BetterFap - Fap Gauntlet

Fap Gauntlet for BetterFap

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.56 24/03/2018 bugfix for fav swapping on chance to cum
  • v0.55 06/03/2018 Gonna be honest, I totally don't remember everything that changed. I do know I made it so that there are different intensities between some stroke types though
  • v0.5 25/12/2017 Updated to work with the latest test version of betterfap. Also added inline ui to replace all the keybinds. Also made the speeds and user pref-stuff the very top bit of the script so that users can easily find and change them to suit their preferences.
  • v0.0.3.0170419190753 12/08/2017 Changed the visual guide to use CSS animation controls like ease-in ease-out etc
  • v0.0.2.0170419190753 07/08/2017 Reworked grip types to be more interesting, if you liked the old ones changing them back is pretty easy. Added a visual guide with "c" to help for slow fap rates, added a button to disable auto-advancement for people who might want to advance on their own or watch videos,
  • v0.0.1.80170419190753 28/04/2017 Added dildo mode, press v to access, doesnt work with tempo helper, does with denial mode
  • v0.0.1.70170419190753 25/04/2017 Cleaned up code a lot, added 0.5 faps per second for some nice slow fapping, fixed some numbers that killed my autism
  • v0.0.1.50170419190760 22/04/2017 fixed bug preventing you can cum from ever showing up. Whoops!
  • v0.0.1.40170419190753 22/04/2017 Fixed varius bugs, program does not start on it's own anymore, added denial mode
  • v0.0.1.30170419190753 20/04/2017 Added tempo helper, for those who actually want to make sure they get every fap/second they are tasked! Press N to enable it, press M to disable it!
  • v0.0.1.20170419190754 20/04/2017 allowed script to work on non-test betterfap
  • v0.0.1.20170419190753 19/04/2017 Adjusted some possible times, made it so times are only multiples of 10 (so no more fapping for 32 seconds)
  • v0.0.1.20170413052000 13/04/2017