收藏集 by gggccc
Yalnızca Türkçedili gösteriliyor. Tüm dillerdeki sonuçları göster.
Chaturbate - Better Modding JS - Provides a better modding interface for the cam girls site of chaturbate.com. This script makes modding faster and easier. Check out the details.
Chaturbate MULTI-CAM Viewer JS - Adds a new tab to Chaturbate, and allows you to watch multiple webcams at once
WebPlay for ytdl JS - Show WebPlay play button on some ytdl protocol supported pages
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Size yeni ve geliştirilmiş bir Chaturbate deneyimi sunar.
cb-mini JS - Minimize menus, hide banners and maximize the cam screen on chaturbate.com
Chaturbate Full Page Video JS - Display the webcam video over the whole page (without fullscreen), in the correct ratio, with its controls.
Chaturbate sort JS - sorts camwhores descending by viewers
Chaturbate Advanced Filters JS - Adds more features to the chaturbate website filters such as age and keyword searching filtering. Look for these features under the normal options gear.
copy playlist from camsites JS - Play video from stripchat, chaturbate and many other cam sites in vlc, potplayer or a streamrecorder
chaturbatefilter JS - chaturbate-filter
Chaturbate Colors JS - Style to improve Chaturbate design - Watch cams in mega hentia theme , Ad free version and navigation made much better.
Chaturbate exhibitionists - show only women (shemale / couple) online JS - Filter gender on the amateur site: http://chaturbate.com/exhibitionist-cams
chat jane JS - chat
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
Chaturbate Auto Refresh JS - Refreshes Chatubate profiles to check if the user if online, useful when streams drop.
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
Chaturbate Pink JS - Remove Ads From Chaturbate And Choose Your Own Color Theme
Chaturbate Age-Filter & Locations JS - Age filter, Locations under each thumbnail, Locations list with links, and more!
Chaturbate PLUS增强插件(去除广告/清爽页面) JS - 去除Chaturbate广告/清爽页面
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
Chaturbate Easy Tipping Fixed Version JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
CB Favorite Smileys JS - Access your favorite most used smileys faster, don’t need to memorize the code.
Chaturbate Clean JS - removes all add's, sub-selector on the tab's, shows video if you have no access, full screen with chat
Bulgarian whores on Chaturbate JS - removes ads, shows bulgarian paticipants in selected categories
fakelush JS - fake love lush driver
Annoying Ad blocker 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Chaturbate Sort Models JS - Sorts Models in descending (High to Low) order of viewers
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Chaturbate Bullshit Remover JS - Remove banners, animations, gifs, gaudy colors, advertisements and any other bullshit
Chaturbate Animate Thumbnail JS - Animated the thumbnail of a Chaturbate room on mouse hover
Chaturbate Thumbnails Zoom JS - Make thumbnails zoom on mouse hover
CB Mod Assist JS - Helper script for mods on chaturbate.com that lets you save predefined messages and send them to chat with two clicks
Adult:Chtrbt JS - Auto click nag screen "I'm 18"
Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc V2 JS - Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc.
NoChaturbateTippingSounds JS - Disables the annoying tipping sounds on the cam girls website of chaturbate.com. Note that those sounds would still be heard via the girl's microphone.
Yazdığınız bir scripti gönderin (ya da nasıl bir tane yazılır öğren)