Sleazy Fork is available in English.

iwara download

Download videos from NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.

11.05.2021 itibariyledir. En son verisyonu görün.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         iwara download
// @name:zh-CN   iwara 下载
// @description          Download videos from NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.
// @description:zh-CN    下载 iwara 视频。 注意:可能需要给 tampermonkey 等插件设置下载权限。
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.1
// @author       oajsdfk
// @match        https://**
// @grant        GM_download
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  'use strict';

  if (!jQuery) { return; }

  var $ = jQuery.noConflict();

  var view_page = window.location.pathname.startsWith('/videos/')

  function fname(str) {
    return str.replace(/\\/g,'¥')
      .replace(/\t/g, ' ')

  var download_clicked;
  $('#user-links').append('<input id="download" type="button" value="download">');
  $('#download').on('click', function() {
    let dl = $(this);

    if (view_page) {

    if (!download_clicked) {
      $('.node-video').append('<input type="checkbox" class="dl_chk" checked/>');

      $(dl).val('download selected');

                              '<input id="sel_dl_all" type="button" value="all">'+
                              '<input id="sel_dl_invert" type="button" value="invert">'+
                              '<input id="sel_dl_none" type="button" value="none">'+

      $('#sel_dl_all').on('click', function(e) {
        $('.dl_chk:enabled').each(function() {
          this.checked = true;
      $('#sel_dl_invert').on('click', function(e) {
        $('.dl_chk:enabled').each(function() {
          this.checked = !this.checked;
      $('#sel_dl_none').on('click', function(e) {
        $('.dl_chk:enabled').each(function() {
          this.checked = false;

      download_clicked = 1;
    } else {
      let checked = $('.node-video').has('.dl_chk:checked:enabled');

      if (checked.length === 0) { return; }


      checked.each((idx, v) => download($(v)));

  function download(video) {
    let like;
    let view;
    let vid;
    let title;
    let user;
    if (!view_page) {
      let t = video.find('.title > a');
      vid = t.attr('href').replace('/videos/', '');
      title = t.text();
      like = video.find('.likes-icon').has('.glyphicon-heart').text().trim();
      view = video.find('.likes-icon').has('.glyphicon-eye-open').text().trim();
      user = video.find('.username').text();
    } else {
      vid = window.location.pathname.replace('/videos/', '');
      title = $('.node-info').find('.title').text();
      let t = $('.node-views').has('.glyphicon-heart').has('.glyphicon-eye-open').text().trim().split(/\s+/);
      like = t[0];
      view = t[1];
      user = $('.node-info').find('.username').text();

    console.log('download:', '♥' + like + ' 👁' + view + ' ' + user + '/' + title + ' [' + vid + ']');

    let filename = fname(user) + '/' + fname(title) + ' [' + vid + ']';

    $.get('/api/video/' + vid, function(res) {
      if (res[0]) {
        console.log(vid, "urls: ", res[0]);
        let t = res[0].mime.split('/');
        let f = filename +'.' + t[t.length-1];

        let url = 'https:'+res[0].uri;
        console.log('downloading file:', f, 'url:', url);

          url: url,
          name: 'iwara/' + f,
          onload: () => {
            console.log('download suc:', f);

            if (!view_page) {
              let i = video.find('.dl_chk');
              i.attr('disabled', true);
            } else {
          onprogress: (e) => {
            let v = e.loaded/*100;
            console.log('downloading:', f, e, v+'%');
          onerror : (e) => console.error('download failed:', f, e),
          ontimeout  : (e) => console.error('download timeout:', f, e),
          saveAs: false

      } else {
        console.error("no video:", vid);
    }, 'JSON').fail(function(err) {
      console.error("get_url_failed", vid, err);
