());
        let cleanup;
        let onCleanup = (fn2) => {
          cleanup = effect.onStop = () => {
              /* ErrorCodes.WATCH_CLEANUP */
        let ssrCleanup;
        if (isInSSRComponentSetup) {
          onCleanup = NOOP;
          if (!cb) {
          } else if (immediate) {
            callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, 3, [
              isMultiSource ? [] : void 0,
          if (flush === "sync") {
            const ctx = useSSRContext();
            ssrCleanup = ctx.__watcherHandles || (ctx.__watcherHandles = []);
          } else {
            return NOOP;
        let oldValue = isMultiSource ? new Array(source.length).fill(INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE) : INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE;
        const job = () => {
          if (!effect.active) {
          if (cb) {
            const newValue = effect.run();
            if (deep || forceTrigger || (isMultiSource ? newValue.some((v, i) => hasChanged(v, oldValue[i])) : hasChanged(newValue, oldValue)) || false) {
              if (cleanup) {
              callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, 3, [
                // pass undefined as the old value when it's changed for the first time
                oldValue === INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE ? void 0 : isMultiSource && oldValue[0] === INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE ? [] : oldValue,
              oldValue = newValue;
          } else {
        job.allowRecurse = !!cb;
        let scheduler;
        if (flush === "sync") {
          scheduler = job;
        } else if (flush === "post") {
          scheduler = () => queuePostRenderEffect(job, instance && instance.suspense);
        } else {
          job.pre = true;
          if (instance)
            job.id = instance.uid;
          scheduler = () => queueJob(job);
        const effect = new ReactiveEffect(getter, scheduler);
        if (cb) {
          if (immediate) {
          } else {
            oldValue = effect.run();
        } else if (flush === "post") {
          queuePostRenderEffect(effect.run.bind(effect), instance && instance.suspense);
        } else {
        const unwatch = () => {
          if (instance && instance.scope) {
            remove(instance.scope.effects, effect);
        if (ssrCleanup)
        return unwatch;
      function instanceWatch(source, value, options) {
        const publicThis = this.proxy;
        const getter = isString$2(source) ? source.includes(".") ? createPathGetter(publicThis, source) : () => publicThis[source] : source.bind(publicThis, publicThis);
        let cb;
        if (isFunction$2(value)) {
          cb = value;
        } else {
          cb = value.handler;
          options = value;
        const cur = currentInstance;
        const res = doWatch(getter, cb.bind(publicThis), options);
        if (cur) {
        } else {
        return res;
      function createPathGetter(ctx, path) {
        const segments = path.split(".");
        return () => {
          let cur = ctx;
          for (let i = 0; i < segments.length && cur; i++) {
            cur = cur[segments[i]];
          return cur;
      function traverse(value, seen) {
        if (!isObject$3(value) || value[
          /* ReactiveFlags.SKIP */
        ]) {
          return value;
        seen = seen || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
        if (seen.has(value)) {
          return value;
        if (isRef(value)) {
          traverse(value.value, seen);
        } else if (isArray$3(value)) {
          for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            traverse(value[i], seen);
        } else if (isSet$2(value) || isMap$2(value)) {
          value.forEach((v) => {
            traverse(v, seen);
        } else if (isPlainObject$2(value)) {
          for (const key in value) {
            traverse(value[key], seen);
        return value;
      function useTransitionState() {
        const state = {
          isMounted: false,
          isLeaving: false,
          isUnmounting: false,
          leavingVNodes: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
        onMounted(() => {
          state.isMounted = true;
        onBeforeUnmount(() => {
          state.isUnmounting = true;
        return state;
      const TransitionHookValidator = [Function, Array];
      const BaseTransitionImpl = {
        name: `BaseTransition`,
        props: {
          mode: String,
          appear: Boolean,
          persisted: Boolean,
          // enter
          onBeforeEnter: TransitionHookValidator,
          onEnter: TransitionHookValidator,
          onAfterEnter: TransitionHookValidator,
          onEnterCancelled: TransitionHookValidator,
          // leave
          onBeforeLeave: TransitionHookValidator,
          onLeave: TransitionHookValidator,
          onAfterLeave: TransitionHookValidator,
          onLeaveCancelled: TransitionHookValidator,
          // appear
          onBeforeAppear: TransitionHookValidator,
          onAppear: TransitionHookValidator,
          onAfterAppear: TransitionHookValidator,
          onAppearCancelled: TransitionHookValidator
        setup(props, { slots }) {
          const instance = getCurrentInstance();
          const state = useTransitionState();
          let prevTransitionKey;
          return () => {
            const children = slots.default && getTransitionRawChildren(slots.default(), true);
            if (!children || !children.length) {
            let child = children[0];
            if (children.length > 1) {
              for (const c of children) {
                if (c.type !== Comment) {
                  child = c;
            const rawProps = toRaw(props);
            const { mode } = rawProps;
            if (state.isLeaving) {
              return emptyPlaceholder(child);
            const innerChild = getKeepAliveChild(child);
            if (!innerChild) {
              return emptyPlaceholder(child);
            const enterHooks = resolveTransitionHooks(innerChild, rawProps, state, instance);
            setTransitionHooks(innerChild, enterHooks);
            const oldChild = instance.subTree;
            const oldInnerChild = oldChild && getKeepAliveChild(oldChild);
            let transitionKeyChanged = false;
            const { getTransitionKey } = innerChild.type;
            if (getTransitionKey) {
              const key = getTransitionKey();
              if (prevTransitionKey === void 0) {
                prevTransitionKey = key;
              } else if (key !== prevTransitionKey) {
                prevTransitionKey = key;
                transitionKeyChanged = true;
            if (oldInnerChild && oldInnerChild.type !== Comment && (!isSameVNodeType(innerChild, oldInnerChild) || transitionKeyChanged)) {
              const leavingHooks = resolveTransitionHooks(oldInnerChild, rawProps, state, instance);
              setTransitionHooks(oldInnerChild, leavingHooks);
              if (mode === "out-in") {
                state.isLeaving = true;
                leavingHooks.afterLeave = () => {
                  state.isLeaving = false;
                  if (instance.update.active !== false) {
                return emptyPlaceholder(child);
              } else if (mode === "in-out" && innerChild.type !== Comment) {
                leavingHooks.delayLeave = (el, earlyRemove, delayedLeave) => {
                  const leavingVNodesCache = getLeavingNodesForType(state, oldInnerChild);
                  leavingVNodesCache[String(oldInnerChild.key)] = oldInnerChild;
                  el._leaveCb = () => {
                    el._leaveCb = void 0;
                    delete enterHooks.delayedLeave;
                  enterHooks.delayedLeave = delayedLeave;
            return child;
      const BaseTransition = BaseTransitionImpl;
      function getLeavingNodesForType(state, vnode) {
        const { leavingVNodes } = state;
        let leavingVNodesCache = leavingVNodes.get(vnode.type);
        if (!leavingVNodesCache) {
          leavingVNodesCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
          leavingVNodes.set(vnode.type, leavingVNodesCache);
        return leavingVNodesCache;
      function resolveTransitionHooks(vnode, props, state, instance) {
        const { appear, mode, persisted = false, onBeforeEnter, onEnter, onAfterEnter, onEnterCancelled, onBeforeLeave, onLeave, onAfterLeave, onLeaveCancelled, onBeforeAppear, onAppear, onAfterAppear, onAppearCancelled } = props;
        const key = String(vnode.key);
        const leavingVNodesCache = getLeavingNodesForType(state, vnode);
        const callHook2 = (hook, args) => {
          hook && callWithAsyncErrorHandling(hook, instance, 9, args);
        const callAsyncHook = (hook, args) => {
          const done = args[1];
          callHook2(hook, args);
          if (isArray$3(hook)) {
            if (hook.every((hook2) => hook2.length <= 1))
          } else if (hook.length <= 1) {
        const hooks = {
          beforeEnter(el) {
            let hook = onBeforeEnter;
            if (!state.isMounted) {
              if (appear) {
                hook = onBeforeAppear || onBeforeEnter;
              } else {
            if (el._leaveCb) {
                /* cancelled */
            const leavingVNode = leavingVNodesCache[key];
            if (leavingVNode && isSameVNodeType(vnode, leavingVNode) && leavingVNode.el._leaveCb) {
            callHook2(hook, [el]);
          enter(el) {
            let hook = onEnter;
            let afterHook = onAfterEnter;
            let cancelHook = onEnterCancelled;
            if (!state.isMounted) {
              if (appear) {
                hook = onAppear || onEnter;
                afterHook = onAfterAppear || onAfterEnter;
                cancelHook = onAppearCancelled || onEnterCancelled;
              } else {
            let called = false;
            const done = el._enterCb = (cancelled) => {
              if (called)
              called = true;
              if (cancelled) {
                callHook2(cancelHook, [el]);
              } else {
                callHook2(afterHook, [el]);
              if (hooks.delayedLeave) {
              el._enterCb = void 0;
            if (hook) {
              callAsyncHook(hook, [el, done]);
            } else {
          leave(el, remove2) {
            const key2 = String(vnode.key);
            if (el._enterCb) {
                /* cancelled */
            if (state.isUnmounting) {
              return remove2();
            callHook2(onBeforeLeave, [el]);
            let called = false;
            const done = el._leaveCb = (cancelled) => {
              if (called)
              called = true;
              if (cancelled) {
                callHook2(onLeaveCancelled, [el]);
              } else {
                callHook2(onAfterLeave, [el]);
              el._leaveCb = void 0;
              if (leavingVNodesCache[key2] === vnode) {
                delete leavingVNodesCache[key2];
            leavingVNodesCache[key2] = vnode;
            if (onLeave) {
              callAsyncHook(onLeave, [el, done]);
            } else {
          clone(vnode2) {
            return resolveTransitionHooks(vnode2, props, state, instance);
        return hooks;
      function emptyPlaceholder(vnode) {
        if (isKeepAlive(vnode)) {
          vnode = cloneVNode(vnode);
          vnode.children = null;
          return vnode;
      function getKeepAliveChild(vnode) {
        return isKeepAlive(vnode) ? vnode.children ? vnode.children[0] : void 0 : vnode;
      function setTransitionHooks(vnode, hooks) {
        if (vnode.shapeFlag & 6 && vnode.component) {
          setTransitionHooks(vnode.component.subTree, hooks);
        } else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 128) {
          vnode.ssContent.transition = hooks.clone(vnode.ssContent);
          vnode.ssFallback.transition = hooks.clone(vnode.ssFallback);
        } else {
          vnode.transition = hooks;
      function getTransitionRawChildren(children, keepComment = false, parentKey) {
        let ret = [];
        let keyedFragmentCount = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
          let child = children[i];
          const key = parentKey == null ? child.key : String(parentKey) + String(child.key != null ? child.key : i);
          if (child.type === Fragment$1) {
            if (child.patchFlag & 128)
            ret = ret.concat(getTransitionRawChildren(child.children, keepComment, key));
          } else if (keepComment || child.type !== Comment) {
            ret.push(key != null ? cloneVNode(child, { key }) : child);
        if (keyedFragmentCount > 1) {
          for (let i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
            ret[i].patchFlag = -2;
        return ret;
      function defineComponent(options) {
        return isFunction$2(options) ? { setup: options, name: options.name } : options;
      const isAsyncWrapper = (i) => !!i.type.__asyncLoader;
      const isKeepAlive = (vnode) => vnode.type.__isKeepAlive;
      function onActivated(hook, target) {
        registerKeepAliveHook(hook, "a", target);
      function onDeactivated(hook, target) {
        registerKeepAliveHook(hook, "da", target);
      function registerKeepAliveHook(hook, type2, target = currentInstance) {
        const wrappedHook = hook.__wdc || (hook.__wdc = () => {
          let current = target;
          while (current) {
            if (current.isDeactivated) {
            current = current.parent;
          return hook();
        injectHook(type2, wrappedHook, target);
        if (target) {
          let current = target.parent;
          while (current && current.parent) {
            if (isKeepAlive(current.parent.vnode)) {
              injectToKeepAliveRoot(wrappedHook, type2, target, current);
            current = current.parent;
      function injectToKeepAliveRoot(hook, type2, target, keepAliveRoot) {
        const injected = injectHook(
          /* prepend */
        onUnmounted(() => {
          remove(keepAliveRoot[type2], injected);
        }, target);
      function injectHook(type2, hook, target = currentInstance, prepend = false) {
        if (target) {
          const hooks = target[type2] || (target[type2] = []);
          const wrappedHook = hook.__weh || (hook.__weh = (...args) => {
            if (target.isUnmounted) {
            const res = callWithAsyncErrorHandling(hook, target, type2, args);
            return res;
          if (prepend) {
          } else {
          return wrappedHook;
      const createHook = (lifecycle) => (hook, target = currentInstance) => (
        // post-create lifecycle registrations are noops during SSR (except for serverPrefetch)
        (!isInSSRComponentSetup || lifecycle === "sp") && injectHook(lifecycle, (...args) => hook(...args), target)
      const onBeforeMount = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_MOUNT */
      const onMounted = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.MOUNTED */
      const onBeforeUpdate = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_UPDATE */
      const onUpdated = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.UPDATED */
      const onBeforeUnmount = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_UNMOUNT */
      const onUnmounted = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.UNMOUNTED */
      const onServerPrefetch = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.SERVER_PREFETCH */
      const onRenderTriggered = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.RENDER_TRIGGERED */
      const onRenderTracked = createHook(
        /* LifecycleHooks.RENDER_TRACKED */
      function onErrorCaptured(hook, target = currentInstance) {
        injectHook("ec", hook, target);
      function withDirectives(vnode, directives) {
        const internalInstance = currentRenderingInstance;
        if (internalInstance === null) {
          return vnode;
        const instance = getExposeProxy(internalInstance) || internalInstance.proxy;
        const bindings = vnode.dirs || (vnode.dirs = []);
        for (let i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
          let [dir, value, arg, modifiers = EMPTY_OBJ] = directives[i];
          if (dir) {
            if (isFunction$2(dir)) {
              dir = {
                mounted: dir,
                updated: dir
            if (dir.deep) {
              oldValue: void 0,
        return vnode;
      function invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, prevVNode, instance, name) {
        const bindings = vnode.dirs;
        const oldBindings = prevVNode && prevVNode.dirs;
        for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
          const binding = bindings[i];
          if (oldBindings) {
            binding.oldValue = oldBindings[i].value;
          let hook = binding.dir[name];
          if (hook) {
            callWithAsyncErrorHandling(hook, instance, 8, [
      const COMPONENTS = "components";
      const DIRECTIVES = "directives";
      function resolveComponent(name, maybeSelfReference) {
        return resolveAsset(COMPONENTS, name, true, maybeSelfReference) || name;
      const NULL_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT = Symbol();
      function resolveDynamicComponent(component) {
        if (isString$2(component)) {
          return resolveAsset(COMPONENTS, component, false) || component;
        } else {
          return component || NULL_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT;
      function resolveDirective(name) {
        return resolveAsset(DIRECTIVES, name);
      function resolveAsset(type2, name, warnMissing = true, maybeSelfReference = false) {
        const instance = currentRenderingInstance || currentInstance;
        if (instance) {
          const Component = instance.type;
          if (type2 === COMPONENTS) {
            const selfName = getComponentName(
              /* do not include inferred name to avoid breaking existing code */
            if (selfName && (selfName === name || selfName === camelize(name) || selfName === capitalize$2(camelize(name)))) {
              return Component;
          const res = (
            // local registration
            // check instance[type] first which is resolved for options API
            resolve(instance[type2] || Component[type2], name) || // global registration
            resolve(instance.appContext[type2], name)
          if (!res && maybeSelfReference) {
            return Component;
          return res;
      function resolve(registry, name) {
        return registry && (registry[name] || registry[camelize(name)] || registry[capitalize$2(camelize(name))]);
      function renderList(source, renderItem, cache2, index2) {
        let ret;
        const cached = cache2 && cache2[index2];
        if (isArray$3(source) || isString$2(source)) {
          ret = new Array(source.length);
          for (let i = 0, l = source.length; i < l; i++) {
            ret[i] = renderItem(source[i], i, void 0, cached && cached[i]);
        } else if (typeof source === "number") {
          ret = new Array(source);
          for (let i = 0; i < source; i++) {
            ret[i] = renderItem(i + 1, i, void 0, cached && cached[i]);
        } else if (isObject$3(source)) {
          if (source[Symbol.iterator]) {
            ret = Array.from(source, (item, i) => renderItem(item, i, void 0, cached && cached[i]));
          } else {
            const keys2 = Object.keys(source);
            ret = new Array(keys2.length);
            for (let i = 0, l = keys2.length; i < l; i++) {
              const key = keys2[i];
              ret[i] = renderItem(source[key], key, i, cached && cached[i]);
        } else {
          ret = [];
        if (cache2) {
          cache2[index2] = ret;
        return ret;
      function createSlots(slots, dynamicSlots) {
        for (let i = 0; i < dynamicSlots.length; i++) {
          const slot = dynamicSlots[i];
          if (isArray$3(slot)) {
            for (let j = 0; j < slot.length; j++) {
              slots[slot[j].name] = slot[j].fn;
          } else if (slot) {
            slots[slot.name] = slot.key ? (...args) => {
              const res = slot.fn(...args);
              if (res)
                res.key = slot.key;
              return res;
            } : slot.fn;
        return slots;
      function renderSlot(slots, name, props = {}, fallback, noSlotted) {
        if (currentRenderingInstance.isCE || currentRenderingInstance.parent && isAsyncWrapper(currentRenderingInstance.parent) && currentRenderingInstance.parent.isCE) {
          if (name !== "default")
            props.name = name;
          return createVNode("slot", props, fallback && fallback());
        let slot = slots[name];
        if (slot && slot._c) {
          slot._d = false;
        const validSlotContent = slot && ensureValidVNode(slot(props));
        const rendered = createBlock(
            key: props.key || // slot content array of a dynamic conditional slot may have a branch
            // key attached in the `createSlots` helper, respect that
            validSlotContent && validSlotContent.key || `_${name}`
          validSlotContent || (fallback ? fallback() : []),
          validSlotContent && slots._ === 1 ? 64 : -2
          /* PatchFlags.BAIL */
        if (!noSlotted && rendered.scopeId) {
          rendered.slotScopeIds = [rendered.scopeId + "-s"];
        if (slot && slot._c) {
          slot._d = true;
        return rendered;
      function ensureValidVNode(vnodes) {
        return vnodes.some((child) => {
          if (!isVNode$1(child))
            return true;
          if (child.type === Comment)
            return false;
          if (child.type === Fragment$1 && !ensureValidVNode(child.children))
            return false;
          return true;
        }) ? vnodes : null;
      const getPublicInstance = (i) => {
        if (!i)
          return null;
        if (isStatefulComponent(i))
          return getExposeProxy(i) || i.proxy;
        return getPublicInstance(i.parent);
      const publicPropertiesMap = (
        // Move PURE marker to new line to workaround compiler discarding it
        // due to type annotation
        /* @__PURE__ */ extend(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {
          $: (i) => i,
          $el: (i) => i.vnode.el,
          $data: (i) => i.data,
          $props: (i) => i.props,
          $attrs: (i) => i.attrs,
          $slots: (i) => i.slots,
          $refs: (i) => i.refs,
          $parent: (i) => getPublicInstance(i.parent),
          $root: (i) => getPublicInstance(i.root),
          $emit: (i) => i.emit,
          $options: (i) => resolveMergedOptions(i),
          $forceUpdate: (i) => i.f || (i.f = () => queueJob(i.update)),
          $nextTick: (i) => i.n || (i.n = nextTick.bind(i.proxy)),
          $watch: (i) => instanceWatch.bind(i)
      const hasSetupBinding = (state, key) => state !== EMPTY_OBJ && !state.__isScriptSetup && hasOwn$1(state, key);
      const PublicInstanceProxyHandlers = {
        get({ _: instance }, key) {
          const { ctx, setupState, data, props, accessCache, type: type2, appContext } = instance;
          let normalizedProps;
          if (key[0] !== "$") {
            const n = accessCache[key];
            if (n !== void 0) {
              switch (n) {
                case 1:
                  return setupState[key];
                case 2:
                  return data[key];
                case 4:
                  return ctx[key];
                case 3:
                  return props[key];
            } else if (hasSetupBinding(setupState, key)) {
              accessCache[key] = 1;
              return setupState[key];
            } else if (data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn$1(data, key)) {
              accessCache[key] = 2;
              return data[key];
            } else if (
              // only cache other properties when instance has declared (thus stable)
              // props
              (normalizedProps = instance.propsOptions[0]) && hasOwn$1(normalizedProps, key)
            ) {
              accessCache[key] = 3;
              return props[key];
            } else if (ctx !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn$1(ctx, key)) {
              accessCache[key] = 4;
              return ctx[key];
            } else if (shouldCacheAccess) {
              accessCache[key] = 0;
          const publicGetter = publicPropertiesMap[key];
          let cssModule, globalProperties;
          if (publicGetter) {
            if (key === "$attrs") {
              track(instance, "get", key);
            return publicGetter(instance);
          } else if (
            // css module (injected by vue-loader)
            (cssModule = type2.__cssModules) && (cssModule = cssModule[key])
          ) {
            return cssModule;
          } else if (ctx !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn$1(ctx, key)) {
            accessCache[key] = 4;
            return ctx[key];
          } else if (
            // global properties
            globalProperties = appContext.config.globalProperties, hasOwn$1(globalProperties, key)
          ) {
              return globalProperties[key];
          } else
        set({ _: instance }, key, value) {
          const { data, setupState, ctx } = instance;
          if (hasSetupBinding(setupState, key)) {
            setupState[key] = value;
            return true;
          } else if (data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn$1(data, key)) {
            data[key] = value;
            return true;
          } else if (hasOwn$1(instance.props, key)) {
            return false;
          if (key[0] === "$" && key.slice(1) in instance) {
            return false;
          } else {
              ctx[key] = value;
          return true;
        has({ _: { data, setupState, accessCache, ctx, appContext, propsOptions } }, key) {
          let normalizedProps;
          return !!accessCache[key] || data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn$1(data, key) || hasSetupBinding(setupState, key) || (normalizedProps = propsOptions[0]) && hasOwn$1(normalizedProps, key) || hasOwn$1(ctx, key) || hasOwn$1(publicPropertiesMap, key) || hasOwn$1(appContext.config.globalProperties, key);
        defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
          if (descriptor.get != null) {
            target._.accessCache[key] = 0;
          } else if (hasOwn$1(descriptor, "value")) {
            this.set(target, key, descriptor.value, null);
          return Reflect.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
      let shouldCacheAccess = true;
      function applyOptions(instance) {
        const options = resolveMergedOptions(instance);
        const publicThis = instance.proxy;
        const ctx = instance.ctx;
        shouldCacheAccess = false;
        if (options.beforeCreate) {
            /* LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_CREATE */
        const {
          // state
          data: dataOptions,
          computed: computedOptions,
          watch: watchOptions,
          provide: provideOptions,
          inject: injectOptions,
          // lifecycle
          render: render2,
          // public API
          expose: expose2,
          // assets
        } = options;
        const checkDuplicateProperties = null;
        if (injectOptions) {
          resolveInjections(injectOptions, ctx, checkDuplicateProperties, instance.appContext.config.unwrapInjectedRef);
        if (methods) {
          for (const key in methods) {
            const methodHandler = methods[key];
            if (isFunction$2(methodHandler)) {
                ctx[key] = methodHandler.bind(publicThis);
        if (dataOptions) {
          const data = dataOptions.call(publicThis, publicThis);
          if (!isObject$3(data))
          else {
            instance.data = reactive(data);
        shouldCacheAccess = true;
        if (computedOptions) {
          for (const key in computedOptions) {
            const opt = computedOptions[key];
            const get2 = isFunction$2(opt) ? opt.bind(publicThis, publicThis) : isFunction$2(opt.get) ? opt.get.bind(publicThis, publicThis) : NOOP;
            const set2 = !isFunction$2(opt) && isFunction$2(opt.set) ? opt.set.bind(publicThis) : NOOP;
            const c = computed({
              get: get2,
              set: set2
            Object.defineProperty(ctx, key, {
              enumerable: true,
              configurable: true,
              get: () => c.value,
              set: (v) => c.value = v
        if (watchOptions) {
          for (const key in watchOptions) {
            createWatcher(watchOptions[key], ctx, publicThis, key);
        if (provideOptions) {
          const provides = isFunction$2(provideOptions) ? provideOptions.call(publicThis) : provideOptions;
          Reflect.ownKeys(provides).forEach((key) => {
            provide(key, provides[key]);
        if (created) {
            /* LifecycleHooks.CREATED */
        function registerLifecycleHook(register, hook) {
          if (isArray$3(hook)) {
            hook.forEach((_hook) => register(_hook.bind(publicThis)));
          } else if (hook) {
        registerLifecycleHook(onBeforeMount, beforeMount);
        registerLifecycleHook(onMounted, mounted);
        registerLifecycleHook(onBeforeUpdate, beforeUpdate);
        registerLifecycleHook(onUpdated, updated);
        registerLifecycleHook(onActivated, activated);
        registerLifecycleHook(onDeactivated, deactivated);
        registerLifecycleHook(onErrorCaptured, errorCaptured);
        registerLifecycleHook(onRenderTracked, renderTracked);
        registerLifecycleHook(onRenderTriggered, renderTriggered);
        registerLifecycleHook(onBeforeUnmount, beforeUnmount);
        registerLifecycleHook(onUnmounted, unmounted);
        registerLifecycleHook(onServerPrefetch, serverPrefetch);
        if (isArray$3(expose2)) {
          if (expose2.length) {
            const exposed = instance.exposed || (instance.exposed = {});
            expose2.forEach((key) => {
              Object.defineProperty(exposed, key, {
                get: () => publicThis[key],
                set: (val) => publicThis[key] = val
          } else if (!instance.exposed) {
            instance.exposed = {};
        if (render2 && instance.render === NOOP) {
          instance.render = render2;
        if (inheritAttrs != null) {
          instance.inheritAttrs = inheritAttrs;
        if (components)
          instance.components = components;
        if (directives)
          instance.directives = directives;
      function resolveInjections(injectOptions, ctx, checkDuplicateProperties = NOOP, unwrapRef = false) {
        if (isArray$3(injectOptions)) {
          injectOptions = normalizeInject(injectOptions);
        for (const key in injectOptions) {
          const opt = injectOptions[key];
          let injected;
          if (isObject$3(opt)) {
            if ("default" in opt) {
              injected = inject(
                opt.from || key,
                /* treat default function as factory */
            } else {
              injected = inject(opt.from || key);
          } else {
            injected = inject(opt);
          if (isRef(injected)) {
            if (unwrapRef) {
              Object.defineProperty(ctx, key, {
                enumerable: true,
                configurable: true,
                get: () => injected.value,
                set: (v) => injected.value = v
            } else {
              ctx[key] = injected;
          } else {
            ctx[key] = injected;
      function callHook$1(hook, instance, type2) {
        callWithAsyncErrorHandling(isArray$3(hook) ? hook.map((h2) => h2.bind(instance.proxy)) : hook.bind(instance.proxy), instance, type2);
      function createWatcher(raw, ctx, publicThis, key) {
        const getter = key.includes(".") ? createPathGetter(publicThis, key) : () => publicThis[key];
        if (isString$2(raw)) {
          const handler = ctx[raw];
          if (isFunction$2(handler)) {
            watch(getter, handler);
        } else if (isFunction$2(raw)) {
          watch(getter, raw.bind(publicThis));
        } else if (isObject$3(raw)) {
          if (isArray$3(raw)) {
            raw.forEach((r) => createWatcher(r, ctx, publicThis, key));
          } else {
            const handler = isFunction$2(raw.handler) ? raw.handler.bind(publicThis) : ctx[raw.handler];
            if (isFunction$2(handler)) {
              watch(getter, handler, raw);
        } else
      function resolveMergedOptions(instance) {
        const base2 = instance.type;
        const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = base2;
        const { mixins: globalMixins, optionsCache: cache2, config: { optionMergeStrategies } } = instance.appContext;
        const cached = cache2.get(base2);
        let resolved;
        if (cached) {
          resolved = cached;
        } else if (!globalMixins.length && !mixins && !extendsOptions) {
            resolved = base2;
        } else {
          resolved = {};
          if (globalMixins.length) {
            globalMixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(resolved, m, optionMergeStrategies, true));
          mergeOptions(resolved, base2, optionMergeStrategies);
        if (isObject$3(base2)) {
          cache2.set(base2, resolved);
        return resolved;
      function mergeOptions(to, from, strats, asMixin = false) {
        const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = from;
        if (extendsOptions) {
          mergeOptions(to, extendsOptions, strats, true);
        if (mixins) {
          mixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(to, m, strats, true));
        for (const key in from) {
          if (asMixin && key === "expose")
          else {
            const strat = internalOptionMergeStrats[key] || strats && strats[key];
            to[key] = strat ? strat(to[key], from[key]) : from[key];
        return to;
      const internalOptionMergeStrats = {
        data: mergeDataFn,
        props: mergeObjectOptions,
        emits: mergeObjectOptions,
        // objects
        methods: mergeObjectOptions,
        computed: mergeObjectOptions,
        // lifecycle
        beforeCreate: mergeAsArray,
        created: mergeAsArray,
        beforeMount: mergeAsArray,
        mounted: mergeAsArray,
        beforeUpdate: mergeAsArray,
        updated: mergeAsArray,
        beforeDestroy: mergeAsArray,
        beforeUnmount: mergeAsArray,
        destroyed: mergeAsArray,
        unmounted: mergeAsArray,
        activated: mergeAsArray,
        deactivated: mergeAsArray,
        errorCaptured: mergeAsArray,
        serverPrefetch: mergeAsArray,
        // assets
        components: mergeObjectOptions,
        directives: mergeObjectOptions,
        // watch
        watch: mergeWatchOptions,
        // provide / inject
        provide: mergeDataFn,
        inject: mergeInject
      function mergeDataFn(to, from) {
        if (!from) {
          return to;
        if (!to) {
          return from;
        return function mergedDataFn() {
          return extend(isFunction$2(to) ? to.call(this, this) : to, isFunction$2(from) ? from.call(this, this) : from);
      function mergeInject(to, from) {
        return mergeObjectOptions(normalizeInject(to), normalizeInject(from));
      function normalizeInject(raw) {
        if (isArray$3(raw)) {
          const res = {};
          for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
            res[raw[i]] = raw[i];
          return res;
        return raw;
      function mergeAsArray(to, from) {
        return to ? [...new Set([].concat(to, from))] : from;
      function mergeObjectOptions(to, from) {
        return to ? extend(extend(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), to), from) : from;
      function mergeWatchOptions(to, from) {
        if (!to)
          return from;
        if (!from)
          return to;
        const merged = extend(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), to);
        for (const key in from) {
          merged[key] = mergeAsArray(to[key], from[key]);
        return merged;
      function initProps(instance, rawProps, isStateful, isSSR = false) {
        const props = {};
        const attrs = {};
        def(attrs, InternalObjectKey, 1);
        instance.propsDefaults = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        setFullProps(instance, rawProps, props, attrs);
        for (const key in instance.propsOptions[0]) {
          if (!(key in props)) {
            props[key] = void 0;
        if (isStateful) {
          instance.props = isSSR ? props : shallowReactive(props);
        } else {
          if (!instance.type.props) {
            instance.props = attrs;
          } else {
            instance.props = props;
        instance.attrs = attrs;
      function updateProps(instance, rawProps, rawPrevProps, optimized) {
        const { props, attrs, vnode: { patchFlag } } = instance;
        const rawCurrentProps = toRaw(props);
        const [options] = instance.propsOptions;
        let hasAttrsChanged = false;
        if (
          // always force full diff in dev
          // - #1942 if hmr is enabled with sfc component
          // - vite#872 non-sfc component used by sfc component
          (optimized || patchFlag > 0) && !(patchFlag & 16)
        ) {
          if (patchFlag & 8) {
            const propsToUpdate = instance.vnode.dynamicProps;
            for (let i = 0; i < propsToUpdate.length; i++) {
              let key = propsToUpdate[i];
              if (isEmitListener(instance.emitsOptions, key)) {
              const value = rawProps[key];
              if (options) {
                if (hasOwn$1(attrs, key)) {
                  if (value !== attrs[key]) {
                    attrs[key] = value;
                    hasAttrsChanged = true;
                } else {
                  const camelizedKey = camelize(key);
                  props[camelizedKey] = resolvePropValue(
                    /* isAbsent */
              } else {
                if (value !== attrs[key]) {
                  attrs[key] = value;
                  hasAttrsChanged = true;
        } else {
          if (setFullProps(instance, rawProps, props, attrs)) {
            hasAttrsChanged = true;
          let kebabKey;
          for (const key in rawCurrentProps) {
            if (!rawProps || // for camelCase
            !hasOwn$1(rawProps, key) && // it's possible the original props was passed in as kebab-case
            // and converted to camelCase (#955)
            ((kebabKey = hyphenate(key)) === key || !hasOwn$1(rawProps, kebabKey))) {
              if (options) {
                if (rawPrevProps && // for camelCase
                (rawPrevProps[key] !== void 0 || // for kebab-case
                rawPrevProps[kebabKey] !== void 0)) {
                  props[key] = resolvePropValue(
                    void 0,
                    /* isAbsent */
              } else {
                delete props[key];
          if (attrs !== rawCurrentProps) {
            for (const key in attrs) {
              if (!rawProps || !hasOwn$1(rawProps, key) && true) {
                delete attrs[key];
                hasAttrsChanged = true;
        if (hasAttrsChanged) {
          trigger(instance, "set", "$attrs");
      function setFullProps(instance, rawProps, props, attrs) {
        const [options, needCastKeys] = instance.propsOptions;
        let hasAttrsChanged = false;
        let rawCastValues;
        if (rawProps) {
          for (let key in rawProps) {
            if (isReservedProp(key)) {
            const value = rawProps[key];
            let camelKey;
            if (options && hasOwn$1(options, camelKey = camelize(key))) {
              if (!needCastKeys || !needCastKeys.includes(camelKey)) {
                props[camelKey] = value;
              } else {
                (rawCastValues || (rawCastValues = {}))[camelKey] = value;
            } else if (!isEmitListener(instance.emitsOptions, key)) {
              if (!(key in attrs) || value !== attrs[key]) {
                attrs[key] = value;
                hasAttrsChanged = true;
        if (needCastKeys) {
          const rawCurrentProps = toRaw(props);
          const castValues = rawCastValues || EMPTY_OBJ;
          for (let i = 0; i < needCastKeys.length; i++) {
            const key = needCastKeys[i];
            props[key] = resolvePropValue(options, rawCurrentProps, key, castValues[key], instance, !hasOwn$1(castValues, key));
        return hasAttrsChanged;
      function resolvePropValue(options, props, key, value, instance, isAbsent) {
        const opt = options[key];
        if (opt != null) {
          const hasDefault = hasOwn$1(opt, "default");
          if (hasDefault && value === void 0) {
            const defaultValue = opt.default;
            if (opt.type !== Function && isFunction$2(defaultValue)) {
              const { propsDefaults } = instance;
              if (key in propsDefaults) {
                value = propsDefaults[key];
              } else {
                value = propsDefaults[key] = defaultValue.call(null, props);
            } else {
              value = defaultValue;
          if (opt[
            /* BooleanFlags.shouldCast */
          ]) {
            if (isAbsent && !hasDefault) {
              value = false;
            } else if (opt[
              /* BooleanFlags.shouldCastTrue */
            ] && (value === "" || value === hyphenate(key))) {
              value = true;
        return value;
      function normalizePropsOptions(comp, appContext, asMixin = false) {
        const cache2 = appContext.propsCache;
        const cached = cache2.get(comp);
        if (cached) {
          return cached;
        const raw = comp.props;
        const normalized = {};
        const needCastKeys = [];
        let hasExtends = false;
        if (!isFunction$2(comp)) {
          const extendProps = (raw2) => {
            hasExtends = true;
            const [props, keys2] = normalizePropsOptions(raw2, appContext, true);
            extend(normalized, props);
            if (keys2)
          if (!asMixin && appContext.mixins.length) {
          if (comp.extends) {
          if (comp.mixins) {
        if (!raw && !hasExtends) {
          if (isObject$3(comp)) {
            cache2.set(comp, EMPTY_ARR);
          return EMPTY_ARR;
        if (isArray$3(raw)) {
          for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
            const normalizedKey = camelize(raw[i]);
            if (validatePropName(normalizedKey)) {
              normalized[normalizedKey] = EMPTY_OBJ;
        } else if (raw) {
          for (const key in raw) {
            const normalizedKey = camelize(key);
            if (validatePropName(normalizedKey)) {
              const opt = raw[key];
              const prop = normalized[normalizedKey] = isArray$3(opt) || isFunction$2(opt) ? { type: opt } : Object.assign({}, opt);
              if (prop) {
                const booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, prop.type);
                const stringIndex = getTypeIndex(String, prop.type);
                  /* BooleanFlags.shouldCast */
                ] = booleanIndex > -1;
                  /* BooleanFlags.shouldCastTrue */
                ] = stringIndex < 0 || booleanIndex < stringIndex;
                if (booleanIndex > -1 || hasOwn$1(prop, "default")) {
        const res = [normalized, needCastKeys];
        if (isObject$3(comp)) {
          cache2.set(comp, res);
        return res;
      function validatePropName(key) {
        if (key[0] !== "$") {
          return true;
        return false;
      function getType(ctor) {
        const match2 = ctor && ctor.toString().match(/^\s*(function|class) (\w+)/);
        return match2 ? match2[2] : ctor === null ? "null" : "";
      function isSameType(a, b) {
        return getType(a) === getType(b);
      function getTypeIndex(type2, expectedTypes) {
        if (isArray$3(expectedTypes)) {
          return expectedTypes.findIndex((t2) => isSameType(t2, type2));
        } else if (isFunction$2(expectedTypes)) {
          return isSameType(expectedTypes, type2) ? 0 : -1;
        return -1;
      const isInternalKey = (key) => key[0] === "_" || key === "$stable";
      const normalizeSlotValue = (value) => isArray$3(value) ? value.map(normalizeVNode) : [normalizeVNode(value)];
      const normalizeSlot = (key, rawSlot, ctx) => {
        if (rawSlot._n) {
          return rawSlot;
        const normalized = withCtx((...args) => {
          if (false)
          return normalizeSlotValue(rawSlot(...args));
        }, ctx);
        normalized._c = false;
        return normalized;
      const normalizeObjectSlots = (rawSlots, slots, instance) => {
        const ctx = rawSlots._ctx;
        for (const key in rawSlots) {
          if (isInternalKey(key))
          const value = rawSlots[key];
          if (isFunction$2(value)) {
            slots[key] = normalizeSlot(key, value, ctx);
          } else if (value != null) {
            const normalized = normalizeSlotValue(value);
            slots[key] = () => normalized;
      const normalizeVNodeSlots = (instance, children) => {
        const normalized = normalizeSlotValue(children);
        instance.slots.default = () => normalized;
      const initSlots = (instance, children) => {
        if (instance.vnode.shapeFlag & 32) {
          const type2 = children._;
          if (type2) {
            instance.slots = toRaw(children);
            def(children, "_", type2);
          } else {
            normalizeObjectSlots(children, instance.slots = {});
        } else {
          instance.slots = {};
          if (children) {
            normalizeVNodeSlots(instance, children);
        def(instance.slots, InternalObjectKey, 1);
      const updateSlots = (instance, children, optimized) => {
        const { vnode, slots } = instance;
        let needDeletionCheck = true;
        let deletionComparisonTarget = EMPTY_OBJ;
        if (vnode.shapeFlag & 32) {
          const type2 = children._;
          if (type2) {
            if (optimized && type2 === 1) {
              needDeletionCheck = false;
            } else {
              extend(slots, children);
              if (!optimized && type2 === 1) {
                delete slots._;
          } else {
            needDeletionCheck = !children.$stable;
            normalizeObjectSlots(children, slots);
          deletionComparisonTarget = children;
        } else if (children) {
          normalizeVNodeSlots(instance, children);
          deletionComparisonTarget = { default: 1 };
        if (needDeletionCheck) {
          for (const key in slots) {
            if (!isInternalKey(key) && !(key in deletionComparisonTarget)) {
              delete slots[key];
      function createAppContext() {
        return {
          app: null,
          config: {
            isNativeTag: NO,
            performance: false,
            globalProperties: {},
            optionMergeStrategies: {},
            errorHandler: void 0,
            warnHandler: void 0,
            compilerOptions: {}
          mixins: [],
          components: {},
          directives: {},
          provides: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
          optionsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(),
          propsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(),
          emitsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()
      let uid$1 = 0;
      function createAppAPI(render2, hydrate) {
        return function createApp2(rootComponent, rootProps = null) {
          if (!isFunction$2(rootComponent)) {
            rootComponent = Object.assign({}, rootComponent);
          if (rootProps != null && !isObject$3(rootProps)) {
            rootProps = null;
          const context = createAppContext();
          const installedPlugins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
          let isMounted = false;
          const app = context.app = {
            _uid: uid$1++,
            _component: rootComponent,
            _props: rootProps,
            _container: null,
            _context: context,
            _instance: null,
            get config() {
              return context.config;
            set config(v) {
            use(plugin, ...options) {
              if (installedPlugins.has(plugin))
              else if (plugin && isFunction$2(plugin.install)) {
                plugin.install(app, ...options);
              } else if (isFunction$2(plugin)) {
                plugin(app, ...options);
              } else
              return app;
            mixin(mixin) {
                if (!context.mixins.includes(mixin)) {
              return app;
            component(name, component) {
              if (!component) {
                return context.components[name];
              context.components[name] = component;
              return app;
            directive(name, directive) {
              if (!directive) {
                return context.directives[name];
              context.directives[name] = directive;
              return app;
            mount(rootContainer, isHydrate, isSVG) {
              if (!isMounted) {
                const vnode = createVNode(rootComponent, rootProps);
                vnode.appContext = context;
                if (isHydrate && hydrate) {
                  hydrate(vnode, rootContainer);
                } else {
                  render2(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG);
                isMounted = true;
                app._container = rootContainer;
                rootContainer.__vue_app__ = app;
                return getExposeProxy(vnode.component) || vnode.component.proxy;
            unmount() {
              if (isMounted) {
                render2(null, app._container);
                delete app._container.__vue_app__;
            provide(key, value) {
              context.provides[key] = value;
              return app;
          return app;
      function setRef(rawRef, oldRawRef, parentSuspense, vnode, isUnmount = false) {
        if (isArray$3(rawRef)) {
          rawRef.forEach((r, i) => setRef(r, oldRawRef && (isArray$3(oldRawRef) ? oldRawRef[i] : oldRawRef), parentSuspense, vnode, isUnmount));
        if (isAsyncWrapper(vnode) && !isUnmount) {
        const refValue = vnode.shapeFlag & 4 ? getExposeProxy(vnode.component) || vnode.component.proxy : vnode.el;
        const value = isUnmount ? null : refValue;
        const { i: owner, r: ref2 } = rawRef;
        const oldRef = oldRawRef && oldRawRef.r;
        const refs = owner.refs === EMPTY_OBJ ? owner.refs = {} : owner.refs;
        const setupState = owner.setupState;
        if (oldRef != null && oldRef !== ref2) {
          if (isString$2(oldRef)) {
            refs[oldRef] = null;
            if (hasOwn$1(setupState, oldRef)) {
              setupState[oldRef] = null;
          } else if (isRef(oldRef)) {
            oldRef.value = null;
        if (isFunction$2(ref2)) {
          callWithErrorHandling(ref2, owner, 12, [value, refs]);
        } else {
          const _isString = isString$2(ref2);
          const _isRef = isRef(ref2);
          if (_isString || _isRef) {
            const doSet = () => {
              if (rawRef.f) {
                const existing = _isString ? hasOwn$1(setupState, ref2) ? setupState[ref2] : refs[ref2] : ref2.value;
                if (isUnmount) {
                  isArray$3(existing) && remove(existing, refValue);
                } else {
                  if (!isArray$3(existing)) {
                    if (_isString) {
                      refs[ref2] = [refValue];
                      if (hasOwn$1(setupState, ref2)) {
                        setupState[ref2] = refs[ref2];
                    } else {
                      ref2.value = [refValue];
                      if (rawRef.k)
                        refs[rawRef.k] = ref2.value;
                  } else if (!existing.includes(refValue)) {
              } else if (_isString) {
                refs[ref2] = value;
                if (hasOwn$1(setupState, ref2)) {
                  setupState[ref2] = value;
              } else if (_isRef) {
                ref2.value = value;
                if (rawRef.k)
                  refs[rawRef.k] = value;
              } else
            if (value) {
              doSet.id = -1;
              queuePostRenderEffect(doSet, parentSuspense);
            } else {
      const queuePostRenderEffect = queueEffectWithSuspense;
      function createRenderer(options) {
        return baseCreateRenderer(options);
      function baseCreateRenderer(options, createHydrationFns) {
        const target = getGlobalThis$1();
        target.__VUE__ = true;
        const { insert: hostInsert, remove: hostRemove, patchProp: hostPatchProp, createElement: hostCreateElement, createText: hostCreateText, createComment: hostCreateComment, setText: hostSetText, setElementText: hostSetElementText, parentNode: hostParentNode, nextSibling: hostNextSibling, setScopeId: hostSetScopeId = NOOP, insertStaticContent: hostInsertStaticContent } = options;
        const patch = (n1, n2, container, anchor = null, parentComponent = null, parentSuspense = null, isSVG = false, slotScopeIds = null, optimized = !!n2.dynamicChildren) => {
          if (n1 === n2) {
          if (n1 && !isSameVNodeType(n1, n2)) {
            anchor = getNextHostNode(n1);
            unmount(n1, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true);
            n1 = null;
          if (n2.patchFlag === -2) {
            optimized = false;
            n2.dynamicChildren = null;
          const { type: type2, ref: ref2, shapeFlag } = n2;
          switch (type2) {
            case Text:
              processText(n1, n2, container, anchor);
            case Comment:
              processCommentNode(n1, n2, container, anchor);
            case Static:
              if (n1 == null) {
                mountStaticNode(n2, container, anchor, isSVG);
            case Fragment$1:
              processFragment(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              if (shapeFlag & 1) {
                processElement(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              } else if (shapeFlag & 6) {
                processComponent(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              } else if (shapeFlag & 64) {
                type2.process(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized, internals);
              } else if (shapeFlag & 128) {
                type2.process(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized, internals);
              } else
          if (ref2 != null && parentComponent) {
            setRef(ref2, n1 && n1.ref, parentSuspense, n2 || n1, !n2);
        const processText = (n1, n2, container, anchor) => {
          if (n1 == null) {
            hostInsert(n2.el = hostCreateText(n2.children), container, anchor);
          } else {
            const el = n2.el = n1.el;
            if (n2.children !== n1.children) {
              hostSetText(el, n2.children);
        const processCommentNode = (n1, n2, container, anchor) => {
          if (n1 == null) {
            hostInsert(n2.el = hostCreateComment(n2.children || ""), container, anchor);
          } else {
            n2.el = n1.el;
        const mountStaticNode = (n2, container, anchor, isSVG) => {
          [n2.el, n2.anchor] = hostInsertStaticContent(n2.children, container, anchor, isSVG, n2.el, n2.anchor);
        const moveStaticNode = ({ el, anchor }, container, nextSibling) => {
          let next;
          while (el && el !== anchor) {
            next = hostNextSibling(el);
            hostInsert(el, container, nextSibling);
            el = next;
          hostInsert(anchor, container, nextSibling);
        const removeStaticNode = ({ el, anchor }) => {
          let next;
          while (el && el !== anchor) {
            next = hostNextSibling(el);
            el = next;
        const processElement = (n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          isSVG = isSVG || n2.type === "svg";
          if (n1 == null) {
            mountElement(n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
          } else {
            patchElement(n1, n2, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
        const mountElement = (vnode, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          let el;
          let vnodeHook;
          const { type: type2, props, shapeFlag, transition, dirs } = vnode;
          el = vnode.el = hostCreateElement(vnode.type, isSVG, props && props.is, props);
          if (shapeFlag & 8) {
            hostSetElementText(el, vnode.children);
          } else if (shapeFlag & 16) {
            mountChildren(vnode.children, el, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG && type2 !== "foreignObject", slotScopeIds, optimized);
          if (dirs) {
            invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, null, parentComponent, "created");
          setScopeId(el, vnode, vnode.scopeId, slotScopeIds, parentComponent);
          if (props) {
            for (const key in props) {
              if (key !== "value" && !isReservedProp(key)) {
                hostPatchProp(el, key, null, props[key], isSVG, vnode.children, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren);
            if ("value" in props) {
              hostPatchProp(el, "value", null, props.value);
            if (vnodeHook = props.onVnodeBeforeMount) {
              invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, vnode);
          if (dirs) {
            invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, null, parentComponent, "beforeMount");
          const needCallTransitionHooks = (!parentSuspense || parentSuspense && !parentSuspense.pendingBranch) && transition && !transition.persisted;
          if (needCallTransitionHooks) {
          hostInsert(el, container, anchor);
          if ((vnodeHook = props && props.onVnodeMounted) || needCallTransitionHooks || dirs) {
            queuePostRenderEffect(() => {
              vnodeHook && invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, vnode);
              needCallTransitionHooks && transition.enter(el);
              dirs && invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, null, parentComponent, "mounted");
            }, parentSuspense);
        const setScopeId = (el, vnode, scopeId, slotScopeIds, parentComponent) => {
          if (scopeId) {
            hostSetScopeId(el, scopeId);
          if (slotScopeIds) {
            for (let i = 0; i < slotScopeIds.length; i++) {
              hostSetScopeId(el, slotScopeIds[i]);
          if (parentComponent) {
            let subTree = parentComponent.subTree;
            if (vnode === subTree) {
              const parentVNode = parentComponent.vnode;
              setScopeId(el, parentVNode, parentVNode.scopeId, parentVNode.slotScopeIds, parentComponent.parent);
        const mountChildren = (children, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized, start = 0) => {
          for (let i = start; i < children.length; i++) {
            const child = children[i] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(children[i]) : normalizeVNode(children[i]);
            patch(null, child, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
        const patchElement = (n1, n2, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          const el = n2.el = n1.el;
          let { patchFlag, dynamicChildren, dirs } = n2;
          patchFlag |= n1.patchFlag & 16;
          const oldProps = n1.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
          const newProps = n2.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
          let vnodeHook;
          parentComponent && toggleRecurse(parentComponent, false);
          if (vnodeHook = newProps.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) {
            invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, n2, n1);
          if (dirs) {
            invokeDirectiveHook(n2, n1, parentComponent, "beforeUpdate");
          parentComponent && toggleRecurse(parentComponent, true);
          const areChildrenSVG = isSVG && n2.type !== "foreignObject";
          if (dynamicChildren) {
            patchBlockChildren(n1.dynamicChildren, dynamicChildren, el, parentComponent, parentSuspense, areChildrenSVG, slotScopeIds);
          } else if (!optimized) {
            patchChildren(n1, n2, el, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, areChildrenSVG, slotScopeIds, false);
          if (patchFlag > 0) {
            if (patchFlag & 16) {
              patchProps(el, n2, oldProps, newProps, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG);
            } else {
              if (patchFlag & 2) {
                if (oldProps.class !== newProps.class) {
                  hostPatchProp(el, "class", null, newProps.class, isSVG);
              if (patchFlag & 4) {
                hostPatchProp(el, "style", oldProps.style, newProps.style, isSVG);
              if (patchFlag & 8) {
                const propsToUpdate = n2.dynamicProps;
                for (let i = 0; i < propsToUpdate.length; i++) {
                  const key = propsToUpdate[i];
                  const prev = oldProps[key];
                  const next = newProps[key];
                  if (next !== prev || key === "value") {
                    hostPatchProp(el, key, prev, next, isSVG, n1.children, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren);
            if (patchFlag & 1) {
              if (n1.children !== n2.children) {
                hostSetElementText(el, n2.children);
          } else if (!optimized && dynamicChildren == null) {
            patchProps(el, n2, oldProps, newProps, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG);
          if ((vnodeHook = newProps.onVnodeUpdated) || dirs) {
            queuePostRenderEffect(() => {
              vnodeHook && invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, n2, n1);
              dirs && invokeDirectiveHook(n2, n1, parentComponent, "updated");
            }, parentSuspense);
        const patchBlockChildren = (oldChildren, newChildren, fallbackContainer, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds) => {
          for (let i = 0; i < newChildren.length; i++) {
            const oldVNode = oldChildren[i];
            const newVNode = newChildren[i];
            const container = (
              // oldVNode may be an errored async setup() component inside Suspense
              // which will not have a mounted element
              oldVNode.el && // - In the case of a Fragment, we need to provide the actual parent
              // of the Fragment itself so it can move its children.
              (oldVNode.type === Fragment$1 || // - In the case of different nodes, there is going to be a replacement
              // which also requires the correct parent container
              !isSameVNodeType(oldVNode, newVNode) || // - In the case of a component, it could contain anything.
              oldVNode.shapeFlag & (6 | 64)) ? hostParentNode(oldVNode.el) : (
                // In other cases, the parent container is not actually used so we
                // just pass the block element here to avoid a DOM parentNode call.
            patch(oldVNode, newVNode, container, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, true);
        const patchProps = (el, vnode, oldProps, newProps, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG) => {
          if (oldProps !== newProps) {
            if (oldProps !== EMPTY_OBJ) {
              for (const key in oldProps) {
                if (!isReservedProp(key) && !(key in newProps)) {
                  hostPatchProp(el, key, oldProps[key], null, isSVG, vnode.children, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren);
            for (const key in newProps) {
              if (isReservedProp(key))
              const next = newProps[key];
              const prev = oldProps[key];
              if (next !== prev && key !== "value") {
                hostPatchProp(el, key, prev, next, isSVG, vnode.children, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren);
            if ("value" in newProps) {
              hostPatchProp(el, "value", oldProps.value, newProps.value);
        const processFragment = (n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          const fragmentStartAnchor = n2.el = n1 ? n1.el : hostCreateText("");
          const fragmentEndAnchor = n2.anchor = n1 ? n1.anchor : hostCreateText("");
          let { patchFlag, dynamicChildren, slotScopeIds: fragmentSlotScopeIds } = n2;
          if (fragmentSlotScopeIds) {
            slotScopeIds = slotScopeIds ? slotScopeIds.concat(fragmentSlotScopeIds) : fragmentSlotScopeIds;
          if (n1 == null) {
            hostInsert(fragmentStartAnchor, container, anchor);
            hostInsert(fragmentEndAnchor, container, anchor);
            mountChildren(n2.children, container, fragmentEndAnchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
          } else {
            if (patchFlag > 0 && patchFlag & 64 && dynamicChildren && // #2715 the previous fragment could've been a BAILed one as a result
            // of renderSlot() with no valid children
            n1.dynamicChildren) {
              patchBlockChildren(n1.dynamicChildren, dynamicChildren, container, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds);
              if (
                // #2080 if the stable fragment has a key, it's a <template v-for> that may
                //  get moved around. Make sure all root level vnodes inherit el.
                // #2134 or if it's a component root, it may also get moved around
                // as the component is being moved.
                n2.key != null || parentComponent && n2 === parentComponent.subTree
              ) {
                  /* shallow */
            } else {
              patchChildren(n1, n2, container, fragmentEndAnchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
        const processComponent = (n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          n2.slotScopeIds = slotScopeIds;
          if (n1 == null) {
            if (n2.shapeFlag & 512) {
              parentComponent.ctx.activate(n2, container, anchor, isSVG, optimized);
            } else {
              mountComponent(n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, optimized);
          } else {
            updateComponent(n1, n2, optimized);
        const mountComponent = (initialVNode, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, optimized) => {
          const instance = initialVNode.component = createComponentInstance(initialVNode, parentComponent, parentSuspense);
          if (isKeepAlive(initialVNode)) {
            instance.ctx.renderer = internals;
          if (instance.asyncDep) {
            parentSuspense && parentSuspense.registerDep(instance, setupRenderEffect);
            if (!initialVNode.el) {
              const placeholder = instance.subTree = createVNode(Comment);
              processCommentNode(null, placeholder, container, anchor);
          setupRenderEffect(instance, initialVNode, container, anchor, parentSuspense, isSVG, optimized);
        const updateComponent = (n1, n2, optimized) => {
          const instance = n2.component = n1.component;
          if (shouldUpdateComponent(n1, n2, optimized)) {
            if (instance.asyncDep && !instance.asyncResolved) {
              updateComponentPreRender(instance, n2, optimized);
            } else {
              instance.next = n2;
          } else {
            n2.el = n1.el;
            instance.vnode = n2;
        const setupRenderEffect = (instance, initialVNode, container, anchor, parentSuspense, isSVG, optimized) => {
          const componentUpdateFn = () => {
            if (!instance.isMounted) {
              let vnodeHook;
              const { el, props } = initialVNode;
              const { bm, m, parent } = instance;
              const isAsyncWrapperVNode = isAsyncWrapper(initialVNode);
              toggleRecurse(instance, false);
              if (bm) {
              if (!isAsyncWrapperVNode && (vnodeHook = props && props.onVnodeBeforeMount)) {
                invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parent, initialVNode);
              toggleRecurse(instance, true);
              if (el && hydrateNode) {
                const hydrateSubTree = () => {
                  instance.subTree = renderComponentRoot(instance);
                  hydrateNode(el, instance.subTree, instance, parentSuspense, null);
                if (isAsyncWrapperVNode) {
                    // note: we are moving the render call into an async callback,
                    // which means it won't track dependencies - but it's ok because
                    // a server-rendered async wrapper is already in resolved state
                    // and it will never need to change.
                    () => !instance.isUnmounted && hydrateSubTree()
                } else {
              } else {
                const subTree = instance.subTree = renderComponentRoot(instance);
                patch(null, subTree, container, anchor, instance, parentSuspense, isSVG);
                initialVNode.el = subTree.el;
              if (m) {
                queuePostRenderEffect(m, parentSuspense);
              if (!isAsyncWrapperVNode && (vnodeHook = props && props.onVnodeMounted)) {
                const scopedInitialVNode = initialVNode;
                queuePostRenderEffect(() => invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parent, scopedInitialVNode), parentSuspense);
              if (initialVNode.shapeFlag & 256 || parent && isAsyncWrapper(parent.vnode) && parent.vnode.shapeFlag & 256) {
                instance.a && queuePostRenderEffect(instance.a, parentSuspense);
              instance.isMounted = true;
              initialVNode = container = anchor = null;
            } else {
              let { next, bu, u, parent, vnode } = instance;
              let originNext = next;
              let vnodeHook;
              toggleRecurse(instance, false);
              if (next) {
                next.el = vnode.el;
                updateComponentPreRender(instance, next, optimized);
              } else {
                next = vnode;
              if (bu) {
              if (vnodeHook = next.props && next.props.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) {
                invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parent, next, vnode);
              toggleRecurse(instance, true);
              const nextTree = renderComponentRoot(instance);
              const prevTree = instance.subTree;
              instance.subTree = nextTree;
                // parent may have changed if it's in a teleport
                // anchor may have changed if it's in a fragment
              next.el = nextTree.el;
              if (originNext === null) {
                updateHOCHostEl(instance, nextTree.el);
              if (u) {
                queuePostRenderEffect(u, parentSuspense);
              if (vnodeHook = next.props && next.props.onVnodeUpdated) {
                queuePostRenderEffect(() => invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parent, next, vnode), parentSuspense);
          const effect = instance.effect = new ReactiveEffect(
            () => queueJob(update),
            // track it in component's effect scope
          const update = instance.update = () => effect.run();
          update.id = instance.uid;
          toggleRecurse(instance, true);
        const updateComponentPreRender = (instance, nextVNode, optimized) => {
          nextVNode.component = instance;
          const prevProps = instance.vnode.props;
          instance.vnode = nextVNode;
          instance.next = null;
          updateProps(instance, nextVNode.props, prevProps, optimized);
          updateSlots(instance, nextVNode.children, optimized);
        const patchChildren = (n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized = false) => {
          const c1 = n1 && n1.children;
          const prevShapeFlag = n1 ? n1.shapeFlag : 0;
          const c2 = n2.children;
          const { patchFlag, shapeFlag } = n2;
          if (patchFlag > 0) {
            if (patchFlag & 128) {
              patchKeyedChildren(c1, c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
            } else if (patchFlag & 256) {
              patchUnkeyedChildren(c1, c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
          if (shapeFlag & 8) {
            if (prevShapeFlag & 16) {
              unmountChildren(c1, parentComponent, parentSuspense);
            if (c2 !== c1) {
              hostSetElementText(container, c2);
          } else {
            if (prevShapeFlag & 16) {
              if (shapeFlag & 16) {
                patchKeyedChildren(c1, c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              } else {
                unmountChildren(c1, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true);
            } else {
              if (prevShapeFlag & 8) {
                hostSetElementText(container, "");
              if (shapeFlag & 16) {
                mountChildren(c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
        const patchUnkeyedChildren = (c1, c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          c1 = c1 || EMPTY_ARR;
          c2 = c2 || EMPTY_ARR;
          const oldLength = c1.length;
          const newLength = c2.length;
          const commonLength = Math.min(oldLength, newLength);
          let i;
          for (i = 0; i < commonLength; i++) {
            const nextChild = c2[i] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(c2[i]) : normalizeVNode(c2[i]);
            patch(c1[i], nextChild, container, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
          if (oldLength > newLength) {
            unmountChildren(c1, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true, false, commonLength);
          } else {
            mountChildren(c2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized, commonLength);
        const patchKeyedChildren = (c1, c2, container, parentAnchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized) => {
          let i = 0;
          const l2 = c2.length;
          let e1 = c1.length - 1;
          let e2 = l2 - 1;
          while (i <= e1 && i <= e2) {
            const n1 = c1[i];
            const n2 = c2[i] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(c2[i]) : normalizeVNode(c2[i]);
            if (isSameVNodeType(n1, n2)) {
              patch(n1, n2, container, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
            } else {
          while (i <= e1 && i <= e2) {
            const n1 = c1[e1];
            const n2 = c2[e2] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(c2[e2]) : normalizeVNode(c2[e2]);
            if (isSameVNodeType(n1, n2)) {
              patch(n1, n2, container, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
            } else {
          if (i > e1) {
            if (i <= e2) {
              const nextPos = e2 + 1;
              const anchor = nextPos < l2 ? c2[nextPos].el : parentAnchor;
              while (i <= e2) {
                patch(null, c2[i] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(c2[i]) : normalizeVNode(c2[i]), container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
          } else if (i > e2) {
            while (i <= e1) {
              unmount(c1[i], parentComponent, parentSuspense, true);
          } else {
            const s1 = i;
            const s2 = i;
            const keyToNewIndexMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
            for (i = s2; i <= e2; i++) {
              const nextChild = c2[i] = optimized ? cloneIfMounted(c2[i]) : normalizeVNode(c2[i]);
              if (nextChild.key != null) {
                keyToNewIndexMap.set(nextChild.key, i);
            let j;
            let patched = 0;
            const toBePatched = e2 - s2 + 1;
            let moved = false;
            let maxNewIndexSoFar = 0;
            const newIndexToOldIndexMap = new Array(toBePatched);
            for (i = 0; i < toBePatched; i++)
              newIndexToOldIndexMap[i] = 0;
            for (i = s1; i <= e1; i++) {
              const prevChild = c1[i];
              if (patched >= toBePatched) {
                unmount(prevChild, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true);
              let newIndex;
              if (prevChild.key != null) {
                newIndex = keyToNewIndexMap.get(prevChild.key);
              } else {
                for (j = s2; j <= e2; j++) {
                  if (newIndexToOldIndexMap[j - s2] === 0 && isSameVNodeType(prevChild, c2[j])) {
                    newIndex = j;
              if (newIndex === void 0) {
                unmount(prevChild, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true);
              } else {
                newIndexToOldIndexMap[newIndex - s2] = i + 1;
                if (newIndex >= maxNewIndexSoFar) {
                  maxNewIndexSoFar = newIndex;
                } else {
                  moved = true;
                patch(prevChild, c2[newIndex], container, null, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
            const increasingNewIndexSequence = moved ? getSequence(newIndexToOldIndexMap) : EMPTY_ARR;
            j = increasingNewIndexSequence.length - 1;
            for (i = toBePatched - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              const nextIndex = s2 + i;
              const nextChild = c2[nextIndex];
              const anchor = nextIndex + 1 < l2 ? c2[nextIndex + 1].el : parentAnchor;
              if (newIndexToOldIndexMap[i] === 0) {
                patch(null, nextChild, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              } else if (moved) {
                if (j < 0 || i !== increasingNewIndexSequence[j]) {
                    /* MoveType.REORDER */
                } else {
        const move = (vnode, container, anchor, moveType, parentSuspense = null) => {
          const { el, type: type2, transition, children, shapeFlag } = vnode;
          if (shapeFlag & 6) {
            move(vnode.component.subTree, container, anchor, moveType);
          if (shapeFlag & 128) {
            vnode.suspense.move(container, anchor, moveType);
          if (shapeFlag & 64) {
            type2.move(vnode, container, anchor, internals);
          if (type2 === Fragment$1) {
            hostInsert(el, container, anchor);
            for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
              move(children[i], container, anchor, moveType);
            hostInsert(vnode.anchor, container, anchor);
          if (type2 === Static) {
            moveStaticNode(vnode, container, anchor);
          const needTransition = moveType !== 2 && shapeFlag & 1 && transition;
          if (needTransition) {
            if (moveType === 0) {
              hostInsert(el, container, anchor);
              queuePostRenderEffect(() => transition.enter(el), parentSuspense);
            } else {
              const { leave, delayLeave, afterLeave } = transition;
              const remove3 = () => hostInsert(el, container, anchor);
              const performLeave = () => {
                leave(el, () => {
                  afterLeave && afterLeave();
              if (delayLeave) {
                delayLeave(el, remove3, performLeave);
              } else {
          } else {
            hostInsert(el, container, anchor);
        const unmount = (vnode, parentComponent, parentSuspense, doRemove = false, optimized = false) => {
          const { type: type2, props, ref: ref2, children, dynamicChildren, shapeFlag, patchFlag, dirs } = vnode;
          if (ref2 != null) {
            setRef(ref2, null, parentSuspense, vnode, true);
          if (shapeFlag & 256) {
          const shouldInvokeDirs = shapeFlag & 1 && dirs;
          const shouldInvokeVnodeHook = !isAsyncWrapper(vnode);
          let vnodeHook;
          if (shouldInvokeVnodeHook && (vnodeHook = props && props.onVnodeBeforeUnmount)) {
            invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, vnode);
          if (shapeFlag & 6) {
            unmountComponent(vnode.component, parentSuspense, doRemove);
          } else {
            if (shapeFlag & 128) {
              vnode.suspense.unmount(parentSuspense, doRemove);
            if (shouldInvokeDirs) {
              invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, null, parentComponent, "beforeUnmount");
            if (shapeFlag & 64) {
              vnode.type.remove(vnode, parentComponent, parentSuspense, optimized, internals, doRemove);
            } else if (dynamicChildren && // #1153: fast path should not be taken for non-stable (v-for) fragments
            (type2 !== Fragment$1 || patchFlag > 0 && patchFlag & 64)) {
              unmountChildren(dynamicChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, false, true);
            } else if (type2 === Fragment$1 && patchFlag & (128 | 256) || !optimized && shapeFlag & 16) {
              unmountChildren(children, parentComponent, parentSuspense);
            if (doRemove) {
          if (shouldInvokeVnodeHook && (vnodeHook = props && props.onVnodeUnmounted) || shouldInvokeDirs) {
            queuePostRenderEffect(() => {
              vnodeHook && invokeVNodeHook(vnodeHook, parentComponent, vnode);
              shouldInvokeDirs && invokeDirectiveHook(vnode, null, parentComponent, "unmounted");
            }, parentSuspense);
        const remove2 = (vnode) => {
          const { type: type2, el, anchor, transition } = vnode;
          if (type2 === Fragment$1) {
              removeFragment(el, anchor);
          if (type2 === Static) {
          const performRemove = () => {
            if (transition && !transition.persisted && transition.afterLeave) {
          if (vnode.shapeFlag & 1 && transition && !transition.persisted) {
            const { leave, delayLeave } = transition;
            const performLeave = () => leave(el, performRemove);
            if (delayLeave) {
              delayLeave(vnode.el, performRemove, performLeave);
            } else {
          } else {
        const removeFragment = (cur, end2) => {
          let next;
          while (cur !== end2) {
            next = hostNextSibling(cur);
            cur = next;
        const unmountComponent = (instance, parentSuspense, doRemove) => {
          const { bum, scope, update, subTree, um } = instance;
          if (bum) {
          if (update) {
            update.active = false;
            unmount(subTree, instance, parentSuspense, doRemove);
          if (um) {
            queuePostRenderEffect(um, parentSuspense);
          queuePostRenderEffect(() => {
            instance.isUnmounted = true;
          }, parentSuspense);
          if (parentSuspense && parentSuspense.pendingBranch && !parentSuspense.isUnmounted && instance.asyncDep && !instance.asyncResolved && instance.suspenseId === parentSuspense.pendingId) {
            if (parentSuspense.deps === 0) {
        const unmountChildren = (children, parentComponent, parentSuspense, doRemove = false, optimized = false, start = 0) => {
          for (let i = start; i < children.length; i++) {
            unmount(children[i], parentComponent, parentSuspense, doRemove, optimized);
        const getNextHostNode = (vnode) => {
          if (vnode.shapeFlag & 6) {
            return getNextHostNode(vnode.component.subTree);
          if (vnode.shapeFlag & 128) {
            return vnode.suspense.next();
          return hostNextSibling(vnode.anchor || vnode.el);
        const render2 = (vnode, container, isSVG) => {
          if (vnode == null) {
            if (container._vnode) {
              unmount(container._vnode, null, null, true);
          } else {
            patch(container._vnode || null, vnode, container, null, null, null, isSVG);
          container._vnode = vnode;
        const internals = {
          p: patch,
          um: unmount,
          m: move,
          r: remove2,
          mt: mountComponent,
          mc: mountChildren,
          pc: patchChildren,
          pbc: patchBlockChildren,
          n: getNextHostNode,
          o: options
        let hydrate;
        let hydrateNode;
        if (createHydrationFns) {
          [hydrate, hydrateNode] = createHydrationFns(internals);
        return {
          render: render2,
          createApp: createAppAPI(render2, hydrate)
      function toggleRecurse({ effect, update }, allowed) {
        effect.allowRecurse = update.allowRecurse = allowed;
      function traverseStaticChildren(n1, n2, shallow = false) {
        const ch1 = n1.children;
        const ch2 = n2.children;
        if (isArray$3(ch1) && isArray$3(ch2)) {
          for (let i = 0; i < ch1.length; i++) {
            const c1 = ch1[i];
            let c2 = ch2[i];
            if (c2.shapeFlag & 1 && !c2.dynamicChildren) {
              if (c2.patchFlag <= 0 || c2.patchFlag === 32) {
                c2 = ch2[i] = cloneIfMounted(ch2[i]);
                c2.el = c1.el;
              if (!shallow)
                traverseStaticChildren(c1, c2);
            if (c2.type === Text) {
              c2.el = c1.el;
      function getSequence(arr) {
        const p2 = arr.slice();
        const result = [0];
        let i, j, u, v, c;
        const len = arr.length;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          const arrI = arr[i];
          if (arrI !== 0) {
            j = result[result.length - 1];
            if (arr[j] < arrI) {
              p2[i] = j;
            u = 0;
            v = result.length - 1;
            while (u < v) {
              c = u + v >> 1;
              if (arr[result[c]] < arrI) {
                u = c + 1;
              } else {
                v = c;
            if (arrI < arr[result[u]]) {
              if (u > 0) {
                p2[i] = result[u - 1];
              result[u] = i;
        u = result.length;
        v = result[u - 1];
        while (u-- > 0) {
          result[u] = v;
          v = p2[v];
        return result;
      const isTeleport = (type2) => type2.__isTeleport;
      const isTeleportDisabled = (props) => props && (props.disabled || props.disabled === "");
      const isTargetSVG = (target) => typeof SVGElement !== "undefined" && target instanceof SVGElement;
      const resolveTarget = (props, select) => {
        const targetSelector = props && props.to;
        if (isString$2(targetSelector)) {
          if (!select) {
            return null;
          } else {
            const target = select(targetSelector);
            return target;
        } else {
          return targetSelector;
      const TeleportImpl = {
        __isTeleport: true,
        process(n1, n2, container, anchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized, internals) {
          const { mc: mountChildren, pc: patchChildren, pbc: patchBlockChildren, o: { insert, querySelector, createText, createComment } } = internals;
          const disabled = isTeleportDisabled(n2.props);
          let { shapeFlag, children, dynamicChildren } = n2;
          if (n1 == null) {
            const placeholder = n2.el = createText("");
            const mainAnchor = n2.anchor = createText("");
            insert(placeholder, container, anchor);
            insert(mainAnchor, container, anchor);
            const target = n2.target = resolveTarget(n2.props, querySelector);
            const targetAnchor = n2.targetAnchor = createText("");
            if (target) {
              insert(targetAnchor, target);
              isSVG = isSVG || isTargetSVG(target);
            const mount = (container2, anchor2) => {
              if (shapeFlag & 16) {
                mountChildren(children, container2, anchor2, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, optimized);
            if (disabled) {
              mount(container, mainAnchor);
            } else if (target) {
              mount(target, targetAnchor);
          } else {
            n2.el = n1.el;
            const mainAnchor = n2.anchor = n1.anchor;
            const target = n2.target = n1.target;
            const targetAnchor = n2.targetAnchor = n1.targetAnchor;
            const wasDisabled = isTeleportDisabled(n1.props);
            const currentContainer = wasDisabled ? container : target;
            const currentAnchor = wasDisabled ? mainAnchor : targetAnchor;
            isSVG = isSVG || isTargetSVG(target);
            if (dynamicChildren) {
              patchBlockChildren(n1.dynamicChildren, dynamicChildren, currentContainer, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds);
              traverseStaticChildren(n1, n2, true);
            } else if (!optimized) {
              patchChildren(n1, n2, currentContainer, currentAnchor, parentComponent, parentSuspense, isSVG, slotScopeIds, false);
            if (disabled) {
              if (!wasDisabled) {
                  /* TeleportMoveTypes.TOGGLE */
            } else {
              if ((n2.props && n2.props.to) !== (n1.props && n1.props.to)) {
                const nextTarget = n2.target = resolveTarget(n2.props, querySelector);
                if (nextTarget) {
                    /* TeleportMoveTypes.TARGET_CHANGE */
              } else if (wasDisabled) {
                  /* TeleportMoveTypes.TOGGLE */
        remove(vnode, parentComponent, parentSuspense, optimized, { um: unmount, o: { remove: hostRemove } }, doRemove) {
          const { shapeFlag, children, anchor, targetAnchor, target, props } = vnode;
          if (target) {
          if (doRemove || !isTeleportDisabled(props)) {
            if (shapeFlag & 16) {
              for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                const child = children[i];
                unmount(child, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true, !!child.dynamicChildren);
        move: moveTeleport,
        hydrate: hydrateTeleport
      function moveTeleport(vnode, container, parentAnchor, { o: { insert }, m: move }, moveType = 2) {
        if (moveType === 0) {
          insert(vnode.targetAnchor, container, parentAnchor);
        const { el, anchor, shapeFlag, children, props } = vnode;
        const isReorder = moveType === 2;
        if (isReorder) {
          insert(el, container, parentAnchor);
        if (!isReorder || isTeleportDisabled(props)) {
          if (shapeFlag & 16) {
            for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                /* MoveType.REORDER */
        if (isReorder) {
          insert(anchor, container, parentAnchor);
      function hydrateTeleport(node, vnode, parentComponent, parentSuspense, slotScopeIds, optimized, { o: { nextSibling, parentNode, querySelector } }, hydrateChildren) {
        const target = vnode.target = resolveTarget(vnode.props, querySelector);
        if (target) {
          const targetNode = target._lpa || target.firstChild;
          if (vnode.shapeFlag & 16) {
            if (isTeleportDisabled(vnode.props)) {
              vnode.anchor = hydrateChildren(nextSibling(node), vnode, parentNode(node), parentComponent, parentSuspense, slotScopeIds, optimized);
              vnode.targetAnchor = targetNode;
            } else {
              vnode.anchor = nextSibling(node);
              let targetAnchor = targetNode;
              while (targetAnchor) {
                targetAnchor = nextSibling(targetAnchor);
                if (targetAnchor && targetAnchor.nodeType === 8 && targetAnchor.data === "teleport anchor") {
                  vnode.targetAnchor = targetAnchor;
                  target._lpa = vnode.targetAnchor && nextSibling(vnode.targetAnchor);
              hydrateChildren(targetNode, vnode, target, parentComponent, parentSuspense, slotScopeIds, optimized);
        return vnode.anchor && nextSibling(vnode.anchor);
      const Teleport = TeleportImpl;
      function updateCssVars(vnode) {
        const ctx = vnode.ctx;
        if (ctx && ctx.ut) {
          let node = vnode.children[0].el;
          while (node !== vnode.targetAnchor) {
            if (node.nodeType === 1)
              node.setAttribute("data-v-owner", ctx.uid);
            node = node.nextSibling;
      const Fragment$1 = Symbol(void 0);
      const Text = Symbol(void 0);
      const Comment = Symbol(void 0);
      const Static = Symbol(void 0);
      const blockStack = [];
      let currentBlock = null;
      function openBlock(disableTracking = false) {
        blockStack.push(currentBlock = disableTracking ? null : []);
      function closeBlock() {
        currentBlock = blockStack[blockStack.length - 1] || null;
      let isBlockTreeEnabled = 1;
      function setBlockTracking(value) {
        isBlockTreeEnabled += value;
      function setupBlock(vnode) {
        vnode.dynamicChildren = isBlockTreeEnabled > 0 ? currentBlock || EMPTY_ARR : null;
        if (isBlockTreeEnabled > 0 && currentBlock) {
        return vnode;
      function createElementBlock(type2, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, shapeFlag) {
        return setupBlock(createBaseVNode(
          /* isBlock */
      function createBlock(type2, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps) {
        return setupBlock(createVNode(
          /* isBlock: prevent a block from tracking itself */
      function isVNode$1(value) {
        return value ? value.__v_isVNode === true : false;
      function isSameVNodeType(n1, n2) {
        return n1.type === n2.type && n1.key === n2.key;
      const InternalObjectKey = `__vInternal`;
      const normalizeKey = ({ key }) => key != null ? key : null;
      const normalizeRef = ({ ref: ref2, ref_key, ref_for }) => {
        return ref2 != null ? isString$2(ref2) || isRef(ref2) || isFunction$2(ref2) ? { i: currentRenderingInstance, r: ref2, k: ref_key, f: !!ref_for } : ref2 : null;
      function createBaseVNode(type2, props = null, children = null, patchFlag = 0, dynamicProps = null, shapeFlag = type2 === Fragment$1 ? 0 : 1, isBlockNode = false, needFullChildrenNormalization = false) {
        const vnode = {
          __v_isVNode: true,
          __v_skip: true,
          type: type2,
          key: props && normalizeKey(props),
          ref: props && normalizeRef(props),
          scopeId: currentScopeId,
          slotScopeIds: null,
          component: null,
          suspense: null,
          ssContent: null,
          ssFallback: null,
          dirs: null,
          transition: null,
          el: null,
          anchor: null,
          target: null,
          targetAnchor: null,
          staticCount: 0,
          dynamicChildren: null,
          appContext: null,
          ctx: currentRenderingInstance
        if (needFullChildrenNormalization) {
          normalizeChildren(vnode, children);
          if (shapeFlag & 128) {
        } else if (children) {
          vnode.shapeFlag |= isString$2(children) ? 8 : 16;
        if (isBlockTreeEnabled > 0 && // avoid a block node from tracking itself
        !isBlockNode && // has current parent block
        currentBlock && // presence of a patch flag indicates this node needs patching on updates.
        // component nodes also should always be patched, because even if the
        // component doesn't need to update, it needs to persist the instance on to
        // the next vnode so that it can be properly unmounted later.
        (vnode.patchFlag > 0 || shapeFlag & 6) && // the EVENTS flag is only for hydration and if it is the only flag, the
        // vnode should not be considered dynamic due to handler caching.
        vnode.patchFlag !== 32) {
        return vnode;
      const createVNode = _createVNode;
      function _createVNode(type2, props = null, children = null, patchFlag = 0, dynamicProps = null, isBlockNode = false) {
        if (!type2 || type2 === NULL_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT) {
          type2 = Comment;
        if (isVNode$1(type2)) {
          const cloned = cloneVNode(
            /* mergeRef: true */
          if (children) {
            normalizeChildren(cloned, children);
          if (isBlockTreeEnabled > 0 && !isBlockNode && currentBlock) {
            if (cloned.shapeFlag & 6) {
              currentBlock[currentBlock.indexOf(type2)] = cloned;
            } else {
          cloned.patchFlag |= -2;
          return cloned;
        if (isClassComponent(type2)) {
          type2 = type2.__vccOpts;
        if (props) {
          props = guardReactiveProps(props);
          let { class: klass, style } = props;
          if (klass && !isString$2(klass)) {
            props.class = normalizeClass(klass);
          if (isObject$3(style)) {
            if (isProxy(style) && !isArray$3(style)) {
              style = extend({}, style);
            props.style = normalizeStyle(style);
        const shapeFlag = isString$2(type2) ? 1 : isSuspense(type2) ? 128 : isTeleport(type2) ? 64 : isObject$3(type2) ? 4 : isFunction$2(type2) ? 2 : 0;
        return createBaseVNode(type2, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, shapeFlag, isBlockNode, true);
      function guardReactiveProps(props) {
        if (!props)
          return null;
        return isProxy(props) || InternalObjectKey in props ? extend({}, props) : props;
      function cloneVNode(vnode, extraProps, mergeRef = false) {
        const { props, ref: ref2, patchFlag, children } = vnode;
        const mergedProps = extraProps ? mergeProps(props || {}, extraProps) : props;
        const cloned = {
          __v_isVNode: true,
          __v_skip: true,
          type: vnode.type,
          props: mergedProps,
          key: mergedProps && normalizeKey(mergedProps),
          ref: extraProps && extraProps.ref ? (
            // #2078 in the case of <component :is="vnode" ref="extra"/>
            // if the vnode itself already has a ref, cloneVNode will need to merge
            // the refs so the single vnode can be set on multiple refs
            mergeRef && ref2 ? isArray$3(ref2) ? ref2.concat(normalizeRef(extraProps)) : [ref2, normalizeRef(extraProps)] : normalizeRef(extraProps)
          ) : ref2,
          scopeId: vnode.scopeId,
          slotScopeIds: vnode.slotScopeIds,
          target: vnode.target,
          targetAnchor: vnode.targetAnchor,
          staticCount: vnode.staticCount,
          shapeFlag: vnode.shapeFlag,
          // if the vnode is cloned with extra props, we can no longer assume its
          // existing patch flag to be reliable and need to add the FULL_PROPS flag.
          // note: preserve flag for fragments since they use the flag for children
          // fast paths only.
          patchFlag: extraProps && vnode.type !== Fragment$1 ? patchFlag === -1 ? 16 : patchFlag | 16 : patchFlag,
          dynamicProps: vnode.dynamicProps,
          dynamicChildren: vnode.dynamicChildren,
          appContext: vnode.appContext,
          dirs: vnode.dirs,
          transition: vnode.transition,
          // These should technically only be non-null on mounted VNodes. However,
          // they *should* be copied for kept-alive vnodes. So we just always copy
          // them since them being non-null during a mount doesn't affect the logic as
          // they will simply be overwritten.
          component: vnode.component,
          suspense: vnode.suspense,
          ssContent: vnode.ssContent && cloneVNode(vnode.ssContent),
          ssFallback: vnode.ssFallback && cloneVNode(vnode.ssFallback),
          el: vnode.el,
          anchor: vnode.anchor,
          ctx: vnode.ctx,
          ce: vnode.ce
        return cloned;
      function createTextVNode(text = " ", flag = 0) {
        return createVNode(Text, null, text, flag);
      function createCommentVNode(text = "", asBlock = false) {
        return asBlock ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Comment, null, text)) : createVNode(Comment, null, text);
      function normalizeVNode(child) {
        if (child == null || typeof child === "boolean") {
          return createVNode(Comment);
        } else if (isArray$3(child)) {
          return createVNode(
            // #3666, avoid reference pollution when reusing vnode
        } else if (typeof child === "object") {
          return cloneIfMounted(child);
        } else {
          return createVNode(Text, null, String(child));
      function cloneIfMounted(child) {
        return child.el === null && child.patchFlag !== -1 || child.memo ? child : cloneVNode(child);
      function normalizeChildren(vnode, children) {
        let type2 = 0;
        const { shapeFlag } = vnode;
        if (children == null) {
          children = null;
        } else if (isArray$3(children)) {
          type2 = 16;
        } else if (typeof children === "object") {
          if (shapeFlag & (1 | 64)) {
            const slot = children.default;
            if (slot) {
              slot._c && (slot._d = false);
              normalizeChildren(vnode, slot());
              slot._c && (slot._d = true);
          } else {
            type2 = 32;
            const slotFlag = children._;
            if (!slotFlag && !(InternalObjectKey in children)) {
              children._ctx = currentRenderingInstance;
            } else if (slotFlag === 3 && currentRenderingInstance) {
              if (currentRenderingInstance.slots._ === 1) {
                children._ = 1;
              } else {
                children._ = 2;
                vnode.patchFlag |= 1024;
        } else if (isFunction$2(children)) {
          children = { default: children, _ctx: currentRenderingInstance };
          type2 = 32;
        } else {
          children = String(children);
          if (shapeFlag & 64) {
            type2 = 16;
            children = [createTextVNode(children)];
          } else {
            type2 = 8;
        vnode.children = children;
        vnode.shapeFlag |= type2;
      function mergeProps(...args) {
        const ret = {};
        for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
          const toMerge = args[i];
          for (const key in toMerge) {
            if (key === "class") {
              if (ret.class !== toMerge.class) {
                ret.class = normalizeClass([ret.class, toMerge.class]);
            } else if (key === "style") {
              ret.style = normalizeStyle([ret.style, toMerge.style]);
            } else if (isOn(key)) {
              const existing = ret[key];
              const incoming = toMerge[key];
              if (incoming && existing !== incoming && !(isArray$3(existing) && existing.includes(incoming))) {
                ret[key] = existing ? [].concat(existing, incoming) : incoming;
            } else if (key !== "") {
              ret[key] = toMerge[key];
        return ret;
      function invokeVNodeHook(hook, instance, vnode, prevVNode = null) {
        callWithAsyncErrorHandling(hook, instance, 7, [
      const emptyAppContext = createAppContext();
      let uid = 0;
      function createComponentInstance(vnode, parent, suspense) {
        const type2 = vnode.type;
        const appContext = (parent ? parent.appContext : vnode.appContext) || emptyAppContext;
        const instance = {
          uid: uid++,
          type: type2,
          root: null,
          next: null,
          subTree: null,
          effect: null,
          update: null,
          scope: new EffectScope(
            /* detached */
          render: null,
          proxy: null,
          exposed: null,
          exposeProxy: null,
          withProxy: null,
          provides: parent ? parent.provides : Object.create(appContext.provides),
          accessCache: null,
          renderCache: [],
          // local resolved assets
          components: null,
          directives: null,
          // resolved props and emits options
          propsOptions: normalizePropsOptions(type2, appContext),
          emitsOptions: normalizeEmitsOptions(type2, appContext),
          // emit
          emit: null,
          emitted: null,
          // props default value
          propsDefaults: EMPTY_OBJ,
          // inheritAttrs
          inheritAttrs: type2.inheritAttrs,
          // state
          ctx: EMPTY_OBJ,
          data: EMPTY_OBJ,
          props: EMPTY_OBJ,
          attrs: EMPTY_OBJ,
          slots: EMPTY_OBJ,
          refs: EMPTY_OBJ,
          setupState: EMPTY_OBJ,
          setupContext: null,
          // suspense related
          suspenseId: suspense ? suspense.pendingId : 0,
          asyncDep: null,
          asyncResolved: false,
          // lifecycle hooks
          // not using enums here because it results in computed properties
          isMounted: false,
          isUnmounted: false,
          isDeactivated: false,
          bc: null,
          c: null,
          bm: null,
          m: null,
          bu: null,
          u: null,
          um: null,
          bum: null,
          da: null,
          a: null,
          rtg: null,
          rtc: null,
          ec: null,
          sp: null
          instance.ctx = { _: instance };
        instance.root = parent ? parent.root : instance;
        instance.emit = emit.bind(null, instance);
        if (vnode.ce) {
        return instance;
      let currentInstance = null;
      const getCurrentInstance = () => currentInstance || currentRenderingInstance;
      const setCurrentInstance = (instance) => {
        currentInstance = instance;
      const unsetCurrentInstance = () => {
        currentInstance && currentInstance.scope.off();
        currentInstance = null;
      function isStatefulComponent(instance) {
        return instance.vnode.shapeFlag & 4;
      let isInSSRComponentSetup = false;
      function setupComponent(instance, isSSR = false) {
        isInSSRComponentSetup = isSSR;
        const { props, children } = instance.vnode;
        const isStateful = isStatefulComponent(instance);
        initProps(instance, props, isStateful, isSSR);
        initSlots(instance, children);
        const setupResult = isStateful ? setupStatefulComponent(instance, isSSR) : void 0;
        isInSSRComponentSetup = false;
        return setupResult;
      function setupStatefulComponent(instance, isSSR) {
        const Component = instance.type;
        instance.accessCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        instance.proxy = markRaw(new Proxy(instance.ctx, PublicInstanceProxyHandlers));
        const { setup } = Component;
        if (setup) {
          const setupContext = instance.setupContext = setup.length > 1 ? createSetupContext(instance) : null;
          const setupResult = callWithErrorHandling(setup, instance, 0, [instance.props, setupContext]);
          if (isPromise(setupResult)) {
            setupResult.then(unsetCurrentInstance, unsetCurrentInstance);
            if (isSSR) {
              return setupResult.then((resolvedResult) => {
                handleSetupResult(instance, resolvedResult, isSSR);
              }).catch((e) => {
                  /* ErrorCodes.SETUP_FUNCTION */
            } else {
              instance.asyncDep = setupResult;
          } else {
            handleSetupResult(instance, setupResult, isSSR);
        } else {
          finishComponentSetup(instance, isSSR);
      function handleSetupResult(instance, setupResult, isSSR) {
        if (isFunction$2(setupResult)) {
          if (instance.type.__ssrInlineRender) {
            instance.ssrRender = setupResult;
          } else {
            instance.render = setupResult;
        } else if (isObject$3(setupResult)) {
          instance.setupState = proxyRefs(setupResult);
        } else
        finishComponentSetup(instance, isSSR);
      let compile;
      function finishComponentSetup(instance, isSSR, skipOptions) {
        const Component = instance.type;
        if (!instance.render) {
          if (!isSSR && compile && !Component.render) {
            const template2 = Component.template || resolveMergedOptions(instance).template;
            if (template2) {
              const { isCustomElement, compilerOptions } = instance.appContext.config;
              const { delimiters, compilerOptions: componentCompilerOptions } = Component;
              const finalCompilerOptions = extend(extend({
              }, compilerOptions), componentCompilerOptions);
              Component.render = compile(template2, finalCompilerOptions);
          instance.render = Component.render || NOOP;
      function createAttrsProxy(instance) {
        return new Proxy(instance.attrs, {
          get(target, key) {
            track(instance, "get", "$attrs");
            return target[key];
      function createSetupContext(instance) {
        const expose2 = (exposed) => {
          instance.exposed = exposed || {};
        let attrs;
          return {
            get attrs() {
              return attrs || (attrs = createAttrsProxy(instance));
            slots: instance.slots,
            emit: instance.emit,
            expose: expose2
      function getExposeProxy(instance) {
        if (instance.exposed) {
          return instance.exposeProxy || (instance.exposeProxy = new Proxy(proxyRefs(markRaw(instance.exposed)), {
            get(target, key) {
              if (key in target) {
                return target[key];
              } else if (key in publicPropertiesMap) {
                return publicPropertiesMap[key](instance);
            has(target, key) {
              return key in target || key in publicPropertiesMap;
      function getComponentName(Component, includeInferred = true) {
        return isFunction$2(Component) ? Component.displayName || Component.name : Component.name || includeInferred && Component.__name;
      function isClassComponent(value) {
        return isFunction$2(value) && "__vccOpts" in value;
      const computed = (getterOrOptions, debugOptions) => {
        return computed$1(getterOrOptions, debugOptions, isInSSRComponentSetup);
      function useSlots() {
        return getContext().slots;
      function useAttrs$1() {
        return getContext().attrs;
      function getContext() {
        const i = getCurrentInstance();
        return i.setupContext || (i.setupContext = createSetupContext(i));
      function h(type2, propsOrChildren, children) {
        const l = arguments.length;
        if (l === 2) {
          if (isObject$3(propsOrChildren) && !isArray$3(propsOrChildren)) {
            if (isVNode$1(propsOrChildren)) {
              return createVNode(type2, null, [propsOrChildren]);
            return createVNode(type2, propsOrChildren);
          } else {
            return createVNode(type2, null, propsOrChildren);
        } else {
          if (l > 3) {
            children = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
          } else if (l === 3 && isVNode$1(children)) {
            children = [children];
          return createVNode(type2, propsOrChildren, children);
      const ssrContextKey = Symbol(``);
      const useSSRContext = () => {
          const ctx = inject(ssrContextKey);
          return ctx;
      const version = "3.2.47";
      const svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
      const doc = typeof document !== "undefined" ? document : null;
      const templateContainer = doc && /* @__PURE__ */ doc.createElement("template");
      const nodeOps = {
        insert: (child, parent, anchor) => {
          parent.insertBefore(child, anchor || null);
        remove: (child) => {
          const parent = child.parentNode;
          if (parent) {
        createElement: (tag, isSVG, is, props) => {
          const el = isSVG ? doc.createElementNS(svgNS, tag) : doc.createElement(tag, is ? { is } : void 0);
          if (tag === "select" && props && props.multiple != null) {
            el.setAttribute("multiple", props.multiple);
          return el;
        createText: (text) => doc.createTextNode(text),
        createComment: (text) => doc.createComment(text),
        setText: (node, text) => {
          node.nodeValue = text;
        setElementText: (el, text) => {
          el.textContent = text;
        parentNode: (node) => node.parentNode,
        nextSibling: (node) => node.nextSibling,
        querySelector: (selector) => doc.querySelector(selector),
        setScopeId(el, id) {
          el.setAttribute(id, "");
        // __UNSAFE__
        // Reason: innerHTML.
        // Static content here can only come from compiled templates.
        // As long as the user only uses trusted templates, this is safe.
        insertStaticContent(content, parent, anchor, isSVG, start, end2) {
          const before = anchor ? anchor.previousSibling : parent.lastChild;
          if (start && (start === end2 || start.nextSibling)) {
            while (true) {
              parent.insertBefore(start.cloneNode(true), anchor);
              if (start === end2 || !(start = start.nextSibling))
          } else {
            templateContainer.innerHTML = isSVG ? `<svg>${content}</svg>` : content;
            const template2 = templateContainer.content;
            if (isSVG) {
              const wrapper = template2.firstChild;
              while (wrapper.firstChild) {
            parent.insertBefore(template2, anchor);
          return [
            // first
            before ? before.nextSibling : parent.firstChild,
            // last
            anchor ? anchor.previousSibling : parent.lastChild
      function patchClass(el, value, isSVG) {
        const transitionClasses = el._vtc;
        if (transitionClasses) {
          value = (value ? [value, ...transitionClasses] : [...transitionClasses]).join(" ");
        if (value == null) {
        } else if (isSVG) {
          el.setAttribute("class", value);
        } else {
          el.className = value;
      function patchStyle(el, prev, next) {
        const style = el.style;
        const isCssString = isString$2(next);
        if (next && !isCssString) {
          if (prev && !isString$2(prev)) {
            for (const key in prev) {
              if (next[key] == null) {
                setStyle(style, key, "");
          for (const key in next) {
            setStyle(style, key, next[key]);
        } else {
          const currentDisplay = style.display;
          if (isCssString) {
            if (prev !== next) {
              style.cssText = next;
          } else if (prev) {
          if ("_vod" in el) {
            style.display = currentDisplay;
      const importantRE = /\s*!important$/;
      function setStyle(style, name, val) {
        if (isArray$3(val)) {
          val.forEach((v) => setStyle(style, name, v));
        } else {
          if (val == null)
            val = "";
          if (name.startsWith("--")) {
            style.setProperty(name, val);
          } else {
            const prefixed = autoPrefix(style, name);
            if (importantRE.test(val)) {
              style.setProperty(hyphenate(prefixed), val.replace(importantRE, ""), "important");
            } else {
              style[prefixed] = val;
      const prefixes = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"];
      const prefixCache = {};
      function autoPrefix(style, rawName) {
        const cached = prefixCache[rawName];
        if (cached) {
          return cached;
        let name = camelize(rawName);
        if (name !== "filter" && name in style) {
          return prefixCache[rawName] = name;
        name = capitalize$2(name);
        for (let i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
          const prefixed = prefixes[i] + name;
          if (prefixed in style) {
            return prefixCache[rawName] = prefixed;
        return rawName;
      const xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
      function patchAttr(el, key, value, isSVG, instance) {
        if (isSVG && key.startsWith("xlink:")) {
          if (value == null) {
            el.removeAttributeNS(xlinkNS, key.slice(6, key.length));
          } else {
            el.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, key, value);
        } else {
          const isBoolean2 = isSpecialBooleanAttr(key);
          if (value == null || isBoolean2 && !includeBooleanAttr(value)) {
          } else {
            el.setAttribute(key, isBoolean2 ? "" : value);
      function patchDOMProp(el, key, value, prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren) {
        if (key === "innerHTML" || key === "textContent") {
          if (prevChildren) {
            unmountChildren(prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense);
          el[key] = value == null ? "" : value;
        if (key === "value" && el.tagName !== "PROGRESS" && // custom elements may use _value internally
        !el.tagName.includes("-")) {
          el._value = value;
          const newValue = value == null ? "" : value;
          if (el.value !== newValue || // #4956: always set for OPTION elements because its value falls back to
          // textContent if no value attribute is present. And setting .value for
          // OPTION has no side effect
          el.tagName === "OPTION") {
            el.value = newValue;
          if (value == null) {
        let needRemove = false;
        if (value === "" || value == null) {
          const type2 = typeof el[key];
          if (type2 === "boolean") {
            value = includeBooleanAttr(value);
          } else if (value == null && type2 === "string") {
            value = "";
            needRemove = true;
          } else if (type2 === "number") {
            value = 0;
            needRemove = true;
        try {
          el[key] = value;
        } catch (e) {
        needRemove && el.removeAttribute(key);
      function addEventListener(el, event, handler, options) {
        el.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
      function removeEventListener(el, event, handler, options) {
        el.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);
      function patchEvent(el, rawName, prevValue, nextValue, instance = null) {
        const invokers = el._vei || (el._vei = {});
        const existingInvoker = invokers[rawName];
        if (nextValue && existingInvoker) {
          existingInvoker.value = nextValue;
        } else {
          const [name, options] = parseName(rawName);
          if (nextValue) {
            const invoker = invokers[rawName] = createInvoker(nextValue, instance);
            addEventListener(el, name, invoker, options);
          } else if (existingInvoker) {
            removeEventListener(el, name, existingInvoker, options);
            invokers[rawName] = void 0;
      const optionsModifierRE = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/;
      function parseName(name) {
        let options;
        if (optionsModifierRE.test(name)) {
          options = {};
          let m;
          while (m = name.match(optionsModifierRE)) {
            name = name.slice(0, name.length - m[0].length);
            options[m[0].toLowerCase()] = true;
        const event = name[2] === ":" ? name.slice(3) : hyphenate(name.slice(2));
        return [event, options];
      let cachedNow = 0;
      const p = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve();
      const getNow = () => cachedNow || (p.then(() => cachedNow = 0), cachedNow = Date.now());
      function createInvoker(initialValue, instance) {
        const invoker = (e) => {
          if (!e._vts) {
            e._vts = Date.now();
          } else if (e._vts <= invoker.attached) {
          callWithAsyncErrorHandling(patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, invoker.value), instance, 5, [e]);
        invoker.value = initialValue;
        invoker.attached = getNow();
        return invoker;
      function patchStopImmediatePropagation(e, value) {
        if (isArray$3(value)) {
          const originalStop = e.stopImmediatePropagation;
          e.stopImmediatePropagation = () => {
            e._stopped = true;
          return value.map((fn2) => (e2) => !e2._stopped && fn2 && fn2(e2));
        } else {
          return value;
      const nativeOnRE = /^on[a-z]/;
      const patchProp = (el, key, prevValue, nextValue, isSVG = false, prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren) => {
        if (key === "class") {
          patchClass(el, nextValue, isSVG);
        } else if (key === "style") {
          patchStyle(el, prevValue, nextValue);
        } else if (isOn(key)) {
          if (!isModelListener(key)) {
            patchEvent(el, key, prevValue, nextValue, parentComponent);
        } else if (key[0] === "." ? (key = key.slice(1), true) : key[0] === "^" ? (key = key.slice(1), false) : shouldSetAsProp(el, key, nextValue, isSVG)) {
          patchDOMProp(el, key, nextValue, prevChildren, parentComponent, parentSuspense, unmountChildren);
        } else {
          if (key === "true-value") {
            el._trueValue = nextValue;
          } else if (key === "false-value") {
            el._falseValue = nextValue;
          patchAttr(el, key, nextValue, isSVG);
      function shouldSetAsProp(el, key, value, isSVG) {
        if (isSVG) {
          if (key === "innerHTML" || key === "textContent") {
            return true;
          if (key in el && nativeOnRE.test(key) && isFunction$2(value)) {
            return true;
          return false;
        if (key === "spellcheck" || key === "draggable" || key === "translate") {
          return false;
        if (key === "form") {
          return false;
        if (key === "list" && el.tagName === "INPUT") {
          return false;
        if (key === "type" && el.tagName === "TEXTAREA") {
          return false;
        if (nativeOnRE.test(key) && isString$2(value)) {
          return false;
        return key in el;
      const TRANSITION = "transition";
      const ANIMATION = "animation";
      const Transition = (props, { slots }) => h(BaseTransition, resolveTransitionProps(props), slots);
      Transition.displayName = "Transition";
      const DOMTransitionPropsValidators = {
        name: String,
        type: String,
        css: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        duration: [String, Number, Object],
        enterFromClass: String,
        enterActiveClass: String,
        enterToClass: String,
        appearFromClass: String,
        appearActiveClass: String,
        appearToClass: String,
        leaveFromClass: String,
        leaveActiveClass: String,
        leaveToClass: String
      const TransitionPropsValidators = Transition.props = /* @__PURE__ */ extend({}, BaseTransition.props, DOMTransitionPropsValidators);
      const callHook = (hook, args = []) => {
        if (isArray$3(hook)) {
          hook.forEach((h2) => h2(...args));
        } else if (hook) {
      const hasExplicitCallback = (hook) => {
        return hook ? isArray$3(hook) ? hook.some((h2) => h2.length > 1) : hook.length > 1 : false;
      function resolveTransitionProps(rawProps) {
        const baseProps = {};
        for (const key in rawProps) {
          if (!(key in DOMTransitionPropsValidators)) {
            baseProps[key] = rawProps[key];
        if (rawProps.css === false) {
          return baseProps;
        const { name = "v", type: type2, duration, enterFromClass = `${name}-enter-from`, enterActiveClass = `${name}-enter-active`, enterToClass = `${name}-enter-to`, appearFromClass = enterFromClass, appearActiveClass = enterActiveClass, appearToClass = enterToClass, leaveFromClass = `${name}-leave-from`, leaveActiveClass = `${name}-leave-active`, leaveToClass = `${name}-leave-to` } = rawProps;
        const durations = normalizeDuration(duration);
        const enterDuration = durations && durations[0];
        const leaveDuration = durations && durations[1];
        const { onBeforeEnter, onEnter, onEnterCancelled, onLeave, onLeaveCancelled, onBeforeAppear = onBeforeEnter, onAppear = onEnter, onAppearCancelled = onEnterCancelled } = baseProps;
        const finishEnter = (el, isAppear, done) => {
          removeTransitionClass(el, isAppear ? appearToClass : enterToClass);
          removeTransitionClass(el, isAppear ? appearActiveClass : enterActiveClass);
          done && done();
        const finishLeave = (el, done) => {
          el._isLeaving = false;
          removeTransitionClass(el, leaveFromClass);
          removeTransitionClass(el, leaveToClass);
          removeTransitionClass(el, leaveActiveClass);
          done && done();
        const makeEnterHook = (isAppear) => {
          return (el, done) => {
            const hook = isAppear ? onAppear : onEnter;
            const resolve2 = () => finishEnter(el, isAppear, done);
            callHook(hook, [el, resolve2]);
            nextFrame(() => {
              removeTransitionClass(el, isAppear ? appearFromClass : enterFromClass);
              addTransitionClass(el, isAppear ? appearToClass : enterToClass);
              if (!hasExplicitCallback(hook)) {
                whenTransitionEnds(el, type2, enterDuration, resolve2);
        return extend(baseProps, {
          onBeforeEnter(el) {
            callHook(onBeforeEnter, [el]);
            addTransitionClass(el, enterFromClass);
            addTransitionClass(el, enterActiveClass);
          onBeforeAppear(el) {
            callHook(onBeforeAppear, [el]);
            addTransitionClass(el, appearFromClass);
            addTransitionClass(el, appearActiveClass);
          onEnter: makeEnterHook(false),
          onAppear: makeEnterHook(true),
          onLeave(el, done) {
            el._isLeaving = true;
            const resolve2 = () => finishLeave(el, done);
            addTransitionClass(el, leaveFromClass);
            addTransitionClass(el, leaveActiveClass);
            nextFrame(() => {
              if (!el._isLeaving) {
              removeTransitionClass(el, leaveFromClass);
              addTransitionClass(el, leaveToClass);
              if (!hasExplicitCallback(onLeave)) {
                whenTransitionEnds(el, type2, leaveDuration, resolve2);
            callHook(onLeave, [el, resolve2]);
          onEnterCancelled(el) {
            finishEnter(el, false);
            callHook(onEnterCancelled, [el]);
          onAppearCancelled(el) {
            finishEnter(el, true);
            callHook(onAppearCancelled, [el]);
          onLeaveCancelled(el) {
            callHook(onLeaveCancelled, [el]);
      function normalizeDuration(duration) {
        if (duration == null) {
          return null;
        } else if (isObject$3(duration)) {
          return [NumberOf(duration.enter), NumberOf(duration.leave)];
        } else {
          const n = NumberOf(duration);
          return [n, n];
      function NumberOf(val) {
        const res = toNumber$1(val);
        return res;
      function addTransitionClass(el, cls) {
        cls.split(/\s+/).forEach((c) => c && el.classList.add(c));
        (el._vtc || (el._vtc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set())).add(cls);
      function removeTransitionClass(el, cls) {
        cls.split(/\s+/).forEach((c) => c && el.classList.remove(c));
        const { _vtc } = el;
        if (_vtc) {
          if (!_vtc.size) {
            el._vtc = void 0;
      function nextFrame(cb) {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      let endId = 0;
      function whenTransitionEnds(el, expectedType, explicitTimeout, resolve2) {
        const id = el._endId = ++endId;
        const resolveIfNotStale = () => {
          if (id === el._endId) {
        if (explicitTimeout) {
          return setTimeout(resolveIfNotStale, explicitTimeout);
        const { type: type2, timeout, propCount } = getTransitionInfo(el, expectedType);
        if (!type2) {
          return resolve2();
        const endEvent = type2 + "end";
        let ended = 0;
        const end2 = () => {
          el.removeEventListener(endEvent, onEnd);
        const onEnd = (e) => {
          if (e.target === el && ++ended >= propCount) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          if (ended < propCount) {
        }, timeout + 1);
        el.addEventListener(endEvent, onEnd);
      function getTransitionInfo(el, expectedType) {
        const styles = window.getComputedStyle(el);
        const getStyleProperties = (key) => (styles[key] || "").split(", ");
        const transitionDelays = getStyleProperties(`${TRANSITION}Delay`);
        const transitionDurations = getStyleProperties(`${TRANSITION}Duration`);
        const transitionTimeout = getTimeout(transitionDelays, transitionDurations);
        const animationDelays = getStyleProperties(`${ANIMATION}Delay`);
        const animationDurations = getStyleProperties(`${ANIMATION}Duration`);
        const animationTimeout = getTimeout(animationDelays, animationDurations);
        let type2 = null;
        let timeout = 0;
        let propCount = 0;
        if (expectedType === TRANSITION) {
          if (transitionTimeout > 0) {
            type2 = TRANSITION;
            timeout = transitionTimeout;
            propCount = transitionDurations.length;
        } else if (expectedType === ANIMATION) {
          if (animationTimeout > 0) {
            type2 = ANIMATION;
            timeout = animationTimeout;
            propCount = animationDurations.length;
        } else {
          timeout = Math.max(transitionTimeout, animationTimeout);
          type2 = timeout > 0 ? transitionTimeout > animationTimeout ? TRANSITION : ANIMATION : null;
          propCount = type2 ? type2 === TRANSITION ? transitionDurations.length : animationDurations.length : 0;
        const hasTransform = type2 === TRANSITION && /\b(transform|all)(,|$)/.test(getStyleProperties(`${TRANSITION}Property`).toString());
        return {
          type: type2,
      function getTimeout(delays, durations) {
        while (delays.length < durations.length) {
          delays = delays.concat(delays);
        return Math.max(...durations.map((d, i) => toMs(d) + toMs(delays[i])));
      function toMs(s) {
        return Number(s.slice(0, -1).replace(",", ".")) * 1e3;
      function forceReflow() {
        return document.body.offsetHeight;
      const positionMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const newPositionMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const TransitionGroupImpl = {
        name: "TransitionGroup",
        props: /* @__PURE__ */ extend({}, TransitionPropsValidators, {
          tag: String,
          moveClass: String
        setup(props, { slots }) {
          const instance = getCurrentInstance();
          const state = useTransitionState();
          let prevChildren;
          let children;
          onUpdated(() => {
            if (!prevChildren.length) {
            const moveClass = props.moveClass || `${props.name || "v"}-move`;
            if (!hasCSSTransform(prevChildren[0].el, instance.vnode.el, moveClass)) {
            const movedChildren = prevChildren.filter(applyTranslation);
            movedChildren.forEach((c) => {
              const el = c.el;
              const style = el.style;
              addTransitionClass(el, moveClass);
              style.transform = style.webkitTransform = style.transitionDuration = "";
              const cb = el._moveCb = (e) => {
                if (e && e.target !== el) {
                if (!e || /transform$/.test(e.propertyName)) {
                  el.removeEventListener("transitionend", cb);
                  el._moveCb = null;
                  removeTransitionClass(el, moveClass);
              el.addEventListener("transitionend", cb);
          return () => {
            const rawProps = toRaw(props);
            const cssTransitionProps = resolveTransitionProps(rawProps);
            let tag = rawProps.tag || Fragment$1;
            prevChildren = children;
            children = slots.default ? getTransitionRawChildren(slots.default()) : [];
            for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
              const child = children[i];
              if (child.key != null) {
                setTransitionHooks(child, resolveTransitionHooks(child, cssTransitionProps, state, instance));
            if (prevChildren) {
              for (let i = 0; i < prevChildren.length; i++) {
                const child = prevChildren[i];
                setTransitionHooks(child, resolveTransitionHooks(child, cssTransitionProps, state, instance));
                positionMap.set(child, child.el.getBoundingClientRect());
            return createVNode(tag, null, children);
      const removeMode = (props) => delete props.mode;
      /* @__PURE__ */ removeMode(TransitionGroupImpl.props);
      const TransitionGroup = TransitionGroupImpl;
      function callPendingCbs(c) {
        const el = c.el;
        if (el._moveCb) {
        if (el._enterCb) {
      function recordPosition(c) {
        newPositionMap.set(c, c.el.getBoundingClientRect());
      function applyTranslation(c) {
        const oldPos = positionMap.get(c);
        const newPos = newPositionMap.get(c);
        const dx = oldPos.left - newPos.left;
        const dy = oldPos.top - newPos.top;
        if (dx || dy) {
          const s = c.el.style;
          s.transform = s.webkitTransform = `translate(${dx}px,${dy}px)`;
          s.transitionDuration = "0s";
          return c;
      function hasCSSTransform(el, root2, moveClass) {
        const clone2 = el.cloneNode();
        if (el._vtc) {
          el._vtc.forEach((cls) => {
            cls.split(/\s+/).forEach((c) => c && clone2.classList.remove(c));
        moveClass.split(/\s+/).forEach((c) => c && clone2.classList.add(c));
        clone2.style.display = "none";
        const container = root2.nodeType === 1 ? root2 : root2.parentNode;
        const { hasTransform } = getTransitionInfo(clone2);
        return hasTransform;
      const getModelAssigner = (vnode) => {
        const fn2 = vnode.props["onUpdate:modelValue"] || false;
        return isArray$3(fn2) ? (value) => invokeArrayFns(fn2, value) : fn2;
      function onCompositionStart(e) {
        e.target.composing = true;
      function onCompositionEnd(e) {
        const target = e.target;
        if (target.composing) {
          target.composing = false;
          target.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
      const vModelText = {
        created(el, { modifiers: { lazy, trim, number: number2 } }, vnode) {
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
          const castToNumber = number2 || vnode.props && vnode.props.type === "number";
          addEventListener(el, lazy ? "change" : "input", (e) => {
            if (e.target.composing)
            let domValue = el.value;
            if (trim) {
              domValue = domValue.trim();
            if (castToNumber) {
              domValue = looseToNumber(domValue);
          if (trim) {
            addEventListener(el, "change", () => {
              el.value = el.value.trim();
          if (!lazy) {
            addEventListener(el, "compositionstart", onCompositionStart);
            addEventListener(el, "compositionend", onCompositionEnd);
            addEventListener(el, "change", onCompositionEnd);
        // set value on mounted so it's after min/max for type="range"
        mounted(el, { value }) {
          el.value = value == null ? "" : value;
        beforeUpdate(el, { value, modifiers: { lazy, trim, number: number2 } }, vnode) {
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
          if (el.composing)
          if (document.activeElement === el && el.type !== "range") {
            if (lazy) {
            if (trim && el.value.trim() === value) {
            if ((number2 || el.type === "number") && looseToNumber(el.value) === value) {
          const newValue = value == null ? "" : value;
          if (el.value !== newValue) {
            el.value = newValue;
      const vModelCheckbox = {
        // #4096 array checkboxes need to be deep traversed
        deep: true,
        created(el, _, vnode) {
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
          addEventListener(el, "change", () => {
            const modelValue = el._modelValue;
            const elementValue = getValue$2(el);
            const checked = el.checked;
            const assign2 = el._assign;
            if (isArray$3(modelValue)) {
              const index2 = looseIndexOf(modelValue, elementValue);
              const found = index2 !== -1;
              if (checked && !found) {
              } else if (!checked && found) {
                const filtered = [...modelValue];
                filtered.splice(index2, 1);
            } else if (isSet$2(modelValue)) {
              const cloned = new Set(modelValue);
              if (checked) {
              } else {
            } else {
              assign2(getCheckboxValue(el, checked));
        // set initial checked on mount to wait for true-value/false-value
        mounted: setChecked,
        beforeUpdate(el, binding, vnode) {
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
          setChecked(el, binding, vnode);
      function setChecked(el, { value, oldValue }, vnode) {
        el._modelValue = value;
        if (isArray$3(value)) {
          el.checked = looseIndexOf(value, vnode.props.value) > -1;
        } else if (isSet$2(value)) {
          el.checked = value.has(vnode.props.value);
        } else if (value !== oldValue) {
          el.checked = looseEqual(value, getCheckboxValue(el, true));
      const vModelSelect = {
        // <select multiple> value need to be deep traversed
        deep: true,
        created(el, { value, modifiers: { number: number2 } }, vnode) {
          const isSetModel = isSet$2(value);
          addEventListener(el, "change", () => {
            const selectedVal = Array.prototype.filter.call(el.options, (o) => o.selected).map((o) => number2 ? looseToNumber(getValue$2(o)) : getValue$2(o));
            el._assign(el.multiple ? isSetModel ? new Set(selectedVal) : selectedVal : selectedVal[0]);
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
        // set value in mounted & updated because <select> relies on its children
        // <option>s.
        mounted(el, { value }) {
          setSelected(el, value);
        beforeUpdate(el, _binding, vnode) {
          el._assign = getModelAssigner(vnode);
        updated(el, { value }) {
          setSelected(el, value);
      function setSelected(el, value) {
        const isMultiple = el.multiple;
        if (isMultiple && !isArray$3(value) && !isSet$2(value)) {
        for (let i = 0, l = el.options.length; i < l; i++) {
          const option = el.options[i];
          const optionValue = getValue$2(option);
          if (isMultiple) {
            if (isArray$3(value)) {
              option.selected = looseIndexOf(value, optionValue) > -1;
            } else {
              option.selected = value.has(optionValue);
          } else {
            if (looseEqual(getValue$2(option), value)) {
              if (el.selectedIndex !== i)
                el.selectedIndex = i;
        if (!isMultiple && el.selectedIndex !== -1) {
          el.selectedIndex = -1;
      function getValue$2(el) {
        return "_value" in el ? el._value : el.value;
      function getCheckboxValue(el, checked) {
        const key = checked ? "_trueValue" : "_falseValue";
        return key in el ? el[key] : checked;
      const systemModifiers = ["ctrl", "shift", "alt", "meta"];
      const modifierGuards = {
        stop: (e) => e.stopPropagation(),
        prevent: (e) => e.preventDefault(),
        self: (e) => e.target !== e.currentTarget,
        ctrl: (e) => !e.ctrlKey,
        shift: (e) => !e.shiftKey,
        alt: (e) => !e.altKey,
        meta: (e) => !e.metaKey,
        left: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 0,
        middle: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 1,
        right: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 2,
        exact: (e, modifiers) => systemModifiers.some((m) => e[`${m}Key`] && !modifiers.includes(m))
      const withModifiers = (fn2, modifiers) => {
        return (event, ...args) => {
          for (let i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) {
            const guard = modifierGuards[modifiers[i]];
            if (guard && guard(event, modifiers))
          return fn2(event, ...args);
      const keyNames = {
        esc: "escape",
        space: " ",
        up: "arrow-up",
        left: "arrow-left",
        right: "arrow-right",
        down: "arrow-down",
        delete: "backspace"
      const withKeys = (fn2, modifiers) => {
        return (event) => {
          if (!("key" in event)) {
          const eventKey = hyphenate(event.key);
          if (modifiers.some((k) => k === eventKey || keyNames[k] === eventKey)) {
            return fn2(event);
      const vShow = {
        beforeMount(el, { value }, { transition }) {
          el._vod = el.style.display === "none" ? "" : el.style.display;
          if (transition && value) {
          } else {
            setDisplay(el, value);
        mounted(el, { value }, { transition }) {
          if (transition && value) {
        updated(el, { value, oldValue }, { transition }) {
          if (!value === !oldValue)
          if (transition) {
            if (value) {
              setDisplay(el, true);
            } else {
              transition.leave(el, () => {
                setDisplay(el, false);
          } else {
            setDisplay(el, value);
        beforeUnmount(el, { value }) {
          setDisplay(el, value);
      function setDisplay(el, value) {
        el.style.display = value ? el._vod : "none";
      const rendererOptions = /* @__PURE__ */ extend({ patchProp }, nodeOps);
      let renderer;
      function ensureRenderer() {
        return renderer || (renderer = createRenderer(rendererOptions));
      const render = (...args) => {
      const createApp = (...args) => {
        const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args);
        const { mount } = app;
        app.mount = (containerOrSelector) => {
          const container = normalizeContainer(containerOrSelector);
          if (!container)
          const component = app._component;
          if (!isFunction$2(component) && !component.render && !component.template) {
            component.template = container.innerHTML;
          container.innerHTML = "";
          const proxy2 = mount(container, false, container instanceof SVGElement);
          if (container instanceof Element) {
            container.setAttribute("data-v-app", "");
          return proxy2;
        return app;
      function normalizeContainer(container) {
        if (isString$2(container)) {
          const res = document.querySelector(container);
          return res;
        return container;
      var functionOnce = once;
      function once(fn2) {
        var called, value;
        if (typeof fn2 !== "function") {
          throw new Error("expected a function but got " + fn2);
        return function wrap2() {
          if (called) {
            return value;
          called = true;
          value = fn2.apply(this, arguments);
          fn2 = void 0;
          return value;
      var eventemitter3 = { exports: {} };
      (function(module2) {
        var has2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, prefix = "~";
        function Events() {
        if (Object.create) {
          Events.prototype = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
          if (!new Events().__proto__)
            prefix = false;
        function EE(fn2, context, once2) {
          this.fn = fn2;
          this.context = context;
          this.once = once2 || false;
        function addListener(emitter, event, fn2, context, once2) {
          if (typeof fn2 !== "function") {
            throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
          var listener = new EE(fn2, context || emitter, once2), evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
          if (!emitter._events[evt])
            emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;
          else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn)
            emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];
          return emitter;
        function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
          if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0)
            emitter._events = new Events();
            delete emitter._events[evt];
        function EventEmitter2() {
          this._events = new Events();
          this._eventsCount = 0;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
          var names2 = [], events, name;
          if (this._eventsCount === 0)
            return names2;
          for (name in events = this._events) {
            if (has2.call(events, name))
              names2.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
          if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
            return names2.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));
          return names2;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
          var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, handlers2 = this._events[evt];
          if (!handlers2)
            return [];
          if (handlers2.fn)
            return [handlers2.fn];
          for (var i = 0, l = handlers2.length, ee2 = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {
            ee2[i] = handlers2[i].fn;
          return ee2;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {
          var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, listeners = this._events[evt];
          if (!listeners)
            return 0;
          if (listeners.fn)
            return 1;
          return listeners.length;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.emit = function emit2(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
          var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
          if (!this._events[evt])
            return false;
          var listeners = this._events[evt], len = arguments.length, args, i;
          if (listeners.fn) {
            if (listeners.once)
              this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, void 0, true);
            switch (len) {
              case 1:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;
              case 2:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;
              case 3:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;
              case 4:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;
              case 5:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;
              case 6:
                return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;
            for (i = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i < len; i++) {
              args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
            listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
          } else {
            var length = listeners.length, j;
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
              if (listeners[i].once)
                this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, void 0, true);
              switch (len) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                  listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1);
                case 3:
                  listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2);
                case 4:
                  listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3);
                  if (!args)
                    for (j = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j < len; j++) {
                      args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
                  listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
          return true;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.on = function on2(event, fn2, context) {
          return addListener(this, event, fn2, context, false);
        EventEmitter2.prototype.once = function once2(event, fn2, context) {
          return addListener(this, event, fn2, context, true);
        EventEmitter2.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn2, context, once2) {
          var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
          if (!this._events[evt])
            return this;
          if (!fn2) {
            clearEvent(this, evt);
            return this;
          var listeners = this._events[evt];
          if (listeners.fn) {
            if (listeners.fn === fn2 && (!once2 || listeners.once) && (!context || listeners.context === context)) {
              clearEvent(this, evt);
          } else {
            for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {
              if (listeners[i].fn !== fn2 || once2 && !listeners[i].once || context && listeners[i].context !== context) {
            if (events.length)
              this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;
              clearEvent(this, evt);
          return this;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
          var evt;
          if (event) {
            evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
            if (this._events[evt])
              clearEvent(this, evt);
          } else {
            this._events = new Events();
            this._eventsCount = 0;
          return this;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.off = EventEmitter2.prototype.removeListener;
        EventEmitter2.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter2.prototype.on;
        EventEmitter2.prefixed = prefix;
        EventEmitter2.EventEmitter = EventEmitter2;
          module2.exports = EventEmitter2;
      var eventemitter3Exports = eventemitter3.exports;
      const EventEmitter = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(eventemitter3Exports);
      let getRandomValues;
      const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
      function rng() {
        if (!getRandomValues) {
          getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== "undefined" && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
          if (!getRandomValues) {
            throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");
        return getRandomValues(rnds8);
      const byteToHex = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).slice(1));
      function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) {
        return (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase();
      const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== "undefined" && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto);
      const native = {
      function v4(options, buf, offset) {
        if (native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) {
          return native.randomUUID();
        options = options || {};
        const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)();
        rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 15 | 64;
        rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 63 | 128;
        if (buf) {
          offset = offset || 0;
          for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
            buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];
          return buf;
        return unsafeStringify(rnds);
      const removeAt = (array2, index2) => array2.splice(index2, 1)[0];
      class AsyncQueue {
        constructor(thread = 1) {
          __publicField(this, "queue", reactive([]));
          __publicField(this, "emitter", new EventEmitter());
          __publicField(this, "canSingleStart", () => true);
          __publicField(this, "singleRunning", false);
          this.thread = thread;
        get runningThreadNum() {
          return this.queue.filter(({ running }) => running).length;
        get length() {
          return this.queue.length;
        push(fn2, info) {
            id: v4(),
            running: false,
            fn: fn2,
        async start() {
          if (this.thread <= 1) {
            if (this.singleRunning || this.queue.length === 0)
            this.singleRunning = true;
            do {
              if (!this.canSingleStart()) {
                this.singleRunning = false;
              await this.queue[0].fn();
            } while (this.queue.length > 0);
            this.singleRunning = false;
          } else {
            const running = this.runningThreadNum;
            if (running >= this.thread || this.queue.length === running)
            const idleItems = this.queue.filter(({ running: running2 }) => !running2);
            for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(idleItems.length, this.thread - running); i++) {
              const item = idleItems[i];
              item.running = true;
              item.fn().then(async () => {
                  this.queue.findIndex(({ id }) => id === item.id)
                if (this.queue.length)
                  await this.start();
        async skipFromError() {
          await this.restartFromError();
        async restartFromError() {
          this.singleRunning = false;
          await this.start();
      var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
      const freeGlobal$1 = freeGlobal;
      var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
      var root = freeGlobal$1 || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
      const root$1 = root;
      var Symbol$1 = root$1.Symbol;
      const Symbol$2 = Symbol$1;
      var objectProto$i = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$f = objectProto$i.hasOwnProperty;
      var nativeObjectToString$2 = objectProto$i.toString;
      var symToStringTag$1 = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.toStringTag : void 0;
      function getRawTag(value) {
        var isOwn = hasOwnProperty$f.call(value, symToStringTag$1), tag = value[symToStringTag$1];
        try {
          value[symToStringTag$1] = void 0;
          var unmasked = true;
        } catch (e) {
        var result = nativeObjectToString$2.call(value);
        if (unmasked) {
          if (isOwn) {
            value[symToStringTag$1] = tag;
          } else {
            delete value[symToStringTag$1];
        return result;
      var objectProto$h = Object.prototype;
      var nativeObjectToString$1 = objectProto$h.toString;
      function objectToString$1(value) {
        return nativeObjectToString$1.call(value);
      var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]";
      var symToStringTag = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.toStringTag : void 0;
      function baseGetTag(value) {
        if (value == null) {
          return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag;
        return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString$1(value);
      function isObjectLike(value) {
        return value != null && typeof value == "object";
      var symbolTag$3 = "[object Symbol]";
      function isSymbol(value) {
        return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag$3;
      function arrayMap(array2, iteratee) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length, result = Array(length);
        while (++index2 < length) {
          result[index2] = iteratee(array2[index2], index2, array2);
        return result;
      var isArray$1 = Array.isArray;
      const isArray$2 = isArray$1;
      var INFINITY$1 = 1 / 0;
      var symbolProto$2 = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.prototype : void 0, symbolToString = symbolProto$2 ? symbolProto$2.toString : void 0;
      function baseToString(value) {
        if (typeof value == "string") {
          return value;
        if (isArray$2(value)) {
          return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + "";
        if (isSymbol(value)) {
          return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : "";
        var result = value + "";
        return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY$1 ? "-0" : result;
      var reWhitespace = /\s/;
      function trimmedEndIndex(string2) {
        var index2 = string2.length;
        while (index2-- && reWhitespace.test(string2.charAt(index2))) {
        return index2;
      var reTrimStart = /^\s+/;
      function baseTrim(string2) {
        return string2 ? string2.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string2) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "") : string2;
      function isObject$2(value) {
        var type2 = typeof value;
        return value != null && (type2 == "object" || type2 == "function");
      var NAN = 0 / 0;
      var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
      var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;
      var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;
      var freeParseInt = parseInt;
      function toNumber(value) {
        if (typeof value == "number") {
          return value;
        if (isSymbol(value)) {
          return NAN;
        if (isObject$2(value)) {
          var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value;
          value = isObject$2(other) ? other + "" : other;
        if (typeof value != "string") {
          return value === 0 ? value : +value;
        value = baseTrim(value);
        var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
        return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value;
      function identity$1(value) {
        return value;
      var asyncTag = "[object AsyncFunction]", funcTag$2 = "[object Function]", genTag$1 = "[object GeneratorFunction]", proxyTag = "[object Proxy]";
      function isFunction$1(value) {
        if (!isObject$2(value)) {
          return false;
        var tag = baseGetTag(value);
        return tag == funcTag$2 || tag == genTag$1 || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag;
      var coreJsData = root$1["__core-js_shared__"];
      const coreJsData$1 = coreJsData;
      var maskSrcKey = function() {
        var uid2 = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData$1 && coreJsData$1.keys && coreJsData$1.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
        return uid2 ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid2 : "";
      function isMasked(func) {
        return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func;
      var funcProto$2 = Function.prototype;
      var funcToString$2 = funcProto$2.toString;
      function toSource(func) {
        if (func != null) {
          try {
            return funcToString$2.call(func);
          } catch (e) {
          try {
            return func + "";
          } catch (e) {
        return "";
      var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
      var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/;
      var funcProto$1 = Function.prototype, objectProto$g = Object.prototype;
      var funcToString$1 = funcProto$1.toString;
      var hasOwnProperty$e = objectProto$g.hasOwnProperty;
      var reIsNative = RegExp(
        "^" + funcToString$1.call(hasOwnProperty$e).replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
      function baseIsNative(value) {
        if (!isObject$2(value) || isMasked(value)) {
          return false;
        var pattern2 = isFunction$1(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;
        return pattern2.test(toSource(value));
      function getValue$1(object2, key) {
        return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key];
      function getNative(object2, key) {
        var value = getValue$1(object2, key);
        return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0;
      var WeakMap$1 = getNative(root$1, "WeakMap");
      const WeakMap$2 = WeakMap$1;
      var objectCreate = Object.create;
      var baseCreate = function() {
        function object2() {
        return function(proto) {
          if (!isObject$2(proto)) {
            return {};
          if (objectCreate) {
            return objectCreate(proto);
          object2.prototype = proto;
          var result = new object2();
          object2.prototype = void 0;
          return result;
      const baseCreate$1 = baseCreate;
      function apply$1(func, thisArg, args) {
        switch (args.length) {
          case 0:
            return func.call(thisArg);
          case 1:
            return func.call(thisArg, args[0]);
          case 2:
            return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
          case 3:
            return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
        return func.apply(thisArg, args);
      function copyArray(source, array2) {
        var index2 = -1, length = source.length;
        array2 || (array2 = Array(length));
        while (++index2 < length) {
          array2[index2] = source[index2];
        return array2;
      var HOT_COUNT = 800, HOT_SPAN = 16;
      var nativeNow = Date.now;
      function shortOut(func) {
        var count = 0, lastCalled = 0;
        return function() {
          var stamp = nativeNow(), remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);
          lastCalled = stamp;
          if (remaining > 0) {
            if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {
              return arguments[0];
          } else {
            count = 0;
          return func.apply(void 0, arguments);
      function constant(value) {
        return function() {
          return value;
      var defineProperty = function() {
        try {
          var func = getNative(Object, "defineProperty");
          func({}, "", {});
          return func;
        } catch (e) {
      const defineProperty$1 = defineProperty;
      var baseSetToString = !defineProperty$1 ? identity$1 : function(func, string2) {
        return defineProperty$1(func, "toString", {
          "configurable": true,
          "enumerable": false,
          "value": constant(string2),
          "writable": true
      const baseSetToString$1 = baseSetToString;
      var setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString$1);
      const setToString$1 = setToString;
      function arrayEach(array2, iteratee) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          if (iteratee(array2[index2], index2, array2) === false) {
        return array2;
      var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = 9007199254740991;
      var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
      function isIndex(value, length) {
        var type2 = typeof value;
        length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 : length;
        return !!length && (type2 == "number" || type2 != "symbol" && reIsUint.test(value)) && (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length);
      function baseAssignValue(object2, key, value) {
        if (key == "__proto__" && defineProperty$1) {
          defineProperty$1(object2, key, {
            "configurable": true,
            "enumerable": true,
            "value": value,
            "writable": true
        } else {
          object2[key] = value;
      function eq(value, other) {
        return value === other || value !== value && other !== other;
      var objectProto$f = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$d = objectProto$f.hasOwnProperty;
      function assignValue(object2, key, value) {
        var objValue = object2[key];
        if (!(hasOwnProperty$d.call(object2, key) && eq(objValue, value)) || value === void 0 && !(key in object2)) {
          baseAssignValue(object2, key, value);
      function copyObject(source, props, object2, customizer) {
        var isNew = !object2;
        object2 || (object2 = {});
        var index2 = -1, length = props.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var key = props[index2];
          var newValue = customizer ? customizer(object2[key], source[key], key, object2, source) : void 0;
          if (newValue === void 0) {
            newValue = source[key];
          if (isNew) {
            baseAssignValue(object2, key, newValue);
          } else {
            assignValue(object2, key, newValue);
        return object2;
      var nativeMax$1 = Math.max;
      function overRest(func, start, transform2) {
        start = nativeMax$1(start === void 0 ? func.length - 1 : start, 0);
        return function() {
          var args = arguments, index2 = -1, length = nativeMax$1(args.length - start, 0), array2 = Array(length);
          while (++index2 < length) {
            array2[index2] = args[start + index2];
          index2 = -1;
          var otherArgs = Array(start + 1);
          while (++index2 < start) {
            otherArgs[index2] = args[index2];
          otherArgs[start] = transform2(array2);
          return apply$1(func, this, otherArgs);
      function baseRest(func, start) {
        return setToString$1(overRest(func, start, identity$1), func + "");
      var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;
      function isLength(value) {
        return typeof value == "number" && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
      function isArrayLike(value) {
        return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction$1(value);
      function isIterateeCall(value, index2, object2) {
        if (!isObject$2(object2)) {
          return false;
        var type2 = typeof index2;
        if (type2 == "number" ? isArrayLike(object2) && isIndex(index2, object2.length) : type2 == "string" && index2 in object2) {
          return eq(object2[index2], value);
        return false;
      function createAssigner(assigner) {
        return baseRest(function(object2, sources) {
          var index2 = -1, length = sources.length, customizer = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : void 0, guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : void 0;
          customizer = assigner.length > 3 && typeof customizer == "function" ? (length--, customizer) : void 0;
          if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) {
            customizer = length < 3 ? void 0 : customizer;
            length = 1;
          object2 = Object(object2);
          while (++index2 < length) {
            var source = sources[index2];
            if (source) {
              assigner(object2, source, index2, customizer);
          return object2;
      var objectProto$e = Object.prototype;
      function isPrototype(value) {
        var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor.prototype || objectProto$e;
        return value === proto;
      function baseTimes(n, iteratee) {
        var index2 = -1, result = Array(n);
        while (++index2 < n) {
          result[index2] = iteratee(index2);
        return result;
      var argsTag$3 = "[object Arguments]";
      function baseIsArguments(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag$3;
      var objectProto$d = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$c = objectProto$d.hasOwnProperty;
      var propertyIsEnumerable$1 = objectProto$d.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var isArguments = baseIsArguments(function() {
        return arguments;
      }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && hasOwnProperty$c.call(value, "callee") && !propertyIsEnumerable$1.call(value, "callee");
      const isArguments$1 = isArguments;
      function stubFalse() {
        return false;
      var freeExports$2 = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
      var freeModule$2 = freeExports$2 && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module;
      var moduleExports$2 = freeModule$2 && freeModule$2.exports === freeExports$2;
      var Buffer$1 = moduleExports$2 ? root$1.Buffer : void 0;
      var nativeIsBuffer = Buffer$1 ? Buffer$1.isBuffer : void 0;
      var isBuffer$1 = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse;
      const isBuffer$2 = isBuffer$1;
      var argsTag$2 = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag$2 = "[object Array]", boolTag$3 = "[object Boolean]", dateTag$3 = "[object Date]", errorTag$3 = "[object Error]", funcTag$1 = "[object Function]", mapTag$5 = "[object Map]", numberTag$3 = "[object Number]", objectTag$4 = "[object Object]", regexpTag$3 = "[object RegExp]", setTag$5 = "[object Set]", stringTag$3 = "[object String]", weakMapTag$2 = "[object WeakMap]";
      var arrayBufferTag$3 = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag$4 = "[object DataView]", float32Tag$2 = "[object Float32Array]", float64Tag$2 = "[object Float64Array]", int8Tag$2 = "[object Int8Array]", int16Tag$2 = "[object Int16Array]", int32Tag$2 = "[object Int32Array]", uint8Tag$2 = "[object Uint8Array]", uint8ClampedTag$2 = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", uint16Tag$2 = "[object Uint16Array]", uint32Tag$2 = "[object Uint32Array]";
      var typedArrayTags = {};
      typedArrayTags[float32Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[int8Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[int32Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag$2] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag$2] = typedArrayTags[uint32Tag$2] = true;
      typedArrayTags[argsTag$2] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag$2] = typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag$3] = typedArrayTags[boolTag$3] = typedArrayTags[dataViewTag$4] = typedArrayTags[dateTag$3] = typedArrayTags[errorTag$3] = typedArrayTags[funcTag$1] = typedArrayTags[mapTag$5] = typedArrayTags[numberTag$3] = typedArrayTags[objectTag$4] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag$3] = typedArrayTags[setTag$5] = typedArrayTags[stringTag$3] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag$2] = false;
      function baseIsTypedArray(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)];
      function baseUnary(func) {
        return function(value) {
          return func(value);
      var freeExports$1 = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
      var freeModule$1 = freeExports$1 && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module;
      var moduleExports$1 = freeModule$1 && freeModule$1.exports === freeExports$1;
      var freeProcess = moduleExports$1 && freeGlobal$1.process;
      var nodeUtil = function() {
        try {
          var types2 = freeModule$1 && freeModule$1.require && freeModule$1.require("util").types;
          if (types2) {
            return types2;
          return freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding("util");
        } catch (e) {
      const nodeUtil$1 = nodeUtil;
      var nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil$1 && nodeUtil$1.isTypedArray;
      var isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray;
      const isTypedArray$1 = isTypedArray;
      var objectProto$c = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$b = objectProto$c.hasOwnProperty;
      function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) {
        var isArr = isArray$2(value), isArg = !isArr && isArguments$1(value), isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer$2(value), isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray$1(value), skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType, result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [], length = result.length;
        for (var key in value) {
          if ((inherited || hasOwnProperty$b.call(value, key)) && !(skipIndexes && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
          (key == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
          isBuff && (key == "offset" || key == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
          isType && (key == "buffer" || key == "byteLength" || key == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
          isIndex(key, length)))) {
        return result;
      function overArg(func, transform2) {
        return function(arg) {
          return func(transform2(arg));
      var nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object);
      const nativeKeys$1 = nativeKeys;
      var objectProto$b = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$a = objectProto$b.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseKeys(object2) {
        if (!isPrototype(object2)) {
          return nativeKeys$1(object2);
        var result = [];
        for (var key in Object(object2)) {
          if (hasOwnProperty$a.call(object2, key) && key != "constructor") {
        return result;
      function keys(object2) {
        return isArrayLike(object2) ? arrayLikeKeys(object2) : baseKeys(object2);
      function nativeKeysIn(object2) {
        var result = [];
        if (object2 != null) {
          for (var key in Object(object2)) {
        return result;
      var objectProto$a = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$9 = objectProto$a.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseKeysIn(object2) {
        if (!isObject$2(object2)) {
          return nativeKeysIn(object2);
        var isProto = isPrototype(object2), result = [];
        for (var key in object2) {
          if (!(key == "constructor" && (isProto || !hasOwnProperty$9.call(object2, key)))) {
        return result;
      function keysIn(object2) {
        return isArrayLike(object2) ? arrayLikeKeys(object2, true) : baseKeysIn(object2);
      var assignInWith = createAssigner(function(object2, source, srcIndex, customizer) {
        copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object2, customizer);
      const extendWith = assignInWith;
      var reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/;
      function isKey(value, object2) {
        if (isArray$2(value)) {
          return false;
        var type2 = typeof value;
        if (type2 == "number" || type2 == "symbol" || type2 == "boolean" || value == null || isSymbol(value)) {
          return true;
        return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || object2 != null && value in Object(object2);
      var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create");
      const nativeCreate$1 = nativeCreate;
      function hashClear() {
        this.__data__ = nativeCreate$1 ? nativeCreate$1(null) : {};
        this.size = 0;
      function hashDelete(key) {
        var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];
        this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;
        return result;
      var HASH_UNDEFINED$2 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
      var objectProto$9 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$8 = objectProto$9.hasOwnProperty;
      function hashGet(key) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        if (nativeCreate$1) {
          var result = data[key];
          return result === HASH_UNDEFINED$2 ? void 0 : result;
        return hasOwnProperty$8.call(data, key) ? data[key] : void 0;
      var objectProto$8 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$7 = objectProto$8.hasOwnProperty;
      function hashHas(key) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        return nativeCreate$1 ? data[key] !== void 0 : hasOwnProperty$7.call(data, key);
      var HASH_UNDEFINED$1 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
      function hashSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1;
        data[key] = nativeCreate$1 && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED$1 : value;
        return this;
      function Hash(entries) {
        var index2 = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var entry = entries[index2];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;
      Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete;
      Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;
      Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;
      Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;
      function listCacheClear() {
        this.__data__ = [];
        this.size = 0;
      function assocIndexOf(array2, key) {
        var length = array2.length;
        while (length--) {
          if (eq(array2[length][0], key)) {
            return length;
        return -1;
      var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
      var splice = arrayProto.splice;
      function listCacheDelete(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, index2 = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        if (index2 < 0) {
          return false;
        var lastIndex = data.length - 1;
        if (index2 == lastIndex) {
        } else {
          splice.call(data, index2, 1);
        return true;
      function listCacheGet(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, index2 = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        return index2 < 0 ? void 0 : data[index2][1];
      function listCacheHas(key) {
        return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;
      function listCacheSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__, index2 = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        if (index2 < 0) {
          data.push([key, value]);
        } else {
          data[index2][1] = value;
        return this;
      function ListCache(entries) {
        var index2 = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var entry = entries[index2];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;
      ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete;
      ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;
      ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;
      ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;
      var Map$1 = getNative(root$1, "Map");
      const Map$2 = Map$1;
      function mapCacheClear() {
        this.size = 0;
        this.__data__ = {
          "hash": new Hash(),
          "map": new (Map$2 || ListCache)(),
          "string": new Hash()
      function isKeyable(value) {
        var type2 = typeof value;
        return type2 == "string" || type2 == "number" || type2 == "symbol" || type2 == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null;
      function getMapData(map2, key) {
        var data = map2.__data__;
        return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : data.map;
      function mapCacheDelete(key) {
        var result = getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key);
        this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;
        return result;
      function mapCacheGet(key) {
        return getMapData(this, key).get(key);
      function mapCacheHas(key) {
        return getMapData(this, key).has(key);
      function mapCacheSet(key, value) {
        var data = getMapData(this, key), size2 = data.size;
        data.set(key, value);
        this.size += data.size == size2 ? 0 : 1;
        return this;
      function MapCache(entries) {
        var index2 = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var entry = entries[index2];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;
      MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete;
      MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;
      MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;
      MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;
      var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1 = "Expected a function";
      function memoize(func, resolver) {
        if (typeof func != "function" || resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function") {
          throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1);
        var memoized = function() {
          var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache2 = memoized.cache;
          if (cache2.has(key)) {
            return cache2.get(key);
          var result = func.apply(this, args);
          memoized.cache = cache2.set(key, result) || cache2;
          return result;
        memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)();
        return memoized;
      memoize.Cache = MapCache;
      var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500;
      function memoizeCapped(func) {
        var result = memoize(func, function(key) {
          if (cache2.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) {
          return key;
        var cache2 = result.cache;
        return result;
      var rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g;
      var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g;
      var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string2) {
        var result = [];
        if (string2.charCodeAt(0) === 46) {
        string2.replace(rePropName, function(match2, number2, quote, subString) {
          result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, "$1") : number2 || match2);
        return result;
      const stringToPath$1 = stringToPath;
      function toString(value) {
        return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value);
      function castPath(value, object2) {
        if (isArray$2(value)) {
          return value;
        return isKey(value, object2) ? [value] : stringToPath$1(toString(value));
      var INFINITY = 1 / 0;
      function toKey(value) {
        if (typeof value == "string" || isSymbol(value)) {
          return value;
        var result = value + "";
        return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result;
      function baseGet(object2, path) {
        path = castPath(path, object2);
        var index2 = 0, length = path.length;
        while (object2 != null && index2 < length) {
          object2 = object2[toKey(path[index2++])];
        return index2 && index2 == length ? object2 : void 0;
      function get(object2, path, defaultValue) {
        var result = object2 == null ? void 0 : baseGet(object2, path);
        return result === void 0 ? defaultValue : result;
      function arrayPush(array2, values2) {
        var index2 = -1, length = values2.length, offset = array2.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          array2[offset + index2] = values2[index2];
        return array2;
      var spreadableSymbol = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.isConcatSpreadable : void 0;
      function isFlattenable(value) {
        return isArray$2(value) || isArguments$1(value) || !!(spreadableSymbol && value && value[spreadableSymbol]);
      function baseFlatten(array2, depth, predicate, isStrict, result) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2.length;
        predicate || (predicate = isFlattenable);
        result || (result = []);
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var value = array2[index2];
          if (depth > 0 && predicate(value)) {
            if (depth > 1) {
              baseFlatten(value, depth - 1, predicate, isStrict, result);
            } else {
              arrayPush(result, value);
          } else if (!isStrict) {
            result[result.length] = value;
        return result;
      function flatten(array2) {
        var length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length;
        return length ? baseFlatten(array2, 1) : [];
      function flatRest(func) {
        return setToString$1(overRest(func, void 0, flatten), func + "");
      var getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
      const getPrototype$1 = getPrototype;
      var objectTag$3 = "[object Object]";
      var funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto$7 = Object.prototype;
      var funcToString = funcProto.toString;
      var hasOwnProperty$6 = objectProto$7.hasOwnProperty;
      var objectCtorString = funcToString.call(Object);
      function isPlainObject$1(value) {
        if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag$3) {
          return false;
        var proto = getPrototype$1(value);
        if (proto === null) {
          return true;
        var Ctor = hasOwnProperty$6.call(proto, "constructor") && proto.constructor;
        return typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor instanceof Ctor && funcToString.call(Ctor) == objectCtorString;
      var domExcTag = "[object DOMException]", errorTag$2 = "[object Error]";
      function isError(value) {
        if (!isObjectLike(value)) {
          return false;
        var tag = baseGetTag(value);
        return tag == errorTag$2 || tag == domExcTag || typeof value.message == "string" && typeof value.name == "string" && !isPlainObject$1(value);
      var attempt = baseRest(function(func, args) {
        try {
          return apply$1(func, void 0, args);
        } catch (e) {
          return isError(e) ? e : new Error(e);
      const attempt$1 = attempt;
      function baseSlice(array2, start, end2) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2.length;
        if (start < 0) {
          start = -start > length ? 0 : length + start;
        end2 = end2 > length ? length : end2;
        if (end2 < 0) {
          end2 += length;
        length = start > end2 ? 0 : end2 - start >>> 0;
        start >>>= 0;
        var result = Array(length);
        while (++index2 < length) {
          result[index2] = array2[index2 + start];
        return result;
      function castSlice(array2, start, end2) {
        var length = array2.length;
        end2 = end2 === void 0 ? length : end2;
        return !start && end2 >= length ? array2 : baseSlice(array2, start, end2);
      var rsAstralRange$2 = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange$3 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$3 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$3 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$3 = rsComboMarksRange$3 + reComboHalfMarksRange$3 + rsComboSymbolsRange$3, rsVarRange$2 = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f";
      var rsZWJ$2 = "\\u200d";
      var reHasUnicode = RegExp("[" + rsZWJ$2 + rsAstralRange$2 + rsComboRange$3 + rsVarRange$2 + "]");
      function hasUnicode(string2) {
        return reHasUnicode.test(string2);
      function asciiToArray(string2) {
        return string2.split("");
      var rsAstralRange$1 = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange$2 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$2 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$2 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$2 = rsComboMarksRange$2 + reComboHalfMarksRange$2 + rsComboSymbolsRange$2, rsVarRange$1 = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f";
      var rsAstral = "[" + rsAstralRange$1 + "]", rsCombo$2 = "[" + rsComboRange$2 + "]", rsFitz$1 = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", rsModifier$1 = "(?:" + rsCombo$2 + "|" + rsFitz$1 + ")", rsNonAstral$1 = "[^" + rsAstralRange$1 + "]", rsRegional$1 = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", rsSurrPair$1 = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", rsZWJ$1 = "\\u200d";
      var reOptMod$1 = rsModifier$1 + "?", rsOptVar$1 = "[" + rsVarRange$1 + "]?", rsOptJoin$1 = "(?:" + rsZWJ$1 + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral$1, rsRegional$1, rsSurrPair$1].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar$1 + reOptMod$1 + ")*", rsSeq$1 = rsOptVar$1 + reOptMod$1 + rsOptJoin$1, rsSymbol = "(?:" + [rsNonAstral$1 + rsCombo$2 + "?", rsCombo$2, rsRegional$1, rsSurrPair$1, rsAstral].join("|") + ")";
      var reUnicode = RegExp(rsFitz$1 + "(?=" + rsFitz$1 + ")|" + rsSymbol + rsSeq$1, "g");
      function unicodeToArray(string2) {
        return string2.match(reUnicode) || [];
      function stringToArray(string2) {
        return hasUnicode(string2) ? unicodeToArray(string2) : asciiToArray(string2);
      function createCaseFirst(methodName) {
        return function(string2) {
          string2 = toString(string2);
          var strSymbols = hasUnicode(string2) ? stringToArray(string2) : void 0;
          var chr = strSymbols ? strSymbols[0] : string2.charAt(0);
          var trailing = strSymbols ? castSlice(strSymbols, 1).join("") : string2.slice(1);
          return chr[methodName]() + trailing;
      var upperFirst = createCaseFirst("toUpperCase");
      const upperFirst$1 = upperFirst;
      function capitalize$1(string2) {
        return upperFirst$1(toString(string2).toLowerCase());
      function arrayReduce(array2, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length;
        if (initAccum && length) {
          accumulator = array2[++index2];
        while (++index2 < length) {
          accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array2[index2], index2, array2);
        return accumulator;
      function basePropertyOf(object2) {
        return function(key) {
          return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key];
      var deburredLetters = {
        // Latin-1 Supplement block.
        "À": "A",
        "Á": "A",
        "Â": "A",
        "Ã": "A",
        "Ä": "A",
        "Å": "A",
        "à": "a",
        "á": "a",
        "â": "a",
        "ã": "a",
        "ä": "a",
        "å": "a",
        "Ç": "C",
        "ç": "c",
        "Ð": "D",
        "ð": "d",
        "È": "E",
        "É": "E",
        "Ê": "E",
        "Ë": "E",
        "è": "e",
        "é": "e",
        "ê": "e",
        "ë": "e",
        "Ì": "I",
        "Í": "I",
        "Î": "I",
        "Ï": "I",
        "ì": "i",
        "í": "i",
        "î": "i",
        "ï": "i",
        "Ñ": "N",
        "ñ": "n",
        "Ò": "O",
        "Ó": "O",
        "Ô": "O",
        "Õ": "O",
        "Ö": "O",
        "Ø": "O",
        "ò": "o",
        "ó": "o",
        "ô": "o",
        "õ": "o",
        "ö": "o",
        "ø": "o",
        "Ù": "U",
        "Ú": "U",
        "Û": "U",
        "Ü": "U",
        "ù": "u",
        "ú": "u",
        "û": "u",
        "ü": "u",
        "Ý": "Y",
        "ý": "y",
        "ÿ": "y",
        "Æ": "Ae",
        "æ": "ae",
        "Þ": "Th",
        "þ": "th",
        "ß": "ss",
        // Latin Extended-A block.
        "Ā": "A",
        "Ă": "A",
        "Ą": "A",
        "ā": "a",
        "ă": "a",
        "ą": "a",
        "Ć": "C",
        "Ĉ": "C",
        "Ċ": "C",
        "Č": "C",
        "ć": "c",
        "ĉ": "c",
        "ċ": "c",
        "č": "c",
        "Ď": "D",
        "Đ": "D",
        "ď": "d",
        "đ": "d",
        "Ē": "E",
        "Ĕ": "E",
        "Ė": "E",
        "Ę": "E",
        "Ě": "E",
        "ē": "e",
        "ĕ": "e",
        "ė": "e",
        "ę": "e",
        "ě": "e",
        "Ĝ": "G",
        "Ğ": "G",
        "Ġ": "G",
        "Ģ": "G",
        "ĝ": "g",
        "ğ": "g",
        "ġ": "g",
        "ģ": "g",
        "Ĥ": "H",
        "Ħ": "H",
        "ĥ": "h",
        "ħ": "h",
        "Ĩ": "I",
        "Ī": "I",
        "Ĭ": "I",
        "Į": "I",
        "İ": "I",
        "ĩ": "i",
        "ī": "i",
        "ĭ": "i",
        "į": "i",
        "ı": "i",
        "Ĵ": "J",
        "ĵ": "j",
        "Ķ": "K",
        "ķ": "k",
        "ĸ": "k",
        "Ĺ": "L",
        "Ļ": "L",
        "Ľ": "L",
        "Ŀ": "L",
        "Ł": "L",
        "ĺ": "l",
        "ļ": "l",
        "ľ": "l",
        "ŀ": "l",
        "ł": "l",
        "Ń": "N",
        "Ņ": "N",
        "Ň": "N",
        "Ŋ": "N",
        "ń": "n",
        "ņ": "n",
        "ň": "n",
        "ŋ": "n",
        "Ō": "O",
        "Ŏ": "O",
        "Ő": "O",
        "ō": "o",
        "ŏ": "o",
        "ő": "o",
        "Ŕ": "R",
        "Ŗ": "R",
        "Ř": "R",
        "ŕ": "r",
        "ŗ": "r",
        "ř": "r",
        "Ś": "S",
        "Ŝ": "S",
        "Ş": "S",
        "Š": "S",
        "ś": "s",
        "ŝ": "s",
        "ş": "s",
        "š": "s",
        "Ţ": "T",
        "Ť": "T",
        "Ŧ": "T",
        "ţ": "t",
        "ť": "t",
        "ŧ": "t",
        "Ũ": "U",
        "Ū": "U",
        "Ŭ": "U",
        "Ů": "U",
        "Ű": "U",
        "Ų": "U",
        "ũ": "u",
        "ū": "u",
        "ŭ": "u",
        "ů": "u",
        "ű": "u",
        "ų": "u",
        "Ŵ": "W",
        "ŵ": "w",
        "Ŷ": "Y",
        "ŷ": "y",
        "Ÿ": "Y",
        "Ź": "Z",
        "Ż": "Z",
        "Ž": "Z",
        "ź": "z",
        "ż": "z",
        "ž": "z",
        "IJ": "IJ",
        "ij": "ij",
        "Œ": "Oe",
        "œ": "oe",
        "ʼn": "'n",
        "ſ": "s"
      var deburrLetter = basePropertyOf(deburredLetters);
      const deburrLetter$1 = deburrLetter;
      var reLatin = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g;
      var rsComboMarksRange$1 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$1 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$1 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$1 = rsComboMarksRange$1 + reComboHalfMarksRange$1 + rsComboSymbolsRange$1;
      var rsCombo$1 = "[" + rsComboRange$1 + "]";
      var reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo$1, "g");
      function deburr(string2) {
        string2 = toString(string2);
        return string2 && string2.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter$1).replace(reComboMark, "");
      var reAsciiWord = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g;
      function asciiWords(string2) {
        return string2.match(reAsciiWord) || [];
      var reHasUnicodeWord = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/;
      function hasUnicodeWord(string2) {
        return reHasUnicodeWord.test(string2);
      var rsAstralRange = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange, rsDingbatRange = "\\u2700-\\u27bf", rsLowerRange = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff", rsMathOpRange = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7", rsNonCharRange = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf", rsPunctuationRange = "\\u2000-\\u206f", rsSpaceRange = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000", rsUpperRange = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde", rsVarRange = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", rsBreakRange = rsMathOpRange + rsNonCharRange + rsPunctuationRange + rsSpaceRange;
      var rsApos$1 = "['’]", rsBreak = "[" + rsBreakRange + "]", rsCombo = "[" + rsComboRange + "]", rsDigits = "\\d+", rsDingbat = "[" + rsDingbatRange + "]", rsLower = "[" + rsLowerRange + "]", rsMisc = "[^" + rsAstralRange + rsBreakRange + rsDigits + rsDingbatRange + rsLowerRange + rsUpperRange + "]", rsFitz = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", rsModifier = "(?:" + rsCombo + "|" + rsFitz + ")", rsNonAstral = "[^" + rsAstralRange + "]", rsRegional = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", rsSurrPair = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", rsUpper = "[" + rsUpperRange + "]", rsZWJ = "\\u200d";
      var rsMiscLower = "(?:" + rsLower + "|" + rsMisc + ")", rsMiscUpper = "(?:" + rsUpper + "|" + rsMisc + ")", rsOptContrLower = "(?:" + rsApos$1 + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", rsOptContrUpper = "(?:" + rsApos$1 + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", reOptMod = rsModifier + "?", rsOptVar = "[" + rsVarRange + "]?", rsOptJoin = "(?:" + rsZWJ + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ")*", rsOrdLower = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", rsOrdUpper = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin, rsEmoji = "(?:" + [rsDingbat, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsSeq;
      var reUnicodeWord = RegExp([
        rsUpper + "?" + rsLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper, "$"].join("|") + ")",
        rsMiscUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper + rsMiscLower, "$"].join("|") + ")",
        rsUpper + "?" + rsMiscLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower,
        rsUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper,
      ].join("|"), "g");
      function unicodeWords(string2) {
        return string2.match(reUnicodeWord) || [];
      function words(string2, pattern2, guard) {
        string2 = toString(string2);
        pattern2 = guard ? void 0 : pattern2;
        if (pattern2 === void 0) {
          return hasUnicodeWord(string2) ? unicodeWords(string2) : asciiWords(string2);
        return string2.match(pattern2) || [];
      var rsApos = "['’]";
      var reApos = RegExp(rsApos, "g");
      function createCompounder(callback) {
        return function(string2) {
          return arrayReduce(words(deburr(string2).replace(reApos, "")), callback, "");
      var camelCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index2) {
        word = word.toLowerCase();
        return result + (index2 ? capitalize$1(word) : word);
      const camelCase$1 = camelCase;
      function castArray() {
        if (!arguments.length) {
          return [];
        var value = arguments[0];
        return isArray$2(value) ? value : [value];
      function stackClear() {
        this.__data__ = new ListCache();
        this.size = 0;
      function stackDelete(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, result = data["delete"](key);
        this.size = data.size;
        return result;
      function stackGet(key) {
        return this.__data__.get(key);
      function stackHas(key) {
        return this.__data__.has(key);
      var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
      function stackSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        if (data instanceof ListCache) {
          var pairs = data.__data__;
          if (!Map$2 || pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE - 1) {
            pairs.push([key, value]);
            this.size = ++data.size;
            return this;
          data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs);
        data.set(key, value);
        this.size = data.size;
        return this;
      function Stack(entries) {
        var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries);
        this.size = data.size;
      Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear;
      Stack.prototype["delete"] = stackDelete;
      Stack.prototype.get = stackGet;
      Stack.prototype.has = stackHas;
      Stack.prototype.set = stackSet;
      function baseAssign(object2, source) {
        return object2 && copyObject(source, keys(source), object2);
      function baseAssignIn(object2, source) {
        return object2 && copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object2);
      var freeExports = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
      var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module;
      var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports;
      var Buffer = moduleExports ? root$1.Buffer : void 0, allocUnsafe = Buffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafe : void 0;
      function cloneBuffer(buffer, isDeep) {
        if (isDeep) {
          return buffer.slice();
        var length = buffer.length, result = allocUnsafe ? allocUnsafe(length) : new buffer.constructor(length);
        return result;
      function arrayFilter(array2, predicate) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length, resIndex = 0, result = [];
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var value = array2[index2];
          if (predicate(value, index2, array2)) {
            result[resIndex++] = value;
        return result;
      function stubArray() {
        return [];
      var objectProto$6 = Object.prototype;
      var propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto$6.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var nativeGetSymbols$1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var getSymbols = !nativeGetSymbols$1 ? stubArray : function(object2) {
        if (object2 == null) {
          return [];
        object2 = Object(object2);
        return arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols$1(object2), function(symbol) {
          return propertyIsEnumerable.call(object2, symbol);
      const getSymbols$1 = getSymbols;
      function copySymbols(source, object2) {
        return copyObject(source, getSymbols$1(source), object2);
      var nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var getSymbolsIn = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object2) {
        var result = [];
        while (object2) {
          arrayPush(result, getSymbols$1(object2));
          object2 = getPrototype$1(object2);
        return result;
      const getSymbolsIn$1 = getSymbolsIn;
      function copySymbolsIn(source, object2) {
        return copyObject(source, getSymbolsIn$1(source), object2);
      function baseGetAllKeys(object2, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) {
        var result = keysFunc(object2);
        return isArray$2(object2) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object2));
      function getAllKeys(object2) {
        return baseGetAllKeys(object2, keys, getSymbols$1);
      function getAllKeysIn(object2) {
        return baseGetAllKeys(object2, keysIn, getSymbolsIn$1);
      var DataView = getNative(root$1, "DataView");
      const DataView$1 = DataView;
      var Promise$1 = getNative(root$1, "Promise");
      const Promise$2 = Promise$1;
      var Set$1 = getNative(root$1, "Set");
      const Set$2 = Set$1;
      var mapTag$4 = "[object Map]", objectTag$2 = "[object Object]", promiseTag = "[object Promise]", setTag$4 = "[object Set]", weakMapTag$1 = "[object WeakMap]";
      var dataViewTag$3 = "[object DataView]";
      var dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView$1), mapCtorString = toSource(Map$2), promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise$2), setCtorString = toSource(Set$2), weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap$2);
      var getTag = baseGetTag;
      if (DataView$1 && getTag(new DataView$1(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag$3 || Map$2 && getTag(new Map$2()) != mapTag$4 || Promise$2 && getTag(Promise$2.resolve()) != promiseTag || Set$2 && getTag(new Set$2()) != setTag$4 || WeakMap$2 && getTag(new WeakMap$2()) != weakMapTag$1) {
        getTag = function(value) {
          var result = baseGetTag(value), Ctor = result == objectTag$2 ? value.constructor : void 0, ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : "";
          if (ctorString) {
            switch (ctorString) {
              case dataViewCtorString:
                return dataViewTag$3;
              case mapCtorString:
                return mapTag$4;
              case promiseCtorString:
                return promiseTag;
              case setCtorString:
                return setTag$4;
              case weakMapCtorString:
                return weakMapTag$1;
          return result;
      const getTag$1 = getTag;
      var objectProto$5 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$5 = objectProto$5.hasOwnProperty;
      function initCloneArray(array2) {
        var length = array2.length, result = new array2.constructor(length);
        if (length && typeof array2[0] == "string" && hasOwnProperty$5.call(array2, "index")) {
          result.index = array2.index;
          result.input = array2.input;
        return result;
      var Uint8Array$1 = root$1.Uint8Array;
      const Uint8Array$2 = Uint8Array$1;
      function cloneArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
        var result = new arrayBuffer.constructor(arrayBuffer.byteLength);
        new Uint8Array$2(result).set(new Uint8Array$2(arrayBuffer));
        return result;
      function cloneDataView(dataView, isDeep) {
        var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(dataView.buffer) : dataView.buffer;
        return new dataView.constructor(buffer, dataView.byteOffset, dataView.byteLength);
      var reFlags = /\w*$/;
      function cloneRegExp(regexp2) {
        var result = new regexp2.constructor(regexp2.source, reFlags.exec(regexp2));
        result.lastIndex = regexp2.lastIndex;
        return result;
      var symbolProto$1 = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.prototype : void 0, symbolValueOf$1 = symbolProto$1 ? symbolProto$1.valueOf : void 0;
      function cloneSymbol(symbol) {
        return symbolValueOf$1 ? Object(symbolValueOf$1.call(symbol)) : {};
      function cloneTypedArray(typedArray, isDeep) {
        var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(typedArray.buffer) : typedArray.buffer;
        return new typedArray.constructor(buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.length);
      var boolTag$2 = "[object Boolean]", dateTag$2 = "[object Date]", mapTag$3 = "[object Map]", numberTag$2 = "[object Number]", regexpTag$2 = "[object RegExp]", setTag$3 = "[object Set]", stringTag$2 = "[object String]", symbolTag$2 = "[object Symbol]";
      var arrayBufferTag$2 = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag$2 = "[object DataView]", float32Tag$1 = "[object Float32Array]", float64Tag$1 = "[object Float64Array]", int8Tag$1 = "[object Int8Array]", int16Tag$1 = "[object Int16Array]", int32Tag$1 = "[object Int32Array]", uint8Tag$1 = "[object Uint8Array]", uint8ClampedTag$1 = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", uint16Tag$1 = "[object Uint16Array]", uint32Tag$1 = "[object Uint32Array]";
      function initCloneByTag(object2, tag, isDeep) {
        var Ctor = object2.constructor;
        switch (tag) {
          case arrayBufferTag$2:
            return cloneArrayBuffer(object2);
          case boolTag$2:
          case dateTag$2:
            return new Ctor(+object2);
          case dataViewTag$2:
            return cloneDataView(object2, isDeep);
          case float32Tag$1:
          case float64Tag$1:
          case int8Tag$1:
          case int16Tag$1:
          case int32Tag$1:
          case uint8Tag$1:
          case uint8ClampedTag$1:
          case uint16Tag$1:
          case uint32Tag$1:
            return cloneTypedArray(object2, isDeep);
          case mapTag$3:
            return new Ctor();
          case numberTag$2:
          case stringTag$2:
            return new Ctor(object2);
          case regexpTag$2:
            return cloneRegExp(object2);
          case setTag$3:
            return new Ctor();
          case symbolTag$2:
            return cloneSymbol(object2);
      function initCloneObject(object2) {
        return typeof object2.constructor == "function" && !isPrototype(object2) ? baseCreate$1(getPrototype$1(object2)) : {};
      var mapTag$2 = "[object Map]";
      function baseIsMap(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && getTag$1(value) == mapTag$2;
      var nodeIsMap = nodeUtil$1 && nodeUtil$1.isMap;
      var isMap = nodeIsMap ? baseUnary(nodeIsMap) : baseIsMap;
      const isMap$1 = isMap;
      var setTag$2 = "[object Set]";
      function baseIsSet(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && getTag$1(value) == setTag$2;
      var nodeIsSet = nodeUtil$1 && nodeUtil$1.isSet;
      var isSet = nodeIsSet ? baseUnary(nodeIsSet) : baseIsSet;
      const isSet$1 = isSet;
      var argsTag$1 = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag$1 = "[object Array]", boolTag$1 = "[object Boolean]", dateTag$1 = "[object Date]", errorTag$1 = "[object Error]", funcTag = "[object Function]", genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]", mapTag$1 = "[object Map]", numberTag$1 = "[object Number]", objectTag$1 = "[object Object]", regexpTag$1 = "[object RegExp]", setTag$1 = "[object Set]", stringTag$1 = "[object String]", symbolTag$1 = "[object Symbol]", weakMapTag = "[object WeakMap]";
      var arrayBufferTag$1 = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag$1 = "[object DataView]", float32Tag = "[object Float32Array]", float64Tag = "[object Float64Array]", int8Tag = "[object Int8Array]", int16Tag = "[object Int16Array]", int32Tag = "[object Int32Array]", uint8Tag = "[object Uint8Array]", uint8ClampedTag = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", uint16Tag = "[object Uint16Array]", uint32Tag = "[object Uint32Array]";
      var cloneableTags = {};
      cloneableTags[argsTag$1] = cloneableTags[arrayTag$1] = cloneableTags[arrayBufferTag$1] = cloneableTags[dataViewTag$1] = cloneableTags[boolTag$1] = cloneableTags[dateTag$1] = cloneableTags[float32Tag] = cloneableTags[float64Tag] = cloneableTags[int8Tag] = cloneableTags[int16Tag] = cloneableTags[int32Tag] = cloneableTags[mapTag$1] = cloneableTags[numberTag$1] = cloneableTags[objectTag$1] = cloneableTags[regexpTag$1] = cloneableTags[setTag$1] = cloneableTags[stringTag$1] = cloneableTags[symbolTag$1] = cloneableTags[uint8Tag] = cloneableTags[uint8ClampedTag] = cloneableTags[uint16Tag] = cloneableTags[uint32Tag] = true;
      cloneableTags[errorTag$1] = cloneableTags[funcTag] = cloneableTags[weakMapTag] = false;
      function baseClone(value, bitmask, customizer, key, object2, stack) {
        var result, isDeep = bitmask & CLONE_DEEP_FLAG, isFlat = bitmask & CLONE_FLAT_FLAG, isFull = bitmask & CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG$1;
        if (customizer) {
          result = object2 ? customizer(value, key, object2, stack) : customizer(value);
        if (result !== void 0) {
          return result;
        if (!isObject$2(value)) {
          return value;
        var isArr = isArray$2(value);
        if (isArr) {
          result = initCloneArray(value);
          if (!isDeep) {
            return copyArray(value, result);
        } else {
          var tag = getTag$1(value), isFunc = tag == funcTag || tag == genTag;
          if (isBuffer$2(value)) {
            return cloneBuffer(value, isDeep);
          if (tag == objectTag$1 || tag == argsTag$1 || isFunc && !object2) {
            result = isFlat || isFunc ? {} : initCloneObject(value);
            if (!isDeep) {
              return isFlat ? copySymbolsIn(value, baseAssignIn(result, value)) : copySymbols(value, baseAssign(result, value));
          } else {
            if (!cloneableTags[tag]) {
              return object2 ? value : {};
            result = initCloneByTag(value, tag, isDeep);
        stack || (stack = new Stack());
        var stacked = stack.get(value);
        if (stacked) {
          return stacked;
        stack.set(value, result);
        if (isSet$1(value)) {
          value.forEach(function(subValue) {
            result.add(baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, subValue, value, stack));
        } else if (isMap$1(value)) {
          value.forEach(function(subValue, key2) {
            result.set(key2, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key2, value, stack));
        var keysFunc = isFull ? isFlat ? getAllKeysIn : getAllKeys : isFlat ? keysIn : keys;
        var props = isArr ? void 0 : keysFunc(value);
        arrayEach(props || value, function(subValue, key2) {
          if (props) {
            key2 = subValue;
            subValue = value[key2];
          assignValue(result, key2, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key2, value, stack));
        return result;
      var CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG = 4;
      function clone(value) {
        return baseClone(value, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG);
      var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
      function setCacheAdd(value) {
        this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED);
        return this;
      function setCacheHas(value) {
        return this.__data__.has(value);
      function SetCache(values2) {
        var index2 = -1, length = values2 == null ? 0 : values2.length;
        this.__data__ = new MapCache();
        while (++index2 < length) {
      SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd;
      SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas;
      function arraySome(array2, predicate) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          if (predicate(array2[index2], index2, array2)) {
            return true;
        return false;
      function cacheHas(cache2, key) {
        return cache2.has(key);
      function equalArrays(array2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$5, arrLength = array2.length, othLength = other.length;
        if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) {
          return false;
        var arrStacked = stack.get(array2);
        var othStacked = stack.get(other);
        if (arrStacked && othStacked) {
          return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array2;
        var index2 = -1, result = true, seen = bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$3 ? new SetCache() : void 0;
        stack.set(array2, other);
        stack.set(other, array2);
        while (++index2 < arrLength) {
          var arrValue = array2[index2], othValue = other[index2];
          if (customizer) {
            var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index2, other, array2, stack) : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index2, array2, other, stack);
          if (compared !== void 0) {
            if (compared) {
            result = false;
          if (seen) {
            if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue2, othIndex) {
              if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) && (arrValue === othValue2 || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue2, bitmask, customizer, stack))) {
                return seen.push(othIndex);
            })) {
              result = false;
          } else if (!(arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) {
            result = false;
        return result;
      function mapToArray(map2) {
        var index2 = -1, result = Array(map2.size);
        map2.forEach(function(value, key) {
          result[++index2] = [key, value];
        return result;
      function setToArray(set2) {
        var index2 = -1, result = Array(set2.size);
        set2.forEach(function(value) {
          result[++index2] = value;
        return result;
      var boolTag = "[object Boolean]", dateTag = "[object Date]", errorTag = "[object Error]", mapTag = "[object Map]", numberTag = "[object Number]", regexpTag = "[object RegExp]", setTag = "[object Set]", stringTag = "[object String]", symbolTag = "[object Symbol]";
      var arrayBufferTag = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag = "[object DataView]";
      var symbolProto = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.prototype : void 0, symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : void 0;
      function equalByTag(object2, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        switch (tag) {
          case dataViewTag:
            if (object2.byteLength != other.byteLength || object2.byteOffset != other.byteOffset) {
              return false;
            object2 = object2.buffer;
            other = other.buffer;
          case arrayBufferTag:
            if (object2.byteLength != other.byteLength || !equalFunc(new Uint8Array$2(object2), new Uint8Array$2(other))) {
              return false;
            return true;
          case boolTag:
          case dateTag:
          case numberTag:
            return eq(+object2, +other);
          case errorTag:
            return object2.name == other.name && object2.message == other.message;
          case regexpTag:
          case stringTag:
            return object2 == other + "";
          case mapTag:
            var convert = mapToArray;
          case setTag:
            var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$4;
            convert || (convert = setToArray);
            if (object2.size != other.size && !isPartial) {
              return false;
            var stacked = stack.get(object2);
            if (stacked) {
              return stacked == other;
            bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$2;
            stack.set(object2, other);
            var result = equalArrays(convert(object2), convert(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);
            return result;
          case symbolTag:
            if (symbolValueOf) {
              return symbolValueOf.call(object2) == symbolValueOf.call(other);
        return false;
      var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3 = 1;
      var objectProto$4 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$4 = objectProto$4.hasOwnProperty;
      function equalObjects(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3, objProps = getAllKeys(object2), objLength = objProps.length, othProps = getAllKeys(other), othLength = othProps.length;
        if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) {
          return false;
        var index2 = objLength;
        while (index2--) {
          var key = objProps[index2];
          if (!(isPartial ? key in other : hasOwnProperty$4.call(other, key))) {
            return false;
        var objStacked = stack.get(object2);
        var othStacked = stack.get(other);
        if (objStacked && othStacked) {
          return objStacked == other && othStacked == object2;
        var result = true;
        stack.set(object2, other);
        stack.set(other, object2);
        var skipCtor = isPartial;
        while (++index2 < objLength) {
          key = objProps[index2];
          var objValue = object2[key], othValue = other[key];
          if (customizer) {
            var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object2, stack) : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object2, other, stack);
          if (!(compared === void 0 ? objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack) : compared)) {
            result = false;
          skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == "constructor");
        if (result && !skipCtor) {
          var objCtor = object2.constructor, othCtor = other.constructor;
          if (objCtor != othCtor && ("constructor" in object2 && "constructor" in other) && !(typeof objCtor == "function" && objCtor instanceof objCtor && typeof othCtor == "function" && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) {
            result = false;
        return result;
      var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2 = 1;
      var argsTag = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag = "[object Array]", objectTag = "[object Object]";
      var objectProto$3 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$3 = objectProto$3.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseIsEqualDeep(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var objIsArr = isArray$2(object2), othIsArr = isArray$2(other), objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag$1(object2), othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag$1(other);
        objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag;
        othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag;
        var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag, othIsObj = othTag == objectTag, isSameTag = objTag == othTag;
        if (isSameTag && isBuffer$2(object2)) {
          if (!isBuffer$2(other)) {
            return false;
          objIsArr = true;
          objIsObj = false;
        if (isSameTag && !objIsObj) {
          stack || (stack = new Stack());
          return objIsArr || isTypedArray$1(object2) ? equalArrays(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) : equalByTag(object2, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);
        if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2)) {
          var objIsWrapped = objIsObj && hasOwnProperty$3.call(object2, "__wrapped__"), othIsWrapped = othIsObj && hasOwnProperty$3.call(other, "__wrapped__");
          if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) {
            var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object2.value() : object2, othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other;
            stack || (stack = new Stack());
            return equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack);
        if (!isSameTag) {
          return false;
        stack || (stack = new Stack());
        return equalObjects(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);
      function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) {
        if (value === other) {
          return true;
        if (value == null || other == null || !isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other)) {
          return value !== value && other !== other;
        return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack);
      function baseIsMatch(object2, source, matchData, customizer) {
        var index2 = matchData.length, length = index2, noCustomizer = !customizer;
        if (object2 == null) {
          return !length;
        object2 = Object(object2);
        while (index2--) {
          var data = matchData[index2];
          if (noCustomizer && data[2] ? data[1] !== object2[data[0]] : !(data[0] in object2)) {
            return false;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          data = matchData[index2];
          var key = data[0], objValue = object2[key], srcValue = data[1];
          if (noCustomizer && data[2]) {
            if (objValue === void 0 && !(key in object2)) {
              return false;
          } else {
            var stack = new Stack();
            if (customizer) {
              var result = customizer(objValue, srcValue, key, object2, source, stack);
            if (!(result === void 0 ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$1 | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$1, customizer, stack) : result)) {
              return false;
        return true;
      function isStrictComparable(value) {
        return value === value && !isObject$2(value);
      function getMatchData(object2) {
        var result = keys(object2), length = result.length;
        while (length--) {
          var key = result[length], value = object2[key];
          result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)];
        return result;
      function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) {
        return function(object2) {
          if (object2 == null) {
            return false;
          return object2[key] === srcValue && (srcValue !== void 0 || key in Object(object2));
      function baseMatches(source) {
        var matchData = getMatchData(source);
        if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) {
          return matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]);
        return function(object2) {
          return object2 === source || baseIsMatch(object2, source, matchData);
      function baseHasIn(object2, key) {
        return object2 != null && key in Object(object2);
      function hasPath(object2, path, hasFunc) {
        path = castPath(path, object2);
        var index2 = -1, length = path.length, result = false;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var key = toKey(path[index2]);
          if (!(result = object2 != null && hasFunc(object2, key))) {
          object2 = object2[key];
        if (result || ++index2 != length) {
          return result;
        length = object2 == null ? 0 : object2.length;
        return !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) && (isArray$2(object2) || isArguments$1(object2));
      function hasIn(object2, path) {
        return object2 != null && hasPath(object2, path, baseHasIn);
      function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) {
        if (isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue)) {
          return matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue);
        return function(object2) {
          var objValue = get(object2, path);
          return objValue === void 0 && objValue === srcValue ? hasIn(object2, path) : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG);
      function baseProperty(key) {
        return function(object2) {
          return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key];
      function basePropertyDeep(path) {
        return function(object2) {
          return baseGet(object2, path);
      function property(path) {
        return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path);
      function baseIteratee(value) {
        if (typeof value == "function") {
          return value;
        if (value == null) {
          return identity$1;
        if (typeof value == "object") {
          return isArray$2(value) ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1]) : baseMatches(value);
        return property(value);
      function createBaseFor(fromRight) {
        return function(object2, iteratee, keysFunc) {
          var index2 = -1, iterable = Object(object2), props = keysFunc(object2), length = props.length;
          while (length--) {
            var key = props[fromRight ? length : ++index2];
            if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) {
          return object2;
      var baseFor = createBaseFor();
      const baseFor$1 = baseFor;
      function baseForOwn(object2, iteratee) {
        return object2 && baseFor$1(object2, iteratee, keys);
      function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) {
        return function(collection, iteratee) {
          if (collection == null) {
            return collection;
          if (!isArrayLike(collection)) {
            return eachFunc(collection, iteratee);
          var length = collection.length, index2 = fromRight ? length : -1, iterable = Object(collection);
          while (fromRight ? index2-- : ++index2 < length) {
            if (iteratee(iterable[index2], index2, iterable) === false) {
          return collection;
      var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn);
      const baseEach$1 = baseEach;
      var now = function() {
        return root$1.Date.now();
      const now$1 = now;
      var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
      var nativeMax = Math.max, nativeMin = Math.min;
      function debounce(func, wait, options) {
        var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true;
        if (typeof func != "function") {
          throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
        wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;
        if (isObject$2(options)) {
          leading = !!options.leading;
          maxing = "maxWait" in options;
          maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;
          trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;
        function invokeFunc(time) {
          var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis;
          lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
          lastInvokeTime = time;
          result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
          return result;
        function leadingEdge(time) {
          lastInvokeTime = time;
          timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
          return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;
        function remainingWait(time) {
          var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;
          return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting;
        function shouldInvoke(time) {
          var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;
          return lastCallTime === void 0 || timeSinceLastCall >= wait || timeSinceLastCall < 0 || maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait;
        function timerExpired() {
          var time = now$1();
          if (shouldInvoke(time)) {
            return trailingEdge(time);
          timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));
        function trailingEdge(time) {
          timerId = void 0;
          if (trailing && lastArgs) {
            return invokeFunc(time);
          lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
          return result;
        function cancel() {
          if (timerId !== void 0) {
          lastInvokeTime = 0;
          lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = void 0;
        function flush() {
          return timerId === void 0 ? result : trailingEdge(now$1());
        function debounced() {
          var time = now$1(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);
          lastArgs = arguments;
          lastThis = this;
          lastCallTime = time;
          if (isInvoking) {
            if (timerId === void 0) {
              return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);
            if (maxing) {
              timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
              return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);
          if (timerId === void 0) {
            timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
          return result;
        debounced.cancel = cancel;
        debounced.flush = flush;
        return debounced;
      function last(array2) {
        var length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length;
        return length ? array2[length - 1] : void 0;
      function castFunction(value) {
        return typeof value == "function" ? value : identity$1;
      function forEach(collection, iteratee) {
        var func = isArray$2(collection) ? arrayEach : baseEach$1;
        return func(collection, castFunction(iteratee));
      var htmlEscapes = {
        "&": "&amp;",
        "<": "&lt;",
        ">": "&gt;",
        '"': "&quot;",
        "'": "&#39;"
      var escapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlEscapes);
      const escapeHtmlChar$1 = escapeHtmlChar;
      var reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>"']/g, reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source);
      function escape$1(string2) {
        string2 = toString(string2);
        return string2 && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string2) ? string2.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar$1) : string2;
      function baseFilter(collection, predicate) {
        var result = [];
        baseEach$1(collection, function(value, index2, collection2) {
          if (predicate(value, index2, collection2)) {
        return result;
      function filter(collection, predicate) {
        var func = isArray$2(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;
        return func(collection, baseIteratee(predicate));
      function baseMap(collection, iteratee) {
        var index2 = -1, result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];
        baseEach$1(collection, function(value, key, collection2) {
          result[++index2] = iteratee(value, key, collection2);
        return result;
      function map(collection, iteratee) {
        var func = isArray$2(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap;
        return func(collection, baseIteratee(iteratee));
      function fromPairs(pairs) {
        var index2 = -1, length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length, result = {};
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var pair = pairs[index2];
          result[pair[0]] = pair[1];
        return result;
      function baseValues(object2, props) {
        return arrayMap(props, function(key) {
          return object2[key];
      function values(object2) {
        return object2 == null ? [] : baseValues(object2, keys(object2));
      function baseInverter(object2, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {
        baseForOwn(object2, function(value, key, object3) {
          setter(accumulator, iteratee(value), key, object3);
        return accumulator;
      function createInverter(setter, toIteratee) {
        return function(object2, iteratee) {
          return baseInverter(object2, setter, toIteratee(iteratee), {});
      var objectProto$2 = Object.prototype;
      var nativeObjectToString = objectProto$2.toString;
      var invert = createInverter(function(result, value, key) {
        if (value != null && typeof value.toString != "function") {
          value = nativeObjectToString.call(value);
        result[value] = key;
      }, constant(identity$1));
      const invert$1 = invert;
      function isEqual(value, other) {
        return baseIsEqual(value, other);
      function isNil(value) {
        return value == null;
      function isUndefined$1(value) {
        return value === void 0;
      var kebabCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index2) {
        return result + (index2 ? "-" : "") + word.toLowerCase();
      const kebabCase$1 = kebabCase;
      function baseLt(value, other) {
        return value < other;
      function mapValues(object2, iteratee) {
        var result = {};
        iteratee = baseIteratee(iteratee);
        baseForOwn(object2, function(value, key, object3) {
          baseAssignValue(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object3));
        return result;
      function baseExtremum(array2, iteratee, comparator2) {
        var index2 = -1, length = array2.length;
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var value = array2[index2], current = iteratee(value);
          if (current != null && (computed2 === void 0 ? current === current && !isSymbol(current) : comparator2(current, computed2))) {
            var computed2 = current, result = value;
        return result;
      function minBy(array2, iteratee) {
        return array2 && array2.length ? baseExtremum(array2, baseIteratee(iteratee), baseLt) : void 0;
      function baseSet(object2, path, value, customizer) {
        if (!isObject$2(object2)) {
          return object2;
        path = castPath(path, object2);
        var index2 = -1, length = path.length, lastIndex = length - 1, nested = object2;
        while (nested != null && ++index2 < length) {
          var key = toKey(path[index2]), newValue = value;
          if (key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor" || key === "prototype") {
            return object2;
          if (index2 != lastIndex) {
            var objValue = nested[key];
            newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, key, nested) : void 0;
            if (newValue === void 0) {
              newValue = isObject$2(objValue) ? objValue : isIndex(path[index2 + 1]) ? [] : {};
          assignValue(nested, key, newValue);
          nested = nested[key];
        return object2;
      function basePickBy(object2, paths, predicate) {
        var index2 = -1, length = paths.length, result = {};
        while (++index2 < length) {
          var path = paths[index2], value = baseGet(object2, path);
          if (predicate(value, path)) {
            baseSet(result, castPath(path, object2), value);
        return result;
      function basePick(object2, paths) {
        return basePickBy(object2, paths, function(value, path) {
          return hasIn(object2, path);
      var pick = flatRest(function(object2, paths) {
        return object2 == null ? {} : basePick(object2, paths);
      const pick$1 = pick;
      var nativeFloor = Math.floor, nativeRandom = Math.random;
      function baseRandom(lower, upper) {
        return lower + nativeFloor(nativeRandom() * (upper - lower + 1));
      function arraySample(array2) {
        var length = array2.length;
        return length ? array2[baseRandom(0, length - 1)] : void 0;
      function baseSample(collection) {
        return arraySample(values(collection));
      function sample(collection) {
        var func = isArray$2(collection) ? arraySample : baseSample;
        return func(collection);
      function set(object2, path, value) {
        return object2 == null ? object2 : baseSet(object2, path, value);
      var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$2 = objectProto$1.hasOwnProperty;
      function customDefaultsAssignIn(objValue, srcValue, key, object2) {
        if (objValue === void 0 || eq(objValue, objectProto$1[key]) && !hasOwnProperty$2.call(object2, key)) {
          return srcValue;
        return objValue;
      var stringEscapes = {
        "\\": "\\",
        "'": "'",
        "\n": "n",
        "\r": "r",
        "\u2028": "u2028",
        "\u2029": "u2029"
      function escapeStringChar(chr) {
        return "\\" + stringEscapes[chr];
      var reInterpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g;
      const reInterpolate$1 = reInterpolate;
      var reEscape = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g;
      const reEscape$1 = reEscape;
      var reEvaluate = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g;
      const reEvaluate$1 = reEvaluate;
      var templateSettings = {
         * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        "escape": reEscape$1,
         * Used to detect code to be evaluated.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        "evaluate": reEvaluate$1,
         * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        "interpolate": reInterpolate$1,
         * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {string}
        "variable": "",
         * Used to import variables into the compiled template.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {Object}
        "imports": {
           * A reference to the `lodash` function.
           * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports
           * @type {Function}
          "_": { "escape": escape$1 }
      const templateSettings$1 = templateSettings;
      var INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT = "Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`";
      var reEmptyStringLeading = /\b__p \+= '';/g, reEmptyStringMiddle = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g, reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g;
      var reForbiddenIdentifierChars = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/;
      var reEsTemplate = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g;
      var reNoMatch = /($^)/;
      var reUnescapedString = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g;
      var objectProto = Object.prototype;
      var hasOwnProperty$1 = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
      function template(string2, options, guard) {
        var settings2 = templateSettings$1.imports._.templateSettings || templateSettings$1;
        if (guard && isIterateeCall(string2, options, guard)) {
          options = void 0;
        string2 = toString(string2);
        options = extendWith({}, options, settings2, customDefaultsAssignIn);
        var imports = extendWith({}, options.imports, settings2.imports, customDefaultsAssignIn), importsKeys = keys(imports), importsValues = baseValues(imports, importsKeys);
        var isEscaping, isEvaluating, index2 = 0, interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch, source = "__p += '";
        var reDelimiters = RegExp(
          (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + "|" + interpolate.source + "|" + (interpolate === reInterpolate$1 ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + "|" + (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + "|$",
        var sourceURL = hasOwnProperty$1.call(options, "sourceURL") ? "//# sourceURL=" + (options.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ") + "\n" : "";
        string2.replace(reDelimiters, function(match2, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) {
          interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue);
          source += string2.slice(index2, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar);
          if (escapeValue) {
            isEscaping = true;
            source += "' +\n__e(" + escapeValue + ") +\n'";
          if (evaluateValue) {
            isEvaluating = true;
            source += "';\n" + evaluateValue + ";\n__p += '";
          if (interpolateValue) {
            source += "' +\n((__t = (" + interpolateValue + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'";
          index2 = offset + match2.length;
          return match2;
        source += "';\n";
        var variable = hasOwnProperty$1.call(options, "variable") && options.variable;
        if (!variable) {
          source = "with (obj) {\n" + source + "\n}\n";
        } else if (reForbiddenIdentifierChars.test(variable)) {
          throw new Error(INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT);
        source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, "") : source).replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, "$1").replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, "$1;");
        source = "function(" + (variable || "obj") + ") {\n" + (variable ? "" : "obj || (obj = {});\n") + "var __t, __p = ''" + (isEscaping ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") + (isEvaluating ? ", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n" : ";\n") + source + "return __p\n}";
        var result = attempt$1(function() {
          return Function(importsKeys, sourceURL + "return " + source).apply(void 0, importsValues);
        result.source = source;
        if (isError(result)) {
          throw result;
        return result;
      var __spreadArray = globalThis && globalThis.__spreadArray || function(to, from, pack) {
        if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
          for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
            if (ar || !(i in from)) {
              if (!ar)
                ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
              ar[i] = from[i];
        return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
      var BrowserInfo = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function BrowserInfo2(name, version2, os) {
            this.name = name;
            this.version = version2;
            this.os = os;
            this.type = "browser";
          return BrowserInfo2;
      var NodeInfo = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function NodeInfo2(version2) {
            this.version = version2;
            this.type = "node";
            this.name = "node";
            this.os = process.platform;
          return NodeInfo2;
      var SearchBotDeviceInfo = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function SearchBotDeviceInfo2(name, version2, os, bot) {
            this.name = name;
            this.version = version2;
            this.os = os;
            this.bot = bot;
            this.type = "bot-device";
          return SearchBotDeviceInfo2;
      var BotInfo = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function BotInfo2() {
            this.type = "bot";
            this.bot = true;
            this.name = "bot";
            this.version = null;
            this.os = null;
          return BotInfo2;
      var ReactNativeInfo = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function ReactNativeInfo2() {
            this.type = "react-native";
            this.name = "react-native";
            this.version = null;
            this.os = null;
          return ReactNativeInfo2;
      var SEARCHBOX_UA_REGEX = /alexa|bot|crawl(er|ing)|facebookexternalhit|feedburner|google web preview|nagios|postrank|pingdom|slurp|spider|yahoo!|yandex/;
      var SEARCHBOT_OS_REGEX = /(nuhk|curl|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask\ Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/;
      var userAgentRules = [
        ["aol", /AOLShield\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["edge", /Edge\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["edge-ios", /EdgiOS\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["yandexbrowser", /YaBrowser\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["kakaotalk", /KAKAOTALK\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["samsung", /SamsungBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["silk", /\bSilk\/([0-9._-]+)\b/],
        ["miui", /MiuiBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)$/],
        ["beaker", /BeakerBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["edge-chromium", /EdgA?\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["chrome", /(?!Chrom.*OPR)Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["phantomjs", /PhantomJS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["crios", /CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["firefox", /Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/],
        ["fxios", /FxiOS\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["opera-mini", /Opera Mini.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["opera", /Opera\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/],
        ["opera", /OPR\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["pie", /^Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer\/(\d+\.\d+)$/],
        ["pie", /^Mozilla\/\d\.\d+\s\(compatible;\s(?:MSP?IE|MSInternet Explorer) (\d+\.\d+);.*Windows CE.*\)$/],
        ["netfront", /^Mozilla\/\d\.\d+.*NetFront\/(\d.\d)/],
        ["ie", /Trident\/7\.0.*rv\:([0-9\.]+).*\).*Gecko$/],
        ["ie", /MSIE\s([0-9\.]+);.*Trident\/[4-7].0/],
        ["ie", /MSIE\s(7\.0)/],
        ["bb10", /BB10;\sTouch.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["android", /Android\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["ios", /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Mobile.*Safari.*/],
        ["safari", /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Safari/],
        ["facebook", /FB[AS]V\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["instagram", /Instagram\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["ios-webview", /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Mobile/],
        ["ios-webview", /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Gecko\)$/],
        ["curl", /^curl\/([0-9\.]+)$/],
        ["searchbot", SEARCHBOX_UA_REGEX]
      var operatingSystemRules = [
        ["iOS", /iP(hone|od|ad)/],
        ["Android OS", /Android/],
        ["BlackBerry OS", /BlackBerry|BB10/],
        ["Windows Mobile", /IEMobile/],
        ["Amazon OS", /Kindle/],
        ["Windows 3.11", /Win16/],
        ["Windows 95", /(Windows 95)|(Win95)|(Windows_95)/],
        ["Windows 98", /(Windows 98)|(Win98)/],
        ["Windows 2000", /(Windows NT 5.0)|(Windows 2000)/],
        ["Windows XP", /(Windows NT 5.1)|(Windows XP)/],
        ["Windows Server 2003", /(Windows NT 5.2)/],
        ["Windows Vista", /(Windows NT 6.0)/],
        ["Windows 7", /(Windows NT 6.1)/],
        ["Windows 8", /(Windows NT 6.2)/],
        ["Windows 8.1", /(Windows NT 6.3)/],
        ["Windows 10", /(Windows NT 10.0)/],
        ["Windows ME", /Windows ME/],
        ["Windows CE", /Windows CE|WinCE|Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer/],
        ["Open BSD", /OpenBSD/],
        ["Sun OS", /SunOS/],
        ["Chrome OS", /CrOS/],
        ["Linux", /(Linux)|(X11)/],
        ["Mac OS", /(Mac_PowerPC)|(Macintosh)/],
        ["QNX", /QNX/],
        ["BeOS", /BeOS/],
        ["OS/2", /OS\/2/]
      function detect(userAgent) {
        if (!!userAgent) {
          return parseUserAgent(userAgent);
        if (typeof document === "undefined" && typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.product === "ReactNative") {
          return new ReactNativeInfo();
        if (typeof navigator !== "undefined") {
          return parseUserAgent(navigator.userAgent);
        return getNodeVersion();
      function matchUserAgent(ua) {
        return ua !== "" && userAgentRules.reduce(function(matched, _a2) {
          var browser = _a2[0], regex = _a2[1];
          if (matched) {
            return matched;
          var uaMatch = regex.exec(ua);
          return !!uaMatch && [browser, uaMatch];
        }, false);
      function parseUserAgent(ua) {
        var matchedRule = matchUserAgent(ua);
        if (!matchedRule) {
          return null;
        var name = matchedRule[0], match2 = matchedRule[1];
        if (name === "searchbot") {
          return new BotInfo();
        var versionParts = match2[1] && match2[1].split(".").join("_").split("_").slice(0, 3);
        if (versionParts) {
          if (versionParts.length < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS) {
            versionParts = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], versionParts, true), createVersionParts(REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS - versionParts.length), true);
        } else {
          versionParts = [];
        var version2 = versionParts.join(".");
        var os = detectOS(ua);
        var searchBotMatch = SEARCHBOT_OS_REGEX.exec(ua);
        if (searchBotMatch && searchBotMatch[1]) {
          return new SearchBotDeviceInfo(name, version2, os, searchBotMatch[1]);
        return new BrowserInfo(name, version2, os);
      function detectOS(ua) {
        for (var ii = 0, count = operatingSystemRules.length; ii < count; ii++) {
          var _a2 = operatingSystemRules[ii], os = _a2[0], regex = _a2[1];
          var match2 = regex.exec(ua);
          if (match2) {
            return os;
        return null;
      function getNodeVersion() {
        var isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.version;
        return isNode ? new NodeInfo(process.version.slice(1)) : null;
      function createVersionParts(count) {
        var output = [];
        for (var ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
        return output;
      const supportLanguage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["zh", "en"]);
      const defaultLocale = (() => {
        const languages = castArray(navigator.languages || navigator.language);
        for (const language of languages) {
          const lang = language.split("-")[0];
          if (supportLanguage.has(lang))
            return lang;
        return "en";
      const getActionText = ({ linked, named }) => linked(`message.dialog.action.${named("action")}`);
      const nHentaiDownloadHosts = [
      var NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2) => {
        NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2["RANDOM"] = "random";
        NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2["BALANCE"] = "balance";
        return NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2;
      })(NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial || {});
      const booleanValidator = (val) => typeof val === "boolean";
      const stringValidator = (val) => typeof val === "string";
      const createNumberValidator = (min, max) => (val) => typeof val === "number" && min <= val && val <= max;
      const trimFormatter = (val) => val.trim();
      const settingDefinitions = {
        language: {
          key: "language",
          default: defaultLocale,
          validator: (val) => supportLanguage.has(val)
        threadNum: {
          key: "thread_num",
          default: 8,
          validator: createNumberValidator(1, 32),
          formatter: (val) => Math.floor(val)
        openOnNewTab: {
          key: "open_on_new_tab",
          default: true,
          validator: booleanValidator
        customDownloadUrl: {
          key: "custom_download_url",
          default: "",
          validator: stringValidator,
          formatter: trimFormatter
        compressionFilename: {
          key: "cf_name",
          default: "{{japanese}}.zip",
          validator: stringValidator,
          formatter: trimFormatter
        filenameMaxArtistsNumber: {
          key: "cf_name_max_artists_number",
          default: 3,
          validator: createNumberValidator(0, Infinity)
        filenameArtistsSeparator: {
          key: "cf_name_artists_separator",
          default: ", ",
          validator: stringValidator
        compressionLevel: {
          key: "c_lv",
          default: 0,
          validator: createNumberValidator(0, 9),
          formatter: (val) => Math.floor(val)
        compressionStreamFiles: {
          key: "c_stream_files",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        streamDownload: {
          key: "stream_download",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        seriesMode: {
          key: "series_mode",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        filenameLength: {
          key: "filename_length",
          default: 0,
          validator: (val) => val === "auto" || typeof val === "number" && val >= 0,
          formatter: (val) => typeof val === "number" ? Math.floor(val) : val
        autoCancelDownloadedManga: {
          key: "auto_cancel_downloaded_doujin",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: {
          key: "auto_retry_when_error_occurs",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        autoShowAll: {
          key: "auto_show_all",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        showIgnoreButton: {
          key: "show_ignore_button",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        preventConsoleClearing: {
          key: "prevent_console_clear",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByEnglish: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_english",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByJapanese: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_japanese",
          default: true,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByPretty: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_pretty",
          default: false,
          validator: booleanValidator
        nHentaiDownloadHost: {
          key: "nHentai_media_host",
          default: nHentaiDownloadHosts[0],
          validator: (val) => val === "random" || val === "balance" || nHentaiDownloadHosts.includes(val)
      const browserDetect = detect();
      const DISABLE_STREAM_DOWNLOAD = !!browserDetect && (browserDetect.name === "safari" || browserDetect.name === "firefox");
      const readSettings = () => mapValues(
        ({ key, default: defaultVal }) => _GM_getValue(key, defaultVal)
      const writeableSettings = reactive(readSettings());
      const settings = writeableSettings;
      if (DISABLE_STREAM_DOWNLOAD && settings.streamDownload)
        writeableSettings.streamDownload = false;
      const startWatchSettings = functionOnce(() => {
        const settingRefs = toRefs(writeableSettings);
        forEach(settingRefs, (ref2, key) => {
          const cur = settingDefinitions[key];
          watch(ref2, (val) => {
            if (!cur.validator(val)) {
              ref2.value = cur.default;
            if (cur.formatter) {
              const formattedVal = cur.formatter(val);
              if (ref2.value !== formattedVal) {
                ref2.value = formattedVal;
            logger.log("update setting", cur.key, val);
            _GM_setValue(cur.key, val);
      const dlQueue = new AsyncQueue();
      const zipQueue = new AsyncQueue(WORKER_THREAD_NUM);
      dlQueue.canSingleStart = () => !(settings.seriesMode && zipQueue.length);
      zipQueue.emitter.on("finish", () => {
        if (settings.seriesMode)
      const _withScopeId = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-83b954f2"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n);
      const _hoisted_1$h = ["title"];
      const _hoisted_2$c = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("i", { class: "fa fa-times" }, null, -1));
      const _hoisted_3$5 = [
      const _hoisted_4$2 = { class: "download-item__title" };
      const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "download-item__progress-text" };
      const _sfc_main$D = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadItem",
        props: {
          item: null,
          index: null
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const title = computed(() => {
            const { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = props.item.gallery.title;
            return japanese2 || english2 || pretty;
          const progressWidth = computed(() => {
            const {
              gallery: { pages: pages2 },
            } = props.item;
            const page = pages2.length;
            return compressing ? compressingPercent : page && done ? (100 * done / page).toFixed(2) : 0;
          const canCancel = computed(() => !props.item.compressing);
          const cancel = () => {
            var _a2;
            const { info } = props.index === 0 ? dlQueue.queue[0] : removeAt(dlQueue.queue, props.index);
            (_a2 = info == null ? void 0 : info.cancel) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(info);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass(["download-item", {
                "download-item--error": __props.item.error,
                "download-item--compressing": __props.item.compressing && !__props.item.error,
                "download-item--can-cancel": unref(canCancel)
              title: unref(title)
            }, [
              unref(canCancel) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                key: 0,
                class: "download-item__cancel",
                onClick: cancel
              }, _hoisted_3$5)) : createCommentVNode("", true),
              createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$2, toDisplayString$1(unref(title)), 1),
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                class: "download-item__progress",
                style: normalizeStyle({ width: `${unref(progressWidth)}%` })
              }, [
                createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$2, toDisplayString$1(unref(progressWidth)) + "%", 1)
              ], 4)
            ], 10, _hoisted_1$h);
      const _export_sfc$1 = (sfc, props) => {
        const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
        for (const [key, val] of props) {
          target[key] = val;
        return target;
      const DownloadItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$D, [["__scopeId", "data-v-83b954f2"]]);
      const _hoisted_1$g = { id: "download-panel" };
      const _sfc_main$C = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadList",
        props: {
          zipList: null,
          dlList: null
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$g, [
              (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(__props.zipList, (item, index2) => {
                return openBlock(), createBlock(DownloadItem, {
                  key: index2,
                  index: index2
                }, null, 8, ["item", "index"]);
              }), 128)),
              (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(__props.dlList, (item, index2) => {
                return openBlock(), createBlock(DownloadItem, {
                  key: index2,
                  index: index2
                }, null, 8, ["item", "index"]);
              }), 128))
      const DownloadList = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$C, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f37e74c3"]]);
      const _sfc_main$B = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadPanel",
        setup(__props) {
          const { title } = document;
          const zipList = computed(() => zipQueue.queue.map(({ info }) => info));
          const dlList = computed(() => dlQueue.queue.map(({ info }) => info));
          const infoList = computed(() => [...zipList.value, ...dlList.value]);
          const error = computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return !!((_a2 = dlList.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.error);
          const titleWithStatus = computed(() => {
            if (error.value)
              return `[×] ${title}`;
            const len = infoList.value.length;
            return `[${len || "✓"}] ${title}`;
          watch(infoList, (val) => {
            sessionStorage.setItem("downloadQueue", JSON.stringify(val.map(({ gallery: gallery2 }) => gallery2)));
          watch(titleWithStatus, (val) => {
            document.title = val;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return unref(infoList).length ? (openBlock(), createBlock(DownloadList, {
              key: 0,
              "zip-list": unref(zipList),
              "dl-list": unref(dlList)
            }, null, 8, ["zip-list", "dl-list"])) : createCommentVNode("", true);
      const composeEventHandlers = (theirsHandler, oursHandler, { checkForDefaultPrevented = true } = {}) => {
        const handleEvent = (event) => {
          const shouldPrevent = theirsHandler == null ? void 0 : theirsHandler(event);
          if (checkForDefaultPrevented === false || !shouldPrevent) {
            return oursHandler == null ? void 0 : oursHandler(event);
        return handleEvent;
      var _a;
      const isClient$1 = typeof window !== "undefined";
      const isString$1 = (val) => typeof val === "string";
      const noop$1 = () => {
      const isIOS = isClient$1 && ((_a = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : _a.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
      function resolveUnref(r) {
        return typeof r === "function" ? r() : unref(r);
      function createFilterWrapper$1(filter2, fn2) {
        function wrapper(...args) {
          return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
            Promise.resolve(filter2(() => fn2.apply(this, args), { fn: fn2, thisArg: this, args })).then(resolve2).catch(reject);
        return wrapper;
      function debounceFilter(ms, options = {}) {
        let timer;
        let maxTimer;
        let lastRejector = noop$1;
        const _clearTimeout = (timer2) => {
          lastRejector = noop$1;
        const filter2 = (invoke) => {
          const duration = resolveUnref(ms);
          const maxDuration = resolveUnref(options.maxWait);
          if (timer)
          if (duration <= 0 || maxDuration !== void 0 && maxDuration <= 0) {
            if (maxTimer) {
              maxTimer = null;
            return Promise.resolve(invoke());
          return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
            lastRejector = options.rejectOnCancel ? reject : resolve2;
            if (maxDuration && !maxTimer) {
              maxTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                if (timer)
                maxTimer = null;
              }, maxDuration);
            timer = setTimeout(() => {
              if (maxTimer)
              maxTimer = null;
            }, duration);
        return filter2;
      function identity(arg) {
        return arg;
      function tryOnScopeDispose$1(fn2) {
        if (getCurrentScope()) {
          return true;
        return false;
      function useDebounceFn(fn2, ms = 200, options = {}) {
        return createFilterWrapper$1(debounceFilter(ms, options), fn2);
      function refDebounced(value, ms = 200, options = {}) {
        const debounced = ref(value.value);
        const updater = useDebounceFn(() => {
          debounced.value = value.value;
        }, ms, options);
        watch(value, () => updater());
        return debounced;
      function tryOnMounted(fn2, sync = true) {
        if (getCurrentInstance())
        else if (sync)
      function useTimeoutFn(cb, interval, options = {}) {
        const {
          immediate = true
        } = options;
        const isPending = ref(false);
        let timer = null;
        function clear2() {
          if (timer) {
            timer = null;
        function stop() {
          isPending.value = false;
        function start(...args) {
          isPending.value = true;
          timer = setTimeout(() => {
            isPending.value = false;
            timer = null;
          }, resolveUnref(interval));
        if (immediate) {
          isPending.value = true;
          if (isClient$1)
        return {
          isPending: readonly(isPending),
      function unrefElement$1(elRef) {
        var _a2;
        const plain = resolveUnref(elRef);
        return (_a2 = plain == null ? void 0 : plain.$el) != null ? _a2 : plain;
      const defaultWindow$1 = isClient$1 ? window : void 0;
      function useEventListener$1(...args) {
        let target;
        let events;
        let listeners;
        let options;
        if (isString$1(args[0]) || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
          [events, listeners, options] = args;
          target = defaultWindow$1;
        } else {
          [target, events, listeners, options] = args;
        if (!target)
          return noop$1;
        if (!Array.isArray(events))
          events = [events];
        if (!Array.isArray(listeners))
          listeners = [listeners];
        const cleanups = [];
        const cleanup = () => {
          cleanups.forEach((fn2) => fn2());
          cleanups.length = 0;
        const register = (el, event, listener, options2) => {
          el.addEventListener(event, listener, options2);
          return () => el.removeEventListener(event, listener, options2);
        const stopWatch = watch(() => [unrefElement$1(target), resolveUnref(options)], ([el, options2]) => {
          if (!el)
          cleanups.push(...events.flatMap((event) => {
            return listeners.map((listener) => register(el, event, listener, options2));
        }, { immediate: true, flush: "post" });
        const stop = () => {
        return stop;
      let _iOSWorkaround = false;
      function onClickOutside(target, handler, options = {}) {
        const { window: window2 = defaultWindow$1, ignore = [], capture = true, detectIframe = false } = options;
        if (!window2)
        if (isIOS && !_iOSWorkaround) {
          _iOSWorkaround = true;
          Array.from(window2.document.body.children).forEach((el) => el.addEventListener("click", noop$1));
        let shouldListen = true;
        const shouldIgnore = (event) => {
          return ignore.some((target2) => {
            if (typeof target2 === "string") {
              return Array.from(window2.document.querySelectorAll(target2)).some((el) => el === event.target || event.composedPath().includes(el));
            } else {
              const el = unrefElement$1(target2);
              return el && (event.target === el || event.composedPath().includes(el));
        const listener = (event) => {
          const el = unrefElement$1(target);
          if (!el || el === event.target || event.composedPath().includes(el))
          if (event.detail === 0)
            shouldListen = !shouldIgnore(event);
          if (!shouldListen) {
            shouldListen = true;
        const cleanup = [
          useEventListener$1(window2, "click", listener, { passive: true, capture }),
          useEventListener$1(window2, "pointerdown", (e) => {
            const el = unrefElement$1(target);
            if (el)
              shouldListen = !e.composedPath().includes(el) && !shouldIgnore(e);
          }, { passive: true }),
          detectIframe && useEventListener$1(window2, "blur", (event) => {
            var _a2;
            const el = unrefElement$1(target);
            if (((_a2 = window2.document.activeElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.tagName) === "IFRAME" && !(el == null ? void 0 : el.contains(window2.document.activeElement)))
        const stop = () => cleanup.forEach((fn2) => fn2());
        return stop;
      function useSupported(callback, sync = false) {
        const isSupported = ref();
        const update = () => isSupported.value = Boolean(callback());
        tryOnMounted(update, sync);
        return isSupported;
      const _global$1 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
      const globalKey$1 = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";
      _global$1[globalKey$1] = _global$1[globalKey$1] || {};
      var __getOwnPropSymbols$g = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var __hasOwnProp$g = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      var __propIsEnum$g = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var __objRest$2 = (source, exclude) => {
        var target = {};
        for (var prop in source)
          if (__hasOwnProp$g.call(source, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
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        name: "Plus"
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        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
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        /* HOISTED */
      ), _hoisted_3200 = [
      function _sfc_render201(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1201, _hoisted_3200);
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        name: "QuestionFilled"
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        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
        viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
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        /* HOISTED */
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        name: "SuccessFilled"
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        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
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        /* HOISTED */
      ), _hoisted_3248 = [
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        name: "Upload"
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        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
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        /* HOISTED */
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        /* HOISTED */
      ), _hoisted_3282 = [
      function _sfc_render283(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1283, _hoisted_3282);
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        name: "WarningFilled"
      var _hoisted_1287 = {
        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
        viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
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          fill: "currentColor",
          d: "M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896zm0 192a58.432 58.432 0 0 0-58.24 63.744l23.36 256.384a35.072 35.072 0 0 0 69.76 0l23.296-256.384A58.432 58.432 0 0 0 512 256zm0 512a51.2 51.2 0 1 0 0-102.4 51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0 102.4z"
        /* HOISTED */
      ), _hoisted_3286 = [
      function _sfc_render287(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1287, _hoisted_3286);
      var warning_filled_default = /* @__PURE__ */ export_helper_default(warning_filled_vue_vue_type_script_lang_default, [["render", _sfc_render287], ["__file", "warning-filled.vue"]]);
      const epPropKey = "__epPropKey";
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      const buildProp = (prop, key) => {
        if (!isObject$3(prop) || isEpProp(prop))
          return prop;
        const { values: values2, required: required2, default: defaultValue, type: type2, validator } = prop;
        const _validator = values2 || validator ? (val) => {
          let valid = false;
          let allowedValues = [];
          if (values2) {
            allowedValues = Array.from(values2);
            if (hasOwn$1(prop, "default")) {
            valid || (valid = allowedValues.includes(val));
          if (validator)
            valid || (valid = validator(val));
          if (!valid && allowedValues.length > 0) {
            const allowValuesText = [...new Set(allowedValues)].map((value) => JSON.stringify(value)).join(", ");
            warn$1(`Invalid prop: validation failed${key ? ` for prop "${key}"` : ""}. Expected one of [${allowValuesText}], got value ${JSON.stringify(val)}.`);
          return valid;
        } : void 0;
        const epProp = {
          type: type2,
          required: !!required2,
          validator: _validator,
          [epPropKey]: true
        if (hasOwn$1(prop, "default"))
          epProp.default = defaultValue;
        return epProp;
      const buildProps = (props) => fromPairs(Object.entries(props).map(([key, option]) => [
        buildProp(option, key)
      const iconPropType = definePropType([
      const CloseComponents = {
        Close: close_default
      const TypeComponents = {
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        InfoFilled: info_filled_default,
        WarningFilled: warning_filled_default,
        CircleCloseFilled: circle_close_filled_default
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        warning: warning_filled_default,
        error: circle_close_filled_default,
        info: info_filled_default
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        validating: loading_default,
        success: circle_check_default,
        error: circle_close_default
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            app.component(comp.name, comp);
        if (extra) {
          for (const [key, comp] of Object.entries(extra)) {
            main[key] = comp;
        return main;
      const withInstallFunction = (fn2, name) => {
        fn2.install = (app) => {
          fn2._context = app._context;
          app.config.globalProperties[name] = fn2;
        return fn2;
      const withNoopInstall = (component) => {
        component.install = NOOP;
        return component;
      const composeRefs = (...refs) => {
        return (el) => {
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            if (isFunction$2(ref2)) {
            } else {
              ref2.value = el;
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      })(PatchFlags || {});
      const isKorean = (text) => /([\uAC00-\uD7AF\u3130-\u318F])+/gi.test(text);
      const mutable = (val) => val;
      const DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS = ["class", "style"];
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          return ((excludeKeys == null ? void 0 : excludeKeys.value) || []).concat(DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS);
        const instance = getCurrentInstance();
        if (!instance) {
          return computed(() => ({}));
        return computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return fromPairs(Object.entries((_a2 = instance.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _a2.$attrs).filter(([key]) => !allExcludeKeys.value.includes(key) && !(excludeListeners && LISTENER_PREFIX.test(key))));
      const useDeprecated = ({ from, replacement, scope, version: version2, ref: ref2, type: type2 = "API" }, condition) => {
        watch(() => unref(condition), (val) => {
        }, {
          immediate: true
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        onMounted(() => {
          watchEffect(() => {
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            } else {
        onBeforeUnmount(() => {
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          focus: () => {
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            (_b = (_a2 = el.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
      var English = {
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      const buildTranslator = (locale) => (path, option) => translate$1(path, option, unref(locale));
      const translate$1 = (path, option, locale) => get(locale, path, path).replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, (_, key) => {
        var _a2;
        return `${(_a2 = option == null ? void 0 : option[key]) != null ? _a2 : `{${key}}`}`;
      const buildLocaleContext = (locale) => {
        const lang = computed(() => unref(locale).name);
        const localeRef = isRef(locale) ? locale : ref(locale);
        return {
          locale: localeRef,
          t: buildTranslator(locale)
      const localeContextKey = Symbol("localeContextKey");
      const useLocale = (localeOverrides) => {
        const locale = localeOverrides || inject(localeContextKey, ref());
        return buildLocaleContext(computed(() => locale.value || English));
      const defaultNamespace = "el";
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          cls += `--${modifier}`;
        return cls;
      const namespaceContextKey = Symbol("namespaceContextKey");
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        const namespace = computed(() => {
          return unref(derivedNamespace) || defaultNamespace;
        return namespace;
      const useNamespace = (block, namespaceOverrides) => {
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        const em = (element, modifier) => element && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, "", element, modifier) : "";
        const bm = (blockSuffix, modifier) => blockSuffix && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, "", modifier) : "";
        const bem = (blockSuffix, element, modifier) => blockSuffix && element && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, element, modifier) : "";
        const is = (name, ...args) => {
          const state = args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : true;
          return name && state ? `${statePrefix}${name}` : "";
        const cssVar = (object2) => {
          const styles = {};
          for (const key in object2) {
            if (object2[key]) {
              styles[`--${namespace.value}-${key}`] = object2[key];
          return styles;
        const cssVarBlock = (object2) => {
          const styles = {};
          for (const key in object2) {
            if (object2[key]) {
              styles[`--${namespace.value}-${block}-${key}`] = object2[key];
          return styles;
        const cssVarName = (name) => `--${namespace.value}-${name}`;
        const cssVarBlockName = (name) => `--${namespace.value}-${block}-${name}`;
        return {
          be: be2,
      const useLockscreen = (trigger2, options = {}) => {
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          throwError("[useLockscreen]", "You need to pass a ref param to this function");
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      const _prop = buildProp({
        type: definePropType(Boolean),
        default: null
      const _event = buildProp({
        type: definePropType(Function)
      const createModelToggleComposable = (name) => {
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        const updateEventKeyRaw = `onUpdate:${name}`;
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        const useModelToggleProps2 = {
          [name]: _prop,
          [updateEventKeyRaw]: _event
        const useModelToggle2 = ({
        }) => {
          const instance = getCurrentInstance();
          const { emit: emit2 } = instance;
          const props = instance.props;
          const hasUpdateHandler = computed(() => isFunction$2(props[updateEventKeyRaw]));
          const isModelBindingAbsent = computed(() => props[name] === null);
          const doShow = (event) => {
            if (indicator.value === true) {
            indicator.value = true;
            if (toggleReason) {
              toggleReason.value = event;
            if (isFunction$2(onShow)) {
          const doHide = (event) => {
            if (indicator.value === false) {
            indicator.value = false;
            if (toggleReason) {
              toggleReason.value = event;
            if (isFunction$2(onHide)) {
          const show = (event) => {
            if (props.disabled === true || isFunction$2(shouldProceed) && !shouldProceed())
            const shouldEmit = hasUpdateHandler.value && isClient$1;
            if (shouldEmit) {
              emit2(updateEventKey, true);
            if (isModelBindingAbsent.value || !shouldEmit) {
          const hide = (event) => {
            if (props.disabled === true || !isClient$1)
            const shouldEmit = hasUpdateHandler.value && isClient$1;
            if (shouldEmit) {
              emit2(updateEventKey, false);
            if (isModelBindingAbsent.value || !shouldEmit) {
          const onChange = (val) => {
            if (!isBoolean$1(val))
            if (props.disabled && val) {
              if (hasUpdateHandler.value) {
                emit2(updateEventKey, false);
            } else if (indicator.value !== val) {
              if (val) {
              } else {
          const toggle = () => {
            if (indicator.value) {
            } else {
          watch(() => props[name], onChange);
          if (shouldHideWhenRouteChanges && instance.appContext.config.globalProperties.$route !== void 0) {
            watch(() => ({
            }), () => {
              if (shouldHideWhenRouteChanges.value && indicator.value) {
          onMounted(() => {
          return {
        return {
          useModelToggle: useModelToggle2,
          useModelToggleProps: useModelToggleProps2,
          useModelToggleEmits: useModelToggleEmits2
      const useProp = (name) => {
        const vm = getCurrentInstance();
        return computed(() => {
          var _a2, _b;
          return (_b = (_a2 = vm == null ? void 0 : vm.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _a2.$props) == null ? void 0 : _b[name];
      var E = "top", R = "bottom", W = "right", P = "left", me = "auto", G = [E, R, W, P], U = "start", J = "end", Xe = "clippingParents", je = "viewport", K = "popper", Ye = "reference", De = G.reduce(function(t2, e) {
        return t2.concat([e + "-" + U, e + "-" + J]);
      }, []), Ee = [].concat(G, [me]).reduce(function(t2, e) {
        return t2.concat([e, e + "-" + U, e + "-" + J]);
      }, []), Ge = "beforeRead", Je = "read", Ke = "afterRead", Qe = "beforeMain", Ze = "main", et = "afterMain", tt = "beforeWrite", nt = "write", rt = "afterWrite", ot = [Ge, Je, Ke, Qe, Ze, et, tt, nt, rt];
      function C(t2) {
        return t2 ? (t2.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null;
      function H(t2) {
        if (t2 == null)
          return window;
        if (t2.toString() !== "[object Window]") {
          var e = t2.ownerDocument;
          return e && e.defaultView || window;
        return t2;
      function Q(t2) {
        var e = H(t2).Element;
        return t2 instanceof e || t2 instanceof Element;
      function B(t2) {
        var e = H(t2).HTMLElement;
        return t2 instanceof e || t2 instanceof HTMLElement;
      function Pe(t2) {
        if (typeof ShadowRoot == "undefined")
          return false;
        var e = H(t2).ShadowRoot;
        return t2 instanceof e || t2 instanceof ShadowRoot;
      function Mt(t2) {
        var e = t2.state;
        Object.keys(e.elements).forEach(function(n) {
          var r = e.styles[n] || {}, o = e.attributes[n] || {}, i = e.elements[n];
          !B(i) || !C(i) || (Object.assign(i.style, r), Object.keys(o).forEach(function(a) {
            var s = o[a];
            s === false ? i.removeAttribute(a) : i.setAttribute(a, s === true ? "" : s);
      function Rt(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = { popper: { position: e.options.strategy, left: "0", top: "0", margin: "0" }, arrow: { position: "absolute" }, reference: {} };
        return Object.assign(e.elements.popper.style, n.popper), e.styles = n, e.elements.arrow && Object.assign(e.elements.arrow.style, n.arrow), function() {
          Object.keys(e.elements).forEach(function(r) {
            var o = e.elements[r], i = e.attributes[r] || {}, a = Object.keys(e.styles.hasOwnProperty(r) ? e.styles[r] : n[r]), s = a.reduce(function(f, c) {
              return f[c] = "", f;
            }, {});
            !B(o) || !C(o) || (Object.assign(o.style, s), Object.keys(i).forEach(function(f) {
      var Ae = { name: "applyStyles", enabled: true, phase: "write", fn: Mt, effect: Rt, requires: ["computeStyles"] };
      function q(t2) {
        return t2.split("-")[0];
      var X = Math.max, ve = Math.min, Z = Math.round;
      function ee(t2, e) {
        e === void 0 && (e = false);
        var n = t2.getBoundingClientRect(), r = 1, o = 1;
        if (B(t2) && e) {
          var i = t2.offsetHeight, a = t2.offsetWidth;
          a > 0 && (r = Z(n.width) / a || 1), i > 0 && (o = Z(n.height) / i || 1);
        return { width: n.width / r, height: n.height / o, top: n.top / o, right: n.right / r, bottom: n.bottom / o, left: n.left / r, x: n.left / r, y: n.top / o };
      function ke(t2) {
        var e = ee(t2), n = t2.offsetWidth, r = t2.offsetHeight;
        return Math.abs(e.width - n) <= 1 && (n = e.width), Math.abs(e.height - r) <= 1 && (r = e.height), { x: t2.offsetLeft, y: t2.offsetTop, width: n, height: r };
      function it(t2, e) {
        var n = e.getRootNode && e.getRootNode();
        if (t2.contains(e))
          return true;
        if (n && Pe(n)) {
          var r = e;
          do {
            if (r && t2.isSameNode(r))
              return true;
            r = r.parentNode || r.host;
          } while (r);
        return false;
      function N(t2) {
        return H(t2).getComputedStyle(t2);
      function Wt(t2) {
        return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(C(t2)) >= 0;
      function I(t2) {
        return ((Q(t2) ? t2.ownerDocument : t2.document) || window.document).documentElement;
      function ge(t2) {
        return C(t2) === "html" ? t2 : t2.assignedSlot || t2.parentNode || (Pe(t2) ? t2.host : null) || I(t2);
      function at(t2) {
        return !B(t2) || N(t2).position === "fixed" ? null : t2.offsetParent;
      function Bt(t2) {
        var e = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") !== -1, n = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") !== -1;
        if (n && B(t2)) {
          var r = N(t2);
          if (r.position === "fixed")
            return null;
        var o = ge(t2);
        for (Pe(o) && (o = o.host); B(o) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(C(o)) < 0; ) {
          var i = N(o);
          if (i.transform !== "none" || i.perspective !== "none" || i.contain === "paint" || ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(i.willChange) !== -1 || e && i.willChange === "filter" || e && i.filter && i.filter !== "none")
            return o;
          o = o.parentNode;
        return null;
      function se(t2) {
        for (var e = H(t2), n = at(t2); n && Wt(n) && N(n).position === "static"; )
          n = at(n);
        return n && (C(n) === "html" || C(n) === "body" && N(n).position === "static") ? e : n || Bt(t2) || e;
      function Le(t2) {
        return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(t2) >= 0 ? "x" : "y";
      function fe(t2, e, n) {
        return X(t2, ve(e, n));
      function St(t2, e, n) {
        var r = fe(t2, e, n);
        return r > n ? n : r;
      function st() {
        return { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 };
      function ft(t2) {
        return Object.assign({}, st(), t2);
      function ct(t2, e) {
        return e.reduce(function(n, r) {
          return n[r] = t2, n;
        }, {});
      var Tt = function(t2, e) {
        return t2 = typeof t2 == "function" ? t2(Object.assign({}, e.rects, { placement: e.placement })) : t2, ft(typeof t2 != "number" ? t2 : ct(t2, G));
      function Ht(t2) {
        var e, n = t2.state, r = t2.name, o = t2.options, i = n.elements.arrow, a = n.modifiersData.popperOffsets, s = q(n.placement), f = Le(s), c = [P, W].indexOf(s) >= 0, u = c ? "height" : "width";
        if (!(!i || !a)) {
          var m = Tt(o.padding, n), v = ke(i), l = f === "y" ? E : P, h2 = f === "y" ? R : W, p2 = n.rects.reference[u] + n.rects.reference[f] - a[f] - n.rects.popper[u], g = a[f] - n.rects.reference[f], x = se(i), y = x ? f === "y" ? x.clientHeight || 0 : x.clientWidth || 0 : 0, $2 = p2 / 2 - g / 2, d = m[l], b = y - v[u] - m[h2], w = y / 2 - v[u] / 2 + $2, O = fe(d, w, b), j = f;
          n.modifiersData[r] = (e = {}, e[j] = O, e.centerOffset = O - w, e);
      function Ct(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.options, r = n.element, o = r === void 0 ? "[data-popper-arrow]" : r;
        o != null && (typeof o == "string" && (o = e.elements.popper.querySelector(o), !o) || !it(e.elements.popper, o) || (e.elements.arrow = o));
      var pt = { name: "arrow", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: Ht, effect: Ct, requires: ["popperOffsets"], requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"] };
      function te(t2) {
        return t2.split("-")[1];
      var qt = { top: "auto", right: "auto", bottom: "auto", left: "auto" };
      function Vt(t2) {
        var e = t2.x, n = t2.y, r = window, o = r.devicePixelRatio || 1;
        return { x: Z(e * o) / o || 0, y: Z(n * o) / o || 0 };
      function ut(t2) {
        var e, n = t2.popper, r = t2.popperRect, o = t2.placement, i = t2.variation, a = t2.offsets, s = t2.position, f = t2.gpuAcceleration, c = t2.adaptive, u = t2.roundOffsets, m = t2.isFixed, v = a.x, l = v === void 0 ? 0 : v, h2 = a.y, p2 = h2 === void 0 ? 0 : h2, g = typeof u == "function" ? u({ x: l, y: p2 }) : { x: l, y: p2 };
        l = g.x, p2 = g.y;
        var x = a.hasOwnProperty("x"), y = a.hasOwnProperty("y"), $2 = P, d = E, b = window;
        if (c) {
          var w = se(n), O = "clientHeight", j = "clientWidth";
          if (w === H(n) && (w = I(n), N(w).position !== "static" && s === "absolute" && (O = "scrollHeight", j = "scrollWidth")), w = w, o === E || (o === P || o === W) && i === J) {
            d = R;
            var A = m && w === b && b.visualViewport ? b.visualViewport.height : w[O];
            p2 -= A - r.height, p2 *= f ? 1 : -1;
          if (o === P || (o === E || o === R) && i === J) {
            $2 = W;
            var k = m && w === b && b.visualViewport ? b.visualViewport.width : w[j];
            l -= k - r.width, l *= f ? 1 : -1;
        var D = Object.assign({ position: s }, c && qt), S = u === true ? Vt({ x: l, y: p2 }) : { x: l, y: p2 };
        if (l = S.x, p2 = S.y, f) {
          var L;
          return Object.assign({}, D, (L = {}, L[d] = y ? "0" : "", L[$2] = x ? "0" : "", L.transform = (b.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1 ? "translate(" + l + "px, " + p2 + "px)" : "translate3d(" + l + "px, " + p2 + "px, 0)", L));
        return Object.assign({}, D, (e = {}, e[d] = y ? p2 + "px" : "", e[$2] = x ? l + "px" : "", e.transform = "", e));
      function Nt(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.options, r = n.gpuAcceleration, o = r === void 0 ? true : r, i = n.adaptive, a = i === void 0 ? true : i, s = n.roundOffsets, f = s === void 0 ? true : s, c = { placement: q(e.placement), variation: te(e.placement), popper: e.elements.popper, popperRect: e.rects.popper, gpuAcceleration: o, isFixed: e.options.strategy === "fixed" };
        e.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null && (e.styles.popper = Object.assign({}, e.styles.popper, ut(Object.assign({}, c, { offsets: e.modifiersData.popperOffsets, position: e.options.strategy, adaptive: a, roundOffsets: f })))), e.modifiersData.arrow != null && (e.styles.arrow = Object.assign({}, e.styles.arrow, ut(Object.assign({}, c, { offsets: e.modifiersData.arrow, position: "absolute", adaptive: false, roundOffsets: f })))), e.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, e.attributes.popper, { "data-popper-placement": e.placement });
      var Me = { name: "computeStyles", enabled: true, phase: "beforeWrite", fn: Nt, data: {} }, ye = { passive: true };
      function It(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.instance, r = t2.options, o = r.scroll, i = o === void 0 ? true : o, a = r.resize, s = a === void 0 ? true : a, f = H(e.elements.popper), c = [].concat(e.scrollParents.reference, e.scrollParents.popper);
        return i && c.forEach(function(u) {
          u.addEventListener("scroll", n.update, ye);
        }), s && f.addEventListener("resize", n.update, ye), function() {
          i && c.forEach(function(u) {
            u.removeEventListener("scroll", n.update, ye);
          }), s && f.removeEventListener("resize", n.update, ye);
      var Re = { name: "eventListeners", enabled: true, phase: "write", fn: function() {
      }, effect: It, data: {} }, _t = { left: "right", right: "left", bottom: "top", top: "bottom" };
      function be(t2) {
        return t2.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function(e) {
          return _t[e];
      var zt = { start: "end", end: "start" };
      function lt(t2) {
        return t2.replace(/start|end/g, function(e) {
          return zt[e];
      function We(t2) {
        var e = H(t2), n = e.pageXOffset, r = e.pageYOffset;
        return { scrollLeft: n, scrollTop: r };
      function Be(t2) {
        return ee(I(t2)).left + We(t2).scrollLeft;
      function Ft(t2) {
        var e = H(t2), n = I(t2), r = e.visualViewport, o = n.clientWidth, i = n.clientHeight, a = 0, s = 0;
        return r && (o = r.width, i = r.height, /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (a = r.offsetLeft, s = r.offsetTop)), { width: o, height: i, x: a + Be(t2), y: s };
      function Ut(t2) {
        var e, n = I(t2), r = We(t2), o = (e = t2.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : e.body, i = X(n.scrollWidth, n.clientWidth, o ? o.scrollWidth : 0, o ? o.clientWidth : 0), a = X(n.scrollHeight, n.clientHeight, o ? o.scrollHeight : 0, o ? o.clientHeight : 0), s = -r.scrollLeft + Be(t2), f = -r.scrollTop;
        return N(o || n).direction === "rtl" && (s += X(n.clientWidth, o ? o.clientWidth : 0) - i), { width: i, height: a, x: s, y: f };
      function Se(t2) {
        var e = N(t2), n = e.overflow, r = e.overflowX, o = e.overflowY;
        return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(n + o + r);
      function dt(t2) {
        return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(C(t2)) >= 0 ? t2.ownerDocument.body : B(t2) && Se(t2) ? t2 : dt(ge(t2));
      function ce(t2, e) {
        var n;
        e === void 0 && (e = []);
        var r = dt(t2), o = r === ((n = t2.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : n.body), i = H(r), a = o ? [i].concat(i.visualViewport || [], Se(r) ? r : []) : r, s = e.concat(a);
        return o ? s : s.concat(ce(ge(a)));
      function Te(t2) {
        return Object.assign({}, t2, { left: t2.x, top: t2.y, right: t2.x + t2.width, bottom: t2.y + t2.height });
      function Xt(t2) {
        var e = ee(t2);
        return e.top = e.top + t2.clientTop, e.left = e.left + t2.clientLeft, e.bottom = e.top + t2.clientHeight, e.right = e.left + t2.clientWidth, e.width = t2.clientWidth, e.height = t2.clientHeight, e.x = e.left, e.y = e.top, e;
      function ht(t2, e) {
        return e === je ? Te(Ft(t2)) : Q(e) ? Xt(e) : Te(Ut(I(t2)));
      function Yt(t2) {
        var e = ce(ge(t2)), n = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(N(t2).position) >= 0, r = n && B(t2) ? se(t2) : t2;
        return Q(r) ? e.filter(function(o) {
          return Q(o) && it(o, r) && C(o) !== "body";
        }) : [];
      function Gt(t2, e, n) {
        var r = e === "clippingParents" ? Yt(t2) : [].concat(e), o = [].concat(r, [n]), i = o[0], a = o.reduce(function(s, f) {
          var c = ht(t2, f);
          return s.top = X(c.top, s.top), s.right = ve(c.right, s.right), s.bottom = ve(c.bottom, s.bottom), s.left = X(c.left, s.left), s;
        }, ht(t2, i));
        return a.width = a.right - a.left, a.height = a.bottom - a.top, a.x = a.left, a.y = a.top, a;
      function mt(t2) {
        var e = t2.reference, n = t2.element, r = t2.placement, o = r ? q(r) : null, i = r ? te(r) : null, a = e.x + e.width / 2 - n.width / 2, s = e.y + e.height / 2 - n.height / 2, f;
        switch (o) {
          case E:
            f = { x: a, y: e.y - n.height };
          case R:
            f = { x: a, y: e.y + e.height };
          case W:
            f = { x: e.x + e.width, y: s };
          case P:
            f = { x: e.x - n.width, y: s };
            f = { x: e.x, y: e.y };
        var c = o ? Le(o) : null;
        if (c != null) {
          var u = c === "y" ? "height" : "width";
          switch (i) {
            case U:
              f[c] = f[c] - (e[u] / 2 - n[u] / 2);
            case J:
              f[c] = f[c] + (e[u] / 2 - n[u] / 2);
        return f;
      function ne(t2, e) {
        e === void 0 && (e = {});
        var n = e, r = n.placement, o = r === void 0 ? t2.placement : r, i = n.boundary, a = i === void 0 ? Xe : i, s = n.rootBoundary, f = s === void 0 ? je : s, c = n.elementContext, u = c === void 0 ? K : c, m = n.altBoundary, v = m === void 0 ? false : m, l = n.padding, h2 = l === void 0 ? 0 : l, p2 = ft(typeof h2 != "number" ? h2 : ct(h2, G)), g = u === K ? Ye : K, x = t2.rects.popper, y = t2.elements[v ? g : u], $2 = Gt(Q(y) ? y : y.contextElement || I(t2.elements.popper), a, f), d = ee(t2.elements.reference), b = mt({ reference: d, element: x, strategy: "absolute", placement: o }), w = Te(Object.assign({}, x, b)), O = u === K ? w : d, j = { top: $2.top - O.top + p2.top, bottom: O.bottom - $2.bottom + p2.bottom, left: $2.left - O.left + p2.left, right: O.right - $2.right + p2.right }, A = t2.modifiersData.offset;
        if (u === K && A) {
          var k = A[o];
          Object.keys(j).forEach(function(D) {
            var S = [W, R].indexOf(D) >= 0 ? 1 : -1, L = [E, R].indexOf(D) >= 0 ? "y" : "x";
            j[D] += k[L] * S;
        return j;
      function Jt(t2, e) {
        e === void 0 && (e = {});
        var n = e, r = n.placement, o = n.boundary, i = n.rootBoundary, a = n.padding, s = n.flipVariations, f = n.allowedAutoPlacements, c = f === void 0 ? Ee : f, u = te(r), m = u ? s ? De : De.filter(function(h2) {
          return te(h2) === u;
        }) : G, v = m.filter(function(h2) {
          return c.indexOf(h2) >= 0;
        v.length === 0 && (v = m);
        var l = v.reduce(function(h2, p2) {
          return h2[p2] = ne(t2, { placement: p2, boundary: o, rootBoundary: i, padding: a })[q(p2)], h2;
        }, {});
        return Object.keys(l).sort(function(h2, p2) {
          return l[h2] - l[p2];
      function Kt(t2) {
        if (q(t2) === me)
          return [];
        var e = be(t2);
        return [lt(t2), e, lt(e)];
      function Qt(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.options, r = t2.name;
        if (!e.modifiersData[r]._skip) {
          for (var o = n.mainAxis, i = o === void 0 ? true : o, a = n.altAxis, s = a === void 0 ? true : a, f = n.fallbackPlacements, c = n.padding, u = n.boundary, m = n.rootBoundary, v = n.altBoundary, l = n.flipVariations, h2 = l === void 0 ? true : l, p2 = n.allowedAutoPlacements, g = e.options.placement, x = q(g), y = x === g, $2 = f || (y || !h2 ? [be(g)] : Kt(g)), d = [g].concat($2).reduce(function(z, V) {
            return z.concat(q(V) === me ? Jt(e, { placement: V, boundary: u, rootBoundary: m, padding: c, flipVariations: h2, allowedAutoPlacements: p2 }) : V);
          }, []), b = e.rects.reference, w = e.rects.popper, O = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), j = true, A = d[0], k = 0; k < d.length; k++) {
            var D = d[k], S = q(D), L = te(D) === U, re = [E, R].indexOf(S) >= 0, oe = re ? "width" : "height", M = ne(e, { placement: D, boundary: u, rootBoundary: m, altBoundary: v, padding: c }), T = re ? L ? W : P : L ? R : E;
            b[oe] > w[oe] && (T = be(T));
            var pe = be(T), _ = [];
            if (i && _.push(M[S] <= 0), s && _.push(M[T] <= 0, M[pe] <= 0), _.every(function(z) {
              return z;
            })) {
              A = D, j = false;
            O.set(D, _);
          if (j)
            for (var ue = h2 ? 3 : 1, xe = function(z) {
              var V = d.find(function(de) {
                var ae = O.get(de);
                if (ae)
                  return ae.slice(0, z).every(function(Y) {
                    return Y;
              if (V)
                return A = V, "break";
            }, ie = ue; ie > 0; ie--) {
              var le = xe(ie);
              if (le === "break")
          e.placement !== A && (e.modifiersData[r]._skip = true, e.placement = A, e.reset = true);
      var vt = { name: "flip", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: Qt, requiresIfExists: ["offset"], data: { _skip: false } };
      function gt(t2, e, n) {
        return n === void 0 && (n = { x: 0, y: 0 }), { top: t2.top - e.height - n.y, right: t2.right - e.width + n.x, bottom: t2.bottom - e.height + n.y, left: t2.left - e.width - n.x };
      function yt(t2) {
        return [E, W, R, P].some(function(e) {
          return t2[e] >= 0;
      function Zt(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.name, r = e.rects.reference, o = e.rects.popper, i = e.modifiersData.preventOverflow, a = ne(e, { elementContext: "reference" }), s = ne(e, { altBoundary: true }), f = gt(a, r), c = gt(s, o, i), u = yt(f), m = yt(c);
        e.modifiersData[n] = { referenceClippingOffsets: f, popperEscapeOffsets: c, isReferenceHidden: u, hasPopperEscaped: m }, e.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, e.attributes.popper, { "data-popper-reference-hidden": u, "data-popper-escaped": m });
      var bt = { name: "hide", enabled: true, phase: "main", requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"], fn: Zt };
      function en$1(t2, e, n) {
        var r = q(t2), o = [P, E].indexOf(r) >= 0 ? -1 : 1, i = typeof n == "function" ? n(Object.assign({}, e, { placement: t2 })) : n, a = i[0], s = i[1];
        return a = a || 0, s = (s || 0) * o, [P, W].indexOf(r) >= 0 ? { x: s, y: a } : { x: a, y: s };
      function tn(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.options, r = t2.name, o = n.offset, i = o === void 0 ? [0, 0] : o, a = Ee.reduce(function(u, m) {
          return u[m] = en$1(m, e.rects, i), u;
        }, {}), s = a[e.placement], f = s.x, c = s.y;
        e.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null && (e.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += f, e.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += c), e.modifiersData[r] = a;
      var wt = { name: "offset", enabled: true, phase: "main", requires: ["popperOffsets"], fn: tn };
      function nn(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.name;
        e.modifiersData[n] = mt({ reference: e.rects.reference, element: e.rects.popper, strategy: "absolute", placement: e.placement });
      var He = { name: "popperOffsets", enabled: true, phase: "read", fn: nn, data: {} };
      function rn(t2) {
        return t2 === "x" ? "y" : "x";
      function on(t2) {
        var e = t2.state, n = t2.options, r = t2.name, o = n.mainAxis, i = o === void 0 ? true : o, a = n.altAxis, s = a === void 0 ? false : a, f = n.boundary, c = n.rootBoundary, u = n.altBoundary, m = n.padding, v = n.tether, l = v === void 0 ? true : v, h2 = n.tetherOffset, p2 = h2 === void 0 ? 0 : h2, g = ne(e, { boundary: f, rootBoundary: c, padding: m, altBoundary: u }), x = q(e.placement), y = te(e.placement), $2 = !y, d = Le(x), b = rn(d), w = e.modifiersData.popperOffsets, O = e.rects.reference, j = e.rects.popper, A = typeof p2 == "function" ? p2(Object.assign({}, e.rects, { placement: e.placement })) : p2, k = typeof A == "number" ? { mainAxis: A, altAxis: A } : Object.assign({ mainAxis: 0, altAxis: 0 }, A), D = e.modifiersData.offset ? e.modifiersData.offset[e.placement] : null, S = { x: 0, y: 0 };
        if (w) {
          if (i) {
            var L, re = d === "y" ? E : P, oe = d === "y" ? R : W, M = d === "y" ? "height" : "width", T = w[d], pe = T + g[re], _ = T - g[oe], ue = l ? -j[M] / 2 : 0, xe = y === U ? O[M] : j[M], ie = y === U ? -j[M] : -O[M], le = e.elements.arrow, z = l && le ? ke(le) : { width: 0, height: 0 }, V = e.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"] ? e.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding : st(), de = V[re], ae = V[oe], Y = fe(0, O[M], z[M]), jt = $2 ? O[M] / 2 - ue - Y - de - k.mainAxis : xe - Y - de - k.mainAxis, Dt = $2 ? -O[M] / 2 + ue + Y + ae + k.mainAxis : ie + Y + ae + k.mainAxis, Oe = e.elements.arrow && se(e.elements.arrow), Et = Oe ? d === "y" ? Oe.clientTop || 0 : Oe.clientLeft || 0 : 0, Ce = (L = D == null ? void 0 : D[d]) != null ? L : 0, Pt = T + jt - Ce - Et, At = T + Dt - Ce, qe = fe(l ? ve(pe, Pt) : pe, T, l ? X(_, At) : _);
            w[d] = qe, S[d] = qe - T;
          if (s) {
            var Ve, kt = d === "x" ? E : P, Lt = d === "x" ? R : W, F = w[b], he = b === "y" ? "height" : "width", Ne = F + g[kt], Ie = F - g[Lt], $e = [E, P].indexOf(x) !== -1, _e = (Ve = D == null ? void 0 : D[b]) != null ? Ve : 0, ze = $e ? Ne : F - O[he] - j[he] - _e + k.altAxis, Fe = $e ? F + O[he] + j[he] - _e - k.altAxis : Ie, Ue = l && $e ? St(ze, F, Fe) : fe(l ? ze : Ne, F, l ? Fe : Ie);
            w[b] = Ue, S[b] = Ue - F;
          e.modifiersData[r] = S;
      var xt = { name: "preventOverflow", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: on, requiresIfExists: ["offset"] };
      function an(t2) {
        return { scrollLeft: t2.scrollLeft, scrollTop: t2.scrollTop };
      function sn(t2) {
        return t2 === H(t2) || !B(t2) ? We(t2) : an(t2);
      function fn(t2) {
        var e = t2.getBoundingClientRect(), n = Z(e.width) / t2.offsetWidth || 1, r = Z(e.height) / t2.offsetHeight || 1;
        return n !== 1 || r !== 1;
      function cn(t2, e, n) {
        n === void 0 && (n = false);
        var r = B(e), o = B(e) && fn(e), i = I(e), a = ee(t2, o), s = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, f = { x: 0, y: 0 };
        return (r || !r && !n) && ((C(e) !== "body" || Se(i)) && (s = sn(e)), B(e) ? (f = ee(e, true), f.x += e.clientLeft, f.y += e.clientTop) : i && (f.x = Be(i))), { x: a.left + s.scrollLeft - f.x, y: a.top + s.scrollTop - f.y, width: a.width, height: a.height };
      function pn(t2) {
        var e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r = [];
        t2.forEach(function(i) {
          e.set(i.name, i);
        function o(i) {
          var a = [].concat(i.requires || [], i.requiresIfExists || []);
          a.forEach(function(s) {
            if (!n.has(s)) {
              var f = e.get(s);
              f && o(f);
          }), r.push(i);
        return t2.forEach(function(i) {
          n.has(i.name) || o(i);
        }), r;
      function un(t2) {
        var e = pn(t2);
        return ot.reduce(function(n, r) {
          return n.concat(e.filter(function(o) {
            return o.phase === r;
        }, []);
      function ln(t2) {
        var e;
        return function() {
          return e || (e = new Promise(function(n) {
            Promise.resolve().then(function() {
              e = void 0, n(t2());
          })), e;
      function dn(t2) {
        var e = t2.reduce(function(n, r) {
          var o = n[r.name];
          return n[r.name] = o ? Object.assign({}, o, r, { options: Object.assign({}, o.options, r.options), data: Object.assign({}, o.data, r.data) }) : r, n;
        }, {});
        return Object.keys(e).map(function(n) {
          return e[n];
      var Ot = { placement: "bottom", modifiers: [], strategy: "absolute" };
      function $t() {
        for (var t2 = arguments.length, e = new Array(t2), n = 0; n < t2; n++)
          e[n] = arguments[n];
        return !e.some(function(r) {
          return !(r && typeof r.getBoundingClientRect == "function");
      function we(t2) {
        t2 === void 0 && (t2 = {});
        var e = t2, n = e.defaultModifiers, r = n === void 0 ? [] : n, o = e.defaultOptions, i = o === void 0 ? Ot : o;
        return function(a, s, f) {
          f === void 0 && (f = i);
          var c = { placement: "bottom", orderedModifiers: [], options: Object.assign({}, Ot, i), modifiersData: {}, elements: { reference: a, popper: s }, attributes: {}, styles: {} }, u = [], m = false, v = { state: c, setOptions: function(p2) {
            var g = typeof p2 == "function" ? p2(c.options) : p2;
            h2(), c.options = Object.assign({}, i, c.options, g), c.scrollParents = { reference: Q(a) ? ce(a) : a.contextElement ? ce(a.contextElement) : [], popper: ce(s) };
            var x = un(dn([].concat(r, c.options.modifiers)));
            return c.orderedModifiers = x.filter(function(y) {
              return y.enabled;
            }), l(), v.update();
          }, forceUpdate: function() {
            if (!m) {
              var p2 = c.elements, g = p2.reference, x = p2.popper;
              if ($t(g, x)) {
                c.rects = { reference: cn(g, se(x), c.options.strategy === "fixed"), popper: ke(x) }, c.reset = false, c.placement = c.options.placement, c.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(j) {
                  return c.modifiersData[j.name] = Object.assign({}, j.data);
                for (var y = 0; y < c.orderedModifiers.length; y++) {
                  if (c.reset === true) {
                    c.reset = false, y = -1;
                  var $2 = c.orderedModifiers[y], d = $2.fn, b = $2.options, w = b === void 0 ? {} : b, O = $2.name;
                  typeof d == "function" && (c = d({ state: c, options: w, name: O, instance: v }) || c);
          }, update: ln(function() {
            return new Promise(function(p2) {
              v.forceUpdate(), p2(c);
          }), destroy: function() {
            h2(), m = true;
          } };
          if (!$t(a, s))
            return v;
          v.setOptions(f).then(function(p2) {
            !m && f.onFirstUpdate && f.onFirstUpdate(p2);
          function l() {
            c.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(p2) {
              var g = p2.name, x = p2.options, y = x === void 0 ? {} : x, $2 = p2.effect;
              if (typeof $2 == "function") {
                var d = $2({ state: c, name: g, instance: v, options: y }), b = function() {
                u.push(d || b);
          function h2() {
            u.forEach(function(p2) {
              return p2();
            }), u = [];
          return v;
      var mn = [Re, He, Me, Ae];
      we({ defaultModifiers: mn });
      var gn = [Re, He, Me, Ae, wt, vt, xt, pt, bt], yn = we({ defaultModifiers: gn });
      const usePopper = (referenceElementRef, popperElementRef, opts = {}) => {
        const stateUpdater = {
          name: "updateState",
          enabled: true,
          phase: "write",
          fn: ({ state }) => {
            const derivedState = deriveState(state);
            Object.assign(states.value, derivedState);
          requires: ["computeStyles"]
        const options = computed(() => {
          const { onFirstUpdate, placement, strategy, modifiers } = unref(opts);
          return {
            placement: placement || "bottom",
            strategy: strategy || "absolute",
            modifiers: [
              ...modifiers || [],
              { name: "applyStyles", enabled: false }
        const instanceRef = shallowRef();
        const states = ref({
          styles: {
            popper: {
              position: unref(options).strategy,
              left: "0",
              top: "0"
            arrow: {
              position: "absolute"
          attributes: {}
        const destroy = () => {
          if (!instanceRef.value)
          instanceRef.value = void 0;
        watch(options, (newOptions) => {
          const instance = unref(instanceRef);
          if (instance) {
        }, {
          deep: true
        watch([referenceElementRef, popperElementRef], ([referenceElement, popperElement]) => {
          if (!referenceElement || !popperElement)
          instanceRef.value = yn(referenceElement, popperElement, unref(options));
        onBeforeUnmount(() => {
        return {
          state: computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return { ...((_a2 = unref(instanceRef)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.state) || {} };
          styles: computed(() => unref(states).styles),
          attributes: computed(() => unref(states).attributes),
          update: () => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = unref(instanceRef)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.update();
          forceUpdate: () => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = unref(instanceRef)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forceUpdate();
          instanceRef: computed(() => unref(instanceRef))
      function deriveState(state) {
        const elements = Object.keys(state.elements);
        const styles = fromPairs(elements.map((element) => [element, state.styles[element] || {}]));
        const attributes = fromPairs(elements.map((element) => [element, state.attributes[element]]));
        return {
      const useSameTarget = (handleClick) => {
        if (!handleClick) {
          return { onClick: NOOP, onMousedown: NOOP, onMouseup: NOOP };
        let mousedownTarget = false;
        let mouseupTarget = false;
        const onClick = (e) => {
          if (mousedownTarget && mouseupTarget) {
          mousedownTarget = mouseupTarget = false;
        const onMousedown = (e) => {
          mousedownTarget = e.target === e.currentTarget;
        const onMouseup = (e) => {
          mouseupTarget = e.target === e.currentTarget;
        return { onClick, onMousedown, onMouseup };
      function useTimeout() {
        let timeoutHandle;
        const registerTimeout = (fn2, delay) => {
          timeoutHandle = window.setTimeout(fn2, delay);
        const cancelTimeout = () => window.clearTimeout(timeoutHandle);
        tryOnScopeDispose$1(() => cancelTimeout());
        return {
      const defaultIdInjection = {
        prefix: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e4),
        current: 0
      const ID_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elIdInjection");
      const useIdInjection = () => {
        return getCurrentInstance() ? inject(ID_INJECTION_KEY, defaultIdInjection) : defaultIdInjection;
      const useId = (deterministicId) => {
        const idInjection = useIdInjection();
        const namespace = useGetDerivedNamespace();
        const idRef = computed(() => unref(deterministicId) || `${namespace.value}-id-${idInjection.prefix}-${idInjection.current++}`);
        return idRef;
      let registeredEscapeHandlers = [];
      const cachedHandler = (e) => {
        const event = e;
        if (event.key === EVENT_CODE.esc) {
          registeredEscapeHandlers.forEach((registeredHandler) => registeredHandler(event));
      const useEscapeKeydown = (handler) => {
        onMounted(() => {
          if (registeredEscapeHandlers.length === 0) {
            document.addEventListener("keydown", cachedHandler);
          if (isClient$1)
        onBeforeUnmount(() => {
          registeredEscapeHandlers = registeredEscapeHandlers.filter((registeredHandler) => registeredHandler !== handler);
          if (registeredEscapeHandlers.length === 0) {
            if (isClient$1)
              document.removeEventListener("keydown", cachedHandler);
      let cachedContainer;
      const usePopperContainerId = () => {
        const namespace = useGetDerivedNamespace();
        const idInjection = useIdInjection();
        const id = computed(() => {
          return `${namespace.value}-popper-container-${idInjection.prefix}`;
        const selector = computed(() => `#${id.value}`);
        return {
      const createContainer = (id) => {
        const container = document.createElement("div");
        container.id = id;
        return container;
      const usePopperContainer = () => {
        const { id, selector } = usePopperContainerId();
        onBeforeMount(() => {
          if (!isClient$1)
          if (!cachedContainer && !document.body.querySelector(selector.value)) {
            cachedContainer = createContainer(id.value);
        return {
      const useDelayedToggleProps = buildProps({
        showAfter: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        hideAfter: {
          type: Number,
          default: 200
        autoClose: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
      const useDelayedToggle = ({
        open: open2,
      }) => {
        const { registerTimeout } = useTimeout();
        const {
          registerTimeout: registerTimeoutForAutoClose,
          cancelTimeout: cancelTimeoutForAutoClose
        } = useTimeout();
        const onOpen = (event) => {
          registerTimeout(() => {
            const _autoClose = unref(autoClose);
            if (isNumber$1(_autoClose) && _autoClose > 0) {
              registerTimeoutForAutoClose(() => {
              }, _autoClose);
          }, unref(showAfter));
        const onClose = (event) => {
          registerTimeout(() => {
          }, unref(hideAfter));
        return {
      const FORWARD_REF_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elForwardRef");
      const useForwardRef = (forwardRef) => {
        const setForwardRef = (el) => {
          forwardRef.value = el;
        provide(FORWARD_REF_INJECTION_KEY, {
      const useForwardRefDirective = (setForwardRef) => {
        return {
          mounted(el) {
          updated(el) {
          unmounted() {
      const zIndex = ref(0);
      const defaultInitialZIndex = 2e3;
      const zIndexContextKey = Symbol("zIndexContextKey");
      const useZIndex = (zIndexOverrides) => {
        const zIndexInjection = zIndexOverrides || inject(zIndexContextKey, void 0);
        const initialZIndex = computed(() => {
          const zIndexFromInjection = unref(zIndexInjection);
          return isNumber$1(zIndexFromInjection) ? zIndexFromInjection : defaultInitialZIndex;
        const currentZIndex = computed(() => initialZIndex.value + zIndex.value);
        const nextZIndex = () => {
          return currentZIndex.value;
        return {
      function useCursor(input) {
        const selectionRef = ref();
        function recordCursor() {
          if (input.value == void 0)
          const { selectionStart, selectionEnd, value } = input.value;
          if (selectionStart == null || selectionEnd == null)
          const beforeTxt = value.slice(0, Math.max(0, selectionStart));
          const afterTxt = value.slice(Math.max(0, selectionEnd));
          selectionRef.value = {
        function setCursor() {
          if (input.value == void 0 || selectionRef.value == void 0)
          const { value } = input.value;
          const { beforeTxt, afterTxt, selectionStart } = selectionRef.value;
          if (beforeTxt == void 0 || afterTxt == void 0 || selectionStart == void 0)
          let startPos = value.length;
          if (value.endsWith(afterTxt)) {
            startPos = value.length - afterTxt.length;
          } else if (value.startsWith(beforeTxt)) {
            startPos = beforeTxt.length;
          } else {
            const beforeLastChar = beforeTxt[selectionStart - 1];
            const newIndex = value.indexOf(beforeLastChar, selectionStart - 1);
            if (newIndex !== -1) {
              startPos = newIndex + 1;
          input.value.setSelectionRange(startPos, startPos);
        return [recordCursor, setCursor];
      const useSizeProp = buildProp({
        type: String,
        values: componentSizes,
        required: false
      const SIZE_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("size");
      const useGlobalSize = () => {
        const injectedSize = inject(SIZE_INJECTION_KEY, {});
        return computed(() => {
          return unref(injectedSize.size) || "";
      const configProviderContextKey = Symbol();
      const globalConfig = ref();
      function useGlobalConfig(key, defaultValue = void 0) {
        const config = getCurrentInstance() ? inject(configProviderContextKey, globalConfig) : globalConfig;
        if (key) {
          return computed(() => {
            var _a2, _b;
            return (_b = (_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[key]) != null ? _b : defaultValue;
        } else {
          return config;
      function useGlobalComponentSettings(block, sizeFallback) {
        const config = useGlobalConfig();
        const ns = useNamespace(block, computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.namespace) || defaultNamespace;
        const locale = useLocale(computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return (_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.locale;
        const zIndex2 = useZIndex(computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.zIndex) || defaultInitialZIndex;
        const size2 = computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return unref(sizeFallback) || ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.size) || "";
        provideGlobalConfig(computed(() => unref(config) || {}));
        return {
          zIndex: zIndex2,
          size: size2
      const provideGlobalConfig = (config, app, global2 = false) => {
        var _a2;
        const inSetup = !!getCurrentInstance();
        const oldConfig = inSetup ? useGlobalConfig() : void 0;
        const provideFn = (_a2 = app == null ? void 0 : app.provide) != null ? _a2 : inSetup ? provide : void 0;
        if (!provideFn) {
        const context = computed(() => {
          const cfg = unref(config);
          if (!(oldConfig == null ? void 0 : oldConfig.value))
            return cfg;
          return mergeConfig(oldConfig.value, cfg);
        provideFn(configProviderContextKey, context);
        provideFn(localeContextKey, computed(() => context.value.locale));
        provideFn(namespaceContextKey, computed(() => context.value.namespace));
        provideFn(zIndexContextKey, computed(() => context.value.zIndex));
        provideFn(SIZE_INJECTION_KEY, {
          size: computed(() => context.value.size || "")
        if (global2 || !globalConfig.value) {
          globalConfig.value = context.value;
        return context;
      const mergeConfig = (a, b) => {
        var _a2;
        const keys2 = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...keysOf(a), ...keysOf(b)])];
        const obj = {};
        for (const key of keys2) {
          obj[key] = (_a2 = b[key]) != null ? _a2 : a[key];
        return obj;
      const configProviderProps = buildProps({
        a11y: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        locale: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        size: useSizeProp,
        button: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        experimentalFeatures: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        keyboardNavigation: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        message: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        zIndex: Number,
        namespace: {
          type: String,
          default: "el"
      const messageConfig = {};
        name: "ElConfigProvider",
        props: configProviderProps,
        setup(props, { slots }) {
          watch(() => props.message, (val) => {
            Object.assign(messageConfig, val != null ? val : {});
          }, { immediate: true, deep: true });
          const config = provideGlobalConfig(props);
          return () => renderSlot(slots, "default", { config: config == null ? void 0 : config.value });
      var _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
        const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
        for (const [key, val] of props) {
          target[key] = val;
        return target;
      const iconProps = buildProps({
        size: {
          type: definePropType([Number, String])
        color: {
          type: String
      const __default__$r = defineComponent({
        name: "ElIcon",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$A = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: iconProps,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("icon");
          const style = computed(() => {
            const { size: size2, color } = props;
            if (!size2 && !color)
              return {};
            return {
              fontSize: isUndefined(size2) ? void 0 : addUnit(size2),
              "--color": color
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("i", mergeProps({
              class: unref(ns).b(),
              style: unref(style)
            }, _ctx.$attrs), [
              renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
            ], 16);
      var Icon = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$A, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/icon/src/icon.vue"]]);
      const ElIcon = withInstall(Icon);
      const formContextKey = Symbol("formContextKey");
      const formItemContextKey = Symbol("formItemContextKey");
      const useFormSize = (fallback, ignore = {}) => {
        const emptyRef = ref(void 0);
        const size2 = ignore.prop ? emptyRef : useProp("size");
        const globalConfig2 = ignore.global ? emptyRef : useGlobalSize();
        const form = ignore.form ? { size: void 0 } : inject(formContextKey, void 0);
        const formItem = ignore.formItem ? { size: void 0 } : inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
        return computed(() => size2.value || unref(fallback) || (formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.size) || (form == null ? void 0 : form.size) || globalConfig2.value || "");
      const useFormDisabled = (fallback) => {
        const disabled = useProp("disabled");
        const form = inject(formContextKey, void 0);
        return computed(() => disabled.value || unref(fallback) || (form == null ? void 0 : form.disabled) || false);
      const useFormItem = () => {
        const form = inject(formContextKey, void 0);
        const formItem = inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
        return {
      const useFormItemInputId = (props, {
      }) => {
        if (!disableIdGeneration) {
          disableIdGeneration = ref(false);
        if (!disableIdManagement) {
          disableIdManagement = ref(false);
        const inputId = ref();
        let idUnwatch = void 0;
        const isLabeledByFormItem = computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return !!(!props.label && formItemContext && formItemContext.inputIds && ((_a2 = formItemContext.inputIds) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) <= 1);
        onMounted(() => {
          idUnwatch = watch([toRef(props, "id"), disableIdGeneration], ([id, disableIdGeneration2]) => {
            const newId = id != null ? id : !disableIdGeneration2 ? useId().value : void 0;
            if (newId !== inputId.value) {
              if (formItemContext == null ? void 0 : formItemContext.removeInputId) {
                inputId.value && formItemContext.removeInputId(inputId.value);
                if (!(disableIdManagement == null ? void 0 : disableIdManagement.value) && !disableIdGeneration2 && newId) {
              inputId.value = newId;
          }, { immediate: true });
        onUnmounted(() => {
          idUnwatch && idUnwatch();
          if (formItemContext == null ? void 0 : formItemContext.removeInputId) {
            inputId.value && formItemContext.removeInputId(inputId.value);
        return {
      const formMetaProps = buildProps({
        size: {
          type: String,
          values: componentSizes
        disabled: Boolean
      const formProps = buildProps({
        model: Object,
        rules: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        labelPosition: {
          type: String,
          values: ["left", "right", "top"],
          default: "right"
        requireAsteriskPosition: {
          type: String,
          values: ["left", "right"],
          default: "left"
        labelWidth: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        labelSuffix: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        inline: Boolean,
        inlineMessage: Boolean,
        statusIcon: Boolean,
        showMessage: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        validateOnRuleChange: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        hideRequiredAsterisk: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        scrollToError: Boolean,
        scrollIntoViewOptions: {
          type: [Object, Boolean]
      const formEmits = {
        validate: (prop, isValid, message2) => (isArray$3(prop) || isString$2(prop)) && isBoolean$1(isValid) && isString$2(message2)
      function useFormLabelWidth() {
        const potentialLabelWidthArr = ref([]);
        const autoLabelWidth = computed(() => {
          if (!potentialLabelWidthArr.value.length)
            return "0";
          const max = Math.max(...potentialLabelWidthArr.value);
          return max ? `${max}px` : "";
        function getLabelWidthIndex(width) {
          const index2 = potentialLabelWidthArr.value.indexOf(width);
          if (index2 === -1 && autoLabelWidth.value === "0")
          return index2;
        function registerLabelWidth(val, oldVal) {
          if (val && oldVal) {
            const index2 = getLabelWidthIndex(oldVal);
            potentialLabelWidthArr.value.splice(index2, 1, val);
          } else if (val) {
        function deregisterLabelWidth(val) {
          const index2 = getLabelWidthIndex(val);
          if (index2 > -1) {
            potentialLabelWidthArr.value.splice(index2, 1);
        return {
      const filterFields = (fields, props) => {
        const normalized = castArray(props);
        return normalized.length > 0 ? fields.filter((field) => field.prop && normalized.includes(field.prop)) : fields;
      const COMPONENT_NAME$5 = "ElForm";
      const __default__$q = defineComponent({
        name: COMPONENT_NAME$5
      const _sfc_main$z = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: formProps,
        emits: formEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const fields = [];
          const formSize = useFormSize();
          const ns = useNamespace("form");
          const formClasses = computed(() => {
            const { labelPosition, inline } = props;
            return [
              ns.m(formSize.value || "default"),
                [ns.m(`label-${labelPosition}`)]: labelPosition,
                [ns.m("inline")]: inline
          const addField = (field) => {
          const removeField = (field) => {
            if (field.prop) {
              fields.splice(fields.indexOf(field), 1);
          const resetFields = (properties = []) => {
            if (!props.model) {
            filterFields(fields, properties).forEach((field) => field.resetField());
          const clearValidate = (props2 = []) => {
            filterFields(fields, props2).forEach((field) => field.clearValidate());
          const isValidatable = computed(() => {
            const hasModel = !!props.model;
            return hasModel;
          const obtainValidateFields = (props2) => {
            if (fields.length === 0)
              return [];
            const filteredFields = filterFields(fields, props2);
            if (!filteredFields.length) {
              return [];
            return filteredFields;
          const validate = async (callback) => validateField(void 0, callback);
          const doValidateField = async (props2 = []) => {
            if (!isValidatable.value)
              return false;
            const fields2 = obtainValidateFields(props2);
            if (fields2.length === 0)
              return true;
            let validationErrors = {};
            for (const field of fields2) {
              try {
                await field.validate("");
              } catch (fields3) {
                validationErrors = {
            if (Object.keys(validationErrors).length === 0)
              return true;
            return Promise.reject(validationErrors);
          const validateField = async (modelProps = [], callback) => {
            const shouldThrow = !isFunction$2(callback);
            try {
              const result = await doValidateField(modelProps);
              if (result === true) {
                callback == null ? void 0 : callback(result);
              return result;
            } catch (e) {
              if (e instanceof Error)
                throw e;
              const invalidFields = e;
              if (props.scrollToError) {
              callback == null ? void 0 : callback(false, invalidFields);
              return shouldThrow && Promise.reject(invalidFields);
          const scrollToField = (prop) => {
            var _a2;
            const field = filterFields(fields, prop)[0];
            if (field) {
              (_a2 = field.$el) == null ? void 0 : _a2.scrollIntoView(props.scrollIntoViewOptions);
          watch(() => props.rules, () => {
            if (props.validateOnRuleChange) {
              validate().catch((err) => debugWarn());
          }, { deep: true });
          provide(formContextKey, reactive({
            emit: emit2,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("form", {
              class: normalizeClass(unref(formClasses))
            }, [
              renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
            ], 2);
      var Form = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$z, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/form/src/form.vue"]]);
      function _extends() {
        _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) {
          for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var source = arguments[i];
            for (var key in source) {
              if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
                target[key] = source[key];
          return target;
        return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
      function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
        subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
        subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
        _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
      function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
        _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) {
          return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2);
        return _getPrototypeOf(o);
      function _setPrototypeOf(o, p2) {
        _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p3) {
          o2.__proto__ = p3;
          return o2;
        return _setPrototypeOf(o, p2);
      function _isNativeReflectConstruct() {
        if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct)
          return false;
        if (Reflect.construct.sham)
          return false;
        if (typeof Proxy === "function")
          return true;
        try {
          Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() {
          return true;
        } catch (e) {
          return false;
      function _construct(Parent, args, Class) {
        if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) {
          _construct = Reflect.construct.bind();
        } else {
          _construct = function _construct2(Parent2, args2, Class2) {
            var a = [null];
            a.push.apply(a, args2);
            var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent2, a);
            var instance = new Constructor();
            if (Class2)
              _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class2.prototype);
            return instance;
        return _construct.apply(null, arguments);
      function _isNativeFunction(fn2) {
        return Function.toString.call(fn2).indexOf("[native code]") !== -1;
      function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) {
        var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0;
        _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper2(Class2) {
          if (Class2 === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class2))
            return Class2;
          if (typeof Class2 !== "function") {
            throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
          if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") {
            if (_cache.has(Class2))
              return _cache.get(Class2);
            _cache.set(Class2, Wrapper);
          function Wrapper() {
            return _construct(Class2, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor);
          Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class2.prototype, {
            constructor: {
              value: Wrapper,
              enumerable: false,
              writable: true,
              configurable: true
          return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class2);
        return _wrapNativeSuper(Class);
      var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
      var warning = function warning2() {
      if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env && false) {
        warning = function warning2(type2, errors) {
          if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && typeof ASYNC_VALIDATOR_NO_WARNING === "undefined") {
            if (errors.every(function(e) {
              return typeof e === "string";
            })) {
              console.warn(type2, errors);
      function convertFieldsError(errors) {
        if (!errors || !errors.length)
          return null;
        var fields = {};
        errors.forEach(function(error) {
          var field = error.field;
          fields[field] = fields[field] || [];
        return fields;
      function format(template2) {
        for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
          args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
        var i = 0;
        var len = args.length;
        if (typeof template2 === "function") {
          return template2.apply(null, args);
        if (typeof template2 === "string") {
          var str = template2.replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {
            if (x === "%%") {
              return "%";
            if (i >= len) {
              return x;
            switch (x) {
              case "%s":
                return String(args[i++]);
              case "%d":
                return Number(args[i++]);
              case "%j":
                try {
                  return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);
                } catch (_) {
                  return "[Circular]";
                return x;
          return str;
        return template2;
      function isNativeStringType(type2) {
        return type2 === "string" || type2 === "url" || type2 === "hex" || type2 === "email" || type2 === "date" || type2 === "pattern";
      function isEmptyValue(value, type2) {
        if (value === void 0 || value === null) {
          return true;
        if (type2 === "array" && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) {
          return true;
        if (isNativeStringType(type2) && typeof value === "string" && !value) {
          return true;
        return false;
      function asyncParallelArray(arr, func, callback) {
        var results = [];
        var total = 0;
        var arrLength = arr.length;
        function count(errors) {
          results.push.apply(results, errors || []);
          if (total === arrLength) {
        arr.forEach(function(a) {
          func(a, count);
      function asyncSerialArray(arr, func, callback) {
        var index2 = 0;
        var arrLength = arr.length;
        function next(errors) {
          if (errors && errors.length) {
          var original = index2;
          index2 = index2 + 1;
          if (original < arrLength) {
            func(arr[original], next);
          } else {
      function flattenObjArr(objArr) {
        var ret = [];
        Object.keys(objArr).forEach(function(k) {
          ret.push.apply(ret, objArr[k] || []);
        return ret;
      var AsyncValidationError = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Error) {
        _inheritsLoose(AsyncValidationError2, _Error);
        function AsyncValidationError2(errors, fields) {
          var _this;
          _this = _Error.call(this, "Async Validation Error") || this;
          _this.errors = errors;
          _this.fields = fields;
          return _this;
        return AsyncValidationError2;
      }(/* @__PURE__ */ _wrapNativeSuper(Error));
      function asyncMap(objArr, option, func, callback, source) {
        if (option.first) {
          var _pending = new Promise(function(resolve2, reject) {
            var next = function next2(errors) {
              return errors.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(errors, convertFieldsError(errors))) : resolve2(source);
            var flattenArr = flattenObjArr(objArr);
            asyncSerialArray(flattenArr, func, next);
          _pending["catch"](function(e) {
            return e;
          return _pending;
        var firstFields = option.firstFields === true ? Object.keys(objArr) : option.firstFields || [];
        var objArrKeys = Object.keys(objArr);
        var objArrLength = objArrKeys.length;
        var total = 0;
        var results = [];
        var pending = new Promise(function(resolve2, reject) {
          var next = function next2(errors) {
            results.push.apply(results, errors);
            if (total === objArrLength) {
              return results.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(results, convertFieldsError(results))) : resolve2(source);
          if (!objArrKeys.length) {
          objArrKeys.forEach(function(key) {
            var arr = objArr[key];
            if (firstFields.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
              asyncSerialArray(arr, func, next);
            } else {
              asyncParallelArray(arr, func, next);
        pending["catch"](function(e) {
          return e;
        return pending;
      function isErrorObj(obj) {
        return !!(obj && obj.message !== void 0);
      function getValue(value, path) {
        var v = value;
        for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
          if (v == void 0) {
            return v;
          v = v[path[i]];
        return v;
      function complementError(rule, source) {
        return function(oe) {
          var fieldValue;
          if (rule.fullFields) {
            fieldValue = getValue(source, rule.fullFields);
          } else {
            fieldValue = source[oe.field || rule.fullField];
          if (isErrorObj(oe)) {
            oe.field = oe.field || rule.fullField;
            oe.fieldValue = fieldValue;
            return oe;
          return {
            message: typeof oe === "function" ? oe() : oe,
            field: oe.field || rule.fullField
      function deepMerge(target, source) {
        if (source) {
          for (var s in source) {
            if (source.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
              var value = source[s];
              if (typeof value === "object" && typeof target[s] === "object") {
                target[s] = _extends({}, target[s], value);
              } else {
                target[s] = value;
        return target;
      var required$1 = function required2(rule, value, source, errors, options, type2) {
        if (rule.required && (!source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field) || isEmptyValue(value, type2 || rule.type))) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages.required, rule.fullField));
      var whitespace = function whitespace2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
        if (/^\s+$/.test(value) || value === "") {
          errors.push(format(options.messages.whitespace, rule.fullField));
      var urlReg;
      var getUrlRegex = function() {
        if (urlReg) {
          return urlReg;
        var word = "[a-fA-F\\d:]";
        var b = function b2(options) {
          return options && options.includeBoundaries ? "(?:(?<=\\s|^)(?=" + word + ")|(?<=" + word + ")(?=\\s|$))" : "";
        var v42 = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}";
        var v6seg = "[a-fA-F\\d]{1,4}";
        var v6 = ("\n(?:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){7}(?:" + v6seg + "|:)|                                    // 1:2:3:4:5:6:7::  1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){6}(?:" + v42 + "|:" + v6seg + "|:)|                             // 1:2:3:4:5:6::    1:2:3:4:5:6::8   1:2:3:4:5:6::8  1:2:3:4:5:6::\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){5}(?::" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,2}|:)|                   // 1:2:3:4:5::      1:2:3:4:5::7:8   1:2:3:4:5::8    1:2:3:4:5::7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){4}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,1}:" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,3}|:)| // 1:2:3:4::        1:2:3:4::6:7:8   1:2:3:4::8      1:2:3:4::6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){3}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,2}:" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,4}|:)| // 1:2:3::          1:2:3::5:6:7:8   1:2:3::8        1:2:3::5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){2}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,3}:" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,5}|:)| // 1:2::            1:2::4:5:6:7:8   1:2::8          1:2::4:5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){1}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,4}:" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,6}|:)| // 1::              1::3:4:5:6:7:8   1::8            1::3:4:5:6:7:\n(?::(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,5}:" + v42 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,7}|:))             // ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8  ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8  ::8             ::\n)(?:%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})?                                             // %eth0            %1\n").replace(/\s*\/\/.*$/gm, "").replace(/\n/g, "").trim();
        var v46Exact = new RegExp("(?:^" + v42 + "$)|(?:^" + v6 + "$)");
        var v4exact = new RegExp("^" + v42 + "$");
        var v6exact = new RegExp("^" + v6 + "$");
        var ip = function ip2(options) {
          return options && options.exact ? v46Exact : new RegExp("(?:" + b(options) + v42 + b(options) + ")|(?:" + b(options) + v6 + b(options) + ")", "g");
        ip.v4 = function(options) {
          return options && options.exact ? v4exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v42 + b(options), "g");
        ip.v6 = function(options) {
          return options && options.exact ? v6exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v6 + b(options), "g");
        var protocol = "(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//)";
        var auth = "(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?";
        var ipv4 = ip.v4().source;
        var ipv6 = ip.v6().source;
        var host2 = "(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9][-_]*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)";
        var domain = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*";
        var tld = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))";
        var port = "(?::\\d{2,5})?";
        var path = '(?:[/?#][^\\s"]*)?';
        var regex = "(?:" + protocol + "|www\\.)" + auth + "(?:localhost|" + ipv4 + "|" + ipv6 + "|" + host2 + domain + tld + ")" + port + path;
        urlReg = new RegExp("(?:^" + regex + "$)", "i");
        return urlReg;
      var pattern$2 = {
        // http://emailregex.com/
        email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+\.)+[a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]{2,}))$/,
        // url: new RegExp(
        //   '^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://|//)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$',
        //   'i',
        // ),
        hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i
      var types = {
        integer: function integer2(value) {
          return types.number(value) && parseInt(value, 10) === value;
        "float": function float(value) {
          return types.number(value) && !types.integer(value);
        array: function array2(value) {
          return Array.isArray(value);
        regexp: function regexp2(value) {
          if (value instanceof RegExp) {
            return true;
          try {
            return !!new RegExp(value);
          } catch (e) {
            return false;
        date: function date2(value) {
          return typeof value.getTime === "function" && typeof value.getMonth === "function" && typeof value.getYear === "function" && !isNaN(value.getTime());
        number: function number2(value) {
          if (isNaN(value)) {
            return false;
          return typeof value === "number";
        object: function object2(value) {
          return typeof value === "object" && !types.array(value);
        method: function method2(value) {
          return typeof value === "function";
        email: function email(value) {
          return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 320 && !!value.match(pattern$2.email);
        url: function url(value) {
          return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 2048 && !!value.match(getUrlRegex());
        hex: function hex(value) {
          return typeof value === "string" && !!value.match(pattern$2.hex);
      var type$1 = function type2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
        if (rule.required && value === void 0) {
          required$1(rule, value, source, errors, options);
        var custom = ["integer", "float", "array", "regexp", "object", "method", "email", "number", "date", "url", "hex"];
        var ruleType = rule.type;
        if (custom.indexOf(ruleType) > -1) {
          if (!types[ruleType](value)) {
            errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
        } else if (ruleType && typeof value !== rule.type) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type));
      var range = function range2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
        var len = typeof rule.len === "number";
        var min = typeof rule.min === "number";
        var max = typeof rule.max === "number";
        var spRegexp = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
        var val = value;
        var key = null;
        var num = typeof value === "number";
        var str = typeof value === "string";
        var arr = Array.isArray(value);
        if (num) {
          key = "number";
        } else if (str) {
          key = "string";
        } else if (arr) {
          key = "array";
        if (!key) {
          return false;
        if (arr) {
          val = value.length;
        if (str) {
          val = value.replace(spRegexp, "_").length;
        if (len) {
          if (val !== rule.len) {
            errors.push(format(options.messages[key].len, rule.fullField, rule.len));
        } else if (min && !max && val < rule.min) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages[key].min, rule.fullField, rule.min));
        } else if (max && !min && val > rule.max) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages[key].max, rule.fullField, rule.max));
        } else if (min && max && (val < rule.min || val > rule.max)) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages[key].range, rule.fullField, rule.min, rule.max));
      var ENUM$1 = "enum";
      var enumerable$1 = function enumerable2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
        rule[ENUM$1] = Array.isArray(rule[ENUM$1]) ? rule[ENUM$1] : [];
        if (rule[ENUM$1].indexOf(value) === -1) {
          errors.push(format(options.messages[ENUM$1], rule.fullField, rule[ENUM$1].join(", ")));
      var pattern$1 = function pattern2(rule, value, source, errors, options) {
        if (rule.pattern) {
          if (rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
            rule.pattern.lastIndex = 0;
            if (!rule.pattern.test(value)) {
              errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
          } else if (typeof rule.pattern === "string") {
            var _pattern = new RegExp(rule.pattern);
            if (!_pattern.test(value)) {
              errors.push(format(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern));
      var rules = {
        required: required$1,
        type: type$1,
        "enum": enumerable$1,
        pattern: pattern$1
      var string = function string2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "string");
          if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            if (rule.whitespace === true) {
              rules.whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var method = function method2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var number$1 = function number2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (value === "") {
            value = void 0;
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var _boolean = function _boolean2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var regexp = function regexp2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (!isEmptyValue(value)) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var integer = function integer2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var floatFn = function floatFn2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var array = function array2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if ((value === void 0 || value === null) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "array");
          if (value !== void 0 && value !== null) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
            rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var object = function object2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var ENUM = "enum";
      var enumerable = function enumerable2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (value !== void 0) {
            rules[ENUM](rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var pattern = function pattern2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) {
            rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var date = function date2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value, "date") && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
          if (!isEmptyValue(value, "date")) {
            var dateObject;
            if (value instanceof Date) {
              dateObject = value;
            } else {
              dateObject = new Date(value);
            rules.type(rule, dateObject, source, errors, options);
            if (dateObject) {
              rules.range(rule, dateObject.getTime(), source, errors, options);
      var required = function required2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var type2 = Array.isArray(value) ? "array" : typeof value;
        rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type2);
      var type = function type2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var ruleType = rule.type;
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value, ruleType) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, ruleType);
          if (!isEmptyValue(value, ruleType)) {
            rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var any = function any2(rule, value, callback, source, options) {
        var errors = [];
        var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field);
        if (validate) {
          if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) {
            return callback();
          rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options);
      var validators = {
        number: number$1,
        "boolean": _boolean,
        "float": floatFn,
        "enum": enumerable,
        url: type,
        hex: type,
        email: type,
      function newMessages() {
        return {
          "default": "Validation error on field %s",
          required: "%s is required",
          "enum": "%s must be one of %s",
          whitespace: "%s cannot be empty",
          date: {
            format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s",
            parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ",
            invalid: "%s date %s is invalid"
          types: {
            string: "%s is not a %s",
            method: "%s is not a %s (function)",
            array: "%s is not an %s",
            object: "%s is not an %s",
            number: "%s is not a %s",
            date: "%s is not a %s",
            "boolean": "%s is not a %s",
            integer: "%s is not an %s",
            "float": "%s is not a %s",
            regexp: "%s is not a valid %s",
            email: "%s is not a valid %s",
            url: "%s is not a valid %s",
            hex: "%s is not a valid %s"
          string: {
            len: "%s must be exactly %s characters",
            min: "%s must be at least %s characters",
            max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters",
            range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters"
          number: {
            len: "%s must equal %s",
            min: "%s cannot be less than %s",
            max: "%s cannot be greater than %s",
            range: "%s must be between %s and %s"
          array: {
            len: "%s must be exactly %s in length",
            min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length",
            max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length",
            range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length"
          pattern: {
            mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s"
          clone: function clone2() {
            var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
            cloned.clone = this.clone;
            return cloned;
      var messages = newMessages();
      var Schema = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
        function Schema2(descriptor) {
          this.rules = null;
          this._messages = messages;
        var _proto = Schema2.prototype;
        _proto.define = function define(rules2) {
          var _this = this;
          if (!rules2) {
            throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules");
          if (typeof rules2 !== "object" || Array.isArray(rules2)) {
            throw new Error("Rules must be an object");
          this.rules = {};
          Object.keys(rules2).forEach(function(name) {
            var item = rules2[name];
            _this.rules[name] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
        _proto.messages = function messages2(_messages) {
          if (_messages) {
            this._messages = deepMerge(newMessages(), _messages);
          return this._messages;
        _proto.validate = function validate(source_, o, oc) {
          var _this2 = this;
          if (o === void 0) {
            o = {};
          if (oc === void 0) {
            oc = function oc2() {
          var source = source_;
          var options = o;
          var callback = oc;
          if (typeof options === "function") {
            callback = options;
            options = {};
          if (!this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) {
            if (callback) {
              callback(null, source);
            return Promise.resolve(source);
          function complete(results) {
            var errors = [];
            var fields = {};
            function add2(e) {
              if (Array.isArray(e)) {
                var _errors;
                errors = (_errors = errors).concat.apply(_errors, e);
              } else {
            for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            if (!errors.length) {
              callback(null, source);
            } else {
              fields = convertFieldsError(errors);
              callback(errors, fields);
          if (options.messages) {
            var messages$1 = this.messages();
            if (messages$1 === messages) {
              messages$1 = newMessages();
            deepMerge(messages$1, options.messages);
            options.messages = messages$1;
          } else {
            options.messages = this.messages();
          var series = {};
          var keys2 = options.keys || Object.keys(this.rules);
          keys2.forEach(function(z) {
            var arr = _this2.rules[z];
            var value = source[z];
            arr.forEach(function(r) {
              var rule = r;
              if (typeof rule.transform === "function") {
                if (source === source_) {
                  source = _extends({}, source);
                value = source[z] = rule.transform(value);
              if (typeof rule === "function") {
                rule = {
                  validator: rule
              } else {
                rule = _extends({}, rule);
              rule.validator = _this2.getValidationMethod(rule);
              if (!rule.validator) {
              rule.field = z;
              rule.fullField = rule.fullField || z;
              rule.type = _this2.getType(rule);
              series[z] = series[z] || [];
                field: z
          var errorFields = {};
          return asyncMap(series, options, function(data, doIt) {
            var rule = data.rule;
            var deep = (rule.type === "object" || rule.type === "array") && (typeof rule.fields === "object" || typeof rule.defaultField === "object");
            deep = deep && (rule.required || !rule.required && data.value);
            rule.field = data.field;
            function addFullField(key, schema) {
              return _extends({}, schema, {
                fullField: rule.fullField + "." + key,
                fullFields: rule.fullFields ? [].concat(rule.fullFields, [key]) : [key]
            function cb(e) {
              if (e === void 0) {
                e = [];
              var errorList = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
              if (!options.suppressWarning && errorList.length) {
                Schema2.warning("async-validator:", errorList);
              if (errorList.length && rule.message !== void 0) {
                errorList = [].concat(rule.message);
              var filledErrors = errorList.map(complementError(rule, source));
              if (options.first && filledErrors.length) {
                errorFields[rule.field] = 1;
                return doIt(filledErrors);
              if (!deep) {
              } else {
                if (rule.required && !data.value) {
                  if (rule.message !== void 0) {
                    filledErrors = [].concat(rule.message).map(complementError(rule, source));
                  } else if (options.error) {
                    filledErrors = [options.error(rule, format(options.messages.required, rule.field))];
                  return doIt(filledErrors);
                var fieldsSchema = {};
                if (rule.defaultField) {
                  Object.keys(data.value).map(function(key) {
                    fieldsSchema[key] = rule.defaultField;
                fieldsSchema = _extends({}, fieldsSchema, data.rule.fields);
                var paredFieldsSchema = {};
                Object.keys(fieldsSchema).forEach(function(field) {
                  var fieldSchema = fieldsSchema[field];
                  var fieldSchemaList = Array.isArray(fieldSchema) ? fieldSchema : [fieldSchema];
                  paredFieldsSchema[field] = fieldSchemaList.map(addFullField.bind(null, field));
                var schema = new Schema2(paredFieldsSchema);
                if (data.rule.options) {
                  data.rule.options.messages = options.messages;
                  data.rule.options.error = options.error;
                schema.validate(data.value, data.rule.options || options, function(errs) {
                  var finalErrors = [];
                  if (filledErrors && filledErrors.length) {
                    finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, filledErrors);
                  if (errs && errs.length) {
                    finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errs);
                  doIt(finalErrors.length ? finalErrors : null);
            var res;
            if (rule.asyncValidator) {
              res = rule.asyncValidator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
            } else if (rule.validator) {
              try {
                res = rule.validator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options);
              } catch (error) {
                console.error == null ? void 0 : console.error(error);
                if (!options.suppressValidatorError) {
                  setTimeout(function() {
                    throw error;
                  }, 0);
              if (res === true) {
              } else if (res === false) {
                cb(typeof rule.message === "function" ? rule.message(rule.fullField || rule.field) : rule.message || (rule.fullField || rule.field) + " fails");
              } else if (res instanceof Array) {
              } else if (res instanceof Error) {
            if (res && res.then) {
              res.then(function() {
                return cb();
              }, function(e) {
                return cb(e);
          }, function(results) {
          }, source);
        _proto.getType = function getType2(rule) {
          if (rule.type === void 0 && rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) {
            rule.type = "pattern";
          if (typeof rule.validator !== "function" && rule.type && !validators.hasOwnProperty(rule.type)) {
            throw new Error(format("Unknown rule type %s", rule.type));
          return rule.type || "string";
        _proto.getValidationMethod = function getValidationMethod(rule) {
          if (typeof rule.validator === "function") {
            return rule.validator;
          var keys2 = Object.keys(rule);
          var messageIndex = keys2.indexOf("message");
          if (messageIndex !== -1) {
            keys2.splice(messageIndex, 1);
          if (keys2.length === 1 && keys2[0] === "required") {
            return validators.required;
          return validators[this.getType(rule)] || void 0;
        return Schema2;
      Schema.register = function register(type2, validator) {
        if (typeof validator !== "function") {
          throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function");
        validators[type2] = validator;
      Schema.warning = warning;
      Schema.messages = messages;
      Schema.validators = validators;
      const formItemValidateStates = [
      const formItemProps = buildProps({
        label: String,
        labelWidth: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        prop: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array])
        required: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: void 0
        rules: {
          type: definePropType([Object, Array])
        error: String,
        validateStatus: {
          type: String,
          values: formItemValidateStates
        for: String,
        inlineMessage: {
          type: [String, Boolean],
          default: ""
        showMessage: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        size: {
          type: String,
          values: componentSizes
      const COMPONENT_NAME$4 = "ElLabelWrap";
      var FormLabelWrap = defineComponent({
        name: COMPONENT_NAME$4,
        props: {
          isAutoWidth: Boolean,
          updateAll: Boolean
        setup(props, {
        }) {
          const formContext = inject(formContextKey, void 0);
          const formItemContext = inject(formItemContextKey);
          if (!formItemContext)
            throwError(COMPONENT_NAME$4, "usage: <el-form-item><label-wrap /></el-form-item>");
          const ns = useNamespace("form");
          const el = ref();
          const computedWidth = ref(0);
          const getLabelWidth = () => {
            var _a2;
            if ((_a2 = el.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.firstElementChild) {
              const width = window.getComputedStyle(el.value.firstElementChild).width;
              return Math.ceil(Number.parseFloat(width));
            } else {
              return 0;
          const updateLabelWidth = (action = "update") => {
            nextTick(() => {
              if (slots.default && props.isAutoWidth) {
                if (action === "update") {
                  computedWidth.value = getLabelWidth();
                } else if (action === "remove") {
                  formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.deregisterLabelWidth(computedWidth.value);
          const updateLabelWidthFn = () => updateLabelWidth("update");
          onMounted(() => {
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
          onUpdated(() => updateLabelWidthFn());
          watch(computedWidth, (val, oldVal) => {
            if (props.updateAll) {
              formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.registerLabelWidth(val, oldVal);
          useResizeObserver(computed(() => {
            var _a2, _b;
            return (_b = (_a2 = el.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.firstElementChild) != null ? _b : null;
          }), updateLabelWidthFn);
          return () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            if (!slots)
              return null;
            const {
            } = props;
            if (isAutoWidth) {
              const autoLabelWidth = formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.autoLabelWidth;
              const hasLabel = formItemContext == null ? void 0 : formItemContext.hasLabel;
              const style = {};
              if (hasLabel && autoLabelWidth && autoLabelWidth !== "auto") {
                const marginWidth = Math.max(0, Number.parseInt(autoLabelWidth, 10) - computedWidth.value);
                const marginPosition = formContext.labelPosition === "left" ? "marginRight" : "marginLeft";
                if (marginWidth) {
                  style[marginPosition] = `${marginWidth}px`;
              return createVNode("div", {
                "ref": el,
                "class": [ns.be("item", "label-wrap")],
                "style": style
              }, [(_a2 = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(slots)]);
            } else {
              return createVNode(Fragment$1, {
                "ref": el
              }, [(_b = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(slots)]);
      const _hoisted_1$f = ["role", "aria-labelledby"];
      const __default__$p = defineComponent({
        name: "ElFormItem"
      const _sfc_main$y = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: formItemProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const slots = useSlots();
          const formContext = inject(formContextKey, void 0);
          const parentFormItemContext = inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
          const _size = useFormSize(void 0, { formItem: false });
          const ns = useNamespace("form-item");
          const labelId = useId().value;
          const inputIds = ref([]);
          const validateState = ref("");
          const validateStateDebounced = refDebounced(validateState, 100);
          const validateMessage = ref("");
          const formItemRef = ref();
          let initialValue = void 0;
          let isResettingField = false;
          const labelStyle = computed(() => {
            if ((formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.labelPosition) === "top") {
              return {};
            const labelWidth = addUnit(props.labelWidth || (formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.labelWidth) || "");
            if (labelWidth)
              return { width: labelWidth };
            return {};
          const contentStyle = computed(() => {
            if ((formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.labelPosition) === "top" || (formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.inline)) {
              return {};
            if (!props.label && !props.labelWidth && isNested) {
              return {};
            const labelWidth = addUnit(props.labelWidth || (formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.labelWidth) || "");
            if (!props.label && !slots.label) {
              return { marginLeft: labelWidth };
            return {};
          const formItemClasses = computed(() => [
            ns.is("error", validateState.value === "error"),
            ns.is("validating", validateState.value === "validating"),
            ns.is("success", validateState.value === "success"),
            ns.is("required", isRequired.value || props.required),
            ns.is("no-asterisk", formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.hideRequiredAsterisk),
            (formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.requireAsteriskPosition) === "right" ? "asterisk-right" : "asterisk-left",
            { [ns.m("feedback")]: formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.statusIcon }
          const _inlineMessage = computed(() => isBoolean$1(props.inlineMessage) ? props.inlineMessage : (formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.inlineMessage) || false);
          const validateClasses = computed(() => [
            { [ns.em("error", "inline")]: _inlineMessage.value }
          const propString = computed(() => {
            if (!props.prop)
              return "";
            return isString$2(props.prop) ? props.prop : props.prop.join(".");
          const hasLabel = computed(() => {
            return !!(props.label || slots.label);
          const labelFor = computed(() => {
            return props.for || inputIds.value.length === 1 ? inputIds.value[0] : void 0;
          const isGroup = computed(() => {
            return !labelFor.value && hasLabel.value;
          const isNested = !!parentFormItemContext;
          const fieldValue = computed(() => {
            const model = formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.model;
            if (!model || !props.prop) {
            return getProp(model, props.prop).value;
          const normalizedRules = computed(() => {
            const { required: required2 } = props;
            const rules2 = [];
            if (props.rules) {
            const formRules = formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.rules;
            if (formRules && props.prop) {
              const _rules = getProp(formRules, props.prop).value;
              if (_rules) {
            if (required2 !== void 0) {
              const requiredRules = rules2.map((rule, i) => [rule, i]).filter(([rule]) => Object.keys(rule).includes("required"));
              if (requiredRules.length > 0) {
                for (const [rule, i] of requiredRules) {
                  if (rule.required === required2)
                  rules2[i] = { ...rule, required: required2 };
              } else {
                rules2.push({ required: required2 });
            return rules2;
          const validateEnabled = computed(() => normalizedRules.value.length > 0);
          const getFilteredRule = (trigger2) => {
            const rules2 = normalizedRules.value;
            return rules2.filter((rule) => {
              if (!rule.trigger || !trigger2)
                return true;
              if (Array.isArray(rule.trigger)) {
                return rule.trigger.includes(trigger2);
              } else {
                return rule.trigger === trigger2;
            }).map(({ trigger: trigger22, ...rule }) => rule);
          const isRequired = computed(() => normalizedRules.value.some((rule) => rule.required));
          const shouldShowError = computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return validateStateDebounced.value === "error" && props.showMessage && ((_a2 = formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.showMessage) != null ? _a2 : true);
          const currentLabel = computed(() => `${props.label || ""}${(formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.labelSuffix) || ""}`);
          const setValidationState = (state) => {
            validateState.value = state;
          const onValidationFailed = (error) => {
            var _a2, _b;
            const { errors, fields } = error;
            if (!errors || !fields) {
            validateMessage.value = errors ? (_b = (_a2 = errors == null ? void 0 : errors[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.message) != null ? _b : `${props.prop} is required` : "";
            formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.emit("validate", props.prop, false, validateMessage.value);
          const onValidationSucceeded = () => {
            formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.emit("validate", props.prop, true, "");
          const doValidate = async (rules2) => {
            const modelName = propString.value;
            const validator = new Schema({
              [modelName]: rules2
            return validator.validate({ [modelName]: fieldValue.value }, { firstFields: true }).then(() => {
              return true;
            }).catch((err) => {
              return Promise.reject(err);
          const validate = async (trigger2, callback) => {
            if (isResettingField || !props.prop) {
              return false;
            const hasCallback = isFunction$2(callback);
            if (!validateEnabled.value) {
              callback == null ? void 0 : callback(false);
              return false;
            const rules2 = getFilteredRule(trigger2);
            if (rules2.length === 0) {
              callback == null ? void 0 : callback(true);
              return true;
            return doValidate(rules2).then(() => {
              callback == null ? void 0 : callback(true);
              return true;
            }).catch((err) => {
              const { fields } = err;
              callback == null ? void 0 : callback(false, fields);
              return hasCallback ? false : Promise.reject(fields);
          const clearValidate = () => {
            validateMessage.value = "";
            isResettingField = false;
          const resetField = async () => {
            const model = formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.model;
            if (!model || !props.prop)
            const computedValue = getProp(model, props.prop);
            isResettingField = true;
            computedValue.value = clone(initialValue);
            await nextTick();
            isResettingField = false;
          const addInputId = (id) => {
            if (!inputIds.value.includes(id)) {
          const removeInputId = (id) => {
            inputIds.value = inputIds.value.filter((listId) => listId !== id);
          watch(() => props.error, (val) => {
            validateMessage.value = val || "";
            setValidationState(val ? "error" : "");
          }, { immediate: true });
          watch(() => props.validateStatus, (val) => setValidationState(val || ""));
          const context = reactive({
            $el: formItemRef,
            size: _size,
          provide(formItemContextKey, context);
          onMounted(() => {
            if (props.prop) {
              formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.addField(context);
              initialValue = clone(fieldValue.value);
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            formContext == null ? void 0 : formContext.removeField(context);
            size: _size,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            var _a2;
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              ref_key: "formItemRef",
              ref: formItemRef,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(formItemClasses)),
              role: unref(isGroup) ? "group" : void 0,
              "aria-labelledby": unref(isGroup) ? unref(labelId) : void 0
            }, [
              createVNode(unref(FormLabelWrap), {
                "is-auto-width": unref(labelStyle).width === "auto",
                "update-all": ((_a2 = unref(formContext)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.labelWidth) === "auto"
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  unref(hasLabel) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(labelFor) ? "label" : "div"), {
                    key: 0,
                    id: unref(labelId),
                    for: unref(labelFor),
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("label")),
                    style: normalizeStyle(unref(labelStyle))
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "label", { label: unref(currentLabel) }, () => [
                        createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(currentLabel)), 1)
                    _: 3
                  }, 8, ["id", "for", "class", "style"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                _: 3
              }, 8, ["is-auto-width", "update-all"]),
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("content")),
                style: normalizeStyle(unref(contentStyle))
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
                createVNode(TransitionGroup, {
                  name: `${unref(ns).namespace.value}-zoom-in-top`
                }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    unref(shouldShowError) ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "error", {
                      key: 0,
                      error: validateMessage.value
                    }, () => [
                      createBaseVNode("div", {
                        class: normalizeClass(unref(validateClasses))
                      }, toDisplayString$1(validateMessage.value), 3)
                    ]) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                  _: 3
                }, 8, ["name"])
              ], 6)
            ], 10, _hoisted_1$f);
      var FormItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$y, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/form/src/form-item.vue"]]);
      const ElForm = withInstall(Form, {
      const ElFormItem = withNoopInstall(FormItem);
      let hiddenTextarea = void 0;
      const HIDDEN_STYLE = `
  height:0 !important;
  visibility:hidden !important;
  ${isFirefox() ? "" : "overflow:hidden !important;"}
  position:absolute !important;
  z-index:-1000 !important;
  top:0 !important;
  right:0 !important;
      const CONTEXT_STYLE = [
      function calculateNodeStyling(targetElement) {
        const style = window.getComputedStyle(targetElement);
        const boxSizing = style.getPropertyValue("box-sizing");
        const paddingSize = Number.parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom")) + Number.parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("padding-top"));
        const borderSize = Number.parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("border-bottom-width")) + Number.parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("border-top-width"));
        const contextStyle = CONTEXT_STYLE.map((name) => `${name}:${style.getPropertyValue(name)}`).join(";");
        return { contextStyle, paddingSize, borderSize, boxSizing };
      function calcTextareaHeight(targetElement, minRows = 1, maxRows) {
        var _a2;
        if (!hiddenTextarea) {
          hiddenTextarea = document.createElement("textarea");
        const { paddingSize, borderSize, boxSizing, contextStyle } = calculateNodeStyling(targetElement);
        hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("style", `${contextStyle};${HIDDEN_STYLE}`);
        hiddenTextarea.value = targetElement.value || targetElement.placeholder || "";
        let height = hiddenTextarea.scrollHeight;
        const result = {};
        if (boxSizing === "border-box") {
          height = height + borderSize;
        } else if (boxSizing === "content-box") {
          height = height - paddingSize;
        hiddenTextarea.value = "";
        const singleRowHeight = hiddenTextarea.scrollHeight - paddingSize;
        if (isNumber$1(minRows)) {
          let minHeight = singleRowHeight * minRows;
          if (boxSizing === "border-box") {
            minHeight = minHeight + paddingSize + borderSize;
          height = Math.max(minHeight, height);
          result.minHeight = `${minHeight}px`;
        if (isNumber$1(maxRows)) {
          let maxHeight = singleRowHeight * maxRows;
          if (boxSizing === "border-box") {
            maxHeight = maxHeight + paddingSize + borderSize;
          height = Math.min(maxHeight, height);
        result.height = `${height}px`;
        (_a2 = hiddenTextarea.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : _a2.removeChild(hiddenTextarea);
        hiddenTextarea = void 0;
        return result;
      const inputProps = buildProps({
        id: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        size: useSizeProp,
        disabled: Boolean,
        modelValue: {
          type: definePropType([
          default: ""
        type: {
          type: String,
          default: "text"
        resize: {
          type: String,
          values: ["none", "both", "horizontal", "vertical"]
        autosize: {
          type: definePropType([Boolean, Object]),
          default: false
        autocomplete: {
          type: String,
          default: "off"
        formatter: {
          type: Function
        parser: {
          type: Function
        placeholder: {
          type: String
        form: {
          type: String
        readonly: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        clearable: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        showPassword: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        showWordLimit: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        suffixIcon: {
          type: iconPropType
        prefixIcon: {
          type: iconPropType
        containerRole: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        label: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        tabindex: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: 0
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        inputStyle: {
          type: definePropType([Object, Array, String]),
          default: () => mutable({})
      const inputEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (value) => isString$2(value),
        input: (value) => isString$2(value),
        change: (value) => isString$2(value),
        focus: (evt) => evt instanceof FocusEvent,
        blur: (evt) => evt instanceof FocusEvent,
        clear: () => true,
        mouseleave: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent,
        mouseenter: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent,
        keydown: (evt) => evt instanceof Event,
        compositionstart: (evt) => evt instanceof CompositionEvent,
        compositionupdate: (evt) => evt instanceof CompositionEvent,
        compositionend: (evt) => evt instanceof CompositionEvent
      const _hoisted_1$e = ["role"];
      const _hoisted_2$b = ["id", "type", "disabled", "formatter", "parser", "readonly", "autocomplete", "tabindex", "aria-label", "placeholder", "form"];
      const _hoisted_3$4 = ["id", "tabindex", "disabled", "readonly", "autocomplete", "aria-label", "placeholder", "form"];
      const __default__$o = defineComponent({
        name: "ElInput",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$x = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: inputProps,
        emits: inputEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const rawAttrs = useAttrs$1();
          const slots = useSlots();
          const containerAttrs = computed(() => {
            const comboBoxAttrs = {};
            if (props.containerRole === "combobox") {
              comboBoxAttrs["aria-haspopup"] = rawAttrs["aria-haspopup"];
              comboBoxAttrs["aria-owns"] = rawAttrs["aria-owns"];
              comboBoxAttrs["aria-expanded"] = rawAttrs["aria-expanded"];
            return comboBoxAttrs;
          const containerKls = computed(() => [
            props.type === "textarea" ? nsTextarea.b() : nsInput.b(),
            nsInput.is("disabled", inputDisabled.value),
            nsInput.is("exceed", inputExceed.value),
              [nsInput.b("group")]: slots.prepend || slots.append,
              [nsInput.bm("group", "append")]: slots.append,
              [nsInput.bm("group", "prepend")]: slots.prepend,
              [nsInput.m("prefix")]: slots.prefix || props.prefixIcon,
              [nsInput.m("suffix")]: slots.suffix || props.suffixIcon || props.clearable || props.showPassword,
              [nsInput.bm("suffix", "password-clear")]: showClear.value && showPwdVisible.value
          const wrapperKls = computed(() => [
            nsInput.is("focus", focused.value)
          const attrs = useAttrs({
            excludeKeys: computed(() => {
              return Object.keys(containerAttrs.value);
          const { form, formItem } = useFormItem();
          const { inputId } = useFormItemInputId(props, {
            formItemContext: formItem
          const inputSize = useFormSize();
          const inputDisabled = useFormDisabled();
          const nsInput = useNamespace("input");
          const nsTextarea = useNamespace("textarea");
          const input = shallowRef();
          const textarea = shallowRef();
          const focused = ref(false);
          const hovering = ref(false);
          const isComposing = ref(false);
          const passwordVisible = ref(false);
          const countStyle = ref();
          const textareaCalcStyle = shallowRef(props.inputStyle);
          const _ref = computed(() => input.value || textarea.value);
          const needStatusIcon = computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = form == null ? void 0 : form.statusIcon) != null ? _a2 : false;
          const validateState = computed(() => (formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validateState) || "");
          const validateIcon = computed(() => validateState.value && ValidateComponentsMap[validateState.value]);
          const passwordIcon = computed(() => passwordVisible.value ? view_default : hide_default);
          const containerStyle = computed(() => [
          const textareaStyle = computed(() => [
            { resize: props.resize }
          const nativeInputValue = computed(() => isNil(props.modelValue) ? "" : String(props.modelValue));
          const showClear = computed(() => props.clearable && !inputDisabled.value && !props.readonly && !!nativeInputValue.value && (focused.value || hovering.value));
          const showPwdVisible = computed(() => props.showPassword && !inputDisabled.value && !props.readonly && !!nativeInputValue.value && (!!nativeInputValue.value || focused.value));
          const isWordLimitVisible = computed(() => props.showWordLimit && !!attrs.value.maxlength && (props.type === "text" || props.type === "textarea") && !inputDisabled.value && !props.readonly && !props.showPassword);
          const textLength = computed(() => nativeInputValue.value.length);
          const inputExceed = computed(() => !!isWordLimitVisible.value && textLength.value > Number(attrs.value.maxlength));
          const suffixVisible = computed(() => !!slots.suffix || !!props.suffixIcon || showClear.value || props.showPassword || isWordLimitVisible.value || !!validateState.value && needStatusIcon.value);
          const [recordCursor, setCursor] = useCursor(input);
          useResizeObserver(textarea, (entries) => {
            if (!isWordLimitVisible.value || props.resize !== "both")
            const entry = entries[0];
            const { width } = entry.contentRect;
            countStyle.value = {
              right: `calc(100% - ${width + 15 + 6}px)`
          const resizeTextarea = () => {
            const { type: type2, autosize } = props;
            if (!isClient$1 || type2 !== "textarea" || !textarea.value)
            if (autosize) {
              const minRows = isObject$3(autosize) ? autosize.minRows : void 0;
              const maxRows = isObject$3(autosize) ? autosize.maxRows : void 0;
              const textareaStyle2 = calcTextareaHeight(textarea.value, minRows, maxRows);
              textareaCalcStyle.value = {
                overflowY: "hidden",
              nextTick(() => {
                textareaCalcStyle.value = textareaStyle2;
            } else {
              textareaCalcStyle.value = {
                minHeight: calcTextareaHeight(textarea.value).minHeight
          const createOnceInitResize = (resizeTextarea2) => {
            let isInit = false;
            return () => {
              var _a2;
              if (isInit || !props.autosize)
              const isElHidden = ((_a2 = textarea.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.offsetParent) === null;
              if (!isElHidden) {
                isInit = true;
          const onceInitSizeTextarea = createOnceInitResize(resizeTextarea);
          const setNativeInputValue = () => {
            const input2 = _ref.value;
            if (!input2 || input2.value === nativeInputValue.value)
            input2.value = nativeInputValue.value;
          const handleInput = async (event) => {
            let { value } = event.target;
            if (props.formatter) {
              value = props.parser ? props.parser(value) : value;
              value = props.formatter(value);
            if (isComposing.value)
            if (value === nativeInputValue.value) {
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
            emit2("input", value);
            await nextTick();
          const handleChange = (event) => {
            emit2("change", event.target.value);
          const handleCompositionStart = (event) => {
            emit2("compositionstart", event);
            isComposing.value = true;
          const handleCompositionUpdate = (event) => {
            var _a2;
            emit2("compositionupdate", event);
            const text = (_a2 = event.target) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value;
            const lastCharacter = text[text.length - 1] || "";
            isComposing.value = !isKorean(lastCharacter);
          const handleCompositionEnd = (event) => {
            emit2("compositionend", event);
            if (isComposing.value) {
              isComposing.value = false;
          const handlePasswordVisible = () => {
            passwordVisible.value = !passwordVisible.value;
          const focus = async () => {
            var _a2;
            await nextTick();
            (_a2 = _ref.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus();
          const blur = () => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = _ref.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.blur();
          const handleFocus = (event) => {
            focused.value = true;
            emit2("focus", event);
          const handleBlur = (event) => {
            var _a2;
            focused.value = false;
            emit2("blur", event);
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              (_a2 = formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(formItem, "blur").catch((err) => debugWarn());
          const handleMouseLeave = (evt) => {
            hovering.value = false;
            emit2("mouseleave", evt);
          const handleMouseEnter = (evt) => {
            hovering.value = true;
            emit2("mouseenter", evt);
          const handleKeydown = (evt) => {
            emit2("keydown", evt);
          const select = () => {
            var _a2;
            (_a2 = _ref.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.select();
          const clear2 = () => {
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, "");
            emit2("change", "");
            emit2("input", "");
          watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
            var _a2;
            nextTick(() => resizeTextarea());
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              (_a2 = formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(formItem, "change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
          watch(nativeInputValue, () => setNativeInputValue());
          watch(() => props.type, async () => {
            await nextTick();
          onMounted(() => {
            if (!props.formatter && props.parser)
            ref: _ref,
            autosize: toRef(props, "autosize"),
            clear: clear2,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps(unref(containerAttrs), {
              class: unref(containerKls),
              style: unref(containerStyle),
              role: _ctx.containerRole,
              onMouseenter: handleMouseEnter,
              onMouseleave: handleMouseLeave
            }), [
              createCommentVNode(" input "),
              _ctx.type !== "textarea" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 0 }, [
                createCommentVNode(" prepend slot "),
                _ctx.$slots.prepend ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                  key: 0,
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).be("group", "prepend"))
                }, [
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prepend")
                ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                createBaseVNode("div", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(wrapperKls))
                }, [
                  createCommentVNode(" prefix slot "),
                  _ctx.$slots.prefix || _ctx.prefixIcon ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                    key: 0,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("prefix"))
                  }, [
                    createBaseVNode("span", {
                      class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("prefix-inner")),
                      onClick: focus
                    }, [
                      renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix"),
                      _ctx.prefixIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                        key: 0,
                        class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("icon"))
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.prefixIcon)))
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                    ], 2)
                  ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                  createBaseVNode("input", mergeProps({
                    id: unref(inputId),
                    ref_key: "input",
                    ref: input,
                    class: unref(nsInput).e("inner")
                  }, unref(attrs), {
                    type: _ctx.showPassword ? passwordVisible.value ? "text" : "password" : _ctx.type,
                    disabled: unref(inputDisabled),
                    formatter: _ctx.formatter,
                    parser: _ctx.parser,
                    readonly: _ctx.readonly,
                    autocomplete: _ctx.autocomplete,
                    tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                    "aria-label": _ctx.label,
                    placeholder: _ctx.placeholder,
                    style: _ctx.inputStyle,
                    form: props.form,
                    onCompositionstart: handleCompositionStart,
                    onCompositionupdate: handleCompositionUpdate,
                    onCompositionend: handleCompositionEnd,
                    onInput: handleInput,
                    onFocus: handleFocus,
                    onBlur: handleBlur,
                    onChange: handleChange,
                    onKeydown: handleKeydown
                  }), null, 16, _hoisted_2$b),
                  createCommentVNode(" suffix slot "),
                  unref(suffixVisible) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                    key: 1,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("suffix"))
                  }, [
                    createBaseVNode("span", {
                      class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("suffix-inner")),
                      onClick: focus
                    }, [
                      !unref(showClear) || !unref(showPwdVisible) || !unref(isWordLimitVisible) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 0 }, [
                        renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "suffix"),
                        _ctx.suffixIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                          key: 0,
                          class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("icon"))
                        }, {
                          default: withCtx(() => [
                            (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.suffixIcon)))
                          _: 1
                        }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                      ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                      unref(showClear) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                        key: 1,
                        class: normalizeClass([unref(nsInput).e("icon"), unref(nsInput).e("clear")]),
                        onMousedown: withModifiers(unref(NOOP), ["prevent"]),
                        onClick: clear2
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["class", "onMousedown"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                      unref(showPwdVisible) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                        key: 2,
                        class: normalizeClass([unref(nsInput).e("icon"), unref(nsInput).e("password")]),
                        onClick: handlePasswordVisible
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(passwordIcon))))
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                      unref(isWordLimitVisible) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                        key: 3,
                        class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("count"))
                      }, [
                        createBaseVNode("span", {
                          class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("count-inner"))
                        }, toDisplayString$1(unref(textLength)) + " / " + toDisplayString$1(unref(attrs).maxlength), 3)
                      ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                      unref(validateState) && unref(validateIcon) && unref(needStatusIcon) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                        key: 4,
                        class: normalizeClass([
                          unref(nsInput).is("loading", unref(validateState) === "validating")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(validateIcon))))
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                    ], 2)
                  ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 2),
                createCommentVNode(" append slot "),
                _ctx.$slots.append ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                  key: 1,
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).be("group", "append"))
                }, [
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "append")
                ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 1 }, [
                createCommentVNode(" textarea "),
                createBaseVNode("textarea", mergeProps({
                  id: unref(inputId),
                  ref_key: "textarea",
                  ref: textarea,
                  class: unref(nsTextarea).e("inner")
                }, unref(attrs), {
                  tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                  disabled: unref(inputDisabled),
                  readonly: _ctx.readonly,
                  autocomplete: _ctx.autocomplete,
                  style: unref(textareaStyle),
                  "aria-label": _ctx.label,
                  placeholder: _ctx.placeholder,
                  form: props.form,
                  onCompositionstart: handleCompositionStart,
                  onCompositionupdate: handleCompositionUpdate,
                  onCompositionend: handleCompositionEnd,
                  onInput: handleInput,
                  onFocus: handleFocus,
                  onBlur: handleBlur,
                  onChange: handleChange,
                  onKeydown: handleKeydown
                }), null, 16, _hoisted_3$4),
                unref(isWordLimitVisible) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                  key: 0,
                  style: normalizeStyle(countStyle.value),
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(nsInput).e("count"))
                }, toDisplayString$1(unref(textLength)) + " / " + toDisplayString$1(unref(attrs).maxlength), 7)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 64))
            ], 16, _hoisted_1$e)), [
              [vShow, _ctx.type !== "hidden"]
      var Input = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$x, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/input/src/input.vue"]]);
      const ElInput = withInstall(Input);
      const GAP = 4;
      const BAR_MAP = {
        vertical: {
          offset: "offsetHeight",
          scroll: "scrollTop",
          scrollSize: "scrollHeight",
          size: "height",
          key: "vertical",
          axis: "Y",
          client: "clientY",
          direction: "top"
        horizontal: {
          offset: "offsetWidth",
          scroll: "scrollLeft",
          scrollSize: "scrollWidth",
          size: "width",
          key: "horizontal",
          axis: "X",
          client: "clientX",
          direction: "left"
      const renderThumbStyle = ({
        size: size2,
      }) => ({
        [bar.size]: size2,
        transform: `translate${bar.axis}(${move}%)`
      const scrollbarContextKey = Symbol("scrollbarContextKey");
      const thumbProps = buildProps({
        vertical: Boolean,
        size: String,
        move: Number,
        ratio: {
          type: Number,
          required: true
        always: Boolean
      const COMPONENT_NAME$3 = "Thumb";
      const _sfc_main$w = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "thumb",
        props: thumbProps,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const scrollbar = inject(scrollbarContextKey);
          const ns = useNamespace("scrollbar");
          if (!scrollbar)
            throwError(COMPONENT_NAME$3, "can not inject scrollbar context");
          const instance = ref();
          const thumb = ref();
          const thumbState = ref({});
          const visible = ref(false);
          let cursorDown = false;
          let cursorLeave = false;
          let originalOnSelectStart = isClient$1 ? document.onselectstart : null;
          const bar = computed(() => BAR_MAP[props.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal"]);
          const thumbStyle = computed(() => renderThumbStyle({
            size: props.size,
            move: props.move,
            bar: bar.value
          const offsetRatio = computed(() => instance.value[bar.value.offset] ** 2 / scrollbar.wrapElement[bar.value.scrollSize] / props.ratio / thumb.value[bar.value.offset]);
          const clickThumbHandler = (e) => {
            var _a2;
            if (e.ctrlKey || [1, 2].includes(e.button))
            (_a2 = window.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.removeAllRanges();
            const el = e.currentTarget;
            if (!el)
            thumbState.value[bar.value.axis] = el[bar.value.offset] - (e[bar.value.client] - el.getBoundingClientRect()[bar.value.direction]);
          const clickTrackHandler = (e) => {
            if (!thumb.value || !instance.value || !scrollbar.wrapElement)
            const offset = Math.abs(e.target.getBoundingClientRect()[bar.value.direction] - e[bar.value.client]);
            const thumbHalf = thumb.value[bar.value.offset] / 2;
            const thumbPositionPercentage = (offset - thumbHalf) * 100 * offsetRatio.value / instance.value[bar.value.offset];
            scrollbar.wrapElement[bar.value.scroll] = thumbPositionPercentage * scrollbar.wrapElement[bar.value.scrollSize] / 100;
          const startDrag = (e) => {
            cursorDown = true;
            document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveDocumentHandler);
            document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpDocumentHandler);
            originalOnSelectStart = document.onselectstart;
            document.onselectstart = () => false;
          const mouseMoveDocumentHandler = (e) => {
            if (!instance.value || !thumb.value)
            if (cursorDown === false)
            const prevPage = thumbState.value[bar.value.axis];
            if (!prevPage)
            const offset = (instance.value.getBoundingClientRect()[bar.value.direction] - e[bar.value.client]) * -1;
            const thumbClickPosition = thumb.value[bar.value.offset] - prevPage;
            const thumbPositionPercentage = (offset - thumbClickPosition) * 100 * offsetRatio.value / instance.value[bar.value.offset];
            scrollbar.wrapElement[bar.value.scroll] = thumbPositionPercentage * scrollbar.wrapElement[bar.value.scrollSize] / 100;
          const mouseUpDocumentHandler = () => {
            cursorDown = false;
            thumbState.value[bar.value.axis] = 0;
            document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveDocumentHandler);
            document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpDocumentHandler);
            if (cursorLeave)
              visible.value = false;
          const mouseMoveScrollbarHandler = () => {
            cursorLeave = false;
            visible.value = !!props.size;
          const mouseLeaveScrollbarHandler = () => {
            cursorLeave = true;
            visible.value = cursorDown;
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpDocumentHandler);
          const restoreOnselectstart = () => {
            if (document.onselectstart !== originalOnSelectStart)
              document.onselectstart = originalOnSelectStart;
          useEventListener$1(toRef(scrollbar, "scrollbarElement"), "mousemove", mouseMoveScrollbarHandler);
          useEventListener$1(toRef(scrollbar, "scrollbarElement"), "mouseleave", mouseLeaveScrollbarHandler);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
              name: unref(ns).b("fade"),
              persisted: ""
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                withDirectives(createBaseVNode("div", {
                  ref_key: "instance",
                  ref: instance,
                  class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("bar"), unref(ns).is(unref(bar).key)]),
                  onMousedown: clickTrackHandler
                }, [
                  createBaseVNode("div", {
                    ref_key: "thumb",
                    ref: thumb,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("thumb")),
                    style: normalizeStyle(unref(thumbStyle)),
                    onMousedown: clickThumbHandler
                  }, null, 38)
                ], 34), [
                  [vShow, _ctx.always || visible.value]
              _: 1
            }, 8, ["name"]);
      var Thumb = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$w, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/scrollbar/src/thumb.vue"]]);
      const barProps = buildProps({
        always: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        width: String,
        height: String,
        ratioX: {
          type: Number,
          default: 1
        ratioY: {
          type: Number,
          default: 1
      const _sfc_main$v = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "bar",
        props: barProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const moveX = ref(0);
          const moveY = ref(0);
          const handleScroll = (wrap2) => {
            if (wrap2) {
              const offsetHeight = wrap2.offsetHeight - GAP;
              const offsetWidth = wrap2.offsetWidth - GAP;
              moveY.value = wrap2.scrollTop * 100 / offsetHeight * props.ratioY;
              moveX.value = wrap2.scrollLeft * 100 / offsetWidth * props.ratioX;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, [
              createVNode(Thumb, {
                move: moveX.value,
                ratio: _ctx.ratioX,
                size: _ctx.width,
                always: _ctx.always
              }, null, 8, ["move", "ratio", "size", "always"]),
              createVNode(Thumb, {
                move: moveY.value,
                ratio: _ctx.ratioY,
                size: _ctx.height,
                vertical: "",
                always: _ctx.always
              }, null, 8, ["move", "ratio", "size", "always"])
            ], 64);
      var Bar = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$v, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/scrollbar/src/bar.vue"]]);
      const scrollbarProps = buildProps({
        height: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        maxHeight: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        native: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        wrapStyle: {
          type: definePropType([String, Object, Array]),
          default: ""
        wrapClass: {
          type: [String, Array],
          default: ""
        viewClass: {
          type: [String, Array],
          default: ""
        viewStyle: {
          type: [String, Array, Object],
          default: ""
        noresize: Boolean,
        tag: {
          type: String,
          default: "div"
        always: Boolean,
        minSize: {
          type: Number,
          default: 20
      const scrollbarEmits = {
        scroll: ({
        }) => [scrollTop, scrollLeft].every(isNumber$1)
      const COMPONENT_NAME$2 = "ElScrollbar";
      const __default__$n = defineComponent({
        name: COMPONENT_NAME$2
      const _sfc_main$u = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: scrollbarProps,
        emits: scrollbarEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("scrollbar");
          let stopResizeObserver = void 0;
          let stopResizeListener = void 0;
          const scrollbarRef = ref();
          const wrapRef = ref();
          const resizeRef = ref();
          const sizeWidth = ref("0");
          const sizeHeight = ref("0");
          const barRef = ref();
          const ratioY = ref(1);
          const ratioX = ref(1);
          const style = computed(() => {
            const style2 = {};
            if (props.height)
              style2.height = addUnit(props.height);
            if (props.maxHeight)
              style2.maxHeight = addUnit(props.maxHeight);
            return [props.wrapStyle, style2];
          const wrapKls = computed(() => {
            return [
              { [ns.em("wrap", "hidden-default")]: !props.native }
          const resizeKls = computed(() => {
            return [ns.e("view"), props.viewClass];
          const handleScroll = () => {
            var _a2;
            if (wrapRef.value) {
              (_a2 = barRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.handleScroll(wrapRef.value);
              emit2("scroll", {
                scrollTop: wrapRef.value.scrollTop,
                scrollLeft: wrapRef.value.scrollLeft
          function scrollTo(arg1, arg2) {
            if (isObject$3(arg1)) {
            } else if (isNumber$1(arg1) && isNumber$1(arg2)) {
              wrapRef.value.scrollTo(arg1, arg2);
          const setScrollTop = (value) => {
            if (!isNumber$1(value)) {
            wrapRef.value.scrollTop = value;
          const setScrollLeft = (value) => {
            if (!isNumber$1(value)) {
            wrapRef.value.scrollLeft = value;
          const update = () => {
            if (!wrapRef.value)
            const offsetHeight = wrapRef.value.offsetHeight - GAP;
            const offsetWidth = wrapRef.value.offsetWidth - GAP;
            const originalHeight = offsetHeight ** 2 / wrapRef.value.scrollHeight;
            const originalWidth = offsetWidth ** 2 / wrapRef.value.scrollWidth;
            const height = Math.max(originalHeight, props.minSize);
            const width = Math.max(originalWidth, props.minSize);
            ratioY.value = originalHeight / (offsetHeight - originalHeight) / (height / (offsetHeight - height));
            ratioX.value = originalWidth / (offsetWidth - originalWidth) / (width / (offsetWidth - width));
            sizeHeight.value = height + GAP < offsetHeight ? `${height}px` : "";
            sizeWidth.value = width + GAP < offsetWidth ? `${width}px` : "";
          watch(() => props.noresize, (noresize) => {
            if (noresize) {
              stopResizeObserver == null ? void 0 : stopResizeObserver();
              stopResizeListener == null ? void 0 : stopResizeListener();
            } else {
              ({ stop: stopResizeObserver } = useResizeObserver(resizeRef, update));
              stopResizeListener = useEventListener$1("resize", update);
          }, { immediate: true });
          watch(() => [props.maxHeight, props.height], () => {
            if (!props.native)
              nextTick(() => {
                var _a2;
                if (wrapRef.value) {
                  (_a2 = barRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.handleScroll(wrapRef.value);
          provide(scrollbarContextKey, reactive({
            scrollbarElement: scrollbarRef,
            wrapElement: wrapRef
          onMounted(() => {
            if (!props.native)
              nextTick(() => {
          onUpdated(() => update());
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              ref_key: "scrollbarRef",
              ref: scrollbarRef,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).b())
            }, [
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                ref_key: "wrapRef",
                ref: wrapRef,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(wrapKls)),
                style: normalizeStyle(unref(style)),
                onScroll: handleScroll
              }, [
                (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.tag), {
                  ref_key: "resizeRef",
                  ref: resizeRef,
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(resizeKls)),
                  style: normalizeStyle(_ctx.viewStyle)
                }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                  _: 3
                }, 8, ["class", "style"]))
              ], 38),
              !_ctx.native ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Bar, {
                key: 0,
                ref_key: "barRef",
                ref: barRef,
                height: sizeHeight.value,
                width: sizeWidth.value,
                always: _ctx.always,
                "ratio-x": ratioX.value,
                "ratio-y": ratioY.value
              }, null, 8, ["height", "width", "always", "ratio-x", "ratio-y"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 2);
      var Scrollbar = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$u, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/scrollbar/src/scrollbar.vue"]]);
      const ElScrollbar = withInstall(Scrollbar);
      const POPPER_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("popper");
      const POPPER_CONTENT_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("popperContent");
      const roleTypes = [
      const popperProps = buildProps({
        role: {
          type: String,
          values: roleTypes,
          default: "tooltip"
      const __default__$m = defineComponent({
        name: "ElPopper",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$t = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: popperProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const triggerRef2 = ref();
          const popperInstanceRef = ref();
          const contentRef = ref();
          const referenceRef = ref();
          const role = computed(() => props.role);
          const popperProvides = {
            triggerRef: triggerRef2,
          provide(POPPER_INJECTION_KEY, popperProvides);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default");
      var Popper = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$t, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/popper/src/popper.vue"]]);
      const popperArrowProps = buildProps({
        arrowOffset: {
          type: Number,
          default: 5
      const __default__$l = defineComponent({
        name: "ElPopperArrow",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$s = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: popperArrowProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("popper");
          const { arrowOffset, arrowRef, arrowStyle } = inject(POPPER_CONTENT_INJECTION_KEY, void 0);
          watch(() => props.arrowOffset, (val) => {
            arrowOffset.value = val;
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            arrowRef.value = void 0;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
              ref_key: "arrowRef",
              ref: arrowRef,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("arrow")),
              style: normalizeStyle(unref(arrowStyle)),
              "data-popper-arrow": ""
            }, null, 6);
      var ElPopperArrow = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$s, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/popper/src/arrow.vue"]]);
      const NAME = "ElOnlyChild";
      const OnlyChild = defineComponent({
        name: NAME,
        setup(_, {
        }) {
          var _a2;
          const forwardRefInjection = inject(FORWARD_REF_INJECTION_KEY);
          const forwardRefDirective = useForwardRefDirective((_a2 = forwardRefInjection == null ? void 0 : forwardRefInjection.setForwardRef) != null ? _a2 : NOOP);
          return () => {
            var _a22;
            const defaultSlot = (_a22 = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a22.call(slots, attrs);
            if (!defaultSlot)
              return null;
            if (defaultSlot.length > 1) {
              return null;
            const firstLegitNode = findFirstLegitChild(defaultSlot);
            if (!firstLegitNode) {
              return null;
            return withDirectives(cloneVNode(firstLegitNode, attrs), [[forwardRefDirective]]);
      function findFirstLegitChild(node) {
        if (!node)
          return null;
        const children = node;
        for (const child of children) {
          if (isObject$3(child)) {
            switch (child.type) {
              case Comment:
              case Text:
              case "svg":
                return wrapTextContent(child);
              case Fragment$1:
                return findFirstLegitChild(child.children);
                return child;
          return wrapTextContent(child);
        return null;
      function wrapTextContent(s) {
        const ns = useNamespace("only-child");
        return createVNode("span", {
          "class": ns.e("content")
        }, [s]);
      const popperTriggerProps = buildProps({
        virtualRef: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        virtualTriggering: Boolean,
        onMouseenter: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onMouseleave: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onClick: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onKeydown: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onFocus: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onBlur: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        onContextmenu: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        id: String,
        open: Boolean
      const __default__$k = defineComponent({
        name: "ElPopperTrigger",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$r = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: popperTriggerProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const { role, triggerRef: triggerRef2 } = inject(POPPER_INJECTION_KEY, void 0);
          const ariaControls = computed(() => {
            return ariaHaspopup.value ? props.id : void 0;
          const ariaDescribedby = computed(() => {
            if (role && role.value === "tooltip") {
              return props.open && props.id ? props.id : void 0;
            return void 0;
          const ariaHaspopup = computed(() => {
            if (role && role.value !== "tooltip") {
              return role.value;
            return void 0;
          const ariaExpanded = computed(() => {
            return ariaHaspopup.value ? `${props.open}` : void 0;
          let virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch = void 0;
          onMounted(() => {
            watch(() => props.virtualRef, (virtualEl) => {
              if (virtualEl) {
                triggerRef2.value = unrefElement$1(virtualEl);
            }, {
              immediate: true
            watch(triggerRef2, (el, prevEl) => {
              virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch == null ? void 0 : virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch();
              virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch = void 0;
              if (isElement(el)) {
                ].forEach((eventName) => {
                  var _a2;
                  const handler = props[eventName];
                  if (handler) {
                    el.addEventListener(eventName.slice(2).toLowerCase(), handler);
                    (_a2 = prevEl == null ? void 0 : prevEl.removeEventListener) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(prevEl, eventName.slice(2).toLowerCase(), handler);
                virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch = watch([ariaControls, ariaDescribedby, ariaHaspopup, ariaExpanded], (watches) => {
                  ].forEach((key, idx) => {
                    isNil(watches[idx]) ? el.removeAttribute(key) : el.setAttribute(key, watches[idx]);
                }, { immediate: true });
              if (isElement(prevEl)) {
                ].forEach((key) => prevEl.removeAttribute(key));
            }, {
              immediate: true
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch == null ? void 0 : virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch();
            virtualTriggerAriaStopWatch = void 0;
            triggerRef: triggerRef2
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return !_ctx.virtualTriggering ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(OnlyChild), mergeProps({ key: 0 }, _ctx.$attrs, {
              "aria-controls": unref(ariaControls),
              "aria-describedby": unref(ariaDescribedby),
              "aria-expanded": unref(ariaExpanded),
              "aria-haspopup": unref(ariaHaspopup)
            }), {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              _: 3
            }, 16, ["aria-controls", "aria-describedby", "aria-expanded", "aria-haspopup"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true);
      var ElPopperTrigger = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$r, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/popper/src/trigger.vue"]]);
      const FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED = "focus-trap.focus-after-trapped";
      const FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED = "focus-trap.focus-after-released";
      const FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED = "focus-trap.focusout-prevented";
        cancelable: true,
        bubbles: false
        cancelable: true,
        bubbles: false
      const ON_TRAP_FOCUS_EVT = "focusAfterTrapped";
      const ON_RELEASE_FOCUS_EVT = "focusAfterReleased";
      const FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elFocusTrap");
      const focusReason = ref();
      const lastUserFocusTimestamp = ref(0);
      const lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp = ref(0);
      let focusReasonUserCount = 0;
      const obtainAllFocusableElements = (element) => {
        const nodes = [];
        const walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
          acceptNode: (node) => {
            const isHiddenInput = node.tagName === "INPUT" && node.type === "hidden";
            if (node.disabled || node.hidden || isHiddenInput)
              return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
            return node.tabIndex >= 0 || node === document.activeElement ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
        while (walker.nextNode())
        return nodes;
      const getVisibleElement = (elements, container) => {
        for (const element of elements) {
          if (!isHidden(element, container))
            return element;
      const isHidden = (element, container) => {
        if (getComputedStyle(element).visibility === "hidden")
          return true;
        while (element) {
          if (container && element === container)
            return false;
          if (getComputedStyle(element).display === "none")
            return true;
          element = element.parentElement;
        return false;
      const getEdges = (container) => {
        const focusable = obtainAllFocusableElements(container);
        const first = getVisibleElement(focusable, container);
        const last2 = getVisibleElement(focusable.reverse(), container);
        return [first, last2];
      const isSelectable = (element) => {
        return element instanceof HTMLInputElement && "select" in element;
      const tryFocus = (element, shouldSelect) => {
        if (element && element.focus) {
          const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
          element.focus({ preventScroll: true });
          lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
          if (element !== prevFocusedElement && isSelectable(element) && shouldSelect) {
      function removeFromStack(list, item) {
        const copy = [...list];
        const idx = list.indexOf(item);
        if (idx !== -1) {
          copy.splice(idx, 1);
        return copy;
      const createFocusableStack = () => {
        let stack = [];
        const push = (layer) => {
          const currentLayer = stack[0];
          if (currentLayer && layer !== currentLayer) {
          stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
        const remove2 = (layer) => {
          var _a2, _b;
          stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
          (_b = (_a2 = stack[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.resume) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
        return {
          remove: remove2
      const focusFirstDescendant = (elements, shouldSelect = false) => {
        const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
        for (const element of elements) {
          tryFocus(element, shouldSelect);
          if (document.activeElement !== prevFocusedElement)
      const focusableStack = createFocusableStack();
      const isFocusCausedByUserEvent = () => {
        return lastUserFocusTimestamp.value > lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value;
      const notifyFocusReasonPointer = () => {
        focusReason.value = "pointer";
        lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
      const notifyFocusReasonKeydown = () => {
        focusReason.value = "keyboard";
        lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
      const useFocusReason = () => {
        onMounted(() => {
          if (focusReasonUserCount === 0) {
            document.addEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
            document.addEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
            document.addEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
        onBeforeUnmount(() => {
          if (focusReasonUserCount <= 0) {
            document.removeEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
            document.removeEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
            document.removeEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
        return {
      const createFocusOutPreventedEvent = (detail) => {
        return new CustomEvent(FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED, {
      const _sfc_main$q = defineComponent({
        name: "ElFocusTrap",
        inheritAttrs: false,
        props: {
          loop: Boolean,
          trapped: Boolean,
          focusTrapEl: Object,
          focusStartEl: {
            type: [Object, String],
            default: "first"
        emits: [
        setup(props, { emit: emit2 }) {
          const forwardRef = ref();
          let lastFocusBeforeTrapped;
          let lastFocusAfterTrapped;
          const { focusReason: focusReason2 } = useFocusReason();
          useEscapeKeydown((event) => {
            if (props.trapped && !focusLayer.paused) {
              emit2("release-requested", event);
          const focusLayer = {
            paused: false,
            pause() {
              this.paused = true;
            resume() {
              this.paused = false;
          const onKeydown = (e) => {
            if (!props.loop && !props.trapped)
            if (focusLayer.paused)
            const { key, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, currentTarget, shiftKey } = e;
            const { loop } = props;
            const isTabbing = key === EVENT_CODE.tab && !altKey && !ctrlKey && !metaKey;
            const currentFocusingEl = document.activeElement;
            if (isTabbing && currentFocusingEl) {
              const container = currentTarget;
              const [first, last2] = getEdges(container);
              const isTabbable = first && last2;
              if (!isTabbable) {
                if (currentFocusingEl === container) {
                  const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
                    focusReason: focusReason2.value
                  emit2("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
                  if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
              } else {
                if (!shiftKey && currentFocusingEl === last2) {
                  const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
                    focusReason: focusReason2.value
                  emit2("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
                  if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
                    if (loop)
                      tryFocus(first, true);
                } else if (shiftKey && [first, container].includes(currentFocusingEl)) {
                  const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
                    focusReason: focusReason2.value
                  emit2("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
                  if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
                    if (loop)
                      tryFocus(last2, true);
          provide(FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY, {
            focusTrapRef: forwardRef,
          watch(() => props.focusTrapEl, (focusTrapEl) => {
            if (focusTrapEl) {
              forwardRef.value = focusTrapEl;
          }, { immediate: true });
          watch([forwardRef], ([forwardRef2], [oldForwardRef]) => {
            if (forwardRef2) {
              forwardRef2.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
              forwardRef2.addEventListener("focusin", onFocusIn);
              forwardRef2.addEventListener("focusout", onFocusOut);
            if (oldForwardRef) {
              oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
              oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocusIn);
              oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("focusout", onFocusOut);
          const trapOnFocus = (e) => {
            emit2(ON_TRAP_FOCUS_EVT, e);
          const releaseOnFocus = (e) => emit2(ON_RELEASE_FOCUS_EVT, e);
          const onFocusIn = (e) => {
            const trapContainer = unref(forwardRef);
            if (!trapContainer)
            const target = e.target;
            const relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
            const isFocusedInTrap = target && trapContainer.contains(target);
            if (!props.trapped) {
              const isPrevFocusedInTrap = relatedTarget && trapContainer.contains(relatedTarget);
              if (!isPrevFocusedInTrap) {
                lastFocusBeforeTrapped = relatedTarget;
            if (isFocusedInTrap)
              emit2("focusin", e);
            if (focusLayer.paused)
            if (props.trapped) {
              if (isFocusedInTrap) {
                lastFocusAfterTrapped = target;
              } else {
                tryFocus(lastFocusAfterTrapped, true);
          const onFocusOut = (e) => {
            const trapContainer = unref(forwardRef);
            if (focusLayer.paused || !trapContainer)
            if (props.trapped) {
              const relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
              if (!isNil(relatedTarget) && !trapContainer.contains(relatedTarget)) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                  if (!focusLayer.paused && props.trapped) {
                    const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
                      focusReason: focusReason2.value
                    emit2("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
                    if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
                      tryFocus(lastFocusAfterTrapped, true);
                }, 0);
            } else {
              const target = e.target;
              const isFocusedInTrap = target && trapContainer.contains(target);
              if (!isFocusedInTrap)
                emit2("focusout", e);
          async function startTrap() {
            await nextTick();
            const trapContainer = unref(forwardRef);
            if (trapContainer) {
              const prevFocusedElement = trapContainer.contains(document.activeElement) ? lastFocusBeforeTrapped : document.activeElement;
              lastFocusBeforeTrapped = prevFocusedElement;
              const isPrevFocusContained = trapContainer.contains(prevFocusedElement);
              if (!isPrevFocusContained) {
                const focusEvent = new Event(FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED, FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED_OPTS);
                trapContainer.addEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED, trapOnFocus);
                if (!focusEvent.defaultPrevented) {
                  nextTick(() => {
                    let focusStartEl = props.focusStartEl;
                    if (!isString$2(focusStartEl)) {
                      if (document.activeElement !== focusStartEl) {
                        focusStartEl = "first";
                    if (focusStartEl === "first") {
                      focusFirstDescendant(obtainAllFocusableElements(trapContainer), true);
                    if (document.activeElement === prevFocusedElement || focusStartEl === "container") {
          function stopTrap() {
            const trapContainer = unref(forwardRef);
            if (trapContainer) {
              trapContainer.removeEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED, trapOnFocus);
              const releasedEvent = new CustomEvent(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, {
                detail: {
                  focusReason: focusReason2.value
              trapContainer.addEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, releaseOnFocus);
              if (!releasedEvent.defaultPrevented && (focusReason2.value == "keyboard" || !isFocusCausedByUserEvent() || trapContainer.contains(document.activeElement))) {
                tryFocus(lastFocusBeforeTrapped != null ? lastFocusBeforeTrapped : document.body);
              trapContainer.removeEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, trapOnFocus);
          onMounted(() => {
            if (props.trapped) {
            watch(() => props.trapped, (trapped) => {
              if (trapped) {
              } else {
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            if (props.trapped) {
          return {
      function _sfc_render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { handleKeydown: _ctx.onKeydown });
      var ElFocusTrap = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$q, [["render", _sfc_render$4], ["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/focus-trap/src/focus-trap.vue"]]);
      const POSITIONING_STRATEGIES = ["fixed", "absolute"];
      const popperCoreConfigProps = buildProps({
        boundariesPadding: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        fallbackPlacements: {
          type: definePropType(Array),
          default: void 0
        gpuAcceleration: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        offset: {
          type: Number,
          default: 12
        placement: {
          type: String,
          values: Ee,
          default: "bottom"
        popperOptions: {
          type: definePropType(Object),
          default: () => ({})
        strategy: {
          type: String,
          default: "absolute"
      const popperContentProps = buildProps({
        id: String,
        style: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array, Object])
        className: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array, Object])
        effect: {
          type: String,
          default: "dark"
        visible: Boolean,
        enterable: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        pure: Boolean,
        focusOnShow: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        trapping: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        popperClass: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array, Object])
        popperStyle: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array, Object])
        referenceEl: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        triggerTargetEl: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        stopPopperMouseEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        ariaLabel: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        virtualTriggering: Boolean,
        zIndex: Number
      const popperContentEmits = {
        mouseenter: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent,
        mouseleave: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent,
        focus: () => true,
        blur: () => true,
        close: () => true
      const buildPopperOptions = (props, modifiers = []) => {
        const { placement, strategy, popperOptions } = props;
        const options = {
          modifiers: [...genModifiers(props), ...modifiers]
        deriveExtraModifiers(options, popperOptions == null ? void 0 : popperOptions.modifiers);
        return options;
      const unwrapMeasurableEl = ($el) => {
        if (!isClient$1)
        return unrefElement$1($el);
      function genModifiers(options) {
        const { offset, gpuAcceleration, fallbackPlacements } = options;
        return [
            name: "offset",
            options: {
              offset: [0, offset != null ? offset : 12]
            name: "preventOverflow",
            options: {
              padding: {
                top: 2,
                bottom: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 5
            name: "flip",
            options: {
              padding: 5,
            name: "computeStyles",
            options: {
      function deriveExtraModifiers(options, modifiers) {
        if (modifiers) {
          options.modifiers = [...options.modifiers, ...modifiers != null ? modifiers : []];
      const DEFAULT_ARROW_OFFSET = 0;
      const usePopperContent = (props) => {
        const { popperInstanceRef, contentRef, triggerRef: triggerRef2, role } = inject(POPPER_INJECTION_KEY, void 0);
        const arrowRef = ref();
        const arrowOffset = ref();
        const eventListenerModifier = computed(() => {
          return {
            name: "eventListeners",
            enabled: !!props.visible
        const arrowModifier = computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          const arrowEl = unref(arrowRef);
          const offset = (_a2 = unref(arrowOffset)) != null ? _a2 : DEFAULT_ARROW_OFFSET;
          return {
            name: "arrow",
            enabled: !isUndefined$1(arrowEl),
            options: {
              element: arrowEl,
              padding: offset
        const options = computed(() => {
          return {
            onFirstUpdate: () => {
            ...buildPopperOptions(props, [
        const computedReference = computed(() => unwrapMeasurableEl(props.referenceEl) || unref(triggerRef2));
        const { attributes, state, styles, update, forceUpdate, instanceRef } = usePopper(computedReference, contentRef, options);
        watch(instanceRef, (instance) => popperInstanceRef.value = instance);
        onMounted(() => {
          watch(() => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = unref(computedReference)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.getBoundingClientRect();
          }, () => {
        return {
      const usePopperContentDOM = (props, {
      }) => {
        const { nextZIndex } = useZIndex();
        const ns = useNamespace("popper");
        const contentAttrs = computed(() => unref(attributes).popper);
        const contentZIndex = ref(props.zIndex || nextZIndex());
        const contentClass = computed(() => [
          ns.is("pure", props.pure),
        const contentStyle = computed(() => {
          return [
            { zIndex: unref(contentZIndex) },
            props.popperStyle || {},
        const ariaModal = computed(() => role.value === "dialog" ? "false" : void 0);
        const arrowStyle = computed(() => unref(styles).arrow || {});
        const updateZIndex = () => {
          contentZIndex.value = props.zIndex || nextZIndex();
        return {
      const usePopperContentFocusTrap = (props, emit2) => {
        const trapped = ref(false);
        const focusStartRef = ref();
        const onFocusAfterTrapped = () => {
        const onFocusAfterReleased = (event) => {
          var _a2;
          if (((_a2 = event.detail) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focusReason) !== "pointer") {
            focusStartRef.value = "first";
        const onFocusInTrap = (event) => {
          if (props.visible && !trapped.value) {
            if (event.target) {
              focusStartRef.value = event.target;
            trapped.value = true;
        const onFocusoutPrevented = (event) => {
          if (!props.trapping) {
            if (event.detail.focusReason === "pointer") {
            trapped.value = false;
        const onReleaseRequested = () => {
          trapped.value = false;
        return {
      const __default__$j = defineComponent({
        name: "ElPopperContent"
      const _sfc_main$p = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: popperContentProps,
        emits: popperContentEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const {
          } = usePopperContentFocusTrap(props, emit2);
          const { attributes, arrowRef, contentRef, styles, instanceRef, role, update } = usePopperContent(props);
          const {
          } = usePopperContentDOM(props, {
          const formItemContext = inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
          const arrowOffset = ref();
          if (formItemContext && (formItemContext.addInputId || formItemContext.removeInputId)) {
            provide(formItemContextKey, {
              addInputId: NOOP,
              removeInputId: NOOP
          let triggerTargetAriaStopWatch = void 0;
          const updatePopper = (shouldUpdateZIndex = true) => {
            shouldUpdateZIndex && updateZIndex();
          const togglePopperAlive = () => {
            if (props.visible && props.focusOnShow) {
              trapped.value = true;
            } else if (props.visible === false) {
              trapped.value = false;
          onMounted(() => {
            watch(() => props.triggerTargetEl, (triggerTargetEl, prevTriggerTargetEl) => {
              triggerTargetAriaStopWatch == null ? void 0 : triggerTargetAriaStopWatch();
              triggerTargetAriaStopWatch = void 0;
              const el = unref(triggerTargetEl || contentRef.value);
              const prevEl = unref(prevTriggerTargetEl || contentRef.value);
              if (isElement(el)) {
                triggerTargetAriaStopWatch = watch([role, () => props.ariaLabel, ariaModal, () => props.id], (watches) => {
                  ["role", "aria-label", "aria-modal", "id"].forEach((key, idx) => {
                    isNil(watches[idx]) ? el.removeAttribute(key) : el.setAttribute(key, watches[idx]);
                }, { immediate: true });
              if (prevEl !== el && isElement(prevEl)) {
                ["role", "aria-label", "aria-modal", "id"].forEach((key) => {
            }, { immediate: true });
            watch(() => props.visible, togglePopperAlive, { immediate: true });
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            triggerTargetAriaStopWatch == null ? void 0 : triggerTargetAriaStopWatch();
            triggerTargetAriaStopWatch = void 0;
            popperContentRef: contentRef,
            popperInstanceRef: instanceRef,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({
              ref_key: "contentRef",
              ref: contentRef
            }, unref(contentAttrs), {
              style: unref(contentStyle),
              class: unref(contentClass),
              tabindex: "-1",
              onMouseenter: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (e) => _ctx.$emit("mouseenter", e)),
              onMouseleave: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (e) => _ctx.$emit("mouseleave", e))
            }), [
              createVNode(unref(ElFocusTrap), {
                trapped: unref(trapped),
                "trap-on-focus-in": true,
                "focus-trap-el": unref(contentRef),
                "focus-start-el": unref(focusStartRef),
                onFocusAfterTrapped: unref(onFocusAfterTrapped),
                onFocusAfterReleased: unref(onFocusAfterReleased),
                onFocusin: unref(onFocusInTrap),
                onFocusoutPrevented: unref(onFocusoutPrevented),
                onReleaseRequested: unref(onReleaseRequested)
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                _: 3
              }, 8, ["trapped", "focus-trap-el", "focus-start-el", "onFocusAfterTrapped", "onFocusAfterReleased", "onFocusin", "onFocusoutPrevented", "onReleaseRequested"])
            ], 16);
      var ElPopperContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$p, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/popper/src/content.vue"]]);
      const ElPopper = withInstall(Popper);
      const TOOLTIP_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elTooltip");
      const useTooltipContentProps = buildProps({
        appendTo: {
          type: definePropType([String, Object])
        content: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        rawContent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        persistent: Boolean,
        ariaLabel: String,
        visible: {
          type: definePropType(Boolean),
          default: null
        transition: String,
        teleported: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        disabled: Boolean
      const useTooltipTriggerProps = buildProps({
        disabled: Boolean,
        trigger: {
          type: definePropType([String, Array]),
          default: "hover"
        triggerKeys: {
          type: definePropType(Array),
          default: () => [EVENT_CODE.enter, EVENT_CODE.space]
      const {
        useModelToggleProps: useTooltipModelToggleProps,
        useModelToggleEmits: useTooltipModelToggleEmits,
        useModelToggle: useTooltipModelToggle
      } = createModelToggleComposable("visible");
      const useTooltipProps = buildProps({
        showArrow: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      const tooltipEmits = [
      const isTriggerType = (trigger2, type2) => {
        if (isArray$3(trigger2)) {
          return trigger2.includes(type2);
        return trigger2 === type2;
      const whenTrigger = (trigger2, type2, handler) => {
        return (e) => {
          isTriggerType(unref(trigger2), type2) && handler(e);
      const __default__$i = defineComponent({
        name: "ElTooltipTrigger"
      const _sfc_main$o = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: useTooltipTriggerProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("tooltip");
          const { controlled, id, open: open2, onOpen, onClose, onToggle } = inject(TOOLTIP_INJECTION_KEY, void 0);
          const triggerRef2 = ref(null);
          const stopWhenControlledOrDisabled = () => {
            if (unref(controlled) || props.disabled) {
              return true;
          const trigger2 = toRef(props, "trigger");
          const onMouseenter = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "hover", onOpen));
          const onMouseleave = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "hover", onClose));
          const onClick = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "click", (e) => {
            if (e.button === 0) {
          const onFocus = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "focus", onOpen));
          const onBlur = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "focus", onClose));
          const onContextMenu = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, whenTrigger(trigger2, "contextmenu", (e) => {
          const onKeydown = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlledOrDisabled, (e) => {
            const { code: code2 } = e;
            if (props.triggerKeys.includes(code2)) {
            triggerRef: triggerRef2
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElPopperTrigger), {
              id: unref(id),
              "virtual-ref": _ctx.virtualRef,
              open: unref(open2),
              "virtual-triggering": _ctx.virtualTriggering,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("trigger")),
              onBlur: unref(onBlur),
              onClick: unref(onClick),
              onContextmenu: unref(onContextMenu),
              onFocus: unref(onFocus),
              onMouseenter: unref(onMouseenter),
              onMouseleave: unref(onMouseleave),
              onKeydown: unref(onKeydown)
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["id", "virtual-ref", "open", "virtual-triggering", "class", "onBlur", "onClick", "onContextmenu", "onFocus", "onMouseenter", "onMouseleave", "onKeydown"]);
      var ElTooltipTrigger = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$o, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/tooltip/src/trigger.vue"]]);
      const __default__$h = defineComponent({
        name: "ElTooltipContent",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$n = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: useTooltipContentProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const { selector } = usePopperContainerId();
          const ns = useNamespace("tooltip");
          const contentRef = ref(null);
          const destroyed = ref(false);
          const {
            open: open2,
            trigger: trigger2,
          } = inject(TOOLTIP_INJECTION_KEY, void 0);
          const transitionClass = computed(() => {
            return props.transition || `${ns.namespace.value}-fade-in-linear`;
          const persistentRef = computed(() => {
            return props.persistent;
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            destroyed.value = true;
          const shouldRender = computed(() => {
            return unref(persistentRef) ? true : unref(open2);
          const shouldShow = computed(() => {
            return props.disabled ? false : unref(open2);
          const appendTo = computed(() => {
            return props.appendTo || selector.value;
          const contentStyle = computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return (_a2 = props.style) != null ? _a2 : {};
          const ariaHidden = computed(() => !unref(open2));
          const onTransitionLeave = () => {
          const stopWhenControlled = () => {
            if (unref(controlled))
              return true;
          const onContentEnter = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlled, () => {
            if (props.enterable && unref(trigger2) === "hover") {
          const onContentLeave = composeEventHandlers(stopWhenControlled, () => {
            if (unref(trigger2) === "hover") {
          const onBeforeEnter = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = contentRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
            onBeforeShow == null ? void 0 : onBeforeShow();
          const onBeforeLeave = () => {
            onBeforeHide == null ? void 0 : onBeforeHide();
          const onAfterShow = () => {
            stopHandle = onClickOutside(computed(() => {
              var _a2;
              return (_a2 = contentRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.popperContentRef;
            }), () => {
              if (unref(controlled))
              const $trigger = unref(trigger2);
              if ($trigger !== "hover") {
          const onBlur = () => {
            if (!props.virtualTriggering) {
          let stopHandle;
          watch(() => unref(open2), (val) => {
            if (!val) {
              stopHandle == null ? void 0 : stopHandle();
          }, {
            flush: "post"
          watch(() => props.content, () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = contentRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(Teleport, {
              disabled: !_ctx.teleported,
              to: unref(appendTo)
            }, [
              createVNode(Transition, {
                name: unref(transitionClass),
                onAfterLeave: onTransitionLeave,
                onAfterEnter: onAfterShow,
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  unref(shouldRender) ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElPopperContent), mergeProps({
                    key: 0,
                    id: unref(id),
                    ref_key: "contentRef",
                    ref: contentRef
                  }, _ctx.$attrs, {
                    "aria-label": _ctx.ariaLabel,
                    "aria-hidden": unref(ariaHidden),
                    "boundaries-padding": _ctx.boundariesPadding,
                    "fallback-placements": _ctx.fallbackPlacements,
                    "gpu-acceleration": _ctx.gpuAcceleration,
                    offset: _ctx.offset,
                    placement: _ctx.placement,
                    "popper-options": _ctx.popperOptions,
                    strategy: _ctx.strategy,
                    effect: _ctx.effect,
                    enterable: _ctx.enterable,
                    pure: _ctx.pure,
                    "popper-class": _ctx.popperClass,
                    "popper-style": [_ctx.popperStyle, unref(contentStyle)],
                    "reference-el": _ctx.referenceEl,
                    "trigger-target-el": _ctx.triggerTargetEl,
                    visible: unref(shouldShow),
                    "z-index": _ctx.zIndex,
                    onMouseenter: unref(onContentEnter),
                    onMouseleave: unref(onContentLeave),
                    onClose: unref(onClose)
                  }), {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      !destroyed.value ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 0 }) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                    _: 3
                  }, 16, ["id", "aria-label", "aria-hidden", "boundaries-padding", "fallback-placements", "gpu-acceleration", "offset", "placement", "popper-options", "strategy", "effect", "enterable", "pure", "popper-class", "popper-style", "reference-el", "trigger-target-el", "visible", "z-index", "onMouseenter", "onMouseleave", "onClose"])), [
                    [vShow, unref(shouldShow)]
                  ]) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                _: 3
              }, 8, ["name"])
            ], 8, ["disabled", "to"]);
      var ElTooltipContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$n, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/tooltip/src/content.vue"]]);
      const _hoisted_1$d = ["innerHTML"];
      const _hoisted_2$a = { key: 1 };
      const __default__$g = defineComponent({
        name: "ElTooltip"
      const _sfc_main$m = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: useTooltipProps,
        emits: tooltipEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const id = useId();
          const popperRef = ref();
          const contentRef = ref();
          const updatePopper = () => {
            var _a2;
            const popperComponent = unref(popperRef);
            if (popperComponent) {
              (_a2 = popperComponent.popperInstanceRef) == null ? void 0 : _a2.update();
          const open2 = ref(false);
          const toggleReason = ref();
          const { show, hide, hasUpdateHandler } = useTooltipModelToggle({
            indicator: open2,
          const { onOpen, onClose } = useDelayedToggle({
            showAfter: toRef(props, "showAfter"),
            hideAfter: toRef(props, "hideAfter"),
            autoClose: toRef(props, "autoClose"),
            open: show,
            close: hide
          const controlled = computed(() => isBoolean$1(props.visible) && !hasUpdateHandler.value);
          provide(TOOLTIP_INJECTION_KEY, {
            open: readonly(open2),
            trigger: toRef(props, "trigger"),
            onOpen: (event) => {
            onClose: (event) => {
            onToggle: (event) => {
              if (unref(open2)) {
              } else {
            onShow: () => {
              emit2("show", toggleReason.value);
            onHide: () => {
              emit2("hide", toggleReason.value);
            onBeforeShow: () => {
              emit2("before-show", toggleReason.value);
            onBeforeHide: () => {
              emit2("before-hide", toggleReason.value);
          watch(() => props.disabled, (disabled) => {
            if (disabled && open2.value) {
              open2.value = false;
          const isFocusInsideContent = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            const popperContent = (_b = (_a2 = contentRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.contentRef) == null ? void 0 : _b.popperContentRef;
            return popperContent && popperContent.contains(document.activeElement);
          onDeactivated(() => open2.value && hide());
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElPopper), {
              ref_key: "popperRef",
              ref: popperRef,
              role: _ctx.role
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                createVNode(ElTooltipTrigger, {
                  disabled: _ctx.disabled,
                  trigger: _ctx.trigger,
                  "trigger-keys": _ctx.triggerKeys,
                  "virtual-ref": _ctx.virtualRef,
                  "virtual-triggering": _ctx.virtualTriggering
                }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    _ctx.$slots.default ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { key: 0 }) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                  _: 3
                }, 8, ["disabled", "trigger", "trigger-keys", "virtual-ref", "virtual-triggering"]),
                createVNode(ElTooltipContent, {
                  ref_key: "contentRef",
                  ref: contentRef,
                  "aria-label": _ctx.ariaLabel,
                  "boundaries-padding": _ctx.boundariesPadding,
                  content: _ctx.content,
                  disabled: _ctx.disabled,
                  effect: _ctx.effect,
                  enterable: _ctx.enterable,
                  "fallback-placements": _ctx.fallbackPlacements,
                  "hide-after": _ctx.hideAfter,
                  "gpu-acceleration": _ctx.gpuAcceleration,
                  offset: _ctx.offset,
                  persistent: _ctx.persistent,
                  "popper-class": _ctx.popperClass,
                  "popper-style": _ctx.popperStyle,
                  placement: _ctx.placement,
                  "popper-options": _ctx.popperOptions,
                  pure: _ctx.pure,
                  "raw-content": _ctx.rawContent,
                  "reference-el": _ctx.referenceEl,
                  "trigger-target-el": _ctx.triggerTargetEl,
                  "show-after": _ctx.showAfter,
                  strategy: _ctx.strategy,
                  teleported: _ctx.teleported,
                  transition: _ctx.transition,
                  "virtual-triggering": _ctx.virtualTriggering,
                  "z-index": _ctx.zIndex,
                  "append-to": _ctx.appendTo
                }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "content", {}, () => [
                      _ctx.rawContent ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                        key: 0,
                        innerHTML: _ctx.content
                      }, null, 8, _hoisted_1$d)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_2$a, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.content), 1))
                    _ctx.showArrow ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElPopperArrow), {
                      key: 0,
                      "arrow-offset": _ctx.arrowOffset
                    }, null, 8, ["arrow-offset"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                  _: 3
                }, 8, ["aria-label", "boundaries-padding", "content", "disabled", "effect", "enterable", "fallback-placements", "hide-after", "gpu-acceleration", "offset", "persistent", "popper-class", "popper-style", "placement", "popper-options", "pure", "raw-content", "reference-el", "trigger-target-el", "show-after", "strategy", "teleported", "transition", "virtual-triggering", "z-index", "append-to"])
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["role"]);
      var Tooltip = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$m, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/tooltip/src/tooltip.vue"]]);
      const ElTooltip = withInstall(Tooltip);
      const badgeProps = buildProps({
        value: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        max: {
          type: Number,
          default: 99
        isDot: Boolean,
        hidden: Boolean,
        type: {
          type: String,
          values: ["primary", "success", "warning", "info", "danger"],
          default: "danger"
      const _hoisted_1$c = ["textContent"];
      const __default__$f = defineComponent({
        name: "ElBadge"
      const _sfc_main$l = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: badgeProps,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("badge");
          const content = computed(() => {
            if (props.isDot)
              return "";
            if (isNumber$1(props.value) && isNumber$1(props.max)) {
              return props.max < props.value ? `${props.max}+` : `${props.value}`;
            return `${props.value}`;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).b())
            }, [
              renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
              createVNode(Transition, {
                name: `${unref(ns).namespace.value}-zoom-in-center`,
                persisted: ""
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  withDirectives(createBaseVNode("sup", {
                    class: normalizeClass([
                      unref(ns).em("content", _ctx.type),
                      unref(ns).is("fixed", !!_ctx.$slots.default),
                      unref(ns).is("dot", _ctx.isDot)
                    textContent: toDisplayString$1(unref(content))
                  }, null, 10, _hoisted_1$c), [
                    [vShow, !_ctx.hidden && (unref(content) || _ctx.isDot)]
                _: 1
              }, 8, ["name"])
            ], 2);
      var Badge = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$l, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/badge/src/badge.vue"]]);
      const ElBadge = withInstall(Badge);
      const buttonGroupContextKey = Symbol("buttonGroupContextKey");
      const useButton = (props, emit2) => {
          from: "type.text",
          replacement: "link",
          version: "3.0.0",
          scope: "props",
          ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/button.html#button-attributes"
        }, computed(() => props.type === "text"));
        const buttonGroupContext = inject(buttonGroupContextKey, void 0);
        const globalConfig2 = useGlobalConfig("button");
        const { form } = useFormItem();
        const _size = useFormSize(computed(() => buttonGroupContext == null ? void 0 : buttonGroupContext.size));
        const _disabled = useFormDisabled();
        const _ref = ref();
        const slots = useSlots();
        const _type = computed(() => props.type || (buttonGroupContext == null ? void 0 : buttonGroupContext.type) || "");
        const autoInsertSpace = computed(() => {
          var _a2, _b, _c;
          return (_c = (_b = props.autoInsertSpace) != null ? _b : (_a2 = globalConfig2.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.autoInsertSpace) != null ? _c : false;
        const _props = computed(() => {
          if (props.tag === "button") {
            return {
              ariaDisabled: _disabled.value || props.loading,
              disabled: _disabled.value || props.loading,
              autofocus: props.autofocus,
              type: props.nativeType
          return {};
        const shouldAddSpace = computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          const defaultSlot = (_a2 = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(slots);
          if (autoInsertSpace.value && (defaultSlot == null ? void 0 : defaultSlot.length) === 1) {
            const slot = defaultSlot[0];
            if ((slot == null ? void 0 : slot.type) === Text) {
              const text = slot.children;
              return /^\p{Unified_Ideograph}{2}$/u.test(text.trim());
          return false;
        const handleClick = (evt) => {
          if (props.nativeType === "reset") {
            form == null ? void 0 : form.resetFields();
          emit2("click", evt);
        return {
      const buttonTypes = [
      const buttonNativeTypes = ["button", "submit", "reset"];
      const buttonProps = buildProps({
        size: useSizeProp,
        disabled: Boolean,
        type: {
          type: String,
          values: buttonTypes,
          default: ""
        icon: {
          type: iconPropType
        nativeType: {
          type: String,
          values: buttonNativeTypes,
          default: "button"
        loading: Boolean,
        loadingIcon: {
          type: iconPropType,
          default: () => loading_default
        plain: Boolean,
        text: Boolean,
        link: Boolean,
        bg: Boolean,
        autofocus: Boolean,
        round: Boolean,
        circle: Boolean,
        color: String,
        dark: Boolean,
        autoInsertSpace: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: void 0
        tag: {
          type: definePropType([String, Object]),
          default: "button"
      const buttonEmits = {
        click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
      function bound01(n, max) {
        if (isOnePointZero(n)) {
          n = "100%";
        var isPercent = isPercentage(n);
        n = max === 360 ? n : Math.min(max, Math.max(0, parseFloat(n)));
        if (isPercent) {
          n = parseInt(String(n * max), 10) / 100;
        if (Math.abs(n - max) < 1e-6) {
          return 1;
        if (max === 360) {
          n = (n < 0 ? n % max + max : n % max) / parseFloat(String(max));
        } else {
          n = n % max / parseFloat(String(max));
        return n;
      function clamp01(val) {
        return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
      function isOnePointZero(n) {
        return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf(".") !== -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1;
      function isPercentage(n) {
        return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf("%") !== -1;
      function boundAlpha(a) {
        a = parseFloat(a);
        if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) {
          a = 1;
        return a;
      function convertToPercentage(n) {
        if (n <= 1) {
          return "".concat(Number(n) * 100, "%");
        return n;
      function pad2(c) {
        return c.length === 1 ? "0" + c : String(c);
      function rgbToRgb(r, g, b) {
        return {
          r: bound01(r, 255) * 255,
          g: bound01(g, 255) * 255,
          b: bound01(b, 255) * 255
      function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
        r = bound01(r, 255);
        g = bound01(g, 255);
        b = bound01(b, 255);
        var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
        var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
        var h2 = 0;
        var s = 0;
        var l = (max + min) / 2;
        if (max === min) {
          s = 0;
          h2 = 0;
        } else {
          var d = max - min;
          s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
          switch (max) {
            case r:
              h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
            case g:
              h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
            case b:
              h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
          h2 /= 6;
        return { h: h2, s, l };
      function hue2rgb(p2, q2, t2) {
        if (t2 < 0) {
          t2 += 1;
        if (t2 > 1) {
          t2 -= 1;
        if (t2 < 1 / 6) {
          return p2 + (q2 - p2) * (6 * t2);
        if (t2 < 1 / 2) {
          return q2;
        if (t2 < 2 / 3) {
          return p2 + (q2 - p2) * (2 / 3 - t2) * 6;
        return p2;
      function hslToRgb(h2, s, l) {
        var r;
        var g;
        var b;
        h2 = bound01(h2, 360);
        s = bound01(s, 100);
        l = bound01(l, 100);
        if (s === 0) {
          g = l;
          b = l;
          r = l;
        } else {
          var q2 = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
          var p2 = 2 * l - q2;
          r = hue2rgb(p2, q2, h2 + 1 / 3);
          g = hue2rgb(p2, q2, h2);
          b = hue2rgb(p2, q2, h2 - 1 / 3);
        return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
      function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
        r = bound01(r, 255);
        g = bound01(g, 255);
        b = bound01(b, 255);
        var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
        var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
        var h2 = 0;
        var v = max;
        var d = max - min;
        var s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
        if (max === min) {
          h2 = 0;
        } else {
          switch (max) {
            case r:
              h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
            case g:
              h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
            case b:
              h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
          h2 /= 6;
        return { h: h2, s, v };
      function hsvToRgb(h2, s, v) {
        h2 = bound01(h2, 360) * 6;
        s = bound01(s, 100);
        v = bound01(v, 100);
        var i = Math.floor(h2);
        var f = h2 - i;
        var p2 = v * (1 - s);
        var q2 = v * (1 - f * s);
        var t2 = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
        var mod = i % 6;
        var r = [v, q2, p2, p2, t2, v][mod];
        var g = [t2, v, v, q2, p2, p2][mod];
        var b = [p2, p2, t2, v, v, q2][mod];
        return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
      function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) {
        var hex = [
        if (allow3Char && hex[0].startsWith(hex[0].charAt(1)) && hex[1].startsWith(hex[1].charAt(1)) && hex[2].startsWith(hex[2].charAt(1))) {
          return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0);
        return hex.join("");
      function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) {
        var hex = [
        if (allow4Char && hex[0].startsWith(hex[0].charAt(1)) && hex[1].startsWith(hex[1].charAt(1)) && hex[2].startsWith(hex[2].charAt(1)) && hex[3].startsWith(hex[3].charAt(1))) {
          return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0) + hex[3].charAt(0);
        return hex.join("");
      function convertDecimalToHex(d) {
        return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16);
      function convertHexToDecimal(h2) {
        return parseIntFromHex(h2) / 255;
      function parseIntFromHex(val) {
        return parseInt(val, 16);
      function numberInputToObject(color) {
        return {
          r: color >> 16,
          g: (color & 65280) >> 8,
          b: color & 255
      var names = {
        aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
        antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
        aqua: "#00ffff",
        aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
        azure: "#f0ffff",
        beige: "#f5f5dc",
        bisque: "#ffe4c4",
        black: "#000000",
        blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
        blue: "#0000ff",
        blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
        brown: "#a52a2a",
        burlywood: "#deb887",
        cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
        chartreuse: "#7fff00",
        chocolate: "#d2691e",
        coral: "#ff7f50",
        cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
        cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
        crimson: "#dc143c",
        cyan: "#00ffff",
        darkblue: "#00008b",
        darkcyan: "#008b8b",
        darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
        darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
        darkgreen: "#006400",
        darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",
        darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
        darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
        darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
        darkorange: "#ff8c00",
        darkorchid: "#9932cc",
        darkred: "#8b0000",
        darksalmon: "#e9967a",
        darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
        darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
        darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
        darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
        darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
        darkviolet: "#9400d3",
        deeppink: "#ff1493",
        deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
        dimgray: "#696969",
        dimgrey: "#696969",
        dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
        firebrick: "#b22222",
        floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
        forestgreen: "#228b22",
        fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
        gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
        ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
        goldenrod: "#daa520",
        gold: "#ffd700",
        gray: "#808080",
        green: "#008000",
        greenyellow: "#adff2f",
        grey: "#808080",
        honeydew: "#f0fff0",
        hotpink: "#ff69b4",
        indianred: "#cd5c5c",
        indigo: "#4b0082",
        ivory: "#fffff0",
        khaki: "#f0e68c",
        lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
        lavender: "#e6e6fa",
        lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
        lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
        lightblue: "#add8e6",
        lightcoral: "#f08080",
        lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
        lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
        lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
        lightgreen: "#90ee90",
        lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
        lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
        lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
        lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
        lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
        lightslategray: "#778899",
        lightslategrey: "#778899",
        lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
        lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
        lime: "#00ff00",
        limegreen: "#32cd32",
        linen: "#faf0e6",
        magenta: "#ff00ff",
        maroon: "#800000",
        mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
        mediumblue: "#0000cd",
        mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
        mediumpurple: "#9370db",
        mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
        mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
        mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
        mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
        mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
        midnightblue: "#191970",
        mintcream: "#f5fffa",
        mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
        moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
        navajowhite: "#ffdead",
        navy: "#000080",
        oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
        olive: "#808000",
        olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
        orange: "#ffa500",
        orangered: "#ff4500",
        orchid: "#da70d6",
        palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
        palegreen: "#98fb98",
        paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
        palevioletred: "#db7093",
        papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
        peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
        peru: "#cd853f",
        pink: "#ffc0cb",
        plum: "#dda0dd",
        powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
        purple: "#800080",
        rebeccapurple: "#663399",
        red: "#ff0000",
        rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
        royalblue: "#4169e1",
        saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
        salmon: "#fa8072",
        sandybrown: "#f4a460",
        seagreen: "#2e8b57",
        seashell: "#fff5ee",
        sienna: "#a0522d",
        silver: "#c0c0c0",
        skyblue: "#87ceeb",
        slateblue: "#6a5acd",
        slategray: "#708090",
        slategrey: "#708090",
        snow: "#fffafa",
        springgreen: "#00ff7f",
        steelblue: "#4682b4",
        tan: "#d2b48c",
        teal: "#008080",
        thistle: "#d8bfd8",
        tomato: "#ff6347",
        turquoise: "#40e0d0",
        violet: "#ee82ee",
        wheat: "#f5deb3",
        white: "#ffffff",
        whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
        yellow: "#ffff00",
        yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
      function inputToRGB(color) {
        var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
        var a = 1;
        var s = null;
        var v = null;
        var l = null;
        var ok = false;
        var format2 = false;
        if (typeof color === "string") {
          color = stringInputToObject(color);
        if (typeof color === "object") {
          if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) {
            rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
            ok = true;
            format2 = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb";
          } else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) {
            s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
            v = convertToPercentage(color.v);
            rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v);
            ok = true;
            format2 = "hsv";
          } else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) {
            s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
            l = convertToPercentage(color.l);
            rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l);
            ok = true;
            format2 = "hsl";
          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(color, "a")) {
            a = color.a;
        a = boundAlpha(a);
        return {
          format: color.format || format2,
          r: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.r, 0)),
          g: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.g, 0)),
          b: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.b, 0)),
      var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?";
      var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?";
      var CSS_UNIT = "(?:".concat(CSS_NUMBER, ")|(?:").concat(CSS_INTEGER, ")");
      var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
      var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
      var matchers = {
        CSS_UNIT: new RegExp(CSS_UNIT),
        rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
        rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
        hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
        hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
        hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
        hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
        hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
        hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
        hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
        hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
      function stringInputToObject(color) {
        color = color.trim().toLowerCase();
        if (color.length === 0) {
          return false;
        var named = false;
        if (names[color]) {
          color = names[color];
          named = true;
        } else if (color === "transparent") {
          return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" };
        var match2 = matchers.rgb.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { r: match2[1], g: match2[2], b: match2[3] };
        match2 = matchers.rgba.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { r: match2[1], g: match2[2], b: match2[3], a: match2[4] };
        match2 = matchers.hsl.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { h: match2[1], s: match2[2], l: match2[3] };
        match2 = matchers.hsla.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { h: match2[1], s: match2[2], l: match2[3], a: match2[4] };
        match2 = matchers.hsv.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { h: match2[1], s: match2[2], v: match2[3] };
        match2 = matchers.hsva.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return { h: match2[1], s: match2[2], v: match2[3], a: match2[4] };
        match2 = matchers.hex8.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return {
            r: parseIntFromHex(match2[1]),
            g: parseIntFromHex(match2[2]),
            b: parseIntFromHex(match2[3]),
            a: convertHexToDecimal(match2[4]),
            format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
        match2 = matchers.hex6.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return {
            r: parseIntFromHex(match2[1]),
            g: parseIntFromHex(match2[2]),
            b: parseIntFromHex(match2[3]),
            format: named ? "name" : "hex"
        match2 = matchers.hex4.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return {
            r: parseIntFromHex(match2[1] + match2[1]),
            g: parseIntFromHex(match2[2] + match2[2]),
            b: parseIntFromHex(match2[3] + match2[3]),
            a: convertHexToDecimal(match2[4] + match2[4]),
            format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
        match2 = matchers.hex3.exec(color);
        if (match2) {
          return {
            r: parseIntFromHex(match2[1] + match2[1]),
            g: parseIntFromHex(match2[2] + match2[2]),
            b: parseIntFromHex(match2[3] + match2[3]),
            format: named ? "name" : "hex"
        return false;
      function isValidCSSUnit(color) {
        return Boolean(matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(String(color)));
      var TinyColor = (
        /** @class */
        function() {
          function TinyColor2(color, opts) {
            if (color === void 0) {
              color = "";
            if (opts === void 0) {
              opts = {};
            var _a2;
            if (color instanceof TinyColor2) {
              return color;
            if (typeof color === "number") {
              color = numberInputToObject(color);
            this.originalInput = color;
            var rgb = inputToRGB(color);
            this.originalInput = color;
            this.r = rgb.r;
            this.g = rgb.g;
            this.b = rgb.b;
            this.a = rgb.a;
            this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
            this.format = (_a2 = opts.format) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : rgb.format;
            this.gradientType = opts.gradientType;
            if (this.r < 1) {
              this.r = Math.round(this.r);
            if (this.g < 1) {
              this.g = Math.round(this.g);
            if (this.b < 1) {
              this.b = Math.round(this.b);
            this.isValid = rgb.ok;
          TinyColor2.prototype.isDark = function() {
            return this.getBrightness() < 128;
          TinyColor2.prototype.isLight = function() {
            return !this.isDark();
          TinyColor2.prototype.getBrightness = function() {
            var rgb = this.toRgb();
            return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1e3;
          TinyColor2.prototype.getLuminance = function() {
            var rgb = this.toRgb();
            var R2;
            var G2;
            var B2;
            var RsRGB = rgb.r / 255;
            var GsRGB = rgb.g / 255;
            var BsRGB = rgb.b / 255;
            if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {
              R2 = RsRGB / 12.92;
            } else {
              R2 = Math.pow((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
            if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {
              G2 = GsRGB / 12.92;
            } else {
              G2 = Math.pow((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
            if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {
              B2 = BsRGB / 12.92;
            } else {
              B2 = Math.pow((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
            return 0.2126 * R2 + 0.7152 * G2 + 0.0722 * B2;
          TinyColor2.prototype.getAlpha = function() {
            return this.a;
          TinyColor2.prototype.setAlpha = function(alpha) {
            this.a = boundAlpha(alpha);
            this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
            return this;
          TinyColor2.prototype.isMonochrome = function() {
            var s = this.toHsl().s;
            return s === 0;
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHsv = function() {
            var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
            return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this.a };
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHsvString = function() {
            var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
            var h2 = Math.round(hsv.h * 360);
            var s = Math.round(hsv.s * 100);
            var v = Math.round(hsv.v * 100);
            return this.a === 1 ? "hsv(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%)") : "hsva(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHsl = function() {
            var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
            return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this.a };
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHslString = function() {
            var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
            var h2 = Math.round(hsl.h * 360);
            var s = Math.round(hsl.s * 100);
            var l = Math.round(hsl.l * 100);
            return this.a === 1 ? "hsl(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%)") : "hsla(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHex = function(allow3Char) {
            if (allow3Char === void 0) {
              allow3Char = false;
            return rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, allow3Char);
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHexString = function(allow3Char) {
            if (allow3Char === void 0) {
              allow3Char = false;
            return "#" + this.toHex(allow3Char);
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8 = function(allow4Char) {
            if (allow4Char === void 0) {
              allow4Char = false;
            return rgbaToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a, allow4Char);
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8String = function(allow4Char) {
            if (allow4Char === void 0) {
              allow4Char = false;
            return "#" + this.toHex8(allow4Char);
          TinyColor2.prototype.toHexShortString = function(allowShortChar) {
            if (allowShortChar === void 0) {
              allowShortChar = false;
            return this.a === 1 ? this.toHexString(allowShortChar) : this.toHex8String(allowShortChar);
          TinyColor2.prototype.toRgb = function() {
            return {
              r: Math.round(this.r),
              g: Math.round(this.g),
              b: Math.round(this.b),
              a: this.a
          TinyColor2.prototype.toRgbString = function() {
            var r = Math.round(this.r);
            var g = Math.round(this.g);
            var b = Math.round(this.b);
            return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ")") : "rgba(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ", ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
          TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgb = function() {
            var fmt = function(x) {
              return "".concat(Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100), "%");
            return {
              r: fmt(this.r),
              g: fmt(this.g),
              b: fmt(this.b),
              a: this.a
          TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgbString = function() {
            var rnd = function(x) {
              return Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100);
            return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%)") : "rgba(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
          TinyColor2.prototype.toName = function() {
            if (this.a === 0) {
              return "transparent";
            if (this.a < 1) {
              return false;
            var hex = "#" + rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, false);
            for (var _i = 0, _a2 = Object.entries(names); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {
              var _b = _a2[_i], key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
              if (hex === value) {
                return key;
            return false;
          TinyColor2.prototype.toString = function(format2) {
            var formatSet = Boolean(format2);
            format2 = format2 !== null && format2 !== void 0 ? format2 : this.format;
            var formattedString = false;
            var hasAlpha = this.a < 1 && this.a >= 0;
            var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format2.startsWith("hex") || format2 === "name");
            if (needsAlphaFormat) {
              if (format2 === "name" && this.a === 0) {
                return this.toName();
              return this.toRgbString();
            if (format2 === "rgb") {
              formattedString = this.toRgbString();
            if (format2 === "prgb") {
              formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString();
            if (format2 === "hex" || format2 === "hex6") {
              formattedString = this.toHexString();
            if (format2 === "hex3") {
              formattedString = this.toHexString(true);
            if (format2 === "hex4") {
              formattedString = this.toHex8String(true);
            if (format2 === "hex8") {
              formattedString = this.toHex8String();
            if (format2 === "name") {
              formattedString = this.toName();
            if (format2 === "hsl") {
              formattedString = this.toHslString();
            if (format2 === "hsv") {
              formattedString = this.toHsvString();
            return formattedString || this.toHexString();
          TinyColor2.prototype.toNumber = function() {
            return (Math.round(this.r) << 16) + (Math.round(this.g) << 8) + Math.round(this.b);
          TinyColor2.prototype.clone = function() {
            return new TinyColor2(this.toString());
          TinyColor2.prototype.lighten = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            hsl.l += amount / 100;
            hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.brighten = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            var rgb = this.toRgb();
            rgb.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.r - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
            rgb.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.g - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
            rgb.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.b - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
            return new TinyColor2(rgb);
          TinyColor2.prototype.darken = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            hsl.l -= amount / 100;
            hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.tint = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            return this.mix("white", amount);
          TinyColor2.prototype.shade = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            return this.mix("black", amount);
          TinyColor2.prototype.desaturate = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            hsl.s -= amount / 100;
            hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.saturate = function(amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 10;
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            hsl.s += amount / 100;
            hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.greyscale = function() {
            return this.desaturate(100);
          TinyColor2.prototype.spin = function(amount) {
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360;
            hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.mix = function(color, amount) {
            if (amount === void 0) {
              amount = 50;
            var rgb1 = this.toRgb();
            var rgb2 = new TinyColor2(color).toRgb();
            var p2 = amount / 100;
            var rgba = {
              r: (rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p2 + rgb1.r,
              g: (rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p2 + rgb1.g,
              b: (rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p2 + rgb1.b,
              a: (rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p2 + rgb1.a
            return new TinyColor2(rgba);
          TinyColor2.prototype.analogous = function(results, slices) {
            if (results === void 0) {
              results = 6;
            if (slices === void 0) {
              slices = 30;
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            var part = 360 / slices;
            var ret = [this];
            for (hsl.h = (hsl.h - (part * results >> 1) + 720) % 360; --results; ) {
              hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360;
              ret.push(new TinyColor2(hsl));
            return ret;
          TinyColor2.prototype.complement = function() {
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360;
            return new TinyColor2(hsl);
          TinyColor2.prototype.monochromatic = function(results) {
            if (results === void 0) {
              results = 6;
            var hsv = this.toHsv();
            var h2 = hsv.h;
            var s = hsv.s;
            var v = hsv.v;
            var res = [];
            var modification = 1 / results;
            while (results--) {
              res.push(new TinyColor2({ h: h2, s, v }));
              v = (v + modification) % 1;
            return res;
          TinyColor2.prototype.splitcomplement = function() {
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            var h2 = hsl.h;
            return [
              new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
              new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
          TinyColor2.prototype.onBackground = function(background) {
            var fg = this.toRgb();
            var bg = new TinyColor2(background).toRgb();
            var alpha = fg.a + bg.a * (1 - fg.a);
            return new TinyColor2({
              r: (fg.r * fg.a + bg.r * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
              g: (fg.g * fg.a + bg.g * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
              b: (fg.b * fg.a + bg.b * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
              a: alpha
          TinyColor2.prototype.triad = function() {
            return this.polyad(3);
          TinyColor2.prototype.tetrad = function() {
            return this.polyad(4);
          TinyColor2.prototype.polyad = function(n) {
            var hsl = this.toHsl();
            var h2 = hsl.h;
            var result = [this];
            var increment = 360 / n;
            for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
              result.push(new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + i * increment) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }));
            return result;
          TinyColor2.prototype.equals = function(color) {
            return this.toRgbString() === new TinyColor2(color).toRgbString();
          return TinyColor2;
      function darken(color, amount = 20) {
        return color.mix("#141414", amount).toString();
      function useButtonCustomStyle(props) {
        const _disabled = useFormDisabled();
        const ns = useNamespace("button");
        return computed(() => {
          let styles = {};
          const buttonColor = props.color;
          if (buttonColor) {
            const color = new TinyColor(buttonColor);
            const activeBgColor = props.dark ? color.tint(20).toString() : darken(color, 20);
            if (props.plain) {
              styles = ns.cssVarBlock({
                "bg-color": props.dark ? darken(color, 90) : color.tint(90).toString(),
                "text-color": buttonColor,
                "border-color": props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString(),
                "hover-text-color": `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`,
                "hover-bg-color": buttonColor,
                "hover-border-color": buttonColor,
                "active-bg-color": activeBgColor,
                "active-text-color": `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`,
                "active-border-color": activeBgColor
              if (_disabled.value) {
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-bg-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 90) : color.tint(90).toString();
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-text-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString();
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-border-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 80) : color.tint(80).toString();
            } else {
              const hoverBgColor = props.dark ? darken(color, 30) : color.tint(30).toString();
              const textColor = color.isDark() ? `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})` : `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-black")})`;
              styles = ns.cssVarBlock({
                "bg-color": buttonColor,
                "text-color": textColor,
                "border-color": buttonColor,
                "hover-bg-color": hoverBgColor,
                "hover-text-color": textColor,
                "hover-border-color": hoverBgColor,
                "active-bg-color": activeBgColor,
                "active-border-color": activeBgColor
              if (_disabled.value) {
                const disabledButtonColor = props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString();
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-bg-color")] = disabledButtonColor;
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-text-color")] = props.dark ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" : `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`;
                styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-border-color")] = disabledButtonColor;
          return styles;
      const __default__$e = defineComponent({
        name: "ElButton"
      const _sfc_main$k = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: buttonProps,
        emits: buttonEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const buttonStyle = useButtonCustomStyle(props);
          const ns = useNamespace("button");
          const { _ref, _size, _type, _disabled, _props, shouldAddSpace, handleClick } = useButton(props, emit2);
            ref: _ref,
            size: _size,
            type: _type,
            disabled: _disabled,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.tag), mergeProps({
              ref_key: "_ref",
              ref: _ref
            }, unref(_props), {
              class: [
                unref(ns).is("disabled", unref(_disabled)),
                unref(ns).is("loading", _ctx.loading),
                unref(ns).is("plain", _ctx.plain),
                unref(ns).is("round", _ctx.round),
                unref(ns).is("circle", _ctx.circle),
                unref(ns).is("text", _ctx.text),
                unref(ns).is("link", _ctx.link),
                unref(ns).is("has-bg", _ctx.bg)
              style: unref(buttonStyle),
              onClick: unref(handleClick)
            }), {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                _ctx.loading ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 0 }, [
                  _ctx.$slots.loading ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "loading", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 1,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).is("loading"))
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.loadingIcon)))
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class"]))
                ], 64)) : _ctx.icon || _ctx.$slots.icon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), { key: 1 }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    _ctx.icon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.icon), { key: 0 })) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon", { key: 1 })
                  _: 3
                })) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                _ctx.$slots.default ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                  key: 2,
                  class: normalizeClass({ [unref(ns).em("text", "expand")]: unref(shouldAddSpace) })
                }, [
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              _: 3
            }, 16, ["class", "style", "onClick"]);
      var Button = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$k, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/button/src/button.vue"]]);
      const buttonGroupProps = {
        size: buttonProps.size,
        type: buttonProps.type
      const __default__$d = defineComponent({
        name: "ElButtonGroup"
      const _sfc_main$j = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: buttonGroupProps,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          provide(buttonGroupContextKey, reactive({
            size: toRef(props, "size"),
            type: toRef(props, "type")
          const ns = useNamespace("button");
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass(`${unref(ns).b("group")}`)
            }, [
              renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
            ], 2);
      var ButtonGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$j, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/button/src/button-group.vue"]]);
      const ElButton = withInstall(Button, {
      const nodeList = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      let startClick;
      if (isClient$1) {
        document.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => startClick = e);
        document.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => {
          for (const handlers2 of nodeList.values()) {
            for (const { documentHandler } of handlers2) {
              documentHandler(e, startClick);
      function createDocumentHandler(el, binding) {
        let excludes = [];
        if (Array.isArray(binding.arg)) {
          excludes = binding.arg;
        } else if (isElement(binding.arg)) {
        return function(mouseup, mousedown) {
          const popperRef = binding.instance.popperRef;
          const mouseUpTarget = mouseup.target;
          const mouseDownTarget = mousedown == null ? void 0 : mousedown.target;
          const isBound = !binding || !binding.instance;
          const isTargetExists = !mouseUpTarget || !mouseDownTarget;
          const isContainedByEl = el.contains(mouseUpTarget) || el.contains(mouseDownTarget);
          const isSelf = el === mouseUpTarget;
          const isTargetExcluded = excludes.length && excludes.some((item) => item == null ? void 0 : item.contains(mouseUpTarget)) || excludes.length && excludes.includes(mouseDownTarget);
          const isContainedByPopper = popperRef && (popperRef.contains(mouseUpTarget) || popperRef.contains(mouseDownTarget));
          if (isBound || isTargetExists || isContainedByEl || isSelf || isTargetExcluded || isContainedByPopper) {
          binding.value(mouseup, mousedown);
      const ClickOutside = {
        beforeMount(el, binding) {
          if (!nodeList.has(el)) {
            nodeList.set(el, []);
            documentHandler: createDocumentHandler(el, binding),
            bindingFn: binding.value
        updated(el, binding) {
          if (!nodeList.has(el)) {
            nodeList.set(el, []);
          const handlers2 = nodeList.get(el);
          const oldHandlerIndex = handlers2.findIndex((item) => item.bindingFn === binding.oldValue);
          const newHandler = {
            documentHandler: createDocumentHandler(el, binding),
            bindingFn: binding.value
          if (oldHandlerIndex >= 0) {
            handlers2.splice(oldHandlerIndex, 1, newHandler);
          } else {
        unmounted(el) {
      const REPEAT_INTERVAL = 100;
      const REPEAT_DELAY = 600;
      const vRepeatClick = {
        beforeMount(el, binding) {
          const value = binding.value;
          const { interval = REPEAT_INTERVAL, delay = REPEAT_DELAY } = isFunction$2(value) ? {} : value;
          let intervalId;
          let delayId;
          const handler = () => isFunction$2(value) ? value() : value.handler();
          const clear2 = () => {
            if (delayId) {
              delayId = void 0;
            if (intervalId) {
              intervalId = void 0;
          el.addEventListener("mousedown", (evt) => {
            if (evt.button !== 0)
            document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => clear2(), {
              once: true
            delayId = setTimeout(() => {
              intervalId = setInterval(() => {
              }, interval);
            }, delay);
      const checkboxProps = {
        modelValue: {
          type: [Number, String, Boolean],
          default: void 0
        label: {
          type: [String, Boolean, Number, Object]
        indeterminate: Boolean,
        disabled: Boolean,
        checked: Boolean,
        name: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        trueLabel: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: void 0
        falseLabel: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: void 0
        id: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        controls: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        border: Boolean,
        size: useSizeProp,
        tabindex: [String, Number],
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      const checkboxEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (val) => isString$2(val) || isNumber$1(val) || isBoolean$1(val),
        change: (val) => isString$2(val) || isNumber$1(val) || isBoolean$1(val)
      const checkboxGroupContextKey = Symbol("checkboxGroupContextKey");
      const useCheckboxDisabled = ({
      }) => {
        const checkboxGroup = inject(checkboxGroupContextKey, void 0);
        const isLimitDisabled = computed(() => {
          var _a2, _b;
          const max = (_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.max) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value;
          const min = (_b = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.min) == null ? void 0 : _b.value;
          return !isUndefined(max) && model.value.length >= max && !isChecked.value || !isUndefined(min) && model.value.length <= min && isChecked.value;
        const isDisabled = useFormDisabled(computed(() => (checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.disabled.value) || isLimitDisabled.value));
        return {
      const useCheckboxEvent = (props, {
      }) => {
        const checkboxGroup = inject(checkboxGroupContextKey, void 0);
        const { formItem } = useFormItem();
        const { emit: emit2 } = getCurrentInstance();
        function getLabeledValue(value) {
          var _a2, _b;
          return value === props.trueLabel || value === true ? (_a2 = props.trueLabel) != null ? _a2 : true : (_b = props.falseLabel) != null ? _b : false;
        function emitChangeEvent(checked, e) {
          emit2("change", getLabeledValue(checked), e);
        function handleChange(e) {
          if (isLimitExceeded.value)
          const target = e.target;
          emit2("change", getLabeledValue(target.checked), e);
        async function onClickRoot(e) {
          if (isLimitExceeded.value)
          if (!hasOwnLabel.value && !isDisabled.value && isLabeledByFormItem.value) {
            const eventTargets = e.composedPath();
            const hasLabel = eventTargets.some((item) => item.tagName === "LABEL");
            if (!hasLabel) {
              model.value = getLabeledValue([false, props.falseLabel].includes(model.value));
              await nextTick();
              emitChangeEvent(model.value, e);
        const validateEvent = computed(() => (checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.validateEvent) || props.validateEvent);
        watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
          if (validateEvent.value) {
            formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate("change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
        return {
      const useCheckboxModel = (props) => {
        const selfModel = ref(false);
        const { emit: emit2 } = getCurrentInstance();
        const checkboxGroup = inject(checkboxGroupContextKey, void 0);
        const isGroup = computed(() => isUndefined(checkboxGroup) === false);
        const isLimitExceeded = ref(false);
        const model = computed({
          get() {
            var _a2, _b;
            return isGroup.value ? (_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.modelValue) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value : (_b = props.modelValue) != null ? _b : selfModel.value;
          set(val) {
            var _a2, _b;
            if (isGroup.value && isArray$3(val)) {
              isLimitExceeded.value = ((_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.max) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value) !== void 0 && val.length > (checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.max.value);
              isLimitExceeded.value === false && ((_b = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.changeEvent) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(checkboxGroup, val));
            } else {
              emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);
              selfModel.value = val;
        return {
      const useCheckboxStatus = (props, slots, { model }) => {
        const checkboxGroup = inject(checkboxGroupContextKey, void 0);
        const isFocused = ref(false);
        const isChecked = computed(() => {
          const value = model.value;
          if (isBoolean$1(value)) {
            return value;
          } else if (isArray$3(value)) {
            if (isObject$3(props.label)) {
              return value.map(toRaw).some((o) => isEqual(o, props.label));
            } else {
              return value.map(toRaw).includes(props.label);
          } else if (value !== null && value !== void 0) {
            return value === props.trueLabel;
          } else {
            return !!value;
        const checkboxButtonSize = useFormSize(computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return (_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.size) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value;
        }), {
          prop: true
        const checkboxSize = useFormSize(computed(() => {
          var _a2;
          return (_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.size) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value;
        const hasOwnLabel = computed(() => {
          return !!(slots.default || props.label);
        return {
      const setStoreValue = (props, { model }) => {
        function addToStore() {
          if (isArray$3(model.value) && !model.value.includes(props.label)) {
          } else {
            model.value = props.trueLabel || true;
        props.checked && addToStore();
      const useCheckbox = (props, slots) => {
        const { formItem: elFormItem2 } = useFormItem();
        const { model, isGroup, isLimitExceeded } = useCheckboxModel(props);
        const {
        } = useCheckboxStatus(props, slots, { model });
        const { isDisabled } = useCheckboxDisabled({ model, isChecked });
        const { inputId, isLabeledByFormItem } = useFormItemInputId(props, {
          formItemContext: elFormItem2,
          disableIdGeneration: hasOwnLabel,
          disableIdManagement: isGroup
        const { handleChange, onClickRoot } = useCheckboxEvent(props, {
        setStoreValue(props, { model });
        return {
      const _hoisted_1$b = ["tabindex", "role", "aria-checked"];
      const _hoisted_2$9 = ["id", "aria-hidden", "name", "tabindex", "disabled", "true-value", "false-value"];
      const _hoisted_3$3 = ["id", "aria-hidden", "disabled", "value", "name", "tabindex"];
      const __default__$c = defineComponent({
        name: "ElCheckbox"
      const _sfc_main$i = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: checkboxProps,
        emits: checkboxEmits,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const slots = useSlots();
          const {
          } = useCheckbox(props, slots);
          const ns = useNamespace("checkbox");
          const compKls = computed(() => {
            return [
              ns.is("disabled", isDisabled.value),
              ns.is("bordered", props.border),
              ns.is("checked", isChecked.value)
          const spanKls = computed(() => {
            return [
              ns.is("disabled", isDisabled.value),
              ns.is("checked", isChecked.value),
              ns.is("indeterminate", props.indeterminate),
              ns.is("focus", isFocused.value)
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(!unref(hasOwnLabel) && unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? "span" : "label"), {
              class: normalizeClass(unref(compKls)),
              "aria-controls": _ctx.indeterminate ? _ctx.controls : null,
              onClick: unref(onClickRoot)
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                createBaseVNode("span", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(spanKls)),
                  tabindex: _ctx.indeterminate ? 0 : void 0,
                  role: _ctx.indeterminate ? "checkbox" : void 0,
                  "aria-checked": _ctx.indeterminate ? "mixed" : void 0
                }, [
                  _ctx.trueLabel || _ctx.falseLabel ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                    key: 0,
                    id: unref(inputId),
                    "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null),
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("original")),
                    type: "checkbox",
                    "aria-hidden": _ctx.indeterminate ? "true" : "false",
                    name: _ctx.name,
                    tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                    disabled: unref(isDisabled),
                    "true-value": _ctx.trueLabel,
                    "false-value": _ctx.falseLabel,
                    onChange: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => unref(handleChange) && unref(handleChange)(...args)),
                    onFocus: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => isFocused.value = true),
                    onBlur: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => isFocused.value = false)
                  }, null, 42, _hoisted_2$9)), [
                    [vModelCheckbox, unref(model)]
                  ]) : withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                    key: 1,
                    id: unref(inputId),
                    "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null),
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("original")),
                    type: "checkbox",
                    "aria-hidden": _ctx.indeterminate ? "true" : "false",
                    disabled: unref(isDisabled),
                    value: _ctx.label,
                    name: _ctx.name,
                    tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                    onChange: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = (...args) => unref(handleChange) && unref(handleChange)(...args)),
                    onFocus: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => isFocused.value = true),
                    onBlur: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => isFocused.value = false)
                  }, null, 42, _hoisted_3$3)), [
                    [vModelCheckbox, unref(model)]
                  createBaseVNode("span", {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("inner"))
                  }, null, 2)
                ], 10, _hoisted_1$b),
                unref(hasOwnLabel) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                  key: 0,
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("label"))
                }, [
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
                  !_ctx.$slots.default ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 0 }, [
                    createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(_ctx.label), 1)
                  ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["class", "aria-controls", "onClick"]);
      var Checkbox = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$i, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/checkbox/src/checkbox.vue"]]);
      const _hoisted_1$a = ["name", "tabindex", "disabled", "true-value", "false-value"];
      const _hoisted_2$8 = ["name", "tabindex", "disabled", "value"];
      const __default__$b = defineComponent({
        name: "ElCheckboxButton"
      const _sfc_main$h = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: checkboxProps,
        emits: checkboxEmits,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const slots = useSlots();
          const {
          } = useCheckbox(props, slots);
          const checkboxGroup = inject(checkboxGroupContextKey, void 0);
          const ns = useNamespace("checkbox");
          const activeStyle = computed(() => {
            var _a2, _b, _c, _d;
            const fillValue = (_b = (_a2 = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.fill) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value) != null ? _b : "";
            return {
              backgroundColor: fillValue,
              borderColor: fillValue,
              color: (_d = (_c = checkboxGroup == null ? void 0 : checkboxGroup.textColor) == null ? void 0 : _c.value) != null ? _d : "",
              boxShadow: fillValue ? `-1px 0 0 0 ${fillValue}` : void 0
          const labelKls = computed(() => {
            return [
              ns.bm("button", checkboxButtonSize.value),
              ns.is("disabled", isDisabled.value),
              ns.is("checked", isChecked.value),
              ns.is("focus", isFocused.value)
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("label", {
              class: normalizeClass(unref(labelKls))
            }, [
              _ctx.trueLabel || _ctx.falseLabel ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                key: 0,
                "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null),
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).be("button", "original")),
                type: "checkbox",
                name: _ctx.name,
                tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                disabled: unref(isDisabled),
                "true-value": _ctx.trueLabel,
                "false-value": _ctx.falseLabel,
                onChange: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => unref(handleChange) && unref(handleChange)(...args)),
                onFocus: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => isFocused.value = true),
                onBlur: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => isFocused.value = false)
              }, null, 42, _hoisted_1$a)), [
                [vModelCheckbox, unref(model)]
              ]) : withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                key: 1,
                "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null),
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).be("button", "original")),
                type: "checkbox",
                name: _ctx.name,
                tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                disabled: unref(isDisabled),
                value: _ctx.label,
                onChange: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = (...args) => unref(handleChange) && unref(handleChange)(...args)),
                onFocus: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => isFocused.value = true),
                onBlur: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => isFocused.value = false)
              }, null, 42, _hoisted_2$8)), [
                [vModelCheckbox, unref(model)]
              _ctx.$slots.default || _ctx.label ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                key: 2,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).be("button", "inner")),
                style: normalizeStyle(unref(isChecked) ? unref(activeStyle) : void 0)
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
                  createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(_ctx.label), 1)
              ], 6)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 2);
      var CheckboxButton = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$h, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/checkbox/src/checkbox-button.vue"]]);
      const checkboxGroupProps = buildProps({
        modelValue: {
          type: definePropType(Array),
          default: () => []
        disabled: Boolean,
        min: Number,
        max: Number,
        size: useSizeProp,
        label: String,
        fill: String,
        textColor: String,
        tag: {
          type: String,
          default: "div"
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      const checkboxGroupEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (val) => isArray$3(val),
        change: (val) => isArray$3(val)
      const __default__$a = defineComponent({
        name: "ElCheckboxGroup"
      const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: checkboxGroupProps,
        emits: checkboxGroupEmits,
        setup(__props, { emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("checkbox");
          const { formItem } = useFormItem();
          const { inputId: groupId, isLabeledByFormItem } = useFormItemInputId(props, {
            formItemContext: formItem
          const changeEvent = async (value) => {
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
            await nextTick();
            emit2("change", value);
          const modelValue = computed({
            get() {
              return props.modelValue;
            set(val) {
          provide(checkboxGroupContextKey, {
            ...pick$1(toRefs(props), [
          watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate("change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            var _a2;
            return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.tag), {
              id: unref(groupId),
              class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).b("group")),
              role: "group",
              "aria-label": !unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? _ctx.label || "checkbox-group" : void 0,
              "aria-labelledby": unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? (_a2 = unref(formItem)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.labelId : void 0
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["id", "class", "aria-label", "aria-labelledby"]);
      var CheckboxGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$g, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/checkbox/src/checkbox-group.vue"]]);
      const ElCheckbox = withInstall(Checkbox, {
      const tagProps = buildProps({
        closable: Boolean,
        type: {
          type: String,
          values: ["success", "info", "warning", "danger", ""],
          default: ""
        hit: Boolean,
        disableTransitions: Boolean,
        color: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        size: {
          type: String,
          values: componentSizes,
          default: ""
        effect: {
          type: String,
          values: ["dark", "light", "plain"],
          default: "light"
        round: Boolean
      const tagEmits = {
        close: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent,
        click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
      const __default__$9 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElTag"
      const _sfc_main$f = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: tagProps,
        emits: tagEmits,
        setup(__props, { emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const tagSize = useFormSize();
          const ns = useNamespace("tag");
          const classes = computed(() => {
            const { type: type2, hit, effect, closable, round } = props;
            return [
              ns.is("closable", closable),
              ns.is("hit", hit),
              ns.is("round", round)
          const handleClose = (event) => {
            emit2("close", event);
          const handleClick = (event) => {
            emit2("click", event);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return _ctx.disableTransitions ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
              key: 0,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(classes)),
              style: normalizeStyle({ backgroundColor: _ctx.color }),
              onClick: handleClick
            }, [
              createBaseVNode("span", {
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("content"))
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              ], 2),
              _ctx.closable ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                key: 0,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("close")),
                onClick: withModifiers(handleClose, ["stop"])
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                _: 1
              }, 8, ["class", "onClick"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 6)) : (openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
              key: 1,
              name: `${unref(ns).namespace.value}-zoom-in-center`,
              appear: ""
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                createBaseVNode("span", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(classes)),
                  style: normalizeStyle({ backgroundColor: _ctx.color }),
                  onClick: handleClick
                }, [
                  createBaseVNode("span", {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("content"))
                  }, [
                    renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                  ], 2),
                  _ctx.closable ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 0,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("close")),
                    onClick: withModifiers(handleClose, ["stop"])
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class", "onClick"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 6)
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["name"]));
      var Tag = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$f, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/tag/src/tag.vue"]]);
      const ElTag = withInstall(Tag);
      const overlayProps = buildProps({
        mask: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        customMaskEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        overlayClass: {
          type: definePropType([
        zIndex: {
          type: definePropType([String, Number])
      const overlayEmits = {
        click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
      const BLOCK = "overlay";
      var Overlay = defineComponent({
        name: "ElOverlay",
        props: overlayProps,
        emits: overlayEmits,
        setup(props, { slots, emit: emit2 }) {
          const ns = useNamespace(BLOCK);
          const onMaskClick = (e) => {
            emit2("click", e);
          const { onClick, onMousedown, onMouseup } = useSameTarget(props.customMaskEvent ? void 0 : onMaskClick);
          return () => {
            return props.mask ? createVNode("div", {
              class: [ns.b(), props.overlayClass],
              style: {
                zIndex: props.zIndex
            }, [renderSlot(slots, "default")], PatchFlags.STYLE | PatchFlags.CLASS | PatchFlags.PROPS, ["onClick", "onMouseup", "onMousedown"]) : h("div", {
              class: props.overlayClass,
              style: {
                zIndex: props.zIndex,
                position: "fixed",
                top: "0px",
                right: "0px",
                bottom: "0px",
                left: "0px"
            }, [renderSlot(slots, "default")]);
      const ElOverlay = Overlay;
      const dialogInjectionKey = Symbol("dialogInjectionKey");
      const dialogContentProps = buildProps({
        center: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        alignCenter: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        closeIcon: {
          type: iconPropType
        customClass: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        draggable: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        fullscreen: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        showClose: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        title: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
      const dialogContentEmits = {
        close: () => true
      const _hoisted_1$9 = ["aria-label"];
      const _hoisted_2$7 = ["id"];
      const __default__$8 = defineComponent({ name: "ElDialogContent" });
      const _sfc_main$e = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: dialogContentProps,
        emits: dialogContentEmits,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
          const { Close } = CloseComponents;
          const { dialogRef, headerRef, bodyId, ns, style } = inject(dialogInjectionKey);
          const { focusTrapRef } = inject(FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY);
          const composedDialogRef = composeRefs(focusTrapRef, dialogRef);
          const draggable = computed(() => props.draggable);
          useDraggable(dialogRef, headerRef, draggable);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              ref: unref(composedDialogRef),
              class: normalizeClass([
                unref(ns).is("fullscreen", _ctx.fullscreen),
                unref(ns).is("draggable", unref(draggable)),
                unref(ns).is("align-center", _ctx.alignCenter),
                { [unref(ns).m("center")]: _ctx.center },
              style: normalizeStyle(unref(style)),
              tabindex: "-1"
            }, [
              createBaseVNode("header", {
                ref_key: "headerRef",
                ref: headerRef,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("header"))
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "header", {}, () => [
                  createBaseVNode("span", {
                    role: "heading",
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("title"))
                  }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.title), 3)
                _ctx.showClose ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
                  key: 0,
                  "aria-label": unref(t2)("el.dialog.close"),
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("headerbtn")),
                  type: "button",
                  onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("close"))
                }, [
                  createVNode(unref(ElIcon), {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("close"))
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.closeIcon || unref(Close))))
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class"])
                ], 10, _hoisted_1$9)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 2),
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                id: unref(bodyId),
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("body"))
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              ], 10, _hoisted_2$7),
              _ctx.$slots.footer ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("footer", {
                key: 0,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("footer"))
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
              ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 6);
      var ElDialogContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$e, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/dialog/src/dialog-content.vue"]]);
      const dialogProps = buildProps({
        appendToBody: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        beforeClose: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        destroyOnClose: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        closeOnClickModal: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        closeOnPressEscape: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        lockScroll: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        modal: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        openDelay: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        closeDelay: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        top: {
          type: String
        modelValue: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        modalClass: String,
        width: {
          type: [String, Number]
        zIndex: {
          type: Number
        trapFocus: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
      const dialogEmits = {
        open: () => true,
        opened: () => true,
        close: () => true,
        closed: () => true,
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (value) => isBoolean$1(value),
        openAutoFocus: () => true,
        closeAutoFocus: () => true
      const useDialog = (props, targetRef) => {
        const instance = getCurrentInstance();
        const emit2 = instance.emit;
        const { nextZIndex } = useZIndex();
        let lastPosition = "";
        const titleId = useId();
        const bodyId = useId();
        const visible = ref(false);
        const closed = ref(false);
        const rendered = ref(false);
        const zIndex2 = ref(props.zIndex || nextZIndex());
        let openTimer = void 0;
        let closeTimer = void 0;
        const namespace = useGlobalConfig("namespace", defaultNamespace);
        const style = computed(() => {
          const style2 = {};
          const varPrefix = `--${namespace.value}-dialog`;
          if (!props.fullscreen) {
            if (props.top) {
              style2[`${varPrefix}-margin-top`] = props.top;
            if (props.width) {
              style2[`${varPrefix}-width`] = addUnit(props.width);
          return style2;
        const overlayDialogStyle = computed(() => {
          if (props.alignCenter) {
            return { display: "flex" };
          return {};
        function afterEnter() {
        function afterLeave() {
          emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, false);
          if (props.destroyOnClose) {
            rendered.value = false;
        function beforeLeave() {
        function open2() {
          closeTimer == null ? void 0 : closeTimer();
          openTimer == null ? void 0 : openTimer();
          if (props.openDelay && props.openDelay > 0) {
            ({ stop: openTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => doOpen(), props.openDelay));
          } else {
        function close() {
          openTimer == null ? void 0 : openTimer();
          closeTimer == null ? void 0 : closeTimer();
          if (props.closeDelay && props.closeDelay > 0) {
            ({ stop: closeTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => doClose(), props.closeDelay));
          } else {
        function handleClose() {
          function hide(shouldCancel) {
            if (shouldCancel)
            closed.value = true;
            visible.value = false;
          if (props.beforeClose) {
          } else {
        function onModalClick() {
          if (props.closeOnClickModal) {
        function doOpen() {
          if (!isClient$1)
          visible.value = true;
        function doClose() {
          visible.value = false;
        function onOpenAutoFocus() {
        function onCloseAutoFocus() {
        function onFocusoutPrevented(event) {
          var _a2;
          if (((_a2 = event.detail) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focusReason) === "pointer") {
        if (props.lockScroll) {
        function onCloseRequested() {
          if (props.closeOnPressEscape) {
        watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
          if (val) {
            closed.value = false;
            rendered.value = true;
            zIndex2.value = props.zIndex ? zIndex2.value++ : nextZIndex();
            nextTick(() => {
              if (targetRef.value) {
                targetRef.value.scrollTop = 0;
          } else {
            if (visible.value) {
        watch(() => props.fullscreen, (val) => {
          if (!targetRef.value)
          if (val) {
            lastPosition = targetRef.value.style.transform;
            targetRef.value.style.transform = "";
          } else {
            targetRef.value.style.transform = lastPosition;
        onMounted(() => {
          if (props.modelValue) {
            visible.value = true;
            rendered.value = true;
        return {
          zIndex: zIndex2
      const _hoisted_1$8 = ["aria-label", "aria-labelledby", "aria-describedby"];
      const __default__$7 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElDialog",
        inheritAttrs: false
      const _sfc_main$d = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: dialogProps,
        emits: dialogEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const slots = useSlots();
            scope: "el-dialog",
            from: "the title slot",
            replacement: "the header slot",
            version: "3.0.0",
            ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/dialog.html#slots"
          }, computed(() => !!slots.title));
            scope: "el-dialog",
            from: "custom-class",
            replacement: "class",
            version: "2.3.0",
            ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/dialog.html#attributes",
            type: "Attribute"
          }, computed(() => !!props.customClass));
          const ns = useNamespace("dialog");
          const dialogRef = ref();
          const headerRef = ref();
          const dialogContentRef = ref();
          const {
            zIndex: zIndex2,
          } = useDialog(props, dialogRef);
          provide(dialogInjectionKey, {
          const overlayEvent = useSameTarget(onModalClick);
          const draggable = computed(() => props.draggable && !props.fullscreen);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(Teleport, {
              to: "body",
              disabled: !_ctx.appendToBody
            }, [
              createVNode(Transition, {
                name: "dialog-fade",
                onAfterEnter: unref(afterEnter),
                onAfterLeave: unref(afterLeave),
                onBeforeLeave: unref(beforeLeave),
                persisted: ""
              }, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  withDirectives(createVNode(unref(ElOverlay), {
                    "custom-mask-event": "",
                    mask: _ctx.modal,
                    "overlay-class": _ctx.modalClass,
                    "z-index": unref(zIndex2)
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createBaseVNode("div", {
                        role: "dialog",
                        "aria-modal": "true",
                        "aria-label": _ctx.title || void 0,
                        "aria-labelledby": !_ctx.title ? unref(titleId) : void 0,
                        "aria-describedby": unref(bodyId),
                        class: normalizeClass(`${unref(ns).namespace.value}-overlay-dialog`),
                        style: normalizeStyle(unref(overlayDialogStyle)),
                        onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => unref(overlayEvent).onClick && unref(overlayEvent).onClick(...args)),
                        onMousedown: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => unref(overlayEvent).onMousedown && unref(overlayEvent).onMousedown(...args)),
                        onMouseup: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => unref(overlayEvent).onMouseup && unref(overlayEvent).onMouseup(...args))
                      }, [
                        createVNode(unref(ElFocusTrap), {
                          loop: "",
                          trapped: unref(visible),
                          "focus-start-el": "container",
                          onFocusAfterTrapped: unref(onOpenAutoFocus),
                          onFocusAfterReleased: unref(onCloseAutoFocus),
                          onFocusoutPrevented: unref(onFocusoutPrevented),
                          onReleaseRequested: unref(onCloseRequested)
                        }, {
                          default: withCtx(() => [
                            unref(rendered) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(ElDialogContent, mergeProps({
                              key: 0,
                              ref_key: "dialogContentRef",
                              ref: dialogContentRef
                            }, _ctx.$attrs, {
                              "custom-class": _ctx.customClass,
                              center: _ctx.center,
                              "align-center": _ctx.alignCenter,
                              "close-icon": _ctx.closeIcon,
                              draggable: unref(draggable),
                              fullscreen: _ctx.fullscreen,
                              "show-close": _ctx.showClose,
                              title: _ctx.title,
                              onClose: unref(handleClose)
                            }), createSlots({
                              header: withCtx(() => [
                                !_ctx.$slots.title ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "header", {
                                  key: 0,
                                  close: unref(handleClose),
                                  titleId: unref(titleId),
                                  titleClass: unref(ns).e("title")
                                }) : renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { key: 1 })
                              default: withCtx(() => [
                                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                              _: 2
                            }, [
                              _ctx.$slots.footer ? {
                                name: "footer",
                                fn: withCtx(() => [
                                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
                              } : void 0
                            ]), 1040, ["custom-class", "center", "align-center", "close-icon", "draggable", "fullscreen", "show-close", "title", "onClose"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                          _: 3
                        }, 8, ["trapped", "onFocusAfterTrapped", "onFocusAfterReleased", "onFocusoutPrevented", "onReleaseRequested"])
                      ], 46, _hoisted_1$8)
                    _: 3
                  }, 8, ["mask", "overlay-class", "z-index"]), [
                    [vShow, unref(visible)]
                _: 3
              }, 8, ["onAfterEnter", "onAfterLeave", "onBeforeLeave"])
            ], 8, ["disabled"]);
      var Dialog = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$d, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/dialog/src/dialog.vue"]]);
      const ElDialog = withInstall(Dialog);
      const dividerProps = buildProps({
        direction: {
          type: String,
          values: ["horizontal", "vertical"],
          default: "horizontal"
        contentPosition: {
          type: String,
          values: ["left", "center", "right"],
          default: "center"
        borderStyle: {
          type: definePropType(String),
          default: "solid"
      const __default__$6 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElDivider"
      const _sfc_main$c = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: dividerProps,
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("divider");
          const dividerStyle = computed(() => {
            return ns.cssVar({
              "border-style": props.borderStyle
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).b(), unref(ns).m(_ctx.direction)]),
              style: normalizeStyle(unref(dividerStyle)),
              role: "separator"
            }, [
              _ctx.$slots.default && _ctx.direction !== "vertical" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                key: 0,
                class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("text"), unref(ns).is(_ctx.contentPosition)])
              }, [
                renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
              ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 6);
      var Divider = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$c, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/divider/src/divider.vue"]]);
      const ElDivider = withInstall(Divider);
      const inputNumberProps = buildProps({
        id: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        step: {
          type: Number,
          default: 1
        stepStrictly: Boolean,
        max: {
          type: Number,
          default: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
        min: {
          type: Number,
          default: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
        modelValue: Number,
        readonly: Boolean,
        disabled: Boolean,
        size: useSizeProp,
        controls: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        controlsPosition: {
          type: String,
          default: "",
          values: ["", "right"]
        valueOnClear: {
          type: [String, Number, null],
          validator: (val) => val === null || isNumber$1(val) || ["min", "max"].includes(val),
          default: null
        name: String,
        label: String,
        placeholder: String,
        precision: {
          type: Number,
          validator: (val) => val >= 0 && val === Number.parseInt(`${val}`, 10)
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      const inputNumberEmits = {
        [CHANGE_EVENT]: (cur, prev) => prev !== cur,
        blur: (e) => e instanceof FocusEvent,
        focus: (e) => e instanceof FocusEvent,
        [INPUT_EVENT]: (val) => isNumber$1(val) || isNil(val),
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (val) => isNumber$1(val) || isNil(val)
      const _hoisted_1$7 = ["aria-label", "onKeydown"];
      const _hoisted_2$6 = ["aria-label", "onKeydown"];
      const __default__$5 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElInputNumber"
      const _sfc_main$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: inputNumberProps,
        emits: inputNumberEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
          const ns = useNamespace("input-number");
          const input = ref();
          const data = reactive({
            currentValue: props.modelValue,
            userInput: null
          const { formItem } = useFormItem();
          const minDisabled = computed(() => isNumber$1(props.modelValue) && props.modelValue <= props.min);
          const maxDisabled = computed(() => isNumber$1(props.modelValue) && props.modelValue >= props.max);
          const numPrecision = computed(() => {
            const stepPrecision = getPrecision(props.step);
            if (!isUndefined(props.precision)) {
              if (stepPrecision > props.precision)
              return props.precision;
            } else {
              return Math.max(getPrecision(props.modelValue), stepPrecision);
          const controlsAtRight = computed(() => {
            return props.controls && props.controlsPosition === "right";
          const inputNumberSize = useFormSize();
          const inputNumberDisabled = useFormDisabled();
          const displayValue = computed(() => {
            if (data.userInput !== null) {
              return data.userInput;
            let currentValue = data.currentValue;
            if (isNil(currentValue))
              return "";
            if (isNumber$1(currentValue)) {
              if (Number.isNaN(currentValue))
                return "";
              if (!isUndefined(props.precision)) {
                currentValue = currentValue.toFixed(props.precision);
            return currentValue;
          const toPrecision = (num, pre) => {
            if (isUndefined(pre))
              pre = numPrecision.value;
            if (pre === 0)
              return Math.round(num);
            let snum = String(num);
            const pointPos = snum.indexOf(".");
            if (pointPos === -1)
              return num;
            const nums = snum.replace(".", "").split("");
            const datum = nums[pointPos + pre];
            if (!datum)
              return num;
            const length = snum.length;
            if (snum.charAt(length - 1) === "5") {
              snum = `${snum.slice(0, Math.max(0, length - 1))}6`;
            return Number.parseFloat(Number(snum).toFixed(pre));
          const getPrecision = (value) => {
            if (isNil(value))
              return 0;
            const valueString = value.toString();
            const dotPosition = valueString.indexOf(".");
            let precision = 0;
            if (dotPosition !== -1) {
              precision = valueString.length - dotPosition - 1;
            return precision;
          const ensurePrecision = (val, coefficient = 1) => {
            if (!isNumber$1(val))
              return data.currentValue;
            return toPrecision(val + props.step * coefficient);
          const increase = () => {
            if (props.readonly || inputNumberDisabled.value || maxDisabled.value)
            const value = Number(displayValue.value) || 0;
            const newVal = ensurePrecision(value);
            emit2(INPUT_EVENT, data.currentValue);
          const decrease = () => {
            if (props.readonly || inputNumberDisabled.value || minDisabled.value)
            const value = Number(displayValue.value) || 0;
            const newVal = ensurePrecision(value, -1);
            emit2(INPUT_EVENT, data.currentValue);
          const verifyValue = (value, update) => {
            const { max, min, step, precision, stepStrictly, valueOnClear } = props;
            let newVal = Number(value);
            if (isNil(value) || Number.isNaN(newVal)) {
              return null;
            if (value === "") {
              if (valueOnClear === null) {
                return null;
              newVal = isString$2(valueOnClear) ? { min, max }[valueOnClear] : valueOnClear;
            if (stepStrictly) {
              newVal = toPrecision(Math.round(newVal / step) * step, precision);
            if (!isUndefined(precision)) {
              newVal = toPrecision(newVal, precision);
            if (newVal > max || newVal < min) {
              newVal = newVal > max ? max : min;
              update && emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, newVal);
            return newVal;
          const setCurrentValue = (value, emitChange = true) => {
            var _a2;
            const oldVal = data.currentValue;
            const newVal = verifyValue(value);
            if (!emitChange) {
              emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, newVal);
            if (oldVal === newVal)
            data.userInput = null;
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, newVal);
            emit2(CHANGE_EVENT, newVal, oldVal);
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              (_a2 = formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(formItem, "change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
            data.currentValue = newVal;
          const handleInput = (value) => {
            data.userInput = value;
            const newVal = value === "" ? null : Number(value);
            emit2(INPUT_EVENT, newVal);
            setCurrentValue(newVal, false);
          const handleInputChange = (value) => {
            const newVal = value !== "" ? Number(value) : "";
            if (isNumber$1(newVal) && !Number.isNaN(newVal) || value === "") {
            data.userInput = null;
          const focus = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          const blur = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.blur) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          const handleFocus = (event) => {
            emit2("focus", event);
          const handleBlur = (event) => {
            var _a2;
            emit2("blur", event);
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              (_a2 = formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(formItem, "blur").catch((err) => debugWarn());
          watch(() => props.modelValue, (value) => {
            const userInput = verifyValue(data.userInput);
            const newValue = verifyValue(value, true);
            if (!isNumber$1(userInput) && (!userInput || userInput !== newValue)) {
              data.currentValue = newValue;
              data.userInput = null;
          }, { immediate: true });
          onMounted(() => {
            var _a2;
            const { min, max, modelValue } = props;
            const innerInput = (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.input;
            innerInput.setAttribute("role", "spinbutton");
            if (Number.isFinite(max)) {
              innerInput.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", String(max));
            } else {
            if (Number.isFinite(min)) {
              innerInput.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", String(min));
            } else {
            innerInput.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", String(data.currentValue));
            innerInput.setAttribute("aria-disabled", String(inputNumberDisabled.value));
            if (!isNumber$1(modelValue) && modelValue != null) {
              let val = Number(modelValue);
              if (Number.isNaN(val)) {
                val = null;
              emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);
          onUpdated(() => {
            var _a2;
            const innerInput = (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.input;
            innerInput == null ? void 0 : innerInput.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", `${data.currentValue}`);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass([
                unref(ns).is("disabled", unref(inputNumberDisabled)),
                unref(ns).is("without-controls", !_ctx.controls),
                unref(ns).is("controls-right", unref(controlsAtRight))
              onDragstart: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = withModifiers(() => {
              }, ["prevent"]))
            }, [
              _ctx.controls ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                key: 0,
                role: "button",
                "aria-label": unref(t2)("el.inputNumber.decrease"),
                class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("decrease"), unref(ns).is("disabled", unref(minDisabled))]),
                onKeydown: withKeys(decrease, ["enter"])
              }, [
                createVNode(unref(ElIcon), null, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    unref(controlsAtRight) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(arrow_down_default), { key: 0 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(minus_default), { key: 1 }))
                  _: 1
              ], 42, _hoisted_1$7)), [
                [unref(vRepeatClick), decrease]
              ]) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
              _ctx.controls ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                key: 1,
                role: "button",
                "aria-label": unref(t2)("el.inputNumber.increase"),
                class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("increase"), unref(ns).is("disabled", unref(maxDisabled))]),
                onKeydown: withKeys(increase, ["enter"])
              }, [
                createVNode(unref(ElIcon), null, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    unref(controlsAtRight) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(arrow_up_default), { key: 0 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(plus_default), { key: 1 }))
                  _: 1
              ], 42, _hoisted_2$6)), [
                [unref(vRepeatClick), increase]
              ]) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
              createVNode(unref(ElInput), {
                id: _ctx.id,
                ref_key: "input",
                ref: input,
                type: "number",
                step: _ctx.step,
                "model-value": unref(displayValue),
                placeholder: _ctx.placeholder,
                readonly: _ctx.readonly,
                disabled: unref(inputNumberDisabled),
                size: unref(inputNumberSize),
                max: _ctx.max,
                min: _ctx.min,
                name: _ctx.name,
                label: _ctx.label,
                "validate-event": false,
                onWheel: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withModifiers(() => {
                }, ["prevent"])),
                onKeydown: [
                  withKeys(withModifiers(increase, ["prevent"]), ["up"]),
                  withKeys(withModifiers(decrease, ["prevent"]), ["down"])
                onBlur: handleBlur,
                onFocus: handleFocus,
                onInput: handleInput,
                onChange: handleInputChange
              }, null, 8, ["id", "step", "model-value", "placeholder", "readonly", "disabled", "size", "max", "min", "name", "label", "onKeydown"])
            ], 34);
      var InputNumber = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$b, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/input-number/src/input-number.vue"]]);
      const ElInputNumber = withInstall(InputNumber);
      const selectGroupKey = Symbol("ElSelectGroup");
      const selectKey = Symbol("ElSelect");
      function useOption(props, states) {
        const select = inject(selectKey);
        const selectGroup = inject(selectGroupKey, { disabled: false });
        const isObject2 = computed(() => {
          return Object.prototype.toString.call(props.value).toLowerCase() === "[object object]";
        const itemSelected = computed(() => {
          if (!select.props.multiple) {
            return isEqual2(props.value, select.props.modelValue);
          } else {
            return contains(select.props.modelValue, props.value);
        const limitReached = computed(() => {
          if (select.props.multiple) {
            const modelValue = select.props.modelValue || [];
            return !itemSelected.value && modelValue.length >= select.props.multipleLimit && select.props.multipleLimit > 0;
          } else {
            return false;
        const currentLabel = computed(() => {
          return props.label || (isObject2.value ? "" : props.value);
        const currentValue = computed(() => {
          return props.value || props.label || "";
        const isDisabled = computed(() => {
          return props.disabled || states.groupDisabled || limitReached.value;
        const instance = getCurrentInstance();
        const contains = (arr = [], target) => {
          if (!isObject2.value) {
            return arr && arr.includes(target);
          } else {
            const valueKey = select.props.valueKey;
            return arr && arr.some((item) => {
              return toRaw(get(item, valueKey)) === get(target, valueKey);
        const isEqual2 = (a, b) => {
          if (!isObject2.value) {
            return a === b;
          } else {
            const { valueKey } = select.props;
            return get(a, valueKey) === get(b, valueKey);
        const hoverItem = () => {
          if (!props.disabled && !selectGroup.disabled) {
            select.hoverIndex = select.optionsArray.indexOf(instance.proxy);
        watch(() => currentLabel.value, () => {
          if (!props.created && !select.props.remote)
        watch(() => props.value, (val, oldVal) => {
          const { remote, valueKey } = select.props;
          if (!Object.is(val, oldVal)) {
            select.onOptionDestroy(oldVal, instance.proxy);
          if (!props.created && !remote) {
            if (valueKey && typeof val === "object" && typeof oldVal === "object" && val[valueKey] === oldVal[valueKey]) {
        watch(() => selectGroup.disabled, () => {
          states.groupDisabled = selectGroup.disabled;
        }, { immediate: true });
        const { queryChange } = toRaw(select);
        watch(queryChange, (changes) => {
          const { query } = unref(changes);
          const regexp2 = new RegExp(escapeStringRegexp(query), "i");
          states.visible = regexp2.test(currentLabel.value) || props.created;
          if (!states.visible) {
        }, { immediate: true });
        return {
      const _sfc_main$a = defineComponent({
        name: "ElOption",
        componentName: "ElOption",
        props: {
          value: {
            required: true,
            type: [String, Number, Boolean, Object]
          label: [String, Number],
          created: Boolean,
          disabled: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false
        setup(props) {
          const ns = useNamespace("select");
          const states = reactive({
            index: -1,
            groupDisabled: false,
            visible: true,
            hitState: false,
            hover: false
          const { currentLabel, itemSelected, isDisabled, select, hoverItem } = useOption(props, states);
          const { visible, hover } = toRefs(states);
          const vm = getCurrentInstance().proxy;
          onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            const key = vm.value;
            const { selected } = select;
            const selectedOptions = select.props.multiple ? selected : [selected];
            const doesSelected = selectedOptions.some((item) => {
              return item.value === vm.value;
            nextTick(() => {
              if (select.cachedOptions.get(key) === vm && !doesSelected) {
            select.onOptionDestroy(key, vm);
          function selectOptionClick() {
            if (props.disabled !== true && states.groupDisabled !== true) {
              select.handleOptionSelect(vm, true);
          return {
      function _sfc_render$3(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", {
          class: normalizeClass([
            _ctx.ns.be("dropdown", "item"),
            _ctx.ns.is("disabled", _ctx.isDisabled),
              selected: _ctx.itemSelected,
              hover: _ctx.hover
          onMouseenter: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => _ctx.hoverItem && _ctx.hoverItem(...args)),
          onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = withModifiers((...args) => _ctx.selectOptionClick && _ctx.selectOptionClick(...args), ["stop"]))
        }, [
          renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
            createBaseVNode("span", null, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.currentLabel), 1)
        ], 34)), [
          [vShow, _ctx.visible]
      var Option = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$a, [["render", _sfc_render$3], ["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/select/src/option.vue"]]);
      const _sfc_main$9 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElSelectDropdown",
        componentName: "ElSelectDropdown",
        setup() {
          const select = inject(selectKey);
          const ns = useNamespace("select");
          const popperClass = computed(() => select.props.popperClass);
          const isMultiple = computed(() => select.props.multiple);
          const isFitInputWidth = computed(() => select.props.fitInputWidth);
          const minWidth = ref("");
          function updateMinWidth() {
            var _a2;
            minWidth.value = `${(_a2 = select.selectWrapper) == null ? void 0 : _a2.offsetWidth}px`;
          onMounted(() => {
            useResizeObserver(select.selectWrapper, updateMinWidth);
          return {
      function _sfc_render$2(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
          class: normalizeClass([_ctx.ns.b("dropdown"), _ctx.ns.is("multiple", _ctx.isMultiple), _ctx.popperClass]),
          style: normalizeStyle({ [_ctx.isFitInputWidth ? "width" : "minWidth"]: _ctx.minWidth })
        }, [
          renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
        ], 6);
      var ElSelectMenu = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$9, [["render", _sfc_render$2], ["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/select/src/select-dropdown.vue"]]);
      function useSelectStates(props) {
        const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
        return reactive({
          options: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
          cachedOptions: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
          createdLabel: null,
          createdSelected: false,
          selected: props.multiple ? [] : {},
          inputLength: 20,
          inputWidth: 0,
          optionsCount: 0,
          filteredOptionsCount: 0,
          visible: false,
          softFocus: false,
          selectedLabel: "",
          hoverIndex: -1,
          query: "",
          previousQuery: null,
          inputHovering: false,
          cachedPlaceHolder: "",
          currentPlaceholder: t2("el.select.placeholder"),
          menuVisibleOnFocus: false,
          isOnComposition: false,
          isSilentBlur: false,
          prefixWidth: 11,
          tagInMultiLine: false,
          mouseEnter: false
      const useSelect = (props, states, ctx) => {
        const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
        const ns = useNamespace("select");
          from: "suffixTransition",
          replacement: "override style scheme",
          version: "2.3.0",
          scope: "props",
          ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/select.html#select-attributes"
        }, computed(() => props.suffixTransition === false));
        const reference = ref(null);
        const input = ref(null);
        const iOSInput = ref(null);
        const tooltipRef = ref(null);
        const tags2 = ref(null);
        const selectWrapper = ref(null);
        const scrollbar = ref(null);
        const hoverOption = ref(-1);
        const queryChange = shallowRef({ query: "" });
        const groupQueryChange = shallowRef("");
        const optionList = ref([]);
        let originClientHeight = 0;
        const { form, formItem } = useFormItem();
        const readonly2 = computed(() => !props.filterable || props.multiple || !states.visible);
        const selectDisabled = computed(() => props.disabled || (form == null ? void 0 : form.disabled));
        const showClose = computed(() => {
          const hasValue = props.multiple ? Array.isArray(props.modelValue) && props.modelValue.length > 0 : props.modelValue !== void 0 && props.modelValue !== null && props.modelValue !== "";
          const criteria = props.clearable && !selectDisabled.value && states.inputHovering && hasValue;
          return criteria;
        const iconComponent = computed(() => props.remote && props.filterable && !props.remoteShowSuffix ? "" : props.suffixIcon);
        const iconReverse = computed(() => ns.is("reverse", iconComponent.value && states.visible && props.suffixTransition));
        const debounce$1 = computed(() => props.remote ? 300 : 0);
        const emptyText = computed(() => {
          if (props.loading) {
            return props.loadingText || t2("el.select.loading");
          } else {
            if (props.remote && states.query === "" && states.options.size === 0)
              return false;
            if (props.filterable && states.query && states.options.size > 0 && states.filteredOptionsCount === 0) {
              return props.noMatchText || t2("el.select.noMatch");
            if (states.options.size === 0) {
              return props.noDataText || t2("el.select.noData");
          return null;
        const optionsArray = computed(() => {
          const list = Array.from(states.options.values());
          const newList = [];
          optionList.value.forEach((item) => {
            const index2 = list.findIndex((i) => i.currentLabel === item);
            if (index2 > -1) {
          return newList.length ? newList : list;
        const cachedOptionsArray = computed(() => Array.from(states.cachedOptions.values()));
        const showNewOption = computed(() => {
          const hasExistingOption = optionsArray.value.filter((option) => {
            return !option.created;
          }).some((option) => {
            return option.currentLabel === states.query;
          return props.filterable && props.allowCreate && states.query !== "" && !hasExistingOption;
        const selectSize = useFormSize();
        const collapseTagSize = computed(() => ["small"].includes(selectSize.value) ? "small" : "default");
        const dropMenuVisible = computed({
          get() {
            return states.visible && emptyText.value !== false;
          set(val) {
            states.visible = val;
        watch([() => selectDisabled.value, () => selectSize.value, () => form == null ? void 0 : form.size], () => {
          nextTick(() => {
        watch(() => props.placeholder, (val) => {
          states.cachedPlaceHolder = states.currentPlaceholder = val;
        watch(() => props.modelValue, (val, oldVal) => {
          if (props.multiple) {
            if (val && val.length > 0 || input.value && states.query !== "") {
              states.currentPlaceholder = "";
            } else {
              states.currentPlaceholder = states.cachedPlaceHolder;
            if (props.filterable && !props.reserveKeyword) {
              states.query = "";
          if (props.filterable && !props.multiple) {
            states.inputLength = 20;
          if (!isEqual(val, oldVal) && props.validateEvent) {
            formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate("change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
        }, {
          flush: "post",
          deep: true
        watch(() => states.visible, (val) => {
          var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e;
          if (!val) {
            if (props.filterable) {
              if (isFunction$2(props.filterMethod)) {
              if (isFunction$2(props.remoteMethod)) {
            input.value && input.value.blur();
            states.query = "";
            states.previousQuery = null;
            states.selectedLabel = "";
            states.inputLength = 20;
            states.menuVisibleOnFocus = false;
            nextTick(() => {
              if (input.value && input.value.value === "" && states.selected.length === 0) {
                states.currentPlaceholder = states.cachedPlaceHolder;
            if (!props.multiple) {
              if (states.selected) {
                if (props.filterable && props.allowCreate && states.createdSelected && states.createdLabel) {
                  states.selectedLabel = states.createdLabel;
                } else {
                  states.selectedLabel = states.selected.currentLabel;
                if (props.filterable)
                  states.query = states.selectedLabel;
              if (props.filterable) {
                states.currentPlaceholder = states.cachedPlaceHolder;
          } else {
            (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
            if (props.filterable) {
              states.filteredOptionsCount = states.optionsCount;
              states.query = props.remote ? "" : states.selectedLabel;
              (_d = (_c = iOSInput.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.focus) == null ? void 0 : _d.call(_c);
              if (props.multiple) {
                (_e = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _e.focus();
              } else {
                if (states.selectedLabel) {
                  states.currentPlaceholder = `${states.selectedLabel}`;
                  states.selectedLabel = "";
              if (!props.multiple && !props.remote) {
                queryChange.value.query = "";
          ctx.emit("visible-change", val);
        watch(() => states.options.entries(), () => {
          var _a2, _b, _c;
          if (!isClient$1)
          (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          if (props.multiple) {
          const inputs = ((_c = selectWrapper.value) == null ? void 0 : _c.querySelectorAll("input")) || [];
          if (!Array.from(inputs).includes(document.activeElement)) {
          if (props.defaultFirstOption && (props.filterable || props.remote) && states.filteredOptionsCount) {
        }, {
          flush: "post"
        watch(() => states.hoverIndex, (val) => {
          if (isNumber$1(val) && val > -1) {
            hoverOption.value = optionsArray.value[val] || {};
          } else {
            hoverOption.value = {};
          optionsArray.value.forEach((option) => {
            option.hover = hoverOption.value === option;
        const resetInputHeight = () => {
          nextTick(() => {
            var _a2, _b;
            if (!reference.value)
            const input2 = reference.value.$el.querySelector("input");
            originClientHeight = originClientHeight || (input2.clientHeight > 0 ? input2.clientHeight + 2 : 0);
            const _tags = tags2.value;
            const gotSize = getComponentSize(selectSize.value || (form == null ? void 0 : form.size));
            const sizeInMap = selectSize.value || gotSize === originClientHeight || originClientHeight <= 0 ? gotSize : originClientHeight;
            const isElHidden = input2.offsetParent === null;
            !isElHidden && (input2.style.height = `${(states.selected.length === 0 ? sizeInMap : Math.max(_tags ? _tags.clientHeight + (_tags.clientHeight > sizeInMap ? 6 : 0) : 0, sizeInMap)) - 2}px`);
            states.tagInMultiLine = Number.parseFloat(input2.style.height) >= sizeInMap;
            if (states.visible && emptyText.value !== false) {
              (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
        const handleQueryChange = async (val) => {
          if (states.previousQuery === val || states.isOnComposition)
          if (states.previousQuery === null && (isFunction$2(props.filterMethod) || isFunction$2(props.remoteMethod))) {
            states.previousQuery = val;
          states.previousQuery = val;
          nextTick(() => {
            var _a2, _b;
            if (states.visible)
              (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          states.hoverIndex = -1;
          if (props.multiple && props.filterable) {
            nextTick(() => {
              const length = input.value.value.length * 15 + 20;
              states.inputLength = props.collapseTags ? Math.min(50, length) : length;
          if (props.remote && isFunction$2(props.remoteMethod)) {
            states.hoverIndex = -1;
          } else if (isFunction$2(props.filterMethod)) {
          } else {
            states.filteredOptionsCount = states.optionsCount;
            queryChange.value.query = val;
          if (props.defaultFirstOption && (props.filterable || props.remote) && states.filteredOptionsCount) {
            await nextTick();
        const managePlaceholder = () => {
          if (states.currentPlaceholder !== "") {
            states.currentPlaceholder = input.value.value ? "" : states.cachedPlaceHolder;
        const checkDefaultFirstOption = () => {
          const optionsInDropdown = optionsArray.value.filter((n) => n.visible && !n.disabled && !n.states.groupDisabled);
          const userCreatedOption = optionsInDropdown.find((n) => n.created);
          const firstOriginOption = optionsInDropdown[0];
          states.hoverIndex = getValueIndex(optionsArray.value, userCreatedOption || firstOriginOption);
        const setSelected2 = () => {
          var _a2;
          if (!props.multiple) {
            const option = getOption(props.modelValue);
            if ((_a2 = option.props) == null ? void 0 : _a2.created) {
              states.createdLabel = option.props.value;
              states.createdSelected = true;
            } else {
              states.createdSelected = false;
            states.selectedLabel = option.currentLabel;
            states.selected = option;
            if (props.filterable)
              states.query = states.selectedLabel;
          } else {
            states.selectedLabel = "";
          const result = [];
          if (Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
            props.modelValue.forEach((value) => {
          states.selected = result;
          nextTick(() => {
        const getOption = (value) => {
          let option;
          const isObjectValue = toRawType(value).toLowerCase() === "object";
          const isNull = toRawType(value).toLowerCase() === "null";
          const isUndefined2 = toRawType(value).toLowerCase() === "undefined";
          for (let i = states.cachedOptions.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const cachedOption = cachedOptionsArray.value[i];
            const isEqualValue = isObjectValue ? get(cachedOption.value, props.valueKey) === get(value, props.valueKey) : cachedOption.value === value;
            if (isEqualValue) {
              option = {
                currentLabel: cachedOption.currentLabel,
                isDisabled: cachedOption.isDisabled
          if (option)
            return option;
          const label = isObjectValue ? value.label : !isNull && !isUndefined2 ? value : "";
          const newOption = {
            currentLabel: label
          if (props.multiple) {
            newOption.hitState = false;
          return newOption;
        const resetHoverIndex = () => {
          setTimeout(() => {
            const valueKey = props.valueKey;
            if (!props.multiple) {
              states.hoverIndex = optionsArray.value.findIndex((item) => {
                return getValueKey(item) === getValueKey(states.selected);
            } else {
              if (states.selected.length > 0) {
                states.hoverIndex = Math.min.apply(null, states.selected.map((selected) => {
                  return optionsArray.value.findIndex((item) => {
                    return get(item, valueKey) === get(selected, valueKey);
              } else {
                states.hoverIndex = -1;
          }, 300);
        const handleResize = () => {
          var _a2, _b;
          (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.updatePopper) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          if (props.multiple)
        const resetInputWidth = () => {
          var _a2;
          states.inputWidth = (_a2 = reference.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.$el.offsetWidth;
        const onInputChange = () => {
          if (props.filterable && states.query !== states.selectedLabel) {
            states.query = states.selectedLabel;
        const debouncedOnInputChange = debounce(() => {
        }, debounce$1.value);
        const debouncedQueryChange = debounce((e) => {
        }, debounce$1.value);
        const emitChange = (val) => {
          if (!isEqual(props.modelValue, val)) {
            ctx.emit(CHANGE_EVENT, val);
        const deletePrevTag = (e) => {
          if (e.code === EVENT_CODE.delete)
          if (e.target.value.length <= 0 && !toggleLastOptionHitState()) {
            const value = props.modelValue.slice();
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
          if (e.target.value.length === 1 && props.modelValue.length === 0) {
            states.currentPlaceholder = states.cachedPlaceHolder;
        const deleteTag = (event, tag) => {
          const index2 = states.selected.indexOf(tag);
          if (index2 > -1 && !selectDisabled.value) {
            const value = props.modelValue.slice();
            value.splice(index2, 1);
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
            ctx.emit("remove-tag", tag.value);
        const deleteSelected = (event) => {
          const value = props.multiple ? [] : "";
          if (!isString$2(value)) {
            for (const item of states.selected) {
              if (item.isDisabled)
          ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
          states.hoverIndex = -1;
          states.visible = false;
        const handleOptionSelect = (option, byClick) => {
          var _a2;
          if (props.multiple) {
            const value = (props.modelValue || []).slice();
            const optionIndex = getValueIndex(value, option.value);
            if (optionIndex > -1) {
              value.splice(optionIndex, 1);
            } else if (props.multipleLimit <= 0 || value.length < props.multipleLimit) {
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
            if (option.created) {
              states.query = "";
              states.inputLength = 20;
            if (props.filterable)
              (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus();
          } else {
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, option.value);
            states.visible = false;
          states.isSilentBlur = byClick;
          if (states.visible)
          nextTick(() => {
        const getValueIndex = (arr = [], value) => {
          if (!isObject$3(value))
            return arr.indexOf(value);
          const valueKey = props.valueKey;
          let index2 = -1;
          arr.some((item, i) => {
            if (toRaw(get(item, valueKey)) === get(value, valueKey)) {
              index2 = i;
              return true;
            return false;
          return index2;
        const setSoftFocus = () => {
          states.softFocus = true;
          const _input = input.value || reference.value;
          if (_input) {
            _input == null ? void 0 : _input.focus();
        const scrollToOption = (option) => {
          var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e;
          const targetOption = Array.isArray(option) ? option[0] : option;
          let target = null;
          if (targetOption == null ? void 0 : targetOption.value) {
            const options = optionsArray.value.filter((item) => item.value === targetOption.value);
            if (options.length > 0) {
              target = options[0].$el;
          if (tooltipRef.value && target) {
            const menu = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.popperRef) == null ? void 0 : _b.contentRef) == null ? void 0 : _c.querySelector) == null ? void 0 : _d.call(_c, `.${ns.be("dropdown", "wrap")}`);
            if (menu) {
              scrollIntoView(menu, target);
          (_e = scrollbar.value) == null ? void 0 : _e.handleScroll();
        const onOptionCreate = (vm) => {
          states.options.set(vm.value, vm);
          states.cachedOptions.set(vm.value, vm);
        const onOptionDestroy = (key, vm) => {
          if (states.options.get(key) === vm) {
        const resetInputState = (e) => {
          if (e.code !== EVENT_CODE.backspace)
          states.inputLength = input.value.value.length * 15 + 20;
        const toggleLastOptionHitState = (hit) => {
          if (!Array.isArray(states.selected))
          const option = states.selected[states.selected.length - 1];
          if (!option)
          if (hit === true || hit === false) {
            option.hitState = hit;
            return hit;
          option.hitState = !option.hitState;
          return option.hitState;
        const handleComposition = (event) => {
          const text = event.target.value;
          if (event.type === "compositionend") {
            states.isOnComposition = false;
            nextTick(() => handleQueryChange(text));
          } else {
            const lastCharacter = text[text.length - 1] || "";
            states.isOnComposition = !isKorean(lastCharacter);
        const handleMenuEnter = () => {
          nextTick(() => scrollToOption(states.selected));
        const handleFocus = (event) => {
          if (!states.softFocus) {
            if (props.automaticDropdown || props.filterable) {
              if (props.filterable && !states.visible) {
                states.menuVisibleOnFocus = true;
              states.visible = true;
            ctx.emit("focus", event);
          } else {
            states.softFocus = false;
        const blur = () => {
          var _a2, _b, _c;
          states.visible = false;
          (_a2 = reference.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.blur();
          (_c = (_b = iOSInput.value) == null ? void 0 : _b.blur) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(_b);
        const handleBlur = (event) => {
          nextTick(() => {
            if (states.isSilentBlur) {
              states.isSilentBlur = false;
            } else {
              ctx.emit("blur", event);
          states.softFocus = false;
        const handleClearClick = (event) => {
        const handleClose = () => {
          states.visible = false;
        const handleKeydownEscape = (event) => {
          if (states.visible) {
            states.visible = false;
        const toggleMenu = (e) => {
          var _a2;
          if (e && !states.mouseEnter) {
          if (!selectDisabled.value) {
            if (states.menuVisibleOnFocus) {
              states.menuVisibleOnFocus = false;
            } else {
              if (!tooltipRef.value || !tooltipRef.value.isFocusInsideContent()) {
                states.visible = !states.visible;
            if (states.visible) {
              (_a2 = input.value || reference.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus();
        const selectOption = () => {
          if (!states.visible) {
          } else {
            if (optionsArray.value[states.hoverIndex]) {
              handleOptionSelect(optionsArray.value[states.hoverIndex], void 0);
        const getValueKey = (item) => {
          return isObject$3(item.value) ? get(item.value, props.valueKey) : item.value;
        const optionsAllDisabled = computed(() => optionsArray.value.filter((option) => option.visible).every((option) => option.disabled));
        const showTagList = computed(() => states.selected.slice(0, props.maxCollapseTags));
        const collapseTagList = computed(() => states.selected.slice(props.maxCollapseTags));
        const navigateOptions = (direction) => {
          if (!states.visible) {
            states.visible = true;
          if (states.options.size === 0 || states.filteredOptionsCount === 0)
          if (states.isOnComposition)
          if (!optionsAllDisabled.value) {
            if (direction === "next") {
              if (states.hoverIndex === states.options.size) {
                states.hoverIndex = 0;
            } else if (direction === "prev") {
              if (states.hoverIndex < 0) {
                states.hoverIndex = states.options.size - 1;
            const option = optionsArray.value[states.hoverIndex];
            if (option.disabled === true || option.states.groupDisabled === true || !option.visible) {
            nextTick(() => scrollToOption(hoverOption.value));
        const handleMouseEnter = () => {
          states.mouseEnter = true;
        const handleMouseLeave = () => {
          states.mouseEnter = false;
        return {
          readonly: readonly2,
          setSelected: setSelected2,
          tags: tags2,
      var ElOptions = defineComponent({
        name: "ElOptions",
        emits: ["update-options"],
        setup(_, { slots, emit: emit2 }) {
          let cachedOptions = [];
          function isSameOptions(a, b) {
            if (a.length !== b.length)
              return false;
            for (const [index2] of a.entries()) {
              if (a[index2] != b[index2]) {
                return false;
            return true;
          return () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            const children = (_a2 = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(slots);
            const filteredOptions = [];
            function filterOptions(children2) {
              if (!Array.isArray(children2))
              children2.forEach((item) => {
                var _a22, _b2, _c, _d;
                const name = (_a22 = (item == null ? void 0 : item.type) || {}) == null ? void 0 : _a22.name;
                if (name === "ElOptionGroup") {
                  filterOptions(!isString$2(item.children) && !Array.isArray(item.children) && isFunction$2((_b2 = item.children) == null ? void 0 : _b2.default) ? (_c = item.children) == null ? void 0 : _c.default() : item.children);
                } else if (name === "ElOption") {
                  filteredOptions.push((_d = item.props) == null ? void 0 : _d.label);
                } else if (Array.isArray(item.children)) {
            if (children.length) {
              filterOptions((_b = children[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.children);
            if (!isSameOptions(filteredOptions, cachedOptions)) {
              cachedOptions = filteredOptions;
              emit2("update-options", filteredOptions);
            return children;
      const COMPONENT_NAME$1 = "ElSelect";
      const _sfc_main$8 = defineComponent({
        name: COMPONENT_NAME$1,
        componentName: COMPONENT_NAME$1,
        components: {
          ElOption: Option,
        directives: { ClickOutside },
        props: {
          name: String,
          id: String,
          modelValue: {
            type: [Array, String, Number, Boolean, Object],
            default: void 0
          autocomplete: {
            type: String,
            default: "off"
          automaticDropdown: Boolean,
          size: {
            type: String,
            validator: isValidComponentSize
          effect: {
            type: String,
            default: "light"
          disabled: Boolean,
          clearable: Boolean,
          filterable: Boolean,
          allowCreate: Boolean,
          loading: Boolean,
          popperClass: {
            type: String,
            default: ""
          popperOptions: {
            type: Object,
            default: () => ({})
          remote: Boolean,
          loadingText: String,
          noMatchText: String,
          noDataText: String,
          remoteMethod: Function,
          filterMethod: Function,
          multiple: Boolean,
          multipleLimit: {
            type: Number,
            default: 0
          placeholder: {
            type: String
          defaultFirstOption: Boolean,
          reserveKeyword: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: true
          valueKey: {
            type: String,
            default: "value"
          collapseTags: Boolean,
          collapseTagsTooltip: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false
          maxCollapseTags: {
            type: Number,
            default: 1
          teleported: useTooltipContentProps.teleported,
          persistent: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: true
          clearIcon: {
            type: iconPropType,
            default: circle_close_default
          fitInputWidth: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false
          suffixIcon: {
            type: iconPropType,
            default: arrow_down_default
          tagType: { ...tagProps.type, default: "info" },
          validateEvent: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: true
          remoteShowSuffix: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false
          suffixTransition: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: true
          placement: {
            type: String,
            values: Ee,
            default: "bottom-start"
        emits: [
        setup(props, ctx) {
          const nsSelect = useNamespace("select");
          const nsInput = useNamespace("input");
          const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
          const states = useSelectStates(props);
          const {
            readonly: readonly2,
            setSelected: setSelected2,
            tags: tags2,
          } = useSelect(props, states, ctx);
          const { focus } = useFocus(reference);
          const {
          } = toRefs(states);
          const wrapperKls = computed(() => {
            const classList = [nsSelect.b()];
            const _selectSize = unref(selectSize);
            if (_selectSize) {
            if (props.disabled) {
            return classList;
          const selectTagsStyle = computed(() => ({
            maxWidth: `${unref(inputWidth) - 32}px`,
            width: "100%"
          const tagTextStyle = computed(() => {
            const maxWidth = unref(inputWidth) > 123 ? unref(inputWidth) - 123 : unref(inputWidth) - 75;
            return { maxWidth: `${maxWidth}px` };
          provide(selectKey, reactive({
            setSelected: setSelected2,
          onMounted(() => {
            states.cachedPlaceHolder = currentPlaceholder.value = props.placeholder || (() => t2("el.select.placeholder"));
            if (props.multiple && Array.isArray(props.modelValue) && props.modelValue.length > 0) {
              currentPlaceholder.value = "";
            useResizeObserver(selectWrapper, handleResize);
            if (props.remote && props.multiple) {
            nextTick(() => {
              const refEl = reference.value && reference.value.$el;
              if (!refEl)
              inputWidth.value = refEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
              if (ctx.slots.prefix) {
                const prefix = refEl.querySelector(`.${nsInput.e("prefix")}`);
                prefixWidth.value = Math.max(prefix.getBoundingClientRect().width + 5, 30);
          if (props.multiple && !Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, []);
          if (!props.multiple && Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
            ctx.emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, "");
          const popperPaneRef = computed(() => {
            var _a2, _b;
            return (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.popperRef) == null ? void 0 : _b.contentRef;
          const onOptionsRendered = (v) => {
            optionList.value = v;
          return {
            readonly: readonly2,
            tags: tags2,
      const _hoisted_1$6 = ["disabled", "autocomplete"];
      const _hoisted_2$5 = ["disabled"];
      const _hoisted_3$2 = { style: { "height": "100%", "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "align-items": "center" } };
      function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        const _component_el_tag = resolveComponent("el-tag");
        const _component_el_tooltip = resolveComponent("el-tooltip");
        const _component_el_icon = resolveComponent("el-icon");
        const _component_el_input = resolveComponent("el-input");
        const _component_el_option = resolveComponent("el-option");
        const _component_el_options = resolveComponent("el-options");
        const _component_el_scrollbar = resolveComponent("el-scrollbar");
        const _component_el_select_menu = resolveComponent("el-select-menu");
        const _directive_click_outside = resolveDirective("click-outside");
        return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
          ref: "selectWrapper",
          class: normalizeClass(_ctx.wrapperKls),
          onMouseenter: _cache[21] || (_cache[21] = (...args) => _ctx.handleMouseEnter && _ctx.handleMouseEnter(...args)),
          onMouseleave: _cache[22] || (_cache[22] = (...args) => _ctx.handleMouseLeave && _ctx.handleMouseLeave(...args)),
          onClick: _cache[23] || (_cache[23] = withModifiers((...args) => _ctx.toggleMenu && _ctx.toggleMenu(...args), ["stop"]))
        }, [
          createVNode(_component_el_tooltip, {
            ref: "tooltipRef",
            visible: _ctx.dropMenuVisible,
            placement: _ctx.placement,
            teleported: _ctx.teleported,
            "popper-class": [_ctx.nsSelect.e("popper"), _ctx.popperClass],
            "popper-options": _ctx.popperOptions,
            "fallback-placements": ["bottom-start", "top-start", "right", "left"],
            effect: _ctx.effect,
            pure: "",
            trigger: "click",
            transition: `${_ctx.nsSelect.namespace.value}-zoom-in-top`,
            "stop-popper-mouse-event": false,
            "gpu-acceleration": false,
            persistent: _ctx.persistent,
            onShow: _ctx.handleMenuEnter
          }, {
            default: withCtx(() => [
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                class: "select-trigger",
                onMouseenter: _cache[19] || (_cache[19] = ($event) => _ctx.inputHovering = true),
                onMouseleave: _cache[20] || (_cache[20] = ($event) => _ctx.inputHovering = false)
              }, [
                _ctx.multiple ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                  key: 0,
                  ref: "tags",
                  class: normalizeClass([
                    _ctx.nsSelect.is("disabled", _ctx.selectDisabled)
                  style: normalizeStyle(_ctx.selectTagsStyle)
                }, [
                  _ctx.collapseTags && _ctx.selected.length ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
                    key: 0,
                    onAfterLeave: _ctx.resetInputHeight
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createBaseVNode("span", {
                        class: normalizeClass([
                          { "has-prefix": _ctx.prefixWidth && _ctx.selected.length }
                      }, [
                        (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(_ctx.showTagList, (item) => {
                          return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tag, {
                            key: _ctx.getValueKey(item),
                            closable: !_ctx.selectDisabled && !item.isDisabled,
                            size: _ctx.collapseTagSize,
                            hit: item.hitState,
                            type: _ctx.tagType,
                            "disable-transitions": "",
                            onClose: ($event) => _ctx.deleteTag($event, item)
                          }, {
                            default: withCtx(() => [
                              createBaseVNode("span", {
                                class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("tags-text")),
                                style: normalizeStyle(_ctx.tagTextStyle)
                              }, toDisplayString$1(item.currentLabel), 7)
                            _: 2
                          }, 1032, ["closable", "size", "hit", "type", "onClose"]);
                        }), 128)),
                        _ctx.selected.length > _ctx.maxCollapseTags ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tag, {
                          key: 0,
                          closable: false,
                          size: _ctx.collapseTagSize,
                          type: _ctx.tagType,
                          "disable-transitions": ""
                        }, {
                          default: withCtx(() => [
                            _ctx.collapseTagsTooltip ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tooltip, {
                              key: 0,
                              disabled: _ctx.dropMenuVisible,
                              "fallback-placements": ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"],
                              effect: _ctx.effect,
                              placement: "bottom",
                              teleported: _ctx.teleported
                            }, {
                              default: withCtx(() => [
                                createBaseVNode("span", {
                                  class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("tags-text"))
                                }, "+ " + toDisplayString$1(_ctx.selected.length - _ctx.maxCollapseTags), 3)
                              content: withCtx(() => [
                                createBaseVNode("div", {
                                  class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("collapse-tags"))
                                }, [
                                  (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(_ctx.collapseTagList, (item) => {
                                    return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                                      key: _ctx.getValueKey(item),
                                      class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("collapse-tag"))
                                    }, [
                                      createVNode(_component_el_tag, {
                                        class: "in-tooltip",
                                        closable: !_ctx.selectDisabled && !item.isDisabled,
                                        size: _ctx.collapseTagSize,
                                        hit: item.hitState,
                                        type: _ctx.tagType,
                                        "disable-transitions": "",
                                        style: { margin: "2px" },
                                        onClose: ($event) => _ctx.deleteTag($event, item)
                                      }, {
                                        default: withCtx(() => [
                                          createBaseVNode("span", {
                                            class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("tags-text")),
                                            style: normalizeStyle({
                                              maxWidth: _ctx.inputWidth - 75 + "px"
                                          }, toDisplayString$1(item.currentLabel), 7)
                                        _: 2
                                      }, 1032, ["closable", "size", "hit", "type", "onClose"])
                                    ], 2);
                                  }), 128))
                                ], 2)
                              _: 1
                            }, 8, ["disabled", "effect", "teleported"])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                              key: 1,
                              class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("tags-text"))
                            }, "+ " + toDisplayString$1(_ctx.selected.length - _ctx.maxCollapseTags), 3))
                          _: 1
                        }, 8, ["size", "type"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                      ], 2)
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["onAfterLeave"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                  !_ctx.collapseTags ? (openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
                    key: 1,
                    onAfterLeave: _ctx.resetInputHeight
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createBaseVNode("span", {
                        class: normalizeClass([
                          { "has-prefix": _ctx.prefixWidth && _ctx.selected.length }
                      }, [
                        (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(_ctx.selected, (item) => {
                          return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_tag, {
                            key: _ctx.getValueKey(item),
                            closable: !_ctx.selectDisabled && !item.isDisabled,
                            size: _ctx.collapseTagSize,
                            hit: item.hitState,
                            type: _ctx.tagType,
                            "disable-transitions": "",
                            onClose: ($event) => _ctx.deleteTag($event, item)
                          }, {
                            default: withCtx(() => [
                              createBaseVNode("span", {
                                class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.e("tags-text")),
                                style: normalizeStyle({ maxWidth: _ctx.inputWidth - 75 + "px" })
                              }, toDisplayString$1(item.currentLabel), 7)
                            _: 2
                          }, 1032, ["closable", "size", "hit", "type", "onClose"]);
                        }), 128))
                      ], 2)
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["onAfterLeave"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                  _ctx.filterable ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                    key: 2,
                    ref: "input",
                    "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.query = $event),
                    type: "text",
                    class: normalizeClass([
                      _ctx.nsSelect.is("disabled", _ctx.selectDisabled)
                    disabled: _ctx.selectDisabled,
                    autocomplete: _ctx.autocomplete,
                    style: normalizeStyle({
                      marginLeft: _ctx.prefixWidth && !_ctx.selected.length || _ctx.tagInMultiLine ? `${_ctx.prefixWidth}px` : "",
                      flexGrow: 1,
                      width: `${_ctx.inputLength / (_ctx.inputWidth - 32)}%`,
                      maxWidth: `${_ctx.inputWidth - 42}px`
                    onFocus: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => _ctx.handleFocus && _ctx.handleFocus(...args)),
                    onBlur: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => _ctx.handleBlur && _ctx.handleBlur(...args)),
                    onKeyup: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = (...args) => _ctx.managePlaceholder && _ctx.managePlaceholder(...args)),
                    onKeydown: [
                      _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = (...args) => _ctx.resetInputState && _ctx.resetInputState(...args)),
                      _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => _ctx.navigateOptions("next"), ["prevent"]), ["down"])),
                      _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => _ctx.navigateOptions("prev"), ["prevent"]), ["up"])),
                      _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = withKeys((...args) => _ctx.handleKeydownEscape && _ctx.handleKeydownEscape(...args), ["esc"])),
                      _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = withKeys(withModifiers((...args) => _ctx.selectOption && _ctx.selectOption(...args), ["stop", "prevent"]), ["enter"])),
                      _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = withKeys((...args) => _ctx.deletePrevTag && _ctx.deletePrevTag(...args), ["delete"])),
                      _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = withKeys(($event) => _ctx.visible = false, ["tab"]))
                    onCompositionstart: _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = (...args) => _ctx.handleComposition && _ctx.handleComposition(...args)),
                    onCompositionupdate: _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = (...args) => _ctx.handleComposition && _ctx.handleComposition(...args)),
                    onCompositionend: _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = (...args) => _ctx.handleComposition && _ctx.handleComposition(...args)),
                    onInput: _cache[14] || (_cache[14] = (...args) => _ctx.debouncedQueryChange && _ctx.debouncedQueryChange(...args))
                  }, null, 46, _hoisted_1$6)), [
                    [vModelText, _ctx.query]
                  ]) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 6)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                createCommentVNode(" fix: https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/issues/11415 "),
                _ctx.isIOS && !_ctx.multiple && _ctx.filterable && _ctx.readonly ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
                  key: 1,
                  ref: "iOSInput",
                  class: normalizeClass([
                    _ctx.nsSelect.em("input", "iOS")
                  disabled: _ctx.selectDisabled,
                  type: "text"
                }, null, 10, _hoisted_2$5)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                createVNode(_component_el_input, {
                  id: _ctx.id,
                  ref: "reference",
                  modelValue: _ctx.selectedLabel,
                  "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[15] || (_cache[15] = ($event) => _ctx.selectedLabel = $event),
                  type: "text",
                  placeholder: typeof _ctx.currentPlaceholder === "function" ? _ctx.currentPlaceholder() : _ctx.currentPlaceholder,
                  name: _ctx.name,
                  autocomplete: _ctx.autocomplete,
                  size: _ctx.selectSize,
                  disabled: _ctx.selectDisabled,
                  readonly: _ctx.readonly,
                  "validate-event": false,
                  class: normalizeClass([_ctx.nsSelect.is("focus", _ctx.visible)]),
                  tabindex: _ctx.multiple && _ctx.filterable ? -1 : void 0,
                  onFocus: _ctx.handleFocus,
                  onBlur: _ctx.handleBlur,
                  onInput: _ctx.debouncedOnInputChange,
                  onPaste: _ctx.debouncedOnInputChange,
                  onCompositionstart: _ctx.handleComposition,
                  onCompositionupdate: _ctx.handleComposition,
                  onCompositionend: _ctx.handleComposition,
                  onKeydown: [
                    _cache[16] || (_cache[16] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => _ctx.navigateOptions("next"), ["stop", "prevent"]), ["down"])),
                    _cache[17] || (_cache[17] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => _ctx.navigateOptions("prev"), ["stop", "prevent"]), ["up"])),
                    withKeys(withModifiers(_ctx.selectOption, ["stop", "prevent"]), ["enter"]),
                    withKeys(_ctx.handleKeydownEscape, ["esc"]),
                    _cache[18] || (_cache[18] = withKeys(($event) => _ctx.visible = false, ["tab"]))
                }, createSlots({
                  suffix: withCtx(() => [
                    _ctx.iconComponent && !_ctx.showClose ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_icon, {
                      key: 0,
                      class: normalizeClass([_ctx.nsSelect.e("caret"), _ctx.nsSelect.e("icon"), _ctx.iconReverse])
                    }, {
                      default: withCtx(() => [
                        (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.iconComponent)))
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                    _ctx.showClose && _ctx.clearIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_icon, {
                      key: 1,
                      class: normalizeClass([_ctx.nsSelect.e("caret"), _ctx.nsSelect.e("icon")]),
                      onClick: _ctx.handleClearClick
                    }, {
                      default: withCtx(() => [
                        (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.clearIcon)))
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["class", "onClick"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                  _: 2
                }, [
                  _ctx.$slots.prefix ? {
                    name: "prefix",
                    fn: withCtx(() => [
                      createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, [
                        renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "prefix")
                  } : void 0
                ]), 1032, ["id", "modelValue", "placeholder", "name", "autocomplete", "size", "disabled", "readonly", "class", "tabindex", "onFocus", "onBlur", "onInput", "onPaste", "onCompositionstart", "onCompositionupdate", "onCompositionend", "onKeydown"])
              ], 32)
            content: withCtx(() => [
              createVNode(_component_el_select_menu, null, {
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  withDirectives(createVNode(_component_el_scrollbar, {
                    ref: "scrollbar",
                    tag: "ul",
                    "wrap-class": _ctx.nsSelect.be("dropdown", "wrap"),
                    "view-class": _ctx.nsSelect.be("dropdown", "list"),
                    class: normalizeClass([
                      _ctx.nsSelect.is("empty", !_ctx.allowCreate && Boolean(_ctx.query) && _ctx.filteredOptionsCount === 0)
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      _ctx.showNewOption ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_option, {
                        key: 0,
                        value: _ctx.query,
                        created: true
                      }, null, 8, ["value"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                      createVNode(_component_el_options, { onUpdateOptions: _ctx.onOptionsRendered }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
                        _: 3
                      }, 8, ["onUpdateOptions"])
                    _: 3
                  }, 8, ["wrap-class", "view-class", "class"]), [
                    [vShow, _ctx.options.size > 0 && !_ctx.loading]
                  _ctx.emptyText && (!_ctx.allowCreate || _ctx.loading || _ctx.allowCreate && _ctx.options.size === 0) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 0 }, [
                    _ctx.$slots.empty ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "empty", { key: 0 }) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", {
                      key: 1,
                      class: normalizeClass(_ctx.nsSelect.be("dropdown", "empty"))
                    }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.emptyText), 3))
                  ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                _: 3
            _: 3
          }, 8, ["visible", "placement", "teleported", "popper-class", "popper-options", "effect", "transition", "persistent", "onShow"])
        ], 34)), [
          [_directive_click_outside, _ctx.handleClose, _ctx.popperPaneRef]
      var Select = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$8, [["render", _sfc_render$1], ["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/select/src/select.vue"]]);
      const _sfc_main$7 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElOptionGroup",
        componentName: "ElOptionGroup",
        props: {
          label: String,
          disabled: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false
        setup(props) {
          const ns = useNamespace("select");
          const visible = ref(true);
          const instance = getCurrentInstance();
          const children = ref([]);
          provide(selectGroupKey, reactive({
          const select = inject(selectKey);
          onMounted(() => {
            children.value = flattedChildren(instance.subTree);
          const flattedChildren = (node) => {
            const children2 = [];
            if (Array.isArray(node.children)) {
              node.children.forEach((child) => {
                var _a2;
                if (child.type && child.type.name === "ElOption" && child.component && child.component.proxy) {
                } else if ((_a2 = child.children) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) {
            return children2;
          const { groupQueryChange } = toRaw(select);
          watch(groupQueryChange, () => {
            visible.value = children.value.some((option) => option.visible === true);
          }, { flush: "post" });
          return {
      function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
        return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("ul", {
          class: normalizeClass(_ctx.ns.be("group", "wrap"))
        }, [
          createBaseVNode("li", {
            class: normalizeClass(_ctx.ns.be("group", "title"))
          }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.label), 3),
          createBaseVNode("li", null, [
            createBaseVNode("ul", {
              class: normalizeClass(_ctx.ns.b("group"))
            }, [
              renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
            ], 2)
        ], 2)), [
          [vShow, _ctx.visible]
      var OptionGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$7, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/select/src/option-group.vue"]]);
      const ElSelect = withInstall(Select, {
      const ElOption = withNoopInstall(Option);
      const popconfirmProps = buildProps({
        title: String,
        confirmButtonText: String,
        cancelButtonText: String,
        confirmButtonType: {
          type: String,
          values: buttonTypes,
          default: "primary"
        cancelButtonType: {
          type: String,
          values: buttonTypes,
          default: "text"
        icon: {
          type: iconPropType,
          default: () => question_filled_default
        iconColor: {
          type: String,
          default: "#f90"
        hideIcon: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        hideAfter: {
          type: Number,
          default: 200
        teleported: useTooltipContentProps.teleported,
        persistent: useTooltipContentProps.persistent,
        width: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: 150
      const popconfirmEmits = {
        confirm: (e) => e instanceof MouseEvent,
        cancel: (e) => e instanceof MouseEvent
      const __default__$4 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElPopconfirm"
      const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: popconfirmProps,
        emits: popconfirmEmits,
        setup(__props, { emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
          const ns = useNamespace("popconfirm");
          const tooltipRef = ref();
          const hidePopper = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = tooltipRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.onClose) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          const style = computed(() => {
            return {
              width: addUnit(props.width)
          const confirm = (e) => {
            emit2("confirm", e);
          const cancel = (e) => {
            emit2("cancel", e);
          const finalConfirmButtonText = computed(() => props.confirmButtonText || t2("el.popconfirm.confirmButtonText"));
          const finalCancelButtonText = computed(() => props.cancelButtonText || t2("el.popconfirm.cancelButtonText"));
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElTooltip), mergeProps({
              ref_key: "tooltipRef",
              ref: tooltipRef,
              trigger: "click",
              effect: "light"
            }, _ctx.$attrs, {
              "popper-class": `${unref(ns).namespace.value}-popover`,
              "popper-style": unref(style),
              teleported: _ctx.teleported,
              "fallback-placements": ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"],
              "hide-after": _ctx.hideAfter,
              persistent: _ctx.persistent
            }), {
              content: withCtx(() => [
                createBaseVNode("div", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).b())
                }, [
                  createBaseVNode("div", {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("main"))
                  }, [
                    !_ctx.hideIcon && _ctx.icon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                      key: 0,
                      class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("icon")),
                      style: normalizeStyle({ color: _ctx.iconColor })
                    }, {
                      default: withCtx(() => [
                        (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.icon)))
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["class", "style"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                    createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString$1(_ctx.title), 1)
                  ], 2),
                  createBaseVNode("div", {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("action"))
                  }, [
                    createVNode(unref(ElButton), {
                      size: "small",
                      type: _ctx.cancelButtonType === "text" ? "" : _ctx.cancelButtonType,
                      text: _ctx.cancelButtonType === "text",
                      onClick: cancel
                    }, {
                      default: withCtx(() => [
                        createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(finalCancelButtonText)), 1)
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["type", "text"]),
                    createVNode(unref(ElButton), {
                      size: "small",
                      type: _ctx.confirmButtonType === "text" ? "" : _ctx.confirmButtonType,
                      text: _ctx.confirmButtonType === "text",
                      onClick: confirm
                    }, {
                      default: withCtx(() => [
                        createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(finalConfirmButtonText)), 1)
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["type", "text"])
                  ], 2)
                ], 2)
              default: withCtx(() => [
                _ctx.$slots.reference ? renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "reference", { key: 0 }) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              _: 3
            }, 16, ["popper-class", "popper-style", "teleported", "hide-after", "persistent"]);
      var Popconfirm = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/popconfirm/src/popconfirm.vue"]]);
      const ElPopconfirm = withInstall(Popconfirm);
      const sliderContextKey = Symbol("sliderContextKey");
      const sliderProps = buildProps({
        modelValue: {
          type: definePropType([Number, Array]),
          default: 0
        id: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        min: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        max: {
          type: Number,
          default: 100
        step: {
          type: Number,
          default: 1
        showInput: Boolean,
        showInputControls: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        size: useSizeProp,
        inputSize: useSizeProp,
        showStops: Boolean,
        showTooltip: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        formatTooltip: {
          type: definePropType(Function),
          default: void 0
        disabled: Boolean,
        range: Boolean,
        vertical: Boolean,
        height: String,
        debounce: {
          type: Number,
          default: 300
        label: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        rangeStartLabel: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        rangeEndLabel: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        formatValueText: {
          type: definePropType(Function),
          default: void 0
        tooltipClass: {
          type: String,
          default: void 0
        placement: {
          type: String,
          values: Ee,
          default: "top"
        marks: {
          type: definePropType(Object)
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
      const isValidValue = (value) => isNumber$1(value) || isArray$3(value) && value.every(isNumber$1);
      const sliderEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: isValidValue,
        [INPUT_EVENT]: isValidValue,
        [CHANGE_EVENT]: isValidValue
      const useLifecycle = (props, initData, resetSize) => {
        const sliderWrapper = ref();
        onMounted(async () => {
          if (props.range) {
            if (Array.isArray(props.modelValue)) {
              initData.firstValue = Math.max(props.min, props.modelValue[0]);
              initData.secondValue = Math.min(props.max, props.modelValue[1]);
            } else {
              initData.firstValue = props.min;
              initData.secondValue = props.max;
            initData.oldValue = [initData.firstValue, initData.secondValue];
          } else {
            if (typeof props.modelValue !== "number" || Number.isNaN(props.modelValue)) {
              initData.firstValue = props.min;
            } else {
              initData.firstValue = Math.min(props.max, Math.max(props.min, props.modelValue));
            initData.oldValue = initData.firstValue;
          useEventListener$1(window, "resize", resetSize);
          await nextTick();
        return {
      const useMarks = (props) => {
        return computed(() => {
          if (!props.marks) {
            return [];
          const marksKeys = Object.keys(props.marks);
          return marksKeys.map(Number.parseFloat).sort((a, b) => a - b).filter((point) => point <= props.max && point >= props.min).map((point) => ({
            position: (point - props.min) * 100 / (props.max - props.min),
            mark: props.marks[point]
      const useSlide = (props, initData, emit2) => {
        const { form: elForm2, formItem: elFormItem2 } = useFormItem();
        const slider = shallowRef();
        const firstButton = ref();
        const secondButton = ref();
        const buttonRefs = {
        const sliderDisabled = computed(() => {
          return props.disabled || (elForm2 == null ? void 0 : elForm2.disabled) || false;
        const minValue = computed(() => {
          return Math.min(initData.firstValue, initData.secondValue);
        const maxValue = computed(() => {
          return Math.max(initData.firstValue, initData.secondValue);
        const barSize = computed(() => {
          return props.range ? `${100 * (maxValue.value - minValue.value) / (props.max - props.min)}%` : `${100 * (initData.firstValue - props.min) / (props.max - props.min)}%`;
        const barStart = computed(() => {
          return props.range ? `${100 * (minValue.value - props.min) / (props.max - props.min)}%` : "0%";
        const runwayStyle = computed(() => {
          return props.vertical ? { height: props.height } : {};
        const barStyle = computed(() => {
          return props.vertical ? {
            height: barSize.value,
            bottom: barStart.value
          } : {
            width: barSize.value,
            left: barStart.value
        const resetSize = () => {
          if (slider.value) {
            initData.sliderSize = slider.value[`client${props.vertical ? "Height" : "Width"}`];
        const getButtonRefByPercent = (percent) => {
          const targetValue = props.min + percent * (props.max - props.min) / 100;
          if (!props.range) {
            return firstButton;
          let buttonRefName;
          if (Math.abs(minValue.value - targetValue) < Math.abs(maxValue.value - targetValue)) {
            buttonRefName = initData.firstValue < initData.secondValue ? "firstButton" : "secondButton";
          } else {
            buttonRefName = initData.firstValue > initData.secondValue ? "firstButton" : "secondButton";
          return buttonRefs[buttonRefName];
        const setPosition = (percent) => {
          const buttonRef = getButtonRefByPercent(percent);
          return buttonRef;
        const setFirstValue = (firstValue) => {
          initData.firstValue = firstValue;
          _emit(props.range ? [minValue.value, maxValue.value] : firstValue);
        const setSecondValue = (secondValue) => {
          initData.secondValue = secondValue;
          if (props.range) {
            _emit([minValue.value, maxValue.value]);
        const _emit = (val) => {
          emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);
          emit2(INPUT_EVENT, val);
        const emitChange = async () => {
          await nextTick();
          emit2(CHANGE_EVENT, props.range ? [minValue.value, maxValue.value] : props.modelValue);
        const handleSliderPointerEvent = (event) => {
          var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
          if (sliderDisabled.value || initData.dragging)
          let newPercent = 0;
          if (props.vertical) {
            const clientY = (_c = (_b = (_a2 = event.touches) == null ? void 0 : _a2.item(0)) == null ? void 0 : _b.clientY) != null ? _c : event.clientY;
            const sliderOffsetBottom = slider.value.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
            newPercent = (sliderOffsetBottom - clientY) / initData.sliderSize * 100;
          } else {
            const clientX = (_f = (_e = (_d = event.touches) == null ? void 0 : _d.item(0)) == null ? void 0 : _e.clientX) != null ? _f : event.clientX;
            const sliderOffsetLeft = slider.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;
            newPercent = (clientX - sliderOffsetLeft) / initData.sliderSize * 100;
          if (newPercent < 0 || newPercent > 100)
          return setPosition(newPercent);
        const onSliderWrapperPrevent = (event) => {
          var _a2, _b;
          if (((_a2 = buttonRefs["firstButton"].value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.dragging) || ((_b = buttonRefs["secondButton"].value) == null ? void 0 : _b.dragging)) {
        const onSliderDown = async (event) => {
          const buttonRef = handleSliderPointerEvent(event);
          if (buttonRef) {
            await nextTick();
        const onSliderClick = (event) => {
          const buttonRef = handleSliderPointerEvent(event);
          if (buttonRef) {
        return {
          elFormItem: elFormItem2,
      const { left, down, right, up, home, end, pageUp, pageDown } = EVENT_CODE;
      const useTooltip = (props, formatTooltip, showTooltip) => {
        const tooltip = ref();
        const tooltipVisible = ref(false);
        const enableFormat = computed(() => {
          return formatTooltip.value instanceof Function;
        const formatValue = computed(() => {
          return enableFormat.value && formatTooltip.value(props.modelValue) || props.modelValue;
        const displayTooltip = debounce(() => {
          showTooltip.value && (tooltipVisible.value = true);
        }, 50);
        const hideTooltip = debounce(() => {
          showTooltip.value && (tooltipVisible.value = false);
        }, 50);
        return {
      const useSliderButton = (props, initData, emit2) => {
        const {
        } = inject(sliderContextKey);
        const { tooltip, tooltipVisible, formatValue, displayTooltip, hideTooltip } = useTooltip(props, formatTooltip, showTooltip);
        const button = ref();
        const currentPosition = computed(() => {
          return `${(props.modelValue - min.value) / (max.value - min.value) * 100}%`;
        const wrapperStyle = computed(() => {
          return props.vertical ? { bottom: currentPosition.value } : { left: currentPosition.value };
        const handleMouseEnter = () => {
          initData.hovering = true;
        const handleMouseLeave = () => {
          initData.hovering = false;
          if (!initData.dragging) {
        const onButtonDown = (event) => {
          if (disabled.value)
          window.addEventListener("mousemove", onDragging);
          window.addEventListener("touchmove", onDragging);
          window.addEventListener("mouseup", onDragEnd);
          window.addEventListener("touchend", onDragEnd);
          window.addEventListener("contextmenu", onDragEnd);
        const incrementPosition = (amount) => {
          if (disabled.value)
          initData.newPosition = Number.parseFloat(currentPosition.value) + amount / (max.value - min.value) * 100;
        const onLeftKeyDown = () => {
        const onRightKeyDown = () => {
        const onPageDownKeyDown = () => {
          incrementPosition(-step.value * 4);
        const onPageUpKeyDown = () => {
          incrementPosition(step.value * 4);
        const onHomeKeyDown = () => {
          if (disabled.value)
        const onEndKeyDown = () => {
          if (disabled.value)
        const onKeyDown = (event) => {
          let isPreventDefault = true;
          if ([left, down].includes(event.key)) {
          } else if ([right, up].includes(event.key)) {
          } else if (event.key === home) {
          } else if (event.key === end) {
          } else if (event.key === pageDown) {
          } else if (event.key === pageUp) {
          } else {
            isPreventDefault = false;
          isPreventDefault && event.preventDefault();
        const getClientXY = (event) => {
          let clientX;
          let clientY;
          if (event.type.startsWith("touch")) {
            clientY = event.touches[0].clientY;
            clientX = event.touches[0].clientX;
          } else {
            clientY = event.clientY;
            clientX = event.clientX;
          return {
        const onDragStart = (event) => {
          initData.dragging = true;
          initData.isClick = true;
          const { clientX, clientY } = getClientXY(event);
          if (props.vertical) {
            initData.startY = clientY;
          } else {
            initData.startX = clientX;
          initData.startPosition = Number.parseFloat(currentPosition.value);
          initData.newPosition = initData.startPosition;
        const onDragging = (event) => {
          if (initData.dragging) {
            initData.isClick = false;
            let diff;
            const { clientX, clientY } = getClientXY(event);
            if (props.vertical) {
              initData.currentY = clientY;
              diff = (initData.startY - initData.currentY) / sliderSize.value * 100;
            } else {
              initData.currentX = clientX;
              diff = (initData.currentX - initData.startX) / sliderSize.value * 100;
            initData.newPosition = initData.startPosition + diff;
        const onDragEnd = () => {
          if (initData.dragging) {
            setTimeout(() => {
              initData.dragging = false;
              if (!initData.hovering) {
              if (!initData.isClick) {
            }, 0);
            window.removeEventListener("mousemove", onDragging);
            window.removeEventListener("touchmove", onDragging);
            window.removeEventListener("mouseup", onDragEnd);
            window.removeEventListener("touchend", onDragEnd);
            window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", onDragEnd);
        const setPosition = async (newPosition) => {
          if (newPosition === null || Number.isNaN(+newPosition))
          if (newPosition < 0) {
            newPosition = 0;
          } else if (newPosition > 100) {
            newPosition = 100;
          const lengthPerStep = 100 / ((max.value - min.value) / step.value);
          const steps = Math.round(newPosition / lengthPerStep);
          let value = steps * lengthPerStep * (max.value - min.value) * 0.01 + min.value;
          value = Number.parseFloat(value.toFixed(precision.value));
          if (value !== props.modelValue) {
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, value);
          if (!initData.dragging && props.modelValue !== initData.oldValue) {
            initData.oldValue = props.modelValue;
          await nextTick();
          initData.dragging && displayTooltip();
        watch(() => initData.dragging, (val) => {
        return {
      const useStops = (props, initData, minValue, maxValue) => {
        const stops = computed(() => {
          if (!props.showStops || props.min > props.max)
            return [];
          if (props.step === 0) {
            return [];
          const stopCount = (props.max - props.min) / props.step;
          const stepWidth = 100 * props.step / (props.max - props.min);
          const result = Array.from({ length: stopCount - 1 }).map((_, index2) => (index2 + 1) * stepWidth);
          if (props.range) {
            return result.filter((step) => {
              return step < 100 * (minValue.value - props.min) / (props.max - props.min) || step > 100 * (maxValue.value - props.min) / (props.max - props.min);
          } else {
            return result.filter((step) => step > 100 * (initData.firstValue - props.min) / (props.max - props.min));
        const getStopStyle = (position) => {
          return props.vertical ? { bottom: `${position}%` } : { left: `${position}%` };
        return {
      const useWatch = (props, initData, minValue, maxValue, emit2, elFormItem2) => {
        const _emit = (val) => {
          emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);
          emit2(INPUT_EVENT, val);
        const valueChanged = () => {
          if (props.range) {
            return ![minValue.value, maxValue.value].every((item, index2) => item === initData.oldValue[index2]);
          } else {
            return props.modelValue !== initData.oldValue;
        const setValues = () => {
          var _a2, _b;
          if (props.min > props.max) {
            throwError("Slider", "min should not be greater than max.");
          const val = props.modelValue;
          if (props.range && Array.isArray(val)) {
            if (val[1] < props.min) {
              _emit([props.min, props.min]);
            } else if (val[0] > props.max) {
              _emit([props.max, props.max]);
            } else if (val[0] < props.min) {
              _emit([props.min, val[1]]);
            } else if (val[1] > props.max) {
              _emit([val[0], props.max]);
            } else {
              initData.firstValue = val[0];
              initData.secondValue = val[1];
              if (valueChanged()) {
                if (props.validateEvent) {
                  (_a2 = elFormItem2 == null ? void 0 : elFormItem2.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(elFormItem2, "change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
                initData.oldValue = val.slice();
          } else if (!props.range && typeof val === "number" && !Number.isNaN(val)) {
            if (val < props.min) {
            } else if (val > props.max) {
            } else {
              initData.firstValue = val;
              if (valueChanged()) {
                if (props.validateEvent) {
                  (_b = elFormItem2 == null ? void 0 : elFormItem2.validate) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(elFormItem2, "change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
                initData.oldValue = val;
        watch(() => initData.dragging, (val) => {
          if (!val) {
        watch(() => props.modelValue, (val, oldVal) => {
          if (initData.dragging || Array.isArray(val) && Array.isArray(oldVal) && val.every((item, index2) => item === oldVal[index2]) && initData.firstValue === val[0] && initData.secondValue === val[1]) {
        }, {
          deep: true
        watch(() => [props.min, props.max], () => {
      const sliderButtonProps = buildProps({
        modelValue: {
          type: Number,
          default: 0
        vertical: Boolean,
        tooltipClass: String,
        placement: {
          type: String,
          values: Ee,
          default: "top"
      const sliderButtonEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (value) => isNumber$1(value)
      const _hoisted_1$5 = ["tabindex"];
      const __default__$3 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElSliderButton"
      const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: sliderButtonProps,
        emits: sliderButtonEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("slider");
          const initData = reactive({
            hovering: false,
            dragging: false,
            isClick: false,
            startX: 0,
            currentX: 0,
            startY: 0,
            currentY: 0,
            startPosition: 0,
            newPosition: 0,
            oldValue: props.modelValue
          const {
          } = useSliderButton(props, initData, emit2);
          const { hovering, dragging } = toRefs(initData);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              ref_key: "button",
              ref: button,
              class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("button-wrapper"), { hover: unref(hovering), dragging: unref(dragging) }]),
              style: normalizeStyle(unref(wrapperStyle)),
              tabindex: unref(disabled) ? -1 : 0,
              onMouseenter: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => unref(handleMouseEnter) && unref(handleMouseEnter)(...args)),
              onMouseleave: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => unref(handleMouseLeave) && unref(handleMouseLeave)(...args)),
              onMousedown: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => unref(onButtonDown) && unref(onButtonDown)(...args)),
              onTouchstart: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = (...args) => unref(onButtonDown) && unref(onButtonDown)(...args)),
              onFocus: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = (...args) => unref(handleMouseEnter) && unref(handleMouseEnter)(...args)),
              onBlur: _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = (...args) => unref(handleMouseLeave) && unref(handleMouseLeave)(...args)),
              onKeydown: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = (...args) => unref(onKeyDown) && unref(onKeyDown)(...args))
            }, [
              createVNode(unref(ElTooltip), {
                ref_key: "tooltip",
                ref: tooltip,
                visible: unref(tooltipVisible),
                placement: _ctx.placement,
                "fallback-placements": ["top", "bottom", "right", "left"],
                "stop-popper-mouse-event": false,
                "popper-class": _ctx.tooltipClass,
                disabled: !unref(showTooltip),
                persistent: ""
              }, {
                content: withCtx(() => [
                  createBaseVNode("span", null, toDisplayString$1(unref(formatValue)), 1)
                default: withCtx(() => [
                  createBaseVNode("div", {
                    class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("button"), { hover: unref(hovering), dragging: unref(dragging) }])
                  }, null, 2)
                _: 1
              }, 8, ["visible", "placement", "popper-class", "disabled"])
            ], 46, _hoisted_1$5);
      var SliderButton = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$5, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/slider/src/button.vue"]]);
      const sliderMarkerProps = buildProps({
        mark: {
          type: definePropType([String, Object]),
          default: void 0
      var SliderMarker = defineComponent({
        name: "ElSliderMarker",
        props: sliderMarkerProps,
        setup(props) {
          const ns = useNamespace("slider");
          const label = computed(() => {
            return isString$2(props.mark) ? props.mark : props.mark.label;
          const style = computed(() => isString$2(props.mark) ? void 0 : props.mark.style);
          return () => h("div", {
            class: ns.e("marks-text"),
            style: style.value
          }, label.value);
      const _hoisted_1$4 = ["id", "role", "aria-label", "aria-labelledby"];
      const _hoisted_2$4 = { key: 1 };
      const __default__$2 = defineComponent({
        name: "ElSlider"
      const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: sliderProps,
        emits: sliderEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const ns = useNamespace("slider");
          const { t: t2 } = useLocale();
          const initData = reactive({
            firstValue: 0,
            secondValue: 0,
            oldValue: 0,
            dragging: false,
            sliderSize: 1
          const {
            elFormItem: elFormItem2,
          } = useSlide(props, initData, emit2);
          const { stops, getStopStyle } = useStops(props, initData, minValue, maxValue);
          const { inputId, isLabeledByFormItem } = useFormItemInputId(props, {
            formItemContext: elFormItem2
          const sliderWrapperSize = useFormSize();
          const sliderInputSize = computed(() => props.inputSize || sliderWrapperSize.value);
          const groupLabel = computed(() => {
            return props.label || t2("el.slider.defaultLabel", {
              min: props.min,
              max: props.max
          const firstButtonLabel = computed(() => {
            if (props.range) {
              return props.rangeStartLabel || t2("el.slider.defaultRangeStartLabel");
            } else {
              return groupLabel.value;
          const firstValueText = computed(() => {
            return props.formatValueText ? props.formatValueText(firstValue.value) : `${firstValue.value}`;
          const secondButtonLabel = computed(() => {
            return props.rangeEndLabel || t2("el.slider.defaultRangeEndLabel");
          const secondValueText = computed(() => {
            return props.formatValueText ? props.formatValueText(secondValue.value) : `${secondValue.value}`;
          const sliderKls = computed(() => [
            ns.is("vertical", props.vertical),
            { [ns.m("with-input")]: props.showInput }
          const markList = useMarks(props);
          useWatch(props, initData, minValue, maxValue, emit2, elFormItem2);
          const precision = computed(() => {
            const precisions = [props.min, props.max, props.step].map((item) => {
              const decimal = `${item}`.split(".")[1];
              return decimal ? decimal.length : 0;
            return Math.max.apply(null, precisions);
          const { sliderWrapper } = useLifecycle(props, initData, resetSize);
          const { firstValue, secondValue, sliderSize } = toRefs(initData);
          const updateDragging = (val) => {
            initData.dragging = val;
          provide(sliderContextKey, {
            disabled: sliderDisabled,
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            var _a2, _b;
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              id: _ctx.range ? unref(inputId) : void 0,
              ref_key: "sliderWrapper",
              ref: sliderWrapper,
              class: normalizeClass(unref(sliderKls)),
              role: _ctx.range ? "group" : void 0,
              "aria-label": _ctx.range && !unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? unref(groupLabel) : void 0,
              "aria-labelledby": _ctx.range && unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? (_a2 = unref(elFormItem2)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.labelId : void 0,
              onTouchstart: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => unref(onSliderWrapperPrevent) && unref(onSliderWrapperPrevent)(...args)),
              onTouchmove: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = (...args) => unref(onSliderWrapperPrevent) && unref(onSliderWrapperPrevent)(...args))
            }, [
              createBaseVNode("div", {
                ref_key: "slider",
                ref: slider,
                class: normalizeClass([
                  { "show-input": _ctx.showInput && !_ctx.range },
                  unref(ns).is("disabled", unref(sliderDisabled))
                style: normalizeStyle(unref(runwayStyle)),
                onMousedown: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => unref(onSliderDown) && unref(onSliderDown)(...args)),
                onTouchstart: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => unref(onSliderDown) && unref(onSliderDown)(...args))
              }, [
                createBaseVNode("div", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("bar")),
                  style: normalizeStyle(unref(barStyle))
                }, null, 6),
                createVNode(SliderButton, {
                  id: !_ctx.range ? unref(inputId) : void 0,
                  ref_key: "firstButton",
                  ref: firstButton,
                  "model-value": unref(firstValue),
                  vertical: _ctx.vertical,
                  "tooltip-class": _ctx.tooltipClass,
                  placement: _ctx.placement,
                  role: "slider",
                  "aria-label": _ctx.range || !unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? unref(firstButtonLabel) : void 0,
                  "aria-labelledby": !_ctx.range && unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? (_b = unref(elFormItem2)) == null ? void 0 : _b.labelId : void 0,
                  "aria-valuemin": _ctx.min,
                  "aria-valuemax": _ctx.range ? unref(secondValue) : _ctx.max,
                  "aria-valuenow": unref(firstValue),
                  "aria-valuetext": unref(firstValueText),
                  "aria-orientation": _ctx.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal",
                  "aria-disabled": unref(sliderDisabled),
                  "onUpdate:modelValue": unref(setFirstValue)
                }, null, 8, ["id", "model-value", "vertical", "tooltip-class", "placement", "aria-label", "aria-labelledby", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuemax", "aria-valuenow", "aria-valuetext", "aria-orientation", "aria-disabled", "onUpdate:modelValue"]),
                _ctx.range ? (openBlock(), createBlock(SliderButton, {
                  key: 0,
                  ref_key: "secondButton",
                  ref: secondButton,
                  "model-value": unref(secondValue),
                  vertical: _ctx.vertical,
                  "tooltip-class": _ctx.tooltipClass,
                  placement: _ctx.placement,
                  role: "slider",
                  "aria-label": unref(secondButtonLabel),
                  "aria-valuemin": unref(firstValue),
                  "aria-valuemax": _ctx.max,
                  "aria-valuenow": unref(secondValue),
                  "aria-valuetext": unref(secondValueText),
                  "aria-orientation": _ctx.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal",
                  "aria-disabled": unref(sliderDisabled),
                  "onUpdate:modelValue": unref(setSecondValue)
                }, null, 8, ["model-value", "vertical", "tooltip-class", "placement", "aria-label", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuemax", "aria-valuenow", "aria-valuetext", "aria-orientation", "aria-disabled", "onUpdate:modelValue"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                _ctx.showStops ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$4, [
                  (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(unref(stops), (item, key) => {
                    return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                      class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("stop")),
                      style: normalizeStyle(unref(getStopStyle)(item))
                    }, null, 6);
                  }), 128))
                ])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                unref(markList).length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 2 }, [
                  createBaseVNode("div", null, [
                    (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(unref(markList), (item, key) => {
                      return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                        style: normalizeStyle(unref(getStopStyle)(item.position)),
                        class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("stop"), unref(ns).e("marks-stop")])
                      }, null, 6);
                    }), 128))
                  createBaseVNode("div", {
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("marks"))
                  }, [
                    (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(unref(markList), (item, key) => {
                      return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(SliderMarker), {
                        mark: item.mark,
                        style: normalizeStyle(unref(getStopStyle)(item.position))
                      }, null, 8, ["mark", "style"]);
                    }), 128))
                  ], 2)
                ], 64)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 38),
              _ctx.showInput && !_ctx.range ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElInputNumber), {
                key: 0,
                ref: "input",
                "model-value": unref(firstValue),
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("input")),
                step: _ctx.step,
                disabled: unref(sliderDisabled),
                controls: _ctx.showInputControls,
                min: _ctx.min,
                max: _ctx.max,
                debounce: _ctx.debounce,
                size: unref(sliderInputSize),
                "onUpdate:modelValue": unref(setFirstValue),
                onChange: unref(emitChange)
              }, null, 8, ["model-value", "class", "step", "disabled", "controls", "min", "max", "debounce", "size", "onUpdate:modelValue", "onChange"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 42, _hoisted_1$4);
      var Slider = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$4, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/slider/src/slider.vue"]]);
      const ElSlider = withInstall(Slider);
      const switchProps = buildProps({
        modelValue: {
          type: [Boolean, String, Number],
          default: false
        value: {
          type: [Boolean, String, Number],
          default: false
        disabled: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        width: {
          type: [String, Number],
          default: ""
        inlinePrompt: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        activeIcon: {
          type: iconPropType
        inactiveIcon: {
          type: iconPropType
        activeText: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        inactiveText: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        activeColor: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        inactiveColor: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        borderColor: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        activeValue: {
          type: [Boolean, String, Number],
          default: true
        inactiveValue: {
          type: [Boolean, String, Number],
          default: false
        name: {
          type: String,
          default: ""
        validateEvent: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: true
        id: String,
        loading: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: false
        beforeChange: {
          type: definePropType(Function)
        size: {
          type: String,
          validator: isValidComponentSize
        tabindex: {
          type: [String, Number]
      const switchEmits = {
        [UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (val) => isBoolean$1(val) || isString$2(val) || isNumber$1(val),
        [CHANGE_EVENT]: (val) => isBoolean$1(val) || isString$2(val) || isNumber$1(val),
        [INPUT_EVENT]: (val) => isBoolean$1(val) || isString$2(val) || isNumber$1(val)
      const _hoisted_1$3 = ["onClick"];
      const _hoisted_2$3 = ["id", "aria-checked", "aria-disabled", "name", "true-value", "false-value", "disabled", "tabindex", "onKeydown"];
      const _hoisted_3$1 = ["aria-hidden"];
      const _hoisted_4$1 = ["aria-hidden"];
      const _hoisted_5$1 = ["aria-hidden"];
      const COMPONENT_NAME = "ElSwitch";
      const __default__$1 = defineComponent({
        name: COMPONENT_NAME
      const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: switchProps,
        emits: switchEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2, emit: emit2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const vm = getCurrentInstance();
          const { formItem } = useFormItem();
          const switchSize = useFormSize();
          const ns = useNamespace("switch");
            from: '"value"',
            replacement: '"model-value" or "v-model"',
            scope: COMPONENT_NAME,
            version: "2.3.0",
            ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/switch.html#attributes",
            type: "Attribute"
          }, computed(() => {
            var _a2;
            return !!((_a2 = vm.vnode.props) == null ? void 0 : _a2.value);
          const { inputId } = useFormItemInputId(props, {
            formItemContext: formItem
          const switchDisabled = useFormDisabled(computed(() => props.loading));
          const isControlled = ref(props.modelValue !== false);
          const input = ref();
          const core = ref();
          const switchKls = computed(() => [
            ns.is("disabled", switchDisabled.value),
            ns.is("checked", checked.value)
          const coreStyle = computed(() => ({
            width: addUnit(props.width)
          watch(() => props.modelValue, () => {
            isControlled.value = true;
          watch(() => props.value, () => {
            isControlled.value = false;
          const actualValue = computed(() => {
            return isControlled.value ? props.modelValue : props.value;
          const checked = computed(() => actualValue.value === props.activeValue);
          if (![props.activeValue, props.inactiveValue].includes(actualValue.value)) {
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, props.inactiveValue);
            emit2(CHANGE_EVENT, props.inactiveValue);
            emit2(INPUT_EVENT, props.inactiveValue);
          watch(checked, (val) => {
            var _a2;
            input.value.checked = val;
            if (props.validateEvent) {
              (_a2 = formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.validate) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(formItem, "change").catch((err) => debugWarn());
          const handleChange = () => {
            const val = checked.value ? props.inactiveValue : props.activeValue;
            emit2(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);
            emit2(CHANGE_EVENT, val);
            emit2(INPUT_EVENT, val);
            nextTick(() => {
              input.value.checked = checked.value;
          const switchValue = () => {
            if (switchDisabled.value)
            const { beforeChange } = props;
            if (!beforeChange) {
            const shouldChange = beforeChange();
            const isPromiseOrBool = [
            if (!isPromiseOrBool) {
              throwError(COMPONENT_NAME, "beforeChange must return type `Promise<boolean>` or `boolean`");
            if (isPromise(shouldChange)) {
              shouldChange.then((result) => {
                if (result) {
              }).catch((e) => {
            } else if (shouldChange) {
          const styles = computed(() => {
            return ns.cssVarBlock({
              ...props.activeColor ? { "on-color": props.activeColor } : null,
              ...props.inactiveColor ? { "off-color": props.inactiveColor } : null,
              ...props.borderColor ? { "border-color": props.borderColor } : null
          const focus = () => {
            var _a2, _b;
            (_b = (_a2 = input.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
          onMounted(() => {
            input.value.checked = checked.value;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
              class: normalizeClass(unref(switchKls)),
              style: normalizeStyle(unref(styles)),
              onClick: withModifiers(switchValue, ["prevent"])
            }, [
              createBaseVNode("input", {
                id: unref(inputId),
                ref_key: "input",
                ref: input,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("input")),
                type: "checkbox",
                role: "switch",
                "aria-checked": unref(checked),
                "aria-disabled": unref(switchDisabled),
                name: _ctx.name,
                "true-value": _ctx.activeValue,
                "false-value": _ctx.inactiveValue,
                disabled: unref(switchDisabled),
                tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,
                onChange: handleChange,
                onKeydown: withKeys(switchValue, ["enter"])
              }, null, 42, _hoisted_2$3),
              !_ctx.inlinePrompt && (_ctx.inactiveIcon || _ctx.inactiveText) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                key: 0,
                class: normalizeClass([
                  unref(ns).em("label", "left"),
                  unref(ns).is("active", !unref(checked))
              }, [
                _ctx.inactiveIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), { key: 0 }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.inactiveIcon)))
                  _: 1
                })) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                !_ctx.inactiveIcon && _ctx.inactiveText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                  key: 1,
                  "aria-hidden": unref(checked)
                }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.inactiveText), 9, _hoisted_3$1)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
              createBaseVNode("span", {
                ref_key: "core",
                ref: core,
                class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("core")),
                style: normalizeStyle(unref(coreStyle))
              }, [
                _ctx.inlinePrompt ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
                  key: 0,
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("inner"))
                }, [
                  _ctx.activeIcon || _ctx.inactiveIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 0,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).is("icon"))
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(checked) ? _ctx.activeIcon : _ctx.inactiveIcon)))
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class"])) : _ctx.activeText || _ctx.inactiveText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                    key: 1,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).is("text")),
                    "aria-hidden": !unref(checked)
                  }, toDisplayString$1(unref(checked) ? _ctx.activeText : _ctx.inactiveText), 11, _hoisted_4$1)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                createBaseVNode("div", {
                  class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("action"))
                }, [
                  _ctx.loading ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 0,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).is("loading"))
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 2)
              ], 6),
              !_ctx.inlinePrompt && (_ctx.activeIcon || _ctx.activeText) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                key: 1,
                class: normalizeClass([
                  unref(ns).em("label", "right"),
                  unref(ns).is("active", unref(checked))
              }, [
                _ctx.activeIcon ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), { key: 0 }, {
                  default: withCtx(() => [
                    (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.activeIcon)))
                  _: 1
                })) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                !_ctx.activeIcon && _ctx.activeText ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", {
                  key: 1,
                  "aria-hidden": !unref(checked)
                }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.activeText), 9, _hoisted_5$1)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
              ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
            ], 14, _hoisted_1$3);
      var Switch = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$3, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/switch/src/switch.vue"]]);
      const ElSwitch = withInstall(Switch);
      const messageTypes = ["success", "info", "warning", "error"];
      const messageDefaults = mutable({
        customClass: "",
        center: false,
        dangerouslyUseHTMLString: false,
        duration: 3e3,
        icon: void 0,
        id: "",
        message: "",
        onClose: void 0,
        showClose: false,
        type: "info",
        offset: 16,
        zIndex: 0,
        grouping: false,
        repeatNum: 1,
        appendTo: isClient$1 ? document.body : void 0
      const messageProps = buildProps({
        customClass: {
          type: String,
          default: messageDefaults.customClass
        center: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: messageDefaults.center
        dangerouslyUseHTMLString: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: messageDefaults.dangerouslyUseHTMLString
        duration: {
          type: Number,
          default: messageDefaults.duration
        icon: {
          type: iconPropType,
          default: messageDefaults.icon
        id: {
          type: String,
          default: messageDefaults.id
        message: {
          type: definePropType([
          default: messageDefaults.message
        onClose: {
          type: definePropType(Function),
          required: false
        showClose: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: messageDefaults.showClose
        type: {
          type: String,
          values: messageTypes,
          default: messageDefaults.type
        offset: {
          type: Number,
          default: messageDefaults.offset
        zIndex: {
          type: Number,
          default: messageDefaults.zIndex
        grouping: {
          type: Boolean,
          default: messageDefaults.grouping
        repeatNum: {
          type: Number,
          default: messageDefaults.repeatNum
      const messageEmits = {
        destroy: () => true
      const instances = shallowReactive([]);
      const getInstance = (id) => {
        const idx = instances.findIndex((instance) => instance.id === id);
        const current = instances[idx];
        let prev;
        if (idx > 0) {
          prev = instances[idx - 1];
        return { current, prev };
      const getLastOffset = (id) => {
        const { prev } = getInstance(id);
        if (!prev)
          return 0;
        return prev.vm.exposed.bottom.value;
      const getOffsetOrSpace = (id, offset) => {
        const idx = instances.findIndex((instance) => instance.id === id);
        return idx > 0 ? 20 : offset;
      const _hoisted_1$2 = ["id"];
      const _hoisted_2$2 = ["innerHTML"];
      const __default__ = defineComponent({
        name: "ElMessage"
      const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        props: messageProps,
        emits: messageEmits,
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const props = __props;
          const { Close } = TypeComponents;
          const { ns, zIndex: zIndex2 } = useGlobalComponentSettings("message");
          const { currentZIndex, nextZIndex } = zIndex2;
          const messageRef = ref();
          const visible = ref(false);
          const height = ref(0);
          let stopTimer = void 0;
          const badgeType = computed(() => props.type ? props.type === "error" ? "danger" : props.type : "info");
          const typeClass = computed(() => {
            const type2 = props.type;
            return { [ns.bm("icon", type2)]: type2 && TypeComponentsMap[type2] };
          const iconComponent = computed(() => props.icon || TypeComponentsMap[props.type] || "");
          const lastOffset = computed(() => getLastOffset(props.id));
          const offset = computed(() => getOffsetOrSpace(props.id, props.offset) + lastOffset.value);
          const bottom = computed(() => height.value + offset.value);
          const customStyle = computed(() => ({
            top: `${offset.value}px`,
            zIndex: currentZIndex.value
          function startTimer() {
            if (props.duration === 0)
            ({ stop: stopTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => {
            }, props.duration));
          function clearTimer() {
            stopTimer == null ? void 0 : stopTimer();
          function close() {
            visible.value = false;
          function keydown({ code: code2 }) {
            if (code2 === EVENT_CODE.esc) {
          onMounted(() => {
            visible.value = true;
          watch(() => props.repeatNum, () => {
          useEventListener$1(document, "keydown", keydown);
          useResizeObserver(messageRef, () => {
            height.value = messageRef.value.getBoundingClientRect().height;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createBlock(Transition, {
              name: unref(ns).b("fade"),
              onBeforeLeave: _ctx.onClose,
              onAfterLeave: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("destroy")),
              persisted: ""
            }, {
              default: withCtx(() => [
                withDirectives(createBaseVNode("div", {
                  id: _ctx.id,
                  ref_key: "messageRef",
                  ref: messageRef,
                  class: normalizeClass([
                    { [unref(ns).m(_ctx.type)]: _ctx.type && !_ctx.icon },
                    unref(ns).is("center", _ctx.center),
                    unref(ns).is("closable", _ctx.showClose),
                  style: normalizeStyle(unref(customStyle)),
                  role: "alert",
                  onMouseenter: clearTimer,
                  onMouseleave: startTimer
                }, [
                  _ctx.repeatNum > 1 ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElBadge), {
                    key: 0,
                    value: _ctx.repeatNum,
                    type: unref(badgeType),
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("badge"))
                  }, null, 8, ["value", "type", "class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                  unref(iconComponent) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 1,
                    class: normalizeClass([unref(ns).e("icon"), unref(typeClass)])
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(unref(iconComponent))))
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
                  renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
                    !_ctx.dangerouslyUseHTMLString ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", {
                      key: 0,
                      class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("content"))
                    }, toDisplayString$1(_ctx.message), 3)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, { key: 1 }, [
                      createCommentVNode(" Caution here, message could've been compromised, never use user's input as message "),
                      createBaseVNode("p", {
                        class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("content")),
                        innerHTML: _ctx.message
                      }, null, 10, _hoisted_2$2)
                    ], 2112))
                  _ctx.showClose ? (openBlock(), createBlock(unref(ElIcon), {
                    key: 2,
                    class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e("closeBtn")),
                    onClick: withModifiers(close, ["stop"])
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["class", "onClick"])) : createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
                ], 46, _hoisted_1$2), [
                  [vShow, visible.value]
              _: 3
            }, 8, ["name", "onBeforeLeave"]);
      var MessageConstructor = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$2, [["__file", "/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/message/src/message.vue"]]);
      let seed = 1;
      const normalizeOptions = (params) => {
        const options = !params || isString$2(params) || isVNode$1(params) || isFunction$2(params) ? { message: params } : params;
        const normalized = {
        if (!normalized.appendTo) {
          normalized.appendTo = document.body;
        } else if (isString$2(normalized.appendTo)) {
          let appendTo = document.querySelector(normalized.appendTo);
          if (!isElement(appendTo)) {
            appendTo = document.body;
          normalized.appendTo = appendTo;
        return normalized;
      const closeMessage = (instance) => {
        const idx = instances.indexOf(instance);
        if (idx === -1)
        instances.splice(idx, 1);
        const { handler } = instance;
      const createMessage = ({ appendTo, ...options }, context) => {
        const id = `message_${seed++}`;
        const userOnClose = options.onClose;
        const container = document.createElement("div");
        const props = {
          onClose: () => {
            userOnClose == null ? void 0 : userOnClose();
          onDestroy: () => {
            render(null, container);
        const vnode = createVNode(MessageConstructor, props, isFunction$2(props.message) || isVNode$1(props.message) ? {
          default: isFunction$2(props.message) ? props.message : () => props.message
        } : null);
        vnode.appContext = context || message._context;
        render(vnode, container);
        const vm = vnode.component;
        const handler = {
          close: () => {
            vm.exposed.visible.value = false;
        const instance = {
          props: vnode.component.props
        return instance;
      const message = (options = {}, context) => {
        if (!isClient$1)
          return { close: () => void 0 };
        if (isNumber$1(messageConfig.max) && instances.length >= messageConfig.max) {
          return { close: () => void 0 };
        const normalized = normalizeOptions(options);
        if (normalized.grouping && instances.length) {
          const instance2 = instances.find(({ vnode: vm }) => {
            var _a2;
            return ((_a2 = vm.props) == null ? void 0 : _a2.message) === normalized.message;
          if (instance2) {
            instance2.props.repeatNum += 1;
            instance2.props.type = normalized.type;
            return instance2.handler;
        const instance = createMessage(normalized, context);
        return instance.handler;
      messageTypes.forEach((type2) => {
        message[type2] = (options = {}, appContext) => {
          const normalized = normalizeOptions(options);
          return message({ ...normalized, type: type2 }, appContext);
      function closeAll(type2) {
        for (const instance of instances) {
          if (!type2 || type2 === instance.props.type) {
      message.closeAll = closeAll;
      message._context = null;
      const ElMessage = withInstallFunction(message, "$message");
        * shared v9.2.2
        * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
        * Released under the MIT License.
      const inBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined";
      const hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === "symbol";
      const makeSymbol = (name) => hasSymbol ? Symbol(name) : name;
      const generateFormatCacheKey = (locale, key, source) => friendlyJSONstringify({ l: locale, k: key, s: source });
      const friendlyJSONstringify = (json) => JSON.stringify(json).replace(/\u2028/g, "\\u2028").replace(/\u2029/g, "\\u2029").replace(/\u0027/g, "\\u0027");
      const isNumber = (val) => typeof val === "number" && isFinite(val);
      const isDate = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object Date]";
      const isRegExp = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object RegExp]";
      const isEmptyObject = (val) => isPlainObject(val) && Object.keys(val).length === 0;
      function warn(msg, err) {
        if (typeof console !== "undefined") {
          console.warn(`[intlify] ` + msg);
          if (err) {
      const assign = Object.assign;
      let _globalThis;
      const getGlobalThis = () => {
        return _globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {});
      function escapeHtml(rawText) {
        return rawText.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
      const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      function hasOwn(obj, key) {
        return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
      const isArray = Array.isArray;
      const isFunction = (val) => typeof val === "function";
      const isString = (val) => typeof val === "string";
      const isBoolean = (val) => typeof val === "boolean";
      const isObject$1 = (val) => (
        // eslint-disable-line
        val !== null && typeof val === "object"
      const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
      const toTypeString = (value) => objectToString.call(value);
      const isPlainObject = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object Object]";
      const toDisplayString = (val) => {
        return val == null ? "" : isArray(val) || isPlainObject(val) && val.toString === objectToString ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : String(val);
        * message-compiler v9.2.2
        * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
        * Released under the MIT License.
      const CompileErrorCodes = {
        // tokenizer error codes
        EXPECTED_TOKEN: 1,
        // parser error codes
        // Special value for higher-order compilers to pick up the last code
        // to avoid collision of error codes. This should always be kept as the last
        // item.
        __EXTEND_POINT__: 15
      function createCompileError(code2, loc, options = {}) {
        const { domain, messages: messages2, args } = options;
        const msg = code2;
        const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg));
        error.code = code2;
        if (loc) {
          error.location = loc;
        error.domain = domain;
        return error;
      function defaultOnError(error) {
        throw error;
      function createPosition(line, column, offset) {
        return { line, column, offset };
      function createLocation(start, end2, source) {
        const loc = { start, end: end2 };
        if (source != null) {
          loc.source = source;
        return loc;
      const CHAR_SP = " ";
      const CHAR_CR = "\r";
      const CHAR_LF = "\n";
      const CHAR_LS = String.fromCharCode(8232);
      const CHAR_PS = String.fromCharCode(8233);
      function createScanner(str) {
        const _buf = str;
        let _index = 0;
        let _line = 1;
        let _column = 1;
        let _peekOffset = 0;
        const isCRLF = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_CR && _buf[index3 + 1] === CHAR_LF;
        const isLF = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_LF;
        const isPS = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_PS;
        const isLS = (index3) => _buf[index3] === CHAR_LS;
        const isLineEnd = (index3) => isCRLF(index3) || isLF(index3) || isPS(index3) || isLS(index3);
        const index2 = () => _index;
        const line = () => _line;
        const column = () => _column;
        const peekOffset = () => _peekOffset;
        const charAt = (offset) => isCRLF(offset) || isPS(offset) || isLS(offset) ? CHAR_LF : _buf[offset];
        const currentChar = () => charAt(_index);
        const currentPeek = () => charAt(_index + _peekOffset);
        function next() {
          _peekOffset = 0;
          if (isLineEnd(_index)) {
            _column = 0;
          if (isCRLF(_index)) {
          return _buf[_index];
        function peek() {
          if (isCRLF(_index + _peekOffset)) {
          return _buf[_index + _peekOffset];
        function reset() {
          _index = 0;
          _line = 1;
          _column = 1;
          _peekOffset = 0;
        function resetPeek(offset = 0) {
          _peekOffset = offset;
        function skipToPeek() {
          const target = _index + _peekOffset;
          while (target !== _index) {
          _peekOffset = 0;
        return {
          index: index2,
      const EOF = void 0;
      const LITERAL_DELIMITER = "'";
      const ERROR_DOMAIN$1 = "tokenizer";
      function createTokenizer(source, options = {}) {
        const location2 = options.location !== false;
        const _scnr = createScanner(source);
        const currentOffset = () => _scnr.index();
        const currentPosition = () => createPosition(_scnr.line(), _scnr.column(), _scnr.index());
        const _initLoc = currentPosition();
        const _initOffset = currentOffset();
        const _context = {
          currentType: 14,
          offset: _initOffset,
          startLoc: _initLoc,
          endLoc: _initLoc,
          lastType: 14,
          lastOffset: _initOffset,
          lastStartLoc: _initLoc,
          lastEndLoc: _initLoc,
          braceNest: 0,
          inLinked: false,
          text: ""
        const context = () => _context;
        const { onError } = options;
        function emitError(code2, pos, offset, ...args) {
          const ctx = context();
          pos.column += offset;
          pos.offset += offset;
          if (onError) {
            const loc = createLocation(ctx.startLoc, pos);
            const err = createCompileError(code2, loc, {
              domain: ERROR_DOMAIN$1,
        function getToken(context2, type2, value) {
          context2.endLoc = currentPosition();
          context2.currentType = type2;
          const token = { type: type2 };
          if (location2) {
            token.loc = createLocation(context2.startLoc, context2.endLoc);
          if (value != null) {
            token.value = value;
          return token;
        const getEndToken = (context2) => getToken(
          /* EOF */
        function eat(scnr, ch) {
          if (scnr.currentChar() === ch) {
            return ch;
          } else {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.EXPECTED_TOKEN, currentPosition(), 0, ch);
            return "";
        function peekSpaces(scnr) {
          let buf = "";
          while (scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_SP || scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_LF) {
            buf += scnr.currentPeek();
          return buf;
        function skipSpaces(scnr) {
          const buf = peekSpaces(scnr);
          return buf;
        function isIdentifierStart(ch) {
          if (ch === EOF) {
            return false;
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || // a-z
          cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || // A-Z
          cc === 95;
        function isNumberStart(ch) {
          if (ch === EOF) {
            return false;
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
        function isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2) {
            return false;
          const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
          return ret;
        function isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2) {
            return false;
          const ch = scnr.currentPeek() === "-" ? scnr.peek() : scnr.currentPeek();
          const ret = isNumberStart(ch);
          return ret;
        function isLiteralStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2) {
            return false;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === LITERAL_DELIMITER;
          return ret;
        function isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 8) {
            return false;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ".";
          return ret;
        function isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 9) {
            return false;
          const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
          return ret;
        function isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (!(currentType === 8 || currentType === 12)) {
            return false;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ":";
          return ret;
        function isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 10) {
            return false;
          const fn2 = () => {
            const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
            if (ch === "{") {
              return isIdentifierStart(scnr.peek());
            } else if (ch === "@" || ch === "%" || ch === "|" || ch === ":" || ch === "." || ch === CHAR_SP || !ch) {
              return false;
            } else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
              return fn2();
            } else {
              return isIdentifierStart(ch);
          const ret = fn2();
          return ret;
        function isPluralStart(scnr) {
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === "|";
          return ret;
        function detectModuloStart(scnr) {
          const spaces = peekSpaces(scnr);
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === "%" && scnr.peek() === "{";
          return {
            isModulo: ret,
            hasSpace: spaces.length > 0
        function isTextStart(scnr, reset = true) {
          const fn2 = (hasSpace = false, prev = "", detectModulo = false) => {
            const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
            if (ch === "{") {
              return prev === "%" ? false : hasSpace;
            } else if (ch === "@" || !ch) {
              return prev === "%" ? true : hasSpace;
            } else if (ch === "%") {
              return fn2(hasSpace, "%", true);
            } else if (ch === "|") {
              return prev === "%" || detectModulo ? true : !(prev === CHAR_SP || prev === CHAR_LF);
            } else if (ch === CHAR_SP) {
              return fn2(true, CHAR_SP, detectModulo);
            } else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
              return fn2(true, CHAR_LF, detectModulo);
            } else {
              return true;
          const ret = fn2();
          reset && scnr.resetPeek();
          return ret;
        function takeChar(scnr, fn2) {
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          if (ch === EOF) {
            return EOF;
          if (fn2(ch)) {
            return ch;
          return null;
        function takeIdentifierChar(scnr) {
          const closure = (ch) => {
            const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
            return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || // a-z
            cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || // A-Z
            cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || // 0-9
            cc === 95 || // _
            cc === 36;
          return takeChar(scnr, closure);
        function takeDigit(scnr) {
          const closure = (ch) => {
            const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
            return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
          return takeChar(scnr, closure);
        function takeHexDigit(scnr) {
          const closure = (ch) => {
            const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
            return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || // 0-9
            cc >= 65 && cc <= 70 || // A-F
            cc >= 97 && cc <= 102;
          return takeChar(scnr, closure);
        function getDigits(scnr) {
          let ch = "";
          let num = "";
          while (ch = takeDigit(scnr)) {
            num += ch;
          return num;
        function readModulo(scnr) {
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          if (ch !== "%") {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.EXPECTED_TOKEN, currentPosition(), 0, ch);
          return "%";
        function readText(scnr) {
          let buf = "";
          while (true) {
            const ch = scnr.currentChar();
            if (ch === "{" || ch === "}" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || !ch) {
            } else if (ch === "%") {
              if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
                buf += ch;
              } else {
            } else if (ch === CHAR_SP || ch === CHAR_LF) {
              if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
                buf += ch;
              } else if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
              } else {
                buf += ch;
            } else {
              buf += ch;
          return buf;
        function readNamedIdentifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "";
          let name = "";
          while (ch = takeIdentifierChar(scnr)) {
            name += ch;
          if (scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
          return name;
        function readListIdentifier(scnr) {
          let value = "";
          if (scnr.currentChar() === "-") {
            value += `-${getDigits(scnr)}`;
          } else {
            value += getDigits(scnr);
          if (scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
          return value;
        function readLiteral(scnr) {
          eat(scnr, `'`);
          let ch = "";
          let literal = "";
          const fn2 = (x) => x !== LITERAL_DELIMITER && x !== CHAR_LF;
          while (ch = takeChar(scnr, fn2)) {
            if (ch === "\\") {
              literal += readEscapeSequence(scnr);
            } else {
              literal += ch;
          const current = scnr.currentChar();
          if (current === CHAR_LF || current === EOF) {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_SINGLE_QUOTE_IN_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0);
            if (current === CHAR_LF) {
              eat(scnr, `'`);
            return literal;
          eat(scnr, `'`);
          return literal;
        function readEscapeSequence(scnr) {
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          switch (ch) {
            case "\\":
            case `'`:
              return `\\${ch}`;
            case "u":
              return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 4);
            case "U":
              return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 6);
              emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, currentPosition(), 0, ch);
              return "";
        function readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, unicode, digits) {
          eat(scnr, unicode);
          let sequence = "";
          for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
            const ch = takeHexDigit(scnr);
            if (!ch) {
              emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, currentPosition(), 0, `\\${unicode}${sequence}${scnr.currentChar()}`);
            sequence += ch;
          return `\\${unicode}${sequence}`;
        function readInvalidIdentifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "";
          let identifiers = "";
          const closure = (ch2) => ch2 !== "{" && ch2 !== "}" && ch2 !== CHAR_SP && ch2 !== CHAR_LF;
          while (ch = takeChar(scnr, closure)) {
            identifiers += ch;
          return identifiers;
        function readLinkedModifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "";
          let name = "";
          while (ch = takeIdentifierChar(scnr)) {
            name += ch;
          return name;
        function readLinkedRefer(scnr) {
          const fn2 = (detect2 = false, buf) => {
            const ch = scnr.currentChar();
            if (ch === "{" || ch === "%" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || !ch) {
              return buf;
            } else if (ch === CHAR_SP) {
              return buf;
            } else if (ch === CHAR_LF) {
              buf += ch;
              return fn2(detect2, buf);
            } else {
              buf += ch;
              return fn2(true, buf);
          return fn2(false, "");
        function readPlural(scnr) {
          const plural = eat(
            /* Pipe */
          return plural;
        function readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) {
          let token = null;
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          switch (ch) {
            case "{":
              if (context2.braceNest >= 1) {
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOW_NEST_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0);
              token = getToken(
                /* BraceLeft */
              return token;
            case "}":
              if (context2.braceNest > 0 && context2.currentType === 2) {
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0);
              token = getToken(
                /* BraceRight */
              context2.braceNest > 0 && skipSpaces(scnr);
              if (context2.inLinked && context2.braceNest === 0) {
                context2.inLinked = false;
              return token;
            case "@":
              if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
              token = readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
              context2.braceNest = 0;
              return token;
              let validNamedIdentifier = true;
              let validListIdentifier = true;
              let validLiteral = true;
              if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
                if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
                  emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
                token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
                context2.braceNest = 0;
                context2.inLinked = false;
                return token;
              if (context2.braceNest > 0 && (context2.currentType === 5 || context2.currentType === 6 || context2.currentType === 7)) {
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
                context2.braceNest = 0;
                return readToken(scnr, context2);
              if (validNamedIdentifier = isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
                token = getToken(context2, 5, readNamedIdentifier(scnr));
                return token;
              if (validListIdentifier = isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
                token = getToken(context2, 6, readListIdentifier(scnr));
                return token;
              if (validLiteral = isLiteralStart(scnr, context2)) {
                token = getToken(context2, 7, readLiteral(scnr));
                return token;
              if (!validNamedIdentifier && !validListIdentifier && !validLiteral) {
                token = getToken(context2, 13, readInvalidIdentifier(scnr));
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN_IN_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0, token.value);
                return token;
          return token;
        function readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          let token = null;
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          if ((currentType === 8 || currentType === 9 || currentType === 12 || currentType === 10) && (ch === CHAR_LF || ch === CHAR_SP)) {
            emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT, currentPosition(), 0);
          switch (ch) {
            case "@":
              token = getToken(
                /* LinkedAlias */
              context2.inLinked = true;
              return token;
            case ".":
              return getToken(
                /* LinkedDot */
            case ":":
              return getToken(
                /* LinkedDelimiter */
              if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
                token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
                context2.braceNest = 0;
                context2.inLinked = false;
                return token;
              if (isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) || isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2)) {
                return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2);
              if (isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2)) {
                return getToken(context2, 12, readLinkedModifier(scnr));
              if (isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2)) {
                if (ch === "{") {
                  return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || token;
                } else {
                  return getToken(context2, 11, readLinkedRefer(scnr));
              if (currentType === 8) {
                emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT, currentPosition(), 0);
              context2.braceNest = 0;
              context2.inLinked = false;
              return readToken(scnr, context2);
        function readToken(scnr, context2) {
          let token = {
            type: 14
            /* EOF */
          if (context2.braceNest > 0) {
            return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
          if (context2.inLinked) {
            return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          switch (ch) {
            case "{":
              return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
            case "}":
              emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNBALANCED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0);
              return getToken(
                /* BraceRight */
            case "@":
              return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
              if (isPluralStart(scnr)) {
                token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr));
                context2.braceNest = 0;
                context2.inLinked = false;
                return token;
              const { isModulo, hasSpace } = detectModuloStart(scnr);
              if (isModulo) {
                return hasSpace ? getToken(context2, 0, readText(scnr)) : getToken(context2, 4, readModulo(scnr));
              if (isTextStart(scnr)) {
                return getToken(context2, 0, readText(scnr));
          return token;
        function nextToken() {
          const { currentType, offset, startLoc, endLoc } = _context;
          _context.lastType = currentType;
          _context.lastOffset = offset;
          _context.lastStartLoc = startLoc;
          _context.lastEndLoc = endLoc;
          _context.offset = currentOffset();
          _context.startLoc = currentPosition();
          if (_scnr.currentChar() === EOF) {
            return getToken(
              /* EOF */
          return readToken(_scnr, _context);
        return {
      const ERROR_DOMAIN = "parser";
      const KNOWN_ESCAPES = /(?:\\\\|\\'|\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|\\U([0-9a-fA-F]{6}))/g;
      function fromEscapeSequence(match2, codePoint4, codePoint6) {
        switch (match2) {
          case `\\\\`:
            return `\\`;
          case `\\'`:
            return `'`;
          default: {
            const codePoint = parseInt(codePoint4 || codePoint6, 16);
            if (codePoint <= 55295 || codePoint >= 57344) {
              return String.fromCodePoint(codePoint);
            return "�";
      function createParser(options = {}) {
        const location2 = options.location !== false;
        const { onError } = options;
        function emitError(tokenzer, code2, start, offset, ...args) {
          const end2 = tokenzer.currentPosition();
          end2.offset += offset;
          end2.column += offset;
          if (onError) {
            const loc = createLocation(start, end2);
            const err = createCompileError(code2, loc, {
              domain: ERROR_DOMAIN,
        function startNode(type2, offset, loc) {
          const node = {
            type: type2,
            start: offset,
            end: offset
          if (location2) {
            node.loc = { start: loc, end: loc };
          return node;
        function endNode(node, offset, pos, type2) {
          node.end = offset;
          if (type2) {
            node.type = type2;
          if (location2 && node.loc) {
            node.loc.end = pos;
        function parseText(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const node = startNode(3, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          node.value = value;
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseList(tokenizer, index2) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
          const node = startNode(5, offset, loc);
          node.index = parseInt(index2, 10);
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseNamed(tokenizer, key) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
          const node = startNode(4, offset, loc);
          node.key = key;
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseLiteral(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
          const node = startNode(9, offset, loc);
          node.value = value.replace(KNOWN_ESCAPES, fromEscapeSequence);
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer) {
          const token = tokenizer.nextToken();
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context;
          const node = startNode(8, offset, loc);
          if (token.type !== 12) {
            emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_MODIFIER, context.lastStartLoc, 0);
            node.value = "";
            endNode(node, offset, loc);
            return {
              nextConsumeToken: token,
          if (token.value == null) {
            emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
          node.value = token.value || "";
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return {
        function parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const node = startNode(7, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          node.value = value;
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseLinked(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const linkedNode = startNode(6, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          let token = tokenizer.nextToken();
          if (token.type === 9) {
            const parsed = parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer);
            linkedNode.modifier = parsed.node;
            token = parsed.nextConsumeToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
          if (token.type !== 10) {
            emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
          token = tokenizer.nextToken();
          if (token.type === 2) {
            token = tokenizer.nextToken();
          switch (token.type) {
            case 11:
              if (token.value == null) {
                emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
              linkedNode.key = parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 5:
              if (token.value == null) {
                emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
              linkedNode.key = parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 6:
              if (token.value == null) {
                emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
              linkedNode.key = parseList(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 7:
              if (token.value == null) {
                emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
              linkedNode.key = parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || "");
              emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_KEY, context.lastStartLoc, 0);
              const nextContext = tokenizer.context();
              const emptyLinkedKeyNode = startNode(7, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
              emptyLinkedKeyNode.value = "";
              endNode(emptyLinkedKeyNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
              linkedNode.key = emptyLinkedKeyNode;
              endNode(linkedNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
              return {
                nextConsumeToken: token,
                node: linkedNode
          endNode(linkedNode, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return {
            node: linkedNode
        function parseMessage(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const startOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? tokenizer.currentOffset() : context.offset;
          const startLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.endLoc : context.startLoc;
          const node = startNode(2, startOffset, startLoc);
          node.items = [];
          let nextToken = null;
          do {
            const token = nextToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
            nextToken = null;
            switch (token.type) {
              case 0:
                if (token.value == null) {
                  emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
                node.items.push(parseText(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 6:
                if (token.value == null) {
                  emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
                node.items.push(parseList(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 5:
                if (token.value == null) {
                  emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
                node.items.push(parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 7:
                if (token.value == null) {
                  emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token));
                node.items.push(parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 8:
                const parsed = parseLinked(tokenizer);
                nextToken = parsed.nextConsumeToken || null;
          } while (context.currentType !== 14 && context.currentType !== 1);
          const endOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastOffset : tokenizer.currentOffset();
          const endLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastEndLoc : tokenizer.currentPosition();
          endNode(node, endOffset, endLoc);
          return node;
        function parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, loc, msgNode) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          let hasEmptyMessage = msgNode.items.length === 0;
          const node = startNode(1, offset, loc);
          node.cases = [];
          do {
            const msg = parseMessage(tokenizer);
            if (!hasEmptyMessage) {
              hasEmptyMessage = msg.items.length === 0;
          } while (context.currentType !== 14);
          if (hasEmptyMessage) {
            emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.MUST_HAVE_MESSAGES_IN_PLURAL, loc, 0);
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        function parseResource(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const { offset, startLoc } = context;
          const msgNode = parseMessage(tokenizer);
          if (context.currentType === 14) {
            return msgNode;
          } else {
            return parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, startLoc, msgNode);
        function parse2(source) {
          const tokenizer = createTokenizer(source, assign({}, options));
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          const node = startNode(0, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          if (location2 && node.loc) {
            node.loc.source = source;
          node.body = parseResource(tokenizer);
          if (context.currentType !== 14) {
            emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, source[context.offset] || "");
          endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition());
          return node;
        return { parse: parse2 };
      function getTokenCaption(token) {
        if (token.type === 14) {
          return "EOF";
        const name = (token.value || "").replace(/\r?\n/gu, "\\n");
        return name.length > 10 ? name.slice(0, 9) + "…" : name;
      function createTransformer(ast, options = {}) {
        const _context = {
          helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()
        const context = () => _context;
        const helper = (name) => {
          return name;
        return { context, helper };
      function traverseNodes(nodes, transformer) {
        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
          traverseNode(nodes[i], transformer);
      function traverseNode(node, transformer) {
        switch (node.type) {
          case 1:
            traverseNodes(node.cases, transformer);
              /* PLURAL */
          case 2:
            traverseNodes(node.items, transformer);
          case 6:
            const linked = node;
            traverseNode(linked.key, transformer);
              /* LINKED */
              /* TYPE */
          case 5:
              /* INTERPOLATE */
              /* LIST */
          case 4:
              /* INTERPOLATE */
              /* NAMED */
      function transform(ast, options = {}) {
        const transformer = createTransformer(ast);
          /* NORMALIZE */
        ast.body && traverseNode(ast.body, transformer);
        const context = transformer.context();
        ast.helpers = Array.from(context.helpers);
      function createCodeGenerator(ast, options) {
        const { sourceMap, filename, breakLineCode, needIndent: _needIndent } = options;
        const _context = {
          source: ast.loc.source,
          code: "",
          column: 1,
          line: 1,
          offset: 0,
          map: void 0,
          needIndent: _needIndent,
          indentLevel: 0
        const context = () => _context;
        function push(code2, node) {
          _context.code += code2;
        function _newline(n, withBreakLine = true) {
          const _breakLineCode = withBreakLine ? breakLineCode : "";
          push(_needIndent ? _breakLineCode + `  `.repeat(n) : _breakLineCode);
        function indent(withNewLine = true) {
          const level = ++_context.indentLevel;
          withNewLine && _newline(level);
        function deindent(withNewLine = true) {
          const level = --_context.indentLevel;
          withNewLine && _newline(level);
        function newline() {
        const helper = (key) => `_${key}`;
        const needIndent = () => _context.needIndent;
        return {
      function generateLinkedNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper } = generator;
        /* LINKED */
        generateNode(generator, node.key);
        if (node.modifier) {
          generator.push(`, `);
          generateNode(generator, node.modifier);
          generator.push(`, _type`);
        } else {
          generator.push(`, undefined, _type`);
      function generateMessageNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
        /* NORMALIZE */
        const length = node.items.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          generateNode(generator, node.items[i]);
          if (i === length - 1) {
          generator.push(", ");
      function generatePluralNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
        if (node.cases.length > 1) {
          /* PLURAL */
          const length = node.cases.length;
          for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            generateNode(generator, node.cases[i]);
            if (i === length - 1) {
            generator.push(", ");
      function generateResource(generator, node) {
        if (node.body) {
          generateNode(generator, node.body);
        } else {
      function generateNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper } = generator;
        switch (node.type) {
          case 0:
            generateResource(generator, node);
          case 1:
            generatePluralNode(generator, node);
          case 2:
            generateMessageNode(generator, node);
          case 6:
            generateLinkedNode(generator, node);
          case 8:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 7:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 5:
            /* INTERPOLATE */
            /* LIST */
          )}(${node.index}))`, node);
          case 4:
            /* INTERPOLATE */
            /* NAMED */
          )}(${JSON.stringify(node.key)}))`, node);
          case 9:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 3:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
      const generate = (ast, options = {}) => {
        const mode = isString(options.mode) ? options.mode : "normal";
        const filename = isString(options.filename) ? options.filename : "message.intl";
        const sourceMap = !!options.sourceMap;
        const breakLineCode = options.breakLineCode != null ? options.breakLineCode : mode === "arrow" ? ";" : "\n";
        const needIndent = options.needIndent ? options.needIndent : mode !== "arrow";
        const helpers = ast.helpers || [];
        const generator = createCodeGenerator(ast, {
        generator.push(mode === "normal" ? `function __msg__ (ctx) {` : `(ctx) => {`);
        if (helpers.length > 0) {
          generator.push(`const { ${helpers.map((s) => `${s}: _${s}`).join(", ")} } = ctx`);
        generator.push(`return `);
        generateNode(generator, ast);
        const { code: code2, map: map2 } = generator.context();
        return {
          code: code2,
          map: map2 ? map2.toJSON() : void 0
          // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      function baseCompile(source, options = {}) {
        const assignedOptions = assign({}, options);
        const parser2 = createParser(assignedOptions);
        const ast = parser2.parse(source);
        transform(ast, assignedOptions);
        return generate(ast, assignedOptions);
        * devtools-if v9.2.2
        * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
        * Released under the MIT License.
      const IntlifyDevToolsHooks = {
        I18nInit: "i18n:init",
        FunctionTranslate: "function:translate"
        * core-base v9.2.2
        * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
        * Released under the MIT License.
      const pathStateMachine = [];
        /* BEFORE_PATH */
      ] = {
          /* WORKSPACE */
        ]: [
          /* BEFORE_PATH */
          /* IDENT */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* LEFT_BRACKET */
        ]: [
          /* IN_SUB_PATH */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: [
          /* AFTER_PATH */
        /* IN_PATH */
      ] = {
          /* WORKSPACE */
        ]: [
          /* IN_PATH */
          /* DOT */
        ]: [
          /* BEFORE_IDENT */
          /* LEFT_BRACKET */
        ]: [
          /* IN_SUB_PATH */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: [
          /* AFTER_PATH */
        /* BEFORE_IDENT */
      ] = {
          /* WORKSPACE */
        ]: [
          /* BEFORE_IDENT */
          /* IDENT */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* ZERO */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
        /* IN_IDENT */
      ] = {
          /* IDENT */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* ZERO */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* WORKSPACE */
        ]: [
          /* PUSH */
          /* DOT */
        ]: [
          /* PUSH */
          /* LEFT_BRACKET */
        ]: [
          /* PUSH */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: [
          /* PUSH */
        /* IN_SUB_PATH */
      ] = {
          /* SINGLE_QUOTE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* LEFT_BRACKET */
        ]: [
          /* INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */
          /* RIGHT_BRACKET */
        ]: [
          /* PUSH_SUB_PATH */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: 8,
          /* ELSE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
        /* IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */
      ] = {
          /* SINGLE_QUOTE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: 8,
          /* ELSE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
        /* IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */
      ] = {
          /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
          /* END_OF_FAIL */
        ]: 8,
          /* ELSE */
        ]: [
          /* APPEND */
      const literalValueRE = /^\s?(?:true|false|-?[\d.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/;
      function isLiteral(exp) {
        return literalValueRE.test(exp);
      function stripQuotes(str) {
        const a = str.charCodeAt(0);
        const b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1);
        return a === b && (a === 34 || a === 39) ? str.slice(1, -1) : str;
      function getPathCharType(ch) {
        if (ch === void 0 || ch === null) {
          return "o";
        const code2 = ch.charCodeAt(0);
        switch (code2) {
          case 91:
          case 93:
          case 46:
          case 34:
          case 39:
            return ch;
          case 95:
          case 36:
          case 45:
            return "i";
          case 9:
          case 10:
          case 13:
          case 160:
          case 65279:
          case 8232:
          case 8233:
            return "w";
        return "i";
      function formatSubPath(path) {
        const trimmed = path.trim();
        if (path.charAt(0) === "0" && isNaN(parseInt(path))) {
          return false;
        return isLiteral(trimmed) ? stripQuotes(trimmed) : "*" + trimmed;
      function parse(path) {
        const keys2 = [];
        let index2 = -1;
        let mode = 0;
        let subPathDepth = 0;
        let c;
        let key;
        let newChar;
        let type2;
        let transition;
        let action;
        let typeMap;
        const actions = [];
          /* APPEND */
        ] = () => {
          if (key === void 0) {
            key = newChar;
          } else {
            key += newChar;
          /* PUSH */
        ] = () => {
          if (key !== void 0) {
            key = void 0;
          /* INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */
        ] = () => {
            /* APPEND */
          /* PUSH_SUB_PATH */
        ] = () => {
          if (subPathDepth > 0) {
            mode = 4;
              /* APPEND */
          } else {
            subPathDepth = 0;
            if (key === void 0) {
              return false;
            key = formatSubPath(key);
            if (key === false) {
              return false;
            } else {
                /* PUSH */
        function maybeUnescapeQuote() {
          const nextChar = path[index2 + 1];
          if (mode === 5 && nextChar === "'" || mode === 6 && nextChar === '"') {
            newChar = "\\" + nextChar;
              /* APPEND */
            return true;
        while (mode !== null) {
          c = path[index2];
          if (c === "\\" && maybeUnescapeQuote()) {
          type2 = getPathCharType(c);
          typeMap = pathStateMachine[mode];
          transition = typeMap[type2] || typeMap[
            /* ELSE */
          ] || 8;
          if (transition === 8) {
          mode = transition[0];
          if (transition[1] !== void 0) {
            action = actions[transition[1]];
            if (action) {
              newChar = c;
              if (action() === false) {
          if (mode === 7) {
            return keys2;
      const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      function resolveWithKeyValue(obj, path) {
        return isObject$1(obj) ? obj[path] : null;
      function resolveValue(obj, path) {
        if (!isObject$1(obj)) {
          return null;
        let hit = cache.get(path);
        if (!hit) {
          hit = parse(path);
          if (hit) {
            cache.set(path, hit);
        if (!hit) {
          return null;
        const len = hit.length;
        let last2 = obj;
        let i = 0;
        while (i < len) {
          const val = last2[hit[i]];
          if (val === void 0) {
            return null;
          last2 = val;
        return last2;
      const DEFAULT_MODIFIER = (str) => str;
      const DEFAULT_MESSAGE = (ctx) => "";
      const DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE = "text";
      const DEFAULT_NORMALIZE = (values2) => values2.length === 0 ? "" : values2.join("");
      const DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE = toDisplayString;
      function pluralDefault(choice, choicesLength) {
        choice = Math.abs(choice);
        if (choicesLength === 2) {
          return choice ? choice > 1 ? 1 : 0 : 1;
        return choice ? Math.min(choice, 2) : 0;
      function getPluralIndex(options) {
        const index2 = isNumber(options.pluralIndex) ? options.pluralIndex : -1;
        return options.named && (isNumber(options.named.count) || isNumber(options.named.n)) ? isNumber(options.named.count) ? options.named.count : isNumber(options.named.n) ? options.named.n : index2 : index2;
      function normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, props) {
        if (!props.count) {
          props.count = pluralIndex;
        if (!props.n) {
          props.n = pluralIndex;
      function createMessageContext(options = {}) {
        const locale = options.locale;
        const pluralIndex = getPluralIndex(options);
        const pluralRule = isObject$1(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? options.pluralRules[locale] : pluralDefault;
        const orgPluralRule = isObject$1(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? pluralDefault : void 0;
        const plural = (messages2) => {
          return messages2[pluralRule(pluralIndex, messages2.length, orgPluralRule)];
        const _list = options.list || [];
        const list = (index2) => _list[index2];
        const _named = options.named || {};
        isNumber(options.pluralIndex) && normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, _named);
        const named = (key) => _named[key];
        function message2(key) {
          const msg = isFunction(options.messages) ? options.messages(key) : isObject$1(options.messages) ? options.messages[key] : false;
          return !msg ? options.parent ? options.parent.message(key) : DEFAULT_MESSAGE : msg;
        const _modifier = (name) => options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : DEFAULT_MODIFIER;
        const normalize = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction(options.processor.normalize) ? options.processor.normalize : DEFAULT_NORMALIZE;
        const interpolate = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction(options.processor.interpolate) ? options.processor.interpolate : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE;
        const type2 = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isString(options.processor.type) ? options.processor.type : DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE;
        const linked = (key, ...args) => {
          const [arg1, arg2] = args;
          let type3 = "text";
          let modifier = "";
          if (args.length === 1) {
            if (isObject$1(arg1)) {
              modifier = arg1.modifier || modifier;
              type3 = arg1.type || type3;
            } else if (isString(arg1)) {
              modifier = arg1 || modifier;
          } else if (args.length === 2) {
            if (isString(arg1)) {
              modifier = arg1 || modifier;
            if (isString(arg2)) {
              type3 = arg2 || type3;
          let msg = message2(key)(ctx);
          if (type3 === "vnode" && isArray(msg) && modifier) {
            msg = msg[0];
          return modifier ? _modifier(modifier)(msg, type3) : msg;
        const ctx = {
            /* LIST */
          ]: list,
            /* NAMED */
          ]: named,
            /* PLURAL */
          ]: plural,
            /* LINKED */
          ]: linked,
            /* MESSAGE */
          ]: message2,
            /* TYPE */
          ]: type2,
            /* INTERPOLATE */
          ]: interpolate,
            /* NORMALIZE */
          ]: normalize
        return ctx;
      let devtools = null;
      function setDevToolsHook(hook) {
        devtools = hook;
      function initI18nDevTools(i18n2, version2, meta) {
        devtools && devtools.emit(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.I18nInit, {
          timestamp: Date.now(),
          i18n: i18n2,
          version: version2,
      const translateDevTools = /* @__PURE__ */ createDevToolsHook(IntlifyDevToolsHooks.FunctionTranslate);
      function createDevToolsHook(hook) {
        return (payloads) => devtools && devtools.emit(hook, payloads);
      function fallbackWithSimple(ctx, fallback, start) {
        return [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
          ...isArray(fallback) ? fallback : isObject$1(fallback) ? Object.keys(fallback) : isString(fallback) ? [fallback] : [start]
      function fallbackWithLocaleChain(ctx, fallback, start) {
        const startLocale = isString(start) ? start : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
        const context = ctx;
        if (!context.__localeChainCache) {
          context.__localeChainCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        let chain = context.__localeChainCache.get(startLocale);
        if (!chain) {
          chain = [];
          let block = [start];
          while (isArray(block)) {
            block = appendBlockToChain(chain, block, fallback);
          const defaults = isArray(fallback) || !isPlainObject(fallback) ? fallback : fallback["default"] ? fallback["default"] : null;
          block = isString(defaults) ? [defaults] : defaults;
          if (isArray(block)) {
            appendBlockToChain(chain, block, false);
          context.__localeChainCache.set(startLocale, chain);
        return chain;
      function appendBlockToChain(chain, block, blocks) {
        let follow = true;
        for (let i = 0; i < block.length && isBoolean(follow); i++) {
          const locale = block[i];
          if (isString(locale)) {
            follow = appendLocaleToChain(chain, block[i], blocks);
        return follow;
      function appendLocaleToChain(chain, locale, blocks) {
        let follow;
        const tokens = locale.split("-");
        do {
          const target = tokens.join("-");
          follow = appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks);
          tokens.splice(-1, 1);
        } while (tokens.length && follow === true);
        return follow;
      function appendItemToChain(chain, target, blocks) {
        let follow = false;
        if (!chain.includes(target)) {
          follow = true;
          if (target) {
            follow = target[target.length - 1] !== "!";
            const locale = target.replace(/!/g, "");
            if ((isArray(blocks) || isPlainObject(blocks)) && blocks[locale]) {
              follow = blocks[locale];
        return follow;
      const VERSION$1 = "9.2.2";
      const NOT_REOSLVED = -1;
      const DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en-US";
      const MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE = "";
      const capitalize = (str) => `${str.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase()}${str.substr(1)}`;
      function getDefaultLinkedModifiers() {
        return {
          upper: (val, type2) => {
            return type2 === "text" && isString(val) ? val.toUpperCase() : type2 === "vnode" && isObject$1(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? val.children.toUpperCase() : val;
          lower: (val, type2) => {
            return type2 === "text" && isString(val) ? val.toLowerCase() : type2 === "vnode" && isObject$1(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? val.children.toLowerCase() : val;
          capitalize: (val, type2) => {
            return type2 === "text" && isString(val) ? capitalize(val) : type2 === "vnode" && isObject$1(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? capitalize(val.children) : val;
      let _compiler;
      function registerMessageCompiler(compiler) {
        _compiler = compiler;
      let _resolver;
      function registerMessageResolver(resolver) {
        _resolver = resolver;
      let _fallbacker;
      function registerLocaleFallbacker(fallbacker) {
        _fallbacker = fallbacker;
      let _additionalMeta = null;
      const setAdditionalMeta = (meta) => {
        _additionalMeta = meta;
      const getAdditionalMeta = () => _additionalMeta;
      let _fallbackContext = null;
      const setFallbackContext = (context) => {
        _fallbackContext = context;
      const getFallbackContext = () => _fallbackContext;
      let _cid = 0;
      function createCoreContext(options = {}) {
        const version2 = isString(options.version) ? options.version : VERSION$1;
        const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
        const fallbackLocale = isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || isString(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale;
        const messages2 = isPlainObject(options.messages) ? options.messages : { [locale]: {} };
        const datetimeFormats = isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [locale]: {} };
        const numberFormats = isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [locale]: {} };
        const modifiers = assign({}, options.modifiers || {}, getDefaultLinkedModifiers());
        const pluralRules = options.pluralRules || {};
        const missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null;
        const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true;
        const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true;
        const fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat;
        const unresolving = !!options.unresolving;
        const postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null;
        const processor = isPlainObject(options.processor) ? options.processor : null;
        const warnHtmlMessage = isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true;
        const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
        const messageCompiler = isFunction(options.messageCompiler) ? options.messageCompiler : _compiler;
        const messageResolver = isFunction(options.messageResolver) ? options.messageResolver : _resolver || resolveWithKeyValue;
        const localeFallbacker = isFunction(options.localeFallbacker) ? options.localeFallbacker : _fallbacker || fallbackWithSimple;
        const fallbackContext = isObject$1(options.fallbackContext) ? options.fallbackContext : void 0;
        const onWarn = isFunction(options.onWarn) ? options.onWarn : warn;
        const internalOptions = options;
        const __datetimeFormatters = isObject$1(internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters) ? internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        const __numberFormatters = isObject$1(internalOptions.__numberFormatters) ? internalOptions.__numberFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        const __meta = isObject$1(internalOptions.__meta) ? internalOptions.__meta : {};
        const context = {
          version: version2,
          cid: _cid,
          messages: messages2,
          context.datetimeFormats = datetimeFormats;
          context.numberFormats = numberFormats;
          context.__datetimeFormatters = __datetimeFormatters;
          context.__numberFormatters = __numberFormatters;
        if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
          initI18nDevTools(context, version2, __meta);
        return context;
      function handleMissing(context, key, locale, missingWarn, type2) {
        const { missing, onWarn } = context;
        if (missing !== null) {
          const ret = missing(context, locale, key, type2);
          return isString(ret) ? ret : key;
        } else {
          return key;
      function updateFallbackLocale(ctx, locale, fallback) {
        const context = ctx;
        context.__localeChainCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        ctx.localeFallbacker(ctx, fallback, locale);
      const defaultOnCacheKey = (source) => source;
      let compileCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
      function compileToFunction(source, options = {}) {
          const onCacheKey = options.onCacheKey || defaultOnCacheKey;
          const key = onCacheKey(source);
          const cached = compileCache[key];
          if (cached) {
            return cached;
          let occurred = false;
          const onError = options.onError || defaultOnError;
          options.onError = (err) => {
            occurred = true;
          const { code: code2 } = baseCompile(source, options);
          const msg = new Function(`return ${code2}`)();
          return !occurred ? compileCache[key] = msg : msg;
      let code$1 = CompileErrorCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__;
      const inc$1 = () => ++code$1;
      const CoreErrorCodes = {
        INVALID_ARGUMENT: code$1,
        INVALID_DATE_ARGUMENT: inc$1(),
        __EXTEND_POINT__: inc$1()
        // 18
      function createCoreError(code2) {
        return createCompileError(code2, null, void 0);
      const NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = () => "";
      const isMessageFunction = (val) => isFunction(val);
      function translate(context, ...args) {
        const { fallbackFormat, postTranslation, unresolving, messageCompiler, fallbackLocale, messages: messages2 } = context;
        const [key, options] = parseTranslateArgs(...args);
        const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
        const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
        const escapeParameter = isBoolean(options.escapeParameter) ? options.escapeParameter : context.escapeParameter;
        const resolvedMessage = !!options.resolvedMessage;
        const defaultMsgOrKey = isString(options.default) || isBoolean(options.default) ? !isBoolean(options.default) ? options.default : !messageCompiler ? () => key : key : fallbackFormat ? !messageCompiler ? () => key : key : "";
        const enableDefaultMsg = fallbackFormat || defaultMsgOrKey !== "";
        const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
        escapeParameter && escapeParams(options);
        let [formatScope, targetLocale, message2] = !resolvedMessage ? resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) : [
          messages2[locale] || {}
        let format2 = formatScope;
        let cacheBaseKey = key;
        if (!resolvedMessage && !(isString(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2))) {
          if (enableDefaultMsg) {
            format2 = defaultMsgOrKey;
            cacheBaseKey = format2;
        if (!resolvedMessage && (!(isString(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2)) || !isString(targetLocale))) {
          return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
        let occurred = false;
        const errorDetector = () => {
          occurred = true;
        const msg = !isMessageFunction(format2) ? compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) : format2;
        if (occurred) {
          return format2;
        const ctxOptions = getMessageContextOptions(context, targetLocale, message2, options);
        const msgContext = createMessageContext(ctxOptions);
        const messaged = evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgContext);
        const ret = postTranslation ? postTranslation(messaged, key) : messaged;
        if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
          const payloads = {
            timestamp: Date.now(),
            key: isString(key) ? key : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.key : "",
            locale: targetLocale || (isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.locale : ""),
            format: isString(format2) ? format2 : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.source : "",
            message: ret
          payloads.meta = assign({}, context.__meta, getAdditionalMeta() || {});
        return ret;
      function escapeParams(options) {
        if (isArray(options.list)) {
          options.list = options.list.map((item) => isString(item) ? escapeHtml(item) : item);
        } else if (isObject$1(options.named)) {
          Object.keys(options.named).forEach((key) => {
            if (isString(options.named[key])) {
              options.named[key] = escapeHtml(options.named[key]);
      function resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) {
        const { messages: messages2, onWarn, messageResolver: resolveValue2, localeFallbacker } = context;
        const locales = localeFallbacker(context, fallbackLocale, locale);
        let message2 = {};
        let targetLocale;
        let format2 = null;
        const type2 = "translate";
        for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
          targetLocale = locales[i];
          message2 = messages2[targetLocale] || {};
          if ((format2 = resolveValue2(message2, key)) === null) {
            format2 = message2[key];
          if (isString(format2) || isFunction(format2))
          const missingRet = handleMissing(
            // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
          if (missingRet !== key) {
            format2 = missingRet;
        return [format2, targetLocale, message2];
      function compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, errorDetector) {
        const { messageCompiler, warnHtmlMessage } = context;
        if (isMessageFunction(format2)) {
          const msg2 = format2;
          msg2.locale = msg2.locale || targetLocale;
          msg2.key = msg2.key || key;
          return msg2;
        if (messageCompiler == null) {
          const msg2 = () => format2;
          msg2.locale = targetLocale;
          msg2.key = key;
          return msg2;
        const msg = messageCompiler(format2, getCompileOptions(context, targetLocale, cacheBaseKey, format2, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector));
        msg.locale = targetLocale;
        msg.key = key;
        msg.source = format2;
        return msg;
      function evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgCtx) {
        const messaged = msg(msgCtx);
        return messaged;
      function parseTranslateArgs(...args) {
        const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
        const options = {};
        if (!isString(arg1) && !isNumber(arg1) && !isMessageFunction(arg1)) {
          throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        const key = isNumber(arg1) ? String(arg1) : isMessageFunction(arg1) ? arg1 : arg1;
        if (isNumber(arg2)) {
          options.plural = arg2;
        } else if (isString(arg2)) {
          options.default = arg2;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg2) && !isEmptyObject(arg2)) {
          options.named = arg2;
        } else if (isArray(arg2)) {
          options.list = arg2;
        if (isNumber(arg3)) {
          options.plural = arg3;
        } else if (isString(arg3)) {
          options.default = arg3;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) {
          assign(options, arg3);
        return [key, options];
      function getCompileOptions(context, locale, key, source, warnHtmlMessage, errorDetector) {
        return {
          onError: (err) => {
            errorDetector && errorDetector(err);
              throw err;
          onCacheKey: (source2) => generateFormatCacheKey(locale, key, source2)
      function getMessageContextOptions(context, locale, message2, options) {
        const { modifiers, pluralRules, messageResolver: resolveValue2, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn, fallbackContext } = context;
        const resolveMessage = (key) => {
          let val = resolveValue2(message2, key);
          if (val == null && fallbackContext) {
            const [, , message3] = resolveMessageFormat(fallbackContext, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn);
            val = resolveValue2(message3, key);
          if (isString(val)) {
            let occurred = false;
            const errorDetector = () => {
              occurred = true;
            const msg = compileMessageFormat(context, key, locale, val, key, errorDetector);
            return !occurred ? msg : NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION;
          } else if (isMessageFunction(val)) {
            return val;
          } else {
            return NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION;
        const ctxOptions = {
          messages: resolveMessage
        if (context.processor) {
          ctxOptions.processor = context.processor;
        if (options.list) {
          ctxOptions.list = options.list;
        if (options.named) {
          ctxOptions.named = options.named;
        if (isNumber(options.plural)) {
          ctxOptions.pluralIndex = options.plural;
        return ctxOptions;
      function datetime(context, ...args) {
        const { datetimeFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn, localeFallbacker } = context;
        const { __datetimeFormatters } = context;
        const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseDateTimeArgs(...args);
        const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
        isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
        const part = !!options.part;
        const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
        const locales = localeFallbacker(
          // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        if (!isString(key) || key === "") {
          return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, overrides).format(value);
        let datetimeFormat = {};
        let targetLocale;
        let format2 = null;
        const type2 = "datetime format";
        for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
          targetLocale = locales[i];
          datetimeFormat = datetimeFormats[targetLocale] || {};
          format2 = datetimeFormat[key];
          if (isPlainObject(format2))
          handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type2);
        if (!isPlainObject(format2) || !isString(targetLocale)) {
          return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
        let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`;
        if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) {
          id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`;
        let formatter = __datetimeFormatters.get(id);
        if (!formatter) {
          formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(targetLocale, assign({}, format2, overrides));
          __datetimeFormatters.set(id, formatter);
        return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value);
      function parseDateTimeArgs(...args) {
        const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args;
        const options = {};
        let overrides = {};
        let value;
        if (isString(arg1)) {
          const matches = arg1.match(/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(T|\s)?(.*)/);
          if (!matches) {
            throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT);
          const dateTime = matches[3] ? matches[3].trim().startsWith("T") ? `${matches[1].trim()}${matches[3].trim()}` : `${matches[1].trim()}T${matches[3].trim()}` : matches[1].trim();
          value = new Date(dateTime);
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ISO_DATE_ARGUMENT);
        } else if (isDate(arg1)) {
          if (isNaN(arg1.getTime())) {
            throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE_ARGUMENT);
          value = arg1;
        } else if (isNumber(arg1)) {
          value = arg1;
        } else {
          throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        if (isString(arg2)) {
          options.key = arg2;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) {
          Object.keys(arg2).forEach((key) => {
            if (DATETIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key)) {
              overrides[key] = arg2[key];
            } else {
              options[key] = arg2[key];
        if (isString(arg3)) {
          options.locale = arg3;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) {
          overrides = arg3;
        if (isPlainObject(arg4)) {
          overrides = arg4;
        return [options.key || "", value, options, overrides];
      function clearDateTimeFormat(ctx, locale, format2) {
        const context = ctx;
        for (const key in format2) {
          const id = `${locale}__${key}`;
          if (!context.__datetimeFormatters.has(id)) {
      function number(context, ...args) {
        const { numberFormats, unresolving, fallbackLocale, onWarn, localeFallbacker } = context;
        const { __numberFormatters } = context;
        const [key, value, options, overrides] = parseNumberArgs(...args);
        const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn;
        isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn;
        const part = !!options.part;
        const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : context.locale;
        const locales = localeFallbacker(
          // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        if (!isString(key) || key === "") {
          return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, overrides).format(value);
        let numberFormat = {};
        let targetLocale;
        let format2 = null;
        const type2 = "number format";
        for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
          targetLocale = locales[i];
          numberFormat = numberFormats[targetLocale] || {};
          format2 = numberFormat[key];
          if (isPlainObject(format2))
          handleMissing(context, key, targetLocale, missingWarn, type2);
        if (!isPlainObject(format2) || !isString(targetLocale)) {
          return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
        let id = `${targetLocale}__${key}`;
        if (!isEmptyObject(overrides)) {
          id = `${id}__${JSON.stringify(overrides)}`;
        let formatter = __numberFormatters.get(id);
        if (!formatter) {
          formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(targetLocale, assign({}, format2, overrides));
          __numberFormatters.set(id, formatter);
        return !part ? formatter.format(value) : formatter.formatToParts(value);
      function parseNumberArgs(...args) {
        const [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = args;
        const options = {};
        let overrides = {};
        if (!isNumber(arg1)) {
          throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        const value = arg1;
        if (isString(arg2)) {
          options.key = arg2;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) {
          Object.keys(arg2).forEach((key) => {
            if (NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key)) {
              overrides[key] = arg2[key];
            } else {
              options[key] = arg2[key];
        if (isString(arg3)) {
          options.locale = arg3;
        } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) {
          overrides = arg3;
        if (isPlainObject(arg4)) {
          overrides = arg4;
        return [options.key || "", value, options, overrides];
      function clearNumberFormat(ctx, locale, format2) {
        const context = ctx;
        for (const key in format2) {
          const id = `${locale}__${key}`;
          if (!context.__numberFormatters.has(id)) {
        if (typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ !== "boolean") {
          getGlobalThis().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = false;
        * vue-i18n v9.2.2
        * (c) 2022 kazuya kawaguchi
        * Released under the MIT License.
      const VERSION = "9.2.2";
      function initFeatureFlags() {
        if (typeof __VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__ !== "boolean") {
          getGlobalThis().__VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__ = true;
        if (typeof __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ !== "boolean") {
          getGlobalThis().__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ = true;
        if (typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ !== "boolean") {
          getGlobalThis().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = false;
      let code = CompileErrorCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__;
      const inc = () => ++code;
      const I18nErrorCodes = {
        // composer module errors
        // legacy module errors
        INVALID_ARGUMENT: inc(),
        // i18n module errors
        MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP: inc(),
        NOT_INSLALLED: inc(),
        // directive module errors
        REQUIRED_VALUE: inc(),
        INVALID_VALUE: inc(),
        // vue-devtools errors
        // unexpected error
        UNEXPECTED_ERROR: inc(),
        // not compatible legacy vue-i18n constructor
        // bridge support vue 2.x only
        BRIDGE_SUPPORT_VUE_2_ONLY: inc(),
        // need to define `i18n` option in `allowComposition: true` and `useScope: 'local' at `useI18n``
        // Not available Compostion API in Legacy API mode. Please make sure that the legacy API mode is working properly
        // for enhancement
        __EXTEND_POINT__: inc()
        // 29
      function createI18nError(code2, ...args) {
        return createCompileError(code2, null, void 0);
      const TransrateVNodeSymbol = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("__transrateVNode");
      const DatetimePartsSymbol = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("__datetimeParts");
      const NumberPartsSymbol = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("__numberParts");
      const SetPluralRulesSymbol = makeSymbol("__setPluralRules");
      const InejctWithOption = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("__injectWithOption");
      function handleFlatJson(obj) {
        if (!isObject$1(obj)) {
          return obj;
        for (const key in obj) {
          if (!hasOwn(obj, key)) {
          if (!key.includes(".")) {
            if (isObject$1(obj[key])) {
          } else {
            const subKeys = key.split(".");
            const lastIndex = subKeys.length - 1;
            let currentObj = obj;
            for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
              if (!(subKeys[i] in currentObj)) {
                currentObj[subKeys[i]] = {};
              currentObj = currentObj[subKeys[i]];
            currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]] = obj[key];
            delete obj[key];
            if (isObject$1(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]])) {
        return obj;
      function getLocaleMessages(locale, options) {
        const { messages: messages2, __i18n, messageResolver, flatJson } = options;
        const ret = isPlainObject(messages2) ? messages2 : isArray(__i18n) ? {} : { [locale]: {} };
        if (isArray(__i18n)) {
          __i18n.forEach((custom) => {
            if ("locale" in custom && "resource" in custom) {
              const { locale: locale2, resource } = custom;
              if (locale2) {
                ret[locale2] = ret[locale2] || {};
                deepCopy(resource, ret[locale2]);
              } else {
                deepCopy(resource, ret);
            } else {
              isString(custom) && deepCopy(JSON.parse(custom), ret);
        if (messageResolver == null && flatJson) {
          for (const key in ret) {
            if (hasOwn(ret, key)) {
        return ret;
      const isNotObjectOrIsArray = (val) => !isObject$1(val) || isArray(val);
      function deepCopy(src, des) {
        if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des)) {
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE);
        for (const key in src) {
          if (hasOwn(src, key)) {
            if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src[key]) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des[key])) {
              des[key] = src[key];
            } else {
              deepCopy(src[key], des[key]);
      function getComponentOptions(instance) {
        return instance.type;
      function adjustI18nResources(global2, options, componentOptions) {
        let messages2 = isObject$1(options.messages) ? options.messages : {};
        if ("__i18nGlobal" in componentOptions) {
          messages2 = getLocaleMessages(global2.locale.value, {
            messages: messages2,
            __i18n: componentOptions.__i18nGlobal
        const locales = Object.keys(messages2);
        if (locales.length) {
          locales.forEach((locale) => {
            global2.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages2[locale]);
          if (isObject$1(options.datetimeFormats)) {
            const locales2 = Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats);
            if (locales2.length) {
              locales2.forEach((locale) => {
                global2.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale]);
          if (isObject$1(options.numberFormats)) {
            const locales2 = Object.keys(options.numberFormats);
            if (locales2.length) {
              locales2.forEach((locale) => {
                global2.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale]);
      function createTextNode(key) {
        return createVNode(Text, null, key, 0);
      const DEVTOOLS_META = "__INTLIFY_META__";
      let composerID = 0;
      function defineCoreMissingHandler(missing) {
        return (ctx, locale, key, type2) => {
          return missing(locale, key, getCurrentInstance() || void 0, type2);
      const getMetaInfo = () => {
        const instance = getCurrentInstance();
        let meta = null;
        return instance && (meta = getComponentOptions(instance)[DEVTOOLS_META]) ? { [DEVTOOLS_META]: meta } : null;
      function createComposer(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) {
        const { __root } = options;
        const _isGlobal = __root === void 0;
        let _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : true;
        const _locale = ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.locale.value : isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE
        const _fallbackLocale = ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.fallbackLocale.value : isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value
        const _messages = ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options));
        const _datetimeFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
        const _numberFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
        let _missingWarn = __root ? __root.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true;
        let _fallbackWarn = __root ? __root.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true;
        let _fallbackRoot = __root ? __root.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true;
        let _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat;
        let _missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null;
        let _runtimeMissing = isFunction(options.missing) ? defineCoreMissingHandler(options.missing) : null;
        let _postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null;
        let _warnHtmlMessage = __root ? __root.warnHtmlMessage : isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true;
        let _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
        const _modifiers = __root ? __root.modifiers : isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
        let _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || __root && __root.pluralRules;
        let _context;
        const getCoreContext = () => {
          _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(null);
          const ctxOptions = {
            version: VERSION,
            locale: _locale.value,
            fallbackLocale: _fallbackLocale.value,
            messages: _messages.value,
            modifiers: _modifiers,
            pluralRules: _pluralRules,
            missing: _runtimeMissing === null ? void 0 : _runtimeMissing,
            missingWarn: _missingWarn,
            fallbackWarn: _fallbackWarn,
            fallbackFormat: _fallbackFormat,
            unresolving: true,
            postTranslation: _postTranslation === null ? void 0 : _postTranslation,
            warnHtmlMessage: _warnHtmlMessage,
            escapeParameter: _escapeParameter,
            messageResolver: options.messageResolver,
            __meta: { framework: "vue" }
            ctxOptions.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value;
            ctxOptions.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value;
            ctxOptions.__datetimeFormatters = isPlainObject(_context) ? _context.__datetimeFormatters : void 0;
            ctxOptions.__numberFormatters = isPlainObject(_context) ? _context.__numberFormatters : void 0;
          const ctx = createCoreContext(ctxOptions);
          _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(ctx);
          return ctx;
        _context = getCoreContext();
        updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
        function trackReactivityValues() {
          return [
        const locale = computed({
          get: () => _locale.value,
          set: (val) => {
            _locale.value = val;
            _context.locale = _locale.value;
        const fallbackLocale = computed({
          get: () => _fallbackLocale.value,
          set: (val) => {
            _fallbackLocale.value = val;
            _context.fallbackLocale = _fallbackLocale.value;
            updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, val);
        const messages2 = computed(() => _messages.value);
        const datetimeFormats = /* @__PURE__ */ computed(() => _datetimeFormats.value);
        const numberFormats = /* @__PURE__ */ computed(() => _numberFormats.value);
        function getPostTranslationHandler() {
          return isFunction(_postTranslation) ? _postTranslation : null;
        function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) {
          _postTranslation = handler;
          _context.postTranslation = handler;
        function getMissingHandler() {
          return _missing;
        function setMissingHandler(handler) {
          if (handler !== null) {
            _runtimeMissing = defineCoreMissingHandler(handler);
          _missing = handler;
          _context.missing = _runtimeMissing;
        const wrapWithDeps = (fn2, argumentParser, warnType, fallbackSuccess, fallbackFail, successCondition) => {
          let ret;
          if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
            try {
              if (!_isGlobal) {
                _context.fallbackContext = __root ? getFallbackContext() : void 0;
              ret = fn2(_context);
            } finally {
              if (!_isGlobal) {
                _context.fallbackContext = void 0;
          } else {
            ret = fn2(_context);
          if (isNumber(ret) && ret === NOT_REOSLVED) {
            const [key, arg2] = argumentParser();
            return __root && _fallbackRoot ? fallbackSuccess(__root) : fallbackFail(key);
          } else if (successCondition(ret)) {
            return ret;
          } else {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE);
        function t2(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps((context) => Reflect.apply(translate, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), "translate", (root2) => Reflect.apply(root2.t, root2, [...args]), (key) => key, (val) => isString(val));
        function rt2(...args) {
          const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
          if (arg3 && !isObject$1(arg3)) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
          return t2(...[arg1, arg2, assign({ resolvedMessage: true }, arg3 || {})]);
        function d(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps((context) => Reflect.apply(datetime, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args), "datetime format", (root2) => Reflect.apply(root2.d, root2, [...args]), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, (val) => isString(val));
        function n(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps((context) => Reflect.apply(number, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseNumberArgs(...args), "number format", (root2) => Reflect.apply(root2.n, root2, [...args]), () => MISSING_RESOLVE_VALUE, (val) => isString(val));
        function normalize(values2) {
          return values2.map((val) => isString(val) || isNumber(val) || isBoolean(val) ? createTextNode(String(val)) : val);
        const interpolate = (val) => val;
        const processor = {
          type: "vnode"
        function transrateVNode(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps(
            (context) => {
              let ret;
              const _context2 = context;
              try {
                _context2.processor = processor;
                ret = Reflect.apply(translate, null, [_context2, ...args]);
              } finally {
                _context2.processor = null;
              return ret;
            () => parseTranslateArgs(...args),
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            (root2) => root2[TransrateVNodeSymbol](...args),
            (key) => [createTextNode(key)],
            (val) => isArray(val)
        function numberParts(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps(
            (context) => Reflect.apply(number, null, [context, ...args]),
            () => parseNumberArgs(...args),
            "number format",
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            (root2) => root2[NumberPartsSymbol](...args),
            () => [],
            (val) => isString(val) || isArray(val)
        function datetimeParts(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps(
            (context) => Reflect.apply(datetime, null, [context, ...args]),
            () => parseDateTimeArgs(...args),
            "datetime format",
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            (root2) => root2[DatetimePartsSymbol](...args),
            () => [],
            (val) => isString(val) || isArray(val)
        function setPluralRules(rules2) {
          _pluralRules = rules2;
          _context.pluralRules = _pluralRules;
        function te2(key, locale2) {
          const targetLocale = isString(locale2) ? locale2 : _locale.value;
          const message2 = getLocaleMessage(targetLocale);
          return _context.messageResolver(message2, key) !== null;
        function resolveMessages(key) {
          let messages3 = null;
          const locales = fallbackWithLocaleChain(_context, _fallbackLocale.value, _locale.value);
          for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
            const targetLocaleMessages = _messages.value[locales[i]] || {};
            const messageValue = _context.messageResolver(targetLocaleMessages, key);
            if (messageValue != null) {
              messages3 = messageValue;
          return messages3;
        function tm(key) {
          const messages3 = resolveMessages(key);
          return messages3 != null ? messages3 : __root ? __root.tm(key) || {} : {};
        function getLocaleMessage(locale2) {
          return _messages.value[locale2] || {};
        function setLocaleMessage(locale2, message2) {
          _messages.value[locale2] = message2;
          _context.messages = _messages.value;
        function mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, message2) {
          _messages.value[locale2] = _messages.value[locale2] || {};
          deepCopy(message2, _messages.value[locale2]);
          _context.messages = _messages.value;
        function getDateTimeFormat(locale2) {
          return _datetimeFormats.value[locale2] || {};
        function setDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
          _datetimeFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
          _context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value;
          clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
        function mergeDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
          _datetimeFormats.value[locale2] = assign(_datetimeFormats.value[locale2] || {}, format2);
          _context.datetimeFormats = _datetimeFormats.value;
          clearDateTimeFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
        function getNumberFormat(locale2) {
          return _numberFormats.value[locale2] || {};
        function setNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
          _numberFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
          _context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value;
          clearNumberFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
        function mergeNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
          _numberFormats.value[locale2] = assign(_numberFormats.value[locale2] || {}, format2);
          _context.numberFormats = _numberFormats.value;
          clearNumberFormat(_context, locale2, format2);
        if (__root && inBrowser) {
          watch(__root.locale, (val) => {
            if (_inheritLocale) {
              _locale.value = val;
              _context.locale = val;
              updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
          watch(__root.fallbackLocale, (val) => {
            if (_inheritLocale) {
              _fallbackLocale.value = val;
              _context.fallbackLocale = val;
              updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
        const composer = {
          id: composerID,
          get inheritLocale() {
            return _inheritLocale;
          set inheritLocale(val) {
            _inheritLocale = val;
            if (val && __root) {
              _locale.value = __root.locale.value;
              _fallbackLocale.value = __root.fallbackLocale.value;
              updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
          get availableLocales() {
            return Object.keys(_messages.value).sort();
          messages: messages2,
          get modifiers() {
            return _modifiers;
          get pluralRules() {
            return _pluralRules || {};
          get isGlobal() {
            return _isGlobal;
          get missingWarn() {
            return _missingWarn;
          set missingWarn(val) {
            _missingWarn = val;
            _context.missingWarn = _missingWarn;
          get fallbackWarn() {
            return _fallbackWarn;
          set fallbackWarn(val) {
            _fallbackWarn = val;
            _context.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn;
          get fallbackRoot() {
            return _fallbackRoot;
          set fallbackRoot(val) {
            _fallbackRoot = val;
          get fallbackFormat() {
            return _fallbackFormat;
          set fallbackFormat(val) {
            _fallbackFormat = val;
            _context.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat;
          get warnHtmlMessage() {
            return _warnHtmlMessage;
          set warnHtmlMessage(val) {
            _warnHtmlMessage = val;
            _context.warnHtmlMessage = val;
          get escapeParameter() {
            return _escapeParameter;
          set escapeParameter(val) {
            _escapeParameter = val;
            _context.escapeParameter = val;
          t: t2,
          [SetPluralRulesSymbol]: setPluralRules
          composer.datetimeFormats = datetimeFormats;
          composer.numberFormats = numberFormats;
          composer.rt = rt2;
          composer.te = te2;
          composer.tm = tm;
          composer.d = d;
          composer.n = n;
          composer.getDateTimeFormat = getDateTimeFormat;
          composer.setDateTimeFormat = setDateTimeFormat;
          composer.mergeDateTimeFormat = mergeDateTimeFormat;
          composer.getNumberFormat = getNumberFormat;
          composer.setNumberFormat = setNumberFormat;
          composer.mergeNumberFormat = mergeNumberFormat;
          composer[InejctWithOption] = options.__injectWithOption;
          composer[TransrateVNodeSymbol] = transrateVNode;
          composer[DatetimePartsSymbol] = datetimeParts;
          composer[NumberPartsSymbol] = numberParts;
        return composer;
      function convertComposerOptions(options) {
        const locale = isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
        const fallbackLocale = isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : locale;
        const missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : void 0;
        const missingWarn = isBoolean(options.silentTranslationWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentTranslationWarn) ? !options.silentTranslationWarn : true;
        const fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.silentFallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.silentFallbackWarn) ? !options.silentFallbackWarn : true;
        const fallbackRoot = isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true;
        const fallbackFormat = !!options.formatFallbackMessages;
        const modifiers = isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
        const pluralizationRules = options.pluralizationRules;
        const postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : void 0;
        const warnHtmlMessage = isString(options.warnHtmlInMessage) ? options.warnHtmlInMessage !== "off" : true;
        const escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameterHtml;
        const inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.sync) ? options.sync : true;
        let messages2 = options.messages;
        if (isPlainObject(options.sharedMessages)) {
          const sharedMessages = options.sharedMessages;
          const locales = Object.keys(sharedMessages);
          messages2 = locales.reduce((messages3, locale2) => {
            const message2 = messages3[locale2] || (messages3[locale2] = {});
            assign(message2, sharedMessages[locale2]);
            return messages3;
          }, messages2 || {});
        const { __i18n, __root, __injectWithOption } = options;
        const datetimeFormats = options.datetimeFormats;
        const numberFormats = options.numberFormats;
        const flatJson = options.flatJson;
        return {
          messages: messages2,
          pluralRules: pluralizationRules,
          messageResolver: options.messageResolver,
      function createVueI18n(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) {
          const composer = createComposer(convertComposerOptions(options));
          const vueI18n = {
            // id
            id: composer.id,
            // locale
            get locale() {
              return composer.locale.value;
            set locale(val) {
              composer.locale.value = val;
            // fallbackLocale
            get fallbackLocale() {
              return composer.fallbackLocale.value;
            set fallbackLocale(val) {
              composer.fallbackLocale.value = val;
            // messages
            get messages() {
              return composer.messages.value;
            // datetimeFormats
            get datetimeFormats() {
              return composer.datetimeFormats.value;
            // numberFormats
            get numberFormats() {
              return composer.numberFormats.value;
            // availableLocales
            get availableLocales() {
              return composer.availableLocales;
            // formatter
            get formatter() {
              return {
                interpolate() {
                  return [];
            set formatter(val) {
            // missing
            get missing() {
              return composer.getMissingHandler();
            set missing(handler) {
            // silentTranslationWarn
            get silentTranslationWarn() {
              return isBoolean(composer.missingWarn) ? !composer.missingWarn : composer.missingWarn;
            set silentTranslationWarn(val) {
              composer.missingWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val;
            // silentFallbackWarn
            get silentFallbackWarn() {
              return isBoolean(composer.fallbackWarn) ? !composer.fallbackWarn : composer.fallbackWarn;
            set silentFallbackWarn(val) {
              composer.fallbackWarn = isBoolean(val) ? !val : val;
            // modifiers
            get modifiers() {
              return composer.modifiers;
            // formatFallbackMessages
            get formatFallbackMessages() {
              return composer.fallbackFormat;
            set formatFallbackMessages(val) {
              composer.fallbackFormat = val;
            // postTranslation
            get postTranslation() {
              return composer.getPostTranslationHandler();
            set postTranslation(handler) {
            // sync
            get sync() {
              return composer.inheritLocale;
            set sync(val) {
              composer.inheritLocale = val;
            // warnInHtmlMessage
            get warnHtmlInMessage() {
              return composer.warnHtmlMessage ? "warn" : "off";
            set warnHtmlInMessage(val) {
              composer.warnHtmlMessage = val !== "off";
            // escapeParameterHtml
            get escapeParameterHtml() {
              return composer.escapeParameter;
            set escapeParameterHtml(val) {
              composer.escapeParameter = val;
            // preserveDirectiveContent
            get preserveDirectiveContent() {
              return true;
            set preserveDirectiveContent(val) {
            // pluralizationRules
            get pluralizationRules() {
              return composer.pluralRules || {};
            // for internal
            __composer: composer,
            // t
            t(...args) {
              const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
              const options2 = {};
              let list = null;
              let named = null;
              if (!isString(arg1)) {
                throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
              const key = arg1;
              if (isString(arg2)) {
                options2.locale = arg2;
              } else if (isArray(arg2)) {
                list = arg2;
              } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) {
                named = arg2;
              if (isArray(arg3)) {
                list = arg3;
              } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) {
                named = arg3;
              return Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [
                list || named || {},
            rt(...args) {
              return Reflect.apply(composer.rt, composer, [...args]);
            // tc
            tc(...args) {
              const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args;
              const options2 = { plural: 1 };
              let list = null;
              let named = null;
              if (!isString(arg1)) {
                throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
              const key = arg1;
              if (isString(arg2)) {
                options2.locale = arg2;
              } else if (isNumber(arg2)) {
                options2.plural = arg2;
              } else if (isArray(arg2)) {
                list = arg2;
              } else if (isPlainObject(arg2)) {
                named = arg2;
              if (isString(arg3)) {
                options2.locale = arg3;
              } else if (isArray(arg3)) {
                list = arg3;
              } else if (isPlainObject(arg3)) {
                named = arg3;
              return Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [
                list || named || {},
            // te
            te(key, locale) {
              return composer.te(key, locale);
            // tm
            tm(key) {
              return composer.tm(key);
            // getLocaleMessage
            getLocaleMessage(locale) {
              return composer.getLocaleMessage(locale);
            // setLocaleMessage
            setLocaleMessage(locale, message2) {
              composer.setLocaleMessage(locale, message2);
            // mergeLocaleMessage
            mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message2) {
              composer.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, message2);
            // d
            d(...args) {
              return Reflect.apply(composer.d, composer, [...args]);
            // getDateTimeFormat
            getDateTimeFormat(locale) {
              return composer.getDateTimeFormat(locale);
            // setDateTimeFormat
            setDateTimeFormat(locale, format2) {
              composer.setDateTimeFormat(locale, format2);
            // mergeDateTimeFormat
            mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format2) {
              composer.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, format2);
            // n
            n(...args) {
              return Reflect.apply(composer.n, composer, [...args]);
            // getNumberFormat
            getNumberFormat(locale) {
              return composer.getNumberFormat(locale);
            // setNumberFormat
            setNumberFormat(locale, format2) {
              composer.setNumberFormat(locale, format2);
            // mergeNumberFormat
            mergeNumberFormat(locale, format2) {
              composer.mergeNumberFormat(locale, format2);
            // getChoiceIndex
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
            getChoiceIndex(choice, choicesLength) {
              return -1;
            // for internal
            __onComponentInstanceCreated(target) {
              const { componentInstanceCreatedListener } = options;
              if (componentInstanceCreatedListener) {
                componentInstanceCreatedListener(target, vueI18n);
          return vueI18n;
      const baseFormatProps = {
        tag: {
          type: [String, Object]
        locale: {
          type: String
        scope: {
          type: String,
          // NOTE: avoid https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/issues/1050
          validator: (val) => val === "parent" || val === "global",
          default: "parent"
          /* ComponetI18nScope */
        i18n: {
          type: Object
      function getInterpolateArg({ slots }, keys2) {
        if (keys2.length === 1 && keys2[0] === "default") {
          const ret = slots.default ? slots.default() : [];
          return ret.reduce((slot, current) => {
            return slot = [
              ...isArray(current.children) ? current.children : [current]
          }, []);
        } else {
          return keys2.reduce((arg, key) => {
            const slot = slots[key];
            if (slot) {
              arg[key] = slot();
            return arg;
          }, {});
      function getFragmentableTag(tag) {
        return Fragment$1;
      const Translation = (
        /* defineComponent */
          /* eslint-disable */
          name: "i18n-t",
          props: assign({
            keypath: {
              type: String,
              required: true
            plural: {
              type: [Number, String],
              // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
              validator: (val) => isNumber(val) || !isNaN(val)
          }, baseFormatProps),
          /* eslint-enable */
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
          setup(props, context) {
            const { slots, attrs } = context;
            const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n({
              useScope: props.scope,
              __useComponent: true
            return () => {
              const keys2 = Object.keys(slots).filter((key) => key !== "_");
              const options = {};
              if (props.locale) {
                options.locale = props.locale;
              if (props.plural !== void 0) {
                options.plural = isString(props.plural) ? +props.plural : props.plural;
              const arg = getInterpolateArg(context, keys2);
              const children = i18n2[TransrateVNodeSymbol](props.keypath, arg, options);
              const assignedAttrs = assign({}, attrs);
              const tag = isString(props.tag) || isObject$1(props.tag) ? props.tag : getFragmentableTag();
              return h(tag, assignedAttrs, children);
      function isVNode(target) {
        return isArray(target) && !isString(target[0]);
      function renderFormatter(props, context, slotKeys, partFormatter) {
        const { slots, attrs } = context;
        return () => {
          const options = { part: true };
          let overrides = {};
          if (props.locale) {
            options.locale = props.locale;
          if (isString(props.format)) {
            options.key = props.format;
          } else if (isObject$1(props.format)) {
            if (isString(props.format.key)) {
              options.key = props.format.key;
            overrides = Object.keys(props.format).reduce((options2, prop) => {
              return slotKeys.includes(prop) ? assign({}, options2, { [prop]: props.format[prop] }) : options2;
            }, {});
          const parts = partFormatter(...[props.value, options, overrides]);
          let children = [options.key];
          if (isArray(parts)) {
            children = parts.map((part, index2) => {
              const slot = slots[part.type];
              const node = slot ? slot({ [part.type]: part.value, index: index2, parts }) : [part.value];
              if (isVNode(node)) {
                node[0].key = `${part.type}-${index2}`;
              return node;
          } else if (isString(parts)) {
            children = [parts];
          const assignedAttrs = assign({}, attrs);
          const tag = isString(props.tag) || isObject$1(props.tag) ? props.tag : getFragmentableTag();
          return h(tag, assignedAttrs, children);
      const NumberFormat = (
        /* defineComponent */
          /* eslint-disable */
          name: "i18n-n",
          props: assign({
            value: {
              type: Number,
              required: true
            format: {
              type: [String, Object]
          }, baseFormatProps),
          /* eslint-enable */
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
          setup(props, context) {
            const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n({ useScope: "parent", __useComponent: true });
            return renderFormatter(props, context, NUMBER_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS, (...args) => (
              // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      const DatetimeFormat = (
        /*defineComponent */
          /* eslint-disable */
          name: "i18n-d",
          props: assign({
            value: {
              type: [Number, Date],
              required: true
            format: {
              type: [String, Object]
          }, baseFormatProps),
          /* eslint-enable */
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
          setup(props, context) {
            const i18n2 = props.i18n || useI18n({ useScope: "parent", __useComponent: true });
            return renderFormatter(props, context, DATETIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS_KEYS, (...args) => (
              // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      function getComposer$2(i18n2, instance) {
        const i18nInternal = i18n2;
        if (i18n2.mode === "composition") {
          return i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance) || i18n2.global;
        } else {
          const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance);
          return vueI18n != null ? vueI18n.__composer : i18n2.global.__composer;
      function vTDirective(i18n2) {
        const _process = (binding) => {
          const { instance, modifiers, value } = binding;
          if (!instance || !instance.$) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          const composer = getComposer$2(i18n2, instance.$);
          const parsedValue = parseValue(value);
          return [
            Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [...makeParams(parsedValue)]),
        const register = (el, binding) => {
          const [textContent, composer] = _process(binding);
          if (inBrowser && i18n2.global === composer) {
            el.__i18nWatcher = watch(composer.locale, () => {
              binding.instance && binding.instance.$forceUpdate();
          el.__composer = composer;
          el.textContent = textContent;
        const unregister = (el) => {
          if (inBrowser && el.__i18nWatcher) {
            el.__i18nWatcher = void 0;
            delete el.__i18nWatcher;
          if (el.__composer) {
            el.__composer = void 0;
            delete el.__composer;
        const update = (el, { value }) => {
          if (el.__composer) {
            const composer = el.__composer;
            const parsedValue = parseValue(value);
            el.textContent = Reflect.apply(composer.t, composer, [
        const getSSRProps = (binding) => {
          const [textContent] = _process(binding);
          return { textContent };
        return {
          created: register,
          unmounted: unregister,
          beforeUpdate: update,
      function parseValue(value) {
        if (isString(value)) {
          return { path: value };
        } else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
          if (!("path" in value)) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.REQUIRED_VALUE, "path");
          return value;
        } else {
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.INVALID_VALUE);
      function makeParams(value) {
        const { path, locale, args, choice, plural } = value;
        const options = {};
        const named = args || {};
        if (isString(locale)) {
          options.locale = locale;
        if (isNumber(choice)) {
          options.plural = choice;
        if (isNumber(plural)) {
          options.plural = plural;
        return [path, named, options];
      function apply(app, i18n2, ...options) {
        const pluginOptions = isPlainObject(options[0]) ? options[0] : {};
        const useI18nComponentName = !!pluginOptions.useI18nComponentName;
        const globalInstall = isBoolean(pluginOptions.globalInstall) ? pluginOptions.globalInstall : true;
        if (globalInstall) {
          app.component(!useI18nComponentName ? Translation.name : "i18n", Translation);
          app.component(NumberFormat.name, NumberFormat);
          app.component(DatetimeFormat.name, DatetimeFormat);
          app.directive("t", vTDirective(i18n2));
      function defineMixin(vuei18n, composer, i18n2) {
        return {
          beforeCreate() {
            const instance = getCurrentInstance();
            if (!instance) {
              throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
            const options = this.$options;
            if (options.i18n) {
              const optionsI18n = options.i18n;
              if (options.__i18n) {
                optionsI18n.__i18n = options.__i18n;
              optionsI18n.__root = composer;
              if (this === this.$root) {
                this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, optionsI18n);
              } else {
                optionsI18n.__injectWithOption = true;
                this.$i18n = createVueI18n(optionsI18n);
            } else if (options.__i18n) {
              if (this === this.$root) {
                this.$i18n = mergeToRoot(vuei18n, options);
              } else {
                this.$i18n = createVueI18n({
                  __i18n: options.__i18n,
                  __injectWithOption: true,
                  __root: composer
            } else {
              this.$i18n = vuei18n;
            if (options.__i18nGlobal) {
              adjustI18nResources(composer, options, options);
            i18n2.__setInstance(instance, this.$i18n);
            this.$t = (...args) => this.$i18n.t(...args);
            this.$rt = (...args) => this.$i18n.rt(...args);
            this.$tc = (...args) => this.$i18n.tc(...args);
            this.$te = (key, locale) => this.$i18n.te(key, locale);
            this.$d = (...args) => this.$i18n.d(...args);
            this.$n = (...args) => this.$i18n.n(...args);
            this.$tm = (key) => this.$i18n.tm(key);
          mounted() {
          unmounted() {
            const instance = getCurrentInstance();
            if (!instance) {
              throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
            delete this.$t;
            delete this.$rt;
            delete this.$tc;
            delete this.$te;
            delete this.$d;
            delete this.$n;
            delete this.$tm;
            delete this.$i18n;
      function mergeToRoot(root2, options) {
        root2.locale = options.locale || root2.locale;
        root2.fallbackLocale = options.fallbackLocale || root2.fallbackLocale;
        root2.missing = options.missing || root2.missing;
        root2.silentTranslationWarn = options.silentTranslationWarn || root2.silentFallbackWarn;
        root2.silentFallbackWarn = options.silentFallbackWarn || root2.silentFallbackWarn;
        root2.formatFallbackMessages = options.formatFallbackMessages || root2.formatFallbackMessages;
        root2.postTranslation = options.postTranslation || root2.postTranslation;
        root2.warnHtmlInMessage = options.warnHtmlInMessage || root2.warnHtmlInMessage;
        root2.escapeParameterHtml = options.escapeParameterHtml || root2.escapeParameterHtml;
        root2.sync = options.sync || root2.sync;
        root2.__composer[SetPluralRulesSymbol](options.pluralizationRules || root2.pluralizationRules);
        const messages2 = getLocaleMessages(root2.locale, {
          messages: options.messages,
          __i18n: options.__i18n
        Object.keys(messages2).forEach((locale) => root2.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages2[locale]));
        if (options.datetimeFormats) {
          Object.keys(options.datetimeFormats).forEach((locale) => root2.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale, options.datetimeFormats[locale]));
        if (options.numberFormats) {
          Object.keys(options.numberFormats).forEach((locale) => root2.mergeNumberFormat(locale, options.numberFormats[locale]));
        return root2;
      const I18nInjectionKey = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("global-vue-i18n");
      function createI18n(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) {
        const __legacyMode = __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && isBoolean(options.legacy) ? options.legacy : __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__;
        const __globalInjection = isBoolean(options.globalInjection) ? options.globalInjection : true;
        const __allowComposition = __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && __legacyMode ? !!options.allowComposition : true;
        const __instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        const [globalScope, __global] = createGlobal(options, __legacyMode);
        const symbol = makeSymbol("");
        function __getInstance(component) {
          return __instances.get(component) || null;
        function __setInstance(component, instance) {
          __instances.set(component, instance);
        function __deleteInstance(component) {
          const i18n2 = {
            // mode
            get mode() {
              return __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && __legacyMode ? "legacy" : "composition";
            // allowComposition
            get allowComposition() {
              return __allowComposition;
            // install plugin
            async install(app, ...options2) {
              app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ = symbol;
              app.provide(app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__, i18n2);
              if (!__legacyMode && __globalInjection) {
                injectGlobalFields(app, i18n2.global);
              if (__VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__) {
                apply(app, i18n2, ...options2);
              if (__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && __legacyMode) {
                app.mixin(defineMixin(__global, __global.__composer, i18n2));
              const unmountApp = app.unmount;
              app.unmount = () => {
            // global accessor
            get global() {
              return __global;
            dispose() {
            // @internal
            // @internal
            // @internal
            // @internal
          return i18n2;
      function useI18n(options = {}) {
        const instance = getCurrentInstance();
        if (instance == null) {
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP);
        if (!instance.isCE && instance.appContext.app != null && !instance.appContext.app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__) {
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED);
        const i18n2 = getI18nInstance(instance);
        const global2 = getGlobalComposer(i18n2);
        const componentOptions = getComponentOptions(instance);
        const scope = getScope(options, componentOptions);
        if (__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__) {
          if (i18n2.mode === "legacy" && !options.__useComponent) {
            if (!i18n2.allowComposition) {
              throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_LEGACY_MODE);
            return useI18nForLegacy(instance, scope, global2, options);
        if (scope === "global") {
          adjustI18nResources(global2, options, componentOptions);
          return global2;
        if (scope === "parent") {
          let composer2 = getComposer(i18n2, instance, options.__useComponent);
          if (composer2 == null) {
            composer2 = global2;
          return composer2;
        const i18nInternal = i18n2;
        let composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance);
        if (composer == null) {
          const composerOptions = assign({}, options);
          if ("__i18n" in componentOptions) {
            composerOptions.__i18n = componentOptions.__i18n;
          if (global2) {
            composerOptions.__root = global2;
          composer = createComposer(composerOptions);
          setupLifeCycle(i18nInternal, instance);
          i18nInternal.__setInstance(instance, composer);
        return composer;
      function createGlobal(options, legacyMode, VueI18nLegacy) {
        const scope = effectScope();
          const obj = __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ && legacyMode ? scope.run(() => createVueI18n(options)) : scope.run(() => createComposer(options));
          if (obj == null) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          return [scope, obj];
      function getI18nInstance(instance) {
          const i18n2 = inject(!instance.isCE ? instance.appContext.app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ : I18nInjectionKey);
          if (!i18n2) {
            throw createI18nError(!instance.isCE ? I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR : I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSLALLED_WITH_PROVIDE);
          return i18n2;
      function getScope(options, componentOptions) {
        return isEmptyObject(options) ? "__i18n" in componentOptions ? "local" : "global" : !options.useScope ? "local" : options.useScope;
      function getGlobalComposer(i18n2) {
        return i18n2.mode === "composition" ? i18n2.global : i18n2.global.__composer;
      function getComposer(i18n2, target, useComponent = false) {
        let composer = null;
        const root2 = target.root;
        let current = target.parent;
        while (current != null) {
          const i18nInternal = i18n2;
          if (i18n2.mode === "composition") {
            composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current);
          } else {
            if (__VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__) {
              const vueI18n = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current);
              if (vueI18n != null) {
                composer = vueI18n.__composer;
                if (useComponent && composer && !composer[InejctWithOption]) {
                  composer = null;
          if (composer != null) {
          if (root2 === current) {
          current = current.parent;
        return composer;
      function setupLifeCycle(i18n2, target, composer) {
          onMounted(() => {
          }, target);
          onUnmounted(() => {
          }, target);
      function useI18nForLegacy(instance, scope, root2, options = {}) {
        const isLocale = scope === "local";
        const _composer = shallowRef(null);
        if (isLocale && instance.proxy && !(instance.proxy.$options.i18n || instance.proxy.$options.__i18n)) {
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.MUST_DEFINE_I18N_OPTION_IN_ALLOW_COMPOSITION);
        const _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : true;
        const _locale = ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          isLocale && _inheritLocale ? root2.locale.value : isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE
        const _fallbackLocale = ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          isLocale && _inheritLocale ? root2.fallbackLocale.value : isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === false ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value
        const _messages = ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options));
        const _datetimeFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
        const _numberFormats = ref(isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : { [_locale.value]: {} });
        const _missingWarn = isLocale ? root2.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : true;
        const _fallbackWarn = isLocale ? root2.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : true;
        const _fallbackRoot = isLocale ? root2.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : true;
        const _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat;
        const _missing = isFunction(options.missing) ? options.missing : null;
        const _postTranslation = isFunction(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null;
        const _warnHtmlMessage = isLocale ? root2.warnHtmlMessage : isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : true;
        const _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
        const _modifiers = isLocale ? root2.modifiers : isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
        const _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || isLocale && root2.pluralRules;
        function trackReactivityValues() {
          return [
        const locale = computed({
          get: () => {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.locale.value : _locale.value;
          set: (val) => {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.locale.value = val;
            _locale.value = val;
        const fallbackLocale = computed({
          get: () => {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackLocale.value : _fallbackLocale.value;
          set: (val) => {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.fallbackLocale.value = val;
            _fallbackLocale.value = val;
        const messages2 = computed(() => {
          if (_composer.value) {
            return _composer.value.messages.value;
          } else {
            return _messages.value;
        const datetimeFormats = computed(() => _datetimeFormats.value);
        const numberFormats = computed(() => _numberFormats.value);
        function getPostTranslationHandler() {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getPostTranslationHandler() : _postTranslation;
        function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) {
          if (_composer.value) {
        function getMissingHandler() {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getMissingHandler() : _missing;
        function setMissingHandler(handler) {
          if (_composer.value) {
        function warpWithDeps(fn2) {
          return fn2();
        function t2(...args) {
          return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.t, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => "");
        function rt2(...args) {
          return _composer.value ? Reflect.apply(_composer.value.rt, null, [...args]) : "";
        function d(...args) {
          return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.d, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => "");
        function n(...args) {
          return _composer.value ? warpWithDeps(() => Reflect.apply(_composer.value.n, null, [...args])) : warpWithDeps(() => "");
        function tm(key) {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.tm(key) : {};
        function te2(key, locale2) {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.te(key, locale2) : false;
        function getLocaleMessage(locale2) {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getLocaleMessage(locale2) : {};
        function setLocaleMessage(locale2, message2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.setLocaleMessage(locale2, message2);
            _messages.value[locale2] = message2;
        function mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, message2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, message2);
        function getDateTimeFormat(locale2) {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getDateTimeFormat(locale2) : {};
        function setDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.setDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2);
            _datetimeFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
        function mergeDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale2, format2);
        function getNumberFormat(locale2) {
          return _composer.value ? _composer.value.getNumberFormat(locale2) : {};
        function setNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.setNumberFormat(locale2, format2);
            _numberFormats.value[locale2] = format2;
        function mergeNumberFormat(locale2, format2) {
          if (_composer.value) {
            _composer.value.mergeNumberFormat(locale2, format2);
        const wrapper = {
          get id() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.id : -1;
          messages: messages2,
          get inheritLocale() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.inheritLocale : _inheritLocale;
          set inheritLocale(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.inheritLocale = val;
          get availableLocales() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.availableLocales : Object.keys(_messages.value);
          get modifiers() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.modifiers : _modifiers;
          get pluralRules() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.pluralRules : _pluralRules;
          get isGlobal() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.isGlobal : false;
          get missingWarn() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.missingWarn : _missingWarn;
          set missingWarn(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.missingWarn = val;
          get fallbackWarn() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackWarn : _fallbackWarn;
          set fallbackWarn(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.missingWarn = val;
          get fallbackRoot() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackRoot : _fallbackRoot;
          set fallbackRoot(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.fallbackRoot = val;
          get fallbackFormat() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.fallbackFormat : _fallbackFormat;
          set fallbackFormat(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.fallbackFormat = val;
          get warnHtmlMessage() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.warnHtmlMessage : _warnHtmlMessage;
          set warnHtmlMessage(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.warnHtmlMessage = val;
          get escapeParameter() {
            return _composer.value ? _composer.value.escapeParameter : _escapeParameter;
          set escapeParameter(val) {
            if (_composer.value) {
              _composer.value.escapeParameter = val;
          t: t2,
          rt: rt2,
          te: te2,
        function sync(composer) {
          composer.locale.value = _locale.value;
          composer.fallbackLocale.value = _fallbackLocale.value;
          Object.keys(_messages.value).forEach((locale2) => {
            composer.mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, _messages.value[locale2]);
          Object.keys(_datetimeFormats.value).forEach((locale2) => {
            composer.mergeDateTimeFormat(locale2, _datetimeFormats.value[locale2]);
          Object.keys(_numberFormats.value).forEach((locale2) => {
            composer.mergeNumberFormat(locale2, _numberFormats.value[locale2]);
          composer.escapeParameter = _escapeParameter;
          composer.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat;
          composer.fallbackRoot = _fallbackRoot;
          composer.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn;
          composer.missingWarn = _missingWarn;
          composer.warnHtmlMessage = _warnHtmlMessage;
        onBeforeMount(() => {
          if (instance.proxy == null || instance.proxy.$i18n == null) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE_COMPOSITION_IN_LEGACY);
          const composer = _composer.value = instance.proxy.$i18n.__composer;
          if (scope === "global") {
            _locale.value = composer.locale.value;
            _fallbackLocale.value = composer.fallbackLocale.value;
            _messages.value = composer.messages.value;
            _datetimeFormats.value = composer.datetimeFormats.value;
            _numberFormats.value = composer.numberFormats.value;
          } else if (isLocale) {
        return wrapper;
      const globalExportProps = [
      const globalExportMethods = ["t", "rt", "d", "n", "tm"];
      function injectGlobalFields(app, composer) {
        const i18n2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        globalExportProps.forEach((prop) => {
          const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, prop);
          if (!desc) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          const wrap2 = isRef(desc.value) ? {
            get() {
              return desc.value.value;
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            set(val) {
              desc.value.value = val;
          } : {
            get() {
              return desc.get && desc.get();
          Object.defineProperty(i18n2, prop, wrap2);
        app.config.globalProperties.$i18n = i18n2;
        globalExportMethods.forEach((method2) => {
          const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, method2);
          if (!desc || !desc.value) {
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, `$${method2}`, desc);
      if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
        const target = getGlobalThis();
        target.__INTLIFY__ = true;
      var FileSaver_min = { exports: {} };
      (function(module2, exports2) {
        (function(a, b) {
        })(commonjsGlobal, function() {
          function b(a2, b2) {
            return "undefined" == typeof b2 ? b2 = { autoBom: false } : "object" != typeof b2 && (console.warn("Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object"), b2 = { autoBom: !b2 }), b2.autoBom && /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(a2.type) ? new Blob(["\uFEFF", a2], { type: a2.type }) : a2;
          function c(a2, b2, c2) {
            var d2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
            d2.open("GET", a2), d2.responseType = "blob", d2.onload = function() {
              g(d2.response, b2, c2);
            }, d2.onerror = function() {
              console.error("could not download file");
            }, d2.send();
          function d(a2) {
            var b2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
            b2.open("HEAD", a2, false);
            try {
            } catch (a3) {
            return 200 <= b2.status && 299 >= b2.status;
          function e(a2) {
            try {
              a2.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
            } catch (c2) {
              var b2 = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
              b2.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null), a2.dispatchEvent(b2);
          var f = "object" == typeof window && window.window === window ? window : "object" == typeof self && self.self === self ? self : "object" == typeof commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.global === commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : void 0, a = f.navigator && /Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent), g = f.saveAs || ("object" != typeof window || window !== f ? function() {
          } : "download" in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype && !a ? function(b2, g2, h2) {
            var i = f.URL || f.webkitURL, j = document.createElement("a");
            g2 = g2 || b2.name || "download", j.download = g2, j.rel = "noopener", "string" == typeof b2 ? (j.href = b2, j.origin === location.origin ? e(j) : d(j.href) ? c(b2, g2, h2) : e(j, j.target = "_blank")) : (j.href = i.createObjectURL(b2), setTimeout(function() {
            }, 4e4), setTimeout(function() {
            }, 0));
          } : "msSaveOrOpenBlob" in navigator ? function(f2, g2, h2) {
            if (g2 = g2 || f2.name || "download", "string" != typeof f2)
              navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(b(f2, h2), g2);
            else if (d(f2))
              c(f2, g2, h2);
            else {
              var i = document.createElement("a");
              i.href = f2, i.target = "_blank", setTimeout(function() {
          } : function(b2, d2, e2, g2) {
            if (g2 = g2 || open("", "_blank"), g2 && (g2.document.title = g2.document.body.innerText = "downloading..."), "string" == typeof b2)
              return c(b2, d2, e2);
            var h2 = "application/octet-stream" === b2.type, i = /constructor/i.test(f.HTMLElement) || f.safari, j = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent);
            if ((j || h2 && i || a) && "undefined" != typeof FileReader) {
              var k = new FileReader();
              k.onloadend = function() {
                var a2 = k.result;
                a2 = j ? a2 : a2.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, "data:attachment/file;"), g2 ? g2.location.href = a2 : location = a2, g2 = null;
              }, k.readAsDataURL(b2);
            } else {
              var l = f.URL || f.webkitURL, m = l.createObjectURL(b2);
              g2 ? g2.location = m : location.href = m, g2 = null, setTimeout(function() {
              }, 4e4);
          f.saveAs = g.saveAs = g, module2.exports = g;
      var FileSaver_minExports = FileSaver_min.exports;
      function commonjsRequire(path) {
        throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
      var localforage$1 = { exports: {} };
          localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved
          Version 1.10.0
          (c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0
      (function(module2, exports2) {
        (function(f) {
            module2.exports = f();
        })(function() {
          return function e(t2, n, r) {
            function s(o2, u) {
              if (!n[o2]) {
                if (!t2[o2]) {
                  var a = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
                  if (!u && a)
                    return a(o2, true);
                  if (i)
                    return i(o2, true);
                  var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o2 + "'");
                  throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f;
                var l = n[o2] = { exports: {} };
                t2[o2][0].call(l.exports, function(e2) {
                  var n2 = t2[o2][1][e2];
                  return s(n2 ? n2 : e2);
                }, l, l.exports, e, t2, n, r);
              return n[o2].exports;
            var i = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
            for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
            return s;
          }({ 1: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
            (function(global2) {
              var Mutation = global2.MutationObserver || global2.WebKitMutationObserver;
              var scheduleDrain;
                if (Mutation) {
                  var called = 0;
                  var observer = new Mutation(nextTick2);
                  var element = global2.document.createTextNode("");
                  observer.observe(element, {
                    characterData: true
                  scheduleDrain = function() {
                    element.data = called = ++called % 2;
                } else if (!global2.setImmediate && typeof global2.MessageChannel !== "undefined") {
                  var channel = new global2.MessageChannel();
                  channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick2;
                  scheduleDrain = function() {
                } else if ("document" in global2 && "onreadystatechange" in global2.document.createElement("script")) {
                  scheduleDrain = function() {
                    var scriptEl = global2.document.createElement("script");
                    scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function() {
                      scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null;
                      scriptEl = null;
                } else {
                  scheduleDrain = function() {
                    setTimeout(nextTick2, 0);
              var draining;
              var queue2 = [];
              function nextTick2() {
                draining = true;
                var i, oldQueue;
                var len = queue2.length;
                while (len) {
                  oldQueue = queue2;
                  queue2 = [];
                  i = -1;
                  while (++i < len) {
                  len = queue2.length;
                draining = false;
              module3.exports = immediate;
              function immediate(task) {
                if (queue2.push(task) === 1 && !draining) {
            }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
          }, {}], 2: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
            var immediate = _dereq_(1);
            function INTERNAL() {
            var handlers2 = {};
            var REJECTED = ["REJECTED"];
            var FULFILLED = ["FULFILLED"];
            var PENDING = ["PENDING"];
            module3.exports = Promise2;
            function Promise2(resolver) {
              if (typeof resolver !== "function") {
                throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
              this.state = PENDING;
              this.queue = [];
              this.outcome = void 0;
              if (resolver !== INTERNAL) {
                safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);
            Promise2.prototype["catch"] = function(onRejected) {
              return this.then(null, onRejected);
            Promise2.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
              if (typeof onFulfilled !== "function" && this.state === FULFILLED || typeof onRejected !== "function" && this.state === REJECTED) {
                return this;
              var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);
              if (this.state !== PENDING) {
                var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
                unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
              } else {
                this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));
              return promise;
            function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
              this.promise = promise;
              if (typeof onFulfilled === "function") {
                this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
                this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled;
              if (typeof onRejected === "function") {
                this.onRejected = onRejected;
                this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected;
            QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function(value) {
              handlers2.resolve(this.promise, value);
            QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(value) {
              unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);
            QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function(value) {
              handlers2.reject(this.promise, value);
            QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(value) {
              unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);
            function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
              immediate(function() {
                var returnValue;
                try {
                  returnValue = func(value);
                } catch (e) {
                  return handlers2.reject(promise, e);
                if (returnValue === promise) {
                  handlers2.reject(promise, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself"));
                } else {
                  handlers2.resolve(promise, returnValue);
            handlers2.resolve = function(self2, value) {
              var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);
              if (result.status === "error") {
                return handlers2.reject(self2, result.value);
              var thenable = result.value;
              if (thenable) {
                safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable);
              } else {
                self2.state = FULFILLED;
                self2.outcome = value;
                var i = -1;
                var len = self2.queue.length;
                while (++i < len) {
              return self2;
            handlers2.reject = function(self2, error) {
              self2.state = REJECTED;
              self2.outcome = error;
              var i = -1;
              var len = self2.queue.length;
              while (++i < len) {
              return self2;
            function getThen(obj) {
              var then = obj && obj.then;
              if (obj && (typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function") && typeof then === "function") {
                return function appyThen() {
                  then.apply(obj, arguments);
            function safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable) {
              var called = false;
              function onError(value) {
                if (called) {
                called = true;
                handlers2.reject(self2, value);
              function onSuccess(value) {
                if (called) {
                called = true;
                handlers2.resolve(self2, value);
              function tryToUnwrap() {
                thenable(onSuccess, onError);
              var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);
              if (result.status === "error") {
            function tryCatch(func, value) {
              var out = {};
              try {
                out.value = func(value);
                out.status = "success";
              } catch (e) {
                out.status = "error";
                out.value = e;
              return out;
            Promise2.resolve = resolve2;
            function resolve2(value) {
              if (value instanceof this) {
                return value;
              return handlers2.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);
            Promise2.reject = reject;
            function reject(reason) {
              var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
              return handlers2.reject(promise, reason);
            Promise2.all = all;
            function all(iterable) {
              var self2 = this;
              if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== "[object Array]") {
                return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
              var len = iterable.length;
              var called = false;
              if (!len) {
                return this.resolve([]);
              var values2 = new Array(len);
              var resolved = 0;
              var i = -1;
              var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
              while (++i < len) {
                allResolver(iterable[i], i);
              return promise;
              function allResolver(value, i2) {
                self2.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function(error) {
                  if (!called) {
                    called = true;
                    handlers2.reject(promise, error);
                function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
                  values2[i2] = outValue;
                  if (++resolved === len && !called) {
                    called = true;
                    handlers2.resolve(promise, values2);
            Promise2.race = race;
            function race(iterable) {
              var self2 = this;
              if (Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) !== "[object Array]") {
                return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
              var len = iterable.length;
              var called = false;
              if (!len) {
                return this.resolve([]);
              var i = -1;
              var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
              while (++i < len) {
              return promise;
              function resolver(value) {
                self2.resolve(value).then(function(response) {
                  if (!called) {
                    called = true;
                    handlers2.resolve(promise, response);
                }, function(error) {
                  if (!called) {
                    called = true;
                    handlers2.reject(promise, error);
          }, { "1": 1 }], 3: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
            (function(global2) {
              if (typeof global2.Promise !== "function") {
                global2.Promise = _dereq_(2);
            }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
          }, { "2": 2 }], 4: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
            var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function(obj) {
              return typeof obj;
            } : function(obj) {
              return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
            function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
              if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
                throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
            function getIDB() {
              try {
                if (typeof indexedDB !== "undefined") {
                  return indexedDB;
                if (typeof webkitIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
                  return webkitIndexedDB;
                if (typeof mozIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
                  return mozIndexedDB;
                if (typeof OIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
                  return OIndexedDB;
                if (typeof msIndexedDB !== "undefined") {
                  return msIndexedDB;
              } catch (e) {
            var idb = getIDB();
            function isIndexedDBValid() {
              try {
                if (!idb || !idb.open) {
                  return false;
                var isSafari = typeof openDatabase !== "undefined" && /(Safari|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/BlackBerry/.test(navigator.platform);
                var hasFetch = typeof fetch === "function" && fetch.toString().indexOf("[native code") !== -1;
                return (!isSafari || hasFetch) && typeof indexedDB !== "undefined" && // some outdated implementations of IDB that appear on Samsung
                // and HTC Android devices <4.4 are missing IDBKeyRange
                // See: https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/issues/128
                // See: https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/issues/272
                typeof IDBKeyRange !== "undefined";
              } catch (e) {
                return false;
            function createBlob(parts, properties) {
              parts = parts || [];
              properties = properties || {};
              try {
                return new Blob(parts, properties);
              } catch (e) {
                if (e.name !== "TypeError") {
                  throw e;
                var Builder = typeof BlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? BlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder !== "undefined" ? MozBlobBuilder : WebKitBlobBuilder;
                var builder = new Builder();
                for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
                return builder.getBlob(properties.type);
            if (typeof Promise === "undefined") {
            var Promise$12 = Promise;
            function executeCallback2(promise, callback) {
              if (callback) {
                promise.then(function(result) {
                  callback(null, result);
                }, function(error) {
            function executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback) {
              if (typeof callback === "function") {
              if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
            function normalizeKey2(key2) {
              if (typeof key2 !== "string") {
                console.warn(key2 + " used as a key, but it is not a string.");
                key2 = String(key2);
              return key2;
            function getCallback() {
              if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === "function") {
                return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
            var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = "local-forage-detect-blob-support";
            var supportsBlobs = void 0;
            var dbContexts = {};
            var toString2 = Object.prototype.toString;
            var READ_ONLY = "readonly";
            var READ_WRITE = "readwrite";
            function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) {
              var length2 = bin.length;
              var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length2);
              var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
              for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i);
              return buf;
            function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2) {
              return new Promise$12(function(resolve2) {
                var txn = idb2.transaction(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE, READ_WRITE);
                var blob2 = createBlob([""]);
                txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob2, "key");
                txn.onabort = function(e) {
                txn.oncomplete = function() {
                  var matchedChrome = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
                  var matchedEdge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\//);
                  resolve2(matchedEdge || !matchedChrome || parseInt(matchedChrome[1], 10) >= 43);
              })["catch"](function() {
                return false;
            function _checkBlobSupport(idb2) {
              if (typeof supportsBlobs === "boolean") {
                return Promise$12.resolve(supportsBlobs);
              return _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2).then(function(value) {
                supportsBlobs = value;
                return supportsBlobs;
            function _deferReadiness(dbInfo) {
              var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
              var deferredOperation = {};
              deferredOperation.promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                deferredOperation.resolve = resolve2;
                deferredOperation.reject = reject;
              if (!dbContext.dbReady) {
                dbContext.dbReady = deferredOperation.promise;
              } else {
                dbContext.dbReady = dbContext.dbReady.then(function() {
                  return deferredOperation.promise;
            function _advanceReadiness(dbInfo) {
              var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
              var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
              if (deferredOperation) {
                return deferredOperation.promise;
            function _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err) {
              var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
              var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
              if (deferredOperation) {
                return deferredOperation.promise;
            function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) {
              return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                dbContexts[dbInfo.name] = dbContexts[dbInfo.name] || createDbContext();
                if (dbInfo.db) {
                  if (upgradeNeeded) {
                  } else {
                    return resolve2(dbInfo.db);
                var dbArgs = [dbInfo.name];
                if (upgradeNeeded) {
                var openreq = idb.open.apply(idb, dbArgs);
                if (upgradeNeeded) {
                  openreq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
                    var db = openreq.result;
                    try {
                      if (e.oldVersion <= 1) {
                    } catch (ex) {
                      if (ex.name === "ConstraintError") {
                        console.warn('The database "' + dbInfo.name + '" has been upgraded from version ' + e.oldVersion + " to version " + e.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.');
                      } else {
                        throw ex;
                openreq.onerror = function(e) {
                openreq.onsuccess = function() {
                  var db = openreq.result;
                  db.onversionchange = function(e) {
            function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) {
              return _getConnection(dbInfo, false);
            function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) {
              return _getConnection(dbInfo, true);
            function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) {
              if (!dbInfo.db) {
                return true;
              var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName);
              var isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version;
              var isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version;
              if (isDowngrade) {
                if (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion) {
                  console.warn('The database "' + dbInfo.name + `" can't be downgraded from version ` + dbInfo.db.version + " to version " + dbInfo.version + ".");
                dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version;
              if (isUpgrade || isNewStore) {
                if (isNewStore) {
                  var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
                  if (incVersion > dbInfo.version) {
                    dbInfo.version = incVersion;
                return true;
              return false;
            function _encodeBlob(blob2) {
              return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onerror = reject;
                reader.onloadend = function(e) {
                  var base64 = btoa(e.target.result || "");
                    __local_forage_encoded_blob: true,
                    data: base64,
                    type: blob2.type
            function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) {
              var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(encodedBlob.data));
              return createBlob([arrayBuff], { type: encodedBlob.type });
            function _isEncodedBlob(value) {
              return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob;
            function _fullyReady(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2._initReady().then(function() {
                var dbContext = dbContexts[self2._dbInfo.name];
                if (dbContext && dbContext.dbReady) {
                  return dbContext.dbReady;
              executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
              return promise;
            function _tryReconnect(dbInfo) {
              var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
              var forages = dbContext.forages;
              for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                var forage = forages[i];
                if (forage._dbInfo.db) {
                  forage._dbInfo.db = null;
              dbInfo.db = null;
              return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo).then(function(db) {
                dbInfo.db = db;
                if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo)) {
                  return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
                return db;
              }).then(function(db) {
                dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
                for (var i2 = 0; i2 < forages.length; i2++) {
                  forages[i2]._dbInfo.db = db;
              })["catch"](function(err) {
                _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err);
                throw err;
            function createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries) {
              if (retries === void 0) {
                retries = 1;
              try {
                var tx = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, mode);
                callback(null, tx);
              } catch (err) {
                if (retries > 0 && (!dbInfo.db || err.name === "InvalidStateError" || err.name === "NotFoundError")) {
                  return Promise$12.resolve().then(function() {
                    if (!dbInfo.db || err.name === "NotFoundError" && !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName) && dbInfo.version <= dbInfo.db.version) {
                      if (dbInfo.db) {
                        dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
                      return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
                  }).then(function() {
                    return _tryReconnect(dbInfo).then(function() {
                      createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries - 1);
            function createDbContext() {
              return {
                // Running localForages sharing a database.
                forages: [],
                // Shared database.
                db: null,
                // Database readiness (promise).
                dbReady: null,
                // Deferred operations on the database.
                deferredOperations: []
            function _initStorage(options) {
              var self2 = this;
              var dbInfo = {
                db: null
              if (options) {
                for (var i in options) {
                  dbInfo[i] = options[i];
              var dbContext = dbContexts[dbInfo.name];
              if (!dbContext) {
                dbContext = createDbContext();
                dbContexts[dbInfo.name] = dbContext;
              if (!self2._initReady) {
                self2._initReady = self2.ready;
                self2.ready = _fullyReady;
              var initPromises = [];
              function ignoreErrors() {
                return Promise$12.resolve();
              for (var j = 0; j < dbContext.forages.length; j++) {
                var forage = dbContext.forages[j];
                if (forage !== self2) {
              var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0);
              return Promise$12.all(initPromises).then(function() {
                dbInfo.db = dbContext.db;
                return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo);
              }).then(function(db) {
                dbInfo.db = db;
                if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self2._defaultConfig.version)) {
                  return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
                return db;
              }).then(function(db) {
                dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
                self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
                for (var k = 0; k < forages.length; k++) {
                  var forage2 = forages[k];
                  if (forage2 !== self2) {
                    forage2._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db;
                    forage2._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version;
            function getItem(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store.get(key2);
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var value = req.result;
                        if (value === void 0) {
                          value = null;
                        if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                          value = _decodeBlob(value);
                      req.onerror = function() {
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function iterate(iterator, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store.openCursor();
                      var iterationNumber = 1;
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var cursor = req.result;
                        if (cursor) {
                          var value = cursor.value;
                          if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                            value = _decodeBlob(value);
                          var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++);
                          if (result !== void 0) {
                          } else {
                        } else {
                      req.onerror = function() {
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function setItem(key2, value, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                var dbInfo;
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  if (toString2.call(value) === "[object Blob]") {
                    return _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db).then(function(blobSupport) {
                      if (blobSupport) {
                        return value;
                      return _encodeBlob(value);
                  return value;
                }).then(function(value2) {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      if (value2 === null) {
                        value2 = void 0;
                      var req = store.put(value2, key2);
                      transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                        if (value2 === void 0) {
                          value2 = null;
                      transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                        var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function removeItem(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store["delete"](key2);
                      transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                      transaction.onerror = function() {
                      transaction.onabort = function() {
                        var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function clear2(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store.clear();
                      transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                      transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                        var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function length(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store.count();
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                      req.onerror = function() {
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function key(n, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                if (n < 0) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var advanced = false;
                      var req = store.openKeyCursor();
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var cursor = req.result;
                        if (!cursor) {
                        if (n === 0) {
                        } else {
                          if (!advanced) {
                            advanced = true;
                          } else {
                      req.onerror = function() {
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function keys2(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                    if (err) {
                      return reject(err);
                    try {
                      var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                      var req = store.openKeyCursor();
                      var keys3 = [];
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var cursor = req.result;
                        if (!cursor) {
                      req.onerror = function() {
                    } catch (e) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function dropInstance(options, callback) {
              callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
              var currentConfig = this.config();
              options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
              if (!options.name) {
                options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
                options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
              var self2 = this;
              var promise;
              if (!options.name) {
                promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments");
              } else {
                var isCurrentDb = options.name === currentConfig.name && self2._dbInfo.db;
                var dbPromise = isCurrentDb ? Promise$12.resolve(self2._dbInfo.db) : _getOriginalConnection(options).then(function(db) {
                  var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
                  var forages = dbContext.forages;
                  dbContext.db = db;
                  for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                    forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;
                  return db;
                if (!options.storeName) {
                  promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                    var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
                    var forages = dbContext.forages;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                      var forage = forages[i];
                      forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                    var dropDBPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                      var req = idb.deleteDatabase(options.name);
                      req.onerror = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                        if (db2) {
                      req.onblocked = function() {
                        console.warn('dropInstance blocked for database "' + options.name + '" until all open connections are closed');
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                        if (db2) {
                    return dropDBPromise.then(function(db2) {
                      dbContext.db = db2;
                      for (var i2 = 0; i2 < forages.length; i2++) {
                        var _forage = forages[i2];
                    })["catch"](function(err) {
                      (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$12.resolve())["catch"](function() {
                      throw err;
                } else {
                  promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                    if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(options.storeName)) {
                    var newVersion = db.version + 1;
                    var dbContext = dbContexts[options.name];
                    var forages = dbContext.forages;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                      var forage = forages[i];
                      forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                      forage._dbInfo.version = newVersion;
                    var dropObjectPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                      var req = idb.open(options.name, newVersion);
                      req.onerror = function(err) {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                      req.onupgradeneeded = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                      req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                    return dropObjectPromise.then(function(db2) {
                      dbContext.db = db2;
                      for (var j = 0; j < forages.length; j++) {
                        var _forage2 = forages[j];
                        _forage2._dbInfo.db = db2;
                    })["catch"](function(err) {
                      (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$12.resolve())["catch"](function() {
                      throw err;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            var asyncStorage = {
              _driver: "asyncStorage",
              _support: isIndexedDBValid(),
              clear: clear2,
              keys: keys2,
            function isWebSQLValid() {
              return typeof openDatabase === "function";
            var BASE_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
            var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = "~~local_forage_type~";
            var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/;
            var SERIALIZED_MARKER = "__lfsc__:";
            var TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = "arbf";
            var TYPE_BLOB = "blob";
            var TYPE_INT8ARRAY = "si08";
            var TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = "ui08";
            var TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY = "uic8";
            var TYPE_INT16ARRAY = "si16";
            var TYPE_INT32ARRAY = "si32";
            var TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = "ur16";
            var TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = "ui32";
            var TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = "fl32";
            var TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = "fl64";
            var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;
            function stringToBuffer(serializedString) {
              var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75;
              var len = serializedString.length;
              var i;
              var p2 = 0;
              var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4;
              if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === "=") {
                if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === "=") {
              var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength);
              var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
              for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
                encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i]);
                encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 1]);
                encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 2]);
                encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 3]);
                bytes[p2++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4;
                bytes[p2++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2;
                bytes[p2++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63;
              return buffer;
            function bufferToString(buffer) {
              var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
              var base64String = "";
              var i;
              for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
                base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i] >> 2];
                base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i + 1] >> 4];
                base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i + 2] >> 6];
                base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i + 2] & 63];
              if (bytes.length % 3 === 2) {
                base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + "=";
              } else if (bytes.length % 3 === 1) {
                base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + "==";
              return base64String;
            function serialize(value, callback) {
              var valueType = "";
              if (value) {
                valueType = toString$1.call(value);
              if (value && (valueType === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || value.buffer && toString$1.call(value.buffer) === "[object ArrayBuffer]")) {
                var buffer;
                var marker = SERIALIZED_MARKER;
                if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                  buffer = value;
                  marker += TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER;
                } else {
                  buffer = value.buffer;
                  if (valueType === "[object Int8Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Uint8Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]") {
                    marker += TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Int16Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Uint16Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Int32Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Uint32Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Float32Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY;
                  } else if (valueType === "[object Float64Array]") {
                    marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY;
                  } else {
                    callback(new Error("Failed to get type for BinaryArray"));
                callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer));
              } else if (valueType === "[object Blob]") {
                var fileReader = new FileReader();
                fileReader.onload = function() {
                  var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + "~" + bufferToString(this.result);
                  callback(SERIALIZED_MARKER + TYPE_BLOB + str);
              } else {
                try {
                } catch (e) {
                  console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value);
                  callback(null, e);
            function deserialize(value) {
              if (value.substring(0, SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH) !== SERIALIZED_MARKER) {
                return JSON.parse(value);
              var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH);
              var type2 = value.substring(SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH, TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH);
              var blobType;
              if (type2 === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) {
                var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX);
                blobType = matcher[1];
                serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length);
              var buffer = stringToBuffer(serializedString);
              switch (type2) {
                case TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER:
                  return buffer;
                case TYPE_BLOB:
                  return createBlob([buffer], { type: blobType });
                case TYPE_INT8ARRAY:
                  return new Int8Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_UINT8ARRAY:
                  return new Uint8Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY:
                  return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer);
                case TYPE_INT16ARRAY:
                  return new Int16Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_UINT16ARRAY:
                  return new Uint16Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_INT32ARRAY:
                  return new Int32Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_UINT32ARRAY:
                  return new Uint32Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY:
                  return new Float32Array(buffer);
                case TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY:
                  return new Float64Array(buffer);
                  throw new Error("Unkown type: " + type2);
            var localforageSerializer = {
            function createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, callback, errorCallback) {
              t2.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbInfo.storeName + " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)", [], callback, errorCallback);
            function _initStorage$1(options) {
              var self2 = this;
              var dbInfo = {
                db: null
              if (options) {
                for (var i in options) {
                  dbInfo[i] = typeof options[i] !== "string" ? options[i].toString() : options[i];
              var dbInfoPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                try {
                  dbInfo.db = openDatabase(dbInfo.name, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size);
                } catch (e) {
                  return reject(e);
                dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                  createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, function() {
                    self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
                  }, function(t3, error) {
                }, reject);
              dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
              return dbInfoPromise;
            function tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback) {
              t2.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, function(t3, error) {
                if (error.code === error.SYNTAX_ERR) {
                  t3.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = ?", [dbInfo.storeName], function(t4, results) {
                    if (!results.rows.length) {
                      createDbTable(t4, dbInfo, function() {
                        t4.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback);
                      }, errorCallback);
                    } else {
                      errorCallback(t4, error);
                  }, errorCallback);
                } else {
                  errorCallback(t3, error);
              }, errorCallback);
            function getItem$1(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1", [key2], function(t3, results) {
                      var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null;
                      if (result) {
                        result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function iterate$1(iterator, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                      var rows = results.rows;
                      var length2 = rows.length;
                      for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                        var item = rows.item(i);
                        var result = item.value;
                        if (result) {
                          result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
                        result = iterator(result, item.key, i + 1);
                        if (result !== void 0) {
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function _setItem(key2, value, callback, retriesLeft) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  if (value === void 0) {
                    value = null;
                  var originalValue = value;
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
                      dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                        tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + dbInfo.storeName + " (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", [key2, value2], function() {
                        }, function(t3, error2) {
                      }, function(sqlError) {
                        if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) {
                          if (retriesLeft > 0) {
                            resolve2(_setItem.apply(self2, [key2, originalValue, callback, retriesLeft - 1]));
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function setItem$1(key2, value, callback) {
              return _setItem.apply(this, [key2, value, callback, 1]);
            function removeItem$1(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ?", [key2], function() {
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function clear$1(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function() {
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function length$1(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                      var result = results.rows.item(0).c;
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function key$1(n, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", [n + 1], function(t3, results) {
                      var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null;
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function keys$1(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                      var keys3 = [];
                      for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
                    }, function(t3, error) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function getAllStoreNames(db) {
              return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                db.transaction(function(t2) {
                  t2.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name <> '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__'", [], function(t3, results) {
                    var storeNames = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
                  }, function(t3, error) {
                }, function(sqlError) {
            function dropInstance$1(options, callback) {
              callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
              var currentConfig = this.config();
              options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
              if (!options.name) {
                options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
                options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
              var self2 = this;
              var promise;
              if (!options.name) {
                promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments");
              } else {
                promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2) {
                  var db;
                  if (options.name === currentConfig.name) {
                    db = self2._dbInfo.db;
                  } else {
                    db = openDatabase(options.name, "", "", 0);
                  if (!options.storeName) {
                  } else {
                      storeNames: [options.storeName]
                }).then(function(operationInfo) {
                  return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                    operationInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      function dropTable(storeName) {
                        return new Promise$12(function(resolve3, reject2) {
                          t2.executeSql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + storeName, [], function() {
                          }, function(t3, error) {
                      var operations = [];
                      for (var i = 0, len = operationInfo.storeNames.length; i < len; i++) {
                      Promise$12.all(operations).then(function() {
                      })["catch"](function(e) {
                    }, function(sqlError) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            var webSQLStorage = {
              _driver: "webSQLStorage",
              _initStorage: _initStorage$1,
              _support: isWebSQLValid(),
              iterate: iterate$1,
              getItem: getItem$1,
              setItem: setItem$1,
              removeItem: removeItem$1,
              clear: clear$1,
              length: length$1,
              key: key$1,
              keys: keys$1,
              dropInstance: dropInstance$1
            function isLocalStorageValid() {
              try {
                return typeof localStorage !== "undefined" && "setItem" in localStorage && // in IE8 typeof localStorage.setItem === 'object'
              } catch (e) {
                return false;
            function _getKeyPrefix(options, defaultConfig) {
              var keyPrefix = options.name + "/";
              if (options.storeName !== defaultConfig.storeName) {
                keyPrefix += options.storeName + "/";
              return keyPrefix;
            function checkIfLocalStorageThrows() {
              var localStorageTestKey = "_localforage_support_test";
              try {
                localStorage.setItem(localStorageTestKey, true);
                return false;
              } catch (e) {
                return true;
            function _isLocalStorageUsable() {
              return !checkIfLocalStorageThrows() || localStorage.length > 0;
            function _initStorage$2(options) {
              var self2 = this;
              var dbInfo = {};
              if (options) {
                for (var i in options) {
                  dbInfo[i] = options[i];
              dbInfo.keyPrefix = _getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig);
              if (!_isLocalStorageUsable()) {
                return Promise$12.reject();
              self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
              dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
              return Promise$12.resolve();
            function clear$2(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var keyPrefix = self2._dbInfo.keyPrefix;
                for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                  var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                  if (key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function getItem$2(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                var result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2);
                if (result) {
                  result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);
                return result;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function iterate$2(iterator, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                var keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix;
                var keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length;
                var length2 = localStorage.length;
                var iterationNumber = 1;
                for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                  var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                  if (key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) !== 0) {
                  var value = localStorage.getItem(key2);
                  if (value) {
                    value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value);
                  value = iterator(value, key2.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++);
                  if (value !== void 0) {
                    return value;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function key$2(n, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                var result;
                try {
                  result = localStorage.key(n);
                } catch (error) {
                  result = null;
                if (result) {
                  result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length);
                return result;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function keys$2(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                var length2 = localStorage.length;
                var keys3 = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                  var itemKey = localStorage.key(i);
                  if (itemKey.indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0) {
                return keys3;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function length$2(callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              var promise = self2.keys().then(function(keys3) {
                return keys3.length;
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function removeItem$2(key2, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2);
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function setItem$2(key2, value, callback) {
              var self2 = this;
              key2 = normalizeKey2(key2);
              var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                if (value === void 0) {
                  value = null;
                var originalValue = value;
                return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
                      try {
                        localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2, value2);
                      } catch (e) {
                        if (e.name === "QuotaExceededError" || e.name === "NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED") {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            function dropInstance$2(options, callback) {
              callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
              options = typeof options !== "function" && options || {};
              if (!options.name) {
                var currentConfig = this.config();
                options.name = options.name || currentConfig.name;
                options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
              var self2 = this;
              var promise;
              if (!options.name) {
                promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments");
              } else {
                promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2) {
                  if (!options.storeName) {
                    resolve2(options.name + "/");
                  } else {
                    resolve2(_getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig));
                }).then(function(keyPrefix) {
                  for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                    if (key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
              executeCallback2(promise, callback);
              return promise;
            var localStorageWrapper = {
              _driver: "localStorageWrapper",
              _initStorage: _initStorage$2,
              _support: isLocalStorageValid(),
              iterate: iterate$2,
              getItem: getItem$2,
              setItem: setItem$2,
              removeItem: removeItem$2,
              clear: clear$2,
              length: length$2,
              key: key$2,
              keys: keys$2,
              dropInstance: dropInstance$2
            var sameValue = function sameValue2(x, y) {
              return x === y || typeof x === "number" && typeof y === "number" && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y);
            var includes = function includes2(array2, searchElement) {
              var len = array2.length;
              var i = 0;
              while (i < len) {
                if (sameValue(array2[i], searchElement)) {
                  return true;
              return false;
            var isArray2 = Array.isArray || function(arg) {
              return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === "[object Array]";
            var DefinedDrivers = {};
            var DriverSupport = {};
            var DefaultDrivers = {
              INDEXEDDB: asyncStorage,
              WEBSQL: webSQLStorage,
              LOCALSTORAGE: localStorageWrapper
            var DefaultDriverOrder = [DefaultDrivers.INDEXEDDB._driver, DefaultDrivers.WEBSQL._driver, DefaultDrivers.LOCALSTORAGE._driver];
            var OptionalDriverMethods = ["dropInstance"];
            var LibraryMethods = ["clear", "getItem", "iterate", "key", "keys", "length", "removeItem", "setItem"].concat(OptionalDriverMethods);
            var DefaultConfig = {
              description: "",
              driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(),
              name: "localforage",
              // Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size
              // we can use without a prompt.
              size: 4980736,
              storeName: "keyvaluepairs",
              version: 1
            function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) {
              localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function() {
                var _args = arguments;
                return localForageInstance.ready().then(function() {
                  return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args);
            function extend2() {
              for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                var arg = arguments[i];
                if (arg) {
                  for (var _key in arg) {
                    if (arg.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
                      if (isArray2(arg[_key])) {
                        arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key].slice();
                      } else {
                        arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key];
              return arguments[0];
            var LocalForage = function() {
              function LocalForage2(options) {
                _classCallCheck(this, LocalForage2);
                for (var driverTypeKey in DefaultDrivers) {
                  if (DefaultDrivers.hasOwnProperty(driverTypeKey)) {
                    var driver = DefaultDrivers[driverTypeKey];
                    var driverName = driver._driver;
                    this[driverTypeKey] = driverName;
                    if (!DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
                this._defaultConfig = extend2({}, DefaultConfig);
                this._config = extend2({}, this._defaultConfig, options);
                this._driverSet = null;
                this._initDriver = null;
                this._ready = false;
                this._dbInfo = null;
                this.setDriver(this._config.driver)["catch"](function() {
              LocalForage2.prototype.config = function config(options) {
                if ((typeof options === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(options)) === "object") {
                  if (this._ready) {
                    return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage has been used.");
                  for (var i in options) {
                    if (i === "storeName") {
                      options[i] = options[i].replace(/\W/g, "_");
                    if (i === "version" && typeof options[i] !== "number") {
                      return new Error("Database version must be a number.");
                    this._config[i] = options[i];
                  if ("driver" in options && options.driver) {
                    return this.setDriver(this._config.driver);
                  return true;
                } else if (typeof options === "string") {
                  return this._config[options];
                } else {
                  return this._config;
              LocalForage2.prototype.defineDriver = function defineDriver(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) {
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject) {
                  try {
                    var driverName = driverObject._driver;
                    var complianceError = new Error("Custom driver not compliant; see https://mozilla.github.io/localForage/#definedriver");
                    if (!driverObject._driver) {
                    var driverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat("_initStorage");
                    for (var i = 0, len = driverMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
                      var driverMethodName = driverMethods[i];
                      var isRequired = !includes(OptionalDriverMethods, driverMethodName);
                      if ((isRequired || driverObject[driverMethodName]) && typeof driverObject[driverMethodName] !== "function") {
                    var configureMissingMethods = function configureMissingMethods2() {
                      var methodNotImplementedFactory = function methodNotImplementedFactory2(methodName) {
                        return function() {
                          var error = new Error("Method " + methodName + " is not implemented by the current driver");
                          var promise2 = Promise$12.reject(error);
                          executeCallback2(promise2, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
                          return promise2;
                      for (var _i = 0, _len = OptionalDriverMethods.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                        var optionalDriverMethod = OptionalDriverMethods[_i];
                        if (!driverObject[optionalDriverMethod]) {
                          driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] = methodNotImplementedFactory(optionalDriverMethod);
                    var setDriverSupport = function setDriverSupport2(support) {
                      if (DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
                        console.info("Redefining LocalForage driver: " + driverName);
                      DefinedDrivers[driverName] = driverObject;
                      DriverSupport[driverName] = support;
                    if ("_support" in driverObject) {
                      if (driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support === "function") {
                        driverObject._support().then(setDriverSupport, reject);
                      } else {
                    } else {
                  } catch (e) {
                executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback);
                return promise;
              LocalForage2.prototype.driver = function driver() {
                return this._driver || null;
              LocalForage2.prototype.getDriver = function getDriver(driverName, callback, errorCallback) {
                var getDriverPromise = DefinedDrivers[driverName] ? Promise$12.resolve(DefinedDrivers[driverName]) : Promise$12.reject(new Error("Driver not found."));
                executeTwoCallbacks(getDriverPromise, callback, errorCallback);
                return getDriverPromise;
              LocalForage2.prototype.getSerializer = function getSerializer(callback) {
                var serializerPromise = Promise$12.resolve(localforageSerializer);
                executeTwoCallbacks(serializerPromise, callback);
                return serializerPromise;
              LocalForage2.prototype.ready = function ready(callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                var promise = self2._driverSet.then(function() {
                  if (self2._ready === null) {
                    self2._ready = self2._initDriver();
                  return self2._ready;
                executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
                return promise;
              LocalForage2.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(drivers, callback, errorCallback) {
                var self2 = this;
                if (!isArray2(drivers)) {
                  drivers = [drivers];
                var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers);
                function setDriverToConfig() {
                  self2._config.driver = self2.driver();
                function extendSelfWithDriver(driver) {
                  self2._ready = self2._initStorage(self2._config);
                  return self2._ready;
                function initDriver(supportedDrivers2) {
                  return function() {
                    var currentDriverIndex = 0;
                    function driverPromiseLoop() {
                      while (currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers2.length) {
                        var driverName = supportedDrivers2[currentDriverIndex];
                        self2._dbInfo = null;
                        self2._ready = null;
                        return self2.getDriver(driverName).then(extendSelfWithDriver)["catch"](driverPromiseLoop);
                      var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
                      self2._driverSet = Promise$12.reject(error);
                      return self2._driverSet;
                    return driverPromiseLoop();
                var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet["catch"](function() {
                  return Promise$12.resolve();
                }) : Promise$12.resolve();
                this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function() {
                  var driverName = supportedDrivers[0];
                  self2._dbInfo = null;
                  self2._ready = null;
                  return self2.getDriver(driverName).then(function(driver) {
                    self2._driver = driver._driver;
                    self2._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers);
                })["catch"](function() {
                  var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
                  self2._driverSet = Promise$12.reject(error);
                  return self2._driverSet;
                executeTwoCallbacks(this._driverSet, callback, errorCallback);
                return this._driverSet;
              LocalForage2.prototype.supports = function supports(driverName) {
                return !!DriverSupport[driverName];
              LocalForage2.prototype._extend = function _extend(libraryMethodsAndProperties) {
                extend2(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties);
              LocalForage2.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function _getSupportedDrivers(drivers) {
                var supportedDrivers = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = drivers.length; i < len; i++) {
                  var driverName = drivers[i];
                  if (this.supports(driverName)) {
                return supportedDrivers;
              LocalForage2.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function _wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady() {
                for (var i = 0, len = LibraryMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
                  callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i]);
              LocalForage2.prototype.createInstance = function createInstance(options) {
                return new LocalForage2(options);
              return LocalForage2;
            var localforage_js = new LocalForage();
            module3.exports = localforage_js;
          }, { "3": 3 }] }, {}, [4])(4);
      var localforageExports = localforage$1.exports;
      const localforage = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(localforageExports);
      function getSerializerPromise(localForageInstance) {
        if (getSerializerPromise.result) {
          return getSerializerPromise.result;
        if (!localForageInstance || typeof localForageInstance.getSerializer !== "function") {
          return Promise.reject(new Error("localforage.getSerializer() was not available! localforage v1.4+ is required!"));
        getSerializerPromise.result = localForageInstance.getSerializer();
        return getSerializerPromise.result;
      function executeCallback(promise, callback) {
        if (callback) {
          promise.then(function(result) {
            callback(null, result);
          }, function(error) {
      function forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, loopFn) {
        function ensurePropGetterMethod(propFn, defaultPropName) {
          var propName = propFn || defaultPropName;
          if ((!propFn || typeof propFn !== "function") && typeof propName === "string") {
            propFn = function propFn2(item2) {
              return item2[propName];
          return propFn;
        var result = [];
        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(items) === "[object Array]") {
          keyFn = ensurePropGetterMethod(keyFn, "key");
          valueFn = ensurePropGetterMethod(valueFn, "value");
          for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
            var item = items[i];
            result.push(loopFn(keyFn(item), valueFn(item)));
        } else {
          for (var prop in items) {
            if (items.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
              result.push(loopFn(prop, items[prop]));
        return result;
      function setItemsIndexedDB(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this;
        var promise = localforageInstance.ready().then(function() {
          return new Promise(function(resolve2, reject) {
            var dbInfo = localforageInstance._dbInfo;
            var transaction = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, "readwrite");
            var store = transaction.objectStore(dbInfo.storeName);
            var lastError;
            transaction.oncomplete = function() {
            transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function(event) {
              reject(lastError || event.target);
            function requestOnError(evt) {
              var request2 = evt.target || this;
              lastError = request2.error || request2.transaction.error;
            forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
              if (value === null) {
                value = void 0;
              var request2 = store.put(value, key);
              request2.onerror = requestOnError;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      function setItemsWebsql(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this;
        var promise = new Promise(function(resolve2, reject) {
          localforageInstance.ready().then(function() {
            return getSerializerPromise(localforageInstance);
          }).then(function(serializer) {
            var dbInfo = localforageInstance._dbInfo;
              function(t2) {
                var query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + dbInfo.storeName + " (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)";
                var itemPromises = forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
                  return new Promise(function(resolve3, reject2) {
                    serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                      if (error) {
                      } else {
                        t2.executeSql(query, [key, value2], function() {
                        }, function(t3, error2) {
                Promise.all(itemPromises).then(function() {
                }, reject);
              function(sqlError) {
              /*, function() {
                 if (resolving) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      function setItemsGeneric(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this;
        var itemPromises = forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
          return localforageInstance.setItem(key, value);
        var promise = Promise.all(itemPromises);
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      function localforageSetItems(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this;
        var currentDriver = localforageInstance.driver();
        if (currentDriver === localforageInstance.INDEXEDDB) {
          return setItemsIndexedDB.call(localforageInstance, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback);
        } else if (currentDriver === localforageInstance.WEBSQL) {
          return setItemsWebsql.call(localforageInstance, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback);
        } else {
          return setItemsGeneric.call(localforageInstance, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback);
      function extendPrototype(localforage$$1) {
        var localforagePrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(localforage$$1);
        if (localforagePrototype) {
          localforagePrototype.setItems = localforageSetItems;
          localforagePrototype.setItems.indexedDB = function() {
            return setItemsIndexedDB.apply(this, arguments);
          localforagePrototype.setItems.websql = function() {
            return setItemsWebsql.apply(this, arguments);
          localforagePrototype.setItems.generic = function() {
            return setItemsGeneric.apply(this, arguments);
      var md5$1 = { exports: {} };
      var crypt = { exports: {} };
      (function() {
        var base64map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", crypt$1 = {
          // Bit-wise rotation left
          rotl: function(n, b) {
            return n << b | n >>> 32 - b;
          // Bit-wise rotation right
          rotr: function(n, b) {
            return n << 32 - b | n >>> b;
          // Swap big-endian to little-endian and vice versa
          endian: function(n) {
            if (n.constructor == Number) {
              return crypt$1.rotl(n, 8) & 16711935 | crypt$1.rotl(n, 24) & 4278255360;
            for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
              n[i] = crypt$1.endian(n[i]);
            return n;
          // Generate an array of any length of random bytes
          randomBytes: function(n) {
            for (var bytes = []; n > 0; n--)
              bytes.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
            return bytes;
          // Convert a byte array to big-endian 32-bit words
          bytesToWords: function(bytes) {
            for (var words2 = [], i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8)
              words2[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << 24 - b % 32;
            return words2;
          // Convert big-endian 32-bit words to a byte array
          wordsToBytes: function(words2) {
            for (var bytes = [], b = 0; b < words2.length * 32; b += 8)
              bytes.push(words2[b >>> 5] >>> 24 - b % 32 & 255);
            return bytes;
          // Convert a byte array to a hex string
          bytesToHex: function(bytes) {
            for (var hex = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
              hex.push((bytes[i] >>> 4).toString(16));
              hex.push((bytes[i] & 15).toString(16));
            return hex.join("");
          // Convert a hex string to a byte array
          hexToBytes: function(hex) {
            for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
              bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
            return bytes;
          // Convert a byte array to a base-64 string
          bytesToBase64: function(bytes) {
            for (var base64 = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
              var triplet = bytes[i] << 16 | bytes[i + 1] << 8 | bytes[i + 2];
              for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                if (i * 8 + j * 6 <= bytes.length * 8)
                  base64.push(base64map.charAt(triplet >>> 6 * (3 - j) & 63));
            return base64.join("");
          // Convert a base-64 string to a byte array
          base64ToBytes: function(base64) {
            base64 = base64.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/ig, "");
            for (var bytes = [], i = 0, imod4 = 0; i < base64.length; imod4 = ++i % 4) {
              if (imod4 == 0)
              bytes.push((base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i - 1)) & Math.pow(2, -2 * imod4 + 8) - 1) << imod4 * 2 | base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i)) >>> 6 - imod4 * 2);
            return bytes;
        crypt.exports = crypt$1;
      var cryptExports = crypt.exports;
      var charenc = {
        // UTF-8 encoding
        utf8: {
          // Convert a string to a byte array
          stringToBytes: function(str) {
            return charenc.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
          // Convert a byte array to a string
          bytesToString: function(bytes) {
            return decodeURIComponent(escape(charenc.bin.bytesToString(bytes)));
        // Binary encoding
        bin: {
          // Convert a string to a byte array
          stringToBytes: function(str) {
            for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
              bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
            return bytes;
          // Convert a byte array to a string
          bytesToString: function(bytes) {
            for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
            return str.join("");
      var charenc_1 = charenc;
       * Determine if an object is a Buffer
       * @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org>
       * @license  MIT
      var isBuffer_1 = function(obj) {
        return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer);
      function isBuffer(obj) {
        return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === "function" && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj);
      function isSlowBuffer(obj) {
        return typeof obj.readFloatLE === "function" && typeof obj.slice === "function" && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0));
      (function() {
        var crypt2 = cryptExports, utf8 = charenc_1.utf8, isBuffer2 = isBuffer_1, bin = charenc_1.bin, md52 = function(message2, options) {
          if (message2.constructor == String)
            if (options && options.encoding === "binary")
              message2 = bin.stringToBytes(message2);
              message2 = utf8.stringToBytes(message2);
          else if (isBuffer2(message2))
            message2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(message2, 0);
          else if (!Array.isArray(message2) && message2.constructor !== Uint8Array)
            message2 = message2.toString();
          var m = crypt2.bytesToWords(message2), l = message2.length * 8, a = 1732584193, b = -271733879, c = -1732584194, d = 271733878;
          for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
            m[i] = (m[i] << 8 | m[i] >>> 24) & 16711935 | (m[i] << 24 | m[i] >>> 8) & 4278255360;
          m[l >>> 5] |= 128 << l % 32;
          m[(l + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = l;
          var FF = md52._ff, GG = md52._gg, HH = md52._hh, II = md52._ii;
          for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i += 16) {
            var aa = a, bb = b, cc = c, dd = d;
            a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 7, -680876936);
            d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 1], 12, -389564586);
            c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 17, 606105819);
            b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 3], 22, -1044525330);
            a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 7, -176418897);
            d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 5], 12, 1200080426);
            c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 17, -1473231341);
            b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 7], 22, -45705983);
            a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 7, 1770035416);
            d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 9], 12, -1958414417);
            c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 17, -42063);
            b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 11], 22, -1990404162);
            a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 7, 1804603682);
            d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 13], 12, -40341101);
            c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 17, -1502002290);
            b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 15], 22, 1236535329);
            a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 5, -165796510);
            d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 6], 9, -1069501632);
            c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 14, 643717713);
            b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 0], 20, -373897302);
            a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 5, -701558691);
            d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 10], 9, 38016083);
            c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 14, -660478335);
            b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 4], 20, -405537848);
            a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 5, 568446438);
            d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 14], 9, -1019803690);
            c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 14, -187363961);
            b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 8], 20, 1163531501);
            a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 5, -1444681467);
            d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 2], 9, -51403784);
            c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 14, 1735328473);
            b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 12], 20, -1926607734);
            a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 4, -378558);
            d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 8], 11, -2022574463);
            c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 16, 1839030562);
            b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 14], 23, -35309556);
            a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 4, -1530992060);
            d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 4], 11, 1272893353);
            c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 16, -155497632);
            b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 10], 23, -1094730640);
            a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 4, 681279174);
            d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 0], 11, -358537222);
            c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 16, -722521979);
            b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 6], 23, 76029189);
            a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 4, -640364487);
            d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 12], 11, -421815835);
            c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 16, 530742520);
            b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 2], 23, -995338651);
            a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 6, -198630844);
            d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 7], 10, 1126891415);
            c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 15, -1416354905);
            b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 5], 21, -57434055);
            a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 6, 1700485571);
            d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 3], 10, -1894986606);
            c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 15, -1051523);
            b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 1], 21, -2054922799);
            a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 6, 1873313359);
            d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 15], 10, -30611744);
            c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 15, -1560198380);
            b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 13], 21, 1309151649);
            a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 6, -145523070);
            d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 11], 10, -1120210379);
            c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 15, 718787259);
            b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 9], 21, -343485551);
            a = a + aa >>> 0;
            b = b + bb >>> 0;
            c = c + cc >>> 0;
            d = d + dd >>> 0;
          return crypt2.endian([a, b, c, d]);
        md52._ff = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
          var n = a + (b & c | ~b & d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
          return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
        md52._gg = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
          var n = a + (b & d | c & ~d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
          return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
        md52._hh = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
          var n = a + (b ^ c ^ d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
          return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
        md52._ii = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
          var n = a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
          return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
        md52._blocksize = 16;
        md52._digestsize = 16;
        md5$1.exports = function(message2, options) {
          if (message2 === void 0 || message2 === null)
            throw new Error("Illegal argument " + message2);
          var digestbytes = crypt2.wordsToBytes(md52(message2, options));
          return options && options.asBytes ? digestbytes : options && options.asString ? bin.bytesToString(digestbytes) : crypt2.bytesToHex(digestbytes);
      var md5Exports = md5$1.exports;
      const md5 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(md5Exports);
      const dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(void 0, {
        year: "numeric",
        month: "2-digit",
        day: "2-digit",
        hour: "2-digit",
        minute: "2-digit",
        second: "2-digit",
        hour12: false
       * @license
       * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
       * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
      const proxyMarker = Symbol("Comlink.proxy");
      const createEndpoint = Symbol("Comlink.endpoint");
      const releaseProxy = Symbol("Comlink.releaseProxy");
      const finalizer = Symbol("Comlink.finalizer");
      const throwMarker = Symbol("Comlink.thrown");
      const isObject = (val) => typeof val === "object" && val !== null || typeof val === "function";
      const proxyTransferHandler = {
        canHandle: (val) => isObject(val) && val[proxyMarker],
        serialize(obj) {
          const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
          expose(obj, port1);
          return [port2, [port2]];
        deserialize(port) {
          return wrap(port);
      const throwTransferHandler = {
        canHandle: (value) => isObject(value) && throwMarker in value,
        serialize({ value }) {
          let serialized;
          if (value instanceof Error) {
            serialized = {
              isError: true,
              value: {
                message: value.message,
                name: value.name,
                stack: value.stack
          } else {
            serialized = { isError: false, value };
          return [serialized, []];
        deserialize(serialized) {
          if (serialized.isError) {
            throw Object.assign(new Error(serialized.value.message), serialized.value);
          throw serialized.value;
      const transferHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
        ["proxy", proxyTransferHandler],
        ["throw", throwTransferHandler]
      function isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, origin) {
        for (const allowedOrigin of allowedOrigins) {
          if (origin === allowedOrigin || allowedOrigin === "*") {
            return true;
          if (allowedOrigin instanceof RegExp && allowedOrigin.test(origin)) {
            return true;
        return false;
      function expose(obj, ep = globalThis, allowedOrigins = ["*"]) {
        ep.addEventListener("message", function callback(ev) {
          if (!ev || !ev.data) {
          if (!isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, ev.origin)) {
            console.warn(`Invalid origin '${ev.origin}' for comlink proxy`);
          const { id, type: type2, path } = Object.assign({ path: [] }, ev.data);
          const argumentList = (ev.data.argumentList || []).map(fromWireValue);
          let returnValue;
          try {
            const parent = path.slice(0, -1).reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj);
            const rawValue = path.reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj);
            switch (type2) {
              case "GET":
                  returnValue = rawValue;
              case "SET":
                  parent[path.slice(-1)[0]] = fromWireValue(ev.data.value);
                  returnValue = true;
              case "APPLY":
                  returnValue = rawValue.apply(parent, argumentList);
              case "CONSTRUCT":
                  const value = new rawValue(...argumentList);
                  returnValue = proxy(value);
              case "ENDPOINT":
                  const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
                  expose(obj, port2);
                  returnValue = transfer(port1, [port1]);
              case "RELEASE":
                  returnValue = void 0;
          } catch (value) {
            returnValue = { value, [throwMarker]: 0 };
          Promise.resolve(returnValue).catch((value) => {
            return { value, [throwMarker]: 0 };
          }).then((returnValue2) => {
            const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue(returnValue2);
            ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables);
            if (type2 === "RELEASE") {
              ep.removeEventListener("message", callback);
              if (finalizer in obj && typeof obj[finalizer] === "function") {
          }).catch((error) => {
            const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue({
              value: new TypeError("Unserializable return value"),
              [throwMarker]: 0
            ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables);
        if (ep.start) {
      function isMessagePort(endpoint) {
        return endpoint.constructor.name === "MessagePort";
      function closeEndPoint(endpoint) {
        if (isMessagePort(endpoint))
      function wrap(ep, target) {
        return createProxy(ep, [], target);
      function throwIfProxyReleased(isReleased) {
        if (isReleased) {
          throw new Error("Proxy has been released and is not useable");
      function releaseEndpoint(ep) {
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, {
          type: "RELEASE"
        }).then(() => {
      const proxyCounter = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      const proxyFinalizers = "FinalizationRegistry" in globalThis && new FinalizationRegistry((ep) => {
        const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) - 1;
        proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount);
        if (newCount === 0) {
      function registerProxy(proxy2, ep) {
        const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) + 1;
        proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount);
        if (proxyFinalizers) {
          proxyFinalizers.register(proxy2, ep, proxy2);
      function unregisterProxy(proxy2) {
        if (proxyFinalizers) {
      function createProxy(ep, path = [], target = function() {
      }) {
        let isProxyReleased = false;
        const proxy2 = new Proxy(target, {
          get(_target, prop) {
            if (prop === releaseProxy) {
              return () => {
                isProxyReleased = true;
            if (prop === "then") {
              if (path.length === 0) {
                return { then: () => proxy2 };
              const r = requestResponseMessage(ep, {
                type: "GET",
                path: path.map((p2) => p2.toString())
              return r.then.bind(r);
            return createProxy(ep, [...path, prop]);
          set(_target, prop, rawValue) {
            const [value, transferables] = toWireValue(rawValue);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, {
              type: "SET",
              path: [...path, prop].map((p2) => p2.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
          apply(_target, _thisArg, rawArgumentList) {
            const last2 = path[path.length - 1];
            if (last2 === createEndpoint) {
              return requestResponseMessage(ep, {
                type: "ENDPOINT"
            if (last2 === "bind") {
              return createProxy(ep, path.slice(0, -1));
            const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, {
              type: "APPLY",
              path: path.map((p2) => p2.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
          construct(_target, rawArgumentList) {
            const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, {
              type: "CONSTRUCT",
              path: path.map((p2) => p2.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
        registerProxy(proxy2, ep);
        return proxy2;
      function myFlat(arr) {
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
      function processArguments(argumentList) {
        const processed = argumentList.map(toWireValue);
        return [processed.map((v) => v[0]), myFlat(processed.map((v) => v[1]))];
      const transferCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      function transfer(obj, transfers) {
        transferCache.set(obj, transfers);
        return obj;
      function proxy(obj) {
        return Object.assign(obj, { [proxyMarker]: true });
      function toWireValue(value) {
        for (const [name, handler] of transferHandlers) {
          if (handler.canHandle(value)) {
            const [serializedValue, transferables] = handler.serialize(value);
            return [
                type: "HANDLER",
                value: serializedValue
        return [
            type: "RAW",
          transferCache.get(value) || []
      function fromWireValue(value) {
        switch (value.type) {
          case "HANDLER":
            return transferHandlers.get(value.name).deserialize(value.value);
          case "RAW":
            return value.value;
      function requestResponseMessage(ep, msg, transfers) {
        return new Promise((resolve2) => {
          const id = generateUUID();
          ep.addEventListener("message", function l(ev) {
            if (!ev.data || !ev.data.id || ev.data.id !== id) {
            ep.removeEventListener("message", l);
          if (ep.start) {
          ep.postMessage(Object.assign({ id }, msg), transfers);
      function generateUUID() {
        return new Array(4).fill(0).map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(16)).join("-");
      const blob = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.Blob && new Blob([atob(encodedJs)], { type: "text/javascript;charset=utf-8" });
      function WorkerWrapper() {
        let objURL;
        try {
          objURL = blob && (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
          if (!objURL)
            throw "";
          return new Worker(objURL);
        } catch (e) {
          return new Worker("data:application/javascript;base64," + encodedJs);
        } finally {
          objURL && (window.URL || window.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(objURL);
      const getTransferableData = (files) => files.map(({ data }) => data).filter((data) => typeof data !== "string");
      class JSZipWorkerPool {
        constructor() {
          __publicField(this, "pool", []);
          __publicField(this, "waitingQueue", []);
          __publicField(this, "unzipFile", async (params) => {
            const worker = await this.acquireWorker();
            const zip = await new worker.JSZip();
            const clean = () => {
            try {
              return await zip.unzipFile(transfer(params, [params.data]));
            } catch (error) {
              throw error;
          for (let id = 0; id < WORKER_THREAD_NUM; id++) {
              idle: true
        async createWorker() {
          const worker = new WorkerWrapper();
          return wrap(worker);
        waitIdleWorker() {
          return new Promise((resolve2) => {
        async acquireWorker() {
          let worker = this.pool.find(({ idle }) => idle);
          if (!worker)
            worker = await this.waitIdleWorker();
          if (!worker.JSZip)
            worker.JSZip = await this.createWorker();
          worker.idle = false;
          return worker;
        releaseWorker(worker) {
          worker.idle = true;
          if (!this.waitingQueue.length)
          const emit2 = removeAt(this.waitingQueue, 0);
        async generateAsync(files, options, onUpdate) {
          const worker = await this.acquireWorker();
          const zip = await new worker.JSZip();
          try {
            await zip.files(transfer(files, getTransferableData(files)));
            return await zip.generateAsync(
              proxy((metaData) => {
                if (metaData.currentFile)
                  onUpdate == null ? void 0 : onUpdate({ workerId: worker.id, ...metaData });
          } finally {
        async generateStream(files, options, onUpdate) {
          const worker = await this.acquireWorker();
          const zip = await new worker.JSZip();
          try {
            await zip.files(transfer(files, getTransferableData(files)));
            const { zipStream } = await zip.generateStream(
              proxy((metaData) => {
                if (metaData.currentFile)
                  onUpdate == null ? void 0 : onUpdate({ workerId: worker.id, ...metaData });
            return zipStream;
          } finally {
      const jszipPool = new JSZipWorkerPool();
      class JSZip {
        constructor() {
          __publicField(this, "files", []);
        file(name, data) {
          this.files.push({ name, data });
        generateAsync(options, onUpdate) {
          const { files } = this;
          this.files = [];
          return jszipPool.generateAsync(files, options, onUpdate);
        generateStream(options, onUpdate) {
          const { files } = this;
          this.files = [];
          return jszipPool.generateStream(files, options, onUpdate);
      __publicField(JSZip, "unzipFile", (params) => jszipPool.unzipFile(params));
      class DownloadHistory {
        constructor(name) {
          __publicField(this, "store");
          __publicField(this, "ready");
          this.name = name;
          this.store = localforage.createInstance({
            name: "nhentai_helper",
            storeName: name
          this.ready = this.store.ready().then(() => true).catch((e) => {
            return false;
        async add(key) {
          if (!await this.ready)
          try {
            await this.store.setItem(key, true);
            logger.log(`mark "${key}" as downloaded`);
          } catch (e) {
        async del(key) {
          if (!await this.ready)
          try {
            await this.store.removeItem(key);
            logger.log(`unmark "${key}" as downloaded`);
          } catch (e) {
        async has(key) {
          if (!await this.ready)
            return false;
          try {
            return await this.store.getItem(key) === true;
          } catch (e) {
          return false;
        async size() {
          if (!await this.ready)
            return NaN;
          return this.store.length();
        async import(keys2) {
          if (!await this.ready)
            throw new Error(`store ${this.name} cannot ready`);
          try {
            await this.store.setItems(keys2.map((gid2) => ({ key: gid2, value: true })));
          } catch (e) {
        async export() {
          if (!await this.ready)
            throw new Error(`store ${this.name} cannot ready`);
          return this.store.keys();
        async clear() {
          if (!await this.ready)
          await this.store.clear();
      const gidHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_gid");
      const enTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_en");
      const jpTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history");
      const prettyTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_pretty");
      const normalizeTitle = (title) => title.replace(/\s/g, "");
      const getTitleMd5 = (title) => md5(normalizeTitle(title));
      const markAsDownloaded = (gid2, { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = {}) => {
        void gidHistory.add(String(gid2));
        if (english2)
          void enTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(english2));
        if (japanese2)
          void jpTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(japanese2));
        if (pretty)
          void prettyTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(pretty));
      const unmarkAsDownloaded = (gid2, { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = {}) => {
        void gidHistory.del(String(gid2));
        if (english2)
          void enTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(english2));
        if (japanese2)
          void jpTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(japanese2));
        if (pretty)
          void prettyTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(pretty));
      const isDownloadedByGid = (gid2) => gidHistory.has(String(gid2));
      const isDownloadedByTitle = async ({
        english: english2,
        japanese: japanese2,
      } = {}) => {
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByJapanese && japanese2) {
          const md5v2 = getTitleMd5(japanese2);
          if (await jpTitleHistory.has(md5v2))
            return true;
          const md5v1 = md5(japanese2);
          if (await jpTitleHistory.has(md5v1)) {
            void jpTitleHistory.add(md5v2);
            void jpTitleHistory.del(md5v1);
            return true;
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByEnglish && english2 && await enTitleHistory.has(getTitleMd5(english2))) {
          return true;
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByPretty && pretty && await enTitleHistory.has(getTitleMd5(pretty))) {
          return true;
        return false;
      const getDownloadNumber = () => gidHistory.size();
      const EXPORT_HEADER_GID = "gid:";
      const EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP = "title:";
      const EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN = "title_en:";
      const EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY = "title_pretty:";
      const EXPORT_SEPARATOR = ",";
      const EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME = "history.txt";
      const exportDownloadHistory = async () => {
        try {
          const gids = await gidHistory.export();
          const jpTitles = await jpTitleHistory.export();
          const enTitles = await enTitleHistory.export();
          const prettyTitles = await prettyTitleHistory.export();
          const text = `${EXPORT_HEADER_GID}${gids.join(EXPORT_SEPARATOR)}
          const zip = new JSZip();
          zip.file(EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME, text);
          const data = await zip.generateAsync({
            compression: "DEFLATE",
            compressionOptions: { level: 9 }
          const timeStr = dateTimeFormatter.format(Date.now()).replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
          const filename = `nhentai-helper-download-history-${timeStr}.zip`;
          FileSaver_minExports.saveAs(new File([data], filename, { type: "application/zip" }));
          logger.log("export download history", filename);
          return true;
        } catch (error) {
        return false;
      const importDownloadHistory = async (data) => {
        try {
          const str = await JSZip.unzipFile({ data, path: EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME, type: "string" });
          if (!str) {
            logger.error("zip doesn't contain file", EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME);
            return false;
          const lines = str.split("\n");
          for (const line of lines) {
            if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_GID)) {
              const gids = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_GID, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await gidHistory.import(gids);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await jpTitleHistory.import(titles);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await enTitleHistory.import(titles);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await prettyTitleHistory.import(titles);
          return true;
        } catch (error) {
        return false;
      const clearDownloadHistory = async () => {
        try {
          await gidHistory.clear();
          await enTitleHistory.clear();
          await jpTitleHistory.clear();
          await prettyTitleHistory.clear();
          return true;
        } catch (error) {
        return false;
      const isSameTitleString = (title1, title2) => !!title1 && !!title2 && normalizeTitle(title1) === normalizeTitle(title2);
      const isSameTitle = (title1, title2) => {
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByJapanese && isSameTitleString(title1.japanese, title2.japanese)) {
          return true;
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByEnglish && isSameTitleString(title1.english, title2.english)) {
          return true;
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByPretty && isSameTitleString(title1.pretty, title2.pretty)) {
          return true;
        return false;
      const createElement = (tag, props, ...children) => {
        if (typeof tag === "function")
          return tag(props, ...children);
        const element = document.createElement(tag);
        Object.entries(props ?? {}).forEach(([name, value]) => {
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            element.addEventListener(kebabCase$1(name.replace("on", "")), value);
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            element.setAttribute(name, String(value));
        children.flat().forEach((child) => {
          appendChild(element, child);
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      const appendChild = (parent, child) => {
        if (!child)
        parent.appendChild(typeof child === "string" ? document.createTextNode(child) : child);
      const Fragment = (props, ...children) => {
        return children;
      const jsx = { createElement, Fragment };
      const readFile = (file) => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = () => {
        reader.onabort = reject;
        reader.onerror = reject;
      const pickFile = (accept) => new Promise((resolve2) => {
        const input = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement(
            type: "file",
            onChange: () => {
              var _a2;
              resolve2((_a2 = input.files) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]);
      const pickAndReadFile = async (accept) => {
        const file = await pickFile(accept);
        if (file)
          return readFile(file);
      const showMessage = (params) => ElMessage({ ...params, appendTo: _monkeyWindow.document.body });
      const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "nhentai-helper-setting-help-buttons no-sl" };
      const _hoisted_2$1 = ["id"];
      const _hoisted_3 = { id: "nhentai-helper-setting-dialog" };
      const _hoisted_4 = {
        class: "asterisk-example no-sl",
        style: { "margin-bottom": "18px" }
      const _hoisted_5 = { class: "inline-item" };
      const _hoisted_6 = { class: "inline-item__name" };
      const _hoisted_7 = { class: "inline-item" };
      const _hoisted_8 = { class: "inline-item__name" };
      const _hoisted_9 = { class: "no-sl" };
      const _hoisted_10 = { class: "no-sl" };
      const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "SettingsDialog",
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const threadNumMarks = {
            1: "1",
            4: "4",
            8: "8",
            16: "16",
            32: {
              label: "32",
              style: { whiteSpace: "nowrap" }
          const compressionLevelMarks = {
            0: "0",
            1: "1",
            9: "9"
          const { t: t2, n, locale } = useI18n();
          const show = ref(false);
          const downloadedNum = ref(NaN);
          const filenameLengthNumber = computed({
            get: () => typeof writeableSettings.filenameLength === "number" ? writeableSettings.filenameLength : 0,
            set: (val) => {
              writeableSettings.filenameLength = val;
          const filenameLengthAuto = computed({
            get: () => writeableSettings.filenameLength === "auto",
            set: (val) => {
              writeableSettings.filenameLength = val ? "auto" : 0;
          const refreshDownloadNum = async () => {
            downloadedNum.value = await getDownloadNumber();
          const open2 = () => {
            show.value = true;
          const openHelp = () => {
              locale.value === "zh" ? "https://github.com/Tsuk1ko/nhentai-helper/blob/master/README-ZH.md#%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE" : "https://github.com/Tsuk1ko/nhentai-helper/blob/master/README.md#settings",
          const exporting = ref(false);
          const importing = ref(false);
          const clearing = ref(false);
          const showMessageBySucceed = (succeed) => {
              type: succeed ? "success" : "error",
              message: succeed ? "Succeed" : "Failed, please check console for error message"
          const exportHistory = async () => {
            exporting.value = true;
            const succeed = await exportDownloadHistory();
            exporting.value = false;
          const importHistory = async () => {
            const data = await pickAndReadFile("application/zip");
            if (!data)
            importing.value = true;
            const succeed = await importDownloadHistory(data);
            importing.value = false;
          const clearHistory = async () => {
            clearing.value = true;
            const succeed = await clearDownloadHistory();
            clearing.value = false;
            () => writeableSettings.language,
            (val) => {
              locale.value = val;
          expose2({ open: open2 });
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            const _component_el_button = ElButton;
            const _component_el_option = ElOption;
            const _component_el_select = ElSelect;
            const _component_el_form_item = ElFormItem;
            const _component_el_slider = ElSlider;
            const _component_el_switch = ElSwitch;
            const _component_el_input = ElInput;
            const _component_el_input_number = ElInputNumber;
            const _component_el_checkbox = ElCheckbox;
            const _component_el_divider = ElDivider;
            const _component_el_form = ElForm;
            const _component_el_popconfirm = ElPopconfirm;
            const _component_el_dialog = ElDialog;
            return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_dialog, {
              modelValue: show.value,
              "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[23] || (_cache[23] = ($event) => show.value = $event),
              center: true,
              top: "50px"
            }, {
              header: withCtx(({ titleId, titleClass }) => [
                createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
                  createVNode(_component_el_button, {
                    size: "small",
                    onClick: openHelp
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.helpButton")), 1)
                    _: 1
                createBaseVNode("span", {
                  id: titleId,
                  class: normalizeClass([titleClass, "no-sl"])
                }, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.title")), 11, _hoisted_2$1)
              default: withCtx(() => [
                createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3, [
                  createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.asteriskTip")), 1),
                  createVNode(_component_el_form, {
                    "label-width": "auto",
                    "label-position": "left"
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, { label: "Language" }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_select, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).language,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).language = $event)
                          }, {
                            default: withCtx(() => [
                              createVNode(_component_el_option, {
                                label: "English",
                                value: "en"
                              createVNode(_component_el_option, {
                                label: "中文",
                                value: "zh"
                            _: 1
                          }, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        class: "m-b-32",
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.downloadThread")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_slider, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).threadNum,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).threadNum = $event),
                            min: 1,
                            max: 32,
                            marks: threadNumMarks
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        class: "refresh-required",
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.openOnNewTab")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).openOnNewTab,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).openOnNewTab = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.compressionFilename")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_input, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename = $event),
                            placeholder: unref(settingDefinitions).compressionFilename.default,
                            onBlur: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => {
                              if (!unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename) {
                                unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename = unref(settingDefinitions).compressionFilename.default;
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, { label: "└ {{artist}}" }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5, [
                            createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_6, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.maxNumber")), 1),
                            createVNode(_component_el_input_number, {
                              modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).filenameMaxArtistsNumber,
                              "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).filenameMaxArtistsNumber = $event),
                              size: "small",
                              min: 0,
                              "value-on-clear": unref(settingDefinitions).filenameMaxArtistsNumber.default,
                              "step-strictly": true,
                              style: { width: "90px" }
                            }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "value-on-clear"])
                          createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_7, [
                            createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_8, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.separator")), 1),
                            createVNode(_component_el_input, {
                              modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).filenameArtistsSeparator,
                              "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).filenameArtistsSeparator = $event),
                              size: "small",
                              placeholder: unref(settingDefinitions).filenameArtistsSeparator.default,
                              style: { width: "50px" }
                            }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
                        _: 1
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        class: "m-b-32",
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.compressionLevel")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_slider, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).compressionLevel,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).compressionLevel = $event),
                            min: 0,
                            max: 9,
                            marks: compressionLevelMarks
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.filenameLength")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_input_number, {
                            modelValue: unref(filenameLengthNumber),
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => isRef(filenameLengthNumber) ? filenameLengthNumber.value = $event : null),
                            min: 0,
                            "value-on-clear": unref(settingDefinitions).filenameLength.default,
                            "step-strictly": true,
                            disabled: unref(writeableSettings).filenameLength === "auto"
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "value-on-clear", "disabled"]),
                          createVNode(_component_el_checkbox, {
                            modelValue: unref(filenameLengthAuto),
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = ($event) => isRef(filenameLengthAuto) ? filenameLengthAuto.value = $event : null),
                            class: "m-l-16",
                            label: unref(t2)("common.auto")
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "label"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.autoCancelDownloadedManga")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).autoCancelDownloadedManga,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).autoCancelDownloadedManga = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[11] || (_cache[11] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.autoShowAll")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).autoShowAll,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[12] || (_cache[12] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).autoShowAll = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        class: "refresh-required",
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.showIgnoreButton")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).showIgnoreButton,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[13] || (_cache[13] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).showIgnoreButton = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.judgeDownloadedMangaByTitle")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_checkbox, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByEnglish,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[14] || (_cache[14] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByEnglish = $event),
                            label: unref(t2)("common.english")
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "label"]),
                          createVNode(_component_el_checkbox, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByJapanese,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[15] || (_cache[15] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByJapanese = $event),
                            label: unref(t2)("common.japanese")
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "label"]),
                          createVNode(_component_el_checkbox, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByPretty,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[16] || (_cache[16] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).judgeDownloadedByPretty = $event),
                            label: unref(t2)("common.pretty")
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "label"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_divider, null, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.advanceTitle")), 1)
                        _: 1
                      unref(IS_NHENTAI) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_form_item, {
                        key: 0,
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.nHentaiDownloadHost")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_select, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).nHentaiDownloadHost,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[17] || (_cache[17] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).nHentaiDownloadHost = $event),
                            disabled: !!unref(writeableSettings).customDownloadUrl
                          }, {
                            default: withCtx(() => [
                              (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(unref(nHentaiDownloadHosts), (host2) => {
                                return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_option, {
                                  key: host2,
                                  label: host2,
                                  value: host2
                                }, null, 8, ["label", "value"]);
                              }), 128)),
                              createVNode(_component_el_option, {
                                label: unref(t2)("common.random"),
                                value: "random"
                              }, null, 8, ["label"]),
                              createVNode(_component_el_option, {
                                label: unref(t2)("common.balance"),
                                value: "balance"
                              }, null, 8, ["label"])
                            _: 1
                          }, 8, ["modelValue", "disabled"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.customDownloadUrl")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_input, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).customDownloadUrl,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[18] || (_cache[18] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).customDownloadUrl = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.compressionStreamFiles")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).compressionStreamFiles,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[19] || (_cache[19] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).compressionStreamFiles = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.seriesMode")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).seriesMode,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[20] || (_cache[20] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).seriesMode = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      createVNode(_component_el_form_item, {
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.streamDownload")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).streamDownload,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[21] || (_cache[21] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).streamDownload = $event),
                            disabled: unref(DISABLE_STREAM_DOWNLOAD)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "disabled"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"]),
                      unref(IS_NHENTAI) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_el_form_item, {
                        key: 1,
                        class: "refresh-required",
                        label: unref(t2)("setting.preventConsoleClearing")
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createVNode(_component_el_switch, {
                            modelValue: unref(writeableSettings).preventConsoleClearing,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[22] || (_cache[22] = ($event) => unref(writeableSettings).preventConsoleClearing = $event)
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["label"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
                    _: 1
                  createVNode(_component_el_divider, null, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.title")), 1)
                    _: 1
                  createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_9, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.downloadedNumberTip", {
                    num: Number.isNaN(downloadedNum.value) ? downloadedNum.value : unref(n)(downloadedNum.value)
                  })), 1),
                  createVNode(_component_el_button, {
                    type: "primary",
                    icon: unref(download_default),
                    disabled: !downloadedNum.value,
                    loading: exporting.value,
                    onClick: exportHistory
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.export")), 1)
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["icon", "disabled", "loading"]),
                  createVNode(_component_el_button, {
                    type: "primary",
                    icon: unref(upload_default),
                    loading: importing.value,
                    onClick: importHistory
                  }, {
                    default: withCtx(() => [
                      createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.import")), 1)
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["icon", "loading"]),
                  createVNode(_component_el_popconfirm, {
                    title: unref(t2)("setting.history.clearConfirm"),
                    "confirm-button-text": unref(t2)("setting.history.clearConfirmYes"),
                    "cancel-button-text": unref(t2)("setting.history.clearConfirmNo"),
                    placement: "top",
                    onConfirm: clearHistory
                  }, {
                    reference: withCtx(() => [
                      createVNode(_component_el_button, {
                        type: "danger",
                        icon: unref(delete_default),
                        loading: clearing.value
                      }, {
                        default: withCtx(() => [
                          createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.clear")), 1)
                        _: 1
                      }, 8, ["icon", "loading"])
                    _: 1
                  }, 8, ["title", "confirm-button-text", "cancel-button-text"]),
                  createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_10, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("setting.history.importTip")), 1)
              _: 1
            }, 8, ["modelValue"]);
      const SettingsDialog = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f742634d"]]);
      const compileTemplate = (tpl) => template(tpl, { interpolate: /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g });
      const getDownloadExt = () => {
        const ext = last(settings.compressionFilename.split("."));
        if (ext)
          return ext.toLowerCase();
        return "zip";
      const getCompressionOptions = () => {
        return {
          streamFiles: settings.compressionStreamFiles,
          compression: settings.compressionLevel > 0 ? "DEFLATE" : "STORE",
          compressionOptions: { level: settings.compressionLevel }
      const getShowAllBtn = () => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
        const $btn = $("#show-all-images-button");
        if ($btn.length > 0) {
        const container = document.getElementById("thumbnail-container");
        if (!container) {
          reject(new Error("Show all button not found"));
        new MutationObserver((mutations, self2) => {
          mutations.forEach(({ addedNodes }) => {
            const btnContainer = addedNodes[0];
            if ((btnContainer == null ? void 0 : btnContainer.id) === "show-all-images-container") {
        }).observe(container, { childList: true });
      const createMangaDownloadInfo = (gallery2) => ({
        gallery: gallery2,
        done: 0,
        compressing: false,
        compressingPercent: "0",
        error: false
      var noty = { exports: {} };
        @package NOTY - Dependency-free notification library 
        @version version: 3.1.4 
        @contributors https://github.com/needim/noty/graphs/contributors 
        @documentation Examples and Documentation - http://needim.github.com/noty 
        @license Licensed under the MIT licenses: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 
      (function(module2, exports2) {
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                  i: moduleId,
                  l: false,
                  exports: {}
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                    get: getter
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                        return true;
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                    for (key in haystack) {
                      if (haystack.hasOwnProperty(key) && haystack[key] === needle) {
                        return true;
                  return false;
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                          out[key] = obj[key];
                  return out;
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                      return letter.toUpperCase();
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                        return vendorName;
                    return name;
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                    if (args.length === 2) {
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                            applyCss(element, prop, value);
                    } else {
                      applyCss(element, args[1], args[2]);
                function addListener(el, events, cb) {
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                  events = events.split(" ");
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                    if (document.addEventListener) {
                      el.addEventListener(events[i], cb, useCapture);
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                      el.attachEvent("on" + events[i], cb);
                function hasClass2(element, name) {
                  var list = typeof element === "string" ? element : classList(element);
                  return list.indexOf(" " + name + " ") >= 0;
                function addClass2(element, name) {
                  var oldList = classList(element);
                  var newList = oldList + name;
                  if (hasClass2(oldList, name))
                  element.className = newList.substring(1);
                function removeClass2(element, name) {
                  var oldList = classList(element);
                  var newList = void 0;
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                  newList = oldList.replace(" " + name + " ", " ");
                  element.className = newList.substring(1, newList.length - 1);
                function remove2(element) {
                  if (element.parentNode) {
                function classList(element) {
                  return (" " + (element && element.className || "") + " ").replace(/\s+/gi, " ");
                function visibilityChangeFlow() {
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                    }, 100);
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                    }, 100);
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                    audioElement.volume = ref2.options.sounds.volume;
                    if (!ref2.soundPlayed) {
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                    audioElement.onended = function() {
                function getExtension(fileName) {
                  return fileName.match(/\.([^.]+)$/)[1];
              /* 1 */
              function(module3, exports3, __webpack_require__) {
                Object.defineProperty(exports3, "__esModule", {
                  value: true
                exports3.Defaults = exports3.Store = exports3.Queues = exports3.DefaultMaxVisible = exports3.docTitle = exports3.DocModalCount = exports3.PageHidden = void 0;
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                exports3.addToQueue = addToQueue;
                exports3.removeFromQueue = removeFromQueue;
                exports3.queueRender = queueRender;
                exports3.queueRenderAll = queueRenderAll;
                exports3.ghostFix = ghostFix;
                exports3.build = build;
                exports3.hasButtons = hasButtons;
                exports3.handleModal = handleModal;
                exports3.handleModalClose = handleModalClose;
                exports3.queueClose = queueClose;
                exports3.dequeueClose = dequeueClose;
                exports3.fire = fire;
                exports3.openFlow = openFlow;
                exports3.closeFlow = closeFlow;
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                function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                  if (obj && obj.__esModule) {
                    return obj;
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                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null) {
                      for (var key in obj) {
                        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key))
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                  changed: false,
                  timer: -1
                var docTitle = exports3.docTitle = {
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                  decrement: function decrement() {
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                      DocTitleProps.count = 0;
                      document.title = DocTitleProps.originalTitle;
                      DocTitleProps.changed = false;
                var DefaultMaxVisible = exports3.DefaultMaxVisible = 5;
                var Queues = exports3.Queues = {
                  global: {
                    maxVisible: DefaultMaxVisible,
                    queue: []
                var Store = exports3.Store = {};
                exports3.Defaults = {
                  type: "alert",
                  layout: "topRight",
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                  text: "",
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                  progressBar: true,
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                    onTemplate: null
                  sounds: {
                    sources: [],
                    volume: 1,
                    conditions: []
                  titleCount: {
                    conditions: []
                  modal: false,
                  visibilityControl: false
                   * @param {string} queueName
                   * @return {object}
                function getQueueCounts() {
                  var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "global";
                  var count = 0;
                  var max = DefaultMaxVisible;
                  if (Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName)) {
                    max = Queues[queueName].maxVisible;
                    Object.keys(Store).forEach(function(i) {
                      if (Store[i].options.queue === queueName && !Store[i].closed)
                  return {
                    current: count,
                    maxVisible: max
                function addToQueue(ref2) {
                  if (!Queues.hasOwnProperty(ref2.options.queue)) {
                    Queues[ref2.options.queue] = { maxVisible: DefaultMaxVisible, queue: [] };
                function removeFromQueue(ref2) {
                  if (Queues.hasOwnProperty(ref2.options.queue)) {
                    var queue2 = [];
                    Object.keys(Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue).forEach(function(i) {
                      if (Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue[i].id !== ref2.id) {
                    Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue = queue2;
                function queueRender() {
                  var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "global";
                  if (Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName)) {
                    var noty2 = Queues[queueName].queue.shift();
                    if (noty2)
                function queueRenderAll() {
                  Object.keys(Queues).forEach(function(queueName) {
                function ghostFix(ref2) {
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                    height: Utils.outerHeight(ref2.barDom) + "px"
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                function build(ref2) {
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                  return "";
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                function queueClose(ref2) {
                  if (ref2.options.timeout) {
                    if (ref2.options.progressBar && ref2.progressDom) {
                      Utils.css(ref2.progressDom, {
                        transition: "width " + ref2.options.timeout + "ms linear",
                        width: "0%"
                    ref2.closeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, ref2.options.timeout);
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                  if (ref2.options.timeout && ref2.closeTimer) {
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                    if (ref2.options.progressBar && ref2.progressDom) {
                      Utils.css(ref2.progressDom, {
                        transition: "width 0ms linear",
                        width: "100%"
                function fire(ref2, eventName) {
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                      if (typeof cb === "function") {
                function openFlow(ref2) {
                  fire(ref2, "afterShow");
                  Utils.addListener(ref2.barDom, "mouseenter", function() {
                  Utils.addListener(ref2.barDom, "mouseleave", function() {
                function closeFlow(ref2) {
                  delete Store[ref2.id];
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                  fire(ref2, "afterClose");
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              /* 2 */
              function(module3, exports3, __webpack_require__) {
                Object.defineProperty(exports3, "__esModule", {
                  value: true
                exports3.NotyButton = void 0;
                var _utils = __webpack_require__(0);
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                function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                  if (obj && obj.__esModule) {
                    return obj;
                  } else {
                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null) {
                      for (var key in obj) {
                        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key))
                          newObj[key] = obj[key];
                    newObj.default = obj;
                    return newObj;
                function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
                    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                exports3.NotyButton = function NotyButton(html2, classes, cb) {
                  var _this = this;
                  var attributes = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
                  _classCallCheck(this, NotyButton);
                  this.dom = document.createElement("button");
                  this.dom.innerHTML = html2;
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                  this.cb = cb;
                  Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function(propertyName) {
                    _this.dom.setAttribute(propertyName, attributes[propertyName]);
                  Utils.addClass(this.dom, classes || "noty_btn");
                  return this;
              /* 3 */
              function(module3, exports3, __webpack_require__) {
                Object.defineProperty(exports3, "__esModule", {
                  value: true
                var _createClass = function() {
                  function defineProperties(target, props) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                      var descriptor = props[i];
                      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
                      descriptor.configurable = true;
                      if ("value" in descriptor)
                        descriptor.writable = true;
                      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
                  return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
                    if (protoProps)
                      defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
                    if (staticProps)
                      defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
                    return Constructor;
                function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
                    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                exports3.Push = function() {
                  function Push() {
                    var workerPath = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "/service-worker.js";
                    _classCallCheck(this, Push);
                    this.subData = {};
                    this.workerPath = workerPath;
                    this.listeners = {
                      onPermissionGranted: [],
                      onPermissionDenied: [],
                      onSubscriptionSuccess: [],
                      onSubscriptionCancel: [],
                      onWorkerError: [],
                      onWorkerSuccess: [],
                      onWorkerNotSupported: []
                    return this;
                  _createClass(Push, [{
                    key: "on",
                    value: function on2(eventName) {
                      var cb = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : function() {
                      if (typeof cb === "function" && this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
                      return this;
                  }, {
                    key: "fire",
                    value: function fire(eventName) {
                      var _this = this;
                      var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : [];
                      if (this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
                        this.listeners[eventName].forEach(function(cb) {
                          if (typeof cb === "function") {
                            cb.apply(_this, params);
                  }, {
                    key: "create",
                    value: function create() {
                      console.log("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET");
                     * @return {boolean}
                  }, {
                    key: "isSupported",
                    value: function isSupported() {
                      var result = false;
                      try {
                        result = window.Notification || window.webkitNotifications || navigator.mozNotification || window.external && window.external.msIsSiteMode() !== void 0;
                      } catch (e) {
                      return result;
                     * @return {string}
                  }, {
                    key: "getPermissionStatus",
                    value: function getPermissionStatus() {
                      var perm = "default";
                      if (window.Notification && window.Notification.permissionLevel) {
                        perm = window.Notification.permissionLevel;
                      } else if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission) {
                        switch (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission()) {
                          case 1:
                            perm = "default";
                          case 0:
                            perm = "granted";
                            perm = "denied";
                      } else if (window.Notification && window.Notification.permission) {
                        perm = window.Notification.permission;
                      } else if (navigator.mozNotification) {
                        perm = "granted";
                      } else if (window.external && window.external.msIsSiteMode() !== void 0) {
                        perm = window.external.msIsSiteMode() ? "granted" : "default";
                      return perm.toString().toLowerCase();
                     * @return {string}
                  }, {
                    key: "getEndpoint",
                    value: function getEndpoint(subscription) {
                      var endpoint = subscription.endpoint;
                      var subscriptionId = subscription.subscriptionId;
                      if (subscriptionId && endpoint.indexOf(subscriptionId) === -1) {
                        endpoint += "/" + subscriptionId;
                      return endpoint;
                     * @return {boolean}
                  }, {
                    key: "isSWRegistered",
                    value: function isSWRegistered() {
                      try {
                        return navigator.serviceWorker.controller.state === "activated";
                      } catch (e) {
                        return false;
                     * @return {void}
                  }, {
                    key: "unregisterWorker",
                    value: function unregisterWorker() {
                      var self2 = this;
                      if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
                        navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) {
                          var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
                          var _didIteratorError = false;
                          var _iteratorError = void 0;
                          try {
                            for (var _iterator = registrations[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
                              var registration = _step.value;
                          } catch (err) {
                            _didIteratorError = true;
                            _iteratorError = err;
                          } finally {
                            try {
                              if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
                            } finally {
                              if (_didIteratorError) {
                                throw _iteratorError;
                     * @return {void}
                  }, {
                    key: "requestSubscription",
                    value: function requestSubscription() {
                      var _this2 = this;
                      var userVisibleOnly = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : true;
                      var self2 = this;
                      var current = this.getPermissionStatus();
                      var cb = function cb2(result) {
                        if (result === "granted") {
                          if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
                            navigator.serviceWorker.register(_this2.workerPath).then(function() {
                              navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) {
                                }).then(function(subscription) {
                                  var key = subscription.getKey("p256dh");
                                  var token = subscription.getKey("auth");
                                  self2.subData = {
                                    endpoint: self2.getEndpoint(subscription),
                                    p256dh: key ? window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(key))) : null,
                                    auth: token ? window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(token))) : null
                                  self2.fire("onSubscriptionSuccess", [self2.subData]);
                                }).catch(function(err) {
                                  self2.fire("onWorkerError", [err]);
                          } else {
                        } else if (result === "denied") {
                      if (current === "default") {
                        if (window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission) {
                        } else if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission) {
                      } else {
                  return Push;
              /* 4 */
              function(module3, exports3, __webpack_require__) {
                (function(process2, global2) {
                  var require2;
                  * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
                  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
                  * @license   Licensed under MIT license
                  *            See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stefanpenner/es6-promise/master/LICENSE
                  * @version   4.1.1
                  (function(global3, factory) {
                    module3.exports = factory();
                  })(this, function() {
                    function objectOrFunction(x) {
                      var type2 = typeof x;
                      return x !== null && (type2 === "object" || type2 === "function");
                    function isFunction2(x) {
                      return typeof x === "function";
                    var _isArray = void 0;
                    if (Array.isArray) {
                      _isArray = Array.isArray;
                    } else {
                      _isArray = function(x) {
                        return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Array]";
                    var isArray2 = _isArray;
                    var len = 0;
                    var vertxNext = void 0;
                    var customSchedulerFn = void 0;
                    var asap = function asap2(callback, arg) {
                      queue2[len] = callback;
                      queue2[len + 1] = arg;
                      len += 2;
                      if (len === 2) {
                        if (customSchedulerFn) {
                        } else {
                    function setScheduler(scheduleFn) {
                      customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn;
                    function setAsap(asapFn) {
                      asap = asapFn;
                    var browserWindow = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : void 0;
                    var browserGlobal = browserWindow || {};
                    var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;
                    var isNode = typeof self === "undefined" && typeof process2 !== "undefined" && {}.toString.call(process2) === "[object process]";
                    var isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== "undefined" && typeof importScripts !== "undefined" && typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined";
                    function useNextTick() {
                      return function() {
                        return process2.nextTick(flush);
                    function useVertxTimer() {
                      if (typeof vertxNext !== "undefined") {
                        return function() {
                      return useSetTimeout();
                    function useMutationObserver() {
                      var iterations = 0;
                      var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush);
                      var node = document.createTextNode("");
                      observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });
                      return function() {
                        node.data = iterations = ++iterations % 2;
                    function useMessageChannel() {
                      var channel = new MessageChannel();
                      channel.port1.onmessage = flush;
                      return function() {
                        return channel.port2.postMessage(0);
                    function useSetTimeout() {
                      var globalSetTimeout = setTimeout;
                      return function() {
                        return globalSetTimeout(flush, 1);
                    var queue2 = new Array(1e3);
                    function flush() {
                      for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
                        var callback = queue2[i];
                        var arg = queue2[i + 1];
                        queue2[i] = void 0;
                        queue2[i + 1] = void 0;
                      len = 0;
                    function attemptVertx() {
                      try {
                        var r = require2;
                        var vertx = __webpack_require__(9);
                        vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;
                        return useVertxTimer();
                      } catch (e) {
                        return useSetTimeout();
                    var scheduleFlush = void 0;
                    if (isNode) {
                      scheduleFlush = useNextTick();
                    } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) {
                      scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver();
                    } else if (isWorker) {
                      scheduleFlush = useMessageChannel();
                    } else if (browserWindow === void 0 && true) {
                      scheduleFlush = attemptVertx();
                    } else {
                      scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();
                    function then(onFulfillment, onRejection) {
                      var _arguments = arguments;
                      var parent = this;
                      var child = new this.constructor(noop2);
                      if (child[PROMISE_ID] === void 0) {
                      var _state = parent._state;
                      if (_state) {
                        (function() {
                          var callback = _arguments[_state - 1];
                          asap(function() {
                            return invokeCallback(_state, child, callback, parent._result);
                      } else {
                        subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection);
                      return child;
                    function resolve$1(object2) {
                      var Constructor = this;
                      if (object2 && typeof object2 === "object" && object2.constructor === Constructor) {
                        return object2;
                      var promise = new Constructor(noop2);
                      resolve2(promise, object2);
                      return promise;
                    var PROMISE_ID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(16);
                    function noop2() {
                    var PENDING = void 0;
                    var FULFILLED = 1;
                    var REJECTED = 2;
                    var GET_THEN_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
                    function selfFulfillment() {
                      return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself");
                    function cannotReturnOwn() {
                      return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");
                    function getThen(promise) {
                      try {
                        return promise.then;
                      } catch (error) {
                        GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error;
                        return GET_THEN_ERROR;
                    function tryThen(then$$1, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
                      try {
                        then$$1.call(value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
                      } catch (e) {
                        return e;
                    function handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then$$1) {
                      asap(function(promise2) {
                        var sealed = false;
                        var error = tryThen(then$$1, thenable, function(value) {
                          if (sealed) {
                          sealed = true;
                          if (thenable !== value) {
                            resolve2(promise2, value);
                          } else {
                            fulfill(promise2, value);
                        }, function(reason) {
                          if (sealed) {
                          sealed = true;
                          reject(promise2, reason);
                        }, "Settle: " + (promise2._label || " unknown promise"));
                        if (!sealed && error) {
                          sealed = true;
                          reject(promise2, error);
                      }, promise);
                    function handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {
                      if (thenable._state === FULFILLED) {
                        fulfill(promise, thenable._result);
                      } else if (thenable._state === REJECTED) {
                        reject(promise, thenable._result);
                      } else {
                        subscribe(thenable, void 0, function(value) {
                          return resolve2(promise, value);
                        }, function(reason) {
                          return reject(promise, reason);
                    function handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1) {
                      if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor && then$$1 === then && maybeThenable.constructor.resolve === resolve$1) {
                        handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable);
                      } else {
                        if (then$$1 === GET_THEN_ERROR) {
                          reject(promise, GET_THEN_ERROR.error);
                          GET_THEN_ERROR.error = null;
                        } else if (then$$1 === void 0) {
                          fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
                        } else if (isFunction2(then$$1)) {
                          handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1);
                        } else {
                          fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
                    function resolve2(promise, value) {
                      if (promise === value) {
                        reject(promise, selfFulfillment());
                      } else if (objectOrFunction(value)) {
                        handleMaybeThenable(promise, value, getThen(value));
                      } else {
                        fulfill(promise, value);
                    function publishRejection(promise) {
                      if (promise._onerror) {
                    function fulfill(promise, value) {
                      if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
                      promise._result = value;
                      promise._state = FULFILLED;
                      if (promise._subscribers.length !== 0) {
                        asap(publish, promise);
                    function reject(promise, reason) {
                      if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
                      promise._state = REJECTED;
                      promise._result = reason;
                      asap(publishRejection, promise);
                    function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
                      var _subscribers = parent._subscribers;
                      var length = _subscribers.length;
                      parent._onerror = null;
                      _subscribers[length] = child;
                      _subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
                      _subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection;
                      if (length === 0 && parent._state) {
                        asap(publish, parent);
                    function publish(promise) {
                      var subscribers = promise._subscribers;
                      var settled = promise._state;
                      if (subscribers.length === 0) {
                      var child = void 0, callback = void 0, detail = promise._result;
                      for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
                        child = subscribers[i];
                        callback = subscribers[i + settled];
                        if (child) {
                          invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);
                        } else {
                      promise._subscribers.length = 0;
                    function ErrorObject() {
                      this.error = null;
                    var TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
                    function tryCatch(callback, detail) {
                      try {
                        return callback(detail);
                      } catch (e) {
                        TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e;
                        return TRY_CATCH_ERROR;
                    function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
                      var hasCallback = isFunction2(callback), value = void 0, error = void 0, succeeded = void 0, failed = void 0;
                      if (hasCallback) {
                        value = tryCatch(callback, detail);
                        if (value === TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {
                          failed = true;
                          error = value.error;
                          value.error = null;
                        } else {
                          succeeded = true;
                        if (promise === value) {
                          reject(promise, cannotReturnOwn());
                      } else {
                        value = detail;
                        succeeded = true;
                      if (promise._state !== PENDING)
                      else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
                        resolve2(promise, value);
                      } else if (failed) {
                        reject(promise, error);
                      } else if (settled === FULFILLED) {
                        fulfill(promise, value);
                      } else if (settled === REJECTED) {
                        reject(promise, value);
                    function initializePromise(promise, resolver) {
                      try {
                        resolver(function resolvePromise(value) {
                          resolve2(promise, value);
                        }, function rejectPromise(reason) {
                          reject(promise, reason);
                      } catch (e) {
                        reject(promise, e);
                    var id = 0;
                    function nextId() {
                      return id++;
                    function makePromise(promise) {
                      promise[PROMISE_ID] = id++;
                      promise._state = void 0;
                      promise._result = void 0;
                      promise._subscribers = [];
                    function Enumerator$1(Constructor, input) {
                      this._instanceConstructor = Constructor;
                      this.promise = new Constructor(noop2);
                      if (!this.promise[PROMISE_ID]) {
                      if (isArray2(input)) {
                        this.length = input.length;
                        this._remaining = input.length;
                        this._result = new Array(this.length);
                        if (this.length === 0) {
                          fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
                        } else {
                          this.length = this.length || 0;
                          if (this._remaining === 0) {
                            fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
                      } else {
                        reject(this.promise, validationError());
                    function validationError() {
                      return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array");
                    Enumerator$1.prototype._enumerate = function(input) {
                      for (var i = 0; this._state === PENDING && i < input.length; i++) {
                        this._eachEntry(input[i], i);
                    Enumerator$1.prototype._eachEntry = function(entry, i) {
                      var c = this._instanceConstructor;
                      var resolve$$1 = c.resolve;
                      if (resolve$$1 === resolve$1) {
                        var _then = getThen(entry);
                        if (_then === then && entry._state !== PENDING) {
                          this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);
                        } else if (typeof _then !== "function") {
                          this._result[i] = entry;
                        } else if (c === Promise$22) {
                          var promise = new c(noop2);
                          handleMaybeThenable(promise, entry, _then);
                          this._willSettleAt(promise, i);
                        } else {
                          this._willSettleAt(new c(function(resolve$$12) {
                            return resolve$$12(entry);
                          }), i);
                      } else {
                        this._willSettleAt(resolve$$1(entry), i);
                    Enumerator$1.prototype._settledAt = function(state, i, value) {
                      var promise = this.promise;
                      if (promise._state === PENDING) {
                        if (state === REJECTED) {
                          reject(promise, value);
                        } else {
                          this._result[i] = value;
                      if (this._remaining === 0) {
                        fulfill(promise, this._result);
                    Enumerator$1.prototype._willSettleAt = function(promise, i) {
                      var enumerator = this;
                      subscribe(promise, void 0, function(value) {
                        return enumerator._settledAt(FULFILLED, i, value);
                      }, function(reason) {
                        return enumerator._settledAt(REJECTED, i, reason);
                    function all$1(entries) {
                      return new Enumerator$1(this, entries).promise;
                    function race$1(entries) {
                      var Constructor = this;
                      if (!isArray2(entries)) {
                        return new Constructor(function(_, reject2) {
                          return reject2(new TypeError("You must pass an array to race."));
                      } else {
                        return new Constructor(function(resolve3, reject2) {
                          var length = entries.length;
                          for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            Constructor.resolve(entries[i]).then(resolve3, reject2);
                    function reject$1(reason) {
                      var Constructor = this;
                      var promise = new Constructor(noop2);
                      reject(promise, reason);
                      return promise;
                    function needsResolver() {
                      throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor");
                    function needsNew() {
                      throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
                    function Promise$22(resolver) {
                      this[PROMISE_ID] = nextId();
                      this._result = this._state = void 0;
                      this._subscribers = [];
                      if (noop2 !== resolver) {
                        typeof resolver !== "function" && needsResolver();
                        this instanceof Promise$22 ? initializePromise(this, resolver) : needsNew();
                    Promise$22.all = all$1;
                    Promise$22.race = race$1;
                    Promise$22.resolve = resolve$1;
                    Promise$22.reject = reject$1;
                    Promise$22._setScheduler = setScheduler;
                    Promise$22._setAsap = setAsap;
                    Promise$22._asap = asap;
                    Promise$22.prototype = {
                      constructor: Promise$22,
                        The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,
                        which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the
                        reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
                          // user is available
                        }, function(reason){
                          // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why
                        The return value of `then` is itself a promise.  This second, 'downstream'
                        promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment
                        or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.
                        findUser().then(function (user) {
                          return user.name;
                        }, function (reason) {
                          return 'default name';
                        }).then(function (userName) {
                          // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it
                          // will be `'default name'`
                        findUser().then(function (user) {
                          throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');
                        }, function (reason) {
                          throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');
                        }).then(function (value) {
                          // never reached
                        }, function (reason) {
                          // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.
                          // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.
                        If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.
                        findUser().then(function (user) {
                          throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');
                        }).then(function (value) {
                          // never reached
                        }).then(function (value) {
                          // never reached
                        }, function (reason) {
                          // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here
                        Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be
                        retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the
                        fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending
                        until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.
                        findUser().then(function (user) {
                          return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
                        }).then(function (comments) {
                          // The user's comments are now available
                        If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.
                        findUser().then(function (user) {
                          return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
                        }).then(function (comments) {
                          // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here
                        }, function (reason) {
                          // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here
                        Simple Example
                        Synchronous Example
                        let result;
                        try {
                          result = findResult();
                          // success
                        } catch(reason) {
                          // failure
                        Errback Example
                        findResult(function(result, err){
                          if (err) {
                            // failure
                          } else {
                            // success
                        Promise Example;
                          // success
                        }, function(reason){
                          // failure
                        Advanced Example
                        Synchronous Example
                        let author, books;
                        try {
                          author = findAuthor();
                          books  = findBooksByAuthor(author);
                          // success
                        } catch(reason) {
                          // failure
                        Errback Example
                        function foundBooks(books) {
                        function failure(reason) {
                        findAuthor(function(author, err){
                          if (err) {
                            // failure
                          } else {
                            try {
                              findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {
                                if (err) {
                                } else {
                                  try {
                                  } catch(reason) {
                            } catch(error) {
                            // success
                        Promise Example;
                            // found books
                          // something went wrong
                        @method then
                        @param {Function} onFulfilled
                        @param {Function} onRejected
                        Useful for tooling.
                        @return {Promise}
                        `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same
                        as the catch block of a try/catch statement.
                        function findAuthor(){
                          throw new Error('couldn't find that author');
                        // synchronous
                        try {
                        } catch(reason) {
                          // something went wrong
                        // async with promises
                          // something went wrong
                        @method catch
                        @param {Function} onRejection
                        Useful for tooling.
                        @return {Promise}
                      "catch": function _catch(onRejection) {
                        return this.then(null, onRejection);
                    function polyfill$1() {
                      var local = void 0;
                      if (typeof global2 !== "undefined") {
                        local = global2;
                      } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
                        local = self;
                      } else {
                        try {
                          local = Function("return this")();
                        } catch (e) {
                          throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment");
                      var P2 = local.Promise;
                      if (P2) {
                        var promiseToString = null;
                        try {
                          promiseToString = Object.prototype.toString.call(P2.resolve());
                        } catch (e) {
                        if (promiseToString === "[object Promise]" && !P2.cast) {
                      local.Promise = Promise$22;
                    Promise$22.polyfill = polyfill$1;
                    Promise$22.Promise = Promise$22;
                    return Promise$22;
                }).call(exports3, __webpack_require__(7), __webpack_require__(8));
              /* 5 */
              function(module3, exports3) {
              /* 6 */
              function(module3, exports3, __webpack_require__) {
                Object.defineProperty(exports3, "__esModule", {
                  value: true
                var _createClass = function() {
                  function defineProperties(target, props) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                      var descriptor = props[i];
                      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
                      descriptor.configurable = true;
                      if ("value" in descriptor)
                        descriptor.writable = true;
                      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
                  return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
                    if (protoProps)
                      defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
                    if (staticProps)
                      defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
                    return Constructor;
                var _es6Promise = __webpack_require__(4);
                var _es6Promise2 = _interopRequireDefault(_es6Promise);
                var _utils = __webpack_require__(0);
                var Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);
                var _api = __webpack_require__(1);
                var API = _interopRequireWildcard(_api);
                var _button = __webpack_require__(2);
                var _push = __webpack_require__(3);
                function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                  if (obj && obj.__esModule) {
                    return obj;
                  } else {
                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null) {
                      for (var key in obj) {
                        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key))
                          newObj[key] = obj[key];
                    newObj.default = obj;
                    return newObj;
                function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
                  return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
                function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
                    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                var Noty2 = function() {
                  function Noty3() {
                    var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
                    _classCallCheck(this, Noty3);
                    this.options = Utils.deepExtend({}, API.Defaults, options);
                    this.id = this.options.id || Utils.generateID("bar");
                    this.closeTimer = -1;
                    this.barDom = null;
                    this.layoutDom = null;
                    this.progressDom = null;
                    this.showing = false;
                    this.shown = false;
                    this.closed = false;
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                    this.killable = this.options.timeout || this.options.closeWith.length > 0;
                    this.hasSound = this.options.sounds.sources.length > 0;
                    this.soundPlayed = false;
                    this.listeners = {
                      beforeShow: [],
                      onShow: [],
                      afterShow: [],
                      onClose: [],
                      afterClose: [],
                      onClick: [],
                      onHover: [],
                      onTemplate: []
                    this.promises = {
                      show: null,
                      close: null
                    this.on("beforeShow", this.options.callbacks.beforeShow);
                    this.on("onShow", this.options.callbacks.onShow);
                    this.on("afterShow", this.options.callbacks.afterShow);
                    this.on("onClose", this.options.callbacks.onClose);
                    this.on("afterClose", this.options.callbacks.afterClose);
                    this.on("onClick", this.options.callbacks.onClick);
                    this.on("onHover", this.options.callbacks.onHover);
                    this.on("onTemplate", this.options.callbacks.onTemplate);
                    return this;
                  _createClass(Noty3, [{
                    key: "on",
                    value: function on2(eventName) {
                      var cb = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : function() {
                      if (typeof cb === "function" && this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
                      return this;
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "show",
                    value: function show() {
                      var _this = this;
                      if (this.options.killer === true) {
                      } else if (typeof this.options.killer === "string") {
                      var queueCounts = API.getQueueCounts(this.options.queue);
                      if (queueCounts.current >= queueCounts.maxVisible || API.PageHidden && this.options.visibilityControl) {
                        if (API.PageHidden && this.hasSound && Utils.inArray("docHidden", this.options.sounds.conditions)) {
                        if (API.PageHidden && Utils.inArray("docHidden", this.options.titleCount.conditions)) {
                        return this;
                      API.Store[this.id] = this;
                      API.fire(this, "beforeShow");
                      this.showing = true;
                      if (this.closing) {
                        this.showing = false;
                        return this;
                      if (this.options.force) {
                        this.layoutDom.insertBefore(this.barDom, this.layoutDom.firstChild);
                      } else {
                      if (this.hasSound && !this.soundPlayed && Utils.inArray("docVisible", this.options.sounds.conditions)) {
                      if (Utils.inArray("docVisible", this.options.titleCount.conditions)) {
                      this.shown = true;
                      this.closed = false;
                      if (API.hasButtons(this)) {
                        Object.keys(this.options.buttons).forEach(function(key) {
                          var btn = _this.barDom.querySelector("#" + _this.options.buttons[key].id);
                          Utils.addListener(btn, "click", function(e) {
                      this.progressDom = this.barDom.querySelector(".noty_progressbar");
                      if (Utils.inArray("click", this.options.closeWith)) {
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_close_with_click");
                        Utils.addListener(this.barDom, "click", function(e) {
                          API.fire(_this, "onClick");
                        }, false);
                      Utils.addListener(this.barDom, "mouseenter", function() {
                        API.fire(_this, "onHover");
                      }, false);
                      if (this.options.timeout)
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout");
                      if (this.options.progressBar) {
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_progressbar");
                      if (Utils.inArray("button", this.options.closeWith)) {
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_close_with_button");
                        var closeButton = document.createElement("div");
                        Utils.addClass(closeButton, "noty_close_button");
                        closeButton.innerHTML = "×";
                        Utils.addListener(closeButton, "click", function(e) {
                        }, false);
                      API.fire(this, "onShow");
                      if (this.options.animation.open === null) {
                        this.promises.show = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve2) {
                      } else if (typeof this.options.animation.open === "function") {
                        this.promises.show = new _es6Promise2.default(this.options.animation.open.bind(this));
                      } else {
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, this.options.animation.open);
                        this.promises.show = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve2) {
                          Utils.addListener(_this.barDom, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
                            Utils.removeClass(_this.barDom, _this.options.animation.open);
                      this.promises.show.then(function() {
                        var _t2 = _this;
                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 100);
                      return this;
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "stop",
                    value: function stop() {
                      return this;
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "resume",
                    value: function resume() {
                      return this;
                     * @param {int|boolean} ms
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "setTimeout",
                    value: function(_setTimeout) {
                      function setTimeout2(_x) {
                        return _setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
                      setTimeout2.toString = function() {
                        return _setTimeout.toString();
                      return setTimeout2;
                    }(function(ms) {
                      this.options.timeout = ms;
                      if (this.barDom) {
                        if (this.options.timeout) {
                          Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout");
                        } else {
                          Utils.removeClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout");
                        var _t2 = this;
                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 100);
                      return this;
                     * @param {string} html
                     * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "setText",
                    value: function setText(html2) {
                      var optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false;
                      if (this.barDom) {
                        this.barDom.querySelector(".noty_body").innerHTML = html2;
                      if (optionsOverride)
                        this.options.text = html2;
                      return this;
                     * @param {string} type
                     * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "setType",
                    value: function setType(type2) {
                      var _this2 = this;
                      var optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false;
                      if (this.barDom) {
                        var classList = Utils.classList(this.barDom).split(" ");
                        classList.forEach(function(c) {
                          if (c.substring(0, 11) === "noty_type__") {
                            Utils.removeClass(_this2.barDom, c);
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_type__" + type2);
                      if (optionsOverride)
                        this.options.type = type2;
                      return this;
                     * @param {string} theme
                     * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "setTheme",
                    value: function setTheme(theme) {
                      var _this3 = this;
                      var optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : false;
                      if (this.barDom) {
                        var classList = Utils.classList(this.barDom).split(" ");
                        classList.forEach(function(c) {
                          if (c.substring(0, 12) === "noty_theme__") {
                            Utils.removeClass(_this3.barDom, c);
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_theme__" + theme);
                      if (optionsOverride)
                        this.options.theme = theme;
                      return this;
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "close",
                    value: function close() {
                      var _this4 = this;
                      if (this.closed)
                        return this;
                      if (!this.shown) {
                        return this;
                      API.fire(this, "onClose");
                      this.closing = true;
                      if (this.options.animation.close === null) {
                        this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve2) {
                      } else if (typeof this.options.animation.close === "function") {
                        this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(this.options.animation.close.bind(this));
                      } else {
                        Utils.addClass(this.barDom, this.options.animation.close);
                        this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve2) {
                          Utils.addListener(_this4.barDom, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
                            if (_this4.options.force) {
                            } else {
                      this.promises.close.then(function() {
                      this.closed = true;
                      return this;
                    // API functions
                     * @param {boolean|string} queueName
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }], [{
                    key: "closeAll",
                    value: function closeAll2() {
                      var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : false;
                      Object.keys(API.Store).forEach(function(id) {
                        if (queueName) {
                          if (API.Store[id].options.queue === queueName && API.Store[id].killable) {
                        } else if (API.Store[id].killable) {
                      return this;
                     * @param {Object} obj
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "overrideDefaults",
                    value: function overrideDefaults(obj) {
                      API.Defaults = Utils.deepExtend({}, API.Defaults, obj);
                      return this;
                     * @param {int} amount
                     * @param {string} queueName
                     * @return {Noty}
                  }, {
                    key: "setMaxVisible",
                    value: function setMaxVisible() {
                      var amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : API.DefaultMaxVisible;
                      var queueName = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "global";
                      if (!API.Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName)) {
                        API.Queues[queueName] = { maxVisible: amount, queue: [] };
                      API.Queues[queueName].maxVisible = amount;
                      return this;
                     * @param {string} innerHtml
                     * @param {String} classes
                     * @param {Function} cb
                     * @param {Object} attributes
                     * @return {NotyButton}
                  }, {
                    key: "button",
                    value: function button(innerHtml) {
                      var classes = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : null;
                      var cb = arguments[2];
                      var attributes = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
                      return new _button.NotyButton(innerHtml, classes, cb, attributes);
                     * @return {string}
                  }, {
                    key: "version",
                    value: function version2() {
                      return "3.1.4";
                     * @param {String} workerPath
                     * @return {Push}
                  }, {
                    key: "Push",
                    value: function Push(workerPath) {
                      return new _push.Push(workerPath);
                  return Noty3;
                exports3.default = Noty2;
                module3.exports = exports3["default"];
              /* 7 */
              function(module3, exports3) {
                var process2 = module3.exports = {};
                var cachedSetTimeout;
                var cachedClearTimeout;
                function defaultSetTimout() {
                  throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
                function defaultClearTimeout() {
                  throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
                (function() {
                  try {
                    if (typeof setTimeout === "function") {
                      cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
                    } else {
                      cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
                  } catch (e) {
                    cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
                  try {
                    if (typeof clearTimeout === "function") {
                      cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
                    } else {
                      cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
                  } catch (e) {
                    cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
                function runTimeout(fun) {
                  if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
                    return setTimeout(fun, 0);
                  if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
                    cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
                    return setTimeout(fun, 0);
                  try {
                    return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
                  } catch (e) {
                    try {
                      return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);
                    } catch (e2) {
                      return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);
                function runClearTimeout(marker) {
                  if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
                    return clearTimeout(marker);
                  if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
                    cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
                    return clearTimeout(marker);
                  try {
                    return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
                  } catch (e) {
                    try {
                      return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);
                    } catch (e2) {
                      return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);
                var queue2 = [];
                var draining = false;
                var currentQueue;
                var queueIndex = -1;
                function cleanUpNextTick() {
                  if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
                  draining = false;
                  if (currentQueue.length) {
                    queue2 = currentQueue.concat(queue2);
                  } else {
                    queueIndex = -1;
                  if (queue2.length) {
                function drainQueue() {
                  if (draining) {
                  var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
                  draining = true;
                  var len = queue2.length;
                  while (len) {
                    currentQueue = queue2;
                    queue2 = [];
                    while (++queueIndex < len) {
                      if (currentQueue) {
                    queueIndex = -1;
                    len = queue2.length;
                  currentQueue = null;
                  draining = false;
                process2.nextTick = function(fun) {
                  var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
                  if (arguments.length > 1) {
                    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                      args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
                  queue2.push(new Item(fun, args));
                  if (queue2.length === 1 && !draining) {
                function Item(fun, array2) {
                  this.fun = fun;
                  this.array = array2;
                Item.prototype.run = function() {
                  this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
                process2.title = "browser";
                process2.browser = true;
                process2.env = {};
                process2.argv = [];
                process2.version = "";
                process2.versions = {};
                function noop2() {
                process2.on = noop2;
                process2.addListener = noop2;
                process2.once = noop2;
                process2.off = noop2;
                process2.removeListener = noop2;
                process2.removeAllListeners = noop2;
                process2.emit = noop2;
                process2.prependListener = noop2;
                process2.prependOnceListener = noop2;
                process2.listeners = function(name) {
                  return [];
                process2.binding = function(name) {
                  throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
                process2.cwd = function() {
                  return "/";
                process2.chdir = function(dir) {
                  throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
                process2.umask = function() {
                  return 0;
              /* 8 */
              function(module3, exports3) {
                var g;
                g = function() {
                  return this;
                try {
                  g = g || Function("return this")() || (1, eval)("this");
                } catch (e) {
                  if (typeof window === "object")
                    g = window;
                module3.exports = g;
              /* 9 */
              function(module3, exports3) {
      var notyExports = noty.exports;
      const Noty = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(notyExports);
      var ErrorAction = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ErrorAction2) => {
        ErrorAction2["GET_INFO"] = "getInfo";
        ErrorAction2["DOWNLOAD"] = "download";
        return ErrorAction2;
      })(ErrorAction || {});
      const en = {
        common: {
          settings: "Settings",
          auto: "Auto",
          english: "English",
          japanese: "Japanese",
          chinese: "Chinese",
          pretty: "Pretty",
          filter: "Filter",
          none: "None",
          random: "Random",
          balance: "Balance"
        setting: {
          title: "@:common.settings",
          advanceTitle: "Advance Settings",
          helpButton: "Help",
          asteriskTip: "means refresh is required to take effect",
          downloadThread: "Download thread",
          openOnNewTab: "Open on new tab",
          compressionFilename: "Compression filename",
          maxNumber: "Max number",
          separator: "Separator",
          compressionLevel: "Compression level",
          filenameLength: "Filename length",
          autoCancelDownloadedManga: "Auto cancel downloaded manga",
          autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: "Auto retry when error occurs",
          autoShowAll: "Auto show all",
          showIgnoreButton: 'Show "Ignore" button',
          judgeDownloadedMangaByTitle: "Judge downloaded manga by title",
          customDownloadUrl: "Custom download URL",
          compressionStreamFiles: 'Compression "streamFiles"',
          seriesMode: "Series mode",
          streamDownload: "Stream download",
          preventConsoleClearing: "Prevent console clearing",
          nHentaiDownloadHost: "nHentai download host",
          history: {
            title: "Download History",
            downloadedNumberTip: "You have downloaded {num} manga on this site using nHentai Helper.",
            import: "Import",
            export: "Export",
            clear: "Clear",
            clearConfirm: "Are you sure?",
            clearConfirmYes: "",
            // empty will be default text 'Yes'
            clearConfirmNo: "",
            // empty will be default text 'No'
            importTip: "Tip: Import will not clear the existing history, but merges with it."
        dialog: {
          yes: "YES",
          no: "NO",
          action: {
            [ErrorAction.GET_INFO]: "getting information",
            [ErrorAction.DOWNLOAD]: "downloading"
          downloadAgainConfirm: ({ named }) => `<i>${named("title")}</i> is already downloaded${named("hasQueue") ? " or in queue" : ""}.<br>Do you want to download again?`,
          errorRetryConfirm: (ctx) => `Error occurred while ${getActionText(ctx)}, retry?`,
          errorRetryTip: (ctx) => `Error occurred while ${getActionText(ctx)}, retrying...`,
          downloadedTip: "<i>{title}</i> is already downloaded or in queue."
        button: {
          download: "Download",
          downloading: "Downloading",
          compressing: "Compressing"
      const zh = {
        common: {
          settings: "设置",
          auto: "自动",
          english: "英文",
          japanese: "日文",
          chinese: "中文",
          pretty: "简略",
          filter: "过滤",
          none: "无",
          random: "随机",
          balance: "均衡"
        setting: {
          title: "@:common.settings",
          advanceTitle: "进阶设置",
          helpButton: "帮助",
          asteriskTip: "表示刷新页面才能生效",
          downloadThread: "下载线程数",
          openOnNewTab: "在新选项卡打开",
          compressionFilename: "压缩文件名",
          maxNumber: "最大数量",
          separator: "分隔符",
          compressionLevel: "压缩等级",
          filenameLength: "文件名长度",
          autoCancelDownloadedManga: "自动取消下载过的本子",
          autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: "发生错误时自动重试",
          autoShowAll: "自动显示全部",
          showIgnoreButton: "显示“忽略”按钮",
          judgeDownloadedMangaByTitle: "用标题判断本子是否下载过",
          customDownloadUrl: "自定义下载地址",
          compressionStreamFiles: '压缩 "streamFiles" 选项',
          seriesMode: "串行模式",
          streamDownload: "流式下载",
          preventConsoleClearing: "阻止控制台清空",
          nHentaiDownloadHost: "nHentai 下载地址",
          history: {
            title: "下载历史",
            downloadedNumberTip: "你在这个站点上已经用 nHentai 助手下载了 {num} 个本子",
            import: "导入",
            export: "导出",
            clear: "清空",
            clearConfirm: "真的吗?",
            clearConfirmYes: "真的",
            clearConfirmNo: "手滑了",
            importTip: "提示:导入会将导入的历史记录与现有历史记录合并,不会清空现有历史记录"
        dialog: {
          yes: "是的",
          no: "算了",
          action: {
            [ErrorAction.GET_INFO]: "获取信息",
            [ErrorAction.DOWNLOAD]: "下载"
          downloadAgainConfirm: ({ named }) => `《${named("title")}》已下载过${named("hasQueue") ? "或在队列中" : ""},你希望再次下载吗?`,
          errorRetryConfirm: (ctx) => `${getActionText(ctx)}发生错误,是否重试?`,
          errorRetryTip: (ctx) => `${getActionText(ctx)}发生错误,重试中……`,
          downloadedTip: "《{title}》已经下载过或在队列中"
        button: {
          download: "下载",
          downloading: "下载中",
          compressing: "压缩中"
      const i18n = createI18n({
        legacy: false,
        locale: settings.language,
        fallbackLocale: "en",
        messages: { en, zh }
      const { t: t$1 } = i18n.global;
      const notyConfirmOption = {
        type: "error",
        layout: "bottomRight",
        theme: "nest",
        timeout: false,
        closeWith: []
      const downloadAgainConfirm = async (title, hasQueue = false) => {
        if (hasQueue && settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga) {
          return false;
        return new Promise((resolve2) => {
          const n = new Noty({
            text: t$1("dialog.downloadAgainConfirm", { title, hasQueue }),
            buttons: [
              Noty.button(t$1("dialog.yes"), "btn btn-noty-blue btn-noty", () => {
              Noty.button(t$1("dialog.no"), "btn btn-noty-green btn-noty", () => {
      const errorRetryConfirm = (action, noCb, yesCb) => {
        if (settings.autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs) {
          yesCb == null ? void 0 : yesCb();
        const n = new Noty({
          text: t$1("dialog.errorRetryConfirm", { action }),
          buttons: [
            Noty.button(t$1("dialog.no"), "btn btn-noty-blue btn-noty", () => {
              noCb == null ? void 0 : noCb();
            Noty.button(t$1("dialog.yes"), "btn btn-noty-green btn-noty", () => {
              yesCb == null ? void 0 : yesCb();
      const downloadedTip = (title) => {
        new Noty({
          type: "info",
          layout: "bottomRight",
          theme: "nest",
          closeWith: [],
          timeout: 4e3,
          text: t$1("dialog.downloadedTip", { title })
      const errorRetryTip = (action) => {
        new Noty({
          type: "warning",
          layout: "bottomRight",
          theme: "nest",
          closeWith: [],
          timeout: 3e3,
          text: t$1("dialog.errorRetryTip", { action })
      var StreamSaver = { exports: {} };
      /*! streamsaver. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting <https://jimmy.warting.se/opensource> */
      (function(module2) {
        ((name, definition) => {
          module2.exports = definition();
        })("streamSaver", () => {
          const global2 = typeof window === "object" ? window : this;
          if (!global2.HTMLElement)
            console.warn("streamsaver is meant to run on browsers main thread");
          let mitmTransporter = null;
          let supportsTransferable = false;
          const test = (fn2) => {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
          const ponyfill = global2.WebStreamsPolyfill || {};
          const isSecureContext = global2.isSecureContext;
          let useBlobFallback = /constructor/i.test(global2.HTMLElement) || !!global2.safari || !!global2.WebKitPoint;
          const downloadStrategy = isSecureContext || "MozAppearance" in document.documentElement.style ? "iframe" : "navigate";
          const streamSaver = {
            WritableStream: global2.WritableStream || ponyfill.WritableStream,
            supported: true,
            version: { full: "2.0.5", major: 2, minor: 0, dot: 5 },
            mitm: "https://jimmywarting.github.io/StreamSaver.js/mitm.html?version=2.0.0"
          function makeIframe(src) {
            if (!src)
              throw new Error("meh");
            const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
            iframe.hidden = true;
            iframe.src = src;
            iframe.loaded = false;
            iframe.name = "iframe";
            iframe.isIframe = true;
            iframe.postMessage = (...args) => iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(...args);
            iframe.addEventListener("load", () => {
              iframe.loaded = true;
            }, { once: true });
            return iframe;
          function makePopup(src) {
            const options = "width=200,height=100";
            const delegate = document.createDocumentFragment();
            const popup = {
              frame: global2.open(src, "popup", options),
              loaded: false,
              isIframe: false,
              isPopup: true,
              remove() {
              addEventListener(...args) {
              dispatchEvent(...args) {
              removeEventListener(...args) {
              postMessage(...args) {
            const onReady = (evt) => {
              if (evt.source === popup.frame) {
                popup.loaded = true;
                global2.removeEventListener("message", onReady);
                popup.dispatchEvent(new Event("load"));
            global2.addEventListener("message", onReady);
            return popup;
          try {
            new Response(new ReadableStream());
            if (isSecureContext && !("serviceWorker" in navigator)) {
              useBlobFallback = true;
          } catch (err) {
            useBlobFallback = true;
          test(() => {
            const { readable } = new TransformStream();
            const mc = new MessageChannel();
            mc.port1.postMessage(readable, [readable]);
            supportsTransferable = true;
            Object.defineProperty(streamSaver, "TransformStream", {
              configurable: false,
              writable: false,
              value: TransformStream
          function loadTransporter() {
            if (!mitmTransporter) {
              mitmTransporter = isSecureContext ? makeIframe(streamSaver.mitm) : makePopup(streamSaver.mitm);
          function createWriteStream(filename, options, size2) {
            let opts = {
              size: null,
              pathname: null,
              writableStrategy: void 0,
              readableStrategy: void 0
            let bytesWritten = 0;
            let downloadUrl = null;
            let channel = null;
            let ts = null;
            if (Number.isFinite(options)) {
              [size2, options] = [options, size2];
              console.warn("[StreamSaver] Deprecated pass an object as 2nd argument when creating a write stream");
              opts.size = size2;
              opts.writableStrategy = options;
            } else if (options && options.highWaterMark) {
              console.warn("[StreamSaver] Deprecated pass an object as 2nd argument when creating a write stream");
              opts.size = size2;
              opts.writableStrategy = options;
            } else {
              opts = options || {};
            if (!useBlobFallback) {
              channel = new MessageChannel();
              filename = encodeURIComponent(filename.replace(/\//g, ":")).replace(/['()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
              const response = {
                transferringReadable: supportsTransferable,
                pathname: opts.pathname || Math.random().toString().slice(-6) + "/" + filename,
                headers: {
                  "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8",
                  "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''" + filename
              if (opts.size) {
                response.headers["Content-Length"] = opts.size;
              const args = [response, "*", [channel.port2]];
              if (supportsTransferable) {
                const transformer = downloadStrategy === "iframe" ? void 0 : {
                  // This transformer & flush method is only used by insecure context.
                  transform(chunk, controller) {
                    if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array)) {
                      throw new TypeError("Can only write Uint8Arrays");
                    bytesWritten += chunk.length;
                    if (downloadUrl) {
                      location.href = downloadUrl;
                      downloadUrl = null;
                  flush() {
                    if (downloadUrl) {
                      location.href = downloadUrl;
                ts = new streamSaver.TransformStream(
                const readableStream = ts.readable;
                channel.port1.postMessage({ readableStream }, [readableStream]);
              channel.port1.onmessage = (evt) => {
                if (evt.data.download) {
                  if (downloadStrategy === "navigate") {
                    mitmTransporter = null;
                    if (bytesWritten) {
                      location.href = evt.data.download;
                    } else {
                      downloadUrl = evt.data.download;
                  } else {
                    if (mitmTransporter.isPopup) {
                      mitmTransporter = null;
                      if (downloadStrategy === "iframe") {
                } else if (evt.data.abort) {
                  chunks = [];
                  channel.port1.onmessage = null;
                  channel = null;
              if (mitmTransporter.loaded) {
              } else {
                mitmTransporter.addEventListener("load", () => {
                }, { once: true });
            let chunks = [];
            return !useBlobFallback && ts && ts.writable || new streamSaver.WritableStream({
              write(chunk) {
                if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array)) {
                  throw new TypeError("Can only write Uint8Arrays");
                if (useBlobFallback) {
                bytesWritten += chunk.length;
                if (downloadUrl) {
                  location.href = downloadUrl;
                  downloadUrl = null;
              close() {
                if (useBlobFallback) {
                  const blob2 = new Blob(chunks, { type: "application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8" });
                  const link = document.createElement("a");
                  link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob2);
                  link.download = filename;
                } else {
              abort() {
                chunks = [];
                channel.port1.onmessage = null;
                channel = null;
            }, opts.writableStrategy);
          return streamSaver;
      var StreamSaverExports = StreamSaver.exports;
      class MultiThread {
        constructor(tasks, taskFunc, params) {
          __publicField(this, "threads", []);
          __publicField(this, "taskIndex", 0);
          __publicField(this, "started", false);
          __publicField(this, "aborted", false);
          this.tasks = tasks;
          this.taskFunc = taskFunc;
          this.params = params;
        startThread(threadId) {
          let abortFunc;
          const threadPromise = (async () => {
            while (true) {
              if (this.aborted)
              const i = this.taskIndex++;
              if (i >= this.tasks.length)
              const { abort, promise } = this.taskFunc(this.tasks[i], threadId, this.params);
              abortFunc = abort;
              await promise;
          return {
            abort: () => abortFunc == null ? void 0 : abortFunc(),
            promise: threadPromise
        start() {
          if (this.started)
            throw new Error("Multi-thread started.");
          this.started = true;
          for (let threadId = 0; threadId < settings.threadNum; threadId++) {
          return {
            abort: () => {
              this.aborted = true;
              this.threads.forEach(({ abort }) => abort());
            promise: Promise.all(this.threads.map(({ promise }) => promise)).then()
      class RequestAbortError extends Error {
        constructor(url) {
          super(`Request abort ${url}`);
      const isAbortError = (e) => e instanceof RequestAbortError;
      const request = (url, responseType, retry = 3) => {
        let abortFunc;
        const dataPromise = new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
          try {
            const req = _GM_xmlhttpRequest({
              method: "GET",
              onerror: (e) => {
                if (retry === 0) {
                  logger.error("Network error", url, e);
                } else {
                  logger.warn("Network error, retry", url, e);
                  setTimeout(() => {
                    const { abort, dataPromise: dataPromise2 } = request(url, responseType, retry - 1);
                    abortFunc = abort;
                  }, 1e3);
              onload: (r) => {
                const { status, response } = r;
                if (status === 200)
                else if (retry === 0)
                else {
                  logger.warn("Request error, retry", status, url, r);
                  setTimeout(() => {
                    const { abort, dataPromise: dataPromise2 } = request(url, responseType, retry - 1);
                    abortFunc = abort;
                  }, 1e3);
            abortFunc = () => {
              logger.log("Request abort", url);
              reject(new RequestAbortError(url));
          } catch (error) {
        return {
          abort: () => abortFunc == null ? void 0 : abortFunc(),
      const getText = (url) => request(url).dataPromise;
      const fetchJSON = (url) => fetch(url).then((r) => r.json());
      class Counter {
        constructor(keys2) {
          __publicField(this, "countMap", {});
          __publicField(this, "countKeys");
          if (!keys2.length)
            throw new Error("Counter no key");
          this.countKeys = [...keys2];
          this.countKeys.forEach((key) => {
            this.countMap[key] = 0;
        add(key) {
        del(key) {
        getMin() {
          return minBy(this.countKeys, (key) => this.countMap[key]);
      var NHentaiImgExt = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NHentaiImgExt2) => {
        NHentaiImgExt2["j"] = "jpg";
        NHentaiImgExt2["p"] = "png";
        NHentaiImgExt2["g"] = "gif";
        return NHentaiImgExt2;
      })(NHentaiImgExt || {});
      const nHentaiImgExtReversed = invert$1(NHentaiImgExt);
      const getTypeFromExt = (ext) => nHentaiImgExtReversed[ext.toLowerCase()];
      const nHentaiDownloadHostCounter = new Counter(nHentaiDownloadHosts);
      const getNHentaiDownloadHost = () => {
        switch (settings.nHentaiDownloadHost) {
          case NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.RANDOM:
            return sample(nHentaiDownloadHosts);
          case NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.BALANCE:
            return nHentaiDownloadHostCounter.getMin();
            return settings.nHentaiDownloadHost;
      const getMediaDownloadUrl = IS_NHENTAI ? (mid, filename) => `https://${getNHentaiDownloadHost()}/galleries/${mid}/${filename}` : IS_NHENTAI_TO ? (mid, filename) => `https://cdn.nload.xyz/galleries/${mid}/${filename}` : (mid, filename) => `https://cdn.nhentai.xxx/g/${mid}/${filename}`;
      const getGalleryFromApi = (gid2) => {
        const url = `https://nhentai.net/api/gallery/${gid2}`;
        return fetchJSON(url);
      const getGalleryFromWebpage = async (gid) => {
        var _a2;
        let doc = document;
        if (!IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL) {
          const html = await getText(`/g/${gid}`);
          const match = (_a2 = /gallery(\(\{[\s\S]+\}\));/.exec(html)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1];
          if (match) {
            try {
              const gallery = eval(match);
              gallery.id = Number(gid);
            } catch {
              logger.warn("get gallery by eval failed");
          const parser = new DOMParser();
          doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
        const $doc = $(doc.body);
        const english = $doc.find("#info h1").text();
        const japanese = $doc.find("#info h2").text();
        const pages = [];
        let mediaId = "";
        $doc.find("#thumbnail-container img").each((i, img) => {
          const src = img.dataset.src ?? img.src;
          const match2 = /\/(\d+)\/(\d+)t?\.(\w+)/.exec(src);
          if (!match2)
          const [, mid, index2, ext] = match2;
          if (!mediaId)
            mediaId = mid;
          const t2 = getTypeFromExt(ext);
          if (!t2)
          pages[Number(index2) - 1] = { t: t2 };
        if (!english && !japanese || !mediaId || !pages.length) {
          throw new Error("Get gallery info error.");
        const $artistTags = $("#tags .tag-container:contains(Artists:) .tag > .name");
        const artists = filter(Array.from($artistTags).map((el) => el.innerText.trim()));
        const tags = artists.map((name) => ({ type: "artist", name }));
        return {
          id: Number(gid),
          media_id: mediaId,
          title: {
            english: english || japanese,
            japanese: japanese || english,
            pretty: ""
          images: {
      const getCFNameArtists = (tags2) => {
        const artists2 = map(
          tags2.filter(({ name, type: type2 }) => type2 === "artist" && name),
        if (!artists2.length)
          return "none";
        const maxNum = settings.filenameMaxArtistsNumber;
        if (maxNum && artists2.length > maxNum)
          return "various";
        return artists2.join(settings.filenameArtistsSeparator);
      const getGallery = async (gid2) => {
        const gallery2 = IS_NHENTAI ? await getGalleryFromApi(gid2) : await getGalleryFromWebpage(gid2);
        logger.log("gallery", gallery2);
        return gallery2;
      const getGalleryInfo = async (gid2) => {
        const {
          images: { pages: pages2 },
          tags: tags2
        } = await (async () => {
          var _a2;
          if (gid2)
            return getGallery(gid2);
          const gidFromUrl = (_a2 = /^\/g\/(\d+)/.exec(location.pathname)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1];
          const localGallery = _unsafeWindow._gallery ?? _unsafeWindow.gallery;
          if (localGallery) {
            if (gidFromUrl)
              localGallery.id = Number(gidFromUrl);
            return localGallery;
          if (gidFromUrl)
            return getGallery(gidFromUrl);
          throw new Error("Cannot get gallery info.");
        const { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = title;
        const infoPages = (Array.isArray(pages2) ? pages2 : Object.values(pages2)).map(
          (img, i) => ({ i: i + 1, t: NHentaiImgExt[img.t] })
        const info = {
          gid: id,
          mid: media_id,
          pages: infoPages,
          cfName: compileTemplate(settings.compressionFilename)({
            english: english2 || japanese2,
            japanese: japanese2 || english2,
            pretty: pretty || english2 || japanese2,
            pages: num_pages,
            artist: getCFNameArtists(tags2)
          }).replace(/[/\\:*?"<>|]/g, "")
        logger.log("info", info);
        return info;
      const downloadGalleryByInfo = async (info, { progressDisplayController, rangeCheckers } = {}) => {
        info.done = 0;
        let { mid, pages: pages2, cfName } = info.gallery;
        if (rangeCheckers == null ? void 0 : rangeCheckers.length) {
          pages2 = pages2.filter(({ i }) => rangeCheckers.some((check) => check(i)));
        let aborted = false;
        info.cancel = () => {
          aborted = true;
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.reset();
        progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.bindInfo(info);
        progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
        const zip = new JSZip();
        const downloadTask = (page, threadID, { filenameLength, customDownloadUrl }) => {
          if (info.error)
            return { abort: () => {
            }, promise: Promise.resolve() };
          const url = customDownloadUrl ? compileTemplate(customDownloadUrl)({ mid, index: page.i, ext: page.t }) : getMediaDownloadUrl(mid, `${page.i}.${page.t}`);
          logger.log(`[${threadID}] ${url}`);
          const isUsingCounter = IS_NHENTAI && !customDownloadUrl && settings.nHentaiDownloadHost === NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.BALANCE;
          const counterKey = isUsingCounter ? new URL(url).host : "";
          if (isUsingCounter) {
          const { abort: abort2, dataPromise } = request(url, "arraybuffer");
          return {
            abort: () => {
              logger.log(`[${threadID}] abort`);
            promise: dataPromise.then(async (data) => {
              if (data) {
                zip.file(`${String(page.i).padStart(filenameLength || 0, "0")}.${page.t}`, data);
              progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
            }).catch((e) => {
              if (isAbortError(e))
              info.error = true;
              throw e;
            }).finally(() => {
              if (isUsingCounter) {
        const multiThread = new MultiThread(pages2, downloadTask, {
          filenameLength: settings.filenameLength === "auto" ? Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.max(...pages2.map(({ i }) => Number(i))))) : settings.filenameLength,
          customDownloadUrl: settings.customDownloadUrl
        const { abort, promise } = multiThread.start();
        info.cancel = () => {
          aborted = true;
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.reset();
        if (!aborted)
          await promise;
        if (aborted)
        return async () => {
          info.compressing = true;
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
          logger.log("start compressing", cfName);
          let lastZipFile = "";
          const onCompressionUpdate = ({ workerId, percent, currentFile }) => {
            if (lastZipFile !== currentFile && currentFile) {
              lastZipFile = currentFile;
              logger.log(`[${workerId}] compressing ${percent.toFixed(2)}%`, currentFile);
            info.compressingPercent = percent.toFixed(2);
            progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
          if (settings.streamDownload) {
            logger.log("stream mode on");
            const fileStream = StreamSaverExports.createWriteStream(cfName);
            const zipStream = await zip.generateStream(getCompressionOptions(), onCompressionUpdate);
            await zipStream.pipeTo(fileStream);
          } else {
            const data = await zip.generateAsync(getCompressionOptions(), onCompressionUpdate);
            FileSaver_minExports.saveAs(new File([data], cfName, { type: "application/zip" }));
          logger.log("completed", cfName);
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.complete();
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.unbindInfo();
      const addDownloadGalleryTask = (gallery2, { progressDisplayController, markGalleryDownloaded } = {}) => {
        const info = reactive(createMangaDownloadInfo(gallery2));
        info.cancel = () => {
          progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.reset();
        dlQueue.push(async () => {
          const zipFunc = await downloadGalleryByInfo(info, { progressDisplayController }).catch((e) => {
            progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.error();
              () => {
              () => {
                info.error = false;
            throw e;
          if (zipFunc) {
            zipQueue.push(async () => {
              try {
                await zipFunc();
                markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title);
                markGalleryDownloaded == null ? void 0 : markGalleryDownloaded();
              } catch (error) {
                if (!error)
                  logger.warn("user abort stream download");
                progressDisplayController == null ? void 0 : progressDisplayController.error();
            }, info);
        }, info);
      const { t } = i18n.global;
      class ProgressDisplayController {
        constructor(enableHeadTxt = false, docTitle) {
          __publicField(this, "downloadBtn");
          __publicField(this, "btnTxt");
          __publicField(this, "info");
          this.enableHeadTxt = enableHeadTxt;
          this.docTitle = docTitle;
          this.btnTxt = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("span", { class: "download-zip-txt" }, this.defaultBtnText());
          this.downloadBtn = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("button", { class: "btn btn-secondary nhentai-helper-btn download-zip-btn" }, /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("i", { class: "fa fa-download" }), " ", this.btnTxt);
        get compressingHeadText() {
          return this.enableHeadTxt ? `${t("button.compressing")} ${getDownloadExt()} ` : "";
        get downloadingHeadText() {
          return this.enableHeadTxt ? `${t("button.downloading")} ${getDownloadExt()} ` : "";
        defaultBtnText(suffix) {
          if (!this.enableHeadTxt)
            return suffix ?? "";
          return `${t("button.download")} ${getDownloadExt()}${suffix ? ` ${suffix}` : ""}`;
        bindInfo(info) {
          this.info = info;
        unbindInfo() {
          this.info = void 0;
        lockBtn(text) {
          this.downloadBtn.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
          if (text)
            this.btnTxt.innerText = text;
        releaseBtn() {
        complete() {
          this.btnTxt.innerText = this.defaultBtnText("✓");
        reset() {
          this.btnTxt.innerText = this.defaultBtnText();
        error() {
          this.btnTxt.innerText = "Error";
        updateProgress() {
          if (!this.info)
          const { done, compressing, compressingPercent } = this.info;
          if (compressing) {
            this.btnTxt.innerText = `${this.compressingHeadText}${compressingPercent}%`;
          } else {
            const total = this.info.gallery.pages.length;
            this.btnTxt.innerText = `${this.downloadingHeadText}${done}/${total}`;
        setDocTitle(prefix) {
          if (!this.docTitle)
          document.title = prefix ? `[${prefix}] ${this.docTitle}` : this.docTitle;
      class IgnoreController {
        constructor(text = true, status = false) {
          __publicField(this, "ignoreBtn");
          __publicField(this, "icon");
          __publicField(this, "text");
          this.status = status;
          this.icon = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("i", { class: this.iconClass });
          if (text)
            this.text = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("span", null, this.btnText);
          this.ignoreBtn = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("button", { class: "btn btn-secondary nhentai-helper-btn ignore-btn" }, this.icon, " ", this.text);
        setStatus(status) {
          this.status = status;
        getStatus() {
          return this.status;
        get iconClass() {
          return this.status ? "fa fa-eye-slash" : "fa fa-eye";
        get btnText() {
          return this.status ? "Unignore this" : "Ignore this";
        updateBtn() {
          this.icon.className = this.iconClass;
          if (this.text)
            this.text.innerText = this.btnText;
      const initDetailPage = async () => {
        const progressDisplayController = new ProgressDisplayController(true, document.title);
        const { downloadBtn } = progressDisplayController;
        const pagesInput = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("input", { class: "pages-input", placeholder: "Download pages (e.g. 1-10,12,14,18-)" });
        $("#info > .buttons").append(downloadBtn).after(pagesInput);
        let ignoreController;
        if (settings.showIgnoreButton) {
          const gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo();
          const isDownloaded = await isDownloadedByGid(gallery2.gid);
          ignoreController = new IgnoreController(true, isDownloaded);
          const { ignoreBtn } = ignoreController;
          ignoreBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
            const ignore = ignoreController.getStatus();
            if (ignore)
              unmarkAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title);
              markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title);
          $("#info > .buttons").append(ignoreBtn);
        downloadBtn.addEventListener("click", async () => {
          var _a2;
          const gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo();
          const rangeCheckers = pagesInput.value.split(",").filter((range2) => !Number.isNaN(parseInt(range2))).map((range2) => {
            const [start, end2] = range2.split("-").map((num) => parseInt(num));
            if (typeof end2 === "undefined")
              return (page) => page === start;
            else if (Number.isNaN(end2))
              return (page) => page >= start;
              return (page) => start <= page && page <= end2;
          try {
            const downloaded = await isDownloadedByGid(gallery2.gid) || await isDownloadedByTitle(gallery2.title);
            if (downloaded && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english)) {
              markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title);
              ignoreController == null ? void 0 : ignoreController.setStatus(true);
            await ((_a2 = await downloadGalleryByInfo(createMangaDownloadInfo(gallery2), {
            })) == null ? void 0 : _a2());
            markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title);
            ignoreController == null ? void 0 : ignoreController.setStatus(true);
          } catch (error) {
      const applyAutoShowAll = () => {
        if (settings.autoShowAll) {
          getShowAllBtn().then(($btn) => $btn.trigger("click")).catch(logger.error);
      function tryOnScopeDispose(fn2) {
        if (getCurrentScope()) {
          return true;
        return false;
      function toValue(r) {
        return typeof r === "function" ? r() : unref(r);
      const isClient = typeof window !== "undefined";
      const noop = () => {
      function createFilterWrapper(filter2, fn2) {
        function wrapper(...args) {
          return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => {
            Promise.resolve(filter2(() => fn2.apply(this, args), { fn: fn2, thisArg: this, args })).then(resolve2).catch(reject);
        return wrapper;
      const bypassFilter = (invoke) => {
        return invoke();
      function pausableFilter(extendFilter = bypassFilter) {
        const isActive = ref(true);
        function pause() {
          isActive.value = false;
        function resume() {
          isActive.value = true;
        const eventFilter = (...args) => {
          if (isActive.value)
        return { isActive: readonly(isActive), pause, resume, eventFilter };
      var __getOwnPropSymbols$8 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var __hasOwnProp$8 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      var __propIsEnum$8 = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var __objRest$5 = (source, exclude) => {
        var target = {};
        for (var prop in source)
          if (__hasOwnProp$8.call(source, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
            target[prop] = source[prop];
        if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols$8)
          for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$8(source)) {
            if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 && __propIsEnum$8.call(source, prop))
              target[prop] = source[prop];
        return target;
      function watchWithFilter(source, cb, options = {}) {
        const _a2 = options, {
          eventFilter = bypassFilter
        } = _a2, watchOptions = __objRest$5(_a2, [
        return watch(
      var __defProp$2 = Object.defineProperty;
      var __defProps$2 = Object.defineProperties;
      var __getOwnPropDescs$2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
      var __getOwnPropSymbols$2 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var __hasOwnProp$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      var __propIsEnum$2 = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var __defNormalProp$2 = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp$2(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
      var __spreadValues$2 = (a, b) => {
        for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
          if (__hasOwnProp$2.call(b, prop))
            __defNormalProp$2(a, prop, b[prop]);
        if (__getOwnPropSymbols$2)
          for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$2(b)) {
            if (__propIsEnum$2.call(b, prop))
              __defNormalProp$2(a, prop, b[prop]);
        return a;
      var __spreadProps$2 = (a, b) => __defProps$2(a, __getOwnPropDescs$2(b));
      var __objRest$1 = (source, exclude) => {
        var target = {};
        for (var prop in source)
          if (__hasOwnProp$2.call(source, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
            target[prop] = source[prop];
        if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols$2)
          for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$2(source)) {
            if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 && __propIsEnum$2.call(source, prop))
              target[prop] = source[prop];
        return target;
      function watchPausable(source, cb, options = {}) {
        const _a2 = options, {
          eventFilter: filter2
        } = _a2, watchOptions = __objRest$1(_a2, [
        const { eventFilter, pause, resume, isActive } = pausableFilter(filter2);
        const stop = watchWithFilter(
          __spreadProps$2(__spreadValues$2({}, watchOptions), {
        return { stop, pause, resume, isActive };
      function unrefElement(elRef) {
        var _a2;
        const plain = toValue(elRef);
        return (_a2 = plain == null ? void 0 : plain.$el) != null ? _a2 : plain;
      const defaultWindow = isClient ? window : void 0;
      function useEventListener(...args) {
        let target;
        let events;
        let listeners;
        let options;
        if (typeof args[0] === "string" || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
          [events, listeners, options] = args;
          target = defaultWindow;
        } else {
          [target, events, listeners, options] = args;
        if (!target)
          return noop;
        if (!Array.isArray(events))
          events = [events];
        if (!Array.isArray(listeners))
          listeners = [listeners];
        const cleanups = [];
        const cleanup = () => {
          cleanups.forEach((fn2) => fn2());
          cleanups.length = 0;
        const register = (el, event, listener, options2) => {
          el.addEventListener(event, listener, options2);
          return () => el.removeEventListener(event, listener, options2);
        const stopWatch = watch(
          () => [unrefElement(target), toValue(options)],
          ([el, options2]) => {
            if (!el)
              ...events.flatMap((event) => {
                return listeners.map((listener) => register(el, event, listener, options2));
          { immediate: true, flush: "post" }
        const stop = () => {
        return stop;
      const _global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
      const globalKey = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";
      const handlers = /* @__PURE__ */ getHandlers();
      function getHandlers() {
        if (!(globalKey in _global))
          _global[globalKey] = _global[globalKey] || {};
        return _global[globalKey];
      function getSSRHandler(key, fallback) {
        return handlers[key] || fallback;
      function guessSerializerType(rawInit) {
        return rawInit == null ? "any" : rawInit instanceof Set ? "set" : rawInit instanceof Map ? "map" : rawInit instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof rawInit === "boolean" ? "boolean" : typeof rawInit === "string" ? "string" : typeof rawInit === "object" ? "object" : !Number.isNaN(rawInit) ? "number" : "any";
      var __defProp$k = Object.defineProperty;
      var __getOwnPropSymbols$n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
      var __hasOwnProp$n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      var __propIsEnum$n = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
      var __defNormalProp$k = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp$k(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
      var __spreadValues$k = (a, b) => {
        for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
          if (__hasOwnProp$n.call(b, prop))
            __defNormalProp$k(a, prop, b[prop]);
        if (__getOwnPropSymbols$n)
          for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$n(b)) {
            if (__propIsEnum$n.call(b, prop))
              __defNormalProp$k(a, prop, b[prop]);
        return a;
      const StorageSerializers = {
        boolean: {
          read: (v) => v === "true",
          write: (v) => String(v)
        object: {
          read: (v) => JSON.parse(v),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(v)
        number: {
          read: (v) => Number.parseFloat(v),
          write: (v) => String(v)
        any: {
          read: (v) => v,
          write: (v) => String(v)
        string: {
          read: (v) => v,
          write: (v) => String(v)
        map: {
          read: (v) => new Map(JSON.parse(v)),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v.entries()))
        set: {
          read: (v) => new Set(JSON.parse(v)),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v))
        date: {
          read: (v) => new Date(v),
          write: (v) => v.toISOString()
      const customStorageEventName = "vueuse-storage";
      function useStorage(key, defaults, storage, options = {}) {
        var _a2;
        const {
          flush = "pre",
          deep = true,
          listenToStorageChanges = true,
          writeDefaults = true,
          mergeDefaults = false,
          window: window2 = defaultWindow,
          onError = (e) => {
        } = options;
        const data = (shallow ? shallowRef : ref)(defaults);
        if (!storage) {
          try {
            storage = getSSRHandler("getDefaultStorage", () => {
              var _a22;
              return (_a22 = defaultWindow) == null ? void 0 : _a22.localStorage;
          } catch (e) {
        if (!storage)
          return data;
        const rawInit = toValue(defaults);
        const type2 = guessSerializerType(rawInit);
        const serializer = (_a2 = options.serializer) != null ? _a2 : StorageSerializers[type2];
        const { pause: pauseWatch, resume: resumeWatch } = watchPausable(
          () => write(data.value),
          { flush, deep, eventFilter }
        if (window2 && listenToStorageChanges) {
          useEventListener(window2, "storage", update);
          useEventListener(window2, customStorageEventName, updateFromCustomEvent);
        return data;
        function write(v) {
          try {
            if (v == null) {
            } else {
              const serialized = serializer.write(v);
              const oldValue = storage.getItem(key);
              if (oldValue !== serialized) {
                storage.setItem(key, serialized);
                if (window2) {
                  window2.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(customStorageEventName, {
                    detail: {
                      newValue: serialized,
                      storageArea: storage
          } catch (e) {
        function read(event) {
          const rawValue = event ? event.newValue : storage.getItem(key);
          if (rawValue == null) {
            if (writeDefaults && rawInit !== null)
              storage.setItem(key, serializer.write(rawInit));
            return rawInit;
          } else if (!event && mergeDefaults) {
            const value = serializer.read(rawValue);
            if (typeof mergeDefaults === "function")
              return mergeDefaults(value, rawInit);
            else if (type2 === "object" && !Array.isArray(value))
              return __spreadValues$k(__spreadValues$k({}, rawInit), value);
            return value;
          } else if (typeof rawValue !== "string") {
            return rawValue;
          } else {
            return serializer.read(rawValue);
        function updateFromCustomEvent(event) {
        function update(event) {
          if (event && event.storageArea !== storage)
          if (event && event.key == null) {
            data.value = rawInit;
          if (event && event.key !== key)
          try {
            data.value = read(event);
          } catch (e) {
          } finally {
            if (event)
      function useSessionStorage(key, initialValue, options = {}) {
        const { window: window2 = defaultWindow } = options;
        return useStorage(key, initialValue, window2 == null ? void 0 : window2.sessionStorage, options);
      const _hoisted_1 = { class: "language-filter" };
      const _hoisted_2 = ["value"];
      const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
        __name: "LanguageFilter",
        setup(__props, { expose: expose2 }) {
          const { t: t2 } = i18n.global;
          const languageFilter = useSessionStorage("languageFilter", "0", { listenToStorageChanges: false });
          const options = IS_NHENTAI_TO ? [
            ["none", "0"],
            ["japanese", "2"],
            ["english", "19"],
            ["chinese", "10197"]
          ] : [
            ["none", "0"],
            ["japanese", "6346"],
            ["english", "12227"],
            ["chinese", "29963"]
            (val) => {
            { immediate: true }
            filterLanguage: ($node) => {
              filterLanguage(languageFilter.value, $node);
          return (_ctx, _cache) => {
            return openBlock(), createElementBlock("li", _hoisted_1, [
              createTextVNode(toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)("common.filter")) + " ", 1),
              withDirectives(createBaseVNode("select", {
                "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isRef(languageFilter) ? languageFilter.value = $event : null)
              }, [
                (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment$1, null, renderList(unref(options), ([key, val]) => {
                  return openBlock(), createElementBlock("option", {
                    value: val
                  }, toDisplayString$1(unref(t2)(`common.${key}`)), 9, _hoisted_2);
                }), 128))
              ], 512), [
                [vModelSelect, unref(languageFilter)]
      const LanguageFilter = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-6873bccd"]]);
      const filterLanguage = (tag, $node) => {
        const getNode = $node ? (selector) => $node.find(selector) : (selector) => $(selector);
        if (tag === "0")
        else {
      const mountLanguageFilter = () => {
        var _a2;
        const menuLeft = document.querySelector("ul.menu.left");
        if (!menuLeft)
          return {};
        const vnode = h(LanguageFilter);
        render(vnode, menuLeft);
        return ((_a2 = vnode.component) == null ? void 0 : _a2.exposed) ?? {};
      const initListPage = () => {
        const { filterLanguage: filterLanguage2 } = mountLanguageFilter();
        const contentEl = $("#content")[0];
        if (contentEl) {
          new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            mutations.forEach(({ addedNodes }) => {
              addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
                const $el = $(node);
                filterLanguage2 == null ? void 0 : filterLanguage2($el);
          }).observe(contentEl, { childList: true });
      const initShortcut = () => {
        $(document).on("keydown", (event) => {
          switch (event.key) {
            case "ArrowLeft":
              $(".pagination .previous").trigger("click");
            case "ArrowRight":
              $(".pagination .next").trigger("click");
      const restoreDownloadQueue = () => {
        const galleriesJson = sessionStorage.getItem("downloadQueue");
        if (!galleriesJson)
        try {
          const galleries = JSON.parse(galleriesJson);
          for (const gallery2 of galleries) {
        } catch (error) {
      const initGallery = function() {
        var _a2;
        const $gallery = $(this);
        if ($gallery.attr("init"))
        $gallery.attr("init", "true");
        const $a = $gallery.find("a.cover");
        if (settings.openOnNewTab)
          $a.attr("target", "_blank");
        const gid2 = (_a2 = /\/g\/([0-9]+)/.exec($a.attr("href"))) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1];
        if (!gid2)
        const enTitle = $gallery.find(".caption").text().trim();
        const progressDisplayController = new ProgressDisplayController();
        const { downloadBtn } = progressDisplayController;
        let ignoreController;
        let galleryTitle;
        const markGalleryDownloaded = () => {
          ignoreController == null ? void 0 : ignoreController.setStatus(true);
        const unmarkGalleryDownloaded = () => {
          ignoreController == null ? void 0 : ignoreController.setStatus(false);
        void Promise.all([isDownloadedByGid(gid2), isDownloadedByTitle({ english: enTitle })]).then(
          ([gidDownloaded, titleDownloaded]) => {
            const downloaded = gidDownloaded || titleDownloaded;
            if (downloaded)
            if (settings.showIgnoreButton) {
              ignoreController = new IgnoreController(false, downloaded);
              const { ignoreBtn } = ignoreController;
              ignoreBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
                const ignore = ignoreController.getStatus();
                if (ignore) {
                  unmarkAsDownloaded(gid2, galleryTitle);
                } else {
                  markAsDownloaded(gid2, galleryTitle);
        let gallery2;
        let skipDownloadedCheck = false;
        const startDownload = async () => {
          if (!settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga) {
          if (!skipDownloadedCheck && await isDownloadedByGid(gid2)) {
            const title = $gallery.find(".caption").text();
            if (!await downloadAgainConfirm(title, true)) {
            skipDownloadedCheck = true;
          if (settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga) {
          if (!gallery2) {
            try {
              gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo(gid2);
              galleryTitle = gallery2.title;
            } catch (error) {
              errorRetryConfirm(ErrorAction.GET_INFO, void 0, startDownload);
          if (!skipDownloadedCheck) {
            if (await isDownloadedByTitle(gallery2.title) && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english, true)) {
              markAsDownloaded(gid2, gallery2.title);
            if (dlQueue.queue.some(
                info: {
                  gallery: { title }
              }) => isSameTitle(title, gallery2.title)
            ) && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english, true)) {
          addDownloadGalleryTask(gallery2, { progressDisplayController, markGalleryDownloaded });
        downloadBtn.addEventListener("click", startDownload);
      class StyleInjector {
        constructor(style) {
          __publicField(this, "styleNode");
          this.styleNode = /* @__PURE__ */ jsx.createElement("style", null, style);
        inject() {
        remove() {
      const initOnlineViewPage = () => {
        if (!IS_NHENTAI)
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          "#image-container img{width:auto;max-width:calc(100vw - 20px);max-height:100vh}"
        const viewModeText = ["[off]", "[on]"];
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        btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
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          applyOnlineViewStyle(!!viewMode, style);
      const applyOnlineViewStyle = (enable, style) => {
        if (enable)
      const initPage = () => {
        if (IS_PAGE_MANGA_LIST) {
        } else if (IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL)
        else if (IS_PAGE_ONLINE_VIEW)
      const applyPjax = () => {
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          container: "#content",
          fragment: "#content",
          timeout: 1e4
        $(document).on("pjax:end", () => {
          $(".pagination a").each(function() {
            const $this = $(this);
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            const url = isPathname ? new URL(href, location.origin) : new URL(href);
            $this.attr("href", isPathname ? `${url.pathname}${url.search}` : url.href);
      const applyLazyLoad = () => {
        const { _n_app } = _unsafeWindow;
        if (_n_app) {
      const createAppAndMount = (component, appInitFunc) => {
        const el = document.createElement("div");
        const app = createApp(component);
        appInitFunc == null ? void 0 : appInitFunc(app);
        return app.mount(el);
      const initSettingsDialogApp = functionOnce(
        () => createAppAndMount(SettingsDialog, (app) => {
      const openSettingsDialog = () => {
        const dialog = initSettingsDialogApp();
      _GM_registerMenuCommand(i18n.global.t("common.settings"), openSettingsDialog);
