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A comment on I need help ID'ing a custom track bike! by Deleted user 769605 was reported 2021-05-07 for Spam

Deleted user 769605 said:

I just purchased a used track bike from a friendly guy who told me was given it a few years before by someone at his job and had used it a lot since. Looking at it, I can tell it's a custom built bike with parts from all over. The fork is carbon and labeled Scattante. The seat is from a Giant bike. bicycle accessories
The frame has me confused though. It is very light weight, so I'm guessing it is aluminum or titanium. For some reason, one of the previous owners removed all of the labels from the frame. However, I can make out "EASTER BIKES" written in large, block letters, as well as "Carpe Diem" written in cursive on both sides of the downtube near the fork.

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