Mangago Backup Lists

Backup your reading lists

As of 12/09/2021. See the latest version.

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Script for mangago reading lists (っ^‿^)っ

Main features:

  • Download Want To Read/Currently Reading/Already Read lists
  • Download as CSV (compatible with Excel/Google Sheets) or JSON.
  • Tested for backup-ing up to 10,000 stories.
  • For <1000 stories, a sortable view is available for filtering/sorting/searching

v1.2.0 features:

  • Add backup mode for custom lists (as in lists that are not Want To Read, Reading, Done).
  • Backup notes and reviews about stories in both text and html.
  • add sortable view for individual custom list.


  • Currently only tested for Chrome browser on PC.
  • localStorage is up to 5MB only. Tested 10,000 stories is at 3.977Kb so there's probably a bit more generous leeway.
  • Sortable view cannot exceed 1000 stories for performance reasons. Planning a whole separate site/project to be able to manipulate backed up files.

Important Reminders:

  • ❗❗❗This code is only uploaded HERE at GREASEFORK under account Dongsik! This is not provided anywhere else. Do not install if seen on other sites.❗❗❗
  • If possible, have a techy friend look over the code and vouch for it. I've done my best to explain with generous comments what happens with the code but if you're still doubtful, all we have is trust, the core of human friendship. ≧'◡'≦
  • If you have a bug, please include your current browser + browser version + steps to reproduce your bug.
  • This is my first time working with possibly big data so go easy on me please (. ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛.)

Planned (upnext) features:

  • Ability to backup custom lists and followed lists.
  • Include more details about individual story (e.g. synopsis, possibly last ch read)
  • Include and cross-reference authors and custom lists with existing backup data
  • Separate website where backed up files can be imported and directly manipulated



  • Move Isotope from @require into window.onload because cdn url is not reliable.


  • Place Create New Backup button near avatar for a better placement
  • Add Reset All button to not have to manually do localStorage.clear() when problems arise.


  • Allow code to generate sortable list for backups with >1000 stories anyway but warn user beforehand that sortable list may be of degraded performance should they choose to continue.


  • Add backup mode for custom lists (as in lists that are not Want To Read, Reading, Done).
  • Backup notes and reviews about stories in both text and html.
  • add sortable view for individual custom list.


  • Fix sortable list view not appearing for individual list when no backup is present for non-custom lists.
  • Fix compounding note reviews when opening floating notes on sortable view


  • Fix sortable list view for individual lists mixing with other stories on other lists.


  • Fix script stopping and not recovering when a followed custom list is still in home lists page but is actually 404 when visited.
