This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
- //
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name common_libs_of_array
- // @namespace websiteEnhancement
- // @author jimmly
- // @version 2024.7.24
- // @description 增加页面顶部底部按钮和一键下种按钮
- // @create 2023-9-21
- // @include *
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // @license MIT
- // @run-at document-idle
- // ==/UserScript==
- //
- ///
- async function withJQuery(callback, safe = true, unsafeWindow) {
- let dollar
- if (typeof $ != "undefined")
- dollar = $
- if (typeof jQuery == "undefined") {
- let script = document.createElement("script")
- script.type = "text/javascript"
- script.src = ""
- if (safe) {
- let cb = document.createElement("script")
- cb.type = "text/javascript"
- cb.textContent = `jQuery.noConflict();if(dollar)$ = dollar;(${callback.toString()})(jQuery, window);`
- script.addEventListener("load", function () {
- document.head.appendChild(cb)
- })
- }
- else {
- script.addEventListener("load", function () {
- jQuery.noConflict()
- if (dollar) $ = dollar;
- callback(jQuery, window)
- })
- }
- document.head.appendChild(script)
- }
- else {
- setTimeout(function () {
- // Firefox supports
- if (dollar) $ = dollar;
- callback(jQuery, typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow)
- }, 30)
- }
- }
- // addStyle
- function addStyle(css) {
- let s = document.createElement('style')
- s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css))
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s)
- }
- function getFilePathFromUrl(url) {
- try {
- url = new URL(urlString)
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- url = new URL(urlString, window.location.origin)
- }
- catch {
- }
- }
- return url.pathname.split('/').pop() // 或使用 url.pathname.split('/').pop() 如果url已经是一个URL对象
- }
- const getUrlWithoutHost = radash.memo((urlString) => {
- let url = urlString
- try {
- url = new URL(urlString)
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- url = new URL(urlString, window.location.origin)
- } catch {
- }
- }
- return url.href.substring(url.origin.length)
- })
- class LRUCache {
- cache = []
- _saveMapToLocalStorage = () => {
- const mergedArray = this.loadMapFromLocalStorage().concat(this.cache);
- this.cache = mergedArray.filter((item, index, arr) => arr.indexOf(item) === index);
- if (this.cache.length >= this.capacity) {
- // 如果达到容量限制,删除最老的项
- this.cache.splice(0, this.cache.length - this.capacity)
- }
- // 将Map转换为普通对象
- const obj = this.cache ?? []
- // 将对象转换为JSON字符串
- const jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj)
- // 存储到localStorage
- localStorage.setItem(this.key, jsonString)
- }
- loadMapFromLocalStorage = () => {
- // 从localStorage获取JSON字符串
- const jsonString = localStorage.getItem(this.key)
- if (!jsonString) {
- return [] // 如果没有数据,返回空Map
- }
- // 将JSON字符串转换为普通对象
- try {
- const obj = JSON.parse(jsonString)
- if (Array.isArray(obj))
- return obj
- return Object.keys(obj)
- } catch (error) {
- }
- return []
- }
- autoSave() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- this.autoSave()
- }, 60_000)
- }
- constructor(key = "default_key", capacity = 500, win) {
- this.saveMapToLocalStorage = radash.debounce({ delay: 300 }, this._saveMapToLocalStorage).bind(this)
- this.key = key
- this.capacity = capacity
- = function (cacheVal, currVal) {
- if (win.__compareKey) {
- = (cacheVal, currVal) => win.__compareKey(cacheVal, currVal)
- return win.__compareKey(cacheVal, currVal)
- } else {
- = (cacheVal, currVal) => cacheVal == currVal
- return cacheVal == currVal
- }
- }
- this.fixValue = (key) => {
- if (win.fixValue) {
- this.fixValue = (value) => win.fixValue(value)
- return win.fixValue(key)
- }
- this.fixValue = (value) => value
- return key
- }
- this.cache = this.loadMapFromLocalStorage()
- this.autoSave()
- }
- get(value) {
- value = this.fixValue(value)
- let idx = this.cache.findIndex(cacheVal =>, value))
- if (idx > -1) {
- // 如果存在,则先删除再添加,以更新Map中的顺序(模拟最近最少使用)
- this.cache.splice(idx, 1)
- this.cache.push(value)
- return value
- }
- return null
- }
- put(value) {
- value = this.fixValue(value)
- let idx = this.cache.findIndex(cacheVal =>, value))
- if (idx > -1) {
- // 如果键已经存在,先删除旧值
- this.cache.splice(idx, 1)
- } else if (this.cache.length >= this.capacity) {
- // 如果达到容量限制,删除最老的项
- this.cache.splice(0, this.cache.length - this.capacity)
- }
- // 添加新值
- this.cache.push(value)
- }
- clearAllCache() {
- this.cache.length = 0
- this.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- }
- }
- // createSuperLabel 创建超链接,不会被拦截
- function createSuperLabel(url, id, downloadName, win) {
- win = win ?? window
- id = getUrlWithoutHost(url)
- if (downloadName) {
-, '_blank')
- return true
- }
- else {
- const cached = win.__LRUCache.get(id)
- const isNotHit = !cached
- if (isNotHit) {
- win.__LRUCache.put(id, true)
-, '_blank')
- }
- return { state: isNotHit, href: id }
- }
- }
- function unique(arr) {
- let obj = {}
- return arr.filter(function (item, index, arr) {
- return obj.hasOwnProperty(typeof item + item) ? false : (obj[typeof item + item] = true)
- })
- }
- /// ignore \r \t \n space and caseinsitive
- function a_Contains_b(a, b) {
- a = a.replace(/(\r\n|[\n\r\t ])/g, "").toLowerCase()
- b = b.replace(/(\r\n|[\n\r\t ])/g, "").toLowerCase()
- if (!!a && !!b && a.includes(b)) {
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- function createMenu($, win, isList, funcDownload, funcList, funcDetail) {
- win = win || window
- funcDownload = funcDownload ?? win.funcDownload
- funcList = funcList ?? win.funcList
- funcDetail = funcDetail ?? win.funcDetail
- let w = 40, h = 40;
- addStyle(`
- a:link{color:green;}
- a:hover{color:red;}
- a:active{color:yellow;}
- a:visited{color:orange;}
- .btn1 {
- opacity:0.8;-moz-transition-duration:0.2s;-webkit-transition-duration:0.2s;
- padding:1px; margin-top:1px;
- font-size: 10; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; line-height:${h}px;
- border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;cursor:pointer; left:0px;z-index:9999;
- background:white;
- width:${w}px;height:${h}px;
- }
- `);
- let container = $(document.createElement('div')).css({
- 'cssText': `position:fixed;top:15%;width:${w}px;height:${h * 7}px;left:0px;z-index:9999`
- });
- let downloadBtn, closeBtn, fastBtn, switchBtn, slowBtn
- if (!isList) {
- //下载按钮
- downloadBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('下載').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- funcDownload()
- });
- //close
- closeBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('關閉').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
-"about:blank", "_self").close();
- })
- //加速
- fastBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('加速').attr('title', '加速').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- if (win.__wait > 5) {
- win.__wait = win.__wait / 1.5
- } else {
- win.__wait = 5
- }
- win.___reset()
- })
- switchBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text(!win.__t ? '啓' : '停').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- if (!win.__t) {
- win.__startTimer();
- } else {
- win.__stopTimer()
- }
- })
- slowBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('減速').attr('title', '減速').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- win.__wait *= 1.5
- win.___reset()
- })
- $(document).keydown(function (event) {
- let e = event || win.event;
- let k = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if (k === 16) {
- // isCtrl = true;
- } else if (k === 38) { //up
- event.stopPropagation()
- } else if (k === 40) {//down
- event.stopPropagation()
- //
- }
- })
- $(document).mousedown(function (e) {
- if (e.which == 2) {
- }
- })
- $(win).blur(function () {
- win.__stopTimer()
- }).focus(function () {
- win.__startTimer();
- })
- win.__wait = 900
- win.__step = 100;
- win.__startTimer = function () {
- win.______h = $(document).scrollTop() + win.__step;
- if (win.______h >= $(document).height() - $(win).height()) {
- win.__stopTimer()
- // win.__t = setTimeout(win.__startTimer, 30000)
- } else {
- $(document).scrollTop(win.______h);
- win.__t = setTimeout(win.__startTimer, win.__wait)
- }
- win.__syncState()
- };
- win.__stopTimer = function () {
- clearTimeout(win.__t)
- win.__t = 0
- win.__syncState()
- }
- win.___reset = function () {
- win.__stopTimer()
- win.__startTimer();
- win.__syncState()
- }
- win.__syncState = function () {
- fastBtn.text(`${Math.floor(win.__wait)}`)
- slowBtn.text(`${Math.floor(win.__wait)}`)
- switchBtn.text(win.__t ? '停' : '啓')
- }
- }
- else {
- $('tr').hover(
- function () {
- $(this).find('*').css("background-color", "#9AAAC7")
- }, function () {
- $(this).find('*').css("background-color", '');
- });
- }
- //最顶按钮
- let
- toTopBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('Top').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- win.scrollTo(0, 0);
- }), //最低按钮
- toBottomBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).text('Bottom').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- win.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
- }),
- setBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'btnSet').text('設置').appendTo(container)
- .click(function () {
- });
- let clearBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'clear').text('clear').appendTo(container)
- () {
- win.__LRUCache.clearAllCache()
- })
- let autocloseBtn = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'autoclose').text(`${localStorage.getItem("autoclosewindow") ?? 'Keep'}`).appendTo(container)
- () {
- localStorage.setItem("autoclosewindow", `${localStorage.getItem("autoclosewindow") == 'Auto' ? 'Keep' : 'Auto'}`)
- $(this).text(`${localStorage.getItem("autoclosewindow") ?? 'Keep'}`)
- })
- container.appendTo('body');
- container
- .find('div')
- .addClass('btn1')
- .hover(function (e) {
- let o = $(this)
-'old_opacity', o.css('opacity'))
- .data('old_border', o.css('border'))
- o.css('opacity', 1).css('border', '1px solid black')
- }, function (e) {
- let o = $(this)
- o.css('opacity','old_opacity')).css('border','old_border'))
- })
- if (isList) {
- if (typeof funcList === 'function') {
- funcList(container)
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof funcDetail === 'function') {
- funcDetail(container)
- }
- }
- }
- function submit(func, _$) {
- if (!_$) {
- try {
- _$ = $
- } catch {
- }
- }
- let queue = _$.queue(document, "fx", func)
- if (queue[0] == "inprogress") {
- return
- }
- _$.dequeue(document)
- }
- function autoFind(funcIsListPage, cmgId, selector, funcText, $, elBindOpen, unsafeWindow, funcDownload, funcList, funcDetail) {
- let isList = funcIsListPage()
- win = unsafeWindow || window
- createMenu($, unsafeWindow, isList, funcDownload, funcList, funcDetail)
- new Promise(resovle => resovle(new GM_config({
- id: `GM_config_${cmgId}`,
- title: 'javdb Configurable Options Script',
- fields: {
- asdf: {
- label: 'Search keys',
- type: 'textarea',
- rows: 30,
- cols: 50,
- default: '调J; 阴环;18岁;19岁;20岁;gvh;sm;tki;一字马;一线天;乳环;固定;圈养;奴隶;实录;性奴;拘;拘束;拷问;捆绑;挛;无毛;束;束缚;母G;母狗;痉;白虎;紧缚;萝莉;调教;软派;软体;缚;身动;绑;;肛塞;尾巴;极品;奴宠; 淫媚;尤物;凌辱;屈辱;少女;天然;素人;清纯;耻;調J; 陰環;18歲;19歲;20歲;18歳;20歳;21歳;一字馬;一綫天;乳環;圈養;奴隸;實錄;拷問;捆綁;攣;無毛;束縛;痙;緊縛;蘿莉;調教;軟派;軟體;縛;身動;綁;極品;奴寵;清純;恥;GIF;潮吹;陵辱;19歳;痉挛;弓背;高潮;18;19;20;21;狗;母;3P;优雅;双胞;雙胞',
- },
- isRunInNewTabs: {
- options: ['Auto Run In New Tab', 'Not Run In New Tab'],
- label: 'Auto Run In New Tab?',
- type: 'radio',
- default: 'Auto Run In New Tab',
- },
- 'holdOn': {
- 'label': 'hold on(micro seconds)',
- 'type': 'unsigned int',
- 'default': 1000
- },
- },
- events:
- {
- open() {
- let vals = unique(this.get('asdf').split(/[;;,,]/g)).join(';')
- this.set('asdf', vals)
- },
- save() {
- let vals = unique(this.get('asdf').split(/[;;,,]/g)).join(';')
- this.set('asdf', vals)
- },
- },
- })))
- .then((gmc) => {
- setTimeout(() => $(elBindOpen).click(() =>, 500)
- return gmc
- })
- .then((gmc) => {
- win.gmc = gmc
- if (!funcIsListPage(gmc))
- throw new Error(`no run due to contion failed`)
- // list页面添加事件,关闭页面时候保存缓存
- win.__LRUCache = new LRUCache("__vistList", 2000, win)
- win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
- win.__LRUCache?.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- })
- $(document).keydown(function (event) {
- win.__LRUCache?.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- })
- $(win).bind("onunload", function (event) {
- win.__LRUCache?.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- })
- $(document).mousedown(function (e) {
- if (e.which == 2) {
- win.__LRUCache?.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- }
- })
- return gmc
- })
- .then((gmc) => {
- return { gmc, conf: gmc.get('asdf') }
- },
- )
- .then(({ gmc, conf }) => {
- console.log('config value of keys', conf)
- return ({ gmc, keys: conf.split(/[;;,,]/) })
- })
- .then(({ gmc, keys }) => {
- console.log('selector', selector, $(selector).length)
- $(selector).each((i, element) => {
- let el = $(element)
- $.each(keys, (inex, key) => {
- let eltext = funcText(el)
- if (a_Contains_b(eltext, key)) {
- submit(function (next) {
- try {
- let res = el.prop ? createSuperLabel(el.prop('href'), el.prop('href'), null, win) : createSuperLabel(el.attr('href'), el.attr('href'), null, win)
- console.log(!res?.state, key, eltext, res?.href)
- }
- finally {
- setTimeout(function () { next() }, gmc.holdOn ?? 1000)
- }
- }, $)
- return false
- }
- })
- })
- win.__LRUCache?.saveMapToLocalStorage()
- return { gmc, keys }
- })
- .catch(e => console.log('error', e))
- };