1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable

Adds a column with torrent and magnet links, extends titles, adds images, full width site with configurable settings

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  • v2025.9 31-08-2024
  • v2025.9 31-08-2024

    Changelog for 1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11)

    Version 2025.9

    Date: August 31, 2024

    Enhancements and Fixes

    • Fixed Image URL Transformation:

      • Resolved an issue where image URLs were not updating to the larger versions as intended. The optimizeImageUrl function is now correctly applied to image sources, ensuring that thumbnails are displayed in their larger, high-resolution forms when available.
    • Improved Thumbnail Duplication Handling:

      • Further refined the logic to prevent duplicate thumbnail images from being added. This ensures a cleaner, more consistent user interface.
    • Enhanced Image Enlargement with Aspect Ratio:

      • Updated the showEnlargedImg function to maintain the natural aspect ratio of images when enlarged. Images now display with a maximum width and height of 500px, scaling proportionally to fit these boundaries, providing a visually appealing hover effect.
    • Optimized Download Buttons to Prevent Duplication:

      • Ensured that download buttons (DLT and DLM) are only added once per link, eliminating any duplication of buttons and improving the overall usability of the interface.
    • Enhanced Mutation Observer Logic:

      • Improved the mutation observer to handle dynamically loaded content more efficiently. This ensures that new content is processed correctly without causing any duplication or interference with existing elements.

    General Improvements

    • Code Optimization and Cleanup:

      • Conducted general code optimizations and cleanup to enhance script performance and maintainability. Improved comments and code structure for easier future updates and debugging.
    • UI/UX Enhancements:

      • Continued improvements to the user interface and experience, including consistent and responsive design elements for settings, download buttons, and image enlargements.

    This version builds upon previous enhancements, ensuring more reliable image handling and a smoother user experience on 1337x. Thanks to all contributors for their ongoing support and feedback!

  • v2025.8 31-08-2024

    Changelog for 1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11)

    Version 2025.8

    Date: August 31, 2024

    Enhancements and Fixes

    • Fixed Duplicate Thumbnails Issue:

      • Resolved the issue where thumbnails were being added twice, resulting in duplicate images. Implemented checks to ensure that thumbnails are only added once per link.
    • Prevented Duplicate Download Buttons (DLT and DLM):

      • Fixed an issue where multiple download buttons with IDs DLT and DLM were being created. Now, buttons are only added if they don't already exist, ensuring a single set of buttons per link.
    • Maintained Aspect Ratio for Enlarged Images:

      • Improved the showEnlargedImg function to ensure that enlarged images maintain their natural aspect ratio while still fitting within a 500px by 500px boundary. This provides a consistent and visually appealing image enlargement experience.
    • Optimized Mutation Observer:

      • Enhanced the mutation observer logic to prevent reprocessing of already processed rows, ensuring that dynamic content updates do not cause duplicate processing or UI elements.
    • Improved Popup Queue Handling:

      • Updated the popup handling to use a queue system, ensuring that messages are displayed one at a time, improving user feedback and preventing overlap of multiple popups.

    General Improvements

    • Code Optimization and Cleanup:

      • General code optimizations and cleanup to improve script performance and maintainability. Added comments and structured code for easier future updates and debugging.
    • UI/UX Enhancements:

      • Improved the user interface and experience with more consistent and responsive design elements for settings, download buttons, and image enlargements.

    This version addresses user feedback on duplication issues and visual presentation, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive user experience on 1337x. Thank you to all contributors for their ongoing support and suggestions!

  • v2025.5 31-08-2024

    Changelog for v11 (2025.5)

    New Features

    • Added a configurable settings menu accessible via a gear icon
    • Implemented popup notifications for user feedback and error messages
    • Introduced enlarged image previews on hover


    • Enhanced image handling with support for additional URL patterns
    • Implemented a queue system for fetch requests to manage rate limits
    • Improved dynamic column management for magnet and torrent links
    • Added toggle option for switching between full-width and default site layouts
    • Refined CSS styling for better integration with the 1337x site
    • Optimized script initialization process

    Configuration Options

    • Enable/disable thumbnails
    • Toggle extra column for magnet/torrent links
    • Switch full-width site layout on/off
    • Configure number of visible images
    • Adjust fetch delay and maximum retries for requests

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issues with repetitive column addition
    • Improved error handling for failed fetch requests


    • Implemented more efficient fetch mechanism with queuing system
    • Optimized image loading and display

    Additional Information

    1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable

    Enhance your browsing experience on 1337x with this comprehensive and configurable userscript that brings a range of functionalities to improve usability and aesthetics.


    • Configurable Settings: Customize your experience with a dedicated settings menu.
    • Extra Column for Links: Adds a column displaying direct torrent and magnet links.
    • Title Extension: Modifies page titles for better clarity and information.
    • Image Enhancement:
      • Automatically adds related images to torrent entries.
      • Option to show more images.
      • Enlarged image previews on hover.
    • Full Width Layout: Option to expand the site layout for a spacious interface.
    • Lazy Load Image Fix: Corrects image URLs to show full-size images.
    • Fetch Queue System: Optimizes performance with adjustable delays and retry limits.
    • Popup Notifications: Provides real-time feedback for actions and errors.


    This script combines and enhances various features for an optimal 1337x browsing experience. Enjoy a more efficient and visually pleasing way to use 1337x!

    For information about official mirrors, visit 1337x.

  • v2024.6 01-01-2024

    Added better image checking for fullrez instead of thubmnail images.

  • v2024.5 01-01-2024

    Added new image src check.

  • v2024.4 01-01-2024

    Added new image checker for 13xpics

  • v2024.3 01-01-2024

    Update: Added mirror URLs

  • v2024.2 01-01-2024