NHentai Improved

Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.

Verzia zo dňa 20.12.2024. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

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NHentai Improved


  • Completely remove non-english (off by default)
  • Partially fade out non-english (on by default)
  • Non-english fade opacity (0.3 by default)

  • Dynamically load more comics as you scroll (on by default)

  • Width of the thumbnail container for browse sections (0 by default, [0 = site default])
  • Width of the thumbnails for browse sections (0 by default, [0 = site default])
  • Load HQ thumbnails for browse sections (on by default)

  • Width of the thumbnail container for comic pages section (0 by default, [0 = site default])
  • Width of the thumbnails for comic pages section (0 by default, [0 = site default])
  • Load HQ thumbnails for comic pages section (on by default)

  • Mark as read Feature (on by default)
  • Marked as read fade opacity (0.3 by default)
  • Mark as read tag font size (15 by default)

  • Subscribe Feature (on by default)

  • Version Grouping Feature (on by default)
  • Filter out normal brackets for version searches (off by default)
    (square brackets are always filtered out regardless of this setting)
  • Automatically group on-page comics (on by default)
    (doesn't search the site, just current page)

  • Tag Blocking Feature (on by default)
  • Only partially fade blocked tags instead (off by default)

  • Improved Zoom for comic reader (on by default)
  • Remember last used zoom level for comic reader (on by default)

Dynamic page loading

Scrolling to the bottom of the page in a browse section loads in more comics dynamically.

Mark as read

Comics marked as read are partially faded out with a "READ" tag on the bottom right of that comic.
You can mark comics as read/unread on the main comic info page for that comic.


You can now subscribe to artists or groups. Currently all this does is list subscriptions on a new subscriptions page and highlight subscribed tags.

Version Grouping

By clicking "Find Alt Versions" on the thumbnail of any comic, alternative versions of said comic get searched from the entire site and grouped in with it. i.e. different language versions of the same comic in most cases.
This relies on titles so it isn't perfect. Occasional false positives or missing matches are possible.

Tag Blocking

You can now remove(or partially fade out) all comics tagged with blocked tags from all listings by clicking on the block icon on any tag. To unblock, simply click the same button on a blocked tag or from the settings page.

Comic Reader Improved Zoom

Allows you to zoom below 1.0 and moves in 0.1 increments


Lists of marked comics, blocked tags, subs and settings are stored in your browser's local data. Meaning if you wipe your browser, this data too gets wiped. There are import/export buttons for NHentai Improved's data below the settings, so you can make backups if you wish.

All features are optional.
You'll find the settings in the site's own settings section.

Known Issues

  • Blacklist feature fails to catch all comics, because the site has started randomly not including all tags in the element. I will likely mostly remove this feature later and see if I can support the native site blacklist (which is totally separate from the one in this script and was introduced after my version) a little better.
  • Remove/Fade non-english has a similar issue as above, regarding missing tags. I have made a workaround so false positives should be relatively rare, but it still currently possible that a comic will get removed/faded, even though it is a english.
  • Support for mobile remains "experimental" as I have not tested it much. There have been reports of some issues with it.
  • Support for non-signed-in use remains "experimental" as I have not tested it much. It should work for the most part, but there may be some issues. The biggest one being that settings are changed from the user page, which you can't access if you aren't signed in

Tested and working script managers:
- Tampermonkey, last tested: v5.0.0
Tested and working browsers:
- LibreWolf, last tested: v121.0-1
- Firefox, last tested: unknown
- Chrome, last tested: unknown