Eza's Image Glutton

Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments

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  • v1.45.4 29-05-2024

    Added e6ai as an e621 clone. Re-fixed RedGifs.

  • v1.45.2 27-05-2024

    Fixed RedGifs with a double redirect. Added KnowYourMeme.

  • v1.44.10 10-01-2024

    Paheal URLs differ between Chrome and Firefox

  • v1.44.9 08-01-2024

    Fixed Paheal.

  • v1.44.7 01-03-2022

    Fixed SankakuComplex on ViolentMonkey.

  • v1.44.6 01-03-2022

    Fixed DeviantArt again. Fixed intermittent SankakuComplex errors. Added Safebooru subdomain for Danbooru.

  • v1.44.3 12-02-2022

    Fixed DeviantArt. Mostly.

  • v1.44.2 03-02-2022

    Fixed Danbooru.

  • v1.44.1 02-02-2022

    Fixed PutMe.ga.

  • v1.44.0 21-11-2021

    Added Booru.AllTheFallen.moe.

  • v1.43.0 11-11-2021

    Added PutMe.ga. Technically added Giphy.com.

  • v1.42.7 18-07-2021

    Added fallback for Furaffinity.

  • v1.42.6 29-06-2021

    Added minimum delay before redirect, to avoid Chrome ignoring some submission pages.

  • v1.42.5 29-04-2021

    Added R34Hub. General code cleanup: simplified verbose functions, removed irrelevant notes.

  • v1.41.2 16-04-2021

    One-character fix for Yande.re @include.

  • v1.41.1 13-02-2021 Added boorus: HypnoHub.net, Yande.re, Xbooru.com, Furbooru.org. Imgur "gifv" videos now redirect to plain mp4 files. Tumblr image pages should now redirect without looping.
  • v1.36.1 06-02-2021 Added TheHentaiWorld. Fixed Y-Gallery, surprisingly. Fixed new DOM-based etc.
  • v1.35.9 06-02-2021 Fixed Rule34.xxx. Added new DOM-based link selector function.
  • v1.35.8 31-01-2021 FurAffinity now uses Download link, so stories no longer redirect to their thumbnails. Some handling for new Tumblr URL formats.
  • v1.35.4 11-06-2020 Added RedGifs and GifDeliveryNetwork. @noframes for Tampermonkey users. Fixed small images on InkBunny and videos on Newgrounds. Automatic reload for Sankaku Complex. Avoid redirect in Gelbooru comments.
  • v1.33.2 01-04-2020 Fixed InkBunny for small images.
  • v1.33.1 01-04-2020 Added Megabooru. Added MyHentaiGalley. Updated InkBunny.
  • v1.31.13 14-03-2020 DeviantArt again.
  • v1.31.12 11-03-2020 Fixed how secondary Newgrounds images link to themselves.
  • v1.31.11 11-03-2020 Added booru: TBIB.org. Newgrounds posts with multiple images avoid redirecting, and those images link to themselves. Fixed Deviantart again. Fixed e621 redesign.
  • v1.31.6 05-01-2020 Fixed Nijie.
  • v1.31.5 01-01-2020 Adapted to new FurAffinity theme. Fixed DeviantArt again. Fixed some Twitter edge cases.
  • v1.31.2 07-11-2019 Fixed Pixiv yet again, working around a missing convenient object and terrible page design. Grab JSON and parse it directly.
  • v1.31.1 24-09-2019 Added GfyCat. New Pixiv URL format. New Twitter image URL format. Avoids redirects on "comment" links. Checks throttling on Paheal. HTTP / HTTPS to wildcard - still safe. String.match instead of indexOf.
  • v1.30.0 30-06-2019 Modified Safebooru @include masks. Added another booru.
  • v1.29.8 20-05-2019 Fixed Nijie.info. Fixed Tumblr /image pages. Fixed Twitter :large images.
  • v1.29.7 19-04-2019 Pixiv manga pages no longer redirect. Twitter images will be enlarged on "view image" / "open image in new tab."
  • v1.29.5 18-03-2019 Fixed Deviantart. Again.
  • v1.29.4 03-02-2019 Pixiv's intertstitial pages for offsite links now redirect automatically.
  • v1.29.3 01-02-2019 Un-fixed Gelbooru, because they fixed the thing I was fixing. Fixed missing Pixiv ugiora animation links on pages without descriptions.
  • v1.29.1 29-01-2019 Added Newgrounds. Fixed Deviantart in a way that should stick. Fixed Gelbooru in a way they might un-fix.
  • v1.28.2 27-11-2018 Fixed Deviantart, again.
  • v1.28.1 08-10-2018 Pixiv animations can now be downloaded as a ZIP file. Added support for Aryion.
  • v1.27.8 31-08-2018 "Fixed" DeviantArt. (New URL pattern.) Removed MP4s from filetype blacklist.
  • v1.27.7 31-08-2018 Fixed Danbooru.
  • v1.27.6 03-08-2018 Fixed Paheal again. Not my fault.
  • v1.27.5 25-07-2018 Fixed Paheal.
  • v1.27.4 19-07-2018 Pixiv animations no longer redirect to a still image. (Can't recreate the download link yet.)
  • v1.27.3 18-07-2018 Fixed infinite loop on Tumblr
  • v1.27.2 22-06-2018 Pixiv fixed, mostly. Sorry that took so long.
  • v1.27.0 21-04-2018 Added FurryNetwork. Fixed DeviantArt (pages without "download" option), YouHate.us, Luscious, & Derpibooru. Now avoids missing images on Uberbooru.
  • v1.26.11 21-04-2018 Fixed a redirect trap. Simplified redirect method.
  • v1.26.10 30-09-2017 Fixed HentaiFoundry galleries, which were stuck in a redirect loop.
  • v1.26.9 20-09-2017 Fixed InkBunny, fixed HentaiFoundry.
  • v1.26.8 06-09-2017 Fixed SankakuComplex and DeviantArt.
  • v1.26.7 20-07-2017 Tiny string change to fix Danbooru support.
  • v1.26.6 27-06-2017 Added simpler redirect so Gelbooru works again, again. HentaiFoundry redesign now works. Removed old Derpibooru URL & fixed Derpibooru. Ditto e-Hentai. Fixed Luscious.
  • v1.26.5 18-04-2017 Added HTTPS support to Pixiv, which just added HTTPS support itself.
  • v1.26.4 30-03-2017 Literally a one-character fix to make Inkbunny private submissions work
  • v1.26.3 29-03-2017 Quick fix for new Gelbooru URLs without "www"
  • v1.26.2 23-03-2017 Fixed recent errors on Gelbooru and Pixiv.
  • v1.26.1 01-02-2017 Added support for HicceArs. Fixed a sudden change in Gelbooru.
  • v1.25.8 20-04-2016 Tiny fix for a Rule34 site.
  • v1.25.7 17-04-2016 Tiny fix specific to Furaffinity "Beta" theme on Chrome.
  • v1.25.6 15-04-2016 Fixed FurAffinity after site tweaks. Added (clumsy) support for FA's Beta theme.
  • v1.25.5 22-02-2016 Fixed InkBunny edge case (user's own submissions). Whoops.
  • v1.25.4 22-02-2016 Adapted to InkBunny's redesign. Fixed e621 & e926 to work while logged out.
  • v1.25.3 18-08-2015 Mistakes were made.
  • v1.25.2 18-08-2015 Added Furiffic. Changed if-else-if domain selection block to switch/case, for speed. Changed non-image filetype blacklist to an array loop for simplicity.
  • v1.24.6 02-07-2015 Re-fixed Derpibooru. Whoops.
  • v1.24.5 01-07-2015 No longer redirects to non-images. Fixed Derpibooru. FurAffinity no longer redirects to thumbnails on music and stories.
  • v1.24.3 06-05-2015 Fixed InkBunny to support non-US CDNs. Whoops.
  • v1.24.2 05-05-2015 Added Uberbooru, Neko-Sentai, and Luscious.net. Fixed InkBunny support (for their new CDN). Fixed and simplified DeviantArt support.
  • v1.22.9 17-03-2015 Tumblr now only supports /image/ pages. 503 errors reload automatically after several seconds. Gelbooru deleted images work. Pixiv Uguko animations include a download link. Fixed Derpibooru & Sleepymaid. Removed Metabooru.
  • v1.22.2 16-12-2014 Fixed Pixiv yet again.
  • v1.22.1 15-12-2014 Pixiv now handles PNGs with JPG thumbnails, and doesn't redirect on Ugoira animations. Added YouHate.us, which is literally just Gelbooru.
  • v1.21.15 11-12-2014 Pixiv changed again; script fixed for it. DeviantArt fixed for Flash pages and 404s. SoFurry stories less likely to redirect accidentally. Added Bronibooru just because.
  • v1.21.10 22-11-2014 Fixed redirect loop on Rule34Hentai. Does Metabooru still exist?
  • v1.21.9 28-10-2014 Reduced memory use for speed's sake. SoFurry no longer redirects on Stories. Simplified 'booru sites. Pixiv changed, but not quite fixed, because they complicated their site.
  • v1.21.5 14-10-2014 Fixed DeviantArt's outgoing links to Tumblr. Changed InkBunny to look for HTML instead of text.
  • v1.21.3 07-10-2014 DeviantArt now fixes preview-sized image URLs to full-sized. Pahael no longer chokes on filenames with apostrophes. Sankaku support now includes their Idol 'booru, and presumably any others.
  • v1.21.0 05-10-2014 Fixed Pixiv, added SankakuComplex (and uploaded the right file this time!)
  • v2.1 05-10-2014 Fixed Pixiv, added SankakuComplex
  • v1.20.4 31-08-2014