哔咔:新页面打开+列表大图平铺Bika Global showComic Override & Conditional Thumbnail View JS - 为方便电脑横屏使用:1. 覆盖原本的点击漫画打开逻辑,现在点击漫画会从新的标签页面打开并且列表页面不会刷新;2. 在漫画列表将图片放大并进行平铺,现在点击漫画图片不会显示放大的图片而是直接打开漫画。Overrides showComic globally to open books in a new tab. Also conditionally applies a full-width thumbnail view with 50px top/bottom margins, and makes both image and text clicks open the book.
Xhamster Search Favs in Collection List v.4 JS - Xhamster Search Favs in Collection List
Cam4 pagination figuccio JS - cam cambio pagine senza reflesh 2025
18avmmcg 單頁閱讀 JS - 在一頁中顯示所有圖像
Sankaku Tag Popularity Autocompletion JS - Makes the default autocompletion pick the most popular tag. Borders are added to the currently selected autocompletion. Arrow keys can also pick completions in textareas.
RedGIFs Tag Filter JS - Remove RedGIFs posts based on tags and injection nodes
Coomer Card Resize JS - Resize card list and add margin
Redirect All Clicks and URL Changes to www.pornhub.com (No Flash) JS - クリックやURL変更をwww.pornhub.comにリダイレクト いたずら用
GelBooru 検索機能追加 JS - 検索機能を追加します
移除含有不喜欢标签的漫画 JS - 2025/3/1 16:01:35
DLsite Hitomiリンク追加 JS - DLsiteにHitomiリンクを追加
PornHub Improved (Senza UI e Logo)figuccio JS - Scorrimento infinito.accetta cookie
Misskey服务器跳转 JS - Misskey增强工具,支持自定义服务器跳转、按钮颜色自定义(默认自动识别主题色),自带设置菜单,更多设置项请查看源码(有中文标注)
Sankaku Complex: Unblock video context menu JS - Unblocks context menu on video element
TrendLinkler Bypass Enhanced JS - TrendLinkler sitesinde bekleme süresini atlayarak direkt link erişimi sağlar
DMM Kurofune JS - Log in to DMM
FC2PPV 番號提取器 JS - 提取頁面中的6-8位數字並複製到剪貼簿
hitomi.la用 JS - Execute UserScript
watchporn.to Video Src Extractor JS - Retrieves the video src URL from the page's source code.
HentaiSharing-NoRedirect JS - QoL improvements for hentai-sharing.net, mainly removes redirects
Motherless.com - Sort Videos by Views with Pagination JS - Sorts all videos on motherless.com by views and paginates every 2500 videos