Auto Streak (Vietnamese) was reported 2025-03-12 as an unauthorized copy of DUO_KEEPSTREAK.

DUO_KEEPSTREAK does not specify a license, which means distributing copies is not allowed unless explicit permission is given.

The reporter said:

He copied this code please Greasy Fork review and remove it

Script Author License Created Updated
Reported Auto Streak (Vietnamese) Kevin MacLeod يوق 2025-03-03 15:23:55 UTC 2025-03-03 15:36:12 UTC
Original DUO_KEEPSTREAK they banning me يوق 2025-02-03 15:37:11 UTC 2025-03-26 15:12:29 UTC

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

Kevin MacLeod (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.