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MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED was reported 27.01.2024 for Belirtilmeyen istenmeyen özellik (örn. reklam, izleme, madencilik vs.)

The reporter said:

Injects own Google ads in to replace site's original ads.

Check source for publisher ID: 3255634416502948.

The script has never inputted ads for its entire runtime. It is also crazy that this report is the only one made in the past 6 months that the script has been last updated.

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

nevocaine (the reported user) has made:

cr33d (the reported user) has made:

Bu rapor moderatör tarafından onaylanmıştı

Looks like an added is being injected in function addGoogleAd. Please review