

// ==UserScript==
// @name         JAV老司机,JAV各大网站优化【18岁以下用户请勿安装】
// @namespace    youhou8
// @version      1.0
// @supportURL   https://youhou8.com/scripts/max/JAV%E8%80%81%E5%8F%B8%E6%9C%BA%EF%BC%8CJAV%E5%90%84%E5%A4%A7%E7%BD%91%E7%AB%99%E4%BC%98%E5%8C%96%E3%80%9018%E5%B2%81%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%E8%AF%B7%E5%8B%BF%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E3%80%91
// @source       https://youhou8.com/scripts/max/JAV%E8%80%81%E5%8F%B8%E6%9C%BA%EF%BC%8CJAV%E5%90%84%E5%A4%A7%E7%BD%91%E7%AB%99%E4%BC%98%E5%8C%96%E3%80%9018%E5%B2%81%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%E8%AF%B7%E5%8B%BF%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E3%80%91
// @description  JAV老司机神器,支持各Jav老司机站点。拥有高效浏览Jav的页面排版,JAV高清预览大图,JAV列表无限滚动自动加载,合成“挊”的自动获取JAV磁链接,一键自动115离线下载。。。。没时间解释了,快上车!
// @author       max
// @license MIT
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@2.2.4/dist/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lovefield@2.1.12/dist/lovefield.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@9
// @include     *://*javlibrary.com/*
// @include     *://*javlib.com/*
// @include     *://*javbus.com/*
// @include     *://tellme.pw/avsox
// @include     *://tellme.pw/avmoo
// @include     *://115.com/*
// @include     *://onejav.com/*
// @include     *://*jav321.com/video/*
// @include     *://*/vl_update*
// @include     *://*/vl_newrelease*
// @include     *://*/vl_newentries*
// @include     *://*/vl_mostwanted*
// @include     *://*/vl_bestrated*
// @include     *://*/vl_genre*
// @include     *://*/vl_star*
// @include     *://*/?v=jav*
// @include     *://*/mv_owned*
// @include     *://*/mv_watched*
// @include     *://*/mv_wanted*
// @include     *://*/mv_visited*
// @include     *://www.*bus*/*
// @include     *://www.*dmm*/*
// @include     *://*/movie/*
// @include     *://*/cn*
// @include     *://*/tw*
// @include     *://*/ja*
// @include     *://*/en*
// @run-at       document-idle
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_notification
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM_getResourceURL
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @connect      *
// @copyright 2020, max (https://youhou8.com/users/max)
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
(function () {
    'use strict';
    // 115用户ID
    let jav_userID = GM_getValue('jav_user_id', 0);
    // icon图标
    let icon = GM_getResourceURL('icon');
    // 瀑布流状态:1:开启、0:关闭
    let waterfallScrollStatus = GM_getValue('scroll_status', 1);
    // 当前网页域名
    let domain = location.host;
    // 数据库
    let javDb;
    // 表
    let myMovie;
    // 磁链访问地址初始化
    if (GM_getValue('btsow_url', undefined) === undefined) {
        GM_setValue('btsow_url', 'btsow.surf');
    if (GM_getValue('btdig_url', undefined) === undefined) {
        GM_setValue('btdig_url', 'www.btdig.com');
    if (GM_getValue('nyaa_url', undefined) === undefined) {
        GM_setValue('nyaa_url', 'sukebei.nyaa.si');
    if (GM_getValue('torrentkitty_url', undefined) === undefined) {
        GM_setValue('torrentkitty_url', 'www.torrentkitty.app');
    GM_registerMenuCommand('设置', () => {
        let scroll_true = '';
        if (GM_getValue('scroll_status', 1) !== 0){
            GM_setValue('scroll_status', 1);
            scroll_true = "checked";
        let dom = `<div>
               <label class="tm-setting">javlib/javbus开启瀑布流<input type="checkbox" id="scroll_true" ${scroll_true} class="tm-checkbox"></label>
               <label class="tm-setting">btsow网址<input type="text" id="btsow_url" class="tm-text" value="${GM_getValue('btsow_url')}"></label>
               <label class="tm-setting">btdig网址<input type="text" id="btdig_url" class="tm-text" value="${GM_getValue('btdig_url')}"></label>
               <label class="tm-setting">nyaa网址<input type="text" id="nyaa_url" class="tm-text" value="${GM_getValue('nyaa_url')}"></label>
               <label class="tm-setting">torrentkitty网址<input type="text" id="torrentkitty_url" class="tm-text" value="${ GM_getValue('torrentkitty_url')}"></label>
        let $dom = $(dom);
            title: '脚本设置',
            html: $dom[0],
            confirmButtonText: '保存'
        }).then((result) => {
            if (result.value){
                    GM_setValue('scroll_status', 1);
                    GM_setValue('scroll_status', 0);
                GM_setValue('btsow_url', $('#btsow_url').val());
                GM_setValue('btdig_url', $('#btdig_url').val());
                GM_setValue('nyaa_url', $('#nyaa_url').val());
                GM_setValue('torrentkitty_url', $('#torrentkitty_url').val());
     * 对Date的扩展,将 Date 转化为指定格式的String
     * 月(M)、日(d)、小时(h)、分(m)、秒(s)、季度(q) 可以用 1-2 个占位符,/';
     * 年(y)可以用 1-4 个占位符,毫秒(S)只能用 1 个占位符(是 1-3 位的数字)
     * 例子:(new Date()).Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S") ==> 2006-07-02 08:09:04.423f
     * (new Date()).Format("yyyy-M-d h:m:s.S")      ==> 2006-7-2 8:9:4.18
     * @param fmt 日期格式
     * @returns {void | string} 格式化后的日期字符串
    Date.prototype.Format = function (fmt) { //author: meizz
        var o = {
            "M+": this.getMonth() + 1,                    //月份
            "d+": this.getDate(),                         //日
            "h+": this.getHours(),                        //小时
            "m+": this.getMinutes(),                      //分
            "s+": this.getSeconds(),                      //秒
            "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3),  //季度
            "S": this.getMilliseconds()                   //毫秒
        if (/(y+)/.test(fmt))
            fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
        for (var k in o)
            if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt))
                fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
        return fmt;
     * 多线程异步队列 依赖 jQuery 1.8+
     * @n {Number} 正整数, 线程数量
    function Queue (n) {
        n = parseInt(n, 10);
        return new Queue.prototype.init( (n && n > 0) ? n : 1 )
    Queue.prototype = {
        init: function (n) {
            this.threads = [];
            this.taskList = [];
            while (n--) {
                this.threads.push(new this.Thread)
         * @callback {Fucntion} promise对象done时的回调函数,它的返回值必须是一个promise对象
        push: function (callback) {
            if (typeof callback !== 'function') return;
            var index = this.indexOfIdle();
            if (index != -1) {
                //try { console.log('Thread-' + (index+1) + ' accept the task!') } catch (e) {}
            else {
                for (var i = 0, l = this.threads.length; i < l; i++) {
                    (function(thread, self, id){
                            if (self.taskList.length > 0) {
                                //try { console.log('Thread-' + (id+1) + ' accept the task!') } catch (e) {}
                                let promise = self.taskList.shift()();    // 正确的返回值应该是一个promise对象
                                return promise.promise ? promise : $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
                            } else {
                                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
                    })(this.threads[i], this, i);
        indexOfIdle: function () {
            var threads = this.threads,
                thread = null,
                index = -1;
            for (var i = 0, l = threads.length; i < l; i++) {
                thread = threads[i];
                if (thread.promise.state() === 'resolved') {
                    index = i;
            return index;
        Thread: function () {
            this.promise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
            this.idle = function (callback) {
                this.promise = this.promise.then(callback)
    Queue.prototype.init.prototype = Queue.prototype;
     * 公用类
     * @Class
    let Common = {
         * 设置cookie
         * @param cname  名字
         * @param cvalue 值
        setCookie: function(cname, cvalue) {
            let d = new Date();
            d.setTime(d.getTime() + (30*24*60*60*1000));
            let expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
            document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
         * html文本转换为Document对象 https://jsperf.com/domparser-vs-createelement-innerhtml/3
         * @param {String} text
         * @returns {Document}
        parsetext: function (text) {
            try {
                let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                doc.documentElement.innerHTML = text;
                return doc;
            catch (e) {
                alert('parse error');
         * 判断日期是否最近X个月份的日期
         * @param {String} DateStr 日期
         * @param {Number} MonthNum 月数(X)
         * @returns {boolean}
        isLastXMonth: function (DateStr, MonthNum) {
            let now = new Date(); //当前日期
            let compDate = new Date(DateStr);
            let m2 = now.getFullYear() * 12 + now.getMonth();
            let m1 = compDate.getFullYear() * 12 + compDate.getMonth();
            if ((m2 - m1) < MonthNum) {
                return true;
            return false;
         * 方法: 通用chrome通知
         * @param title
         * @param body
         * @param icon
         * @param click_url
        notifiy: function (title, body, icon, click_url) {
            var notificationDetails = {
                text: body,
                title: title,
                timeout: 3000,
                image: icon,
                onclick: function () {
         * 获取带-的番号
         * @param {String} avid 番号如:ABP888
         * @returns {String}  带-的番号
        getAvCode:function (avid) {
            let letter = avid.match(/^[a-z|A-Z]+/gi);
            let num = avid.match(/\d+$/gi);
            return letter+"-"+num;
        addImg:function (targetImgUrl, func, isZoom) {
            console.log("显示的图片地址:" + targetImgUrl);
            let className = "";
            if (isZoom != undefined && !isZoom) {
                className = "min";
            let $img = $(`<img name="javRealImg" title="点击可放大缩小 (图片正常时)" class="${className}"></img>`);
            $img.attr("src", targetImgUrl);
            $img.attr("style", "float: left;cursor: pointer;max-width: 100%;");
         * 加入AV预览内容图
         * @param avid av唯一码
         * @param @function func 函数
         * @param {boolean} isZoom 是否放大,默认true
        addAvImg: function (avid, func, isZoom) {
            let p2 = this.getBigPreviewImgUrlFromJavArchive(avid);
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let p = this.getBigPreviewImgUrlFromBlogjav(avid);
                p.then(imgUrl => {
                    if (imgUrl !== null){
                        let p = request(imgUrl,"",10000);
                        p.then((result) => {
                            if (result.loadstuts && result.finalUrl.search(/removed.png/i) < 0){
                                this.addImg(imgUrl, func, isZoom);
                            else {
                                p2.then(url => {
                    else {
                        p2.then(url => {
                    function addJavArchiveImg() {
                        imgUrl = GM_getValue("temp_img_url", "");
                        if (imgUrl === "") {
                            //this.addImg("test", func, isZoom);
                        } else {
                            GM_setValue("temp_img_url", "");
                            this.addImg(imgUrl, func, isZoom);
         * 根据番号从blogjav获取大预览图Url
         * @param avid av唯一码
         * @returns {Promise} 大预览图Url地址
        getBigPreviewImgUrlFromBlogjav: function(avid){
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let promise1 =  request('http://blogjav.net/?s=' + avid, "",15000);
                promise1.then((result) => {
                    return new Promise(resolve => {
                        var doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                        let a_array = $(doc).find(".more-link");
                        let a = a_array[0];
                        for (let i = 0; i < a_array.length; i++) {
                            var fhd_idx = a_array[i].innerHTML.search(/FHD/i);
                            if (fhd_idx > 0) {
                                a = a_array[i];
                }).then(a => {
                    return new Promise(resolve => {
                        let targetImgUrl = "";
                        if (a) {
                            let promise2 = request(a.href,"http://pixhost.to/", 15000);
                            promise2.then((result) => {
                                return new Promise(resolve => {
                                    if(!result.loadstuts)  resolve(null);
                                    var bodyStr = result.responseText;
                                    var yixieBody = bodyStr.substring(bodyStr.search(/<span id="more-(\S*)"><\/span>/), bodyStr.search(/<div class="category/));
                                    var img_start_idx = yixieBody.search(/"><img .*src="https*:\/\/(\S*)pixhost.*\/thumbs\//);
                                    if (img_start_idx > 0) {
                                        var new_img_src = yixieBody.substring(yixieBody.indexOf('src', img_start_idx) + 5, yixieBody.indexOf('alt') - 2);
                                        targetImgUrl = new_img_src.replace('thumbs', 'images').replace('//t', '//img').replace(/[\?*\"*]/, '').replace('https', 'http');
                                        console.log("blogjav获取的图片地址:" + targetImgUrl);
                                        if(targetImgUrl.length === 0){
                                        else {
                            }).then( imgUrl => {
                }).then(imgUrl => {
         * 根据番号从JavArchive获取大预览图Url,并且缓存到GM中
         * @param avid av唯一码
        getBigPreviewImgUrlFromJavArchive: function(avid){
            let promise1 = request('http://javarchive.com/?s=' + avid);
            return promise1.then((result) => {
                if (!result.loadstuts) resolve(null);
                let doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                // 查找包含avid番号的a标签数组,忽略大小写
                let a_array = $(doc).find(`.post-meta .thumb a[title*='${avid}'i]`);
                let a = a_array[0];
                for (let i = 0; i < a_array.length; i++) {
                    let fhd_idx = a_array[i].title.search(/Uncensored|FHD/i);
                    if (fhd_idx > 0) {
                        a = a_array[i];
                if (a) {
                    let promise2 = request(a.href,"http://pixhost.to/");
                    return promise2.then((result) => {
                        if(!result.loadstuts)  return;
                        let doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                        let img_array = $(doc).find('.post-content .external img');
                        if (img_array.length > 0) {
                            let imgUrl = img_array[0].src.replace('pixhost.org', 'pixhost.to').replace('.th', '')
                                .replace('thumbs', 'images').replace('//t', '//img')
                                .replace(/[\?*\"*]/, '').replace('https', 'http');
                            console.log("javarchive获取的图片地址:" + imgUrl);
                            return Promise.resolve(imgUrl);
         * 查询115网盘是否拥有番号
         * @param javId 番号
         * @param callback 回调函数
        search115Data: function (javId, callback) {
            //异步请求搜索115番号 //115查询
            let javId2 = javId.replace(/(-)/g, ""); //把番号-去除,例如ABC-123 =》 ABC123
            let promise1 = request(`https://webapi.115.com/files/search?search_value=${javId}%20${javId2}&format=json`);
            promise1.then((result) => {
                let resultJson = JSON.parse(result.responseText);
                if(resultJson.count > 0) {
                    let pickcode = '';
                    let reg = new RegExp(GM_getValue("115_search_var"), "gi");
                    for (let i = 0; i < resultJson.data.length; i++) {
                        let row = resultJson.data[i];
                        if(row.vdi && (row.n.search(reg) >= 0)){//iv vdi ico
                            pickcode = row.pc;
        getSchemaBuilder: function() {
            // 构造jav库
            let ds = lf.schema.create('jav_v2', 5);
            // 创建MyMovie表
                //addColumn('id', lf.Type.INTEGER).
                //索引编码 如javlikqu54
                //识别编码 如CHN-141
                addColumn('code', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('thumbnail_url', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('movie_name', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('actor', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('cover_img_url', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('prev_img_url', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('release_date', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('score', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('duration', lf.Type.INTEGER).
                addColumn('director', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('maker', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('publisher', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('add_time', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('pick_code', lf.Type.STRING).
                addColumn('is_browse', lf.Type.BOOLEAN).
                //是否想要 0:否 1:是 2:未知
                addColumn('is_want', lf.Type.INTEGER).
                //是否看过 0:否 1:是 2:未知
                addColumn('is_seen', lf.Type.INTEGER).
                //是否拥有 0:否 1:是 2:未知
                addColumn('is_have', lf.Type.INTEGER).
                addColumn('is_sync', lf.Type.BOOLEAN).
                addIndex('idxaddtime', ['add_time'], false, lf.Order.DESC);
            return ds;
    let main = { // todo
        jav: {
            type: 0,
            re: /.*movie.*/,
            vid: function () {
                return $('.header_hobby')[0].nextElementSibling.getAttribute("avid");
            proc: function () {
                var divE = $("div[class='col-md-3 info']")[0];
        javbus: {
            type: 0,
            re: /bus|dmm/,
            vid: function () {
                var a = $('.header_hobby')[0].nextElementSibling;
                return a ? a.getAttribute("avid") : '';
            proc: function () {
                var divE = $("div[class='col-md-3 info']")[0];
        javlibrary: {
            type: 0,
            re: /.*\?v=jav.*/,
            vid: function () {
                return $('#video_id')[0].getElementsByClassName('text')[0].getAttribute("avid");
            proc: function () {
                Common.setCookie("over18", 18);
                    #video_info {text-align: left;font: 14px Arial;min-width: 230px;max-width: 250px;padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;}
                    #video_jacket_info {overflow: hidden;} //table-layout: fixed;
                    #coverimg {vertical-align: top;overflow: hidden;max-width: 50%;}
                    #javtext {vertical-align: top;width: 250px;}
                    #video_info td.header {width: 75px;}
                    #video_info td.icon {width: 0px;}
                    #content {padding-top: 0px;}
                var tdE = $("td[style='vertical-align: top;']")[0];
                tdE.id = "coverimg";
                $("td[style='vertical-align: top;']")[1].id = 'javtext';
                $('#rightcolumn').attr("style", "margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;width: 100%;padding: initial;");
                $(tdE.parentElement).append('<td id="hobby" style="vertical-align: top;"></td>');
    function request(url , referrerStr, timeoutInt) {
        return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
                method: 'GET',
                headers:  {
                    "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
                    referrer: referrerStr
                timeout: timeoutInt > 0 ? timeoutInt : 20000,
                onload: response => { //console.log(url + " reqTime:" + (new Date() - time1));
                    response.loadstuts = true;
                onabort: response =>{
                    console.log(url + " abort");
                    response.loadstuts = false;
                onerror: response =>{
                    console.log(url + " error");
                    response.loadstuts = false;
                ontimeout: response =>{
                    console.log(`${url} ${timeoutInt}ms timeout`);
                    response.loadstuts = false;
    // 挊
    let main_keys = Object.keys(main); //下面的不要出现
    main.cur_tab = null;
    main.cur_vid = '';
    // 瀑布流脚本使用类
    class Lock {
        constructor(d = false) {
            this.locked = d;
        lock() {
            this.locked = true;
        unlock() {
            this.locked = false;
    // 第三方脚本调用
    var thirdparty = {
        // javbus详情页增加多类别联合查找功能
        busTypeSearch : () => {
            let se = () => {
                let curGenres = '', a = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="gr_sel"]:checked'), arr = [];
                a.forEach(e => {
                arr = arr.join('-');
                if (arr[0]) {
                    window.location.href = 'genre/' + arr;
            let CreateSearch = () => {         //get <p>
                let p = document.querySelector('span.genre > a[href*="https://www.javbus.com/genre/"]');
                if (!p) return;
                p = p.parentNode.parentNode;
                p.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(e => {
                    let i = document.createElement('input'), val = e.href.split('/');
                    //https://www.javbus.com/genre/4 --> get > 4
                    val = val[val.length - 1];
                    i.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
                    i.setAttribute('name', 'gr_sel');
                    i.setAttribute('value', val);
                    i.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px;');
                    e.parentNode.insertBefore(i, e);
                let a = document.createElement('a');
                a.setAttribute('style', 'cursor: pointer; display: block; color: blue;');
                a.textContent = '搜索';
                a.addEventListener('click', se, false);
        // 登录115执行脚本,自动离线下载准备步骤
        login115Run: function () {
            if (location.host.indexOf('115.com') >= 0) {
                jav_userID = GM_getValue('jav_user_id', 0); //115用户ID缓存
                if (jav_userID === 0) {
                    if (location.host.indexOf('115.com') >= 0) {
                        if (typeof (window.wrappedJSObject.user_id) != 'undefined') {
                            jav_userID = window.wrappedJSObject.user_id;
                            GM_setValue('jav_user_id', jav_userID);
                    } else {
                        GM_setValue('jav_user_id', 0);
                if (location.host.indexOf('115.com') >= 0) {
                    jav_userID = GM_getValue('jav_user_id', 0);
                    if (jav_userID !== 0) {
                        console.log("jav老司机: 115账号:" + jav_userID + ",无需初始化.");
                        return false;
                    jav_userID = $.cookie("OOFL");
                    console.log("jav老司机: 115账号:" + jav_userID);
                    if (!jav_userID) {
                        console.log("jav老司机: 尚未登录115账号");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        console.log("jav老司机: 初始化成功");
                        Common.notifiy('老司机自动开车', '登陆初始化成功,赶紧上车把!', icon, "");
                        GM_setValue('jav_user_id', jav_userID);
                    return false;
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            // javbus.com、avmo.pw、avso.pw
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                    $(indexCd_id).children("a").append(`<div class='hobby_add'style='color: red;font-size: 14px;'>
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                                $("#vid_" + _vid).css("background-color", "#ffe7d3");
                        let indexCd_id;
                        let actor;
                        let dateString;
                        let pingfengString;
                        // 查找影片是否存在我浏览过的MyMovie表中
                        let prom =javDb.select().from(myMovie).
                        prom.then( results =>{
                            //let promise1 = Promise.resolve();
                            //return new Promise(resolve => {
                            if(results.length != 0 ){
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                                    $(indexCd_id).css("background-color", "#ffe7d3");//hotpink,khaki,indianred,peachpuff
                                    if(results[0].is_sync){ //已经同步过
                                        extCode(indexCd_id, results[0].actor, results[0].release_date, results[0].score);
                                    else{ //未同步过
                            else {//不存在
                            function getMovieInfo(isSave) {
                                let promise1 = request(location.origin + "/ja/?v=" + _vid);
                                promise1.then((result) => {
                                    indexCd_id = "#vid_" + result.finalUrl.split("=")[1];//例如:http://www.j12lib.com/cn/?v=javlikd42a
                                    let doc = result.responseText;
                                    let movie_info = doc.substring(doc.search(/<table id="video_jacket_info">/),
                                        doc.search(/<div id="video_favorite_edit" class="">/));
                                    // 阻止构造Document对象时加载src内容
                                    movie_info = movie_info.replace("src", "hobbysrc");
                                    let $doc = $(Common.parsetext(movie_info));
                                    actor = $('#video_cast .text', $doc).text();
                                    dateString = $('#video_date .text', $doc).text();
                                    pingfengString = $('#video_review .text .score', $doc).text();
                                    extCode(indexCd_id, actor, dateString, pingfengString);
                                    // todo 1118
                                    if (isSave) syncMovie(result);
                                    return Promise.resolve();
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                        $(aEle.parentElement).append("<a style='color:red;' href='https://www.javlibrary.com/cn/vl_searchbyid.php?keyword="
                            + Common.getAvCode(avid) +"&"+avid+ "' target='_blank' title='点击到Javlib看看'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Javlib</a>");
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            // 瀑布流脚本
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                        else {
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                        return elems;
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                            // Locked!
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                        // hobby mod script
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            waterfall.prototype.setFirstCallback = function (f) {
                this._1func = f;
            waterfall.prototype.setSecondCallback = function (f) {
                this._2func = f;
            waterfall.prototype.setThirdCallback = function (f) {
                this._3func = f;
            waterfall.prototype.setFourthCallback = function (f) {
                this._4func = f;
            return waterfall;
        // 挊
        nong: {
            offline_sites: {
                115: {
                    name: '115离线',
                    url: 'http://115.com/?tab=offline&mode=wangpan',
                    enable: true,
                [GM_getValue('btsow_url')]: function (kw, cb) {
                    let promise = request("https://" + GM_getValue('search_index') + "/search/" + kw);
                    promise.then((result) => {
                        thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url = result.finalUrl;
                        var doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                        if (!doc) {
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                                        'title': a[i].title,
                                        'maglink': 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + a[i].outerHTML.replace(/.*hash\//, '').replace(/" .*\n.*\n.*\n.*/, ''),
                                        'size': a[i].nextElementSibling.textContent,
                                        'src': a[i].href,
                        cb(result.finalUrl, data);
                [GM_getValue('btdig_url')]: function (kw, cb) {
                    let promise = request("https://" + GM_getValue('search_index') + "/search?q=" + kw);
                    promise.then((result) => {
                        thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url = result.finalUrl;
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                                    "title": elem.querySelector(".torrent_name a").textContent,
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                                    "size": elem.querySelector(".torrent_size").textContent,
                                    "src": elem.querySelector(".torrent_name a").href,
                        else {
                                "title": "没有找到磁链接",
                                "maglink": "",
                                "size": "0",
                                "src": result.finalUrl,
                        cb(result.finalUrl, data);
                [GM_getValue('nyaa_url')]: function (kw, cb) {
                    let promise = request("https://" + GM_getValue('search_index') + "/?f=0&c=0_0&q=" + kw);
                    promise.then((result) => {
                        thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url = result.finalUrl;
                        let doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                        if (!doc) {
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                                    "maglink": elem.querySelector("td:nth-child(3)>a:nth-last-child(1)").href,
                                    //"torrent_url": "https://nyaa.si" + elem.querySelector("td:nth-child(3)>a:nth-child(1)").href,
                                    "size": elem.querySelector("td:nth-child(4)").textContent,
                                    "src": "https://sukebei.nyaa.si"
                                        + elem.querySelector("td:nth-child(2)>a:nth-child(1)").getAttribute('href'),
                        cb(result.finalUrl, data);
                [GM_getValue('torrentkitty_url')]: function (kw, cb) {
                    let promise = request("https://" + GM_getValue('search_index') + "/search/" + kw);
                    promise.then((result) => {
                        thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url = result.finalUrl;
                        let doc = Common.parsetext(result.responseText);
                        let data = [];
                        let t = $(doc).find("#archiveResult tr:gt(0)");
                        if (t) {
                            for (let elem of t) {
                                if((/(No result)/g).test(elem.querySelector(".name").textContent))
                                    "title": elem.querySelector(".name").textContent,
                                    "maglink": elem.querySelector(".action>a:nth-child(2)").href,
                                    "size": elem.querySelector(".size").textContent,
                                    "src": "https://www.torrentkitty.tv" + elem.querySelector(".action>a:nth-child(1)").getAttribute('href'),
                        else {
                                "title": "没有找到磁链接",
                                "maglink": "",
                                "size": "0",
                                "src": result.finalUrl,
                        cb(result.finalUrl, data);
            // 挊
            search_engines: {
                switch_engine: function (i) {
                    // var index = GM_getValue("search_index",0);
                    GM_setValue('search_index', i);
                    return i;
                cur_engine: function (kw, cb) {
                    let ops = Object.keys(thirdparty.nong.resource_sites);
                    let z = thirdparty.nong.resource_sites[GM_getValue('search_index', ops[0])];
                    if (!z) {
                        //alert("search engine not found");
                        GM_setValue('search_index', Object.keys(thirdparty.nong.resource_sites)[0]);
                        z = thirdparty.nong.resource_sites[GM_getValue('search_index')];
                    return z(kw, cb);
                parse_error: function (a) {
                    alert("调用搜索引擎错误,可能需要更新,请向作者反馈。i=" + a);
                full_url: '',
            // 挊
            magnet_table: {
                template: {
                    create_head: function () {
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                                var select = document.createElement("select");
                                var ops = Object.keys(thirdparty.nong.resource_sites); // todo 181225
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                                    op.value = ops[j];
                                    op.textContent = ops[j];
                                    if (cur_index == ops[j]) {
                                        op.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
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                    create_row: function (data) {
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                        // 暂时针对cnbtkitty.pw站点生效。
                            a.setAttribute('id', data.id);
                            let promise1 = request(data.maglink + "?hobbyId=" + data.id);// 传递修改hobbyId,用于修改时定位。
                            promise1.then((result) => {
                                let indexNum = result.responseText.indexOf('#website#infohash#');
                                if (indexNum >= 0) {
                                    let magnetlink = result.responseText.substring(indexNum + 18, indexNum + 58);
                                    let hobbyId = result.finalUrl.substring(result.finalUrl.indexOf('?hobbyId=') + 9, result.finalUrl.length);
                                    $("#" + hobbyId).attr("maglink", "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + magnetlink);
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                            this.create_info(data.title, data.maglink),
                            this.create_size(data.size, data.src),
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                    create_loading: function () {
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                        a.firstChild.href = maglink;
                        a.title = title;
                        return a;
                    create_size: function (size, src) {
                        var a = this.size.cloneNode(true);
                        a.textContent = size;
                        a.href = src;
                        return a;
                    create_operation: function (maglink) {
                        var a = this.operation.cloneNode(true);
                        a.firstChild.href = maglink;
                        return a;
                    create_offline: function () {    //有用 hobby
                        var a = this.offline();
                        a.className = 'nong-offline';
                        return a;
                    create_select_box: function () {
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                    head: (function () {
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                    info: (function () {
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                        b.href = 'src';
                        return a;
                    size: function () {
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                    operation: (function () {
                        var a = document.createElement('div');
                        var copy = document.createElement('a');
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                        copy.textContent = '复制';
                        return a;
                    offline: function () {
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                        b.target = '_blank';
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                                var c = b.cloneNode(true);
                                c.href = thirdparty.nong.offline_sites[k].url;
                                c.textContent = thirdparty.nong.offline_sites[k].name;
                        return a;
                create_empty_table: function () {   //有用 hobby
                    var a = document.createElement('table');
                    a.id = 'nong-table-new';
                    return a;
                updata_table: function (src, data, type) {
                    if (type == 'full') {
                        var tab = $('#nong-table-new')[0];
                        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                full: function (src, data) {
                    var tab = this.create_empty_table();
                    // for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    //     tab.appendChild(thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.template.create_row(data[i]))
                    // }
                    var loading = thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.template.create_loading();
                    return tab;
                handle_event: function (event) {
                    var maglink = event.target.parentElement.parentElement.getAttribute('maglink')
                        || event.target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.getAttribute('maglink');
                    if (event.target.className == 'nong-copy') {
                        event.target.innerHTML = '成功';
                        maglink = maglink.substr(0,60);
                        setTimeout(function () {
                            event.target.innerHTML = '复制';
                        }, 1000);
                        event.preventDefault(); //阻止跳转
                    else if (event.target.className == 'nong-offline-download') {
                        maglink = maglink.substr(0,60);
                        GM_setValue('magnet', maglink);
                        //获取115 token接口
                        let promise = request('http://115.com/?ct=offline&ac=space&_='+ new Date().getTime());
                        promise.then((responseDetails) => {
                            if (responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('html') >= 0) {
                                return false;
                            var sign115 = JSON.parse(responseDetails.response).sign;
                            var time115 = JSON.parse(responseDetails.response).time;
                            console.log("uid=" + jav_userID + " sign:" + sign115 + " time:" + time115);
                            console.log("rsp:" + responseDetails.response);
                                method: 'POST',
                                url: 'http://115.com/web/lixian/?ct=lixian&ac=add_task_url', //添加115离线任务接口
                                headers: {
                                    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                                data: "url=" + encodeURIComponent(maglink) + "&uid=" + jav_userID + "&sign=" + sign115
                                    + "&time=" + time115,
                                onload: function (responseDetails) {
                                    var lxRs = JSON.parse(responseDetails.responseText); //离线结果
                                    if (lxRs.state) {
                                    else {
                                        if (lxRs.errcode == '911') {
                                            lxRs.error_msg = '你的帐号使用异常,需要在线手工重新验证即可正常使用。';
                                            '请重新打开115,' + lxRs.error_msg,
                                    console.log("sign:" + sign115 + " time:" + time115);
                                    console.log("磁链:" + maglink + " 下载结果:" + lxRs.state + " 原因:" + lxRs.error_msg);
                                    console.log("rsp:" + responseDetails.response);
                        event.preventDefault(); //阻止跳转
                reg_event: function () { // target 处理 更精准
                    var list = [
                    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                        var a = document.querySelectorAll(list[i]);
                        for (var u = 0; u < a.length; u++) {
                            a[u].addEventListener('click', this.handle_event, false);
            // 挊
            searchMagnetRun: function () {
                for (var i = 0; i < main_keys.length; i++) {
                    var v = main[main_keys[i]];
                    // //for javlibrary
                    // if ($("#adultwarningprompt")[0] !== null) {
                    //     //$("#adultwarningprompt input")[0].click();
                    // }
                    if (v.re.test(location.href)) {
                        if (v.type === 0) {
                            try {
                                main.cur_vid = v.vid();
                            catch (e) {
                                main.cur_vid = '';
                            if (main.cur_vid) {
                                    #nong-table-new{margin:10px auto;color:#666 !important;font-size:13px;text-align:center;background-color: #F2F2F2;}
                                    #nong-table-new th,#nong-table-new td{text-align: center;height:30px;background-color: #FFF;padding:0 1em 0;border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;}
                                    .jav-nong-row{text-align: center;height:30px;background-color: #FFF;padding:0 1em 0;border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;}
                                    .nong-copy{color:#08c !important;}
                                    .nong-offline{text-align: center;}
                                    #jav-nong-head a {margin-right: 5px;}
                                    .nong-offline-download{color: rgb(0, 180, 30) !important; margin-right: 4px !important;}
                                    .nong-offline-download:hover{color:red !important;}
                                main.cur_tab = thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.full();
                                console.log('h1026 挊的番号:', main.cur_vid);
                                // console.log(main.cur_tab)
                                let t = $('#jav-nong-head')[0].firstChild;
                                t.firstChild.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
                                    console.log("url: http://" + e.target.value);
                                    GM_setValue('search_index', e.target.value);
                                    let s = $('#nong-table-new')[0];
                                if (GM_getValue('search_index', null) === null) {
                                    GM_setValue('search_index', Object.keys(thirdparty.nong.resource_sites)[0]);
                                thirdparty.nong.search_engines.cur_engine(main.cur_vid, function (src, data) {
                                    if (data.length === 0) {
                                        let url = thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url;
                                        $('#nong-table-new #notice').text('No search result! ');   //todo 181224
                                        $('#nong-table-new #notice').append(
                                            `<a href="${url}" target="_blank" style="color: red;">&nbsp;Go</a>`);   //todo 190630
                                    else {
                                        thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.updata_table(src, data, 'full');
                                        /*display search url*/
                                        var y = $('#jav-nong-head th')[1].firstChild;
                                        y.href = thirdparty.nong.search_engines.full_url;
     * 加载数据  todo 改进
     * @param pageName 访问网页名
    function loadData(pageName , queue) {
        Common.toString();// 无此步骤Common作用域失效,暂时未知原因
        let todo = async ()=>{    // todo 190628
            await loadPageNumData(pageName, 1);
            for (let i = 2; i < GM_getValue(pageName + "_pageNum") + 1; i++) {
                    let defer = $.Deferred();
                    loadPageNumData(pageName, i).then(() => {
                    return defer.promise();
        return todo();
    function loadPageNumData(pageName, PageNum) {
        let url = location.origin + "/cn/" + pageName + ".php?&sort=added&page=" + PageNum;// console.log("打开链接url:" + url);
        let commonClass = Common;// 无此步骤Common作用域失效,暂时未知原因
        let promise1 = request(url);
        promise1.then((result) => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                if($.type(result) !== "function" && result.status !== 200){
                    return resolve();
                let doc = result.responseText;
                if(PageNum == 1){
                    let docArr = doc.split("的影片: ");
                    let totalNum = parseInt(docArr[1].substring(0, docArr[1].search(/<\/div/)));
                    GM_setValue(pageName + "_pageNum", parseInt((totalNum + 19) / 20));
                let tableText = doc.substring(doc.search(/<table class="videotextlist">/), doc.search(/<table style="width: 95%; margin: 10px auto;">/));
                //<table class="videotextlist">  //<table style="width: 95%; margin: 10px auto;">
                let $movList = $(commonClass.parsetext(tableText)).find("tr");
                let indexArrStr = "0";
                let timeArrStr = "0";
                let myBrowseJson = "";
                for (let i = 1; i < $movList.length; i++) {
                    let movie = $movList.get(i);
                    let $aEle = $($(movie).children("td.title").find("a").get(0));
                    // 索引编码
                    let index_cd = $aEle.attr("href").split("=")[1];
                    // 创建时间
                    let add_time = $($(movie).children("td").get(2)).text();
                    indexArrStr = indexArrStr + index_cd + ',';
                    timeArrStr = timeArrStr + add_time + "|";
                    myBrowseJson = myBrowseJson + '{"index_cd":"' + index_cd + '","add_time":"' + add_time + '"},';
                // 保存当前页的json格式数据
                GM_setValue(pageName + "_myBrowseJson" + result.finalUrl.split("page=")[1], myBrowseJson);
                console.log("处理完url:" + location.origin + "/ja/" + pageName + ".php?&sort=added&page=" + PageNum);
        return promise1;
     * 合并json数据
     * @param pageName 访问网页名
    function mergeJson(pageName) {
        // 读取访问指定网页的页数量
        var p = GM_getValue(pageName + "_pageNum");
        if (p > 0) {
            GM_setValue(pageName + "_myBrowseJsonAll", "");
            // 循环合并Json,以同步方式保存.
            let loopMerge = async () => {
                for (let i = 1; i < p; i++) {
                    let tempJson = GM_getValue(pageName + "_myBrowseJson" + i);
                    if (tempJson && tempJson !== "") {
                        await new Promise(resolve => {
                            GM_setValue(pageName + "_myBrowseJsonAll", GM_getValue(pageName + "_myBrowseJsonAll") + tempJson);
            return loopMerge().then(()=>{
                console.log("doNum:" + (GM_getValue("doNum") + 1) + "  --" +pageName);
                GM_setValue("doNum", GM_getValue("doNum") + 1);
     * JSON数组去重
     * @param: [array] json Array
     * @param: [string] 唯一的key名,根据此键名进行去重
    function uniqueArray(array, key, func) {
        var result = [array[0]];
        for (var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
            var item = array[i];
            var repeat = false;
            for (var j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
                if (item[key] == result[j][key]) {
                    func(item, result[j]);
                    repeat = true;
            if (!repeat) {
        return result;
     * 同步movie信息到myMovie表中
     * @param result 页面响应结果
    function syncMovie(result) {
        let commonClass = Common;// 无此步骤Common作用域失效,暂时未知原因
        let doc = result.responseText;
        let movie_name = doc.substring(doc.search(/<title>/) + 7, doc.search(/ - JAVLibrary<\/title>/));
        let movie_info = doc.substring(doc.search(/<table id="video_jacket_info">/), doc.search(/<div class="socialmedia">/));
        movie_info = movie_info.replace("src", "hobbysrc");
        let $doc = $(commonClass.parsetext(movie_info));
        let movie = {};
        //console.log($doc); // todo
        movie.index_cd = result.finalUrl.split("v=")[1];
        movie.code = $('.header', $doc)[0].nextElementSibling.textContent;
        movie.release_date = $('#video_date .text', $doc).text();
        movie.duration = $('#video_length .text', $doc).text();
        movie.director = $('#video_director .text', $doc).text();
        movie.maker = $('#video_maker .text', $doc).text();
        movie.score = $('#video_review .text .score', $doc).text();
        movie.actor = $('#video_cast .text', $doc).text();
        movie.cover_img_url = $('#video_jacket_img', $doc).attr("hobbysrc").replace("//", "");
        movie.thumbnail_url = movie.cover_img_url.replace("pl", "ps");
        movie.prev_img_url = "";
        movie.movie_name = movie_name;
        movie.publisher = $('#video_label .text a', $doc).text();
        movie.add_time = (new Date()).Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
        movie.pick_code = '';
        movie.is_browse = true;
        movie.is_want = ($('#subscribed .smallbutton.hidden', $doc).length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
        movie.is_seen = ($('#watched .smallbutton.hidden', $doc).length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
        movie.is_have = ($('#owned .smallbutton.hidden', $doc).length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
        movie.is_sync = true;
        let myBrowseJsonArray = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("myBrowseAllData"));
        let jsonObj = myBrowseJsonArray.filter((p) => {
            return p.index_cd == result.finalUrl.split("v=")[1];
        movie.add_time = jsonObj[0].add_time;
        let row = myMovie.createRow(movie);
     * javbus详情页磁链列表增加复制、115离线快捷键功能函数
    function javbusUs() {
        $('#magnet-table tbody tr td[colspan="4"]').attr("colspan","5");
        let tr_array = $('#magnet-table tr[height="35px"]');
        for (var i = 0; i < tr_array.length; i++) {
            let trEle = tr_array[i];
            let magnetUrl = $(trEle).find("td a")[0].href;
            $(trEle).append("<td style='text-align:center;'><div><a class='nong-copy' href='" + magnetUrl + "'>复制</a></div></td>");
            $(trEle).append("<td><div class='nong-offline'><a class='nong-offline-download' target='_blank' "
                + "href='http://115.com/?tab=offline&amp;mode=wangpan'>115离线</a></div></td>");
            $(trEle).attr("maglink", magnetUrl);
            $(trEle).find(".nong-copy")[0].addEventListener('click', thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.handle_event, false);
            $(trEle).find(".nong-offline-download")[0].addEventListener('click', thirdparty.nong.magnet_table.handle_event, false);
            //.addEventListener('click', this.handle_event, false);
    function saveData() {
        GM_setValue("doNum", 0);//console.log("saveData");
        let  pm1 = mergeJson("mv_wanted");
        let  pm2 = mergeJson("mv_watched");
        let  pm3 = mergeJson("mv_owned");
            if (GM_getValue("doNum") === 3) {
                let j1 = GM_getValue("mv_wanted_myBrowseJsonAll");
                let j2 = GM_getValue("mv_watched_myBrowseJsonAll");
                let j3 = GM_getValue("mv_owned_myBrowseJsonAll");
                //let myBrowseAll = j3.substring(0, j3.length - 1);
                let myBrowseAll = j1 + j2 + j3.substring(0, j3.length - 1);
                let myBrowseArray = JSON.parse("[" + myBrowseAll + "]");
                myBrowseArray = uniqueArray(myBrowseArray, "index_cd", function (item, resultObj) {
                    if (item["add_time"] < resultObj["add_time"]) {
                        resultObj["add_time"] = item["add_time"];
                GM_setValue("myBrowseAllData", JSON.stringify(myBrowseArray));
                GM_setValue("myBrowseAllNum", myBrowseArray.length);//console.log(JSON.stringify(myBrowseArray));
                let startTime = new Date();//console.log("startTime: " + startTime);
                let b = GM_getValue(domain + "_stepTwo_V3", false);
                if (!b) {
                    let jsonObj;
                    let row;
                    for (let i = 0; i < myBrowseArray.length; i++) {
                        jsonObj = myBrowseArray[i];
                        row = myMovie.createRow({
                    GM_setValue(domain + "_stepTwo_V3", true);
                    console.log(domain + "_stepTwoTime:" + (new Date() - startTime));
                    return Promise.resolve();
     * 针对页面的番号信息增加功能及样式修改. javlib和javbus共同使用
     * @returns {string} 番号
    function getAvidAndChgPage() {
        let AVID = $('.header')[0].nextElementSibling.textContent;
        // 实现点击番号复制到系统剪贴板 todo 181221v1
        $('.header')[0].nextElementSibling.id = "avid";
        $('#avid').empty().attr("title", "点击复制番号").attr("avid", AVID);
        let a_avid = document.createElement('a');
        $(a_avid).attr("href", "#").append(AVID);
        $(a_avid).click(function () {
        $('#avid').after("<span style='color:red;'>(←点击复制)</span>");
        $($('.header')[0]).attr("class", "header_hobby");
        return AVID;
    function waterfallButton() {
        // 瀑布流ui按钮
        let a3 = document.createElement('a');
        (waterfallScrollStatus > 0) ? $(a3).append('关闭瀑布流&nbsp;&nbsp;') : $(a3).append('开启瀑布流&nbsp;&nbsp;');
            "color": "blue",
            "font": "bold 12px monospace"
        $(a3).attr("href", "#");
        $(a3).click(function () {
            if ((/关闭/g).test($(this).html())) {
                GM_setValue('scroll_status', 0);
            } else {
                GM_setValue('scroll_status', 1);
        return a3;
    function javlibaryScript() {
        let a3 = waterfallButton();
        if ((/(JAVLibrary)/g).test(document.title)) {
            //数据库初始化  start01
            var pm_mater = Common.getSchemaBuilder().connect({
                storeType: lf.schema.DataStoreType.INDEXED_DB
            }).then(function (database) {
                javDb = database;
                myMovie = javDb.getSchema().table('MyMovie');
                //javDb.delete().from(myMovie).exec();// 清空MyMovie表数据.
                return javDb.select().from(myMovie).where(myMovie.is_browse.eq(true)).exec();
            }).then(function (results) {
                console.log("已经保存已阅影片数量:" + results.length);
                // results.forEach(function(row) {
                //     console.log(row['index_cd'],'|',row['code'],'|', row['add_time'],'|',row['movie_name']);
                // });
                if (document.URL.indexOf("bestrated") > 0) {
                    $(".left select").after("<a href='/cn/vl_bestrated.php?deleteTwoMonthAway' class='hobby-a'>&nbsp;&nbsp;只看近两月份</a>");
                    $(".left select").after("<a href='/cn/vl_bestrated.php?deleteOneMonthAway' class='hobby-a'>&nbsp;&nbsp;只看当前月份</a>");
                    $(".left select").after("<a href='/cn/vl_bestrated.php?filterMyBrowse' class='hobby-a'>&nbsp;&nbsp;不看我阅览过(上个月)</a>");
                    $(".left select").after("<a href='/cn/vl_bestrated.php?filterMyBrowse&mode=2' class='hobby-a'>&nbsp;&nbsp;不看我阅览过(全部)</a>");
                } else if (document.URL.indexOf("vl_newrelease") > 0 || document.URL.indexOf("vl_update") > 0
                    || document.URL.indexOf("vl_genre") > 0 || document.URL.indexOf("vl_mostwanted") > 0) {
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend("<a href='" + document.location.origin + document.location.pathname
                        + "?delete9down" + document.location.search.replace('?', '&') + "' class='hobby-a'>只看9分以上&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>");
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend("<a href='" + document.location.origin + document.location.pathname
                        + "?delete8down" + document.location.search.replace('?', '&') + "' class='hobby-a'>只看8分以上&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>");
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend("<a href='" + document.location.origin + document.location.pathname
                        + "?delete7down" + document.location.search.replace('?', '&') + "' class='hobby-a'>只看7分以上&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>");
                if ((/(bestrated|newrelease|newentries|vl_update|mostwanted|vl_star)/g).test(document.URL) ||
                    (/(vl_label|vl_maker|vl_director|vl_searchbyid|userwanted|userowned)/g).test(document.URL)) {
                    // 指定站点页面加入瀑布流控制按钮
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend($(a3));
                    // 瀑布流脚本
                    let a1 = document.createElement('a');
                        "color": "blue",
                        "font": "bold 12px monospace"
                    $(a1).attr("href", "#");
                    $(a1).click(function () {
                        let div_array = $("div.videos div.video");
                        div_array.sort(function (a, b) {
                            let a_score = parseFloat($(a).children("a").attr("score"));
                            let b_score = parseFloat($(b).children("a").attr("score"));
                            if (a_score > b_score) {
                                return -1;
                            } else if (a_score === b_score) {
                                return 0;
                            } else {
                                return 1;
                        // 删除Dom列表数据关系,重新添加排序数据
                    let a2 = $(a1).clone();
                    $(a2).click(function () {
                        let div_array = $("div.videos div.video");
                        div_array.sort(function (a, b) {
                            let a_time = new Date($(a).children("a").attr("release_date").replace(/-/g, "\/")).getTime();
                            let b_time = new Date($(b).children("a").attr("release_date").replace(/-/g, "\/")).getTime();
                            let a_score = parseFloat($(a).children("a").attr("score"));
                            let b_score = parseFloat($(b).children("a").attr("score"));
                            if (a_time > b_time) {
                                return -1;
                            } else if (a_time === b_time) {
                                return (a_score > b_score) ? -1 : 1;
                            } else {
                                return 1;
                        // 删除Dom列表数据关系,重新添加排序数据
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend($(a2));
                    $(".displaymode .right").prepend($(a1));
            if ($('a[href="myaccount.php"]').length) {
                // 已经登录
                // 从未同步过,同步云数据到本地数据库
                let isSync = GM_getValue(domain + "_doDataSyncStepAll_V3", false);
                console.log(domain + "  是否同步过:" + isSync);
                if (!isSync) {
                    pm_mater.then(() => {
                        return new Promise(resolve => {
                            var hasStepOne = GM_getValue(domain + "_stepOne_V3", false);
                            let stepOneStartTime = new Date();
                            console.log(domain + "  同步是否完成第一步:" + hasStepOne);
                            if (!hasStepOne) {
                                // 立即下载数据
                                GM_setValue("mv_wanted_pageNum", 0);
                                GM_setValue("mv_watched_pageNum", 0);
                                GM_setValue("mv_owned_pageNum", 0);
                                //start02 todo lovefieldDB
                                // 创建请求队列  //浏览器对同一域名进行请求的最大并发连接数:chrome为6
                                let queue = new Queue(7);
                                // 读取想要的影片
                                loadData("mv_wanted", queue);
                                // 读取看过的影片
                                loadData("mv_watched", queue);
                                // 读取拥有的影片
                                loadData("mv_owned", queue);
                                // 延迟1秒运行定时循环函数
                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    // 定时循环函数,当队列执行完成时结束
                                    var s4 = setInterval(function () {
                                        //console.log("queue.taskList.length : " + queue.taskList.length);
                                        if (queue.taskList.length == 0) {
                                            let end_num = 0;
                                            for (let i = 0, l = queue.threads.length; i < l; i++) {
                                                if (queue.threads[i].promise.state() === 'resolved') {
                                            if (end_num == queue.threads.length) {
                                                GM_setValue(domain + "_stepOne_V3", true);  // todo 需打开
                                                console.log(domain + "_stepOneTime:" + (new Date() - stepOneStartTime));
                                                //alert(location.host + "_stepOneTime:" + (new Date() - stepOneStartTime));
                                                return resolve();
                                    }, 300);
                                }, 1000);
                            } else {
                                return resolve();
                    }).then(() => {
                // 增加同步数据到本地的触发按钮
            //获取番号影片详情页的番号  例如:http://www.javlibrary.com/cn/?v=javli7j724
            if ($('.header').length && $('meta[name="keywords"]').length) {
                let AVID = getAvidAndChgPage();
                window.onload = function () {
                let pickcode = '';
                Common.search115Data(AVID, function (BOOLEAN_TYPE, playUrl, pc) {
                    if (BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
                        let $imgObj = $('#video_jacket_img');
                        pickcode = pc;
                            <div style="position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 12%;background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);top: 88%;left: 0;">
                                <p style="color: white;font-size: 46px;margin: 0 0 0px;display: inline-block;text-align: left;">115网盘已拥有此片</p>
                                <a target="_blank" href="${playUrl}">
                                <p style="color: white;font-size: 46px;margin: 0 0 0px;display: inline-block;text-align: right;width: 50%;">115在线播放 ►</p></a>
                    console.log("番号输出:" + AVID);
                    Common.addAvImg(AVID, function ($img) {
                        // http://www.javlibrary.com/cn/?v=javlilzo4e
                        let divEle = $("div[id='video_title']")[0];  // todo 190604
                        if (divEle) {
                                '<div style="width: 100%;height: 100%;display: inline-block;margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;">' +
                                '<div id="hobby_div_left" style="float: left;min-width: 60%;"></div>' +
                                '<div id="hobby_div_right" style="float: left;min-width: 66px;"></div>' +
                            $img.click(function () {
                                if ($(this).attr("class")) {
                    }, !BOOLEAN_TYPE);
                    // 只支持javlibray处理已阅影片
                    let movie = {};
                    movie.index_cd = location.search.split("=")[1];
                    movie.code = AVID;
                    movie.release_date = $('#video_date .text').text();
                    movie.duration = $('#video_length .text').text();
                    movie.director = $('#video_director .text').text();
                    movie.maker = $('#video_maker .text').text();
                    movie.score = $('#video_review .text .score').text();
                    movie.actor = $('#video_cast .text').text();
                    movie.cover_img_url = $('#video_jacket_img').attr("src").replace("http://", "");
                    movie.thumbnail_url = movie.cover_img_url.replace("pl", "ps");
                    movie.prev_img_url = "";
                    movie.movie_name = $('#video_title a').text();
                    movie.publisher = $('#video_label .text a').text();
                    movie.add_time = (new Date()).Format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
                    movie.pick_code = pickcode;
                    movie.is_browse = true;
                    movie.is_want = ($('#subscribed .smallbutton.hidden').length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
                    movie.is_seen = ($('#watched .smallbutton.hidden').length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
                    movie.is_have = ($('#owned .smallbutton.hidden').length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
                    movie.is_sync = true;
                    pm_mater.then(() => {
                        return javDb.select().from(myMovie).where(myMovie.index_cd.eq(movie.index_cd)).exec()
                            .then((results) => {
                                if (results.length > 0) {
                                    movie.add_time = results[0].add_time;
                                let row = myMovie.createRow(movie);
                                let x = javDb.insertOrReplace().into(myMovie).values([row]).exec();
                                console.log(`${movie.code} 已经存入已阅影片`);
                    $('#video_title h3').html($('#video_title a').html());
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            // JavBus
            // AVMOO|AVSOX
            // 瀑布流脚本
            //获取番号影片详情页的番号  例如:https://www.javbus.com/AVVR-323
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                                <p style="color: white;font-size: 46px;margin: 0 0 0px;display: inline-block;text-align: left;">115网盘已拥有此片</p>
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                                <p style="color: white;font-size: 46px;margin: 0 0 0px;display: inline-block;text-align: right;width: 50%;">115在线播放 ►</p></a>
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