JavDB Watched Marker JS - 自动标记看过的影片
JavDB Exporter plus JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
E-Hentai Highlighter-Mod JS - Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.
oshioki notifecation JS - おしおき支援ソフト第1弾 発展場情報の板が自動更新します。 ついでに音でお知らせします。
Agario more features JS - Color code enemy cells. Enable zoom. Show borders, opponent size, minimap
gfy ignore list JS - block threads, posts, etc from certain users
4shared.com Free Downloader (NextWap) JS - Auto Generate to www.nextwap.net. thanks @Shivesh96
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
HV - Item World Cost Calculator JS - Calculates various numbers related to IW service
handsoff JS - 解放双手,空格暂停,回车播放
Disable Fixed Header JS - Changes the CSS of the header of http://tsumino.com on doujin pages from "fixed" to "absolute".
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
nijie ajax bookmark and favorite command JS - nijieでブックマークとユーザーのお気に入り登録をページ遷移なく行う(nijie ajax bookmark and favorite)
コイツにブチミる JS - うおおおおおおおおおおおおあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!! (ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!!)
antiwomen JS - userscript для АБФ
Mutik's DotD Script for ArmorGames JS - Script which makes raids management a lot easier
OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
1337x torrent cover view JS - poster shower
Xtube Enhancer - Animated Thumbnails, Inline Video Loading, and Sponsor/Premium-Free Videos JS - Animates thumbnails, inlines video loading, and cleans up sponsored content
Streamate Fullscreen Link JS - Adds a full screen link to Streamate cam profiles
ErogameScape Remove Uid JS - エロゲー批評空間のレビューをユーザー条件で非表示
Dipmotes JS - more like shitmotes amirite
CL115离线助手 JS - 115离线助手 for 1024
Adultddl Sweet Captcha Solver JS - Automatically solve the sweetcaptcha on adultddl.ws on a single post page
XTube Hide Sponsor Videos JS - Hides all videos from the users "xtubehouse", xtube_sponsor, xxxvids
Cityvibe Enhancer JS - Increases the image sizes of slideshows and main profile image and adds keybindings for slideshow and escort navigation.
Alabout Direct Link JS - Strips jump page.
RecoPoringa. JS - Recomienda posts en Poringa!
Загрузка скринов из раздачи для pornolab.net JS - Загрузка скринов из раздачи
CL_autoReply JS - 草榴新手自动回复
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
directGelF JS - direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+
CL.18P2P.SIS_MultiPage_smilies JS - 草榴、18P2P和SIS自由定制分页化表情
18p2p_faceText JS - 18p2p颜文字输入
18P2P_autothanks JS - 18P2P自动感谢
18P2P thanks by one_click JS - 18P2P一键感谢
4chan cap helper JS - hides posts that are not selected with the tickbox, for capping
custom DLSite linker JS - Changes RJ/Exxxxxx numbers to links to DLSite
FaahriTAMVAN JS - splitter
imgwet-captcha JS - Resolve ImgWet captcha
EhTagBuilder JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
EH to ExH JS - Redirects to ExH if EH gallery is unavailable
EhTagBuilder JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
BEST ALL NEW AGAR.IO MOD JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Rule34.xxx: Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a DD-MM-YY format
RARBBG - Full size mouseover JS - Shows the full poster on mouse over instead of the thumbnail.
Reddit SideBar Hider JS - Hide the right sidebar in reddit, adds a tiny button to click to get it back
TopfaceRemover JS - Remove popup messages from topface
"К непрочитанному" на JoyReactor JS - Добавляет кнопку "К непрочитанному" на JoyReactor
Pornhub thumbnail JS - Shows thumbnail in table row.
Sankaku Channel Fast Pagination JS - Disable the thumbnail loading delay on scroll
Cucknadia JS - Replaces Canadian flags on 4chan with a pride version
EH_Tag_Exposer_and_Hider JS - Show all tags on hover, favorites tags marked and in bold, unliked tags marked and red .Put your favorite Tags in front of the title, Hide tags you dislike, Button to show hidden galleries. Add favorite and disliked tags by easily editing the script.
磁力云播 JS - 找出页面的磁力链,添加云播接口
二つのコンコレを繋ぐスクリプト JS - 勝手版とにじよめ版に相互リンク付けるよ
灵梦御所的老司机 JS - 开车注意安全!!!
仓库提取码填写 JS - 自动填写提取码到百度链接 (搭配 #1002, #19864 食用)。
HV 界面繁體化 JS - HV面板數據界面繁化,有時候會修複一些網頁的顯示錯誤
exhentai no https JS - access the site with http
Nijie.info Image Downloader JS - Show all hentai images on author's page.
神木林切换旧版视频详情 JS - 修改url,加上_old
m-team大图浏览 JS - 种子列表/详情/演员列表 大图浏览,标题翻译。
靠北工口師免登入Avgle功能 JS - try to take over the world!
pornolab.net Full Size Images JS - Auto-expanded and full size images on pornolab.net
nhentai pop-under remover JS - Disables annoing window that opens after clicking anywhere on page.
Avgle Helper JS - Help you watch videos smoothly at Avgle
ShadeRoot ThePornDude JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for ThePornDude
ShadeRoot xHamster JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for xHamster
ShadeFix Motherless JS - Shadefix for Motherless, maximizes player size and blocks ad banners
ShadeFix xHamster JS - ShadeFix for xHamster, centering the player and removing fixed adspace
Sukebei nyaa video previews JS - Facilitates access to video previews
RARBG Show thumbnails in torrent lists (Plain JavaScript) JS - Shows the thumbnail on every item of the torrent list, highlight matched torrent in searchpattern
ShowUp.TV Tips Sounds JS - Dodaje dźwięk żetona przy otrzymywaniu wiadomości prywatnej (płatnej), napiwku na transmisji i priv (przy zakończeniu też)
ShowUp.TV Tools JS - Zmienia nieco stronę SU - wygląd i funkcje.
ShowUp.TV AutoWarner JS - Ostrzeżenie przed opuszczeniem własnej transmisji.
ShowUp.TV LeavingViaMSGWarning JS - Ostrzeżenie przed opuszczeniem własnej transmisji.
ShowUp.TV Font Changer JS - Zmienia czcionkę na showup.tv
comentParaShenL♂ng JS - Esta extensión permite compartir contenido no admitido en taringa(no se quebran las normas del sitio,ya que todo es guardado en un servidor externo).
comentParaShenL♂ng JS - Esta extensión permite compartir contenido no admitido en taringa(no se quebran las normas del sitio,ya que todo es guardado en un servidor externo).
Remove Sankaku Advertisements/Iframes JS - Hopefully removes all ads from *.sankaku
ShadeRoot XTube JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for XTube
Gelbooru Lazyload Fix JS - This script fixes the Gelbooru thumbnails if the thumbnail lazyloader doesn't run (typically due to an Adblocker)
Harem(Hentai)Heroes Automatic JS - Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoQuest and AutoBattle. Messages are printed in local console.
xHamster Enhancement - XE JS - Adds endless scroll and increases the default player size.
EH page swapper JS - Current: Use arrow key to flip pages in e-hentai.
VNDB Torrent Searcher JS - Searches sukebei for japanese names from VNDB
hacg script JS - enter something useful
tyyy JS - try to take over the world!
GfyCat adds link to mp4 file JS - Adds a link to the mp4 file of gfycat webm, redirects from detail page to actual file page
GelbooruViewer JS - Eazy way to quickly view pics on Gelbooru.
NoADGle JS - avgle无广告纯净播放 avgle not adgle!!!
FT cheat JS - A greasemonky userscript for cheating on a dumb online game
hacg.* ? JS - 司机工具
TrophyManager - Super Club Squad JS - Show ASI on Club Squad page
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Avatar: Storage JS - Lets you save a list of avatars in your browser's local storage for later use. Save avatars from the "Set avatar" page. Avatars are accessible from the "Profile" and "Set Avatar" pages. Drag avatars to reorder. Click on avatars for options.
CH Redirect JS - Fixes blank pages showing up on the Australian College Humour site.
Kona-chan cleanup JS - A small userscript to ease to browsing of konachan.net
visited_dynasty JS - Short and dumb userscript for highlighting visited links on Dynasty-scans.com. Nothing else.
exhentai flow viewer JS - This scripts helps you to view a gallery in a single page, from up to down.