E-Hentai 中文功能集


ของเมื่อวันที่ 11-06-2016 ดู เวอร์ชันล่าสุด

// ==UserScript==
// @name         E-Hentai 中文功能集
// @namespace    Tast
// @version      0.03
// @description  E紳士功能中文總集
// @author       Tast
// @include      *://exhentai.org/*
// @include      *://ul.exhentai.org/*
// @include      *://*e-hentai.org/*
// @grant		 GM_getValue
// @grant		 GM_setValue
// @grant		 GM_getResourceURL
// @icon         http://exhentai.org/favicon.ico
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js
// @require 	 https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0-rc.2/jquery-ui.min.js
// @require 	 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/20286-chinesetr/code/ChineseTR.js
// @resource 	 JQUI	https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0-rc.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css
// ==/UserScript==
//1 USD = BTC/USD.
document.cookie="nw=1; path=/"; //表站內容物不警告
var url	 		= window.location.href;
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//Setting Box
var TagFlagColor = {
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function uconfig(){ if(!url.match('uconfig.php')) return;
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function uConfigTagFlagBKColor(){
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			+".ui-state-highlight { height: 1.5em; line-height: 1.2em; }"
		 "<h2>畫冊列表背景顏色 ( 透過畫冊旗幟 )</h2>"
		+'<ul id="sortable"></ul>');
	$( "#sortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight" });
    $( "#sortable" ).disableSelection();
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			.append('&nbsp;畫冊標籤旗幟 - ' + (i + 1));
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	for(var i = 0 ; i < TagFlagColorI.length ; i++){
		$("#sortable li[TagFlagColor='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").appendTo("#sortable");

function TagFlagBKColor(){
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		$("div.tfl[style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			$(this)	.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent()

//E[-X]Hentai Helper
function SadPandaGO(){ if(getQueryString("success",url) !== "1") return;
function SadPanda(){ if($("img:eq(0)").attr("src") !== window.location.href) return;
	$("body").html('<iframe id="if_login" src="http://e-hentai.org/?login=1"></iframe><div id="if_div"></div>');
		//console.error('setInterval = ' + GM_getValue("Login","false"))
		if(GM_getValue("Login","false") == "true"){
			document.cookie = "yay" + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
			//var cookie = GM_getValue("LoginCookie","");
			//document.cookie = cookie;
			//window.location.href = "http://exhentai.org/?success=1"
			window.location = ""; // TO REFRESH THE PAGE
	}, 1000);

function clearListCookies(){   
    var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
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function clearCookie(name, domain, path){
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    document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + +new Date + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=" + path;

function SadPandaLogin(){ if(getQueryString("login",url) !== "1") return;
	var LoginForm = $("form[name='ipb_login_form']:eq(0)").clone();
	$(LoginForm).attr("action",$(LoginForm).attr("action") + "&logined=1");

function SadPandaLogined(){ if(getQueryString("logined",url) !== "1") return;
	var Checker = $("#redirectwrap p:contains('You are now logged in as:')").length;
	if(Checker == 1){
		window.location.href = "http://e-hentai.org/?catchCat=1";

function SadPandaCatchCat(){ if(getQueryString("catchCat",url) !== "1") return;
	location.hash = "Logined";
function LinkToHentai(){
	var GoText = "Error";
	var GoHref = "Error";
	var GoFilter = []
		GoText = " 裡站"
		//GoHref = url.replace("g.e-hentai.org","exhentai.org")
		GoHref = "http://exhentai.org";
	else {
		GoText = " 表站"
		GoHref = url.replace("exhentai.org","g.e-hentai.org")
	$( "#nb img:eq(0)" ).clone().insertAfter( "#nb a:eq(0)");
	$( "#nb a:eq(0)" ).clone().html(GoText).attr("href",GoHref).insertAfter( "#nb img:eq(1)");
	//if(document.body.title === "") window.location.href = GoHref;

//E-Hentai Gallery Overview - How Rich Am I?
function OverView_Money(){ if(!url.match("home.php")) return;
	var exchange = "http://g.e-hentai.org/exchange.php";
	$(	 "<h2><font color='Sienna'>財產金庫</font></h2>"
		+"<div class='homebox'>"
		+"<table style='margin:10px auto'><tbody>"
				+"<td><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font>:</td>"
				+"<td><p id='FN_OVM_Credits' class='FC_OVM_p'></p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>Credits</a></td>"
				+"<td><font color='DarkOrchid'>駭斯幣</font>:</td>"
				+"<td><p id='FN_OVM_Hath' class='FC_OVM_p'></p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>Hath<p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>平均單價 (<b id='FN_OVM_CH_Rate'></b>)</p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font></p></td>"
				+"<td><font color='RoyalBlue'>千圖幣</font>:</td>"
				+"<td><p id='FN_OVM_KGP' class='FC_OVM_p'></p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>kGP<p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>平均單價 (<b id='FN_OVM_CK_Rate'></b>)</p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font></p></td>"
	$(".FC_OVM_p")	.css("float","right");
	$(".FC_OVM_te")	.css("float","left");
	$.get( exchange + "?t=hath", function( data ) {
		var Credits = new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits"			,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var Hath 	= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Hath"				,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var CH_AVG	= new RegExp("<strong>Avg</strong>:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		$("#FN_OVM_Hath")	.html(Hath);
	$.get( exchange + "?t=gp", function( data ) {
		var kGP 	= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*kGP"				,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var CK_AVG	= new RegExp("<strong>Avg</strong>:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		$("#FN_OVM_KGP")	.html(kGP);

function Exchange_Hath(){ if(!url.match("exchange.php\\?t=hath")) return;
	var AvaCredits	= $("div:contains('Available: '):contains(' Credits'):eq(0)")	.html();
	var AvaHath		= $("div:contains('Available: '):contains(' Hath'):eq(0)")		.html();
	var Credits		= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(AvaCredits)[1].replace(new RegExp(",","gmi"),"");
	var Hath		= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Hath",'i')		.exec(AvaHath)	 [1].replace(new RegExp(",","gmi"),"");
	Credits 		= parseInt(Credits);
	Hath 			= parseInt(Hath);
	//購買駭斯幣 BuyCredits	
	var BuyHath 	= $("#bid_count");
	var BuyCredits 	= $("#bid_price");
	if($(BuyHath).val() 	== "0") $(BuyHath).val("");
	if($(BuyCredits).val() 	== "0") $(BuyCredits).val("");
	$(BuyHath).keyup(function(){ //alert("ccc");
		var BuyHathVal = parseInt($(BuyCredits).val());
		$(BuyHath).val( Math.floor(Credits / BuyHathVal) );
	var SellHath 	= $("#ask_count");
	var SellCredits = $("#ask_price");
	if($(SellHath).val() 	== "0") $(SellHath).val("")
	if($(SellCredits).val() == "0") $(SellCredits).val("")
	$(SellHath).keyup(function(){ //alert("ccc");
		var SellHathVal = parseInt($(SellCredits).val());
		$(SellHath).val( Math.floor(Credits / SellHathVal) );

//e-hentai magnet link

function GalleryTorrents(){ if(!url.match("gallerytorrents.php")) return;
	$("form a[href*='.torrent']").each(function(i){
		var magnet 	= "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + this.href.match(/\/(\w+)\.torrent/i)[1];
		var torrent	= this.href.split("?p=")[0];
		var HTML	= "<br><br><a style='color:blue' href='" + torrent + "'>[下載公眾用種子]</a>"
					+ "、<a style='color:green'      href='" + magnet  + "'>[下載公眾用磁鏈]</a>";
	$("#ett ~ table a[href$='.torrent']").each(function(){
		var magnet 	= "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + this.href.match(/\/(\w+)\.torrent/i)[1];
		var HTML	= "<tr><td><a href='" + magnet + "'><font color='green'>公開用磁鏈</font></a></td>"
					+ "<td>( 可公開使用分享 - 發表或給予他人 )</td></tr>"

//EH to ExH

function GalleryNotAvailable(){ if(!url.match("g.e-hentai.org\/g\/")) 	return;
	if(document.title !== "Gallery Not Available - E-Hentai Galleries") return;
	//$(window).on('beforeunload', function (){ return false; });
	window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("g.e-hentai.org","exhentai.org");

//Ex-Hentai: Frame Popups v0.2
function FramePopups(){ 
	$(	"<style type='text/css'>"
			+"#lb-oberlay { top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 100000; overflow: hidden; background: rgba(35,35,35,.7); }"
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	var popup 	= $("<iframe id='lb-frame' style='display:none;' seamless='true'></iframe>");
	function hideOberlay () { $("#lb-oberlay,#lb-frame").css("display","none"); }
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		wnd.close = hideOberlay;
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			x.style.height = '';
	//仿 LightBox
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function getQueryString( paramName,paramURL){
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