FANBOX直转KEMONO JS - 在创作者的FANBOX页面生成一个‘在KEMONO中打开’的按钮
98图片预览助手 JS - 浏览帖子列表时自动加载内部前三张(可配置)图片供预览。如需支持其他免翻地址,请使用@match自行添加连接,如果某个版块不希望预览,请使用@exclude自行添加要排除的版块链接
Javlib Emby Highlighter and Redirector JS - 在javlib高亮emby存在的视频,并在详情页提供一键跳转功能
Jable一键下载收藏 JS - Jable一键下载视频,并自动点击收藏
javdb自动点击看过 JS - 在网页加载后自动点击指定按钮并保存
Skip age verification JS - We're all consenting adults here, skip the annoying age verification pages
unlock lpsg videos JS - unlock lpsg video access. may need to manually switch video format since I can't figure that part out. Also load all images ASAP instead of having to scroll to them.
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 JS - e-hentai和exhentai画廊页面直接管理收藏和种子下载
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
修正浏览器标签标题 - 海角社区 JS - 浏览社区的时候浏览器标题显示个人昵称或者帖子名称,浏览器历史记录里面也会同步记录。
NoAge Pornhub JS - Remove age verification on PornHub
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
rule34 search modify JS - convenience, adding this search prompt to every search
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
m网站跳转移除 JS - missav网站跳转移除
JAV老司机,JAV各大网站优化【18岁以下用户请勿安装】 JS - JAV老司机神器,支持各Jav老司机站点。拥有高效浏览Jav的页面排版,JAV高清预览大图,JAV列表无限滚动自动加载,合成“挊”的自动获取JAV磁链接,一键自动115离线下载。。。。没时间解释了,快上车!
Mute Loops JS - Automatically loops and mutes video files.
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
Censored redgif JS - This script censors redgifs.com.
RebeLM00D JS - made with rebelhands
StripChat hide favourites JS - High favourite cams from listing so you can see only new ones to you
Send to Real-Debrid JS - Add a button next to each magnet link to send it to Real-Debrid, with user-friendly API token setup and enhanced error handling
Hentai Heroes+++ JS - Few QoL improvement and additions for competitive PvP players.
Scroll Element Into View on rule34.xxx JS - Scrolls into view either the element with the id "image" or "gelcomVideoPlayer" on rule34.xxx
Porn_Plus JS - Make a better Porn Website browsing experience!</br> 让你有一个更好的簧片站浏览体验!
javdb优化 JS - javdb优化方便跳转不同网站
Rule34 Video Downloader JS - 快捷下载rule34.xxx的视频
RE: AI 이미지 EXIF 뷰어 JS - AI 이미지 메타데이터 보기
98tang一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录 JS - 根据98tang特定元素插入按钮并一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录,支持bot与web下载
Pornhub 滑鼠隱藏 JS - 電腦端滑鼠於影片區塊上停留一段時間,會隱藏滑鼠遊標和進度條,滑鼠再次移動時將重新顯示,手機端在影片區塊向右滑,會觸發影片加速,滑越多加越多最高16倍,放開後恢復正常速度。
Pornolab Thumbnail Enhanced JS - View thumbnails of posts beforehand.
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
HV Utils URL CN JS - zh-cn
Gelbooru Favorite Shortcut JS - Adds a keybind shortcut for adding images to favorites on Gelbooru.com
【fork&mod】Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com | 无需登录直接下载 | 可直接下载免费观看付费下载视频 | 可下载已禁止下载的视频 | 可下载所有可观看分辨率
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
FSM快进投票 JS - FSM快进到下一页投票
2048核基地列表显示预览图 JS - 2048核基地列表显示预览图,只对 bbs.klnkn.com 域名有效
dybz JS - 增强第一版主小说网站的功能,详情请看脚本页面的介绍(另含去除广告的说明)
e-hance JS - 一个脚本,用来改善e站的观看体验
98手机网页版搜索助手 JS - 98手机网页版搜索助手..
Redgifs watch page view only video JS - watch page show only video
中文版nhentai JS - 翻译nhentai的标签和界面为中文
Recurbate JS - Wide screen, Added button for hide model, transparent play button on recu.me
Onlyfans "leak" finder JS - Checks some sites for OF "leaks"
PornHub Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Hide Blacklisted Posts on Rule34.xxx JS - Simple script to hide blacklisted posts on Rule34.xxx
魂+图片查看 JS - 魂+图片查看图片查看
Recurbate downloa JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
nHentai English Filter (mobile friendly) JS - Adds quick English filter to nHentai pages.
Reddit NSFW Filter JS - A userscript to show only NSFW entries on the Reddit search page
草飞pixiv浏览记录会员限制 JS - 狠狠破解pixiv让你可以使用一些会员的功能
Redgifs Tweaks JS - tweaks for redgifs page
Jellyfin番号过滤 JS - 标记所有番号,并添加跳转链接。支持jellyfin、emby、115、手动输入的番号查重。
Auto-Pause Redgifs JS - Auto-pauses videos from redgif on reddit
Rule34Video 2160p y 1080p Filter (Optimized) JS - Filtra videos 2160p y 1080p en Rule34Video, ocultando los que no coinciden con la calidad seleccionada.
Rule34 AI Detector JS - Highlight AI generated images and add a toggle button to show/hide AI images
IAFD JS - Add extra utilities to iafd.com
Pornolab Image Expander JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
XXXClub Thumbnails Expander and Higher Resolution Loader JS - Make thumbnails always visible, larger, and replace with high-res images
CoomerBtn JS - Adds a small button next to username handles on Onlyfans and Fansly that points to that users profile at Coomer.su
Nhentai Plus+ JS - Enhances the functionality of Nhentai website.
tianteng JS - 各种开车网站的优化,javbus,javlib
Javdb 优质影片高亮 JS - 基于评分和播放量数据对 Javdb 的优质影片增加高亮背景色,加快浏览速度
CENSORED TAG COPY JS - Gathers tags from a few boorus but censors bad tags for civitai
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
Model Lookup JS - Adds a magnifying glass button to search models on Simpcity.su from any website.
Rapidgator link checker JS - jlibrary link checker
Rule34 art alternative gallery viewer 水果玉米系列 JS - just for Rule34 art alternative gallery .
最愛「新作品」更新 JS - 為何要一個一個點擊進入追蹤的作者頁面才能看到最新的更新?讓這個腳本為你代勞。支援Kemono/Coomer。
【etai2019】明里美术馆 JS - JavLibrary,优化图片展示
ad研究所 JS - aido优化+破解
Tag and Scene Formatter for Gelbooru, Danbooru, Sankaku Complex, Rule34, and Aibooru JS - Add buttons to copy formatted tags and scene tags from Gelbooru, Danbooru, Sankaku Complex, Rule34, and Aibooru
Javdb_Emby助手 JS - Javdb_Emby助手_weiShao
Get m3u8 URL JS - 获取网页中m3u8视频地址
Remove Favorite Hotkey JS - Allows you to press g (or another key) to remove favorites from the post page.
PornHub Hide Mouse Cursor JS - Hide mouse cursor (pointer) when watching videos on PornHub after 2 seconds of mouse inactivity
Yodayo Chat Message Downloader JS - download logs
2048 重定向 JS - 重定向2048我为人人社区临时地址至永久地址hjd2048.com,如存在误杀,复制@exclude行并将地址改为需要解除误杀的地址即可
MissAV.com Stop pause video_ JS - Removed the function to force video to pause when moving focus
fc2ppvdb.com to Sukebei Search JS - Extract FC2PPV ID and search on Sukebei
JableTV Аутоматско пријављивање JS - Детецтион JableTV држава,и аутоматски се пријављује када нисте пријављени
Youtube AdBlock JS - Change the title and icon of *specific* websites
Kemono.Party - Fix Discord external links JS - Fix external links on Kemono's Discord mirrors
JavLibrary MissAV 早知道 JS - 针对javlibrary的AVID展示missav的链接,并判断是否已发布,已发布则展示视频预览,需要搭配jav老司机使用
Gallery Scroll Navigator JS - Automatically navigate pages for image sites based on user's scroll behavior.
115艾薇预览+ 清洁版 JS - 115艾薇预览+ 的个人使用的修改版本,文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题, 清理了不必要的代码, 修改了图片获取地址
Pornhub Video Download Helper JS - get videos of pornhub.com
Exhentai Archive Download Button JS - Add a button to download the original, resampled archive or use H@H directly from the search page on ExHentai or E-Hentai. The download is simply a shortcut for the normal download process, so it still consumes GP and follows the same rules.
Exhentai Flow Viewer JS - This scripts helps you to view a gallery in a single page, from up to down.
91标题+url修复 JS - 91porn最近不知道为什么很多视频的链接都经过md5加密了,因此不能直接右击-后台标签页打开,这非常不便于快速浏览视频,并且视频播放页或许是为了反爬,页面title不显示视频的标题了。这个插件就是为了修复这两个问题而诞生的。
ThGrab JS - Grab contents from thothub network (private)
pornHelper JS - 下载PornHub视频和封面
E站控制画廊已收藏显隐和黑名单 JS - 漫画资源e站,增加功能:1、控制已收藏画廊显隐 2、快速添加收藏功能 3、黑名单屏蔽重复、缺页、低质量画廊 4、详情页生成文件名
Danbooru Strip JS - Strip Danbooru images with your mouse
南+ 网址跳转 JS - 南+ 各种网址自动跳转
Bus论坛助手 JS - 将页面中的磁力链接转换为可点击的超链接,并将番号转换为当前网站的超链接
Jable missav 多行标题 JS - asl