Sankaku Channel Access Rights JS - Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel
eh阅读状态 JS - 利用css ":visited" 特性在标题前增加阅读状态指示
eh磁力链助手 JS - 在种子列表直接复制磁力链
eh详情页标签颜色 JS - eh为详情页标签增加颜色
히토미 뷰어 JS - i,j,k 키를 눌러보세요
Rule34 Image Downloader JS - makes easier to download images from rule34.xxx
Hentai Heroes Helper (auto collect, button press and more) JS - Extension for Hentai Heroes game.
蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告 JS - 蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告、添加视频下载按钮
91porny|九色视频助手 JS - jiuse|91PORNY|九色视频|自动跳转HD高清视频|获取视频下载链接|一键下载|N_m3u8DL-CLI
看图外挂 JS - 不用翻页即可一键查看套图所有图片,已覆盖女神社、全图网、秀色女神、美女屋、秀人集、mrcong、hitxhot、xchina
OneJAVOneWeb(Revise) JS - 老司机开车带你飞,一个插件畅览几大JAV网站,感谢匿名老司机,此脚本为匿名老司机创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
Pornolab Enhancer JS - Improves User Experience
Redgifs media controls JS - Adds media controls for Redgifs
HV - 战斗日志汉化 JS - 汉化 HV 战斗日志
91新窗口观看 JS - 91新窗口观看0.6.4
e-hentai-infinite-scroll JS - Exhentai infinite scroll scripts.
Rule34 Artist favorites JS - A simple script to add the possibility to favorite artists to rule34
javdb 重排序 JS - 根据评分人数降序排列,且会自动加载十页的内容
Javbus 工具 JS - Javbus 瀑布流排序
哔咔漫画一键下载 JS - 推荐打开梯子下载,不然下载很慢,还容易出错少图。 1.分集选择页面按d下载所有分集。2.阅读时按d下载当前分集。3.漫画详情页面打开新标签页。4.读不到登录信息时跳转到登录页面。5.修复选集页面看不到推荐漫画。6.屏蔽部分广告。
Erome Filter JS - Filter images and videos in Erome
新快猫破解【pc版】 JS - 使新快猫可以播放付费视频
Rule34 Save Search JS - Save search queries
waifubitches.com, ososedki.com Downloader JS - Download gallery from waifubitches.com, ososedki.com
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves coomer.party
在kemono.party和coomer.party中使用滾輪翻頁 JS - 當你將滾輪滾動至頁面頂部或底部時觸發翻頁。
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
搜索那个 JS - 日本影视行业内部搜索工具Pro Max Plus Ultra
javbus 巴士司机 - 开得稳,不翻车,带你嗨 JS - javbus 功能增强,增加稍后再看、已观看、收藏影片、收藏演员、去广告功能。更多功能持续更新中...
Kemono.Party - User Filter JS - Block specified user in artists page and posts page.
禁漫天堂漫画内去广告 JS - 禁漫天堂内去广告 自动播放设置在代码内修改 翻到页底自动翻页
Jable一键下载收藏 JS - Jable一键下载视频,并自动点击收藏
unlock lpsg videos JS - unlock lpsg video access. may need to manually switch video format since I can't figure out a way to find it. Also load all images ASAP instead of having to scroll to them.
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
Erome Video Download JS - Shows Erome.com Video Download Links
jav清单 JS - jav清单,替代原网页我的清单,可用作自定义标签
Ov+Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (D) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added!
一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页 JS - 一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页(带自定义间隔时间)
u9a9列表显示预览图 JS - u9a9在外部的列表直接查看预览图,无需进入详情页面查看,仅对 u9a9.com 域名生效
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
Porn_Plus JS - Make a better Porn Website browsing experience!</br> 让你有一个更好的簧片站浏览体验!
98tang一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录 JS - 根据98tang特定元素插入按钮并一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录,支持bot与web下载
missav修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改missav页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。为首页推荐标签添加链接,删除广告,禁用window.open,并在窗口聚焦时自动暂停视频。
98浏览增强 JS - 98浏览增强,支持多选帖子一键复制链接&下载附件,帖子列表增加图片
98手机网页版搜索助手 JS - 98手机网页版搜索助手..
E站在新标签中打开漫画 JS - open a new page to load comic
Reddit NSFW Filter JS - A userscript to show only NSFW entries on the Reddit search page
Skip First 3 Seconds of Pornhub Videos JS - Automatically skip the first 3 seconds of every video on Pornhub when it starts playing.
Camwhores.tv Evolution JS - This script adds useful configurable features to the camwhores.tv site.
NHentai Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by include/exclude phrases and languages. Search similar button
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Ladroop is back
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
Even Better Erome download links JS - Exposes media-download links for erome media galleries
磁力链接显示 JS - 解析磁力网站搜索后页面上的磁力链接,显示为表格,并提供复制按钮。
JavDB列表页显示是否已看 JS - 在演员列表页,显示每部影片是否已看,就难得点进去看了
spankbang.com playlist videos link grabber JS - This adds a button to spankbang playlists to grab links to all videos of this playlist
EH高亮本地本子 JS - 彩色高亮本地exhentai-manga-manager中存在的本子
去除rule34.xxx广告 JS - 自动从网页中删除指定的元素
Watchlist for tags Rule34 JS - Watchlist for tags on Rule34.xxx
javdb 自动按评价人数排序 JS - sort the search result in javdb.com
ThGrab JS - Grab contents from thothub network (private)
Yet Another Redgifs Downloader (YARD) JS - adds a button to the top-left corner that downloads redgifs videos as mp4.
Imagehost Redirect JS - Redirects Imagehost Pages to the hosted Image
better_better_booru JS - Several changes to make Danbooru much better.
Namize Background Ponies! JS - Namize Background Ponies on Derpibooru!
DMMGirl JS - DMM.R18/mono/dvd tweak for non-member: show big cover, preload sample picture, local wishlist, remove member functions...
XVIDEOS Customised Features JS - Adds some features: is video on favorites, download button, video player in thumbnail...
Chaturbate exhibitionists - show only women (shemale / couple) online JS - Filter gender on the amateur site: http://chaturbate.com/exhibitionist-cams
chat jane JS - chat
FapFun JS - Userscript for Motherless.com. Provide direct links for pictures and video files. Download all Images on one site with DownThemAll(firefox) or Download Master(Chrome).
E-hentai & exhentai Japanese title JS - Make main listing to show japanese title if avaliable
Open All Gallery Images JS - Opens all the posts on a page in a new tab.
nhentai preloader JS - Preload images on nhentai for faster loading
motherless.com - sort videos by hits JS - Sorts Videos by hits over multiple pages
Derpibooru - Rating Info JS - Shows image's rating above its thumbnail on Derpibooru.
literotica JS - literotica swf
Derpibooru - Extra Buttons JS - Adds multiple buttons to one-click-apply common search/filter options
Derpibooru - Download All JS - Adds a download button that lets you download all images from the current search query
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
Gelbooru Image Viewer JS - Adds a fullscreen image view option when you click on images and various other neat features
rm2mag 自动获取CL1024/草榴/磁力链 JS - Automatically convert rmdown to magnet and show on the top of 1024 page
blogjav.net老司机步兵辅助 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
ExtendXVideos JS - Remove ads, enlarge video, auto-centre video & block pop-ups
222号巴士通票 JS - 巴士通票,一票在手,天下我有。无论是VIP限制,还是两个小时限制,统统无视。
Sankaku Channel Fast Pagination JS - Disable the thumbnail loading delay on scroll
OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
Загрузка скринов из раздачи для pornolab.net JS - Загрузка скринов из раздачи
ehentai翻頁 JS - ehentai左右翻页
Derpibooru Comment Enhancements JS - Improvements to Derpibooru's comment section
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
[Lolibooru] Pool: Fix Thumbnails JS - Fixes the major cropping of thumbnails on the pool pages.
Sankaku Complex | No blurred images JS - Will simply remove the blurred images caused by the image having blacklisted tags on the gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
Xhamster - AUTO Video Infinite LOOP v.10 Fix by smartacephale JS - Video Auto Infinite Replay - Fix by smartacephale (https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/493935-xhamster-improved)
exhentai公共帐号 JS - 小孩子不要看本子。。
ExHentai.org自动登录 JS - 看本子更简单一点。
ETTHelper-Thumbnail JS - Help to get thumbnail for write EhTagTranslation's translation detail.
Literotica Downloader Improved JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability
靠北工口師免登入Avgle功能 JS - try to take over the world!
pornolab.net Full Size Images JS - Auto-expanded and full size images on pornolab.net