// ==UserScript==
// @name HV 物品汉化V3
// @namespace hentaiversehhV3
// @icon http://g.e-hentai.org/favicon.ico
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=es*
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Character&ss=eq*
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Character&ss=it
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=is*
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Character&ss=in
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=fr*
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php?eid*
// @match http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Battle&ss=iw*
// @match *://forums.e-hentai.org/*
// @match *://hentaiverse.org/?s=Forge*
// @author ggxxsol(ggxxhy)
// @description zh-cn
// @version V3.10
// ==/UserScript==
if (document.location.href.match(/ss=iw/)&&!document.getElementById('item_pane'))return
var hanhua=true;
var mhtml = document.body.innerHTML;
var html = document.body.innerHTML;
var xuanfu = document.createElement('div');
xuanfu.innerHTML = "英";
xuanfu.style.cssText = "cursor:pointer;z-index:1000;font-size: 16px;position:fixed; top:450px; left:0px; color: white;background : black";
document.onkeydown = keyDown
function keyDown(e)
function gaibianhanhua(e)
if (document.location.href.match(/forums/)=='forums')
xuanfu.innerHTML = "回复框已打开,停止转换";
xuanfu.innerHTML = "中";
if (document.location.href.match(/forums/)=='forums'){
xuanfu.innerHTML = "回复框已打开,停止转换";
xuanfu.innerHTML = "英";
function mainhh(){
var alertt = document.createElement('div');
alertt.innerHTML = "如要使用装备比较插件,请先按A键!";
alertt.style.cssText = "font-size:15px;color:black; ";
if (document.location.href.match("http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php")){
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.body.innerHTML= html;
var eqqlk = document.createElement('div');
eqqlk.innerHTML = "装备eid:<br>"+aaa[1]
eqqlk.style.cssText = "font-size:15px;color:red; ";
var lklist = new Array();
lklist = lklist.concat('Character&ss=in') //背包0
lklist = lklist.concat('Bazaar&ss=is') //道具店1
lklist = lklist.concat('Character&ss=eq') //装备2
lklist = lklist.concat('Bazaar&ss=es') //装备店3
lklist = lklist.concat('Bazaar&ss=fr') // 锻造店4
lklist = lklist.concat('Character&ss=it') //战斗道具5
lklist = lklist.concat('ss=iw') //iw汉化6
lklist = lklist.concat('forums') //论坛汉化7
lklist = lklist.concat('Forge') //锻造8
switch (temp){
case 0: //背包0
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#inv_equip.cspp").innerHTML = equipdiv;
document.querySelector("#inv_item.cspp").innerHTML = itemdiv;
case 1: //道具店1
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#leftpane").innerHTML = itemdiv;
document.querySelector("#shop_pane.cspp").innerHTML = itemdiv;
case 2: //装备2
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#leftpane.eql").innerHTML = equipdiv;
case 3: //装备店3
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#shop_pane.cspp").innerHTML = equipdiv;
case 4: // 锻造店4
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#item_pane").innerHTML = equipdiv;
case 5: //战斗道具5
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#mainpane").innerHTML = itemdiv;
case 6: //iw
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
document.querySelector("#item_pane").innerHTML = equipdiv;
case 7: //论坛
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
for (var ii=0; ii<equipdiv.length ; ii++ ){
tempequipment.innerHTML=tempequipment.innerHTML.replace(/<span [^>]+>[^>]+>/g,"")
document.getElementsByClassName('postcolor')[ii].innerHTML = tempequipment;
case 8: //锻造
var torep = new Array();
var repby = new Array();
if(equipdiv= document.getElementById("upgrade_button"))equipdiv.style.cssText ="position:relative; top:20px; ";
document.querySelector("#item_pane").innerHTML = equipdiv;
function yhanhua(torep,repby,temp){ //源语句,汉化后语句,汉化变量
for (var i=0; i<torep.length; i++){
var regex = new RegExp(torep[i],'g');
temp = temp.replace(regex, repby[i]);
return temp
function item(){
torep = torep.concat('Soul Fragment')
repby = repby.concat('灵魂碎片')
torep = torep.concat('Defense Matrix Modulator')
repby = repby.concat('立场碎片(盾)')
torep = torep.concat('Repurposed Actuator')
repby = repby.concat('动力碎片(重)')
torep = torep.concat('Crystallized Phazon')
repby = repby.concat('相位碎片(布)')
torep = torep.concat('Shade Fragment')
repby = repby.concat('暗影碎片(轻)')
torep = torep.concat('Catalyst')
repby = repby.concat('强化剂')
torep = torep.concat('Featherweight Shard')
repby = repby.concat('羽毛碎片(装备)')
torep = torep.concat('Voidseeker Shard')
repby = repby.concat('虚空碎片(武器)')
torep = torep.concat('Aether Shard')
repby = repby.concat('以太碎片(魔法)')
torep = torep.concat('Amnesia Shard')
repby = repby.concat('重铸碎片(锻造)')
torep = torep.concat('Provides a long-lasting health restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('持续回复2%的基础HP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Instantly restores a large amount of health.')
repby = repby.concat('立刻回复100%的基础HP.')
torep = torep.concat('Fully restores health, and grants a long-lasting health restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('HP全满,持续回复2%的基础HP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Provides a long-lasting mana restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('持续回复1%的基础MP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Instantly restores a moderate amount of mana.')
repby = repby.concat('立刻回复50%的基础MP.')
torep = torep.concat('Fully restores mana, and grants a long-lasting mana restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('MP全满,持续回复1%的基础MP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Provides a long-lasting spirit restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('持续回复1%的基础SP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Instantly restores a moderate amount of spirit.')
repby = repby.concat('立刻回复50%的基础SP.')
torep = torep.concat('Fully restores spirit, and grants a long-lasting spirit restoration effect.')
repby = repby.concat('SP全满,持续回复1%的基础SP,持续50回合.')
torep = torep.concat('Fully restores all vitals, and grants long-lasting restoration effects.')
repby = repby.concat('状态全满,产生所有回复药水的效果.')
torep = torep.concat('Restores 10 points of Stamina, up to the maximum of 99. When used in battle, also boosts Overcharge and Spirit by 10% for ten turns.')
repby = repby.concat('可在战斗中使用,请在战斗道具栏设置,恢复10点精力,但不超过99。战斗时使用时,每回合增加10%的灵力和Overcharge.')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Haste and Protection effects.with twice the normal duration.')
repby = repby.concat('产生加速和保护的效果。两倍持续时间')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Absorb effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用后获得吸收效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Restores')
repby = repby.concat('恢复')
torep = torep.concat('of Base Mana per Turn for')
repby = repby.concat('的基础法力值并持续')
torep = torep.concat('of Base Spirit per Turn for')
repby = repby.concat('的基础灵力值并持续')
torep = torep.concat('of Base Health per Turn for')
repby = repby.concat('的基础体力,持续')
torep = torep.concat('Base Health')
repby = repby.concat('的基础体力并每回合回复')
torep = torep.concat('Turns')
repby = repby.concat('回合')
torep = torep.concat('You gain')
repby = repby.concat('你得到')
torep = torep.concat('resistance to ')
repby = repby.concat('的')
torep = torep.concat('elemental attacks and do ')
repby = repby.concat('元素耐性并造成')
torep = torep.concat('more damage with ')
repby = repby.concat('的额外')
torep = torep.concat('spells.')
repby = repby.concat('魔法伤害。')
torep = torep.concat('Melee attacks do additional ')
repby = repby.concat('近战攻击变为')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Haste effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用产生加速效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Protection effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用产生保护效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Shadow Veil effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用产生闪避效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Spark of Life effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用产生复活效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Absorb, Shadow Veil and Spark of Life effects with twice the normal duration.')
repby = repby.concat('同时产生吸收,加速,闪避,以及复活效果,两倍持续时间.')
torep = torep.concat('Grants the Absorb Veil effect.')
repby = repby.concat('使用产生吸收效果。')
torep = torep.concat('Health Potion')
repby = repby.concat('体力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Health Draught')
repby = repby.concat('体力回复药')
torep = torep.concat('Health Elixir')
repby = repby.concat('终极体力药')
torep = torep.concat('Mana Potion')
repby = repby.concat('法力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Mana Draught')
repby = repby.concat('法力回复药')
torep = torep.concat('Mana Elixir')
repby = repby.concat('终极法力药')
torep = torep.concat('Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('灵力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Spirit Draught')
repby = repby.concat('灵力回复药')
torep = torep.concat('Spirit Elixir')
repby = repby.concat('终极灵力药')
torep = torep.concat('Last Elixir')
repby = repby.concat('终极药水')
torep = torep.concat('Energy Drink')
repby = repby.concat('活力饮料(红牛)')
torep = torep.concat('Last Elixir')
repby = repby.concat('终极回复药')
torep = torep.concat('Energy Cell')
repby = repby.concat('能量电池')
torep = torep.concat('Lesser Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('小型灵力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Average Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('中型灵力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Greater Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('大型灵力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Superior Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('超级灵力药水')
torep = torep.concat('Heroic Spirit Potion')
repby = repby.concat('英雄级灵力药')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Darkness')
repby = repby.concat('暗属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Divinity')
repby = repby.concat('圣属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Storms')
repby = repby.concat('风属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Lightning')
repby = repby.concat('雷属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Frost')
repby = repby.concat('冰属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Flames')
repby = repby.concat('火属性附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Infusion of Gaia')
repby = repby.concat('盖亚附魔')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of Swiftness')
repby = repby.concat('加速卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of the Avatar')
repby = repby.concat('化身卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of Shadows')
repby = repby.concat('幻影卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of Absorption')
repby = repby.concat('吸收卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of Life')
repby = repby.concat('生命卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of Protection')
repby = repby.concat('物防卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Scroll of the Gods')
repby = repby.concat('神之卷轴')
torep = torep.concat('Soul Stone')
repby = repby.concat('灵魂石')
torep = torep.concat('Bubble-Gum')
repby = repby.concat('泡泡糖')
torep = torep.concat('Flower Vase')
repby = repby.concat('花瓶')
torep = torep.concat('ManBearPig Tail')
repby = repby.concat('ManBearPig Tail 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Mithra\'s Flower')
repby = repby.concat('Mithra\'s Flower 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch')
repby = repby.concat('最长名称的 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Dalek Voicebox')
repby = repby.concat('Dalek Voicebox 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Dalek Voicebox')
repby = repby.concat('Dalek Voicebox 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Lock of Blue Hair')
repby = repby.concat('Lock of Blue Hair 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Bunny-Girl Costume')
repby = repby.concat('Bunny-Girl Costume 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Hinamatsuri Doll')
repby = repby.concat('Hinamatsuri Doll 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Broken Glasses')
repby = repby.concat('Broken Glasses 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Sapling')
repby = repby.concat('Sapling 树杯')
torep = torep.concat('Black T-Shirt')
repby = repby.concat('Black T-Shirt 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Unicorn Horn')
repby = repby.concat('Unicorn Horn 奖杯')
torep = torep.concat('Noodly Appendage')
repby = repby.concat('*面杯*')
torep = torep.concat('Figurine')
repby = repby.concat('雕像')
torep = torep.concat('Monster Chow')
repby = repby.concat('低级猫粮')
torep = torep.concat('Monster Edibles')
repby = repby.concat('中级猫粮')
torep = torep.concat('Monster Cuisine')
repby = repby.concat('高级猫粮')
torep = torep.concat('Happy Pills')
repby = repby.concat('快乐药片')
torep = torep.concat('Token of Blood')
repby = repby.concat('血之令牌')
torep = torep.concat('Chaos Token')
repby = repby.concat('混沌令牌')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Vigor')
repby = repby.concat('力量水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Finesse')
repby = repby.concat('灵巧水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Swiftness')
repby = repby.concat('敏捷水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Fortitude')
repby = repby.concat('体质水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Cunning')
repby = repby.concat('智力水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Knowledge')
repby = repby.concat('智慧水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Flames')
repby = repby.concat('火焰水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Frost')
repby = repby.concat('冰冻水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Lightning')
repby = repby.concat('雷之水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Tempest')
repby = repby.concat('风之水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Devotion')
repby = repby.concat('神圣水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Corruption')
repby = repby.concat('暗黑水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal of Quintessence')
repby = repby.concat('灵魂水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Token')
repby = repby.concat('令牌')
torep = torep.concat('Consumable')
repby = repby.concat('消费品')
torep = torep.concat('Crystal')
repby = repby.concat('水晶')
torep = torep.concat('Artifact')
repby = repby.concat('古董')
torep = torep.concat('Material')
repby = repby.concat('素材')
torep = torep.concat('Binding of')
repby = repby.concat('粘合剂:')
torep = torep.concat('Low-Grade')
repby = repby.concat('低级')
torep = torep.concat('Mid-Grade')
repby = repby.concat('中级')
torep = torep.concat('High-Grade')
repby = repby.concat('高级')
torep = torep.concat('Cloth');
repby = repby.concat('布料');
torep = torep.concat('Leather')
repby = repby.concat('皮革')
torep = torep.concat('Wood')
repby = repby.concat('木材')
torep = torep.concat('Metals')
repby = repby.concat('金属')
torep = torep.concat('Metal')
repby = repby.concat('金属')
torep = torep.concat('Scrap')
repby = repby.concat('碎')
repby = repby.concat('Materials')
torep = torep.concat('材料s')
repby = repby.concat('Crystals')
torep = torep.concat('水晶s')
function eqmthh(eminn){
if(temp.length==2)em=temp[0].textContent+" "+temp[1].textContent.replace("The","the")
else em=temp[0].textContent
else em=eminn.innerHTML.match(/([>]|[>\[\]0-9A-Z]+)(Fine|Super|Exquisite|Average|Crude|Fair|Magnificent|Legendary|Peerless)[a-zA-Z- ]*/g)
if(em==null)return eminn.innerHTML
var eqc1 = new Array();
var eqc2 = new Array();
var eqc3 = new Array();
var eqc4 = new Array();
var eqac = new Array();
var eqe1 = new Array();
var eqe2 = new Array();
var eqe3 = new Array();
var eqe4 = new Array();
var eqae = new Array();
var emc = new Array();
var eqe5 = new Array();
var eqc5 = new Array();
emc[0]=eqc1[e1]+' '+eqc2[e2]+' '+eqc3[e3]+' '+eqc4[e4]+' '+eqc5[e5]+'</span>'
else tempeq=tempeq.replace(temp[0].textContent,emc[0])
for (var i=0;i<em.length;i++){
emc[i]=eqc1[e1]+' '+eqc2[e2]+' '+eqc3[e3]+' '+eqc4[e4]+' '+eqc5[e5]+'</span>'
for(i=0;i<emc.length; i++) {
eqa() //道具装载
for(i=0;i<eqae.length; i++){
var regex = new RegExp(eqae[i],'g');
tempeq = tempeq.replace(regex, eqac[i]);
return tempeq
function eqc(temp,eqeq){ //temp 输入装备名称,eqeq列表英文
if(aaa!=null) return j;
return 0
function eqa(){
/*eqae = eqae.concat('Potency Tier')
eqac = eqac.concat('潜力等级')*/
/* eqae = eqae.concat('One-handed Weapon')
eqac = eqac.concat('单手武器')
eqae = eqae.concat('Two-handed Weapon')
eqac = eqac.concat('双手武器')
eqae = eqae.concat('Heavy Armor')
eqac = eqac.concat('重甲')
eqae = eqae.concat('Staff')
eqac = eqac.concat('法杖')
eqae = eqae.concat('Cloth Armor')
eqac = eqac.concat('布甲')*/
eqae = eqae.concat('Level')
eqac = eqac.concat('装备等级')
eqae = eqae.concat('Magic Crit Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法暴击率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Crit Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('物理暴击率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Accuracy')
eqac = eqac.concat('物理命中')
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Critical')
eqac = eqac.concat('物理暴击')
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Damage')
eqac = eqac.concat('攻击伤害')
eqae = eqae.concat('Damage Mitigations')
eqac = eqac.concat('伤害减免')
eqae = eqae.concat('Parry Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('招架概率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Magic Damage')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法伤害')
eqae = eqae.concat('Magic Critical')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法暴击')
eqae = eqae.concat('Mana Conservation')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法节省')
eqae = eqae.concat('Counter-Resist')
eqac = eqac.concat('无视魔法抵抗')
eqae = eqae.concat('Physical Mitigation')
eqac = eqac.concat('物理缓伤')
eqae = eqae.concat('Magical Mitigation')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法减伤')
eqae = eqae.concat('Block Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('格挡概率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Upgrades and Enchantments');
eqac = eqac.concat('升级与附魔');
eqae = eqae.concat('Primary Attributes')
eqac = eqac.concat('属性(PAB)')
eqae = eqae.concat('Evade Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('回避概率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Casting Speed')
eqac = eqac.concat('咏唱速度')
eqae = eqae.concat('Resist Chance')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔免概率')
eqae = eqae.concat('Spell Crit')
eqac = eqac.concat('法术暴击')
eqae = eqae.concat('Spell Damage')
eqac = eqac.concat('伤害加成(EDB)')
eqae = eqae.concat('Siphon Spirit')
eqac = eqac.concat('灵力吸取')
eqae = eqae.concat('Siphon Magic');
eqac = eqac.concat('偷取魔力');
eqae = eqae.concat('Siphon Health')
eqac = eqac.concat('生命吸取')
eqae = eqae.concat('Ether Theft')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔力回流')
eqae = eqae.concat('Penetrated Armor');
eqac = eqac.concat('破甲');
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Crit Damage')
eqac = eqac.concat('物理爆击伤害')
eqae = eqae.concat('Magic Accuracy')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法命中')
eqae = eqae.concat('Counter-Parry')
eqac = eqac.concat('反招架')
eqae = eqae.concat('Attack Speed')
eqac = eqac.concat('增加攻速')
eqae = eqae.concat('Current Owner')
eqac = eqac.concat('持有者')
eqae = eqae.concat('Ether Tap')
eqac = eqac.concat('魔力回流')
eqae = eqae.concat('Elemental Strike')
eqac = eqac.concat('属性攻击')
eqae = eqae.concat('Bleeding Wound')
eqac = eqac.concat('流血')
eqae = eqae.concat('Lasts for')
eqac = eqac.concat('持续')
eqae = eqae.concat('Coldproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防寒');
eqae = eqae.concat('Darkproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防暗');
eqae = eqae.concat('Elecproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防雷');
eqae = eqae.concat('Fireproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防火');
eqae = eqae.concat('Holyproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防圣');
eqae = eqae.concat('Windproof');
eqac = eqac.concat('防风');
eqae = eqae.concat('Condition')
eqac = eqac.concat('耐久')
eqae = eqae.concat('Tradeable')
eqac = eqac.concat('可交易')
eqae = eqae.concat('Untradeable')
eqac = eqac.concat('不可交易')
eqae = eqae.concat('Soulbound')
eqac = eqac.concat('已绑定')
eqae = eqae.concat('Potency Tier')
eqac = eqac.concat('潜能等级')
eqae = eqae.concat('Level')
eqac = eqac.concat('装备等级')
/* eqae = eqae.concat('-handed Weapon')
eqac = eqac.concat('手武器')*/
/* eqae = eqae.concat('Untradeable')
eqac = eqac.concat('不可交易')*/
eqae = eqae.concat('Defense')
eqac = eqac.concat('防御')
eqae = eqae.concat('Stunned')
eqac = eqac.concat('眩晕')
eqae = eqae.concat('turns')
eqac = eqac.concat('回合')
eqae = eqae.concat('Burden')
eqac = eqac.concat('负重')
eqae = eqae.concat('Interference')
eqac = eqac.concat('干涉')
eqae = eqae.concat('Burden');
eqac = eqac.concat('负重');
eqae = eqae.concat('Strength');
eqac = eqac.concat('力量');
eqae = eqae.concat('Dexterity');
eqac = eqac.concat('灵巧');
eqae = eqae.concat('Agility');
eqac = eqac.concat('敏捷');
eqae = eqae.concat('Endurance');
eqac = eqac.concat('体质');
eqae = eqae.concat('Intelligence');
eqac = eqac.concat('智力');
eqae = eqae.concat('Wisdom');
eqac = eqac.concat('智慧');
eqae = eqae.concat('chance');
eqac = eqac.concat('几率');
eqae = eqae.concat('Crushing');
eqac = eqac.concat('破碎');
eqae = eqae.concat('Piercing');
eqac = eqac.concat('穿刺');
eqae = eqae.concat('Slashing');
eqac = eqac.concat('斩击');
eqae = eqae.concat('Damage');
eqac = eqac.concat('伤害');
eqae = eqae.concat('Proficiency');
eqac = eqac.concat('熟练度(Pro)');
eqae = eqae.concat('>Elemental');
eqac = eqac.concat('>元素');
eqae = eqae.concat('Divine');
eqac = eqac.concat('圣');
eqae = eqae.concat('Forbidden');
eqac = eqac.concat('暗');
eqae = eqae.concat('Deprecating');
eqac = eqac.concat('减益');
eqae = eqae.concat('Supportive');
eqac = eqac.concat('增益');
eqae = eqae.concat('Strike');
eqac = eqac.concat('冲击');
eqae = eqae.concat('Fire ');
eqac = eqac.concat('火焰');
eqae = eqae.concat('Cold ');
eqac = eqac.concat('冰霜');
eqae = eqae.concat('Elec');
eqac = eqac.concat('闪电');
eqae = eqae.concat('Wind');
eqac = eqac.concat('狂风');
eqae = eqae.concat('Holy');
eqac = eqac.concat('神圣');
eqae = eqae.concat('Dark');
eqac = eqac.concat('黑暗');
eqae = eqae.concat('Void ');
eqac = eqac.concat('空灵');
eqae = eqae.concat('points');
eqac = eqac.concat('点');
eqae = eqae.concat('None');
eqac = eqac.concat('无');
eqae = eqae.concat('Unassigned')
eqac = eqac.concat('未确定')
eqae = eqae.concat('Physical');
eqac = eqac.concat('物理');
eqae = eqae.concat('Magical');
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法');
eqae = eqae.concat('Hit Chance');
eqac = eqac.concat('命中');
eqae = eqae.concat('Crit Chance');
eqac = eqac.concat('暴击');
eqae = eqae.concat('Capacitor');
eqac = eqac.concat('MP加成');
eqae = eqae.concat('Juggernaut');
eqac = eqac.concat('HP加成');
eqae = eqae.concat('Butcher');
eqac = eqac.concat('屠夫');
eqae = eqae.concat('Fatality');
eqac = eqac.concat('暴击伤害');
eqae = eqae.concat('Overpower');
eqac = eqac.concat('反招架');
eqae = eqae.concat('Swift Strike')
eqac = eqac.concat('迅捷打击')
eqae = eqae.concat('Annihilator');
eqac = eqac.concat('魔法暴击伤害');
eqae = eqae.concat('Archmage');
eqac = eqac.concat('大法师');
eqae = eqae.concat('Economizer');
eqac = eqac.concat('省魔');
eqae = eqae.concat('Penetrator');
eqac = eqac.concat('反抵抗');
eqae = eqae.concat('Spellweaver');
eqac = eqac.concat('高速咏唱');
eqae = eqae.concat('Hollowforged');
eqac = eqac.concat('虚空化');
eqae = eqae.concat('Bonus');
eqac = eqac.concat('加成');
function eq5(){
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('ddsezxcwer')
eqc5 = eqc5.concat(''); //如果出现问号绝对有问题
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Buckler');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Kite Shield');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Tower Shield');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('');
// 单手武器类
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Dagger');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('匕首(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Shortsword');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('短剑(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Wakizashi');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('脇差(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Axe');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('斧(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Club');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('棍(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Rapier');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >西洋剑</span>(单)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Longsword');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('长剑(双)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Scythe');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('镰刀(双)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Katana');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('太刀(双)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Mace');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('重槌(双)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Estoc');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >刺剑</span>(双)');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Staff');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('杖');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Cap');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('兜帽');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Robe');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('长袍');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Gloves');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('手套');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Pants');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('短裤');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Shoes');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('鞋');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Helmet');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('头盔');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Breastplate');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('护胸');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Gauntlets');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('手套');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Leggings');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('绑腿');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Cuirass');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('胸甲');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Armor');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('盔甲');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Sabatons');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('重靴');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Boots');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('长靴');
eqe5 = eqe5.concat('Greaves');
eqc5 = eqc5.concat('护腿');
function eq4(){
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('ddsezxcwer');//防止空缺
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Buckler');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('圆盾');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Kite Shield');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('鸢盾');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Tower Shield');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('塔盾');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Force Shield');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >力场盾</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Cotton ');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('棉质</span><span style=\"background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000\" >(布)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Gossamer');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('薄纱</span><span style=\"background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000\" >(布)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Phase');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >相位</span><span style=\"background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000\" >(布)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Leather');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('皮革<span style=\"background:#666666;color:#FFFFFF\" >(轻)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Kevlar');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('凯夫拉<span style=\"background:#666666;color:#FFFFFF\" >(轻)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Shade');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >暗影</span><span style=\"background:#666666;color:#FFFFFF\" >(轻)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Plate');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('板甲<span style=\"background:#000000;color:#FFFFFF\" >(重)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Power');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa500\" >动力</span><span style=\"background:#000000;color:#FFFFFF\" >(重)</span>');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Ebony');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('*乌木');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Redwood');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('红木');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Willow');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('柳木');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Oak');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('橡木');
eqe4 = eqe4.concat('Katalox');
eqc4 = eqc4.concat('铁木(双)');
function eq3(){
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('adfouhasd')//防止空缺
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Cheetah')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('猎豹')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Negation')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('否定')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Shadowdancer')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"color:red\" >影武</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Arcanist')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('奥术')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Fleet')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('迅捷')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('Spirit-ward')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防暗')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Fire-eater')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('火防')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('Fire-eater')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('火防')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Thunder-child')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('雷防')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Wind-waker')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防风')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Spirit-ward')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防暗')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Dampening')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防碎')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Stoneskin')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防斩')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Deflection')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('防刺')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Nimble');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('招架');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Barrier')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('格挡')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Protection')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('物防')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Warding')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('魔防')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Raccoon')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('招架')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Frost-born')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('寒冰')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Slaughter');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#FF0000;color:#FFFFFF\" >杀戮</span>');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Swiftness');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('加速');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Balance');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('平衡');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Battlecaster');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('战法师');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Banshee');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('吸灵');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Illithid');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('吸魔');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Vampire');
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('吸血');
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Destruction')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#9400d3;color:#FFFFFF\" >毁灭</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Surtr')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#f97c7c\" >苏尔特</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Niflheim')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#94c2f5\" >尼芙菲姆</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Mjolnir')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#f4f375\" >姆乔尔尼尔</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Freyr')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#7ff97c\" >弗瑞尔</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Heimdall')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffffff\;color:#000000\" >海姆达</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Fenrir')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('<span style=\"background:#000000\;color:#ffffff" >芬里尔</span>')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of Focus')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('专注')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Elementalist')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('元素使')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Heaven-sent')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('天堂')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Demon-fiend')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('恶魔')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Earth-walker')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('地行者')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Priestess')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('牧师')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Curse-weaver')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('咒术师')
eqe3 = eqe3.concat('of the Thrice-blessed')
eqc3 = eqc3.concat('圣防')
function eq2(){
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('dfgdsfgsdge');//防止空缺
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Radiant');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffffff\;color:#000000" >✪魔光✪</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Mystic');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('神秘的');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Charged');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"color:red\" >加速的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Amber');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffff00\;color:#9f9f16" >琥珀的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Mithril');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"color:red\" >秘银的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Agile');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('俊敏的');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Zircon');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffffff\;color:#5c5a5a" >锆石的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Frugal');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"color:red\" >节约的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Jade');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#b1f9b1\" >翡翠的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Cobalt');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#a0f4f4\" >冰蓝的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Ruby');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffa6a6\" >红宝石</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Astral');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('五芒星');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Onyx');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#cccccc\" >缟玛瑙</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Savage');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"color:red\" >残暴的</span>');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Reinforced');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('坚固的');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Shielding');
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('盾化的');
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Arctic')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#94c2f5\" >极寒之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Fiery')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#f97c7c\" >灼热之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Shocking')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#f4f375\" >闪电之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Tempestuous')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#7ff97c\" >风暴之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Hallowed')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffffff\;color:#000000" >神圣之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Demonic')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#000000\;color:#ffffff" >恶魔之</span>')
eqe2 = eqe2.concat('Ethereal')
eqc2 = eqc2.concat('<span style=\"background:#ffffff\;color:#5c5a5a" >虚空之</span>')
function eq1()
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Crude');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('粗糙');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Fair');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('较差');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Average');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('一般');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Superior');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('出众');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Fine');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('优质');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Exquisite');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('<span style=\"background:#d7e698\" >精良</span>');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Magnificent');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('<span style=\"background:#a6daf6\" >☆史诗☆</span>');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Legendary');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('<span style=\"background:#f5b9cd\" >★传奇★</span>');
eqe1 = eqe1.concat('Peerless');
eqc1 = eqc1.concat('<span style=\"background:#fbc93e\" >✪无双✪</span>');