HV Hide Infinite Items JS - Hide items with infinite supply on the "All" tab of the Item Shop
Trophy Value Calculator JS - Calculate the total value of trophies based on jenga201's buying prices
Equipment Popup for MoogleMail JS - Press "c" to open the equipment popup of the attached equipment in a new tab.
HV - Average Price Calculator for MoogleMail JS - Shows the average price of items attached to a letter at the bottom of the body section.
HV Lottery Prize Reminder 2 (lite version) JS - Show the grand prizes of daily lotteries on the left bottom of the screen
Auto Recover All JS - This script automatically clicks the "Recover all" button when a battle has finished.
HV - Open MoogleMail in New Tab JS - Open MM in a new tab. Automatically recall MM. Automatically take attachments.
HV - Item World Cost Calculator JS - Calculates various numbers related to IW service
HV - Clean Forum Contents JS - E-H Forums Tweaks