K's国开自动刷课(附答题考试) was reported 11.11.2024 as an unauthorized copy of 国开自动刷课(不答题考试).

国开自动刷课(不答题考试) uses the GNU General Public License v3.0 only license. Visit tldrlegal.com for help understanding what this license means.

The reporter said:
Script Author License Created Updated
Reported K's国开自动刷课(附答题考试) Kin7 GPL-3.0 2024-11-11 04:33:30 UTC 2024-11-15 06:28:39 UTC
Original 国开自动刷课(不答题考试) 285396587 GPL-3.0 2024-04-25 12:36:27 UTC 2024-04-25 12:36:27 UTC

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

Kin7 (the reported user) has made:

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