Empornium show hidden thumbnail blocks JS - Automatically expands all "Show" blocks with images.
Empornium cover image preload JS - Preloads the cover image on torrent pages.
Xnxx Download Movie Button JS - Add a link button to the movie
devTest JS - 播放器滑动快进+移除弹窗/googletagmanager+整体页面缩放
Erome Like Visible On Albums JS - Show album like count from any page with albums
semprot unhide image JS - unhide image on forum semprot while using adblock
Enable DLsite work name to be selected JS - Enable DLsite work name to be selected.
dlsite下载按钮 JS - 在dlsite的下载页面添加一个批量下载的按钮
Simple Shellshockers Theme Example JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
mvcat跳二维码 JS - mvcat跳过二维码
find panda JS - check panda.chaika.moe for related galleries when searching
E621 辅助翻译 JS - 目前仅支持汉化 E621 的标签,且字典尚不完善
BooruBear JS - Gathers tags from a few boorus
remove ads JS - clear site ui
SIS download seeds JS - 增加页面顶部底部按钮和一键下种按钮
BBRT notifier JS - Nofifies new messages on the BBRT website through scraping.
解除小草检测去广告插件及贴子净化 JS - 解除小草对去广告插件的检测,净化小草贴子内容。请配合各类去广告插件一起使用,如ABP。
Sniffies Improved Colors JS - Updates the colors on the Sniffies website for improved visibility
hotleak.vip,thotporn.tv,leakedzone.com image scraper JS - 13/12/2022, 4:02:01 pm
封印解除 JS - 灵梦封印自动解除
Pornolab Shows Thumbnails of all torrents on Forum Page JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
FriendShip ComikNet JS - 一键推送你喜爱的本子给群友!
Galleria JS - Sankaku Complex (Idol) Gallery Overlay
PH toolbox JS - PornHub toolbox (https://codeberg.org/aolko/userscripts)
ASMR Online 一键复制名称 JS - 给目录树的每个音声加上复制名称的按钮
Gelbooru Tag Copyer JS - 复制 Gelbooru 的 tags,支持自定义选择 tag 类型 / Quickly copy tags from gelbooru's post so you can use thoes tags to generate AI images.
(MSIN+) db.msin.jp improved JS - Check the Porn code to MISSAV and Sukebei if it exist.
Novicane - SPNATI Cheat JS - Collection of cheats for the browser game SPNATI, put into a large userscript for ease of use
erome.com video length JS - Duration of video on erome.com
Erome Video Download Links JS - Exposes video-download links for erome media galleries
Japanese ASMR Tags Tooltip on hover JS - Adds a floating tooltip with the ASMR's tags when you hover over the thumbnail.
HPJAV Enhance JS - Enhance hpjav.tv
Expanded Ratio JS - Ratio Time
javbus mobile JS - javbus mobile style
Achewood Timeline Nav JS - Navigate through Achewood strips and blogs in chronological order
星月号_网盘自动验证 JS - 自动填充星月号附属网盘提取码并提交。
琉璃神社_伪大佬 JS - 替换神社等级图标。
meogao222's EH Thumbnail show JS - my EH script, display thumbnails on the list
Direct Image Link Gelbooru JS - Переработка переработки переработки Zendillo's Gelbooru Thumb to Image script. Показывает прямые ссылки под эскизами
Video / Gif downloader from the new design of redgifs.com (v3) JS - Gather all information about video / gif and create a download button in the sidebar of videos / gif
Security Web for sploop.io! JS - Increase cybersecurity in every way: force HTTPS, filter out bad urls, scams, malware, shock sites, etc.
SteamDB Adult Mode JS - Undo all mosaic and filters on SteamDB
Javbus 工具 JS - Javbus 瀑布流排序
优丝库输出图片链接 JS - 1.必须有优丝库VIP权限才能用 2.用法点击右上角'get links'按钮即可 3.本脚本永久开源免费,仅供合法使用
绅士漫画自适应 JS - 自适应绅士漫画图片!
Kemono中文翻译按钮 JS - 一键翻译Content内容到中文
S-OW-ndGasm JS - soundgasm dark mode
哔咔漫画一键下载 JS - 推荐打开梯子下载,不然下载很慢,还容易出错少图。 1.分集选择页面按d下载所有分集。2.阅读时按d下载当前分集。3.漫画详情页面打开新标签页。4.读不到登录信息时跳转到登录页面。5.修复选集页面看不到推荐漫画。6.屏蔽部分广告。
里番看看【已失效】 JS - 里番看看,站内任意里番免费看,站点:https://www.lf1080.com/
OGLAF assistant JS - Navigate the OGLAF comic with arrow keys, show title text, alt text, epilogue button under the image.
磁力链接一键推送下载 JS - 一键下载 ✅115网盘 ✅PikPak ✅qbitorrent ✅aria2 添加磁力链接 目前支持98堂、javbus
Auto play - nhentai.net JS - 2023/2/11 下午6:48:29
HV 训练助手 (Training Helper) JS - 持续训练 (Hentaiverse Continuous Training)
Image out of carousel and high quality - iwara.tv JS - High quality images vertical scrolling
LoversLab Download All ++ JS - Adds a download all button to loverslab
Full SI Swimsuit images JS - Auto opens the original/full size image on swimsuit.si.com.
98助手 JS - 98助手,原98自动签到助手
Bunkr Filter JS - Filter bunker images and videos by size and type
Chicken Mod v1.15 JS - very much so dumb
Erome Filter JS - Filter images and videos in Erome
Pre-Client Remake Minify JS - Beta, Have issue.
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from 8muses.com
翼狐脚本(作者 海岛奇兵 微信 haidaoqibing456) JS - try to take over the world!
blink JS - remind you to blink
nHentai Full color Filter button JS - Adds quick Full color filter to nHentai pages. (Rewrite of English only userscript made by Hen-tie)
Hentai Image Dark Mode JS - Makes the webapges on hentai-img.com dark themed. Very rushed, just needed something basic in the moment.
tanhuazu-helper JS - tanhuazu.com 探花族论坛助手
JK Rowling to Terf JS - Change JK Rowling and J.K. Rowling to Transphobic TERF on all webpages
HenterVerse Clutter One-Click Seller JS - Sell all the clutter in The Market with one single click!
Iwara 自动分辨率调整 JS - 自动调整新版 Iwara 的视频分辨率为原始分辨率
iwara 一键搜索 JS - 一键在mmdfans.net中搜索MMD
UnderHentai小工具 JS - 手机端因为广告基本不能正常观看,故有此脚本,里番动漫站点:https://www.underhentai.net/
Danbooru theme toggle (sunrise API) JS - Automatically toggle native dark mode on sunset and sunrise on danbooru.donmai.us
IHA.EE GIF'I EEMALDAJA (TASUTA VIP 1.1) JS - Script for enhanching the erotical experience using iha.ee
DM colorization JS - Each user DMing will be a different color.
Misc 18+ Auto Confirm JS - Auto clicks 'I'm 18+' dialogue at landing.
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
LOLBeans.io Idler JS - Get LOLBeans colors and accessories while doing absolutely nothing
nlegs.com 聚圖&下載 JS - 如題,由於此站人機驗證出現頻繁,一部寫真可能需要分1~3次才能全部載入大圖。
18comic漫画下载 JS - 从18comic上下载cbz格式(整话阅读)或webp格式(分页阅读)的漫画
Get javdb.com AV Num JS - try to take over the world!
New script - key-drop.com JS - 15/08/2022, 16:46:46
SEX141 Enhancements JS - Enhance the user experience at the SEX141 Forum
toonily spider JS - toonily 简易爬虫
twidouga_viewer JS - 直接看 twidouga 的影片
r34app gallery JS - Gallery view for results in https://r34.app
sex169论坛广告去除 (sex 169 ads remove function) JS - used for http://bbs.sex169.org/
Show E-Hentai links on SauceNAO JS - A userscript that adds E-Hentai (or optionally ExHentai, your choice) links to images SauceNAO got from there originally.
Civitai script JS - Save information when a page is loaded in a same place, then we download content, generate json with alls informations
HenterVerse Market UI Enhancer JS - Enhance HentaiVerse UI of The Market.
Kemono访问时间记录&去广告 JS - 移除页面的部分广告,并且在关注(favorites)页面记录和展示上次的访问时间
Inline Thumbnail images on 0xxx.ws JS - Display thumbnail images in a new cell to the left of the link
E站各处标题修改成日文 JS - E站画廊 提取 日文标题修改成 浏览器标题 搜索页面提取搜索内容设置成浏览器标题
Revert dark to light JS - Apply a smart color revert on selected websites. If the site was dark, it's now light. If it was light, it's now dark.
EMP Dark JS - Stylesheet for EMP
Kemono.party Image Full Size Autoloader JS - Auto load full size image in kemono.party
ehentai tag translator JS - hover tag, show translation
voicehub链接asmr.one JS - 向voicehub添加asmr.one链接
taro's baraag unspoiler JS - remove spoiler from media tabs