Hentai Haven - Anti-Adblock Killer

Circumvents the Anti-Adblock on Hentai Haven.

Від 01.01.2018. Дивіться остання версія.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hentai Haven - Anti-Adblock Killer
// @version      0.2
// @description  Circumvents the Anti-Adblock on Hentai Haven.
// @author       EroKaylaN
// @match        http://hentaihaven.org/*
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @run-at       document-body
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/12437
// ==/UserScript==

	.download_feed_link .download-panel:hover {\
		width: 227px;\
	.download_feed_link .download-panel:hover .slide-toggle {\
    margin-right: 20px;\
	.download_feed_link .download-panel:hover a.btn {\
		display: inline-block !important;\
	.video-js-no-padding {\
		padding-top: none !important;\

(function() {
	'use strict';
		document.querySelector('.download_feed_link > .lnks_fetching').remove();
	var videoJs = document.querySelector('.video-js');
			videoJs.className = videoJs.className.replace('video-js', 'video-js-no-padding');

	// Old script, hesitant to remove it entirely since the current fix is really weird.
	// var links = [];
	// var timeout;
 //    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
 //        mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
	// 		console.log(mutation);
 //            if(mutation.attributeName === "href") {
	// 			links.push({target: mutation.target, href: mutation.oldValue});
	// 			clearTimeout(timeout);
	// 			console.log('Attach links was run');
	// 			timeout = setTimeout(attachLinks, 200);
	// 		}
 //        });
 //    });

	// if(document.querySelector('body.single')) observer.observe(document.querySelector('body'), { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true});

	// function attachLinks() {
	// 	observer.disconnect();
	// 	links.forEach(function(link) {
	// 		link.target.href = link.href;
	// 	});

	// 	var downloadBtn = document.querySelector('.download_feed_link');

	// 	downloadBtn.appendChild(document.querySelector('.download-panel'));
	// 	document.querySelector('.download_feed_link > span.tooltip-wrapper').remove();

	//   // Clone to remove eventlistener preventing default action.
	// 	var clone = document.querySelector('.download_feed_link').cloneNode(true);
	// 	document.querySelector('.entry-content').insertBefore(clone, downloadBtn);
	// 	downloadBtn.remove();

	//   // Notify the success of the script
	// 	document.querySelector('.download_feed_link > .lnks_fetching').remove();
	// 	document.querySelector('.download_feed_link > sup').textContent = 'Anti-adblock killer was successful';
	// }