Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Continue playing MISSAV

Prevents the video from stopping when clicking off-screen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Continue playing MISSAV
// @name:ja      Continue playing MISSAV
// @namespace
// @version      2024-01-06-01
// @description  Prevents the video from stopping when clicking off-screen.
// @description:ja 画面外クリック時に動画が停止するのを防ぎます。
// @author       musuni
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict'

const getStackTrace = () => {
    const obj = {}
    Error.captureStackTrace(obj, getStackTrace)
    return obj.stack

const pausedByUser = (stackTrace) => {
    return stackTrace.includes('at wt.togglePlay')

const sleep = ms => {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))

const waitUntilPlayerLoaded = async () => {
    while (!window.player || !window.player.pause) {
        console.log('[Continue playing MISSAV] Player is not loaded yet...')
        await sleep(1000)
    console.log('[Continue playing MISSAV] Player is loaded!')

waitUntilPlayerLoaded().then(() => {
    window.player.pause = () => {
        if (pausedByUser(getStackTrace())) {