PH_Downloader JS - pornhub.com
rule4video移除广告 JS - ttt
AS mmd cleanup JS - This script is to clean up the spam in the Anime sharing MMD sharethread.
Bunkr Media Opener JS - Открывает все картинки и видео в новой вкладке с задержкой
Sniffies Save Profiles JS - Adds a "Save Profile" button to profiles and a professional GUI to manage saved profiles in a table format. Allows editing the profile title before saving.
Captura de pantalla en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp JS - Toma una captura de pantalla del elemento #content-pX en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp
Missav keeps playing JS - Let videos keeps playing after losing focus
JavDB Watched Marker JS - 自动标记看过的影片
JavDB Exporter plus JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
re621 - e621 Reimagined JS - Subscription manager, mass downloader, thumbnail enhancer, and more for e621
CL_autoReply JS - 草榴新手自动回复
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
directGelF JS - direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+
CL.18P2P.SIS_MultiPage_smilies JS - 草榴、18P2P和SIS自由定制分页化表情
18p2p_faceText JS - 18p2p颜文字输入
18P2P_autothanks JS - 18P2P自动感谢
18P2P thanks by one_click JS - 18P2P一键感谢
4chan cap helper JS - hides posts that are not selected with the tickbox, for capping
FetLife Spyscope JS - Hover over FetLife user avatar pictures to see their recent activity, vitals, group subscriptions, and more. Quickly discern whether they're worth talking back to or not.
18H Hentai Manga Autoload JS - Autoload hentai manga and CG images on one page on 18h.mm-cg.com.
ShadeRoot 4Chan JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for 4Chan
Eza's Gallery Smoothener JS - Removes unimportant links below thumbnails, so select -> right-click -> open-links-in-new-tabs works cleanly.
dlEHAuto JS - English: Add a download button with white arrow icon and green background on each link in the gallery list page of e-hentai gallery and ex-hentai. Click on it will download the archive of this gallery without payment confirm. Click on the "Archive Download" link on the galleary page will also start the automatic download progress. 中文:在易恒泰画廊以及EX的列表页中,在每一行作品链接后添加一个绿底白箭头,点击这个链接会进入自动下载压缩文件流程(不会询问是否确认支付C,GP等),另外,在每一个作品页,以点击下载压缩文件的操作启动自动下载压缩文件的流程(不询问是否确认支付同上)
Dynasty Thingifier JS - Adds post links and quote stuff to Dynasty forums
SEEMH.NET image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
E-hentai & exhentai Japanese title JS - Make main listing to show japanese title if avaliable
TGSscript JS - Memes
gelbooru-popup-preview JS - Enables pop-up image previews for Gelbooru searches.
All Magnet to BT JS - 找出页面的磁力链,给出对应的种子下载地址//Find out all magnet links in current page and get their torrent download URLs. In theory, it supports many sites. you can add your favorites by //@include
View all cams on reallifecam.com JS - View all cams without paying
SomeCanadianScript JS - memes for the cool kids
EX Better Thumbnails JS - Provides infinite scroll and larger thumbnails for gallery browsing.
Dropbooks Romover JS - Remove ads and skip datail page on Dropbooks
bangumi new game subject helper JS - assist to create new game subject
Danbooru Post Link Rating JS - Finds links to posts on Danbooru and appends that post's rating to the end
Motherless Video Downloader JS - Motherless Video Downloader script
LiveLeak download JS - Creates a download link next to video title
HV Potion bar JS - 吃药
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + JS - Shows all pages at once. Single/Multi page spread.Example sites: All FoOl(Slide/Reader), MangaFox, MangaReader/MangaPanda, MangaStream, MangaInn, AnyManga, AnimeA, MangaHere, MangaShare, Batoto, MangaDevil, MangaCow, MangaChapter, 7manga, MangaPirate.net, Madokami , SpinyBack, MyManga , KawaiiScans, EGScans, All SenManga,LoneManga ,ReadManga,MangaTraders,MangaCat,KissManga, MangaJoy,MangaBee/OneManga.me, KukuDM, Japscan, Pecintakomik, Sh-Arab, some Portuguese sites. Dl addon for 18+ sites.
motherless.com - sort videos by hits JS - Sorts Videos by hits over multiple pages
Ex-Hentai: Frame Popups JS - Embed popup window instead of another window.
Derpibooru - Rating Info JS - Shows image's rating above its thumbnail on Derpibooru.
Motherless gallery keyboard navigation JS - Increases productivity when you're not being productive. Supports left and right handed browsing (arrow keys or A and D)
BetterFetLife JS - See website
Karma Plus JS - Add a link to the Karma URL in the user profile page
Hentai Foundry - Image Hover JS - Fetches a larger version of the image upon hovering over a thumbnail.
sis.link.sortByPostTime JS - sort threads by post time
literotica JS - literotica swf
HV - Open MoogleMail in New Tab JS - Open MM in a new tab. Automatically recall MM. Automatically take attachments.
Sadpanda torrent inline JS - Inlines torrent into to gallery view in sadpanda & regular panda, and adds a hotkey to download the most popular torrent.
load InstantClickjs on site JS - load InstantClick.js on site
Yet Another Imagehost Redirect JS - Remove ads from ImageHost
恋恋影视、恋恋图片页面美化 JS - 移除恋恋影视和恋恋图片站的缩略图莫名其妙的透明度遮挡
Movie4k Streamcloud Online Checker JS - Checks Streamcloud Links
Fakku.net image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
Sort Bounties By Reward JS - Sort bounties by reward
simple xtube amateur and sponsored vids removal JS - remove sponsored and amateur 15s videos on xtube.com
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
fakku JS - remove all but #image
Open Links in New Tabs JS - Change the target attribute of specific anchor object to '_blank'
webm to mpv opener JS - Changes 4chan (fileText.webm) urls to a localhost url. The local server opens mpv to play the video.
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Tag Completion: Keep Focus After Click JS - Keeps the focus in the edit box after clicking on a tag in the completion box.
E-H Gallery Image Numbers JS - Shows image numbers beneath gallery thumbnails
VPorn.com - A New Layout II - updated JS - A unique great site got A new layout, with som added functionality and lost some. This script adds browser full video, bigger thumbnails, key and mouse navigation and interaction.
Inactivity Reminder for E-Hentai Forum JS - Change the color of your ID to red if the last post you made was more than 24 hours ago
Chaturbate Auto Refresh JS - Refreshes Chatubate profiles to check if the user if online, useful when streams drop.
EroProfile.com Infinite Scrolling JS - Adds the ability to automatically load more videos, as you scroll down the page
E-Hentai Highlighter-Mod JS - Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.
oshioki notifecation JS - おしおき支援ソフト第1弾 発展場情報の板が自動更新します。 ついでに音でお知らせします。
Agario more features JS - Color code enemy cells. Enable zoom. Show borders, opponent size, minimap
gfy ignore list JS - block threads, posts, etc from certain users
4shared.com Free Downloader (NextWap) JS - Auto Generate to www.nextwap.net. thanks @Shivesh96
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
HV - Item World Cost Calculator JS - Calculates various numbers related to IW service
handsoff JS - 解放双手,空格暂停,回车播放
Disable Fixed Header JS - Changes the CSS of the header of http://tsumino.com on doujin pages from "fixed" to "absolute".
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
nijie ajax bookmark and favorite command JS - nijieでブックマークとユーザーのお気に入り登録をページ遷移なく行う(nijie ajax bookmark and favorite)
コイツにブチミる JS - うおおおおおおおおおおおおあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!! (ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!!)
antiwomen JS - userscript для АБФ
Mutik's DotD Script for ArmorGames JS - Script which makes raids management a lot easier
OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
1337x torrent cover view JS - poster shower
Xtube Enhancer - Animated Thumbnails, Inline Video Loading, and Sponsor/Premium-Free Videos JS - Animates thumbnails, inlines video loading, and cleans up sponsored content
Streamate Fullscreen Link JS - Adds a full screen link to Streamate cam profiles
ErogameScape Remove Uid JS - エロゲー批評空間のレビューをユーザー条件で非表示
Dipmotes JS - more like shitmotes amirite
CL115离线助手 JS - 115离线助手 for 1024
XTube - Instant Subscribe JS - Changes "Subscribe" links to subscribe immediately, rather than requiring a second click on the Subscriptions screen
为駿河屋增加跳转查询功能 JS - 駿河屋页面添加至doujinshi\E绅士\数字商店的查询跳转
Imagehost Redirect JS - Redirects Imagehost Pages to the hosted Image
FetLife Text Search JS - Searches through FetLife group discussions for a specific keyword or phrase.
FetLife Demographics JS - Displays the demographics of FetLife events and user friend lists by age, sex, and role. May help you quickly determine whether an event is worth participating in or not, or whether a user is an objectifying troll.
Predator Alert Tool for FetLife (PAT-FetLife) JS - Alerts you of people who have allegedly assaulted others as you browse FetLife. Empowers you to anonymously report a consent violation perpetrated by a FetLife user.
Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks JS - Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
Booru.org Transparency Checkerboard JS - Adds a transparent checkerboard behind (transparent) images on booru.org
Cleared Pixiv Artists JS - Keeps track of Pixiv artists' works and image responses and adds a random link to one of those pages.
View all cams on reallifecam.com JS - View all cams without paying
Namize Background Ponies! JS - Namize Background Ponies on Derpibooru!