- // ==UserScript==
- // @name RebeLM00D
- // @namespace RebeLM00D
- // @version 2
- // @description made with rebelhands
- // @author @gekihoss
- // @license MIT
- // @match *://moomoo.io/*
- // @match *://sandbox.moomoo.io/*
- // @match *://dev.moomoo.io/*
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/423602-msgpack/code/msgpack.js?version=912797
- // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js
- // @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.min.js
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-confirm/3.3.0/jquery-confirm.min.js
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/456235-moomoo-js/code/MooMoojs.js?version=1144167
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/478839-moomoo-io-packet-code/code/MooMooio%20Packet%20Code.js?version=1274028
- // @grant none
- // @icon https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/1131925981460975676/36b51f984147c8b907af0a3dcb834853.png?size=4096
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- var onWeapon;
- document.getElementById("enterGame").addEventListener('click', autohide);
- function autohide(){
- $("#ot-sdk-btn-floating").hide();
- }
- $("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css({display: "none"});
- document.getElementById('linksContainer2').innerHTML = ' none ' ;
- document.getElementById('gameName').innerHTML = 'RebeLM00D';
- document.getElementById('loadingText').innerHTML = 'Wait or im gonna fuck ur mother'
- document.getElementById('diedText').innerHTML = "U DIED, REMIND REBEL HE NEVER LOSE!";
- document.getElementById('diedText').style.color = "#ffffff";
- document.title = 'All those people sucks';
- document.getElementById("leaderboard").append ('All those people sucks');
- $("#mapDisplay").css({background: `url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/57/67/975767e67adc18ad53d5a1a687cb6421.gif')`});
- document.getElementById("storeHolder").style = "height: 1200px; width: 450px;";
- document.getElementById("promoImgHolder").remove();
- document.querySelector("#pre-content-container").remove(); //ANTI AD
- $('#itemInfoHolder').css({'top':'1050px',
- 'left':'15px'
- });
- $("#youtuberOf").remove();
- $("#adCard").remove();
- $("#mobileInstructions").remove();
- $("#downloadButtonContainer").remove();
- $("#mobileDownloadButtonContainer").remove();
- $(".downloadBadge").remove();
- let lastDamageTick = 0;
- let HP = 100;
- let gameTick = 0;
- var shame = 0;
- let shameTime,
- damageTimes = 0;
- let friendlyMillLocs = [];
- let EnemyTrapLocs = [];
- let nearestFriendlyMill;
- let nearestFriendlyMillX;
- let nearestFriendlyMillY;
- let NearEnemyTrapLocs;
- let EnemyTrapLocsX;
- let EnemyTrapLocsY;
- let nearestFriendlyMillScale;
- let isNextToFriendlyMill = false;
- function removeArraysWithValue(arr, valueToRemove) {
- for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- const innerArray = arr[i];
- if (innerArray.includes(valueToRemove)) {
- arr.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- let movementDirection
- let millCount = 0;
- let nearestRandomObjectX;
- let nearestRandomObjectY;
- let mouseX;
- let mouseY;
- let width;
- let height;
- setInterval(() => {
- if(hatToggle == 1) {
- if(oldHat != normalHat) {
- hat(normalHat);
- console.log("Tried. - Hat")
- }
- if(oldAcc != normalAcc) {
- acc(normalAcc);
- console.log("Tried. - Acc")
- }
- oldHat = normalHat;
- oldAcc = normalAcc
- }
- }, 25);
- function normal() {
- hat(normalHat);
- acc(normalAcc);
- }
- function aim(x, y){
- var cvs = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");
- cvs.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousemove", {
- clientX: x,
- clientY: y
- }));
- }
- let coreURL = new URL(window.location.href);
- window.sessionStorage.force = coreURL.searchParams.get("fc");
- let trap_a = null;
- let intrap = false;
- let trapid = null;
- var antitrap = false;
- var isEnemyNear;
- var primary;
- var secondary;
- var foodType;
- var wallType;
- var spikeType;
- var millType;
- var mineType;
- var boostType;
- var turretType;
- var spawnpadType;
- var autoaim = false;
- var autoprimary = false;
- var autosecondary = false;
- var tick = 1;
- var oldHat;
- var oldAcc;
- var enemiesNear;
- var normalHat;
- var normalAcc;
- var ws;
- var msgpack5 = msgpack;
- var boostDir;
- let myPlayer = {
- id: null,
- x: null,
- y: null,
- dir: null,
- object: null,
- weapon: null,
- clan: null,
- isLeader: null,
- hat: null,
- accessory: null,
- isSkull: null
- };
- let healSpeed = 50;
- var messageToggle = 0;
- var clanToggle = 0;
- let healToggle = 2;
- let hatToggle = 1;
- var antiInsta = true;
- document.msgpack = msgpack;
- function n(){
- this.buffer = new Uint8Array([0]);
- this.buffer.__proto__ = new Uint8Array;
- this.type = 0;
- }
- WebSocket.prototype.oldSend = WebSocket.prototype.send;
- WebSocket.prototype.send = function(m){
- if (!ws){
- document.ws = this;
- ws = this;
- socketFound(this);
- }
- this.oldSend(m);
- };
- function biomeHat() {
- if (myPlayer.y < 2400) {
- hat(6);
- } else {
- if (myPlayer.y > 6850 && myPlayer.y < 7550) {
- hat(6);
- } else {
- hat(6);
- }
- }
- //acc(11);
- }
- function socketFound(socket){
- socket.addEventListener('message', function(message){
- handleMessage(message);
- });
- }
- function handleMessage(m){
- let temp = msgpack5.decode(new Uint8Array(m.data));
- let data;
- if(temp.length > 1) {
- data = [temp[0], ...temp[1]];
- if (data[1] instanceof Array){
- data = data;
- }
- } else {
- data = temp;
- }
- let item = data[0];
- if(!data) {return};
- update();
- if (item == "C" && myPlayer.id == null){
- myPlayer.id = data[1];
- }
- if (item == "a") {
- for(let i = 0; i < data[1].length / 13; i++) {
- let playerInfo = data[1].slice(13*i, 13*i+13);
- if(playerInfo[0] == myPlayer.id) {
- myPlayer.x = playerInfo[1];
- myPlayer.y = playerInfo[2];
- myPlayer.dir = playerInfo[3];
- myPlayer.object = playerInfo[4];
- myPlayer.weapon = playerInfo[5];
- myPlayer.clan = playerInfo[7];
- myPlayer.isLeader = playerInfo[8];
- myPlayer.hat = playerInfo[9];
- myPlayer.accessory = playerInfo[10];
- myPlayer.isSkull = playerInfo[11];
- } else if(playerInfo[7] != myPlayer.clan || playerInfo[7] === null) {
- enemiesNear.push(playerInfo);
- }
- }
- }
- update();
- if (item == "H") {
- for(let i = 0; i < data[1].length / 8; i++) {
- let info = data[1].slice(8*i, 8*i+8);
- if(info[6] == millType && info[7] == myPlayer.id){
- friendlyMillLocs.push(info)
- }
- if(info[7] == myPlayer.id){
- onWeapon = true;
- }
- }
- }
- update();
- if(item == "Q"){
- removeArraysWithValue(friendlyMillLocs, data[1])
- }
- update();
- if(item == "R"){
- removeArraysWithValue(friendlyMillLocs, data[1])
- }
- update();
- if(item == "S"){
- if(data[1] == 3){
- millCount = data[2];
- }
- }
- update();
- if(friendlyMillLocs){
- nearestFriendlyMill = friendlyMillLocs.sort((a,b) => dist(a, myPlayer) - dist(b, myPlayer))[0];
- if(nearestFriendlyMill){
- nearestFriendlyMillX = nearestFriendlyMill[1]
- nearestFriendlyMillY = nearestFriendlyMill[2]
- nearestFriendlyMillScale = nearestFriendlyMill[4]
- }
- }
- if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow((myPlayer.y-nearestFriendlyMillY), 2) + Math.pow((myPlayer.x-nearestFriendlyMillX), 2)) < nearestFriendlyMillScale + 100) {
- console.log(true)
- isNextToFriendlyMill = true;
- //isNextToFriendlyMill = false;
- } else {
- isNextToFriendlyMill = false;
- }
- WebSocket.prototype.send = function(m){
- let xcc = new Uint8Array(m);
- this.oldSend(m);
- let realData = {};
- let realInfo = msgpack5.decode(xcc);
- if (realInfo[1] instanceof Array){
- realData.data = [realInfo[0], ...realInfo[1]]
- }
- let rd0 = realData.data[0];
- let rd1 = realData.data[1];
- let rd2 = realData.data[2]
- if(rd0 == 'a'){
- movementDirection = rd1
- }
- };
- isEnemyNear = false;
- if (myPlayer.hat == 45 && shame) shameTime = 30000;
- if (myPlayer.hat == 45 && shame) shame = 30000;
- if (data[0] == "33") {
- gameTick++;
- }
- if(item == "O" && data[1] == myPlayer.id) {
- (gameTick = 0);
- (lastDamageTick = 0);
- (shame = 0);
- (HP = 100);
- (shameTime = 0);
- if (item == "h" && data[1] == myPlayer.id) {
- let damage = HP - data[2];
- HP = data[2];
- if (damage <= -1) {
- damageTimes++;
- if (!lastDamageTick) return;
- let healTime = gameTick - lastDamageTick;
- lastDamageTick = 0;
- if (healTime <= 1) {
- shame = shame++;
- } else {
- shame = Math.max(0, shame - 2);
- }
- } else {
- lastDamageTick = gameTick;
- }
- }
- if (data[2] < 100 && data[2] >= 0) {
- let c;
- if (data[2] < 99 && data[2] > 78) { c = 1;
- for (let i=0;i<c;i++) { place(foodType) };
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 22, 0]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- }, 200);
- }
- if (data[2] < 78 && data[2] > 60) { c = 2;
- for (let i=0;i<c;i++) { place(foodType) };
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- }
- if (data[2] < 60 && data[2] > 30) { c = 3;
- for (let i=0;i<c;i++) { place(foodType) };
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- }
- if (data[2] < 30 && data[2] > 0){ c = 4;
- for (let i=0;i<c;i++) { place(foodType) };
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- place(spikeType);
- }
- }
- if (data[2] < 33 && data[2] > 0 && myPlayer.hat !== 6) {//antiinsta no sold
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 22, 0]]);
- place(foodType);
- setTimeout(() => {
- place(foodType);
- }, 170);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- place(foodType);
- }, 760);
- setTimeout( () => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- }, 1900);
- }
- if (data[2] < 51 && data[2] > 40 && myPlayer.hat == 6) {//antiinsta for pol
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 22, 0]]);
- place(foodType);
- place(foodType);
- setTimeout(() => {
- place(foodType);
- place(foodType);
- }, 170);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- }, 760);
- setTimeout( () => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- }, 1900);
- }
- if (data[2] < 56 && data[2] > 50 && myPlayer.hat == 6) {//bullspam heal
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- place(foodType);
- place(spikeType, - toRad(45));
- place(spikeType, + toRad(45));
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 53, 0]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- place(foodType);
- place(foodType);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- }, 133);
- }
- if (data[2] < 41 && data[2] > 0 && myPlayer.hat == !6) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- place(foodType);
- place(foodType);
- }, 133);
- place(foodType);
- place(foodType);
- place(spikeType);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- place(spikeType, + toRad(45));
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- place(spikeType, - toRad(45));
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 53, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 11, 0]]);
- },150);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- },300);
- }
- }
- update();
- };
- function doNewSend(sender){
- ws.send(new Uint8Array(Array.from(msgpack5.encode(sender))));
- }
- function acc(id) {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 0, 1]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, id, 1]]);
- }
- function hat(id) {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, id, 0]]);
- }
- function place(id, angle = Math.atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2)) {
- doNewSend(["G", [id, null]]);
- doNewSend(["d", [1, angle]]);
- doNewSend(["d", [0, angle]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- }
- var repeater = function(key, action, interval) {
- let _isKeyDown = false;
- let _intervalId = undefined;
- return {
- start(keycode) {
- if(keycode == key && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox') {
- _isKeyDown = true;
- if(_intervalId === undefined) {
- _intervalId = setInterval(() => {
- action();
- if(!_isKeyDown){
- clearInterval(_intervalId);
- _intervalId = undefined;
- }
- }, interval);
- }
- }
- },
- stop(keycode) {
- if(keycode == key && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox') {
- _isKeyDown = false;
- }
- }
- };
- }
- let automilling = false;
- let automill = false;
- var x,
- y;
- x = myPlayer.x;
- y = myPlayer.y;
- let angle = Math.atan2(y - myPlayer.y, x - myPlayer.x);
- setInterval(()=>{
- if(automill == true && isNextToFriendlyMill == false && millCount < 300 && automilling == false){
- automilling = true;
- doNewSend(["G",[millType, null]])
- doNewSend(["d",[1, (movementDirection - 1.90)]])
- doNewSend(["G",[myPlayer.weapon, true]])
- doNewSend(["G",[millType, null]])
- doNewSend(["d",[1, (movementDirection - 3.14)]])
- doNewSend(["G",[myPlayer.weapon, true]])
- doNewSend(["G",[millType, null]])
- doNewSend(["d",[1, (movementDirection + 1.90)]])
- doNewSend(["G",[myPlayer.weapon, true]])
- automilling = false
- }
- }, 100);
- let tankspam = false;
- let tankspamming = false;
- setInterval(()=>{
- if(tankspam == true && tankspamming == false){
- tankspamming = true;
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 40, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- tankspamming = false
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- },100);
- }
- },200);
- const boostPlacer = repeater(70, () => {place(boostType)}, 50);
- const spikePlacer = repeater(86, () => {place(spikeType)}, 50);
- const placers = [boostPlacer, spikePlacer];
- let prevCount = 0;
- const handleMutations = mutationsList => {
- for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.target.id === "killCounter") {
- const count = parseInt(mutation.target.innerText, 10) || 0;
- if (count > prevCount) {
- doNewSend(["6", [ "GG Kills = " + count]])
- prevCount = count;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- const observer = new MutationObserver(handleMutations);
- observer.observe(document, {
- subtree: true,
- childList: true
- });
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (["allianceinput", 'chatbox', 'nameinput','storeHolder'].includes(document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase())) return null;
- placers.forEach(t => {
- t.start(e.keyCode);
- });
- if(e.keyCode == 78 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// N = Automill
- automill = !automill
- }
- if(e.keyCode == 72 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// H = Turret/Teleporter
- place(turretType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(45));
- place(turretType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(45));
- }
- if(e.keyCode == 66 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// G = spawnpads
- place(spawnpadType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(45));
- place(spawnpadType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(45));
- }
- if (e.keyCode == 67) {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 53, 0]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- }, 80)
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- place(spikeType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(45));
- place(spikeType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(45));
- place(spikeType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(135));
- place(spikeType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(135));
- }, 160);
- }
- if (e.keyCode == 16) {//booster hat
- biomeHat()
- }
- if (e.keyCode == 81) {
- place(foodType)
- place(foodType)
- place(foodType)
- }
- if(e.keyCode == 79 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// spiketick
- place(boostType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(45));
- place(boostType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(45));
- place(boostType, myPlayer.dir + toRad(135));
- place(boostType, myPlayer.dir - toRad(135));
- }
- if(e.keyCode == 32 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// spiketick
- place(foodType)
- place(spikeType);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 53, 0]]);
- },75);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- place(foodType)
- },150);
- }
- if(e.keyCode == 82 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){// insta
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 53, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]]);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 7, 0]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- },85);
- setTimeout(() => {
- place(foodType)
- doNewSend(["G", [secondary, true]]);
- doNewSend(["d",[1]]);
- },170);
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["d",[0]]);
- doNewSend(["G", [primary, true]])
- doNewSend(["c", [0, 6, 0]]);
- },280);
- }
- })
- document.addEventListener("mousedown", event => {
- if(event.button == 2 && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox'){//tankspam
- tankspam = !tankspam
- }
- });
- document.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
- placers.forEach(t => {
- t.stop(e.keyCode);
- });
- /*if (e.keyCode == 71) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- doNewSend(["33", [null]]);
- boostDir = null;
- }, 10);
- }*/
- })
- function isElementVisible(e) {
- return (e.offsetParent !== null);
- }
- function toRad(angle) {
- return angle * 0.01745329251;
- }
- function dist(e, o) {
- return e && o
- ? Math.sqrt((e.x - o.x) ** 2 + (e.y - o.y) ** 2)
- : null
- };
- function update() {
- for (let i=0;i<9;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- primary = i;
- }
- }
- for (let i=9;i<16;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- secondary = i;
- }
- }
- for (let i=16;i<19;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- foodType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=19;i<22;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- wallType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=22;i<26;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- spikeType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=26;i<29;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- millType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=29;i<31;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- mineType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=31;i<33;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- boostType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=33;i<36;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- turretType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=36;i<37;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- spawnpadType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- for (let i=37;i<39;i++){
- if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){
- turretType = i - 16;
- }
- }
- }
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- alert("Project Anti Clown by RebeL is running!");
- alert("GF-HF");
- document.title = "RebeLM00D";
- document.head.innerHTML += `<style>`;
- this(author > 1); {
- var author; document.getElementById("Blitz Utility");
- var authorURL; document.getElementById("bit.ly/this-greasyfork");
- if (author === (4)) {
- addScript => document.getElementById("Downloaded Scripts");
- scriptHeader = document.getElementById("add" > 30);
- }
- }
- if(event === clown) {
- var input; document.getElementById("id;clown");
- var clown; document.getElementById("id;tag");
- const unequip = true;
- }
- if(event === clown.Tag) {
- var level1; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 1);
- var level2; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 2);
- var level3; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 3);
- var level4; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 4);
- var level5; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 5);
- var level6; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 6);
- var level7; document.getElementById('id;tag' > clown.true);
- const unequip = true;
- }
- clown.id = (1); {
- var id; document.getElementById('moo' > clown.M );
- var tag; document.getElementById('html' > clown.num);
- }
- var num; document.getElementById('id;tag' > Math.floor(1 ^ 7)); {
- if(keyCode === 191) {
- var socket; document.getElementById('id;tag' > 'disabled' );
- }
- }(1 > client);
- })();