Enhances GR, especially for non-PLUS users
Bunlar bu scriptin güncellenmiş kod versiyonlarıdır. Bütün versiyonları göster.
**German**- Aus der Like-Liste von Fotos vergrößerte Benutzerbilder werden nun richtigerweise über offenen Profilen angezeigt.**English**- Full-size profile images opened from the like list of photos are now properly displayed above open user profiles.
- Show long user headlines as tile tooltip.- Slightly decrease tile action bar size to not wrap them in notifications.- Disable logging and clean up some code.
- Added feature to display all user details on tiles. Since this creates large tiles in the Radar view, you need to manually enable this in the script settings.- Completely rewrote hiding logic; the tiles are now fully removed again, including notifications of hidden users.
- No longer completely removes user tiles as this created huge gaps and layouting issues in several locations. The hidden users are now blurred and darkened, and you can unhide a user by clicking the button on the blurred tile again.- Fixed incorrectly updating the hidden user list if it has been modified in multiple tabs.- Removed the feature to partially restore older visitor tile information. Use Poor Men Plus (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393690-planet-romeo-poor-men-s-plus) instead to fully restore such tiles.
1.1:- Default user placeholder images: Changed the image to the PlanetRomeo logo as the previous "ordinary torso" silhouette was removed by PlanetRomeo.- Age filter: Added automatic hiding of profile images outside a given age range; set the _visibleAge* variables in the script to enable this feature.- Changed the styling of the profile image buttons to prevent accidentally missing them.- Changed some translations to be less quirky.