- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Chaturbate Easy Tipping
- // @namespace madTipper
- // @version 0.2
- // @author omgmikey
- // @match https://chaturbate.com/*
- // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.min.js
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @license MIT
- // @run-at document-idle
- // @description Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
- // ==/UserScript==
- /* globals jQuery, $, initialRoomDossier */
- /* eslint-disable dot-notation, no-multi-spaces */
- var ID_PREFIX = '#madTipper'
- var CLASS_PREFIX = '.madTipper'
- var CLASS_INPUT = CLASS_PREFIX + '_input';
- var HTML_IDS = {
- 'BUTTON': 'button',
- 'BUTTON_BG': 'button_bg',
- 'POPUP': 'popup',
- 'AMOUNT': 'amount',
- 'COUNT': 'count',
- 'INTERVAL': 'interval',
- 'VARIANCE_LOWER': 'variance_lower',
- 'VARIANCE_UPPER': 'variance_upper',
- 'START': 'start',
- 'STOP': 'stop',
- 'TOTAL': 'total',
- 'ETA': 'eta'
- }
- for (var key in HTML_IDS) {
- HTML_IDS[key] = ID_PREFIX + '_' + HTML_IDS[key];
- }
- var defaultSendTipButton = null;
- var buttonAttach = null;
- var popupAttach = null;
- var tipsLeft = 0;
- var tipFunctionTimeout = null;
- var juration = loadJuration();
- waitForKeyElements("#sendTipButton", initialize, true);
- function initialize() {
- defaultSendTipButton = $('#sendTipButton');
- buttonAttach = defaultSendTipButton.parent();
- popupAttach = $('#SplitModeTipCallout').parent();
- createTipperButton();
- createTipperPopup();
- injectCSS();
- improveDefaultTipPopup();
- loadPreviousSettings();
- initializeButtonCallbacks();
- updateTipperButton();
- };
- function createTipperButton() {
- buttonAttach.append('<div id="madTipper_button_bg" class="sendTipButton"><a href="#" id="madTipper_button"></a></div>');
- }
- function updateTipperButton() {
- if (tipsLeft == 0) {
- $(HTML_IDS['BUTTON_BG']).html('MAD TIPPER').css({'width': '93px', 'max-width': '93px'});
- }
- else {
- $(HTML_IDS['BUTTON_BG']).html('MAD TIPPER (' + tipsLeft + ')').css({'width': '120px', 'max-width': '120px'});
- }
- }
- function createTipperPopup() {
- popupAttach.append(
- '<div class="overlay_popup" id="madTipper_popup">' +
- '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' +
- '<tbody>' +
- '<tr>' +
- '<td class="formborder">' +
- '<div class="title">Mad Tipper</div>' +
- '<div class="body">' +
- '<form>' +
- '<label>Amount per tip:</label><br >' +
- '<input type="text" id="madTipper_amount" class="madTipper_input">' +
- '<br />' +
- '<label>Number of tips:</label><br >' +
- '<input type="text" id="madTipper_count" class="madTipper_input">' +
- '<br /><hr />' +
- '<label>Interval:</label><br >' +
- '<input type="text" id="madTipper_interval" class="madTipper_input">' +
- '<br />' +
- '<label>Interval variance lower (optional):</label><br >' +
- '<input type="text" id="madTipper_variance_lower" class="madTipper_input">' +
- '<br />' +
- '<label>Interval variance upper (optional):</label><br >' +
- '<input type="text" id="madTipper_variance_upper" class="madTipper_input">' +
- '<br /><hr />' +
- 'Total tip: ' + '<a id="madTipper_total"></a>' +
- '<br />' +
- 'Estimated duration: ' + '<a id="madTipper_eta"></a>' +
- '</form>' +
- '<hr />' +
- '<button id="madTipper_start">Start</button>' +
- '<button id="madTipper_stop" disabled="disabled">Stop</button>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</td>' +
- '</tr>' +
- '</tbody>' +
- '</table>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- }
- function injectCSS() {
- $(HTML_IDS['BUTTON_BG']).attr('style', defaultSendTipButton.attr('style'));
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).attr('style', defaultSendTipButton.attr('style'));
- $(HTML_IDS['STOP']).attr('style', defaultSendTipButton.attr('style'));
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).addClass("sendTipButton");
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).prop('disabled', false);
- $(HTML_IDS['STOP']).prop('disabled', true);
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).attr('style', $('#SplitModeTipCallout').attr('style'));
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).css('left', '200px');
- $(CLASS_INPUT).css({
- 'width': 'auto',
- 'margin-bottom': '10px'
- });
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).draggable();
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP'] + ' .formborder').css({
- 'height': '420px'
- });
- }
- function improveDefaultTipPopup() {
- $('#SplitModeTipCallout').draggable();
- $('#SplitModeTipCallout .tipMessageInput').parent()
- .append('<input type="checkbox" id="tip_keepopen"></input>')
- .append('<label for="tip_keepopen">Keep this window open after tipping</label>');
- var tipPopup = $('#SplitModeTipCallout');
- var keepOpenCheckbox = $('#tip_keepopen');
- var popupIsForcedOpen = false;
- var tipPopupForm = window.$('#SplitModeTipCallout form');
- tipPopupForm.submit(onFormSubmit);
- $('body').click(function(ev) {
- if ($('#SplitModeTipCallout .sendTip button[type="submit"]').is(ev.target)) {
- popupIsForcedOpen = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!popupIsForcedOpen || tipPopup.has(ev.target).length) {
- return;
- }
- if (tipPopup.is(':visible')) {
- tipPopup.hide();
- }
- popupIsForcedOpen = false;
- });
- function onFormSubmit() {
- if (!keepOpenCheckbox.is(':checked')) {
- return;
- }
- if (!tipPopup.is(':visible')) {
- tipPopup.show();
- popupIsForcedOpen = true;
- keepPopupOpen();
- }
- }
- function keepPopupOpen() {
- if (!tipPopup.is(':visible')) {
- defaultSendTipButton.trigger('click');
- tipPopup.show();
- return;
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- keepPopupOpen();
- }, 100);
- }
- }
- function startTipping() {
- var err = verifyTipperFields();
- if (err) {
- alert(err);
- stopTipping();
- return;
- }
- saveCurrentSettings();
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).prop('disabled', true);
- $(HTML_IDS['STOP']).prop('disabled', false);
- $(CLASS_INPUT).prop('disabled', true);
- tipsLeft = getTipCount();
- /* we really want to send the first one immediately */
- sendTip();
- if (tipsLeft > 0) {
- chainQueueTips();
- }
- }
- function verifyTipperFields() {
- function isInt(value) {
- var regex = /^[0-9]+$/;
- return regex.test(String(value));
- }
- function isDuration(value) {
- try {
- juration.parse(value);
- return true;
- }
- catch(ex) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function isDurationOrEmpty(value) {
- return value === '' || isDuration(value);
- }
- if (!isInt(getTipAmountRaw()) || getTipAmount() <= 0) {
- return 'Tip amount field should be a positive integer.';
- }
- if (!isInt(getTipCountRaw()) || getTipCount() <= 0) {
- return 'Tip count field should be a positive integer.';
- }
- if (!isDuration(getTipInterval())) {
- return 'Tip interval should contain a duration. E.g.: "2.5s", "1", "2min"';
- }
- if (!isDurationOrEmpty(getVarianceLowerRaw()) || !isDurationOrEmpty(getVarianceUpperRaw())) {
- return 'Variance fields should contain durations, or be left blank. E.g.: "", "2.5s"';
- }
- }
- function getSleepInterval() {
- var interval = juration.parse(getTipInterval());
- var lower_bound = interval - getVarianceLower();
- var upper_bound = interval + getVarianceUpper();
- return getRandomNumber(lower_bound, upper_bound) * 1000;
- }
- function getRandomNumber(min, max) {
- return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
- }
- function chainQueueTips() {
- var sleepTime = getSleepInterval();
- tipFunctionTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
- sendTip(chainQueueTips);
- }, sleepTime);
- }
- function sendTip(queueNextTipFn) {
- var roomInfo = JSON.parse(initialRoomDossier);
- var queryUrl = '/tipping/send_tip/' + roomInfo.broadcaster_username + '/';
- var params = {
- 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': $.cookie('csrftoken'),
- 'tip_amount': getTipAmount(),
- 'tip_room_type': roomInfo.room_status,
- 'tip_type': 'public',
- 'from_username': roomInfo.viewer_username,
- 'source': 'theater',
- 'video_mode': 'split',
- 'message': '',
- };
- var formData = new FormData();
- for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(params)) {
- formData.append(k , v);
- }
- $.ajax({
- url: queryUrl,
- data: formData,
- method: 'POST',
- type: 'POST',
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function(response) {
- if (response.error) {
- alert(response.error);
- stopTipping();
- }
- }
- });
- updateTipsLeft();
- if (tipsLeft === 0) {
- stopTipping();
- }
- else if (queueNextTipFn) {
- queueNextTipFn();
- }
- }
- function updateTipsLeft() {
- tipsLeft--;
- updateTipperButton();
- }
- function stopTipping() {
- clearTimeout(tipFunctionTimeout);
- tipFunctionTimeout = null;
- tipsLeft = 0;
- updateTipperButton();
- $(HTML_IDS['STOP']).prop('disabled', true);
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).prop('disabled', false);
- $(CLASS_INPUT).prop('disabled', false);
- }
- function initializeButtonCallbacks() {
- var popup = $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']);
- var button = $(HTML_IDS['BUTTON_BG']);
- button.click(function(ev) {
- if (popup.is(':visible')) {
- popup.hide();
- }
- else {
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).attr('style', $('#SplitModeTipCallout').attr('style'));
- popup.show();
- }
- });
- popup.click(function(ev) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- });
- $(HTML_IDS['START']).click(function() {
- startTipping();
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).hide();
- });
- $(HTML_IDS['STOP']).click(function() {
- stopTipping();
- });
- $('body').click(function(ev) {
- if (ev.target.id != button.prop('id')) {
- $(HTML_IDS['POPUP']).hide();
- }
- });
- $(CLASS_INPUT).change(function() {
- calculateAndSetTotalTip();
- calculateAndSetETA();
- });
- }
- function calculateAndSetTotalTip() {
- var value = $(HTML_IDS['AMOUNT']).val() * $(HTML_IDS['COUNT']).val();
- $(HTML_IDS['TOTAL']).html(value + ' tokens');
- }
- function calculateAndSetETA() {
- var interval = juration.parse($(HTML_IDS['INTERVAL']).val());
- /* we're not counting the first tip */
- var count = getTipCount() - 1;
- var variance_lower = getVarianceLower();
- var variance_upper = getVarianceUpper();
- var eta = (interval + variance_upper - variance_lower) * count;
- $(HTML_IDS['ETA']).html(juration.stringify(eta, {'format': 'long', 'units': 2}));
- }
- function getTipAmount() {
- return parseInt(getTipAmountRaw());
- }
- function getTipAmountRaw() {
- return $(HTML_IDS['AMOUNT']).val();
- }
- function getTipInterval() {
- return $(HTML_IDS['INTERVAL']).val();
- }
- function getTipCount() {
- return parseInt(getTipCountRaw());
- }
- function getTipCountRaw() {
- return $(HTML_IDS['COUNT']).val();
- }
- function getVarianceLower() {
- return parseVariance(getVarianceLowerRaw());
- }
- function getVarianceLowerRaw() {
- return $(HTML_IDS['VARIANCE_LOWER']).val();
- }
- function getVarianceUpper() {
- return parseVariance(getVarianceUpperRaw());
- }
- function getVarianceUpperRaw() {
- return $(HTML_IDS['VARIANCE_UPPER']).val();
- }
- function parseVariance(variance) {
- if (variance == '0') {
- variance = 0;
- }
- variance = variance || 0;
- if (variance != 0) {
- variance = juration.parse(variance);
- }
- return variance;
- }
- function saveCurrentSettings() {
- GM_setValue('amount', getTipAmount());
- GM_setValue('interval', getTipInterval());
- GM_setValue('count', getTipCount());
- GM_setValue('variance_lower', getVarianceLower());
- GM_setValue('variance_upper', getVarianceUpper());
- }
- function loadPreviousSettings() {
- var amount = GM_getValue('amount', 1);
- $(HTML_IDS['AMOUNT']).val(amount);
- var count = GM_getValue('count', 10);
- $(HTML_IDS['COUNT']).val(count);
- var interval = GM_getValue('interval', '1s');
- $(HTML_IDS['INTERVAL']).val(interval);
- var variance_lower = GM_getValue('variance_lower', '');
- $(HTML_IDS['VARIANCE_LOWER']).val(variance_lower);
- var variance_upper = GM_getValue('variance_upper', '');
- $(HTML_IDS['VARIANCE_UPPER']).val(variance_upper);
- calculateAndSetTotalTip();
- calculateAndSetETA();
- }
- // Script ends here
- // Libs included because they're not on a popular cdn
- /*
- * juration - a natural language duration parser
- * https://github.com/domchristie/juration
- *
- * Copyright 2011, Dom Christie
- * Licenced under the MIT licence
- *
- */
- function loadJuration() {
- var UNITS = {
- seconds: {
- patterns: ['second', 'sec', 's'],
- value: 1,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': '',
- 'micro': 's',
- 'short': 'sec',
- 'long': 'second'
- }
- },
- minutes: {
- patterns: ['minute', 'min', 'm(?!s)'],
- value: 60,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'm',
- 'short': 'min',
- 'long': 'minute'
- }
- },
- hours: {
- patterns: ['hour', 'hr', 'h'],
- value: 3600,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'h',
- 'short': 'hr',
- 'long': 'hour'
- }
- },
- days: {
- patterns: ['day', 'dy', 'd'],
- value: 86400,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'd',
- 'short': 'day',
- 'long': 'day'
- }
- },
- weeks: {
- patterns: ['week', 'wk', 'w'],
- value: 604800,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'w',
- 'short': 'wk',
- 'long': 'week'
- }
- },
- months: {
- patterns: ['month', 'mon', 'mo', 'mth'],
- value: 2628000,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'm',
- 'short': 'mth',
- 'long': 'month'
- }
- },
- years: {
- patterns: ['year', 'yr', 'y'],
- value: 31536000,
- formats: {
- 'chrono': ':',
- 'micro': 'y',
- 'short': 'yr',
- 'long': 'year'
- }
- }
- };
- var stringify = function(seconds, options) {
- if(!_isNumeric(seconds)) {
- throw "juration.stringify(): Unable to stringify a non-numeric value";
- }
- if((typeof options === 'object' && options.format !== undefined) && (options.format !== 'micro' && options.format !== 'short' && options.format !== 'long' && options.format !== 'chrono')) {
- throw "juration.stringify(): format cannot be '" + options.format + "', and must be either 'micro', 'short', or 'long'";
- }
- var defaults = {
- format: 'short',
- units: undefined
- };
- var opts = _extend(defaults, options);
- var units = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'], values = [];
- var remaining = seconds;
- var activeUnits = 0;
- for(var i = 0, len = units.length;
- i < len && (opts.units == undefined || activeUnits < opts.units);
- i++) {
- var unit = UNITS[units[i]];
- values[i] = Math.floor(remaining / unit.value);
- if (values[i] > 0 || activeUnits > 0)
- activeUnits++;
- if(opts.format === 'micro' || opts.format === 'chrono') {
- values[i] += unit.formats[opts.format];
- }
- else {
- values[i] += ' ' + _pluralize(values[i], unit.formats[opts.format]);
- }
- remaining = remaining % unit.value;
- }
- var output = '';
- for(i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) {
- if(values[i].charAt(0) !== "0" && opts.format != 'chrono') {
- output += values[i] + ' ';
- }
- else if (opts.format == 'chrono') {
- output += _padLeft(values[i]+'', '0', i==values.length-1 ? 2 : 3);
- }
- }
- return output.replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/^(00:)+/g, '').replace(/^0/, '');
- };
- var parse = function(string) {
- // returns calculated values separated by spaces
- for(var unit in UNITS) {
- for(var i = 0, mLen = UNITS[unit].patterns.length; i < mLen; i++) {
- var regex = new RegExp("((?:\\d+\\.\\d+)|\\d+)\\s?(" + UNITS[unit].patterns[i] + "s?(?=\\s|\\d|\\b))", 'gi');
- string = string.replace(regex, function(str, p1, p2) {
- return " " + (p1 * UNITS[unit].value).toString() + " ";
- });
- }
- }
- var sum = 0,
- numbers = string
- .replace(/(?!\.)\W+/g, ' ') // replaces non-word chars (excluding '.') with whitespace
- .replace(/^\s+|\s+$|(?:and|plus|with)\s?/g, '') // trim L/R whitespace, replace known join words with ''
- .split(' ');
- for(var j = 0, nLen = numbers.length; j < nLen; j++) {
- if(numbers[j] && isFinite(numbers[j])) {
- sum += parseFloat(numbers[j]);
- } else if(!numbers[j]) {
- throw "juration.parse(): Unable to parse: a falsey value";
- } else {
- // throw an exception if it's not a valid word/unit
- throw "juration.parse(): Unable to parse: " + numbers[j].replace(/^\d+/g, '');
- }
- }
- return sum;
- };
- // _padLeft('5', '0', 2); // 05
- var _padLeft = function(s, c, n) {
- if (! s || ! c || s.length >= n) {
- return s;
- }
- var max = (n - s.length)/c.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
- s = c + s;
- }
- return s;
- };
- var _pluralize = function(count, singular) {
- return count == 1 ? singular : singular + "s";
- };
- var _isNumeric = function(n) {
- return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
- };
- var _extend = function(obj, extObj) {
- for (var i in extObj) {
- if(extObj[i] !== undefined) {
- obj[i] = extObj[i];
- }
- }
- return obj;
- };
- var juration = {
- parse: parse,
- stringify: stringify,
- humanize: stringify
- };
- return juration;
- };
- /*--- waitForKeyElements(): A utility function, for Greasemonkey scripts,
- that detects and handles AJAXed content.
- Usage example:
- waitForKeyElements (
- "div.comments"
- , commentCallbackFunction
- );
- //--- Page-specific function to do what we want when the node is found.
- function commentCallbackFunction (jNode) {
- jNode.text ("This comment changed by waitForKeyElements().");
- }
- IMPORTANT: This function requires your script to have loaded jQuery.
- */
- function waitForKeyElements (
- selectorTxt, /* Required: The jQuery selector string that
- specifies the desired element(s).
- */
- actionFunction, /* Required: The code to run when elements are
- found. It is passed a jNode to the matched
- element.
- */
- bWaitOnce, /* Optional: If false, will continue to scan for
- new elements even after the first match is
- found.
- */
- iframeSelector /* Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to
- search.
- */
- ) {
- var targetNodes, btargetsFound;
- if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined")
- targetNodes = $(selectorTxt);
- else
- targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents ()
- .find (selectorTxt);
- if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) {
- btargetsFound = true;
- /*--- Found target node(s). Go through each and act if they
- are new.
- */
- targetNodes.each ( function () {
- var jThis = $(this);
- var alreadyFound = jThis.data ('alreadyFound') || false;
- if (!alreadyFound) {
- //--- Call the payload function.
- var cancelFound = actionFunction (jThis);
- if (cancelFound)
- btargetsFound = false;
- else
- jThis.data ('alreadyFound', true);
- }
- } );
- }
- else {
- btargetsFound = false;
- }
- //--- Get the timer-control variable for this selector.
- var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {};
- var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace (/[^\w]/g, "_");
- var timeControl = controlObj [controlKey];
- //--- Now set or clear the timer as appropriate.
- if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) {
- //--- The only condition where we need to clear the timer.
- clearInterval (timeControl);
- delete controlObj [controlKey]
- }
- else {
- //--- Set a timer, if needed.
- if ( ! timeControl) {
- timeControl = setInterval ( function () {
- waitForKeyElements ( selectorTxt,
- actionFunction,
- bWaitOnce,
- iframeSelector
- );
- },
- 300
- );
- controlObj [controlKey] = timeControl;
- }
- }
- waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj;
- }