Enhances JAST app pages with data from VNDB.

Bunlar bu scriptin güncellenmiş kod versiyonlarıdır. Bütün versiyonları göster.

  • v1.3 24.06.2024

    Fixed: Visual Novel playtime not displaying in cases where play time votes have been submitted but a manual lenght has not been set to the visual novel entry

  • v1.2 21.06.2024

    - Fixed: VNDB information not being obtained if game page is opened from a store catalog page

  • v1.1 14.06.2024

    - Fixed: Not correctly displaying VNDB data when pages take too long to load
    - Fixed: VNDB data not being obtained and displayed again when opening a new game store page by clicking them from another one

  • v1.0 07.06.2024