

// ==UserScript==
// @name               圖片全載-FancyboxV5
// @name:en            Full Picture Load - FancyboxV5
// @name:zh-CN         图片全载-FancyboxV5
// @name:zh-TW         圖片全載-FancyboxV5
// @version            2025.3.3
// @description        支持寫真、H漫、漫畫的網站1000+,圖片全量加載,簡易的看圖功能,漫畫無限滾動閱讀模式,下載壓縮打包,如有下一頁元素可自動化下載。
// @description:en     supports 1,000+ websites for photos, h-comics, and comics, fully loaded images, simple image viewing function, comic infinite scroll read mode, and compressed and packaged downloads.
// @description:zh-CN  支持写真、H漫、漫画的网站1000+,图片全量加载,简易的看图功能,漫画无限滚动阅读模式,下载压缩打包,如有下一页元素可自动化下载。
// @description:zh-TW  支持寫真、H漫、漫畫的網站1000+,圖片全量加載,簡易的看圖功能,漫畫無限滾動閱讀模式,下載壓縮打包,如有下一頁元素可自動化下載。
// @author             德克斯DEX
// @match              *://*/*
// @connect            *
// @exclude            *.youtube.com*
// @exclude            *docs.google.com*
// @exclude            *google*/maps/*
// @exclude            *mail.google.com*
// @exclude            *accounts.google.com*
// @icon               
// @license            MIT
// @namespace          https://greasyfork.org/users/20361
// @grant              GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant              GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant              GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant              GM.unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant              GM_openInTab
// @grant              GM.openInTab
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM.getValue
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM.setValue
// @grant              GM_listValues
// @grant              GM.listValues
// @grant              GM_deleteValue
// @grant              GM.deleteValue
// @grant              GM_getResourceText
// @grant              GM.getResourceText
// @grant              GM_addElement
// @grant              GM.addElement
// @grant              unsafeWindow
// @grant              window.close
// @run-at             document-end
// @noframes
// @require            https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/473358/1237031/JSZip.js
// @resource ajaxHookerJS https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/465643/1421695/ajaxHookerLatest.js
// @resource JqueryJS https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @resource FancyboxV5JS https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fancyapps/[email protected]/dist/fancybox/fancybox.umd.js
// @resource FancyboxV5Css https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fancyapps/[email protected]/dist/fancybox/fancybox.css
// @resource FancyboxV3JS https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fancyapps/[email protected]/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.js
// @resource FancyboxV3Css https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fancyapps/[email protected]/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.css
// @resource ViewerJs https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/viewer.min.js
// @resource ViewerJsCss https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/viewer.min.css
// ==/UserScript==

(async (JSZip) => {
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    //await wait(() => !!document.body && document.readyState !== "loading");
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    //await delay(600);

    const defaultOptions = {
        icon: 1, //是否顯示左下圖示,1:顯示、0:不顯示
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        zip: 1, //1:圖片下載後壓縮打包,0:批量下載圖片,無法全自動下載
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        autoDownloadCountdown: 5, //有NEXT時自動下載的倒數秒數
        comic: 0, //1,忽視漫畫站點開關選項,啟用漫畫規則
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    const FullPictureLoadShowEye = localStorage.getItem("FullPictureLoadShowEye") ?? 1;
    const FullPictureLoadCustomDownloadVideo = localStorage.getItem("FullPictureLoadCustomDownloadVideo") ?? 1;
    let options = defaultOptions;

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        name: "交通部觀光署 桌布下載",
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            h: "www.pexels.com"
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        name: "wallhaven",
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            h: "wallhaven.cc",
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        name: "Раскраски для детей",
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        name: "Giffs.ru",
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        imgs: () => {
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        name: "Behance",
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            h: "www.behance.net",
            p: "/gallery/"
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        name: "小黃書/8色人體攝影",
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            p: /^\/(photo|amateur)\/id-\w+\.html$/,
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                videoSrcArray = videos.map(e => domain + e.url);
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                        max = Number(lastNum);
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                        max = 1;
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                        await fn.getNP(".photos>a", ".pager a[current=true]+a:not(.next)", null, ".pager", 1500);
                    thumbnailSrcArray = fn.getImgSrcArr("a[href*='/photoShow'] img.cr_only");
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                        setTimeout(() => {
                            fn.showMsg(DL.xchina_picnum_error, 5000);
                        }, 1500)
                    if (fn.lp.includes("amateur")) {
                        return thumbnailSrcArray;
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                        return thumbnailSrcArray.map(e => e.replace("_600x0", "").replace(".webp", ".jpg"));
            } else {
                const srcArr = srcArrFn(numP);
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                    return srcArr;
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                    const test_src = first.replace("/photos/", "/photos2/");
                    const check2 = await fn.checkImgStatus(test_src);
                    if (check2.ok) {
                        return srcArr.map(src => src.replace("/photos/", "/photos2/"));
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                        return [];
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                    text = text.replace("Vol. ", "Vol.");
                text = text.replace(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/, "$1.$2.$3");
                text = text.replace(" 秀人网 ", " [Xiuren秀人网] ").replace(" 秀人網 ", " [Xiuren秀人網] ")
                    .replace("各国其他套图 -", "").replace("各國其他套圖 -", "")
                    .replace("其他地区套图", "").replace("其他地區套圖", "")
                    .replace("其他套图 -", "").replace("其他套圖 -", "")
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                        text = text.replace(/其他中国工作室|其他中國工作室/, t);
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                        text = text.replace("Graphis", "Graphis " + t);
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                return document.title;
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        name: "小黃書/8色人體攝影 AD",
        url: {
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        name: "紳士会所",
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        name: "NLegs/HoneyLeg/Lady Lap/Nuyet/LegBabe", //需搭配專用腳本 https://greasyfork.org/scripts/463123
        host: ["www.nlegs.com", "www.honeyleg.com", "www.ladylap.com", "www.nuyet.com", "www.legbabe.com"],
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        name: "雅拉伊", //免VIP僅支援PC版和圖片命名是簡單數字遞增的。
        host: ["www.yalayi.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.yalayi\.com\/gallery\/\d+\.html/i,
        imgs: async () => {
            await fn.waitEle(".bigimg>img");
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            let ok = false;
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            for (let [i, test] of testArr.entries()) {
                let obj = await fn.checkImgStatus(test);
                console.log(`確認圖片[${i}]`, obj);
                if (obj.ok) {
                    ok = true;
                    pad = i + 1;
            if (ok) {
                return [firstImg.src, ...fn.arr(max, (v, i) => path + String(i + 1).padStart(pad, "0") + ".jpg")];
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                return [];
        button: [4, "24%", 4],
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        customTitle: () => fn.title(" - ", 3),
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    }, {
        name: "JKF",
        host: ["www.jkforum.net"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.jkforum\.net\/(p\/)?thread/,
        init: () => fn.waitEle("img[id^=aimg]"),
        imgs: () => isM ? fn.gae("img[id^=aimg]:not([style])") : fn.gae("img[id^=aimg][zoomfile]"),
        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
        customTitle: ".title-hd h1,.post-title",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "草榴社區",
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                        video: e.url_to_video
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                        original: e.url_to_original,
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            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => {
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            h: "a2cy.com",
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        name: "Cosplay Porn",
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        link: "https://cosplayporn.online/category/cosplay/",
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        name: "Cosplay Porn",
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        name: "Cosplay VN",
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        name: "咿呀美图",
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            h: "www.1ymt.com",
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        SPA: () => fn.dlp("/work/"),
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        host: ["www.cosersets.com"],
        link: "https://www.cosersets.com/1",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.cosersets\.com/,
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        observeURL: true,
        init: () => fn.waitEle(".z-breadcrumbs .z-breadcrumbs__item"),
        imgs: async (msg = 1) => {
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        name: "小丁 (Fantasy Factory) Patreon Cosplay Leaks",
        host: ["www.fantasyfactory.xyz"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.fantasyfactory\.xyz\//,
        SPA: true,
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            await delay(500);
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        category: "nsfw1"
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        name: "Tokar浵卡 Cosplay",
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        name: "蠢沫沫",
        link: "https://yanxiangrong.github.io/chunmomo/",
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        name: "二次元图库",
        host: ["vtecy.top"],
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        host: ["nshens.com", "inewgirl.com", "lovens.shop"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/((www\.)?nshens\.com|(www\.)?inewgirl\.com)\/(web\/)?\d+\/\d+\/\d+\/[^/]+$/,
        exclude: ".justify-center>button>.v-btn__content",
        init: () => fn.waitEle("h3"),
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
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        insertImg: ["//div[a[div[@class='v-image v-responsive theme--light']]]", 2],
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        name: "Chottie", //很多都需要VIP,不然只會重複抓到第一頁的圖片
        host: ["chottie.com", "chinesehottie.com"],
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                    } catch {
                        code = fn.gst("snapshotList", dom);
                        imgs = fn.run(code.match(/snapshotList:([^\]]+\])/)[1]);
                    return imgs;
            let data = await Promise.all(resArr).then(data => data.flat());
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        name: "tu928美女写真网",
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        name: "图集网",
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            h: ["aiavr.uk", "m.aiavr.uk", "ialbum.uk"],
            p: /^\/(systemAlbum\/)?detail/,
            s: "aid="
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        }) => {
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            } else if (url?.startsWith("http")) {
                return url;
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                return null;
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            let id = Number(siteJson?.pre?.id);
            return id ? "/systemAlbum/detail?aid=" + id : null;
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        name: "爱死美女图片站",
        host: ["www.24tupian.org", "m.24tupian.org"],
        url: {
            h: "24tupian.org",
            p: /^\/\w+\/\d+\/\d+\/\d+\.html$/,
            e: "img[data-original*='imgs.diercun.com']"
        imgs: () => {
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                num = Number(fn.gt(".ser").match(/(\d+)张/)[1]);
            } else {
                num = Number(fn.gt(".mores>a").match(/\d+/)[0]);
            let max = Math.ceil(num / 21);
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
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                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${max}`, 0);
                return res.text();
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => {
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            [".mores,.kshow", 2], 2
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        name: "爱死美女图片鏡像站?",
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            h: "www.aisimm.com",
            p: ".html",
            e: [".gtps", "#hgg3"]
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                max = Number(max) + 1;
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                url = url.replace(/imgs?\./, "big.");
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            ["#hgg3", 1], 2
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        name: "爱死美女图片M鏡像站?",
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            h: "m.aisimm.com",
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                url = url.replace(murl, murl.substring(1));
                url = url.replace(/imgs?\./, "big.");
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        insertImg: [
            [".center1", 2], 2
        go: 1,
        topButton: true,
        customTitle: ".ser h1",
        category: "nsfw1"
    }, {
        name: "爱死cos美女图片站",
        host: ["www.24cos.org", "www.lovecos.net"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/(www\.24cos\.org|www\.lovecos\.net)\/\w+\/\d+\.html$/,
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                return url;
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            [".mtp", 2, ".mtp"], 2
        topButton: true,
        customTitle: ".tmsg>h1",
        css: ".tpmh img{filter:unset!important;}",
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        name: "Huamao wallpaper 花猫壁纸",
        host: ["huamaobizhi.com", "ja.huamaobizhi.com", "en.huamaobizhi.com"],
        url: {
            h: "huamaobizhi.com",
            p: "/mix/",
            e: ".images-card"
        init: async () => {
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                    "body": `wallpaperId=${id}`,
                    "method": "POST"
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${max}`, 0);
                    return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
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            let bigImgsArr = [];
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                bigImgsArr.push(await resBlobUrl(id, IDs.length));
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            ["#main", 2], 0
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        customTitle: ".title>h1",
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        ex: "jpg",
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        name: "Huamao wallpaper 花猫壁纸 en.huamaobizhi.com 分類自動翻頁",
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            h: "huamaobizhi.com",
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        name: "次元LSP/猫猫网盘/云边网盘/小易の云盘/ooo.pqdh.com",
        url: {
            h: ["cylsp.org", "pan.catcat.blog", "qinzhi.top", "alist.xiaoyiblog.fun", "yun.pqdh.com"]
        SPA: true,
        observeURL: true,
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/picazor\.com\/[a-z]{2}\/[\w-]+$/,
        init: () => fn.waitEle(".grid a"),
        imgs: async () => {
            let [, , u] = fn.lp.split("/");
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            urls.forEach((e, i) => {
                if (e.includes(".mp4.")) {
                    let src = e.replace(".mp4.jpg", ".mp4");
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                    } else {
                        videos.push(fn.lo + e);
                } else {
                    if (e.startsWith("http")) {
                    } else {
                        images.push(fn.lo + e);
            apiCustomTitle = fn.dt({
                s: "main h2"
            thumbnailSrcArray = thumbs;
            videoSrcArray = videos;
            return images;
        fetch: 1,
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Fapello",
        host: ["fapello.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fapello\.com\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        init: async () => {
            if (fn.ge("#showmore")) {
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                tempEles = await fn.getEle(links, "#content>div");
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                tempEles = fn.gae("#content>div");
        imgs: () => {
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                if (fn.ge("img[src*='icon-play.svg']", node)) {
                    let videoSrc = fn.ge("img", node).src.replace("https://fapello.com/", "https://cdn.fapello.com/").replace("_300px", "").replace(/\.jpg$/i, ".mp4");
                    return null;
                } else {
                    thumbnailSrcArray.push(fn.ge("img", node).src);
                    let imgSrc = fn.ge("img", node).src.replace("_300px", "");
                    return imgSrc;
            return imgSrcs;
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        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#content", 3],
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        customTitle: () => fn.dt({
            t: fn.title("/", 1),
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    }, {
        name: "Fapello",
        url: {
            h: ["fapello.pics", "xapello.com"],
            e: "link[title=JSON]"
        init: () => {
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                siteJson.max = max;
            } else {
                siteJson.max = 1;
        imgs: () => {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            let fetchNum = 0;
            let id = fn.gu("link[title=JSON]").split("/").at(-1);
            let url = "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_post_datac&post_id=" + id;
            let urls = fn.arr(siteJson.max, (v, i) => i == 0 ? url : url + `&page=${i}`);
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                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${siteJson.max}`, 0);
                return res.text();
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => {
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                thumbnailSrcArray = as.map(a => a.dataset.thumb).sort();
                return as.map(a => a.href).sort();
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            blacklist: 1
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        name: "Fapello.su",
        host: ["fapello.su"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fapello\.su\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        init: async () => {
            const $ = _unsafeWindow.jQuery;
            let total = Number(fn.gt("//div[strong[text()='Media']]").match(/\d+/)[0]); //媒體總數
            console.log("媒體總數", total);
            const model_bid = fn.lp.replaceAll("/", "");
            let ele = fn.ge("#showmore");
            let max = ele.dataset.max;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
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                    url: `/ajax/model_new/${model_bid}/page-${i + 1}/photos`,
                    dataType: "html",
                    success: (data) => {
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${ajaxNum+=1}/${max}`, 0);
            let tempDom1;
            let picNum;
            await Promise.all(resArr).then(async arr => {
                await delay(1000);
                ajaxNum = 0;
                let html = "";
                arr.forEach(str => (html += str));
                tempDom1 = fn.doc(html);
                picNum = [...tempDom1.images].length; //圖片數量
                console.log("圖片數量", picNum);
                thumbnailSrcArray = [...tempDom1.images].map(e => e.dataset.src);
                console.log("縮圖地址", thumbnailSrcArray);
            let videoNum = total - picNum;
            let videoPages = Math.ceil(videoNum / 16);
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            let resArr2 = fn.arr(videoPages, (v, i) => new Promise(resolve => {
                    url: `/ajax/model_new/${model_bid}/page-${i + 1}/videos`,
                    dataType: "html",
                    success: (data) => {
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${ajaxNum+=1}/${videoPages}`, 0);
            let tempDom2;
            await Promise.all(resArr2).then(async arr => {
                await delay(1000);
                ajaxNum = 0;
                let html = "";
                arr.forEach(str => (html += str));
                tempDom2 = fn.doc(html);
                let videoUrls = fn.gae("iframe.saint-iframe", tempDom2).map(e => e.src);
                console.log("iframeVideoUrls", videoUrls);
                fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
                let getVideoUrlsArr = videoUrls.map((url, i, arr) => {
                    return fn.xhrDoc(url).then(dom => {
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${ajaxNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                        return fn.ge("source[type]", dom)?.src ?? null;
                await Promise.all(getVideoUrlsArr).then(async mp4Arr => {
                    await delay(1000);
                    mp4Arr = mp4Arr.filter(Boolean);
                    console.log("MP4地址", mp4Arr);
                    videoSrcArray = mp4Arr;
        imgs: () => thumbnailSrcArray.map(e => e.replace(".md.", ".")),
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        name: "Fapachi",
        host: ["fapachi.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fapachi\.com\/[^\/]+$/,
        imgs: async () => {
            if (captureSrcArray.length) return captureSrcArray;
            let medias = Number(fn.gt("//p[contains(text(),'Media')]").match(/\d+/)[0]);
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        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["//div[div[contains(@class,'model-media-prew')]]", 3],
        customTitle: "h1",
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        name: "Faponic/Fapellas",
        host: ["faponic.com", "fapellas.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/(faponic\.com|fapellas\.com)\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        include: ".author-content",
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                tempEles = fn.gae(".photo-item>img");
        imgs: () => tempEles.map(e => e.src).sort(),
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        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#content", 3],
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    }, {
        name: "Fapullo",
        host: ["fapullo.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fapullo\.com\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        init: async () => {
            if (fn.ge("#load_more")) {
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                tempEles = fn.gae(".thumb_img");
        imgs: () => {
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            return thumbnailSrcArray.map(e => e.replace("_400px", ""));
        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#media", 3],
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        customTitle: () => fn.title("/", 1),
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        name: "Fapodrop/Fapsan",
        url: {
            h: ["fapodrop.com", "fapsan.com"],
            e: ".one-pack"
        imgs: async () => {
            let max = fn.gt("h1.h3").match(/\d+/g).at(-1);
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        button: [4],
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        customTitle: "h1.h3",
        category: "nsfw2"
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        name: "fapello.ru",
        url: {
            h: "fapello.ru",
            p: "/galleries/"
        box: [".grid:has(figure)", 1],
        imgs: () => {
            let pages = fn.ge("nav[role=navigation] p");
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                let max = Math.ceil(Number(fn.gt(pages).match(/\d+/g).at(-1)) / 50);
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                return fn.gae(".grid:has(figure) img");
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".grid:has(figure)"], 3
        customTitle: ".content h1",
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        name: "Onlytreon/FapMenu",
        url: {
            h: ["onlytreon.com", "fapmenu.com"],
            e: ".model-media-prew"
        box: [".row:has(>.model-media-prew),.grig-model-media", 1],
        imgs: () => {
            let max = Math.ceil(Number(fn.gt("//p[contains(text(),'Media:')]").match(/\d+/g).at(-1)) / 24);
            let links = fn.arr(max, (v, i) => i == 0 ? fn.lp : fn.lp + `/page/${i + 1}`);
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                links = as.map(a => a.href);
                return fn.getImgA(".container .media-img", links).then(srcs => srcs.sort());
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".row:has(>.model-media-prew),.grig-model-media"], 3
        customTitle: ".container h1",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "WildSkirts",
        url: {
            h: "wildskirts.su",
            st: "window['cid']"
        imgs: () => {
            let id = fn.ge(".like-btn").dataset.celeb;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            return fetch("https://api.wildskirts.su/api/media/" + id).then(res => res.json()).then(json => {
                let srcs = [];
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                    if (e.t == "video") {
                    } else if (e.t == "photo") {
                return srcs;
        customTitle: ".profile-info .font-semibold",
        downloadVideo: true,
        fetch: 1,
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Fapello",
        url: {
            h: "fapello.cc"
        SPA: () => fn.dlp("/album/"),
        observeURL: true,
        imgs: () => {
            if (!_this.SPA()) return [];
            return fn.waitEle([".album-gallery a:not(.has-video)"]).then(eles => {
                videoSrcArray = fn.gae(".album-gallery a.has-video").map(e => e.dataset.src);
                return eles;
        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
        customTitle: () => fn.ge(".content-main h1")?.textContent,
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "#TheFappening",
        url: {
            h: "fap.thefappening.one",
            p: /^\/[^\/]+\/$/,
            e: ".entry-title"
        imgs: () => {
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            return fn.gae(".gallery-item img");
        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
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        name: "The Fappening Plus",
        host: ["thefappening.plus"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/thefappening\.plus\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: async () => {
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        insertImg: [".post-content", 2],
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        name: "TheFappening",
        host: ["thefappeningblog.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/thefappeningblog\.com\/[^\/]+\/(#more-\d+)?$/,
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            ["//a[noscript]", 2, "//a[noscript]"], 2
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        name: "TheFappening",
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/thefappeningblog\.com\/gallery\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: async () => {
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        insertImg: [".entry-content", 2],
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "The Fappening",
        url: {
            h: "fap.thefappeningnew.com"
        imgs: ".entry-content img",
        customTitle: "h1.entry-title",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "The Fappening",
        url: {
            h: "thefappening2015.com",
            e: ".lazy-gallery"
        imgs: () => fn.getImgSrcset(".lazy-gallery img"),
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        insertImg: [".entry-content", 2],
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        name: "AllPornImages",
        host: ["allpornimages.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/allpornimages\.com\/[\w-]+\/$/,
        imgs: ".entry-content img",
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "30Galleries",
        url: {
            h: "30galleries.com"
        imgs: ".ngg-gallery-thumbnail>a",
        thumb: ".ngg-gallery-thumbnail img",
        customTitle: "h1.entry-title",
        category: "nsfw2"
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        name: "Epic Porn Pics",
        url: {
            h: "epicpornpics.com"
        imgs: ".masonry-item a[title]:not(.no-lightbox)",
        thums: ".masonry-item a[title]:not(.no-lightbox) img",
        customTitle: ".entry-content h1",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Desi Porn Photo",
        url: {
            h: "desipornphoto.com"
        imgs: ".gallery-item a",
        thums: ".gallery-item img",
        customTitle: "h1.entry-title",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Fapomania",
        host: ["fapomania.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fapomania\.com\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        box: [".previzakosblo", 2],
        imgs: async () => {
            const last = (dom) => !fn.ge(".leftocontar .previzako", dom);
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            thumbnailSrcArray = fn.gae(".leftocontar .previzakoimag>img:not([src$='leaks.png'])").map(e => e.src).reverse();
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        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".leftocontar .previzakosblo,.morebutaro"], 2
        customTitle: () => fn.gt(".leftocontar>h1").replaceAll("/", "-"),
        fancybox: {
            v: 3,
            insertLibrarys: 1
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "NudoStar.TV",
        host: ["nudostar.tv"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/nudostar\.tv\/models\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: async () => {
            await fn.getNP("#list_videos_common_videos_list_items>.item", ".next>a", null, "#list_models_models_list_pagination");
            thumbnailSrcArray = fn.gae("#list_videos_common_videos_list img.thumb").map(e => e.src).reverse();
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        button: [4],
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        customTitle: () => fn.gt(".headline>h1").replaceAll("/", "-"),
        hide: ".zkido_div",
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    }, {
        name: "Nudogram",
        host: ["nudogram.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/nudogram\.com\/models\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: async () => {
            await fn.getNP("#list_videos_common_videos_list_items>.item", "//li[span]/following-sibling::li[1]/a", null, ".pagination");
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        insertImg: [".list-videos", 2],
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        category: "nsfw2"
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        name: "HentaiDude TV",
        host: ["hentaidude.tv"],
        link: "https://hentaidude.tv/category/cosplay/",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/hentaidude\.tv\/[\w-]+\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        include: "h1.entry-title",
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        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Hotleaks/Thotsbay/Hotleak/Leakedzone/BestThots/Thotporn",
        host: ["hotleaks.tv", "thotsbay.tv", "hotleak.vip", "leakedzone.com", "bestthots.com", "thotporn.tv"],
        reg: () => /^https?:\/\/(hotleaks\.tv|thotsbay\.tv|hotleak\.vip|leakedzone\.com|bestthots\.com|thotporn\.tv)\/[\w\.-]+(\/photo)?$/i.test(fn.url) && !/^\/home/.test(fn.lp),
        init: () => {
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                location.href = location.href + "/photo";
            } else {
        imgs: async () => {
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            let num;
            try {
                let [, m] = ptext.match(/\(([\d\.K]+)\)/);
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                    num = (Number(m.replace(/\.|K/g, "")) + 1) * 100;
                } else if (/K/.test(m)) {
                    num = Number(m.replace(/K/g, "")) * 1000 + 100;
                } else {
                    num = Number(m);
            } catch {
                num = Number(ptext.match(/\d+/g).join(""));
            let pages = Math.ceil(num / 48);
            let actorName = siteUrl.split("/")[3];
            let imgsSrcArr = [];
            let fetchNum = 0;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            for (let i = 1; i <= pages; i++) {
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                    "headers": {
                        "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest"
                }).then(res => {
                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${pages}`, 0);
                    return res.json();
                if (json.length == 0) break;
                let images;
                if (fn.lh == "leakedzone.com") {
                    images = json.map(e => e.thumbnail.replace("_300.", "."));
                } else if (fn.lh == "bestthots.com") {
                    images = json.map(e => e.image);
                } else {
                    images = json.map(e => e.player);
                let thumbnails = json.map(e => e.thumbnail);
                imgsSrcArr = imgsSrcArr.concat(images);
                thumbnailSrcArray = thumbnailSrcArray.concat(thumbnails);
                if (json.length < 48) break;
            return imgsSrcArr;
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#photos", 3],
        customTitle: ".actor-name>h1,.actor-title-port",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Hot Girl Pix",
        host: ["www.hotgirlpix.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.hotgirlpix\.com\/p\//,
        imgs: () => fn.getImgA("article img", "#singlePostPagination a", 300),
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["article", 2],
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        category: "nsfw1"
    }, {
        name: "Hot Girl Pix AD",
        host: ["www.hotgirlpix.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.hotgirlpix\.com\//,
        hide: "#modalAdblock",
        category: "ad"
    }, {
        name: "52自拍",
        host: ["shaonvtu.xyz"],
        url: {
            h: "shaonvtu.xyz",
            s: "albums"
        imgs: ".images img",
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        name: "Pics-X",
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        name: "Redpics",
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.redpics\.top\/(japanese|korean|chinese|hardcore|softcore|lesbian)\/[\w-]+$/,
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".grid"], 2
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        name: "Boombo!",
        host: ["hot.boombo.biz", "boombo.biz"],
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            h: "boombo.biz"
        imgs: ".text div[style] img",
        button: [4],
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        name: "GayBoysTube",
        url: {
            h: "www.gayporntube.com",
            p: "/galleries/"
        init: () => {
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                fn.addMutationObserver(() => fn.remove(".after_header"));
        imgs: () => {
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        name: "МЕДИА ТРЕНД",
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        name: "Фото идеи и картинки",
        url: {
            h: "fotoslava.ru",
            e: ".entry-title"
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            s: ".entry-title",
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        name: "Картинки и фото",
        url: {
            h: "cojo.ru",
            e: ".entry-title"
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            s: ".entry-title",
            d: /\([\d\s]+фото\)|\(\d+[\sфотfots]+\)|\d+[\sфотfots]+/
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        name: "geekfan.site",
        url: {
            h: "geekfan.site",
            e: [".sgb-data,.entry-content img", ".entry-title"]
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        name: "TIỆM TẠP HÓA KỲ DIỆU",
        url: {
            h: "clannadhouse.com",
            p: /^\/[^\/]+\/$/
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        name: "Szexképek",
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            p: ".html",
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                d: " — О, порно на DTF"
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        name: "Reddit",
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            h: "www.reddit.com"
        SPA: () => fn.dlp("/comments/"),
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            h: "ucrazy.org"
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                    " | girls.uCrazy.org"
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    }, {
        name: "bdsmlr",
        link: "https://chasti-wabbit.bdsmlr.com/post/265859932",
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            h: ".bdsmlr.com",
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        name: "Дзен",
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        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
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        name: "NUDE_ART_EROTIC",
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            h: "nude-art-erotic.livejournal.com",
            p: /^\/\d+\.html$/
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        name: "Развлекательно-эротический блог",
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            h: "tettie.net",
            s: "p="
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        name: "URLGalleries",
        host: ["urlgalleries.net"],
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            h: "urlgalleries",
            p: "/porn-gallery-"
        imgs: () => fn.getEle([fn.url + "&a=10000"], "#wtf>a").then(aArr => {
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            ["#wtf", 2, "#wtf"], 3
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        name: "GirlsTop",
        url: {
            h: "girlstop.info",
            p: "/psto",
            s: "id="
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        name: "wikiFeetX / wikiFeet",
        host: ["www.wikifeet.com", "www.wikifeetx.com"],
        url: {
            h: "www.wikifeet",
            st: "messanger.cfname"
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        insertImg: ["#thepics", 2],
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        name: "VK",
        host: ["vk.com", "m.vk.com"],
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            h: "vk.com",
            p: "/album"
        getVK: (list, picNum) => {
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                    offset: i
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            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => data.flat());
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        name: "CyberDrop",
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            h: "cyberdrop.me",
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        imgs: async () => {
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            let resArr = [];
            for (let id of fileIds) {
                let api = `https://api.cyberdrop.me/api/file/info/${id}`
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                    "headers": {
                        "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
                }).then(res => res.json()).then(json => {
                    let isV = /^video/.test(json.type);
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                    if (isV || isI || isO) {
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                            "headers": {
                                "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
                        }).then(res => res.json()).then(obj => {
                            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${fileIds.length}`, 0);
                            if (isV) {
                                return {
                                    v: obj.url
                            } else {
                                return {
                                    i: obj.url
                    } else {
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${fileIds.length}`, 0);
                        return {
                            n: null

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                videoSrcArray = data.filter(obj => "v" in obj)?.map(e => e.v);
                srcs = data.filter(obj => "i" in obj)?.map(e => e.i);
            return srcs;
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 3],
        go: 1,
        customTitle: "#title",
        downloadVideo: true,
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Good Sex Porn",
        url: {
            h: "goodsexporn.org",
            p: "/galleries/"
        imgs: () => {
            thumbnailSrcArray = fn.getImgSrcArr(".thumb>img");
            return thumbnailSrcArray.map(e => e.replace("thumbs/", "").replace("http://", "https://"));
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#galleryImages", 2],
        customTitle: ".player-title",
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    }, {
        name: "FitNakedGirls",
        host: ["fitnakedgirls.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fitnakedgirls\.com\/photos\/gallery\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: () => {
            let srcs;
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        name: "R18hub",
        host: ["r18hub.com"],
        link: "https://r18hub.com/photos",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/r18hub\.com\/photo\/[\w-]+/,
        imgs: () => {
            let eles = fn.gae("#photos>li");
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        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#photos", 2],
        customTitle: () => fn.title(" - R18hub"),
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "ZzUp.Com",
        host: ["www.zzup.com", "zzup.com", "w.zzup.com"],
        link: "https://zzup.com/user-album/3338/petmer/index.html",
        url: {
            h: "zzup.com",
            p: "/content/"
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                max = 1;
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        name: "ZzUp.Com 分類自動翻頁",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?zzup\.com\//,
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.freexcafe\.com\/erotica\/[\w-]+\/[\w-]+\/index\.php/,
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 2, ".thumbs"], 2
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".spotlight-group,#touch_to_see"], 2
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        name: "EPORNER Photo",
        host: ["www.eporner.com"],
        url: {
            h: ".eporner.com",
            p: "/gallery/"
        box: [".photosgrid", 2],
        imgs: () => {
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 2, ".photosgrid"], 2
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    }, {
        name: "es606 Photo",
        url: {
            h: ["www.epavx.com", "www.es606.com", "es606.com"],
            p: "/gallery/"
        init: () => fn.waitEle(".gallerygrid img"),
        decrypt: (str) => {
            let html = decodeURIComponent("%" + str.match(/.{2}/g).join("%"));
            let dom = fn.doc(html);
            let text = [...dom.scripts].find(s => s.type == "application/ld+json").textContent;
            let json = JSON.parse(text);
            return json;
        imgs: () => {
            let fetchNum = 0;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            let links = fn.gau(".photosgrid a");
            let resArr = links.map(url => fn.fetchDoc(url).then(dom => {
                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 2, ".gallerygrid"], 2
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        name: "EPORNER Albums",
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            e: ".album-info"
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        link: "https://www.xasiat.com/albums/",
        url: {
            h: [
            p: /^\/([\w]{2}\/)?albums\/\d+\/[\w-]+\/$/
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        url: {
            h: [
            p: /^\/([\w]{2}\/)?albums\/(\d+\/)?/
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        link: "https://zh.xhamster.com/users/eros721_official/photos",
        url: {
            h: "xhamster.com",
            p: /^\/photos\/gallery\/[^/]+$/,
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            p: /^\/photos\/gallery\/[^/]+$/,
            e: "div[class*=photosList]",
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        name: "PornHub photo", //很容易會被短暫封IP
        host: ["pornhub.com"],
        link: "https://pornhub.com/albums",
        url: {
            h: "pornhub.com",
            p: /^\/album\/\d+$/
        imgs: () => fn.getImgA("#photoImageSection img", ".js_lazy_bkg a", 200),
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            [".photoBlockBox .clear", 1], 1
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        name: "BITCHES GIRLS",
        url: {
            h: "bitchesgirls.com",
            p: /^\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/$/,
            d: "pc"
        imgs: () => {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
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                let videos = [];
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                    return fn.fetchDoc(url).then(dom => {
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum += 1}/${max}`, 0);
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                    videoSrcArray = data.map(e => e.videos).flat();
                    return data.map(e => e.images).flat();
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        name: "X-video",
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/x-video\.tube\/albums\/\d+\//i,
        box: [".album-view", 2],
        imgs: () => {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
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            if (total > 12) {
                max = Math.ceil(total / 100) + 1;
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                max = 1;
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${max}`, 0);
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                        thumbs: fn.getImgSrcArr("a.grid-item img", dom),
                        originals: fn.gae("a.grid-item", dom)
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                return data.map(e => e.originals).flat();
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".album-view"], 2
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        name: "EroThots",
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        url: {
            t: "EroThots",
            p: ["/album/", "/a/"]
        box: [".album-gallery", 2],
        imgs: () => {
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        name: "Fapello Leaks/Onlyfans Leaks/Only2leaked/SimpCity TV",
        url: {
            h: ["fapello-leaks.com", "getofleaks.co", "only2leaked.co", "simpcity.tv"],
            p: "/album/"
        box: [".album-gallery", 2],
        imgs: () => {
            videoSrcArray = fn.gae(".album-gallery a.item-album-gallery.has-video").map(e => e.dataset.src);
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        button: [4],
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        go: 1,
        customTitle: "h1.heading",
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        referer: "",
        category: "nsfw2"
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        name: "jimpicotphotography.com",
        url: {
            h: "jimpicotphotography.com"
        imgs: ".con>img,#post-navigation img",
        customTitle: () => fn.dt({
            d: " - jimpicotphotography.com"
        category: "nsfw2"
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        name: "EroMe",
        host: ["www.erome.com"],
        url: {
            h: "erome.com",
            p: "/a/",
            e: "div[id^='album'].page-content"
        imgs: () => {
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        name: "EroMe",
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            h: "erome.fan",
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        button: [4],
        insertImg: [".entry-content", 2],
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    }, {
        url: {
            h: ["sarlatimmobilier.com", "studiobangchau.com", "monsterbusterclub.tv", "ecopak.cz"]
        imgs: "#gallery .img-blur a",
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        name: "luxurybeachresorts.net",
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        url: {
            h: "luxurybeachresorts.net",
            e: "#gallery .media-group",
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        box: [".media-group", 1],
        imgs: () => {
            videoSrcArray = fn.gae(".video source[type='video/mp4']").map(e => e.src);
            thumbnailSrcArray = fn.getImgSrcArr(".media-group div.img[data-src]");
            return thumbnailSrcArray.map(src => src.replace(/(\?)([^&]+&)/, "$1"));
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".media-group"], 2
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        reg: /^https?:\/\/nakedsex\.pics\/.+\.php$/i,
        imgs: ".gallerycontent a",
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            [".tags", 2], 2
        endColor: "white",
        go: 1,
        customTitle: () => fn.title(" - Best adult videos and photos"),
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Fappenist/Lmlib",
        url: {
            h: ["www.fappenist.com", "lmlib.com"],
            p: "/photos/",
            e: "a.gallery-view"
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                return fn.gae(".galeria a:has(>img[data-src])", dom);
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        customTitle: () => fn.dt({
            s: "h1.art-title",
            d: "Gallery view"
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            blacklist: 1
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        name: "Pornotaran.com photo",
        url: {
            h: "pornotaran.com",
            p: ".html",
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        name: "Babepedia",
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            h: "www.babepedia.com",
            p: ["/gallery/", "/babe/"]
        imgs: "#gallery a[data-fancybox],.gallery a[rel=gallery]",
        thums: "#gallery a[data-fancybox] img,.gallery a[rel=gallery] img",
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Hot Celebs Home",
        url: {
            h: "www.hotcelebshome.com",
            e: ".tiled-gallery__gallery img"
        imgs: () => fn.getImgSrcArr(".tiled-gallery__gallery img").map(e => e.replace(/(-\d+x\d+)(.\w+)/i, "$2")),
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        name: "MrDeepFakes",
        host: ["mrdeepfakes.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/mrdeepfakes\.com\/photo\/\d+\//,
        init: () => {
        imgs: () => {
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                                original: a.href,
                                thumbnail: img.dataset.original ?? img.src
                return Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => {
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                    return arr.flat().map(e => e.original);
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        button: [4],
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        name: "PicHunter",
        host: ["www.pichunter.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.pichunter\.com\/gallery\/\d+\//,
        imgs: () => {
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        name: "Pictoa",
        host: ["www.pictoa.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.pictoa\.com\/(thumbs|albums)\/.+\.html$/i,
        imgs: () => fn.getImgA("#player img", fn.gau(".thumb-nav-img a")),
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        insertImg: ["#player", 2],
        customTitle: ".title>h1",
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        name: "PimpAndHost",
        host: ["pimpandhost.com"],
        link: "https://pimpandhost.com/site/trending",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/pimpandhost\.com\/(image|album)\/\d+/,
        init: () => {
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    }, {
        name: "PimpAndHost 隱藏廣告",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/pimpandhost\.com\//,
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        name: "Pornpaw 圖片清單頁",
        host: ["www.pornpaw.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.pornpaw\.com\/gallery\/[\w-]+\.html$/i,
        delay: 500,
        imgs: () => {
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        name: "ImageFap 圖片清單頁",
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            h: "www.imagefap.com",
            p: ["/gallery/", "/pictures/"],
            e: "#gallery table a"
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                [, , gid] = fn.lp.split("/");
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                            loop = false;
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                await get();
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        name: "ImageFap",
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            h: "www.imagefap.com",
            p: "/photo/",
            d: "pc"
        init: () => {
            fn.remove("//td[div[@id='main']]/following-sibling::td[1] | //div[iframe]");
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        imgs: async () => {
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            let gid = fn.ge("#galleryid_input").value;
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            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 24) {
                let url = `/photo/${pid}/?gid=${gid}&idx=${i}&partial=true`;
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${pages}`, 0);
                    if (!fn.ge(".thumbs a", dom)) {
                        alert("Encountered human-machine verification");
                        window.location.href = siteUrl;
                    return fn.gae(".thumbs a", dom).map(a => {
                        let original = a.href;
                        let thumb = fn.attr("img", "src", a);
                        return {
                await delay(1000);
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => data.flat()).then(arr => {
                let thumbs = arr.map(e => e.thumb);
                thumbnailSrcArray = thumbs;
                let originals = arr.map(e => e.original);
                return originals;
            let temps = [];
            let originals = [];
            let thumbs = [];
            let gid = fn.ge("#galleryid_input").value;
            let loop = true;
            let pn = 0;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            const get = () => {
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_05} (Page${pn + 1})`, 0);
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                        loop = false;
                    for (let img of [...dom.images]) {
                        let noParams = new URL(img.dataset.full).pathname;
                        if (temps.includes(noParams)) {
                            loop = false;
                        } else {
            while (loop) {
                await get();
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        button: [4],
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        name: "ImageFapM",
        url: {
            h: "beta.imagefap.com",
            p: ["/gallery/", "/pictures/"],
            d: "m"
        imgs: async () => {
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${max}`, 0);
                    return [...dom.images].map(img => {
                        let original = img.dataset.full;
                        let thumb = img.dataset.original;
                        return {
                //await delay(1000);
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(data => data.flat()).then(arr => {
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                thumbnailSrcArray = thumbs;
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        name: "Fuskator 圖片清單頁",
        host: ["fuskator.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/fuskator\.com\/thumbs\/[\w-~]+\/[\w-~]+\.html$/i,
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        button: [4],
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            ["//a[text()='View full images']", 2], 2
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        name: "Fuskator 大圖頁",
        host: ["fuskator.com"],
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        include: "//a[text()='View gallery thumbnails']",
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        name: "TOKYO Motion",
        host: ["www.tokyomotion.net"],
        link: "https://www.tokyomotion.net/albums",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.tokyomotion\.net\/album\/\d+\/.+/,
        imgs: async () => {
            await fn.getNP("div[id^=album_photo]", ".pagination li.active+li>a", null, ".pagination");
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            ["//div[div[div[contains(@id,'album_photo')]]]", 0], 2
        go: 1,
        customTitle: () => fn.gae(".pull-left")[2].innerText.trim(),
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "JavBangers",
        url: {
            h: "javbangers.com",
            p: "/albums/",
            e: ".album-info"
        imgs: () => fn.gau(".images a"),
        thums: ".images img",
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            [".album-info", 2, ".images"], 2
        go: 1,
        customTitle: ".headline>h1",
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        name: "multi.xnxx.com",
        host: ["multi.xnxx.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/multi\.xnxx\.com\/gallery\//,
        imgs: ".galleryPage .boxImg",
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        insertImg: [
            [".originalLink", 2], 1
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "色情圖片網",
        url: {
            h: "www.photos18.com",
            p: "/v/"
        imgs: ".imgHolder a[data-fancybox]",
        button: [4],
        insertImg: ["#content", 2],
        customTitle: "h1.title",
        fancybox: {
            v: 3,
            css: false
        hide: ".no-gutters",
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "趣事館",
        host: ["17sex.vip"],
        link: "https://17sex.vip/list/4858",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/17sex\.vip\/pic\/\d+$/i,
        imgs: () => {
            let max = fn.gt(".count-pageindex") || 1;
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            [".page", 0], 2
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        name: "久久热/GavPorn",
        url: {
            h: ["www.99re.com", "cav103.com"],
            p: "/albums/"
        imgs: "a[data-fancybox-type]",
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [".sponsor,.images", 2],
        customTitle: ".headline>h1",
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        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Hentai Image",
        host: ["hentai-img-xxx.com", "hentai-cosplay-xxx.com", "porn-image.com"],
        url: {
            h: [/hentai-img-xxx\.com$/, /hentai-cosplay-xxx\.com$/, /porn-image\.com$/],
            p: "/image/",
            e: ["#display_image_detail,#detail_list", "#title>h2,#page h3"]
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        name: "Fapator 圖片清單頁",
        host: ["www.fapator.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.fapator\.com\/\?content_id=/i,
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    }, {
        name: "SMUTPOND",
        url: {
            h: "www.smutpond.com",
            p: ["/gallery-thumbs/", "/gallery-pics/"],
            s: "uid="
        imgs: () => {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
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            return fetch(`https://api.smutpond.com/content/cm/${id}/?media_type=photo_gallery`).then(res => res.json()).then(json => {
                thumbnailSrcArray = json.media_data.thumbs.map(e => cdn + e);
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        capture: () => _this.imgs(),
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            css: false
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    }, {
        url: {
            h: "getababy.net",
        box: [".entry-content a[data-caption]", 1],
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0, ".entry-content a[data-caption]"], 2
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        name: "Hoastie",
        url: {
            h: "hoastie.com",
            p: "/a/",
            e: "h1.entry-title"
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        name: "DirtyShip.com",
        host: ["dirtyship.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/dirtyship\.com\/gallery\/[^\/]+\/$/,
        imgs: () => fn.getImgSrcset(".gallery_grid img,.gallery_grid~img"),
        thums: ".gallery_grid img,.gallery_grid~img",
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            [".gallery_grid", 0, ".gallery_grid img:not(.FullPictureLoadImage),.gallery_grid~img"], 2
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        name: "ᑕ❶ᑐ Onlyfans +18",
        host: ["www.tiktaks.de"],
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        name: "SexyThots.com",
        host: ["sexythots.com"],
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        name: "SexyGirlsPics",
        host: ["sexygirlspics.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/sexygirlspics\.com\/pics\/[\w-]+\//i,
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        name: "PornPic",
        host: ["www.pornpic.com", "pornpic.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?pornpic\.com\/gallery\/[\w-]+/i,
        imgs: ".gallery-grid a.item-link[data-fancybox]",
        thums: ".gallery-grid a.item-link[data-fancybox] img",
        button: [4],
        insertImg: [
            [".gallery-info", 2], 1
        go: 1,
        fancybox: {
            v: 3,
            css: false
        category: "nsfw2"
    }, {
        name: "Girlsreleased",
        url: {
            h: "girlsreleased.com",
            p: "/set/"
        init: () => fn.waitEle("a[target=imageView] img[img-id]").then(() => fn.createImgBox(".images", 2)),
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                        resolve(images.map(e => e.src.replace("/t/", "/i/")));
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            } else if (/imagevenue/.test(src)) {
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                return fn.getImgCorsA("#main-image", "a[target=imageView]");
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                return [];
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            ["#FullPictureLoadMainImgBox", 0], 2
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    }, {
        name: "Girlsreleased 載入更多",
        reg: /^https?:\/\/girlsreleased\.com\/$/,
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        name: "m.4khd.com 自動跳轉",
        host: ["m.4khd.com"],
        url: {
            h: "m.4khd.com",
            p: /^\/\w+$|^\/link\/|^\/vip\//i
        init: () => {
            if (fn.lp.includes("/vip/")) {
                fn.css(FullPictureLoadStyle, "FullPictureLoadMainStyle");
                return setTimeout(() => window.close(), 1000);
            const selector = "//a[text()='GET LINK']|//a[span[text()='GET LINK']]";
            if (fn.ge(selector)) {
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                ge("#cz").innerHTML = "&#9650";
                ge("#zc_tiaozhuan").style.display = "block";
        hide: "#divExoLayerWrapper,.exo-ipp,.exo_wrapper,div:has(>.centered-contai),.center-container,.centered-contai",
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "4kup.net 自動跳轉",
        host: ["4kup.net"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/4kup\.net\/getlink\/$/,
        init: async () => {
            let selectorArr = ["#output:not([style*=none]) button", "#gotolink:not([disabled])"];
            for (let selector of selectorArr) {
                await fn.waitEle(selector);
                await delay(200);
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "terabox.fun 自動跳轉",
        host: ["terabox.fun"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/terabox\.fun\/slmiddlepage\//,
        init: async () => {
            let ele = ".btn.active";
            setInterval(async () => {
                if (await fn.waitEle(ele)) EClick(ele);
            }, 1000);
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "MediaFire 自動下載",
        host: ["www.mediafire.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/www\.mediafire\.com\//,
        autoClick: ".download_link:not(.started) #downloadButton",
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "anonfiles 自動下載",
        host: ["anonfiles.com"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/anonfiles\.com\//,
        autoClick: ["#download-url"],
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "letsupload 自動下載",
        host: ["letsupload.cc"],
        reg: /^https?:\/\/letsupload\.cc\//,
        autoClick: ["#download-url"],
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "stfly.me 半自動跳轉",
        host: ["stfly.me"],
        reg: () => fn.ge("img[src^='https://stfly.me/']") ? true : false,
        init: async () => {
            if (await fn.waitEle(".btn-captcha:not(.disable)")) setInterval(() => EClick(".btn-captcha:not(.disable)"), 3000);
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "link1s 自動跳轉",
        host: ["link1s.com"],
        reg: () => fn.ge("a.site-logo[href='https://link1s.com/'],a.logo-image[href='https://link1s.com/']") ? true : false,
        init: async () => {
            if (await fn.waitEle("//button[@onclick='link1sgo()'] | //button[@id='link' and contains(@style,'none')] | //a[text()='Get Link']")) EClick("//button[@onclick='link1sgo()'] | //a[@id='link1s'] | //a[text()='Get Link']");
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "Binto.click 自動跳轉",
        host: ["binto.click"],
        reg: () => /^https?:\/\/binto\.click\/\w+$/i.test(siteUrl) && fn.ge("#go-link"),
        init: async () => {
            if (await fn.waitEle("//a[text()='Get Link']")) location.href = fn.gu("//a[text()='Get Link']");
        category: "none"
    }, {
        name: "網址清單新分頁開啟",
        host: ["github.com"],
        reg: [
        init: async () => await fn.waitEle(".markdown-body a"),
        openInNewTab: ".markdown-body a[href]:not([target=_blank]):not([id])",
        css: ".markdown-body a{text-decoration:none!important}",
        category: "none"

    //const debug = (str, obj = "", title = "debug") => console.log(`%c[Full Picture Load] ${title}:`, "background-color: #C9FFC9;", str, obj);
    function debug(str, obj = "", title = "debug") {
        console.log(`%c[Full Picture Load] ${title}:`, "background-color: #C9FFC9;", str, obj);

    function getType(object) {
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(object).replace("[object ", "").replace("]", "");

    const hasTouchEvent = ("ontouchstart" in _unsafeWindow);
    const isM = ("ontouchstart" in _unsafeWindow);
    const isPC = !("ontouchstart" in _unsafeWindow);
    const isMobileEdge = ["Mobile", "EdgA"].every(t => _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent.includes(t));
    const isMobileYandex = ["Mobile", "YaBrowser"].every(t => _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent.includes(t));
    const isFirefox = _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox");
    const isXBrowser = ("mbrowser" in _unsafeWindow) && !!_unsafeWindow?.mbrowser?.GM_xmlhttpRequest;
    const isVia = ("via" in _unsafeWindow) && ("via_gm" in _unsafeWindow);
    const isYujian = ("yujianobj" in _unsafeWindow);
    const isString = str => getType(str) === "String";
    const isNumber = num => getType(num) === "Number";
    const isBoolean = b => getType(b) === "Boolean";
    const isRegExp = reg => getType(reg) === "RegExp";
    const isObject = obj => getType(obj) === "Object";
    const isArray = arr => getType(arr) === "Array";
    const isSet = set => getType(set) === "Set";
    const isFn = fn => getType(fn).endsWith("Function");
    const isPromise = p => getType(p) === "Promise";
    const isEle = e => (getType(e).startsWith("HTML") && getType(e).endsWith("Element")) || getType(e) === "DocumentFragment";
    const isURL = (url) => {
        if ("canParse" in URL) {
            return URL.canParse(url);
        try {
            new URL(url);
            return true;
        } catch {
            return false;
    const cancelDefault = (event) => {
    const _GM_xmlhttpRequest = (() => isFn(GM_xmlhttpRequest) ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : GM.xmlHttpRequest)();
    const _GM_openInTab = (() => isFn(GM_openInTab) ? GM_openInTab : GM.openInTab)();
    const _GM_getValue = (() => isFn(GM_getValue) ? GM_getValue : GM.getValue)();
    const _GM_setValue = (() => isFn(GM_setValue) ? GM_setValue : GM.setValue)();
    const _GM_listValues = (() => isFn(GM_listValues) ? GM_listValues : GM.listValues)();
    const _GM_deleteValue = (() => isFn(GM_deleteValue) ? GM_deleteValue : GM.deleteValue)();
    const _GM_registerMenuCommand = (() => isFn(GM_registerMenuCommand) ? GM_registerMenuCommand : GM.registerMenuCommand)();
    const _GM_unregisterMenuCommand = (() => isFn(GM_unregisterMenuCommand) ? GM_unregisterMenuCommand : GM.unregisterMenuCommand)();
    const _GM_getResourceText = (() => isFn(GM_getResourceText) ? GM_getResourceText : GM.getResourceText)();
    const _GM_addElement = (() => isFn(GM_addElement) ? GM_addElement : GM.addElement)();

    const ajaxHookerJS = _GM_getResourceText("ajaxHookerJS");
    const JqueryJS = _GM_getResourceText("JqueryJS");
    const FancyboxV5JS = _GM_getResourceText("FancyboxV5JS");
    const FancyboxV5Css = _GM_getResourceText("FancyboxV5Css");
    const FancyboxV3JS = _GM_getResourceText("FancyboxV3JS");
    const FancyboxV3Css = _GM_getResourceText("FancyboxV3Css");
    const ViewerJs = _GM_getResourceText("ViewerJs");
    const ViewerJsCss = _GM_getResourceText("ViewerJsCss");

    const addAjaxHookerLibrary = () => {
        if (!("ajaxHooker" in _unsafeWindow)) {
            _GM_addElement(document.body, "script", {
                textContent: ajaxHookerJS
        return _unsafeWindow.ajaxHooker;

    const addLibrarysV3 = async () => {
        try {
            const jsArr = [JqueryJS, FancyboxV3JS];
            for (let [i, code] of jsArr.entries()) {
                if (i == 0 && ("jQuery" in _unsafeWindow)) continue;
                //fn.script(code, 0, 1);
                _GM_addElement(document.body, "script", {
                    textContent: code
            if (siteData.fancybox && siteData.fancybox.css !== false) {
                fn.css(FancyboxV3Css, "FancyboxV3Css");
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("\naddLibrarysV3() 注入函式庫失敗", error);

    const addLibrarysV5 = () => {
        try {
            const jsArr = [JqueryJS, FancyboxV5JS];
            for (let [i, code] of jsArr.entries()) {
                if (i == 0 && ("jQuery" in _unsafeWindow)) continue;
                //fn.script(code, 0, 1);
                _GM_addElement(document.body, "script", {
                    textContent: code
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("\naddLibrarysV5() 注入函式庫失敗", error);

    const FancyboxWheelValue = _GM_getValue("FancyboxWheel", 1);
    let FancyboxWheel;
    if (FancyboxWheelValue == 0) {
        FancyboxWheel = "zoom";
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        FancyboxWheel = "slide";
    const FancyboxSlideshowTimeout = Number(_GM_getValue("FancyboxSlideshowTimeout", 3));
    const FancyboxSlideshowTimeoutNum = FancyboxSlideshowTimeout == 0 ? 500 : (FancyboxSlideshowTimeout * 1000);
    const FancyboxSlideshowTransition = _GM_getValue("FancyboxSlideshowTransition", "fade") == "no" ? "false" : _GM_getValue("FancyboxSlideshowTransition", "fade");

    let isOpenFancybox = false;
    let FancyboxOptions;
    let slideIndex = null;

    if (isM) {
        FancyboxOptions = {
            Hash: false,
            idle: false,
            showClass: false,
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                    maxScale: 4
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                done: (fancybox, slide) => {
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                        slideIndex = slide.index;
                    } else {
                close: fancybox => {
                    document.body.classList.remove("imgbox-show", "hide-scrollbar");
                    slideIndex = fancybox.getSlide().index;
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            Carousel: {
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                    right: ["slideshow", "fullscreen", "thumbs", "close"]
            on: {
                done: (fancybox, slide) => {
                    isOpenFancybox = true;
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                        slideIndex = slide.index;
                    } else {
                close: fancybox => {
                    document.body.classList.remove("imgbox-show", "hide-scrollbar");
                    slideIndex = fancybox.getSlide().index;
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        isOpenFancybox = false;
                    }, 100);

    const fancyboxBlackList = () => siteData.fancybox?.blacklist === 1;

    switch (language) {
        case "zh-TW":
        case "zh-HK":
        case "zh-MO":
        case "zh-Hant-TW":
        case "zh-Hant-HK":
        case "zh-Hant-MO":
            DL = {
                xchina_picnum_error: "圖片數量不符,請反饋。",
                str_01: "獲取圖片元素中...",
                str_02: "獲取圖片中 ",
                str_03: "獲取圖片逾時",
                str_04: "等待關鍵元素中...",
                str_05: "獲取資料中...",
                str_06: "獲取資料中 ",
                str_07: "確認登錄狀態中...",
                str_08: "獲取預覽圖中...",
                str_09: "獲取最後一張圖...",
                str_10: "是否複製連結至剪貼簿?",
                str_11: "已複製連結至剪貼簿",
                str_12: "只有複製連結功能",
                str_13: "請輸入圖片抓取最大次數",
                str_14: "獲取下一頁中...",
                str_15: "獲取下一頁結束",
                str_16: "獲取元素中...",
                str_17: "獲取元素中 ",
                str_18: "已聚集所有圖片",
                str_19: "用來定位插入的元素不存在",
                str_20: "沒有能插入的圖片",
                str_21: "延遲",
                str_22: "毫秒",
                str_23: "第",
                str_24: "張下載",
                str_25: "完成",
                str_26: "錯誤",
                str_27: "下載失敗了",
                str_28: "張",
                str_29: "\n是否只保存目前下載成功的圖片?\n只要圖片不是100%掛掉,可以調低下載線程數或重新載入網頁後重新下載試試看。",
                str_30: "圖片extension錯誤",
                str_31: "壓縮進度: ",
                str_32: "自動下載倒數",
                str_33: "秒",
                str_34: "nextJS前往下一頁",
                str_35: "已點擊下一頁",
                str_36: "自動下載完畢",
                str_37: "沒有下一頁元素",
                str_38: "返回上一頁",
                str_39: "已點擊上一頁",
                str_40: "沒有上一頁元素",
                str_41: "已取消",
                str_42: "字數小於3已取消",
                str_43: "下載失敗數據為空...",
                str_44: "沒有任何圖片元素...",
                str_45: "網址已複製",
                str_46: "即將進行滾動...",
                str_47: "左鍵:進行下載打包壓縮\n中鍵:匯出網址URLs.txt文件\n右鍵:複製圖片網址和標題或手動模式聚集所有圖片",
                str_48: "下載&壓縮中請稍後再操作!",
                str_49: "獲取圖片中請稍後再操作!",
                str_50: "自訂網站收藏的網址在新分頁開啟",
                str_51: "請輸入自訂壓縮檔資料夾名稱",
                str_52: "聚圖數量",
                str_53: "圖片繪製中...",
                str_54: "403,未登錄網站?",
                str_55: "下載載入中...",
                str_56: "確認圖片狀態中...",
                str_57: "自動翻頁載入中...",
                str_58: "已到達最後一頁",
                str_59: "沒有任何主體元素",
                str_60: "圖片縮放",
                str_61: "取消縮放",
                str_62: "前往第一張圖",
                str_63: "左鍵:前往最後一張圖\n右鍵:匯出網址URLs.txt文件",
                str_64: "即將開始自動下載!!!",
                str_65: "已停止自動下載!!!",
                str_66: "💬 Greasy Fork 反饋",
                str_67: "⚙️ 設定",
                str_68: "當前(※全局)網站 Full Picture Load 選項",
                str_69: "顯示左下圖示按鈕",
                str_70: "最大下載線程數:",
                str_71: "下載後壓縮打包",
                str_72: "壓縮檔副檔名:",
                str_73: "自動下載",
                str_74: " ( 快捷鍵 [ ctrl + . ] 開始或取消 )",
                str_75: "自動下載倒數秒數:",
                str_76: "啟用當前漫畫站點規則",
                str_77: "移動裝置雙擊前往下一頁",
                str_78: "Fancybox&ViewerJs燈箱功能",
                str_79: "頁面容器圖片縮放比例:",
                str_80: "頁面容器圖片並排數量:",
                str_81: "comic類固定為2,comic類並排後為右至左的漫讀模式,hcomic類也設定為2將套用。",
                str_82: isM ? "取消" : "取消 (Esc)",
                str_83: "重置設定",
                str_84: "保存設定",
                str_85: isM ? "腳本選項" : "腳本選項(*)",
                str_86: isM ? "切換模式" : "切換模式(5)",
                str_87: isM ? "比例縮放" : "比例縮放(-+)",
                str_88: isM ? "取消縮放" : "取消縮放(.)",
                str_89: "暫停自動翻頁",
                str_90: "啟用自動翻頁",
                str_91: "初始化設定",
                str_92: "原始模式",
                str_93: "並排模式",
                str_94: "返回開頭了",
                str_95: "前往下一集",
                str_96: "已是最後一集",
                str_97: "共",
                str_98: "頁獲取出錯,建議反饋",
                str_99: "重試第",
                str_100: "次",
                str_101: "網址.txt已匯出",
                str_102: "格式轉換中...",
                str_103: "頁面容器預設使用並排模式",
                str_104: isM ? "匯出圖址" : "匯出圖址(7)",
                str_105: isM ? "複製圖址" : "複製圖址(1)",
                str_106: isM ? "分頁畫廊" : "分頁畫廊(8)",
                str_107: isM ? "一鍵下載" : "一鍵下載(3)",
                str_108: "※ 訊息提示顯示的位置:",
                str_109: {
                    c: "置中",
                    ul: "左上",
                    ur: "右上",
                    ll: "左下",
                    lr: "右下",
                str_110: "※ Webp轉換為Jpg",
                str_111: "💬 Github 反饋",
                str_112: "",
                str_113: "",
                str_114: "E/EX-HENTAI 載入原始圖片連結",
                str_115: "關閉自動滾動至首張圖片",
                str_116: "自動滾動所有惰性載入的圖片元素",
                str_117: "顯示浮動選單",
                str_118: "圖集標題已更新",
                str_119: "FancyboxV5滾輪圖片縮放",
                str_120: "此網站分頁畫廊使用ViewerJs插件",
                str_121: "關閉頁面容器圖片導覽快捷鍵",
                str_122: "此漫畫站使用無限滾動閱讀模式",
                str_123: "顯示右下捕獲之眼圖示",
                str_124: "此網站下載影片",
                str_125: "🔄 重置此網站儲存的所有腳本設定",
                str_126: "🔄 重置腳本儲存的所有全局設定",
                str_127: "右鍵:匯出圖址(7)",
                str_128: isM ? "開啟收藏" : "開啟收藏(9)",
                str_129: "關閉收藏",
                str_130: "編輯收藏",
                str_131: "保存",
                str_132: "關閉",
                str_133: "選單",
                str_134: "浮動選單",
                str_135: "無限滾動初始化中...",
                str_136: "右鍵:增加圖片縮放級別(+)",
                str_137: "頁面圖片添加燈箱模式",
                str_138: "此網站禁用",
                str_139: "自動聚圖至頁面容器",
                str_140: "自動進入影子畫廊",
                str_141: isM ? "影子畫廊" : "影子畫廊(G)",
                str_142: "離開畫廊 (Esc)",
                str_143: "下一話",
                str_144: "下一篇",
                str_145: "Fancybox5&ViewerJs幻燈片播放間隔:",
                str_146: "Fancybox5滾輪操作:",
                str_147: "畫廊 ( 0、1、3 ) 滾輪操作:",
                str_148: "Fancybox5幻燈片過場效果:",
                str_149: "已取消下載!!!",
                str_150: "JK滾動",
                str_151: "JK平滑滾動",
                str_152: "視口高",
                str_153: "標題:",
                str_154: "全部選取",
                str_155: "取消全選",
                str_156: "重新載入",
                str_157: "開始下載",
                str_158: isM ? "篩選下載" : "篩選下載(F)",
                str_159: isM ? "自訂函式" : "自訂函式(6)",
                str_160: isM ? "插入圖片" : "插入圖片(1)",
                str_161: "載入線程:",
                str_162: isM ? "預載:" : "圖片預載數:",
                str_163: "🖼️ 開啟簡易模式",
                str_164: "🖼️ 關閉簡易模式",
                str_165: "圖片總數:",
                str_166: "篩選數量:",
                str_167: "篩選寬度:",
                str_168: "篩選高度:",
                str_169: "佈景主題:",
                str_170: "反向選取",
                str_171: "檔案大小",
                str_172: "拖動排序",
                str_173: "可拖動圖片來改變圖片順序。",
                str_174: "匯出JSON格式",
                str_175: "已匯出JSON格式",
                str_176: "匯出為MD格式",
                str_177: "已匯出Markdown格式",
                str_178: "複製為MD格式",
                str_179: "複製為Markdown格式",
                str_180: "自動匯出URLs.txt",
                str_181: "拼接下載",
                str_182: "※ 畫廊圖片循環切換",
                str_183: "排除格式",
                str_184: "排除錯誤",
                str_185: "自動排錯",
                str_186: "更多選單",
                str_187: "壓縮檔裡創建資料夾",
                str_188: "手機畫廊",
                str_189: "單圖模式",
                str_190: "條漫模式",
                str_191: "預設開啟簡易模式",
                str_192: "自動進入手機畫廊",
                galleryMenu: {
                    horizontal: isM ? "水平模式" : "水平模式 (5,B,R)",
                    webtoon: isM ? "條漫模式" : "條漫模式 (4,+,-)",
                    rtl: isM ? "右至左模式" : "右至左模式 (3,B,R)",
                    small: isM ? "小圖像模式" : "小圖像模式 (2,B,R)",
                    single: isM ? "單圖像模式" : "單圖像模式 (1)",
                    default: isM ? "預設模式" : "預設模式 (0,B,R)",
                FancyboxWheel: {
                    z: "圖片縮放",
                    s: "圖片切換"
                FancyboxTransition: {
                    crossfade: "淡入淡出",
                    fade: "淡出",
                    slide: "滑動",
                    classic: "經典",
                    no: "無過場效果"
                ShadowGalleryWheel: {
                    d: "畫廊滾動",
                    t: "圖片切換",
                    s: "圖列切換"
                backgroundColor: {
                    l: "淺色",
                    d: "深色"
        case "zh":
        case "zh-CN":
        case "zh-SG":
        case "zh-MY":
        case "zh-Hans-CN":
        case "zh-Hans-SG":
        case "zh-Hans-MY":
            DL = {
                xchina_picnum_error: "图片数量不符,请反馈。",
                str_01: "获取图片元素中...",
                str_02: "获取图片中 ",
                str_03: "获取图片逾时",
                str_04: "等待关键元素中...",
                str_05: "获取数据中...",
                str_06: "获取数据中 ",
                str_07: "确认登录状态中...",
                str_08: "获取预览图中...",
                str_09: "获取最后一张图...",
                str_10: "是否拷贝链接至剪贴板?",
                str_11: "已拷贝链接至剪贴板",
                str_12: "只有拷贝链接功能",
                str_13: "请输入图片抓取最大次数",
                str_14: "获取下一页中...",
                str_15: "获取下一页结束",
                str_16: "获取元素中...",
                str_17: "获取元素中 ",
                str_18: "已聚集所有图片",
                str_19: "用来定位插入的元素不存在",
                str_20: "没有能插入的图片",
                str_21: "延迟",
                str_22: "毫秒",
                str_23: "第",
                str_24: "张下载",
                str_25: "完成",
                str_26: "错误",
                str_27: "下载失败了",
                str_28: "张",
                str_29: "\n是否只保存目前下载成功的图片?\n只要图片不是100%挂掉,可以调低下载线程数或重新加载网页后重新下载试试看。",
                str_30: "图片extension错误",
                str_31: "压缩进度: ",
                str_32: "自动下载倒数",
                str_33: "秒",
                str_34: "nextJS前往下一页",
                str_35: "已点击下一页",
                str_36: "自动下载完毕",
                str_37: "没有下一页元素",
                str_38: "返回上一页",
                str_39: "已点击上一页",
                str_40: "没有上一页元素",
                str_41: "已取消",
                str_42: "字数小于3已取消",
                str_43: "下载失败数据为空...",
                str_44: "没有任何图片元素...",
                str_45: "网址已拷贝",
                str_46: "即将进行滚动...",
                str_47: "左键:进行下载打包压缩\n中键:导出网址URLs.txt文档\n右键:拷贝图片网址和标题或手动模式聚集所有图片",
                str_48: "下载&压缩中请稍后再操作!",
                str_49: "获取图片中请稍后再操作!",
                str_50: "自定义网站收藏的网址在新标籤页打开",
                str_51: "请输入自定义压缩档文件夹名称",
                str_52: "聚图数量",
                str_53: "图片绘制中...",
                str_54: "403,未登录网站?",
                str_55: "下载加载中...",
                str_56: "确认图片状态中...",
                str_57: "自动翻页加载中...",
                str_58: "已到达最后一页",
                str_59: "没有任何主体元素",
                str_60: "图片缩放",
                str_61: "取消缩放",
                str_62: "前往第一张图",
                str_63: "左键:前往最后一张图\n右键:导出网址URLs.txt文档",
                str_64: "即将开始自动下载!!!",
                str_65: "已停止自动下载!!!",
                str_66: "💬 Greasy Fork 反馈",
                str_67: "⚙️ 设置",
                str_68: "当前(※全局)网站 Full Picture Load 设置",
                str_69: "显示左下图标按钮",
                str_70: "下载后最大下载线程数:",
                str_71: "压缩打包",
                str_72: "压缩档文件扩展名:",
                str_73: "自动下载",
                str_74: " ( 快捷键 [ ctrl + . ] 开始或取消 )",
                str_75: "自动下载倒数秒数:",
                str_76: "启用当前漫画站点规则",
                str_77: "移动设备双击前往下一页",
                str_78: "Fancybox&ViewerJs灯箱功能",
                str_79: "页面容器图片缩放比例:",
                str_80: "页面容器图片并排数量:",
                str_81: "comic类固定为2,comic类并排后为右至左的漫读模式,hcomic类也设置为2将套用。",
                str_82: isM ? "取消" : "取消 (Esc)",
                str_83: "重置设置",
                str_84: "保存设置",
                str_85: isM ? "脚本设置" : "脚本设置(*)",
                str_86: isM ? "切换模式" : "切换模式(5)",
                str_87: isM ? "比例缩放" : "比例缩放(-+)",
                str_88: isM ? "取消缩放" : "取消缩放(.)",
                str_89: "暂停自动翻页",
                str_90: "启用自动翻页",
                str_91: "初始化设置",
                str_92: "原始模式",
                str_93: "并排模式",
                str_94: "返回开头了",
                str_95: "前往下一集",
                str_96: "已是最后一集",
                str_97: "共",
                str_98: "页获取出错,建议反馈",
                str_99: "重试第",
                str_100: "次",
                str_101: "网址.txt已导出",
                str_102: "格式转换中...",
                str_103: "页面容器默认使用并排模式",
                str_104: isM ? "导出图址" : "导出图址(7)",
                str_105: isM ? "拷贝图址" : "拷贝图址(1)",
                str_106: isM ? "标签画廊" : "标签画廊(8)",
                str_107: isM ? "一键下载" : "一键下载(3)",
                str_108: "※ 讯息提示显示的位置:",
                str_109: {
                    c: "置中",
                    ul: "左上",
                    ur: "右上",
                    ll: "左下",
                    lr: "右下",
                str_110: "※ Webp转换为Jpg",
                str_111: "💬 Github 反馈",
                str_112: "",
                str_113: "",
                str_114: "E/EX-HENTAI 加载原始图片链接",
                str_115: "关闭自动滚动至首张图片",
                str_116: "自动滚动所有懒加载的图片元素",
                str_117: "显示浮动菜单",
                str_118: "图集标题已更新",
                str_119: "FancyboxV5滚轮图片缩放",
                str_120: "此网站标签画廊使用ViewerJs插件",
                str_121: "关闭页面容器图片导览快捷键",
                str_122: "此漫画站使用无限滚动阅读模式",
                str_123: "显示右下捕获之眼图标",
                str_124: "此网站下载视频",
                str_125: "🔄 重置此网站存储的所有脚本设置",
                str_126: "🔄 重置脚本存储的所有全局设置",
                str_127: "右键:导出图址(7)",
                str_128: isM ? "打开收藏" : "打开收藏(9)",
                str_129: "关闭收藏",
                str_130: "编辑收藏",
                str_131: "保存",
                str_132: "关闭",
                str_133: "菜单",
                str_134: "浮动菜单",
                str_135: "无限滚动初始化中...",
                str_136: "右键:增加图片缩放级别(+)",
                str_137: "页面图片添加灯箱模式",
                str_138: "此网站禁用",
                str_139: "自动聚图至页面容器",
                str_140: "自動進入影子畫廊",
                str_141: isM ? "影子画廊" : "影子画廊(G)",
                str_142: "离开画廊 (Esc)",
                str_143: "下一话",
                str_144: "下一篇",
                str_145: "Fancybox5&ViewerJs幻灯片播放间隔:",
                str_146: "Fancybox5滚轮操作:",
                str_147: "画廊 ( 0、1、3 ) 滚轮操作:",
                str_148: "Fancybox5幻灯片过场效果:",
                str_149: "已取消下载!!!",
                str_150: "JK滚动",
                str_151: "JK平滑滚动",
                str_152: "视口高",
                str_153: "标题:",
                str_154: "全部选取",
                str_155: "取消全选",
                str_156: "重新加载",
                str_157: "开始下载",
                str_158: isM ? "筛选下载" : "筛选下载(F)",
                str_159: isM ? "定义函式" : "定义函式(6)",
                str_160: isM ? "插入图片" : "插入图片(1)",
                str_161: "加载线程:",
                str_162: isM ? "预载:" : "图片预载数:",
                str_163: "🖼️ 开启简易模式",
                str_164: "🖼️ 关闭简易模式",
                str_165: "图片总数:",
                str_166: "筛选数量:",
                str_167: "筛选宽度:",
                str_168: "筛选高度:",
                str_169: "布景主题:",
                str_170: "反向选取",
                str_171: "文件大小",
                str_172: "拖动排序",
                str_173: "可拖动图片来改变图片顺序。",
                str_174: "导出JSON格式",
                str_175: "已导出JSON格式",
                str_176: "导出为MD格式",
                str_177: "已导出Markdown格式",
                str_178: "拷贝为MD格式",
                str_179: "拷贝为Markdown格式",
                str_180: "自动导出URLs.txt",
                str_181: "拼接下载",
                str_182: "※ 画廊图片循环切换",
                str_183: "排除格式",
                str_184: "排除错误",
                str_185: "自动排错",
                str_186: "更多选单",
                str_187: "压缩档里创建资料夹",
                str_188: "手机画廊",
                str_189: "单图模式",
                str_190: "条漫模式",
                str_191: "默认打开简易模式",
                str_192: "自动进入手机画廊",
                galleryMenu: {
                    horizontal: isM ? "水平模式" : "水平模式 (5,B,R)",
                    webtoon: isM ? "条漫模式" : "条漫模式 (4,+,-)",
                    rtl: isM ? "右至左模式" : "右至左模式 (3,B,R)",
                    small: isM ? "小图像模式" : "小图像模式 (2,B,R)",
                    single: isM ? "单图像模式" : "单图像模式 (1)",
                    default: isM ? "默认模式" : "默认模式 (0,B,R)",
                FancyboxWheel: {
                    z: "图片缩放",
                    s: "图片切换"
                FancyboxTransition: {
                    crossfade: "淡入淡出",
                    fade: "淡出",
                    slide: "滑动",
                    classic: "经典",
                    no: "无过场效果"
                ShadowGalleryWheel: {
                    d: "画廊滚动",
                    t: "图片切换",
                    s: "图列切换"
                backgroundColor: {
                    l: "浅色",
                    d: "深色"
            DL = {
                xchina_picnum_error: "图片数量不符,请反馈。",
                str_01: "Get Images...",
                str_02: "Get Images ",
                str_03: "Get timed out",
                str_04: "Wait Element...",
                str_05: "Get Data...",
                str_06: "Get Data ",
                str_07: "Confirm Login Status",
                str_08: "Get Preview Thumbnail",
                str_09: "Get Element...",
                str_10: "Whether To Copy Link To Clipboard?",
                str_11: "Copied",
                str_12: "Only Link Can Be Copied",
                str_13: "Please Enter The Number Of Images",
                str_14: "Get Next Page...",
                str_15: "Get Next Page End",
                str_16: "Get Element...",
                str_17: "Get Element ",
                str_18: "All Images Gathered",
                str_19: "Element Does Not Exist",
                str_20: "No Images",
                str_21: "Delay",
                str_22: "ms",
                str_23: "No. ",
                str_24: " Download ",
                str_25: "Completed",
                str_26: "Error",
                str_27: "Download Failed",
                str_28: "P",
                str_29: "\nDo you want to save only the Images that have been successfully downloaded so far?\nAs long as the image is not 100% dead, you can reduce the number of download threads or reload the web page and try downloading again.",
                str_30: "Image Extension Error",
                str_31: "Compression Progress: ",
                str_32: "Countdown ",
                str_33: " sec",
                str_34: "JS Go To Next Page",
                str_35: "Next Page Clicked",
                str_36: "AutoDownload Completed",
                str_37: "No Next Page Element",
                str_38: "Return To Previous Page",
                str_39: "Previous Page Clicked",
                str_40: "No Previous Page Element",
                str_41: "Cancelled",
                str_42: "Cancelled",
                str_43: "Download Failed Data Is Empty",
                str_44: "No Picture Element",
                str_45: "URLs Copied ",
                str_46: "About To Scroll...",
                str_47: "Left Click:Download And Compress\nMiddle Click:Export URLs.txt\nRight Click:Copy Image URL And Title Or Aggregate Images",
                str_48: "Downloading & Compressing, Please Try Again Later!",
                str_49: "Get Pictureing Please Try Again Later!",
                str_50: "Favored Website URL Open in New Tab",
                str_51: "Please Enter A Custom zip File Folder Name",
                str_52: "Number Of Images",
                str_53: "Picture Drawing...",
                str_54: "403,Not Logged In To Website?",
                str_55: "Download Loading...",
                str_56: "Check Picture Statusing...",
                str_57: "AutoPager Loading...",
                str_58: "Reached The Last Page",
                str_59: "No Main Element",
                str_60: "Image Zoom",
                str_61: "Cancel Eoom",
                str_62: "Go To First Image",
                str_63: "Left Click:Go To Last Image\nLeft Click:Export URLs.txt",
                str_64: "Start AutoDownload!!!",
                str_65: "Stop AutoDownload!!!",
                str_66: "💬 Greasy Fork Feedback",
                str_67: "⚙️ Settings",
                str_68: "Current(※Global) Website Options",
                str_69: "Show Lower Left Icon Button",
                str_70: "Max Download Thread:",
                str_71: "Compressed Packaging",
                str_72: "Compressed File Extension:",
                str_73: "AutoDownload",
                str_74: " ( [ ctrl + . ] Start or Cancel)",
                str_75: "AutoDownload Countdown Sec:",
                str_76: "Comic Site Rules Switch",
                str_77: "Double Click Go To Next Page",
                str_78: "Fancybox&ViewerJs Plugin",
                str_79: "Image Zoom Ratio:",
                str_80: "Number Of Images Side By Side:",
                str_81: "Comic Category Fixed To 2",
                str_82: isM ? "Cancel" : "Cancel (Esc)",
                str_83: "Reset",
                str_84: "Save",
                str_85: isM ? "Settings" : "Settings(*)",
                str_86: isM ? "Toggle" : "ToggleMode(5)",
                str_87: isM ? "Zoom" : "ToggleZoom(-+)",
                str_88: isM ? "Cancel" : "CancelZoom(.)",
                str_89: "Pause Automatic Page Turning",
                str_90: "Enable Automatic Page Turning",
                str_91: "Initialization Settings",
                str_92: "Original Mode",
                str_93: "Side-By-Side Mode",
                str_94: "Back To The Beginning",
                str_95: "Go To Next Episode",
                str_96: "It’s The Last Episode",
                str_97: "Have",
                str_98: "Page Fetch Error Please Feedback",
                str_99: "Retry No.",
                str_100: "Bout",
                str_101: "MediaURLs.txt Exported",
                str_102: "Format Converting",
                str_103: "Enable Side-By-Side Mode",
                str_104: isM ? "Export" : "ExportURLs(7)",
                str_105: isM ? "Copy" : "CopyURLs(1)",
                str_106: isM ? "TabView" : "NewTabView(8)",
                str_107: isM ? "Download" : "FastDownload(3)",
                str_108: "※ Where the message appears:",
                str_109: {
                    c: "Center",
                    ul: "Upper left",
                    ur: "Upper right",
                    ll: "Lower left",
                    lr: "Lower right",
                str_110: "※ Convert Webp to Jpg",
                str_111: "💬 Github Feedback",
                str_112: "",
                str_113: "",
                str_114: "E/EX-HENTAI Load Original Image",
                str_115: "Turn Off Auto Scroll To First Image",
                str_116: "Auto Scroll All Image Elements",
                str_117: "Show Fixed Menu",
                str_118: "Album title has been updated",
                str_119: "FancyboxV5 Wheel Toggle Zoom",
                str_120: "This Website New Tab View uses ViewerJs Plug-in",
                str_121: "Turn Off Page Content Image Navigation Shortcut Keys",
                str_122: "This website uses Infinite Scroll Read Mode",
                str_123: "Show Capture Eye Icon",
                str_124: "This website downloads videos",
                str_125: "🔄 Reset all script settings stored on this site",
                str_126: "🔄 Reset all saved global settings",
                str_127: "Right Click:Export URLs(7)",
                str_128: isM ? "OpenFavor" : "OpenFavor(9)",
                str_129: "Close Favor",
                str_130: "Edit Favor",
                str_131: "save",
                str_132: "close",
                str_133: "Menu",
                str_134: "Float Menu",
                str_135: "Infinite Scroll Initializing",
                str_136: "Right Click:Increase Image Zzoom Level(+)",
                str_137: "Add Fancybox To Image",
                str_138: "This Website Is Disabled",
                str_139: "Page Content Auto Insert Images",
                str_140: "Enable Shadow Gallery",
                str_141: isM ? "ShadowGallery" : "ShadowGallery(G)",
                str_142: "Close (Esc)",
                str_143: "Next Chapter",
                str_144: "Next Post",
                str_145: "FB5&ViewerJs Play Delay:",
                str_146: "FB5 Wheel:",
                str_147: "Gallery (0、1、3) Wheel:",
                str_148: "FB5 Slideshow Transition:",
                str_149: "Download Canceled!!!",
                str_150: "JK Scroll ",
                str_151: "JK Smooth Scroll",
                str_152: "Viewport",
                str_153: "Title:",
                str_154: "Select All",
                str_155: "Unselect All",
                str_156: "Reload",
                str_157: "Download",
                str_158: isM ? "FilterDownload" : "FilterDownload(F)",
                str_159: isM ? "Function" : "Function(6)",
                str_160: isM ? "Insert Images" : "Insert Images(1)",
                str_161: "Threads:",
                str_162: "Preload:",
                str_163: "🖼️ Enable Simple Mode",
                str_164: "🖼️ Turn Off Simple Mode",
                str_165: "Total Number Of Images:",
                str_166: "Number Of Filters:",
                str_167: "Filter Width:",
                str_168: "Filter Height:",
                str_169: "Setting Theme:",
                str_170: "Reverse Selection",
                str_171: "Show File Size",
                str_172: "Drag Sort",
                str_173: "Drag the image to change the order of images",
                str_174: "Export JSON",
                str_175: "Exported JSON",
                str_176: "Export Markdown",
                str_177: "Exported Markdown",
                str_178: "Copy Markdown",
                str_179: "Copied to Markdown format",
                str_180: "Auto Export URLs.txt",
                str_181: "Combine Download",
                str_182: "※ Gallery Image Loop Switching",
                str_183: "Exclude Format",
                str_184: "Culling",
                str_185: "Auto Culling",
                str_186: "More Menu",
                str_187: "Create a folder in compressed file",
                str_188: "Phone Gallery",
                str_189: "Single",
                str_190: "Webtoon",
                str_191: "Simple mode enabled by default",
                str_192: "Enable Phone Gallery",
                galleryMenu: {
                    horizontal: isM ? "Horizontal" : "Horizontal (5,B,R)",
                    webtoon: isM ? "Webtoon" : "Webtoon (4,+,-)",
                    rtl: isM ? "Right To Left" : "Right To Left (3,B,R)",
                    small: isM ? "Small Image" : "Small Image (2,B,R)",
                    single: isM ? "Single Image" : "Single Image (1)",
                    default: isM ? "Default" : "Default (0,B,R)",
                FancyboxWheel: {
                    z: "zoom",
                    s: "slide"
                FancyboxTransition: {
                    crossfade: "Crossfade",
                    fade: "Fade",
                    slide: "Slide",
                    classic: "Classic",
                    no: "No Animation"
                ShadowGalleryWheel: {
                    d: "Scroll",
                    t: "Toggle Image",
                    s: "Toggle Row"
                backgroundColor: {
                    l: "Light",
                    d: "Dark"

    const FullPictureLoadBlacklist = localStorage.getItem("FullPictureLoadBlacklist") ?? 0;
    _GM_registerMenuCommand(DL.str_66, () => _GM_openInTab("https://greasyfork.org/scripts/463305/feedback"));
    _GM_registerMenuCommand(DL.str_111, () => _GM_openInTab("https://github.com/skofkyo/AutoPager/issues"));
    _GM_registerMenuCommand("📓 Github README.md", () => _GM_openInTab("https://github.com/skofkyo/AutoPager/blob/main/CustomPictureDownload/README.md"));
    /*const FullPictureLoadBlacklist_menu_command_id = */
    _GM_registerMenuCommand(FullPictureLoadBlacklist == 0 ? "❌ " + DL.str_138 : "✔️  " + DL.str_138, () => {
        FullPictureLoadBlacklist == 0 ? localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadBlacklist", 1) : localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadBlacklist", 0);
    if (FullPictureLoadBlacklist == 1) return;

    let msgTimeId;

    const fn = {
        url: (() => siteUrl)(),
        lo: (() => _unsafeWindow.location.origin)(),
        lp: (() => _unsafeWindow.location.pathname)(),
        lh: (() => _unsafeWindow.location.hostname)(),
        ls: (() => _unsafeWindow.location.search)(),
        durl: (p = null) => {
            const url = _unsafeWindow.document.URL;
            if (isString(p)) {
                return url.includes(p);
            } else if (isRegExp(p)) {
                return url.search(p) > -1;
            return url;
        dlp: (p = null) => {
            const url = _unsafeWindow.location.pathname;
            if (isString(p)) {
                return url.includes(p);
            } else if (isRegExp(p)) {
                return url.search(p) > -1;
            return url;
        dls: (p = null) => {
            const url = _unsafeWindow.document.location.search;
            if (isString(p)) {
                return url.includes(p);
            } else if (isRegExp(p)) {
                return url.search(p) > -1;
            return url;
        getUSP: (p, s = "s") => {
            if (s === "u") {
                return new URL(fn.dls()).searchParams.get(p);
            if (s === "s") {
                return new URLSearchParams(fn.dls()).get(p);
            if (s?.startsWith("http")) {
                return new URL(s).searchParams.get(p);
            if (s?.startsWith("?")) {
                new URLSearchParams(s).get(p);
            return "";
        ex: e => {
            const object = {
                j: "jpg",
                p: "png",
                g: "gif",
                w: "webp",
                b: "bmp"
            return object[e];
        checkUrl: (obj = {}) => {
            const {
                h: hosts,
                p: pathname,
                s: search,
                st: script_text,
                e: elements,
                ee: exclude_elements,
                t: title,
                d: device,
                i: comicInfiniteScroll
            } = obj;
            const {
                imgs: imgSelector,
                customTitle: titleSelector
            } = tempData;
            let checkH = true;
            let checkP = true;
            let checkS = true;
            let checkE = true;
            let checkI = true;
            let checkT = true;
            let checkD = true;
            if ("i" in obj) {
                checkI = comicInfiniteScroll === 0 ? comicInfiniteScrollMode != 1 : comicInfiniteScrollMode == 1;
                if (!checkI) return false;
            if ("d" in obj) {
                if (device === "pc") {
                    checkD = isPC;
                } else if (device === "m") {
                    checkD = isM;
                if (!checkD) return false;
            if ("h" in obj) {
                if (isArray(hosts)) {
                    checkH = hosts.some(h => {
                        if (isRegExp(h)) {
                            return h.test(fn.lh);
                        } else if (isString(h)) {
                            return h === fn.lh;
                        return false;
                } else if (isRegExp(hosts)) {
                    checkH = hosts.test(fn.lh);
                } else if (isString(hosts)) {
                    checkH = fn.lh.includes(hosts);
                if (!checkH) return false;
            if ("t" in obj) {
                if (isArray(title)) {
                    checkT = title.some(t => {
                        if (isString(t)) {
                            return document.title.includes(t);
                        } else if (isRegExp(t)) {
                            return t.test(document.title);
                        return false;
                } else if (isString(title)) {
                    checkT = document.title.includes(title);
                } else if (isRegExp(title)) {
                    checkT = title.test(document.title);
                if (!checkT) return false;
            if ("st" in obj) {
                if (isArray(script_text)) {
                    checkT = script_text.every(text => !![...document.scripts].find(script => {
                        if (isString(text)) {
                            return script.textContent.includes(text);
                        } else if (isRegExp(text)) {
                            return script.textContent.search(text) > -1;
                } else if (isString(script_text) || isRegExp(script_text)) {
                    checkT = !![...document.scripts].find(script => {
                        if (isString(script_text)) {
                            return script.textContent.includes(script_text);
                        } else if (isRegExp(script_text)) {
                            return script.textContent.search(script_text) > -1;
                if (!checkT) return false;
            if ("e" in obj) {
                if (isArray(elements)) {
                    checkE = elements.every(selector => !!fn.ge(selector));
                } else if (isString(elements)) {
                    checkE = !!fn.ge(elements);
                if (!checkE) return false;
            if ("ee" in obj) {
                if (isArray(exclude_elements)) {
                    checkE = exclude_elements.some(selector => !fn.ge(selector));
                } else if (isString(exclude_elements)) {
                    checkE = !fn.ge(exclude_elements);
                if (!checkE) return false;
            if ("p" in obj) {
                if (isArray(pathname)) {
                    checkH = pathname.some(p => {
                        if (isRegExp(p)) {
                            return p.test(fn.lp);
                        } else if (isString(p)) {
                            return fn.lp.includes(p);
                        return false;
                } else if (isRegExp(pathname)) {
                    checkP = pathname.test(fn.lp);
                } else if (isString(pathname)) {
                    checkP = fn.lp.includes(pathname);
                if (!checkP) return false;
            if ("s" in obj) {
                if (isRegExp(search)) {
                    checkS = search.test(fn.ls);
                } else if (isString(search)) {
                    checkS = fn.ls.includes(search);
                if (!checkS) return false;
            if ("box" in tempData && isArray(box) && !("SPA" in tempData)) {
                const [selector] = box;
                checkE = !!fn.ge(selector);
                if (!checkE) {
                    debug("\n頁面沒有創建容器的定位元素", selector);
            if ("imgs" in tempData && isString(imgSelector) && !("SPA" in tempData)) {
                checkI = !!fn.ge(imgSelector);
                if (!checkI) {
                    debug("\n頁面沒有指定的圖片元素", imgSelector);
            if ("customTitle" in tempData && isString(titleSelector) && !("SPA" in tempData)) {
                checkT = !!fn.ge(titleSelector);
                if (!checkT) {
                    debug("\n頁面沒有指定的標題元素", titleSelector);
            return checkH && checkP && checkS && checkE && checkI && checkT;
        checkAutoPagerEle: (data = {}) => {
            let check = true;
            const {
                ele: pageElementSelector,
                observer: observerSelector,
                next: nextSelector,
                re: replaceSelector
            } = data;
            const selectors = [
            ].filter(item => isString(item));
            if (selectors.length > 0) {
                check = selectors.every(selector => !!fn.ge(selector));
                if (check) {
                } else {
            return check;
        getModeUrl: (url, mode, i) => {
            //【.html ==> .html?page=2】第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            //【 ==> ?page=2】第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 1) return url.replace(/\?page=\d+$/, "") + "?page=" + i;
            //【.html ==> /2.html】 第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 2) return url.slice(0, -5) + "/" + i + ".html";
            //【.html ==> _1.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            //return siteUrl.replace(/(_\d+)?\.html$/, "") + "_" + (i - 1) + ".html";
            if (mode === 3) return url.replace(/\.html$/, "") + "_" + (i - 1) + ".html";
            //【/ ==> /2/】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 4) return url.slice(0, -1) + "/" + i + "/";
            //【 ==> /2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === "4") return url + "/" + i;
            //【.html ==> -2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 5) return url.replace(/\.html$/, "") + "-" + i + ".html";
            //【-1.html ==> -2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === "5") return url.replace(/(-\d+)?\.html$/, "") + "-" + i + ".html";
            //【?p=1 ==> ?p=2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 6) return url.replace(/\?p=\d+$/, "") + "?p=" + i;
            //【/1 ==> /2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            //【.html ==> .html/2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 7) return url.replace(/(\.html).*$/, "$1").replace(/\/\d+$/, "") + "/" + i;
            //【 ==> &page=1】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 8) return url.replace(/&page=\d+$/, "") + "&page=" + (i - 1);
            //【 ==> &page=2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === "8") return url.replace(/&page=\d+$/, "") + "&page=" + i;
            //【.html ==> _2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 9) return url.replace(/(_\d+)?\.html$/, "") + "_" + i + ".html";
            //【.html ==> .html/2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 10) return url.replace(/\.html(\/\d+)?$/, "") + ".html/" + i;
            //【/ ==> /2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            //【/1.html ==> /2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 11) return url.replace(/\/(\d+\.html)?$/, "") + "/" + i + ".html";
            //【/ ==> /2.htm】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            //【/1.htm ==> /2.htm】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 12) return url.replace(/\/(\d+\.htm)?$/, "") + "/" + i + ".htm";
            //【-1-* ==> -2-*】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 13) return url.replace(/-\d+-[^-]+$/, "") + "-" + i;
            //【/1/ ==> /2/】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 14) return url.replace(/\/\d+\/$/, "") + "/" + i + "/";
            //【/index.html ==> /index_2.html】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 15) return url.replace(/\/(index(_\d+)?\.html)?$/, "") + "/index_" + i + ".html";
            //【 ==> /2#list】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 16) return url.replace(/\/(index(_\d+)?\.html)?$/, "") + "/" + i + "#list";
            //【.htm ==> _2.htm】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 17) return url.replace(/#$/, "").replace(/(_\d+)?\.htm$/, "") + "_" + i + ".htm";
            //【/ ==> /page/2/】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 18) return url.replace(/\/(page\/\d+\/)?$/, "") + "/page/" + i + "/";
            //【-1 ==> -2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 19) return url.replace(/-\d+$/, "") + "-" + i;
            //【 ==> -p-2】  第一頁 ==> 第二頁
            if (mode === 20) return url.replace(/-p-\d+$/, "") + "-p-" + i;
        retryUrl: async (url, res, func, retryCount = 10) => {
            debug(`\n${func}連線錯誤碼:${res.status}\n`, url);
            let retryNum = 1;
            let obj = {
                fn: func,
                url: url,
                status: res.status
            debug(`\n${func}連線錯誤碼:${res.status}重試第${retryNum}次\n`, url);
            let retry = await new Promise(async resolve => {
                for (let check = 1; check <= retryCount; check++) {
                    let checkRes = await fetch(url);
                    if (checkRes.status == 304 || checkRes.status == 200) {
                        let buffer = await checkRes.arrayBuffer();
                            ok: true,
                            buffer: buffer
                    } else {
                        debug(`\n${func}連線錯誤碼:${checkRes.status}重試第${retryNum += 1}次\n`, url);
                        await delay(3000);
                    if (check >= retryCount) {
                            ok: false
            if (retry.ok) {
                return retry.buffer;
            } else {
                return null;
        fetchErrorMsg: () => {
            if (fetchErrorArray.length > 0) {
                debug(`\nfetchErrorArray\n`, fetchErrorArray);
                setTimeout(() => fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_97}${fetchErrorArray.length}${DL.str_98}`, 10000), 1500);
        getImg: async (img, maxPage = 1, mode = 1, rText = null, time = 50, url = siteUrl, msg = 1, request = 0) => {
            if (fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage") && request == 0) return fn.gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
            isFetching = true;
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getImg()")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getImg()";
            if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
            let imgsArray = [];
            let fetchNum = 0;
            const html = _url => fetch(_url).then(async res => {
                debug(`\nfn.getImg() URL`, _url);
                if (res.status >= 400) {
                    let resData = await fn.retryUrl(_url, res, "fn.getImg()");
                    if (resData !== null) return resData;
                return res.arrayBuffer();
            }).then(buffer => {
                const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${fetchNum+=1}/${Number(maxPage)}`, 0);
                return htmlText;
            }).catch(error => {
                console.error(`\nfn.getImg() > fetch()出錯:\n${decodeURIComponent(_url)}`, error);
            const resArr = [];
            if (Number(maxPage, 10) > 1) {
                for (let i = 2; i <= Number(maxPage); i++) {
                    resArr.push(html(fn.getModeUrl(url, mode, i)));
                    await delay(time);
            await Promise.all(resArr).then(htmls => {
                isFetching = false;
                if (msg == 1) fn.hideMsg();
                for (let i = 0; i < htmls.length; i++) {
                    let dom = fn.doc(htmls[i]);
                    let imgs = fn.gae(img, dom, dom);
                    //debug(`\nfn.getImg() DOM${i}`, dom);
                    for (let p = 0; p < imgs.length; p++) {
                        let check = fn.checkImgSrc(imgs[p], rText);
                        check.ok ? imgsArray.push(decodeURIComponent(check.src)) : debug(`\nfn.getImg() imgs[${p}]錯誤`, imgs[p]);
            return imgsArray;
        getImgO: async (img, maxPage = 1, mode = 1, rText = null, time = 200, replaceElement = null, url = siteUrl, msg = 1, request = 0) => {
            if (fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage") && request == 0) return fn.gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
            isFetching = true;
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getImgO()")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getImgO()";
            if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
            let imgsArray = [];
            let fetchNum = 0;
            const html = async (_url, id = 1) => {
                await delay(time);
                return fetch(_url).then(async res => {
                    debug(`\nfn.getImgO() URL`, _url);
                    if (res.status >= 400) {
                        let resData = await fn.retryUrl(_url, res, "fn.getImgO()");
                        if (resData !== null) return resData;
                    return res.arrayBuffer();
                }).then(buffer => {
                    const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                    const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                    let dom = fn.doc(htmlText);
                    fn.gae(img, dom, dom).forEach(ele => {
                        let check = fn.checkImgSrc(ele);
                        if (ele.tagName == "IMG" && check.ok) ele.src = check.src;
                        if (id == 1) {
                            let targetEle = fn.gae(img).at(-1);
                            insertAfter(targetEle, ele.cloneNode(true));
                    if (isString(replaceElement)) {
                        fn.gae(".invisible", dom).forEach(ele => ele.classList.remove("invisible"));
                        let ce = fn.gae(replaceElement);
                        let re = fn.gae(replaceElement, dom, dom);
                        if (ce.length === re.length) {
                            ce.forEach((e, i) => (e.outerHTML = re[i].outerHTML));
                    if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${fetchNum+=1}/${Number(maxPage)}`, 0);
                    return htmlText;
                }).catch(error => {
                    console.error(`\nfn.getImgO() > fetch()出錯:\n${decodeURIComponent(_url)}`, error);
            const resArr = [];
            resArr.push(await html(url, 0));
            if (Number(maxPage) > 1) {
                for (let i = 2; i <= Number(maxPage); i++) {
                    resArr.push(await html(fn.getModeUrl(url, mode, i)));
            await Promise.all(resArr).then(htmls => {
                isFetching = false;
                for (let i = 0; i < htmls.length; i++) {
                    let dom = fn.doc(htmls[i]);
                    let imgs = fn.gae(img, dom, dom);
                    //debug(`\nfn.getImgO() DOM${i}`, dom);
                    for (let p = 0; p < imgs.length; p++) {
                        let check = fn.checkImgSrc(imgs[p], rText);
                        check.ok ? imgsArray.push(decodeURIComponent(check.src)) : debug(`\nfn.getImgO() imgs[${p}]錯誤`, imgs[p]);
            return imgsArray;
        getImgIframe: async (img, maxPage = 1, mode = 1, rEle = null, time = 500, showMsg = 1) => {
            if (fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage")) return fn.gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
            isFetching = true;
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getImgIframe()")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getImgIframe()";
            if (showMsg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
            let imgsArray = [];
            let fetchNum = 1;
            await fn.waitEle(img);
            fn.gae(img).forEach(ele => imgsArray.push(ele));
            const html = async (url, index = 0) => {
                let targetEle = fn.gae(img).at(-1);
                let load = document.createElement("p");
                load.className = "FullPictureLoadLoading";
                load.innerText = "Loading...";
                insertAfter(targetEle, load);
                await delay(time);
                let dom = null;
                for (let i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
                    dom = await fn.iframeSrcDoc(url, img);
                    if (dom !== null) {
                    } else {
                if (dom) {
                    debug("iframeDoc" + index, dom);
                    fn.gae(img, dom, dom).forEach(ele => {
                        insertAfter(targetEle, ele.cloneNode(true));
                    if (rEle) {
                        let ce = fn.gae(rEle);
                        let re = fn.gae(rEle, dom, dom);
                        if (ce.length === re.length) {
                            ce.forEach((e, i) => (e.outerHTML = re[i].outerHTML));
                    if (showMsg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${fetchNum+=1}/${Number(maxPage)}`, 0);
                } else {
                    fetchNum += 1;
                    let obj = {
                        fn: "fn.getImgIframe()",
                        url: url
                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_03, 3000);
            if (Number(maxPage) > 1) {
                for (let i = 2; i <= Number(maxPage); i++) {
                    await html(fn.getModeUrl(siteUrl, mode, i), i);
            debug("\nfn.getImgiframe() 聚集的所有IMG", imgsArray);
            isFetching = false;
            return imgsArray;
        getImgA: async (elementSelector, link, mode = 0, rText = null, showMsg = 1, request = 0) => {
            if (fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage") && request == 0) return fn.gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
            isFetching = true;
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getImgA()")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getImgA()";
            if (showMsg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
            let links, linkEles, linksNum;
            if (isFn(link)) {
                links = await link();
                linksNum = links.length;
            } else if (isArray(link)) {
                links = link;
                linksNum = links.length;
            } else if (isString(link)) {
                linkEles = fn.gae(link);
                links = [...new Set(linkEles.map(a => a.href))];
                linksNum = links.length + 1;
            } else {
                console.error("\nfn.getImgA() link參數錯誤", link);
            debug("\nfn.getImgA() links", links);
            let imgsArray = [];
            let fetchNum = 0;
            const html = url => fetch(url).then(async res => {
                debug(`\nfn.getImgA() URL`, url);
                if (res.status >= 400) {
                    let resData = await fn.retryUrl(url, res, "fn.getImgA()");
                    if (resData !== null) return resData;
                return res.arrayBuffer();
            }).then(buffer => {
                if (showMsg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${fetchNum+=1}/${linksNum}`, 0);
                const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                return htmlText;
            }).catch(error => {
                console.error(`\nfn.getImgA fetch()出錯:\n${decodeURIComponent(url)}`, error);
            const resArr = [];
            if (isString(link)) resArr.push(html(siteUrl));
            for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
                if (mode == 0) {
                } else if (mode >= 100) {
                    await delay(mode);
                } else if (mode == 1) {
                    let res = await html(links[i]);
                    if (isString(link)) {
                        let dom = fn.doc(res);
                        debug(`\nfn.getImgA()單線程模式 DOM\n${links[i].href}`, dom);
                        let imgs = fn.gae(elementSelector, dom, dom);
                        let imgHtml = "";
                        for (let p = 0; p < imgs.length; p++) {
                            let imgSrc;
                            let check = fn.checkImgSrc(imgs[p], rText);
                            if (check.ok) {
                                imgSrc = check.src;
                                //let blob = await GM_XHR_Download(imgSrc);
                                //let objectURL = await URL.createObjectURL(blob.blob);
                                //imgSrc = objectURL;
                                debug("\nfn.getImgA() 單線程模式imgSrc", imgSrc);
                            } else {
                                console.error("\nfn.getImgA() 單線程模式出錯", imgs[p]);
                            imgHtml += `<img src="${imgSrc}" style="width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: unset; display:block; float: unset; opacity: 1; border: none; border-radius: unset; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; transition: unset; transform: unset;">`;
                        linkEles[i].outerHTML = imgHtml;
                } else if (mode == 2) {
                    let res = await html(links[i]);
                    await delay(200);
                    if (i !== 0) {
                        let dom = fn.doc(res);
                        let tE = fn.gae(elementSelector).at(-1);
                        let eles = fn.gae(elementSelector, dom, dom);
                        eles.forEach(e => insertAfter(tE, e));
            await Promise.all(resArr).then(htmls => {
                isFetching = false;
                for (let i = 0; i < htmls.length; i++) {
                    let dom = fn.doc(htmls[i]);
                    //if (mode != 1) debug(`\nfn.getImgA() DOM${i}`, dom);
                    let imgs = fn.gae(elementSelector, dom, dom);
                    for (let p = 0; p < imgs.length; p++) {
                        let check = fn.checkImgSrc(imgs[p], rText);
                        check.ok ? imgsArray.push(check.src) : console.error("\nfn.getImgA() PromiseAll出錯", imgs[p]);
            return imgsArray;
        getImgCorsA: (imgSelector, aSelector, time = 100) => {
            isFetching = true;
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
            let xhrNum = 0;
            let links;
            isString(aSelector) ? links = fn.gau(aSelector) : links = aSelector;
            let resArr = links.map(async (url, i, arr) => {
                await delay(time * i);
                return fn.xhrDoc(url).then(dom => {
                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                    return fn.gae(imgSelector, dom, dom);
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => {
                isFetching = false;
                return fn.getImgSrcArr(arr.flat());
        complementSrc: (src, rText = null) => {
            if (src.startsWith("//")) {
                src = location.protocol + src;
            if (src.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml,<svg") || src.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg")) {
                src = fn.dataURLtoBlobURL(src);
            if (/^\/[^\/]+/.test(src)) {
                src = location.origin + src;
            if (!/^(https?:|blob:|data:)/.test(src) && /^\w+/i.test(src)) {
                src = location.origin + "/" + src;
            if (isArray(rText) && rText.length == 2) {
                src = src.replace(rText[0], rText[1]);
            return src;
        checkImgSrc: (ele, rText = null) => {
            let imgSrc;
            let check = fn.checkDataset(ele);
            if (isEle(ele) && ["IMG", "DIV", "A", "SPAN", "LI", "FIGURE", "ARTICLE", "P", "VIDEO"].some(n => n === ele.tagName) && check.ok) {
                imgSrc = fn.complementSrc(check.src, rText);
            } else if (isEle(ele) && ["IMG", "AMP-IMG"].some(n => n === ele.tagName)) {
                if (ele.tagName == "IMG") {
                    imgSrc = ele.src;
                if (ele.tagName == "AMP-IMG") {
                    imgSrc = ele.getAttribute("src");
                imgSrc = fn.complementSrc(imgSrc, rText);
            } else if (["A", "LINK"].some(n => n === ele.tagName)) {
                imgSrc = ele.href;
                if (isArray(rText) && rText.length == 2) {
                    imgSrc = imgSrc.replace(rText[0], rText[1]);
            } else if (isString(ele) && /^(https?:|blob:|data:|\/|\w+)/i.test(ele)) {
                imgSrc = ele;
                imgSrc = fn.complementSrc(imgSrc, rText);
            if (isURL(imgSrc)) {
                if (imgSrc === location.href) {
                    return {
                        ok: false
                return {
                    ok: true,
                    src: imgSrc
            } else {
                return {
                    ok: false
        checkDataset: ele => {
            if (!isEle(ele)) {
                return {
                    ok: false
            if (["IMG", "DIV", "A", "SPAN", "LI", "FIGURE", "P", "ARTICLE", "VIDEO"].some(n => n === ele.tagName)) {
                const datasetArr = [

                for (let p of datasetArr) {
                    let imgSrc = ele.getAttribute(p)?.trim();
                    if (!!imgSrc) {
                        return {
                            ok: true,
                            src: imgSrc

                if (ele.tagName !== "IMG") {
                    let backgroundImage = getComputedStyle(ele).getPropertyValue("background-image");
                    if (backgroundImage != "none" && backgroundImage?.startsWith("url")) {
                        let imgSrc = backgroundImage.slice(5, -2).trim();
                        if (!!imgSrc) {
                            return {
                                ok: true,
                                src: imgSrc
            return {
                ok: false
        checkImageCDN: srcArr => {
            fn.showMsg("fn.xhrHEA(check)...", 0);
            let xhrNum = 0;
            return srcArr.map(async (src, i, arr) => {
                await delay(25 * i);
                let res = await fn.xhrHEAD(src);
                fn.showMsg(`fn.xhrHEAD(${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length})`, 0);
                let status = res.status;
                if (src.includes("wsrv.nl")) {
                    return status > 399 ? src.replace("https://wsrv.nl/?url=", "") : src; //wsrv.nl_CDN
                } else {
                    return status > 399 ? src.replace(/i\d\.wp\.com\/|\?.+$/g, "") : src; //WordPressCDN
        removeImageCDN: srcArr => {
            return srcArr.map(async (src, i, arr) => {
                if (src.includes("wsrv.nl")) {
                    return src.replace("https://wsrv.nl/?url=", ""); //wsrv.nl_CDN
                } else {
                    return src.replace(/i\d\.wp\.com\/|\?.+$/g, ""); //WordPressCDN
        getAList: () => {
            let paths = [...document.querySelectorAll("a.list-item")].map(a => decodeURIComponent(a.getAttribute("href"))).map(href => /\.jpe?g$|\.webp$|\.png$|\.gif$|\.mp4$|\.mov$|\.ts|\.zip$/i.test(href) ? href : null).filter(Boolean);
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            let fetchNum = 0;
            let password;
            if ("browser-password" in localStorage) {
                password = localStorage.getItem("browser-password");
            } else {
                password = "";
            let resArr = paths.map((path, i, arr) => {
                const body = {
                return fetch("/api/fs/get", {
                    "headers": {
                        "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
                        "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
                    "body": JSON.stringify(body),
                    "method": "POST"
                }).then(res => res.json()).then(json => {
                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${fetchNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                    return json.code == 200 ? {
                        name: json.data.name,
                        //url: decodeURIComponent(json.data.raw_url)
                        url: json.data.raw_url
                    } : null;
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => {
                console.log("AListDataArray", arr);
                return arr.map(obj => {
                    if (!obj) return null;
                    if (/\.mp4$|\.mov$|\.ts$/i.test(obj.name)) {
                        return null;
                    } else if (/\.zip$/i.test(obj.name)) {
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        return obj.url;
        getImgSrcArr: (selector, dom = document) => {
            let imgs;
            isString(selector) ? imgs = fn.gae(selector, dom, dom) : imgs = selector;
            let srcs = imgs.map(ele => {
                let check = fn.checkImgSrc(ele);
                return check.ok ? check.src : null;
            return [...new Set(srcs)];
        getImgSrcset: (selector, dom = document) => {
            let imgs;
            isString(selector) ? imgs = fn.gae(selector, dom, dom) : imgs = selector;
            let srcs = imgs.map(ele => {
                let srcset = ele.getAttribute("srcset") || ele.getAttribute("data-srcset") || ele.getAttribute("data-lazy-srcset");
                if (srcset && /[xw],/.test(srcset)) {
                    let splitArr = srcset.split(",").map(src => src.trim()).filter(Boolean);
                    splitArr = splitArr.sort((a, b) => a.match(/\s([\d\.]+)(w|x)$/)[1] - b.match(/\s([\d\.]+)(w|x)$/)[1]);
                    let [src] = splitArr.at(-1).trim().split(" ");
                    if (/^https:\/\/i\d\.wp\.com/.test(src)) {
                        src = src.replace(/\?.+$/, "?ssl=1");
                    //if (decodeURIComponent(src).includes("/none")) console.log(ele);
                    try {
                        return decodeURIComponent(src);
                    } catch {
                        return src;
                } else {
                    if (ele?.parentElement?.id === "pagetual-preload") return null;
                    if (isSimpleMode && ele?.tagName === "A") {
                        let check = fn.checkDataset(ele);
                        if (check.ok) {
                            //if (decodeURIComponent(check.src).includes("/none")) console.log(ele);
                            if (!/\.(jpe?g|png|webp|gif|bmp|tif|svg)/i.test(check.src)) {
                                console.log("\n可能不是含圖片網址的A元素\n", ele);
                                return null;
                            try {
                                return decodeURIComponent(check.src);
                            } catch {
                                return check.src;
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    let check = fn.checkImgSrc(ele);
                    if (check.ok) {
                        let src = check.src;
                        if (/^https:\/\/i\d\.wp\.com/.test(src)) {
                            src = src.replace(/\?.+$/, "?ssl=1").replace(/-\d+x\d+\./, ".");
                        } else {
                            src = src.replace(/-\d+x\d+\./, ".");
                        //if (decodeURIComponent(src).includes("/none")) console.log(ele);
                        try {
                            return decodeURIComponent(src);
                        } catch {
                            return src;
                    } else {
                        return null;
            return srcs;
        getBackgroundImage: (selector, dom = document) => {
            let eles;
            isString(selector) ? eles = fn.gae(selector, dom, dom) : eles = selector;
            let srcs = eles.map(ele => {
                let backgroundImage = getComputedStyle(ele).getPropertyValue("background-image");
                if (backgroundImage != "none" && backgroundImage?.startsWith("url")) {
                    let imgSrc = backgroundImage.slice(5, -2).trim();
                    return imgSrc;
                } else {
                    return null;
            return [...new Set(srcs)];
        getNP: async (pageEle, nextLinkEle, lastEle = null, replaceElement = null, time = 0, dataset = null, msg = 1, retry = 10) => {
            //用在規則init,fn.getNP(picsEle, nextLinkEle, lastEle, replaceElement, time);
            if (fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage")) return;
            if (isString(nextLinkEle) && !fn.ge(nextLinkEle)) return;
            isFetching = true;
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getNP()")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getNP()";
            let nextlink = null;
            let page = 1;
            if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_14, 0);
            const getNextLink = async (url = "", dom = document) => {
                if (isFn(nextLinkEle)) {
                    nextlink = await nextLinkEle(dom);
                } else if (isString(nextLinkEle)) {
                    let ele = fn.ge(nextLinkEle, dom, dom);
                    if (!!ele) {
                        if (!!ele?.dataset?.url) {
                            if (!/^http/.test(ele.dataset.url)) return null;
                            nextlink = ele.dataset.url;
                        } else if (ele.tagName === "A") {
                            nextlink = ele.href;
                            let nh = ele.hostname;
                            let lh = fn.lh;
                            if (nh != lh) nextlink = nextlink.replace(nh, lh);
                        } else {
                            try {
                                ele.getAttribute("href") ? nextlink = ele.getAttribute("href") : nextlink = ele.getAttribute("_href");
                            } catch {
                                nextlink = null;
                    } else {
                        nextlink = null;
                } else {
                    nextlink = null;
                if (isString(url) && isString(nextlink) && (url === nextlink)) {
                    if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_15);
                    nextlink = null;
                return nextlink;
            const getNextPageEles = async url => {
                if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_14} (Page${page += 1})`, 0);
                await fetch(url).then(async res => {
                    if (res.status >= 400) {
                        let resData = await fn.retryUrl(url, res, "fn.getNP()");
                        if (resData !== null) return resData;
                    return res.arrayBuffer();
                }).then(buffer => {
                    const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                    const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                    return htmlText;
                }).then(async htmlText => {
                    let dom = fn.doc(htmlText);
                    let lastPage = null;
                    if (isString(lastEle)) {
                        lastPage = fn.ge(lastEle, dom, dom);
                    } else if (isFn(lastEle)) {
                        try {
                            lastPage = await lastEle(dom);
                        } catch (error) {
                            debug("fn.getNP() lastEle() 函式錯誤", error);
                            lastPage = null;
                    if (lastPage) {
                        isFetching = false;
                        if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_15);
                    if (!fn.ge(pageEle, dom, dom)) {
                        for (let i = 1; i <= retry; i++) {
                            dom = await fn.iframeSrcDoc(url, pageEle);
                            if (dom != null) {
                            } else {
                    if (!dom) dom = fn.doc(htmlText);
                    if (isString(dataset)) {
                        fn.gae(dataset, dom, dom).forEach(e => {
                            let check = fn.checkImgSrc(e);
                            if (check.ok) {
                                if (e.tagName == "IMG") {
                                    e.src = check.src;
                                } else if (["A", "DIV", "SPAN", "LI", "FIGURE"].some(n => n === e.tagName)) {
                                    e.style.backgroundImage = `url(${check.src})`;
                    //debug(`\nfn.getNP() > getNextPageEles() DOM\n${decodeURIComponent(url)}`, dom);
                    let eles = fn.gae(pageEle, dom, dom).map(e => e.cloneNode(true));
                    let targetEle = fn.gae(pageEle).at(-1);
                    insertAfter(targetEle, fragment);
                    if (replaceElement) {
                        let currentPageEles = fn.gae(replaceElement);
                        let nextPageEles = fn.gae(replaceElement, dom, dom);
                        if (currentPageEles.length === nextPageEles.length) {
                            currentPageEles.forEach((e, i) => (e.outerHTML = nextPageEles[i].outerHTML));
                    nextlink = await getNextLink(url, dom);
                    if (nextlink) {
                        await delay(time);
                        await getNextPageEles(nextlink);
                    } else {
                        isFetching = false;
                        if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_15);
            nextlink = await getNextLink();
            if (nextlink) {
                await delay(time);
                await getNextPageEles(nextlink);
            } else {
                isFetching = false;
                if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_15);
        getImageHost: async (links = captureLinksArray) => {
            let imgsSrcArr = [];
            if (links.length > 0) {
                if (/\.\w+$/.test(links[0]) && !/\.html$/.test(links[0]) && !/\/fappic\.com\//.test(links[0]) && !/pixhost\.to\/show\//.test(links[0]) && !/^https?:\/\/imagetwist\.com\//.test(links[0])) return links;
                fn.showMsg(DL.str_01, 0);
                let xhrNum = 0;
                let resArr = links.map(async (url, i, arr) => {
                    await delay(100 * i);
                    if (/imx\.to/.test(url)) {
                        return fn.imxXHR(url).then(dom => {
                            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                            let img = fn.ge("#container img", dom);
                            return img ? img.src : null;
                    } else if (/imagebam/.test(url)) {
                        return fn.imageBamXHR(url).then(dom => {
                            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                            let img = fn.ge("img.main-image", dom);
                            return img ? img.src : null;
                    } else if (/postimg/.test(url)) {
                        return fn.xhr(url, {
                            responseType: "document"
                        }).then(dom => {
                            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                            let a = fn.ge("a#download", dom);
                            return a ? a.href : null;
                    } else {
                        return fn.xhr(url, {
                            responseType: "document"
                        }).then(dom => {
                            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_02}${xhrNum+=1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                            let img = fn.ge("#imgpreview,#image,.pic.img.img-responsive,#imageid,#img.image-content,.card-body img,.image.img-fluid,img.pic[alt][title]", dom);
                            return img ? img.src : null;
                await Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => (imgsSrcArr = arr.filter(Boolean)));
            return imgsSrcArr;
        toggleAutoPager: () => {
            let hide = siteData.autoPager?.hide;
            if (autoPagerSwitch === true) {
                autoPagerSwitch = false;
                fn.gae(".autoPagerTitle").forEach(e => e.classList.add("off"));
                if (isString(hide)) {
                    let eles = fn.gae(hide);
                    eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = ""));
            } else {
                autoPagerSwitch = true;
                fn.gae(".autoPagerTitle").forEach(e => e.classList.remove("off"));
                if (isString(hide)) {
                    let eles = fn.gae(hide);
                    eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = "none"));
        infiniteScroll: async () => {
            let hide = siteData.autoPager?.hide;
            let url;
            try {
                url = await fn.getNextLink(doc);
                if (!url) {
                    autoPagerSwitch = false;
                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_58, 3000);
                    if (isString(hide)) {
                        let eles = fn.gae(hide);
                        eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = ""));
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("\n取得下一頁連結出錯\n", error);
                if (isString(hide)) {
                    let eles = fn.gae(hide);
                    eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = ""));
            let mode = siteData.autoPager?.mode;
            let eleSelector = siteData.autoPager.ele;
            if (isString(mode) && mode == "json") {
                siteJson = await fetch(url, {
                    cache: "no-cache"
                }).then(res => res.json());
            } else if (isNumber(mode) && mode == 1) {
                doc = await fn.iframeDoc(url, (siteData.autoPager?.waitEle || eleSelector), 30000);
            } else {
                if (httpFetchError === false) {
                    doc = await fn.fetchDoc(url, 0);
                if (httpFetchError === true || !doc) {
                    doc = await fn.xhrDoc(url);
            //debug(`\nfn.infiniteScroll()\n${url}\n`, doc);
            let stop = siteData.autoPager?.stop;
            if (isFn(stop) || isString(eleSelector)) {
                let stopCheck;
                if (isFn(stop)) {
                    try {
                        stopCheck = await stop(doc);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.error("\nsiteData.autoPager.stop() 函式錯誤\n", error);
                        stopCheck = false;
                } else if (isString(eleSelector)) {
                    stopCheck = !fn.ge(eleSelector, doc, doc); //有元素false沒有元素true
                if (stopCheck) {
                    autoPagerSwitch = false;
                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_58, 3000);
                    if (isString(hide)) {
                        let eles = fn.gae(hide);
                        eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = ""));
            let history = siteData.autoPager?.history;
            if (history != 0 && mode != "json") {
                try {
                    await fn.addHistory(doc?.title ?? document.title, url);
                } catch (error) {
            let wait = siteData.autoPager?.wait;
            if (isFn(wait)) {
                await wait(doc);
            let script = siteData.autoPager?.script;
            if (isString(script)) {
                let scripts = fn.gae(script, doc);
                for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
                    if (scripts[i].src !== "") {
                        let src = scripts[i].src;
                        await fn.script(src, 1, 1);
                    } else {
                        let code = scripts[i].innerHTML;
                        await fn.script(code, 0, 1);
            let lazySrc = siteData.autoPager?.lazySrc;
            if (isString(lazySrc)) {
                let eles = fn.gae(lazySrc, doc, doc);
                for (let i = 0; i < eles.length; i++) {
                    let check = fn.checkDataset(eles[i]);
                    if (check.ok) {
                        if (eles[i].tagName === "IMG") {
                            eles[i].src = check.src;
                        } else if (["DIV", "A", "SPAN", "LI", "FIGURE"].some(n => n === eles[i].tagName)) {
                            eles[i].style.backgroundImage = `url("${check.src}")`;
            let bF = siteData.autoPager?.bF;
            if (isFn(bF)) await bF(doc);
            let re = siteData.autoPager?.re;
            if (isString(re)) {
                let currentPageEles = fn.gae(re);
                let nextPageEles = fn.gae(re, doc, doc);
                if (currentPageEles.length === nextPageEles.length) {
                    currentPageEles.forEach((e, i) => (e.outerHTML = nextPageEles[i].outerHTML));
            let newEles, tE;
            let pos = siteData.autoPager?.pos;
            if (isFn(eleSelector) && pos || isString(eleSelector)) {
                if (isFn(eleSelector)) {
                    newEles = await eleSelector(doc);
                } else if (isString(eleSelector)) {
                    let nextEle = fn.ge(eleSelector, doc, doc);
                    if (!nextEle) {
                        fn.showMsg(DL.str_59, 3000);
                    tE = fn.gae(eleSelector).at(-1);
                    newEles = fn.gae(eleSelector, doc, doc);
                if (siteData.autoPager?.showTitle !== 0) {
                    let add = true;
                    let titleText = null;
                    let num = siteData.autoPager?.pageNum;
                    let title = siteData.autoPager?.title;
                    if (isString(num)) {
                        titleText = `Page ${fn.gt(num, 1, doc)}`;
                    } else if (isFn(num)) {
                        titleText = `Page ${await num(doc)}`;
                    } else if (isFn(title)) {
                        try {
                            titleText = await title(mode == "json" ? siteJson : doc, frameWindow);
                            if (isObject(titleText)) {
                                titleText.ok ? titleText = titleText.text : add = false;
                        } catch (error) {
                            console.error("\nsiteData.autoPager.title() 函式錯誤\n", error);
                    if (add) {
                        if (mode == "json") {
                            url = document.URL;
                        fragment.append(fn.titleUrlEle(url, (titleText || doc?.title || document.title)));
                if (isArray(pos) && pos.length == 2 && isString(pos[0]) && isNumber(pos[1])) {
                    const [selector, p] = pos;
                    tE = fn.ge(selector);
                    if (p === 0) { //元素裡面
                    } else if (p === 1) { //元素之前
                        insertBefore(tE, fragment);
                    } else if (p === 2) { //元素之後
                        insertAfter(tE, fragment);
                } else {
                    insertAfter(tE, fragment);
            } else if (isFn(eleSelector)) {
                await eleSelector(doc);
            let aF = siteData.autoPager?.aF;
            if (isFn(aF)) await aF(doc);
            if (siteData.category === "comic autoPager") {
                await fn.lazyload();
                let pagerTitles = fn.gae(".autoPagerTitle");
                if (pagerTitles.length > 3) {
                    let parentE = pagerTitles[0].parentNode;
                    let nodes = [...parentE.childNodes];
                    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                        if (nodes[i].className === "autoPagerTitle") {
            let observer = siteData.autoPager?.observer;
            if (isString(observer)) {
                await delay(siteData.autoPager?.sleep ?? 1000);
                let ele = fn.gae(observer).at(-1);
            let preloadNextPage = siteData.autoPager?.preloadNextPage;
            if (!!preloadNextPage) {
        preloadNextPage: async (dom = document) => {
            let preloadNextPage = siteData.autoPager?.preloadNextPage;
            if (isNumber(preloadNextPage) && preloadNextPage === 1 && siteData.category === "comic autoPager") {
                let nextSelector = siteData.autoPager.next;
                let nextUrl = null;
                if (isString(nextSelector)) {
                    let nextE = fn.ge(nextSelector, dom, dom);
                    if (!!nextE) {
                        nextUrl = nextE.href;
                } else if (isFn(nextSelector)) {
                    nextUrl = await nextSelector(dom, 0);
                if (!!nextUrl) {
                    let _fetch;
                    let xhr = siteData.autoPager?.preloadNextPageXHR;
                    if (!!xhr && xhr === "cors") {
                        _fetch = fn.xhrDoc(nextUrl);
                    } else {
                        _fetch = fn.fetchDoc(nextUrl);
                    _fetch.then(async nextDoc => {
                        let srcs = await siteData.getSrcs(nextDoc);
                        let text;
                        let title = siteData.autoPager?.title;
                        if (isFn(title)) {
                            text = await title(nextDoc);
                            if (isObject(text)) {
                                text = nextDoc.title;
                        } else {
                            text = nextDoc.title;
                        fn.picPreload(srcs, text, "next");
            } else if (isFn(preloadNextPage)) {
        iframeDoc: (url, selector = null, time = 5000, callback = null) => {
            return new Promise(async resolve => {
                let tid;
                const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
                iframe.name = "FullPictureLoad-iframe";
                iframe.id = "FullPictureLoadIframe";
                iframe.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms";
                iframe.style.cssText = "display: block; visibility: visible; float: none; clear: both; width: 100%; height: 0; background: initial; border: 0px; border-radius: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; z-index: 2147483645;content-visibility: auto;contain-intrinsic-size: auto 300px;";
                tid = setTimeout(() => resolve(null), time);
                const call = async () => {
                    let dom = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
                    if (!dom) resolve(fn.doc("none"));
                    dom.body.scrollTop = 9999999;
                    dom.documentElement.scrollTop = 9999999;
                    try {
                        await delay(siteData.autoPager?.loadTime || 200);
                    } catch {
                        await delay(200);
                    if (selector !== null) {
                        await fn.waitEle(selector, 600, dom);
                    if (isFn(callback)) {
                        await callback(dom, iframe.contentWindow);
                    let frameCode = siteData.frameCode;
                    if (!!frameCode) {
                        fn.script(frameCode, 0, 1, dom);
                    frameWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
                iframe.onload = () => call();
                iframe.src = url;
        //先用Fetch API取得網頁原始碼,再傳入Iframe框架加載網頁返回框架的document
        iframeSrcDoc: (url, selector = null, time = 5000, callback = null) => {
            return new Promise(async resolve => {
                let tid;
                let resText = await fetch(url).then(async res => {
                    debug(`\nfn.iframeSrcDoc() URL`, url);
                    if (res.status >= 400) {
                        let resData = await fn.retryUrl(url, res, "fn.iframeSrcDoc()");
                        if (resData !== null) return resData;
                    return res.arrayBuffer()
                }).then(buffer => {
                    const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                    const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                    return htmlText;
                const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
                iframe.name = "FullPictureLoad-iframe";
                iframe.id = "FullPictureLoadIframe";
                iframe.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms";
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                        check = key.every(k => (k in iframe.contentWindow));
                    if (check) {
                }, 100);
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        // 讓用Iframe框架加載網頁,能像fetch的寫法
        iframe: async (url, details = {}) => {
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                                    check = (waitVar in iframe.contentWindow);
                                } else if (isArray(waitVar)) {
                                    check = waitVar.every(k => (k in iframe.contentWindow));
                                if (check) {
                                    //console.log("waitVar", waitVar);
                            }, 100);
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                        dom: dom,
                        frame: iframe.contentWindow
                    //console.log("iframe dom", dom);
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                } catch (error) {
                    console.error("\nfn.getNextLink() ERROR\n", error);
                    return null;
                nextLink = nextEle.href;
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                            insertBefore(tE, img);
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                            insertAfter(tE, img);
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                        tE = fn.gae(siteData.autoPager.ele).at(-1);
                        insertAfter(tE, img);
                } catch {
                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_57, 0);
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                try {
                } catch {
        addHistory: (title, url) => {
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            for (let url of links) {
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                    fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_17}${fetchNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
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                        return eles;
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                        ele = fn.ge(selector);
                        if (p == 0) ele.append(fragment);
                        else if (p == 1) insertBefore(ele, fragment);
                        else if (p == 2) insertAfter(ele, fragment);
                    return eles;
            isFetching = false;
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            if (isString(links)) {
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                        debug(`\nfn.getEle() URL`, decodeURIComponent(links[i]));
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_17}${xhrNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
                        //debug(`fn.getEle()\n${decodeURIComponent(links[i])}\n`, dom);
                        return fn.gae(elements, dom, dom);
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                    res = fn.fetchDoc(links[i], {}, retry).then(dom => {
                        debug(`\nfn.getEle() URL`, decodeURIComponent(links[i]));
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_17}${xhrNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
                        //debug(`fn.getEle()\n${decodeURIComponent(links[i])}\n`, dom);
                        return fn.gae(elements, dom, dom);
                if (time !== 0 && isNumber(time)) await delay(time);
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                isFetching = false;
                if (targetEle === null) {
                    if (removeEles) fn.remove(removeEles);
                    return eles;
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                if (removeEles) fn.remove(removeEles);
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            fn.showMsg(DL.str_16, 0);
            if (isString(links)) {
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            for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
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                if (time === 0) {
                    res = await fn.xhrDoc(links[i]).then(dom => {
                        debug(`\nfn.getEle() URL`, decodeURIComponent(links[i]));
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_17}${xhrNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
                        //debug(`fn.getEle()\n${decodeURIComponent(links[i])}\n`, dom);
                        return fn.gae(elements, dom, dom);
                } else {
                    res = fn.xhrDoc(links[i]).then(dom => {
                        debug(`\nfn.getEle() URL`, decodeURIComponent(links[i]));
                        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_17}${xhrNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
                        //debug(`fn.getEle()\n${decodeURIComponent(links[i])}\n`, dom);
                        return fn.gae(elements, dom, dom);
                if (time !== 0 && isNumber(time)) await delay(time);
            return Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => arr.flat()).then(eles => {
                isFetching = false;
                if (targetEle === null) {
                    if (removeEles) fn.remove(removeEles);
                    return eles;
                let ele;
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                    ele = fn.ge(selector);
                    if (p == 0) ele.append(fragment);
                    else if (p == 1) insertBefore(ele, fragment);
                    else if (p == 2) insertAfter(ele, fragment);
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                    ele = fn.ge(targetEle);
                    ele.innerHTML = "";
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        picPreload: async (srcArr, title = (customTitle || document.title), page = "current") => {
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                    temp.onload = () => {
                    temp.onerror = error => {
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                            src = src.replace(/i\d\.wp\.com\/|\?.+$/g, ""); //WordPressCDN
                        if (/e-hentai\.org|exhentai\.org/.test(fn.lh)) {
                        if (errorNum >= 10) {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            if (/www\.yinghuamh\.net/.test(fn.lh)) {
                                const {
                                } = _unsafeWindow;
                                debug(`\n圖片全載Lazyloading預讀出錯 樱花漫画 重新載入另一個圖片伺服器的圖片網址:\n${src}\nto\n${src.replace(Gm.getMediaHost(media), media)}`);
                                loadImg(src.replace(Gm.getMediaHost(media), media), index);
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                                loadImg(src, index);
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                    temp.src = src;
            page == "next" ? debug(`\n${title}\n圖片全載開始預讀下一頁`, srcArr) : debug(`\n${title}\n圖片全載Lazyloading開始預讀`);
            for (let i = 0; i < srcArr.length; i++) {
                if (!isValidPage) return;
                if (/youtube|\.mp4|\.m3u8$|\.webm$/.test(srcArr[i])) continue;
                let load = await loadImg(srcArr[i], i);
            page == "next" ? debug(`\n${title}\n圖片全載下一頁預讀結束`) : debug(`\n${title}\n圖片全載Lazyloading預讀結束`);
        //观察者 MutationObserver事件,根據圖片燈箱插件檢視圖片時的索引,滾動到頁面相對應的圖片位置
        MutationObserver_aff: () => {
            const openEvent = () => {
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                    slideIndex = Number(fn.gt("badge.b-black.counter").match(/\d+/)[0]) - 1;
                if (isNumber(slideIndex)) {
                    console.log("open - # " + slideIndex + " slide is open!");
            const ContentContainer = document.body;
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                childList: true,
                subtree: true,
                attributeFilter: ["class"]
            const Callbacks = mutationsList => {
                mutationsList.forEach((item, index) => {
                    //console.log("index: ", index, " - \n", item);
                    if (item.type === "attributes") {
                        if (
                            item.target.className === "fancybox-slide fancybox-slide--image fancybox-slide--current fancybox-slide--complete" ||
                            item.target.className === "fancybox__slide has-image can-zoom_in is-selected" ||
                            item.target.className === "swiper-slide swiper-slide-active" && ![
                            ].some(h => fn.lh.includes(h))
                        ) {
                            console.log(" # ", item);
                    } else if (item.type === "childList") {
                        if (item.removedNodes.length > 1 && /fancybox|swiper/.test(item.removedNodes[1].className)) {
                            console.log(" # ", item);
                            console.log("close - # " + slideIndex + " slide is closed!");
                            //setTimeout(closeEvent, 1000);
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            ContentContainer && Observer.observe(ContentContainer, configObserver);
        createImgBox: (selector, pos = 0, width = null) => {
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            if (pos == 2) insertAfter(targetEle, div);
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        insertImg: async (imgsArray, insertTargetEle, mode = 2) => {
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                await siteData.insertImgBF();
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                check.ok ? srcArr.push(check.src) : console.error("\nfn.insertImg(imgsArray) 格式錯誤!", imgsArray[i]);
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                    text: DL.str_86,
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                    text: DL.str_87,
                    title: DL.str_136,
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                    id: "FullPictureLoadCancelZoomBtn",
                    className: "FullPictureLoadPageButtonBottom",
                    text: DL.str_88,
                    cfn: event => {

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                    thumbnailSrcArray = [...new Set(thumbnailSrcArray)];
            debug("\nfn.insertImg()插入圖片最後確認 thumbnailSrcArray", thumbnailSrcArray);
            debug("\nfn.insertImg()插入圖片最後確認 srcArr", srcArr);
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                        setTimeout(() => {
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            end.innerText = `${DL.str_52}:${noVideoNum}P`;
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                const [, insertMode] = siteData.insertImg;
                if (insertMode == 2 || insertMode == 3) {
                let targetEle;
                try {
                    if (isArray(insertTargetEle)) {
                        let [selector, pos, removeSelector] = insertTargetEle;
                        targetEle = fn.ge(selector);
                        if (pos == 0) {
                            //targetEle.style.textAlign = "center";
                            targetEle.style.display = "block";
                        } else if (pos == 1) {
                            insertBefore(targetEle, fragment);
                            //targetEle.parentNode.style.textAlign = "center";
                            targetEle.parentNode.style.display = "block";
                            targetEle = targetEle.parentNode;
                        } else if (pos == 2) {
                            insertAfter(targetEle, fragment);
                            //targetEle.parentNode.style.textAlign = "center";
                            targetEle.parentNode.style.display = "block";
                            targetEle = targetEle.parentNode;
                        if (isString(removeSelector)) await fn.remove(removeSelector);
                        if (siteData.msg != 0 && siteData.category != "comic") fn.showMsg(DL.str_18);
                    } else if (isString(insertTargetEle)) {
                        targetEle = fn.ge(insertTargetEle);
                        targetEle.innerHTML = "";
                        //targetEle.style.textAlign = "center";
                        targetEle.style.display = "block";
                        if (siteData.msg != 0 && siteData.category != "comic") fn.showMsg(DL.str_18);
                    let insertImgAF = siteData.insertImgAF;
                    if (isFn(insertImgAF)) insertImgAF(targetEle, buttonBar);
                    if (isPC && ShowFullPictureLoadFixedMenu == 1) {
                        fn.waitEle("#insertImgMenu").then(e => e.remove());
                } catch (error) {
                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_19, 3000);
                    console.error("\nfn.insertImg() ele參數錯誤,或用來定位插入的元素不存在。", error);
                let imgs = fn.gae("img.FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
                if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        imgs.forEach(img => fn.imagesObserver.observe(img));
                    }, 1000);
                let oddNumberImgs = imgs.filter((img, index) => index % 2 == 0);
                let evenNumberImgs = imgs.filter((img, index) => index % 2 != 0);
                if (TurnOffImageNavigationShortcutKeys != 1) {
                    let imgsNum = 0;
                    document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {
                        if (isOpenOptionsUI || isOpenGallery || fn.ge(".fancybox-container,#FullPictureLoadFavorSites")) return;
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                            if (imgsNum > 0 && viewMode == 0) {
                                imgsNum -= 1;
                        } else if (event.code === "ArrowDown" || event.key === "ArrowDown") {
                            if (imgsNum < imgs.length && viewMode == 0) {
                                imgsNum += 1;
                                try {
                                } catch {
                                    imgsNum = 0;
                        } else {
                            imgsNum = 0 - 1;
                if (siteData.category === "comic") {
                    let lastImg = imgs.at(-1);
                if (isPC && ShowFullPictureLoadFixedMenu === 1) {
                    fn.waitEle("#FullPictureLoadFixedMenu").then(menu => fn.gae(".zoom,.toggleImgMode", menu).forEach(e => (e.style.display = "")));
                if (options.icon == 1 || siteData.icon == 1) {
                    fn.waitEle(["#FullPictureLoadGoToFirstImage", "#FullPictureLoadGoToLastImage"]).then(eles => eles.forEach(e => (e.style.display = "unset")));
                if (options.fancybox == 1 && !("fancybox" in siteData) && ("Fancybox" in _unsafeWindow)) {
                    _unsafeWindow.Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox='FullPictureLoadImageOriginal']", FancyboxOptions);
                if (
                    !["tupianwu.com", "hentairead.com", "whoreshub.com", "porntrex.com"].some(h => fn.lh.includes(h)) &&
                    !fn.ge(".umRelevant.umBox") &&
                    !fn.ge(".videoPlayerWrap") &&
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                    !fn.ge(".PcHeader_rightBox") &&
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                if (siteData.go == 1 && noGoToFirstImage != 1) goToNo1Img();
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        immediateInsertImg: async (manual = "no") => {
            if (captureExclude() || ge(".FullPictureLoadImage")) return;
            if ("SPA" in siteData && isFn(siteData.SPA)) {
                const validPage = await siteData.SPA();
                if (!validPage) return;
            if (options.autoInsert == 1 && manual === "no" || options.autoInsert == 0 && manual === "yes" || manual === "yes") {
                let [insertSelector, insertMode, delayTime] = siteData.insertImg;
                await fn.delay(delayTime || 0);
                let selector = siteData.imgs;
                let imgsSrcArray = await getImgs(selector);
                await fn.insertImg(imgsSrcArray, insertSelector, insertMode);
        ge: (selector, contextNode = null, dom = document) => {
            if (/^\//.test(selector)) {
                return dom.evaluate(selector, (contextNode ?? document), null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
            } else {
                return (contextNode ?? document).querySelector(selector);
        gu: (selector, contextNode = null, dom = document) => fn.ge(selector, contextNode, dom)?.href,
        gae: (selector, contextNode = null, dom = document) => {
            if (/^\//.test(selector)) {
                let nodes = [];
                let results = dom.evaluate(selector, (contextNode ?? document), null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
                let node = null;
                while (node = results.iterateNext()) {
                return nodes;
            } else {
                return [...(contextNode ?? document).querySelectorAll(selector)];
        gau: (selector, contextNode = null, dom = document) => [...new Set(fn.gae(selector, contextNode, dom)?.map(a => a?.href))],
        gt: (selector, mode = 1, dom = document) => {
            try {
                let e;
                if (isEle(selector)) {
                    e = selector;
                } else {
                    e = fn.ge(selector, dom, dom);
                if (mode == 1) return e?.innerText;
                if (mode == 2) return e?.previousElementSibling?.innerText;
                if (mode == 3) return e?.previousElementSibling?.previousElementSibling?.innerText;
            } catch (error) {
                console.error(`\nfn.gt() ERROR\nselector:${selector}\n`, error);
                return null;
        getText: (selector, dom = document) => {
            let text = "";
            if (isString(selector)) {
                let ele = fn.ge(selector, dom);
                text = ele?.innerText;
                if (!!ele && !!text && text?.length > 0) {
                    return fn.dt({
                        t: text
            } else if (isArray(selector)) {
                for (let s of selector) {
                    let ele = fn.ge(s, dom);
                    text = ele?.innerText;
                    if (!!ele && !!text && text?.length > 0) {
                        return fn.dt({
                            t: text
            return text;
        gst: (searchValue, dom = document) => {
            try {
                return [...dom.scripts].find(script => {
                    if (isString(searchValue)) {
                        return script.textContent.includes(searchValue);
                    } else if (isRegExp(searchValue)) {
                        return script.textContent.search(searchValue) > -1;
            } catch {
                return "";
        dt: (obj = {}, dom = document) => {
            let str = dom.title;
            if ("s" in obj) {
                let selector = obj.s;
                str = fn.gt(selector, 1, dom);
            } else if ("t" in obj) {
                str = obj.t;
            let dt = obj.d ?? "";
            if (isString(dt) && dt !== "" || isRegExp(dt)) {
                str = str?.replace(dt, "");
            } else if (isArray(dt)) {
                dt.forEach(r => (str = str?.replace(r, "")));
            const _delete = () => {
                str = str?.replace(/[\/\s]?[\(\[[(【“]\d+[\w\s\\\/\.\+-/]+[\)\]])】”]|\s?\d+p[\+\s]+\d+v|\s?\d+p\+?\d+v|\s?\d+P|\(\d\)/gi, "")
                    .replace(/\d+枚(まとめ)?/, "");
            let j_g_num = ["【", "】"].every(e => str?.includes(e));
            if (j_g_num) {
                let m = str.match(/【(.+)】/);
                if (m) {
                    let [, text] = m;
                    if (!Number(text)) {
            } else {
            str = str?.replace(/\n/g, " ")
                .replace(/\s\|/g, "")
                .replace(/\:/g, ":")
                .replace(/\*/g, "*")
                .replace(/\?/g, "?")
                .replace(/\"/g, "“")
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                .replace(/\|/g, "|")
                .replace(/\//g, "/")
                .replace(/\\/g, "\")
                .replace(/\s{2,5}/g, " ")
            return str;
        attr: (selector, attr, dom = document) => fn.ge(selector, dom, dom).getAttribute(attr),
        run: code => new Function("return " + code)(),
        doc: str => new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/html"),
        xml: str => new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml"),
        title: (str, mode = 0, dom = document) => {
            let split = dom.title.replace(/漫画|\s-\s(漫本)|\[\d+p(\d+v)?\]/gi, "").split(str);
            try {
                if (mode == 0) return dom.title.replace(str, "").trim();
                if (mode == 1) return split[0].replace(/,$/g, "").replace(/,/g, " ").trim();
                if (mode == 2) return (split[0] + str + split[1]).replace(/,$/g, "").replace(/,/g, " ").trim();
                if (mode == 3) return (split[1] + str + split[0]).replace(/,$/g, "").replace(/,/g, " ").trim();
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("\nfn.title() ERROR", error);
                return dom.title;
        arr: (num, cb = null) => {
            if (isFn(cb)) {
                return Array.from({
                    length: Number(num)
                }, cb);
            } else {
                return Array.from({
                    length: Number(num)
        showMsg: (text, time = 1000) => {
            if (getType(msgTimeId) == "Number") {
            let msgE = fn.ge("#FullPictureLoadMsg");
            if (!msgE) {
                msgE = document.createElement("div");
                msgE.id = "FullPictureLoadMsg";
            msgE.innerText = text;
            if (!!time && isNumber(time)) {
                msgTimeId = setTimeout(() => fn.hideMsg(), time);
        hideMsg: () => {
            const msgE = fn.ge("#FullPictureLoadMsg");
        imagesObserver: new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
            entries.forEach(entry => {
                if (entry.isIntersecting) {
                    let realSrc = entry.target.dataset.src;
                    let nE = entry.target.nextElementSibling;
                    let fancyboxE = entry.target.parentNode;
                    let fancyboxA = null;
                    let fancyboxNE = null;
                    if (fancyboxE && fancyboxE?.tagName == "A" && fancyboxE.getAttribute("data-fancybox")) {
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                                    fancyboxA.dataset.thumb = newSrc;
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                                entry.target.dataset.errorNum = errorNum + 1;
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                            if (/www\.yinghuamh\.net/.test(fn.lh)) {
                                const {
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                                error.target.dataset.src = error.target.dataset.src.replace(Gm.getMediaHost(media), media);
                            if (/e-hentai\.org|exhentai\.org/.test(fn.lh) && errorNum < 1) {
                                let url = error.target.dataset.loadfail ?? fn.gae(".gdtm a,.gdtl a")[error.target.dataset.index].href;
                                let newSrc = await fn.fetchDoc(url).then(async dom => {
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                                    let newUrl = url.replace(/\?nl=.+$/, "") + "?nl=" + loadfail.getAttribute("onclick").split("'")[1];
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                                        let src = fn.ge("#img", newDoc).src;
                                        if (fancyboxE && fancyboxE.tagName == "A") fancyboxE.href = src;
                                        return src;
                                error.target.dataset.src = newSrc;
                            if (/civitai\.com/.test(fn.lh)) {
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                                    error.target.dataset.src = error.target.dataset.src.replace("original=true/", "");
                            error.target.src = loading_bak;
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                if (/www\.yinghuamh\.net/.test(fn.lh)) {
                                    debug(`\nimagesObserver 樱花漫画圖片出錯 重新載入另一個圖片伺服器的圖片網址:\n${realSrc}\nto\n${error.target.dataset.src}`);
                                } else if (/e-hentai\.org|exhentai\.org/.test(fn.lh)) {
                                    debug(`\nimagesObserver E紳士圖片出錯 重新載入新的圖片網址:\n${realSrc}\nto\n${error.target.dataset.src}`);
                                } else {
                                error.target.src = error.target.dataset.src;
                            }, 1000);
                        entry.target.src = realSrc;
                    if (!!nE && nE.tagName == "IMG" && !!nE?.dataset?.src) nE.src = nE.dataset.src;
                    if (fancyboxNE && fancyboxNE.tagName == "A") {
                        let ele = fancyboxNE.firstElementChild;
                        if (!!ele && ele.tagName == "IMG" && !!ele?.dataset?.src) ele.src = ele.dataset.src;
        imagesViewObserver: new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
            entries.forEach(entry => {
                if (entry.isIntersecting) {
                } else {
        comicNextObserver: new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
            entries.forEach(entry => {
                if (entry.isIntersecting) {
                    if (!!nextLink) {
                        const comicSpaceClickNext = () => {
                            let click = 0;
                            const callback = event => {
                                if (event.code === "Space" || event.key === " ") {
                                    click += 1;
                                    if (click >= 5) {
                                        document.removeEventListener("keydown", callback);
                                        location.href = nextLink;
                            document.addEventListener("keydown", callback);
        css: (css, id = null) => {
            if (isString(id)) {
                if (document.getElementById(id)) return;
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            style.className = "FullPictureLoadStyle";
            style.innerHTML = css;
        script: async (code, src = 0, pos = 0, dom = document) => {
            let script = dom.createElement("script");
            script.className = "FullPictureLoadScript";
            if (src == 0) {
                script.type = "text/javascript";
                script.innerHTML = code;
            if (src == 0 && pos == 0) {
                return script;
            } else if (pos == 1) {
                if (src == 1) {
                    await new Promise(resolve => {
                        script.onload = () => {
                        script.src = code;
                } else {
            if (siteData.category === "comic autoPager") {
        delay: (time, msg = 1) => {
            if (time > 200 && msg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_21}${time}${DL.str_22}...`, time);
            return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
        wait: (callback, num = 300) => {
            if (!isFn(callback)) return;
            let isUI = ["imgElements.at(-1)"].some(s => String(callback).includes(s));
            if (!isUI) {
                debug("fn.wait()函式判斷等待中...", String(callback));
            let loopNum = 0;
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const loopFn = async () => {
                    let check = await callback(document, _unsafeWindow);
                    if (!!check) {
                        if (!isUI) {
                            debug(`fn.wait()函式判斷等待結束。耗時:${loopNum * 100}ms。`, String(callback));
                    if (loopNum >= num) {
                        debug("fn.wait()函式判斷達循環上限。", String(callback));
                    if (!check) {
                        loopNum += 1;
                        await delay(100);
                        return loopFn();
        waitEle: (selector, max = 200, dom = document) => {
            let loopNum = 0;
            let str = String(selector);
            let isUI = ["insertImgMenu", "FullPictureLoad"].some(s => str.includes(s));
            if (selector !== "body" && !isUI) {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let loop = setInterval(() => {
                    loopNum += 1;
                    let check;
                    let ele;
                    if (isString(selector)) {
                        ele = fn.ge(selector, dom, dom);
                        check = isEle(ele);
                    } else if (isArray(selector)) {
                        check = selector.every(s => isEle(fn.ge(s, dom, dom)));
                        ele = selector.map(s => fn.gae(s, dom, dom));
                        ele = [...new Set(ele.flat())];
                    if (check) {
                        if (selector !== "body" && !isUI) {
                            debug(`fn.waitEle()等待"${String(selector)}"元素結束。耗時:${loopNum * 100}ms。`);
                    if (loopNum >= max) {
                }, 100);
        waitVar: (key, max = 200) => {
            let loopNum = 0;
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let loop = setInterval(() => {
                    loopNum += 1;
                    let check;
                    if (isString(key)) {
                        check = (key in _unsafeWindow);
                    } else if (isArray(key)) {
                        check = key.every(k => (k in _unsafeWindow));
                    if (check) {
                        debug(`fn.waitVar()等待"${String(key)}"環境變數結束。耗時:${loopNum * 100}ms。`);
                    if (loopNum >= max) {
                }, 100);
        HTMLImageElementSrcHook: callback => {
            const originalSrcDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLImageElement.prototype, "src");
            Object.defineProperty(HTMLImageElement.prototype, "src", {
                set: function(value) {
                    if (isFn(callback)) {
                    originalSrcDescriptor.set.call(this, value);
        checkImgStatus: (src, msg = 1) => {
            if (isString(msg)) {
                fn.showMsg(msg, 0);
            } else if (msg === 1) {
                fn.showMsg(DL.str_56, 0);
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const temp = new Image();
                temp.onload = () => {
                    if (isString(msg)) fn.hideMsg();
                        ok: true,
                        src: src,
                        width: temp.width,
                        height: temp.height
                temp.onerror = () => {
                    if (isString(msg)) fn.hideMsg();
                        ok: false,
                        src: src
                temp.src = src;
        checkDownloadThread: () => {
            let threading;
            if (options.threading > 32) {
                threading = 32;
            } else if (options.threading < 1) {
                threading = 1;
            } else {
                threading = options.threading;
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                let loop = setInterval(() => {
                    if (currentDownloadThread <= threading) {
                }, 50);
        generateRandomString: (num, mode = 0) => {
            let characters;
            if (mode === 0) {
                characters = "0123456789";
            } else {
                characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
            let string = "";
            let charactersLength = characters.length;
            for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                string += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
            return string;
        getCode: (url, obj = {}) => {
            const {
            } = obj;
            if (mode == "dom" && (isString(key) || isRegExp(key))) {
                let xhr;
                if (cors == true) {
                    xhr = fn.xhrDoc(url);
                } else {
                    xhr = fn.fetchDoc(url);
                return xhr.then(dom => {
                    let code = fn.gst(key, dom);
                    _GM_addElement(document.body, "script", {
                        textContent: code
            } else {
                let xhr;
                if (cors == true) {
                    xhr = fn.xhr(url);
                } else {
                    xhr = fetch(url).then(res => res.text());
                return xhr.then(text => {
                    _GM_addElement(document.body, "script", {
                        textContent: text
        xhr: (url, details = {}) => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    method: "GET",
                    url: url,
                    responseType: "text",
                    headers: {
                        "Referer": _unsafeWindow.location.href,
                        "User-Agent": _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent
                    onload: data => {
                        if (data.status > 400) debug(`\nfn.xhr()連線錯誤碼:${data.status}\n`, url);
                    onerror: error => {
                        console.error("fn.xhr()ERROR", error);
        xhrHEAD: (url, details = {}) => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                    method: "HEAD",
                    url: url,
                    headers: {
                        "Referer": _unsafeWindow.location.href,
                        "User-Agent": _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent
                    timeout: 20000,
                    onload: data => {
                    onerror: error => {
                        console.log(`fn.xhrHEAD() ERROR\n${url}`, error);
                            status: 403
                    ontimeout: error => {
                        console.log(`fn.xhrHEAD() Timeout\n${url}`, error);
                            status: 524
        imxXHR: url => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    method: "POST",
                    url: url,
                    responseType: "document",
                    headers: {
                        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                    data: "imgContinue=Continue+to+image+...+",
                    onload: data => {
                    onerror: error => {
        imageBamXHR: url => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    method: "GET",
                    url: url,
                    responseType: "document",
                    headers: {
                        "referrer": url,
                        "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
                    onload: data => {
                    onerror: error => {
        xhrDoc: (url, details = {}) => {
            if ("xhrOptions" in siteData) {
                details = siteData.xhrOptions
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                    method: "GET",
                    url: url,
                    responseType: "arraybuffer",
                    headers: {
                        "Referer": _unsafeWindow.location.href,
                        "User-Agent": _unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent
                    onload: data => {
                        let decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                        let htmlText = decoder.decode(data.response);
                        let dom = fn.doc(htmlText);
                        if (data.status >= 400) {
                            console.error(`\nfn.xhrDoc()連線錯誤碼:${data.status}\n`, url, data, dom);
                            let obj = {
                                fn: "fn.xhrDoc()",
                                url: url,
                                status: data.status
                    onerror: error => {
                        console.error(`\nfn.xhrDoc()出錯:\n${decodeURIComponent(url)}`, error);
        //用Fetc API,返回經過文字編碼的document物件
        fetchDoc: (url, details = {}, retry = 40) => {
            if ("xhrOptions" in siteData) {
                details = siteData.xhrOptions
            return new Promise(async resolve => {
                fetch(url, {
                }).then(async res => {
                    if (res.status >= 400 && retry > 0) {
                        let resData = await fn.retryUrl(url, res, "fn.fetchDoc()", retry);
                        if (resData !== null) return resData;
                    return res.arrayBuffer();
                }).then(buffer => {
                    const decoder = new TextDecoder(document.characterSet || document.charset || document.inputEncoding);
                    const htmlText = decoder.decode(buffer);
                }).catch(error => {
                    console.error(`\nfn.fetchDoc()出錯:\n${decodeURIComponent(url)}`, error);
                    httpFetchError = true;
        getImhentaiSrc: async () => {
            await fn.waitVar("g_th");
            const findServer = cId => {
                if (cId > 0 && cId <= 274825) return "m1.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 274825 && cId <= 403818) return "m2.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 403818 && cId <= 527143) return "m3.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 527143 && cId <= 632481) return "m4.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 632481 && cId <= 816010) return "m5.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 816010 && cId <= 970098) return "m6.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 970098 && cId <= 1121113) return "m7.imhentai.xxx";
                if (cId > 1121113 && cId <= 1259410) return "m8.imhentai.xxx";
                return "m9.imhentai.xxx";
            const galleryId = fn.ge(".gview>#gallery_id,#load_id").value;
            const imageDir = fn.ge("#image_dir,#load_dir").value;
            const num = fn.ge("#pages,#load_pages").value ?? "";
            const cId = Number(fn.ge("#u_id,#load_dir+#gallery_id").value ?? "");
            const randomServer = _unsafeWindow.random_server ?? findServer(cId);
            return fn.arr(num, (v, i) => `//${randomServer}/${imageDir}/${galleryId}/${(i + 1)}.${fn.ex(_unsafeWindow.g_th[i + 1][0])}`);
        getKukudmSrc: async (url = siteUrl, dom = document, msg = 1) => {
            if (url === null) return;
            if (fn.ge("//title[contains(text(),'404')]", dom, dom)) return [];
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("getKukudmSrc")) getImgFnProcessRecord += " > fn.getKukudmSrc()";
            let timeId = setTimeout(() => msg === 1 ? location.reload() : null, 20000);
            if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            let max;
            fn.ge("//td[input]", dom, dom) ? max = fn.gt("//td[input]", 1, dom).match(/共(\d+)/)[1] : max = fn.gt(".bottom .subNav", 1, dom).match(/\/(\d+)/)[1];
            url = url.replace(fn.ls, "").replace(/1\.htm$/, "");
            let links = fn.arr(max, (v, i) => url + (i + 1) + ".htm");
            let xhrNum = 0;
            let resArr = links.map(url => {
                return fn.xhrDoc(url).then(dom => {
                    if (msg == 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${xhrNum+=1}/${links.length}`, 0);
                    let script = fn.gst("document.write", dom);
                    let htmlCode = script.replace("document.write(", "").replace(");", "");
                    let htmlText = fn.run(`(${htmlCode}).toString()`);
                    let tempDom = fn.doc(htmlText);
                    let imgs = [...tempDom.images];
                    if (imgs.length > 1) {
                        return {
                            src1: decodeURIComponent(imgs[0].src),
                            src2: decodeURIComponent(imgs[1].src)
                    } else if (imgs.length > 0) {
                        return decodeURIComponent(imgs[0].src);
                    } else {
                        return null;
            let allSrc = await Promise.all(resArr).then(arr => {
                if (msg == 1) fn.hideMsg();
                return arr;
            try {
                const [first] = allSrc;
                if (isString(first)) {
                    return allSrc;
                } else {
                    msg == 1 ? fn.showMsg(DL.str_56, 0) : null;
                    let status = await fn.xhrHEAD(first.src1).then(res => res.status);
                    return status == 200 ? allSrc.map(e => e.src1) : allSrc.map(e => e.src2);
            } catch {
                return [];
        mqzjw_decrypted_data: (data) => {
            const {
            } = _unsafeWindow;
            const key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse("TRHvYbpGlNFoOdLaXrKRYgvdGwGfjnJj");
            const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse("kBKXQIpFYTDOHGLQlRUklPLtNPcBKSve");
            const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(data, key, {
                "iv": iv,
                "mode": CryptoJS.mode.CBC
            const pic_list = decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
            data = JSON.parse(pic_list);
            return data;
        getMqzjwSrc: async (url = fn.lp, msg = 1) => {
            const {
                jQuery: $
            } = _unsafeWindow;
            const id = url.split("/").at(-1);
            let page = 1;
            const datas = [];
            let loop = true;
            let temp = "";
            if (msg === 1) fn.showMsg(DL.str_05, 0);
            while (loop) {
                await $.getJSON("//" + Mcpath.url + Mcpath.web + "index.php/api/data/pic?callback=?", {
                    cid: id,
                    page: page
                }, (res) => {
                    if (res.code == 1) {
                        if (temp != res.data) {
                            temp = res.data;
                        } else if (temp == res.data) {
                            loop = false;
                        let data = fn.mqzjw_decrypted_data(res.data);
                        if (data.length > 0) {
                            if (msg === 1) fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_06}${page}/???`, 0);
                        } else {
                            loop = false;
                    } else {
                        loop = false;
            return datas.flat().map(e => e.img);
        remove: async (obj, time = 0) => {
            if (isString(obj)) {
                await delay(time);
                let selector = obj;
                fn.gae(selector).forEach(e => e.remove());
            } else if (isArray(obj)) {
                let selectors = obj;
                await delay(time);
                selectors.forEach(selector => fn.gae(selector).forEach(e => e.remove()));
        addUrlHtml: (url, selector, pos = 0, text = "點選進入下一話", css = 0) => {
            let _pos;
            switch (pos) {
                case 0:
                    _pos = "beforebegin"; //在元素之前。
                case 1:
                    _pos = "afterend"; //在元素之後。
                case 2:
                    _pos = "beforeend"; //在元素裡面,最後一個子元素之後。
                case 3:
                    _pos = "afterbegin"; //在元素裡面,第一個子元素之前。
            let html = `<div class="addUrl" style="padding: 20px 0; text-align: center;"><a href="${url}"style="font-size: 26px;line-height: 50px;height: 50px;text-align: center;">${text}</a></div>`;
            if (isEle(selector)) {
                selector.insertAdjacentHTML(_pos, html);
            } else if (isString(selector)) {
                fn.ge(selector).insertAdjacentHTML(_pos, html);
            } else {
                return console.error("fn.addUrlHtml() 參數selector錯誤", selector);
            switch (css) {
                case 1:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:rgb(255 255 255);background-color:rgb(137 5 188);border:solid #bbb;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:700;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 2:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:rgb(50 50 50);background-color:rgb(200 200 200);border-radius:0.25rem;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 3:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:#6c757d;background-color:#fff;border:solid #6c757d;border-radius:0.25rem;padding:.5rem 2rem;transition:background-color .2s,color .2s;&:hover{color:#fff;background-color:#6c757d}}");
                case 4:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:#003366;background-color:#fff;border:solid #6c757d;border-radius:0.25rem;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 5:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:rgb(255 255 255);background-color:rgb(77 147 255);border:solid #bbb;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:700;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 6:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:rgb(255 255 255);background-color:#b5d540;border:solid #b5d540;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:700;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 7:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:rgb(255 255 255);background-color:#65415f;border:solid #65415f;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:700;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
                case 8:
                    fn.css(".addUrl>a{text-decoration:none;color:#ddd;background-color:#555;border-radius:0.25rem;padding:.5rem 2rem}");
        dataURLtoBlobURL: dataurl => {
            try {
                if (dataurl.startsWith("data:image/svg+xml")) {
                    try {
                        dataurl = decodeURIComponent(dataurl);
                    } catch {}
                    let svg = dataurl.split(",")[1].replaceAll("&quot;", '"').replaceAll('\\"', '"');
                    return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([svg], {
                        type: "image/svg+xml"
                let arr = dataurl.split(","),
                    mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
                    bstr = atob(arr[1]),
                    n = bstr.length,
                    u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
                while (n--) {
                    u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
                return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([u8arr], {
                    type: mime
            } catch (error) {
                return dataurl;
        blobURLtoDataURL: bloburl => fetch(bloburl).then(res => res.blob()).then(blob => fn.blobToDataURL(blob)),
        imgSrcToDataURL: (src, type = "image/jpeg", cros = 0) => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                const img = new Image();
                if (cros == 1) {
                    img.setAttribute("crossOrigin", "");
                img.onload = () => {
                    let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
                    canvas.height = img.naturalWidth;
                    canvas.width = img.naturalHeight;
                    canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                    let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(type);
                img.onerror = error => {
                img.src = src;
        imgSrcToBlobURL: (src, type = "image/jpeg", cros = 0) => {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                const img = new Image();
                if (cros == 1) {
                    img.setAttribute("crossOrigin", "");
                img.onload = () => {
                    const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight);
                    canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                        type: type,
                        quality: 1
                    }).then(blob => {
                        let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                img.onerror = error => {
                img.src = src;
        imgToBlobURL: (img, type = "image/jpeg", quality = 1) => {
            const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight);
            canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, 0, 0);
            return canvas.convertToBlob({
                type: type,
                quality: quality
            }).then(blob => URL.createObjectURL(blob));
        imgBlobUrlArr: async (selector, type = "image/jpeg", quality = 1) => {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_53, 0);
            await delay(200);
            let num = 0;
            let imgs = await fn.gae(selector).map(async (img, index, arr) => {
                let blobUrl = await fn.imgToBlobURL(img, type, quality);
                fn.showMsg(`DrawImage ${num += 1}/${arr.length}`, 0);
                return blobUrl;
            return imgs;
        blobToDataURL: blob => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = () => {
        convertImage: async (blob, type = "image/jpeg") => {
            const img = new Image();
            await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                img.onload = resolve;
                img.onerror = reject;
                img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight);
            canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, 0, 0);
            return canvas.convertToBlob({
                type: type,
                quality: 0.9
        scrollEles: async (ele, time = 100, top = 1) => {
            if (isAutoScrolling) return;
            isAutoScrolling = true;
            let eles = fn.gae(ele);
            for (let e of eles) {
                if (isEsc) {
                    isAutoScrolling = false;
                        top: 0
                    behavior: "smooth",
                    block: "end"
                await delay(time);
            if (top === 1) {
                    top: 0
            isAutoScrolling = false;
        aotoScrollEles: async (selector, callback, time = 5000, top = 1) => {
            if (isAutoScrolling) return;
            isAutoScrolling = true;
            let n = 0;
            let timeout = false;
            let imgs = fn.gae(selector);
            let imgNum = imgs.length;
            const autoScrollIntoView = async (arr, num) => {
                for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    if (isEsc) {
                        isAutoScrolling = false;
                            top: 0
                    fn.showMsg(`AutoScroll ${n += 1}/${num}`, 0);
                    await new Promise(resolve => {
                        let timeId = setTimeout(() => {
                            timeout = true;
                        }, time);
                        let loop = setInterval(async () => {
                            if (isEsc) {
                                isAutoScrolling = false;
                                    top: 0
                            if (await callback(arr[i])) {
                        }, 50);
                    if (timeout) break;
                if (timeout) fn.showMsg("Timeout");
                let newImgs = fn.gae(selector);
                let newImgNum = newImgs.length;
                if (imgNum < newImgNum) {
                    newImgs = newImgs.slice(imgNum);
                    imgNum = newImgNum;
                    await autoScrollIntoView(newImgs, newImgNum);
            await autoScrollIntoView(imgs, imgNum);
            if (top === 1) {
                    top: 0
            isAutoScrolling = false;
        openInTab: (url, target = "_blank") => {
            let a = document.createElement("a");
            a.href = url;
            a.target = target;
            a.style = "display: none;";
        addMutationObserver: (callback, node = document.body, config = MutationObserverConfig) => {
            new MutationObserver(callback).observe(node, config);
        scrollEvent: slideIndex => {
            if (!isNumber(slideIndex)) return;
            let modeName = "Samll";
            switch (viewMode) {
                case 0:
                    modeName = "Original";
                case 1:
                    modeName = "Samll";
            debug(`\nfn.scrollEvent() > imgLocation${modeName}_` + slideIndex);
            let elementById = document.getElementById(`imgLocation${modeName}_` + slideIndex);
            let [sa, sb, sc] = [
                "#FullPictureLoadImgBox:not([style*=none]) .FullPictureLoadImage.small",
            if (!!elementById) {
            } else if (fn.ge(".swiper-slide.swiper-slide-active") && fn.ge(sa)) {
            } else if (fn.ge(sb)) {
            } else if (fn.ge(sc)) {
            } else {
                console.error(" # ", "未定位id!");
        clearAllTimer: (mode = 0) => {
            let debuggerStr = `
            if ((() => {}).constructor === Function) {
                Function.prototype.constructor = () => {};
            if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) new Function(debuggerStr)();
            let endTidStr = `
            let endTid = setTimeout(() => {});
            for (let i = 0; i <= endTid; i++) {
            if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) {
                new Function(endTidStr)();
                let endTid = setTimeout(() => {});
                for (let i = 0; i <= endTid; i++) {
            let endIidStr = `
            let endIid = setInterval(() => {});
            for (let i = 1; i <= endIid; i++) {
            if (mode == 0 || mode == 3) {
                new Function(endIidStr)();
                let endIid = setInterval(() => {});
                for (let i = 1; i <= endIid; i++) {
        clearSetTimeout: () => {
            let endTid = setTimeout(() => {});
            for (let i = 0; i <= endTid; i++) {
        clearElementEvent: () => {
            return fn.fetchDoc(document.URL).then(dom => {
                let newDocumentElement = document.importNode(dom.documentElement, true);
                let oldDocumentElement = document.documentElement;
                document.replaceChild(newDocumentElement, oldDocumentElement);
        createImgArray: (srcs) => {
            return srcs.map((src, i) => {
                let img = new Image();
                img.className = "FullPictureLoadImage lazyload";
                img.src = loading_bak;
                img.dataset.src = src;
                return img;
        setFancybox: (selector) => {
            if (!isOpenFilter) fn.showMsg(DL.str_137);
            const loadSrcs = (srcArr) => {
                const oddNumberSrcs = srcArr.filter((img, index) => index % 2 == 0);
                const evenNumberSrcs = srcArr.filter((img, index) => index % 2 != 0);
            fn.gae(selector).forEach(e => {
                let check = fn.checkImgSrc(e);
                if (e.nodeName === "IMG") {
                    let pE = e.parentNode;
                    if (pE.nodeName === "A") {
                        let src = check.ok ? check.src : e.src;
                        pE.dataset.fancybox = "gallery";
                        pE.href = src;
                        pE.dataset.thumb = src;
                    } else {
                        let a = document.createElement("a");
                        let src = check.ok ? check.src : e.src;
                        a.href = src;
                        a.dataset.fancybox = "gallery";
                        a.dataset.thumb = src;
                        insertBefore(e, a);
                } else if (e.nodeName === "A") {
                    let img = e.querySelector("img");
                    let check = fn.checkImgSrc(img);
                    let src = check.ok ? check.src : img.src;
                    e.dataset.fancybox = "gallery";
                    e.dataset.thumb = src;
            let srcs = fn.getImgSrcArr(selector);
            if (siteData.fancybox?.v === 3) {
            let gallery = fn.gae("[data-fancybox]");
            let FancyboxOptions;
            if (isM) {
                FancyboxOptions = {
                    Hash: false,
                    idle: false,
                    showClass: false,
                    hideClass: false,
                    Images: {
                        Panzoom: {
                            maxScale: 4
                        zoom: false,
                    Slideshow: {
                        timeout: FancyboxSlideshowTimeoutNum,
                    Carousel: {
                        transition: FancyboxSlideshowTransition
                    Thumbs: {
                        showOnStart: false
                    Toolbar: {
                        display: {
                            left: ["infobar"],
                            middle: ["flipX", "flipY"],
                            right: ["iterateZoom", "slideshow", "thumbs", "close"]
                    on: {
                        done: (fancybox, slide) => {
                            isOpenFancybox = true;
                            if (fancybox.isCurrentSlide(slide)) {
                            } else {
                        close: () => {
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                isOpenFancybox = false;
                            }, 100);
            } else {
                FancyboxOptions = {
                    Hash: false,
                    idle: false,
                    showClass: false,
                    hideClass: false,
                    wheel: FancyboxWheel,
                    Images: {
                        Panzoom: {
                            maxScale: 4
                        zoom: false
                    Slideshow: {
                        timeout: FancyboxSlideshowTimeoutNum,
                    Carousel: {
                        transition: FancyboxSlideshowTransition
                    Thumbs: {
                        showOnStart: false
                    Toolbar: {
                        display: {
                            left: ["infobar"],
                            middle: ["zoomIn", "zoomOut", "iterateZoom", "toggle1to1", "rotateCCW", "rotateCW", "flipX", "flipY", "fitX", "fitY", "reset"],
                            right: ["slideshow", "fullscreen", "thumbs", "close"]
                    on: {
                        done: (fancybox, slide) => {
                            isOpenFancybox = true;
                            if (fancybox.isCurrentSlide(slide)) {
                            } else {
                        close: () => {
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                isOpenFancybox = false;
                            }, 100);
            _unsafeWindow.Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox]", FancyboxOptions);
        lazyload: async () => {
            let check = !!fn.ge("img.FullPictureLoadImage.lazyload");
            if (check) {
                let lazyload = siteData?.autoPager?.lazyload;
                let imgs = fn.gae("img.FullPictureLoadImage.lazyload");
                if (lazyload != 0) {
                    let oddNumberImgs = imgs.filter((img, index) => index % 2 == 0);
                    let evenNumberImgs = imgs.filter((img, index) => index % 2 != 0);
                    await delay(1000);
                    imgs.forEach(img => fn.imagesObserver.observe(img));
                } else {
                    await delay(1000);
                    imgs.forEach((img, i) => {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            img.src = img.dataset.src;
                        }, i * 200);
        setStyleSheet: () => {
            for (const sheet of document.styleSheets) {
                if (sheet.href) {
                    for (const rule of sheet.rules) {
                        if (rule.selectorText === "textarea") {
                            rule.style.setProperty("height", "auto");
        copymangaUI: () => {
            let lastScrollTop = 0;
            document.addEventListener("scroll", event => {
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                if (st > lastScrollTop) {
                    fn.ge("h4.header").setAttribute("style", "top: -30px;");
                    fn.ge("div.footer").setAttribute("style", "bottom: -41px;");
                    lastScrollTop = st;
                } else if (st < lastScrollTop - 20) {
                    lastScrollTop = st;
        copymanga_M_UI: (c, h) => {
            let s = siteUrl.split("/").slice(-2);
            let url = `https://${fn.lh}/h5/details/comic/${s[0]}`;
            let html = `
<div class="comicControlBottom van-popup van-popup--bottom hide" style="z-index: 2024;">
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            <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItem">
                <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItemIcon iconfont iconRead_btn_nor_Catalog"></span>
                <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItemText">目錄</span>
        <a href="${h}" style="color: white;">
            <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItem">
                <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItemIcon iconfont iconRead_btn_nor_home"></span>
                <span class="comicControlBottomBottomItemText">首頁</span>
            document.querySelector(".comicContentPopup").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
            document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
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                    } else {
        MyComicUI: () => {
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            document.addEventListener("scroll", event => {
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                    fn.ge("div:has(>div>div>div>button[x-ref])").style.display = "";
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        MangabzUI: () => {
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                    lastScrollTop = st;
        XmanhuaUI: () => {
            const clickToggleToolbar = () => {
                if (isOpenGallery) return;
                let ht = fn.ge(".header.toolbar");
                let h = fn.ge(".header");
                if (ht) {
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            document.addEventListener("click", clickToggleToolbar);
            let lastScrollTop = 0;
            document.addEventListener("scroll", event => {
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                if (st > lastScrollTop) {
                    fn.ge(".header").setAttribute("style", "top: -64px;");
                    fn.ge(".reader-bottom").setAttribute("style", "bottom: -50px;");
                    lastScrollTop = st;
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                    lastScrollTop = st;
        cartoonmadUI: () => {
            fn.remove("//td[div[@id='sidebar-follow']] | //td[ins[@class='adsbygoogle']] | //tr[td[script]] | //select");
            let ele = fn.ge("//tr[td[@bgcolor='#EAEAEA']]");
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            if (eleM) {
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                insertBefore(x, eleM.cloneNode(true));
        copymanga_decrypt: async (raw) => {
            const encoder = new TextEncoder();
            const decoder = new TextDecoder();
            const dioKey = encoder.encode("xxxmanga.woo.key");
            const header = raw.substring(0, 16);
            const body = raw.substring(16);
            const iv = encoder.encode(header);
            const bodyBytes = new Uint8Array(body.match(/.{1,2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)));
            const cryptoKey = await _unsafeWindow.crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", dioKey, {
                name: "AES-CBC"
            }, false, ["decrypt"]);
            const decryptedBytes = await _unsafeWindow.crypto.subtle.decrypt({
                name: "AES-CBC",
            }, cryptoKey, bodyBytes);
            return JSON.parse(await decoder.decode(decryptedBytes));

    function simpleLoadImg(img) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            if (!img) {
            let loadSrc = img.dataset.src;
            const temp = new Image();
            if ("referrerpolicy" in siteData) {
                temp.setAttribute("referrerpolicy", siteData.referrerpolicy);
            temp.onload = () => {
                img.dataset.width = temp.naturalWidth;
                img.dataset.height = temp.naturalHeight;
                img.src = loadSrc;
            temp.onerror = async () => {
                if (loadSrc.includes("https://wsrv.nl/")) {
                    loadSrc = loadSrc.replace("https://wsrv.nl/?url=", ""); //wsrv.nl_CDN
                } else if (loadSrc.includes(".wp.com/") && !document.title.endsWith("4KHD")) {
                    loadSrc = loadSrc.replace(/i\d\.wp\.com\/|\?.+$/g, ""); //WordPressCDN
                let check = await fn.checkImgStatus(loadSrc, 0);
                if (check.ok) {
                    img.dataset.width = check.width;
                    img.dataset.height = check.height;
                    img.dataset.src = loadSrc;
                    img.src = loadSrc;
                } else {
                    img.dataset.src = loadSrc;
                    img.src = loadSrc;
            temp.src = loadSrc;

    class Queue {
        constructor(workerLen) {
            this.workerLen = workerLen ?? 4;
            this.list = [];
            this.worker = new Array(this.workerLen);

        * executionFunc(index, func, ...args) {
            const _this = this;
            yield func.call(...args).then(() => {
                _this.worker[index] = undefined;

        addList(list) {
            for (const item of list) {

        run() {
            if (isOpenGallery || isOpenFilter) {
                const runIndex = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < this.workerLen; i++) {
                    const len = this.list.length;
                    if (!this.worker[i] && len > 0) {
                        this.worker[i] = this.executionFunc(i, ...this.list[len - 1]);
                for (const index of runIndex) {

    //const ge = (selector) => document.querySelector(selector);

    function ge(selector, node = null) {
        return (node || document).querySelector(selector);

    function delay(time = 1000) {
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));

    function wait(callback) {
        return new Promise(ending => {
            const loopFn = async () => {
                const check = await callback();
                if (!!check) {
                } else {
                    await delay(100);
                    return loopFn();

    const gae = (selector, node = null) => [...(node || document).querySelectorAll(selector)];
    const gx = (xpath) => document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
    const gax = (xpath) => {
        let nodes = [];
        let results = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
        let node;
        while (node = results.iterateNext()) {
        return nodes;

    const insertBefore = (targetNode, newNode) => {
        if ([targetNode, newNode].every(e => isEle(e))) {
            targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, targetNode);
        } else {
            console.error("insertBefore參數錯誤\n", targetNode, getType(targetNode), newNode, getType(newNode));

    const insertAfter = (targetNode, newNode) => {
        if ([targetNode, newNode].every(e => isEle(e))) {
            targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, targetNode.nextSibling);
        } else {
            console.error("insertAfter參數錯誤\n", targetNode, getType(targetNode), newNode, getType(newNode));

    const createStyle = css => {
        const style = document.createElement("style");
        style.type = "text/css";
        style.innerHTML = css;
        return style;

    function smoothScrollIntoView(element) {

    function instantScrollIntoView(element) {

    const getNum = (i, pad = 4) => String(i + 1).padStart(pad, "0");

    const getDataMsg = (text, picNum, imgsNum) => {
        if (isStopDownload) return;
        if (picNum != "none") fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_23}${downloadNum += 1}/${imgsNum}${DL.str_24}${text}`, 0);

    const getReferer = (srcUrl) => {
        let referer;
        if (isString(siteData.referer) && siteData.referer == "url") {
            referer = document.URL;
        } else if (/vipr\.im|imagetwist\.com|imgspice\.com/.test(srcUrl) || siteData.referer == "src") {
            referer = srcUrl;
        } else if (/\.sinaimg\./.test(srcUrl)) {
            referer = "https://weibo.com/";
        } else if (/imgtaxi\.com/.test(srcUrl)) {
            referer = "https://imgtaxi.com/";
        } else if (/saint2\.su/.test(srcUrl)) {
            referer = "https://saint2.su/";
        } else if (/bunkr/.test(srcUrl)) {
            referer = "https://bunkr.fi/";
        } else if (/mitaku\.net/.test(srcUrl)) {
            referer = "https://mitaku.net/";
        } else if (isString(siteData.referer) || siteData.referer == "") {
            referer = siteData.referer;
        } else {
            referer = fn.lo + "/";
        return referer;

    let v2ph_cookie = _GM_getValue("v2ph_cookie", "");
    let myreadingmanga_cookie = _GM_getValue("myreadingmanga_cookie", "");

    const getCookie = () => {
        if (fn.lh.includes(".v2ph.")) {
            return v2ph_cookie;
        if (fn.lh.includes("myreadingmanga")) {
            return myreadingmanga_cookie;
        return "";

    //Fetch API下載圖片
    const Fetch_API_Download = (srcUrl, picNum = "none", imgsNum = "none") => {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            fetch(srcUrl, {
                headers: {
                    "Accept": "*/*",
                    //"accept": "image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8",
                    //"cache-control": "no-cache",
                    //"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1"
                referrer: getReferer(srcUrl),
                referrerPolicy: "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
                //credentials: "same-origin"
            }).then(async res => {
                return {
                    data: res,
                    blob: await res.blob()
            }).then(obj => {
                if (isStopDownload) {
                if (obj.blob.size < 100) {
                    getDataMsg(DL.str_26, picNum, imgsNum);
                        error: "下載錯誤",
                        data: obj.data,
                        picNum: picNum,
                        src: srcUrl,
                        get: "Fetch API"
                } else {
                    getDataMsg(DL.str_25, picNum, imgsNum);
                        load: "下載成功",
                        blob: obj.blob,
                        picNum: picNum,
                        src: srcUrl,
                        finalUrl: obj.data?.url,
                        get: "Fetch API"
            }).catch(error => {
                getDataMsg(DL.str_26, picNum, imgsNum);
                    error: "下載錯誤",
                    picNum: picNum,
                    src: srcUrl,
                    errorLog: error,
                    get: "Fetch API"
                console.error("Fetch_API_Download() Error: ", error);

    const GM_XHR_Download = (srcUrl, picNum = "none", imgsNum = "none") => {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
                method: "GET",
                url: srcUrl,
                responseType: "blob",
                headers: {
                    "Origin": fn.lo,
                    "Referer": getReferer(srcUrl),
                    "User-Agent": navigator.userAgent,
                    "Accept": "*/*",
                    //"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1"
                cookie: getCookie(),
                onload: async data => {
                    if (isStopDownload) {
                    let blob = data.response;
                    //debug("GM blob", blob);
                    //XBrowser Blob的type是""
                    if (/\/octet-stream/.test(blob.type) && blob.size > 1024 || isM && blob.type == "" && blob.size > 1024) {
                            load: "下載成功",
                            blob: blob,
                            picNum: picNum,
                            src: srcUrl,
                            finalUrl: data.finalUrl,
                            get: "GM_xmlhttpRequest"
                        getDataMsg(DL.str_25, picNum, imgsNum);
                    } else if (/^image|^video|text\/base64\.jpg/.test(blob.type)) {
                            load: "下載成功",
                            blob: blob,
                            picNum: picNum,
                            src: srcUrl,
                            finalUrl: data.finalUrl,
                            get: "GM_xmlhttpRequest"
                        getDataMsg(DL.str_25, picNum, imgsNum);
                    } else {
                        let htmlText = "none";
                        if (/text\/html/.test(blob.type)) {
                            htmlText = blob.text();
                            htmlText: htmlText,
                            blob: blob,
                            error: "下載錯誤",
                            picNum: picNum,
                            src: srcUrl,
                            finalUrl: data.finalUrl,
                            data: data,
                            get: "GM_xmlhttpRequest"
                        getDataMsg(DL.str_26, picNum, imgsNum);
                onerror: error => {
                        error: "下載錯誤",
                        picNum: picNum,
                        src: srcUrl,
                        errorLog: error,
                        get: "GM_xmlhttpRequest"
                    getDataMsg(DL.str_26, picNum, imgsNum);
                    console.error("GM_XHR_Download() Error: ", error);

    const saveData = (blob, fileName) => {
        let objURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        let a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = objURL;
        a.download = fileName;
        setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(objURL), 1000);

    const captureExclude = () => (isChangeNum || isOpenOptionsUI || isOpenGallery || isOpenFancybox || isOpenFilter || isFetching || isDownloading);

    const checkGeting = () => {
        if (isDownloading) {
            return true;
        if (isFetching) {
            return true;
        return false;

    const getImgs = async selector => {
        isFetching = true;
        let imgs = null;
        if (!("SPA" in siteData) && !("capture" in siteData) && siteData.repeat != 1 && globalImgArray.length > 0) {
            isFetching = false;
            imgs = globalImgArray;
            return imgs;
        } else if (ge(".FullPictureLoadImage,.FullPictureLoadVideo") && siteData.repeat != 1) {
            imgs = gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
        } else if (isFn(selector)) {
            imgs = await selector();
            if (isSet(imgs)) {
                imgs = [...imgs];
            if (getImgFnProcessRecord == "" && !getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("專用Fn")) {
                getImgFnProcessRecord += " > " + siteData.name + "專用Fn";
        } else if (isSet(selector)) {
            imgs = [...selector];
        } else if (!selector || selector === "") {
        } else if (selector.length < 3) {
        } else if (/^\//.test(selector)) {
            imgs = gax(selector);
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("gax(selector)")) {
                getImgFnProcessRecord += " > gax(selector)";
        } else {
            imgs = gae(selector);
            if (!getImgFnProcessRecord.includes("gae(selector)")) {
                getImgFnProcessRecord += " > gae(selector)";
        if (!isArray(imgs)) {
            isFetching = false;
            alert("getImgs() Error! ImageList Not Array");
            return [];
        if (isPromise(imgs[0])) {
            imgs = await Promise.all(imgs); //取出new Promise的值
        imgs = imgs.flat().filter(Boolean); //去除空、無用
        let imgsSrcArr = imgs.map(img => {
            let check = fn.checkImgSrc(img);
            if (check.ok) {
                return check.src;
            } else {
                console.error("\ngetImgs() imgs 格式錯誤!", img);
                return null;
        if (globalImgArray.length === 0 && imgs.length !== 0) {
            debug(`\ngetImgs()${getImgFnProcessRecord} 所有圖片網址:`, imgsSrcArr);
            debug(`\ngetImgs()${getImgFnProcessRecord} 去重複後的圖片網址:`, [...new Set(imgsSrcArr)]);
        imgsSrcArr = [...new Set(imgsSrcArr)];
        globalImgArray = imgsSrcArr;
        let thums = siteData.thums;
        if (isString(thums)) {
            thumbnailSrcArray = fn.getImgSrcArr(thums);
        isFetching = false;
        return imgsSrcArr;

    const startAutoDownload = async () => {
        let autoDownload = siteData.autoDownload;
        if (!autoDownload) return;
        let [start, time] = autoDownload;
        let next = siteData.next;
        let ele;
        isFn(next) ? ele = await next() : ele = fn.ge(next);
        if (!!ele && start == 1 || !!ele && options.autoDownload == 1) {
            isCountdowning = true;
            let max = time || options.autoDownloadCountdown;
            let countdownNum = Number(max);
            fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_32}${max}${DL.str_33}`, 0);
            for (let i = 1; i <= Number(max); i++) {
                await delay(1000);
                if (isStopDownload) return;
                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_32}${countdownNum-=1}${DL.str_33}`, 0);
            await delay(500);
            if (isStopDownload) return;
            if (isFn(next) && isString(ele)) {
                location.href = ele;
            } else if (isEle(ele)) {
        } else if (!ele && start == 1 || !ele && options.autoDownload == 1) {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_36, 0);
            options.autoDownload = 0;
            let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(options);
            localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadOptions", jsonStr);

    const checkURL = (obj) => {
        if (isArray(obj)) {
            return obj.filter(url => isURL(url));
        } else if (isString(obj)) {
            if (isURL(obj)) {
                return obj;
        return null;

    const checkDownloadCondition = () => {
        if (fn.lh.includes(".v2ph.")) {
            const cookie = v2ph_cookie;
            if (!!cookie) {
                return true;
            } else {
                alert("微圖坊下載需先填入Cloudflare clearance cookie。");
                v2ph_cookie = prompt("Set Cookie", v2ph_cookie || "");
                if (!!v2ph_cookie) {
                    _GM_setValue("v2ph_cookie", v2ph_cookie);
                return false;
        if (fn.lh.includes("myreadingmanga")) {
            const cookie = myreadingmanga_cookie;
            if (!!cookie) {
                return true;
            } else {
                alert("MyReadingManga download requires filling in Cloudflare clearance cookie。");
                myreadingmanga_cookie = prompt("Set Cookie", myreadingmanga_cookie || "");
                if (!!myreadingmanga_cookie) {
                    _GM_setValue("myreadingmanga_cookie", myreadingmanga_cookie);
                return false;
        return true;

    const combineDownloadImages = async (data, fileName) => {

        const blobs = data.map(e => e.blob);

        const srcs = blobs.map(blob => URL.createObjectURL(blob));

        const loadImage = src => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const img = new Image();
            img.onload = () => resolve(img);
            img.onerror = reject;
            img.src = src;

        const combineImages = async () => {
            const images = await Promise.all(srcs.map(loadImage));
            const totalHeight = images.reduce((sum, img) => sum + img.height, 0);
            const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(images[0].width, totalHeight);
            const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            let currentY = 0;
            images.forEach(img => {
                ctx.drawImage(img, 0, currentY);
                currentY += img.height;
            return canvas;

        const canvas = await combineImages();
            type: "image/jpeg",
            quality: 0.9
        }).then(blob => saveData(blob, fileName + ".jpg"));

        promiseBlobArray = [];
        downloadNum = 0;
        isDownloading = false;
        combineDownloadSwitch = false;
        srcs.forEach(src => URL.revokeObjectURL(src));

    const zipFolderConfig = _GM_getValue("zipFolderConfig", 1);

    const DownloadFn = async (array = null, text = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;

        const checkDC = checkDownloadCondition();
        if (!checkDC) return;

        isStopDownload = false;
        currentDownloadThread = 0;
        downloadNum = 0;
        promiseBlobArray = [];
        let selector, titleText;
        let autoDownload = siteData.autoDownload;
        let start;
        if (isArray(autoDownload)) {
            [start] = autoDownload;
        let titleReplace = fn.dt({
            s: "title"
        if (fastDownloadSwitch && array === null) {
            selector = siteData.imgs;
            titleText = (customTitle || titleReplace);
        } else if (array === null) {
            if (!autoDownload || !!autoDownload && start != 1 && options.autoDownload != 1) {
                selector = siteData.imgs;
                titleText = await prompt(DL.str_51, (customTitle || titleReplace));
                if (titleText === null) {
            } else if (!!autoDownload) {
                if (start == 1 || options.autoDownload == 1) {
                    selector = siteData.imgs;
                    titleText = (customTitle || titleReplace);
                } else {
        isDownloading = true;
        if (isString(text)) titleText = text;
        let imgsSrcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        videoSrcArray = checkURL(videoSrcArray);
        if (imgsSrcArr.length > 0 && titleText != null && titleText != "" || videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            fn.showMsg(DL.str_55, 0);
            let loopMsg;
            const imgsNum = imgsSrcArr.length;
            let title = apiCustomTitle ?? titleText;
            const zip = new JSZip();
            let zipFolder;
            let videosNum;
            if (videoSrcArray.length > 0 && siteData.downloadVideo && siteData.downloadVideo == true && FullPictureLoadCustomDownloadVideo == 1) {
                videosNum = videoSrcArray.length;
                if (zipFolderConfig == 1) {
                    zipFolder = zip.folder(`${title} [${imgsNum}P + ${videosNum}V]`);
            } else {
                if (zipFolderConfig == 1) {
                    zipFolder = zip.folder(`${title} [${imgsNum}P]`);
            if (imgsSrcArr.length > 0) {
                const pad = String(imgsSrcArr.length).length;
                for (let [i, src] of imgsSrcArr.entries()) {
                    let picNum = getNum(i, pad);
                    let promiseBlob;
                    await fn.checkDownloadThread();
                    if (isStopDownload) return (promiseBlobArray = []);
                    siteData.fetch == 1 ? promiseBlob = Fetch_API_Download(src, picNum, imgsNum) : promiseBlob = GM_XHR_Download(src, picNum, imgsNum);
            if (videoSrcArray.length > 0 && siteData.downloadVideo === true && FullPictureLoadCustomDownloadVideo == 1 && isPC) {
                const pad = String(videosNum).length;
                loopMsg = setInterval(() => {
                    fn.showMsg("Video Downloading...", 0);
                }, 2000);
                for (let [i, src] of videoSrcArray.entries()) {
                    let videoNum = getNum(i, pad);
                    let promiseBlob;
                    await fn.checkDownloadThread();
                    if (isStopDownload) {
                        promiseBlobArray = [];
                    siteData.fetch == 1 ? promiseBlob = Fetch_API_Download(src, videoNum, imgsNum + videosNum) : promiseBlob = GM_XHR_Download(src, videoNum, imgsNum + videosNum);
            debug("\nPromiseBlobArray:", promiseBlobArray);
            Promise.all(promiseBlobArray).then(async data => {
                try {
                } catch {}
                if (isStopDownload) {
                    data = null;
                    promiseBlobArray = [];
                debug("\nPromiseAllData:", data);
                let blobDataArray = data.filter(item => item.load); //成功下載
                let errorDataArray = data.filter(item => item.error); //下載錯誤
                debug("\nNewDataArray:", blobDataArray);
                debug("\nErrorDataArray:", errorDataArray);
                if (errorDataArray.length > 0) {
                    options.autoDownload = 0;
                    let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(options);
                    localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadOptions", jsonStr);
                    downloadNum = 0;
                    isDownloading = false;
                    let yes = await confirm(`${DL.str_27}${errorDataArray.length}${DL.str_28}${DL.str_29}`);
                    if (!yes) {
                        promiseBlobArray = [];
                        blobDataArray = null;
                        errorDataArray = null;
                if (combineDownloadSwitch && blobDataArray.length > 0) {
                    return combineDownloadImages(blobDataArray, text);
                if (blobDataArray.length > 0) {
                    let total = blobDataArray.length;
                    for (let [i, data] of blobDataArray.entries()) {
                        let ex;
                        let blobData = data.blob;
                        let type = blobData.type;
                        try {
                            if (/octet-stream/.test(type) || isM && type === "") {
                                let url = URL.createObjectURL(blobData);
                                let check = await fn.checkImgStatus(url, 0);
                                if (check.ok) {
                                    if (/\.webp/i.test(data.src) && convertWebpToJpg != 1) {
                                        blobData = await fn.convertImage(blobData, "image/webp");
                                        ex = "webp";
                                    } else {
                                        blobData = await fn.convertImage(blobData);
                                        ex = "jpg";
                                    if (type === "") {
                                        fn.showMsg(`unknown type to ${ex} ${(i+ 1)}/${total}`, 0);
                                    } else {
                                        fn.showMsg(`octet-stream to ${ex} ${(i+ 1)}/${total}`, 0);
                                } else {
                                    console.error("\nDownloadFn() PromiseAll blob資料格式錯誤", data);
                                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_30, 0);
                            } else if ((/webp/i.test(type) || /\.webp/i.test(data.finalUrl)) && !type.includes("image/jpeg") && convertWebpToJpg == 1) {
                                blobData = await fn.convertImage(blobData);
                                ex = "jpg";
                                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_102} to ${ex} ${(i+ 1)}/${total}`, 0);
                            } else if (/^text\/base64\.jpg/.test(type)) {
                                ex = "jpg";
                            } else {
                                [ex] = type.split("/")[1].match(/\w+/);
                        } catch {
                            if (/^image/.test(type)) {
                                ex = "jpg";
                            } else if (type === "") {
                                let url = URL.createObjectURL(blobData);
                                let check = await fn.checkImgStatus(url, 0);
                                if (check.ok) {
                                    if (/\.webp/i.test(data.src) && convertWebpToJpg != 1) {
                                        ex = "webp";
                                        fn.showMsg(`unknown type to ${ex} ${(i+ 1)}/${total}`, 0);
                                        blobData = await fn.convertImage(blobData, "image/webp");
                                    } else {
                                        ex = "jpg";
                                        fn.showMsg(`unknown type to ${ex} ${(i+ 1)}/${total}`, 0);
                                        blobData = await fn.convertImage(blobData);
                                } else {
                                    console.error("\nDownloadFn() PromiseAll blob資料格式錯誤", data);
                                    fn.showMsg(DL.str_30, 0);
                            } else {
                                console.error("\nDownloadFn() PromiseAll blob資料格式錯誤", data);
                                fn.showMsg(DL.str_30, 0);
                        let fileName;
                        ["mp4", "webm", "mov"].includes(ex) ? fileName = `${data.picNum}V.${(ex)}` : fileName = `${data.picNum}P.${(siteData.ex || ex)}`;
                        if (options.zip == 1) {
                            //console.log(`第${n}/${total}張,檔案名:${fileName},大小:${parseInt(data.blob.size / 1024, 10)} Kb`);
                            if (zipFolderConfig == 1) {
                                zipFolder.file(fileName, blobData, {
                                    binary: true
                            } else {
                                zip.file(fileName, blobData, {
                                    binary: true
                        } else {
                            saveData(blobData, title + "_" + fileName);
                            await delay(200);
                            if (i === total - 1) {
                                promiseBlobArray = [];
                                downloadNum = 0;
                                isDownloading = false;
                    if (options.zip == 1) {
                            type: "blob"
                        }, (metadata) => {
                            fn.showMsg(DL.str_31 + metadata.percent.toFixed(2) + " %", 0);
                        }).then(async data => {
                            debug("\nZIP壓縮檔數據:", data);
                            let fileName;
                            if (videoSrcArray.length > 0 && siteData.downloadVideo == true && FullPictureLoadCustomDownloadVideo == 1) {
                                fileName = `${title} [${imgsNum}P + ${videosNum}V].${options.file_extension}`;
                            } else {
                                fileName = `${title} [${imgsNum}P].${options.file_extension}`;
                            saveData(data, fileName);
                            promiseBlobArray = [];
                            downloadNum = 0;
                            isDownloading = false;
                } else {
                    promiseBlobArray = [];
                    downloadNum = 0;
                    isDownloading = false;
        } else {
            isDownloading = false;

    const exportImgSrcText = async (array = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        if (srcArr.length == 0 && videoSrcArray.length == 0 && fileUrlArray.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let picNum = srcArr.length;
        let titleText = (apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title);
        let fileName = `${titleText}[${picNum}P]_MediaURLs.txt`;
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            srcArr = srcArr.concat(videoSrcArray);
            fileName = `${titleText}[${picNum}P + ${videoSrcArray.length}V]_MediaURLs.txt`;
        if (fileUrlArray.length > 0) {
            srcArr = srcArr.concat(fileUrlArray);
            fileName = `${titleText}[${picNum}P`;
            if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
                fileName += ` + ${videoSrcArray.length}V`;
            fileName += ` + ${fileUrlArray.length} Files]_MediaURLs.txt`;
        let str = srcArr.join("\n");
        let blob = new Blob([str], {
            type: "text/plain",
            endings: "native"
        saveData(blob, fileName);

    const copyImgSrcText = async () => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = await getImgs(selector);
        //siteData.insertImg ? debug("手動插入圖片") : debug("複製網址");
        if (srcArr.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let imgsNum = srcArr.length;
        let videosNum;
        if ((!fn.ge(".FullPictureLoadImage") && !!siteData.insertImg) || siteData.repeat == 1 && !!siteData.insertImg) {
            const [insertTargetEle, insertMode] = siteData.insertImg;
            return fn.insertImg(srcArr, insertTargetEle, insertMode);
        if (isM) return;
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            videosNum = videoSrcArray.length;
            srcArr = srcArr.concat(videoSrcArray);
        if (fileUrlArray.length > 0) srcArr = srcArr.concat(fileUrlArray);
        let title;
        if (isString(apiCustomTitle)) {
            title = apiCustomTitle;
        } else if (isString(customTitle)) {
            title = customTitle;
        } else {
            title = fn.dt({
                s: "title"
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            title = `${title} [${imgsNum}P + ${videosNum}V]`;
        } else {
            title = `${title} [${imgsNum}P]`;
        let textArr = [title].concat(srcArr);
        let str = textArr.join("\n");
        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_45}(${textArr.length - 1})`);

    const copyImgSrcTextB = async (array = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        if (srcArr.length == 0 && videoSrcArray.length == 0 && fileUrlArray.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let imgsNum = srcArr.length;
        let videosNum;
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            videosNum = videoSrcArray.length;
            srcArr = srcArr.concat(videoSrcArray);
        if (fileUrlArray.length > 0) srcArr = srcArr.concat(fileUrlArray);
        let title;
        if (isString(apiCustomTitle)) {
            title = apiCustomTitle;
        } else if (isString(customTitle)) {
            title = customTitle;
        } else {
            title = fn.dt({
                s: "title"
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            title = `${title} [${imgsNum}P + ${videosNum}V]`;
        } else {
            title = `${title} [${imgsNum}P]`;
        let textArr = [title].concat(srcArr);
        let str = textArr.join("\n");
        fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_45}(${textArr.length - 1})`);

    const exportJsonFormat = async (array = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        if (srcArr.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let object = {
            url: siteUrl,
            title: (apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title),
            images: srcArr,
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            Reflect.set(object, "videos", videoSrcArray);
        let fileName = (apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title) + ".json";
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            type: "application/json"
        saveData(blob, fileName);

    const exportMarkdownFormat = async (array = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        if (srcArr.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let title = "## " + (apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title);
        let post = `Post Link:[${siteUrl}](${siteUrl})`;
        let imagesTitle = "## Images";
        let images = srcArr.map(async (src, i) => {
            if (src.startsWith("blob")) {
                src = await fn.blobURLtoDataURL(src);
            return `![${(apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title)}${(i + 1)}P](${src})`;
        images = await Promise.all(images);
        let textArr = [title, post, imagesTitle].concat(images);
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            let videosTitle = "## Videos";
            let videos = videoSrcArray.map(src => "    " + src);
            textArr = textArr.concat(videos);
        let str = textArr.join("\n");
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            type: "text/markdown",
            endings: "native"
        saveData(blob, fileName);

    const copyMarkdownFormat = async (array = null) => {
        if (checkGeting() || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        let selector = siteData.imgs;
        let srcArr = isArray(array) ? array : await getImgs(selector);
        if (srcArr.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
        let title = "## " + (apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title);
        let post = `Post Link:[${siteUrl}](${siteUrl})`;
        let imagesTitle = "## Images";
        let images = srcArr.map(async (src, i) => {
            if (src.startsWith("blob")) {
                src = await fn.blobURLtoDataURL(src);
            return `![${(apiCustomTitle || customTitle || document.title)}${(i + 1)}P](${src})`;
        images = await Promise.all(images);
        let textArr = [title, post, imagesTitle].concat(images);
        if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
            let videosTitle = "## Videos";
            let videos = videoSrcArray.map(src => "    " + src);
            textArr = textArr.concat(videos);
        let str = textArr.join("\n");

    const copyToClipboard = text => {
        if (!!_unsafeWindow.navigator.clipboard && _unsafeWindow.isSecureContext) {
            return _unsafeWindow.navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
        } else {
            let textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
            textArea.value = text;
            textArea.style.position = "absolute";
            textArea.style.opacity = 0;
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            return new Promise((res, rej) => {
                document.execCommand("copy") ? res() : rej();

    const goToNo1Img = (time = 1000) => {
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        ge("#FullPictureLoadImgBox:not([style*=none])") ? ele = ge(".FullPictureLoadImage.small") : ele = ge(".FullPictureLoadImage");
        if (ele) {
            if (time != 0) fn.showMsg(DL.str_46);
            setTimeout(() => {
                    behavior: "smooth"
            }, time);

    const goToImg = img => {
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            ele = ge(".FullPictureLoadImage.small");
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            ele = ge(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)");
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            ele = gae(".FullPictureLoadImage.small").at(-1);
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            ele = gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)").at(-1);
        if (ele) ele.scrollIntoView();

    const autoScrollEles = () => {
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        let scrollEle = siteData.scrollEle;
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        } else if (isArray(scrollEle)) {
            const [selector, time] = scrollEle;
            fn.scrollEles(selector, time);

    const reduceZoom = () => {
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            let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(options);
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                        if (pE.nodeName === "A") {
                            pE.style.width = `${options.zoom * 10}%`;
                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_60} ${options.zoom * 10}%`);

    const increaseZoom = () => {
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                        if (pE.nodeName === "A") {
                            pE.style.width = `${options.zoom * 10}%`;
                fn.showMsg(`${DL.str_60} ${options.zoom * 10}%`);

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                column = 5;
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                        setTimeout(() => {
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                if (options.fancybox == 1 && !blackList) {
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            viewMode = 1;
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            if (imgDivs[0].nextSibling && siteData.category == "comic") {
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                await delay(1200);
            if (TurnOffImageNavigationShortcutKeys != 1) {
                document.addEventListener("keydown", async event => {
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                                if (imgDivs[imgsNum].nextSibling && siteData.category === "comic") {
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                                    await fn.checkImgStatus(imgDivs[imgsNum].nextSibling.querySelector("img").dataset.src, "Wait Loading...");
                                    if (imgDivs[imgsNum].offsetHeight < imgDivs[imgsNum].nextSibling.offsetHeight) {
                                        imgDivs[imgsNum].style.height = (imgDivs[imgsNum].nextSibling.offsetHeight) + "px";
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                                        await fn.checkImgStatus(img.dataset.src, "Wait Loading...");
                                        let num = (imgDivs[imgsNum].offsetHeight - img.height) / 2;
                                        debug(`\n修改了之後\n第${imgsNum + 1}張(左)高:${imgDivs[imgsNum].offsetHeight}\n第${imgsNum + 2}張(右)高:${imgDivs[imgsNum].nextSibling.offsetHeight}`);
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                                    imgDivs[imgsNum].src = imgDivs[imgsNum].dataset.src;
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                                await delay(200);
                            } catch {
                                if (siteData.category === "comic" && siteData.next && siteData.insertImg) {
                                    if (isString(siteData.next)) {
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                                            imgsNum = 0 - column;
                                            fn.showMsg(DL.str_96, 3000);
                                    } else if (isFn(siteData.next)) {
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                                            fn.showMsg(DL.str_95, 3000);
                                            location.href = next;
                                        } else {
                                            imgsNum = 0;
                                            fn.showMsg(DL.str_96, 3000);
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                        imgsNum = 0 - column;
        } else if (ge(".FullPictureLoadImage.small")) {
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            viewMode = 0;

    const newTabViewLightGallery = localStorage.getItem("newTabViewLightGallery") ?? 0;

    const getConfig = () => {
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    const saveConfig = (config = getConfig()) => {
        localStorage.setItem("newWindowData", JSON.stringify(config));

    const setDefault = () => {
        const keys = [
        for (const key of keys) {
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        _GM_setValue("FullPictureLoadMsgPos", 0);
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    const newTabView = async (src_array = null) => {

        if (checkGeting() || isDragging || "eye" in siteData && siteData.eye === 0) return;

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            imgSrcs = await getImgs(selector);
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                alert("An error occurred\nUnable to use window.open()");
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=4, user-scalable=yes, shrink-to-fit=no">
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if (l10n !== "EN") {
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const fragment = new DocumentFragment();

if (lightboxSwitch == 1 && lightGallery == 1) {
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function setFancybox() {
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let menuDiv;

function addFixedMenu() {
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if (isM) {
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document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {
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document.addEventListener("wheel", (event) => {
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document.addEventListener("wheel", (event) => {
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                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
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}, {
    passive: false

function loadImgs() {
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function aspectRatio() {
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if (isM) {
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function increaseWidth() {
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function reduceWidth() {
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function getNextRowElement() {
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    imgViewIndex = eles.length - 1;
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function getPrevRowElement() {
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        return eles.at(0);
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            imgViewIndex = i;
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    imgViewIndex = 0;
    return eles.at(0);

function createImgElement(mode) {
        top: 0
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function saveConfig() {
    localStorage.setItem("newWindowData", JSON.stringify(config));

function defaultImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 0;

function singleImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 1;

function smallImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 2;

function rtlImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 3;

function webtoonImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 4;

function horizontalImageLayout() {
    config.ViewMode = 5;

if (config.ViewMode == 1) {
} else if (config.ViewMode == 2) {
} else if (config.ViewMode == 3) {
} else if (config.ViewMode == 4) {
} else if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
} else {

            _GM_addElement(dom.head, "script", {
                textContent: newWindowScriptCode

        } else {
            alert("No Image.");

    const hidePageScrollbarY = () => fn.css("html,body{overflow-y:hidden !important}", "overflowYHidden");

    const createShadowGallery = async (srcs_array = null) => {

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        isOpenGallery = true;

        let srcs;
        if (isArray(srcs_array)) {
            srcs = srcs_array;
        } else if ("SPA" in siteData) {
            let selector = siteData.capture ?? siteData.imgs;
            srcs = await getImgs(selector);
        } else if (!("capture" in siteData)) {
            globalImgArray.length > 0 ? srcs = globalImgArray : srcs = await getImgs(siteData.imgs);
        } else {
            captureSrcArray.length > 0 ? srcs = captureSrcArray : srcs = await getImgs(siteData.imgs);
        if (srcs.length < 1) return (isOpenGallery = false);


        const config = getConfig();
        let webtoonWidth = config.webtoonWidth;
        let totalNumberOfElements = 0;
        let imgViewIndex = -1;
        let currentReferenceElement;
        let nextButtonIsShown = false;
        let dNum = 0;
        let loopView = _GM_getValue("FullPictureLoadLoopView", 1);

        const mainHtml = '<div id="FullPictureLoadShadowGallery" style="overflow: clip !important;display: initial !important;position: fixed !important;z-index: 2147483647 !important;"></div>';
        document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", mainHtml);

        const FullPictureLoadShadowGallery = ge("#FullPictureLoadShadowGallery");
        const shadow = FullPictureLoadShadowGallery.attachShadow({
            mode: "closed"

        const increaseWidth = () => {
            let imgs = gae("img", shadow);
            if (webtoonWidth < 1900 && webtoonWidth < _unsafeWindow.innerWidth) {
                webtoonWidth = (Number(webtoonWidth) + 50);
                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));
            } else {
                webtoonWidth = isM ? _unsafeWindow.innerWidth : 800;
                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));

        const reduceWidth = () => {
            let imgs = gae("img", shadow);
            if (webtoonWidth > 100) {
                webtoonWidth = (Number(webtoonWidth) - 50);
                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));
            } else {
                webtoonWidth = isM ? _unsafeWindow.innerWidth : 800;
                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));

        const closeGallery = () => {
            _unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("resize", aspectRatio);
            _unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("keydown", kEvent);
            if (!isOpenFilter) fn.remove("#overflowYHidden");
            isOpenGallery = false;
            if (isCaptureMode) {
            if ("focus" in siteData) {
                let selector = siteData.focus;
                let ele;
                if (isString(selector)) {
                    if (selector.startsWith("last:")) {
                        selector = selector.slice(5);
                        ele = fn.gae(selector).at(-1);
                    } else {
                        ele = ge(selector);
                } else if (isFn(selector)) {
                    ele = selector();
                if (!isEle(ele)) return;
                setTimeout(() => instantScrollIntoView(ele), 100);
            if (("closeAF" in siteData) && isFn(siteData.closeAF)) {

        const toggleWidthEvent = (event) => {
            if (!isOpenFancybox && config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey)) {
                if (event.deltaY < 0) {
                if (event.deltaY > 0) {

        FullPictureLoadShadowGallery.addEventListener("wheel", toggleWidthEvent, {
            passive: false

        const getNextRowElement = () => {
            const eles = gae("img,#next", shadow);
            const index = Number(currentReferenceElement.dataset.index);
            if (index >= eles.length - 1) {
                imgViewIndex = index;
                return eles.at(-1);
            for (let i = index + 1; i < eles.length; i++) {
                if (eles[i].offsetTop > currentReferenceElement.offsetTop) {
                    currentReferenceElement = eles[i];
                    imgViewIndex = i;
                    return eles[i];
            imgViewIndex = eles.length - 1;
            return eles.at(-1);

        const getPrevRowElement = () => {
            const eles = gae("img,#next", shadow);
            const index = Number(currentReferenceElement.dataset.index);
            if (index <= 0) {
                imgViewIndex = 0;
                return eles.at(0);
            for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (eles[i].offsetTop < currentReferenceElement.offsetTop) {
                    currentReferenceElement = eles[i];
                    imgViewIndex = i;
                    return eles[i];
            imgViewIndex = 0;
            return eles.at(0);

        const toggleImage = (event) => {
            if (event.shiftKey && config.ViewMode == 5) {
                const viewImgs = gae("img.isView", shadow);
                const middleIndex = Math.floor(viewImgs.length / 2 - 1);
                let img;
                if (middleIndex > -1) {
                    img = viewImgs[middleIndex];
                } else {
                    img = viewImgs[0];
                imgViewIndex = Number(img.dataset.index);
            if (!isOpenFancybox && ([0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m) && [1, 2].some(m => config.shadowGalleryWheel == m) || config.ViewMode == 5) && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {
                const imgs = gae("img", shadow);
                const next = ge("#next", shadow);
                if (config.shadowGalleryWheel == 1 || config.ViewMode == 5) {
                    if (event.deltaY < 0 && imgViewIndex < 0) {
                        if (loopView != 1) return;
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else if (event.deltaY < 0 && imgViewIndex >= 0) {
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        if (imgViewIndex < 0 && loopView != 1) {
                            imgViewIndex = 0;
                        if (imgViewIndex < 0) imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                                imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else if (event.deltaY > 0 && nextButtonIsShown) {
                        next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                        return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 500);
                    } else if (event.deltaY > 0 && imgViewIndex <= imgs.length - 1) {
                        if (imgViewIndex > imgs.length - 1 && loopView != 1 && !next) {
                            imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        if (imgs[imgViewIndex] === undefined && next && !nextButtonIsShown) {
                            nextButtonIsShown = true;
                            next.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            return instantScrollIntoView(next);
                        } else if (imgs[imgViewIndex] === undefined) {
                            imgViewIndex = 0;
                        if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                                imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                            return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else {
                        imgViewIndex = -1;
                } else if (config.shadowGalleryWheel == 2) {
                    if (event.deltaY < 0) {
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        if (Number(currentReferenceElement?.dataset?.index) <= 0) return;
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        return instantScrollIntoView(getPrevRowElement());
                    if (event.deltaY > 0) {
                        if (Number(currentReferenceElement?.dataset?.index) >= totalNumberOfElements - 1) return;
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        return instantScrollIntoView(getNextRowElement());

        FullPictureLoadShadowGallery.addEventListener("wheel", toggleImage, {
            passive: false

        const aspectRatio = () => {
            const verticalScreen = _unsafeWindow.innerHeight / _unsafeWindow.innerWidth > 1;
            const imgs = gae("img", shadow);
            imgs.forEach(img => {
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                    img.style.maxWidth = "96vw";
                    img.style.maxHeight = "";
                    img.style.minWidth = "96vw";
                    img.style.minHeight = "";
                } else if (img.className === "default") {
                    img.style.maxHeight = "calc(100vh - 6px)";
                    img.style.maxWidth = "100%";
                    img.style.minHeight = "calc(100vh - 6px)";
                    img.style.minWidth = "";
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
                    let num = 6;
                    if (devicePixelRatio > 1 && !isFirefox) {
                        num = 3;
                    img.style.height = (mainElement.clientHeight - num) + "px";
            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined && config.ViewMode != 4) {
                if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                setTimeout(() => instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]), 100);
        _unsafeWindow.addEventListener("resize", aspectRatio);

        const kEvent = (event) => {
            if (isOpenFancybox || ["F11", "F12"].some(k => event.code === k || event.key === k) || (config.ViewMode == 5 && event.shiftKey)) return;
            const imgs = gae("img", shadow);
            const next = ge("#next", shadow);
            if (event.code === "Escape" || event.key === "Escape") return closeGallery();
            if (event.code === "Numpad0" || event.code === "Digit0" || event.key === "0") return defaultImageLayout();
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            if ((event.code === "Home" || event.key === "Home") || (event.code === "End" || event.key === "End")) {
                nextButtonIsShown = false;
                dNum = 0;
                if (event.code === "Home" || event.key === "Home") {
                    imgViewIndex = 0;
                } else {
                    imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                const img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (config.ViewMode != 4 && ([0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m) && config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2)) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                currentReferenceElement = img;
                return instantScrollIntoView(img);
            if (event.code === "KeyN" || event.key === "n" || event.key === "N") {
                if (next) {
                    next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                    return (location.href = nextLink);
            if ((["Space", "PageDown"].some(k => event.code === k) || [" ", "PageDown"].some(k => event.key === k)) && nextButtonIsShown) {
                if (dNum > 2) {
                    next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                    return (location.href = nextLink);
            if (event.code === "KeyJ" || event.key === "j" || event.key === "J") {
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) return;
                let num;
                if (config.jumpNum == 0) {
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                        num = mainElement.scrollTop + imgs[0].offsetHeight;
                    } else {
                        num = mainElement.scrollTop + _unsafeWindow.innerHeight;
                } else {
                    num = mainElement.scrollTop + Number(config.jumpNum);
                let lastTop = mainElement.scrollHeight - _unsafeWindow.innerHeight;
                if (num >= lastTop) {
                    num = lastTop;
                return mainElement.scrollTo({
                    top: num,
                    behavior: config.behavior
            if (event.code === "KeyK" || event.key === "k" || event.key === "K") {
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) return;
                let num;
                if (config.jumpNum == 0) {
                    if (_unsafeWindow.devicePixelRatio > 1 && [0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m)) {
                        num = mainElement.scrollTop - imgs[0].offsetHeight;
                    } else {
                        num = mainElement.scrollTop - _unsafeWindow.innerHeight;
                } else {
                    num = mainElement.scrollTop - Number(config.jumpNum);
                if (num <= 0) {
                    num = 0;
                return mainElement.scrollTo({
                    top: num,
                    behavior: config.behavior
            if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (["NumpadAdd", "Equal"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["+", "="].some(k => event.code === k))) {
                return increaseWidth();
            if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (["NumpadSubtract", "Minus"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["-", "_"].some(k => event.key === k))) {
                return reduceWidth();
            if ((event.code === "KeyR" || event.key === "r" || event.key === "R") && [0, 2, 3, 5].some(m => config.ViewMode == m)) {
                let box = ge("#imgBox", shadow);
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
                    if (box.style.direction == "rtl") {
                        mainElement.style.direction = "ltr";
                        box.style.direction = "ltr";
                    } else {
                        mainElement.style.direction = "rtl";
                        box.style.direction = "rtl";
                    if (isEle(imgs[imgViewIndex])) {
                        return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                } else {
                    if (box.style.direction == "rtl") {
                        return (box.style.direction = "ltr");
                    } else {
                        return (box.style.direction = "rtl");
            if ((event.code === "KeyB" || event.key === "b" || event.key === "B") && [0, 2, 3, 5].some(m => config.ViewMode == m)) {
                imgs.forEach(img => {
                    if (img.classList.contains("no_r_l_border")) {
                    } else {
                if (isEle(imgs[imgViewIndex])) {
                    return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
            if ((["KeyW", "KeyA", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["w", "W", "a", "A", "KeyA", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"].some(k => event.key === k)) && imgViewIndex < 0) {
                if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.code === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "ArrowUp")) return;
                if (config.ViewMode == 5 && (event.code === "ArrowLeft" || event.key === "ArrowLeft")) return;
                if (loopView != 1) return;
                nextButtonIsShown = false;
                imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                const img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                currentReferenceElement = img;
                return instantScrollIntoView(img);
            } else if ((["KeyW", "KeyA", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["w", "W", "a", "A", "KeyA", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"].some(k => event.key === k)) && imgViewIndex >= 0) {
                if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.code === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "ArrowUp")) return;
                if (config.ViewMode == 5 && (event.code === "ArrowLeft" || event.key === "ArrowLeft")) return;
                nextButtonIsShown = false;
                if (imgViewIndex < 0 && loopView != 1) {
                    imgViewIndex = 0;
                let img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (img === undefined) {
                    imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                    img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    if (img !== undefined) {
                        img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                currentReferenceElement = img;
                return instantScrollIntoView(img);
            } else if ((["KeyS", "KeyD", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["s", "S", "d", "D", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight"].some(k => event.key === k)) && nextButtonIsShown) {
                if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.code === "ArrowDown" || event.key === "ArrowDown")) return;
                if (config.ViewMode == 5 && (event.code === "ArrowRight" || event.key === "ArrowRight")) return;
                next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 500);
            } else if ((["KeyS", "KeyD", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["s", "S", "d", "D", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight"].some(k => event.key === k)) && imgViewIndex <= imgs.length - 1) {
                if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.code === "ArrowDown" || event.key === "ArrowDown")) return;
                if (config.ViewMode == 5 && (event.code === "ArrowRight" || event.key === "ArrowRight")) return;
                if (imgViewIndex > imgs.length - 1 && loopView != 1 && !next) {
                    imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                let img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    if (img !== undefined) {
                        img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                if (img === undefined && next && !nextButtonIsShown) {
                    nextButtonIsShown = true;
                    next.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                    currentReferenceElement = next;
                    return instantScrollIntoView(next);
                } else if (img === undefined) {
                    imgViewIndex = 0;
                    img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                currentReferenceElement = img;
                return instantScrollIntoView(img);
            } else if ((event.code === "Delete" || event.key === "Delete")) {
                for (const img of imgs) {
                    if (!img.classList.contains("hide")) {
                if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined && config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2) {
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
            } else if ((event.code === "Enter" || event.key === "Enter")) {
                imgs.forEach(e => e.classList.remove("hide"));
                if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined && config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2) {
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
            } else if (!["KeyR", "NumpadAdd", "Equal", "NumpadSubtract", "Minus"].some(k => event.code === k) || !["r", "R", "-", "+", "=", "_"].some(k => event.key === k)) {
                imgViewIndex = -1;
        _unsafeWindow.addEventListener("keydown", kEvent);


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transform: translate(0);
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#FixedMenu select option {
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        const mainElement = document.createElement("div");
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                    ge("#setting-btn", shadow).classList.remove("hide");
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        function loadImgs(imgs) {
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            const queue = new Queue(Number(config.threading));

        async function createGalleryElement(mode) {
                top: 0
            imgViewIndex = -1;
            gae(".FixedMenuitem", shadow).forEach(item => item.classList.remove("active"));
            mainElement.style.overflow = "hidden scroll";
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            if (isM) {
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                menuDiv.style.bottom = "20px";
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            currentReferenceElement = imgElements.at(0);
            totalNumberOfElements = imgElements.length;
            await fn.wait(() => imgElements.at(-1)?.offsetHeight > 100).then(() => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    gae("img", shadow).forEach(img => {
                        if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
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                                num = 3;
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                }, 1000);
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                                imgElements.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
            if (options.fancybox == 1 && isFn(_unsafeWindow.Fancybox)) {
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                    Hash: false,
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                    Images: {
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                        zoom: false
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                            right: ["slideshow", "fullscreen", "thumbs", "close"]
                    on: {
                        done: (fancybox, slide) => {
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                            let imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
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                        close: fancybox => {
                            let slideIndex = fancybox.getSlide().index;
                            imgViewIndex = slideIndex;
                            let imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
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                            currentReferenceElement = img;
                            img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                isOpenFancybox = false;
                            }, 100);
            if (isString(nextLink) && config.ViewMode != 5) {
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                    next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                    return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 200);
                if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 1 && [0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m) || [2, 4].some(m => config.ViewMode == m)) {
                    let isEventAdded = false;
                    const nextObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
                        entries.forEach(entry => {
                            if (entry.isIntersecting) {
                                nextButtonIsShown = true;
                                next.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                                if (!isEventAdded) {
                                    isEventAdded = true;
                                    FullPictureLoadShadowGallery.addEventListener("wheel", (event) => {
                                        if (isOpenFancybox || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey || event.metaKey) return;
                                        if (event.deltaY < 0) {
                                            dNum = 0;
                                            next.style.border = "";
                                            nextButtonIsShown = false;
                                        } else if (event.deltaY > 0 && nextButtonIsShown) {
                                            if (dNum > 2) {
                                                next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                                                return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 500);
                                    }, {
                                        passive: true
                            } else {
                                dNum = 0;
                                next.style.border = "";
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                    }, {
                        threshold: 0.9,
                    setTimeout(() => {
                    }, 1000);
            if (isM) {
                const b = document.createElement("p");
                b.className = "place";

        let menuDiv;

        function addFixedMenu() {
            menuDiv = document.createElement("div");
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            const menuObj = [{
                id: "MenuCancelItem",
                text: DL.str_142,
                cfn: () => closeGallery()
            }, {
                id: "MenuFavorItem",
                text: DL.str_128.replace(/\(.\)/, ""),
                cfn: () => createFavorShadowElement()
            }, {
                id: "MenuThreadingItem"
            }, {
                id: "MenuBehaviorItem"
            }, {
                id: "MenuJumpItem",
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                id: "menuNext",
                text: `${siteData.category?.includes("comic") ? DL.str_143 : DL.str_144}${isM ? "" : "( N )"}`,
                cfn: () => setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 200)
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                id: "MenuHorizontalItem",
                text: DL.galleryMenu.horizontal,
                cfn: () => horizontalImageLayout()
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                text: DL.galleryMenu.webtoon,
                cfn: () => webtoonImageLayout()
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                cfn: () => rtlImageLayout()
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                text: DL.galleryMenu.small,
                cfn: () => smallImageLayout()
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                text: DL.galleryMenu.single,
                cfn: () => singleImageLayout()
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                id: "MenuDefaultItem",
                text: DL.galleryMenu.default,
                cfn: () => defaultImageLayout()
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            let threadingSelect = document.createElement("select");
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                cfn: reduceWidth
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        function defaultImageLayout() {
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        function smallImageLayout() {
            config.ViewMode = 2;
            ge("#MenuSmallItem", shadow).classList.add("active");

        function rtlImageLayout() {
            config.ViewMode = 3;
            ge("#MenuRTLItem", shadow).classList.add("active");

        function webtoonImageLayout() {
            config.ViewMode = 4;
            ge("#MenuWebtoonItem", shadow).classList.add("active");

        function horizontalImageLayout() {
            config.ViewMode = 5;
            ge("#MenuHorizontalItem", shadow).classList.add("active");

        if (config.ViewMode == 1) {
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        } else if (config.ViewMode == 3) {
        } else if (config.ViewMode == 4) {
        } else if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
        } else {


    const createIframeGallery = async (srcs_array = null) => {

        if (checkGeting() || isOpenGallery || isOpenOptionsUI) return;

        isOpenGallery = true;

        let srcs;
        if (isArray(srcs_array)) {
            srcs = srcs_array;
        } else if ("SPA" in siteData) {
            let selector = siteData.capture ?? siteData.imgs;
            srcs = await getImgs(selector);
        } else if (!("capture" in siteData)) {
            globalImgArray.length > 0 ? srcs = globalImgArray : srcs = await getImgs(siteData.imgs);
        } else {
            captureSrcArray.length > 0 ? srcs = captureSrcArray : srcs = await getImgs(siteData.imgs);
        if (srcs.length < 1) return (isOpenGallery = false);


        const config = getConfig();
        let webtoonWidth = config.webtoonWidth;
        let totalNumberOfElements = 0;
        let imgViewIndex = -1;
        let currentReferenceElement;
        let nextButtonIsShown = false;
        let dNum = 0;
        let loopView = _GM_getValue("FullPictureLoadLoopView", 1);

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            padding: "0",
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            opacity: "1",
            zIndex: "2147483646",
            backgroundColor: "#333",
            color: "#222"

        await new Promise((resolve) => {
            iframe.onload = resolve;
            iframe.src = "about:blank";

        const win = iframe.contentWindow;
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            textContent: FancyboxV5JS
        _GM_addElement(dom.head, "style", {
            textContent: FancyboxV5Css + `
.fancybox__container {
    z-index: 2147483647 !important;

        const increaseWidth = () => {
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        const reduceWidth = () => {
            let imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
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                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));
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                webtoonWidth = isM ? win.innerWidth : 800;
                config.webtoonWidth = webtoonWidth;
                imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.maxWidth = webtoonWidth + "px"));

        const closeGallery = () => {
            if (ge("meta[property='og:site_name'][content=禁漫天堂]")) {
                _unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("keydown", kEvent);
            _unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("resize", aspectRatio);
            if (!isOpenFilter) fn.remove("#overflowYHidden");
            isOpenGallery = false;
            if (isCaptureMode) {
            if ("focus" in siteData) {
                let selector = siteData.focus;
                let ele;
                if (isString(selector)) {
                    if (selector.startsWith("last:")) {
                        selector = selector.slice(5);
                        ele = fn.gae(selector).at(-1);
                    } else {
                        ele = ge(selector);
                } else if (isFn(selector)) {
                    ele = selector();
                if (!isEle(ele)) return;
                setTimeout(() => instantScrollIntoView(ele), 100);
            if (("closeAF" in siteData) && isFn(siteData.closeAF)) {

        const toggleWidthEvent = (event) => {
            if (!isOpenFancybox && config.ViewMode == 4 && (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey)) {
                if (event.deltaY < 0) {
                if (event.deltaY > 0) {

        dom.addEventListener("wheel", toggleWidthEvent, {
            passive: false

        const getNextRowElement = () => {
            const eles = gae("img,#next", mainElement);
            const index = Number(currentReferenceElement.dataset.index);
            if (index >= eles.length - 1) {
                imgViewIndex = index;
                return eles.at(-1);
            for (let i = index + 1; i < eles.length; i++) {
                if (eles[i].offsetTop > currentReferenceElement.offsetTop) {
                    currentReferenceElement = eles[i];
                    imgViewIndex = i;
                    return eles[i];
            imgViewIndex = eles.length - 1;
            return eles.at(-1);

        const getPrevRowElement = () => {
            const eles = gae("img,#next", mainElement);
            const index = Number(currentReferenceElement.dataset.index);
            if (index <= 0) {
                imgViewIndex = 0;
                return eles.at(0);
            for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (eles[i].offsetTop < currentReferenceElement.offsetTop) {
                    currentReferenceElement = eles[i];
                    imgViewIndex = i;
                    return eles[i];
            imgViewIndex = 0;
            return eles.at(0);

        const toggleImage = (event) => {
            if (event.shiftKey && config.ViewMode == 5) {
                const viewImgs = gae("img.isView", mainElement);
                const middleIndex = Math.floor(viewImgs.length / 2 - 1);
                let img;
                if (middleIndex > -1) {
                    img = viewImgs[middleIndex];
                } else {
                    img = viewImgs[0];
                imgViewIndex = Number(img.dataset.index);
            if (!isOpenFancybox && ([0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m) && [1, 2].some(m => config.shadowGalleryWheel == m) || config.ViewMode == 5) && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {
                const imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
                const next = ge("#next", mainElement);
                if (config.shadowGalleryWheel == 1 || config.ViewMode == 5) {
                    if (event.deltaY < 0 && imgViewIndex < 0) {
                        if (loopView != 1) return;
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else if (event.deltaY < 0 && imgViewIndex >= 0) {
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        if (imgViewIndex < 0 && loopView != 1) {
                            imgViewIndex = 0;
                        if (imgViewIndex < 0) imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                                imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else if (event.deltaY > 0 && nextButtonIsShown) {
                        next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                        return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 500);
                    } else if (event.deltaY > 0 && imgViewIndex <= imgs.length - 1) {
                        if (imgViewIndex > imgs.length - 1 && loopView != 1 && !next) {
                            imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                        if (imgs[imgViewIndex] === undefined && next && !nextButtonIsShown) {
                            nextButtonIsShown = true;
                            next.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            return instantScrollIntoView(next);
                        } else if (imgs[imgViewIndex] === undefined) {
                            imgViewIndex = 0;
                        if (config.ViewMode != 4) {
                            imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                                imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                        if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined) {
                            return instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]);
                    } else {
                        imgViewIndex = -1;
                } else if (config.shadowGalleryWheel == 2) {
                    if (event.deltaY < 0) {
                        nextButtonIsShown = false;
                        if (Number(currentReferenceElement?.dataset?.index) <= 0) return;
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        return instantScrollIntoView(getPrevRowElement());
                    if (event.deltaY > 0) {
                        if (Number(currentReferenceElement?.dataset?.index) >= totalNumberOfElements - 1) return;
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        return instantScrollIntoView(getNextRowElement());

        dom.addEventListener("wheel", toggleImage, {
            passive: false

        const aspectRatio = () => {
            const verticalScreen = win.innerHeight / win.innerWidth > 1;
            const imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
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                    img.style.maxHeight = "";
                    img.style.minWidth = "96vw";
                    img.style.minHeight = "";
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                    img.style.maxWidth = "100%";
                    img.style.minHeight = "calc(100vh - 6px)";
                    img.style.minWidth = "";
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) {
                    let num = 6;
                    if (devicePixelRatio > 1 && !isFirefox) {
                        num = 3;
                    img.style.height = (mainElement.clientHeight - num) + "px";
            if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined && config.ViewMode != 4) {
                if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                setTimeout(() => instantScrollIntoView(imgs[imgViewIndex]), 100);
        _unsafeWindow.addEventListener("resize", aspectRatio);

        const kEvent = (event) => {
            if (isOpenFancybox || ["F11", "F12"].some(k => event.code === k || event.key === k) || (config.ViewMode == 5 && event.shiftKey)) return;
            const imgs = gae("img", mainElement);
            const next = ge("#next", mainElement) || ge("#menuNext", menuDiv);
            if (event.code === "Escape" || event.key === "Escape") return closeGallery();
            if (event.code === "Numpad0" || event.code === "Digit0" || event.key === "0") return defaultImageLayout();
            if (event.code === "Numpad1" || event.code === "Digit1" || event.key === "1") return singleImageLayout();
            if (event.code === "Numpad2" || event.code === "Digit2" || event.key === "2") return smallImageLayout();
            if (event.code === "Numpad3" || event.code === "Digit3" || event.key === "3") return rtlImageLayout();
            if (event.code === "Numpad4" || event.code === "Digit4" || event.key === "4") return webtoonImageLayout();
            if (event.code === "Numpad5" || event.code === "Digit5" || event.key === "5") return horizontalImageLayout();
            if ((event.code === "Home" || event.key === "Home") || (event.code === "End" || event.key === "End")) {
                nextButtonIsShown = false;
                dNum = 0;
                if (event.code === "Home" || event.key === "Home") {
                    imgViewIndex = 0;
                } else {
                    imgViewIndex = imgs.length - 1;
                const img = imgs[imgViewIndex];
                if (config.ViewMode != 4 && ([0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m) && config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2)) {
                    imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                    img.style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
                currentReferenceElement = img;
                return instantScrollIntoView(img);
            if (event.code === "KeyN" || event.key === "n" || event.key === "N") {
                if (next) {
                    next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                    return (location.href = nextLink);
            if ((["Space", "PageDown"].some(k => event.code === k) || [" ", "PageDown"].some(k => event.key === k)) && nextButtonIsShown) {
                if (dNum > 2) {
                    next.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
                    return (location.href = nextLink);
            if (event.code === "KeyJ" || event.key === "j" || event.key === "J") {
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) return;
                let num;
                if (config.jumpNum == 0) {
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                        num = mainElement.scrollTop + imgs[0].offsetHeight;
                    } else {
                        num = mainElement.scrollTop + win.innerHeight;
                } else {
                    num = mainElement.scrollTop + Number(config.jumpNum);
                let lastTop = mainElement.scrollHeight - win.innerHeight;
                if (num >= lastTop) {
                    num = lastTop;
                return mainElement.scrollTo({
                    top: num,
                    behavior: config.behavior
            if (event.code === "KeyK" || event.key === "k" || event.key === "K") {
                if (config.ViewMode == 5) return;
                let num;
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                    if (_unsafeWindow.devicePixelRatio > 1 && [0, 1, 3].some(m => config.ViewMode == m)) {
                        num = mainElement.scrollTop - imgs[0].offsetHeight;
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                        num = mainElement.scrollTop - win.innerHeight;
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                    num = mainElement.scrollTop - Number(config.jumpNum);
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                    num = 0;
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            if (config.ViewMode == 4 && (["NumpadAdd", "Equal"].some(k => event.code === k) || ["+", "="].some(k => event.code === k))) {
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                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
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                if (imgs[imgViewIndex] !== undefined && config.ViewMode != 4) {
                    if (config.shadowGalleryWheel != 2) {
                        imgs.forEach(e => (e.style.border = ""));
                        imgs[imgViewIndex].style.border = "solid #32a1ce";
            } else if (!["KeyR", "NumpadAdd", "Equal", "NumpadSubtract", "Minus"].some(k => event.code === k) || !["r", "R", "-", "+", "=", "_"].some(k => event.key === k)) {
                imgViewIndex = -1;
        if (ge("meta[property='og:site_name'][content=禁漫天堂]")) {
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.fancybox__container .to-next>.fancybox__content,
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        function loadImgs(imgs) {
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                top: 0
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                                    setTimeout(() => {
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                cfn: () => setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 200)
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                cfn: () => horizontalImageLayout()
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                if (config.noSize != 1) {
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                    if (isEle(label)) {

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        gae("#close", main).forEach(button => {
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                if (isCaptureMode) {
                isOpenFilter = false;
        gae("#settings", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
        gae(".mobile_toggle_filter_gallery_btn", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            gae("#gallery_imgBox,.row", main).forEach(e => e.classList.toggle("hide"));
            isViewMobileGallery ? isViewMobileGallery = false : isViewMobileGallery = true;
        gae("#" + config.MobileViewMode, main).forEach(e => e.classList.add("active"));
        gae("button.mode", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            gae("button.mode", main).forEach(e => e.classList.remove("active"));
            gae("#" + button.id, main).forEach(e => e.classList.add("active"));
            config.MobileViewMode = button.id;
            gae("#gallery_imgBox img", main).forEach(e => (e.className = button.id));
        gae("#shadow_gallery", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
            if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey) {
            } else {
        gae("#tab_gallery", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
        gae("#favor", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
        gae("#copy", main).forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", event => {
                const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
                if (srcs.length == 0) return;
        gae("#export", main).forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", event => {
                const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
                if (srcs.length == 0) return;
        gae("#select-all", main).forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", event => {
                gae("input.check", main).forEach(input => {
                    input.checked = true;
                    ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + srcs.length;
                if (isM) {
        gae("#unselect-all", main).forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", event => {
                gae("input.check", main).forEach(input => {
                    input.checked = false;
                    ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + "0";
                if (isM) {
        gae("#reverse-selection", main).forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", event => {
                gae("input.check", main).forEach(input => {
                    if (input.checked) {
                        input.checked = false;
                    } else {
                        input.checked = true;
                    const selects = gae(".select+.image", main);
                    ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + selects.length;
                if (isM) {
        gae("#exclude-error", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            gae("#image-list img.error", main).forEach(img => {
                img.previousElementSibling.checked = false;
            const selects = gae(".select+.image", main);
            ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + selects.length;
            if (isM) {
        gae("#reload", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            widthSelect.value = 0;
            heightSelect.value = 0;
            ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + srcs.length;
            if (isM) {
        gae("#combineDownload", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
            if (srcs.length == 0) return;
            combineDownloadSwitch = true;
            const text = ge("#inputTitle", main).value;
            DownloadFn(srcs, text);
        gae("#download", main).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", event => {
            const srcs = gae(".select+.image", main).map(img => img.dataset.src);
            if (srcs.length == 0) return;
            const text = ge("#inputTitle", main).value;
            isOpenFilter = false;
            DownloadFn(srcs, text);
        let inputAEE = ge("#auto-exclude-error", main);
        inputAEE.checked = config.aee == 0 ? false : true;
        inputAEE.addEventListener("change", () => {
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            widthSelect.value = 0;
            heightSelect.value = 0;
            ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + srcs.length;
            if (isM) {
        let inputSize = ge("#size", main);
        if (config.noSize == 1) {
        inputSize.checked = showSize == 1 ? true : false;
        inputSize.addEventListener("change", () => {
            showSize = inputSize.checked ? 1 : 0;
            config.showSize = showSize;
            widthSelect.value = 0;
            heightSelect.value = 0;
            ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + srcs.length;
            if (isM) {
        let inputMove = ge("#move", main);
        if (inputMove) {
            inputMove.checked = move == 1 ? true : false;
            inputMove.addEventListener("change", () => {
                move = inputMove.checked ? 1 : 0;
                config.move = move;
                widthSelect.value = 0;
                heightSelect.value = 0;
                ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + srcs.length;
                if (isM) {
        const imageList = ge("#image-list", main);
        const ViewerOptions = {
            navbar: false,
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            initialCoverage: 0.99,
            interval: FancyboxSlideshowTimeoutNum,
            url: "data-src",
            viewed: (event) => instantScrollIntoView(event.detail.originalImage)
        if (options.fancybox == 1 && ("Viewer" in _unsafeWindow)) {
            Viewer = _unsafeWindow.Viewer;
            ViewerJsInstance = new Viewer(imageList, ViewerOptions);

        const addLis = () => {
            ge("#total", main).innerText = DL.str_165 + srcs.length;
            imageList.innerHTML = "";
            const loadImgList = [];
            inputs = [];
            for (const [index, src] of srcs.entries()) {
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                input.className = "check select";
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                input.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
                input.checked = true;
                input.onchange = () => {
                    if (input.checked == true) {
                    } else {
                    const selects = gae(".select+.image", main);
                    ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + selects.length;
                    if (isM) {
                input.onclick = event => {
                    if ((event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey) && isEle(startInput)) {
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                        let endNum = Number(event.target.dataset.index);
                        if (startNum < endNum) {
                            for (let i = startNum; i <= endNum; i++) {
                                if (!inputs[i]?.parentElement?.classList.contains("hide")) {
                                    inputs[i].checked = true;
                        } else if (startNum > endNum) {
                            for (let i = startNum; i >= endNum; i--) {
                                if (!inputs[i]?.parentElement?.classList.contains("hide")) {
                                    inputs[i].checked = true;
                        const selects = gae(".select+.image", main);
                        ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + selects.length;
                    } else {
                        startInput = event.target;
                const img = new Image();
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                if ("referrerpolicy" in siteData) {
                    img.setAttribute("referrerpolicy", siteData.referrerpolicy);
                img.src = loading_bak;
                img.dataset.src = src;
                img.onload = () => {
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                        if (move == 0 || isM) {
                            p.innerText = img.dataset.width + " x " + img.dataset.height;
                        } else {
                            p.innerText = (index + 1) + "P | " + img.dataset.width + " x " + img.dataset.height;
                        img.onload = null;
                        if (config.noSize != 1 && showSize != 0) {
                            getFileSize(img.src, p, inputSize.parentNode);
                img.onerror = () => {
                    if (config.aee == 1) {
                        input.checked = false;
                        const selects = gae(".select+.image", main);
                        ge("#filterNumber", main).innerText = DL.str_166 + selects.length;
                        if (isM) {
                    img.onerror = null;
                loadImgList.push([simpleLoadImg, null, img]);
                const p = document.createElement("p");
                if (move == 0 || isM) {
                    p.innerText = "? x ?";
                } else {
                    p.innerText = (index + 1) + "P | ? x ?";
                const li = document.createElement("li");
                li.className = "image-item";
                if (backgroundColor === "d") {
                if (move != 0 && isPC) {
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                    li.addEventListener("drop", drop_sort);
                    li.addEventListener("dragenter", cancelDefault);
                    li.addEventListener("dragover", cancelDefault);
            if (Viewer && ViewerJsInstance) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                const queue = new Queue(Number(config.threading));
            }, 200);

        if (isPC) return;

        const gallery_imgBox = ge("#gallery_imgBox", main);
        if (options.fancybox == 1 && ("Viewer" in _unsafeWindow)) {
            ViewerJsInstance_G = new Viewer(gallery_imgBox, ViewerOptions);
        const addGalleryImgs = () => {
            gallery_imgBox.innerHTML = "";
            const loadImgList = [];
            for (const [index, src] of g_srcs.entries()) {
                const img = new Image();
                img.className = ge("button.mode.active", main).id;
                if ("referrerpolicy" in siteData) {
                    img.setAttribute("referrerpolicy", siteData.referrerpolicy);
                img.src = loading_bak;
                img.dataset.src = src;
                loadImgList.push([simpleLoadImg, null, img]);
            if (isString(nextLink)) {
                const next = document.createElement("div");
                next.id = "next";
                next.innerText = `${siteData.category?.includes("comic") ? DL.str_143 : DL.str_144}`;
                next.addEventListener("click", event => {
                    return setTimeout(() => (location.href = nextLink), 200);
            if (Viewer && ViewerJsInstance_G) {
            const queue = new Queue(Number(config.threading));
        if (options.mobileGallery == 1) {
            let button = ge(".mobile_toggle_filter_gallery_btn", main);

    const getXY = (event) => {
        let x, y;
        if (event.type.includes("mouse")) {
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            y = event.clientY;
        } else {
            x = event.changedTouches[0].clientX;
            y = event.changedTouches[0].clientY;
        return {
            x: x,
            y: y

    let viewImgDown = false;
    let isDragging = false;
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    let startX, startY, startLeft, startTop;
    let eventViewImg, eventMenu;
    let EyeNumElement;
    const addNewTabViewButton = () => {
        if (ge("#FullPictureLoadEye") || FullPictureLoadShowEye == 0) return;
        isAddNewTabViewButton = true;
        let img = new Image();
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        eventViewImg = img;
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        const menuObj = [{
            id: "FullPictureLoadCaptureNum",
            text: "0",
            cfn: async event => {
                let selector = siteData.capture ?? siteData.imgs;
                let srcArr = await getImgs(selector);
                if (srcArr.length == 0) return fn.showMsg(DL.str_44);
                let titleText = apiCustomTitle ?? customTitle ?? document.title;
                let picNum = srcArr.length;
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                if (videoSrcArray.length > 0) {
                    srcArr = srcArr.concat(videoSrcArray);
                    fileName = `${titleText}[${picNum}P + ${videoSrcArray.length}V]_MediaURLs.txt`;
                let str = srcArr.join("\n");
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                    type: "text/plain",
                    endings: "native"
                saveData(blob, fileName);
        const createMenu = obj => {
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            if (!!obj.mfn) item.addEventListener("mousedown", obj.mfn);
            EyeNumElement = item;
        [...menuObj].forEach(obj => createMenu(obj));
        eventMenu = menuDiv;

        const downEvent = (event) => {
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            startLeft = eventViewImg.offsetLeft;
            startTop = eventViewImg.offsetTop;

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            eventMenu.style.right = "auto";

        const upEvent = (event) => {
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            viewImgDown = false;
            setTimeout(() => {
                isDragging = false;
            }, 100);

        const resizeEvent = () => {
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            eventViewImg.style.right = "24px";
            eventMenu.style.top = "auto";
            eventMenu.style.bottom = "22px";
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            eventMenu.style.right = "64px";

        if (isM) {
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                document.addEventListener("touchend", upEvent);
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    const updateEyeNum = (num) => {
        if (isEle(EyeNumElement)) {
            EyeNumElement.innerText = num;

    const cancelZoom = () => {
        if (isFetching || !siteData.insertImg || isOpenOptionsUI) return;
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            options.zoom = 0;
            let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(options);
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            gae(".FullPictureLoadImage:not(.small)").forEach(img => {
                img.style.width = "";
                let pE = img.parentNode;
                if (pE.nodeName === "A") {
                    pE.style.width = "";

    let imgDown = false;
    let isAddDraggEvent = false;
    let eventImg;
    const addFullPictureLoadButton = () => {
        if (ge("#FullPictureLoad")) return;
        isAddFullPictureLoadButton = true;
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        img.style.left = "24px";
        img.addEventListener("click", event => {
            fastDownloadSwitch = false;
        if (!isSimpleMode) {
            img.setAttribute("title", DL.str_47);
            img.oncontextmenu = () => false;
            img.addEventListener("mousedown", event => {
                if (event.button == 1) {
                if (event.button == 2) {
        eventImg = img;
        if ("insertImg" in siteData) {
            let img2 = new Image();
            img2.id = "FullPictureLoadGoToFirstImage";
            img2.className = "FullPictureLoadFixedBtn";
            img2.style.display = "none";
            img2.src = "";
            img2.setAttribute("title", DL.str_62);
            img2.addEventListener("click", event => {
            let img3 = new Image();
            img3.id = "FullPictureLoadGoToLastImage";
            img3.className = "FullPictureLoadFixedBtn";
            img3.style.display = "none";
            img3.src = "";
            img3.setAttribute("title", DL.str_63);
            img3.addEventListener("click", event => {

        const downEvent = (event) => {
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            imgDown = true;
            startX = obj.x;
            startY = obj.y;
            startLeft = eventImg.offsetLeft;
            startTop = eventImg.offsetTop;

        const moveEvent = (event) => {
            if (!imgDown) return;
            const obj = getXY(event);
            isDragging = true;
            const dx = obj.x - startX;
            const dy = obj.y - startY;
            eventImg.style.top = startTop + dy + "px";
            eventImg.style.bottom = "auto";
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            eventImg.style.right = "auto";

        const upEvent = (event) => {
            imgDown = false;
            setTimeout(() => {
                isDragging = false;
            }, 100);

        const resizeEvent = () => {
            eventImg.style.top = "auto";
            eventImg.style.bottom = "24px";
            eventImg.style.left = "24px";
            eventImg.style.right = "auto";

        if (isM) {
            img.addEventListener("touchstart", downEvent, {
                passive: false,
                capture: true
            if (!isAddDraggEvent) {
                isAddDraggEvent = true;
                document.addEventListener("touchmove", moveEvent, {
                    passive: false,
                    capture: true
                document.addEventListener("touchend", upEvent);
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            img.addEventListener("mousedown", downEvent);
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                document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveEvent);
                document.addEventListener("mouseup", upEvent);
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    const addFullPictureLoadFixedMenu = () => {
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        const menuObj = [{
            text: DL.str_128,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            name: "shadowGallery",
            text: DL.str_141,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            name: "newTabView",
            text: DL.str_106,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            text: DL.str_158,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            text: DL.str_107,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
                fastDownloadSwitch = true;
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            text: DL.str_174,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            text: DL.str_176,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
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            text: DL.str_178,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
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            no_s: 1,
            text: DL.str_104,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
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            text: DL.str_105,
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            text: DL.str_159,
            show: 0,
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            text: DL.str_88,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
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            text: DL.str_87,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
            mfn: event => {
                if (event.button == 2) {
        }, {
            no_s: 1,
            name: "toggleImgMode",
            text: DL.str_86,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
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            no_s: 1,
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            id: "insertImgMenu",
            text: DL.str_160,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            text: DL.str_85,
            show: 0,
            cfn: event => {
        }, {
            text: DL.str_133,
            show: 1
        const createMenu = obj => {
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                isSimpleMode && ("no_s" in obj)
            ) return;
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                item.style.display = "none";
            item.oncontextmenu = () => false;
            if (!!obj.cfn) item.addEventListener("click", obj.cfn);
            if (!!obj.mfn) item.addEventListener("mousedown", obj.mfn);
        [...menuObj].forEach(obj => createMenu(obj));
        menuDiv.onmouseenter = () => {
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            fn.gae(".itemNoShow", menuDiv).forEach(e => {
                e.width = "116px";
            menuDiv.style.width = "128px";
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        menuDiv.onmouseleave = () => {
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            menuDiv.lastChild.width = "38px";
            menuDiv.lastChild.innerText = DL.str_133;
            setTimeout(() => (isOpenMenu = false), 200);

    const EClick = obj => {
        const event = new MouseEvent("click", {
            bubbles: true,
            cancelable: true,
            view: _unsafeWindow
        if (isEle(obj)) {
        } else if (isString(obj)) {
            let ele = fn.ge(obj);
            if (isEle(ele)) {
            } else {
                console.error("EClick點擊元素參數錯誤", obj);

    const addReturnTopButton = () => {
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        let a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = "javascript:void(0);";
        a.setAttribute("onclick", "window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:'smooth'});");
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        img.className = "FullPictureLoadImageReturnTop";

    const photoData = customData.filter(item => item.category === "photo");
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    const hcomicData = customData.filter(item => item.category === "hcomic");
    const autoPagerData = customData.filter(item => item.category.includes("autoPager"));
    const AD_Data = customData.filter(item => item.category === "ad");
    const noneData = customData.filter(item => item.category === "none");

    let topDistance = () => {};

    const createPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement = () => {

        isOpenOptionsUI = true;

        const config = getConfig();

        const mainHtml = '<div id="FullPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement" style="display: initial !important;position: fixed !important;z-index: 2147483647 !important;"></div>';
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<button id="CancelBtn">${isOpenFilter ? DL.str_82.replace(" (Esc)", "") : DL.str_82}</button>
<button id="ResetBtn">${DL.str_83}</button>
<button id="SaveBtn">${DL.str_84}</button>
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    opacity: 1 !important;
.viewer-toolbar > ul > li {
    line-height: unset !important;

    let noGoToFirstImage = _GM_getValue("noGoToFirstImage", 0);
    let TurnOffImageNavigationShortcutKeys = _GM_getValue("TurnOffImageNavigationShortcutKeys", 0);
    let ShowFullPictureLoadFixedMenu = _GM_getValue("ShowFullPictureLoadFixedMenu", 1);
    let autoScrollAllElement = _GM_getValue("autoScrollAllElement", 0);
    let convertWebpToJpg = _GM_getValue("convertWebpToJpg", 0);

    let comicInfiniteScrollMode = localStorage.getItem("FullPictureLoadComicInfiniteScrollMode") ?? 0;

    let E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage = _GM_getValue("E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage", 0);

    if (/^https?:\/\/(e-hentai|exhentai).org\//.test(fn.url)) {
        _GM_registerMenuCommand(E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage == 0 ? "❌ " + DL.str_114 : "✔️ " + DL.str_114, () => {
            E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage == 0 ? _GM_setValue("E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage", 1) : _GM_setValue("E_HENTAI_LoadOriginalImage", 0);

    let setYinawSinaOriginalURL = _GM_getValue("setYinawSinaOriginalURL", 0);

    if (/^https?:\/\/yinaw\.com\/\d+\.html$/.test(fn.url)) {
        _GM_registerMenuCommand(setYinawSinaOriginalURL == 0 ? "❌ 壹纳网使用原始新浪图床链接" : "✔️ 壹纳网使用原始新浪图床链接", () => {
            setYinawSinaOriginalURL == 0 ? _GM_setValue("setYinawSinaOriginalURL", 1) : _GM_setValue("setYinawSinaOriginalURL", 0);

    const checkOptionsData = async () => {
        const getOptionsData = localStorage.getItem("FullPictureLoadOptions");
        if (getOptionsData === null && options.autoDownload !== 1) {
            let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(defaultOptions);
            localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadOptions", jsonStr);
        } else if (options.autoDownload !== 1) {
            let optionsJson = JSON.parse(getOptionsData);
            options = Object.assign(defaultOptions, optionsJson);
            //debug("\nFull Picture Load Options Json\n", options);

    const Fancyboxl10nV5 = () => {
        let l10n;
        switch (language) {
            case "zh-TW":
            case "zh-HK":
            case "zh-Hant-TW":
            case "zh-Hant-HK":
                l10n = {
                    PANUP: "上移",
                    PANDOWN: "下移",
                    PANLEFT: "左移",
                    PANRIGHT: "右移",
                    ZOOMIN: "放大",
                    ZOOMOUT: "縮小",
                    TOGGLEZOOM: "切換縮放等級",
                    TOGGLE1TO1: "切換縮放等級",
                    ITERATEZOOM: "切換縮放等級",
                    ROTATECCW: "逆時針旋轉",
                    ROTATECW: "順時針旋轉",
                    FLIPX: "水平翻轉",
                    FLIPY: "垂直翻轉",
                    FITX: "水平適應",
                    FITY: "垂直適應",
                    RESET: "重設",
                    TOGGLEFS: "切換全螢幕",
                    CLOSE: "關閉",
                    NEXT: "下一個",
                    PREV: "上一個",
                    MODAL: "使用 ESC 鍵關閉",
                    ERROR: "發生了錯誤,請稍後再試",
                    IMAGE_ERROR: "找不到圖像",
                    ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: "找不到 HTML 元素",
                    AJAX_NOT_FOUND: "載入 AJAX 時出錯: 未找到",
                    AJAX_FORBIDDEN: "載入 AJAX 時出錯: 被阻止",
                    IFRAME_ERROR: "載入頁面出錯",
                    TOGGLE_ZOOM: "切換縮放等級",
                    TOGGLE_THUMBS: "切換縮圖",
                    TOGGLE_SLIDESHOW: "切換幻燈片",
                    TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: "切換全螢幕",
                    DOWNLOAD: "下載"
            case "zh":
            case "zh-CN":
            case "zh-Hans-CN":
                l10n = {
                    PANUP: "上移",
                    PANDOWN: "下移",
                    PANLEFT: "左移",
                    PANRIGHT: "右移",
                    ZOOMIN: "放大",
                    ZOOMOUT: "缩小",
                    TOGGLEZOOM: "切换缩放级别",
                    TOGGLE1TO1: "切换缩放级别",
                    ITERATEZOOM: "切换缩放级别",
                    ROTATECCW: "逆时针旋转",
                    ROTATECW: "顺时针旋转",
                    FLIPX: "水平翻转",
                    FLIPY: "垂直翻转",
                    FITX: "水平适应",
                    FITY: "垂直适应",
                    RESET: "重置",
                    TOGGLEFS: "切换全屏",
                    CLOSE: "关闭",
                    NEXT: "下一个",
                    PREV: "上一个",
                    MODAL: "使用 ESC 键关闭",
                    ERROR: "发生了错误,请稍后再试",
                    IMAGE_ERROR: "找不到图像",
                    ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND: "找不到 HTML 元素",
                    AJAX_NOT_FOUND: "载入 AJAX 时出错: 未找到",
                    AJAX_FORBIDDEN: "载入 AJAX 时出错: 被阻止",
                    IFRAME_ERROR: "加载页面出错",
                    TOGGLE_ZOOM: "切换缩放级别",
                    TOGGLE_THUMBS: "切换缩略图",
                    TOGGLE_SLIDESHOW: "切换幻灯片",
                    TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: "切换全屏",
                    DOWNLOAD: "下载"
                l10n = "EN";
        if (_unsafeWindow?.Fancybox?.defaults?.l10n && l10n != "EN") {
            _unsafeWindow.Fancybox.defaults.l10n = l10n;
            _unsafeWindow.Fancybox.defaults.animated = false;
            //debug("\nFancybox 5.0.xx 預設選項物件 Fancybox.defaults\n", Fancybox.defaults);
        return l10n;

    const Fancyboxi18nV3 = async () => {
        if (siteData.fancybox?.js === false) return;
        switch (language) {
            case "zh-TW":
            case "zh-HK":
            case "zh-Hant-TW":
            case "zh-Hant-HK":
                _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.i18n.tw = {
                    "CLOSE": "關閉",
                    "NEXT": "下一個",
                    "PREV": "上一個",
                    "ERROR": "無法載入請求的內容。 <br/> 請稍後重試。",
                    "PLAY_START": "開始幻燈片",
                    "PLAY_STOP": "暫停幻燈片",
                    "FULL_SCREEN": "全螢幕",
                    "THUMBS": "縮圖",
                    "DOWNLOAD": "下載",
                    "SHARE": "分享",
                    "ZOOM": "縮放"
                _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.lang = "tw";
            case "zh":
            case "zh-CN":
            case "zh-Hans-CN":
                _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.i18n.cn = {
                    "CLOSE": "关闭",
                    "NEXT": "下一个",
                    "PREV": "上一个",
                    "ERROR": "无法加载请求的内容。 <br/> 请稍后重试。",
                    "PLAY_START": "开始幻灯片",
                    "PLAY_STOP": "暂停幻灯片",
                    "FULL_SCREEN": "全面屏",
                    "THUMBS": "缩略图",
                    "DOWNLOAD": "下载",
                    "SHARE": "分享",
                    "ZOOM": "缩放"
                _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.lang = "cn";

    const FancyboxOptionsV3 = () => {
        if (siteData.fancybox?.js === false) return;
        _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.buttons = ["zoom", "slideShow", "fullScreen", "thumbs", "close"];
        _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.loop = true;
        _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults.toolbar = true;
        //console.log("fancybox 3.5.7 選項物件", _unsafeWindow.jQuery.fancybox.defaults);

    const addKeyEvent = async event => {
        if (isOpenFilter || isOpenFancybox || isOpenGallery || ge(".fancybox-container,#FullPictureLoadFavorSites")) return;
        if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && (event.code === "KeyC" || event.key === "c" || event.key === "C")) return;
        if (event.ctrlKey && (event.code === "NumpadDecimal" || event.code === "Period" || event.key === ".")) return;
        if ((event.code != "Escape" || event.key != "Escape") && isOpenOptionsUI) return;
        if (["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"].some(n => n === document.activeElement.tagName)) return;
        if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && (event.code === "KeyT" || event.key === "t" || event.key === "T")) {
            let str = _unsafeWindow.getSelection().toString();
            str == "" ? null : customTitle = str;
            let newTitle = await prompt("New Title", customTitle);
            newTitle == null ? null : customTitle = newTitle;
            debug("圖集新標題", newTitle || customTitle);
        if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey) return;
        if (event.code === "KeyF" || event.key === "f" || event.key === "F") { //F鍵
            return createFilterUI();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "KeyG" || event.key === "g" || event.key === "G")) { //G鍵
            return createShadowGallery();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "KeyI" || event.key === "i" || event.key === "I")) { //I鍵
            return createIframeGallery();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad0" || event.key === "0")) { //數字鍵0
            fastDownloadSwitch = false;
            return DownloadFn();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad1" || event.key === "1")) return copyImgSrcText(); //數字鍵1
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad2" || event.key === "2")) return goToImg("first"); //數字鍵2
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad3" || event.key === "3")) { //數字鍵3
            fastDownloadSwitch = true;
            return DownloadFn();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad4" || event.key === "4")) return goToImg("last"); //數字鍵4
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad5" || event.key === "5")) return toggleImgMode(); //數字鍵5
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad6" || event.key === "6")) { //數字鍵6
            if ("fn" in siteData && isFn(siteData.fn)) {
                return siteData.fn();
            } else {
                return autoScrollEles();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad7" || event.key === "7")) return exportImgSrcText(); //數字鍵7
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "Numpad8" || event.key === "8")) return newTabView(); //數字鍵8
        if (event.code === "Numpad9" || event.key === "9") return createFavorShadowElement(); //數字鍵9
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "NumpadSubtract" || event.key === "-")) { //數字鍵-
            return reduceZoom();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "NumpadAdd" || event.key === "+")) { //數字鍵+
            return increaseZoom();
        if (!isSimpleMode && (event.code === "NumpadDecimal" || event.code === "Period" || event.key === ".")) { //數字鍵.
            return cancelZoom();
        if (event.code === "NumpadMultiply" || event.key === "*") { //數字鍵*
        if (event.code === "Escape" || event.key === "Escape") { //Esc鍵
            if (!isStopDownload && isDownloading) {
                isStopDownload = true;
                isDownloading = false;
            if (isCountdowning) {
                isCountdowning = false;
                isStopDownload = true;
            isEsc = true;
            setTimeout(() => (isEsc = false), 200);
            let UI = ge("#FullPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement");
            if (UI) {
                _unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("resize", topDistance);
                setTimeout(() => (isOpenOptionsUI = false), 200);
        if (event.code === "NumpadDivide" || event.key === "/") { //數字鍵/
            setDefault(); //重置用戶設定恢復為預設選項
            setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000);

    const toggleUI = async () => {
        if (!"SPA" in siteData || !isFn(siteData.SPA) || !!ge(".FullPictureLoadImage") || isOpenMenu || isFetching) return;
        isFetching = true;
        const validPage = await siteData.SPA();
        isFetching = false;
        if (!!validPage) {
            isValidPage = true;
            if (isAddFullPictureLoadButton) addFullPictureLoadButton();
            if (isAddFullPictureLoadFixedMenu) addFullPictureLoadFixedMenu();
            if (isAddNewTabViewButton) addNewTabViewButton();
            if (!isAddKeyEvent) {
                document.addEventListener("keydown", addKeyEvent);
                isAddKeyEvent = true;
            if ("insertImg" in siteData) {
                let [, insertMode, ] = siteData.insertImg;
                if (insertMode === 1 || insertMode === 2) {
                    if (options.autoInsert == 1) {
                        await fn.immediateInsertImg();
                    if (options.shadowGallery == 1 && siteData.aeg != 0) {
                        await createShadowGallery();
        } else {
            EyeNumElement = null;
            document.removeEventListener("keydown", addKeyEvent);
            isAddKeyEvent = false;
            isValidPage = false;
        await delay(200);

    const getNextLink = async (next, text = "\n圖片全載NEXT:") => {
        let tempLink = null;
        isFn(next) ? tempLink = await next() : tempLink = fn.ge(next);
        debug(text, tempLink);
        try {
            if (tempLink !== null && tempLink !== undefined) {
                if (isString(tempLink)) {
                    nextLink = tempLink;
                    return tempLink;
                if (isEle(tempLink) && ["A", "LINK"].some(t => tempLink?.tagName === t)) {
                    try {
                        if (/^http/.test(tempLink.href)) {
                            nextLink = tempLink.href;
                            if (tempLink?.tagName === "LINK") {
                                return nextLink;
                            return tempLink;
                        } else {
                            nextElement = tempLink;
                    } catch {}
                } else if (isEle(tempLink)) {
                    nextElement = tempLink;
        } catch {}
        return tempLink;

    const getTitle = async (title) => {
        let text;
        if (isString(title)) {
            text = fn.dt({
                s: title
        } else if (isFn(title)) {
            text = await title();
        return text;

    let showOptions = false;
    let comicSwitch = false;

    for (const [i, data] of customData.entries()) {
        tempData = data;
        let check = false;
        try {
            if ("url" in data) {
                const url = data.url;
                if (isObject(url)) {
                    check = fn.checkUrl(url);
                } else if (isFn(url)) {
                    check = await url();
            if ("reg" in data) {
                const reg = data.reg;
                if (isRegExp(reg)) {
                    check = reg.test(siteUrl);
                } else if (isArray(reg)) {
                    check = reg.some(r => r.test(siteUrl));
                } else if (isFn(reg)) {
                    check = await reg();
            if (check) {
                const category = data.category;
                if (category == "comic" && data.enable == 0) {
                    showOptions = true;
                    comicSwitch = true;
                const delayTime = data.delay;
                if (isNumber(delayTime)) await delay(delayTime);
                if (data.enable == 0) {
                    if (options.comic == 1 && category === "comic") {
                        showOptions = true;
                        options.enable = 1;
                    } else {
                        //showOptions = true;
                        debug("\n此規則禁用", data);
                //if (data.enable != 0) checkOptionsData();
                const include = data.include;
                if (isString(include)) {
                    if (!fn.ge(include)) {
                        debug("\n頁面沒有包含必須的元素", data);
                } else if (isArray(include)) {
                    const checkEles = include.every(e => !!fn.ge(e));
                    if (!checkEles) {
                        debug("\n頁面沒有包含必須的所有元素", data);
                const exclude = data.exclude;
                if (isString(exclude)) {
                    if (!!fn.ge(exclude)) {
                        debug("\n頁面包含必須排除的元素", data);
                } else if (isArray(exclude)) {
                    const checkEles = exclude.some(s => !!fn.ge(s));
                    if (checkEles) {
                        debug("\n頁面包含陣列選擇器中必須排除的元素", data);
                if ("autoPager" in data && isObject(data.autoPager) && category !== "comic autoPager") {
                    if (!fn.checkAutoPagerEle(data.autoPager)) {
                        siteData = {};
                        _this = {};
                siteData = data;
                _this = data;
                if (!data.category.includes("autoPager") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === data.category)) {
                    showOptions = true;
                const loadingBakBlobURL = fn.dataURLtoBlobURL(loading_bak);
                const checkBlobURL = await fn.checkImgStatus(loadingBakBlobURL, 0);
                if (checkBlobURL.ok) {
                    loading_bak = loadingBakBlobURL;
                    autoPagerLoading_gif = fn.dataURLtoBlobURL(autoPagerLoading_gif);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("圖片全載規則出錯", error);
            debug("圖片全載規則出錯", data);
            debug("出錯之前的規則", customData[i - 1]);

    if (showOptions) {
        _GM_registerMenuCommand(DL.str_67, () => createPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement());
        if (!ge("#FullPictureLoadMainStyle") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === siteData.category)) {
            fn.css(FullPictureLoadStyle, "FullPictureLoadMainStyle");

    let currentURL = document.URL;
    let isObserveURL = false;
    let isObserveTitle = false;
    let isAddFancybox = false;
    let isOutputLog = false;
    let isAddNextEvent = false;
    let isAddPrevEvent = false;
    let isAddOpenInNewTab = false;
    let isAddLoadMore = false;

    const setFPF = async () => {
        try {
            if (("category" in siteData) && !ge("#FullPictureLoadMainStyle") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === siteData.category)) {
                fn.css(FullPictureLoadStyle, "FullPictureLoadMainStyle");
            if (("category" in siteData) && options.fancybox == 1 && siteData.category !== "none" && !isObject(siteData.autoPager) && siteData.fancybox?.v == 3 && siteData.fancybox?.insertLibrarys == 1 && !isAddFancybox) {
                isAddFancybox = true;
            } else if (("category" in siteData) && options.fancybox == 1 && !siteData.category?.includes("autoPager") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === siteData.category) && !fancyboxBlackList() && !isAddFancybox) {
                isAddFancybox = true;
                fn.css(FancyboxV5Css, "FancyboxV5Css");
            if ("init" in siteData) {
                const init_code = siteData.init;
                if (isString(init_code)) {
                    await new Function("siteData", "fn", '"use strict";' + init_code)(siteData, fn);
                } else if (isFn(init_code)) {
                    await init_code();
            if ("box" in siteData && isArray(siteData.box)) {
                const para = siteData.box;
            if (("category" in siteData) && !ge("#addLibrarysV3") && options.fancybox == 1 && siteData.category !== "none" && !isObject(siteData.autoPager) && siteData.fancybox?.v == 3 && siteData.fancybox?.insertLibrarys == 1) {
                fn.css(FancyboxV3Css, "FancyboxV3Css");
            } else if (("category" in siteData) && !ge("#FancyboxV5Css") && options.fancybox == 1 && !siteData.category?.includes("autoPager") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === siteData.category) && !fancyboxBlackList()) {
                fn.css(FancyboxV5Css, "FancyboxV5Css");
            if (("category" in siteData) && !ge("#FullPictureLoadMainStyle") && !["none", "ad"].some(c => c === siteData.category)) {
                fn.css(FullPictureLoadStyle, "FullPictureLoadMainStyle");
            if ("css" in siteData && isString(siteData.css)) {
                fn.css(siteData.css, "FullPictureLoadCustomSiteStyle");
            if ("mcss" in siteData && isString(siteData.mcss) && isM) {
                fn.css(siteData.mcss, "FullPictureLoadCustomMobileSiteStyle");
            if ("hide" in siteData && (isString(siteData.hide) || isArray(siteData.hide))) {
                let text = siteData.hide;
                if (isArray(text)) {
                    text = text.join(",");
                text += "{display:none!important;}";
                fn.css(text, "FullPictureLoadCustomHHide");
            if (_GM_getValue("FancyboxSlideshowTransition") === "no") {
                fn.css(".fancybox__container .to-next>.fancybox__content,.fancybox__container .to-prev>.fancybox__content{display:none!important}", "NoFancyboxSlideshowTransition");
            if (!isOutputLog) {
                isOutputLog = true;
                if ("imgs" in siteData) {
                    debug("\nCSS/Xpath/JS選擇器:" + siteData.imgs);
                if ("threading" in siteData && isNumber(siteData.threading)) {
                    options.threading = siteData.threading;
                    debug("\n下載線程數:" + options.threading);
            if ("customTitle" in siteData) {
                customTitle = await getTitle(siteData.customTitle);
                if (isString(customTitle)) {
                    customTitle = fn.dt({
                        t: customTitle
            if ("observeTitle" in siteData && isBoolean(siteData.observeTitle) && siteData.observeTitle === true && !isObserveTitle) {
                isObserveTitle = true;
                const observeTitle_CB = async (mutationList, observer) => {
                    if (mutationList) {
                        const mutationList_removedNodes = [...mutationList].filter(item => item.type === "childList" && item?.removedNodes?.length > 0);
                        if (mutationList_removedNodes.length > 0) {
                            for (const mutation of mutationList_removedNodes) {
                                const removedNodes = mutation.removedNodes;
                                for (const node of removedNodes) {
                                    if (node?.id == "FullPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement" || node?.id == "FullPictureLoadShadowGallery" || node?.id == "FullPictureLoadIframeGallery") {
                    if (observer) {
                        setTimeout(async () => {
                            const body = await fn.waitEle("body");
                            observer.observe(body, MutationObserverConfig);
                            if (!isOpenGallery) {
                                await toggleUI();
                        }, 200);
                    if (mutationList) {
                        try {
                            const mutationList_addedNodes = [...mutationList].filter(item => item.type === "childList" && item?.addedNodes?.length > 0);
                            if (mutationList_addedNodes.length === 0) {
                            const strings = ["FullPictureLoad", "FullPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement", "FullPictureLoadShadowGallery", "FullPictureLoadIframeGallery", "pagetual", "comicRead", "Autopage", "pv-"];
                            for (const mutation of mutationList_addedNodes) {
                                const attributes = [mutation?.target?.id, mutation?.target?.className, mutation?.target?.name].filter(Boolean);
                                const checkM = attributes.some(attr => strings.some(str => attr?.startsWith(str)));
                                if (checkM) {
                                const addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
                                for (const node of addedNodes) {
                                    const attributes = [node?.id, node?.className, node?.name].filter(Boolean);
                                    const checkN = attributes.some(attr => strings.some(str => attr?.startsWith(str)));
                                    if (checkN) {
                        } catch {}
                    if (isFetching || isDownloading) return;
                    await toggleUI();
                    const newCustomTitle = await getTitle(siteData.customTitle);
                    if ("capture" in siteData && !newCustomTitle) {
                    if (customTitle !== newCustomTitle && newCustomTitle !== null && newCustomTitle !== undefined && newCustomTitle !== "") {
                        customTitle = newCustomTitle;
                        if ("capture" in siteData) {
                        if ("next" in siteData) {
                            await getNextLink(siteData.next, "\n標題變換 nextLink:");
                const MutationObserveURL = new MutationObserver(observeTitle_CB);
                MutationObserveURL.observe(document.body, MutationObserverConfig);
            if ("observeURL" in siteData && isBoolean(siteData.observeURL) && siteData.observeURL === true && !isObserveURL) {
                isObserveURL = true;
                const observeURL_CB = async (mutationList, observer) => {
                    if (mutationList) {
                        const mutationList_removedNodes = [...mutationList].filter(item => item.type === "childList" && item?.removedNodes?.length > 0);
                        if (mutationList_removedNodes.length > 0) {
                            for (const mutation of mutationList_removedNodes) {
                                const removedNodes = mutation.removedNodes;
                                for (const node of removedNodes) {
                                    if (node?.id == "FullPictureLoadOptionsShadowElement" || node?.id == "FullPictureLoadShadowGallery" || node?.id == "FullPictureLoadIframeGallery") {
                    if (observer) {
                        setTimeout(async () => {
                            const body = await fn.waitEle("body");
                            observer.observe(body, MutationObserverConfig);
                            if (!isOpenGallery && siteUrl !== _unsafeWindow.document.URL) {
                                await toggleUI();
                            if ("customTitle" in siteData && !("capture" in siteData)) {
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                            debug(`\n圖片全載autoClick("${selector}")`, ele);
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                        debug(`\n圖片全載autoClick("${autoClick}")`, ele);
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                                            debug(`\n圖片全載observerClick("${selector}")\n`, entry.target);
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                        setTimeout(() => createShadowGallery(), 200);
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                }, 1200);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("圖片全載規則出錯", error);
            debug("圖片全載規則出錯", siteData);
    await setFPF();

    if (("reg" in siteData) || ("url" in siteData)) {
        debug("\n列出此站資料", siteData);
        debug("\n列出PHOTO規則", photoData);
        debug("\n列出NSFW規則", nsfw1Data);
        debug("\n列出NSFW+規則", nsfw2Data);
        debug("\n列出COMIC規則", comicData);
        debug("\n列出HCOMIC規則", hcomicData);
        debug("\n列出自動翻頁規則", autoPagerData);
        debug("\n列出去廣告規則", AD_Data);
        debug("\n列出未分類規則", noneData);

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            comicInfiniteScrollMode == 0 ? localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadComicInfiniteScrollMode", 1) : localStorage.setItem("FullPictureLoadComicInfiniteScrollMode", 0);

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                }, 500);
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    //debug("\n最終options物件\n", options);

    setTimeout(() => {
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                        preloadNext(nextDoc, siteData);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("圖片全載preloadNext()出錯", error);
    }, 1000);

    async function captureSrc(mutationList) {
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    async function captureSrcB(invalidPage = 0) {
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            isChangeNum = false;
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            await delay(900);
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        if (isEle(EyeNumElement)) {
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            await delay(100);
            isChangeNum = false;
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                setTimeout(() => createShadowGallery(), 200);

    if (isString(siteData.imgs) && !isArray(siteData.insertImg) || isFn(siteData.capture)) {
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            await delay(1000);
            isCaptureMode = true;

    const defaultFavor = "main-background-color,#fafafa\ntext-color,#000\nbackground-color,#aceebb\n小黃書,https://xchina.biz/\n紳士会所,https://www.hentaiclub.net/\n图宅网,https://www.tuzac.com/\n丝袜客,https://siwake.cc/\n萌图社,http://www.446m.com/\n美女图册,https://www.mntuce.com/\n六色美图,https://www.06se.com/\n秀色女神,https://www.xsnvshen.co/\n4KHD,https://www.4khd.com/\nXiunice.com,https://xiunice.com/\nAVJB,https://avjb.com/albums/\nXasiat,https://www.xasiat.com/albums/\nEVERIA.CLUB,https://everia.club/\nSexyAsianGirl,https://www.sexyasiangirl.xyz/\n紳士漫畫,https://www.wnacg.com/albums-index-cate-3.html\nエロ画像まとめ,https://geinou-nude.com/";

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    const createFavorShadowElement = () => {

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                } catch (error) {
                text: DL.str_130,
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