🔥超星学习通小助手[章节、作业、考试] |后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度| was reported 2024-12-04 as an unauthorized copy of 🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新.

🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新 does not specify a license, which means distributing copies is not allowed unless explicit permission is given.

The reporter said:


Script Author License Created Updated
Reported 🔥超星学习通小助手[章节、作业、考试] |后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度| coomi يوق 2023-09-28 12:20:33 UTC 2023-11-30 05:19:18 UTC
Original 🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新 16654221455 يوق 2021-11-11 08:44:40 UTC 2024-11-29 04:40:43 UTC

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

coomi (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.