E-Hentai Highlighter

Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.

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Credit goes to etc (https://sleazyfork.org/en/users/2168-etc)!

(Original: https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/1605-e-hentai-highlighter)

E-H 2019 New layout fix.

This version fixes the functionality in the thumbnail view in the 2019 layout.

Tried to fix extended view but it seemed like it would take a lot of changes. Maybe if I receive requests for other views I'll look at them.

If this stops working you can try this script as a substitution (it highlights whole items/rows based on its tags).

Highlighting (the short version)

  • KEYWORD will highlight all galleries having KEYWORD in the (regular expression
  • :TAG (notice the colon) will highlight all galleries having TAG in the tag flags
    (regular expression supported)
  • Adding /COLOR at the end of the line will highlight the gallery using the specified color


  • english: highlights all galleries having "english" in the using the default highlight color
  • touhou/blue: highlights all galleries having "touhou" in the using the color blue
  • english/#00ff00: highlights all galleries having "english" in the using the color green (hex
  • \beng(lish)?\b: highlights all galleries having a that matches the regular expression provided.
    \beng(lish)?\b matches (eng), [eng], {eng},
    (english), [english], {english}, etc.
  • :big breasts: highlights all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "big breasts"
    using the default highlight color
  • :big breasts/red: highlights all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "big breasts"
    using the color red

Highlight (the long version)

Format used by highlighting lines:


  • MAIN FILTER: A regular expression used to identify potential matches. A colon at the start of the
    MAIN FILTER indicates that the matching should be performed on gallery tag flags instead of
    gallery s;
  • EXCLUSIONS: A regular expression used to exclude previously matched galleries.
    , as you might have guessed, is only checked against gallery s;
  • TAG EXCLUSIONS: Similar to _EXCLUSIONS, used to exclude previously matched
    galleries. Yes, TAG_EXCLUSIONS are only checked against gallery tag flags;
  • COLOR: The color to highlight the gallery with if the matching is successfull.

_EXCLUSIONS and TAG_EXCLUSIONS are OR-ed together.


english!digital/red: highlight all galleries with "english" in the using the color red, but exclude
galleries with "digital" in the ;
english;anthology/blue: highlight all galleries with "english"
in the using the color blue, but exclude galleries with an "anthology" tag flag;
: highlight all galleries with a "big breasts" tag flag using the default color,
but exclude galleries with a "crossdressing" tag flag;
:big breasts!digital;anthology/green:
highlight all galleries with a "big breasts" tag flag using the color green, but exclude galleries with "digital"
in the OR with an "anthology" tag flag.


  • KEYWORD will filter all galleries having KEYWORD in the (regular expression
  • :TAG (notice the colon) will filter all galleries having TAG in the tag flags
    (regular expression supported)


  • sample: filters all galleries having "sample" in the
  • sample/blue: same as above (color information is discarded as it's not meaningful for filters)
  • :netorare: filters all galleries having a tag flag containing the keyword "netorare"


  • Version 0.5
    • Streamlined code, data is now automatically synchronized between multiple tabs/windows
    • Settings can now be changed at runtime through the popup window
    • 0.5.6: highlighted galleries are now automatically moved to the top of the search results while filtered
      galleries are moved to the bottom. The site's floating thumbnails are now forcefully disabled and
      replaced with CSS3 flexboxes. This shouldn't cause any graphical difference and shouldn't clash with any
      other userscripts, but you never know...
    • 0.5.7: added exclusion operators, added support for HTTPS
    • 0.5.8: added option to enable filtering of rated galleries
    • 0.5.9: added smart foreground option
    • improved data handling, fixed "Popular Right Now" CSS bug
  • Version 0.4
    • Added support for custom coloring. Append /COLOR to a keyword to use COLOR instead of the usual red as
      the background for any matching gallery. Supports any css color or hex notation.
    • Tag flags matching one or more highlight keywords are now displayed below the (thumbnail mode only; can
      be disabled in the options)
      Version 0.3
    • Added support for the Tag Flagging perk; to make a keyword work on tag flags instead of s, prefix it
      with a colon. Eg: english will filter/highlight all galleries with "english" in the ; :english will
      filter/highlight all galleries with a tag flag containing "english". Obviously, for the latter to work:
      • You need to have Tag Flagging
      • Tag Flagging needs to be enabled
      • The tags you want to use must be flagged; the script only looks for the tag flag icon next to each
  • Version 0.2
    • Code overhaul, newlines can now be used as keyword delimiters for better readability
  • Version 0.1
    • Rewritten, added filters