Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Iwara Enhancement

Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.

Від 18.03.2023. Дивіться остання версія.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Iwara Enhancement
// @name:zh-CN   Iwara增强
// @description  Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.
// @description:zh-CN 请参考脚本的主页以获取更多信息
// @noframes
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @match        *://**
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @author       guansss
// @source
// @runAt        document-start
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==
;(() => {
  "use strict"


  const external_Vue_namespaceObject = Vue

  function onClickOutside(el, callback) {
    document.addEventListener("click", handler)

    function handler(e) {
      if (!el.contains( {
        document.removeEventListener("click", handler)

   * MutationObserver that calls callback with just a single mutation.
  class SimpleMutationObserver extends MutationObserver {
    // since calling `new NodeList()` is illegal, this is the only way to create an empty NodeList

    constructor(callback) {
      super((mutations) => {
        for (const mutation of mutations) if (this.callback(mutation)) break
      this.callback = callback

     * @param options.immediate - When observing "childList", immediately trigger a mutation with existing nodes.
    observe(target, options) {
      super.observe(target, options)

      if (options && options.immediate && options.childList && target.childNodes.length)
          type: "childList",
          addedNodes: target.childNodes,
          removedNodes: SimpleMutationObserver.emptyNodeList,

  SimpleMutationObserver.emptyNodeList = document.querySelectorAll("#__absolutely_nonexisting")
  function hasClass(node, className) {
    return !!node.classList?.contains(className)

  let log


  function setLogger(logger) {
    log = logger.bind(console, `[${}]`)

  const external_VueI18n_namespaceObject = VueI18n

  const en_namespaceObject = JSON.parse(
    '{"language":"English","name":"Iwara Enhancement","description":"Multiple UI enhancements for better experience.","ui":{"show_list_options":"Show options","hide_list_options":"Hide options"},"s":{"enabled":"Enabled","download":{"label":"Download","auto":{"label":"One-click Download","desc":"Automatically starts download when clicking the download button.","warn":"This feature requires Tampermonkey.","warn_tm":["This feature requires Tampermonkey\'s <b>Browser API</b> download mode, please follow these steps:","Navigate to Tampermonkey\'s settings panel and then the <b>Settings</b> tab.","In <b>General</b> section, set <b>Config Mode</b> to <b>Advanced</b> (or <b>Beginner</b>).","In <b>Downloads BETA</b> section, set <b>Download Mode</b> to <b>Browser API</b>.","In <b>Downloads BETA</b> section, click <b>Save</b>.","Grant permission if requested.","Refresh this page."]},"resolution":{"label":"Preferred Resolution for Download"},"filename":{"label":"Filename","desc":"Filename template to use when downloading a video.<br>Each keyword should be surrounded by <b>{\'{ }\'}</b>.","preview":"Preview","key":{"id":"video\'s ID","title":"video\'s title","res":"video\'s resolution","author":"author\'s name","date":"date time when the download starts","up_date":"date time when the video was uploaded","date_ts":"DATE in timestamp format","up_date_ts":"UP_DATE in timestamp format"}}},"ui":{"label":"UI","like_rate":{"label":"Like rate","desc":"Displays like rates in video and image list."},"highlight_threshold":{"label":"Highlight threshold","desc":"Highlights video and image items over certain like rate."},"highlight_bg":{"label":"Highlight opacity"}},"script":{"label":"Script","language":{"label":"Language"}}}}'

  const zh_namespaceObject = JSON.parse(
    '{"language":"中文","name":"Iwara增强","description":"多种增强体验的界面优化","s":{"enabled":"启用","download":{"label":"下载","auto":{"label":"一键下载","desc":"点击下载按钮时自动开始下载","warn":"该功能仅在 Tampermonkey 中可用","warn_tm":["该功能需要启用 Tampermonkey 的<b>浏览器 API</b>下载模式,请按照以下步骤启用:","进入 Tampermonkey 的设置面板,选择<b>设置</b>标签页","在<b>通用</b>里,设置<b>配置模式</b>为<b>高级<b>(或者<b>初学者</b>)","在<b>下载 BETA</b>里,设置<b>下载模式</b>为<b>浏览器 API</b>","在<b>下载 BETA</b>里,点击<b>保存</b>","如果请求权限的话,选择同意","刷新当前页面"]},"resolution":{"label":"优先下载的分辨率"},"filename":{"label":"文件名","desc":"下载视频时使用的文件名模板<br>每个关键词必须使用 <b>{\'{ }\'}</b> 来包围","preview":"预览","key":{"id":"视频 ID","title":"视频标题","author":"作者名","res":"视频分辨率","date":"下载开始时的日期和时间","up_date":"视频发布时的日期和时间","date_ts":"DATE 的时间戳格式","up_date_ts":"UP_DATE 的时间戳格式"}}},"ui":{"label":"界面","like_rate":{"label":"喜爱率","desc":"在视频和图片列表里显示喜爱率"},"highlight_threshold":{"label":"高亮分界点","desc":"喜爱率高于此值的视频和图片将会被高亮显示"},"highlight_bg":{"label":"高亮透明度"}},"script":{"label":"脚本","language":{"label":"语言"}}}}'

  /* harmony default export */ const i18n = { zh: zh_namespaceObject, en: en_namespaceObject }

  function createStorage(prefix, schema) {
    if (prefix) prefix += "."

    return {
      get(key) {
        return GM_getValue(prefix + key, schema[key])
      set(key, val) {
        if ("function" === typeof val) val = val(this.get(key))

        GM_setValue(prefix + key, val)

  const storage = createStorage("", {
    v: GM_info.script.version,
    locale: navigator.language,
    volume: 0.5,
    auto_down_enabled: true,
    preferred_res: "Source",
    filename: "{DATE} {TITLE} - {AUTHOR} ({ID})",
    dark: false,
    like_rates: true,
    like_rate_highlight: 4,
    like_rate_highlight_opacity: 0.2,
    player_size: 100,
    hide_list_options: false,

  const i18n_i18n = (0, external_VueI18n_namespaceObject.createI18n)({
    locale: storage.get("locale"),
    fallbackLocale: "en",
    messages: i18n,

    // disable warnings - I know what I'm doing!!
    silentFallbackWarn: true,
    silentTranslationWarn: true,
    warnHtmlInMessage: "off",

  function matchLocale(locale) {
      ? locale
      : => locale.startsWith(loc)) || "en"

  // shorthand helper making TypeScript happy
  function localize(message) {
    // @ts-ignore TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.

  const locale = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("locale"))

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => { = locale.value

    storage.set("locale", locale.value)

  function useConfigSettings() {
    // locale that will actually be used, with fallback applied
    const activeLocale = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.computed)(() => matchLocale(locale.value))

    return { locale, activeLocale }

  /* harmony default export */ function mitt(n) {
    return {
      all: (n = n || new Map()),
      on: function (t, e) {
        var i = n.get(t)
        i ? i.push(e) : n.set(t, [e])
      off: function (t, e) {
        var i = n.get(t)
        i && (e ? i.splice(i.indexOf(e) >>> 0, 1) : n.set(t, []))
      emit: function (t, e) {
        var i = n.get(t)
        i &&
          i.slice().map(function (n) {
          (i = n.get("*")) &&
            i.slice().map(function (n) {
              n(t, e)

  const ready = new Promise((resolve) => {
    if ("loading" === document.readyState)
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => resolve)
    else resolve()

  function once(emitter, event, listener) {
    const fn = (data) => {, fn)

    emitter.on(event, fn)

    return fn

  function setupPaging() {
    ready.then(() => {
      const appDiv = document.getElementById("app")

      if (!appDiv) {
        log("Missing app div.")

      log("Start observing pages.")

      const appObserver = new SimpleMutationObserver((mutation) => {
        detectPageChange(appDiv, mutation.addedNodes, "pageEnter")
        detectPageChange(appDiv, mutation.removedNodes, "pageLeave")
      appObserver.observe(appDiv, { childList: true, immediate: true })

  const emitter = mitt()

  let currentClassName = ""

  emitter.on("pageEnter", (className) => (currentClassName = className))

  const ALL = "*"

  // page listener for iwara
  function page(id, enter) {
    const match = (() => {
      if (id === ALL) return () => id

      const ids = "string" === typeof id ? [id] : id
      const classes = => `page-${id}`)

      return (className) => {
        const split = className.split(" ")
        const index = classes.findIndex((cls) => split.includes(cls))

        return ids[index]

    function callIfMatch(listener) {
      return (className) => {
        const matchedID = match(className)

        if (void 0 !== matchedID)
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            log("Error executing page listener", e)

    const onPageEnter = callIfMatch((matchedID) => {
      enter(matchedID, (onLeave) => {
        once(emitter, "pageLeave", callIfMatch(onLeave))

    emitter.on("pageEnter", onPageEnter)

  function detectPageChange(appDiv, nodes, event) {
    if (nodes.length)
      // a valid class name will be like "page page-videoList", where "videoList" is the ID
      for (const node of nodes)
        if (hasClass(node, "page")) {
          // sometimes there are two (maybe more) "page" elements, and one of them contains only the "page" class,
          // we ignore it in this case
          const hasOtherPageElements =
              .filter((_, e) => e !== node).length > 0

          if (!hasOtherPageElements) emitter.emit(event, node.className)
  let reactEventHandlersKey = ""

  function getReactEventHandlers(element) {
    if (reactEventHandlersKey) return element[reactEventHandlersKey]

    for (const key of Object.keys(element))
      if (key.startsWith("__reactEventHandlers$")) {
        reactEventHandlersKey = key
        return element[key]

  function clamp(val, min, max) {
    return val < min ? min : val > max ? max : val

  function formatDate(date) {
    let delimiter = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "/"
    return [
      date.getMonth() + 1,
      .map((num) => String(num).padStart(2, "0"))

  function adjustHexColor(color, amount) {
    return color.replace(/\w\w/g, (color) =>
      clamp(parseInt(color, 16) + amount, 0, 255)
        .padStart(2, "0")

  // sometimes I just don't want the script to depend on Lodash...
  function throttle(fn, timeout) {
    let timer = 0

    return function () {
      for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++)
        args[_key] = arguments[_key]
      if (timer) return

      timer = setTimeout(() => {
        fn.apply(null, args)

        timer = 0
      }, timeout)

   * Periodically calls given function until it returns true.
  function repeat(fn) {
    let interval = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 200
    if (fn()) return 0

    const id = setInterval(() => {
      try {
        fn() && clearInterval(id)
      } catch (e) {
    }, interval)

    return id

   * Periodically calls given function until the return value is truthy.
   * @returns A CancelablePromise that resolves with the function's return value when truthy.
  function until(fn) {
    let interval = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0
    let cancelled = false

    const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      repeat(() => {
        if (cancelled) return true

        try {
          const result = fn()

          if (result) {

            // break the repeat() loop
            return true
        } catch (e) {
          return true
      }, interval)
    promise.cancel = () => (cancelled = true)

    return promise

  // a partial structure of the video data defined in iwara's video page,
  // including only the properties we need

  const RESOLUTIONS = ["Source", "540p", "360p"]

  const autoEnabled =
    "browser" === GM_info.downloadMode
      ? (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("auto_down_enabled"))
      : false
  const filenameTemplate = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("filename"))
  const resolution = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("preferred_res"))

  const videoInfo = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.reactive)({
    id: "",
    title: "",
    author: "",
    created: 0,
    size: 0,
    error: "",
  const sources = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.reactive)([])
  const source = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.computed)(
    () =>
      sources.find((_ref) => {
        let { label } = _ref
        return label === resolution.value
      }) || sources[0]

  // indicates whether the sources belong to current page
  const hasFreshSources = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(false)

  const filename = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.computed)(() => {
    try {
      if (!source.value) throw "Please open a video"

      return resolveFilename(filenameTemplate.value, source.value)
    } catch (e) {
      return `Unable to resolve filename (${e.message || e})`

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() =>
    storage.set("preferred_res", resolution.value)
  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() =>
    storage.set("filename", filenameTemplate.value)

  if ("boolean" !== typeof autoEnabled) {
    ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() =>
      storage.set("auto_down_enabled", autoEnabled.value)
    ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() =>
      convertDownloadDropdown(void 0, autoEnabled.value, source.value)

  function useDownloaderSettings() {
    return {
      autoDownEnabled: autoEnabled,
      filenamePreview: filename,

  page("video", (pageID, onLeave) => {
    const videoActions = $(".page-video__actions").get(0)

    if (!videoActions) {
      log("Could not find video actions.")

    const actionsObserver = new SimpleMutationObserver((mutation) =>
      mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
        if (hasClass(node, "dropdown")) {

          if (autoEnabled && autoEnabled.value) convertDownloadDropdown(node, true, source.value)
    actionsObserver.observe(videoActions, { childList: true, immediate: true })

    onLeave(() => {
      // prevent unexpected downloads
      hasFreshSources.value = false


  function updateVideoInfo(videoActions) {
    try {
      // FIXME: reading the prop by a path is quite unreliable, any improvement?
      const video = getReactEventHandlers(videoActions).children[1] =
      videoInfo.title = video.title
      videoInfo.created = new Date(video.createdAt).getTime() =
      videoInfo.size = video.file.size
    } catch (e) {
      videoInfo.error = e + ""

  function updateSources(downloadDropdown) {
    const newSources = $(downloadDropdown)
      .find(".dropdown__content a")
      .map(function () {
        const url = this.href
        const label = this.innerText

        return { url, label }

    if (!newSources.length) return

    sources.splice(0, sources.length, ...newSources)

    hasFreshSources.value = true

  function convertDownloadDropdown(downloadDropdown, enabled, source) {
    // @ts-ignore The parameter is valid but TS doesn't recognize it
    const $dropdown = $(downloadDropdown || ".page-video__actions > .dropdown")
    const $button = $dropdown.find(".downloadButton")
    const rawButtonText = $button.text().replace(/\s*\(.*\)/, "")

    if (enabled) {
      if (!$"converted"))
          .data("converted", true)
          .on("click", function () {
          .css("display", "none")

      $button.text(rawButtonText + (source ? ` (${source.label})` : ""))
    } else {
        .data("converted", false)
        .css("display", "")

  function download(downloadDropdown) {
    try {
      if (!hasFreshSources.value) throw new Error("No sources found in current page.")
      if (!source.value) throw new Error("Missing source.")
      if ("browser" !== GM_info.downloadMode)
        throw new Error(`Invalid download mode "${GM_info.downloadMode}".`)

      const $downloadButton = $(downloadDropdown).find(".downloadButton")

      // TODO: properly disable the button
      $(downloadDropdown).css("pointer-events", "none")
      $downloadButton.css("background-color", "var(--primary-dark)")

      const filename = resolveFilename(filenameTemplate.value, source.value)

      log("Downloading:", filename, source.value.url)

      if (false);

        url: source.value.url,
        name: filename,
        saveAs: true,
        onload: () => downloadEnded("onload"),
        onerror: (e) => downloadEnded("onerror", e),
        ontimeout: () => downloadEnded("ontimeout"),

      function downloadEnded(type, e) {
        $(downloadDropdown).css("pointer-events", "")
        $downloadButton.css("background-color", "")

        if ("ontimeout" === type) e = { error: "timed_out" }

        if (e && e.error) {
            `Download Error (${e.error}): ${(e.details && e.details.current) || "No info"}`
    } catch (e) {
      printDownloadMessage(e + "")

  function resolveFilename(template, source) {
    if (videoInfo.error) throw new Error("Broken video info: " + videoInfo.error)

    const replacements = {
      TITLE: videoInfo.title,
      RES: source.label,
      DATE: formatDate(new Date()),
      DATE_TS: new Date().getTime() + "",
      UP_DATE: formatDate(new Date(videoInfo.created)),
      UP_DATE_TS: videoInfo.created + "",

    let basename = template

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(replacements))
      basename = basename.replace(new RegExp(`{${key}}`, "g"), value)

    // strip characters disallowed in file path
    basename = basename.replace(/[*/:<>?\\|]/g, "")

    const ext = source.url.slice(source.url.lastIndexOf("."))

    return basename + ext

  function printDownloadMessage(msg) {
      .css("flex-wrap", "wrap")
      .append(`<div style="flex: 100% 0 0">${msg}</div>`)

  const likeRateEnabled = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("like_rates"))
  const highlightThreshold = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(
  const highlightOpacity = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(

  const likeRateClass = "enh-like-rate"

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => {
    storage.set("like_rates", likeRateEnabled.value)

    if (likeRateEnabled.value) document.body.classList.add("enh-show-like-rates")
    else document.body.classList.remove("enh-show-like-rates")

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => {
    storage.set("like_rate_highlight", highlightThreshold.value)

    $(".videoTeaser, .imageTeaser")
      .each((i, teaser) => processTeaser(teaser))

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => {
    storage.set("like_rate_highlight_opacity", highlightOpacity.value)"--ehg-hl-op", highlightOpacity.value + "")

  function useTeaserSettings() {
    return { likeRateEnabled, highlightThreshold, highlightOpacity }

  page(["home", "videoList", "imageList", "subscriptions"], async (pageID, onLeave) => {
    const teaserObserver = new SimpleMutationObserver((mutation) =>

    onLeave(() => {

    const teaserBatcher = new TeaserBatcher()

    if ("home" === pageID) {
      const rows = $(".videoTeaser, .imageTeaser").closest(".row")

      if (!rows.length) {
        log("Could not find teaser rows.")

      rows.each((i, row) => detectRow(row))
    } else {
      const rowPromise = until(() => $(".videoTeaser, .imageTeaser").closest(".row")[0], 200)

      onLeave(() => rowPromise.cancel())

      detectRow(await rowPromise)

    function detectRow(row) {
      teaserObserver.observe(row, { childList: true, immediate: true })

    function detectTeaser(teaser) {
      if (isTeaser(teaser)) {

  class TeaserBatcher {
    constructor() {
      this.teasers = [] = throttle((callback) => {
        let lastError

        try {
        } catch (e) {
          // only record the last error so the console won't blow up
          lastError = e

        if (lastError) log("Failed to process teasers", lastError)

        this.teasers.length = 0
      }, 0)

    add(teaser) {

  function processTeaser(teaser) {
    const viewsLabel = $(teaser).find(".views")
    const likesLabel = $(teaser).find(".likes")

    let likePercentage

    const likeRateLabel = viewsLabel.children("." + likeRateClass)

    if (likeRateLabel.length) likePercentage = +likeRateLabel.text().trim().replace("%", "")
    else {
      let [views, likes] = [viewsLabel, likesLabel].map((icon) => {
        const value = icon.text().trim()

        return value.includes("k") ? 1e3 * +value.slice(0, -1) : +value

      likePercentage = 0 === views ? 0 : Math.round((1e3 * likes) / views) / 10

      // prettier-ignore

    if (likePercentage >= highlightThreshold.value) teaser.classList.add("enh-highlight")
    else teaser.classList.remove("enh-highlight")

  function isTeaser(node) {
    return (
      !!node.firstChild &&
      (hasClass(node.firstChild, "videoTeaser") || hasClass(node.firstChild, "imageTeaser"))

  // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
  /* harmony default export */ const Settings_module = {
    switch: "Settings-module__switch--qcsG",
    settings: "Settings-module__settings--alpJ",
    active: "Settings-module__active--iMRv",
    disabled: "Settings-module__disabled--vvjv",
    header: "Settings-module__header--s2Rw",
    title: "Settings-module__title--aDU_",
    view: "Settings-module__view--dY2E",
    sectionHeader: "Settings-module__section-header--Xy_I",
    fieldLabel: "Settings-module__field-label--O5EA",
    labelBlock: "Settings-module__label-block--EYVa",
    labelInline: "Settings-module__label-inline--v3DK",
    warn: "Settings-module__warn--KbCV",

  // recommended vscode plugin for syntax highlighting:
  // language=HTML
  const template = /* html */ `
    <div class='text text--text text--bold'>E</div>

    <div v-if='visible' :class='css.settings' @click.stop>
        <header :class='css.header'>
            <h2 :class='css.title'>{{ $t('name') }} v${GM_info.script.version}</h2>
                    v-for='tab, i in tabs'
                    :class='{ []: i === tabIndex }'
                    @click='tabIndex = i'
                    {{ $t( }}
        <div v-if='tabVal === "ui"' :class='css.view'>
            <h2 :class='css.sectionHeader'>{{ $t('s.ui.label') }}</h2>

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('s.ui.like_rate.label') }}</h3>
            <p v-html='$t("s.ui.like_rate.desc")'></p>
                <label :class='css.labelBlock'>
                    {{ $t('s.enabled') }}
                    <input type='checkbox' v-model='likeRateEnabled'>

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('s.ui.highlight_threshold.label') }}</h3>
            <p v-html='$t("s.ui.highlight_threshold.desc")'></p>
                <input type='number' step='0.1' min='0' max='100' :value='highlightThreshold' @change='highlightThreshold = +$'>
            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('s.ui.highlight_bg.label') }}</h3>
                <input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" v-model='highlightOpacity'>
        <div v-else-if='tabVal === "download"' :class='css.view'>
            <h2 :class='css.sectionHeader'>{{ $t('') }}</h2>

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('') }}</h3>
            <p v-html='$t("")'></p>
            <p v-if='!downloadMode' v-html='$t("")'></p>
            <section v-else-if='downloadMode !== "browser"' :class='css.warn'>
                <p v-html='$tm("")[0]'></p>
                    <li v-for='line in $tm("").slice(1)'><p v-html='line'></p></li>
                <label :class='[css.labelBlock, { [css.disabled]: downloadMode !== "browser" }]'>
                    {{ $t('s.enabled') }}
                    <input type='checkbox' :disabled='downloadMode !== "browser"' v-model='autoDownEnabled'>

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('') }}</h3>
                <label v-for='res in RESOLUTIONS' :class='css.labelInline'>
                    <input type='radio' name='res' :value='res' v-model='resolution'>
                    {{ res }}

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('') }}</h3>
            <p v-html='$t("")'></p>
            <div :class='css.keywords'>
                <table :class='css.keywordTable'>
                    <tr v-for='kw in FILENAME_KEYWORDS'>
                        <th>{{ kw }}</th>
                        <td>{{ $t('' + kw.toLowerCase()) }}</td>
            <input type='text' v-model='filenameTemplate'>
            <p>{{ $t('') + ': ' + filenamePreview }}</p>
        <div v-if='tabVal === "script"' :class='css.view'>
            <h2 :class='css.sectionHeader'>{{ $t('s.script.label') }}</h2>

            <h3 :class='css.fieldLabel'>{{ $t('s.script.language.label') }}</h3>
                <label v-for='loc in $i18n.availableLocales' :class='css.labelBlock'>
                    <input type='radio' name='loc' :value='loc' :checked='activeLocale === loc' @change='locale = loc'>
                    {{ $t('language', loc) }}

  function setup() {
    const tabs = [
      { name: "s.ui.label", val: "ui" },
      { name: "", val: "download" },
      { name: "s.script.label", val: "script" },
    const tabIndex = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(0)
    const tabVal = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.computed)(
      () => tabs[tabIndex.value] && tabs[tabIndex.value].val
    const visible = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(false)

    const onClickContainer = () => {
      visible.value = !visible.value

      if (visible.value) onClickOutside(settingsContainer, () => (visible.value = false))

    settingsContainer.addEventListener("click", onClickContainer)

    ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.onBeforeUnmount)(() => {
      settingsContainer.removeEventListener("click", onClickContainer)

    return {
      css: Settings_module,
      downloadMode: GM_info.downloadMode,

  const SETTINGS_ID = "enh-settings"

  const settingsContainer = $(
    `<div id="${SETTINGS_ID}" class='header__link ${Settings_module["switch"]}'></div>`

  let app

  page(ALL, (pageID, onLeave) => {
    const destination = $(".page .header__content:first-of-type .dropdown:last-of-type")[0]

    if (destination) {
      // destination element will be destroyed everytime the page changes,
      // so we need to insert the container after every page change

      // lazy-init the app
      if (!app) {
        app = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.createApp)({ template, setup })


        if (true)
          // pending fix
          // @ts-ignore
          unsafeWindow.Vue = Vue


        log("Settings view initialized")
    } else log("Could not insert settings view: container not found.")

  // prevent Sentry from tracking the logging
  setLogger(console.log.__sentry_original__ || console.log)

  const toggleButtonID = "enh-hide-options-btn"

  page(["videoList", "imageList"], (pageID, onLeave) => {
    const hideOptions = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.ref)(storage.get("hide_list_options"))
    const toggleText = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.computed)(() =>
      localize(hideOptions.value ? "ui.show_list_options" : "ui.hide_list_options")

    const optionsContainer = $(".sortFilter").eq(0).closest(".col-lg-3")

    const toggleButton = $(
      `<button id="${toggleButtonID}" class="button button--primary button--ghost d-lg-none" type="button"></button>`
      .on("click", () => (hideOptions.value = !hideOptions.value))

    ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => {
      storage.set("hide_list_options", hideOptions.value)
      optionsContainer.toggleClass("d-none", hideOptions.value)

    ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(() => {

  const state = (0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.reactive)({ theme: "light" })

  setInterval(() => {
    state.theme = localStorage.theme
  }, 1e3)

  ;(0, external_Vue_namespaceObject.watchEffect)(updateTheme)

  function updateTheme() {
    const theme = state.theme
    const adjustmentSign = "light" === theme ? -1 : 1
    const bodyColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--body")
      adjustHexColor(bodyColor, 15 * adjustmentSign)
      adjustHexColor(bodyColor, 30 * adjustmentSign)

  async function main() {



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