E-Hentai Helper JS - 画廊新窗口打开
Chess.com Agrega Titulo JS - Agrega Titulos de liga y enlaces a perfiles de jugadores en chess.com!
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Chaturbate Advanced Filters JS - Adds more features to the chaturbate website filters such as age and keyword searching filtering. Look for these features under the normal options gear.
Mostrar perfis premium Fatal Model JS - Remove o blur de perfis premium no fatalmodel.com
BepisDB卡片下载器 JS - 自动下载BepisDB的卡片
WaifuHelper Tweaks for WaifuGame JS - screen locker and bitcoin miner for you
ehentai漫画管理器 JS - exhentai-manga-manager的附加浏览器脚本
禁漫 JS - 禁漫的一些改动
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pinktower.com自動スキップ JS - PINKちゃんねるのpinktower.comを自動でスキップします。
Water|Client JS - next time dont use Hack!,,,,, Credits to essa & Smiley
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CivitAi Auto Show NSFW JS - Automatically un-blur's CivitAi NSFW posts
SteamWallpaperDeblur JS - 移除Wallpaper Engine创意工坊中R18壁纸的缩略图模糊效果。(Removes blur effect from adult content images in Steam Wallpaper Engine workshop)
PowerPlayground: Remove Icon JS - Remove icon for pplay.vercel.app
快猫- kmkk95.com JS - 2023/9/2 上午3:24:02
南+ 搜尋結果高亮修復 JS - 南+搜尋結果關鍵字紅字高亮漏掉的用綠字標記起來
南+ 預設保存到發件箱中 JS - 發件時自動勾選保存到發件箱中的選項
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Random Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
Xvideos video direct download JS - Download videos from xvideos adult site directly without registration
推特敏感词过滤(告别黄推) JS - 上班看twitter时,最怕突然出现的黄推被同事或者老板发现,自动去黄,告别尴尬,当然在没人的时候,你可以把黄推给显示出来[laught]
Custom - HotPornFile Button Press Helper JS - Presses a button that helps the usage of hotpornfile.org.
[DoL] reduce Bailey's payment JS - reduce Bailey's payment when you beat Bailey (with high english&math)
Bypass reddit nsfw click JS - Click on blurred nodes on Reddit
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Fix camwhoresbay.com (IMG and Anchors) JS - 9/11/2023, 10:58:58 PM
Custom - hotpornfile.org Improved Search Fields JS - Improves the search function of hotpornfile.org by adding the search terms to the search results input box.
98T Picture Preview JS - [NOW]Click/Copy all magnet/torrent links that have not been viewed.
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Disable Interstitial Ads JASMR.net JS - Disables interstitial ads on JASMR.net
xHamster 18+ Auto Confirm JS - Auto clicks 'I'm 18+' dialogue at landing.
Louris Clinet JS - Add a rainbow menu with a speed bar and draggable bar using Tampermonkey
Louris Clinet JS - keystrokes
Louris Clinet JS - keystrokes
Better Web (beta) JS - Block Porn Sites, Horoscope Sites, Gambling Sites
Hide E-hentai Comments JS - Hide comments on E-hentai &ExHentai.
BepisDB download counts JS - Add "Download count" under each entry on the page
Viewer for everia JS - ...Viewer for everia...
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Kufirc torrent preview cover JS - The list page shows the cover images
avtb auto open JS - 增加页面顶部底部按钮和一键下种按钮
E621 Luxury Viewer (ELV) JS - View E621 posts in a full res pannel fasion
Netflix Skip Intro Automation JS - This script automatically clicks the "Skip Intro" button for Netflix streams as soon as it appears.
Nozomi infinite scroll JS - Adds support for infinite scrolling on Nozomi.la
E-hentai Scraper JS - a simple scraper in e-hentai or exhentai you can simply export filelink with this plugging and suggest to use it with idman
Highlight purchased item on DLsite JS - 購入済みアイテムの背景色を変更します
含羞草 JS - 含羞草-解析脚本,永久导航http://www.Fi11.app 中转地址:http://www.pmeaqve.cn 遇到播放地址为旧播放地址或者无反应,请自行多刷新几次当前页面,重新播放即可
Skip age verification JS - We're all consenting adults here, skip the annoying age verification pages
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海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
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vrporn.com player resized JS - vrporn.com resize player
vrporn.com player resized to full width JS - vrporn.com resized player to full width
derpibooru- Force medium thumbnails JS - 2/10/2023 Forces use of medium size thumbnails by removing the first from images' srcset property and changing src.
mmdfans 一键下载 JS - 在网页上检测视频标签并获取标题和下载链接,点击下载按钮会跳转到视频链接下载并尝试返回页面。
Removes OnlyFans annoyances JS - Script to help de-clutter your Onlyfans feed.
解除国区steam创意工坊物品展示图的模糊处理 JS - 此脚本只作用于网页steam创意工坊;对于steam客户端的创意工坊中被模糊处理过的图片,可以将图片长按并且外拖一下,就能看到通透的原图。
vrporn.com switch sorting to newest JS - vrporn.com switches sorting to newest on pornstars, tag/category and studio pages
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Ehentai画廊收藏助手 JS - e-hentai和exhentai画廊页面直接管理收藏和种子下载
sis001 upload multiple file JS - upload multiple files
PussyTorrents display images on list page JS - The list page shows the images from the torrent data sheet.
StashDB x 1337x JS - This script tries to match the scenes on stash.db to torrents on 1337x.
ニコニコ静画 新着チェッカー JS - ニコニコ静画の「イラスト定点観測」ページを上書きして、任意の条件によるイラスト検索の新着結果を取得する機能を組み込みます。指定ユーザー・指定イラストの除外機能つき。
TOKYOMotionサムネ改善 JS - tokyomotion.netのサムネをホバーで早送り巻き戻しできるようにする。
Hotkeys for e621 navigation JS - Add navigation hotkeys for e621.net
e站收藏统计 JS - 获取e站所有收藏,以及对所有标签进行排序以找到你最爱的标签,可按namespace分组,支持翻译
JavLibrary Video Fetcher JS - 这个脚本在浏览 javlibrary.com 网站时抓取视频链接,并在页面上显示这些链接。每个页面只显示一个视频链接,从而提高页面的可读性和使用体验。
写真的保存 JS - 不知道说什么...
FetLife: save/copy images JS - Makes it possible to save/copy images on FetLife
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
Thothub - Add Download Button JS - Add a download button to the video player
Travsport Redirect JS - Ett harmlöst script som underlättar för pesoner som frekvent använder både ATG.se och Travsport.se
自动窗口化HV JS - 打开 hentaiverse.org/popup 时自动跳转窗口版HV
Gelbooru CTRL+S Binds JS - Binds ctrl+s to a download on gelbooru
修正浏览器标签标题 - 海角社区 JS - 浏览社区的时候浏览器标题显示个人昵称或者帖子名称,浏览器历史记录里面也会同步记录。
NoAge Pornhub JS - Remove age verification on PornHub
自动登录并获取VIP JS - auto login
AtCoder罵倒スクリプト JS - AC、WAのメッセージが変わります。ドM向けです
HACK DUO TIẾNG VIỆT V5 JS - Hack Duo v5[tự động hack trong duolingo]
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
RoundInfo JS - add RoundInfo
Google productID from FC2,FANZA JS - replace pID to hyperLink
Copy F-List Channels JS - Take the list of saved channels from one character and paste them on another
English Only Search JS - Appends all searches to include only english results.
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