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@name InkBunny.net – Compact Dark [Ath]
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@author Athari (https://github.com/Athari)
@homepageURL https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserCSS
@supportURL https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserCSS/issues
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@svg-path-nav-popular: "M 71.16 -21.77 L 71.16 0 L 75.75 0 L 75.75 -21.77 L 71.16 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.75 0 L 6.75 -7.71 L 10.89 -7.71 C 12.23 -7.71 13.43 -7.97 14.51 -8.51 C 15.59 -9.07 16.45 -9.85 17.07 -10.85 C 17.71 -11.87 18.02 -13.08 18.02 -14.46 C 18.02 -15.84 17.71 -17.02 17.07 -18.02 C 16.45 -19.04 15.59 -19.82 14.51 -20.36 C 13.43 -20.90 12.23 -21.17 10.89 -21.17 L 6.75 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 6.75 -17.51 L 10.19 -17.51 C 10.77 -17.51 11.30 -17.40 11.78 -17.16 C 12.26 -16.92 12.64 -16.56 12.92 -16.10 C 13.20 -15.64 13.34 -15.10 13.34 -14.46 C 13.34 -13.80 13.20 -13.23 12.92 -12.77 C 12.64 -12.31 12.26 -11.97 11.78 -11.73 C 11.30 -11.49 10.77 -11.36 10.19 -11.36 L 6.75 -11.36 L 6.75 -17.51 z M 26.88 -14.91 C 25.36 -14.91 24.00 -14.57 22.80 -13.89 C 21.60 -13.23 20.64 -12.32 19.94 -11.18 C 19.24 -10.04 18.90 -8.76 18.90 -7.32 C 18.90 -5.88 19.24 -4.57 19.94 -3.41 C 20.64 -2.25 21.60 -1.34 22.80 -0.66 C 24.02 -0.00 25.38 0.33 26.88 0.33 C 28.40 0.33 29.76 -0.00 30.96 -0.66 C 32.16 -1.34 33.11 -2.25 33.81 -3.41 C 34.51 -4.57 34.85 -5.88 34.85 -7.32 C 34.85 -8.76 34.51 -10.04 33.81 -11.18 C 33.11 -12.34 32.16 -13.25 30.96 -13.91 C 29.76 -14.57 28.40 -14.91 26.88 -14.91 z M 45.54 -14.88 C 44.56 -14.88 43.65 -14.67 42.83 -14.27 C 42.43 -14.08 42.06 -13.84 41.73 -13.57 L 41.73 -14.58 L 37.14 -14.58 L 37.14 6.15 L 41.66 6.15 L 41.66 -0.98 C 42.01 -0.71 42.40 -0.46 42.83 -0.26 C 43.65 0.11 44.56 0.30 45.54 0.30 C 46.92 0.30 48.13 -0.02 49.19 -0.68 C 50.27 -1.34 51.12 -2.25 51.72 -3.39 C 52.34 -4.53 52.65 -5.82 52.65 -7.28 C 52.65 -8.74 52.34 -10.04 51.72 -11.18 C 51.12 -12.32 50.27 -13.23 49.19 -13.89 C 48.13 -14.55 46.92 -14.88 45.54 -14.88 z M 85.08 -14.88 C 83.74 -14.88 82.54 -14.55 81.48 -13.89 C 80.44 -13.23 79.61 -12.32 78.99 -11.18 C 78.39 -10.04 78.08 -8.74 78.08 -7.28 C 78.08 -5.82 78.39 -4.53 78.99 -3.39 C 79.61 -2.25 80.44 -1.34 81.48 -0.68 C 82.54 -0.02 83.74 0.30 85.08 0.30 C 86.06 0.30 86.95 0.11 87.75 -0.26 C 88.26 -0.51 88.71 -0.82 89.09 -1.18 L 89.09 0 L 93.59 0 L 93.59 -14.58 L 89.09 -14.58 L 89.09 -13.36 C 88.70 -13.74 88.24 -14.06 87.72 -14.31 C 86.94 -14.69 86.06 -14.88 85.08 -14.88 z M 105.17 -14.88 C 103.57 -14.88 102.32 -14.41 101.42 -13.47 L 101.42 -14.58 L 96.83 -14.58 L 96.83 0 L 101.42 0 L 101.42 -8.00 C 101.42 -8.94 101.64 -9.64 102.08 -10.10 C 102.54 -10.58 103.15 -10.83 103.91 -10.83 C 104.29 -10.83 104.63 -10.77 104.93 -10.65 C 105.23 -10.53 105.48 -10.36 105.68 -10.14 L 108.41 -13.58 C 108.01 -14.02 107.54 -14.35 107.00 -14.55 C 106.48 -14.77 105.87 -14.88 105.17 -14.88 z M 54.63 -14.58 L 54.63 -6.11 C 54.63 -4.85 54.92 -3.73 55.5 -2.75 C 56.07 -1.79 56.88 -1.04 57.90 -0.48 C 58.94 0.05 60.13 0.33 61.47 0.33 C 62.81 0.33 63.98 0.05 65.00 -0.48 C 66.02 -1.04 66.83 -1.79 67.41 -2.75 C 67.99 -3.73 68.27 -4.87 68.27 -6.15 L 68.27 -14.58 L 63.68 -14.58 L 63.68 -6.17 C 63.68 -5.41 63.48 -4.82 63.08 -4.38 C 62.68 -3.96 62.15 -3.75 61.47 -3.75 C 60.99 -3.75 60.58 -3.85 60.24 -4.05 C 59.90 -4.25 59.64 -4.53 59.46 -4.89 C 59.30 -5.25 59.22 -5.67 59.22 -6.17 L 59.22 -14.58 L 54.63 -14.58 z M 26.88 -10.74 C 27.54 -10.74 28.10 -10.58 28.58 -10.28 C 29.08 -10.00 29.47 -9.60 29.75 -9.08 C 30.03 -8.58 30.17 -8.00 30.17 -7.32 C 30.17 -6.64 30.03 -6.03 29.75 -5.49 C 29.49 -4.97 29.11 -4.55 28.61 -4.25 C 28.11 -3.97 27.54 -3.83 26.88 -3.83 C 26.24 -3.83 25.66 -3.97 25.16 -4.25 C 24.66 -4.55 24.28 -4.97 24 -5.49 C 23.72 -6.03 23.58 -6.62 23.58 -7.28 C 23.58 -7.96 23.72 -8.56 24 -9.08 C 24.28 -9.60 24.66 -10.00 25.16 -10.28 C 25.66 -10.58 26.24 -10.74 26.88 -10.74 z M 44.73 -10.74 C 45.37 -10.74 45.93 -10.58 46.41 -10.28 C 46.91 -10.00 47.30 -9.60 47.58 -9.08 C 47.86 -8.56 48 -7.96 48 -7.28 C 48 -6.62 47.86 -6.03 47.58 -5.51 C 47.30 -4.99 46.91 -4.58 46.41 -4.28 C 45.93 -3.98 45.35 -3.83 44.69 -3.83 C 44.07 -3.83 43.51 -3.98 43.01 -4.28 C 42.51 -4.58 42.12 -4.99 41.84 -5.51 C 41.58 -6.03 41.46 -6.62 41.46 -7.28 C 41.46 -7.96 41.60 -8.56 41.88 -9.08 C 42.16 -9.60 42.53 -10.00 43.01 -10.28 C 43.51 -10.58 44.09 -10.74 44.73 -10.74 z M 86.03 -10.74 C 86.67 -10.74 87.24 -10.58 87.72 -10.28 C 88.22 -10.00 88.59 -9.60 88.85 -9.08 C 89.13 -8.56 89.27 -7.96 89.27 -7.28 C 89.27 -6.28 88.98 -5.46 88.38 -4.80 C 87.78 -4.16 86.98 -3.83 86.00 -3.83 C 85.38 -3.83 84.83 -3.98 84.33 -4.28 C 83.83 -4.58 83.44 -4.99 83.16 -5.51 C 82.88 -6.03 82.74 -6.62 82.74 -7.28 C 82.74 -7.96 82.88 -8.56 83.16 -9.08 C 83.46 -9.60 83.85 -10.00 84.33 -10.28 C 84.83 -10.58 85.39 -10.74 86.03 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-nav-members: "M 69.99 -21.77 L 69.99 0 L 74.51 0 L 74.51 -1.07 C 74.86 -0.78 75.25 -0.52 75.68 -0.30 C 76.50 0.09 77.41 0.30 78.39 0.30 C 79.77 0.30 80.99 -0.02 82.05 -0.68 C 83.13 -1.34 83.97 -2.25 84.57 -3.39 C 85.19 -4.53 85.5 -5.82 85.5 -7.28 C 85.5 -8.74 85.19 -10.04 84.57 -11.18 C 83.97 -12.32 83.13 -13.23 82.05 -13.89 C 80.99 -14.55 79.77 -14.88 78.39 -14.88 C 77.41 -14.88 76.50 -14.69 75.68 -14.31 C 75.28 -14.12 74.91 -13.89 74.58 -13.63 L 74.58 -21.77 L 69.99 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.72 0 L 6.72 -11.75 L 11.31 -4.56 L 14.42 -4.56 L 19.01 -11.71 L 19.01 0 L 23.73 0 L 23.73 -21.17 L 20.33 -21.17 L 12.88 -9.52 L 5.40 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 122.31 -15 C 121.13 -15 120.10 -14.80 119.22 -14.40 C 118.34 -14.00 117.65 -13.44 117.17 -12.75 C 116.69 -12.07 116.46 -11.26 116.46 -10.32 C 116.46 -9.44 116.63 -8.71 116.97 -8.13 C 117.31 -7.57 117.74 -7.13 118.28 -6.81 C 118.82 -6.49 119.4 -6.24 120 -6.06 C 120.6 -5.88 121.17 -5.71 121.71 -5.55 C 122.25 -5.41 122.68 -5.23 123.02 -5.03 C 123.38 -4.85 123.57 -4.59 123.57 -4.23 C 123.57 -3.95 123.41 -3.73 123.11 -3.57 C 122.83 -3.41 122.43 -3.33 121.89 -3.33 C 121.11 -3.33 120.39 -3.47 119.73 -3.75 C 119.07 -4.04 118.49 -4.46 118.01 -4.98 L 115.41 -2.33 C 115.91 -1.79 116.51 -1.32 117.21 -0.90 C 117.93 -0.50 118.69 -0.19 119.51 0.02 C 120.35 0.24 121.21 0.35 122.07 0.35 C 123.89 0.35 125.33 -0.06 126.39 -0.90 C 127.47 -1.74 128.00 -2.86 128.00 -4.28 C 128.00 -5.20 127.84 -5.94 127.5 -6.50 C 127.16 -7.08 126.71 -7.55 126.17 -7.89 C 125.63 -8.23 125.07 -8.49 124.47 -8.69 C 123.87 -8.89 123.29 -9.07 122.75 -9.21 C 122.21 -9.35 121.77 -9.50 121.43 -9.68 C 121.09 -9.86 120.92 -10.11 120.92 -10.41 C 120.92 -10.69 121.06 -10.89 121.32 -11.03 C 121.58 -11.19 121.97 -11.27 122.49 -11.27 C 123.03 -11.27 123.58 -11.16 124.14 -10.94 C 124.72 -10.72 125.23 -10.35 125.69 -9.81 L 128.31 -12.44 C 127.65 -13.28 126.79 -13.91 125.73 -14.33 C 124.69 -14.77 123.55 -15 122.31 -15 z M 34.23 -14.91 C 32.75 -14.91 31.42 -14.57 30.24 -13.91 C 29.06 -13.25 28.11 -12.34 27.41 -11.18 C 26.73 -10.04 26.40 -8.74 26.40 -7.28 C 26.40 -5.82 26.74 -4.51 27.44 -3.35 C 28.14 -2.19 29.11 -1.29 30.33 -0.63 C 31.57 0.00 32.98 0.33 34.56 0.33 C 35.78 0.33 36.89 0.11 37.91 -0.30 C 38.93 -0.72 39.80 -1.34 40.52 -2.18 L 38.00 -4.71 C 37.56 -4.21 37.06 -3.83 36.48 -3.57 C 35.90 -3.33 35.24 -3.21 34.52 -3.21 C 33.74 -3.21 33.07 -3.36 32.49 -3.68 C 31.93 -4.02 31.48 -4.49 31.16 -5.09 C 31.06 -5.30 30.98 -5.53 30.91 -5.76 L 41.36 -5.78 C 41.44 -6.16 41.49 -6.49 41.51 -6.77 C 41.55 -7.07 41.58 -7.35 41.58 -7.61 C 41.58 -9.03 41.25 -10.30 40.61 -11.40 C 39.99 -12.50 39.13 -13.36 38.03 -13.98 C 36.93 -14.60 35.67 -14.91 34.23 -14.91 z M 94.70 -14.91 C 93.22 -14.91 91.90 -14.57 90.72 -13.91 C 89.54 -13.25 88.60 -12.34 87.90 -11.18 C 87.22 -10.04 86.88 -8.74 86.88 -7.28 C 86.88 -5.82 87.22 -4.51 87.92 -3.35 C 88.62 -2.19 89.59 -1.29 90.81 -0.63 C 92.05 0.00 93.45 0.33 95.03 0.33 C 96.25 0.33 97.38 0.11 98.40 -0.30 C 99.42 -0.72 100.28 -1.34 101.00 -2.18 L 98.49 -4.71 C 98.05 -4.21 97.53 -3.83 96.95 -3.57 C 96.37 -3.33 95.72 -3.21 95.00 -3.21 C 94.22 -3.21 93.55 -3.36 92.97 -3.68 C 92.41 -4.02 91.97 -4.49 91.65 -5.09 C 91.54 -5.30 91.46 -5.53 91.40 -5.76 L 101.84 -5.78 C 101.92 -6.16 101.98 -6.49 102 -6.77 C 102.04 -7.07 102.06 -7.35 102.06 -7.61 C 102.06 -9.03 101.73 -10.30 101.09 -11.40 C 100.47 -12.50 99.61 -13.36 98.51 -13.98 C 97.41 -14.60 96.14 -14.91 94.70 -14.91 z M 52.32 -14.88 C 51.24 -14.88 50.27 -14.64 49.41 -14.18 C 49.03 -13.99 48.69 -13.76 48.39 -13.5 L 48.39 -14.58 L 43.80 -14.58 L 43.80 0 L 48.39 0 L 48.39 -8.51 C 48.39 -9.01 48.48 -9.43 48.68 -9.77 C 48.90 -10.11 49.20 -10.38 49.56 -10.56 C 49.92 -10.76 50.32 -10.85 50.78 -10.85 C 51.44 -10.85 51.99 -10.65 52.43 -10.23 C 52.89 -9.83 53.13 -9.25 53.13 -8.51 L 53.13 0 L 57.72 0 L 57.72 -8.51 C 57.72 -9.01 57.81 -9.43 58.01 -9.77 C 58.23 -10.11 58.53 -10.38 58.89 -10.56 C 59.25 -10.76 59.65 -10.85 60.11 -10.85 C 60.77 -10.85 61.32 -10.65 61.76 -10.23 C 62.22 -9.83 62.46 -9.25 62.46 -8.51 L 62.46 0 L 67.05 0 L 67.05 -9.02 C 67.05 -10.24 66.78 -11.29 66.26 -12.15 C 65.76 -13.03 65.07 -13.70 64.19 -14.16 C 63.33 -14.64 62.35 -14.88 61.23 -14.88 C 60.09 -14.88 59.06 -14.63 58.14 -14.13 C 57.54 -13.81 57.02 -13.39 56.57 -12.89 C 56.15 -13.42 55.65 -13.85 55.05 -14.18 C 54.25 -14.64 53.34 -14.88 52.32 -14.88 z M 112.61 -14.88 C 111.01 -14.88 109.76 -14.41 108.86 -13.47 L 108.86 -14.58 L 104.27 -14.58 L 104.27 0 L 108.86 0 L 108.86 -8.00 C 108.86 -8.94 109.08 -9.64 109.52 -10.10 C 109.98 -10.58 110.59 -10.83 111.35 -10.83 C 111.73 -10.83 112.08 -10.77 112.38 -10.65 C 112.68 -10.53 112.93 -10.36 113.13 -10.14 L 115.85 -13.58 C 115.45 -14.02 114.98 -14.35 114.44 -14.55 C 113.92 -14.77 113.31 -14.88 112.61 -14.88 z M 34.25 -11.40 C 34.93 -11.40 35.51 -11.24 35.97 -10.94 C 36.45 -10.66 36.81 -10.24 37.05 -9.68 C 37.15 -9.46 37.23 -9.21 37.29 -8.93 L 30.92 -8.91 C 30.98 -9.12 31.05 -9.32 31.14 -9.50 C 31.44 -10.10 31.84 -10.57 32.36 -10.89 C 32.90 -11.23 33.53 -11.40 34.25 -11.40 z M 94.74 -11.40 C 95.42 -11.40 95.98 -11.24 96.44 -10.94 C 96.92 -10.66 97.28 -10.24 97.52 -9.68 C 97.62 -9.46 97.70 -9.21 97.77 -8.93 L 91.40 -8.91 C 91.46 -9.12 91.53 -9.32 91.61 -9.50 C 91.91 -10.10 92.32 -10.57 92.84 -10.89 C 93.38 -11.23 94.02 -11.40 94.74 -11.40 z M 77.58 -10.74 C 78.22 -10.74 78.77 -10.58 79.25 -10.28 C 79.75 -10.00 80.14 -9.60 80.42 -9.08 C 80.70 -8.56 80.84 -7.96 80.84 -7.28 C 80.84 -6.62 80.70 -6.03 80.42 -5.51 C 80.14 -4.99 79.75 -4.58 79.25 -4.28 C 78.77 -3.98 78.22 -3.83 77.58 -3.83 C 76.94 -3.83 76.36 -3.97 75.86 -4.25 C 75.38 -4.55 75.01 -4.97 74.73 -5.49 C 74.45 -6.01 74.31 -6.60 74.31 -7.28 C 74.31 -7.96 74.43 -8.56 74.69 -9.08 C 74.97 -9.60 75.36 -10.00 75.86 -10.28 C 76.36 -10.58 76.94 -10.74 77.58 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-nav-search: "M 80.58 -21.77 L 80.58 0 L 85.16 0 L 85.16 -8.31 C 85.16 -8.81 85.28 -9.25 85.5 -9.63 C 85.72 -10.03 86.02 -10.32 86.40 -10.52 C 86.78 -10.74 87.22 -10.85 87.72 -10.85 C 88.44 -10.85 89.03 -10.62 89.49 -10.14 C 89.97 -9.68 90.21 -9.07 90.21 -8.31 L 90.21 0 L 94.80 0 L 94.80 -9.33 C 94.80 -10.43 94.56 -11.39 94.08 -12.21 C 93.62 -13.05 92.95 -13.70 92.09 -14.16 C 91.23 -14.64 90.23 -14.88 89.09 -14.88 C 87.97 -14.88 86.99 -14.64 86.13 -14.16 C 85.77 -13.97 85.45 -13.74 85.16 -13.49 L 85.16 -21.77 L 80.58 -21.77 z M 9.35 -21.50 C 7.89 -21.50 6.61 -21.25 5.49 -20.75 C 4.37 -20.27 3.48 -19.57 2.84 -18.63 C 2.22 -17.69 1.91 -16.56 1.91 -15.26 C 1.91 -14.18 2.10 -13.29 2.46 -12.57 C 2.82 -11.87 3.28 -11.28 3.86 -10.80 C 4.46 -10.34 5.12 -9.95 5.82 -9.63 C 6.52 -9.33 7.21 -9.06 7.91 -8.82 C 8.63 -8.58 9.28 -8.33 9.86 -8.07 C 10.46 -7.81 10.95 -7.50 11.31 -7.14 C 11.67 -6.78 11.84 -6.31 11.84 -5.73 C 11.84 -5.09 11.56 -4.59 11.00 -4.23 C 10.46 -3.87 9.69 -3.68 8.69 -3.68 C 7.59 -3.68 6.62 -3.90 5.78 -4.32 C 4.96 -4.76 4.21 -5.37 3.53 -6.15 L 0.48 -3.11 C 1.52 -1.95 2.66 -1.08 3.90 -0.50 C 5.16 0.05 6.66 0.33 8.40 0.33 C 10.94 0.33 12.92 -0.24 14.36 -1.38 C 15.80 -2.54 16.52 -4.13 16.52 -6.15 C 16.52 -7.25 16.35 -8.17 15.99 -8.91 C 15.63 -9.67 15.15 -10.28 14.55 -10.76 C 13.97 -11.26 13.33 -11.68 12.63 -12 C 11.93 -12.32 11.21 -12.59 10.5 -12.83 C 9.80 -13.07 9.15 -13.32 8.55 -13.56 C 7.97 -13.80 7.50 -14.08 7.14 -14.40 C 6.78 -14.74 6.59 -15.18 6.59 -15.72 C 6.59 -16.30 6.84 -16.73 7.32 -17.03 C 7.80 -17.35 8.44 -17.51 9.26 -17.51 C 10.08 -17.51 10.82 -17.35 11.46 -17.03 C 12.12 -16.71 12.77 -16.23 13.41 -15.57 L 16.47 -18.59 C 15.67 -19.49 14.65 -20.21 13.41 -20.73 C 12.19 -21.25 10.83 -21.50 9.35 -21.50 z M 25.89 -14.91 C 24.41 -14.91 23.08 -14.57 21.90 -13.91 C 20.72 -13.25 19.78 -12.34 19.08 -11.18 C 18.40 -10.04 18.06 -8.74 18.06 -7.28 C 18.06 -5.82 18.40 -4.51 19.10 -3.35 C 19.80 -2.19 20.77 -1.29 21.99 -0.63 C 23.23 0.00 24.64 0.33 26.22 0.33 C 27.44 0.33 28.56 0.11 29.58 -0.30 C 30.60 -0.72 31.46 -1.34 32.18 -2.18 L 29.66 -4.71 C 29.22 -4.21 28.72 -3.83 28.14 -3.57 C 27.56 -3.33 26.90 -3.21 26.18 -3.21 C 25.40 -3.21 24.73 -3.36 24.15 -3.68 C 23.59 -4.02 23.15 -4.49 22.83 -5.09 C 22.72 -5.30 22.64 -5.53 22.58 -5.76 L 33.02 -5.78 C 33.10 -6.16 33.15 -6.49 33.17 -6.77 C 33.21 -7.07 33.24 -7.35 33.24 -7.61 C 33.24 -9.03 32.91 -10.30 32.27 -11.40 C 31.65 -12.50 30.79 -13.36 29.69 -13.98 C 28.59 -14.60 27.33 -14.91 25.89 -14.91 z M 72.81 -14.91 C 71.29 -14.91 69.91 -14.57 68.69 -13.91 C 67.47 -13.25 66.51 -12.34 65.79 -11.18 C 65.09 -10.04 64.74 -8.74 64.74 -7.28 C 64.74 -5.84 65.09 -4.55 65.79 -3.39 C 66.49 -2.23 67.44 -1.32 68.66 -0.66 C 69.88 -0.00 71.25 0.33 72.75 0.33 C 73.92 0.33 75.00 0.13 75.96 -0.26 C 76.92 -0.68 77.78 -1.29 78.54 -2.09 L 75.63 -5.03 C 75.29 -4.65 74.88 -4.36 74.40 -4.14 C 73.94 -3.94 73.41 -3.83 72.81 -3.83 C 72.17 -3.83 71.59 -3.98 71.07 -4.28 C 70.55 -4.58 70.13 -4.99 69.83 -5.51 C 69.55 -6.03 69.41 -6.64 69.41 -7.32 C 69.41 -8.00 69.55 -8.58 69.83 -9.08 C 70.13 -9.60 70.54 -10.00 71.04 -10.28 C 71.56 -10.58 72.15 -10.74 72.81 -10.74 C 73.39 -10.74 73.89 -10.65 74.33 -10.47 C 74.79 -10.29 75.20 -10.01 75.54 -9.63 L 78.48 -12.57 C 77.74 -13.35 76.88 -13.93 75.92 -14.31 C 74.98 -14.71 73.95 -14.91 72.81 -14.91 z M 41.55 -14.88 C 40.21 -14.88 39.00 -14.55 37.94 -13.89 C 36.90 -13.23 36.08 -12.32 35.46 -11.18 C 34.86 -10.04 34.56 -8.74 34.56 -7.28 C 34.56 -5.82 34.86 -4.53 35.46 -3.39 C 36.08 -2.25 36.90 -1.34 37.94 -0.68 C 39.00 -0.02 40.21 0.30 41.55 0.30 C 42.53 0.30 43.42 0.11 44.22 -0.26 C 44.73 -0.51 45.18 -0.82 45.57 -1.18 L 45.57 0 L 50.07 0 L 50.07 -14.58 L 45.57 -14.58 L 45.57 -13.36 C 45.17 -13.74 44.71 -14.06 44.18 -14.31 C 43.40 -14.69 42.53 -14.88 41.55 -14.88 z M 61.65 -14.88 C 60.05 -14.88 58.80 -14.41 57.90 -13.47 L 57.90 -14.58 L 53.31 -14.58 L 53.31 0 L 57.90 0 L 57.90 -8.00 C 57.90 -8.94 58.12 -9.64 58.56 -10.10 C 59.02 -10.58 59.63 -10.83 60.39 -10.83 C 60.77 -10.83 61.11 -10.77 61.41 -10.65 C 61.71 -10.53 61.96 -10.36 62.16 -10.14 L 64.89 -13.58 C 64.49 -14.02 64.02 -14.35 63.48 -14.55 C 62.96 -14.77 62.35 -14.88 61.65 -14.88 z M 25.91 -11.40 C 26.59 -11.40 27.17 -11.24 27.63 -10.94 C 28.11 -10.66 28.47 -10.24 28.71 -9.68 C 28.81 -9.46 28.89 -9.21 28.95 -8.93 L 22.58 -8.91 C 22.64 -9.12 22.71 -9.32 22.80 -9.50 C 23.10 -10.10 23.50 -10.57 24.02 -10.89 C 24.56 -11.23 25.19 -11.40 25.91 -11.40 z M 42.50 -10.74 C 43.14 -10.74 43.70 -10.58 44.18 -10.28 C 44.68 -10.00 45.07 -9.60 45.33 -9.08 C 45.61 -8.56 45.75 -7.96 45.75 -7.28 C 45.75 -6.28 45.44 -5.46 44.84 -4.80 C 44.24 -4.16 43.46 -3.83 42.48 -3.83 C 41.86 -3.83 41.30 -3.98 40.80 -4.28 C 40.30 -4.58 39.91 -4.99 39.63 -5.51 C 39.35 -6.03 39.21 -6.62 39.21 -7.28 C 39.21 -7.96 39.35 -8.56 39.63 -9.08 C 39.93 -9.60 40.32 -10.00 40.80 -10.28 C 41.30 -10.58 41.86 -10.74 42.50 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-nav-donate: "M 104.78 -21.77 L 105.53 -7.74 L 108.99 -7.74 L 109.74 -21.77 L 104.78 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.75 0 L 10.58 0 C 12.16 0 13.63 -0.25 14.97 -0.77 C 16.33 -1.29 17.50 -2.03 18.50 -2.97 C 19.50 -3.91 20.28 -5.03 20.82 -6.33 C 21.38 -7.63 21.66 -9.04 21.66 -10.58 C 21.66 -12.14 21.38 -13.56 20.82 -14.84 C 20.28 -16.14 19.50 -17.27 18.48 -18.21 C 17.48 -19.17 16.29 -19.90 14.93 -20.40 C 13.59 -20.92 12.12 -21.17 10.52 -21.17 L 6.75 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 78.59 -20.60 L 78.59 -14.58 L 75.30 -14.58 L 75.30 -10.67 L 78.59 -10.67 L 78.59 0 L 83.18 0 L 83.18 -10.67 L 86.49 -10.67 L 86.49 -14.58 L 83.18 -14.58 L 83.18 -20.60 L 78.59 -20.60 z M 6.75 -17.07 L 10.47 -17.07 C 11.75 -17.07 12.86 -16.80 13.80 -16.28 C 14.76 -15.76 15.49 -15.03 16.01 -14.07 C 16.55 -13.11 16.83 -11.95 16.83 -10.61 C 16.83 -9.27 16.57 -8.12 16.05 -7.14 C 15.53 -6.16 14.79 -5.41 13.83 -4.89 C 12.87 -4.39 11.75 -4.14 10.47 -4.14 L 6.75 -4.14 L 6.75 -17.07 z M 31.25 -14.91 C 29.73 -14.91 28.37 -14.57 27.17 -13.89 C 25.97 -13.23 25.03 -12.32 24.33 -11.18 C 23.63 -10.04 23.27 -8.76 23.27 -7.32 C 23.27 -5.88 23.63 -4.57 24.33 -3.41 C 25.03 -2.25 25.97 -1.34 27.17 -0.66 C 28.39 -0.00 29.75 0.33 31.25 0.33 C 32.77 0.33 34.13 -0.00 35.33 -0.66 C 36.53 -1.34 37.48 -2.25 38.18 -3.41 C 38.88 -4.57 39.24 -5.88 39.24 -7.32 C 39.24 -8.76 38.88 -10.04 38.18 -11.18 C 37.48 -12.34 36.53 -13.25 35.33 -13.91 C 34.13 -14.57 32.77 -14.91 31.25 -14.91 z M 95.07 -14.91 C 93.59 -14.91 92.26 -14.57 91.08 -13.91 C 89.90 -13.25 88.95 -12.34 88.25 -11.18 C 87.57 -10.04 87.24 -8.74 87.24 -7.28 C 87.24 -5.82 87.58 -4.51 88.28 -3.35 C 88.98 -2.19 89.94 -1.29 91.16 -0.63 C 92.40 0.00 93.82 0.33 95.40 0.33 C 96.62 0.33 97.73 0.11 98.75 -0.30 C 99.77 -0.72 100.64 -1.34 101.36 -2.18 L 98.84 -4.71 C 98.40 -4.21 97.90 -3.83 97.32 -3.57 C 96.74 -3.33 96.08 -3.21 95.36 -3.21 C 94.58 -3.21 93.91 -3.36 93.33 -3.68 C 92.77 -4.02 92.32 -4.49 92.00 -5.09 C 91.90 -5.30 91.82 -5.53 91.75 -5.76 L 102.21 -5.78 C 102.29 -6.16 102.33 -6.49 102.35 -6.77 C 102.39 -7.07 102.41 -7.35 102.41 -7.61 C 102.41 -9.03 102.10 -10.30 101.46 -11.40 C 100.84 -12.50 99.98 -13.36 98.88 -13.98 C 97.78 -14.60 96.51 -14.91 95.07 -14.91 z M 50.18 -14.88 C 49.06 -14.88 48.06 -14.64 47.16 -14.16 C 46.77 -13.95 46.42 -13.71 46.10 -13.43 L 46.10 -14.58 L 41.51 -14.58 L 41.51 0 L 46.10 0 L 46.10 -8.31 C 46.10 -8.81 46.21 -9.25 46.43 -9.63 C 46.65 -10.03 46.95 -10.32 47.33 -10.52 C 47.71 -10.74 48.16 -10.85 48.66 -10.85 C 49.38 -10.85 49.96 -10.62 50.42 -10.14 C 50.90 -9.68 51.15 -9.07 51.15 -8.31 L 51.15 0 L 55.74 0 L 55.74 -9.33 C 55.74 -10.33 55.49 -11.24 55.01 -12.08 C 54.53 -12.92 53.87 -13.59 53.03 -14.09 C 52.21 -14.61 51.26 -14.88 50.18 -14.88 z M 64.76 -14.88 C 63.42 -14.88 62.22 -14.55 61.16 -13.89 C 60.12 -13.23 59.29 -12.32 58.67 -11.18 C 58.07 -10.04 57.77 -8.74 57.77 -7.28 C 57.77 -5.82 58.07 -4.53 58.67 -3.39 C 59.29 -2.25 60.12 -1.34 61.16 -0.68 C 62.22 -0.02 63.42 0.30 64.76 0.30 C 65.74 0.30 66.63 0.11 67.43 -0.26 C 67.95 -0.51 68.40 -0.82 68.78 -1.18 L 68.78 0 L 73.28 0 L 73.28 -14.58 L 68.78 -14.58 L 68.78 -13.36 C 68.39 -13.74 67.93 -14.06 67.41 -14.31 C 66.63 -14.69 65.74 -14.88 64.76 -14.88 z M 95.09 -11.40 C 95.77 -11.40 96.35 -11.24 96.81 -10.94 C 97.29 -10.66 97.65 -10.24 97.89 -9.68 C 97.99 -9.46 98.07 -9.21 98.13 -8.93 L 91.76 -8.91 C 91.82 -9.12 91.89 -9.32 91.98 -9.50 C 92.28 -10.10 92.69 -10.57 93.21 -10.89 C 93.75 -11.23 94.37 -11.40 95.09 -11.40 z M 31.25 -10.74 C 31.91 -10.74 32.49 -10.58 32.97 -10.28 C 33.47 -10.00 33.86 -9.60 34.14 -9.08 C 34.42 -8.58 34.56 -8.00 34.56 -7.32 C 34.56 -6.64 34.42 -6.03 34.14 -5.49 C 33.88 -4.97 33.5 -4.55 33 -4.25 C 32.5 -3.97 31.91 -3.83 31.25 -3.83 C 30.61 -3.83 30.05 -3.97 29.55 -4.25 C 29.05 -4.55 28.66 -4.97 28.38 -5.49 C 28.10 -6.03 27.96 -6.62 27.96 -7.28 C 27.96 -7.96 28.10 -8.56 28.38 -9.08 C 28.66 -9.60 29.05 -10.00 29.55 -10.28 C 30.05 -10.58 30.61 -10.74 31.25 -10.74 z M 65.73 -10.74 C 66.37 -10.74 66.93 -10.58 67.41 -10.28 C 67.91 -10.00 68.29 -9.60 68.55 -9.08 C 68.83 -8.56 68.97 -7.96 68.97 -7.28 C 68.97 -6.28 68.67 -5.46 68.07 -4.80 C 67.47 -4.16 66.67 -3.83 65.69 -3.83 C 65.07 -3.83 64.51 -3.98 64.01 -4.28 C 63.51 -4.58 63.12 -4.99 62.84 -5.51 C 62.56 -6.03 62.42 -6.62 62.42 -7.28 C 62.42 -7.96 62.56 -8.56 62.84 -9.08 C 63.14 -9.60 63.53 -10.00 64.01 -10.28 C 64.51 -10.58 65.09 -10.74 65.73 -10.74 z M 107.25 -5.22 C 106.47 -5.22 105.82 -4.95 105.30 -4.41 C 104.78 -3.89 104.51 -3.22 104.51 -2.42 C 104.51 -1.66 104.78 -1.02 105.30 -0.48 C 105.82 0.05 106.47 0.33 107.25 0.33 C 108.05 0.33 108.69 0.05 109.19 -0.48 C 109.71 -1.02 109.98 -1.66 109.98 -2.42 C 109.98 -3.22 109.71 -3.89 109.19 -4.41 C 108.69 -4.95 108.05 -5.22 107.25 -5.22 z";
@svg-path-nav-gear: "M 46.01 -21.50 C 44.43 -21.50 42.96 -21.22 41.58 -20.66 C 40.20 -20.12 38.98 -19.35 37.94 -18.35 C 36.92 -17.37 36.13 -16.23 35.55 -14.91 C 34.97 -13.59 34.67 -12.15 34.67 -10.61 C 34.67 -9.07 34.95 -7.64 35.51 -6.30 C 36.09 -4.98 36.89 -3.82 37.89 -2.82 C 38.89 -1.84 40.06 -1.06 41.40 -0.50 C 42.76 0.05 44.21 0.33 45.75 0.33 C 47.84 0.33 49.70 -0.11 51.30 -0.99 C 52.92 -1.87 54.18 -3.17 55.08 -4.89 C 56.00 -6.63 56.46 -8.77 56.46 -11.31 L 56.46 -12 L 45.33 -12 L 45.33 -8.00 L 51.41 -7.91 C 51.29 -7.47 51.13 -7.06 50.93 -6.68 C 50.47 -5.80 49.80 -5.13 48.92 -4.65 C 48.06 -4.19 47.01 -3.96 45.77 -3.96 C 44.55 -3.96 43.47 -4.24 42.53 -4.80 C 41.59 -5.36 40.86 -6.14 40.32 -7.14 C 39.78 -8.14 39.50 -9.29 39.50 -10.61 C 39.50 -11.93 39.78 -13.09 40.32 -14.07 C 40.88 -15.07 41.65 -15.84 42.63 -16.38 C 43.61 -16.94 44.72 -17.22 45.96 -17.22 C 47.12 -17.22 48.16 -17.00 49.08 -16.56 C 50.00 -16.12 50.80 -15.46 51.48 -14.58 L 54.68 -17.78 C 53.70 -18.94 52.47 -19.85 50.97 -20.51 C 49.49 -21.17 47.83 -21.50 46.01 -21.50 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.75 0 L 6.75 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 10.83 -21.17 L 10.83 0 L 15.48 0 L 19.85 0 C 21.35 0 22.63 -0.27 23.69 -0.81 C 24.77 -1.35 25.60 -2.08 26.16 -3 C 26.74 -3.93 27.02 -4.99 27.02 -6.15 C 27.02 -7.67 26.54 -8.95 25.56 -9.99 C 25.06 -10.52 24.45 -10.97 23.73 -11.32 C 24.24 -11.60 24.68 -11.94 25.05 -12.33 C 25.89 -13.23 26.31 -14.33 26.31 -15.63 C 26.31 -16.65 26.06 -17.57 25.56 -18.41 C 25.06 -19.25 24.32 -19.92 23.36 -20.42 C 22.42 -20.92 21.27 -21.17 19.91 -21.17 L 15.48 -21.17 L 10.83 -21.17 z M 15.48 -17.51 L 19.01 -17.51 C 19.79 -17.51 20.43 -17.31 20.91 -16.91 C 21.39 -16.53 21.63 -15.95 21.63 -15.17 C 21.63 -14.37 21.39 -13.78 20.91 -13.38 C 20.43 -13.00 19.79 -12.81 19.01 -12.81 L 15.48 -12.81 L 15.48 -17.51 z M 65.75 -14.91 C 64.27 -14.91 62.94 -14.57 61.76 -13.91 C 60.58 -13.25 59.64 -12.34 58.94 -11.18 C 58.26 -10.04 57.92 -8.74 57.92 -7.28 C 57.92 -5.82 58.28 -4.51 58.98 -3.35 C 59.68 -2.19 60.63 -1.29 61.85 -0.63 C 63.09 0.00 64.50 0.33 66.08 0.33 C 67.30 0.33 68.42 0.11 69.44 -0.30 C 70.46 -0.72 71.34 -1.34 72.06 -2.18 L 69.53 -4.71 C 69.09 -4.21 68.58 -3.83 68.00 -3.57 C 67.42 -3.33 66.78 -3.21 66.06 -3.21 C 65.28 -3.21 64.59 -3.36 64.01 -3.68 C 63.45 -4.02 63.01 -4.49 62.69 -5.09 C 62.59 -5.30 62.51 -5.53 62.45 -5.76 L 72.90 -5.78 C 72.98 -6.16 73.03 -6.49 73.05 -6.77 C 73.09 -7.07 73.10 -7.35 73.10 -7.61 C 73.10 -9.03 72.79 -10.30 72.15 -11.40 C 71.53 -12.50 70.67 -13.36 69.57 -13.98 C 68.47 -14.60 67.19 -14.91 65.75 -14.91 z M 81.41 -14.88 C 80.07 -14.88 78.88 -14.55 77.82 -13.89 C 76.78 -13.23 75.95 -12.32 75.33 -11.18 C 74.73 -10.04 74.42 -8.74 74.42 -7.28 C 74.42 -5.82 74.73 -4.53 75.33 -3.39 C 75.95 -2.25 76.78 -1.34 77.82 -0.68 C 78.88 -0.02 80.07 0.30 81.41 0.30 C 82.39 0.30 83.28 0.11 84.08 -0.26 C 84.60 -0.51 85.05 -0.82 85.43 -1.18 L 85.43 0 L 89.93 0 L 89.93 -14.58 L 85.43 -14.58 L 85.43 -13.36 C 85.04 -13.74 84.58 -14.06 84.06 -14.31 C 83.28 -14.69 82.39 -14.88 81.41 -14.88 z M 101.51 -14.88 C 99.91 -14.88 98.66 -14.41 97.76 -13.47 L 97.76 -14.58 L 93.17 -14.58 L 93.17 0 L 97.76 0 L 97.76 -8.00 C 97.76 -8.94 97.98 -9.64 98.42 -10.10 C 98.88 -10.58 99.49 -10.83 100.25 -10.83 C 100.63 -10.83 100.97 -10.77 101.27 -10.65 C 101.57 -10.53 101.82 -10.36 102.02 -10.14 L 104.75 -13.58 C 104.35 -14.02 103.88 -14.35 103.34 -14.55 C 102.82 -14.77 102.21 -14.88 101.51 -14.88 z M 65.78 -11.40 C 66.46 -11.40 67.04 -11.24 67.5 -10.94 C 67.98 -10.66 68.34 -10.24 68.58 -9.68 C 68.68 -9.46 68.76 -9.21 68.82 -8.93 L 62.45 -8.91 C 62.51 -9.12 62.58 -9.32 62.66 -9.50 C 62.96 -10.10 63.38 -10.57 63.90 -10.89 C 64.44 -11.23 65.06 -11.40 65.78 -11.40 z M 82.38 -10.74 C 83.02 -10.74 83.58 -10.58 84.06 -10.28 C 84.56 -10.00 84.93 -9.60 85.19 -9.08 C 85.47 -8.56 85.61 -7.96 85.61 -7.28 C 85.61 -6.28 85.32 -5.46 84.72 -4.80 C 84.12 -4.16 83.32 -3.83 82.34 -3.83 C 81.72 -3.83 81.16 -3.98 80.66 -4.28 C 80.16 -4.58 79.78 -4.99 79.5 -5.51 C 79.22 -6.03 79.08 -6.62 79.08 -7.28 C 79.08 -7.96 79.22 -8.56 79.5 -9.08 C 79.8 -9.60 80.18 -10.00 80.66 -10.28 C 81.16 -10.58 81.74 -10.74 82.38 -10.74 z M 15.48 -9.24 L 19.41 -9.24 C 20.03 -9.24 20.55 -9.12 20.97 -8.88 C 21.41 -8.64 21.75 -8.31 21.99 -7.89 C 22.23 -7.47 22.34 -6.98 22.34 -6.44 C 22.34 -5.66 22.09 -5.01 21.57 -4.47 C 21.05 -3.93 20.33 -3.66 19.41 -3.66 L 15.48 -3.66 L 15.48 -9.24 z";
@svg-path-title-gallery: "M 43.01 -21.77 L 43.01 0 L 47.60 0 L 47.60 -21.77 L 43.01 -21.77 z M 50.84 -21.77 L 50.84 0 L 55.43 0 L 55.43 -21.77 L 50.84 -21.77 z M 12.30 -21.50 C 10.72 -21.50 9.23 -21.22 7.85 -20.66 C 6.47 -20.12 5.27 -19.35 4.23 -18.35 C 3.21 -17.37 2.41 -16.23 1.83 -14.91 C 1.25 -13.59 0.96 -12.15 0.96 -10.61 C 0.96 -9.07 1.24 -7.64 1.80 -6.30 C 2.38 -4.98 3.16 -3.82 4.16 -2.82 C 5.16 -1.84 6.33 -1.06 7.67 -0.50 C 9.03 0.05 10.48 0.33 12.02 0.33 C 14.12 0.33 15.98 -0.11 17.58 -0.99 C 19.20 -1.87 20.45 -3.17 21.35 -4.89 C 22.27 -6.63 22.74 -8.77 22.74 -11.31 L 22.74 -12 L 11.60 -12 L 11.60 -8.00 L 17.69 -7.91 C 17.57 -7.47 17.42 -7.06 17.22 -6.68 C 16.76 -5.80 16.09 -5.13 15.21 -4.65 C 14.35 -4.19 13.30 -3.96 12.06 -3.96 C 10.84 -3.96 9.76 -4.24 8.82 -4.80 C 7.88 -5.36 7.13 -6.14 6.59 -7.14 C 6.05 -8.14 5.78 -9.29 5.78 -10.61 C 5.78 -11.93 6.05 -13.09 6.59 -14.07 C 7.15 -15.07 7.93 -15.84 8.91 -16.38 C 9.89 -16.94 11.00 -17.22 12.24 -17.22 C 13.40 -17.22 14.43 -17.00 15.35 -16.56 C 16.27 -16.12 17.07 -15.46 17.75 -14.58 L 20.97 -17.78 C 19.99 -18.94 18.74 -19.85 17.25 -20.51 C 15.77 -21.17 14.12 -21.50 12.30 -21.50 z M 65.55 -14.91 C 64.07 -14.91 62.74 -14.57 61.56 -13.91 C 60.38 -13.25 59.44 -12.34 58.74 -11.18 C 58.06 -10.04 57.72 -8.74 57.72 -7.28 C 57.72 -5.82 58.06 -4.51 58.76 -3.35 C 59.46 -2.19 60.43 -1.29 61.65 -0.63 C 62.89 0.00 64.30 0.33 65.88 0.33 C 67.10 0.33 68.22 0.11 69.24 -0.30 C 70.26 -0.72 71.12 -1.34 71.84 -2.18 L 69.33 -4.71 C 68.89 -4.21 68.38 -3.83 67.80 -3.57 C 67.22 -3.33 66.56 -3.21 65.84 -3.21 C 65.06 -3.21 64.39 -3.36 63.81 -3.68 C 63.25 -4.02 62.81 -4.49 62.49 -5.09 C 62.38 -5.30 62.30 -5.53 62.24 -5.76 L 72.68 -5.78 C 72.76 -6.16 72.81 -6.49 72.83 -6.77 C 72.87 -7.07 72.90 -7.35 72.90 -7.61 C 72.90 -9.03 72.57 -10.30 71.93 -11.40 C 71.31 -12.50 70.45 -13.36 69.35 -13.98 C 68.25 -14.60 66.99 -14.91 65.55 -14.91 z M 31.25 -14.88 C 29.91 -14.88 28.72 -14.55 27.66 -13.89 C 26.62 -13.23 25.78 -12.32 25.16 -11.18 C 24.56 -10.04 24.26 -8.74 24.26 -7.28 C 24.26 -5.82 24.56 -4.53 25.16 -3.39 C 25.78 -2.25 26.62 -1.34 27.66 -0.68 C 28.72 -0.02 29.91 0.30 31.25 0.30 C 32.23 0.30 33.12 0.11 33.92 -0.26 C 34.44 -0.51 34.89 -0.82 35.27 -1.18 L 35.27 0 L 39.77 0 L 39.77 -14.58 L 35.27 -14.58 L 35.27 -13.36 C 34.88 -13.74 34.42 -14.06 33.90 -14.31 C 33.12 -14.69 32.23 -14.88 31.25 -14.88 z M 83.46 -14.88 C 81.86 -14.88 80.61 -14.41 79.71 -13.47 L 79.71 -14.58 L 75.11 -14.58 L 75.11 0 L 79.71 0 L 79.71 -8.00 C 79.71 -8.94 79.92 -9.64 80.36 -10.10 C 80.82 -10.58 81.43 -10.83 82.19 -10.83 C 82.57 -10.83 82.92 -10.77 83.22 -10.65 C 83.52 -10.53 83.77 -10.36 83.97 -10.14 L 86.69 -13.58 C 86.29 -14.02 85.82 -14.35 85.28 -14.55 C 84.76 -14.77 84.16 -14.88 83.46 -14.88 z M 86.31 -14.58 L 91.87 -1.00 L 88.56 6.15 L 93.26 6.15 L 95.84 0.06 L 102.08 -14.58 L 97.14 -14.58 L 94.16 -5.72 L 91.25 -14.58 L 86.31 -14.58 z M 65.58 -11.40 C 66.26 -11.40 66.82 -11.24 67.28 -10.94 C 67.76 -10.66 68.12 -10.24 68.36 -9.68 C 68.46 -9.46 68.54 -9.21 68.61 -8.93 L 62.24 -8.91 C 62.30 -9.12 62.37 -9.32 62.45 -9.50 C 62.75 -10.10 63.16 -10.57 63.68 -10.89 C 64.22 -11.23 64.86 -11.40 65.58 -11.40 z M 32.22 -10.74 C 32.86 -10.74 33.42 -10.58 33.90 -10.28 C 34.40 -10.00 34.77 -9.60 35.03 -9.08 C 35.31 -8.56 35.46 -7.96 35.46 -7.28 C 35.46 -6.28 35.16 -5.46 34.56 -4.80 C 33.96 -4.16 33.16 -3.83 32.18 -3.83 C 31.56 -3.83 31.00 -3.98 30.50 -4.28 C 30.00 -4.58 29.61 -4.99 29.33 -5.51 C 29.05 -6.03 28.91 -6.62 28.91 -7.28 C 28.91 -7.96 29.05 -8.56 29.33 -9.08 C 29.63 -9.60 30.02 -10.00 30.50 -10.28 C 31.00 -10.58 31.58 -10.74 32.22 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-shouts: "M 19.10 -21.77 L 19.10 0 L 23.69 0 L 23.69 -8.31 C 23.69 -8.81 23.80 -9.25 24.02 -9.63 C 24.24 -10.03 24.54 -10.32 24.92 -10.52 C 25.30 -10.74 25.75 -10.85 26.25 -10.85 C 26.96 -10.85 27.55 -10.62 28.01 -10.14 C 28.49 -9.68 28.74 -9.07 28.74 -8.31 L 28.74 0 L 33.33 0 L 33.33 -9.33 C 33.33 -10.43 33.08 -11.39 32.60 -12.21 C 32.14 -13.05 31.49 -13.70 30.63 -14.16 C 29.77 -14.64 28.77 -14.88 27.63 -14.88 C 26.51 -14.88 25.52 -14.64 24.66 -14.16 C 24.30 -13.97 23.98 -13.74 23.69 -13.49 L 23.69 -21.77 L 19.10 -21.77 z M 9.35 -21.50 C 7.89 -21.50 6.61 -21.25 5.49 -20.75 C 4.37 -20.27 3.48 -19.57 2.84 -18.63 C 2.22 -17.69 1.91 -16.56 1.91 -15.26 C 1.91 -14.18 2.10 -13.29 2.46 -12.57 C 2.82 -11.87 3.28 -11.28 3.86 -10.80 C 4.46 -10.34 5.12 -9.95 5.82 -9.63 C 6.52 -9.33 7.21 -9.06 7.91 -8.82 C 8.63 -8.58 9.28 -8.33 9.86 -8.07 C 10.46 -7.81 10.95 -7.50 11.31 -7.14 C 11.67 -6.78 11.84 -6.31 11.84 -5.73 C 11.84 -5.09 11.56 -4.59 11.00 -4.23 C 10.46 -3.87 9.69 -3.68 8.69 -3.68 C 7.59 -3.68 6.62 -3.90 5.78 -4.32 C 4.96 -4.76 4.21 -5.37 3.53 -6.15 L 0.48 -3.11 C 1.52 -1.95 2.66 -1.08 3.90 -0.50 C 5.16 0.05 6.66 0.33 8.40 0.33 C 10.94 0.33 12.92 -0.24 14.36 -1.38 C 15.80 -2.54 16.52 -4.13 16.52 -6.15 C 16.52 -7.25 16.35 -8.17 15.99 -8.91 C 15.63 -9.67 15.15 -10.28 14.55 -10.76 C 13.97 -11.26 13.33 -11.68 12.63 -12 C 11.93 -12.32 11.21 -12.59 10.5 -12.83 C 9.80 -13.07 9.15 -13.32 8.55 -13.56 C 7.97 -13.80 7.50 -14.08 7.14 -14.40 C 6.78 -14.74 6.59 -15.18 6.59 -15.72 C 6.59 -16.30 6.84 -16.73 7.32 -17.03 C 7.80 -17.35 8.44 -17.51 9.26 -17.51 C 10.08 -17.51 10.82 -17.35 11.46 -17.03 C 12.12 -16.71 12.77 -16.23 13.41 -15.57 L 16.47 -18.59 C 15.67 -19.49 14.65 -20.21 13.41 -20.73 C 12.19 -21.25 10.83 -21.50 9.35 -21.50 z M 71.78 -20.60 L 71.78 -14.58 L 68.49 -14.58 L 68.49 -10.67 L 71.78 -10.67 L 71.78 0 L 76.38 0 L 76.38 -10.67 L 79.67 -10.67 L 79.67 -14.58 L 76.38 -14.58 L 76.38 -20.60 L 71.78 -20.60 z M 86.93 -15 C 85.75 -15 84.72 -14.80 83.84 -14.40 C 82.96 -14.00 82.29 -13.44 81.81 -12.75 C 81.33 -12.07 81.08 -11.26 81.08 -10.32 C 81.08 -9.44 81.25 -8.71 81.59 -8.13 C 81.93 -7.57 82.37 -7.13 82.91 -6.81 C 83.45 -6.49 84.03 -6.24 84.63 -6.06 C 85.23 -5.88 85.79 -5.71 86.33 -5.55 C 86.87 -5.41 87.32 -5.23 87.66 -5.03 C 88.02 -4.85 88.19 -4.59 88.19 -4.23 C 88.19 -3.95 88.05 -3.73 87.75 -3.57 C 87.47 -3.41 87.05 -3.33 86.51 -3.33 C 85.73 -3.33 85.01 -3.47 84.35 -3.75 C 83.69 -4.04 83.13 -4.46 82.65 -4.98 L 80.03 -2.33 C 80.53 -1.79 81.13 -1.32 81.83 -0.90 C 82.55 -0.50 83.33 -0.19 84.15 0.02 C 84.99 0.24 85.83 0.35 86.69 0.35 C 88.51 0.35 89.95 -0.06 91.01 -0.90 C 92.09 -1.74 92.64 -2.86 92.64 -4.28 C 92.64 -5.20 92.47 -5.94 92.13 -6.50 C 91.79 -7.08 91.35 -7.55 90.81 -7.89 C 90.27 -8.23 89.69 -8.49 89.09 -8.69 C 88.49 -8.89 87.93 -9.07 87.39 -9.21 C 86.85 -9.35 86.41 -9.50 86.07 -9.68 C 85.73 -9.86 85.56 -10.11 85.56 -10.41 C 85.56 -10.69 85.68 -10.89 85.94 -11.03 C 86.20 -11.19 86.59 -11.27 87.11 -11.27 C 87.65 -11.27 88.20 -11.16 88.76 -10.94 C 89.34 -10.72 89.87 -10.35 90.33 -9.81 L 92.93 -12.44 C 92.27 -13.28 91.41 -13.91 90.35 -14.33 C 89.31 -14.77 88.17 -15 86.93 -15 z M 43.28 -14.91 C 41.76 -14.91 40.41 -14.57 39.21 -13.89 C 38.01 -13.23 37.05 -12.32 36.35 -11.18 C 35.65 -10.04 35.31 -8.76 35.31 -7.32 C 35.31 -5.88 35.65 -4.57 36.35 -3.41 C 37.05 -2.25 38.01 -1.34 39.21 -0.66 C 40.43 -0.00 41.78 0.33 43.28 0.33 C 44.80 0.33 46.16 -0.00 47.36 -0.66 C 48.56 -1.34 49.52 -2.25 50.22 -3.41 C 50.92 -4.57 51.26 -5.88 51.26 -7.32 C 51.26 -8.76 50.92 -10.04 50.22 -11.18 C 49.52 -12.34 48.56 -13.25 47.36 -13.91 C 46.16 -14.57 44.80 -14.91 43.28 -14.91 z M 53.18 -14.58 L 53.18 -6.11 C 53.18 -4.85 53.48 -3.73 54.06 -2.75 C 54.64 -1.79 55.44 -1.04 56.46 -0.48 C 57.50 0.05 58.68 0.33 60.02 0.33 C 61.36 0.33 62.55 0.05 63.57 -0.48 C 64.59 -1.04 65.39 -1.79 65.97 -2.75 C 66.55 -3.73 66.83 -4.87 66.83 -6.15 L 66.83 -14.58 L 62.25 -14.58 L 62.25 -6.17 C 62.25 -5.41 62.05 -4.82 61.65 -4.38 C 61.25 -3.96 60.70 -3.75 60.02 -3.75 C 59.54 -3.75 59.14 -3.85 58.80 -4.05 C 58.46 -4.25 58.19 -4.53 58.01 -4.89 C 57.85 -5.25 57.77 -5.67 57.77 -6.17 L 57.77 -14.58 L 53.18 -14.58 z M 43.28 -10.74 C 43.94 -10.74 44.52 -10.58 45 -10.28 C 45.5 -10.00 45.88 -9.60 46.16 -9.08 C 46.44 -8.58 46.58 -8.00 46.58 -7.32 C 46.58 -6.64 46.44 -6.03 46.16 -5.49 C 45.90 -4.97 45.52 -4.55 45.02 -4.25 C 44.52 -3.97 43.94 -3.83 43.28 -3.83 C 42.64 -3.83 42.08 -3.97 41.58 -4.25 C 41.08 -4.55 40.69 -4.97 40.41 -5.49 C 40.13 -6.03 39.99 -6.62 39.99 -7.28 C 39.99 -7.96 40.13 -8.56 40.41 -9.08 C 40.69 -9.60 41.08 -10.00 41.58 -10.28 C 42.08 -10.58 42.64 -10.74 43.28 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-comments: "M 12.06 -21.50 C 10.48 -21.50 9.01 -21.22 7.65 -20.66 C 6.31 -20.12 5.14 -19.37 4.14 -18.39 C 3.14 -17.41 2.36 -16.25 1.80 -14.91 C 1.24 -13.59 0.96 -12.15 0.96 -10.61 C 0.96 -9.07 1.24 -7.64 1.80 -6.30 C 2.36 -4.98 3.14 -3.82 4.14 -2.82 C 5.16 -1.82 6.33 -1.04 7.67 -0.48 C 9.03 0.05 10.50 0.33 12.08 0.33 C 13.80 0.33 15.31 0.05 16.61 -0.48 C 17.93 -1.02 19.11 -1.75 20.13 -2.69 L 16.94 -5.88 C 16.36 -5.28 15.68 -4.81 14.88 -4.47 C 14.08 -4.13 13.14 -3.96 12.06 -3.96 C 11.14 -3.96 10.28 -4.11 9.50 -4.43 C 8.74 -4.75 8.08 -5.20 7.52 -5.78 C 6.98 -6.36 6.56 -7.07 6.24 -7.89 C 5.94 -8.71 5.78 -9.61 5.78 -10.61 C 5.78 -11.59 5.94 -12.50 6.24 -13.32 C 6.56 -14.14 6.98 -14.83 7.52 -15.41 C 8.08 -15.99 8.74 -16.44 9.50 -16.74 C 10.28 -17.06 11.14 -17.22 12.06 -17.22 C 13.10 -17.22 14.00 -17.05 14.78 -16.71 C 15.58 -16.37 16.27 -15.90 16.83 -15.30 L 19.98 -18.48 C 19.00 -19.42 17.84 -20.15 16.52 -20.69 C 15.22 -21.23 13.74 -21.50 12.06 -21.50 z M 127.10 -20.60 L 127.10 -14.58 L 123.81 -14.58 L 123.81 -10.67 L 127.10 -10.67 L 127.10 0 L 131.69 0 L 131.69 -10.67 L 135 -10.67 L 135 -14.58 L 131.69 -14.58 L 131.69 -20.60 L 127.10 -20.60 z M 142.25 -15 C 141.07 -15 140.04 -14.80 139.16 -14.40 C 138.28 -14.00 137.61 -13.44 137.13 -12.75 C 136.65 -12.07 136.41 -11.26 136.41 -10.32 C 136.41 -9.44 136.57 -8.71 136.91 -8.13 C 137.25 -7.57 137.70 -7.13 138.24 -6.81 C 138.78 -6.49 139.34 -6.24 139.94 -6.06 C 140.54 -5.88 141.12 -5.71 141.66 -5.55 C 142.20 -5.41 142.64 -5.23 142.98 -5.03 C 143.34 -4.85 143.51 -4.59 143.51 -4.23 C 143.51 -3.95 143.37 -3.73 143.07 -3.57 C 142.79 -3.41 142.37 -3.33 141.83 -3.33 C 141.05 -3.33 140.33 -3.47 139.67 -3.75 C 139.01 -4.04 138.45 -4.46 137.97 -4.98 L 135.35 -2.33 C 135.85 -1.79 136.46 -1.32 137.16 -0.90 C 137.88 -0.50 138.65 -0.19 139.47 0.02 C 140.31 0.24 141.15 0.35 142.01 0.35 C 143.83 0.35 145.27 -0.06 146.33 -0.90 C 147.41 -1.74 147.95 -2.86 147.95 -4.28 C 147.95 -5.20 147.78 -5.94 147.44 -6.50 C 147.10 -7.08 146.67 -7.55 146.13 -7.89 C 145.59 -8.23 145.01 -8.49 144.41 -8.69 C 143.81 -8.89 143.24 -9.07 142.70 -9.21 C 142.16 -9.35 141.73 -9.50 141.39 -9.68 C 141.05 -9.86 140.88 -10.11 140.88 -10.41 C 140.88 -10.69 141.00 -10.89 141.26 -11.03 C 141.52 -11.19 141.91 -11.27 142.43 -11.27 C 142.97 -11.27 143.52 -11.16 144.08 -10.94 C 144.66 -10.72 145.19 -10.35 145.65 -9.81 L 148.25 -12.44 C 147.59 -13.28 146.73 -13.91 145.67 -14.33 C 144.63 -14.77 143.49 -15 142.25 -15 z M 28.98 -14.91 C 27.46 -14.91 26.10 -14.57 24.90 -13.89 C 23.70 -13.23 22.75 -12.32 22.05 -11.18 C 21.35 -10.04 21 -8.76 21 -7.32 C 21 -5.88 21.35 -4.57 22.05 -3.41 C 22.75 -2.25 23.70 -1.34 24.90 -0.66 C 26.12 -0.00 27.48 0.33 28.98 0.33 C 30.50 0.33 31.86 -0.00 33.06 -0.66 C 34.26 -1.34 35.21 -2.25 35.91 -3.41 C 36.61 -4.57 36.96 -5.88 36.96 -7.32 C 36.96 -8.76 36.61 -10.04 35.91 -11.18 C 35.21 -12.34 34.26 -13.25 33.06 -13.91 C 31.86 -14.57 30.50 -14.91 28.98 -14.91 z M 98.49 -14.91 C 97.01 -14.91 95.67 -14.57 94.5 -13.91 C 93.32 -13.25 92.37 -12.34 91.67 -11.18 C 90.99 -10.04 90.66 -8.74 90.66 -7.28 C 90.66 -5.82 91.00 -4.51 91.70 -3.35 C 92.40 -2.19 93.36 -1.29 94.58 -0.63 C 95.82 0.00 97.24 0.33 98.82 0.33 C 100.04 0.33 101.15 0.11 102.17 -0.30 C 103.19 -0.72 104.06 -1.34 104.78 -2.18 L 102.26 -4.71 C 101.82 -4.21 101.32 -3.83 100.74 -3.57 C 100.16 -3.33 99.50 -3.21 98.78 -3.21 C 98.00 -3.21 97.32 -3.36 96.75 -3.68 C 96.19 -4.02 95.74 -4.49 95.42 -5.09 C 95.32 -5.30 95.24 -5.53 95.17 -5.76 L 105.63 -5.78 C 105.71 -6.16 105.75 -6.49 105.77 -6.77 C 105.81 -7.07 105.83 -7.35 105.83 -7.61 C 105.83 -9.03 105.52 -10.30 104.88 -11.40 C 104.26 -12.50 103.40 -13.36 102.30 -13.98 C 101.20 -14.60 99.93 -14.91 98.49 -14.91 z M 47.75 -14.88 C 46.67 -14.88 45.70 -14.64 44.84 -14.18 C 44.47 -13.99 44.13 -13.76 43.83 -13.49 L 43.83 -14.58 L 39.24 -14.58 L 39.24 0 L 43.83 0 L 43.83 -8.51 C 43.83 -9.01 43.93 -9.43 44.13 -9.77 C 44.35 -10.11 44.64 -10.38 45 -10.56 C 45.36 -10.76 45.77 -10.85 46.23 -10.85 C 46.89 -10.85 47.44 -10.65 47.88 -10.23 C 48.34 -9.83 48.57 -9.25 48.57 -8.51 L 48.57 0 L 53.16 0 L 53.16 -8.51 C 53.16 -9.01 53.26 -9.43 53.46 -9.77 C 53.68 -10.11 53.97 -10.38 54.33 -10.56 C 54.69 -10.76 55.10 -10.85 55.56 -10.85 C 56.22 -10.85 56.77 -10.65 57.21 -10.23 C 57.67 -9.83 57.90 -9.25 57.90 -8.51 L 57.90 0 L 62.49 0 L 62.49 -9.02 C 62.49 -10.24 62.23 -11.29 61.71 -12.15 C 61.21 -13.03 60.52 -13.70 59.64 -14.16 C 58.78 -14.64 57.78 -14.88 56.66 -14.88 C 55.52 -14.88 54.50 -14.63 53.58 -14.13 C 52.98 -13.81 52.46 -13.39 52.01 -12.89 C 51.59 -13.42 51.08 -13.85 50.49 -14.18 C 49.69 -14.64 48.77 -14.88 47.75 -14.88 z M 73.94 -14.88 C 72.86 -14.88 71.89 -14.64 71.03 -14.18 C 70.66 -13.99 70.32 -13.76 70.01 -13.49 L 70.01 -14.58 L 65.42 -14.58 L 65.42 0 L 70.01 0 L 70.01 -8.51 C 70.01 -9.01 70.12 -9.43 70.32 -9.77 C 70.54 -10.11 70.82 -10.38 71.18 -10.56 C 71.54 -10.76 71.95 -10.85 72.41 -10.85 C 73.07 -10.85 73.63 -10.65 74.07 -10.23 C 74.53 -9.83 74.75 -9.25 74.75 -8.51 L 74.75 0 L 79.34 0 L 79.34 -8.51 C 79.34 -9.01 79.45 -9.43 79.65 -9.77 C 79.87 -10.11 80.15 -10.38 80.51 -10.56 C 80.87 -10.76 81.29 -10.85 81.75 -10.85 C 82.40 -10.85 82.96 -10.65 83.40 -10.23 C 83.86 -9.83 84.08 -9.25 84.08 -8.51 L 84.08 0 L 88.67 0 L 88.67 -9.02 C 88.67 -10.24 88.42 -11.29 87.90 -12.15 C 87.40 -13.03 86.71 -13.70 85.83 -14.16 C 84.97 -14.64 83.97 -14.88 82.85 -14.88 C 81.71 -14.88 80.68 -14.63 79.76 -14.13 C 79.17 -13.81 78.65 -13.39 78.20 -12.89 C 77.78 -13.42 77.27 -13.85 76.67 -14.18 C 75.87 -14.64 74.96 -14.88 73.94 -14.88 z M 116.73 -14.88 C 115.61 -14.88 114.59 -14.64 113.69 -14.16 C 113.31 -13.95 112.96 -13.71 112.65 -13.43 L 112.65 -14.58 L 108.06 -14.58 L 108.06 0 L 112.65 0 L 112.65 -8.31 C 112.65 -8.81 112.76 -9.25 112.98 -9.63 C 113.20 -10.03 113.50 -10.32 113.88 -10.52 C 114.26 -10.74 114.69 -10.85 115.19 -10.85 C 115.91 -10.85 116.51 -10.62 116.97 -10.14 C 117.45 -9.68 117.68 -9.07 117.68 -8.31 L 117.68 0 L 122.27 0 L 122.27 -9.33 C 122.27 -10.33 122.04 -11.24 121.56 -12.08 C 121.08 -12.92 120.42 -13.59 119.58 -14.09 C 118.76 -14.61 117.81 -14.88 116.73 -14.88 z M 98.51 -11.40 C 99.19 -11.40 99.77 -11.24 100.23 -10.94 C 100.71 -10.66 101.07 -10.24 101.31 -9.68 C 101.41 -9.46 101.49 -9.21 101.55 -8.93 L 95.18 -8.91 C 95.24 -9.12 95.31 -9.32 95.40 -9.50 C 95.70 -10.10 96.11 -10.57 96.63 -10.89 C 97.17 -11.23 97.79 -11.40 98.51 -11.40 z M 28.98 -10.74 C 29.64 -10.74 30.20 -10.58 30.68 -10.28 C 31.18 -10.00 31.57 -9.60 31.85 -9.08 C 32.13 -8.58 32.27 -8.00 32.27 -7.32 C 32.27 -6.64 32.13 -6.03 31.85 -5.49 C 31.59 -4.97 31.22 -4.55 30.72 -4.25 C 30.22 -3.97 29.64 -3.83 28.98 -3.83 C 28.34 -3.83 27.76 -3.97 27.26 -4.25 C 26.76 -4.55 26.37 -4.97 26.09 -5.49 C 25.81 -6.03 25.67 -6.62 25.67 -7.28 C 25.67 -7.96 25.81 -8.56 26.09 -9.08 C 26.37 -9.60 26.76 -10.00 27.26 -10.28 C 27.76 -10.58 28.34 -10.74 28.98 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-messages: "M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.72 0 L 6.72 -11.75 L 11.31 -4.56 L 14.42 -4.56 L 19.01 -11.71 L 19.01 0 L 23.73 0 L 23.73 -21.17 L 20.33 -21.17 L 12.88 -9.52 L 5.40 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 49.34 -15 C 48.16 -15 47.13 -14.80 46.25 -14.40 C 45.37 -14.00 44.70 -13.44 44.22 -12.75 C 43.74 -12.07 43.5 -11.26 43.5 -10.32 C 43.5 -9.44 43.66 -8.71 44.00 -8.13 C 44.34 -7.57 44.79 -7.13 45.33 -6.81 C 45.87 -6.49 46.43 -6.24 47.03 -6.06 C 47.63 -5.88 48.21 -5.71 48.75 -5.55 C 49.28 -5.41 49.73 -5.23 50.07 -5.03 C 50.43 -4.85 50.60 -4.59 50.60 -4.23 C 50.60 -3.95 50.46 -3.73 50.16 -3.57 C 49.88 -3.41 49.46 -3.33 48.92 -3.33 C 48.14 -3.33 47.42 -3.47 46.76 -3.75 C 46.10 -4.04 45.54 -4.46 45.06 -4.98 L 42.44 -2.33 C 42.94 -1.79 43.55 -1.32 44.25 -0.90 C 44.96 -0.50 45.74 -0.19 46.56 0.02 C 47.40 0.24 48.24 0.35 49.10 0.35 C 50.92 0.35 52.36 -0.06 53.42 -0.90 C 54.50 -1.74 55.05 -2.86 55.05 -4.28 C 55.05 -5.20 54.87 -5.94 54.53 -6.50 C 54.19 -7.08 53.76 -7.55 53.22 -7.89 C 52.68 -8.23 52.10 -8.49 51.50 -8.69 C 50.90 -8.89 50.34 -9.07 49.80 -9.21 C 49.26 -9.35 48.82 -9.50 48.48 -9.68 C 48.14 -9.86 47.97 -10.11 47.97 -10.41 C 47.97 -10.69 48.09 -10.89 48.35 -11.03 C 48.61 -11.19 49.00 -11.27 49.52 -11.27 C 50.06 -11.27 50.61 -11.16 51.17 -10.94 C 51.75 -10.72 52.28 -10.35 52.74 -9.81 L 55.34 -12.44 C 54.68 -13.28 53.82 -13.91 52.76 -14.33 C 51.72 -14.77 50.58 -15 49.34 -15 z M 63.08 -15 C 61.90 -15 60.87 -14.80 60 -14.40 C 59.12 -14.00 58.44 -13.44 57.96 -12.75 C 57.48 -12.07 57.24 -11.26 57.24 -10.32 C 57.24 -9.44 57.41 -8.71 57.75 -8.13 C 58.09 -7.57 58.53 -7.13 59.07 -6.81 C 59.61 -6.49 60.17 -6.24 60.77 -6.06 C 61.37 -5.88 61.95 -5.71 62.49 -5.55 C 63.03 -5.41 63.47 -5.23 63.81 -5.03 C 64.17 -4.85 64.34 -4.59 64.34 -4.23 C 64.34 -3.95 64.20 -3.73 63.90 -3.57 C 63.62 -3.41 63.20 -3.33 62.66 -3.33 C 61.88 -3.33 61.16 -3.47 60.50 -3.75 C 59.84 -4.04 59.28 -4.46 58.80 -4.98 L 56.18 -2.33 C 56.68 -1.79 57.29 -1.32 57.99 -0.90 C 58.71 -0.50 59.48 -0.19 60.30 0.02 C 61.14 0.24 61.98 0.35 62.84 0.35 C 64.66 0.35 66.10 -0.06 67.16 -0.90 C 68.24 -1.74 68.78 -2.86 68.78 -4.28 C 68.78 -5.20 68.61 -5.94 68.27 -6.50 C 67.93 -7.08 67.50 -7.55 66.96 -7.89 C 66.42 -8.23 65.84 -8.49 65.25 -8.69 C 64.65 -8.89 64.07 -9.07 63.53 -9.21 C 62.99 -9.35 62.56 -9.50 62.22 -9.68 C 61.88 -9.86 61.71 -10.11 61.71 -10.41 C 61.71 -10.69 61.83 -10.89 62.09 -11.03 C 62.35 -11.19 62.74 -11.27 63.26 -11.27 C 63.80 -11.27 64.35 -11.16 64.91 -10.94 C 65.49 -10.72 66.02 -10.35 66.48 -9.81 L 69.08 -12.44 C 68.42 -13.28 67.56 -13.91 66.50 -14.33 C 65.46 -14.77 64.32 -15 63.08 -15 z M 128.64 -15 C 127.46 -15 126.43 -14.80 125.55 -14.40 C 124.67 -14.00 123.98 -13.44 123.50 -12.75 C 123.02 -12.07 122.78 -11.26 122.78 -10.32 C 122.78 -9.44 122.96 -8.71 123.30 -8.13 C 123.64 -7.57 124.07 -7.13 124.61 -6.81 C 125.15 -6.49 125.73 -6.24 126.33 -6.06 C 126.93 -5.88 127.49 -5.71 128.03 -5.55 C 128.57 -5.41 129.01 -5.23 129.35 -5.03 C 129.71 -4.85 129.90 -4.59 129.90 -4.23 C 129.90 -3.95 129.74 -3.73 129.44 -3.57 C 129.16 -3.41 128.76 -3.33 128.22 -3.33 C 127.44 -3.33 126.72 -3.47 126.06 -3.75 C 125.40 -4.04 124.82 -4.46 124.34 -4.98 L 121.74 -2.33 C 122.24 -1.79 122.83 -1.32 123.53 -0.90 C 124.25 -0.50 125.02 -0.19 125.84 0.02 C 126.68 0.24 127.54 0.35 128.40 0.35 C 130.22 0.35 131.66 -0.06 132.72 -0.90 C 133.80 -1.74 134.33 -2.86 134.33 -4.28 C 134.33 -5.20 134.17 -5.94 133.83 -6.50 C 133.49 -7.08 133.04 -7.55 132.50 -7.89 C 131.96 -8.23 131.40 -8.49 130.80 -8.69 C 130.20 -8.89 129.62 -9.07 129.08 -9.21 C 128.54 -9.35 128.10 -9.50 127.76 -9.68 C 127.42 -9.86 127.25 -10.11 127.25 -10.41 C 127.25 -10.69 127.39 -10.89 127.65 -11.03 C 127.91 -11.19 128.30 -11.27 128.82 -11.27 C 129.36 -11.27 129.91 -11.16 130.47 -10.94 C 131.05 -10.72 131.56 -10.35 132.02 -9.81 L 134.64 -12.44 C 133.98 -13.28 133.12 -13.91 132.06 -14.33 C 131.02 -14.77 129.88 -15 128.64 -15 z M 34.23 -14.91 C 32.75 -14.91 31.42 -14.57 30.24 -13.91 C 29.06 -13.25 28.11 -12.34 27.41 -11.18 C 26.73 -10.04 26.40 -8.74 26.40 -7.28 C 26.40 -5.82 26.74 -4.51 27.44 -3.35 C 28.14 -2.19 29.11 -1.29 30.33 -0.63 C 31.57 0.00 32.98 0.33 34.56 0.33 C 35.78 0.33 36.89 0.11 37.91 -0.30 C 38.93 -0.72 39.80 -1.34 40.52 -2.18 L 38.00 -4.71 C 37.56 -4.21 37.06 -3.83 36.48 -3.57 C 35.90 -3.33 35.24 -3.21 34.52 -3.21 C 33.74 -3.21 33.07 -3.36 32.49 -3.68 C 31.93 -4.02 31.48 -4.49 31.16 -5.09 C 31.06 -5.30 30.98 -5.53 30.91 -5.76 L 41.36 -5.78 C 41.44 -6.16 41.49 -6.49 41.51 -6.77 C 41.55 -7.07 41.58 -7.35 41.58 -7.61 C 41.58 -9.03 41.25 -10.30 40.61 -11.40 C 39.99 -12.50 39.13 -13.36 38.03 -13.98 C 36.93 -14.60 35.67 -14.91 34.23 -14.91 z M 113.51 -14.91 C 112.03 -14.91 110.70 -14.57 109.52 -13.91 C 108.34 -13.25 107.41 -12.34 106.71 -11.18 C 106.03 -10.04 105.68 -8.74 105.68 -7.28 C 105.68 -5.82 106.04 -4.51 106.74 -3.35 C 107.44 -2.19 108.39 -1.29 109.61 -0.63 C 110.85 0.00 112.26 0.33 113.84 0.33 C 115.06 0.33 116.19 0.11 117.21 -0.30 C 118.23 -0.72 119.10 -1.34 119.82 -2.18 L 117.30 -4.71 C 116.86 -4.21 116.34 -3.83 115.76 -3.57 C 115.18 -3.33 114.54 -3.21 113.82 -3.21 C 113.04 -3.21 112.35 -3.36 111.77 -3.68 C 111.21 -4.02 110.78 -4.49 110.46 -5.09 C 110.36 -5.30 110.27 -5.53 110.21 -5.76 L 120.66 -5.78 C 120.74 -6.16 120.79 -6.49 120.81 -6.77 C 120.85 -7.07 120.86 -7.35 120.86 -7.61 C 120.86 -9.03 120.55 -10.30 119.91 -11.40 C 119.29 -12.50 118.43 -13.36 117.33 -13.98 C 116.23 -14.60 114.95 -14.91 113.51 -14.91 z M 77.36 -14.88 C 76.02 -14.88 74.82 -14.55 73.76 -13.89 C 72.72 -13.23 71.89 -12.32 71.27 -11.18 C 70.67 -10.04 70.38 -8.74 70.38 -7.28 C 70.38 -5.82 70.67 -4.53 71.27 -3.39 C 71.89 -2.25 72.72 -1.34 73.76 -0.68 C 74.82 -0.02 76.02 0.30 77.36 0.30 C 78.34 0.30 79.23 0.11 80.03 -0.26 C 80.55 -0.51 81.00 -0.82 81.39 -1.18 L 81.39 0 L 85.89 0 L 85.89 -14.58 L 81.39 -14.58 L 81.39 -13.36 C 80.99 -13.74 80.53 -14.06 80.00 -14.31 C 79.22 -14.69 78.34 -14.88 77.36 -14.88 z M 95.09 -14.88 C 93.75 -14.88 92.56 -14.55 91.52 -13.91 C 90.48 -13.29 89.67 -12.43 89.07 -11.33 C 88.47 -10.25 88.16 -9.03 88.16 -7.67 C 88.16 -6.33 88.47 -5.11 89.07 -4.01 C 89.67 -2.91 90.48 -2.05 91.52 -1.41 C 92.56 -0.77 93.75 -0.44 95.09 -0.44 C 96.07 -0.44 96.96 -0.63 97.76 -1.01 C 98.15 -1.20 98.50 -1.42 98.82 -1.67 L 98.82 -0.75 C 98.82 0.26 98.49 1.05 97.83 1.61 C 97.19 2.17 96.30 2.46 95.16 2.46 C 94.24 2.46 93.44 2.30 92.78 1.98 C 92.14 1.66 91.57 1.19 91.05 0.57 L 88.23 3.39 C 88.93 4.39 89.88 5.15 91.08 5.69 C 92.30 6.25 93.71 6.53 95.31 6.53 C 96.87 6.53 98.26 6.22 99.48 5.60 C 100.70 4.98 101.65 4.12 102.35 3.02 C 103.05 1.92 103.41 0.63 103.41 -0.86 L 103.41 -14.58 L 98.91 -14.58 L 98.91 -13.59 C 98.57 -13.88 98.19 -14.11 97.76 -14.31 C 96.98 -14.69 96.09 -14.88 95.09 -14.88 z M 34.25 -11.40 C 34.93 -11.40 35.51 -11.24 35.97 -10.94 C 36.45 -10.66 36.81 -10.24 37.05 -9.68 C 37.15 -9.46 37.23 -9.21 37.29 -8.93 L 30.92 -8.91 C 30.98 -9.12 31.05 -9.32 31.14 -9.50 C 31.44 -10.10 31.84 -10.57 32.36 -10.89 C 32.90 -11.23 33.53 -11.40 34.25 -11.40 z M 113.55 -11.40 C 114.23 -11.40 114.79 -11.24 115.25 -10.94 C 115.73 -10.66 116.09 -10.24 116.33 -9.68 C 116.44 -9.46 116.52 -9.21 116.58 -8.93 L 110.21 -8.91 C 110.27 -9.12 110.34 -9.32 110.42 -9.50 C 110.72 -10.10 111.14 -10.57 111.66 -10.89 C 112.20 -11.23 112.83 -11.40 113.55 -11.40 z M 95.97 -10.85 C 96.61 -10.85 97.15 -10.71 97.61 -10.43 C 98.09 -10.15 98.45 -9.78 98.69 -9.30 C 98.95 -8.82 99.08 -8.27 99.08 -7.67 C 99.08 -7.07 98.95 -6.54 98.69 -6.06 C 98.45 -5.60 98.09 -5.22 97.61 -4.94 C 97.15 -4.66 96.61 -4.52 95.97 -4.52 C 95.33 -4.52 94.76 -4.66 94.28 -4.94 C 93.82 -5.22 93.47 -5.60 93.21 -6.08 C 92.95 -6.58 92.82 -7.11 92.82 -7.67 C 92.82 -8.27 92.95 -8.82 93.21 -9.30 C 93.47 -9.78 93.84 -10.15 94.32 -10.43 C 94.80 -10.71 95.35 -10.85 95.97 -10.85 z M 78.33 -10.74 C 78.97 -10.74 79.52 -10.58 80.00 -10.28 C 80.50 -10.00 80.89 -9.60 81.15 -9.08 C 81.43 -8.56 81.57 -7.96 81.57 -7.28 C 81.57 -6.28 81.26 -5.46 80.66 -4.80 C 80.06 -4.16 79.28 -3.83 78.30 -3.83 C 77.68 -3.83 77.11 -3.98 76.61 -4.28 C 76.11 -4.58 75.72 -4.99 75.44 -5.51 C 75.16 -6.03 75.02 -6.62 75.02 -7.28 C 75.02 -7.96 75.16 -8.56 75.44 -9.08 C 75.74 -9.60 76.13 -10.00 76.61 -10.28 C 77.11 -10.58 77.69 -10.74 78.33 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-profile: "M 57.81 -22.10 C 56.55 -22.10 55.45 -21.84 54.53 -21.30 C 53.63 -20.78 52.93 -20.06 52.43 -19.16 C 51.93 -18.26 51.68 -17.26 51.68 -16.14 L 51.68 -14.58 L 48.48 -14.58 L 48.48 -10.67 L 51.68 -10.67 L 51.68 0 L 56.27 0 L 56.27 -10.67 L 61.23 -10.67 L 61.23 0 L 65.82 0 L 65.82 -14.58 L 63.15 -14.58 L 56.27 -14.58 L 56.27 -16.38 C 56.27 -16.88 56.40 -17.27 56.66 -17.55 C 56.92 -17.85 57.31 -18 57.81 -18 C 58.03 -18 58.23 -17.97 58.41 -17.91 C 58.61 -17.85 58.80 -17.74 59.00 -17.60 L 61.28 -20.97 C 60.76 -21.37 60.22 -21.65 59.66 -21.83 C 59.10 -22.01 58.49 -22.10 57.81 -22.10 z M 69.02 -21.77 L 69.02 0 L 73.61 0 L 73.61 -21.77 L 69.02 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.75 0 L 6.75 -7.71 L 10.89 -7.71 C 12.23 -7.71 13.43 -7.97 14.51 -8.51 C 15.59 -9.07 16.45 -9.85 17.07 -10.85 C 17.71 -11.87 18.02 -13.08 18.02 -14.46 C 18.02 -15.84 17.71 -17.02 17.07 -18.02 C 16.45 -19.04 15.59 -19.82 14.51 -20.36 C 13.43 -20.90 12.23 -21.17 10.89 -21.17 L 6.75 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 63.53 -20.46 C 62.85 -20.46 62.29 -20.22 61.83 -19.76 C 61.39 -19.30 61.16 -18.74 61.16 -18.06 C 61.16 -17.38 61.39 -16.80 61.83 -16.32 C 62.29 -15.86 62.85 -15.63 63.53 -15.63 C 64.23 -15.63 64.81 -15.86 65.25 -16.32 C 65.69 -16.80 65.91 -17.38 65.91 -18.06 C 65.91 -18.74 65.69 -19.30 65.25 -19.76 C 64.81 -20.22 64.23 -20.46 63.53 -20.46 z M 6.75 -17.51 L 10.19 -17.51 C 10.77 -17.51 11.30 -17.40 11.78 -17.16 C 12.26 -16.92 12.64 -16.56 12.92 -16.10 C 13.20 -15.64 13.34 -15.10 13.34 -14.46 C 13.34 -13.80 13.20 -13.23 12.92 -12.77 C 12.64 -12.31 12.26 -11.97 11.78 -11.73 C 11.30 -11.49 10.77 -11.36 10.19 -11.36 L 6.75 -11.36 L 6.75 -17.51 z M 39.86 -14.91 C 38.34 -14.91 36.98 -14.57 35.78 -13.89 C 34.58 -13.23 33.63 -12.32 32.93 -11.18 C 32.23 -10.04 31.89 -8.76 31.89 -7.32 C 31.89 -5.88 32.23 -4.57 32.93 -3.41 C 33.63 -2.25 34.58 -1.34 35.78 -0.66 C 37.00 -0.00 38.36 0.33 39.86 0.33 C 41.38 0.33 42.74 -0.00 43.94 -0.66 C 45.14 -1.34 46.10 -2.25 46.80 -3.41 C 47.50 -4.57 47.84 -5.88 47.84 -7.32 C 47.84 -8.76 47.50 -10.04 46.80 -11.18 C 46.10 -12.34 45.14 -13.25 43.94 -13.91 C 42.74 -14.57 41.38 -14.91 39.86 -14.91 z M 83.73 -14.91 C 82.25 -14.91 80.92 -14.57 79.74 -13.91 C 78.56 -13.25 77.61 -12.34 76.91 -11.18 C 76.23 -10.04 75.90 -8.74 75.90 -7.28 C 75.90 -5.82 76.24 -4.51 76.94 -3.35 C 77.64 -2.19 78.61 -1.29 79.83 -0.63 C 81.07 0.00 82.48 0.33 84.06 0.33 C 85.28 0.33 86.39 0.11 87.41 -0.30 C 88.43 -0.72 89.30 -1.34 90.02 -2.18 L 87.50 -4.71 C 87.06 -4.21 86.56 -3.83 85.98 -3.57 C 85.40 -3.33 84.74 -3.21 84.02 -3.21 C 83.24 -3.21 82.57 -3.36 81.99 -3.68 C 81.43 -4.02 80.98 -4.49 80.66 -5.09 C 80.56 -5.30 80.48 -5.53 80.41 -5.76 L 90.86 -5.78 C 90.94 -6.16 90.99 -6.49 91.01 -6.77 C 91.05 -7.07 91.08 -7.35 91.08 -7.61 C 91.08 -9.03 90.75 -10.30 90.11 -11.40 C 89.49 -12.50 88.63 -13.36 87.53 -13.98 C 86.43 -14.60 85.17 -14.91 83.73 -14.91 z M 28.80 -14.88 C 27.20 -14.88 25.95 -14.41 25.05 -13.47 L 25.05 -14.58 L 20.46 -14.58 L 20.46 0 L 25.05 0 L 25.05 -8.00 C 25.05 -8.94 25.27 -9.64 25.71 -10.10 C 26.17 -10.58 26.77 -10.83 27.53 -10.83 C 27.91 -10.83 28.26 -10.77 28.56 -10.65 C 28.86 -10.53 29.11 -10.36 29.31 -10.14 L 32.03 -13.58 C 31.63 -14.02 31.17 -14.35 30.63 -14.55 C 30.11 -14.77 29.50 -14.88 28.80 -14.88 z M 83.75 -11.40 C 84.43 -11.40 85.01 -11.24 85.47 -10.94 C 85.95 -10.66 86.31 -10.24 86.55 -9.68 C 86.65 -9.46 86.73 -9.21 86.79 -8.93 L 80.42 -8.91 C 80.48 -9.12 80.55 -9.32 80.64 -9.50 C 80.94 -10.10 81.34 -10.57 81.86 -10.89 C 82.40 -11.23 83.03 -11.40 83.75 -11.40 z M 39.86 -10.74 C 40.52 -10.74 41.10 -10.58 41.58 -10.28 C 42.08 -10.00 42.47 -9.60 42.75 -9.08 C 43.03 -8.58 43.16 -8.00 43.16 -7.32 C 43.16 -6.64 43.03 -6.03 42.75 -5.49 C 42.49 -4.97 42.10 -4.55 41.60 -4.25 C 41.10 -3.97 40.52 -3.83 39.86 -3.83 C 39.22 -3.83 38.66 -3.97 38.16 -4.25 C 37.66 -4.55 37.27 -4.97 36.99 -5.49 C 36.71 -6.03 36.57 -6.62 36.57 -7.28 C 36.57 -7.96 36.71 -8.56 36.99 -9.08 C 37.27 -9.60 37.66 -10.00 38.16 -10.28 C 38.66 -10.58 39.22 -10.74 39.86 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-submission: "M 35.27 -21.77 L 35.27 0 L 39.81 0 L 39.81 -1.07 C 40.15 -0.78 40.54 -0.52 40.98 -0.30 C 41.80 0.09 42.69 0.30 43.67 0.30 C 45.05 0.30 46.27 -0.02 47.33 -0.68 C 48.41 -1.34 49.25 -2.25 49.85 -3.39 C 50.47 -4.53 50.78 -5.82 50.78 -7.28 C 50.78 -8.74 50.47 -10.04 49.85 -11.18 C 49.25 -12.32 48.41 -13.23 47.33 -13.89 C 46.27 -14.55 45.05 -14.88 43.67 -14.88 C 42.69 -14.88 41.80 -14.69 40.98 -14.31 C 40.57 -14.12 40.20 -13.89 39.86 -13.63 L 39.86 -21.77 L 35.27 -21.77 z M 81.63 -21.63 C 80.91 -21.63 80.31 -21.39 79.83 -20.91 C 79.37 -20.43 79.14 -19.82 79.14 -19.10 C 79.14 -18.40 79.37 -17.81 79.83 -17.31 C 80.31 -16.83 80.91 -16.58 81.63 -16.58 C 82.35 -16.58 82.94 -16.83 83.40 -17.31 C 83.86 -17.81 84.08 -18.40 84.08 -19.10 C 84.08 -19.82 83.86 -20.43 83.40 -20.91 C 82.94 -21.39 82.35 -21.63 81.63 -21.63 z M 116.93 -21.63 C 116.21 -21.63 115.62 -21.39 115.14 -20.91 C 114.68 -20.43 114.44 -19.82 114.44 -19.10 C 114.44 -18.40 114.68 -17.81 115.14 -17.31 C 115.62 -16.83 116.21 -16.58 116.93 -16.58 C 117.65 -16.58 118.24 -16.83 118.70 -17.31 C 119.16 -17.81 119.40 -18.40 119.40 -19.10 C 119.40 -19.82 119.16 -20.43 118.70 -20.91 C 118.24 -21.39 117.65 -21.63 116.93 -21.63 z M 9.35 -21.50 C 7.89 -21.50 6.61 -21.25 5.49 -20.75 C 4.37 -20.27 3.48 -19.57 2.84 -18.63 C 2.22 -17.69 1.91 -16.56 1.91 -15.26 C 1.91 -14.18 2.10 -13.29 2.46 -12.57 C 2.82 -11.87 3.28 -11.28 3.86 -10.80 C 4.46 -10.34 5.12 -9.95 5.82 -9.63 C 6.52 -9.33 7.21 -9.06 7.91 -8.82 C 8.63 -8.58 9.28 -8.33 9.86 -8.07 C 10.46 -7.81 10.95 -7.50 11.31 -7.14 C 11.67 -6.78 11.84 -6.31 11.84 -5.73 C 11.84 -5.09 11.56 -4.59 11.00 -4.23 C 10.46 -3.87 9.69 -3.68 8.69 -3.68 C 7.59 -3.68 6.62 -3.90 5.78 -4.32 C 4.96 -4.76 4.21 -5.37 3.53 -6.15 L 0.48 -3.11 C 1.52 -1.95 2.66 -1.08 3.90 -0.50 C 5.16 0.05 6.66 0.33 8.40 0.33 C 10.94 0.33 12.92 -0.24 14.36 -1.38 C 15.80 -2.54 16.52 -4.13 16.52 -6.15 C 16.52 -7.25 16.35 -8.17 15.99 -8.91 C 15.63 -9.67 15.15 -10.28 14.55 -10.76 C 13.97 -11.26 13.33 -11.68 12.63 -12 C 11.93 -12.32 11.21 -12.59 10.5 -12.83 C 9.80 -13.07 9.15 -13.32 8.55 -13.56 C 7.97 -13.80 7.50 -14.08 7.14 -14.40 C 6.78 -14.74 6.59 -15.18 6.59 -15.72 C 6.59 -16.30 6.84 -16.73 7.32 -17.03 C 7.80 -17.35 8.44 -17.51 9.26 -17.51 C 10.08 -17.51 10.82 -17.35 11.46 -17.03 C 12.12 -16.71 12.77 -16.23 13.41 -15.57 L 16.47 -18.59 C 15.67 -19.49 14.65 -20.21 13.41 -20.73 C 12.19 -21.25 10.83 -21.50 9.35 -21.50 z M 92.69 -15 C 91.51 -15 90.48 -14.80 89.60 -14.40 C 88.72 -14.00 88.05 -13.44 87.57 -12.75 C 87.09 -12.07 86.84 -11.26 86.84 -10.32 C 86.84 -9.44 87.01 -8.71 87.35 -8.13 C 87.69 -7.57 88.13 -7.13 88.67 -6.81 C 89.21 -6.49 89.79 -6.24 90.39 -6.06 C 90.99 -5.88 91.55 -5.71 92.09 -5.55 C 92.63 -5.41 93.07 -5.23 93.41 -5.03 C 93.77 -4.85 93.95 -4.59 93.95 -4.23 C 93.95 -3.95 93.80 -3.73 93.50 -3.57 C 93.22 -3.41 92.81 -3.33 92.27 -3.33 C 91.49 -3.33 90.77 -3.47 90.11 -3.75 C 89.45 -4.04 88.89 -4.46 88.41 -4.98 L 85.80 -2.33 C 86.30 -1.79 86.89 -1.32 87.59 -0.90 C 88.31 -0.50 89.09 -0.19 89.91 0.02 C 90.75 0.24 91.59 0.35 92.45 0.35 C 94.27 0.35 95.71 -0.06 96.77 -0.90 C 97.85 -1.74 98.40 -2.86 98.40 -4.28 C 98.40 -5.20 98.23 -5.94 97.89 -6.50 C 97.55 -7.08 97.11 -7.55 96.57 -7.89 C 96.03 -8.23 95.45 -8.49 94.85 -8.69 C 94.25 -8.89 93.69 -9.07 93.15 -9.21 C 92.61 -9.35 92.17 -9.50 91.83 -9.68 C 91.49 -9.86 91.32 -10.11 91.32 -10.41 C 91.32 -10.69 91.44 -10.89 91.70 -11.03 C 91.96 -11.19 92.36 -11.27 92.88 -11.27 C 93.42 -11.27 93.96 -11.16 94.52 -10.94 C 95.10 -10.72 95.62 -10.35 96.08 -9.81 L 98.69 -12.44 C 98.03 -13.28 97.17 -13.91 96.11 -14.33 C 95.07 -14.77 93.93 -15 92.69 -15 z M 106.43 -15 C 105.25 -15 104.22 -14.80 103.34 -14.40 C 102.46 -14.00 101.79 -13.44 101.31 -12.75 C 100.83 -12.07 100.58 -11.26 100.58 -10.32 C 100.58 -9.44 100.75 -8.71 101.09 -8.13 C 101.43 -7.57 101.87 -7.13 102.41 -6.81 C 102.95 -6.49 103.53 -6.24 104.13 -6.06 C 104.73 -5.88 105.29 -5.71 105.83 -5.55 C 106.37 -5.41 106.82 -5.23 107.16 -5.03 C 107.52 -4.85 107.69 -4.59 107.69 -4.23 C 107.69 -3.95 107.55 -3.73 107.25 -3.57 C 106.97 -3.41 106.55 -3.33 106.01 -3.33 C 105.23 -3.33 104.51 -3.47 103.85 -3.75 C 103.19 -4.04 102.63 -4.46 102.15 -4.98 L 99.53 -2.33 C 100.03 -1.79 100.63 -1.32 101.33 -0.90 C 102.05 -0.50 102.83 -0.19 103.65 0.02 C 104.49 0.24 105.33 0.35 106.19 0.35 C 108.01 0.35 109.45 -0.06 110.51 -0.90 C 111.59 -1.74 112.14 -2.86 112.14 -4.28 C 112.14 -5.20 111.97 -5.94 111.63 -6.50 C 111.29 -7.08 110.85 -7.55 110.31 -7.89 C 109.77 -8.23 109.19 -8.49 108.59 -8.69 C 107.99 -8.89 107.43 -9.07 106.89 -9.21 C 106.35 -9.35 105.91 -9.50 105.57 -9.68 C 105.23 -9.86 105.06 -10.11 105.06 -10.41 C 105.06 -10.69 105.18 -10.89 105.44 -11.03 C 105.70 -11.19 106.09 -11.27 106.61 -11.27 C 107.15 -11.27 107.70 -11.16 108.26 -10.94 C 108.84 -10.72 109.37 -10.35 109.83 -9.81 L 112.43 -12.44 C 111.77 -13.28 110.91 -13.91 109.85 -14.33 C 108.81 -14.77 107.67 -15 106.43 -15 z M 129.48 -14.91 C 127.96 -14.91 126.60 -14.57 125.40 -13.89 C 124.20 -13.23 123.25 -12.32 122.55 -11.18 C 121.85 -10.04 121.5 -8.76 121.5 -7.32 C 121.5 -5.88 121.85 -4.57 122.55 -3.41 C 123.25 -2.25 124.20 -1.34 125.40 -0.66 C 126.62 -0.00 127.98 0.33 129.48 0.33 C 131.00 0.33 132.36 -0.00 133.56 -0.66 C 134.76 -1.34 135.71 -2.25 136.41 -3.41 C 137.11 -4.57 137.45 -5.88 137.45 -7.32 C 137.45 -8.76 137.11 -10.04 136.41 -11.18 C 135.71 -12.34 134.76 -13.25 133.56 -13.91 C 132.36 -14.57 131.00 -14.91 129.48 -14.91 z M 61.65 -14.88 C 60.57 -14.88 59.60 -14.64 58.74 -14.18 C 58.36 -13.99 58.02 -13.76 57.72 -13.5 L 57.72 -14.58 L 53.13 -14.58 L 53.13 0 L 57.72 0 L 57.72 -8.51 C 57.72 -9.01 57.81 -9.43 58.01 -9.77 C 58.23 -10.11 58.53 -10.38 58.89 -10.56 C 59.25 -10.76 59.65 -10.85 60.11 -10.85 C 60.77 -10.85 61.32 -10.65 61.76 -10.23 C 62.22 -9.83 62.46 -9.25 62.46 -8.51 L 62.46 0 L 67.05 0 L 67.05 -8.51 C 67.05 -9.01 67.14 -9.43 67.34 -9.77 C 67.56 -10.11 67.86 -10.38 68.22 -10.56 C 68.58 -10.76 68.98 -10.85 69.44 -10.85 C 70.10 -10.85 70.65 -10.65 71.09 -10.23 C 71.55 -9.83 71.78 -9.25 71.78 -8.51 L 71.78 0 L 76.38 0 L 76.38 -9.02 C 76.38 -10.24 76.11 -11.29 75.59 -12.15 C 75.09 -13.03 74.40 -13.70 73.52 -14.16 C 72.66 -14.64 71.68 -14.88 70.56 -14.88 C 69.42 -14.88 68.39 -14.63 67.47 -14.13 C 66.87 -13.81 66.35 -13.39 65.90 -12.89 C 65.48 -13.42 64.98 -13.85 64.38 -14.18 C 63.58 -14.64 62.67 -14.88 61.65 -14.88 z M 148.41 -14.88 C 147.29 -14.88 146.28 -14.64 145.38 -14.16 C 144.99 -13.95 144.64 -13.71 144.33 -13.43 L 144.33 -14.58 L 139.74 -14.58 L 139.74 0 L 144.33 0 L 144.33 -8.31 C 144.33 -8.81 144.44 -9.25 144.66 -9.63 C 144.88 -10.03 145.18 -10.32 145.56 -10.52 C 145.94 -10.74 146.38 -10.85 146.88 -10.85 C 147.60 -10.85 148.19 -10.62 148.65 -10.14 C 149.13 -9.68 149.36 -9.07 149.36 -8.31 L 149.36 0 L 153.95 0 L 153.95 -9.33 C 153.95 -10.33 153.72 -11.24 153.24 -12.08 C 152.76 -12.92 152.09 -13.59 151.25 -14.09 C 150.43 -14.61 149.49 -14.88 148.41 -14.88 z M 18.75 -14.58 L 18.75 -6.11 C 18.75 -4.85 19.03 -3.73 19.61 -2.75 C 20.19 -1.79 20.99 -1.04 22.01 -0.48 C 23.05 0.05 24.24 0.33 25.58 0.33 C 26.92 0.33 28.11 0.05 29.13 -0.48 C 30.15 -1.04 30.94 -1.79 31.52 -2.75 C 32.10 -3.73 32.40 -4.87 32.40 -6.15 L 32.40 -14.58 L 27.81 -14.58 L 27.81 -6.17 C 27.81 -5.41 27.61 -4.82 27.21 -4.38 C 26.81 -3.96 26.26 -3.75 25.58 -3.75 C 25.10 -3.75 24.69 -3.85 24.35 -4.05 C 24.01 -4.25 23.76 -4.53 23.58 -4.89 C 23.42 -5.25 23.33 -5.67 23.33 -6.17 L 23.33 -14.58 L 18.75 -14.58 z M 79.32 -14.58 L 79.32 0 L 83.91 0 L 83.91 -14.58 L 79.32 -14.58 z M 114.63 -14.58 L 114.63 0 L 119.22 0 L 119.22 -14.58 L 114.63 -14.58 z M 42.86 -10.74 C 43.50 -10.74 44.07 -10.58 44.55 -10.28 C 45.05 -10.00 45.44 -9.60 45.72 -9.08 C 46.00 -8.56 46.14 -7.96 46.14 -7.28 C 46.14 -6.62 46.00 -6.03 45.72 -5.51 C 45.44 -4.99 45.05 -4.58 44.55 -4.28 C 44.07 -3.98 43.50 -3.83 42.86 -3.83 C 42.22 -3.83 41.66 -3.97 41.16 -4.25 C 40.68 -4.55 40.29 -4.97 40.01 -5.49 C 39.73 -6.01 39.59 -6.60 39.59 -7.28 C 39.59 -7.96 39.73 -8.56 39.99 -9.08 C 40.27 -9.60 40.66 -10.00 41.16 -10.28 C 41.66 -10.58 42.22 -10.74 42.86 -10.74 z M 129.48 -10.74 C 130.14 -10.74 130.70 -10.58 131.18 -10.28 C 131.68 -10.00 132.07 -9.60 132.35 -9.08 C 132.63 -8.58 132.77 -8.00 132.77 -7.32 C 132.77 -6.64 132.63 -6.03 132.35 -5.49 C 132.09 -4.97 131.72 -4.55 131.22 -4.25 C 130.72 -3.97 130.14 -3.83 129.48 -3.83 C 128.84 -3.83 128.26 -3.97 127.76 -4.25 C 127.26 -4.55 126.87 -4.97 126.59 -5.49 C 126.31 -6.03 126.17 -6.62 126.17 -7.28 C 126.17 -7.96 126.31 -8.56 126.59 -9.08 C 126.87 -9.60 127.26 -10.00 127.76 -10.28 C 128.26 -10.58 128.84 -10.74 129.48 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-members: "M 69.99 -21.77 L 69.99 0 L 74.51 0 L 74.51 -1.07 C 74.86 -0.78 75.25 -0.52 75.68 -0.30 C 76.50 0.09 77.41 0.30 78.39 0.30 C 79.77 0.30 80.99 -0.02 82.05 -0.68 C 83.13 -1.34 83.97 -2.25 84.57 -3.39 C 85.19 -4.53 85.5 -5.82 85.5 -7.28 C 85.5 -8.74 85.19 -10.04 84.57 -11.18 C 83.97 -12.32 83.13 -13.23 82.05 -13.89 C 80.99 -14.55 79.77 -14.88 78.39 -14.88 C 77.41 -14.88 76.50 -14.69 75.68 -14.31 C 75.28 -14.12 74.91 -13.89 74.58 -13.63 L 74.58 -21.77 L 69.99 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.72 0 L 6.72 -11.75 L 11.31 -4.56 L 14.42 -4.56 L 19.01 -11.71 L 19.01 0 L 23.73 0 L 23.73 -21.17 L 20.33 -21.17 L 12.88 -9.52 L 5.40 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 122.31 -15 C 121.13 -15 120.10 -14.80 119.22 -14.40 C 118.34 -14.00 117.65 -13.44 117.17 -12.75 C 116.69 -12.07 116.46 -11.26 116.46 -10.32 C 116.46 -9.44 116.63 -8.71 116.97 -8.13 C 117.31 -7.57 117.74 -7.13 118.28 -6.81 C 118.82 -6.49 119.4 -6.24 120 -6.06 C 120.6 -5.88 121.17 -5.71 121.71 -5.55 C 122.25 -5.41 122.68 -5.23 123.02 -5.03 C 123.38 -4.85 123.57 -4.59 123.57 -4.23 C 123.57 -3.95 123.41 -3.73 123.11 -3.57 C 122.83 -3.41 122.43 -3.33 121.89 -3.33 C 121.11 -3.33 120.39 -3.47 119.73 -3.75 C 119.07 -4.04 118.49 -4.46 118.01 -4.98 L 115.41 -2.33 C 115.91 -1.79 116.51 -1.32 117.21 -0.90 C 117.93 -0.50 118.69 -0.19 119.51 0.02 C 120.35 0.24 121.21 0.35 122.07 0.35 C 123.89 0.35 125.33 -0.06 126.39 -0.90 C 127.47 -1.74 128.00 -2.86 128.00 -4.28 C 128.00 -5.20 127.84 -5.94 127.5 -6.50 C 127.16 -7.08 126.71 -7.55 126.17 -7.89 C 125.63 -8.23 125.07 -8.49 124.47 -8.69 C 123.87 -8.89 123.29 -9.07 122.75 -9.21 C 122.21 -9.35 121.77 -9.50 121.43 -9.68 C 121.09 -9.86 120.92 -10.11 120.92 -10.41 C 120.92 -10.69 121.06 -10.89 121.32 -11.03 C 121.58 -11.19 121.97 -11.27 122.49 -11.27 C 123.03 -11.27 123.58 -11.16 124.14 -10.94 C 124.72 -10.72 125.23 -10.35 125.69 -9.81 L 128.31 -12.44 C 127.65 -13.28 126.79 -13.91 125.73 -14.33 C 124.69 -14.77 123.55 -15 122.31 -15 z M 34.23 -14.91 C 32.75 -14.91 31.42 -14.57 30.24 -13.91 C 29.06 -13.25 28.11 -12.34 27.41 -11.18 C 26.73 -10.04 26.40 -8.74 26.40 -7.28 C 26.40 -5.82 26.74 -4.51 27.44 -3.35 C 28.14 -2.19 29.11 -1.29 30.33 -0.63 C 31.57 0.00 32.98 0.33 34.56 0.33 C 35.78 0.33 36.89 0.11 37.91 -0.30 C 38.93 -0.72 39.80 -1.34 40.52 -2.18 L 38.00 -4.71 C 37.56 -4.21 37.06 -3.83 36.48 -3.57 C 35.90 -3.33 35.24 -3.21 34.52 -3.21 C 33.74 -3.21 33.07 -3.36 32.49 -3.68 C 31.93 -4.02 31.48 -4.49 31.16 -5.09 C 31.06 -5.30 30.98 -5.53 30.91 -5.76 L 41.36 -5.78 C 41.44 -6.16 41.49 -6.49 41.51 -6.77 C 41.55 -7.07 41.58 -7.35 41.58 -7.61 C 41.58 -9.03 41.25 -10.30 40.61 -11.40 C 39.99 -12.50 39.13 -13.36 38.03 -13.98 C 36.93 -14.60 35.67 -14.91 34.23 -14.91 z M 94.70 -14.91 C 93.22 -14.91 91.90 -14.57 90.72 -13.91 C 89.54 -13.25 88.60 -12.34 87.90 -11.18 C 87.22 -10.04 86.88 -8.74 86.88 -7.28 C 86.88 -5.82 87.22 -4.51 87.92 -3.35 C 88.62 -2.19 89.59 -1.29 90.81 -0.63 C 92.05 0.00 93.45 0.33 95.03 0.33 C 96.25 0.33 97.38 0.11 98.40 -0.30 C 99.42 -0.72 100.28 -1.34 101.00 -2.18 L 98.49 -4.71 C 98.05 -4.21 97.53 -3.83 96.95 -3.57 C 96.37 -3.33 95.72 -3.21 95.00 -3.21 C 94.22 -3.21 93.55 -3.36 92.97 -3.68 C 92.41 -4.02 91.97 -4.49 91.65 -5.09 C 91.54 -5.30 91.46 -5.53 91.40 -5.76 L 101.84 -5.78 C 101.92 -6.16 101.98 -6.49 102 -6.77 C 102.04 -7.07 102.06 -7.35 102.06 -7.61 C 102.06 -9.03 101.73 -10.30 101.09 -11.40 C 100.47 -12.50 99.61 -13.36 98.51 -13.98 C 97.41 -14.60 96.14 -14.91 94.70 -14.91 z M 52.32 -14.88 C 51.24 -14.88 50.27 -14.64 49.41 -14.18 C 49.03 -13.99 48.69 -13.76 48.39 -13.5 L 48.39 -14.58 L 43.80 -14.58 L 43.80 0 L 48.39 0 L 48.39 -8.51 C 48.39 -9.01 48.48 -9.43 48.68 -9.77 C 48.90 -10.11 49.20 -10.38 49.56 -10.56 C 49.92 -10.76 50.32 -10.85 50.78 -10.85 C 51.44 -10.85 51.99 -10.65 52.43 -10.23 C 52.89 -9.83 53.13 -9.25 53.13 -8.51 L 53.13 0 L 57.72 0 L 57.72 -8.51 C 57.72 -9.01 57.81 -9.43 58.01 -9.77 C 58.23 -10.11 58.53 -10.38 58.89 -10.56 C 59.25 -10.76 59.65 -10.85 60.11 -10.85 C 60.77 -10.85 61.32 -10.65 61.76 -10.23 C 62.22 -9.83 62.46 -9.25 62.46 -8.51 L 62.46 0 L 67.05 0 L 67.05 -9.02 C 67.05 -10.24 66.78 -11.29 66.26 -12.15 C 65.76 -13.03 65.07 -13.70 64.19 -14.16 C 63.33 -14.64 62.35 -14.88 61.23 -14.88 C 60.09 -14.88 59.06 -14.63 58.14 -14.13 C 57.54 -13.81 57.02 -13.39 56.57 -12.89 C 56.15 -13.42 55.65 -13.85 55.05 -14.18 C 54.25 -14.64 53.34 -14.88 52.32 -14.88 z M 112.61 -14.88 C 111.01 -14.88 109.76 -14.41 108.86 -13.47 L 108.86 -14.58 L 104.27 -14.58 L 104.27 0 L 108.86 0 L 108.86 -8.00 C 108.86 -8.94 109.08 -9.64 109.52 -10.10 C 109.98 -10.58 110.59 -10.83 111.35 -10.83 C 111.73 -10.83 112.08 -10.77 112.38 -10.65 C 112.68 -10.53 112.93 -10.36 113.13 -10.14 L 115.85 -13.58 C 115.45 -14.02 114.98 -14.35 114.44 -14.55 C 113.92 -14.77 113.31 -14.88 112.61 -14.88 z M 34.25 -11.40 C 34.93 -11.40 35.51 -11.24 35.97 -10.94 C 36.45 -10.66 36.81 -10.24 37.05 -9.68 C 37.15 -9.46 37.23 -9.21 37.29 -8.93 L 30.92 -8.91 C 30.98 -9.12 31.05 -9.32 31.14 -9.50 C 31.44 -10.10 31.84 -10.57 32.36 -10.89 C 32.90 -11.23 33.53 -11.40 34.25 -11.40 z M 94.74 -11.40 C 95.42 -11.40 95.98 -11.24 96.44 -10.94 C 96.92 -10.66 97.28 -10.24 97.52 -9.68 C 97.62 -9.46 97.70 -9.21 97.77 -8.93 L 91.40 -8.91 C 91.46 -9.12 91.53 -9.32 91.61 -9.50 C 91.91 -10.10 92.32 -10.57 92.84 -10.89 C 93.38 -11.23 94.02 -11.40 94.74 -11.40 z M 77.58 -10.74 C 78.22 -10.74 78.77 -10.58 79.25 -10.28 C 79.75 -10.00 80.14 -9.60 80.42 -9.08 C 80.70 -8.56 80.84 -7.96 80.84 -7.28 C 80.84 -6.62 80.70 -6.03 80.42 -5.51 C 80.14 -4.99 79.75 -4.58 79.25 -4.28 C 78.77 -3.98 78.22 -3.83 77.58 -3.83 C 76.94 -3.83 76.36 -3.97 75.86 -4.25 C 75.38 -4.55 75.01 -4.97 74.73 -5.49 C 74.45 -6.01 74.31 -6.60 74.31 -7.28 C 74.31 -7.96 74.43 -8.56 74.69 -9.08 C 74.97 -9.60 75.36 -10.00 75.86 -10.28 C 76.36 -10.58 76.94 -10.74 77.58 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-help: "M 39.96 -21.77 L 39.96 0 L 44.55 0 L 44.55 -21.77 L 39.96 -21.77 z M 2.03 -21.17 L 2.03 0 L 6.75 0 L 6.75 -8.84 L 15.15 -8.84 L 15.15 0 L 19.89 0 L 19.89 -21.17 L 15.15 -21.17 L 15.15 -12.92 L 6.75 -12.92 L 6.75 -21.17 L 2.03 -21.17 z M 30.39 -14.91 C 28.91 -14.91 27.58 -14.57 26.40 -13.91 C 25.22 -13.25 24.28 -12.34 23.58 -11.18 C 22.90 -10.04 22.56 -8.74 22.56 -7.28 C 22.56 -5.82 22.90 -4.51 23.60 -3.35 C 24.30 -2.19 25.27 -1.29 26.49 -0.63 C 27.73 0.00 29.14 0.33 30.72 0.33 C 31.94 0.33 33.06 0.11 34.08 -0.30 C 35.10 -0.72 35.96 -1.34 36.68 -2.18 L 34.16 -4.71 C 33.72 -4.21 33.22 -3.83 32.64 -3.57 C 32.06 -3.33 31.40 -3.21 30.68 -3.21 C 29.90 -3.21 29.23 -3.36 28.65 -3.68 C 28.09 -4.02 27.65 -4.49 27.33 -5.09 C 27.22 -5.30 27.14 -5.53 27.08 -5.76 L 37.52 -5.78 C 37.60 -6.16 37.65 -6.49 37.67 -6.77 C 37.71 -7.07 37.74 -7.35 37.74 -7.61 C 37.74 -9.03 37.41 -10.30 36.77 -11.40 C 36.15 -12.50 35.29 -13.36 34.19 -13.98 C 33.09 -14.60 31.83 -14.91 30.39 -14.91 z M 56.18 -14.88 C 55.20 -14.88 54.31 -14.67 53.49 -14.27 C 53.08 -14.08 52.71 -13.84 52.38 -13.57 L 52.38 -14.58 L 47.78 -14.58 L 47.78 6.15 L 52.32 6.15 L 52.32 -0.98 C 52.66 -0.71 53.05 -0.46 53.49 -0.26 C 54.31 0.11 55.20 0.30 56.18 0.30 C 57.56 0.30 58.78 -0.02 59.84 -0.68 C 60.92 -1.34 61.76 -2.25 62.36 -3.39 C 62.98 -4.53 63.30 -5.82 63.30 -7.28 C 63.30 -8.74 62.98 -10.04 62.36 -11.18 C 61.76 -12.32 60.92 -13.23 59.84 -13.89 C 58.78 -14.55 57.56 -14.88 56.18 -14.88 z M 30.41 -11.40 C 31.09 -11.40 31.67 -11.24 32.13 -10.94 C 32.61 -10.66 32.97 -10.24 33.21 -9.68 C 33.31 -9.46 33.39 -9.21 33.45 -8.93 L 27.08 -8.91 C 27.14 -9.12 27.21 -9.32 27.30 -9.50 C 27.60 -10.10 28.00 -10.57 28.52 -10.89 C 29.06 -11.23 29.69 -11.40 30.41 -11.40 z M 55.38 -10.74 C 56.02 -10.74 56.58 -10.58 57.06 -10.28 C 57.56 -10.00 57.95 -9.60 58.23 -9.08 C 58.51 -8.56 58.65 -7.96 58.65 -7.28 C 58.65 -6.62 58.51 -6.03 58.23 -5.51 C 57.95 -4.99 57.56 -4.58 57.06 -4.28 C 56.58 -3.98 56.00 -3.83 55.34 -3.83 C 54.72 -3.83 54.16 -3.98 53.66 -4.28 C 53.16 -4.58 52.78 -4.99 52.5 -5.51 C 52.24 -6.03 52.10 -6.62 52.10 -7.28 C 52.10 -7.96 52.24 -8.56 52.52 -9.08 C 52.80 -9.60 53.18 -10.00 53.66 -10.28 C 54.16 -10.58 54.74 -10.74 55.38 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-search: "M 80.58 -21.77 L 80.58 0 L 85.16 0 L 85.16 -8.31 C 85.16 -8.81 85.28 -9.25 85.5 -9.63 C 85.72 -10.03 86.02 -10.32 86.40 -10.52 C 86.78 -10.74 87.22 -10.85 87.72 -10.85 C 88.44 -10.85 89.03 -10.62 89.49 -10.14 C 89.97 -9.68 90.21 -9.07 90.21 -8.31 L 90.21 0 L 94.80 0 L 94.80 -9.33 C 94.80 -10.43 94.56 -11.39 94.08 -12.21 C 93.62 -13.05 92.95 -13.70 92.09 -14.16 C 91.23 -14.64 90.23 -14.88 89.09 -14.88 C 87.97 -14.88 86.99 -14.64 86.13 -14.16 C 85.77 -13.97 85.45 -13.74 85.16 -13.49 L 85.16 -21.77 L 80.58 -21.77 z M 9.35 -21.50 C 7.89 -21.50 6.61 -21.25 5.49 -20.75 C 4.37 -20.27 3.48 -19.57 2.84 -18.63 C 2.22 -17.69 1.91 -16.56 1.91 -15.26 C 1.91 -14.18 2.10 -13.29 2.46 -12.57 C 2.82 -11.87 3.28 -11.28 3.86 -10.80 C 4.46 -10.34 5.12 -9.95 5.82 -9.63 C 6.52 -9.33 7.21 -9.06 7.91 -8.82 C 8.63 -8.58 9.28 -8.33 9.86 -8.07 C 10.46 -7.81 10.95 -7.50 11.31 -7.14 C 11.67 -6.78 11.84 -6.31 11.84 -5.73 C 11.84 -5.09 11.56 -4.59 11.00 -4.23 C 10.46 -3.87 9.69 -3.68 8.69 -3.68 C 7.59 -3.68 6.62 -3.90 5.78 -4.32 C 4.96 -4.76 4.21 -5.37 3.53 -6.15 L 0.48 -3.11 C 1.52 -1.95 2.66 -1.08 3.90 -0.50 C 5.16 0.05 6.66 0.33 8.40 0.33 C 10.94 0.33 12.92 -0.24 14.36 -1.38 C 15.80 -2.54 16.52 -4.13 16.52 -6.15 C 16.52 -7.25 16.35 -8.17 15.99 -8.91 C 15.63 -9.67 15.15 -10.28 14.55 -10.76 C 13.97 -11.26 13.33 -11.68 12.63 -12 C 11.93 -12.32 11.21 -12.59 10.5 -12.83 C 9.80 -13.07 9.15 -13.32 8.55 -13.56 C 7.97 -13.80 7.50 -14.08 7.14 -14.40 C 6.78 -14.74 6.59 -15.18 6.59 -15.72 C 6.59 -16.30 6.84 -16.73 7.32 -17.03 C 7.80 -17.35 8.44 -17.51 9.26 -17.51 C 10.08 -17.51 10.82 -17.35 11.46 -17.03 C 12.12 -16.71 12.77 -16.23 13.41 -15.57 L 16.47 -18.59 C 15.67 -19.49 14.65 -20.21 13.41 -20.73 C 12.19 -21.25 10.83 -21.50 9.35 -21.50 z M 25.89 -14.91 C 24.41 -14.91 23.08 -14.57 21.90 -13.91 C 20.72 -13.25 19.78 -12.34 19.08 -11.18 C 18.40 -10.04 18.06 -8.74 18.06 -7.28 C 18.06 -5.82 18.40 -4.51 19.10 -3.35 C 19.80 -2.19 20.77 -1.29 21.99 -0.63 C 23.23 0.00 24.64 0.33 26.22 0.33 C 27.44 0.33 28.56 0.11 29.58 -0.30 C 30.60 -0.72 31.46 -1.34 32.18 -2.18 L 29.66 -4.71 C 29.22 -4.21 28.72 -3.83 28.14 -3.57 C 27.56 -3.33 26.90 -3.21 26.18 -3.21 C 25.40 -3.21 24.73 -3.36 24.15 -3.68 C 23.59 -4.02 23.15 -4.49 22.83 -5.09 C 22.72 -5.30 22.64 -5.53 22.58 -5.76 L 33.02 -5.78 C 33.10 -6.16 33.15 -6.49 33.17 -6.77 C 33.21 -7.07 33.24 -7.35 33.24 -7.61 C 33.24 -9.03 32.91 -10.30 32.27 -11.40 C 31.65 -12.50 30.79 -13.36 29.69 -13.98 C 28.59 -14.60 27.33 -14.91 25.89 -14.91 z M 72.81 -14.91 C 71.29 -14.91 69.91 -14.57 68.69 -13.91 C 67.47 -13.25 66.51 -12.34 65.79 -11.18 C 65.09 -10.04 64.74 -8.74 64.74 -7.28 C 64.74 -5.84 65.09 -4.55 65.79 -3.39 C 66.49 -2.23 67.44 -1.32 68.66 -0.66 C 69.88 -0.00 71.25 0.33 72.75 0.33 C 73.92 0.33 75.00 0.13 75.96 -0.26 C 76.92 -0.68 77.78 -1.29 78.54 -2.09 L 75.63 -5.03 C 75.29 -4.65 74.88 -4.36 74.40 -4.14 C 73.94 -3.94 73.41 -3.83 72.81 -3.83 C 72.17 -3.83 71.59 -3.98 71.07 -4.28 C 70.55 -4.58 70.13 -4.99 69.83 -5.51 C 69.55 -6.03 69.41 -6.64 69.41 -7.32 C 69.41 -8.00 69.55 -8.58 69.83 -9.08 C 70.13 -9.60 70.54 -10.00 71.04 -10.28 C 71.56 -10.58 72.15 -10.74 72.81 -10.74 C 73.39 -10.74 73.89 -10.65 74.33 -10.47 C 74.79 -10.29 75.20 -10.01 75.54 -9.63 L 78.48 -12.57 C 77.74 -13.35 76.88 -13.93 75.92 -14.31 C 74.98 -14.71 73.95 -14.91 72.81 -14.91 z M 41.55 -14.88 C 40.21 -14.88 39.00 -14.55 37.94 -13.89 C 36.90 -13.23 36.08 -12.32 35.46 -11.18 C 34.86 -10.04 34.56 -8.74 34.56 -7.28 C 34.56 -5.82 34.86 -4.53 35.46 -3.39 C 36.08 -2.25 36.90 -1.34 37.94 -0.68 C 39.00 -0.02 40.21 0.30 41.55 0.30 C 42.53 0.30 43.42 0.11 44.22 -0.26 C 44.73 -0.51 45.18 -0.82 45.57 -1.18 L 45.57 0 L 50.07 0 L 50.07 -14.58 L 45.57 -14.58 L 45.57 -13.36 C 45.17 -13.74 44.71 -14.06 44.18 -14.31 C 43.40 -14.69 42.53 -14.88 41.55 -14.88 z M 61.65 -14.88 C 60.05 -14.88 58.80 -14.41 57.90 -13.47 L 57.90 -14.58 L 53.31 -14.58 L 53.31 0 L 57.90 0 L 57.90 -8.00 C 57.90 -8.94 58.12 -9.64 58.56 -10.10 C 59.02 -10.58 59.63 -10.83 60.39 -10.83 C 60.77 -10.83 61.11 -10.77 61.41 -10.65 C 61.71 -10.53 61.96 -10.36 62.16 -10.14 L 64.89 -13.58 C 64.49 -14.02 64.02 -14.35 63.48 -14.55 C 62.96 -14.77 62.35 -14.88 61.65 -14.88 z M 25.91 -11.40 C 26.59 -11.40 27.17 -11.24 27.63 -10.94 C 28.11 -10.66 28.47 -10.24 28.71 -9.68 C 28.81 -9.46 28.89 -9.21 28.95 -8.93 L 22.58 -8.91 C 22.64 -9.12 22.71 -9.32 22.80 -9.50 C 23.10 -10.10 23.50 -10.57 24.02 -10.89 C 24.56 -11.23 25.19 -11.40 25.91 -11.40 z M 42.50 -10.74 C 43.14 -10.74 43.70 -10.58 44.18 -10.28 C 44.68 -10.00 45.07 -9.60 45.33 -9.08 C 45.61 -8.56 45.75 -7.96 45.75 -7.28 C 45.75 -6.28 45.44 -5.46 44.84 -4.80 C 44.24 -4.16 43.46 -3.83 42.48 -3.83 C 41.86 -3.83 41.30 -3.98 40.80 -4.28 C 40.30 -4.58 39.91 -4.99 39.63 -5.51 C 39.35 -6.03 39.21 -6.62 39.21 -7.28 C 39.21 -7.96 39.35 -8.56 39.63 -9.08 C 39.93 -9.60 40.32 -10.00 40.80 -10.28 C 41.30 -10.58 41.86 -10.74 42.50 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-admin: "M 32.75 -21.77 L 32.75 -13.63 C 32.42 -13.89 32.05 -14.12 31.65 -14.31 C 30.85 -14.69 29.94 -14.88 28.94 -14.88 C 27.56 -14.88 26.33 -14.55 25.25 -13.89 C 24.19 -13.23 23.36 -12.32 22.74 -11.18 C 22.14 -10.04 21.83 -8.74 21.83 -7.28 C 21.83 -5.82 22.14 -4.53 22.74 -3.39 C 23.36 -2.25 24.19 -1.34 25.25 -0.68 C 26.33 -0.02 27.56 0.30 28.94 0.30 C 29.94 0.30 30.85 0.09 31.67 -0.30 C 32.11 -0.52 32.50 -0.78 32.84 -1.07 L 32.84 0 L 37.34 0 L 37.34 -21.77 L 32.75 -21.77 z M 69.08 -21.63 C 68.36 -21.63 67.76 -21.39 67.28 -20.91 C 66.82 -20.43 66.59 -19.82 66.59 -19.10 C 66.59 -18.40 66.82 -17.81 67.28 -17.31 C 67.76 -16.83 68.36 -16.58 69.08 -16.58 C 69.80 -16.58 70.39 -16.83 70.85 -17.31 C 71.31 -17.81 71.55 -18.40 71.55 -19.10 C 71.55 -19.82 71.31 -20.43 70.85 -20.91 C 70.39 -21.39 69.80 -21.63 69.08 -21.63 z M 8.84 -21.17 L 0.44 0 L 5.33 0 L 6.74 -3.83 L 15.05 -3.83 L 16.43 0 L 21.41 0 L 13.10 -21.17 L 8.84 -21.17 z M 10.92 -15.23 L 13.66 -7.67 L 8.15 -7.67 L 10.92 -15.23 z M 49.10 -14.88 C 48.02 -14.88 47.05 -14.64 46.19 -14.18 C 45.82 -13.99 45.48 -13.76 45.17 -13.49 L 45.17 -14.58 L 40.58 -14.58 L 40.58 0 L 45.17 0 L 45.17 -8.51 C 45.17 -9.01 45.28 -9.43 45.48 -9.77 C 45.70 -10.11 45.98 -10.38 46.34 -10.56 C 46.70 -10.76 47.12 -10.85 47.58 -10.85 C 48.24 -10.85 48.79 -10.65 49.23 -10.23 C 49.69 -9.83 49.91 -9.25 49.91 -8.51 L 49.91 0 L 54.50 0 L 54.50 -8.51 C 54.50 -9.01 54.61 -9.43 54.81 -9.77 C 55.03 -10.11 55.31 -10.38 55.67 -10.56 C 56.03 -10.76 56.45 -10.85 56.91 -10.85 C 57.57 -10.85 58.12 -10.65 58.56 -10.23 C 59.02 -9.83 59.25 -9.25 59.25 -8.51 L 59.25 0 L 63.83 0 L 63.83 -9.02 C 63.83 -10.24 63.58 -11.29 63.06 -12.15 C 62.56 -13.03 61.87 -13.70 60.99 -14.16 C 60.13 -14.64 59.13 -14.88 58.01 -14.88 C 56.87 -14.88 55.84 -14.63 54.92 -14.13 C 54.33 -13.81 53.81 -13.39 53.36 -12.89 C 52.94 -13.42 52.43 -13.85 51.83 -14.18 C 51.03 -14.64 50.12 -14.88 49.10 -14.88 z M 83.27 -14.88 C 82.15 -14.88 81.14 -14.64 80.25 -14.16 C 79.86 -13.95 79.51 -13.71 79.19 -13.43 L 79.19 -14.58 L 74.60 -14.58 L 74.60 0 L 79.19 0 L 79.19 -8.31 C 79.19 -8.81 79.30 -9.25 79.52 -9.63 C 79.74 -10.03 80.04 -10.32 80.42 -10.52 C 80.80 -10.74 81.25 -10.85 81.75 -10.85 C 82.46 -10.85 83.05 -10.62 83.51 -10.14 C 83.99 -9.68 84.24 -9.07 84.24 -8.31 L 84.24 0 L 88.83 0 L 88.83 -9.33 C 88.83 -10.33 88.58 -11.24 88.10 -12.08 C 87.62 -12.92 86.97 -13.59 86.13 -14.09 C 85.31 -14.61 84.35 -14.88 83.27 -14.88 z M 66.77 -14.58 L 66.77 0 L 71.36 0 L 71.36 -14.58 L 66.77 -14.58 z M 29.78 -10.74 C 30.42 -10.74 30.99 -10.58 31.47 -10.28 C 31.97 -9.98 32.34 -9.58 32.60 -9.06 C 32.88 -8.56 33.02 -7.96 33.02 -7.28 C 33.02 -6.60 32.88 -6.01 32.60 -5.49 C 32.32 -4.97 31.95 -4.55 31.47 -4.25 C 30.99 -3.97 30.41 -3.83 29.75 -3.83 C 29.13 -3.83 28.58 -3.98 28.08 -4.28 C 27.58 -4.58 27.19 -4.99 26.91 -5.51 C 26.63 -6.03 26.49 -6.62 26.49 -7.28 C 26.49 -7.94 26.63 -8.54 26.91 -9.06 C 27.21 -9.58 27.60 -9.98 28.08 -10.28 C 28.58 -10.58 29.14 -10.74 29.78 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-journals: "M 98.73 -21.77 L 98.73 0 L 103.32 0 L 103.32 -21.77 L 98.73 -21.77 z M 9.50 -21.17 L 9.50 -7.16 C 9.50 -6.46 9.37 -5.88 9.11 -5.40 C 8.85 -4.94 8.51 -4.58 8.07 -4.32 C 7.63 -4.08 7.10 -3.96 6.50 -3.96 C 5.88 -3.96 5.33 -4.08 4.83 -4.34 C 4.35 -4.60 3.93 -4.99 3.57 -5.49 L 0.41 -2.46 C 1.11 -1.58 1.95 -0.89 2.93 -0.39 C 3.93 0.08 5.10 0.33 6.44 0.33 C 8.04 0.33 9.42 0.00 10.58 -0.63 C 11.74 -1.27 12.64 -2.17 13.28 -3.33 C 13.92 -4.49 14.25 -5.85 14.25 -7.43 L 14.25 -21.17 L 9.50 -21.17 z M 112.10 -15 C 110.92 -15 109.89 -14.80 109.01 -14.40 C 108.13 -14.00 107.46 -13.44 106.98 -12.75 C 106.50 -12.07 106.25 -11.26 106.25 -10.32 C 106.25 -9.44 106.42 -8.71 106.76 -8.13 C 107.10 -7.57 107.54 -7.13 108.08 -6.81 C 108.62 -6.49 109.20 -6.24 109.80 -6.06 C 110.40 -5.88 110.96 -5.71 111.50 -5.55 C 112.04 -5.41 112.49 -5.23 112.83 -5.03 C 113.19 -4.85 113.36 -4.59 113.36 -4.23 C 113.36 -3.95 113.21 -3.73 112.91 -3.57 C 112.63 -3.41 112.22 -3.33 111.68 -3.33 C 110.90 -3.33 110.18 -3.47 109.52 -3.75 C 108.86 -4.04 108.30 -4.46 107.82 -4.98 L 105.21 -2.33 C 105.71 -1.79 106.30 -1.32 107.00 -0.90 C 107.72 -0.50 108.50 -0.19 109.32 0.02 C 110.16 0.24 111.00 0.35 111.86 0.35 C 113.68 0.35 115.12 -0.06 116.18 -0.90 C 117.26 -1.74 117.81 -2.86 117.81 -4.28 C 117.81 -5.20 117.64 -5.94 117.30 -6.50 C 116.96 -7.08 116.52 -7.55 115.98 -7.89 C 115.44 -8.23 114.86 -8.49 114.26 -8.69 C 113.66 -8.89 113.10 -9.07 112.56 -9.21 C 112.02 -9.35 111.58 -9.50 111.24 -9.68 C 110.90 -9.86 110.73 -10.11 110.73 -10.41 C 110.73 -10.69 110.85 -10.89 111.11 -11.03 C 111.37 -11.19 111.76 -11.27 112.28 -11.27 C 112.82 -11.27 113.37 -11.16 113.93 -10.94 C 114.51 -10.72 115.04 -10.35 115.5 -9.81 L 118.10 -12.44 C 117.44 -13.28 116.58 -13.91 115.52 -14.33 C 114.48 -14.77 113.34 -15 112.10 -15 z M 24.59 -14.91 C 23.07 -14.91 21.71 -14.57 20.51 -13.89 C 19.31 -13.23 18.36 -12.32 17.66 -11.18 C 16.96 -10.04 16.61 -8.76 16.61 -7.32 C 16.61 -5.88 16.96 -4.57 17.66 -3.41 C 18.36 -2.25 19.31 -1.34 20.51 -0.66 C 21.73 -0.00 23.09 0.33 24.59 0.33 C 26.11 0.33 27.47 -0.00 28.67 -0.66 C 29.87 -1.34 30.82 -2.25 31.52 -3.41 C 32.22 -4.57 32.58 -5.88 32.58 -7.32 C 32.58 -8.76 32.22 -10.04 31.52 -11.18 C 30.82 -12.34 29.87 -13.25 28.67 -13.91 C 27.47 -14.57 26.11 -14.91 24.59 -14.91 z M 59.36 -14.88 C 57.76 -14.88 56.51 -14.41 55.61 -13.47 L 55.61 -14.58 L 51.02 -14.58 L 51.02 0 L 55.61 0 L 55.61 -8.00 C 55.61 -8.94 55.83 -9.64 56.27 -10.10 C 56.73 -10.58 57.34 -10.83 58.10 -10.83 C 58.48 -10.83 58.83 -10.77 59.13 -10.65 C 59.43 -10.53 59.68 -10.36 59.88 -10.14 L 62.60 -13.58 C 62.20 -14.02 61.73 -14.35 61.19 -14.55 C 60.67 -14.77 60.06 -14.88 59.36 -14.88 z M 72.39 -14.88 C 71.27 -14.88 70.25 -14.64 69.35 -14.16 C 68.97 -13.95 68.62 -13.71 68.31 -13.43 L 68.31 -14.58 L 63.72 -14.58 L 63.72 0 L 68.31 0 L 68.31 -8.31 C 68.31 -8.81 68.42 -9.25 68.64 -9.63 C 68.86 -10.03 69.15 -10.32 69.53 -10.52 C 69.91 -10.74 70.35 -10.85 70.85 -10.85 C 71.57 -10.85 72.17 -10.62 72.63 -10.14 C 73.11 -9.68 73.34 -9.07 73.34 -8.31 L 73.34 0 L 77.93 0 L 77.93 -9.33 C 77.93 -10.33 77.70 -11.24 77.22 -12.08 C 76.74 -12.92 76.08 -13.59 75.24 -14.09 C 74.42 -14.61 73.47 -14.88 72.39 -14.88 z M 86.97 -14.88 C 85.63 -14.88 84.42 -14.55 83.36 -13.89 C 82.32 -13.23 81.50 -12.32 80.88 -11.18 C 80.28 -10.04 79.98 -8.74 79.98 -7.28 C 79.98 -5.82 80.28 -4.53 80.88 -3.39 C 81.50 -2.25 82.32 -1.34 83.36 -0.68 C 84.42 -0.02 85.63 0.30 86.97 0.30 C 87.95 0.30 88.84 0.11 89.64 -0.26 C 90.15 -0.51 90.60 -0.82 90.99 -1.18 L 90.99 0 L 95.49 0 L 95.49 -14.58 L 90.99 -14.58 L 90.99 -13.36 C 90.59 -13.74 90.13 -14.06 89.60 -14.31 C 88.82 -14.69 87.95 -14.88 86.97 -14.88 z M 34.5 -14.58 L 34.5 -6.11 C 34.5 -4.85 34.78 -3.73 35.36 -2.75 C 35.94 -1.79 36.74 -1.04 37.76 -0.48 C 38.80 0.05 39.99 0.33 41.33 0.33 C 42.67 0.33 43.86 0.05 44.88 -0.48 C 45.90 -1.04 46.69 -1.79 47.27 -2.75 C 47.85 -3.73 48.15 -4.87 48.15 -6.15 L 48.15 -14.58 L 43.56 -14.58 L 43.56 -6.17 C 43.56 -5.41 43.36 -4.82 42.96 -4.38 C 42.56 -3.96 42.01 -3.75 41.33 -3.75 C 40.85 -3.75 40.44 -3.85 40.10 -4.05 C 39.76 -4.25 39.51 -4.53 39.33 -4.89 C 39.17 -5.25 39.08 -5.67 39.08 -6.17 L 39.08 -14.58 L 34.5 -14.58 z M 24.59 -10.74 C 25.25 -10.74 25.83 -10.58 26.31 -10.28 C 26.81 -10.00 27.20 -9.60 27.48 -9.08 C 27.76 -8.58 27.90 -8.00 27.90 -7.32 C 27.90 -6.64 27.76 -6.03 27.48 -5.49 C 27.22 -4.97 26.83 -4.55 26.33 -4.25 C 25.83 -3.97 25.25 -3.83 24.59 -3.83 C 23.95 -3.83 23.39 -3.97 22.89 -4.25 C 22.39 -4.55 22.00 -4.97 21.72 -5.49 C 21.44 -6.03 21.30 -6.62 21.30 -7.28 C 21.30 -7.96 21.44 -8.56 21.72 -9.08 C 22.00 -9.60 22.39 -10.00 22.89 -10.28 C 23.39 -10.58 23.95 -10.74 24.59 -10.74 z M 87.92 -10.74 C 88.56 -10.74 89.12 -10.58 89.60 -10.28 C 90.10 -10.00 90.49 -9.60 90.75 -9.08 C 91.03 -8.56 91.16 -7.96 91.16 -7.28 C 91.16 -6.28 90.86 -5.46 90.26 -4.80 C 89.66 -4.16 88.88 -3.83 87.90 -3.83 C 87.28 -3.83 86.72 -3.98 86.22 -4.28 C 85.72 -4.58 85.33 -4.99 85.05 -5.51 C 84.77 -6.03 84.63 -6.62 84.63 -7.28 C 84.63 -7.96 84.77 -8.56 85.05 -9.08 C 85.35 -9.60 85.74 -10.00 86.22 -10.28 C 86.72 -10.58 87.28 -10.74 87.92 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-journal: "M 98.73 -21.77 L 98.73 0 L 103.32 0 L 103.32 -21.77 L 98.73 -21.77 z M 9.50 -21.17 L 9.50 -7.16 C 9.50 -6.46 9.37 -5.88 9.11 -5.40 C 8.85 -4.94 8.51 -4.58 8.07 -4.32 C 7.63 -4.08 7.10 -3.96 6.50 -3.96 C 5.88 -3.96 5.33 -4.08 4.83 -4.34 C 4.35 -4.60 3.93 -4.99 3.57 -5.49 L 0.41 -2.46 C 1.11 -1.58 1.95 -0.89 2.93 -0.39 C 3.93 0.08 5.10 0.33 6.44 0.33 C 8.04 0.33 9.42 0.00 10.58 -0.63 C 11.74 -1.27 12.64 -2.17 13.28 -3.33 C 13.92 -4.49 14.25 -5.85 14.25 -7.43 L 14.25 -21.17 L 9.50 -21.17 z M 24.59 -14.91 C 23.07 -14.91 21.71 -14.57 20.51 -13.89 C 19.31 -13.23 18.36 -12.32 17.66 -11.18 C 16.96 -10.04 16.61 -8.76 16.61 -7.32 C 16.61 -5.88 16.96 -4.57 17.66 -3.41 C 18.36 -2.25 19.31 -1.34 20.51 -0.66 C 21.73 -0.00 23.09 0.33 24.59 0.33 C 26.11 0.33 27.47 -0.00 28.67 -0.66 C 29.87 -1.34 30.82 -2.25 31.52 -3.41 C 32.22 -4.57 32.58 -5.88 32.58 -7.32 C 32.58 -8.76 32.22 -10.04 31.52 -11.18 C 30.82 -12.34 29.87 -13.25 28.67 -13.91 C 27.47 -14.57 26.11 -14.91 24.59 -14.91 z M 59.36 -14.88 C 57.76 -14.88 56.51 -14.41 55.61 -13.47 L 55.61 -14.58 L 51.02 -14.58 L 51.02 0 L 55.61 0 L 55.61 -8.00 C 55.61 -8.94 55.83 -9.64 56.27 -10.10 C 56.73 -10.58 57.34 -10.83 58.10 -10.83 C 58.48 -10.83 58.83 -10.77 59.13 -10.65 C 59.43 -10.53 59.68 -10.36 59.88 -10.14 L 62.60 -13.58 C 62.20 -14.02 61.73 -14.35 61.19 -14.55 C 60.67 -14.77 60.06 -14.88 59.36 -14.88 z M 72.39 -14.88 C 71.27 -14.88 70.25 -14.64 69.35 -14.16 C 68.97 -13.95 68.62 -13.71 68.31 -13.43 L 68.31 -14.58 L 63.72 -14.58 L 63.72 0 L 68.31 0 L 68.31 -8.31 C 68.31 -8.81 68.42 -9.25 68.64 -9.63 C 68.86 -10.03 69.15 -10.32 69.53 -10.52 C 69.91 -10.74 70.35 -10.85 70.85 -10.85 C 71.57 -10.85 72.17 -10.62 72.63 -10.14 C 73.11 -9.68 73.34 -9.07 73.34 -8.31 L 73.34 0 L 77.93 0 L 77.93 -9.33 C 77.93 -10.33 77.70 -11.24 77.22 -12.08 C 76.74 -12.92 76.08 -13.59 75.24 -14.09 C 74.42 -14.61 73.47 -14.88 72.39 -14.88 z M 86.97 -14.88 C 85.63 -14.88 84.42 -14.55 83.36 -13.89 C 82.32 -13.23 81.50 -12.32 80.88 -11.18 C 80.28 -10.04 79.98 -8.74 79.98 -7.28 C 79.98 -5.82 80.28 -4.53 80.88 -3.39 C 81.50 -2.25 82.32 -1.34 83.36 -0.68 C 84.42 -0.02 85.63 0.30 86.97 0.30 C 87.95 0.30 88.84 0.11 89.64 -0.26 C 90.15 -0.51 90.60 -0.82 90.99 -1.18 L 90.99 0 L 95.49 0 L 95.49 -14.58 L 90.99 -14.58 L 90.99 -13.36 C 90.59 -13.74 90.13 -14.06 89.60 -14.31 C 88.82 -14.69 87.95 -14.88 86.97 -14.88 z M 34.5 -14.58 L 34.5 -6.11 C 34.5 -4.85 34.78 -3.73 35.36 -2.75 C 35.94 -1.79 36.74 -1.04 37.76 -0.48 C 38.80 0.05 39.99 0.33 41.33 0.33 C 42.67 0.33 43.86 0.05 44.88 -0.48 C 45.90 -1.04 46.69 -1.79 47.27 -2.75 C 47.85 -3.73 48.15 -4.87 48.15 -6.15 L 48.15 -14.58 L 43.56 -14.58 L 43.56 -6.17 C 43.56 -5.41 43.36 -4.82 42.96 -4.38 C 42.56 -3.96 42.01 -3.75 41.33 -3.75 C 40.85 -3.75 40.44 -3.85 40.10 -4.05 C 39.76 -4.25 39.51 -4.53 39.33 -4.89 C 39.17 -5.25 39.08 -5.67 39.08 -6.17 L 39.08 -14.58 L 34.5 -14.58 z M 24.59 -10.74 C 25.25 -10.74 25.83 -10.58 26.31 -10.28 C 26.81 -10.00 27.20 -9.60 27.48 -9.08 C 27.76 -8.58 27.90 -8.00 27.90 -7.32 C 27.90 -6.64 27.76 -6.03 27.48 -5.49 C 27.22 -4.97 26.83 -4.55 26.33 -4.25 C 25.83 -3.97 25.25 -3.83 24.59 -3.83 C 23.95 -3.83 23.39 -3.97 22.89 -4.25 C 22.39 -4.55 22.00 -4.97 21.72 -5.49 C 21.44 -6.03 21.30 -6.62 21.30 -7.28 C 21.30 -7.96 21.44 -8.56 21.72 -9.08 C 22.00 -9.60 22.39 -10.00 22.89 -10.28 C 23.39 -10.58 23.95 -10.74 24.59 -10.74 z M 87.92 -10.74 C 88.56 -10.74 89.12 -10.58 89.60 -10.28 C 90.10 -10.00 90.49 -9.60 90.75 -9.08 C 91.03 -8.56 91.16 -7.96 91.16 -7.28 C 91.16 -6.28 90.86 -5.46 90.26 -4.80 C 89.66 -4.16 88.88 -3.83 87.90 -3.83 C 87.28 -3.83 86.72 -3.98 86.22 -4.28 C 85.72 -4.58 85.33 -4.99 85.05 -5.51 C 84.77 -6.03 84.63 -6.62 84.63 -7.28 C 84.63 -7.96 84.77 -8.56 85.05 -9.08 C 85.35 -9.60 85.74 -10.00 86.22 -10.28 C 86.72 -10.58 87.28 -10.74 87.92 -10.74 z";
@svg-path-title-stream: "M 9.35 -21.50 C 7.89 -21.50 6.61 -21.25 5.49 -20.75 C 4.37 -20.27 3.48 -19.57 2.84 -18.63 C 2.22 -17.69 1.91 -16.56 1.91 -15.26 C 1.91 -14.18 2.10 -13.29 2.46 -12.57 C 2.82 -11.87 3.28 -11.28 3.86 -10.80 C 4.46 -10.34 5.12 -9.95 5.82 -9.63 C 6.52 -9.33 7.21 -9.06 7.91 -8.82 C 8.63 -8.58 9.28 -8.33 9.86 -8.07 C 10.46 -7.81 10.95 -7.50 11.31 -7.14 C 11.67 -6.78 11.84 -6.31 11.84 -5.73 C 11.84 -5.09 11.56 -4.59 11.00 -4.23 C 10.46 -3.87 9.69 -3.68 8.69 -3.68 C 7.59 -3.68 6.62 -3.90 5.78 -4.32 C 4.96 -4.76 4.21 -5.37 3.53 -6.15 L 0.48 -3.11 C 1.52 -1.95 2.66 -1.08 3.90 -0.50 C 5.16 0.05 6.66 0.33 8.40 0.33 C 10.94 0.33 12.92 -0.24 14.36 -1.38 C 15.80 -2.54 16.52 -4.13 16.52 -6.15 C 16.52 -7.25 16.35 -8.17 15.99 -8.91 C 15.63 -9.67 15.15 -10.28 14.55 -10.76 C 13.97 -11.26 13.33 -11.68 12.63 -12 C 11.93 -12.32 11.21 -12.59 10.5 -12.83 C 9.80 -13.07 9.15 -13.32 8.55 -13.56 C 7.97 -13.80 7.50 -14.08 7.14 -14.40 C 6.78 -14.74 6.59 -15.18 6.59 -15.72 C 6.59 -16.30 6.84 -16.73 7.32 -17.03 C 7.80 -17.35 8.44 -17.51 9.26 -17.51 C 10.08 -17.51 10.82 -17.35 11.46 -17.03 C 12.12 -16.71 12.77 -16.23 13.41 -15.57 L 16.47 -18.59 C 15.67 -19.49 14.65 -20.21 13.41 -20.73 C 12.19 -21.25 10.83 -21.50 9.35 -21.50 z M 21.17 -20.60 L 21.17 -14.58 L 17.88 -14.58 L 17.88 -10.67 L 21.17 -10.67 L 21.17 0 L 25.76 0 L 25.76 -10.67 L 29.07 -10.67 L 29.07 -14.58 L 25.76 -14.58 L 25.76 -20.60 L 21.17 -20.60 z M 50.33 -14.91 C 48.85 -14.91 47.52 -14.57 46.34 -13.91 C 45.16 -13.25 44.22 -12.34 43.52 -11.18 C 42.84 -10.04 42.50 -8.74 42.50 -7.28 C 42.50 -5.82 42.86 -4.51 43.56 -3.35 C 44.26 -2.19 45.21 -1.29 46.43 -0.63 C 47.67 0.00 49.08 0.33 50.66 0.33 C 51.88 0.33 53.00 0.11 54.02 -0.30 C 55.04 -0.72 55.92 -1.34 56.64 -2.18 L 54.11 -4.71 C 53.67 -4.21 53.16 -3.83 52.58 -3.57 C 52.00 -3.33 51.36 -3.21 50.64 -3.21 C 49.86 -3.21 49.17 -3.36 48.59 -3.68 C 48.03 -4.02 47.59 -4.49 47.27 -5.09 C 47.17 -5.30 47.09 -5.53 47.03 -5.76 L 57.48 -5.78 C 57.56 -6.16 57.61 -6.49 57.63 -6.77 C 57.67 -7.07 57.68 -7.35 57.68 -7.61 C 57.68 -9.03 57.37 -10.30 56.73 -11.40 C 56.11 -12.50 55.25 -13.36 54.15 -13.98 C 53.05 -14.60 51.77 -14.91 50.33 -14.91 z M 39.41 -14.88 C 37.81 -14.88 36.56 -14.41 35.66 -13.47 L 35.66 -14.58 L 31.08 -14.58 L 31.08 0 L 35.66 0 L 35.66 -8.00 C 35.66 -8.94 35.89 -9.64 36.33 -10.10 C 36.79 -10.58 37.40 -10.83 38.16 -10.83 C 38.54 -10.83 38.87 -10.77 39.17 -10.65 C 39.47 -10.53 39.72 -10.36 39.92 -10.14 L 42.66 -13.58 C 42.26 -14.02 41.78 -14.35 41.25 -14.55 C 40.73 -14.77 40.11 -14.88 39.41 -14.88 z M 66 -14.88 C 64.66 -14.88 63.46 -14.55 62.40 -13.89 C 61.36 -13.23 60.53 -12.32 59.91 -11.18 C 59.31 -10.04 59.00 -8.74 59.00 -7.28 C 59.00 -5.82 59.31 -4.53 59.91 -3.39 C 60.53 -2.25 61.36 -1.34 62.40 -0.68 C 63.46 -0.02 64.66 0.30 66 0.30 C 66.97 0.30 67.86 0.11 68.66 -0.26 C 69.18 -0.51 69.63 -0.82 70.01 -1.18 L 70.01 0 L 74.51 0 L 74.51 -14.58 L 70.01 -14.58 L 70.01 -13.36 C 69.62 -13.74 69.16 -14.06 68.64 -14.31 C 67.86 -14.69 66.97 -14.88 66 -14.88 z M 86.27 -14.88 C 85.19 -14.88 84.22 -14.64 83.36 -14.18 C 82.99 -13.99 82.65 -13.76 82.34 -13.49 L 82.34 -14.58 L 77.75 -14.58 L 77.75 0 L 82.34 0 L 82.34 -8.51 C 82.34 -9.01 82.45 -9.43 82.65 -9.77 C 82.87 -10.11 83.15 -10.38 83.51 -10.56 C 83.87 -10.76 84.29 -10.85 84.75 -10.85 C 85.40 -10.85 85.96 -10.65 86.40 -10.23 C 86.86 -9.83 87.08 -9.25 87.08 -8.51 L 87.08 0 L 91.67 0 L 91.67 -8.51 C 91.67 -9.01 91.78 -9.43 91.98 -9.77 C 92.20 -10.11 92.48 -10.38 92.84 -10.56 C 93.20 -10.76 93.62 -10.85 94.08 -10.85 C 94.74 -10.85 95.29 -10.65 95.73 -10.23 C 96.19 -9.83 96.41 -9.25 96.41 -8.51 L 96.41 0 L 101.00 0 L 101.00 -9.02 C 101.00 -10.24 100.75 -11.29 100.23 -12.15 C 99.73 -13.03 99.04 -13.70 98.16 -14.16 C 97.30 -14.64 96.30 -14.88 95.18 -14.88 C 94.04 -14.88 93.01 -14.63 92.09 -14.13 C 91.50 -13.81 90.98 -13.39 90.53 -12.89 C 90.11 -13.42 89.60 -13.85 89.00 -14.18 C 88.20 -14.64 87.29 -14.88 86.27 -14.88 z M 50.36 -11.40 C 51.04 -11.40 51.62 -11.24 52.08 -10.94 C 52.56 -10.66 52.92 -10.24 53.16 -9.68 C 53.26 -9.46 53.34 -9.21 53.40 -8.93 L 47.03 -8.91 C 47.09 -9.12 47.16 -9.32 47.25 -9.50 C 47.55 -10.10 47.96 -10.57 48.48 -10.89 C 49.02 -11.23 49.64 -11.40 50.36 -11.40 z M 66.96 -10.74 C 67.60 -10.74 68.16 -10.58 68.64 -10.28 C 69.14 -10.00 69.51 -9.60 69.77 -9.08 C 70.05 -8.56 70.19 -7.96 70.19 -7.28 C 70.19 -6.28 69.90 -5.46 69.30 -4.80 C 68.70 -4.16 67.90 -3.83 66.92 -3.83 C 66.30 -3.83 65.75 -3.98 65.25 -4.28 C 64.75 -4.58 64.36 -4.99 64.08 -5.51 C 63.80 -6.03 63.66 -6.62 63.66 -7.28 C 63.66 -7.96 63.80 -8.56 64.08 -9.08 C 64.38 -9.60 64.77 -10.00 65.25 -10.28 C 65.74 -10.58 66.32 -10.74 66.96 -10.74 z";
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