Xhamster Widescreen - New Design v.521

Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...

Från och med 2025-01-25. Se den senaste versionen.

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Find it too in (2021.11 - new link after deletion) :
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design[Userstyles.World - USw]

Find it too in:
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design (UserCSS) [Greasyfork]
Or if not logged to GreasyFork :
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design (UserCSS) [SleazyFork]

What it does:

For a wide experience on large screen (1920x1080).

Video Page:
- Player stay fixed at its place (left side)
- Related Videos at Right
- Comments under Video player General.

In General:
- Less scrolling: organize elements to watch them without (or less) scrolling
- Optimized thumbnails (take all the place possible in the windows
- Less adds too..

For a better effect, you need to enable the Night template of Xhamster.

- Last - BIG - Changes ?:

v.520: Corrections for Photos viewer pages, etc ....

v.519: Video page, Fix text selection in comments etc...

v.515 >518: Quick FIX for Xhamster's code change in Video player pages (not verified for large mod)

v.511: Tags / Channels pages

v.510: Profile (About) / BLOG / Photos + Galleries + Video player pages (comments) pages
v.499: Rework Tags list in video page and Corrections for Favs collections pages

v.496 > v.498: Adaptation to a Xhamster's Big Code Change around comments:

Fixing it for Video Player pages and User Profile pages and BLOGS (v.496)

v.489 - Add Dark / Thin Scrollbar in it (no need to have another tweak)
v.487 - Small tweak added (user Favorits deleted Videos (other than your) with opacity 0.2 and adaptation to my usrscripts
v.484 - Adaptation for Xhamster's Code Change for Top Nav. Better Large Mode.
v.477 - Test for Preview Screenshots now on HOVER Player:
before it was on hover of its progress Bar.
v.473 - TEST around Large mode (which not work since a code change from Xhamster)
v.441 - Adaptation Code Change for Comments Pagination in Video Player page
v.434 - Adaptation for code change in Video Page:
Less comment visible (Now only 5 visible with a pagination).
Because they take less place, i Expand the related Videos panel.
For them you can test my:
Xhamster - AUTO More Related Videos
v.430 - Adaptation for code change for thumbnail (they add a "Watched" Badge)
v.425 - corrections for Pornstar pages.
As my fix can touch some others pages,
You can submit, in a comments to me, a link where you see a problem.

You can use with it:

- [NEW 2024.12] XHamster Improved by Smartcephale:

Its Features:

Infinite scroll (optional)
Filter by duration
filter include/exclude keywords with Regular Expessions, to simplify regex you can use f:word construction instead of ^word$
Automatically expand more videos on video page.
Lazy loading

Its Auto Scrolling is better than i have with :
Gm "Super_preloaderPlus_one_New" by machsix.

- XHamster GX:

Plays all video thumbnails without a mouse hover, also cleans up some elements

- Xhamster Progressbar Updater:

Show and Animate the Video Progress Bar even when it's supposed to be hidden.

- Xhamster Middle Click Search (fork of "Youtube Middle Click Search" by Adrien Pyke:

Middle clicking the search icon on Xhamster opens the results in a new tab

- Xhamster - AUTO Video Infinite LOOP (IA):

As the title say, Video Auto Infinite Replay.... :-)

- Xhamster COLLECTION LIST for XHAM New design 2020:

My own list of Xhamster collections (+4800 pornstars and categories).

You can use too:
- Xhamster - Video Speed Button (Tweaked):
Add speed buttons to Xhamster Player - Fork of Video Speed Button (by Braden Best) v.1.0.10 - Adaptation (2024.08)

- Xhamster (TEST) - AUTO Delete Our Deleted Favs (videos/Users)
For Clean Collections, it auto delete our Deleted Favorites Video in our collection....
But yet, it is also useful (due of the technical Problem from Xhamster) to delete too all these Blank and inactive favs:
I clean my collections with its help!
It is fast on Firefox Quantum, but less in Chrome ( i don't know why...)

If you want an good auto pager script for Xhamster use:
Gm "Super_preloaderPlus_one_New" by machsix.
If you use an Adblock (like Ublock Origin), verify what it block:
It can Block "iframe" loaded by the script to display the newt page (the better option to have the preview video on hover its thumbnail)...
If its the case create a rule to authorize these particular iframe and that's good!
And when you change the Xhamster language interface, if the result is bad, you need to verify "Super_preloaderPlus_one_New" settings:
Sometime you need enable the goods options for this new language too.

Actually (18.08.2021), there a problem to obtain it from GreasyFork (because it's minified...).
And if you have updated a previous version of it, it should be deleted by GreasyFork.

But don't worry, you can install it directly - go simply here (and show if a solution is found with GreasyFork):
Télécharger directement à partir d'ici[GitHub]
To use it, just choose "Autopager" in its settings popup.

Since V.286:
I adapt "Xhamster WideScreen" for Firefox Quantum with Status Bar too...
Tab Mix Plus by onemen - version for Quantum]
And for the Status Bar:
userChromeJS - Brings back the good old status bar [by xiaoxiaoflood]